* 1 UBRAJHESl § M.LT. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/tfpdifferencesOOacem DB/V^Y working paper department of economics TFP DIFFERENCES Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti No. 98-15 September 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS TFP DIFFERENCES Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti No. 98-15 September 1998 MASSACHUSETTS OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 MASSACHJSetfSliSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES First Version: August 1998 This Version: September 1998 TFP Differences* Daron Acemoglu^ Fabrizio Zilibotti* Abstract We suggest tivity. Many a possible explanation for cross-country differences in total factor produc- technologies used by are designed to make optimal use LDCs are developed in OECD economies, and as such, of the skills of these richer countries' workforces. some Due to by skilled workers in richer be carried out by unskilled workers in the LDCs. Since the technologies in these tasks are designed to be used by skilled workers, productivity in LDCs will be low. Even when all countries have equal access to new technologies, this mismatch between skills and technology can lead to sizable differences in total factor productivity, in the differences in the supply of skills, economies of the tasks performed will order of 40 to 70 percent of the variation we observe in the data. Our theory also suggests that the trade regime and the degree of intellectual property right enforcement in have an important on productivity JEL effect on the type of technologies developed in richer LDCs economies and differences. Classification: F43, 014, 034, 047. Keywords: Development, Directed Technical Change, Intellectual Property Rights, Skills, Technology, Total Factor Productivity. We Ventura thank Chris Mazingo and Marcus Salomonsson for comments. Acemoglu acknowledges for research assistance, financial support from NSF and Josh Angirst, Jonathan Temple, Jaume Grant SBR-9602116. NBER and CEPR. Address: Department of MA 02142-1347. Ph.: (1) 617 253 1927; fax: (1) 617 253 1330; 'Daron Acemoglu: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Economics, E52-371, MIT, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, e-mail: daron@mit.edu. ^Fabrizio Zilibotti: Institute for International Economic Studies and CEPR. Address: Institute for Inter- national Economic Studies, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Ph.: 46-8-16 22 25; fax: 46-8-16 14 43; e-mail: zilibotti@iies.su.se; web page: http://www.iies.su.se/data/home/zilibott/homepage.htm. Introduction I. Most economists view technological parities in per capita differences as income across countries (e.g. an important part of the large dis- Romer, 1993; Prescott, 1998). This view receives support from a number of recent studies, such as Klenow and Rodriguez (1997), Caselli et tor productivity technology are al. (1997), (TFP) and Hall and Jones (1998), which Large cross-country differences in differences across countries. difficult to find significant total fac- understand, however. Ideas, perhaps the most important ingre- dient of technologies, can flow freely across countries, by technologies, can be imported less motivated papers such as Mankiw, and machines, which embed better developed countries. This compelling argument has Romer and Weil (1992), Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan Rogerson and Wright (1998) and Jovanovic and Rob (1998) to model (1997), Parente, cross-country income differences as purely driven by differences in factors rather than in technology. In this paper, even when approach is we that many are imported from make optimal use technologies, an explanation is TFP for cross-country differences The same technology. countries have access to the all North, which offer which applies center-piece of our technologies used by less developed countries (LDCs/the South) more advanced countries (the North) and, of the prevailing factors more abundant and conditions as such, are designed to in these richer countries. The in skills, tends to develop relatively skill-complementary and these are only of limited use to the countries in the South. The main result of our paper developed in the North and the is skills that, due to the mismatch between technologies of the South's labor force, there will be TFP differ- ences between the North and the South, even in the absence of any barriers to technology transfer. The South must use unskilled workers in tasks performed by skilled workers in the North. Since the technology imported from the North skilled workers not suited to the needs of un- performing these tasks, the South will have low TFP, even after controlling for the contribution of Figure is 1 plots human capital to output. TFP (the logarithm of) the level in 1985 calculated by Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) and the ratio of college graduates to non-college graduates in a sample of 96 countries (data details in Section between the relative supply of skills positive correlation is encouraging for III), and points to a high and TFP. 1 Though not a positive correlation test of an approach attempting to explain with differences in the relative supply of skills. 2 It our theory, this TFP differences might be more important, however, producing countries and Trinidad, an outlier, the R2 increases to 0.59. One standard deviation increase in H/L is associated with an increase in the TFP level of 21%. Similar results are obtained using TFP measures from Hall and Jones (1998). 2 The TFP measures control for the contribution of human capital to output, so there is no mechanical 1 The R2 of the regression is 0.53. Excluding oil .036099 £ r c o a o J .967086 -6.90675 ' Logarithm of H/L Figure 1: TFP Ratio of College Graduates to Non- College Graduates. vs. to investigate whether the model of its By mechanism we propose can be quantitatively gives a simple expression for the TFP of a country relative to the U.S. ratio of skilled to unskilled workers and the equilibrium choosing this equilibrium bias to match the U.S. skill as a function premium, we perform a simple by our model are sizeable approximately between 40 and 70 percent of the for Our skill-bias in U.S. technology. calibration. This exercise suggests that the differences predicted and can account significant. TFP differences observed in the data. A number of other interesting results also follow from of our analysis. First, LDCs are predicted to have productivity levels comparable to advanced economies in very unskilled and very skilled sectors most complex tasks, and tasks, medium but lower productivity in even very skill-scarce LDCs have to use skilled tasks. In the skilled workers. These skilled workers can use the skill-complementary technologies developed in the North and achieve a high level of productivity. In contrast, there will be large productivity differences in sectors where workers are skilled in the North but unskilled in the South, since the technologies are not developed for the unskilled workers in these sectors. This pattern receives some support from the casual observation that there are pockets of efficient high-tech industries such as software programming in India. Second, there is sectors we show that international trade reduces factor price equalization, where technology is TFP TFP differences. In particular, if differences disappear because LDCs specialize in appropriate to unskilled workers. Therefore, the commonly between TFP and the ratio of college graduates. Nevertheless, part of the correlation may be due to the fact that the productivity of skilled workers is underestimated. Also countries with high productivity may choose to invest more in education, contributing to this correlation (e.g. Bils and Klenow, 1998, for a discussion of these issues). relation held view that in a world with free access to differences correct is price equalization is less there is free trade and technologies there will be no factor price equalization. generally found not to hold, however, our developed countries. model suggests that Interestingly, despite reducing GDP divergence. international trade causes TFP Since factor be widespread even when technology and ideas can flow differences should advanced to if new TFP freely TFP from differences, Trade reduces the prices of unskilled goods in the North, and discourages investment in unskilled technologies, which were those most beneficial to the South. skilled workers, As a result, trade increases the relative productivity and widens the output gap between poor and and pay of rich countries. Third, intellectual property rights are an important determinant of technological When development. such property rights are enforced internationally, firms in the North have more incentive to develop technologies suited to the However, each less skill requirements in the South. developed country individually benefits from not enforcing these rights, creating a potential for a classic Prisoner's Dilemma. Finally, our theory suggests and GDP. a stylized pattern of cross-country convergence in A less developed country diverges from the technological leader when it chooses to use local technologies for which there some TFP point, and cross-country TFP is no R&D, but and income this process necessarily stops at differences tend to become stable as the LDCs start importing the leading technologies developed in the North. On the other hand, TFP (and income) convergence occurs when a country improves its skill base relative to the North, which concurs with the experiences of Korea and Japan (see for example, Rhee, Ross-Larson and Pursell, 1984; Lockwood, 1968). The two building blocks of our approach, that most technologies are developed in the North and that these technologies are designed for the needs of these richer economies, 90% of the R&D expenditure in the world is carried 35% in the U.S.. 3 Moreover, many of the technologies appear plausible. For example, over on in OECD economies, and over developed over the past twenty years in the U.S. and the OECD appear to be highly skill-complementary and substitute skilled workers for tasks previously performed by the unskilled (e.g. Katz and Murphy, 1992; Berman, Bound and Machin, 1998). So perhaps not be surprising that there are in unskilled workers, skills. This has led many examples , should of developing countries, abundant which adopt labor-saving technologies requiring specialized technical many development economists, like Frances Stewart (1977, p. to conclude that "...the technology Third inappropriate" it which is World countries gets from xii), rich countries is consistent with the approach in this paper. A number of other papers have emphasized the difficulties in adapting advanced tech3 of Authors' calculation from GNP, and we UNESCO (1997). UNESCO (1997) gives R&D expenditure as a percentage OECD share using the Summers and Heston (1991) data on GNP. calculated the LDCs. Evanson and Westphal (1995) suggest that new technoloamount of tacit knowledge, and such knowledge cannot be transferred, nologies to the needs of gies require a large thereby slowing down propriateness" of technology has also received Atkinson and The importance the process of technological convergence. Stiglitz (1969) some attention, for of "ap- example Salter (1966), and David (1974). Diwan and Rodrik (1991) use some of the insights of this literature to discuss the incentives of Southern countries to enforce we do intellectual property rights, as the appropriate technology literature and of Atkinson Stiglitz Basu and Weil is important recent contribution to (1998), who adopt the formulation whereby technological change takes the form of learning-by-doing and influences productivity at the capital labor ratio currently in use (see also Basu and Weil characterize the equilibrium 1998). An in Section V. Temple, world where the in a two-country less advanced economy receives productivity gains from the improvements in the more advanced economy. Our paper differs from Basu and Weil, in particular, and the rest of the appropriate technology literature, in general, in a number of ways. First, what matters in our theory not capital-labor ratios (as in Atkinson and Stiglitz and Basu and Weil) or is size of plants (as in Stewart), but relative supplies of skills, which we believe to be more important in practice. Second, our results do not follow because productivity depends on the exact capital-labor or skilled-unskilled labor ratios in use, but because skilled workers use different technologies than unskilled workers, and in the North skilled workers per- form some of the tasks performed by unskilled workers in the South. Third, and perhaps most important, technological change but a purposeful is activity. In particular, not an unintentional by-product of production, R&D firms in the towards different technologies depending on relative from the fact that the relative novations. In this respect, our abundance of model is Finally, there fer, for as now a large literature example, Vernon (1966), Batiz and Some is Romer (1991), Krugman its Acemoglu implications for more (1987), Feenstra (1991) over, in our model, trade affects GDP however, is levels, which models wage inequality. on innovation, imitation and technology (1979), Grossman and Helpman traditional and Young (1991), obtain the TFP and not long-run growth. GDP (1991), Rivera(1997). result that trade is economy may very different. More- in opposite directions, The most important that these papers do not analyze an trans- models of trade and innovations, such reduce the growth rate of less developed countries, but the channel relative (1998), Eaton and Kortum (1997) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin of these models, as well as Krugman our results originate the North induces "skill-biased" in- closely related to on direct their innovations profitability. All skills in directed technical change, but primarily focuses North and difference affects only from our work, in which technological knowl- edge flows freely across countries, and they do not allow technical progress to be directed towards different levels of skills. The plan of the paper Section as follows. is II introduces our basic model and North and the South characterizes the equilibrium in the in the absence of commodity trade and intellectual property rights in the South. Section III shows that is higher North than the South and performs a simple calibration of our model to see to in the what extent the model can explain the and technical change, It TFP TFP and income shows that trade eliminates V Section TFP TFP IV analyzes variations in the data. Section differences in a world with commodity trade. differences but leads to further income divergence. analyzes the impact of property rights enforcement in the South on technical change. Section VI endogenizes skill acquisition decisions and shows that improvements TFP convergence, and Section VII in the relative supply of skills in the LDCs lead to analyzes the choice between local and imported technologies in the South. Section VIII concludes, while Appendix additional results, is A contains the main proofs. available upon Appendix B, which contains some request. II. The Basic Model A. Countries, Agents and Preferences We consider a world economy consisting of two groups of countries. advanced country which we which we refer to as the South. to be identical. sizes, is call What that H n n /L > New H s /L s , To simplify the analysis, H s skilled workers so the North is we assume H n skilled and perform no R&D. new more abundant technologies, as we their relative Ln workers and unskilled We Due to the market will see shortly, countries in the size effect South All technological progress will therefore originate in the North. an extreme assumption, but helps to emphasized in the previous clarify how TFP assume in skills. South can adopt these technologies without any impediments or factors one large Southern countries U unskilled workers. technologies are developed using final output. in the creation of all and the South, other than The North has skills. workers, whereas the South has is the North, and a set of small less developed countries distinguishes the North the abundance of There differences This costs. is will But the obviously can occur without other literature. oo All consumers have linear preferences given by / Ce~ rt dt where C is consumption interest rate. We suppress , o and r is the discount rate, which is assumed to be equal to the time indexes when this causes no confusion. > Technology B. We first describe the production technology which is common across countries. The equations in this and the next subsection therefore apply both to the North and the South, and we omit the country indexes. Consumption and investment come out of an output aggregate, C + I + X<Y = exp hxy(i)di / (1) Jo where / of the investment in machines, and is X expenditure on is consumption aggregate in each period to y(i) l kL {i,v) -Pdv \ Jo Good 1. f [(l-i).l(i)f+ z i is produced N" kn(i,v) / 1-3 p dv this (i.e. sector is and as: [i-Z-h(i)] p , [0, machines j € Nh] used with [0, take the form of increases in of machines that can skill-specific capital). skilled workers. Nl and Nh, in sector There is i together with workers of a continuum of machines, that is, skilled workers. (see also This is similar to the Grossman and Helpman, 1991), but Acemoglu (1998). that each good can be produced by skilled or unskilled workers, The terms using the technologies suited to their needs. (1 — i) and imply, however, that i unskilled labor has a comparative advantage in producing goods with low indexes. 1 Jo h(i)di Z will technical change expands the range allows for technical change to be skill-or labor-complementa / as in (2) also implies economy Technical progress in this be used with unskilled and expanding variety model of Romer (1990) parameter (2) N£\, that can be used with unskilled workers, and a continuum of denoted by j £ Equation the price Jo where kz (i,v)is the quantity of machines of type v used skill level R&D. We normalize enables a positive skill premium. The Feasibility requires that /q l(i)di <L and wL and %, 1 < H. Producers of good and the rental G i [0, 1] take the prices of their products, p(i), wages, prices of all machines, Xl( v ) and Xh( v )> ^ given > and maximize profits. This gives the following sectoral demands for machines: = [{l-0)-P®-{{l-i)'l(i)) P /xM]' kH (i,v) = [(l-P)-p(i)-(i-Z.h(i))e/xH(v)} 1 that (technology) monopolist it also owns the patent owns machines and rents them out to and investments owning the patent to a machine v demand for machine v for skill (3) l/P A depreciate at the rate 8 olist 1/0 kL (i,v) for each type of machine. users at the rental rates Xzi v )- K z (v) time 0. assume Machines in machines are reversible. Consider the for skill class z, invented at type z as We monop- Define the total = $ k(i, v)di. The monopolist chooses an investment plan and a sequence of capital stocks so as to maximize the present discounted 6 value of profits, as given by K to z — {v) Iz {y) — 8Kz {u) and we have suppressed time assumed to be constant; when the at the time Vz {v) = J™ e~ variety v - Xz {v)Kz (v) demand 9Iz (u)) dt - 6KzQ {v), constraints given by subject where (3), denotes the marginal cost of machine production, the quantity of machines produced by the monopolist is is [ to the set of indexes. K® (y) rt invented (in this case, at time 0); and lz {y) denotes gross investment. Since (3) defines isoelastic demands, the solution to this program involves XzW) — + assume 9 K = z (u) K z = {y) same quantity all — £)/(! P)i tna t i s > a^ monopolists charge a constant rental rate, equal mark-up over the marginal cost times the to a We @( r — (1 — 2 /5) K + 6), so that x = (1 — 0)I^v) — 8Kz {v) = 8KZ that /(r and z interest rate plus the depreciation rate. , Profit-maximization also implies is, each monopolist rents out the of machines in every period. Notice also that machines produced Vz (u) = VZ for all v, that is type z are equally profitable (though this profitability can for skill change over time). Substituting (3) and the machine prices into (2), y(i) = plif-WP , NL - .*) (1 • l(i) +p(i)( we obtain 1 -W -Nff-i-Z- h(i). Therefore, increases in iV# (Nl) improve the productivity of skilled (unskilled) workers in all sectors. R&D A^ and Nl are the only state variables of (in the technical change this economy. We North) leads to increases in the range of machines. is directed, in skill-complementary is the sense that the degree to which new assume that technologies are determined endogenously (see Acemoglu, 1998). Some firms im- prove technologies complementing unskilled workers, while others work to invent complementary machines. Nz = In particular, <j> (Xz /Nz ) X resources (final output) devoted to improve the technology of that there sector, is z where X R&D effect of its denotes total skill class z. a large number of small firms which can enter to perform and each firm ignores the z skill- We R&D assume for either expenditure on the productivity of others. (Xz /Nz ) as given when it decides its research expenditure. A firm which discovers a new machine becomes the monopolist producer of -7 that machine. We assume 4>(x) = Tx < 7 < 1. This pawhere x z = Xz /Nz and More formally, each firm takes <fi , rameterization of the 4> function simplifies the analysis of transitory dynamics. If then there are decreasing returns to research investment within a period. 4 7 > 0, We can write the law of motion of technologies as follows: N =T z x\-i N 7 = 0, then our balanced growth path results are unchanged, but there we change preferences to Constant Relative Risk Aversion, then there dynamics, even when 7 = 0, but these are somewhat more complicated. 4 If ics. If (4) z. are no transitory dynam- are once again transitory Observe that directed technical change is a crucial ingredient in our the North to develop the technologies most suited to its results; it will enable needs, which are different from those suited to the countries in the South. Analysis C. We Nl and Nh take the technology variables first equilibrium in the North and the South. as given we In this section, no commodity trade between the North and the South, so two We sets of countries. start with otherwise stated, the proof of this Lemma 1 There exists In words, labor, all an lemma J such that for i prices will differ across the in < J, h(i) = i (2). and > i J, l(i) Using _ p(i)<i-0//> .{l-i).NL l(i) ~\p(i)^-^-i-NH -Z-h(i) . Utility maximization, in turn, gives the Lemma = 0. this only. This is natural lemma, we can write the as: f [0, 1]. proofs, unless Appendix A. is and those with indexes above J are produced with skilled labor y{) € is goods with indexes below the threshold J are produced with unskilled production in sector i assume that there lemma. As with other intuitive given the structure of comparative advantage in all also and characterize the if <i< J if J<i<l [b) * consumer indifference condition: p(i)y(i) =Y for These equations enable us to prove: 2 In equilibrium, for any i for any < i J, p(i) > = Pi J, p(i) — (1 = PH i)~^ i~ p and and l(i) h(i) = = L/J, and H/(l - (6) J), (7) where Pi and P# are appropriately defined price indexes, and PH = (NH -pL \-NL J T^J—) Goods with higher indexes produced with and command higher prices. The ZHY+ converse is (8) unskilled labor have lower productivity, true for skilled goods. then obtained using the consumer indifference condition. It exploits markets have to clear in the North and the South separately. 8 Equation (8) is the fact that goods To Nl and Nh, we must fully characterize the equilibrium for given Good J can be produced by either skilled or unskilled workers, and must in either case, thus, when i = J, both (6) and (7) apply. This implies: Ph determine J yield zero profit J ( Hi^)'- Pl and (8) (9) therefore determine equilibrium relative prices and the threshold sector given state of relative technology, is the numeraire, we obtain: PL = Noting that simplifying, Y= NH /NL Using the . fact that the exp(-/3) J~p and PH = exp(-/5) and combining with this we obtain a simple reduced form equation • (1 consumption aggregate Since wages are equal to marginal products, m we mL = z (NE \ J combining (12) with of skilled workers in labor costs is always x 2 (8) 1 GDP: for (10) . and (10), and then 6 2 (11) . ] also have: fZH\-^ itj and — J)~ p - (5), (8), (9) Y = exP (-P)[(NL LY' 2 + (NH ZH)V 2 D. a 5 Jq p(i)y(i)di, Finally, notice that for (9), < we i2 > find that the equilibrium share J. Technological Progress in the North We start South, so with the assumption that there are no intellectual property rights in the R&D firms in the North cannot relevant market for technologies equilibrium R&D in the is sell their technologies to Southern firms. therefore the North. Since there is no commodity The trade, North can be determined without any reference to the South. Recalling the above discussion regarding profits of technology monopolists, and using (6) and (7), the return to inventing a new machine rVz = ir z + Vz for skill class z (13) , = 0(1 - /?) (P£) 1//? / J n(i)di = 0(1 - /5) (P£) Ln and 1//? n 7T H = (3(1 - /3) (P£) ZH n Ln and /] h (i)di = 0(1 - 13) (P£) 1//3 where nL l 1//? . 5 6 That is, is: we use the normalization exp \f ]np(i)di = Hn are effectively the 1. For future reference, observe that we cannot use this expression for librium capital stocks have already been substituted in. TFP comparisons, as the equi- new "markets" for technologies since technology monopolists can only sell machines to Northern producers employing Northern workers. The time derivative captures the that PH fact and P£ may be changing out of the balanced growth path, so that the value of may be the patent to a certain machine different in the future. Free-entry implies that the value of a technology monopolist must be equal to the marginal cost of innovation, hence T~ l x~ 1 Vz = 7 at all points in time. 1 NL Along the Balanced Growth Path (BGP), and thus the same research effort must be allocated to vations (xl in — xH This ). is only possible skill- = h if -k l NH must grow same rate, and labor-complementary inno- BGP, Vl (since in tt at the = Vfi = 0). Hence, BGP, we need fZHn pn Using (8) and Ln \ -p ^ (14) 1 j (9), this implies: H h 1- Jn ZH n Jn Ln ~~ (15) This equation uniquely defines the relative productivity of skilled and unskilled workers along the BGP as a function of the relative supply of skilled workers in the North. It also determines the threshold sector J n along the The next BGP the proposition summarizes this result and the dynamics of the exists a unique and globally stable BGP, given by Nh grow at the rate (15), and along this growth path, output, g There to this economy outside in the North. Proposition 1 There and BGP. =F^ 1 [exp(-l) • - (1 Nl and 0) (L a unique BGP, and starting from any is BGP. Along economy grows this path, n + ZHn Since rate g, the relative productivities of skilled /r\ Nl and Nh, ^)h . the economy converges R&D, and the both Nl and Nh grow at the common a constant fraction of output at the constant rate g. {l ) (9), (10), (12) is devoted to and unskilled workers are constant. Relative productivities can change along the transition path, however. We can note that, as in Acemoglu (1998), an increase in technical change. premium in the North by an increase in relative 7 wages Notice that 7)r~ 1 a;J 7 Vr2 = As equation H n is /L n (15) shows, always w H /vfl = an increase Z. The in Hn /Ln leads to skill-biased Hn /Ln raises Njj/Nl- skill-biased technical The skill change induced exactly cancels the negative direct impact of this variable on (see equation(12)). if 1. there were a consortium of The R&D firms rather than small ones, qualitative results are identical in the two cases. 10 we would have (1 — Equilibrium in the South E. The R&D process specified above entails a market size effect. GDP international intellectual property rights, the share of To creasing function of the country's market size. implies ilar x c = 7r c = /r [exp(— 1) — (1 • (L • /?) C is L + c an increasing function of ZH C . BGP, not invest in More the North. ments producers will instead import Our assumption below). in- free entry GDP spent on the South, collectively, all R&D invest- the discussion in skills (see that each Southern country from their technologies one could also motivate the lack of substantial generally, an each country c (a sim- for R&D, and South by weak property rights and scarcity of in the Remark R&D. Southern is Since the South consists of a set of "small" economies, each will have an infinitesimal market for the /r] 1 argument also applies away from the BGP). Therefore, the share of R&D will ) 1' R&D devoted to see this, recall that in + ZH c Since there are no small captures these is considerations in a simple way. We now discuss TFP whether differences might emerge even when firms in the South have equal access to the technologies in the North. To achieve new technology patents at zero cost and sells machines embodying this country —no other firm prices in the is allowed to same capital/labor R&D in the North as Proposition 2 There C exists machine rental i < Js and technologies Output grows , hi Nh at the The equihbrium = and k (NH ZH s \NL L = Ls /Js (1 — P) -1 - South and and Nl are still given Thus (proof omitted): , and and Nl are determined same Nh = in the a unique equilibrium in the South where J s Js for all be used in production therefore apply, while in subsection D. l-J where technologies. This implies that ratios will the North. Equations from subsection new to the producers in South are the same as those faced by firms in the North, x z ( v ) Accordingly, the by sell we assume that there each Southern country which copies exists a statutory technology "monopolist" in its this, is given by 1/2 S \ (16) s for all in the i > Js k = and h , North (e.g. t = H s /(1 — given by (15) in Js ), BGP). rate g as in the North. in the South therefore takes a very similar form to that in the North, with the only exception that technology parameters, N'{ and Nl, are taken from the North. Hence, is constant (although ratio of in when the North is J s > Jn ), and consumption to GDP is in BGP, the South the growth rate is is also in BGP. equal to that of the North, higher in the South, however, as there R&D. 11 Js The In particular, is g. no investment Remark: It can be noted at this point that similar results would be obtained were performed by skilled workers rather by using workers would perform is its skilled workers to obtain exactly the same results as here. Moreover, in this case, even the South consists of large countries, there will only be limited skilled wages are high. We With small and does not enforce international property rights, the South would once again not allocate any of South because R&D output. In the North, h skilled final R&D while the remaining H — h would work in skilled tasks. our assumption that each Southern country R&D, and we if R&D when investments in the prefer the specification in the text as it leads to simpler expressions. Productivity Differences Between the North and the South III. TFP A. Differences The concept of TFP, first introduced by Stigler (1947), decomposes output (or output growth) into a component dependent on factors of production and a component dependent on "technology" distinction measure . Since technology often is embedded not always clear, and, consequently, there is TFP (e.g. is example capital, the a large literature on how to Jorgensen, 1995). TFP is of TFP In our model the definition of there are two natural definitions not completely unambiguous, either. In here (TFP1 and TFP2), both factoring out output into the contributions of skilled fact, obtained by and unskilled workers, capital and a The former is implied by the logic of the theory, while the latter corresponds more residual. closely to sectoral in factors, for what is estimated in practice. Both TFP TFPs, which are obtained by rewriting yL (i) = aL (i) KL 1 {i) -? • l{if and yH (*) measures originates from aggregating (5) as: = aH (i) KH l (i) -P [Z h(i)f , where the a z (z)'s are the sectoral TFPs, given by8 aL {i) and KL (i) = L /<f = [(1 - i) NL f and a H = [i- NH f = NlPI'^L/J for i < J, and = NH P^ZELj{^ — J) for i > J denote the capital stocks (17) kL {i,v) Kff(i) = J^H k H (i, v) sector i used in (obtained using (3)-(6)-(7)). Notice that Z h(i) is the "quantity of human capital" employed in sector i using Z as the skillpremium. Z should not be part of sectoral TFP, since otherwise sectors and countries with more skilled workers would mechanically have higher TFP. 8 • 12 The alternative definitions of TFP in two The different ways. first arise because these sectoral definition comes, simply, from (1) TFP can be aggregated and (17). 1 Y= A{J, L H ) exp (j , = where A(J, Nl, Nh) exp 1 (/q \nKL {i) ]na(i)dij content from the technology terms. first By x + -^l{ifdi is J hxKH {i) 1 -^ [Zh(i)f di\ (18) , obtained from separating the terms with factor using (17) and solving the integral we obtain our measure of TFP, TFP1: TFP1 = To introduce the by tal stock NH PH ' A(J, NL NH = ) , [NlNJT J (1 - TFP, alternative definition of J)~ (1 - J) J-'f (19) define the value of the aggregate capi- K = KL + KH where KL = tf KL (i)di = NL PL l ll3 ZH. Output can be exp[-/3]. L, and KH = /] KH (i)di = written as (details in the Appendix): Y = B(J,NL Na ) , ^ [ZHf] ^ [Kl-W] ' [K where our second measure of TFP, TFP2, TFP2 = B(J,NL ,NH = [N[NH J (1 ) 1 (20) , is J) _(1_J) J~ J ^ [(1 - J)-( w )j- J exp[-/3]. ] (21) we use the In (19), correctly aggregated labor structure of our model, so (19) measures "true" structure is and TFP differences. In contrast, this sectoral ignored in (21), and only aggregate stocks of labor and capital are factored out. This adds the term [(1 - J)-^-^ J~A correct measure in our model, (21) TFP to the closer to is using the exact sectoral structure of the what economy is is Notice also that (18) and (20) already factor out (3J for unskilled workers, and /?(1 — measure. Although (19) often infeasible. skills using the correct factor shares, on output are already controlled do not directly depend on because both TFP the estimated in empirical work, where H and L, and TFP for. (19) and (21), differences will not arise in our model due to mismeasurement of the human capital of workers. Instead, will arise is J) for skilled workers, which means that the direct effect of differences in skill supplies therefore, capital inputs, given the sectoral measures depend on the threshold sector, TFP J. differences J determines the extent to which skilled and unskilled workers are employed in sectors (tasks) for which they may productivity, We Lemma of not have a comparative advantage. So the level of and economies with start our analysis with 3 For given J with a unique affects aggregate have different TFP levels. a simple lemma (proof omitted): NH and NL global different threshold sectors will J A(J,NL maximum at Jm , , NH (TFP1) an inverse U shaped function = Nl /(Nl + Nh)) 13 is TFP.1/0 Jm Figure Lemma 1 Sectoral TFP's. 3 has an intuitive geometric representation. transformation of the sectoral TFPs the two schedules cross. Hence, figure also (a(i) TFP1 1 / /3 is denned ) Figure 2 plots a monotonic in (17). At Jm = NL /{NL + NH ), maximized, when an economy adopts the un- < J m and skilled technology in all sectors j The 2: J J the skilled technology in draws an arbitrary value of the threshold sector all where (J), > Jm sectors j TFP is . not maximized. Proposition 3 Suppose (15). Nh/Nl 1. Then, A(Jn ,NL ,NH ) 2. If either (i) then B( Therefore, given by the n or , ) is S , Moreover, ). L n and \ZHn /L n > is not very abundant in skill endowments of the may appear to have lower allocates skilled workers to tasks those sectors with this is not the case. In in this case, n ZH < L i < TFP2. 1/2). S /L S where A < 1, also larger in the or otherwise, if there is North a large North and the South. The reason why is that the skill In particular, an TFP, according and sectors where The TFP2 is skills, second measure might give ambiguous answers unskilled workers ZH ). , labor force has an independent effect on (e.g. NH always larger in the North, and North enough gap between the ZH n > NL NH (ii) \ Nl N*H > B(J TFP1 , BGP equilibrium condition in the North, > A(J S ,NL ,NH ). ZH n < Ln as long as either the this is Then, J > J = J m = argmax^J, NL n s composition of the economy with very few to this measure, because their productivity is relatively it low conditions in part 2 of the proposition ensure that our calibration below, we will take the North to be the U.S., and n is satisfied, so that North. 14 TFP2 is also unambiguously larger in the Intuitively, this proposition and no directed, is TFP will shows that when R&D carried out in the North only, is be larger in the North than in the South, even though there are barriers to technology transfer. In particular, as H s /L s < Hn /Ln TFP , larger in is the North than in the South because some sectors in the South employ unskilled workers, though productivity would be higher The reason using skilled technologies. workers in the South to allocate to As we more will see in if all production were carried out by skilled workers is that there is an insufficient number of skilled tasks performed by skilled workers in the North. 9 detail in section V, R&D if firms could sell to Southern producers, they would invest more in unskilled technologies, and productivity in the South would not be as low. Similarly, as noted above, to unskilled machines, and the TFP if the South could perform gap would be smaller. of the South importing technologies from the North that underlies the TFP R&D, it would direct it the combination It is therefore North and directed technical change in the between the South and the North. differences Proposition 3 has an immediate corollary (proof omitted): Corollary 1 There are no i for all ie(J s < J % ,J s or i > J n TFP differences Sectoral . TFP is between the North and the South larger in the is in the South ). = Js o sectoral , TFPs will make the North it more productive 2. If be as drawn by thick using unskilled workers in sectors j G (j m ,J), where the South sets the threshold lines in the figure. The South the technologies developed by to use skilled workers. All productivity differences between the South and the North therefore originate in these "medium-tech" i s n G (J ,J ). The South highly complex tasks. and in the sectors as the North. concentrates Since technology where the North The its scarce is endowment common This pattern TFP knowledge, in these complex tasks South is as productive productivity gap emerges instead in those sectors where may explain why India, — sectors, of skilled workers in a few also uses unskilled workers, the to substitute unskilled workers for skilled workers i's. for all n This Corollary can also be illustrated using Figure sector at North than in sector i.e. easier those tasks with intermediate which has relatively few compared to the U.S. (approximately half of the U.S. it is level), skilled workers and low has a relatively efficient software industry, but appears to have low productivity in a range of more traditional industries. 9 TFP between the North and the South would arise even for and unskilled workers would be performing different tasks in the two sets of countries. However, in this case, the South could have higher TFP than then North. Directed technical change ensures that the North has higher TFP than the South, as it implies that Njj/Nl takes the value that maximizes North's TFP (using TFP1 whereas using TFP2, directed technical change does not maximize the North's TFP, but tends to increase it). Notice that in this model arbitrary Nh and Nl, because differences skilled — 15 A B. Simple Calibration In this subsection, we investigate whether the TFP are quantitatively important. Equations (19) different measures) in and (21) give the TFP TFP levels (with the two a country as functions of the world technology and the country's we can determine threshold sector, J. Given the technology parameters, the by our model differences predicted by our model using the differences predicted J, relative skill supplies and calculate we observe in the data. We construct H/L the variable as the ratio of the population over age 25 with higher education to those over 25 without higher education in 1985 from the Barro-Lee data set. 10 = We choose set Z to make the predicted U.S. (3 the share of labor in national income in our economy, and 0.7, since /? is skill premium equal to 1.82, that u which the college is premium Z = 1.82. With these assumptions, we can use equations (19) and (21) with the values for H/L for each country and calculate the predicted TFP relative to the U.S. (whose TFP is normalized in the U.S. in 1988 (Katz to and Murphy, 1992, p. 43), 1). We denote these predicted A value of 0.5, for (relative) TFP1) and by B (TFP2). question is predicted to have TFP TFP levels by A example, implies that the country in (for equal to one half of the U.S. TFP. Notice that in this calculation, about these countries' level of income or investment. The those predicted by our theory given each country's transfer, are likely to create capital used in practice TFP differences. A H/L. In and practice, a and B are simply number of other barriers to technology human and Moreover, measures of physical may understate true differences in the amount accumulated factors across countries (e.g. our calculations same we are not using any data levels of factors, including distortions, corruption, wars, slow diffusion, as a college graduate in the between our predicted importance of predicted is implies TFPs and TFP assume that a LDCs). We the data. differences and college graduate in the U.S. is should therefore not expect a perfect the fit Nevertheless, evaluating the quantitative their correlation with the actual differences informative. Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) (based on (1998) (henceforth, tively, KR and HJ) calculate Bils TFP and Klenow, 1998) and Hall and Jones levels for 98 and 127 countries, respec- using data on output, capital, labor and school attainment. The on higher school attainment reduces the two samples to 96 and 102 we exclude 10 oil availability of data countries. Moreover, producers and Trinidad (a total of eight countries) from the KR sample, Web address for Barro-Lee data http://www.worldbank.org/html/prdmg/grthweb/ddbarle2.htm, see Barro and Lee (1993). We thank Pete Klenow for the data on TFP levels from Bils and Klenow Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) and Chad Jones for data from Hall and Jones (1998). 11 The results are not sensitive to variations in /3. If instead of /? = 0.7 as in Klenow and Rodriguez (1997), we choose /? = 2/3 as in Hall and Jones (1998), the results are almost identical. also (1998) and 16 TFP according to Klenow and Rodriguez (1907) .2 TFP gap Figure 3: Actual (KR) vs. .3 .4 from the Predicted US TFP .5 <KR) Gap. since these countries appear to have unrealistically high natural resources on output effect of is TFP TFP measure: A. suggesting that the levels, not well accounted for by measured inputs for these countries. We TFP denote the (relative) measures of KR and HJ by Bkr and B HJ and , them, as well as our measures, in our Appendix Table Al. 12 our A measures to BkrS and BH /s, which will be "true" TFP flow freely. It sizeable. account is by comparing start be informative regarding the quantitative importance of our predicted TFPs. In particular, recall that our will We report m /del (productivity) differences across countries, even however important to determine whether these suggests that there when technology can TFP differences can be We next turn to 5's to evaluate the potential importance of our mechanism to for TFP differences in practice. Since Z?'s are more closely related to measured TFPs, they are more appropriate for this latter Figures 3 and 4 plot the relative and the TFP — BHJ on the vertical axis, = TFP comparison. measures calculated = — A) on the by KR and HJ (gapKR = 1 — Bkr and of each country (gapA I We also draw the 45° line in all figures. A country further away from the origin has lower TFP relative to the U.S., whose observation lies exactly on the origin. Since our first measure A (TFP1) corresponds to true TFP differences, but not necessarily to the way TFP is calculated in practice, we only want to evaluate how large these TFP differences are. We can get a sense by comparing the variance of A to the variance of Bkr and Bhj- The variance of our measure is 9&PHJ 12 1 HJ and ) KR horizontal axis. report productivity differences per unit of human capital. Since they use a Cobb- Douglas framework, these can be easily transformed into TFP differences. In particular, denoting the 0.42 and labor productivity differences estimated by these papers by bKR and bn j, we have Bkr = (bKR) Bhj = (bij j) . It is these TFP numbers that we use. 17 TFP according to Hall and Jones (1998) a s a a IL Figure approximately the largest TFP i .1 Actual (HJ) 4: 20% i O i .3 Bkr of the variance of KR i .4 the .5 US TFP <HJ) Gap. TFP measure: A. and 10% of the variance of Bhj- For example, gap predicted by our model this evidence that i Predicted vs. whereas the largest gaps are in level, i .2 TFP gap from is TFP a We and HJ are 82% and 62%. our model predicts sizable true TFP 30% level equal to differences even of the U.S. conclude from when all countries have access to the same technology, though these differences are smaller than those found in the data by KR and HJ. As noted above, however, TFP1 does not correspond to the So to evaluate how much of the variation in the data could actually be driven in practice. by our mechanism, we need to compare = 1~B 6 plot gaps on the horizontal on the axis, Bkr and Bhj vertical axis, linear regression of and show a much better our measures on to our B's and the gapKR For a quantitative comparison, in Table a TFP measures estimated Bkr fit 1 (TFP2 — 1 — Bkr , s). Figures 5 and and gapnj = 1 — Bhj between the data and our model. we report the coefficients and Bhj (for and R2 from completeness, Table 1 also A perfect fit would correspond to a constant equal to 0, slope coefficient, d, equal to 1 and R2 = 1. Obviously, measurement error and other important determinants of TFP ignored in our theory imply that there will not reports the same be a perfect fit, regressions using A). but how close we are to such a also identical to the statistic suggested is by fit is KR as informative. The slope coefficient a summary measure of how much a variable explains variations in another variable in a similar context (their suggested measure 2 i? ", 2 9ft a = Cov((Bs ,B)/Var(B s )). As an alternative, we also report a "constrained = 1 — Var(Bs — B)/Var(Bs ). This is the R? from a regression if we constrain the is slope to be equal to 1 fit and the constant 0. 2 3ft would be equal to between our model and the data. All three measures, a, regarding how much of the measured TFP differences our 18 R 2 1, if and there were a perfect 2 9ft , are informative model can account for. Table TFP Comparison between predicted and actual TFPs. from KR HJ B B 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.11 0.04 0.09 0.01 (2.21) (3.64) (1.79) (3.86) (5.22) (3.55) (4.05) (1.02) 0.34 0.68 0.71 0.19 0.39 0.46 0.42 0.48 (11.2) (11.0) (18.7) (8.10) (8.08) (13.7) (9.70) (16.0) 0.60 0.59 0.80 0.40 0.39 0.68 0.49 0.74 0.49 0.57 0.79 0.29 0.40 0.61 0.48 0.65 or B=TFP2) More (1998). the constrained B R B Each column reports the Note: t-statistics in brackets. (A^TFPls from A 2 is CTFP B HJ B R2 3ft from B a and Jones TFP A c. 5R 1. linear regression of the specified measure measures calculated by Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) and Hall we regress gap^ =(1-A) or gap B =(1-B) on gap s =(1-TFP S ). TFP on the specifically, measuring the fit constraining the constant to be zero and the slope coefficient TFP2 measures constructed using the skill variables of Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) instead of using fraction of population with higher education divided by fraction with no higher education. CTFP includes an adjustment to the TFP calculated by HJ which is discussed in the text. to be one. Our is first the measures of how much of the by our mechanism, the slope dicted ries, e measure of are olkr fit, we = 2 (KR obtain: ^t KR = variations in the data could be explained from the regression of actual TFPs on our pre- coefficients 0.68 TFP data) and a HJ = 0.57 and $1% 7 = 0.39 (HJ data). 0.40. As for our other Therefore, despite the absence of any barriers to technology adoption, slow diffusion or other factors affecting technol- ogy choices model accounts in our calculations, our between 39 and 68 percent of the for variation in the data. More practically the U.S. concretely, for example, our model predicts that Mozambique, a country with no workers with higher education level, while the relative TFPs in 1985, should have a calculated by KR and 47%. Indonesia, on the other hand, should have a model, while measured model is less TFPs vary between successful in capturing the and the Philippines, which have very low gap for levels, equal to are, respectively, TFP 53% of of the U.S. level, while India's and HJ. 13 TFP is of 53% according to the (HJ). Nevertheless, our some other countries, like India even relative to their low educational attainment. In the case of India, for example, the model predicts a 74% 42% and HJ 62% (KR) and 39% TFP TFP TFP between 40% and 50% of the U.S. levels of TFP level in of KR 13 At this point, we can note that there advantage of skilled and unskilled workers one degree of arbitrariness in our calibration: comparative — i) and i. For any increasing function — using /(l i) and would give similar theoretical results but different quantitative results. We f(i) /(.), chose (1 — i) and i for analytical tractability. Also as we will see in the next section commodity trade reduces TFP differences, and here we are making the calculations assuming no trade. is is parameterized by (1 19 TFP „ .8 ti T! .7 E .6 in .5 according to Hall and J ones (1903) - ~ ~ Jr + *+ - * 4+ t/i .4£ + 2- L •- a .1 s + + .3+ , ~ + * t . + + , 4 a * * + * * + 4 + + + *jr + * + *> ** E + + J + + + M + ++ + + ** + + * * * I 0. IL F I I I .2 .1 c\ Figure 5: Actual (KR) TFP US the TFP Predicted vs. .4 .3 TFP gap from I I I I .5 .6 .7 .8 <HJ> TFP Gap. measure: B. according to Klenow and Rodriguez <1G97) 7 ~ e - 5+ + 4 - + 3~ + t * I a 1- a. + IL o F + + /^ 4 + * jf + 2" a 6: * + v** /* + * + . <* + * + + + * , + + + + A I I .2 .3 I TFP gap from Figure >* 0< + yr * o L »- j*r _>r+ +J/S^ + t *s + + + E + + + Actual (HJ) vs. Predicted 20 .4 the US TFP I I .5 .« (KR) Gap. TFP measure: B. might be argued, however, that by using variations in the number of workers It H/L with higher education only, our approach exaggerates differences in Moreover, tries. sometimes suggested that the contribution of higher education it is smaller than that of secondary schooling. come closest to results 14 H/L it is H/L by using an alternative measure of and secondary school attainments as useful to check the robustness of our estimated using differences in primary TFP2 For this purpose, we reconstruct our well. reported by Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) which are based on educational attainments, quality of schooling and labor force experience. Using this ternative measure of relative skill The series. (KR l). endowment actually improves the slope of the two regression lines increase to measure data), while our is Although college-noncollege distinction may our skilled-unskilled distinction, measure (B) using across coun- 3£ 2 2 increases to %l KR = a KR = 0.79 0.72, and $l fit of our predicted and to a H j Hj = 2 al- = 0.46 0.61 (see Table 15 Table 1 shows that our calibration results are somewhat better with the KR sures calculated by HJ - many as well as to be perfect substitutes, - implicitly assume and use the same endowments of countries with skill premium skilled mea- may be than those calculated by HJ. One possible reason earlier authors TFP that and unskilled workers to calculate the human capital model, this different relative supplies of skill. In our is not the correct procedure, as skilled and unskilled workers are imperfect substitutes, and the skill premium premia for varies across countries (see Psacharopoulos, 1973, Table 8.4, p. 132 for skill a number of countries). numbers from those of HJ. In It is, however, possible to construct "corrected" particular, let estimated TFPs be: ]nTFP = \nY-(l-P)]nK-p]n(L+(— ) whereas according to our model the correct InCTFP = We In B(J, TFP H J is: NL NH = lnF - (1 - P) InK - /31n (L J {ZH) l ) , can then calculate an estimate of corrected In measure TFP from TFP HJ and -J ) KR as follows: CTFP = \nTFP - (3(1 - J)ln(^) + /?ln (l + l-82y) S s 14 Even the contribution of secondary schooling to output has been challenged, e.g. Benhabib and and Pritchett (1997). However, Krueger and Lindahl (1998) show that this is due to measurement error, exacerbated by the methods used in these papers. 15 KR's appendix reports estimates of Y/L and H/Y (where Y stands for GDP) relative to the U.S.. From these date, we calculate H/L relative to the U.S. and also report these in Table Al. The H/L Spiegel (1994) ratio in the U.S. is normalized to 0.508, which corresponds to the ratio of workers with higher education Although we only report results for TFP2,we also obtain similar results the to those without in 1985. above if we combine the KR measure of H/L with our 21 TFP1. =KR and HJ. for s TFP Using this corrected to the HJ data (see Table 1). This is use the alternative measure of when we regress our predicted series constant falls increases to in a = to SR 2 - 0.48 (our Overall, variation and H/L) and of our predicted of H/L KR (B). TFPs (B), and In particular, on the corrected TFPs, the estimated value of the H/L) and a = 9£ 2 = that the and can account we observe by intensity provided in TFPs 0.63 (KR's alternative H/L). also increase measure of fit also increases The 16 mechanism suggested for R2 H/L). 0.48 (KR's Our 0.74, respectively). we conclude tively important, fit one case becomes non-significant, while the slope of the regressions 0.42 (our significantly (to 0.39 skill improves the when we use our measure true both when we and (CTFP) measure in this paper can be quantita- approximately between 40 and 70 percent of the across countries. Trade and Technology IV. We now consider a world where all commodities i G [0, 1] are traded internationally. We assume that intellectual property rights are not enforced in the South. The main result in this section is that free trade implies TFP convergence, but causes GDP divergence. We use the convention that H s is the total number of skilled workers in the South and L s is the supply of ui^killed workers, as well as the supplies in a representative country in the South. International trade implies that commodity prices are equalized in all countries. Moreover, since different commodities can only be produced by skilled or unskilled workers, factor price equalization is also guaranteed. now adopt the same technology (same threshold JT ). More pi _ ( Pl'V-jr) ~\Nl V result, countries will specifically, y _ (Nizii^y J? As a we have 12 {U) ' ) and <-. 1/2 7 (^kY Nl) wi where L w prices n H w H H n /7t7tu\-l/2 (^EL \ L™ ) = S+ and are the world supplies, and wjj and w r L are world wages with free trade. = L +L s Pj and Pj are the world As patents tion, (14), is are not enforced internationally, the balanced growth equilibrium condin unchanged; Northern and Ln as their firms continue to consider H R&D While KR do not assume skilled and unskilled workers to be perfect substitutes, they use - like HJ - the same skill premium to calculate the human capital endowments of countries with different relative supplies of skill. If we apply to the TFP calculated by KR the same correction which is applied to the TFP calculated by HJ, the results of Table 1 do not change substantially, and, in fact, the fit of our model improves marginally. For example, we obtain 3J2 = 0.71 (our H/L) and 3?2 = 0.79 (KR's H/L). 16 22 markets. Thus, (world) prices have to adjust in order to satisfy (14). This implies that in the BGP, world depend on the relative prices will only factor endowment of the North. Formally, Pi V_ JT ( T PT~[l-J L This equation implies that along will ( ZH n U" BGP with trade, (23) world prices and threshold sector, J7 , be equal to those prevailing in the North before trade. However, world prices must market clearing equation, also satisfy the world (22), The rather than the supplies of the North only. which depends on world supplies state of relative technology therefore In particular, since the supply of unskilled workers has increased, the has to change. relative productivity of skilled workers has to increase to ensure that (23) More and specifically, (22) (23) JVg which larger is imply n _ fZH \ ratio, since trade induces skill-biased technical change. change depends on the relative market in the --i.e. North 17 sizes More (H n /L n > (H w /L w ). ) specifically, (H/L) and But trade, at first, In other words, the direction of technical Market relative prices (ph/pl)- do not change, because inventors continue to equation (22) at a given profitable BGP, only. 1/2 -i 1/2 (24) than the closed economy sizes for technologies is satisfied. machines sell their increases the relative price of skill intensive goods Nh/Nl- This makes skill-complementary innovations more and accelerates the creation of skill-complementary machines. In the after-trade the South, therefore, concentrates its unskilled production in fewer sectors and uses a larger number of skill-complementary machines, while the structure of production in the North reverts back to its now more pre-trade form. Nevertheless, since technologies are skill-complementary, skilled workers have higher relative productivities and wages. In the next proposition, opening. To we characterize simplify the discussion, we how the world economy adjusts to trade limit our analysis to from a world of completely closed economies to one of an unanticipated switch free trade: Proposition 4 Suppose that the relative technologies and prices before trade, (Nh/Nl)*, relative prices thresholds and wages Jn and J s in the are as given North (Ph/PlY and by (12), (14), (15) and ( w Hl wl) n (16). i and the equilibrium Consider an unanticipated opening of the world economy to free trade. Then, upon trade opening Ph/Pl, J and North and decrease in the South, and are equalized. The system 71 while the then converges to a new balanced growth path, with (Nh /Nl) t > (Nh/Nl) wh/wl increase in the , 17 This possibility is first raised by Wood (1994), has in mind. Acemoglu (1998) also establishes this though it is effect in 23 not clear what the mechanism that a model of directed change. Wood (Ph/Pl) (Ph/Pl)Z {Ph/PlT time {NH /NL Y (NH /NL n ) time to Figure Dynamics of 7: prices and technology after trade opening. Ph/Pl decreases to (Ph/Pl) = (Ph/Pl)™ and the world threshold n sector J decreases to J7 = J w H /w L the world skill-premium, continues to increase t > after trade opening and reaches a new level (w h /wl) The PGP growth (wh/wl) world price ratio . , 71 - rate of the economy The dynamics the same as before trade is of prices the trade regime changes effects are therefore abundant theory, however, and and technology are described (to), the level of technology is i.e. falls As the North goods and the What the South (upper quadrant). the adjustment after this At the moment - the same as in the standard trade theory. North and is in Figure 7. predetermined at (Nh/Nl) u The in skills, the relative price of skilled intensive increases in the prices, (g). initial response. is skill is more premium different in our The change in commodity the higher level of Ph/Pl, encourages more skill-complementary innovations, Nh/Nl increases (lower quadrant). The world economy reaches a balanced growth path, as the productivity of skilled workers increases sufficiently, and the relative price of skill intensive goods return to their pre-trade levels in the North, (Ph/Pl) 11 - The reasons, but also skill premium in the due to the induced technologies implies that the skill standard trade effect is North increases, not only skill-bias technical change. premium in the i.e. (Ph/Pl) t = due to standard trade Moreover, the change in South may also increase, because the being countered by skill-biased technical change induced by trade opening. Accordingly, increased trade openness in this model can raise wage inequality both in the North and the South, and may have 24 larger effects in the North than predicted by traditional calculations. 18 Since the world relative price of intensive goods returns to that of the skill before trade, and the North and the South use the same threshold employ sectors skilled workers in the South, however, J free trade J s falls. Which sector implies that unskilled workers are used in fewer sectors in the South, i.e. North 1*, indeterminate as any part of is the skilled production could be carried out in the North and imported to the South or What vice versa. is unambiguous is South that, overall, the import skill-intensive will goods and export unskilled goods. Finally, because the market size for new technologies unchanged and world prices return to those of the North before trade, the long-run is growth rate is The next unaffected and remains at g. GDP proposition compares the levels between the South and the North before and after trade: Proposition 5 Let trade and GDP be the Vj and Yj GDPs GDP opening, Yn differences in the after trade, Y North and then s the GDP Y? /Yj > Yn /Ys in the That . South before after trade is, between the North and the South widen. Trade unambiguously amplifies GDP differences As we saw above, trade induces new technologies between the South and the North. to be further biased towards skilled This reduces the productivity of unskilled workers both in the South and the workers. North, and because the South is more abundant in unskilled workers, its relative situation A with respect to the North deteriorates after this change. obtain the result that trade Krugman may lead to (1987), Feenstra (1991) these papers is more number relative inequality of other papers also among countries (e.g. and Young (1991)). Nevertheless, the mechanism in quite different from ours. Typically, trade induces less developed countries to specialize in sectors which benefit less from learning-by-doing than the sectors in which the North specializes. In contrast, in our model, trade changes the direction of technical progress in the North, and leads to larger income differences via this channel. Additionally, in these models trade leads to both result, as we TFP GDP and divergence, which is different from our see next: Proposition 6 Let A„ and A£ denote respectively, using TFP1, and let TFP in the North and in the TFP2 measures in the after trade B% and BJ be the South, North and 18 Thus, trade opening may be the cause of the increase in wage inequality in the U.S. over the past twenty years. Some of the arguments against the trade explanation, that wage inequality also increased in many LDCs, and setting. that skilled-unskilled labor ratios increased These changes may be due all industries, to skill-biased technical change induced by may be trade. invalid in this Another critique of the trade explanation, that the prices of skill-intensive products did not increase in the U.S., be less valid in this model, as in the long-run Ph/Pl 25 returns to its pre-trade level. may also South. Then, A„ = Aj and B% = Bj. That is, after trade opening, TFP differences between the North and the South disappear. Despite causing GDP thermore, not only do TFP for equalization TFP is TFP divergence, trade therefore leads to convergence. The reason differences decrease, but they actually disappear. TFP factor price equalization. workers perform tasks for which they have little trade, however, ensures factor price equalization is Fur- low in the South when unskilled comparative advantage. and induces firms in the Commodity South to em- ploy unskilled workers only in the tasks performed by unskilled workers in the North. Since the productivity of unskilled workers in these sectors the South, and likewise for skilled workers, An TFP implication of Proposition 6 differences correct in is is TFP the is same in the North and differences disappear. that the intuition that technology flows eliminate an economy with free trade and factor price equalization. Access to the same technology and factor price equalization ensure the production structure to be the all same in all countries. In other words, there common JT such that < J1 This emphasizes, a is countries use unskilled workers only in sectors (tasks) with j . however, that free technology flows, by themselves, are not sufficient for tion. TFP equaliza- Countries with different factor prices will use available technologies in different ways, causing unequal TFPs. In fact, if we introduce iceberg transport costs at the rate r in international trading — r units arrive at the destination country), then we lose factor price equalization and TFP differences re-emerge. In particular, when r > 0, H n /L n > H s /L s implies that {Ph/PlT < (Ph/Pl) s —more specifically, if there is actual 2 s Then equation (9) trade, it is straightforward to see that {Ph/Pl) = (1 — t) {Ph/Pl) n s implies that J < J so there will be TFP differences. We state this as a proposition (so that when 1 unit is exported, 1 71 - , (proof in the text): Proposition 7 Suppose there are then for r More > 0, there will be TFP (iceberg) transportation costs in international trade, between the North and the South. differences generally, other sources of deviations ensure that TFPs from factor price equalization are not equalized. Since factor price equalization as a description of international factor prices (e.g. 1987), 19 we conclude that international trade, TFP between less strongly rejected Bowen, Learner, and Sveikauskas, international trade will reduce differences is will also TFP differences, but even with and more developed economies will not disappear, even though they have equal access to the leading technologies. 19 and Here we refer to absolute factor price equalization, not to conditional factor equalization of Leontieff Trefler (see Trefler, 1993). 26 A TFP central result of this section, that international trade affects A tween the North and the South, receives some empirical support. TFP non-OECD estimates for = (t 4.4, KR) and 0.30 (t = data) and of 0.105 (HJ data). is HJ HJ). Quantitatively, a 4.0, one standard deviation increase in the index of trade openness (KR regression of the countries on the index of trade openness provided by yields a slope coefficient of 0.25 increase of 0.088 differences be- associated with a TFP 20 Property Rights and Technology V. Intellectual A. Equilibrium with Full Property Right Enforcement property rights were enforced in the South, revenues from technology If intellectual sales in these countries firms in the North. This R&D would accrue, not to statutory monopolists, but to the R&D would encourage new firms to design technologies for the Southern market, too, potentially reducing the "inappropriateness" of technologies to the South. 21 This possibility investigated in this section. is We assume that there the sum of the are still isoelastic, is R&D r the North under NL two ' full is rate of the world where // This H hn = (H s = is — (1 where P£ it H = Given ir L . exp(-l) is • (1 - 0) /L s )/(H n /L n ) < Nh II. C. It and 21 NL Ln and 7t H = the equilibrium in the South and , can be shown that the steady-state growth 1 (3 [L and o n is + U + Z {^Hn + ^JiH a constant, a 6 [fi, 1] North and the South economy. In particular, a is s )) which depends on the increasing in only evidence of a positive correlation between trade openness and TFP, as gap between non-OECD U + (P2) given by: sample, and obtain similar results, using TFP machines for the price index for unskilled goods in is correcting for the possibile endogeneity of trade openness. the now price as above. Then, profits for (P£) /?)/? is are determined, as before, to equate returns to innovating in the economy relative size of the 20 /p " determined as in subsection g machines property right enforcement, and the other price indexes are defined sectors, thus ensure North = tc l "' s NH and same firms continue to set the (p^ Hh° ++ (P£J (p%y - P)PZ (P£J similarly. for demands from the South and the North. Since demands the two types of innovations are (1 The demand no commodity trade. rich and poor OLS and countries, HJ run L s /Ln we 22 . are not a similar regression for their whole IV. Since our theory implies that trade should reduce we have repeated here the regression for the subsample of countries. This point, though not other results of this paper or this section, is also noted by Diwan and Rodrik (1991). and (16). Also a = (Nh/Nl)/Nh/NI where "denotes full property right enforcement and denotes no property right enforcement. Lemma 4 in Appendix B provides a more detailed characterization of the term a. 22 The expression for g is obtained using the expressions (8), (9), (10), (15) * 27 GDP differences compare between the worlds with and without international enforcement of intellectual The main question property rights. We Proposition 8 Let right enforcement, Yn /Y s for the focus of the with start GDP paper differences. is how TFP and 23 GDP in the North and Y GDP in the South without property Yn and Y GDPs with property right enforcement, then Yn /Y < Yn be and s s s . GDP Property right enforcement leads to rights enforced in the South, technologies convergence. With intellectual property produced in the North are more suited to the This leads to faster improvements in labor-complementary tech- needs of the South. nologies than skill-complementary technologies, and narrows the output gap between the South and the North. The results on TFP When convergence are more complicated. enforced, two changes occur relative to the environment of Section is directed towards unskilled technologies (the BGP Nh/Nl property rights are II. First, more R&D TFP ratio falls), leading to convergence. Second, both the South and the North increase the range of goods which are produced with unskilled technologies, as implied by equation (9). second force reduces is TFP Numerical calculations show, however, that the region of the differences. TFP leads to divergence it in but this condition Appendix B is is extremely small. parameter condition which rules out exists a relatively non-restrictive prove effect of this ambiguous, and we cannot conclude that property right enforcement always parameter space where analytically, The complicated, so (available upon request). we Moreover, there this possibility state the relevant proposition Here, we simply note that for most parameterizations, enforcement of intellectual property rights leads not only to convergence but also to 23 to TFP convergence. and GDP 24 An important issue in this section is the transfer of machine sales revenues from Southern monopolists R&D firms in the North. and sell the new machines To simplify the analysis, we assume that these monopolists continue to now owned by Northern inventors. So to local producers, but they are exist their GDP in the South is unaffected by whether these rents remain in the country or not, and can be compared to the GDP without property rights. However, GNP and consumption in the South cannot be directly compared, and even when there is GDP convergence, as shown here, there may be consumption divergence. 24 For the parameters we used in the calibration of Section III.B (which were chosen to match the wage premium and educational attainment of the U.S. i.e. Z = 1.82, H/L — 0.51), the introduction of property right enforcement leads unambiguously to TFP convergence as long as the South has a relative s skill endowment less than 0.0225 the endowment of the North (i.e. /L s > 0.0225Hn /Ln Moreover, revenues are tranferred to the North. This assumption implies that H even if we consider the case in which the South has no skilled workers at ). all, the result that TFP differences be reversed when that the market size of the South is more than a thousand times larger than that of the North. This is, clearly, highly unrealistic. This numerical result is highly robust, and even very large perturbations of the parameters do not lead to any significant change. decline with property rights can only 28 A number made of interesting observations can be at this point. First, although the introduction of intellectual property rights will generally reduce ensure not, in itself, in the North make use is TFP equalization. In particular, TFP will and the same TFP in the North than in differences in TFP to be valid we do then imply larger in the previous section will For our explanation for cross-country the South. not need property rights not to be enforced. Even with there will be TFP full differences. Interestingly, however, if the North, in a world with property right enforcement, South is much larger than the property right enforcement, the South might have higher full than the North. The reason that, in this case, is does be designed to of North's labor force even with property right enforcement, argument as it the market size for technologies if than the one in the South, new technologies larger differences, R&D TFP would design firms in the North technologies complementary to unskilled workers to exploit the larger Southern market, and this time, skilled reverse TFP workers in the North would have low productivity, leading to the differences. Second, the introduction of intellectual property rights slowdown in the North. If of output and TFP will sufficiently negative is (jj not be much in the absence of property rights, (i.e. 7 may large), the eventual North will grow TFP growth rate higher with than without property rights. However, TFP in the North is at a slower rate than usual not when adjustment process, TFP maximized, whereas intellectual property rights are enforced. Therefore, during the in the lead to a temporary for it is a while, and grow faster due to the larger market size of the world. Essentially, the introduction of intellectual property rights would needs of the North, which Finally, forcement, change towards the needs of the South, and away from the direct technical if is we have both TFP the source of the temporary will continue to as above, we can show that This implies that the GDP slowdown. free trade (factor price equalization) and property right en- a result of free trade —see previous section). differences will disappear (as But there TFP be GDP differences. In particular, using the N„T 1-J1 Nl JT gap will ZH n + ZH " S Ln + L s depend on the lation relative to that of the North. If the South is size of population of the relatively small, in this case will N^/Nl is less than NH /NL be smaller than those in Section enforcement). 29 II South popu- most technologies continue to be developed for the North's workforce, and the North will the South. However, since same arguments still given by (15), be GDP richer will than differences (without trade and property right B. Prisoner's The Dilemma in Property Rights Enforcement analysis in the previous subsection shows that the South enforcement of intellectual property When rights. produced in the North are more appropriate An important question The is therefore why that even first possibility is benefit from the these rights are enforced, technologies for the needs of the countries in the South. intellectual property rights if may may property right enforcement South, contracting problems in these less developed countries is not be enforced. beneficial to the may make it difficult to R&D enforce intellectual property rights. Second, even with property right enforcement, firms in the North may be differences in other factors be made unable to may sell their technologies to firms in the South, because require adjustments in these technologies which can only locally. There are also three other reasons suggested may help making payments which deserve a brief in not want property right enforcement. Property right enforcement would new as noted above, analysis, a social planner aiming at maximizing the consumption of the agents discussion. First, the South by our technologies it also causes for machines). more suited to the needs of the labor force of the South, but a transfer of resources from the South to the North (via the Second, enforcement of intellectual property rights would destroy the monopoly rents accruing to the statutory monopolies in the South. Accordingly, they may campaign Mokyr (19^0), Krusell and Rios-Rull (1995) among be destroyed by a change in economic organization Finally, there's also To As against the introduction of property rights. it is also emphasized by others, the presence of rents that will may a classic prisoner's dilemma block progress. among the countries in the South. see this, consider a situation in which property right enforcement decisions are taken by each country's government, which has the objective of maximizing GDR Assume that property right enforcement increases the present value of consumption in the South. Suppose that property rights are enforced in ernment in the South, however, has property rights within market its for technologies, all Southern countries. Each individual gov- an incentive to deviate and reduce the enforcement of borders. This change will only have a small effect and hence, on the technologies developed individual country has therefore little on the in the North. to lose by this deviation, but gains a large by saving the transfer of income to the R&D firms in the North. small countries in the South, the unique equilibrium in the overall As a result, The amount with many game where each government chooses the degree of enforcement will be one with no property rights enforcement. This suggests that the enforcement of intellectual property rights internationally a coordinated effort. 30 may require Human VI. Capital and Convergence Since differences in may end up countries we endogenize the this section, we why useful to understand it is composition are the source of income and skill skill with different TFP levels of skills. acquisition decision of individuals. model consider an overlapping generations differences, In In particular, where within each in continuous time, generation agents are heterogeneous in the length of time that they need to spend at become school in order to We skilled. characterize the equilibrium of this economy, and show that within the context of the model, differences between the South and the North can be captured as a difference in the distribution of schooling We then show that a costs. Southern country which experiences a reduction in the costs of schooling more and the gap of GDP and skills, death equal to faces a flow rate of chard, 1985). to become a in country the population Tx skilled worker. It takes The c. distribution of assume that there T is there is BGP and v a single-crossing property: is small, it Tx < Tx all When fine _ talent T where r exp [_( r +v is C (T) has no mass points. _|_ W )( T _ right enforcement in the South. an individual with cost of education also acquire skills. Therefore, there Tx > T do not GC (TC skills, his t)]wL {r)dT acquire education. Although if we assume that and not. ) return at time = wL / the effective discount rate and contrast the agent with T We takes the simple form: wages grow at the rate g as given in Section If in G and rest of the setup is needs to be indifferent between acquiring he does not acquire any j-oo if must > IP The agent with G C (T) in innate ability, a complicated function of past education decisions, in general are near given by the function H/L and the skill premium remain con- which as a situation in a cutoff level of talent, T, such that is (as in Blan- the only source of heterogeneity in this economy, is no commodity trade and no property chooses schooling, another with H/L we BGP, is by government policy towards education. The We now define a BGP exists 1 and each periods for agent x to become skilled, and during unchanged. To simplify the exposition, we assume that Tx constant at market imperfections, or to differences credit also influenced stant. In is period, Each agent chooses upon birth whether to acquire the education required and may be due to it is v, so that he earns no labor income. The distribution of Tx this time, accumulate TFP between this country and the North will decline. v of unskilled agents are born every In each country, a continuum will II, °° skills t is: exp[-(r + v — g)r]d,T = w L (r + v — g) we have used the fact that along the BGP, the rate of technical progress in the North. decides to acquire education, he receives nothing for a segment of time of length T, and receives wH 31 thereafter. Therefore, the return to agent f from acquiring education, t)]w H (T)d,T = R e (T) = R ne R e can be written (T), Re (T) = as: J^j.exp[— (r + v)(r — + v — g)T]w H /(r + v — g). In BGP, for T to be indifferent, we need c times, so in country c, wH /w Lc = exp (r + v — g)TA. Inverting this exp[— (r at all equation and substituting into (25), we obtain the relative supply of skills as a function of the skill premium: EL = L* The equihbrium in turn the skill skills c (\n(w%/wl)/(r is premium of the North, H/L, there is ' given by the intersection of the relative supply (26) H w^/w^l H/L, and { + v-g)y determined by (12) above determined from (15) given decreasing function of We l-G of each country with the relative demand for is G c (ln(w<H /wi)/(r + v-g)) n /L = n , Nh/Nl- Nh/Nl a given which can be calculated by substituting Z, into (26). (26) traces for wh/wl Since (12) defines as a an increasing relation between vjh/wl and always a unique equilibrium for each country. need the supply of skills to above shows that in the North, so fewer people should choose This implies that the function to acquire skills in the South. first-order stochastically be larger dominate that in the South. To see premia are higher in the South skill Psacharopoulos, 1973, Table 8.4). then more, rather than If less people, (in G c in the this, recall that our analysis accordance with the findings of the South and the North had the same would acquire the South. skills in a number of reasons for this difference in the propensity to invest in differences in G"s). North should Government subsidies for education are G function, There could be skills (i.e. more extensive for the in the North, reducing the costs of education as captured by G, and individuals have better access to credit more and typically longer life expectancy. All these factors make investments in skills desirable. The next proposition summarizes the equilibrium in this case: BGP equihbrium with endogenous skiU acquisition is characterized wH /w l = Z and (26) for c = n determine the relative supply of skills in the Proposition 9 World as foUows: r North, equation (15) then determines the relative state of technology, Nh/Nl, equations BGP is (12) and (26) for c = s determine the equihbrium in Nh/Nl- Given the South. The locally stable. The most interesting conclusion of this analysis with endogenous skills change in the function to the North, is run relative supply of that the G c for a country will lead to a change in its supply of skills relative and therefore to balanced growth path is stable, TFP convergence or divergence. In particular, since the when the North is skills will in BGP, a country with less than its long gradually accumulate 32 skills and experience faster than average TFP growth. Therefore, countries that improve their to the U.S. should also experience from the historical accounts of of adopting with rapid TFP composition relative skill convergence. This pattern receives some support development of Korea and Japan, whereby the process new technologies and productivity convergence for these countries coincided skill accumulation (see for example, Rhee, Ross-Larson and Pursell, 1984; Lockwood, 1968). Local Technologies and Divergence VII. So our analysis has assumed that firms in the South use technologies developed in far, the North. In practice, Southern firms may decide not to import Northern technologies, and use instead This is Many new can be "local technologies". especially relevant for unskilled workers. unskilled technologies turn formerly efficiently performed by unskilled workers. But, when these technologies are not may advanced, they sufficiently complex tasks into simpler ones that not be very useful to unskilled workers in relatively skill- For example, advanced computers and software enable firms to use intensive sectors. but this would not relatively unskilled workers, while tracking inventories automatically, have been possible with the computers of twenty years ago. A firm employing unskilled workers would then have been obliged to find other methods of inventory control. To we assume, discuss these issues, produce output in sector local technologies owns each i by using in this section, that unskilled workers can also local technologies. To simplify the analysis, symmetric to those imported from the North, that local technology and sells a local monopolist machines embedding the relevant technology to the local producers. In particular, equation (2) k L {i,v) / is, we make l -p now changes dv to: [(l-i).l(i)f;M(i)k^l{if Jo + where M(i) is / Jo kH {i,v) l -p [i-z- h{i)f dv , the productivity of local technology in sector marginal cost of local machines is (r + 6)/(l — P), North, so that they will have the same prices. imported from the North improve steadily — i. We also assume that the as for the machines imported from the The only at the rate g in difference is that technologies BGP— while the productivity of local technologies remains constant at M(i). The next proposition follows immediately (proof omitted): Proposition 10 Producers M(i) > (1 — i)NL- in the Eventually, all South use local technologies in sector local technologies are 33 i < Js as long as abandoned. Suppose the North is in BGP, then, until all local technologies are abandoned, GDP and TFP in the South diverge from their values in the North. When local technologies are available, the of the North, even though it has access to South does not always use the technology In particular, it. when the labor-complementary may technologies of the North are not very advanced, local technologies of a country better than the skill-complementary Northern technologies. suit the needs Our assumption that most technical change takes place in the North implies that local technologies will not improve as quickly as Northern technologies. Thus, while both the GDP point, will it and TFP become of the South will beneficial for the North, and income and TFP fall it uses local technologies, relative to the North. Nevertheless, at some South to start importing technologies from the inequality between the South and the North will eventually stabilize. VIII. Conclusion In this paper, we have developed a model with TFP and advanced economies. Richer countries have higher firms in all differences same countries have access of the is the difference in the supply of North has more skilled workers, in the South. Furthermore, differences TFP between levels, despite developed the fact that The source set of technologies. skills less of TFP between the South and the North. The and employs them in tasks performed by unskilled workers we made two technologies are developed in the North, crucial, but plausible, assumptions: most new and technical change is directed, in the sense that more profitable technologies get developed and upgraded faster. of skills in the North implies that new The larger supply technologies are relatively skill-complementary, whereas the South, which employs unskilled workers in most tasks and sectors, needs more labor-complementary technologies. This and technologies imported from the North In the data, there TFP is TFP Moreover, even though it skill skills of the South differences. composition and the ignores a range of relevant such as distortions in technology transfer, slow diffusion, corruption, model can account As the source of the a high degree of correlation between the differences across countries. factors, is mismatch between the for TFP differences we for TFP differences, a sizable fraction of the well as proposing a new explanation number of potentially important determinants of TFP. First, etc., our observe in practice. our model suggests a commodity trade influences technological developments. In particular, free-trade implies that the South specializes in tasks that can be performed efficiently by unskilled workers, and ensures TFP convergence. Nevertheless, trade without property right enforcement also encourages the North to develop further skill-complementary technologies, which do not yield 34 much benefit to the So despite causing South. TFP convergence, trade amplifies GDP differences between the South and the North. Second, the extent of intellectual property rights in the world is also a major factor TFP in differences. If the South, collectively, enforces intellectual property rights, this will encourage Northern R&D firms to develop technologies gap between rich stylized pattern of convergence and suited to the needs of the countries in the South, reducing the and poor Finally, our countries. divergence of TFP and GDP model suggests a Southern countries which improve their across countries. skills base relative to the North will experience faster TFP and income the North TFP growth, and converge to the levels of these richer countries. In contrast, countries will diverge when they in the North. TFP But prefer to use local technologies, rather this process will eventually countries start importing more come from than import those developed to an end, and as all less developed and using Northern technologies, cross-country income and TFP differences will stabilize. Clearly, our diffusion of new model has abstracted from important determinants of TFP, such technologies, and economic and as slow political distortions in the process of technology adoption. This has been done in order to emphasize that even in this environ- ment less of free technology flows and more developed and no distortions, there will countries, essentially because to suit the needs of advanced economies. differences Our distortions interact, is new TFP differences an area between technologies are developed results suggest that this source of might be considerable and should be taken into account when sources of output differences across countries. paper be How slow diffusion of new asse; jing the technologies and both qualitatively and quantitatively, with forces emphasized for future research. 35 TFP in this Appendix A: Proofs of Main Results Proof of Lemma The 1: a firm using technology z in sector profit of = p(i)y(i) - II z (i) Xz(v) kz(i, v)dv / i is: - wz z (27) { Jo We proved in the text that profit maximization implies that x z u = J zjt where Dz = 1 if z = L (1 - 0) and kz (i, v) = k z (i) = (p ((1 - ifD z + i^(l - D Z ))) and D z = if z = H. Thus, we can use (27) to write per worker profit: where z G {L,H}. ( ) { Ml = (p(i){(i-if Dz + i^l-D )))^N Ui) = - (1 where competition implies C L (z) is a strictly increasing function of i over all goods i G or Ch(0 have either Cl(0 = = Hz^i) some that in equilibrium = Thus a skill class falls positive such that ( H (J) 0, - wz Now, (28) note ( H (i) first — have to be produced. So Vi we must (0, 1) = or both. Finally, not possible it is workers are unemployed, because this would to zero, hence, from (28), there would exist a measure of variety of goods must be produced using < J< alH > J and vice versa for i < skilled (unskilled) workers. It therefore follows that there — (l(J) = 0, Vz. z Next, observe that Cobb-Douglas [0,1]. n^-(i) skilled (unskilled) imply that the wage of this profitable deviation. < that, in equihbrium, Tl z (i) technology in (1) implies that N - t)'^ + 0(1 - D z ))f 0) (p(i) ((1 - z z and C# (0 — Cl(^) > f° r must exist J (where 1) J. QED Proof of J is p(i') (1 it Lemma 2: ^ —i'f To derive a contradiction, suppose that for — i'Y p(i'){l Consider two firms in sectors unskilled technologies. In equilibrium, these substituting Pl (1 — for i) We Dz = Thus, can then rewrite equation _ / Pt 0W NL Then, since all i > J, and y(l) p(i) Pjr, we have y = { P\j (skilled) workers. '' (1 = — i) i(i)(i . - i)-e l(i) = However, J, p(i) J, p(i) = = Pni~® <i<J o if J, we have yi = y(0)(l Furthermore, (29) imphes that Nnh{l). Hence, Thus, < for all i , y(l)i~ p < both using < i i" (5) as follows: Next, recall that consumers' utility maximization implies that piyt = for all < i' profits. A similar argument establishes that for all i > some Pl. v(i) i',i", two firms must make zero in equation (28) gives a contradiction. 1 some L/(l l[i) {h(i)) - must be equal J) and h(i) ^ 36 = H/J. =Y — j/(0) for alii G (0, 1) i)~P. Similarly, for = 1-/3)//3 P[ iVL Z(0) in all sectors using unskilled We need to prove that Ph/Pl finally (and, in particular, p{0)y(0) h y(l) Ptf 2/(0) where the second equahty (30) establishes (8). = p(l)y(l)), x = that (Fir/r) 7T = 1' BGP (g). tt l , and g = =T now (6), (7) , then: J) { and BGP (29). 1 /7 in the text. is = Tx ^ BGP x# — x^ = 1 we know that g (4) Tx' 1 = Vz = t/tt z (1_ "' 7 (7r/r) j Rearranging terms in - p)L /J = Define Nl/Nl and k/k = x H /x H — n xl/xl). We start with the growth = Tx ^ 1 = Tx 1-7 where 1 Recall, x. first, that free Thus, in a balanced growth equilibrium, . - exp(-l)/3(l and the second follows from stability. 1 In order to derive the expression of . n exp(-l)/?(l equality follows from (10) Consider = PH pi 1: From implies that 1 Pi and =Y piyi QED the last equality exploits the fact that in R&D Observe that, since (8). Pg-MNHH/jl Pt PW NL L/J Proof of existence and uniqueness of entry in = p(0) obtained by using is Proof of Proposition rate along the given by is = Nh/Nl p) (L n + ZH n , ) rr, observe where the first (15). = and k xh/xl (so, n/n = Recall that free entry implies Yx'^Vz NH /NH — = 1 at all points, so xz Vz r 7r 2 xz lVz 7 ^Txl (n) = p(l~P) {PI) "3 Ln = exp[-l]p(l-p)L n (l + ^jn ZH n /L n ) and7r H (n) = Hn = exp [-1] p(l-P)Hn (l + (l/y/n-ZHn /Ln ))(the second equalities P(l-P) (PS) 1 where n L (n) l/l3 in both expressions follow from observe that (4) implies that system of Clearly, (8)-(9)-(10)). h/n = x^ 1 1 (1 — ac ) differential equations describing transitory n n k XH xH The stability properties of this = ^(l-* -7 . We and H {n) < Tt' 0. Next, can then write the following dynamics: 1 = [iTxVT 1 [*H(n) T_ TTg(^) 7 l rx H (31) ) - n L (n)] dynamic system are "block-recursive" Note, . that although x H affects the speed of growth of both it > L (n) 7r' 1-7 n and k in first in particular, two equations, does not affect the sign of the dynamics of neither of these two variables. therefore determine first the stability of n and k, can and then characterize the behavior of xh- Figure 8 gives this argument diagrammatically. Recall that 37 We n is the only predetermined = k h Figure < from any n variable. Starting monotonically converges to n Transitional dynamics. 8: n*, (e.g.- = n* = and k n = in Figure 8) 1. The we have k < converse applies Finally, the inspection of the third equation of (31) 1, and the system when n> n*. shows that given the dynamic adjustment of n and 7r#(n), there exists a unique trajectory of x H converging to the with ±h = Since 0. Xh is not predetermined, xjj will be set in equilibrium along this QED. converging trajectory at every point of time. Derivation of Equations (20) and (21): Substitute h{i) = H/{\ - Y = exp ( J), kL (i,v) f log(l - 'NL (Pl' p L/j) Now, using the fact that Y= = Pl ifdi l /P L/ J and k H (i,v) + defined in in all Lemma ) = P]j p for y(i) using (2), l(i) ZH/{\ - = L/J, J) in (18): x i-j x [nh (P]I P ZH/{1 - J)Y'\ZH/(1 - J)Y KL = NL Pl'p L and KH = NH P^ZH, we obtain: B( J, NL NH , ) [Kl^lP] B(J,NL Nh) , x [KH l -P is -ii-j (ZHf as defined in equation (19). (Part l)Recall that technology parameters, Nl and Nh, Nr n = Jm as economies. Then, equation (15) implies that J — N +N Proof of Proposition same f logi^di ~\L/J)^ where integration estabhshes that are the BGP 3: . 3. Therefore, TFP is maximized, along BGP, in the North. s Since jj < j-, Proposition 2 - and, in particular, equation (16) - implies that J > N£fN Applying again Lemma 3 estabhshes that TFP in the South is strictly less than TFP in the North. 38 (Part 2)With the alternative definition of also an inverse U-shaped function with a maximum we have (19), Jm at that B(J,NL ,NH ) is where: (NH \wi ./'"' I TFP, Jm V N1L - J n )/Jn = ZHn /L n > (1 - J n )/Jn = Z^J{H n /L n (H /L s ). This implies that NH < NL i.e. ZH n < L, is sufficient to guarantee B(J n ,NL ,NH > B(J S NL NH ). So if ZH n < L, the desired result is established. From (15), we have s (1 ) ) , , , > NL Let S A = (H /L )/(H < 1. Then, 3A < lsuch that if A < A, then B(J ,NL ,NH > B(J S NL NH ). This follows immediately by observing that if A = 0, then B(J S NL NH = minj B( J, NL NH ) = NL and B( J, NL NH is continuous in J. QED. Next, s the n n /L consider s ZH n > where case L", so Nh that . ) , ) , Proof of Proposition 4: First, trade ensures that are equalized. Equation (9) in Section are now II. C still commodity J determines when the prices, Pj and P^ in each country given prices. the same in the North and the South, so Next, observe that ) ) , , Pl and Ph , , J7^ — JTn (unanticipated) trade opening occurs, = JT . Nh/Nl is given This implies - given equations (8)-(9)-(12) - that immediately after (predetermined). trade opening (PH /PL ) n < (Ph /Pl)1 < (Ph/Pl)", n Jn < Jl < J s and (w H /w L ) < (wH /wL )Jo < (wH /wL y After the impact effect of trade opening, the state variables now BGP the condition, (23), when (Ph/Pl) 71 'h > 7T 'l- T = no longer is (Ph/Pl)" Since This condition satisfied. after trade Nh opening (Ph /Pl) T will > d ai be NL change, as satisfied again (Ph/Pl)", we have Transitory dynamics can be characterized by an argument identical to that of Proposition In particular, (31) applies exactly except that the second differential 1. equation has a different "zero". Therefore, our previous argument immediately implies that after trade opening x H As Nh/Nl world increases, the Proof of Proposition to GDP in the South > x^ 5: until skill (L n fl 2 + (^-ZH n l^ (L«)i/2 + (ZjlzH*)*/ 2 s strictly increasing in (from Proposition 4), increases, GDP in the North is: Y is premium (NH /NL ) T as given by (24). and Ph/Pl and J decline. QED converges to Equation (11) implies that the ratio of Yn which Nh/Nl so it increases Proof of Proposition A(l NL , Nh/Nl l since ) Hn /Ln > (32) H /L s s Trade increases . Nh/Nl Yn /Y QED s . 6: Recall that NH = 2 ) TFPl -J [NLJ NH (1 39 - is: J)- (w) J- J f • exp[-l] (33) Since J s = J n with TFP trade, argument applies to TFP2, B(J, Proof of Proposition of property rights reduces convergence. 8: North and the South are equalized The same in the NL NH QED ). , Once again Nh/Nl (see GDPs relative Lemma 4 in are given by (32). Enforcement Appendix B), and hence leads to GDP QED Proof of Proposition 9: As before, equilibrium in the North can be characterized without reference to the South, since there are no property rights or commodity trade. Equation (15) premium skill the BGP still in the North with (26) this is still Given in the North. combining R&D determines equilibrium equal to Z. Combining this with (26), for c NH and NL for c = choices for given relative supplies. s gives , (12) gives the skill the BGP skill premium premium and = The n, gives in the South, and relative supplies in the South. Finally, to analyze the local a differential equation in £ H /Ln Recall that . we only need economy continues to be block equilibrium (the world North's equilibrium = dynamics, augment the dynamic system in (31) with n first, to describe North's recursive, so we can solve the without reference to the South). Around the North's BGP, we have: j _ 6{ U H»m /* = g| - g = „r. «M) [in / (r +v- ,)] I IT - [l-r4nWK)/(r+o-j)]]/i" Using a first-order Taylor approximation, we write: c =4 n n - [wH /w L n [w H /wl) SS ] [n- n ss -d 2 where d\ > and d2 > 0, (34) ] c and the superscript SS denotes steady-state. equations (8) and (12) from the text, we can system of linear which applies around the BGP: differential equations replace relative wages and end-up with the n - = -Oi(/C-l) I - -M«-» n — xh £ ss ) (n-n ss )+c2 (x H -x sHs = Cl = -(d 1 /2 ) + d2 )((-( ss + d (n-n ss )/2 ) 40 Then, using 1 The second equation generally depends on relative skill supplies in the North, £ = H n /L n , but this dependence disappears in the neighborhood of the BGP. Therefore, the system ss we have continues to be block-recursive, so starting from n < n xh > x L n = Nh/Nl , , increases to its BGP value. Similarly, if H n towards that value. 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China Y" 0.880 0.011 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01444 0736 Bkr Bhj A B B2 H/L (H/L) 2 J 0.715 0.537 0.827 0.613 0.798 0.014 0.060 0.866 Syria 1.192 1.032 0.939 0.844 0.914 0.083 0.145 0.727 Taiwan 0.886 0.844 0.960 0.895 0.911 0.124 0.141 0.687 Thailand 0.628 0.514 0.910 0.780 0.740 0.053 0.039 0.771 Austria 0.948 0.986 0.919 0.800 0.927 0.060 0.162 0.758 Belgium 0.929 0.985 0.959 0.891 0.972 0.120 0.264 0.690 Cyprus 0.795 0.747 0.974 0.927 0.883 0.163 0.113 0.656 Denmark 0.840 0.792 0.987 0.960 0.972 0.229 0.263 0.617 Finland 0.834 0.809 0.973 0.925 0.954 0.160 0.213 0.658 France 1.017 1.082 0.958 0.888 0.939 0.117 0.183 0.692 Germany 0.906 0.940 0.939 0.844 0.956 0.083 0.218 0.727 Greece 0.834 0.769 0.946 0.862 0.893 0.095 0.122 0.714 0.441 0.939 0.844 Country Sri Lanka Hungary 0.083 0.727 Iceland 0.961 0.955 0.951 0.871 0.951 0.103 0.207 0.707 Ireland 0.886 0.795 0.952 0.876 0.937 0.106 0.180 0.703 Italy 1.017 1.134 0.930 0.823 0.935 0.072 0.175 0.742 Malta 0.861 0.820 0.884 0.725 0.902 0.035 0.131 0.804 Netherlands 0.992 0.964 0.973 0.925 0.972 0.160 0.264 0.658 Norway 0.906 0.788 0.972 0.922 ...984 0.156 0.315 0.661 0.381 0.937 0.840 Poland 0.730 0.081 Portugal 0.807 0.829 0.903 0.765 0.796 0.047 0.059 0.780 Spain 0.970 1.070 0.933 0.830 0.905 0.075 0.134 0.738 Sweden 0.896 0.983 0.950 0.970 0.203 0.258 0.631 Switzerland 0.911 0.920 0.964 0.904 0.966 0.134 0.246 0.678 Turkey 0.735 0.632 0.897 0.752 0.741 0.043 0.039 0.789 United Kingdom 0.906 1.007 0.969 0.915 0.957 0.147 0.221 0.668 Yugoslavia 0.688 0.487 0.947 0.863 0.843 0.096 0.083 0.713 Australia 0.934 0.902 0.992 0.976 0.985 0.279 0.323 0.594 Fiji 0.766 0.574 0.903 0.765 0.854 0.047 0.090 0.780 New Zealand 0.850 0.736 0.999 0.997 0.991 0.435 0.368 0.539 Papua N. G. 0.539 0.362 0.771 0.515 0.606 0.005 0.013 0.916 Reunion . 0.645 0.827 0.613 . 0.014 Czechoslovakia . 0.387 0.936 0.838 . 0.080 - 0.732 Romania . 0.319 0.923 0.807 . 0.064 . 0.753 0.603 0.960 0.894 Soviet Union See next page for notes. i1 0.122 0.866 0.688 Variable Definitions: Bkr: TFP measure calculated by Bils and Klenow (1998) and Klenow and Rodriguez (1997). See text. Bhj: TFP measure calculated by Hall and Jones (1998). See A: Predicted TFP1, see equation (18) in the text. Calculated with text. H/L from Barro-Lee (column 6). B: Predicted TFP2, see equation (20) in the text. Calculated with H/L from Barro-Lee (column 6). B2: Predicted TFP2. Calculated with H/L from Klenow and Rodriguez (column 7). H/L: Fraction of the population aged over 25 with higher education divided by fraction without in 1985. (H/L)2: From Barro-Lee. Human capital by worker calculated by Klenow and Rodriguez (1997). U.S. value noramlized to 0.508, same as H/L from column J: 6. Threshold sector from the model, used in calibration. See equation (15) in the [1 R7q r 5 </r text.