Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems Digital relays for smart grid protection FRANCESCO MUZI Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics University of L’Aquila Monteluco di Roio, L’Aquila 67100 ITALY Abstract: - Power system protection in electrical power engineering aims at eliminating a faulted part in an electric network from an otherwise healthy power system. Protection coordination involves a process of best timing any faulted currents so as to reduce the extension of outage areas to a minimum after a fault clearance. In the paper, innovative protection methods and devices widely based on computer relaying techniques and reporting are presented and discussed. Moreover, some procedures for the coordination and setting of protection relays are suggested. The main kinds of microprocessor-operated electronic releases analyzed in the study were overcurrent, directional overcurrent and undervoltage. Finally, possible future developments of digital protections are presented and discussed. Key-Words: - computer relaying, digital protections, microprocessor operated releases, smart grids. relays are designed to operate with the fundamental frequency of the fault current. Other relays influenced by significant waveform distortion are negative-sequence-overcurrent releases that can accept THD much lower than 20%, [19]. A further issue connected to smart grid protection must also be considered, namely the automatic reconfiguration of the network following the elimination of a faulted line-segment, which is a necessary premise for electric service restoration. The network reconfiguration is carried out through remotely operated reclosers and circuit breakers that are usually properly driven by a SCADA system or better by a DMS (Distribution Management System), for fast recovery actions aimed at reducing the extension of the outaged area [21]. In order to overcome changes concerning both the configuration and operating conditions of a smart grid, it is also possible to apply adaptive protection procedures, which require a hierarchical configuration of communication lines (preferably optic fibers) to exchange information with network computers and other intelligent devices [23]. 1 Introduction Smart grids with massive Distributed Generation (DG) from renewable sources, which are inherently uncertain as to their times and quantities, are crossed by bidirectional power flows that may cause changes in the direction and magnitude of short circuit currents and therefore engender misunderstandings at measurement protection relays [8], [11-12], [14], [16]. Under these circumstances, the main consequences are: - The loss of selectivity [18]. - The islanding of DG from the main network. - The presence of electromechanical transients and dynamic instability. The unexpected "islanding", sometimes named loss of mains, usually entails that an isolated generator continues to feed local loads. In addition, DG can generate a voltage increase at certain network nodes causing problems in maintaining voltage profiles within admitted limits, sometimes also in nodes equipped by transformers with tap-changers [3] which are usually able to control voltage within a ±10 % range. The presence of both DG and non-linear loads also creates problems in power quality, especially when ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 2 The protection system architecture A digital protection consists of subsystems with well-defined functions, [1-2] [5-7], [9], [15], [24]. In the general scheme, the computational processor is central, since it is responsible for 198 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems processing, storing and sharing data with peripheral interfaces [20], [2]. Usually, the relay inputs are the signals of voltages and currents, often acquired from current and voltage transformers, that must be properly conditioned and digitalized by suitable analog/digital converters. In the following, the main functions implemented in digital relays are presented and commented with an aim to correctly set them for an effective smart grid protection. This protection, which is of the timedelayed type, can be either delay-dependent or delayindependent and can be devised so as to enable the construction of different operation curves. Fig. 1 shows the conceptual scheme and the operation diagram of the function presented. The function is unipolar and is energized if the ground current reaches the operation threshold. The protection function includes a second harmonic restraint that ensures greater stability during the transformer energization [10], [13]. This restraint locks the intervention, whatever the value of the fundamental current. In this protection as well, operation is possible in either timeindependent or dependent modality with the same features as previously described. Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the 51N function. B. The under voltage release In this case, two functions are available, and are standardized as 27D and 27S. The former triggers if the direct voltage component Vd of the three-phase system is lower than the Vsd threshold calibration, [22]. The latter is triggered instead if one of the phase voltages is below the threshold. 3 The overcurrent release The overcurrent function is available in four models, furtherly subdivided into two banks, each available in two groups, named Group A and Group B, respectively. These groups can be arranged in two different modalities through an appropriate configuration of specific parameters. Fig. 1 shows the general scheme of the overcurrent function. C. The earth directional overcurrent release This function has two settings banks, each available in two models, and there are three types of operations. Type 1 determines the projection of the I0 residual current on the characteristic straight line whose position can be fixed by adjusting the θ0 characteristic angle with respect to the residual voltage. A. The maximum earth overcurrent release The maximum earth current function (51N) is characterized by two thresholds. Signal exceeded threshold logic selectivity Timed output Timed output Signal exceeding threshold Trip Value of internal timing counter Fig. 1 Conceptual scheme and operation diagram of the overcurrent function ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 199 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems This projection is compared with the Is0 threshold. The timing is always time-independent. Fig. 3 shows the block diagram for the type-1 modality. The Type 2 function acts as an overcurrent protection to which the concept of direction was added. It is useful for single-ring configurations or with grounded neutral. Fig. 4 shows the block diagram for a type-2 modality. The protection also allows to set a T1 release time, as shown in Fig. 5. Finally, Fig. 6 shows that Type-3 modality acts as a zero-sequence overcurrent protection to which a criterion of angular direction was added. It is worth to note that the sequence network theory must be properly revised for its application on complex smart grids [22], [27]. Signal exceeding threshold logic selectivity Timed output Fig. 2 Block diagram of the 51N function memory reset Line-bars choice Timed output memory Pick-up signal logic selectivity Fig. 3 Block diagram for the Type 1 modality for the earth overcurrent release line-bars choice Timed output Pick-up signal logic selectivity External VT Fig. 4 Block diagram for the Type 2 modality for the earth overcurrent release ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 200 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems - MODBUS PLUS with a fast dedicated channel. As concerns the OSI Application Layers, Fig. 7 and Table 1 show the Modbus communication stack and layer levels respectively. trip Value of internal timing counter Fig. 5 Operation diagram for the Type 2 modality Fig. 7 Modbus communication stack Line-bars choice Table 1 Comparison between OSI and Modbus levels Timed output Pick-up signal logic selectivity External VT LAYER ISO/OSI MODEL 7 Application MODBUS MODEL 6 Presentation Empty 5 Session Empty 4 Transport Empty 3 Network Empty 2 Data link Modbus Serial line Protocol 1 Physical Modbus Ethernet, etc. Modbus Application Protocol Threshold Trip zone 5 Possible future developments Fig. 6 Operation diagram of Type 3 modality In the field of electric energy distribution the time for radical changes in efficiency, reliability and security has come, and industry is now ready to invest in developing the advanced technologies necessary to improve the new smart grids. As a matter of fact, these must be managed and controlled by a set of advanced, digitally-based technologies, which include phasor measurement, centralized and integrated voltage and VAR controls, grid automation, advanced monitoring and diagnostics. The expected improvements will affect network power quality and security, and be verified by means of remote, real-time inspection performed through new telecommunication systems using advanced encryption [25]. In combination with the new challenges coming from the need to safeguard the environment while at same time assuring the required energy, a myriad new technologies will soon reshape the traditional 4 Communication protocols Normally, communications between different sensitive devices installed takes place with a MODBUS protocol. This is a protocol placed at level 7 of the OSI (application Layer). The different implementation types of a Modbus protocol are shown in the following: - TCP/IP –ETHERNET. - Serial asynchronous transmission applied with various supports (EIA/TIA 232 E, EIA/TIA 422, EIA/TIA 485 A, optical fiber, radio, etc.). ISBN: 978-960-474-328-5 Master/Slave, 201 Recent Researches in Electric Power and Energy Systems fundamentals of electrical distribution, including power protection systems. Some of the technologies required to implement smart grids are already available on the market. Basic SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems have actually evolved towards DMS (Distribution Management System), and Geospatial information systems (GISs) can be integrated with Outage Management Systems (DMSs). New advanced sensors allow accurate, realtime evaluations of network performances. Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMIs) in combination with Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) systems represent a powerful means to reduce both the SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) and SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index), [17]. On the other hand, differently from the estimated, approximated methods used in the past, the present accuracy of outage reports may increase the CAIDI (Customer Average Interruption Duration Index), while quick automatic service restorations may cause a shift of events from SAIFI into MAIFI (Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index). This may lead to further investments in research targeted at improving grid power quality and reliability. [3] D. Westermann, P. Bretschneider, H. Rüttinger, A Novel Approach for Distribution System Operation Utilization State of the Art Communication Technology, IEEE Power and Energy Power Society General Meeting 2009, Calgary, Canada, 2009. [4] F. Muzi, Real-time Voltage Control to Improve Automation and Quality in Power Distribution, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 4, Volume 7, April 2008. [5] Schneider Electric, Sepam user-manual – 2012. [6] F. Muzi, A. De Sanctis, P. Palumbo, Distance protection for smart grids with massive generation from renewable sources, 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy & Environment (EE'11), Cambridge (UK), 2011. [7] M. Cerullo, G. Fazio, M. Fabbri, F. Muzi, G. Sacerdoti, Acoustic signal processing to diagnose transiting electric-trains, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2 June 2005 [8] C. Buccella, C. A. Canizares, C. Cecati, F. Muzi, P. Siano, Guest Editorial for the Special Section on Methods and Systems for Smart Grids Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, Number 10, ITED6, October 2011. [9] F. Muzi, Distance relays in conjunction with a new control algorithm of inverters for smart grid protection, 2011 CIGRE International Symposium, Bologna, Italy, 2011. [10] M. Gong, X. Zhang, Z. Gong, W. Xia; J. Wu, C. Lv, Study on a new method to identify inrush current of transformer based on wavelet neural network, Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011. [11] F. Muzi, M. Barbati, A real-time harmonic monitoring aimed at improving smart grid power quality, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Measurements for Future Grids (SMFG), Bologna, Italy, Nov. 14-16, 2011. [12] G. Houlei, P. Qingle, A. Yanqiu, Z. Baoguang, Q. Xiaosheng, W. Yuanbo. T. Chun, New type of protection and control method for smart distribution grid, Developments in Power Systems Protection, 2012, 11th International Conference on Digital Object Identifier, 2012. [13] F. Muzi, R. Dercosi Persichini, An analysis of overvoltages in large MV-Cable installation, 15th IEEE-ICHQP International Conference, Hong Kong, 17-20 June 2012. 6 Conclusions An important, as yet unsolved problem with smart grids involves the present criticality of network infrastructures for renewables and distributed generation. Actually, the intermittency of large scale renewable energies in combination with a necessarily distributed-type generation introduces another challenge, namely the management of power flowing back and forth along the grid. This problem also affects fault currents and consequently the operation of protection systems. Possible solutions may surely be found with an improvement of digital protections. In this paper the some new kinds of microprocessoroperated releases used to protect smart grids are presented, analyzed and discussed. References [1] G. Fazio, V. Lauropoli, F. Muzi, G. 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