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MASSACHLISETTSTfJSTiTUTr TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series EVOLVING STANDARDS FOR ACADEMIC PUBLISHING: A q-r THEORY Glenn Ellison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Working Paper 00-1 July 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_id=XXXXXX This paper can be Evolving Standards for Academic Publishing: Glenn Ellison A q-r Theory 1 Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology .-v June 2000 would like to thank the National Science Foundation (SBR-9818534), the Sloan Foundation and the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences for their support. I would like to thank Robert Barro, John Cochrane, Ken Corts, Drew Fudcnberg, John Geanakoplos, Robin Pcmantlc, Gary Saxonhonsc and various seminar audiences for helpful comments and Christine Kiang and Nada Mora for outstanding research assistance. J I Abstract This paper develops a model of evolving standards for academic publishing. It is mo- tivated by the increasing tendency of academic journals to require multiple revisions of articles and by changes in quality dimensions: q and the content of articles. Papers are modeled as varying along two r. The former represents the clarity and importance of a paper's and polish. Observed trends are regarded as increases in r-quality A static equilibrium model in which an arbitrary social norm determines how q and r are weighted is developed and used to discuss comparative statics explanations for increases in r. The paper then analyzes a learning model in which referees (who have a biased view of the importance of their own work) try to learn the social norm main ideas and the latter its craftsmanship from observing how their own papers arc treated and the decisions editors make on papers they referee. The model predicts that social increasingly emphasize r-quality. JEL Classification No.: A14, D70, C73 Glenn Ellison Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142-1347 norms will gradually but steadily evolve to Introduction 1 I encourage potential readers of this paper to first put it down for through a thirty- or forty-year-old issue of an economics journal. convey much better than much longer. 1 2 longer introductions. They have have more sections discussing extensions of the main The anticipate that this will I can how dramatically economics papers have changed over the I few decades. Papers today are last two minutes and thumb results. They have more They references. Around 1960 process by which papers get published has also changed dramatically. the Quarterly Journal of Economics reserved the "revise-and-resubmit" option for five or so special cases per year. submit their papers, about nine months. takes 20 to 30 receive reports, Today extensive months similar experiences. they have received at I and get a final norm and in let still authors acceptance within getting an acceptance disciplines have had academic journals arc widespread and dramatic, field this reflects that the changes have occurred see only a small part of the overall picture. develop a model to organize the observed trends and help us think about potential explanations. as differing along revisions revisions arc the Perhaps attention. gradually and that researchers in each In this paper make most top journals. 4 Many other academic While the changes little most journals' processes In the early 1970's My central premise is that two quality dimensions: q and r. we can I academic papers usefully regard think of q as reflecting a paper's main ideas and r as representing other aspects of quality described by words like craftsmanship, thoroughness and polish. phenomenon of a single I think of the various changes noted above as different aspects — an increase in the r-quality of published papers. an equilibrium model of time allocation and quality standards and use 'Ariel Rubinstein's 1982 is Econometrica article, "Perfect shorter than the average note in Econometrica in 2000 For example, Amartya Sen's "The Equilibrium (if in it I first develop to discuss what a Bargaining Model," for example, one accounts for the type sizes). Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal" and two other papers in the January- February 1970 issue of the Journal of Political Economy had one paragraph introductions. No introduction in the Feburary 2000 JPE was shorter than seven paragraphs and two were longer than Sen's entire paper. An extreme example here is Michael Spence's 1973 QJE paper "Job Market Signaling." It contains two While my anectodes all relate to classic papers, old journals also contain many derivative papers references. making N ' oider contributions to long forgotten literatures. These also look very different from today's papers. ''The one exception is the QJE where on the duration of review process. it takes about 13 months. See Ellison (2000) for much more data might cause such an increase. I then develop a dynamic learning model in which economists struggle to reconcile the high standards to which they arc being held with the mediocrity they see of their (This occurs in part because economists have biased views of the quality in journals own The model work.) predicts that social norms will evolve gradually to emphasize r-quality. I begin in Section 2 with a quick look at some data on the form of papers and the length of the review and revision process in a number of disciplines. Section 3 describes a static equilibrium model of the journal publishing process. continuum of economists are endowed with one unit of time in which to write one paper A for the one journal in the profession. Papers are described by their position along two quality dimensions, q and of the main r. interpret the q dimension as reflecting the clarity I results of the paper, and the dimension as reflecting various other aspects r that are typically improved of quality (generality, robustness checks, extensions, etc.) and when authors "polish" papers prior to submission. in revisions economists make on r-quality. how is to divide their time A commonly and importance The main decision between the developing new ideas and working understood social norm determines how the quality dimensions arc weighted. I analyze the static model in Section produces a reasonable outcome. Papers 4. For a range of parameter values the model initially submitted to the journal can be divided into three groups. Papers with the lowest q are determined to be of sufficiently low interest that no feasible revision could papers with intermediate possible, but only make them q's are acceptable. if Finally, make two main observations about are possible. spend most of spend very If the their little A second set of papers with a sufficiently high q they achieve a somewhat lower always able to meet the revision standard that I are not revised. marginal. These papers are revised to the greatest extent some become acceptable. be publishable even They is r. set for The authors of these papers are them. the static model. First, a continuum of social community agrees that ^-quality time developing main ideas. If is will norms very important, then authors will r-quality is very important, then authors time on ideas and focus on revisions. Nothing in the model prevents either extreme or something in the middle from being an equilibrium. Second, the marginal papers that fall just short of being accepted arc relatively low in (-/-quality /•-quality relative to the set of that a paper's q-quality The model makes is resubmitted papers. This developed and revisions first number clear that a is and a consequence of the assumption later increase r. of equilibrium comparative statics explanations could be given for increases in r-quality. Such explanations, however, in practice. them The observed changes economics and other in requires cither a large change in outcome My to an exogenous variable. relatively high in some exogenous fields may not work well are large. Accounting for variable or a high sensitivity of the impression from the empirical work I've done the economics profession has not changed much is that over the last thirty years. (Ellison, 2000) Equilibrium explanations arc also hard to reconcile with editors' comments that changes were not planned or desired. explanations — to account I for take these difficulties as motivation for exploring evolutionary observed changes such an explanation only need sto provide a good reason to think that each year papers be a paragraph longer and require a will couple weeks more to revise than the year before. Section 5 describes a dynamic learning model. journal's referees (who arc also the authors). The main The actors in the model arc the referees are not self-interested. They simply try to apply the prevailing standards of the profession in weighting 7-quality and r-quality and in proposing a set of improvements that would bring a paper up to the pub- lication threshold. Referees learn the prevailing standards of what revisions they arc asked to from two sources: observations make and observations of whether editors eventually decide to accept or reject papers they have refereed. Editors are not an active force in the model. They simply fill the journal's slots by accepting the fraction r of papers with the highest average quality (weighted according to the then prevailing model of a busy editor. Making referees the driving force comments that they abhor the trend toward fifty is norm).T view this as a also consistent with editors' page papers with myriad extensions and wish that authors would just concisely explain what ideas they have. Section 6 discusses the dynamic model with no overconfidence bias. All of the equilibria (if the static model are steady-states. standard that is I note that if infeasibly high, then economists will referees try to to hold authors to a both realize that overall quality stan- dards arc lower than they had thought and conclude that r-quality must be relatively more important than they had thought. The latter inference is papers that are unexpectedly accepted are relatively low made because in q and the submarginal relatively high in r. Section 7 adds in the assumption that economists are biased and think their work than slightly better it really is. 5 The former steady-states of the model are destabilized as referees try to hold others to the higher standard that they perceive to their own papers. Standards can not stray is being applied from the equilibrium set far - - referees would see editors accepting many papers they strongly recommended against and would overwhelm the What happens e bias. authors to a standard that instead is about how economists rationalize standards that are too high still gradual evolution of social norms to increasingly weight r-quality. them a candidate the dynamics makes for is good enough There has been notable is little to make its all, tastes. The focus model is The result is The slow steady form a of because the dynamics change once work on the dynamics of standards. The most in which a admission to a club. (One could think of publishing have heterogeneous applies. acceptance a sure thing. related theoretical Sobel's (1998) analysis of a of the previous section explaining observed trends. In the long run the process stops short of papers having no q-quality at no paper's idea this that referees perpetually try to hold The observation slighly too high. is is on how series of in candidates work to obtain a journal as an example.) Judges different voting rules lead to rising, falling or fluctuating standards. The general fact that title I have not to followed the current trend and given this paper an overly and a seven page introduction should not be taken to indicate that there are not broader lessons to be learned from for politeness, standards for it. There are all kinds of social norms, language and violence on television, hazing at hours worked by young doctors and lawyers, years spent of grades, etc. Many of these e.g. in standards fraternities, higher education, distributions norms have commonly perceived trends, but other than the In the psychology literature this is referred to as an overconfidence bias. An often discussed example is Svenson's (1981) finding that about 90 percent of the U.S. college students in his study estimated themselves to be safer (and more skillful) at driving than the median subject. Psychologists have reported that experts many fields are overconfident in assessing their own ability to answer questions. Lichtenstein, Fischoff and Phillips (1982) piovide a nice (but early) survey. Overconfidence is frequently mentioned in finance to motivate the existence of agency problems and to justify the actions of noise traders as in De Long et al in (1990). Odean (1998) is a notable recent contribution with a detailed summary of psychology and finance papers on overconfidence. Rabin (1998) discusses a number of other psychological biases and their relevance to economics. literature on fashion cycles, e.g. Kami and of the existing literature on social Schmeidlcr (1990) and Pesendorfcr (1995), most norms doesn't focus on change. conclusions about other norms from my My results. view should be expected and On a theoretical level, if so in what will not try to draw that one would need to analyze is each application separately and think about how the norm drift I is learned to assess whether a direction. the paper's innovation to note that is one can produce a model that explains a long gradual trend by making a slight perturbation to a model with a continuum of equilibria. penetrating question: In an early presentation of this paper 'so arc you trying to tell us that you're going to explain a thirty-year trend by saying that we've been out of equilibrium the whole time?' hope to convince readers that models of the type Some data from 2 Table 1 The table lists long as they were twenty long how "Yes!" I possible. the form of an academic article has number five many years ago and have about twice; as of references for now than in 1975. The references. Jn almost increases are Likewise with the exceptions of law and history, articles references. way is make such arguments the average page length and the average papers seem to be longer the sciences. more answer top journals in a number of disciplines. Economics papers arc roughly twice as articles in all fields introduce I My various disciplines provides some statistical evidence on changed. Robert Barro asked a more moderate now tend While economics has experienced substantial reference growth to go to catch many in to have it has a social sciences. Table 2 provides some evidence on how long extensively they are revised for publication in a takes longer to get a paper accepted now than it takes to review papers and on number it of fields. did in 1975. how In almost every case it While Econometrica and the Review of Economic Studies have the most drawn out publication processes among the listed journals, similar trends are visible in computer science, psychology, statistics, linguistics and finance, and I've been told that many rounds at the top journals in marketing, political science, A slowdown is also visible in some sciences, but the of revisions are also the and a number of other time scale is norm social sciences completely different. The 3 model static In this section describe I a. simple static model of academic publishing. The main the model are a continuum of economists (of unit mass). Each economist one unit of time and may mass r of papers with and leisure time, i.e. write one paper. There < r < is is endowed with one economics journal that publishes a Economists preferences arc lexicographic 1. actors in in publications they attempt to maximize the probability of publishing an article in the journal; holding the probability of publication fixed they prefer more leisure to Papers can be dimension is fully described by two dimensions of quality, q and The r. less. g-quality intended to reflect the inherent importance, interest, clarity etc. of the main ideas of the paper. The r-quality dimension when they quality that authors improve paper's exposition, to make is intended to aspects of reflect additional arc asked in revisions to improve and tighten a clear relationships to other papers in the literature, to generalize theoretical results, to check the robustness of empirical results, to extend the analysis to consider tela ted questions, etc. norms Social Under the aq + (I (a, z)-social norm., — a)r > z. papers arc regarded as worth of publication The parameter a may addition to reflecting what people think while he feels that a particular high failure to The it make should r still q, two reflect makes a paper people think authors should be required to do. in a journal, common and commonly known. papers are assumed to be for evaluating different value valuable, it if and only judgements. can also reflect is "better" than the marginal paper improvements required of everyone is While the model illustrated below. a.t else. moment the is described as a four the authors are the only ones acting in a nonmechanical way. 1 t = 3 Economists Referees Economists Editors choose assess q choose say q e [0, l] what For example, a referee might argue that low r paper step process with three groups of players, t In be rejected because the good idea does not excuse the author's timeline of the model t= if report r(q) tr e [o, i - g yes/ no In the first stage of the model, authors choose the fraction t G q devote to thinking up and developing the main ideas of the paper. ~ of q-quality q t q F F Assume that F(q\t q ). is Natural specifications infinite). mean t q The a paper will rn(t [0, result q )] t is and q each > (with m{t q ) t q . or exponentially [0, t q ] . model authors submit In the second stage of the their papers to the journal. journal's referees correctly assess the quality q of the paper and report that acceptable for publication if and only authors are able to revise if aq + quality of at least r(q) as defined by r(q) as a for have the q distribution increasing in For example, q might be assumed to be uniformly distributed on distributed with time to continuously differentiablc in has an everywhere positive density f{q\t q ) on the interval being possibly [0,1] of their (1 — a)r(q) = z. it it The will be and achieve an r- In practice one can think of measure of the number of improvements rcfereees ask for in their reports and the difficulty of the tasks. amount In the third stage authors choose the revisions. r = h(t. r ) The production + Assume that h! > and assume where rj, is 77 of /--quality a random again a is < 0. To ensure also that h'(0) = 00, random tr [0, 1 (E is — t to q\ process. Specifically, spend on assume that with a > 0. a decreasing returns activity with h(0) = 0, variable uniformly distributed on the production of revisions h" of time [0, a] that time will be allocated to both dimensions of quality and h'(l) = I 0. which aq In the fourth stage, editors accept the fraction r of papers for + (1 — a)r is highest for publication. An equilibrium of the model is a quadruple, (a,z,t*,t*(q)) such that chosen to maximize the probability that aq there are multiple choices that yield the fraction of papers with social norm, 4 if aq + (1 - a)r > there exist choices of t q + (1 - a)r > and is exactly t r (q) for r. I and t*(q) are z (and are as small as possible same probability z r* of publication) and such that the will refer to (a, z) as which (a, z, t q , tr if (q)) is a consistent an equilibrium. Analysis of the static model In this section I analyze the model described in the previous section. main observations. First, many different social norms arc possible. I wish to highlight two Second, the marginal accepted papers tend to have relatively low ^-quality and relatively high r-quality in the universe of published papers. Characterization of equilibrium 4.1 The analysis of the equilibrium an equilibrium leisure, at t 3 authors will devote r-quality unless the paper less time a straightforward backward induction argument. Consider Because of the lexicographic preference (a, z, t* t*{q))- = is all of their remaining time to improving their paper's sure to be rejected is for publications over anyway or sure to be accepted even is if devoted to revisions. As a result we have, is Proposition In any equilibrium of the model, 1 q={z-{\- a)h{\ - Then, t*))/a. q<q let q = h- l ((z-aq)/(l-a)) (For this proposition, define h~ (x) Note that may q the support of be less Hence, q. it is = if — (1 — a)(h(l — t*) + o~))/a and and (0 [ (z x < if q<q, if q < q. 0.) may than zero and q be greater than the upper bound of may possible that either of the extreme cases not arise for particular parameterizations of the model. In the first stage, the time will t q allocated to trying to develop the main ideas for a paper be chosen to maximize the probability of eventual publication. Write G{z\t) probability that aq + (1 — a)r is at most z when above proposition. Note that this probability set equal to 1 — t q . G(z:t) is a fixed t. G is is chosen optimally as in the the same as it would be q maxfl,- uniformly continuous in z and strictly and rr t, t if t r was simply Hence, G(z;t)=J_ Note that is = for the between zero and one. Write The equilibrium time allocation is L a It is strictly t. G~ i )f(q\t)dq increasing in z whenever {p;t) foi the inverse of this function for easily described by Proposition 2 In any the first stage of the time allocated to developing q- equilibrium., quality satisfies t* G Argm.axt G~\\ - r\t). Proof In equilibrium, each economist's satisfy G(z;t*) = (1 - r). If r* < accepted with probability is does not belong to Argmax £ G -1 (l G _1 (l — r;t) > G _1 (l - r; does maximize that expression has increasing in z whenever paper G(z; t) which contradicts the optimality of < 1. t.*) this implies that G(z, - = t) r. Hence, z must r;t), then Because z. any t which G is strictly < G(G _1 (1 — t; t)) = r, t*. QED. Some examples 4.2 Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of case generated by assuming that t for r production has a = 0.5 and is h(t r ) = y/t T — = tr paper qualities 03, q is in a "typical" equilibrium uniformly distributed on /2 with a = 0.2, and the social [0, r 9 ], — in this the technology norm forjudging papers z as 0.504. For those parameters, the equilibrium effort allocated to q production turns out to be t* ~ All three possible 0.S2G. g-quality less that q ~ outcomes of a submission occur. 0.48 realize that their papers have no chance of becoming acceptable and do not attempt to revise them. Authors of papers with as much time as possible to revising (setting tr = 1 — t* accepted with probability strictly between zero and one. q G [<?, papers m(tq) will The — t*] Authors of papers with x [0.68,0.83] % € (q,q) q 0.174) (0.48,0.68) devote and have their papers Authors of papers with quality do the minimal revision necessary to ensure that their be accepted with probability one. figure shows the outline of the support of the equilibrium distribution of paper qualities in (q, r)-space. Paper qualities are distributed with a constant density within these regions. Papers in the lower papers are never accepted. left The upper box are those right region is for which authors set upper region is, of course, r. tr = 0. These divided into a triangle of papers thai are revised then rejected and a trapezoid of papers that are accepted. in this ~ The mass of papers . 0.6 h(l-t*)+o \ Revised but - mi-*:) rejected -- Accepted papers N N o effort at revision — 9 Figure The 1: q~U[0,t q : The form = as much time 0.2, a = q 1 q seems to compared = 0.3, 0.5, z as 0.504. reflect fairly well observation I'd like to make' relatively low ^-quality The marginal = y/i-t/2, a of the equilibrium One journal q equilibrium distribution of paper qualities in a "typical" equilbrium: r h(t) \ 1 1 t* the functioning of an economics that the "marginal' is to the pool of accepted papers — - 7 rejected papers have they all have q £ [q,q\. rejected papers are not relatively low in /--quality. Their authors have spent as possible revising and achieved r-qualitics that are on a.verage superior to those of accepted papers. While I think that the case illustrated above quent arguments focus on authors set tT = t* the primary one of interest and subse- the equilibrium can take other forms for different parameter Most notably, when a values. all it, is is — there sufficiently small (i.e. g-quality is of its The eventual acceptance a sure thing. for such a case: q ~ U[0, t is good enough to following proposition formalizes this obser- paper qualities and the acceptance vation. Figure 2 graphs the equilibrium distribution of and rejection regions importance) always be some chance that any idea, no matter how will vacuous, can be developed into a publishable paper and no paper's idea make little q ], = v^T — h(t r ) tr /2, o = 0.2, a = 0.2 and finite and z« 0.532. Proposition 3 Suppose uniformly bounded for t*{q) = 1 — t* for all that the upper all q 6 t q E [0, 1]. [0, rn.(t*)], bound of the q- distribution, Then, there exists i.e. all a > m(t q ). such that for is all a € (0, a), papers are reuised to the greatest extent possible 10 h{l-t*) +o Accepted papers 0.6 -• h(i-t;) Revised but rejected t* q Figure T = 2: 0.3, q An example ~ q \ a" equilibrium: of the equilibrium quality distribution in a "low U[0, t q ), h(t) and no paper achieves q =y/i- t/2, a = a = 0.2, 0.2, z tv 0.532. a level of q- quality sufficient to ensure that it will be accepted with probability one. Proof To see that q < note that if a paper with q and gets the best possible draw on r-quality = is revised to the greatest extent possible its overall quality will be (1 — a)h(l — t*) + a. In equlibrium, Probjary + (1 - a)r > (1 - a){h(l -tl) 7 + a)} < Prob{r > a < 1 For a sufficiently small the expression is less of the paper with q = than r, Ml - —> •m{t*)f<j q' -a +a 1 as q — » -m(t*)} H —a 0. '" and hence there is a positive probability > m(t*) note that if a paper with g-quality m(t*) the greatest extent possible but gets the worst possible draw on r-quaHty + (1 - a)h(l - Pvob{a<7+ (1 - a)r > am(i!) + am{t*) ¥ being acceptable. Similarly, to see that q level is tl) t*) revised to is its overall quality and (1 - a)Wl - t*)} > Prob{r > h(l - t*) H + 1 > <xm(t* ) 1 q cr(l-a) 11 1 as a —a -» 0. H Hence, the best r < any r for is the probability that a paper with g-quality m(t*) 1 strictly positive a if is fails to be among sufficiently small. QED. Some of the results I'll give later will the statements of these results I depend on the form will give the To of the equilibrium. simplify forms pictured in the figures (and a couple of other forms) names. Definition q It 1 < m(t*} and r(m.(t.*)) > has the "som.ewhat low 0<q<q< an equilibrium / will say that 0. An a" form, if m(t*) and r(m(t*)) The somewhat low a form is "typical" or has the typical is a" equilibrium, has the "low < < < q m,(t*) < q. form, It is if < q if < < m(t*) q < < q. a" form "high of the if 0. similar to the low a form, with the only difference being The that in the former authors of the lowest q papers do not revise their papers. is form similar to the typical form, but the highest q papers are so good that r(q) high, a form negative, is i.e. they revised the paper to make it be publishablc. The authors of these papers obviously exert no effort on revisions and have referees tell die authors that even if their papers accepted with quality to .spare. In the a — 0.2 and r = 0.3 the equilibrium has the low low a form for a G high a form for a £ a form for (0.2286,0.3363), the typical form for (0.5870, 1). q if the distribution of q is ~ a € U[0, t q \, would it h(f) = still \/i— r/2, somewhat (0,0.2285), the a € In other specifications for the take on other forms. For example, will model with worse (0.3364,0.5869) and the model the equilibrium can unbounded (or r is large) we simultaneously see papers of the lowest g-quality being resubmitted and papers of the highest g-quality being accepted with no revisions. 4.3 In the The multiplicity of consistent social model described above not all norms arc social in the journal for a small fraction of papers, Thi.v however, community is really the only constraint. norms consistent. If there is only room then the quality threshold z must be high. .Nothing in the model restricts the weight the places on 7-quality versus r-quality. There are a continuum of consistent social norms with any a being possible. The following proposition gives a formal statement to this 12 effect, h{t) = and Figure s/i. - t/2, 3 graphs the set of consistent social a = Proposition 4 In 0.2 = and r is for the model with ~ q U[0, t q ], 0.3. the m.odel described above, for such that (a,z*(a)) norms any a 6 [0, 1] there exists an unique z* (a) a consistent social norm,. Proof For any fixed a, Because for all G is z*(a) to H(z) It is G{z;t) be the uniformly continuous, is II t, let continuous with H(0) = 1 — t. (a, 2*(q)) is CDF of aq+(l-a)r t is an agent setting t. q H(z) = inf t G(z;t). chosen from a compact set and lim 2 _4oo G(z; = and lim z _oo^(z) = 1. Hence there t) — 1 a solution is a consistent social norm. not possible for both (a, z) and (a, In that case, as above. Let z') to be consistent social norms with z equal to the the equilibrium choice under the (a,z') would surpass the z threshhold with piobability greater than < z'. norm r. QED. z i 0.5 -- I Figure r = 3: 0.3. Consistent social norms (a, z) in the model with q and a = Explanations My view of the trends for in observed increases = y/t - t/2, clear that a in /-quality economics papers mentioned be thought of as aspects of an increase makes U[0,t q ], h(t) 0.2. 4.4 all ~ a number in in the introduction is that they can the r-quality of published papers. The model of different explanations for such a change are possible. 13 The explanation published papers I focus on in the latter half of this paper will increase if a decreases, i.e. if norms social that the r-quality of is shift to place; relatively less emphasis on q-quality and relatively more emphasis on r-quality. This raises the r-quality of published papers for two reasons: economists react by allocating more of their time to producing r-quality; and when choosing from the pool of resubmitted papers the journal places more emphasis on r-quality. Other plausible explanations do not require a change and One r. is in social that the technologies for producing q and r norms may have shifted over time. For example, one could argue that economists have begun to exhaust the set of and model change this as a in F{q\t q ) that one could argue that advances in latter explanation reducing r has two A q Similarly, . second potential explanation may have become more is competitive. not straightforward, so First, effects. it I'll discuss more allows the journal to be from the pool of resubmitted papers. Second, of f We is that might think of the in r. and this might standards in both dimensions. 6 raise quality If possible ideas computer technology or accumulated knowledge allow growth of the profession and other factors as equivalent to a decrease The all reduces the marginal benefit of authors to produce more r-quality per unit time. publishing in the top journals for trading off q it affects authors' it Intuitively, further. selective when choosing time allocation decisions. authors react to increased competition by gambling on bold projects that require a t. q . the second effect could offset the first and make the overall effect of competition lot on r-quality ambiguous. Formally, C _1 (l — r; is t q ) should note I first that nothing in the assumptions so far guarantees that (which plays the role of the economists' objective function when quasi concave. If, for example, q ~ [/[0, kt?}\ with n > 1, a discussion as by just I t* will change discontinuously in the Ellison (2000) notes that moderate, but that decreases is such that t* is the relative status ol the top journals number may have I To provide will avoid in the profession also contributed to will as simple such complications t) = over the last 30 years has been some top journals and an increase in the a more substantial increase in competition. of articles published by 14 selected) the unique solution to ^(z*(a.r); by many measures the growth in is and some higher value of t q parameters. can of the potential effects of r on r-quality, assuming that F(q:t) q then the production of g-quality would involve increasing returns. In some cases, both both be local optima and t among, values of standard is which G{z*{a,r)\f) < for t strictly concave at the optimum, and that the probably of achieving the 1 T (z"(a,T):t*) > i.e. 0. ^gj Recall that t*{r) solves dG ~(z*(r);t*q (r))=0. dt Differentiating with respect to r gives z* is always decreasing in r and we have assumed that ^p~ §^§i{z"'{r);t*(T)) < To think about the decreasing in r if that |J(z; the density of the overall quality distribution. t q is ) 0. more spread out when authors spend more time thinking of r-quality is which case the Jj^f negative. In this case, is the overall effect of r on r quality For a. more is q. is is marginal rr new t* will ideas more functional form like F{q\t q ) sensitive to t q tT only shift the for a mean be decreasing increase as r decreases, and authors setting a times the effect of When the journal is is ~ more t q cm their luck being highly nonselective, When the journal on getting nearly as a good a draw as possible on (7[0, t q ], the higher percentiles of the q distribution investcments. Hence the return to on the paper being marginal be and the production conditioning on getting a very bad draw from the q distribution. With a will the q distribution becomes on r-quality conditional on the journal. for extremely selective, the conditioning are t* reflects - a) times the effect of (1 such that their paper this If for the density to is t* may be ambiguous. direct intuition note that q-quality equal to outcome Hence, sign of this derviative note a more deterministic: process in which increases in r-quality [as we've assumed), then the natural in tg, in of positive. is t q is greater when one conditions selective journal. Figure 4 illustrates the effects of changes in r on time allocation and quality in a model with q ~ (7[0,fJ, h{t) = Vt - monotonically decreasing, right panel shows the i.e. t/2, /* effect of r a = 0.2, and a = 0.5 increases as the journal on the mean q- The left panel shows that t* is becomes more competitive.' The and r-quality of the published papers. The The shape of the figure when r is near zero is sensitive to the distributional assumptions. \Vi<h the uniform specification the maximum possible return to /, is bounded and t" is bounded away from one as T q approaches zero. If q had been specified as exponentially distributed with parameter t q the effect of r, on , — t1 percentile of the q distribution would grow without bound as r approaches zero spent on revisions would decrease all the way to zero in the limit. the 1 15 and the time beween r and r-qnality relationship is nonmonotonic. At some points the effect of r on t* dominates, while at others the effect of journal selectivity dominates. $ T 1 Time Figure 5 A The static: 4: Effect of journal selectivity model above has a continuum of equilibria corresponding to I describe a dynamic model of the evolution of norms. common common The model belief. who The model are trying to learn and apply the profession's Instead, the beliefs at every point in to learn the prevailing all different social when one hears the term "learning model" not model agents as arriving with different beliefs and examine whether there convergence to a t, r quality of published papers on time allocation and observed paper quality standards. In contrast to what one might think have r dynamic model of evolving norms involves a population of author-referees will q Mean 1 Mean allocation norms. In this section I Mean norm model time and involves a discrete set of time periods it as in the static receive via referee reports This focus is and game is of Section 2 nol intended to suggest that whether a on and Fudenbeig (2000), the common will on whether agents' attempts 8 t = 0, 1, 2,. (at,zt). . . and serve as a community . At the They then editorial decisions will suggest to effects of belief or preference heterogeneity in Ellison be constructed so that agents will focus I lead to a shift in norms. economists believe that that the social norm try to publish will is start of period write a paper and referee. The data they them that the will reach a social norm common norm and the he evolution of social norms are not interesting. Instead, as beliefs learning model is motivated solely by the desire for a I tractable model that highlights an important effect. 16 is in fact, (at, z t ). This leads them to alter their beliefs aceording to -a a t+ i - zt+i for some constant gather and What First, A: > To complete 0. t , zt the specification must describe what data economists I inferences (d ( z t ) from the data. how they draw the , data do economists get? assume that economists get two types of data points. I when an author submits a paper of quality at least q I assume that the he or she receives give him or her a data point of the form should on the all lie line a t q + {1 - a t )r(q) = zt . I will allow, In particular, I'll r(q)) 9 These datapoints however, for the possibility when judging the that economists arc subject to an overconfidence bias own work. (q, referee reports quality of their assume that they overestimate the r-quality of their initial submission and this leads them to believe that they have been required to achieve an quality that r- 10 In this higher than what they have actually been required to achieve. is e —a = + —a q + (1 Second, whenever an economist referees a paper that is of sufficiently high quality to case, the (q,r(q)) datapoints actually lie on the line a t t )r(q) zt (1 t )e. be 1112 Economists resubmitted he or she gets a data point of the form (g,r, Accept/Reject). expect to sec all papers lying above the line atq papers lying below this If line finite number To keep the model tractable Note that as to make it in a slight list it Q/)r = zt being accepted and all I if they entered the model with common avoid this by invoking word-of-mouth communication. departure from the static model I've assumed that journals do not provide the make the paper publishable if the paper's q-quality is so low of revisions sufficient to inconceivable that a revision will be publishable. of journal practices. because — of data points, then their analyses would lead to a divergence in the second period beliefs even author with a (1 being rejected. economists each saw a beliefs. + I I believe that this is a good description did not try to incorporate such behavior by referees in the static model, however, seemed a needless complication and because it creates a possibility for another type of equilibrium I did not feel was important: authors won't save time for revisions if referees won't ask for multiplicity that large revisions because they don't think they're feasible. Given that the acceptance fronteir is downward sloping in q-r space this assumption is almost equivalent assuming that authors believe their papers to be of slightly higher q-quality than they actually are, or to assuming that have biased views of both the q- and r-quality of their work. I've chosen the formulation above because it makes some results a little cleaner (especially those about small a behavior.) Another important data source for real world economists is reading journals. Given the word-of-mouth assumption below, this would just provide redundant observations on all of the acceptances. For this reason, nothing would be changed if 1 included this data source in the model. An ambiguity in the model is what happens if the assumed standards is so excessively high that fewer than r papers are resubmitted. In the simulations in the next section I assume that in this case editors accept some papers that aie not resubmitted and that these acceptances are observed by the referees. to 17 I talks to every other economist in each period assume that each economist sees all author's of the data points that were generated in that period. While experiences a measure zero subset of his or her datasct, own I this and thereby makes each do not want to lose the possibility of inferences being affected by the authors' misperceptions of the quality of their own work. I thus assume that the {q,r(q)) observations economists receive by hearing others taik about the referee reports they received are contaminated by the author's bias (and that the listeners do not realize What do this). economists do with the data they obtain each period? Fitting the (a, involves estimating the slope and intercept of a line that fits z) model the {q,r(q)) data and divides the acceptance and rejection regions. Typically, no line will do both jobs perfectly. I assume that this does not cause economists to lose faith in their model of the world and that they go ahead and try to Formally, I fit 13 the data as well as possible with the («, z) model. assume that economists' period (d where L(a,z) is describing the (q, fit I , a loss function r(q)) points the hypothesis that Specifically, t all zt ) analyses take the form = argminLfa, zj/zi,^), a, z tha.t describes and a measure referees t \i 2 how poorly the the data (a measure describing the (q, r. /.i\ Accept /Reject) points) and the journal editor are applying the (a, z) social norm. assume that L(a, z; m, fi 2 = Li(a,z;m) + L 2 (a,z;fi 2 ), ) where Li(a, is z; fj,i) = / (r{q)- — 2 ^ d/zi(g), I a J a standard mean squared deviation measure of the distance the {q,r(q)) data points and the line 0*7 L z {a,z:n2 )= iRu A ( V —- a 1 + (1 - a)r = r)d/.i 2 {q,r)+ ) z (in the r-dimension) between and ('"--7 Jr vr \ I -a M/*2(g,r). J Formally, economists are estimating a misspecified model. A justification for not worrying about economists noticing the misspecification is that in a more realistic model economists would only receive a finite number of datapoints and there would be a random component to each observation, so the form of the misspecification would not be so appaient. The idea that economists struggle to reconcile haid-toreconcile observations while maintaining biased self images does not 18' seem unrealistic to me. where Rua failing to is the set of meet the which papers were "unexpectedly accepted" despite r) values for (17, standard and (ct,z) Rur i s 'he set of '"unexpectedly rejected" papers that met the (a, z) standard but were rejected. L2 can be thought of as the product of the fraction of accept/reject decisions that are inconsistent with the (a, 2) (in the age degree of error model and the aver- r-dimension) that appears to be embodied in the "unexpected" decisions. Obviously other loss functions would be reasonable. The most natural would probably be the negative of the log likelihood of the data under a hypothesis involving referees and the editor trying to apply the (a, 2) norm but making idiosyncratic errors in judging the quality of each paper. Analyzing such a specification would require cxaminining integrals of CDF's and PDF's, however, and in I felt that the specification above was the best compromise terms of reflecting a similar goodness-of-fit notion and being tractable. 6 Analysis of the dynamic model with no overconfidence bias (e = 0) In this section dynamic model when economists do not have discuss the behavior of the I an inflated view of the quality of their own work. The main observations arc that consistent social norms arc steady states of the model and that when referees are too demanding economists infer both that their standards were too high and that g-quality must be tively less important than they had thought. 6.1 Steady states When there is no overconfidence bias the static model is Then, (a t , it is easy to see that any consistent social norm of a steady state of the dynamic learning model. Proposition 5 Suppose norm.. rela- zt ) = e = in the (ocq, zq) for all dynamic model and (oq, zq) is a consistent social t. Proof All points (q, r(q)) in the c*o<7+ (1 -cto)r(q) = z . The data obtained from referees' reports lie exactly editor's decisions are also consistent with 19 on the imposing the line (0.0, 20) standard, + a$q i.e. all — ao)r — (1 the ^-distribution zq is always nonnegative) = (ao,zo) — Q'o) r rejected papers have ao<7+ (1 > ~ zo < and Hence, both L\ and L2 are zero for (a, 0. nonatoinic on a continuous support, L\ for all any other (a, z). is accepted papers have z) = (c*o, zo)- Because strictly positive (and The unique minimum of the loss function is L2 is thus (ao, zo)- QED. Disequilibrium dynamics 6.2 In this section I discuss the disequlibrium behavior of the in this section (and in the for (/-production, q ~ remainder of the paper) The whole U[0,t q }. what of want norm The figure was constructed by solving the model numerically the figure is ~ U[0,1 q ], r = 0.3, 14 figure at To a = a — and 0,2 help organize the dynamics 0.3363. This is I — o?, z/ + ] — zj) for various initial beliefs h(t) the locus of consistent social norms (a, z*(a)). are proportional to the change in beliefs (a/ + i beliefs. of economists' beliefs about (a, z) outside of equilibrium follows the pattern illustrated in Figure 5. under the assumption that q line in results to say in this section can be summarized concisely by saying that the dynamic evolution the social The concern the uniform technology will I dynamic model. = The yjl — t/2. vectors in the figure that occurs for various initial have also placed a vertical dashed where the equilibrium shifts The sohd line in the from the somewhat low a form to the typical form. The regions. locus of consistent social norms and the dashed line divide (a,z) In three of the four regions the learing process is space into four mostly just a straightforward adjustment of the overall quality threshold: when referees try to impose a standard that would not allow the editor to that they must reduce 2; when fill the journal they infer from the unexpected acceptances referees are too soft and the editor has to turn down some papers they recommend they learn to choose a higher 14 The speed z. 15 is determined by an arbitrary scaling parameter k. Note that unlike all other graphs in this paper the x and y axes in this figure do not have thf same scale. The j/-axis has been magnified by a factor of 1.5. These choices reflect an attempt to maximize ihe visibility of the directions and minimize clutter. I5 The dynamics in the 2 < z*(q) and a large region fit this desciiption only if a is not too large. I discuss what happens in the "high o" case at the end of this section. The with which beliefs change in the model figure uses k = 0.6. 20 0.2 0.1 Figure What is 0.3 The 5: high. i.e. ''typical''' z most important > z'(a). 0.7 to my main argument 5. is what happens Suppose that the (a t ,Zt) 0.9 0.8 norms when disequilibrium evolution of social the upper right part of Figure - 0.6 0.4 f = a 1 0. in the fourth region standard is unreasonably Suppose also that the distribution of resubmitted papers has the form. Economists will then (correctly) perceive that referees are asking them to meet a very high standard and that some papers that they thought were submarginal are being accepted. The conflict in this data leads economists to do two things: to believe that quality standards are less is relatively To demanding than they had thought; and to believe that r-quality more important than than they had thought. illustrate why economists make this inference, Figure 6 contains of the data economists get in one such case. 16 The apoints they get from referee reports. quality distribution. All papers above The bold outlined area and to the an enlarged view line represents the (q,r(q)) datis the support of the (uniform) right of the bold line are accepted. The journal editor also accepts papers in the shaded region (to the surprise of the referees). Lower quality papers are The Hid z = rejected. The figure graphs the quality distribution 0.53417 with q ~ U[0A. q } t h(l) = y/i - lines below the g-axis and to the and the best fit (d, £) when t/2, a = 0.2 and r = 0.3. 21 left of the r-axis initial beliefs are that a = 0.5 support of the q and r distributions illustrate the among resubmitted papers. have used I bold lines to show the support of the quality distribution for the unexpectedly accepted papers. These papers are at the low end of the q distribution and at the high end of the r distribution. Economists' rationalize these acceptances in part be more important than they had thought. The dashed that best gives a fits good The the data. fit flatter line accounts for line by concluding that r must graphs the social norm (a, many unexpected z) acceptances and to the high q part of the [q,r(q)) data. (q,r(q)) data -t*) /?(1 +a Expected acceptances /?.(] -t Best 5 Figure 6: 2 -1 « 1 9 q fit Economists' inferences when standards are too high: the "typical" case Figure 7 contains a similar diagram illustrating economists inferences beliefs (a t ,z t ) a are unreasonably tough and t resubmitted papers has the "low a" form -devote the same maximum is sufficcntly all fit is when papers are resubmitted and effort to their revisions. referees' low so that the distribution of all authors Here, the "unexpectedly accepted" papers are uniformly distributed in the q dimension, and the dotted best to data line illustrates that the obtained by slightly lowering z while leaving the slope of the line unchanged. Even with the simple loss function I've chosen, getting analytic expressions for the optimal inference given an inconsistent (q ( zt , ) is difficult. Proposition 6 is a characteri- zation of the dynamics that brings out the main observations I've mentioned above. proposition characterizes the dynamics for i.e. for zt close to z*(a t ). Parts (a) and initial beliefs that are close to being consistent, (b) note that in the low 22 The a and somewhat low J L r {q,r{q)) data U. / — / «. " 0.6 - U.o - Expcc:ted / acceptances ^^-^-^-Ct^r^: --^1^. : Suprise acceptances ,J1^ Best fit to data . Expected rejections 1 t* g Figure a 7: when standards Inferences a standard that toward z*(a is t Part ). (c) my main a notes that (at least when approximately) and adjust referees' beliefs correspond to too low the dynamics are similar in the "typical" case: the dynamics are approximately vertical when the social norm to are too high: the- "low a" case. cases economists do not adjust their estimate of their estimate of z Q 0.5 observation. notes that It involve both a reduction in a and counting for the change that is when is approximately consistent. Part (d) relates zt is slightly larger than z*(at) the dynamics a reduction in the overall quality standard (after ac- induced mechanically by the change two parameters arc comparable in The in a). magnitude. The proof of the proposition is shifts in the contained in Appendix A. Proposition 6 Consider the dynamic model described above with F(q\t q ) ~ (7[0, t q }. tq(a.z) be economists' time allocation when, they believe that the social (a,z). (a) Write b(z) sa a{z — z*(a)) as shorthand for lim,^,.( Q ) Suppose that for a given Q( £ has the low a form,. (0, 1) the i zt+\ - t = zt = Then, there exists a constant a o.(z*(a t ) - 2 ( x = ) 23 > such that for zt norm is a. unique equilibrium for the social of z*(q() the dynamics have a t+ - a T _,'f ( Let, norm (at, z*(cxt)) in a neighborhood (b) Suppose that for a given at £ has the somewhat low a form and there exists a constant a Q't zt+i For (c) a* ~ ~zt ~ - +i (0, 1) the > - o.(z*(a t ) < has the "typical" form, and z t t t « zt Rs -a +i zt+\ - to z*{a at. the t ) t = t (a ,z*(a t q t )). Then dynamics have — = 0. unique equilibrium, for the social Then z*(at). aj norm > there exists a constant a (at, z*(at)) such that for zt dynamics have - a.(z*(a,) has the ''typical" form, and z z,), t (0, 1) > the unique equilibrium, for the social norm, (at, z*(at)) z*(a t ). Let > Then, there exist constants a\ l-oc. strictly positive dynamics have at+\ (0, 1) the Suppose that for a given at 6 (d) is zt ) Suppose that for a given at G close to z*(a{) the —^- such that for z t close larger than. z*(at) the zt slightly a that unique equilibrium for the social norm, (at,z*(ctt)) M = q and «2 > (q(at,z t ) + t q (at.z t ))/2 and such that for z t M T = close to z*(at) the dynamics have q, + 1 z t+ i t « -ai(z - z* (a zt « a 2 (z* (a -a - The one notable is is a form for - zt ) )) + (a t+ i - a )(Mq t z < z*(a) and a is I M have apparent from the figure that why economists conclude when standard r ) left out of the discussion so far sufficiently high so that the equilibrium in this case more important than they had thought. relatively argument It is t ) t feature of the Figure 5 that what happens when the high q t that r is economists conclude that The argument is similar to the more important than they had thought are too high in a typical equilibrium. The unexpectedly rejected papers arc relatively low q papers and hence a steeper line allows referees to account for the unexpected rejections while maintaining a good I fit have not discussed this case in more detail because here seems less plausible. First, it has many of to the r(q) data for high q papers. in a couple of ways the argument involves economists mistakenly not achieving levels of 24 r-quality that they could have achieved. Second, the effect derives from economists trying to datapoints with fit negative. The overconfidence 7 In this section I and gradual evolution bias show that adding a to place ever in which more emphasis r-quality. e-perturbations of dynamics with a continuum of steady-states 7.1 Before discussing the model, dynamic model is of the it is instructive to discuss ~t+i (pi,z) = argmm QjZ L(a, ~ zt z.\a. t ,zt). _ \ \ where more stucturc in its generality. The form a t+ - a t is produces a model slight overconfidence bias norms can slowly and steadily evolve over a long period social on r(ij) , a ~ / J \ A social t zi. at zt norm (at,z t is ) a steady-state only if it a solution to —-{a u zf,a u zt) = aa dL < -T-K^L-,zuat,zt)^ OZ This is — n a system of two equations in two unknowns. Ordinarily, one would expect such a system to have one solution (or zero or a few). The fact that the dynamic model of the previous section has a continuum of equilibria indicates that What happens it slightly? if it is we take a dynamic model with a continuum The answer depends on how the system of course is somewhat special. of equilibria pertubed. and perturb To take a simple example, consider a dynamic of the form above with the loss function L(a, z; au z t ) = {a -a This model has every point on the line z happen with an c-pertuibation is t 2 t + ) = a (z t an f-order shift - z,) 2 + (z - a) 2 as a steady state. in . One thing that can the set of steady states. For example, While I earlier defined L as depending on the measures fx\ and jj.7 describing the two types of data, /<] and H2 are themselves functions of a and z I use a and z as arguments of L in this section to clarify the nature of the dynamic. t t . t 9.F, t if wc perturb the loss function above to L(a,z;a t ,zt,e) = - (a 2 a,) + (2 - zt 2 ) the system has a continuum of steady states given by z With a if wc instead perturb the system L(a,z;a t ,zt ,e) the only remaining steady-state example, the The first - (z (a =a + t + e)) 2 , e. generic perturbation, however, the continuum of steady states will disappear. For example, this t + 6 = is -a (a at = 2 t zt to - 2 + (z = 0. What happens zt ) + - ) (2 a) 2 + ez 2 , to the former equilibria? In perturbed dynamics are 3 + 2f 3 + 2f 3 + zf 3 + ze terms on the right hand sides of these equations tell us that from any condition the dynamics lead quickly to a neighborhood of the nearly stable locus z t The system then evolves at an state. If the initial condition is e initial = a>. rate in a neighborhood of this locus toward the steady very from the steady state a long gradual evolution would be observed. Obviously, the most natural way to account for a long gradual trend in an economic variable will usually be to view the trend as reflecting a continuous shift in the equilibrium of a is model due to a trending intended to convey continuum 7.2 is of equilibria Social norms exogenous variable. The most general idea the dynamic model that the disequilibrium dynamics in perturbations of models with a may for provide an alternate method for explaining some such trends. academic publishing My main observation about the model with no overconfidence bias was that if referees try to hold authors to an unreasonably high standard, then social norms will evolve to place more weight on r-quahty This disequilibrium shift observed shifts in academic standards be incomplete in that for we have no reason is not an appealing candidate for explaining two reasons. First, such an explanation would to expect initial beliefs to be too 26 demanding as opposed to too undemanding. Second, and more importantly, the model does not gradual trend. Instead, social norms in much further movement along the set. The dynamics with an When ovcrconfidence bias are qualitatively different. e are far from the equilibrium set, the e-pcrturbation has impact little confidence then becomes important. In the typical case economists' initial beliefs The over- destabilizes the former equilibria. it correspond to a consistent social norm, then their mispercep- tions of the referee reports they receive will lead standards must be higher than they had thought will beliefs — we again see rapid convergence to a neighborhood of the set of equilibria of the unperturbed model. If a long such a model move; very quickly to a neighborhood of the equilibrium set and then converge slowly without equilibrium fit them to conclude that overall quality z perpetually try to hold authors to a standard that is — (i.e. > zt 0.) For this reason, referees slightly higher than is feasible. The e-overconfjdcncc does not affect the argument that economists will conclude that r-quality is more important than they had thought whenever standards are higher than Hence, when the equilibrium has the typical form we social norms through the near equilibrium Musi- we look forward the answer is no. In the overconfidence bias to is to a. (/-quality observe a gradual evolution of whatsoever? In neighborhood of a consistent make economists think had thought. In the low a and somewhat low feasible. toward lower a values. set world with no will is social norm my model at least, the effect of a small that z must be slightly higher than they a cases, when the standard is slightly too high economists infer that z must be slightly lower than they had thought. For any such a, the two effects turn out to exactly offset for some z slightly greater than z*(a). The e-pcrturbed model has a continuum of steady-states lying just above the low a and somewhat low a portions of the set of steady states of the unperturbed model. the evolution of social norms will that no paper's idea is come good enough to The model thus to a halt as soon as r let its is sufficiently author be sure that he or she predicts that important so will eventually be able to get an acceptance. Figure 8 illustrates the dynamics of the system with a small overconfidence bias. figure was generated by solving the model numerically assumption that q ~ U[0,t q ], r = 0.3, a = 0.2, h(t) 27 = for various initial beliefs y/t - t/2 and e = 0.01. The under the The thick solid curve on the side of the figure left is the locus of steady states (a, z f (a)). Ou side of the figure I've graphed eight curves illustrating the evolution of social While the curves appear to join together eight initial conditions. the the right norms from well before they reach endpoint, they actually remain separate over the whole range and in an extremely left now appears magnified figure what From of nearly parallel curves. down and to the left to be one central curve initial would be revealed to be a conditions with z large the system initially evolves toward the set of nearly stable norms and then moves along until the somewhat low a region an evolution up toward the nearly stable set, and then again a initial along the nearly stable The arrows on From reached. is set initial this set conditions with z small there movement is to the left set. the curves give a feeling for the speed of movement. The arrows mark the beliefs that prevail after one period of evolution and then after every ten additional periods. 18 The fact that the arrows are movement toward the nearly initial initially far stable set is apart on each curve reflects that the rapid -- from most starting points the curves get sufficiently close to the nearly stable set to be indistinguishable lo the naked The eye within ten or twenty periods. fact that, arrows then become closely and regularly spaced as norms evolve along the nearly stable set reflects that this evolution steady. with a Here, the evolution from a near equilibrium with a = 0.4 takes = is slow and 0.8 to a near equilibrium about two hundred periods. Proposition 7 provides a formal description of some properties of the system. (a) notes that the somewhat low a 2 is is no steady slightly higher q state: the when a is at (a,z*(a)) the than z*(a) the Proposition 7 Consider t continuum of equilibria covering roughly the low a and a. ranges. Part (b) notes that typical form there when model has Part fit is such that the equilibrium has the data is better improved by reducing fit by increasing a. dynamic model described above with F(q\t g ) (a,z) be economists' optimal time allocation when they believe z; that, ~ U[0, q \. Let the social norm, is (a,z), (a) Suppose with 1 e = that, for a given has the low a In constructing the figure a G (0, 1) the unique equilibrium for the social norm. (a,z*(n)) or somewhat low I took k = a 0.5 28 form.. Suppose that ^r is strictly positive Figure at t. — t q 0.3 0.2 1 8: The is ( (b) a a steady state of the c case z (a) e e sufficiently — > a 1 0. such that model with e-overconfidence 2(1 When has the typical form. the loss function has -g^{a, z;a, z) = — z*(a) — a)ae when ~ ae when e is e is sufficiently small. In small. the unique equilibrium for the social (0, 1) > that. z (a) + exactly equal, to z*(a) small there exists a z f such a, c > norm we have ^(a, z*(a);a, z*(a)) < 0. z*(a) for which the distribution of paper qualities and expectedly and unexpectedly accepted papers has and e ( Suppose that for a given a € (o,z*(a)) with For is norms when sufficiently small there exists a value of z, z (a) Further, there exists a positive constant the low 0.9 0.8 0.7: disequilibrium evolution of social (a,z*(a)). Then, for (a,2 f (a)) 0.6 0.5 0.4 the typical For any such 0. form pictured f^(«, z;a,z) z, < 0. in Figure 6 Hence, the system, does not have a steady state where the distribution of paper qualities has the typical form. Let z ( (a) be the smallest value of z such that constants a and b such that z t (a) For those who do not - z*(a) ss ^(a,z;a,z) ae and ^(a. = ( 0. Then there ( z (a); a, z (a)) exist positive w — be for small believe that academics suffer from overconfidence bias (and those 29 who are wondering of such s bias), I if observed changes in standards should be taken as providing evidence would like to note that a gradual evolution toward lower a norms can be generated by many small modifications to the basic dynamic model. Essentially, any perturbation that makes referees perpetually try to hold authors to a slightly infeasibly high standard to will do the same make up more thing. extensive lists One example would be an assumption of revisions than is that referees try standard to impress editors with their thoroughness. Another would be an assumption that referees arc competitive (or spiteful) and try to hold back others in their field by imposing standards that are slightly higher than the norm (perhaps because making requests that are even more demanding would expose their spite). In a standard one-dimensional by a cost of revisions or in model where the optimal level of revisions is determined a one-dimensional learning model where referees are learn z by observing referees' reports and editors' decisions, an p-pcrturbation a mode! in which the original equilibrium (or steady-state) dimensional learning model, however, e is like these just shifted by c. produces In the two- changes can greatly change the equilibrium set and create steady long-term disequilibrium evolution. 8 I Conclusion have proposed that it is helpful to think lishing process with a two-dimensional q-r model is about observed changes model of quality. The see in journals. The model by spending and 'less less economics pub- idea behind the dynamic that social norms for weighing different aspects of quality struggle to reconcile the high standards being applied to in the may shift as economists them with the mediocrity they predicts a long gradual shift in standards. Academics react time developing new insights and more and more time polishing papers. Among the many possible extensions to the model, I view the incorporation of random- ness in the assessment of quality and in economists' data samples as the most intriguing. Referees who receive signals suggesting that standards arc higher than they arc clude that r-quality is more important than they thought, while referees who may con- receive signals suggesting that standards arc lower than they are will not draw the opposite conclusion. 30 Even without an ovcrconfidcnce Sobel's (1908) work suggests that may have more What wc may sec increasing emphasis placed on randomness due to heterogeneity in assessments in tastes subtle effects. model, because individual preferences over q and r do not appear. arc time invariant, then welfare changes as standards evolve. increasing or welfare decreasing depends on optimum how If preferences Whether changes are welfare the prevailing social norm from the differs given authors' and readers' preferences. The changes of the last few decades have had a substantial impact on economists. young economists report spending as much time revising old papers Guiding larger and more frequent revisions If r-quality. are the welfare effects of changes in publication standards? There are no answers my within bias is as working on new Many ones. an additional burden on referees and editors. many the changes that have occurred were accidental and possible, then a discussion in the profession of ether social norms arc really what standards we would like to have would be valuable. While have emphasized the model of learning with ovcrconfidencc. other explanations observed changes are possible. Indeed, one of the main motivations for the for the; model I is to clarify how static- the growth of the economies profession, changes in the set of ideas waiting to be discovered and other factors might alter the publication process. Ultimately, which of the potential explanations are most important is an empirical question. I attempt to begin this sorting out in Ellison (2000). How else might one examine the evolutionary model empirically? one could directly examine experiences as authors. is A referees' demands and see general premise of the model that that learning occurs within communities of referees. to observe whether a how they random shock appointment of a new editor who A With are affected may be more ideal by easily good empirical test referees' examined would be to a particular field at a particular journal, e.g. likes revisions, affects how papers data the in the field are treated at other journals. Another feature that distinguishes the evolutionary model from equilibrium models is that transitory shocks have permanent effects. For example, even after a revision- loving editor is replaced, the fact that referees learned a high revision publication remains slow for years to come. 31 norm will ensure that In addition to trying to change tried to make Comparative how people think ahout academic publishing, I have the general point that a long run trend can be a disequilibrium phenomenon. statics of equilibria will remain the standard for explaining trends, that models like that I've developed here will find other applications. 32 but I hope A Appendix Pi oof of Proposition 6 (a) In the low a case for (z,t q ) = ~ 2 g(i'- -o This function has Jp ^f = —h"[\ — t q > ) a neighborhood of (z*(a t ).t q (at, z*(a t ))) in "^ ^'^ all z t in a neighborhood of z*(at). -a 1 ~~ ) and hence 0, The t w ^ich *?)> independent of is neighborhood of z*(at), in a for the level of r-quality that Write r a {q;a t z t ) , (at,z t ) when = , in Figure r{q\a t ,z*{a When 7. < zt all z*(at) the situation describe economists' inferences, is The situation similar, and a Z w — ' 1 is \ _a M m of the loss function over ee (t.q(at,zt ) q + w and where z t )))/2. q holds for t , Because z t ). is thus that pictured like line. of variables m = ^^ and analyze the the slope of the line is mean > some ^-quality, z*(q { ). The signs reversed. the change of variables L\ takes on a very simple form. 19 w) L-l-(m, rt q (n t ,zt) = M {m(q - / q Jo +w- ) M {m{q - / q) tq(<Xt,Zt) JO 1 By making z,) , 2 a few comparisons w > w < wt, or for outside the interval [r a (0; t at — 5 , zt ))~ 1 -dq — ) — -A^o) w- + (m t (q - M q) + w )Y dq t t 3 h (m - m t )(w -w t )(q - M q 2 ) + (w - w ) 1 jttq (at achieved for 9 (q m tq(a tl z t r(q; t.g(a t ,z t ) fti(<*t,zt) 1 is (a carry out the calculations for z t I'll calculations in the opposite case are identical but with With is the level of r quality required of a paper with the max(0, q{a tl < q) but involving a parallelogram of make a change I'll independent of is m.{t has actually necessary for an editor to is unexpectedly rejected papers lying just above the (q,r(q)) minimization < < It also z. authors revise to the greatest extent possible. near z*(a t ). for z t )) t (at,zt ) q the population believes the standard independent of zt and locally is r a (q;a t z*) To t continuity of the thresholds implies that the ordering q accept a paper of ^-quality q q \ ' 2;. t a we have {m it is ra m 2 r ) + (w - w 2 t ) easy to sec that the (Mq ,at,zt), or with a slope at, z ),r(0; at, zt)\. (For t minimum m of L\ for + which Lo can not be iv + m( — Mq ) example, to show the second note that any such w, L(m,,w) > L{m ,r a {Mq ,at,zt)) because L\ is smaller at (m ,r a (Mq ,at,zt )) and L2 has its global minimum there.) In the range containing any potential minumum, L2 turns out to also be a simple quadratic. for t rt q (at.zt) L-2{m.iu) = To make also omit t ,zt)+{m-Tn t )(q-Mq) 1 r—dr— Jo cf f q ] -dq (a t ,zt) more readable the formulas and arguments of (Mq ;a / lo are determined by q ( ru--r a t M zt 9 , , so I'll often omit the /j] and and /xo f.12 arguments of L\ and L2. /Ji sometimes substitute a and 2, (or m and w ) as arguments. I will and q to improve readability. I'll f,, q, also t 33 t t *> t )-q q (a t . rt q (a t.,z ,z t ) fiq(a 1 - (w / ra 2at q (a t zt ) Jo la {Mq au z ) + \ (m. t - m,)(q - M z q )) dq , t r Zia q (a t ,zt ) 2 {m - rn t ) 1 2 + --(w lo (Mq :a ra t ,z t )) 2 . Hence. = L(rn,,w\m t ,w t ) m - -t q (at zt ) 2 (m , 2 The minimum clearly involves m = mt. This The minimizing value for w is w = "^ z t in a neighborhood of z*(a t ). ... ra (M9 v ; , t -a I = a 2+1" t t and zt t )) q V ' at Z ' Recall that r a - . a = at gives the first part of the conclusion: = M -a 1 - a zt 1 w + [2o identities at 2 t, ; . independent of is g Substituting this into the expression for Using the + —(w - ra {Mq 2 iv t ) M z*(a t )-zt = - {w thus have Z*(Qt)-Q 1 — at = ot z£ ) We + t ) q z*(a t ) = 1 t - -a zt h W t . t gives -a ly(l + at_Afq f ) — 0.7)^ (1 allows us to conclude as desired that 7 -t+\ (b) of The G is ~ zt = k = fc(l proof for the t (a q t , This would cause z*(a t )), many w t m Write Ta (zt ) = k (a t —— fc- lo case is h M q + -(z*(Qf) (1 - - a )w - a t t very similar. > z*(a M q (1 - 0.7)10,) z t ). One difference G is that the form will not be strictly , To avoid them. t I've just q (at,z) is assumed = z*(a t ). the proposition in differentiable in z at z*(a t ). case then proceeds exactly as above to t ) + (a t zt ) might not be differentiable at zt q This ensures that 0. t 1 possible that the second derivative of complications. > zt ) show that = = o la +r r a{hiq \a t ,z,) By - w t ). 1 = 1 — G(zj; t q (at, zt)) the inital beliefs. rjzt) = iu t ) which case in analysis of the z t a —a it - &)u> somewhat low a that -Q^-{a t ,t q (at, z*(a t ))) The - (1 - a t )(u> - This makes different. positive at {aMg + for the fraction of papers achieving the the envelope theorem we know that —(z l dz t q i {a r ):t q {a, z*{a ))(z t : (a ,z (q t (1 - ( )) -q{a t ,z*(a t )) at)at q {a ,z*{at)) t 34 - in a z*(a t )) zt standard given neighborhood of z*(a t )., - z*(a+) ra (h I"" is 1 neighborhood of z*{a dz. Hence, in a , (Mq ;a u z )- -a ^__L(r (1 = Wt t t the standard from z*{at) to when he lowers of extra papers the editor accepts The mass )at q . . B («) t ) we have . - r) - z t ), -Qj) (1 This gives - zt+l = jAt for a t ) as desired. -- the formula s*(a«) case adds another slight complication bounded by {q,h{l slightly different because there are no papers in the triangle z ))/a u h(l-t q )+a) that a). (q,r a (q,at,zt)),^d(q+{l-at){.r a {q,auzt)-r{q,a tl t unexpectedly rejected. The loss function thus takes the form for The L 2 is t + q) ~a{z*{a zt analysis of the < z, can be 2a + 1 , , 9/ , 2 1 ..\2 ,,,. . r.„ , „ nr... ,.AA2 24cr ' > 7(7- r(<?; m, io))(r - r(g; m, w))dqdr, indicator function. where 7 is the triangle bounded by the three points above and I is the a 6 such that exists there c> any To show that at+i a t « it suffices to show that for for all z, that \m - m,\ < c(z*{a t ) - zt) whenever zt 6 (z*{a t ) - 6, z*(a t )). To see this note < m., - c{z*{a - z ) in some interval below z*(a ) we have for any m t « (m ,.) » -jA_£ / - . ?£!«, < -^-tl(*,-8) 2 4z> t )-*) - ,) (m - ,„,, t t ) /(r > rfc ,, -))(r - rfe; r 1Z<7 l + ; where ,4(T) a r{q; q t , z t )) is 2 . . 1-^— I(r>r{q;m,w)){r-r{q;m,w))\, °m q) (q,r)er The the area of the triangle T. The farthest from is sup ' - <?(tq effect of M q . a dm in m on r(q; m, to) is <j - 71/,, ^^-{ra (q;at ,Zt) which is largest when is This gives 2 l^-Kto) < - -^±{tq - dm change area of the triangle 12c 2 q) ~~ - c(z*(a t ) zt) + ±f^(r a (q;a 4atcr t , - zt ) r(q-a t ,z 2 t )) . a second order effect in z*(a )-zt Hence, -^{m.,w) < < m. t -c(z*{a ) - zt ) when z t sufficiently close to z*(at ). Combining this with a for all > t + c{z*{at ) - z,) allows us to conclude that similar calculation of the derivative for The (r a (q: a,, z t )-r(q; a,, z t )) m 2 term is t t m m m e {mi A - . c{z*{at ) - z t w, + c{z*{a - z )) as desired. shows that the result on zt+\ - zt ), similar calculation t ) t order change in the loss function. 35 is also unaffected by the second m . „)) J When (c) the equilibrium has the typical form G(z\f q ) (l-a,)(h(l -t q )+a/2) = G(z;tq ) given by is a t tq 2 An in two derivatives of explirit calculation of the first this function d G, shows that ^&r{z; a neighborhood of {z*{at)-,t q {a t ,z*{at))). This again implies that -g^(a t ,z*(a and that the distribution of paper qualities has the typical form for z t in t q > exists )) t ) some neighborhood of z* (a t ). The and the (q,r{q)) line form here as < in z t unexpectedly rejected papers have exactly the same set of z*{a t ) case of part (b) of the proposition. The result thus identical is to the result for that case. (d) As above comes has the t The differentiable in z at z*(at). is q typical form pictured in Figure 6 for distribution of paper qualities and out- all z t in some neighborhood (z*(at), z*(at)- 5). wa Write for r a {Mq ;at 1 z t ). first I note that a number of simple comparisons imply is less important than they had and w 6 {w n w ). To see this, note first that the line given by (rh,w) can not be entirely above the (in ,u' ) line over the whole range [q(at,Zt),tq(at,zt)] of (/-qualities of resubmitted papers. From any such estimate both L\ and Lo are decreased by moving the line down until there is an intersection. Next, note that economists must infer that standards arc lower and'g thought. Specifically, m we must have > m t , t t t that minimum also impossible for the it is the (m. t .wt) line at q 6 fitted line [<?,f<j]. about the point were reduces w. The and setting m to have In this case, L\ intersects the line r it m. t reduces L\ t = w < wa estimate's also can not have = w>w with the (m,w) line intersecting and Li are both reduced by rotating the . and makes L2 equal to r a (q; m t , wt) in the direction that In this case increasing u> to global its minimum. This wa gives £ (r n (Mq ;at,zt ),wt). It is then easy to see that m > mt- Otherwise, slightly reducing m, would reduce L\ and also reduce L2. (The latter is because the gain from to improving the fit in (<7, min(g, is greater than the loss from worsening the fit in the (possibly empty) q )) w M interval \Mq ,q\.) Finally, all of the extreme values (m = m t , w —w t w = wa and ) can be ruled out by looking at derivatives of the loss function. To obtain the proposition's further conclusion that the changes in — m w and are both Even examine the first after the discussion above there remain a few possibilities for exactly where the best fit line may intersect the other lines in the figure: it may be above or below r a (q;a z ) at the left edge and may be above or below r(t q ;at, zt) at the right edge. The first order conditions are slightly different in the four cases. I will work out the equations for the simplest case: assuming that the best fit line is strictly between r a (q;a z and r(q;a ,z ) throughout first order in z t z*(a t ) order conditions of the loss function. I t t the interval [q, t. with t ) t t q \. In this case, the loss function The , t , is very similar to the loss function in the cases above. only differences are that the set of unexpectedly accepted papers does not have papers (-/-qualities above q and is also missing a second-order triangle in (q, r)-space below a t, zt)). As above, the second-order triangle can be ignored. The estimates have the same asymptotics as those obtained by minimizing loss functions given by integrals identical to those in part (a) but with different lower and upper bounds. Specifically we {qi r {q\ 36 L= can examine the minimizer of + L2 L\ where m = —{t q - qf{m - Li(m, w) 2 + t) w [w - t) and —— L 2 (m,w) = (Note that 24cr ) - m + 03(11) t ) 2 -l — — a = - 7 , . = = w') 2a(t q / positive constants: C] = - wa ) c 2 (ib -q)w, + (q-q)w —2a(f)+(~-~)— w = arguments of ) t q q , and q to improve read- ±(f q - w and w a and 2 ~ . q) + -^ ij^J + t \{q Adding C2/C3 times the second equation 2a (f g - - cij, 2a(tg - q) Q)( f q ~Jl)\ ^2 c\, c 2 = and \j{t q -q) C3 are ; ancI to the first gives g) + (q - q) minimum has m > ?n and that iu/ > w a so the first order conditions give the true minimum if the constant in this expression is positive. that the true of this case can only ( , also give 2 c2 _ CiC w-w = t g-g -_ 32a{u _ q)+{ ql) (w t \ - C1C3 From the 2 a wei g"tcd average or . 1S C1C3 The equations t 0, c2 c3 We know t [w-wa -(m- m )—— q \ order conditions for this minimization arc of the form rn f —c2 {rh — C3 q + *-- — 2a t q t) q t ability.) Trie first where m =-{m - — omitted the arguments (a ,z I've C\{m - t - w a ), c\ minumum discussion above this can be the true only the leading constant if is negative. The order in fact that wt — Zi t last The z*(at). z-z The — wa ~ term = aM = (1 = (1 (z t — z*(at))/(l — at) implies that longer expression for zt+i M — m — nit z t follows and w — wt are first from the calculation + (l-a)w - (a q + (1 -a )w - a )(w - w + Mq (a - a - w(a - a - a )(w - wt ) + (Mq - r ){a - a,) + (MT - w)(a - at ) t q in this t t ) t ) t ) t ) M t expression t is second order in zt — z*(c*t). QED. Proof of Proposition 7 (a) Recall from the proof of Proposition 6 that t. q (a t z , t ) is differentiablc in z at z*(a t ) that the distribution of paper qualities will also have the low for 2, in a neighborhood of z*(a t ). The same computation as 37 a or and somewhat low a form in the proof of part (b) of Proposition 6 shows that for zt in some neighborhood (z*(a is ), t z*(a t ) + 5) the loss function L = L\ + L 2 with of the form 1 ^(t q Li{m,w;m t ,wt) L 2 (m.,w;m ,w t 12' (m t ,w Differentiating, 1 = ) t t ,->, ,. ^r~(*9 24a" q ~ ?) ( - previous proof we also saw that m,) 2 (w - (w t + m _ rn'"" ,9 + e)) 1 + ^"C" 2 <T '*) ~~ r a 7 2 (Mq ;a tj zt )) {Mq ;a t zt ) ' a steady state is ) -qf{m- w — if ra t and only (Mq ;a t , w — if t m zt ) ra j^-(zt — , = 2 *(»f))- In the 2<tc. Hence, for e we can find a z > z*(at) that satisfies the equation for a steady state. i In the somewhat low a case the equations above give z {a) — z*{a) ~ 2(1 — a)ae. In the low a case we saw earlier that the expression wt — r a (Mq Qt.,z = ,_ a (zt — z*(at)) is e exact when z is sufficiently close to z*(a ), and hence the expression for z (a) — z*(a) is sufficiently small t t ) ; t t an equality as Again (b) well. for a given For close to z*(a t ). (m t , w t ) m with < a the w vn-t distribution of papers has the typical form t , t in a neighborhood of w> r(Mq ;a t and (m, w) ,z t ) wt the expression for the loss function is zt if is sufficiently sufficiently close to again a slight variant of that in the previous proposition: 1 —{t q - Li(m,w\m t wt ) , L 2 {m, 12 I've written m wa e))' t i q where again (m - m,) 2 + (w - (w + — f q-q — 24cr \t - ~ w; m. t ,vit ) 2 q) \ (m , m , 2 t) — 2at ! + qj q - ~— q ( - - (m = —w wa q\ q for r a (A/g ;o/, zj) to save space. , I A , t ; ; , f We will find fj rameterized by (m, w). = if and only tq with z t this has a solution z t u>a = 2a— ~ q = =e q-q — z*(at) ~ 2(1 0. —a t )a-S—^€. This establishes the next — claim in part (b) and ihe fact that the smallest solution has z e (at) > z*(a t ) ~ ae for some 0. If (mt.Wt) were a steady state of the dynamics qualities had the typical form it which the distribution of paper would have to satisfy the first-order condition above and the any m. and t of wt and for L 2 {m. Wt\m. The first above q, t , m w The w FOC . t < Wt) can only be m. t sufficiently close to = — — 1 a Vq ~ —q) / /('9-£)/2 / in We know that Q^(m satisfied for w > r(Mq a z = additional constraint that §^(mt,Wt;m.t;wt) for corresponds to a ) if t a t with L parameterized by (a, z) if and only if |^ = when L is paA simple calculation of derivatives shows that §^(?"«, Wt\ m t,wt) = w ~ As above Jq-q computation shows direct wt ) = and g^jfVnt, W/.;mt> Wt) < when (m ,w that jj^ (m w consistent social norm. This is the first result mentioned in part (b). t rn, 0. ; t t , t ,wt;rn t ). t ;w t ) = For such values mt we have i(m.-m. t )q / \./max(0,9-A/,) Vo f{t<,-q)/2 rdrdq + / ' q -q r / Wt— wn — (m.— m, )q ^ rdrdq '0 term is the surprise due to the unexpected acceptance of papers with ^-qualities and the second is the suprise due to the unexpected acceptance of papers with ;-;,s lower g-qualities. Evaluating the integrals and differentiating gives 0L 2/ ——{m.t,w,:,m,t,wt ) = (t q - dm, The is Looking at the a is : q t , z t ;a t z t ) , numerator « - q t a ). q) (b). It is also (1 — a 2 . t ) This immediate from the be. in the equation for ^ we can reducing a vanishes as we approach the somewhat low a approaches one and M f {w -w simply this expression divided by the second conclusion of part is expression that Q^(a - l(q - —7- orr{t. derivative with respect to negative, which 2 q) q approaches q.) 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Svenson, Ola (1981): "Are We All Less Risky and More Acta Psychologica 47, 143-148. 40 Skillful than Our Fellow Drivers," 9 Tabic 1: Mean references per nonrcvicw article Pages 1975 1999 Field Journal Accounting Anthropology Anthropology Accounting Review Current Anthropology Amer. and average page lengths Jrn. of Physical " - 20.9 17.8 61.4 8.9 14.0 26.6 Biology Cell 9.1 11.5 35.4 Chemistry Journal of the Amer. Chemical Soci Journal of Communication IEEE Transactions on Info. Theory Journal of the Communications of the 6.4 7.9 9.0 18.6 32.8 10.0 7.3 13.7 29.0 15.0 Communication Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Demography Ecology Economics Economics Economics Economics Education Education Eng. - Aero. Eiig- - Elec. Eng. - Materials Eng. - Mcch. Finance Geography Geology Geology History History ACM ACM 17.5 57.3 47.3 49.0 38.6 52.7 23.9 37.8 7.6 7.0 14.6 6.9 Demography 13.7 13.5 16.9 Ecology Econometrica 14.8 37.5 56.2 27.2 9.8 Journal of Political Economy Quarterly Journal of Economics Review of Economic Studies American Educational Research Journal Harvard Educational Review AIAA Journal IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Journal of Materials Science Journal of Eiig. Mechanics and ASCE Journal of Finance Ann. of the Assoc, of Amer. Geographers Geology 33.0 31.1 15.1 18.0 23.8 29.7 36.7 23.5 36.4 26.8 47.2 5.8 7.8 11.5 6.6 7.2 7.7 7 8 13.9 18.0 14.9 22.2 ' 15.5 - 12.9 15.0 15.3 34.8 24.4 13.9 12.7 15.9 12.2 194 15.0 37.1 4 - 4.0 Journal of Geology 17.8 15.3 American Historical Review Journal of American History Harvard Law Review 22.5 56.2 18.8 21.6 22.7 31.0 28.4 92.4 85.4 a 30.1 35.0 34.6 156.6 165.9 30.9 4.0 7.2 23.0 Law Law Yale Linguistics Language Mathematics Mathematics Medicine Medicine Oceanography Annals of Mathematics [nventiones Mathematicae New England Journal of Medicine Journal of the Amer. Medical Assoc. Limnology and Oceanography Paleontology Philosophy Physics Physics Physics Political Science Political Science Psychology Psychology Psychology Journal of PaleontologyPhilosophy of Science Physical Review Letters Physical Review B Physical Review D American Journal of Political Science American Political Science Revii Psychological Review Journal of Personality and Social Psych. Sciences Sciences Sociology Sociology 12.0 32.4 11.2 12.1 Anthropology References : Lav.- Journal 22.8 59.1 19.8 35.7 55. 75.2 18.0 16.1 4.1 6.6 9.5 10.2 26.5 15.8 11.3 12.8 20.6 3.3 4.0 15.4 8.9 8.5 25.4 8.9 10.7 24.2 27.6 13.8 16.9 12.7 a 19.2 16.0 22.9 16.1 37.1 30.3 51.4 8.3 14.4 7.8 11.5 21.6 a Developmental Psychology Nature 4.2 5.7 23.8 12.6 17.8 Science 7.7 5.5 23.3 29.7 31.2 29.2 50.7 43.7 21.4 17.7 21.6 19.2 30.8 67.1 25.2 50.7 62.7 65.9 47.7 59.1 61.2 28.4 25.2 24.9 24.2 42.3 45.4 32.3 20.8 28.6 31.5 37.2 51.0 60.0 59.3 45.8 25.8 28.5 49.2 15.5 17.2 22.7 39.3 35.8 26.2 Statistics American Sociological Rev; American Journal of Sociology Journal of the Amer. Statistical Assoc. 5.9 11.5 13.5 28.3 Women's Studies Signs 22.1 31.0 22.5 48.5 Notes: a - Data not adjusted for larger page size. 60.1 Tabic Duration of the review process at various journals: 1975 and 1999 2: Mean 1975 Journal Field Mean delay :>,•."' submission-final resubmission time 1.2 2.2 6.9 13.6 10.4 21.0 Econometrica 9.3 26.3 AIAA Journal 5.3 8.7 Elec. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 4.6 6.0 - Elec. Proceedings of the 2.6 6.9 - Materials Journal of Materials Science 1.5 5.2 6.5 18.6 Biology Cell Computer Science Computer Science IEEE Economics Eng. - Aero. Eng. - Eng. Eng. Transactions on Info. Theory Journal of the ACM IEEE a Finance Journal of Finance Mathematics Mathematics Annals of Mathematics 2.0 5.5 Invcntiones Mathematicae 1.3 10.8 Philosophy Philosophy of Science 0.9 5.8 Physics Physical Review 0.4 1.3 Political Science American Journal of Political Science Psychological Review Annals of Statistics Journal of the Amcr. Statistical Assoc. 6.0 7.6 Psychology Statistics Statistics B 1.7 18.8 15.0 18.0 10.1 18.6 Stat. - Bio. Biometrika 5.3 15.1 Stat. - Psych. Psychometrika 8.1 16.8 Mean submission-acceptance time Ecology Ecology Economics Economics Geology Oceanography Quarterly Journal of Economics 8.9 Review of Economic Studies Geology Limnology and Oceanography Mean b 9.2 8.5 13.0 12.1 28.8 4.6 2.2 7.0 c 8.8 submission-publication time Astronomy Astrophysical Journal Chemistry Journal of the Amer. Chemical Society 7.8 6.2 Geology Journal of Geology 12.4 10.6 Linguistics Language 12.8 24.S Philosophy Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13.8 22.1 Physics Physical Review Letters 2.1 5.S Psychology Developmental Psychology Nature 9.S 24.1 4.3 4.3 Sciences Notes: a - Data for 1979. occurred for about 40% 6 - 10.7 Dees not include time for post-acceptance revisions (which - Docs not include time for post-acceptance revisions of papers.) c (which occurred for about 7.9 90% of papers.) 42 52 36 ^7 U O Date Due MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01917 6608 -JL, Ififife •