Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/estimationconfidOOcher D^WEY HB31 .M415 15 S Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series ESTIMATION AND CONFIDENCE REGIONS FOR PARAMETER SETS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS (Previously called "Inference on Parameter Sets in Econometric Models," id# 909625) Victor Chernozhukov Han Hong Elie Tamer Working Paper 06-1 8B Earlier Version: June 6, 2004 Revision: June 22, 2006 1 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=963451 FE& j 2 2 2007 LIBRARIES ESTIMATION AND CONFIDENCE REGIONS FOR PARAMETER SETS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELS* VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOVf HAN HONG§ ELIE TAMER* Abstract. The paper develops estimation and inference methods for econometric models with partial identification, focusing. on models defined by moment inequalities and equalities. Main applications of this framework include analysis of game-theoretic models, revealed pref- erence, regression with missing quantile models, bounds and mismeasured data, auction models, bounds among many in asset pricing, in structural others. Specifically, this paper provides estimators and confidence regions for minima of an econometric criterion function Q{9). In applications, Q{d) embodies testable restrictions on economic models. A parameter 9 that describes an economic model passes these restrictions if Q{9) attains the minimum the set of parameters value normalized to be zero. The interest therefore focuses on 0/ that minimizes Q{0), called the identified set. This paper uses the inversion of the sample analog Q„{6) of the population criterion Q{6) to construct the We estimators and confidence regions for 0/. inference results for these estimators yet simple conditions, and and develop consistency, rates of convergence, and regions. The results are practical procedures are provided to shown to hold under general implement the approach. In order to derive these results, the paper also develops methods for analyzing the asymptotics of sample criterion functions under set identification. Key Words: This is Set estimator, contour sets, moment inequalities, moment equalities a revision of a previous paper "Parameter Set Inference in Econometric Models", 2002, which was circulated as an MIT Working Paper and is available at www.ssrn.com. May 2002. This version: June 22, 2006. Date: Original Version: We Newey thank Alexandre Belloni, Oleg Rytchkov, Marc Henry, Denis Nekipelov, Igor Makarov, and Whitney for thorough readings of the paper and their valuable comments. and Oliver Linton t Department for many of Economics, MIT, vchern@mit.edu. Research support from the Castle Krob Science Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation § Department of Economics, Duke Science Foundation I is We also thank two anonymous referees valuable comments. University, is Chair, National gratefully acknowledged. han hongSduke edu. . . Research support from the National gratefully acknowledged. Department of Economics, Northwestern University, tamer@northwestern.edu. Research support from the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 1. Introduction Parameters of interest in econometric models can be defined as values that minimize a population criterion function. If this criterion function is minimized uniquely at a particular parameter vector, then one can obtain confidence regions parameter using a sample for this analog of this function. This paper extends this criterion-beised estimation and inference to econometric models where the objective function identified set. minimized on a is (The terminology follows Manski (2003).) Our goal inferences directly on the identified set. defined by either moment The development inequalities or moment focuses on set of parameters, the is to estimate moment and make condition models equalities. This paper uses the inversion of the sample criterion functions as the building principle for estimators and confidence regions. The resulting estimators The paper develops appropriate contour sets of the sample criterion functions. rates of convergence, and inference and confidence regions are results for these sets. Specifically, this consistency, paper shows that an appropriate lower contour set of the sample criterion function converges in Hausdorff metric to the identified set at (an exact or an arbitrarily close to) l/\/n rate, in problems, and at polynomial rates, more generally. termining the appropriate level of the moment condition The paper develops a method contour set so that for de- covers the identified set with a it prespecified probability. For this purpose, the paper derives the asymptotics of several inferential statistics which quantiles determine the appropriate of equi-continuous behavior of the level of the sample criterion functions in contour moment set. The lack inequality problems poses challenges to this analysis. The primary applications of the estimation and inference methods developed in this paper are in such areas as (1) empirical game-theoretic models, (2) empirical revealed preference analysis, (2) econometric analysis with missing in auction models, without additivity, dominance regions (4) structural quantile (5) bounds analysis in stochastic and mis-measured data, analysis, among the economic models of interest satisfy a collection of criterion functions are typically confidence regions for these sets. bounds analysis models and other simultaneous equation models in asset pricing models, dominance (3) minimized on a set. and others. In moment (6) the inference on most of these problems, inequalities, and the resulting Our paper develops estimators and In the context of estimation of games and revealed preference analysis, our methods have already been employed by several substantive empirical studies. Bajari, Benkard, and Levin (2006) estimated a dynamic discrete optimality conditions for equilibrium, which result in fies tions. moment Ciliberto moment inequahty condi- and Tamer (2003) analyze empirical entry models with They do not make the equilibrium multiple equilibria. inequality conditions and set identification. mate a game types. of each player satis- Beresteanu and Ellickson (2006) presented a further application to a study of dynamic oligopolistic competition. to Markov game where the observed action They in which firms may enter as different types which leads selection assumptions, Cohen and Manuszak (2006) and which has multiple esti- equilibria in do not impose equilibrium selection assumptions. Borzekowski and Cohen also (2004) estimate a model of strategic complementarity between credit unions in their choice of adopting a technology or outsourcing it. In the context of simultaneous equation models with non-additive disturbances, Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004) estimate a demand model where a partial identification occurs. In fact, they use the pointwise versions of the inference methods developed here. Econometric analysis with missing and mismeasured data is another area of applications of our methods: Molinari (2004) apphed our methods to construct a confidence region for the identified set in a causal model with missing treatments. In auction analysis, the very nature of auction mechanisms also often leads to the missing data framework, see Haile and Tamer (2003). In addition to these existing applications, there appear to be cations to the revealed preference analysis, Blundell, Browning, and Crawford (2005), and important application and volatility is and Wang The see Varian (1982, 1984), Bajari, Fox, potential appli- McFadden and Ryan (2006). A (2005), potentially, the inference on the set of asset pricing models that satisfy bounds developed of potential applications Post, e.g. many more is in mean Hansen, Heaton, and Luttmer (1995). Yet another area in the analysis of stochastic dominance relations, e.g. see Linton, (2005). relationship of this paper to the econometric literature on inference under partial identification is as follows.^ Marschak and Andrews ^Manski (2003) for The concepts (1944). of set identification go back to Frisch (1934) Marschak and Andrews (1944) constructed the a detailed introduction to partial 2 identifiability. and identified set as a collection of parameters representing different production functions that can not be re- jected by the data and that are consistent with functional restrictions the authors consider. Frisch (1934) constructs consistent interval bounds on parameters of structural regression equations that are subject to measurement error. Klepper and Learner (1984) generalized the Frisch bounds to multivariate regression models with measurement errors and constructed consistent estimates. Gilstein and Leamer (1983) provided of nonlinear regression models where the identified set is set consistent estimation in a class an interval of parameters that are robust to misspecification of the distribution of the error term. Phillips (1989) suggested that multi-collinearity a number of econometric may be a cause In a different development, for partial identification in models and provided some asymptotic results for Wald statistics under such conditions. Hansen, Heaton, and Luttmer (1995) proposed an estimator region of feasible consistency. means and variances of pricing kernels in asset pricing for the model and proved its Manski and Tamer (2002) developed a number of models with interval-censored data, as well as derived several consistency results. In a previous version of this paper, Cher- nozhukov, Hong, and Tamer (2002) developed consistency and inference results moment for linear inequality models, using inversion of the econometric criterion functions, and devel- oped an empirical apphcation. Imbens and Manski (2004) investigated a problem of Wald inference in the case of a scalar means. mean parameter bounded above and below by Recently, Andrews, Berry, and Jia (2004) and Pakes, Porter, Ishii, investigated the inference problem using projection methods, which proceeds other scalar and Ho (2006) bj^ constructing a region for point-identified high-dimensional nuisance parameter and then further projecting it with the purpose of obtaining a confidence region this parameter, such as the identified set. relative to the inference Wald methods developed methods statistic that estimator. These paper is This projection method tends to be conservative in this paper. ^ for the linear regression for the partially identified functionals of Beresteanu and Molinari (2006) develop model with interval-censored outcomes, using the measures the Hausdorff distance between the identified methods differ from the criterion-based inference studied also related to the literature and a set- valued in this paper. Our on the weak identification problem, see notably Dufour Conservativity of projection methods in the point-identified setting (2000). set is discussed in Romano and Wolf (1997) and Staiger and Stock (1997). fers fi-om by the weak identification framework. relationship of this paper to the statistical literature has pointed out the multi-collinearity is Hannan as follows. problems set-identification) (i.e. Hannan and models. Redner (1981) and in several (1982) time series showed that a maximum likelihood Deistler (1988) estimator eventually converges to a point in the identified set 0/, though obviously and Liu and Shao (2003) investigated the behavior of the likelihood identifiability in correctly specified likelihood models, ARMA is condition models analyzed in this paper. ratio test under loss of with a special focus on the mixture These results do not apply or extend models. it Veres (1987), Dacunha-Castelle and Gassiat (1999), not consistent for estimation of 9/. and dif- the latter, as the nature of failure of point identification in our main applications typically can not be approximated The However, the problem studied here considerably in any obvious way to moment Fukumizu (2003) pointed out that the likelihood ratio has an unusually large stochastic order in multi-layer neural networks, which does not apply to the moment condition problems analyzed in this paper. Also, the literature on image processing considers the problem of support estimation of a density, e.g. Korostelev, Simar, and Tsybakov (1995) and Cuevas and Fraiman (1997), though the structure is different The from that arising rest of the paper is in the and inference main Section 2 presents the condition results of the paper. Section 3 develops consistency, rates of convergence, results that apply generically. and moment equality models and a moment will serve to illustrate the analysis. Section 2 also outlines The results require that simple high-level condi- tions on the econometric criterion functions are met. Section 4 analyzes the lects proofs problem condition models analyzed here. organized as follows. models and several examples that informally the moment of such in detail and verifies moment the conditions of Section definition of notations used in the paper, 3. inequality Appendix and also discusses pointwise confidence regions (confidence regions for particular parameter values in the identified 2. set). Problem Definition and Informal Discussion of the Main Results Consider a nonnegative population criterion function Q{6) which attains on a col- set 0/, that is 0/ parameter values, and thus function. The parameter = is {^ G : Q{9) = 0}. The a singleton. Suppose there is set also a 9 belongs to the parameter space 0, 4 0/ generally its minimal value consists of many sample analog Qn{6) of which is this a compact subset of the Euclidean space Every IR'^. 0/ indexes an economic model that passes in embodies restrictions that the criterion Q{9) typically and confidence regions investigates the estimators for in testable empirical economic applications. This paper 0/ constructed using the contour sets of the sample criterion function Qn- (Appendix also discusses a related problem of constructing confidence regions for a particular point d* in 0/.) This section begins with a review of the main econometric models and economic examples that motivate the framework described above. Then, the section gives an informal review of the methods and the results obtained in this paper. 2.1. Moment Condition Models. This paper is primarily concerned with applications to two main types of econometric structural models: moment inequalities and moment In empirical analysis, the moment on economic models. restrictions C parameters ^ e parameters 0/ C The moment IR'^, inequalities, much moment like equalities. equalities, represent testable Economic models are described by the finite-dimensional where is the parameter space. We are interested in the set of that satisfy the testable restrictions. restrictions are computed with respect to the population probability law P and take the form of the data Ep[mi{e)] where mi{9) = m{9, lUi) is a vector of moment < 0, (2.1) functions parameterized by 9 and determined by a vector of real random variables Wi. Therefore the set of parameters 6 that pass restrictions (2.1) is given It is by 0/ = interesting to {^ G : Ep[mi{e)] comment on the When moment 0}. structure of the set functions are linear in parameters, the set and could be a < 0/ is 0/ in this model. When the moment given by an intersection of linear half-spaces; triangle, trapezoid, or a polyhedron, as in functions are non-linear, the set 0/ is Examples 1 and 2 introduced below. given by an intersection of nonlinear half-spaces which boundaries are defined by nonlinear manifolds. The set 0/ can be characterized as the set of minimizers of the criterion function^ Qi9) := \\Ep[mm'W'/\9)\\l, Let ||a;||+ = ||(a;)+|| and ||x||_ = ||(x)_||, where {x)+ := max(a;,0) and 5 (2.2) (a;)_ := max(— x,0). where W{6) a continuous and diagonal matrix with strictly positive diagonal elements for is each 9 e Q. Therefore, the inference on 0/ Qr,{9) := may be based on \\E„[mm'K^\ml, the empirical analog of Q: £^nK(0)] := -X^m,(^), (2.3) t=\ where Wn{9) a uniformly consistent estimate of W{9). In applications Wn{9) can be taken is to be an identity matrix or chosen to weigh the individual empirical moments by estimates of inverses of their individual variances. Moment dexed by equalities are are 9, assumed more moment the = 0, that is Qi = {9 e 0/ typically a manifold, is Q : Ep[mi{9)] functions are linear in parameters, the set hyperplane intersected with the parameter space 0. the set The economic models, to satisfy the set of testable restrictions given Ep[mi{e)] When traditional in empirical analysis. which 'V\nien moment by moment = 0}. 0/ is in- equalities: (2.4) either a point or a functions are non-linear, also includes the case of isolated points (a zero- dimensional manifold). The set moments 0/ can be characterized as the set of minimizers of the generalized of function Q{9) := where W{9) is method is \\Ep[mm]'W'/m\\\ (2.5) . a continuous and positive-definite matrix for each 9 E Q. The inference on 0/ based on the conventional generalized method-of-moments function Qr.{9):=\\E^[m,{9)]'K^'m\ where Wn{9) is a uniformly consistent estimate of W{9). (2.6) In applications Wn{9) can be an identity matrix or an estimate of the inverse of the asymptotic covariance matrix of empirical moment In functions. many situations, we can also use the modified objective function for inference: Q„(0)This modification "^In such cases,, is useful in cases mf^g„(e')- where Qn does not attain value in finite samples.^ using the modified objective function typicallj' leads to power improvements, as in point-identified cases. 6 is well-known . Motivating Examples. There 2.2. are several interesting examples for the tion models described above, where the identified set 9/ moment condi- naturally a collection of points, is rather than a single point. Example Y is 1 (Interval Data). an miobserved which are observed real real The random random example first is motivated by missing data problems, where variable bracketed below by Yi and above by I2, both of The parameter variables. = of interest 9 £'p[V] is known to satisfy the restriction Ep[Y,\ Hence the identified set is = an interval, Qj 9 {9 < : moment the moment-inequality framework with mi{e) < Ep[Y2]. Ep[Yi] < 9 < Ep[Y2]}. This example function = {Yu-9,9~Y2^)'. Therefore, 6/ can be characterized as the set of minimizers of Q{9) {Ep[Yu]-9)l + iEp[Y2i]-9)l, with the sample analog g„(0) Example 2 (Interval Outcomes previous example mean is in is modeled using imply the following inequalities are linear function X19. 1, ..., jy, < X19 < {Er,[Yu] < 9'Ep[XiZi] in the moment therefore given by an intersection is = The parameters {{Yu functions of observed bids, Yi and Y2, and Tamer (2003). < Ep[Y2.Z,], - moment 9'X,)Z[, -(F., is = {l{Xi < Xj),j = identified set 9/, example also falls function given by - 9'X,)Z[)'. Y - bidder's valuation - by very natural and occurs in a variety of settings, see Analogous situations occur in income surveys, where only income brackets are available instead of true income, see Manski and Hong, and Tamer (2002) analyze of this function Ep[Y2i\Xi]. These conditional restrictions In auction analysis, the bracketing of the latent response Haile and the conditional available, of hnear half-spaces in H'^. This inequality framework, with the m,{9) = regression generalization of the These inequalities define the for a suitable collection of values Xj. is \\Ep[mi{9)]\W - 9)% + {E^^lY^^] - 9)1 a vector of positive transformations of Xi, for instance, Zj which = valid: Ep[YuZ,] is A Regression Models). can be bounded using inequality £'p[Yii |Xj] where Zi = immediate. Suppose a regressor vector Xi of unobserved Yi falls in this linear moment 7 Tamer inequality set up (2002). Chernozhukov, in detail. Example optimal choice behavior of firms and economic agents Suppose that a firm can make two choices Di the firm from making the choice such that Ep[Ui\Xi] Wi Game 3 (Optimal Choice of Economic Agents and = 0, for Z?j is = example, W^ may another area of applications of is or Di — given by n {Wi, Di,9) Xj representing information are various determinants of the firm's profit, some Interactions). Analysis of the Suppose that the 1. + Ut, where Ui make available to of which may be is (2.1). profit of a disturbance the decision, and included in Xi. For include actions of other firms that affect the firm's profit. From a revealed preference principle, the fact that the firm chooses Di necessarily implies that EpItt {Wi, Therefore, \Xi] > Ep[n we can take the moment condition m,{d) where Zi A, 0) is = {Wi, 1 in (2.1) to - Di, 9) |X,]. (2.7) be {'n{W,,l-Di,B)-T:{Wi,D,,d))Zi, (2.8) the set of positive instrumental variables defined as positive transformations of Xi, as in the previous example. This simple example highlights the structure of empirically testable restrictions arising from the optimizing behavior given in the form of moment of firms and economic agents. These testable inequality conditions. also allows for game-theoretic interactions could be noted that this simple example among economic conditions of the above kind are ubiquitous, and are settings, see Bajari, It restrictions are known agents. to arise in The moment inequahty (more realistic) dynamic Benkard, and Levin (2006), Ciliberto and Tamer (2003), and Ryan (2005). Similar principles are used in Blundell, Browning, and Crawford (2005) to analyze bounds on demand functions. Related ideas also appear in the area of stochastic revealed preference analysis, e.g. see Varian (1984) Example 4 and McFadden (2005). (Structural Equations). Consider the structural instrumental variable estima- tion of returns to schooling. potential income Y is Suppose that we are interested related to education E 8 through a in the following flexible example where quadratic functional form, Y= 9q + e^E + e2E'^ + t = X'e + simonious, this simple model is e, for 9 and (^0,^1,^2) X = {l,E,E^y. Although par- not point-identified in the presence of the standard quarter- of-birth instrument suggested in Angrist tification, all - and Krueger (1992).^ In the absence of point iden- parameter values 6 consistent with the instrumental orthogonality restriction Ep[{Y — d'X)Z] = are of interest for purposes of economic analysis. Phillips (1989) devel- ops a number of related examples. Similar partial identification problems arise moment and instrumental variables problems, see in nonlinear Demidenko (2000) and Chernozhukov e.g. and Hansen (2005). In Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005), the parameters 9 of the structural quantile functions for returns to schooling satisfy the restrictions: Ep[{t-1{Y <X'9))Z] = where r G (0, 1) is the quantile of interest. This is 0, an example of a nonlinear instrumental variable model, where the identification region, in the absence of point identification, erally given is gen- by a nonlinear manifold. Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004) and Chernozhukov, Hansen, and Jansson (2005) analyze an empirical returns-to-schooling example and a structural 2.3. demand example where such situations arise. Informal Discussion of Results. The 6/ that are consistent estimates for objective of this paper of 0/, converge to Q confidence interval property lim inf„_oo -P(0/ a G (0, 1).^ The sets Cn) = C„ we construct take the form 0/ is to construct sets at fastest rates, C„ and have the a, for a prespecified confidence level of a contour set Cn{c) of level c of the sample criterion function Q„: Cn{c):={0ee:anQniO)<c}, for some appropriate normalization =n the discussion, assume a„ ^The instrument is a„, where a„ = n in Examples 1-4. In order to simplify in this section only. the indicator of the first quarter of birth. Sometimes the indicators of other quarters of birth are used as instruments. However, these instruments are not correlated with education (correlation is extremely small) and thus bring no additional identification information. Robustness to perturbing P is also discussed in the Addendum to this paper, which obtains the conditions under which coverage holds under contiguous perturbations of P. In addition, Andrews and Guggenberger (2006) establish global robustness of the subsampling confidence regions proposed in this paper in a class of moment Example inequality problems. Sheikh (2006) establishes global robustness of our subsampling regions 1. 9 in In order to estimate 0/ consistently, the level c to be diverging to infinity slowly; for concreteness, of problems, c'does not need to E.g., in Example 1, c = = c (which we can be diverging, so we can gives us C„(0) = can be data-dependent) needs set c = < c set However, Inn. = Op(l) and even which clearly [Enp'i], £'„[y2]], in a class is c" = 0. consistent for the region [£Jp[Yi],Ep[y2]]. Generally, whether c can be non-diverging in order to maintain consistency depends on whether the sample criterion function a„Q„(^) has degenerate behavior, vanishes, over contractions of i.e. 9/ in large samples, as formally stated in Section 3. particular, the latter property does not hold in under conditions formally stated 1-3, The sets, which is from either A or d{b, A) where d{b,A) := B is inf \\b — a\\, a£,4 beB empty. The motivation for the use of this metric comes being a natural generalization of the Euclidean distance and it of the Hausdorff dis- defined as a^A if but typically holds in Examples and consistency makes use dH{A, B) := max sup d[a, 5), sup and dniA, B) ;= oo 4, in Section 4. analysis of the rates of convergence tance between Example In its previous uses by other authors in the consistency analysis in the context of set estimation, see Hansen, Heaton, and Luttmer (1995). The general consistency result c?i7(C„(c),e;)-.pO, obtained in this paper follows from the uniform convergence of the sample function limit continuous function gence over set 0/ literature, The and is is Q is conventional in econometric easilj' verifiable. rates of convergence follows from the existence of polynomial minorants on Qn{0) over suitable neighborhoods of 0/, as defined formally in Section minorants on Qn occurring in Examples 1-4, as verified in c?h(C„(c),07) which is to the over the compact parameter space 0, where the rate of conver- l/a„. Such uniform convergence condition thus Q„ = Examples 1 4, Existence of quadratic implies that Op(v'max(c, l)/n), very close to l/\/n rate of convergence, and inequality problems (such as Section 3. and over contractions of 0/). 10 2, is exactly \j \fn in many moment where anQn has degenerate asymptotics we need In order for C„(c) to have the confidence region property for 0/, c = c{q.), such that c[a) is a consistent estimate of the a-quantile of the statistic: = Cn which is sup anQn[d), a quasi-likelihood-ratio type quantity. limit distributions of (2.9) or a generic tively in Section 4 Ep\Yi]), y/n{En[Y^ max[{Wi)\, (^^2)?.], and Section - 3.5. ' (^2.9) The estimates For instance, in Example Ep[Y2])) -^d (H^i, W2) = N{0, where the distribution of C can be unknown set 0/ The paper statistic C„. statistic (2.9), suppose {s/n{En\Yi\ 1, then Section 3 shows that ft), easily obtained is — Cn^dC = by simulation methods (2.9) is the paper constructs a generic subsampling estimate c(a), which approximation of c[a) can be based on the subsampling method, which are developed, respec- For the cases when the limit distribution of (see Section 4). to choose level not easily tractable, based on subsampling an where one uses the consistent estimate Cn(c) in place of the in (2.9) (see Section 3.5 for a detailed description of the algorithm). characterizes the asymptotic behavior The paper and derives the limit distribution of the also characterizes the limit distribution of related statistics used to determine the probabihty of false coverage (probability of covering larger sets than 0/). (This in turn characterizes the power properties of the testing procedure implicitly defined by the confidence region.) o-nQn{G) in e.g. Examples The non-equicontinuous behavior of the empirical process 6 1-3 poses a challenge to this analysis, which is 1-^ addressed through a generalization of epi-convergence and stochastic equi-semi-continuity (Knight 1999) to the set-identified case. analysis; e.g. it The "parameter-on-the-boundary" problem arises in Example 4, a hyperplane with 0, generally has to H''. This challenge is where the identified common is another challenge in this set 0/, defined as an intersection of points with the boundary of 0, defined relative addressed through an appropriate generalization of the "Chernoff regularity"- the condition that in the point-identified case requires convergence of the local parameter space to a cone (Chernoff 1954, Andrews 2001). The generalization requires a convergence of a graph of the local parameter space to an appropriate limit graph. 3. General Estimation and Inference in Large Samples This section defines the estimators and confidence regions formally and develops the basic results on consistency, rates of convergence, and coverage properties of these 11 regions. The section develops general conditions that parallel those used in (Amemiya identified cases illustrates and 1985, verifies these Newey and McFadden conditions for the Basic Setup. The parameter space 3.1. with a subspace topology relative to IR tion ..., Q > Wn) is w-i,...,Wn are a criterion function and that Q^ converges uniformly to a continuous available, that attains minimal value The contour on 0/. 11*^ equipped random vector defined on a Suppose that the sample complete probability space {Q.,J^,P). Qn{0,w\, condition models. a non-empty compact subset of Data . in point- 1994, van der Vaart 1998). Section 4 moment is extremum estimation sets of Qn Qn{d) = criterion func- be used will for estimation and inference on 0/. This approach therefore employs the classical duality principle of inverting a likelihood type test statistic to obtain confidence regions. Regarding notations used d{9,Qi) : < e}. in the paper, e-expansion of Unless an ambiguity arises, sup^ / notions of stochastic convergence, stochastic order symbols. Op and e.g. For any two numbers a and convenience, Appendix A in is 0} := {6 e defined as used to denote supa^^f{a). convergence in (outer) probability, denoted as -^p, and b, wp — > 1 stands for "with (inner) probability approaching a /\b denotes min(a, collects other definitions and a V b), denotes max(a, 6 b). For and notations. Consistency and Rates of Convergence in The General Cases. Let the 3.2. The Op are defined with respect to the outer probability P*, as in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996); 1." is 0/ following assumption hold. Condition C.l (Uniform Convergence and ofJR'^, (bj Qn{d, wi, Q Q ..., t-^ 1R_|_ : Continuity), (a) continuous and mine is Wn) takes values in 1R+ and is Q= — > oo , and (e) non-empty compact subset a 0/ := argmineQ, jointly measurable in the wi, ...,Wn defined on a complete probability space (Q, a sequence of constants 6„ 0; let is supg^ J^, Qnid) = parameter 9 and the data P), (d) sup© \Qn Qn = Op(l/a„) (c) — Q\ = Op{l/bn) for for a sequence of constants an -^ oo. Condition C.l assumes uniform convergence It also identifies Q > and Qn 0/ > ^Given a function (5„ for the criterion function as the minimizer of the limit criterion function Q. are not restrictive.^ : © — > Qn{0) - infs'ge Qn{9') and Q{9) K and = Q{6) its - In C.l(c), measurability continuous uniform limit Q : — is > 12 to the limit Q. The assumptions assumed IR, infg'ge Q(^') to reach this assumption. Qn we can to hold with define Qn{6) respect to the product of the sigma-field measurabihty of supe^ and related (5„ T and the Borel sigma-field of 0. C.l(c) guarantees van der Vaart and Wellner (1996), statistics; see e.g. p.47.« Condition C.l also defines the principal quantity supg^ the analysis of inference. Its rate of Q^ which plays the crucial role in convergence to zero a„ plays the key role in the analysis of consistency and rates of convergence. Section 4 shows that in the models of Section 2 a„ The contour of anQn is a^Qn form the sets of class of estimates we The consider. level c c > defined as 0. Next let c"be slowly so that 'cjan —>p a sequence of non-negative For instance, when a„ 0. when we the choice of c further generally take the form A n. contour set C„(c):={^ee:a„(5„(^)<c}, where = consider inference. = random real variables such that c we can n, The (3.1) = set c Inn. We ^p oo will discuss estimates and confidence regions will 0/ := Cni^. condition that determines the rate of convergence of Cn{c) to 07 Condition C.2 (Existence is the following. of a Polynomial Minorant). There exist positive constants such that for any e e (0,1) there are [K^,n^) such that for all {5, k, 7) n>n^, Qn{e)>K-[d{e,ei)A5Y< uniformly on {9 £ Q : d(9, 0/) > n^/an },^ with probability at least 1 — e. Condition C.2 states that Qn can be stochastically bounded below by a polynomial over a neighborhood of 0/. C.2 parallels the conditions used to derive the rate of convergence of estimators in the point-identified cases. Theorem where c^p wp -> 1 3.1 (Coverage, Consistency, and Rates of Convergence of Cnic)). Let 0/ 00 such that cja^ -^p and dniQi, 0/) Suppose that 0/ The condition referee. Otherwise, = = Op{l), 0. Suppose that 0/ 7^ 0, then (3) C.l implies that dniQijQi) we can easily is = wp ^ is Op{{c/ar,yl'^). only needed to simplify exposition, following a suggestion of a drop this condition, since we allow for stochastic cally measurable. 0, this set = C 0/ I. convergence in the sense of Hoffmann-Jorgensen. In this case, under the other assumptions stated, the primary When Qi = Cn{c), 0, then, (1) C.l implies that Qj and (2) C.l and C.2 imply that d//(0/, 0/) of joint measurability = empty, in which case C.2 does not apply. 13 statistics are asymptoti- . when 0/ Parts (1) and (2) address the case of the partial identification, sense, this is the typical case for applications, and thus our interest The consistency and results (1) new moment-condition models of Section follows by Theorem Part (3) 3.1 that the primarily in this case. lies Q„ 2, is in this paper. ^° Section 4 shows that in the locally quadratic, convergence rate can be made = 7 i.e. = and a„ 2, prime addresses the case of the complete non-identification, interest, Example = and Q{e) Ep[Y2])y Op(l/n), = 0/ when 0/ = 0, in which case - is not stated for completeness. is Example In 1 (contd.) {Ep[Y,\ It + 6)1 - {Ep[Y2\ = recall that Q„(6I) 1, - Suppose {^{En[Y,] Of^. - {En[Yi\ + 9)\ {Er,[Y2\ - 9f_ Ep[Y,]), ^{E,,[Y2] - -d {Wi.W^y - N{0, Q). Then supe \Qn - Q\ = 0^(1/^.) while supe^ |Q„ - Q\ = so that 6„ = ^/n and a„ = n. By Theorem 3.1 C„(lnn) consistently estimates Further, [E'pfyi], £'p[y2]]. Theorem C„(lnn) 3.1 the set = set.C„(0) this and n. arbitrarily close to 1/ ^/n}^ the estimator converges to 0/ in the Hausdorff metric faster than any rate. This case of some van der Vaart (1998). Both the consistency and e.g. problem studied for the In stated in terms of the Hausdorff metric, generalize those (2), obtained for point-identified cases, see rate results are 9. 7^ it is simple to verify that C.2 holds with 7 consistent exactly at is Hence by 2. Note, however, that the rate. estimates [£'p[yi],£'p[y2]] at l/\/n rate. [i?„[yi], £'„[l2]] consistently example and many others, but not y'lnn/n = all, it is Hence, in possible to achieve the rate l/a-n exactly. Section 3.3 below develops this point further. Renicirk 3.1. (A counter-example) The following example shows why achieve the sharp rate of convergence \/aJ"' by setting may = the source of the inconsistency. Let Qn{0) a„ = =n 1 e for (2,3], = where x^ to claim that C„(lnn) since (ii/(C„(c), 0/) "^The consistency of the set {6 £ Q : = Qj, {9) replacing 6„ with a„ » hn, c/b„ } Qn{9) Q{9) = xVn = for G for 6 trivial 0/) from an =n = cases. Setting c example that each 9 E [0,1], not possible to Q„(0) [0,2] = illustrates and Q{9) € for 9 Op(l) = (1,2], 1 for and a chi-square variable. Then Theorem 3.1(1) applies with is where hn where a„ [0,3], all consistent. However, Cn(c) for a fixed c is d//([l, 2], result differs < [0,2]; Op{\) in Consider the following in general lead to inconsistency. each d G (2,3], so that 0/ c= is it = 1 is not consistent, with the asymptotic probabihty Pr{x^ earlier result = > in regular cases. ^^In other examples like the ones considered in More Kim and 14 c) > 0, by Manski and Tamer (2002) that derives consistency \fn in regular cases. rate of convergence v}!'^ > We in fact generally, 6„ show consistency of smaller sets and a„ are defined by Pollard (1990), a„ = r?!'^ and 7 = 2, C.l(d,e). giving the — while dH{Cn{c),Qi) c?7^([0, 2], = 9/) with the asymptotic probabihty Pr{-)^ < c) < 1. Therefore, with a positive probabihty the set Cn[c) does not cover substantial portions of the set 0/, and the Hausdorff distance between Cn{c) and 0/ does not converge to inconsistency of this kind extends to more general Example cases such as 4. 0. The Thus, Z-^^p oo is needed to achieve consistency generally. Consistency and Rates of Convergence with "Degenerate Interior". 3.3. moment c = inequality problems, the exact rate of convergence l/a„ Op(l) or even c where this = 0. Qn can have discussion of The reason possible. is The Example In many can be attained by setting above provides the simplest instance 1 that in moment-inequahty problems, criterion function is degenerate asymptotics, i.e. vanish, over subsets of the identified set 0/ that can approximate 0/. Consistency and rate results then follow, because C„(c) includes these when subsets even c = 0. In order to discuss this property formally, consider the following condition: Condition C.3 (Degeneracy). There e {07', e there is that for [0,ri]} ofQj such n^ such that for all any e > that (a) n > n^, exists a constant < dH{Qj',Qi) for e P{suPq-£ anQn = 77 > and a G all e 0} = there are constants {k^^u^) such that for all 1, [0,77], collection of subsets (h) for any (c) there exists n > n^ F{sup _^ 7 e > -i/-, G [0,7?], such = anQn 0}>l-£. In the remainder of the paper, we take 07^ to be an e-contraction of the Qj':={deej:d{e,e\ei)>e}, where e > 0,'^^ to 1, (3.2) although, in principle. Condition C.3 does not require the sets 07"^ to be e-contr actions of 0/. finite-sample set 0/, that is moment C.3(a-b) typically arises in the inequalities satisfied how this inequality models due to all on e-contractions 07^ with probability converging which makes the criterion function vanish on rate assumption on exactly moment happens. 07^ Condition C.3(c) further puts a Section 4 verifies this condition in our main applications. Theorem 3.2 (Consistency and Rates of Convergence of C„(c) with Degenerate Interiors). Let 0/ denote Cn{Z) where Note that this set is c' > with probability 1 always well-defined, although 15 and it c' —>p c > 0. may be an empty Then, (1) C.2 and C.3(a,b) set. imply that d//(6/,0/) Moreover, if Qj =Q = and (2) C.2 and C.3 imply Op{l), and sup@^ cinQn = wp —^ dH(©/,©/) that then (3) dniOi, Qi) 1, = wp Parts (1) and (2) contain the results of primary interest, which state that rate l/on is achieved exactly. In particular, the smallest contour converges to 0; at the rate l/a„ = C.3(b) and C.3(c) hold with 7 (3) Section 4 shows that in . 2 = and a„ C„(0), set, many moment n, yielding the rate of behavior of UnQn on 0/; in which case the estimator converges to 0/ than any Example small > e 0, rate. This case 1 (contd.) 07' = To [Ep[Yi] + at least 1 3.4. — on Qn = 07';=' v" _ Example is The = _|_ is ^>- 1. C.3 holds, the consistent and inequality examples, = 0, and degenerate in the Hausdorff metric completeness. for Clearly, for a sufficiently 1. = [£;p[yi], E'pfyo]] in (£'„[Yi] Further, for any £ ©7*^. [^'^jy^j Thus, Cn{c) Cn{c) has a confidence region property. K^/^^Ep[Y2] — — > 0)\ + {En[Y2] 0, — the ^)i, a constant k^ can K^/y/n\ with probabihty consistent at rate l/\/n in this example. arises next is how to choose c to guarantee that determined inferential properties of sets Cn{c) are statistic Cn Indeed, If on it can approximate 0/ e] Confidence Regions. The question that by the state not a singleton. Since Q„(0) 1, e in large samples. - e,Ep[Y2] is with probability converging to Qn = we not of prime interest; clarify the role of C.3, recall Hausdorff metric, provided 0/ be found such that is if Op{l/al/''). convergence l/y/n. Part addresses the less typical case of the complete non-identification, 0/ faster = Lemma 3.1 quantiles of C„ or conducted. ^^ = sup anQniO). below shows that event {C„ < c} is (3.3) equivalent to event {0/ C Cn{c)}. good upper bounds on them are known, finite-sample inference can be This paper provides asymptotic estimates of quantiles of C„, using either a generic subsampling method, developed in Section 3.5, or the asymptotic limits for C„ in the moment The condition problems, developed in Section following basic condition Condition C.4 (Convergence is 4. required to hold. of C„). Suppose that [0,oo), where the distribution function of C is P{Cn < c} ^ P{C < c} for each c nan- degenerate and continuous on [0, E oo). ^^For instance, the upper bounds on quantiles can be obtained using the maximal inequalities for empirical processes. 16 moment Section 4 verifies C.4 for Lemma is condition models. 3.1 (Basic Large Sample Confidence Regions). c{a) := inf{c > have that lim„ liminf„ : P{C < P{0/ C P{Qi C C„(c)} > a} c} a £ for (0, 1), = lim„P{C„ < such that = P{C < = liminf„ P{C„ <c}> P{C = 0} > a Cn{c)} Then for any (2) Suppose that C.4 holds. equivalent to event {Cn{c) covers 0/}. > c with probability = a = 0. c{a)} c} if c{a) if > c{a) many data subsamples quantiles of C„ using of size The b. we 1, and section develops a generic subsampling method for consistent estimation of the critical value. method estimates the c] —>p c 0, Generic Estimation of the Critical Value based on Subsampling. This 3.5. < Under C.l event {C„ (1) The following condition facilitates the construction. Condition C. P[Cn{5n) < c] (Approximability of C„). For C„(5„) 5 = P[C < c] + any 0(1) for any tion require that this condition holds for and any (5„ [ (5„ t 0. Section 4 verifies Condition C.5 for models of Section subsampling to a feasible a^Qb statistic sup^'^/^-) := sup sequence, consider cases when {Wt} size b of the value Co, to hold, {Cj,b,n is all ..., also set Cq = and := suPe€Cr,{c) ^bQj,b,n{^), j /t„ = = 0. (2) (4) Repeat Step 2 Report Cn{cL + series, -^p cq cq Compute l,...,5n}, usiug c for ^ = 2, ...,L it in addi- holds, suffices to apply when data {Wt} is construct i?„ = > 0. Cj as Cq + Set k^ = n — b+1 subsets of Initialize = some In n. If C.3 starting is known the a-quantile of the sample «;„, where Qj^b,n denotes the (3) (Optional/ Asymptotically Equivalent criterion function evaluated using j-th subsample. Iterations) C.3 stage, for cases Wj+b-i}. The algorithm has four steps: (1) which can be data-dependent, such that we can // Denote the number of subsets by 5„. For a stationary strongly mixing time form {Wj, 0. in place of the infeasible statistic supg,^ abQb- C n.^^ subsets of size 6 > anQn, we have that C.5 implies that 2. Generic Subsampling Algorithm. At a preliminary i.i.d. c 1/7 by computing q from Step 2 using c = q_i + k„. k„) as a consistent estimator and a confidence region. Report Cn{cL) as a confidence region. (The latter region may be inconsistent as an estimator, if C.3 does not hold). In applications, since number randomly chosen subsets of size b of such subsets such that 5„ — > is large, 00 as n 17 it — » suffices to consider 00. a smaller number, 5„, of Remark Hong, and Tamer (2002) discuss implementation and compu- 3.2. Chernozhukov, tation in further detail. Using number L ~ of iterations, Example 2 as the basis for simulations, they find that a small or 2, setting cq to a-quantile of a y^ variable with degrees of 1 freedom equal to the number of moment equations, and using good coverage and estimation results for samples of Wolf (1999) describe calibration methods Theorem (c) a E (0, 1) On = and strongly mixing — > 300 and 1000 and 2000. b — 400, led to Romano, and Politis, for choosing b in practice. 3.3 (General Validity of Subsampling). Suppose (a) {Wi, a stationary and size h series, (b) b -^ b/n —^ cxd, at ..., W„} either is i.i.d. polynomial rates as n ^f oo, oo ai least at a polynomial rate in n. Suppose C.l, C.2, C.4, and C.5 hold. Let denote the desired coverage described above, the following lim„P{e/ C Cn{c)] = a is true: > c{a) if level. 0, Then, for any finite iteration > (1) ci -^p c{a.) := inf{c and liminf„P{e/ C Cn{c)} L of the algorithm P{C < ; > a if = c{a) > c} a), (2) 0. Therefore, any finite iteration of the algorithm produces consistent estimates of c{a). iterations are asymptotically equivalent single step procedure. samples. The and thus, for the resulting regions Cnici) cover we do not need to + i^n) for expand them, so we can set «;„ = 0/ with P-probability a in large suffice for C„(cl) to cover 0/ with P-probability at least a. It follows from the proof of 3.4. If the researcher does not with the expansion constant «;„ = (When C.3 Theorem 3.3 that Conditions C.l know whether C.3 is known is holds, he can still use the algorithm In n. numerically equivalent to our algorithm, except that of constants Cq oc a„ and estimation of the set 0/. «;„ = 0, The to and C.4 alone 3.5 (Variations). Recently Sheikh (2006) proposed a step-down variant of our gorithm, which we 0.) 3.3. Remark purposes of asymptotics, form a «„ defined above. Remark Remark The Further, in order to get confidence regions that also consistently estimate 9/, should expand them, namely take Cn{cL hold, or where the very conservative choice finitely- iterated 18 The employs the choice it cq cx a„ is used to avoid typically more con- infinitely-iterated step-down step-down algorithm servative (hence less powerful) than the original procedure. al- is algorithm has the same asymptotic properties as our algorithm, but expensive. ods more computationally ^^ Asymptotics of C„ and Related Inferential 3.6. it is for obtaining the limits of abilities of false coverage. Statistics. This section develops meth- C„ and related inferential statistics that determine the prob- Such a task faces two major difficulties: one the failure of the is usual stochastic equicontinuity conditions of the underlying empirical process and another the parameter on the boundary problem, as defined below. work for obtaining these limits is This section outlines a frame- by relying on concepts of stochastic equi-semi-continuity and generalizations of Chernoff (1954) type conditions on the parameter space O. Consider the statistic C„(5) := sup Since C„ = C„(0), C„ is a„Qn, where 9/"" 1/7 is -expansion of 9/. 5/ a„ " 0J- a special case of this statistic. Suppose that for each ^ > Cn{S) -^d C{5) in IR. (3.4) Relation (3.4) implies that the probability that the confidence region for 9/ covers false local '''•' (5/ region 9/""^ satisfies ^''' p|0j/a. as long as c{a) is C ^ = P{ Cn{c{a))} Cr.[c{a))} sup anQn < c{a)} -^ P{C{5) < the continuity point of the distribution oiC{5). of false coverage satisfies P{C{5) < c{a)} < P{C < c{a)}, Then asymptotic .3 probability c{a)}, with strict inequality holding we can view 9/ false coverage translate in The reduces c{a) + as a local alternative to 9/, so that statements about an obvious way to statements about local power. starting value Cq oc a„ in tliis critical " if From a the distribution function of C{5) differs from the distribution function of C at c{a). testing prospective, 5>^ tlie step-down algorithm is very conservative. Iteration of the algorithm value; in the limit of iteration, the critical value Op(l) produced by our algorithm. Clearly, is when the number iterated step-down algorithm provides confidence regions that are essentiallj' the same as the critical value of iterations is insufficient, the finitely- more conservative than our confidence regions. Thus, in practice our confidence regions are often smaller than the finitely-iterated step-down regions. More formally, when C.3 valid critical value Ci = holds, starting with cq = and «„ = 0, our algorithm produces the asymptotically c{a) +Op{l) in merely a single iteration, and cj by the step-down variant in any finite number step-down procedure which aggressively sets «„ of iterations. = When is less than the critical value produced C.3 does not hold, the infinitely-iterated asymptotically agrees with our critical value c{a) + Op(l) with probability at least a. However, conditional on the event that the step-down region does not cover 0/, which occurs with probability at most 1 — a, the step-down critical values may be smaller than c{a) Thus, since the discrepancy between step-down and our regions occurs only when Type discrepancy is irrelevant. 19 I + Op(l). error does, the The analysis focuses on the asymptotic behavior of the empirical process: in{e,\):=anQr,{e + (^,A)eV;^ \/a]l'^), (3.6) where Kf := {(^, A) : where Bs denotes the closed ^ e 07, A € ^f (0)}, Vl{B) := ay^(e ball in -9)0 Bs, of diameter 5 centered at the origin IR'^ (3.7) and an''{Q — a]/'' }^ denotes the parameter space translated by 9 and multiplied by the scahng rate parameter A represents the local deviation from 9 and ranges over the V^{9). The parameter suprema are V^ that sup limit properties of C„(^) will therefore is depend on the m of Observe ^ let V'^ V^iO), also defined over domain 0j. IR n^, and , is P{\ SXVpys In S.l (A) is (.n (B) For any e — SUPv'i ^n| is IR'^ Y^ = V^ = and 5 > > is - 61 is many 5 = 0; x 0, a case which a complete 9. Qi X Bs 9 is for large n and hence relevant for asymptotics of C for each 9 E Qj, where Bs{0) is a Then, for all sufficiently large n, applications, of set 0/ x Bs {0}. such that Bs{9) Minkowski difference defined on a neighborhood Q' there exists n^ such that for all well defined over also holds trivially. This case will be called the appears to be reasonable in is when = V^ = > is < £ of radius 6 centered at V^ ^^That f} obviously satisfied Next, suppose there exists 5 and S.l(B) > Qn ^ Q' and data Wi,...,Wn defined on jointly measurable in 6 C„(0), since in this case closed ball in Regularity). (A) needed to make sure that £„ over V^. S.l(B) = is statistically. probability space {^,J-,P). C„ limit properties of V^. the graph of the correspondence 9 =t Kf(^), defined over domain 6/, and Condition S.l (Generalized Chernoff > inferential statistics in (3.4) condition below requires that V^ "converges" to V^, where the notion of convergence motivated n parameter space 4(^,A). denote the graph of some other correspondence 6 The The of the empirical process (8.4) over the set (3.7): Cr,{5)= The The 9 ranges over the identified set 9/. local 6) and 20 where set {6'}. e.g. parameter in the interior is (3.8) case. It a rectangle or a convex body and 9/ in IR'^ fails in the interior of is The 0. case where the parameter in the interior condition to hold will be called the parameter on the boundary case. definition of Chernoff (1954) V^ graph will and Andrews (1999) to the present context. In the boundary case arises in instrumental variable model (Example 4) with hold. this case the limit have a form that depends on the structure of ©. The parameter on tified set This definition extends the 0/ and the boundary Another example is many the case where One example the linear is given by a rectangular region. There, iden- necessarily have of problems. is itself common points, so that (3.8) does not defined by a manifold, so that (3.8) does V^ not hold. Lemmas Section covering the cases in which the parameter on the boundary problem does occur. 2, Condition (sup^,^ The 4.2 in Section 4 derive £ A) in IR' ', where {9,X) set (^oo{d,\) is a >—> moment for the (Weak Sup-Convergence) For any finite S.2. ^tx),'^ and 4.1 AC [0, condition models of The sup convergence general than uniform convergence, namely the convergence in L°°[Qj x B5), which by finite-dimensional convergence and stochastic equicontinuity of fails in moment inequahty model, the not; see, for instance, discussion of Example 1 below. — s-^ non-negative stochastic process}"^ process i^o will be referred to as the sup limit of £„. uniform convergence E A) oo), (sup^^^ in, 5 The is is more implied In particular, the in-^^ while the sup convergence does following condition is helpful in verifying sup convergence. Condition (Weak Finite-Dimensional Convergence and Approximahility) S.3. A. (Fidi Convergence) For any 5 (^oo(^) ^)-, (^) •^) G ^) in^^ B. (Fidi Approximahility) that for all n G [n^, 00] .• ', > Q and any finite subset where For any e Pjsupj^i In {9, A) > — i-^ ^'''Here |^| two limits may and 5 "^^^Mie) > C disagree in general. denotes cardinalitj' of the finite set there > £^} The is a finite subset limit hypo-graphs is M[e) and the sup-limit M) -^^ of V^ such coincide. Oth- finite-dimensional approximabihty is A. is known which may then be used to study the convergence of hypo-graphs of ^„ to those extending the approach in Molchanov (2005) € <£ '^This notion of sup convergence could be modified to yield what e.g. [in{Q, A), {9, A) ^oo(^, ^) is a non-negative stochastic process. These conditions imply that the finite-dimensional erwise, the M ofV^, for as weak hypo-convergence, of. £00 as the present problem. However, the not of interest per se in this paper. 21 random closed sets, weak convergence of motivated and extends the Knight's (1999) notion of stochastic equi-semi-continuity to set- identified models. Lemma supyd 3.2. (1) Condition S.l particular ioo, 'in Example = 4(^,A) 1 - is limit (3.4) with the limit variables given by C{5) = Q„(0) 1, {En[Yi] - d)l is not continuous in at ^ is [W, in the interior of = = {W2 - Xtl{9 + Ep[Y,]) -EpfVi] and = at ^ we have that 3.2 Then Ep[Y2]). Moment Equalities. moment-equality set-up Ep['mi{9)] = hence ^„(^,A) can jE'p[y2], = V^ = V^ = Suppose that 0/ fails. S.l holds, since C„((5) —>-d C{5) sup e^{e,0) Analysis of 4. 9 9. = Gi x Bs for Also, finite-dimensional approximability S.3(B) can be easily veri- large n. By Lemma : Then the finite-dimensional limit of A)^l(^ = Cn^dC= G Of_. [WuWn)' = N{0,n). Then Therefore S.2 holds, so that the finite-dimensional limit ^oo(^>A) 4.1. - Suppose that {y/^[E„[Y^\ - - all sufficiently £n{9, A). (E^fFs] given by [Ep[Yi], Ep[Y2]] {^ + -9 - \/^f_. n{En[Y2] not be stochastically equicontinuous and uniform convergence fied. — supg^g^ ^oo(^,0). (2) Condition S.3 implies condition S.2. Example Ep[Y2\))' -^d i^{0, A) The = e- X/^)l + - n{Er,[Yi] C(0) In (contd.) Ep\Y^]), ^{Er,[Y2] 4(6*, A) = C and S.2 imply We = max also the sup-limit of supi^gx)^eixBs ^oo{9, A), in particular ((VKi)^, {W2t) . Moment Condition Models begin the discussion with in Section 2, 0]. — is moment equalities. Recall the where the identification region takes the form 0/ Suppose there exist positive constants C and 5 such that = for all eQ ||^pK(^)]||>C-(d(^,0/)A<^). This the is a partial identification condition, which states that once 9 moment (4.1) is bounded away from 0/, equations are bounded away from zero. In the point-identified case, the full rank and continuity of the Jacobian VeEp[mi{9)] near 0/ ordinarily imply requires a (4.1). In the set-identified case, the Jacobian more involved condition (4.1). we have that Ep[mi{9)] = Ep[ZX']{9 — may be degenerate, which For example, in the linear IV model of Example 4 9*), where 22 9* is the closest point to ^ in 0/. Provided that if - \\6* > 9\\ 0, rank Ep[ZX'] vector {6 - 6*) we have \\Ep[ZX']{9 -e*)\\>C- non-zero, is orthogonal to the hyperplane {v is root of the minimal positive eigenvalue of The main where 6' stochastic assumption a neighborhood of is in By IR'^. Ep[ZX']v = C is where -9*\\, 0}. Hence the square Ep[X Z']Ep[ZX']. that {mi{9),9 G 0'} is \\9 : a P-Donsker class of functions, is we mean the this (1) In following: the metric space L°°(0') Gn[mm where A(^) a is mean each 9 G 0'. for ^^(E„K(^)] - := zero Gaussian process with The probabihty space (2) augmented)-'^ so that there exists a A„(^) = + A(^) ^ A{9), (4.2) continuous paths and Varp[A{9)] a.s. P) (r2,jF, rich is enough (or has : The second > been suitably ^ L°°(0') such that A„(^) =ci G„[m,;(6')] map A„ Q Op{l) in L°°(0'). ^° Ep[m.,{e)]^ and condition does not involve loss of generality due to the Skorohod-Dudley-Wichura Construction, see Theorem 1.10.4 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) or Dudley (1985). Other conditions are given in the following assumption. Condition M.l. Suppose Section 2: (a) Qn{6) is Q is the following conditions hold for the a non-empty compact subset o/lR m defined on a neighborhood 0' of R, and , data Wi, ...,Wn defined on a com.plete probability space of the local parameter space > non- decreasing in 5 is (c) G{9) = some {mi{6),9 G 0'} VeEp[mi{9)\ for each 9 G where W{9) Most C.5, is positive definite the real-valued criterion function jointly measurable in 9 {fl.,J^, set V^ satisfies 0', and (e) P), (b) is E Q' and such that the graph in Hausdorff metric, where P-Donsker condition stated and continuous for all 9 We and other main conditions. Condition M.l(b) is needed the second part of V^ above, shall use {fl,J-, ^"Notation Ep^\f[X)\ to P, see =4 means = is E e Q' Op(l) uniformly in 9 Q'. needed them to verify C.l, C.2, C.4, a generalization of the Chernoff (1954) for the analysis of false coverage, as discussed in Section 3.6, Theorem 4.1 below. 'M.l(b) also holds trivially in the interior case, as defined in Section 3.6, in ^^We = W{e) + Wn{9) of these assumptions are conventional. condition, which if to is equality m.odel of Ep[mi{9)\ satisfies partial identification condition (4-i) and has a continuous Jacobian (d) for 0, V^ converges and , moment which case V^ = 0/ x B^. parameter and in the M.l(b) can be replaced by P) to denote the augmented probability space. equality in law: given two Ep-[f{Y)] for every bounded / van der Vaart and Wellner (1996), : maps X and Y that map fi to a metric space D, X =d y M, where Ep- denotes outer expectation with respect ID >-+ p. 60. 23 the classical assumption that Lemma 4.1. The convergence imposed in M.l(b), known convergence of correspondences, instance convex, in which case is is V^ has a very simple form stated in in variational analysis as a graphical a fairly weak notion of convergence for correspondences, for considerably weaker than the uniform convergence sup^^g^ d//(V"^(^), K^(^)) it is o(l) (Rockafellar Lemma and Wets 1998). = below provides further discussion of 4.1 stated M.l(b). Theorem 4.1 (Moment Equations). with 7 = 2, a„ = n, and bn = y/n. If sup-limit ofin{9,X) := (1) Conditions M.l(a,c,d,e) imply C.l, C.2, C.4, C.5 condition M.l(h) also holds, then S.1-S.3 hold, and the nQ„(^ + X/^/E) is = given by: i^{9,X) {A{e) \\ + Gie)X)' W^/\e)\\'^. In particular, c := sup where A{9) C.2, = C.4, Qn{d) V^ :— lim^foo C := sup The most ^cxj- n/n = loo(^,0) -^'^ infe'ee Qnl^') 3) = <3n(^') 2, is a„ = a = n, 6„ y/n, given by: 1^{9,X) = and the sup-limit 0/ ^„(^, A) := io^{9,X) - mi(^e\x')ev^ ^^{9' ,X'), particular, sup \\A{9yW^'\9)\\'' (it used for inference, condition M.l implies is - basic implications are that, for c asymptotic coverage at ^J\n — and C.5, with 7 nQn{9 + X/s/n) - ninf^'ee where u sup \\A{9yw'/'{e)\\' a zero-mean Gaussian process defined in (4-2). is (2) \¥hen Qn{9) C.l, ue,o) = ||(A(^) inf — + u 4) G{e)X)'W'!\9)\\\ c{a), the confidence region Cn{c) has >-p need not be consistent). The estimator Cn{c + Inn) is consistent rate with respect the Hausdorff distance, and has asymptotic coverage of 1. The sup-limit £00 of the empirical process in obtained by the theorem describes the limit behavior of related inferential statistics, following Section 3.6. insures that the limit variable The 3.5 or quantiles of C in (4.3) by simulating the C Lastly, note that compactness of 9/ is finite. can be estimated by the generic subsampling method of Section limit distribution. The latter method is generally more accurate than subsampling. RerriEirk 4.1. (Quantiles of (4.3) by Simulation) For instance, if the data are estimate the distribution of C by making the simulation draws of C: := sup C:{9), C:{9) := 24 \\Al{9)'WS~m\ i.i.d., we can = n where A*(6') Note that A*(^) ables. is < {zi,i n) of and the law and supg^Q Op{l), of C, in the argument applies if A''(0, 1) vari- — ||Ty„(6') weak convergence the distribution of A Op(l) uniformly in {9,6') A* (6') and the law gence metric, converges in probability to zero. Since A* = i.i.d. a zero-mean Gaussian process in L°°{Q) with covariance function Thus the distance between the law dniQi, Qi) a n-vector of is Then En[mi{0)mi{0'y] = Ep[m{e)m,{e'y] + En[mi{e)mi{e'y]. 9x0. and ^^'^^'^^i['miiO)zi], VK(0)|| = weak conver- stochastically equicontinuous, is (6') of A(^), in the Op(l), the distance between the law of C* The same metric, converges in probability to zero. (6') is G estimated by the nonparametric bootstrap with recentering. Remark 4.2 (Quantiles of (4.4) by Simulation). We can estimate the quantiles of C in (4.4) by simulating the distribution of the variable cm := \\A:{9yW^/\9)r - C: := sup Qie), where G{9) is The form of plays an important role as C„.((5) it determines the limit form of local parameter which behavior determines the probability of 4.1 (Chernoff Regularity for Moment (1) Suppose there exists 5 either one of the following: gQi. Then, V^ IR'^ : gr{9) = ^V^^OjxBs 0}, where Qg is a for compact and convex above convergence holds with l,V,5,(0)A Lemma = O,r = that has V^{9) Q'g, = C such that Bs{9) (2) Suppose Qt \ Q'g : X £ include for each = 0g nf^i [9 e -^ IR'^ has a continuous a neighborhood of {X E Bs 0, Qg \/rii{Qg Then in WC^. — 0) for some the n' > l,...,i?}. 4.1 provides the sufficient condition for S.l to hold. the interior case that interior of V^ > set, > non- decreasing in S is all sufficiently large n. Jacobian Vgr{9) with a constant row rank over false coverage. Equations). Sufficient conditions for V^ to converge in the Hausdorff metric to some set V^, which 9 + G{9)XyW^/\9)f, a uniformly consistent estimate of \/eEp[mi{9)]. spaces and statistics 'Lemma ||(A*(^) inf may arise e.g. when 0/ is Case (1) is the parameter in a collection of isolated points that (defined relative to W^), in which case V^ has a trivial form. Case (2) lie in the addresses the parameter on the boundary case, and covers the convex parameter space Qg as well as the parameter space generated by an intersection of Qg with several manifolds representing various restrictions imposed on the parameter space; in this case, the limit local 25 parameter space V^{9) is 9 given (up to a closure) by a tangent cone of at ^ intersected with the ball Bs- This extends the results obtained for the point-identified cases (Chernoff 1954, Geyer 1994, Moment We have 0/ = 4.2. that for all 9 Andrews 1997). Inequalities. Recall the setup of the moment-inequality model in Section {^ G 9 : ||£'p[mi(^)]||+ = Assume 0}. there are positive constants (C, 5,r}) 2. such eQ C-idie,Qj)A5), \\Ep[mi{e)\\\+> and, recalling that m.i{0) is a J- vector m&-KEp[m.ij{e)] (4.5) = with components {mij{6),j < -C {d{e,e\ 9/) A 5), for all 9 1, J), ..., eQi : (4.6) d(97^9/) < Equation e for all [O,??]. Equation (4.5) is the partial identification condition. equations are strictly negative for 97"^ ee all can approximate 9/. Equation 9 in the contractions of (4.6) empirical examples listed in Section (4.6) states that moment 9/ and that these contractions needs not hold generally, but it is many satisfied in 2.^^ In order to state the regularity conditions define Qj where J is {9eQj: := = Vj G J, Ep[m,,j{9)] {1,T.., J} and J'^ is the Ep[m,j{9)] any (non-empty) subset of < Vj G J'}, complement of J' relative to {I,..; J}. Condition M.2. Suppose Section 2: (a) Q non-empty compact subset of JR a is the following conditions hold for the defined on a neighborhood Q'ofQinJR, and is V^\9 G Qj is Qj and 9 is converges to some set V^\9 G non- decreasing in 5 > 0, for each J , (c) inequality model of the criterion function Qn{9) jointly measurable in 9 defined on a complete probability space {Q,,T,P), (b) parameter space^^ V^\9 G , moment ^ Q' and data Wi, ...,Wn such that the graph of the Qj in the Haus dorff metric, {mi{9),9 G 9'} satisfies is local where P-Donsker condition stated in Section 4-1, (d) Ep[m.i{9)\ satisfies partial identification condition (4-5) and has continuous Jacobian G{9) uniformly in 9 E Q' continuous for all , where W{9) G 9', and (f) = is VeEp\m,i{9)] for each 9 G 9', (e) Wn{9) = W{9) + a diagonal matrix with positive diagonal elements Op{l) and is condition (4-6) holds. moment inequality framework has been provided in the previous version of this paper (Chernozhukov, Hong, and Tamer 2002). 22The set V^\e e @j is defined as {(61, A) eV^-.O e Qj). ^"A detailed illustration and verification of this condition for the linear 26 Most We of these assumptions are conventional. and other main conditions. Condition M.2(b) need them to verify C.l, C.2, C.4, C.5 an assmiiption of Chernoff type, which is needed for the analysis of false coverage, as discussed in Section 3.6, part of Theorem Lemma 4.2 below. has a very simple form stated in Lemma for the second below provides further discussion of M.2(b). 4.2 stated Condition M.2(b) can be replaced by the classical assumption that V^ and is is 4.L Condition M.2(f) convex, in which case needed to verify the is "degenerate interior" condition C.3. Theorem = with J 4.2 (Moment Inequalities). (1) Conditions M.2(a,c,d,e) imply C.l, C.2, C.4, C.5 2, ttn = n, and h^ — \/n. If further condition M.2 (f) holds, then C.3 holds. If further condition M.2(h) holds, then S.1-S.3 holds, and the sup-limit of in{0, A) := given by: £^{9,X) = {A{e) \\ + G{9)\ + ({9))' W^-^^{9)\\1. C=snpi^{9,0) = where A(^) is (2) C.l, When Qn{9) — C.2,' C.4, limit of ln{9,X) mi(0>^x')ev^ c = = -oo inf^/ge (5n(^') := nQn{9 where t-s and if = nmfe>(.QQn{9') 2, is = a„ M. 2(f) n, bn given by: = = = < J) with 0. \fn, loo{9,X) supg^Q^ and = ^00(6*, 0), the sup- £co{9,X) - i.e. \\{A{9)-^G{9)x+myw'/'{9)\\i, (4.8) holds. c{a), the region Cn{c) is consistent at l/\/n rate with respect to the Hausdorff distance as an estimator, and has asymptotic coverage The theorem {^j{9),j Ep[m,j{9)] if := lim^^oo V^. In particidar C where the second term equals zero ^p = — and ^{9) used for inference, conditions M.2(a,b,c,d,e) imply \\{A{9)+mrw'/'mi-,j^i Therefore, for c ^j{9) In particular, 7 + A/y^) - V^ < is uj) sup \\{A{9)+a9)yw'/'~{9)\\l, Ep[m^j{9)] and S.1-S.3. C.5, ^00(6"', A'), sup if + A/'i/n) In particular, a zero-mean Gaussian process defined in (4-2) (j{9) nQn{9 q as a confidence region. also obtains the sup-limit £00 of the empirical process in, which describes the limit behavior of the related inferential statistics. Following Section 3.6, the latter results are needed to describe the probability of The quantiles of C in (4.7) false coverage. can be estimated by either the generic subsampling method of Section 3.5 or simulating the limit distribution. than subsampling. 27 The latter method is generally more accurate Remark 4.3 (Quantiles of (4.7) by Simulation). limit distribution of C„ = ables. CM := cm, and n"^''^ X^"^j7nj(^)zj], Note that A*(^) is < —Cj\ogn/^/n, and En[mij{9)] > < {zi,i n) (j{9) := a n-vector of is in if En{mij{9)] Cj Remark 4.4 (Quantiles of (4.8) by Simulation). i'V(0, 1) i.i.d. vari- L°°(0) with covariance function ^{9) := {ij{9),j 4.1. constants = J)' 1,..., with ^j{9) := -oo > —CjlognJ s/n, for some positive 0. limit distribution of C::=supQ(e), where G{9) we can simulate the i.i.d., + m)'Wl'\e)\\l, ||(A;(0) a zero-mean Gaussian process En\mi{e)mi{e')% as discussed in Remark if the data are by making the simulation draws of CI := sup where A*(^) If If the data are C by making the simulation draws we can simulate the of mi{e)+m'Wll\9)f,- C:{9) := i.i.d., \\[K{6)+G{9)\+myWl'\e)\\\ Inf a uniformly consistent estimate of VeEp[m.,{9)]. is The form plays an important role in determining the limit form of local parameter of spaces and of the statistic C„(5), which behavior determines the probability of false coverage. Lemma 4.2 (Chernoff Regularity for graph of the set local Qj V^\9 G Suppose there Qj X Bs for is non- decreasing is exists 5 > a compact and convex that has ¥^{9) Lemma after such that Bs{9) 4.2 Lemma set, gr : Q' —^ a neighborhood of = {X E B5 is similar to : ^ Qg "^ in Lemma 4.1 Sufficient conditions for the converge in the Hausdorff metric to some include either one of the following: Then, V^ for each 9 e Qj. Q = Qg fl^^j {9 elR'^ : gr{9) = 0}, (1) = V^ — where Qg has continuous Jacobian Vgr{9) with a coTistant IR''. Then X e y/n'{Qg-9) for some the above convergence holds with n' > l,Vegr{d)X = Q,r = V^ l,...,R]. and the comments that are similar to those stated 4.1 apply here. 5. The C (2) Suppose all sufficiently large n. Inequalities). Qj to in 5 > parameter space V^\9 € that row rank over Q' Moment Appendix A: Notation following standard notation for empirical processes will be used: 28 The notions of convergence and outer and inner probabilities, P* and P*, are defined as in van der —>p Vaart and Wellner (1996). For instance, denotes convergence in outer probability, wp — 1 > means "with the inner probability approaching 1"; the stochastic order notations Op(l) and Op(l) are with respect to P* X Notation =d means equality in law: given two elements unless otherwise stated. , Y that map fi to a metric space ^, X =,1 Y if Ep*[f[X)] — Ep'[f{Y)] for every bounded / D I— IR, where Ep* denotes outer expectation with respect to P. Let ||a:||+ = ||max(x,0)|| and max(— a;,0)||, where in the case of vectors the max operations are elementwise. Bs denotes ||x||_ = and > : II many a closed ball of diameter 5 centered at the origin. In sup^ / to mean suP(jg^/(a), unless an ambiguity The Hausdorff distance between sets is defined as arises, in dH{A,B) :— max sup d{a, 5), sup d{h, A) and dH{A,B) := oo d{0, < Qi) if A either ov B and the e-contraction e}, 9/ Proof of Theorem supe^ Qn = Step Op(l/a„) For any (b). < e 0, infQ\^0j Q„ B: (1). C (i) 9/ as assumed =(j) infe\ee (i) holds by construction of wp — Q= supg in C.l(b). Similarly, 9/ and (ii) Combining Steps 1. and (a) (b), Step Q+ ci/f(9/,9) supg Qn -> 1 9 by C.l(e) and by c-^p 1, > e Op(l) >(jj) and (5(e) + d(6, from (n) 9/) Op(l) for wp — > 1. C which implies 9/ Since e > is — oo, some > 6{e) =(ij) Op(l), 6{e) = infe\e= 9j. Given Step larger than 1 — For any £ (2). we have c/an < ^ and c/an > arbitrary, the result is (i) follows supa anQn < > by c/un —>p and c -^p oo anQn[0) >u) n- an- [\c/{ann)f''^ A 5] 2". by C.2 and Hence 9/ C (ii) follows 0^^'''""^'" we have that dH(9/,9/) < [c/(an«:)]i/T. Proof of Part When 9 = dHi@i,Q) = there exist positive constants {n^,K,^,K) such that for i^e/cin, ; all so that, with probabihty e. inf where Q (a), D Proof of Part Tie 0, on where proven. n > : 0. Q being minimized + Op(l) <(j) c/an + Op(l) ^p 0. Hence supg Q < wp — — < Wp (a). in C.l(d) holds by c/ttn Hence 9/ n (9 \ 9f) where 6{e) > 0, this implies supgQ(i(0, 9/) < e. * ||6 Proofs 9/, which implies supg^g^ from uniform convergence as assumed where follows as c/an, which implies 9/ > inf used. is : PROOF OF Part 3.1: where d{h,A) :— , latter notation The e-expansion of G/ is defined as 0j :— {0 £ 97^ :=-- {9 eQi d{e, 9 \ 9/) > e}, where e > 0. Appendix 6. 6.1. which case the empty. is of we use abbreviated notation instances, (3). . by c/o„ -^p 0. By c, construction of 9/, Hence, combining with Step Therefore diy(9/,9/) ^ui) = (a) of the we have that Proof of Part (1), D Op([c/a„]i/T). 9/, by Step (a) of Proof of Part (1), 9/ = 9 wp ^ 1, so D Owp^l. 29 Proof of Theorem 3.2. PROOF OF Part (1). Fix any e £ (0,77]. It follows that wp — 1, ©7^ Q{i) C'n(c') C(;j) Cn{c) C(jjj) G|, where c is from Theorem 3.1. Inclusion (i) follows since supg-t anQn = < c* wp — 1, by C.3(b), (ii) follows from c > c' wp -^ 1, and (iii) follows from Part 6.2. . > > Theorem 1 of 6}, it dH{Qj^,@i) < Since 3.1. follows that d//(67,C„(c')) Proof of Part < Let e„ (2). by Condition C.3(a) and dH{Q%©i) e e. Part (1) follows. = inf{e = (2) of Theorem C Qfl<'^^"\ Conclude have that Cn[c') Proof of Part Hence dn {&!,&) wp Proof of 6.3. 9/ C. Cn{c) = 3.1 that for > > e = Then we have Op{an^^''). It = that dH{Cn{c), 9/) it is that can be shown, similarly to the n > all ng, immediate that 9/ = 0/ = 9 wp -^ : < sup^g©^ a„Q„(0) 3.1. — C„ c implies supg^Q^ a,nQn{9) < c The (2). Proof of Theorem 1 is special Step and e„ :— (Inn/ttn)^/''' Cb„ is 3.1 or := 7?„ := supafcQj^b^n — e„, < samples is if Cj^h,n By standard is -> 1, C.3 holds, and ??„ := = 3.2 Bn- Define G(,^„(x) := := ^ B-' sup abQj,b,n < for ^p Step 2 below Gi,„(x) G{x) is The allowed to be data-dependent. subsampling. 0, if Cj,b,„ C.3 not hold. Hence dofes := sup abQj^b,n, for all j wp — > 1, < B„, Q]^ was computed using j-th subsample; B~^ Si=i ^{^j,b,n <x}< l{C,,b,n therefore omitted. is we have that 9^" C Cn{c) C 9^", where Cn{c) j denotes that the statistic G^Jx) proof (1). It suffices to prove the result for ci only. wp Theorem 97" where index its identical to this proof, since c\ to our problem, while Step 2 By Theorem 1. elementary and is PROOF OF Part 3.3. proof for any subsequent step Step result by D D compactness of 9/. 6.4. 1. D PROOF OF Part (1). Clearly, C„ = € Q anQn{9) < c}. Conversely, 9/ C Cn{c) implies Proof of Part we D Op{an^'''). 1. Lemma {9 definition of C.3(c) e„ exists there exist {5i:,n^) such that for 0, Under the stated condition, (3). — any By Condition 0}. and e„ = Op{an^^'^). Hence by C.3(a) and C.3(c), d//(0"'",e/) ©7^" C CnC^) Q Cn{c') wp —+ 1, where c' > c and ? = c + Op(l). Proof of Part by e D supg-e a„Q„ : < = P{C < < Gb,n{x) 2;}. wp — Hence < GbA^) > :- total number of sub- 1 B'' Y, H^^An < x] and Gf,,„(x) ~>p G{x) = P{C < = P{C < 0. ^}- x), for each a; > 0. This proves that Gb,n{x) -^p G{x) x} for each x > (6.1) Convergence of the distribution function at continuity points implies convergence of the quantile function at continuity points. implies that c := Step G^^{a) Define 2. — Op(l) = P{Cb < x} C_^ + Varp(S~'^ J2j=i l{^j,M —>p By C.4 c{a) := G"~^(a) G^^{a) for each a S := supQ^n abQb and Cb (21 Op(l) < x}) = P{C — o(l). < x} For -I- i.i.d. is continuous in a £ (0,1). Hence, (6.1) (0, 1). — supgcn a^Qb- Op(l) at each x Write Gt_„(x) > 0. data, this follows from 30 = Conclusion Bn —* oc £'p[G{,„(x)] (1) follows -|- by and the Hoeffding inequality for bounded in the proof of by C.5 and C.4 and by (1999). Conclusion (2) follows to restrictions on the subsample size b —*p Likewise, conclude Gb^ni'x) Proof of Part Lemma Proof of 6.5. The (2). 3.2. ^(2;) == — stationary a-mixing series, this follows from i?„ l/'-statistics; for an upper bound on covariance given Theorem e„ = o{l/a^ and the rate a„ stated P{C < and = 77„ oo and o(l/aj ) arising due theorem. in conditions (b,c) of this D D x}. Lemma from result follows ) > Romano, and Wolf 3.2.1 in Politis, PROOF OF Part 3.1 Conditions S.l and S.2 immediately imply (1). D (3.4). Proof of Part lim sup n-*oo P{sup £„ < v^ where inequality (i) — (5 00. > Since e and e > is limsupP{max^„ < from sup^d in follows arbitrary, ys (i) 6 >0 and e > ^} <(m) P{sup^oo < r + e} + e, ys^ follows < P{supyi r} ^00 < r}. for Further, for any M{£) C V^ such that r} >(i\ liminf ' P{max£„ < n-*oo "• < in r — e} — e M{e) P{max^oo <r-6} -e M(e) y/m) Pjsup^oo <r-e} -e, yS from the finite-dimensional approximability condition S.3(B), finite-dimensional convergence condition S.3(A), and arbitrary, any from the finite-dimensional convergence sup;j,|/£\ in, (h) hmsup„^QoP{supv<5 >/u) where inequality for from the finite-dimensional approximability condition S.3(B) applied (iii) Pjsup £„ < n-»oo ^ < r} <(jj) P{max£(x> M(e) M(£) n^oo there exists a finite set lim inf Note that S.2. M(e) C V^ such that r} <(j\ condition S.3(A), and n This part shows that S.3 imphes (2). there exists a finite set (iii) from sup^s i^ > su^p{^^^^^irx:, (ii) from Since e hminf„^oo P{supy« in < 1^} > P{sup^,^5 £00 < ^}- Conclude by the Portmanteau lemma G A) for finite set A in S.2 follows i^o- The joint convergence of (supys £„, that supys in —^d supys (5 D similarly. Proof of Theorem 6.6. Step 1 verifies 4.1. PROOF OF PART 1. (C.l and Step — n and 6„ = is organized in the following steps. In particular, uniform convergence = ||(Gn[m,(0)] > C > C- |v^||^p[mi(0)]|| wp —^ 1, uniformly in 9 G + V^Ep[mi{9)]f - Step by and the imme- rates of convergence inf Q by definition mineig Wni9) > C > 0, + y\\ > >C-\C-V^{d{9,ei)A5)-Op{l)f, hysnp\\Gn[mi{9)]\\ = 0p{l) \\Gn[mi{e)]\\\^ is Q} being P-Donsker and having Ep[mi(9)] — + y^Ep[m,{9)]yW^/^i9)f \\Gn[mi{9)] 2, 5 verifies S.1-S.3. y/n in C.l follow from {mi{9), 9 G on ©;. To verify C.2 observe that nQn{9) The proof and C.2: Uniform Convergence and Quadratic Minorants) Condition C.l diate from condition M.l(a,c,d,e). an (1). C.l and C.2. Step 2 gives an auxiliary basic approximation for £„. Using Step 3 verifies C.4, Step 4 verifies C.5, Step is by inequality \\x wp \\\y\\ - ^ 1, by M.l(e) ||x||| and M. 1(d), eee (6.2) 31 where sup^gg ~ ||G„[mj(^)]|| Op{l) follows from P-Donskerness. choose (Kejne) large enough so that for >l-C-C^-n- nQniO) This [d{9, all Therefore, for any £ n > n^ with probabUity at least 9 0;) A 6f uniformly on {0 G 1 - > d{e, 9/) : > we can e Ke/n^^~}. verifies C.2. = \\^/nEn[m^{e+X/^/ii)]'Wn^'^{e+\/^)\\^ = {Gn[mi{e + A/v^)] + -/nEplm^ie + X/y^)])' Wn^^{e + X/^)f. For any non-empty compact subset K oiJR'^, we have uniformly in A) £QxK: (1) Gn[mi{0 + X/^/n)] = Gn[mi{9)] + 0p{l), by the stochastic equicontinuity arising due to P-Donskerness, (2) Wn{0+X/^/n) = W{6)+0p{l), by M.l(e), Step (An Auxiliary Expansion). 2 Write £^{0, A) II (6', and G„[mj(^)] (3) =d A{9) ^"^(9), by P-Donskerness, where A{9) -t-Op(l) in + defined in the statement of the theorem, and (4) ^/nEp[mi{9 = and by Ep[mi{9)] £ 9/. These for all ^ 4(^,A) ^d \\{A{9) the Gaussian process is = G{9)X L-(9/ x K). X/y/n)] + o(l), by M.l(d) imply that results + G{9)Xyw'/\9)f +Op{l) in ^oo(e,A) Note that^oo(0, A) is is stochastically equicontinuous in L°° (9/ x/i'), because A) (0, \-^ {A{9),G{9)X,W{9)) stochastically equicontinuous in L°°(97 x K). Step 3 (C.4: Convergence of C„). > where C and Smorodina Step 4 Cn{5n) By Step C„ =d sup^gQ^ ||A(^)'Tyi/2(0)||2+Op(l) = C-f Op(l), 11.1 of Davydov, Lifshits, (1998). This verifies C.4. (C.5: Approximability of C„). = 2, and has a continuous distribution function by Theorem a.s. sup sup nQn{9) =d By expansions in Step 2 \\A{9)'W^'\9)\\ + Op{l) =d sup \\A{9)'W'I\9)\\ +Op(l), C where the Step last equahty follows by stochastic equicontinuity of A{9yW^/'^{9). This 5 (S.1-S.3: Limits of Related Statistics) This step shows that to M.l(a,c,d,e), then S.l and S.3 hold. S.3 implies S.2 o(l). i-> Then, for some e„ j 0, Isup^-^^^ suP||(6),A)-(e',A')||<en Koo(^, A) - ^00(6*', A') by - sup^^^^j < + Op(l)| + Op(l) Lemma if M.l(b) states dH{V^,V^) 3.2. supi\i^gx)-{e',\')\\<en = Op(l) verifies C.5. M.l(b) holds in addition I4(^,A) -4(6i',A')| = = by Step 2 and stochastic equiconti- nuity of ^oo(6',A). This verifies S.l(B). Condition M.l(a) implies S.l(A). By This Step 2, the finite-dimensional limit of 4(6', A) equals by stochastic equicontinuity imability condition S.3(B) Proof of Part particular, the first that = A) ||(A(6I) + G{9)XyW^/^{9)f. verifies S.3(A). Finally, note that well £00(6*, (2). is inf(5i ;^)gv'4 finite-dimensional approx- and it is therefore omitted. In = nQn{9) — ninfg'ge Qn{^'), where asymptotic approximations for to the proof of Part (1). The second term inf^/ggnQn (&') can be arbitrarily nQn{9 + X/^/n) —d = 2, D similar to the proof of Part (1), approximated by mi,Q^^s^y6 nQn{9+X/^/n) infg/ge nQn{9') and Step trivially satisfied. The proof is we have that nQn{9) term are identical of £oo(^, A) for a sufficiently large mf(^gx)QV^ ^oo{9, X) inif^gx-j^yx, ioo{9, A) -I- Op(l). The 32 + Op(l). 5. Then as in Part (1) follows Setting 5 arbitrarily large gives that limit \rd(^gx)&v^ ^oo(^, A) exists ' it °° and is tight due monotone convergence: to as 5 t V^ cxd, V^, and f > mf(^g)^)^Y^ioo{9,X) [ mi^g\)^v^^oo{d,X) n a.s. 6.7. Proof of Lemma Proof of Part VM ^ 4.1. (2). PROOF OF PART This part holds (1). G = 9^ is convex and compact. Define V^ = {(6',A) 6 eQi,Xe v^(0g - 6)}. Consider the simplest case where V^iQg - {X e Bs X € 9) for some n'}. Define Note that V^ C V^ by convexity of Qg and V^ t V^ monotonically : V^ and V^ implies convergence in the Hausdorff distance because Further, 6 V^^ denote V^ from the convex let + X/^) = 0}, Vi We have dniVlVl) < e Qi,X ^ B6,gr{e Bs,Ve9riO)X = 0}. the first term is o(l) by the argument 6.8. are subsets of a compact Mi^, Mij. Ml,, Ml, + Er^idniMi^Ml,) = := {(0,A) set. {{0,X) is by an argument similar to that in bounded by Lemma 2 in D 4.2. Proof of Part The proof (1). organized as follows: is Conditions C.l, C.2, and C.3. Step 2 gives an auxiliary basic approximation for another approximation. Using Step 2 and 6.1 gives : e Qi,X e o(l),23 where 9 : convex case and the second term o(l) = This (1997). Proof of Theorem verifies dH{V^',V^') is : in the set-theoretic sense. Define V^ := V^^ nf^j case. := V^' n^^, for the X^r^i supggQ;^ <^//(-^nr(^)'-^oor(^))i which Andrews D trivially. Lemma Step 3 6.1, verifies in. Step 1 Lemnla Condition C.4, Step 4 verifies Condition C.5, and Step 6 verifies Conditions S.1-S.3. Step 1 and (Verification of C.l, C.2, C.l C.3). uniform convergence and the rates of convergence a„ 0} being P-Donsker and Ep[mi{6)] < immediate from M.2(a,c,d,e). In particular, is = n and 6„ = ^/n in C.l follow from {mi{9),6 E on-B/. To verify C.2 observe that wp -^ 1, uniformly in 9eQ nQn{9) = \\{Gn[m,{9)] + >C-\\Gn[mi{e)] by By C inf • > This follows by > (6.3), by Op(l), where the latter >C n- C > wp -^ (||G„K:(0)] {d{9, 0/) A {Ki;,n^) so that for all >\-C,-C by definition y^Ep[m,{e)]\\l \\V^Ep[m,{9)]\\l we can choose nQn{9) + mineig Wni9) M.2(d), \\VnEp[mi{9)]\\l any e V^Ep{mi{9)]yW^^\e)\\l -n- {d{9, 0;) A (5)^ + 5)^ 1, ^^'^' by M.2(e) V^Ep[mi{9)]\\l/\\V^Ep[m,i9)]\\l). on for some C> n > n^ with probability uniformly in {6i G : and 5 > at least 1 d{9, 0/) 0. — Therefore, for e > ^Jn^/^}. + /||x||+ —» 1 as ||x||+ -^ oo for any y £ IR'^, and by supg^Q holds by the P-Donsker property. This verifies condition C.2. ||y-l-a;|| ^^This follows by the elementary inequality ||Gn[mj(0)]|| dniAn B,C Ci D) < dniAO B,C n B) + dniC n D,C f] B) < dH{A,C) + dH{B,D). 33 To wp — verify C.3 observe that nQn{e) = \\{Gn[mi{e)] < C' < C' + 1, uniformly in 9 G Qj ^Ep[mi{e)])'Wl''^[e)\\l by definition + ||(G„K(0)] by supmaxeig Wn{d) < y/^Ep{mi{e)]\\l 2_^ |'G„[mij(0)] • > + where subscript •s/nEp[mij{6)\\'^_^_, < C' oo wp j denotes j-th ^ 1, by M.2(e) element of vector m,:(0) i<J < C' 2Z • l'^p(^) - \/n • C • {d[e, e \ Gy) A <5)|; for C> some and > 5 by M.2(f). o<J Therefore, for any e least 1 — verifies Step II G implied by A{6) - Q'''^'^ uniformly on k^ large enough so that for n > n^ with probability all at ^^g^Q^, 9\ ^{0, 9/) > K,/n^/^}. Condition C.3. (A Basic Approximation). Write 2. i<Gn[mi{e in (^, A) we can choose £ Qn[e) This > 4(61, A) = \\y/nEn[mi{e+X/y/n)]'Wn^'{e+X/^)\\l = + ^Ep[m,{9 + A/Vn)])' Wn^^{e+X/^/fi)\\l. We have for any 5 > 0, uniformly (9 X Bs): (1) G„[mj(0 + X/^/n)] — Gn['mi{6)] + Op(l), by the stochastic equicontinuity the P-Donsker property, (2) W„(i9 + X/y/n) = W{9) + Op(l), by M.2(e), (3) Gn[mi{e)] =d + A/Vn)] + Op(l) in L°°(9), by P-Donskerness property, where A{6) ^Ep[mi{0 + X/^/ii.)] the statement of the theorem, (4) the Gaussian process defined in is - ^Ep[mi{e)] ^ G{9)X + o{l), by A4.2(d). Therefore en{0, A) -rf \\iA{9) Steps Lemma 3,4, 6.1. and .5 also + Gi9)X make =d sup '=^ ||(A(0) sup ||(A(0) ^max Qj :— {9 G Qj : L°°(9/ x Bs). in Op(l)||^, use of the following result. The following approximation sup£„(0. A) where + V^Ep[m,{0)]yw'/'{9) + Ep[mij{9)] true: + G{9)X + V^Ep[m,{0)]yw'/\9) + + sup ~ is + mywy'.{9) + G{9)X J]|(A,(0) + Op(l)||t + G,(^)'A)l^_,f(0) 0\/j G J,Ep[mij{9)] Op{l)\\l <0\/j G J'^}, (6 4) Op(l)|-;, J denotes any non-empty subset of {1, ...,J}, arid ij{9) :- The proof Step of this 3. (C.4: lemma if is Ep[m.ij{9)] = and ^^{9) := ^ if Ep[m^J{0)] < 0. (6.5) given below, immediately after the proof of this theorem. Convergence of C„) Application of C„ -co sup 6.1 for V^ = V^ = Q + m)'W^'-{0) + Op(l)f+ X; \A,{eywjp{9) + Op(l)|^. sup nQn{9) =d sup i|(A(0) = max Lemma 34 x {0} yields < Hence P[C„ By Theorem — c] < P[C * 11.1 of function of A(^) imphes that mass at c = C has continuous = 1/2 ixiax.j laaxj^j supg^Qj.[Aj{6)Wjj Ppn < 0] = Step 4. P[Y < < P[C This 0]. = Ep[mi{9')])\\ nQn{e)=d Then o(l) it oo) with a possible point Y = Then by (6.6) 0], with some e„ e„] By (£„ T 0), j IR. and P[Y < e„] -^ sup Step 2 + ^Ep[mi{9)]yw'/^{9) + \\{A{e) and by of ^ h^ {A{9),W^^'^{9)) follows that for any (5„ or j follows as in Step 3 that P[Cn{Sn) < c] (5„ = \\iAi9)+V^Ep[m,{9)]yw'/\9)+Oj,{l)\\l it [0, note that non-degeneracy imphes that Condition C.4. verifies and by stochastic equicontinuity statement of the theorem. has a continuous distribution function on (6)] (C.5: Approximability of C„) sup sup = bounded above (below) by P[Y < is 0] in the (1998), non-degeneracy of the covariance distribution function on -^ P[C 0] C defined for 0, and Smorodina Lifshits, To show P[Cn 0. > for each c c] Davydov, — > Opil)\\l supug, _0»^j^,/:j^\\^/n{Ep[mi{9)] — T sup \\{A{9)+V^Ep[mi{e)]yw'/^i9)+Op{l)\\l. P[C < c] for each c > This 0. verifies condition C.5. Step 5. (Verification of S.1-S.3) S.l(A) follows from M.2(a). S.l(B) and S.2 follow from Lemma Further, in equation (6.4), for each J, supys^^g^Q^ J^jej \i^A^) + Gj{eyX)WJj\e) + Op{l)\l admits finite-dimensional approximation by stochastic equicontinuity of (9, A) i-+ {A{9),G{9)X, W{9)) 6.1. L°°(0 X Bs), which implies S.3(B). By Step 2, the finite-dimensional \\{A{9) + G{9)X + ^{9)yW^/^{9)\\l, which verifies S.3(A). ioc{0,\) in limit of £„(0,A) equals - Proof of Part 6.9. Proof of Lemma 4.2. Equality Step Here 1. (i) \\{A{e) Wp The proof is (2). 6.1. -^ -^ 2. immediate by Step is 2 of the proof of + V^Ep[mii9)]yw'/'i9) + gn{9,X,x):^\\{A{9) + G{9)X + myw'/\9) + 1, for some e„ J. by y/nEp[mi{9)] 0, gn{9,X,-en) > ^{9) for for 1, entries, some \\{A{9) and (ii) Furthermore, . for <(i) /n(6', A, x\\l, -e„) <(ii) £n{9,X) each 9 G Qi and by monotonicity: (iii) Theorem x\\l. + G{9)X + X2yW^/\9)\\l, and therefore omitted. proven as follows. Define G{9)X vecallmg tha.t <{zzi) xi > fn{9,X,en). X2 imphes W{9) is dia,gonal Theorem 4.2. follow from Step 2 of the proof of e„ j supp„(6i,A,-e„) Step it is + + G{0)X+.xiyW^/^{9)\\l > wp is and fn{9,X,x):=\\{A{9) with positive diagonal Therefore, equality in (6.4) the main claim of the lemma, (*) in (6.4), follows The first similar to the proof of Part (1), D D any e„ f sup5„(6',A,£„) v^ or e„ = < sup4(6i,A) < sup/„(6', A,e„). J, sup5„(6',A,Op(l)) = sup5„(6l,A,Op(l)), VT VI 35 ,„^. ^^^) where V^ is To show the closure of V^. sup5„(0,A,£„) Then by M.2(b) for equicontinuity of (0, A) = max V sup {A{e),G{e)X,W{e)) sup Y. + I(^(^) |(Aj(0) + G,(e)'A)VK/f (0) + = ej,V^\9 G Qj) every J, dniV^lO e ^ write this, o(l), e„|2.. which impHes by stochastic L°°(0 x Bs) that in G,(e)'A)T4^f (0) + e„|2. = sup J]|(A,(e) = sup y:i(A,(g)+G,(gyA)I^f(g) + + G,(0)'A)l^f(0) + Op(l)|i Op(l)P^, so relation (6.8) follows. Step 3. This step shows that for some e^ i 0, < sup/„(6>,A,e„) ys Observe that for < (jiO) if n 1 Q,n,£ —e and e — {lo for all > ^rt : n> Ue- = O(^) supgg©^^;^^^^ l|A(0)|| < (6.9) (w„(fc), ^iTasup^.Ep[mij{en)] K^]. For any £ V^ by dniV^, V^) ^ and by (6.9) > V^CQj (6.11) gives that lim; " SUp5„(fc) ^ ^* ^^'^ x Bg. As > (6*, j. This gives a contradiction to Combining Steps 1,2, and 6.10. Proof of Lemma ^n{k{i)) in ^jiO) = K^ such -oo. (gjo) > that P(n„_£) e > ~* '^*! 0. (6.11) where A*,e/2) in (6.7), this inequality > wp - (^*, A*) is in -^ 1 g„(fc(,)) the closure , (6**, A*, e/2)](tj„(fc(,))) can occur only > if Ci(^*) (6.10). Therefore, the claim of V^j > Step 2 conclude that g„((9*, 3 implies the result of the 4.2. Define A, e)](w„(fc)) [/„(;,(,)) (6i„(fc(i)), A„(fc(;)),0) Given the definition of /„ and Qn stated some there exists 0, limsupVnM))£^pKj(^^(/c(/)))] for H ^j{0) does not hold, then there must exist constants sup5„(6l,A,e) =sup5„(6',A,e) 0. = On(k),K{k)) with u^^k) £ ^n{k),e^ {Sn{k),K{k)) e V^^^^y such that Select a further subsequence such that ^n(fc(0) which together with 1. n Suppose that relation and a subsequence 0. lim[/n(fc)(^n(fc))'*^n(fc).en(fc)) of -^ ys any 0„ G 0/ converging to 6 ^ Qj, limsup ^/nEp[m,J{0n)] Let wp supg„(^,A,e^) Step 3 is correct. D lemma. := V^\9 G Oj. Apply the proof of Lemma 4.1 for V^ to ° Kj36 > 7. Suppose that one 9* in is 0/ interested in a particular parameter 9* inside Qj. is when well motivated, is when typically the case Extension: Pointwise Approach there a sense in which 9* is < 9*.^'^ we make the c) for each c one 9 & Qj, C{9) > > random real c) — variable that has a as c{a,9). Moreover, for at least for 9*. a.t 6 = 9*, of confidence regions, suppose the estimate c{9) is available such that condition models, through the use of the limit distributions obtained in Consistency of the subsampling estimate c{9) follows by the standard argument, in < c{a,9) for each 9 £ O/. Consistent estimates c{9) can be obtained by subsampling moment not of is we construct a confidence region for 9* as follows. We for each 9 G Q. Then we collect all ^ £ 6 that pass the test to form More precisely, we collect all G such that a„Qn{9) < c{a,9). Towards the construction the 9/ with positive probability. a confidence region c{9) In this scenario, there exists a„ -^ oo such that, for Cn{9) := anQni^), •P(Cn(^) Using the fact that Qi9) = test whether whether Q{9) = —>p latter following assumption. and each 9 G Qj, where C{9) is a continuous distribution function on [0,oo) and a-quantile denoted P{C{9) The some is. In order to facilitate inference about 9* Condition C.6. Suppose the true parameter. is data-generating processes of real data for some parameter value interest per se, inference about maintained that the economic models are correct representations of it is but rather 9* The Step 2 of the Proof of Theorem 3.3. It should be noted that subsampling is e.g. or, for Theorem 7.3. the one given generally less accurate than the use of the limit distributions. Let 0/ be an estimator of 0/ so that 0/ we can for instance, (logn/n)^/'''. we set Let also 0/ = C 0/ wp —+ 1. We also C„(logn), which under C.l and C.2 cbe any is want 0/ to be a sharp estimate, consistent consistent estimate of the a-quantile of and converges C defined at rate in C.4. Recall that used c for the construction of the region- wise critical value. The The following two regions will be considered. first region a simple region defined by a is single critical value: C„(2* The second regions is A c) - {0 7.1. : OnQniO) < c* A c}, where - c* sup a region that employs critical values that depend on Cn{c{-) Remark G The two A c) = {0 e : anQn{9) constructions are equivalent in can be transformed to have equal quantiles.^^ The compute, and report. Clearly, either region is fist a subset < c{9) many A ,^ ^. 9: c}. (7.2) cases, since the objective functions construction of, c{9). and hence is is more parsimonious, easier to no larger than, the confidence region Cn{c) for 0/. ^^There is 0* G such that the model law Pg agrees with the actual law of data P. This can be seen by defining the new criterion function Qnifi) := Qn{6)/ ma,x[c{a,9),e] In many examples this is for all G 0/. unnecessary, as criterion functions have the equi-quantile property by using optimal weights. 37 Remark Bahadur 7.2. If c{d) do not truncate obtained by subsampling, the truncation of critical values by c improves Indeed, efficiency: c{0)Ac—>p c{a) < is ii ^ 9 subsampling implementations that, GO. Therefore, by c{6) c suffer 0/, we have that c{9) —>p +cx>, typically at the rate from the power loss of in contrast to a^, but our construction, Chernozhulcov and Fernandez- in finite-samples. Val (2005) show, in a different situation, that the Bahadur inefficiency of canonical (untruncated) subsampUng Remark leads to a substantial loss of The 7.3. hypotheses Q{9) = in finite samples. construction of either region employs the pointwise inversions of tests of point This follows the Anderson and Rubin (1949) construction of confidence regions 0. the case of simultaneous equations. for power In the case of weakly identified and unidentified linear instrumental variable models, the construction was used by Dufour (1997) and Staiger and Stock among (1997), others. employed region dynamic censored regression model, In a partially identified (7.2) for inference. Hu (2002) also In partially identified instrumental variable quantile regression model, Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004) also use the region (7.2). A previous version of the paper, Chernozhukov, Hong, and Tamer (2002), Appendix G, also gave pointwise constructions. Imbens and Manski (2004) investigate the Wald type inference about 9* for the special case where 9* is a parameter known to belong to an interval which endpoints can be consistently estimated. The real analysis here apphes to a considerably Remark 7.4. The more setting. recent developments in the literature include who show (2006) and Sheikh (2006) critical values more general Andrews and Guggenberger that the confidence regions of the type proposed here, with obtained by subsampling, have important robustness (uniform coverage) properties. moment condition models, we can construct the critical values using limit Remark 7.6, which should be preferable to subsampling due to higher accuracy. Note, however, that in distributions, e.g. see Remark be will 7.5. less The (2006). Due to reasons given in Remark 7.2, our regions (7.2) constructed using subsampling by Andrews and Guggenberger (2006) and Sheikh conservative than the regions studied latter are constructed using canonical (untruncated) contrast, regions (7.2) use the truncated critical value c{9) Theorem 7.1. Suppose c{9) —>p c{a,9) and c ~^p and C.6 that (a) Conditions C.4 c{a) > (1) for any 9* G 9/, liminf„_oo A supggg^ c{a,9), where c{9) ^'{6'* subsampling critical value c{9). In c. hold, > and and c (b) > for each 9 G Qj we have with probability 1. Then, G C„(c(-)Ac)} > \im'min^ooP{o-nQn{9*) < e C„(c* Ac)} > a, and (2) lim inf „^oo -Pi^^* a. Proof of Theorem 2* Ac} ^[iii) on c >(i) c{9), ^ c(0*)} —(iv) (iii) trivially follows The Part (1): lim inf„_^oo -P{^* £ Cni'S' Ac)} liminf„^ooP{anOn(^*) P{C{^) and 7.1: follows > a, <c(r)A?} where (i) by Condition C.6, and from inequality (i) in the liminf„^oo P{a„Q„(r) < >(,i) follows = by construction, (iv) follows proof of Part (n) follows (c(r) + Op(l)) V 0} by the assumptions by Condition C.6. Part (2): This part D (1). following theorem provides consistency and rates of convergence of the sets constructed above. Theorem 7.2 (Consistency and rates of convergence) 7.1 hold. Consider estimators 0/ := {5 G 9 : . Suppose C.l, C.2, and conditions of Theorem anQn{9) < 38 c{6) f\c + Kn] and 9/ := {^ G 9 : o-nQniS) < c* Ac+ Kn], where Kn :— dniOhQi) = Op([l/a„]V7) ^ 0^(1) The same Op(l), otherwise. Proof of Theorem follows Theorem n-V2 known is c.3 is^known and k„ := logn otherwise. Then, to hold, to hold, and dH{Q],Qi) = Op ( [log n/a„]V7) Since Cni^n) C 6/ C 6/ C Cn{c + «;„), C„(k„) and C„(c for the rate and consistency results + k„) obtained in Theorem 3.1 D 3.2. (Limits of Cn{0) in 7.3. moment = results apply to Qj. from the rates and consistency results and Theorem for the 7.2: when C.3 if Moment Condition Models) (1) Suppose Condition M.l holds P-Donsker condition on moment functions implies equality model. In particular, the {Yl'i=i{mi{0) - = Ep[mi{e)])) -^^ A(0) c{e) .= \\i\{eyw^i\e)f, c{e) :^ \\^{e)'w'!\e)f N{Q,Ep[^{e)/\{e)']). Then, Condition C.6 holds with (7.3) - m[e') + inf G{e')x)'w'/\d')\\\ (7.4) . when Qn{S) and Qn{d) = Qn{^) — inf^'ge Qn{9') are used for inference, respectively. Suppose Condition M.2 holds for the moment inequality model. 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ADDENDUM for "Estimation and Confidence Regions for Parameter Sets Econometric Models" In this paper P, the true probability measure, which contiguous perturbations of the and coverage properties follows its The the nuisance pajameter. is goal to examine is P preserve or do not preserve the estimation The idea of focusing on the local perturbations original fixed of the confidence regions. uses in the confidence interval literature, see notably Dufour (1997), Potscher (1991), and Andrews and Guggenberger tically detected do not P Robustness to Contiguous Perturbations of 8. in affect Intuitively, contiguous perturbations of (2006). P can not be statis- with certainty, and we therefore want to make sure that contiguous changes the coverage properties of confidence regions. An alternative motivation is in P that, in the asymptotic context, the relevant parameter space for nuisance parameters consists of contiguous parameter values, which (1998), Chapter is a standard approach in asymptotic efficiency analysis, see van der Vaart In fact, finding minimal coverage under contiguous sequences 8.7. establishing local uniform coverage, compact We the local nuisance parameters are allowed to vary over a set.^^ focus on examining the robustness of the stated in 8.1. when Theorem 3.1 and Theorem Regular Cases. Consider a where 7 equivalent to is is on the law what 3.3. = follows, notation of the data P. = P and {P„^.y,7 6 r,n = 1, ...} C P. Let P^ denote Each 7 G P is such that P" is contiguous to P", the law in 'W\^...,Wn under P, namely P"(yl„) events j4„.^^ In inferential results, the ones triangular sequence of probability measures {Pn_.y,n an index of a sequence of data w\,...,Wn under Pn^-y- main estimation and is used to Similarly, notation c{a, any sequence the law of data of measurable reflect that identification region 0/ depends oil) implies P".^(A„) Qi{P) = 1,2,...}, P) o(l) for used to denote that the a-quantile of C is depends on P. Lemma Assume conclusions of Theorem 3.1. place of {P}, for any 7 G and C.2 hold with (2) Assume instance, that provided in Sections 3 or 4- liminf P„-.{e/(P„^) first result as long as C.l C states that consistency Take any estimate Then for each 7 £ Cn(c)} and in the re-statement of C.l Then and C.4 hold under under {P}, with the common c limit real —>p c(a, (1) so do {Pn,-y} in random variable P) under {P}, for P, > a and ^ a if P{C > 0} > a. rates of convergence will be preserved under sequences and C.2 hold under sequences (replacing cause no ambiguity {P}, for each 7 G P. {Pn,-y] replacing that Conditions C.l, C.2, P, as well as hold C, distribution of which does not depend on 7. The and Coverage] 8.1. [Conditions for Maintaining Consistency, Rates of Convergence, that Conditions C.l and C.2). P with P„_.y The second and 9/ with Qj{Pn,-y) should result of the lemma addresses ^^The weak IV example presented below clarifies this statement; see, specifically, equations (8.8)- (8.9). ^^Throughout this section, measurable events An are events that are measurable with respect to (fi.jT) completed with respect to both P" and Pn,-y 43 coverage properties in the regular case - Note that the coverage Note that if C„ is result when the hmit of C„ does not depend on the local sequence."^ independent of the is non-regular - that is, way the critical value limit distribution its is under estimated. {Pn,-y} the coverage under sequence depends on whether the distribution of Cn under dominated depends on 7 - P^^^y is samples by the distribution under fixed sequence {P}, as stated in large stochastically in Lemma 8.3 below. Conditions of Lemma 8.1 are verified in our principal Condition M.S. (Moment Equalities) Suppose that apphcations as follows: M.l partial identification conditions (4-1) holds uniformly in P holds for each V, (h) G{9) = V £ and that limnVgE^p (a) the exists „[77i,;(0)] and is continuous over a neighborhood ofQ, for each 7 G F, (c) the Donsker condition (4-2) holds under {Pn,j} in place of {P} for each 7 G F, with the common limit Gaussian process A(^), (d) ^P.,-,KW] = Ep[mi{e)] + Condition M. 0(1) for each (Moment 4. 7 G F, (e) dH{<di{Pna),Ql{P)) Inequalities) Suppose that M.l exists and is (d) V, (h) continuous over a neighborhood ofQ, for each 7 G F, w place Sp„,^K(0)] = Ep[mi{e)] dH{Qj{Pn,-y),Qj{P)) Condition of (a) is = {P} for each 7 G + G{9) (c) the common limit P = J e V 7 G F. and that (a) lim^ V6i£^p.^^„[mi(0)] Donsker condition (4-2) Gaussian process A{d), 7 G F, (e) and dH{edPn,-y),Qi{P)) and each 7 G F 0(1) for each 0(1) for each = o(l) and . a locally uniform partial identification condition. Sufficient condition for con- known and dition (c) are well F, with the o(l) for each holds for each the partial identification conditions (4-5) holds uniformly in holds under {^71,7} - are given in van der Vaart The quadratic-mean-differentiability condition, p. 406. requires that the perturbations of P and Wellner (1996), p. 173, including a principal condition is Condition (e), which affect the identification region smoothly. Lemma 8.2. (Coverage, Consistency, Rates under Regular Sequences in (1) Condition M.3 implies conditions of Lemma 8.1. (2) Condition M.4 Moment Condition Models) implies conditions of Lemma 8.1. Example 1 (contd.) It is helpful to illustrate conditions M.4(a)-(e) via a simple example. Recall the example of interval censored suppose Yi < Y2 P-a.s. for M.4(a)-(d) easily follow. by the uniform in V all To P Y without covariates, in which case Qi{P) — [Ep[Yi], Ep[Y2]] and P and that {Yi,Y2) are uniformly Donsker in P."^ Then condition G verify M.4(e) note that by contiguity and uniform integrabihty implied Donskerness, iEp^jY,],Ep^JY2]) including the case of [E'pfFi], £'p[Y'2]] - {Ep[YriEp[Y2]), being a singleton. The and Manski (2004) used precisely the case last point is noteworthy, since Imbens of identification region shrinking to a singleton at a l/y/n rate as a counterexample to the coverage of certain t}T)es of confidence regions. ^^The definition of regularity follows that given ^^Conditions for the Donskerness uniformly in by van der Vaart and Wellner (1996), p. 413 V is well known, see van der Vaart and Welhier (1996), p.168-170. 44 many examples we have Conditions M.3 and M.4 are reasonable in boundary of 0/ Conditions M.3 and M.4 are not expected to hold (in M'') is strongly-identified. otherwise. Therefore, the models with weak identification, by the framework identification, are not covered considered, provided the Dufour (1997), that are cf. of regular sequences. Weak local to non- identification is not our focus in any case. However, Section 8.2 provides a general condition under which the proposed inference methods will and Staiger and Stock 8.2. The work. Non-regular cases. The lemma following be preserved will with a weak IV framework of Dufour (1997) in addresses non-regular cases mentioned earher, and much greater generality. (Maintaining Partial Consistency and Minimal Coverage under Non- Regular Sequences). (1) Suppose that supe^^p^^j Q„ vided c ^>p DO, under {Pn,j}- P C Op„ .^(l/a„) under {P„,^}. Then e/(P„,^) == (2) Let there be Condition C.4 holds under fixed that for each illustrated is (1997). shows that coverage results Lemma 8.3 condition any estimate c ^>p c{a, Cn{c) wp -^ 1, pro- P) under {P}- Suppose that with the limit real variable C that has a-quantile c{a,P). Suppose 7 G F and any sequence e„ J, we have 0, < liminf F„,^,[C„ {cia,P) - e„) V 0] > a. (8.1) Consider any estimate c-^p c{a,P) under {P], for instance, that provided in Section 3 or for each 7 G Then 4- F >a. liminfP„^,{e/(P„^) CC„(c)} Note again that the result is independent of the way the Example (Weak IV) The point . of this lemma can be critical (8.2) value is estimated. illustrated using a very simple IV example with one regressor: Y^OqX + c, 6I0 € G (compact) C X= IR, Q-Z + v, and (e,i;)|Z The identification region is Qi{P) = ©, that is, we have complete samphng and other conditions as in Section 4 hold under P. Now ~ Af(0, fi), Z~ iV(/i,o-|). non-identification. (8.3) Assume i.i.d. consider a sequence of models where Y^eoX + e, X= (p/^)Z + Let 7 index the parameter sequence {p}. (8.4); it is contiguous to law P". Let generated according to P„^-y v, Let and (e,i;)|Z~ A^(0,n),Z~ P" Af(0,CT|). denote the law of vector {Yi,Xi,Zi,i denote the law of the infinite - 9o (8.4) < sequence {Yi,Xi, Zi,i n) in < 00) (8.4). Note ©/(Pn,7) = ©/(P) = if p and ©/(P„,-,) This implies that the weak limit of C„ under P„^^ with p limit of Cn under P„_^ with p = 0, since sup \\A{eyw^/\e)f ^ = 0, is G ©/(P) G 45 P 7^ 0. stochastically smaller than the < sup \\A{eyw^/~i9)f. So if (8.5) weak (8.6) Therefore a-quantile of the right side (8.1) is Therefore, for each p e R'' and a.s. bigger than Q-quantile of the is Note, compactness of satisfied. 7 is = important in insuring that the right-hand side K is & compact subset of ]R; — p \ 0, convergent subsequence p„ in r and > each sequence Cn is local Q. parameter sequences 7 = T denote the let C > n—>oo Next we consider more general C„(c)} \\Aieyw'/^{9)f < (c(a,P) sup > liminfP[sup||A(0)'wV2(^)||2 < n —^00 Lemma (c(q,P) - K denoting any non-empty compact subset inf liminf inf K n— »(X) where P^p denotes the law sequence {Yi,Xi,Zi,i Proof of 8.3. < Lemma -|- 0(1), Proof of in the P have that C by assumption that etc., Lemma in < C„(c)} Pn,-y[Cn P[C < (2). P 0] 0] (8.7) e„) > a. a. (8.8) C„(8)} > a, (8.9) is in the spirit of c] 4.1, The proof i-> on The proof is by substituting {Pn.-y} contiguity, c -+p c{a,P) under 'straightforward D 3.1. By > [0, A{e)'W^/'^(e) 7, is > Pn,^[Cn < c] = Pn,y[Cn < c{a,P) + Op„,^(l)] = P[C < < c] — P[C < c] for all c > 0, by c > 0, and by continuity having replaced M.3(b) A(^) does not depend on having replaced v V n) in (8.4), and Pn,p denotes the law of infinite D 00). The proof P with and then noting that supe,(p„,^) \\A{eyW'/\9)f Proof of Part C Theorems is Pn,-y, = straightforward by repeating Steps 1-4 0/ with 0/(P„_-y), Op(l) with Op„^(l), supe^(p) \\A{9yw'/^{d)\\^ andby d//(e7(P„,T,),e/(P)) = and by contiguity W{d) does not variable C := sup0^(p) \\A{9yW'^/~{9)f does not 4.1, e„) of IR c{a,P) under {P}. c —>p 8.2. Proof of Part (1). Proof of Theorem followsby equicontinuity of By - "^ in the proof of of the distribution function c 1—> 8.4. P^.{e/(P„,^) 8.1. Proof of Part (1). {Pn,j}. Therefore Pl^{GiiPn,j) c{a, P)] each n, analysis of estimation, see van der Vaart (1998), Chapter 8.7. We (2). p^K of vector {Yi,Xi, Zi,i in place of the fixed sequence Proof of Part for The Umit under each 00) generated according to (8.4). This coverage property minimax local asymptotic K 8.3 that Uminf P„,^„{e/(P„,.,J C Cnic)} > n —»oo Equivalently, for {p„} with pn G set of all these sequences. either the left or right side of (8.6). Hence, for each sequence {7„} liminfP„,.,„[ This implies by finite is {p] liminf P„,^{07(P„,.^) where and we have that left side, depend on o(l) + 0p„Jl), imposed either. which in M.3(e). Hence the D 7. straightforward by repeating Steps 1-4 in the Proof of limit Theorem with Pn,^, 0/ with 0/(P„_.y), and Op(l) with Op„^(l). The exception is that — lim„ ^/nEp[mi{9)] under fixed sequence {P}. Note that the key Lemma 6.2 on which the proof is based will be preserved under seciuences {P-n,-)}proof of Lemma 6.2, the convergent subsequence {0„} in Qj{P) is replaced by the convergent Step 2, we need to define ^{9) inequality (6.10) in In the subsequence {&„} in Ql{Pn,j)^ where convergent means 9^ ^> 9 G Qj{P). Since we care only about 46 C„ in this A = 0. Lemma, [That is, that for every J, to consider the set = 6.2, we have a drastic V^ — V^ — Qj{Pn,f) x observation utihzed equicontinuity of i-^ A{9yW^^^{9) and the 7, and by contiguity W{0) does not depend on 7 Step 2 can be stated then as Hence C 8.5. 4(^,0) =d max = maxj sup5)ge^(p) Ylj^j Proof of Lemma Op„,.^(l/a„) < {0}.] In addition, we note o(l) not depend on sup simplification from setting by M.4(e), so that maxj7sup0^(p^^) J2jeJ li'^ji^) + max^sup0_^(p) E,e^ l(A,(0) + Gj{eyX)WJf~{9) + o,^Jl)\l. The dH{Qj{Pn,j),Qj{P)) Gj{9yX)wf{9) + o,^Jl)\l = last Lemma in repeating the proof of we only need sup C by M.4(b) A(^) does result of the modified which does not depend on Under {Pnn)' wp -^ c/an, which imphes 9/(P„,-y) The ^\{A,{e))WJj'ie) + Op^Jl)\l. l('^i(^))^'^j/ (^)l+i 8.3. Part (1). fact that either. 1, by construction c, supg^^p^ ^ Q^ = U Cnic). c —>p We have that c—>p of D 7. c{a, P) under {P}. By contiguity, c(a, P) under {Pn,-^]- Hence C c] {c{a,P) < V Cn{c)] > < > Pn,^{Cn Pn^i^n £„) 0} = Pn^iC < \c{a,P) Pna{®l{Pnn) Cn) V 0}, for some e„ | 0. The conclusion follows from the assumption that liminf„_^oo Pnai'^n ^ (c(a,P)-e„)VO}>a. D Part (2). 47 3521 83 Date Due Lib-26-67