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An agent with a misperception misperception and its may have an evokitionary advantage when his behavioral impUcations are recognized by others. In such situations evolutionary forces can lead to misperceptions, yielding "irrational behavior," such as the play of strictly dominated strategies. this reasoning relies sumed We on the assumption of subjective rationality point out that — agents to choose the behavior that maximizes their perceived payoffs. subjective rationality does not have solid evolutionary foundations: are as- However, in the pres- who do not maximize their perceived payoffs may than those who do. We show that relaxing the subjective ence of misperceptions, agents have greater fitness rationality requirement, although agents havior: somewhat paradoxically, leads to effectively rational be- may have systematic misperceptions, they will develop other biases to undo these misperceptions, and will act as a result, systematic biases in experimental settings if they are rational. As not necessarily translate demonstrate that the same evolutionary forces, the long run, lead agents to play as if they have a common prior, even though into irrational behavior. in We may also each agent will have different and possibly incorrect perceptions of payoffs and the rules of the game. Keywords: Common prior, evolution, neutral stability, misperceptions, per- ceptions, rationality. JEL *We thank ticipants at Classification: B40, C72, D84. Abhijit Banerjee, Navin Kartik, Eric MIT, SITE and Michigan for useful Van den comments. 1 Steen, Jorgen Weibull, and seminar par- Introduction 1 Much of economics built is on the notion that agents that maximize will take actions Alchian (1950), Friedman (1953), and Becker (1962) have their payoff or fitness. emphasized how "evolutionary" competition, either through the survival of the who social evolution, will tend to eliminate agents The evolutionary game theory hterature tion. dynamics, evolutionary forces rest point of game lying (see, e.g., will or deviate substantially from maximiza- formalizes these insights. Under" rephcator will typically eliminate all an evolutionary process fittest all dominated strategies, and any correspond to a Nash equilibrium of an under- the recent textbooks on evolutionary game theory, WeibuU, 1997, or Samuelson, 1997).^ The psychology literature and recent research phasize a variety of biases and misperceptions (e.g., over confidence, wishful thinking, law of small numbers). Although some of these "nonrational" types of behavior result arise there from cognitive hmitations, because is it many may scholars argue that nonrational behavior can confers no payoff disadvantage an informal em- in behavioral economics, instead, and may even have payoff benefits. First, theorem that, given the complexity of the econoinic situations folk that agents are involved in and the speed with which evolution works, there will not be strong enough evolutionary forces to wipe out nonrational behavior (See MuUainathan and Thaler, 2000, for a discussion and justification for this view). mists have argued that certain types of behavior that appear "irrational" commitment devices. Robert Frank (1988), tendency to seek revenge may be useful for many econo- may be useful Second, example, points out how the irrational by acting as a commitment to punish those who break their promises. Robson (1990), Banerjee and Weibull (1993), Dekel, Ely and Yi(1999) similarly show how, lankaya (1998), and Kockesen et al (types) are observable, evolution may to gain when agents' preferences select preferences or types that act "irrationally" commitment advantage. The argument that irrational behavior agents' preferences to be (to tions, including Dekel, may be some degree) a useful commitment device requires observable. In fact, a number Ely and Yilankaya (1998), Ely and Yilankaya (1999) and and Vega-Rodondo (2000) show that when preferences are not observed ' of contribu- at all, Ok evolution Other (non-monotonic) evolutionary dynamics may lead to strategies that are not Nash equilibria in the underlying game. See Bendor et. al. (2001) and Stenneck (2000). (and are even dominated) . Nash takes us back to equilibria. All of these papers, irrespective of whether they allow preferences to be observed or unobserved, rely on a strong notion of subjective rationality: agents are assumed to always maximize their perceived utility or payoff. Other game theory contributions in also start from different perceptions subjective rationality to derive tight predictions 1996, Van den (e.g., and use a notion of Harrison and Kreps, 1978, Morris, Steen, 2001, Yildiz, 2000). we argue that subjective In this paper, foundations (see also Blume and rationality does not have strong evolutionary Easley, 1992). Subjectively irrational agents tematically choose strategies that do not maximize their perceived payoffs Somewhat higher payoffs than subjectively rational agents. —who sys- —may obtain paradoxically, once we allow mutations (deviations) that relax subjective rationality, there are strong forces pushing agents towards effectively rational behavior (with limited information)." sults can be summarized as: Our main re- allowing subjective irrationality leads to effectively rational behavior (with limited information) in any neutrally stable outcome of evolution.'^ Nevertheless, we find that there is no immediate accurate perceptions. Evolution will select agents but these agents will link who between rational behavior and will act "effectively rationally", have very different perceptions, and sometimes will make systematic mistakes (yet their mistakes will cancel each other). In this sense, our analysis provides a microfoundation for the connnon premise that agents will typically behave as if they are rational (e.g., Friedman, 1953). This reasoning suggests that systematic misperceptions in experimental settings or in situations with little relevance to long-run fitness do not necessarily translate into widespread "irrational" behavior. We also show that in any neutrally stable outcome of evolution, agents different perceptions, but the play will correspond to a a game where players have a ^We call an agent as common is of interest since there eiiectively rational with full information.) We refer (A stronger notion of rationality will to this type of behavior as "effectively rational" since agents, despite their misperceptions, act as if they are rational. type of behavior could be referred to as "objectively rational" to contrast To minimize 'Neutral stability perform is strictly better ""But they may is information iff he maximizes his expected fitness Such an agent may lack some information, but will never have any bias nor play dominated strategies given his information set. behavior. of effectively rational with limited with respect to his information. correspond to have Nash equilibrium outcome This result prior.'' may terminology, we stick to the term a weaker form of evolutionary than all mutations it Alternatively, this with subjectively rational "effectively rational" stability, where stable strategies do not need to in post-entry population. not be able to distinguish some underlying games from each other. This common games are played. prior will simply correspond to the frequencies with which these underlying disagreement about the plausibility of the for common prior assumption game theory in (see example, Gul, 1998, and Aumann, 1998). Since the common-prior assumption crucial epistemological foundation for equilibrium behavior in most games, the regarding the common prior assumption have important implications analyses (see Aumann, 1987, and of the common prior assumption, equilibrium analysis). prior assumption beliefs are It is Our Aumann and Brandenburger, 1995, and Dekel and Gul, 1997, a criticisms for all equilibrium for the importance for the related criticism of results suggest that equilibrium analysis with the may have good evolutionary foundations is —even when common- players' expressed incompatible with each other. important to note that the neutrally stable behavior only with limited information; some misperceptions rance" so agents will not necessarily play a , full-information game. When will may remain be effectively rational in the Nash equilibrium outcome perceptions are observable, agents form of "igno- of the underlying may develop misper- ceptions in order to suppress information that would otherwise reduce the payoff to all parties.^ The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, of examples that illustrate our results, and we give a also discuss related literature in number more detail. Section 3 analyzes evolution in a single-agent decision problem (without strategic interactions) more formally. Section 4 analyzes a multi-agent/game-theoretic situation contains the main results of the paper. Since our main point is and that effectively rational behavior emerges once we allow agents to be subjectively irrational, in this section, we allow perceptions to be observed, creating the most favorable environment for deviations from rational behavior evolution (see, e.g., when perceptions ^This result is Dekel, Ely, and Yilankaya, 1998). Section 5 analyzes are not observed. Section 6 concludes. obtained because perceptions are more than "cheap talk": they also determine individuals process data from the real world. the same way has to play the same strategy A in player who both situations. We how two different situations in exactly show below that when perceptions perceives are simply "cheap talk" systematic misperceptions that affect behavior cannot arise. Examples, Outline and Related Literature 2 Examples and Outline 2.1 Consider the following 2x2 game and interpret the payoffs as fitness levels, so that evolutionary dynamics will favor strategies that have higher payoffs: Example (Game of underlying game , r This game player 1 is 2.2 1,1 3,0 dominance solvable and hence has a unique Nash equilibrium chooses r and player 2 plays L. different perceptions of their payoffs Now observability: let which —they may see the payoff matrix differently— and of different perceptions in this evolutionary the underlying game. Moreover, in imagine a meta-game in which players have an evolutionary process determining the frequency of 1. 0,0 1): us different perceptions. meta-game are still The fitness given by the payoffs in make two important assumptions: game agents' perceptions are observable to others in the ample, the perception of the payoff matrix that one holds is (for ex- engraved on their forehead).^ 2. subjective rationality: players choose whichever action maximizes their perceived payoffs. Then, consider a type for player 1 who Misperceiv Misperceived (Game perceives this 1\2 game over r. 1 2,0 4,2 1,1 3,0 I is a dominant strategy, and given subjective This will encourage his opponent to play R, and so a player with this type of misperception perception benefits player R 2): This type mistakenly perceives that I L instead as , r rationality, will choose game because it will receive enables him to the "true payoff" of commit 2. This mis- to playing his dominated strategy in the underlying game, thus enticing player 2 to change his play. Without the "^See Frank (1988) for a defense of the view that perceptions and preferences are, at least to some degree, observable to others. . misperception, player and player To could not have committed to playing his dominated strategy, 1 would have preferred to respond by 2 L. we simply apply standard see the forces shaping the evolution of perceptions, evolutionary reasoning to a meta-game where Game perception of 1 or misperceive as it we Game allow player 2 (in other words, To for player 2, even though there highlight the choices facing player 2, is we we allow mutations we allow no misperceptions over accurate and inaccurate perceptions). For simplicity, for player 2. to either have the correct 1 also write out the four strategies no evolutionary selection over these actions (instead, player 2 chooses his action optimally after observing the perceptions of player players are subjectively rational given their perceptions, the payoffs in this 1). Since meta-game are ^ oi , , LL „ . , for player 2 corresponds to choosing The has misperceptions. the fact that when he L when 3,0 misperception 0,0 2,2 0,0 2,2 when he has accurate strategy, I, 1 is L when player game (and 1 is observed to have observed to have misperceptions. is 1 will it he Game 1, incorporating choose r, and when he /. clearly to develop a misperception, inducing (2,2), Strategy R when has accurate perceptions, but 1 perceptions, player in the underlying LR. This generates the payoff of the underlying . payoffs then follow immediately from best play for player dominated RR 3,0 player misperceives the payoffs, he will choose The RL 1,1 corresponds to choosing accurate perceptions and also LR LR 1,1 , , , the evolution oi perceptions: Strategy LL accurate perception 1\2 Meta-game him game. The best response of player 2 which is is to play a to choose obviously not a Nash equilibrium outcome contains the play of a dominated strategy along the equihbrium path). Replicator or similar monotonic dynamics will therefore encourage the development of misperceptions. Intuitively, when player 2 sees an opponent with accurate perceptions, he will choose L, anticipating that his opponent will choose when nent r, giving both players (1,1). In contrast, faced with a player with a misperception, he will correctly reason that his oppo- will play I, and he will choose R, leading to (2,2). This example therefore suggests that evolutionary pressures, far from wiping out misperceptions, may fa\'or apparently "nonrational" behavior. Specifically, two types of nonrational behavior arise as come of the evolution of perceptions in this case: first, agents may have air out- systematic misperceptions; second, these misperceptions lead to the play of strictly dominated (and hence non-equilibrium) strategies in the underlying game. The 1 role of the observability were not observed, assumption above (deviation) without misperception The 1 will Is the extreme case, agents who one that equally important: is choose is B B is A die). and B, where — it guarantees that the preferable to A. Now much has all higher payoff (in agents have developed imagine selection over two subjectively rational and the other subjectively irrational in fact, here we take the subjectively irrational type to play the action that will choose B since he perceives to be preferable to A, while the subjectively irrational type will choose fact that he perceives B A despite the to yield a higher payoff. Evolution will favor the subjectively irrational type, choosing A. In fact, A A But, suppose that minimizes his payoff). The subjectively rational type will at the sense that he will not necessarily play the actions that maximize his perceived, payoffs it a mutant subjective rationality reasonable in an evolutionary setting? a misperception and think that (in Specifically, translate into a specific action, encouraging player 2 to Consider the choice between two options, different types, the misperception of player 2. misperception of player '^ if would choose r and receive the higher payoff of 3 subjective rationality assumption change his behavior. clear: could not act as a commitment device. it the expense of player is a subjectively irrational type with this misperception do as well as a subjectively rational agent with accurate perceptions, who perceives to yield higher payoff and chooses it. This simple example demonstrates that, in the presence of misperceptions, there are no compelling reasons to expect evolution to favor subjectively rational agents. Let us now return to the analysis of ceive payoffs, but also to deviate that change how a Game 1 and allow players not only to misper- from subjective rationality given perception or plan is (Proposition 5) states that in this case where mapped we (for example, mutations into behavior). Our major result allow subjective irrationality, evolution- ary forces will take us towards "effectively rational play" — i.e., towards behavior that is ^To many economists and game theorists, subjective rationality is natural, almost tautological: axiom of revealed preferences, simply represent choices. But in an evolutionary model where preferences (perceptions) can be observable at the beginning of the game, this revealedpreference notion does not apply, since we cannot possibly observe the representation of the choice before the choice has been made. preferences, through the indistinguishable from that resulting from rational play and does not feature dominated strategies given the information set. To better understand this result, 4 different "strategies" for player let us now return to the above meta-game and allow accurate perception and subjective rationality; mis- 1: perception and subjective rationality; accurate perception and subjective irrationaUty; and misperception and subjective player ity 1 perceives Game we simply mean when the 2 player Here by misperception we mean that irrationahty. true game Game is while by subjective irrational- 1, playing the dominated strategy in the perceived game. 1 allow no misperceptions for player 2. Meta-game of the evolution of perceptions and play: 1/2 LL LR RL RR accurate perception and subjective rationality 1,1 1,1 3,0 3,0 misperception and subjective rationality 0,0 2,2 0,0 2.2 accurate perception and subjective irrationality 0,0 0,0 2,2 2,2 misperception and subjective irrationality 1,1 3,0 1,1 3,0 Again the when he observes player 2 denotes his action first letter for We player 1 with accurate perception, and the second letter gives his action following a misperception by player. For example, he will play i?, I, when so the outcome player if is irrational (row 4), player 2 chooses L, the (2,2). In contrast, if he perceives chooses L, the outcome see this, first tively rational of player 1 is player 1 and if outcome and player 2 plays (2,2) is LR (or is 1 RR), leading not observed. player 2 plays RL curate perceptions. (or RR) It is 1 plays is r. subjectively Now if player 2 (3,0). to (2,2). still is is stable. subjec- Imagine a mutation keeping the misperception. seen by player 2, Therefore, with both taking the system away from population in which player still is misperceives the payoffs and player 2 will continue to play R, but the mutant player 3, and when he chooses no longer (evolutionarily or neutrally) has accurate perceptions subjectively rational or not (0,0) has a misperception and that leads to subjective irrationality, while the higher true payoff is he chooses R, the outcome consider the case that player 1 subjectively rational (row 2), is to give higher payoff, but outcome Recall that whether player he I is (1,1), In this meta-game, the To has misperceptions and 1 1 will (2,2). but whether LR and RR, respond with r and obtain Similarly, the incumbent has accurate perceptions but behaviorally irrational and is invaded by the behaviorally rational mutants with ac- therefore straightforward to verify that any rest point of our evolutionary process will yield the outcome (1,1) —the Nash equihbrium outcome of the underlying game. This can be achieved as a combination of player developing an ac- 1 curate perception and subjective rationality and player 2 responding with LL, or player 1 developing a misperception and subjective irrationality and player 2 again responding with LL. In essence, are hmited to subjective rationality, misperceptions provide However, once we allow the evolution of "play" (how perceptions are commitment. mapped when agents into behavior) as well as perceptions, players can undo their misperceptions by modifying their degree of subjective rationality. This destroys the commitment value of misperceptions. The crucial difference here ceptions and the non-observabihty of play. As is between the observability of misper- is standard in game theory, we do not (and cannot) allow strategies to depend on the strategies of other players. which action a player chooses can depend on past actions, it his and So wliile his opponents' perceptions and cannot depend on the exact mapping that his opponents use to translate these perceptions into actions (e.g., it cannot depend on their actions in the future or the actions they could have taken in other situations). The sense in which the resulting behavior "rational" needs is some elaboration. Evo- lutionary forces take us back to equihbrium outcomes of the underlying game, but this could be supported either by accurate perceptions and subjective rationality, or by misperceptions and subjective irrationality. This explains our choice of terminology: "effectively" rational behavior may be a combination irrationality. So, in practice perceive the world or of inaccurate perceptions we may observe agents with systematic how they make decisions. But these biases will and subjective biases in how they be undone by other biases they develop and will not shape their important decisions (their decisions affecting long-run fitness). The notion of "rational behavior" that emerges than the usual definition of rationality as it therefore weaker allows misperceptions.^ Yet agents are also rational in the stronger sense of prior. is effectively having a common Although agents may appear to have systematic misperceptions, viewing the same situation in different ways, they will behave as if they all share the same beliefs. For example, suppose a certain behavior, say risk-taking, has a fitness benefit. Some agents ^It is also weaker than the usual definition because it requires behavior to be effectively rational with limited information that is, rational given the information set of agents, which may not feature — full information. See below. may view risk. this But behavior as "too risky" both groups at the end, , will while others view it as "fun" undertake the activity as if and well worth the they had the same (and preferences). In this sense, our analysis also provides a foundation for the beliefs "common prior" assumption: even will act as if they have effectively though agents may have common they different perceptions, priors. Consider an example to illustrate this point further. Suppose that each of two agents have to take one of three actions, B world, A, a, b and c, and there are three possible states of the and C. For simphcity, ignore strategic interactions and assume that each agent's payoff is only a function of his receives a payoff of when the 1 own action and the state of the world. Each agent action matches the state of the world, and a payoff of otherwise. Clearly, one possible evolutionary equilibrium involves each agent recognizing the underlying state of the world correctly, and choosing the action corresponding to the state of the world he perceives case, both agents will share the (e.g., a if the state of the world is A). In this same perception. However, under the assumption that each agent's perceptions are observable, there are other evolutionary equilibria where agents will have different (and inaccurate) perceptions, but act as perceptions. For example, suppose that both agents perceive agent 1 misperceives B B and agent 2 misperceives as A, as A following behavior for both agents: play a I's is perception is A and agent 2's if perception . C, and play c C if common accurately, but In this case, neither differ. agent 2's perception is they have and C agent has accurate perceptions, and moreover, their perceptions if is But consider the A, play agent I's b if agent perception C. This perception-play combination will give the same evolutionary fitness as the perception-play combination where each agent recognizes the underlying world correctly and responds to Therefore, in this simple example, it. have different (and incorrect) perceptions, but act as obtain the Finally, maximum it is all players. players 1 To they have i.e, an example where behavior where it common priors, and is effective rational only with does not correspond to equilibrium play of the un- derlying full-information game. This can by if possible for both players to payoffs. useful to give limited information, it is happen because illustrate this, consider and 2 play the following game: of suppression of infommtion once again a simple example. Suppose that 1\2 Suppression of information (Game Here R 3,3 -1,1 w',-5 0,0 3): a random variable, which takes the value w Both players observe 1/2. 5, if is L before making their decisions. the unique Nash equihbrium outcome Nash equilibrium with misperception that is (0,0), aB. while Now players receiving (3,3). w= and each with probabihty 5, It is clear when w — 0, that w = when there is also a imagine both players develop the the time. Then, the (true) payoffs of the perceived game become 1\2 and there now an is equilibrium with L R 3,3 -1,1 2.5,-5 0,0 {I, L) all the time. So a particular systematic misperception to suppress information and be eliminated by evolutionary will not forces. in this game developing will benefit Because the agents are both players still playing according to the equilibrium of some coarsend version of the underlying game, the out- come is still effectively rational with this limited information, but does not correspond to the Nash equilibrium of the underlying full-information game.^ 2.2 Related Literature This paper is related to a large evolution will lead to is body of research on evolutionary Nash equilibrium is game theory. \Vhether a central question of this literature, and it well-known that any rest point of a monotonic evolutionary process over types pro- grammed to play different strategies corresponds to a Nash equilibrium outcome (see Weibull, 1997, or Samuelson, 1997, for surveys). To the best of our knowledge, however, there has been little work on meta-games where evolution occurs over perceptions and the mapping of perceptions into actions. The who notable exceptions are Blume and Easley (1992) and Sandroni (2000) analyze ^The results regarding suppression of information rely on the assumption that there is a perfect mapping between players' true perceptions and what others observe about the players. When percepstill be evolutionary forces leading to effectively rational behavior, but we no longer obtain the suppression of information as an evolutionarily stable outcome. tions are not observable, there will 10 the benefits of developing accurate perceptions in non-game-theoretic situations,^" and who study Dekel, Ely and Yilankaya (1998), (implicit) assumption of subjective the evolution of preferences under the rationality. agents' preferences are observable, any "stable" Dekel et. outcome al. (1998) will yield show that, when the same average payoff as that of the "eflicient strategy." For example, in the Prisoners' Dilemma game, the unique stable outcome will be mutual cooperation.^^ A number of contributions, including Banerjee Yilankaya (1998), Ely and Yilankaya (1999), and that in these types of models, to Nash equilibria. Our when and Weibull (1993), Dekel, Ely and Ok and Vega-Rodondo (2000) show preferences are not observed, evolution takes us back results are related to these findings, but enable us to analyze the co-evolution of perceptions and play. Furthermore, they are not driven by the assumption that preferences are unobserved. In fact, for the most part, are perfectly observed. rationality" we assume that perceptions Instead, our results follow because assumption embedded in many we relax the "subjective analyses of evolution of preferences. result, evolution favors effectively rational play, As a but does not wipe out misperceptions or systematic subjective irrationality. Agents can hold systematic misperceptions, and in interviews and experimental settings will display a variety of biases. This type of behavior would not be consistent with models of evolution of preferences, which leads to the We same preferences for all agents. believe that an analysis of the evolution of perceptions in part, and play is because the whole discipline of psychology and the recent emerging behavioral economics are explicitly concerned with agents' perceptions and affect behavior. ity interesting. field of how these Moreover, such an analysis enables us to relax the subjective rational- assumption, which does not have good evolutionary foundations in the presence of make forecasts and saving no further game-theoretic interaction. Bhnne and Easley (1992) compute agents' wealth in the long-run and drive a corresponding fitness function. They show that, when the preferences do not coincide with this fitness function, rational agents may lose their wealth and "irrational" agents may determine the prices in the long run, consistent with our argument that subjective rationality does not have an evolutionary basis when there are misperceptions. In the same vein, in an overlapping-generation model with risk averse agents, De Long et al. (1991) suggest that agents with inaccurate beliefs about the future prices may drive the agents with accurate beliefs out when the strategies imitated on the basis of ex-post wealth they generate rather than the ex-ante expected utility level. '^ Similarly, Kockesen et al., 1999, analyze a class of games in which evolution rewaxds "negatively '°For example, in decisions, which Blume and Easley affect market prices, (1992) and Sandroni (2000) agents but there is interdependent preferences". 11 , misperceptions. Whether cations regarding subjective irrationahty what types of behavior is imposed or not has important impli- wiU be evolutionarily common framework, we can investigate whether players have a importance to the game theory Our analysis most is work by Samuelson which prior, Waldman Waldman (1994) analyzes evolution in a world without He shows two characteristics that in the presence of sexual inheritance, which imphes that the offsprings of successful agents are not their perfect may replicas, evolution may not be the may be stuck with pick characteristics that are "best responses" to each other, but global maximrmi. utility functions Using this framework, he illustrates how agents that do not maximize their fitness, and compensate for this by making other systematic mistakes. Samelson (2001) is closely related to he illustrates that in the presence of deviations from Bayes' his evolutionary fitness consumption of central (1994) and to recent independent strategic interactions (similar to the single agent case below), but with and sexual inheritance. is literature. closely related to (2001). stable. Also, using this by distorting own levels to his his utility function (e.g., utility function) . of "effective rationality despite misperceptions" and Waldman's notions. To see distorting his utility function. this, rule, It is is Waldman (1994), as an agent can increase by including the others' worthwhile to note that our notion somewhat consider an agent different from Samuelson's who maximizes According to our terminology, this agent by his fitness has "accurate perceptions," since he will identify his preferred actions with those that maximize his fitness. In contrast, agents with inaccurate perceptions in our setup will report to prefer actions that do not maximize good are for their long-run their fitness, but nevertheless end up taking actions that fitness. Finally, our results are also related to analyses of evolutionary play communication (e.g., Warneyrd, 1993, Kim and dynamics with Sobel, 1995, Banerjee and Weibull, 2000) because perceptions are similar to signals sent by players before the played. In these models, when observed behavior, neutral stability leads to (see signals do not pre- game is restrict agents' characteristics or Nash equilibrium outcomes of the imderlying game Banerjee and Weibull, 2000).^^ Nevertheless, perceptions are different from cheap talk because they also encapsulate When what players know about the world, and whether observed signals restrict agents' behavior, evolution may lead to non-Nash outcomes, as strictly dominated strategies as in Banerjee and Weibull (1993). Robson (1990), and to 12 in they can distinguish between different worlds. In particular, when the underlying game many consists of different worlds or will restrict his possible at subgames —as we have here, a player's perceptions him plays by confining same (mixed) sub-strategy to play the any two worlds that are perceived to be the same. This results, in particular, for the result that jointly beneficial is important in some of our suppression of information may survive evolutionary pressure. The 3 We start problem some Single-agent case by analyzing the evolution of perceptions and play — in i.e., in a single-agent decision a setting without strategic interactions. This analysis of the key concepts and illustrate the reasoning Throughout the paper we consider a large ary selection, and assume that there we use will introduce in the multi-agent case. set of agent types subject to evolution- a process of replicator dynamics that relates is the frequency of different agent types to a monotonic fimction of their fitness. interested in the stable we tionary analyses, to Lyapunov We are outcomes of the replicator dynamics. Like many other evolu- limit ourselves to Neutrally Stable Strategies, stable points of (strictly) monotonic replicator which correspond dynamics (see Bomze and Weibull, 1995, or Weibull, 1997). Assume a world where we have a (actions) s : C ^^ VL possible "worlds" Intuitively, different worlds individual is for We finite and denoted by same action may have Q g^, on fl. The measures the frequency of the events and consequence c. We different payoff consequences in W by Q, with Q {w) be denoted by Eq. For each C : ^ R (s; w) G From a strict u^^ (c) is = Eg^, 13 {u^ o W, on the consequences, and on evolutionary point of view, the evolutionary fitness following summarize the base preferences of the agent by V w > pair (uu,,g,o) represents the base preferences actions, or the agent's evolutionary fitness. g^, will pair (u,^,^^,) of a utility function Uu, a probability distribution set of W with a generic member w. denote the probability distribution over each w. The expectation with respect to we consider a some state-space O. The for correspond to different types of decision problems that the faced with, and the different worlds. C of consequences and a finite set S of strategies with uncertain consequences assumed to be is set s) . E S and at each s w G W, where Eg denotes the expectation with respect to This q. notation will be used extensively in the next section. Analogously to the base preferences of the agent, and preferences we u, any probability distribution q for define the payoff function = V (s) Eg {u o s) This function gives the ("perceived") payoff of choosing action s given preferences u and probability distribution V S : —^ M. We We q. consider a finite set Intuitively, a perception w'. The tt {lu) is set of actual :W -^V. an interpretation of a world w as a (possibly worlds that can be realized of possible worlds that the agent can perceive We call M'^ of payoff functions define a perception as a function TT world V C a perception n* with tt* (w) = (i.e., is VD different) naturally contained in the set {v (, v{-,w) at each u;) w ; tu G W}). as accurate. Intuitively, an accurate perception enables the decision-maker to correctly recognize the world he is IT confronted with. (w) 7^ v{-,w). Given any n and uj, from the underlying frequencies, differing from fitness function, Every time a world w is u i.e., ^ is i.e., g ^ w if or the perceived utility function g^,, Uyj.^^ V —^ said to be subjectively rational if denoted by Definition 1 A play a E= Any function a : S is tt [w] and takes an called a play, and the 5^. a A a misperception at drawn, the agent perceives the world as action s E S, determining his fitness. is is This corresponds to either to the perceived probability distribution differing set of all plays we say that there {v) G arg max v and only if (s) subjectively rational play maximizes the agent's perceived payoff. standard definition of rationahty in Game Theory. For many, this is This is the a tautology, for the '^Accurate perceptions may also correspond to a pair {u,q) ^ {uw,<lw) of inaccurate probability distribution and an inaccurate utility function, such that Eq^, {uu, o s) = Eq(uos). For an example, see Samuelson (2001). 14 perceptions (or beliefs) are merely expressions of the choice, derived from the choice tion using the principle of revealed preferences. In this paper, We and choice independent. Definition 2 A pair (with (tt, information) full and accurate rr* , if will take if a we take the perceptions as a generic subjectively rational play. cr* a) of a perception and play and only f\inc- o n = is said to be effectively rational a* o n* for some subjectively rational a* i.e., a (tt {w)) G arg max v (s; w) ses at each w That W. G is, a pair (tt, and a play a) of a perception is effectively rational distinguish the resulting choice from that of an individual who if we can never perceives accurately and behaves rationally. Here, we use a strong notion of accurate perception; it implies that the agent distinguishes each state from the others (hence our qualification, with information). In our next section, we will also define effective rationality full with limited information, which only requires an agent to maximize his expected fitness, given the information available. of misperception Exajnple 1 and subjectively Consider the case Suppose also that V2 (6) = 1. Our next example V= illustrates that there will be many combinations irrational play that yield a rational choice. W — {w}, S = {vi,V2} such that vi (a) = {a,b} with v (a) 1 and v^ (6) = 0, Therefore, Vi corresponds to accurate perception, while V2 = 1 and is and v (b) V2 (a) = = 0. and a misperception. Then, there are four combinations of perceptions and play: 1. agent perceives accurately plays subjectively rationally, and chooses 2. he inaccurately perceives b better than ing 3. and plays subjectively b, but plays subjectively rationall}-, choos- b; he accurately perceives a better than chooses 4. a, a; and b; he inaccurately perceives b better than chooses irrationally, a. 15 a, but plays subjectively irrationally, aiad Combinations fitness 1 and and 4 are effectively rational with full information, yield higher than that of the other two perception-play combinations. With any monotonic rephcator dynamics, effectively rational agents will survive, while the rest will die away. Some of these effectively rational players will hold misperceptions, they will make clearly maximize irrational choices given their perceptions, but the overall choice will their fitness. More importantly, the concept of subjective rationality loses appeal in the presence its of misperceptions: the subjectively irrational agents in 4 do better than the subjectively rational agents in Therefore, in a world where the agents 2. may have misperceptions, subjective rationality does not necessarily have an evolutionary foundation. Now, given a play we can cr, define effectively accurate perceptions, which are not necessarily accurate. Definition 3 Given any and only With if a o ir -play a, a perception = a o tt* a, we said to be (effectively) a-accurate if is . this terminology, Given any tt (tt, a) is effectively rational define the one-person if and only if n is cr-accurate. meta-game where g at each tt e 11. (tt: a) = Eq [v {a {w)) (tt Note that g{TT]a) is ; w)] = Eq [E^^, [u^ {a (tt {w)))]] the agent's expected payoff with respect to the base preferences, given that, at each w, the agent's perceptions will be n {w) and he will play a and choose a Even though G^j is technically since the perceptions G tt 11 game GV, ^^ (tt («'))• cr is fixed but the perceptions a game with a strategy space When g (tt; a) < evolutionary fitness will increase We also consider the it is not a usual vary. game are not chosen; the agent happens to have them, perhaps because they inherited them or as a result of mutations. For as a meta-game. 11, can (tt'; g if a), given that his perceptions meta-game G = (nxE,p) 16 this reason, we refer to it he will choose according to a, his happen to change from tt to tt'. where g (tt; a) is defined as above. This game depicts a situation where both the per- ceptions and the play evolve together. Definition 4 Given any play a, a perception g{-n\a) > g{7r';a) at each g{-K';a') at each G (7r',(T') G tt' Likewise, FI. G tt 11 ?s G (tt, cr) Neutrally Stable (NS) for IT x E is NS for G iff G^ iff > giTT^a) x E. IT This definition simply states that a perception, or a combination of perception and play, will be Neutrally Stable if no other alternative gives higher require that there are no forces taking the system away from we simpler version of the definition of Neutral Stability strategic interactions. fact that Lyapunov Our (see, e.g., Proposition 1 Given any iff it IS outcomes we Therefore, This this configuration. is a meta-games with give below for interest in Neutrally Stable motivated by the is any monotonic replicator dynamics stable outcomes with respect to be Neutrally Stable will fitness. Weibull, 1997). subjectively rational cr* , any perception tt ^Yl is NS for G^. a* -accurate. The proof states that of Proposition under subjective 1 is combined with that of Proposition rationality, the siuviving agents will 2. Proposition hold accrurate percep- tions (and will choose effectively rational behavior). This result implies that the of misperceptions we found Game in 1 of Section 2 cannot happen in the single-agent case. This is is 1 example due to strategic interactions and intuitive, since as noted in Section 2, misperceptions are useful because they provide commitment, and in this single- agent meta-game, commitment has no value. Next, we see that be some other will when the requirement of subjective rationality effectively rational agents is relaxed, there who, despite their inisperceptions, do as well as these agents. Proposition 2 Any G (tt, cr) 11 x E is Neutrally Stable for G iff it is effectively rational with full information. Proof. Take any by g definition, (fr, a) = Eq effectively rational (vr,^) we have v [v {a {tt (u;)) {a ; {tt w)] {w)) ] > Eq w) [v — {a and any niax^gs u {tt 17 {iv)) ; (7r,cr) (a; ly) iv)] = g > (tt, G 11 x E. At each v {a a), {tt {w)) ; w) . showing that w G W, Hence, (tt, a) is Neutrally Stable for G. Conversely, and showing that Hence, taking a =a= 1, not effectively rational, then the former is Q {ivq) > observe that a* above, (tt, a*) is rendering the latter inequahty 0, not Neutrally Stable (7r,cr) is To prove Proposition a) some Wq with inequality will be strict at strict, if (tt, G. for effectively rational we obtain Proposition iff tt is (T*-accurate. 1. The Multi-person Case 4 In this section we analyze evolution when there are many players strategically interacting with each other. ^"^ In that case, when the perceptions are observable, under subjective may rationahty, a player Section 2 using Game gain from his misperception, a fact that as an example. 1 presence of misperceptions, subjective rationality we focus on a process Therefore, here is established in also seen that in the no longer supported by evolution. which both perceptions and play evolve together. The environment 4.1 We consider a set For each G {v^ (s, w) profile s lu ,v'^ E = A'^ {1, 2, W, we {s,w) , . VC finite set , i)^ . . . , n} of players and a consider an underlying . Here S. . the strategy profile s be a in we have Nevertheless, we (s, lu) is w)) G {;" (s, R" is game lu. The YlieN "^^ of strategy profiles. {N, S,v {-^w)), where v{s,w) — the players' base payoiT vector at a strategy t E N set of all feasible payoff functions is taken to measures the evolutionary played at = 5* set fitness of a player when that contains (R") 1 for each non-empty By is, TT a perception, W C W. we mean any once again, denoted by = (7ri,7r2, . . j as perceived perception . ,7r„) H = function from V^^\ By a G H'^ of perceptions. by player we mean any i when strategy it : VV ^ perception We write tt^ V. The profile, set of all perceptions we mean any vector {s,w) for the payoff of player profile s is played at world w. By a mixed probability distribution x on the set of perceptions. Here, x [n) can be considered as the proportion of population who has perception n. '"This corresponds to frequency-dependent evolution in the terminology of Maynard-Smith (1982). 18 > We TT, {-.w) for all observable. i, is other agents. This That motivated by the discussion in the introduction where we pointed is most is when perceptions/preferences are observed. A (Si), where A (S^) any such strategy With this assumption, a player's strategy it is a V^ — A (5) + : game the will be played given the perceptions. in a z randomly selected imderlying game plays role {w). tt where of perceived payoff functions who tt, tt, We {w) • A (5",). • • , , V" and any also important It is S,v s, Since G S",, A {Si) G 7r„ {iv}) a^ (5j,w) is {,iu)). randomly allocated to play Each agent with perception then have a profile (w) (tti i and the profile in the underlying some game given any two strategies — A) y, To Aa + (1 — A) (x, a) for /_i) and player's (y, //), any A G own play a [0, 1] : V^ -^ each profile v A [S) = (tti is {N, S, v • , • • , 7r„ (•; s, ^""If {w)) • • • , is ,7r„ {w)) € V" w)). Given any v [v) G G — Finally, play. = + we consider the meta-game G + (1 A) (y, /j,) also a strategy- a pair {x,a) of a perception x G A(V'" {v) he will play at [w)) of perceived payoff functions. the perception function were observed, players would how he would have , according to at of a player with (x, a) in a population with aggregate distribution current world, but also 7r„ • (Ax the mixture A(x, a) determining which strategy a^ [w) • perceptions, a inixed strategy can formalize the evolution of perception and play, where a mixed strategy of a player • , (possibly mixed) strategy' denotes the probabihty of playing a already depends on the (w) (tti be defined simply as a pair (x,a) of a mixed perception and a mixed (1 tt,, (w) denotes the payoff function perceived by the Observing his role i. (A'^, of perceived payoff functions, a selected player plays CTj (tti Notice that 5j. (-jw), not the perception function, at each date each player perceives the payoff function as player V^ — : observable. ^^ is We consider a process in which role cr^ can also be thought as a solution concept, since the realizations of the perceptions, that itself denotes the space of the probability distributions on profile how determines that TT an evolutionary stable outcome likely to arise as be a function that maps from the perception profiles into strategies: will player, agents see the payoff matrix as perceived by is, all out that nonrational behavior it by each realization of the payofT perceived games where the focus on perceived each lu each role W . i The expected (y, ji) and a and at payoff of perception know not only how an agent £ ) perceives the For our qualitative results, it is not important whether the entire perception function or only the realization of this function is observable (so long as a player does not observe more about his perception than the others do such "informational asymmetry'' may allow agents to always distinguish between all € U', see Section 5). — ft' 19 and play is where = s (si, -^^^Yl = U{{x,a),{y,fj,)) . . and 5„) , . — tt (tti, v' . . with probabiUty probability y x(7r,), (tTj). Sj with probability ^ be (s, ii'' some (sj, tt for each e A pair (x, a) > tt = (w) (tti {w) , . , . . will have perception some perception 7r„ The drawn ttj tTj with (w)), he will play some some strategy agent's true contingent payoff for such a play will E e dynamics. is G said to be Neutrally Stable for iff, for each [y, ji), there such that {1 - e) {x,a)) > U ((y, //), e(y, i^) + {1 - e) [x, a)) (0, e). As noted above, It is neutral stability corresponds to the also clear that when equilibrium in the meta-game G, As He (w)), while every other player j will play (sj, tt (w))- U {{x, a), e{y, fi) + (see for (with probability 1/n) in a randomly The w). Definition 5 exists This equation states the following. 7r„). while every other player j will have with probability a, G Q {w) a,{s„TT {w))Y[ii{sj,n (iv)) X {TT,)Yly (tTj) probability Q{w)). Observing the profile Sj Si i game {N,S,v {]w)) (with underlying , . agent will be selected to play a role is,w) i.e., (.r, cr) is Lyapunov stability in replicator neutrally stable, {{x,a) ,{x,a)) U ((.r, a), {x, a)) > U {{y, /j.), (.t, is a Nash a)) for each (y, ;x) example Weibull, 1997). in the single-agent case, we can define a meta-game to describe the evolution of perceptions for a fixed solution concept and the evolution of the solution concept (or play) given a fixed set of perceptions. that when evolution trally) stable is The discussion of Game 2 in Section 2 illustrates only limited to perceptions, misperceptions can arise as (neu- outcomes of evolutionary processes. Here we discuss the evolution of both perceptions and play. To this end, we first analyze evolution of play under a (and fixed) perception, and then show that any combination of actually embed a common perception. Using this insight, perceptions we then provide a characterization of the simultaneous evolution of perceptions 20 uncommon common and play. general Evolution of play under a 4.2 Consider the case where we perception agents are restricted to have a how they payoff function, while to the process all common game play the common perception of the (given the perception) evolves according defined above. In this case, the common prior (perception) assumption holds by construction. Consider a meta-game G^- where all some a'^ where the strategy of an agent he 7f each role will play at = (tt, TT, . . players. Let also let II That ^ V^ : is, a V^ : -^ A (S) ii"" be such that V : we can = = for Gt, U ((tt V = /x) , , (^, (tt, tt, e (tt + e^ for iff, (1 , . . + e) /^i, [1 a'" {.,n [w)) a'^ and there exists — = [w)), cr (., tt /x^ when wew (., tt e G The information incorporated and = (u;)) similarly, common players have all all /x(.,7r(w)). meta-game U^ ses as: a^x some e > such that U ((tt, a) or alternatively such that e) (tt, a)), a) for each Define is v. perception n to that ii^ {v) common Definition 5 immediately implies that a play tt). , each n) - . and ^^5;]5^^;'(5,«;)Q(7i;)a,(5,,7^(u;))J];^^-(s,,7^(u-)), ieN tt payoff function define expected (true) fitness in the f/((7f,a),(7f,/.)) tt, A{S) determining which strategy a J A{S) be such -^ a and ^ induce the same behavior as t/M'7^/i^) ble —^ when the commonly perceived i A{S) and perception. Then, where V : as the perception profile that assigns the tt) , . is agents share a fixed pure perception, , V^ a is Neutrally Sta- e (tt, /i) (a, e/i . + + — (1 (1 — e) (tt, e) cr) > (0, e). in a common perception tt is represented by the infor- tt"^ {n{w)). mation partition r^ The cell that contains a given can be distinguished from w w {tt"^ is {tt {w)) \w e W}. denoted by /" {w) using the knowledge of tt. — tained in function /'^ P tt {w) (lu). is is in /'^ (w) = G lu' Knowing the function realization n{w), a Bayesian can infer that the true world but when No tt I'^ {w) and the vr"^ {tt{w)), not a singleton, he cannot distinguish between different worlds con- Therefore, the expected true fitness given the realization n is EQ[v\r{w)]^- ^-— 21 Yl Hv^nQi^o). {iv) and the a)) > In the case where v{-;w). = {n {w)) tt~^ and Eq[v\P iv, Bayesian players knew only the perception function If payoffs an invertible function, is tt {w)] = and the perceived it using this coarse information they could compute expected payoffs as 7r(tf;), EQ[v\r{w)]. Definition 6 Given any I"" play a (tTjct), ^ff a G arg max V" Eq — f' for some belief a said to be effectively rational with respect to is is [u' (5) \r {w)] a' (s^) /i~' (s_j) i, about the other players' play s_j for each iJ,_j^ said to be effectively rational with limited information iff with respect to some I^ iff it is effectively . A a play is and w G W . A play effectively rational it is said to be effectively rational with full information rational with respect to /"' where Because a maximizes the agent's N E i utility also rules out the play of given tt* some [w) —w at each w. regarding other play-, belief, ^-_j, dominated strategies given the information ers' behavior, /'". In this sense. Definition 6 generahzes Definition 2 from previous section to the case it When with strategic interactions. ers' actions, with that Eq [v\P is the definition of effectively rational behavior with independent of the oth- full information coincides in Definition 2. given Next, {N,S,Eq the payoff to each agent (w)], P (w), set with a set of players (w)]) [v\I'" information the from the underlying game A'', (A'', one can a construct information set /", which may establish that there We S, v). game and w E W . G„, then a Therefore, Proof. that a game refer to this as a coarsened game, all an arbitrary underlying worlds from each other. a close link between the Nash ecjuilibria of this derived the neutrally stable outcomes of G„. Proposition 3 Given any n stable for not distinguish is new strategy spaces S, and payoff functions since the payoff functions are the averages of the true payoff functions over We now set We (tt (u;)) will is b (tt («;)) otx is : a W V -^ and any a V ^>- Nash equilibrium of game {N, is effectively a A(S'), if S, Eq [v\I'" is neutrally [w)]) for each rational with limited information. prove the contrapositive of the not a : Nash equilibrium of {N, S, 22 first part. Eq Let a [v\I" {w)]) for : V —^ some A (S) be such w eW. Then, , there exists some k e INC = J2^Q N and ak [^' (^' ^"^ 1^" (^)] ^'^ (^^^ Now, consider a {w)) G (tt : J] E-Q ^ A (5) F _ , _ \ [v'' (S, A "^ W) such that (5'fc) ("')) n "^ ^"^^^ (Sfc, TT (W)) '^^ ^^J' |/^ (W)] afc <Jj J]^ (Sj, TT (w)) > 0. with / (^ ^fc if ^ ('"^)) ^ and v — n {w) otherwise. ^^^{v) y = Using the definitions, we compute that [/-(a,<j) showing that {a, a) is = f/'^(a,a) n not a Nash equihbrium equihbrium of G^ whenever a That aoir stable for G^. follows from the + /iVC-- is fact that is y Q(u/) >?7"(a,a), ^—^ of the meta game But G-^. a neutrally stable for G^. Therefore, effectively rational {a, a) is is a Nash not neutrally with limited information then immediate^ no dominated strategy is played in a Nash equilibrium. This proposition implies that only Nash equilibrium strategies in the "coarsened" game (A'', S, Eq [vlP are candidate neutrally stable outcomes of the («')]) The ception meta-game, G.„. can be neutrally stable is why Nash intuition for straightforward: suppose equilibria of the underlying all players share the perception. Then, standard arguments from evolutionary equilibria of the underlying game will even The same reasoning immediately if players have misperceptions, in the underlying nally, to see game, why Nash v, is what matters their fitness, is and the information incorporated to distinguish between be neutrally stable. When all players have the different worlds, We will that Nash with limited informa- generalizes to the case where Nash tt is not accurate: determined b}- payoff's in these perceptions. game {N,S,Eq neutrally stable, recall the example in the introduction beneficial. game same accurate game theory imply effectively rational equilibria of the "coarsened" was mutually per- be stable outcomes of the meta-game G^, and therefore, evolution leads to behavior that tion. common [v\I'^ Fi- (w)]) can be where suppression of information same perception not enabling them equilibria of this coarsened provide a more detailed analysis of tliis in game can Example also 2 below. Motivated by the idea that agents can adjust their behavior much faster than their preferences, Dekel, Ely and Yilankaya (1998) assume that agents 23 will always play a Nash equilibrium game where the of the even though these preferences may payoffs are determined not reflect their true by fitness. their preferences, Our proposition, in can be interpreted as showing that when players adjust their behavior contrast, than their preferences (in faster the sense that their behavior can change while their preferences are fixed), the play will approach a Nash equilibrium of the underlying game, where the payoffs are players' true fitness, not their perceived payoffs. We next extend a common pure perception). X G A(n) as perception tt perception. f/'(CT,M) A at each realization Now nuxed common perception is perception (rather than a probability distribution Unlike in G, however, we require the agents to share the same G. in common Proposition 3 to the case of a mixed common Thus, by construction, players always share a tt. construct the meta-game C^; with payoff function = yU'(a.,j.)x(T,) Tren K&n i^N where = 7f there exists (tt, . . some . s&S ]+i Naturally, a play ,7r). > e w^W such that U^ (a, e/i. o is Neutrally Stable for G^ + (1 — (1 > U^ e)a) (^t, e// + iff — e) each for /7., a) for each ee(0,e). Take any commonly perceived payoff function v x{tt) > the profile of perceived payoffs 0; {v,v, is functions that can lead to perceived payoff v by . — . . 11^, i^ {lu) for ,v). = some w Denote the {ttItt {w) = G W and vr with set of perception v for some w G W}. Observing v and knowing the distribution x on perceptions, a Bayesian can update beliefs about the perception functions and compute the expected payoff functions given Given any this coarse information. perception function the ^ TT rij,, we have commonly perceived Bayesian) will be given V = -k {iv) E[v\x,v]^ Eq and x Y^ tt G Fl,,, the posterior probability that the common is tt is ^ When his , 2: N , Pr(7r|;r,^;) = 0. X (tt) (tt) Now, given any common perception and tt, — k (lu), the expected true payoff (as perceived by a = Eq [v\P (w)] Then, the expected payoff function payoff v \v\n~^ (v)] will . be Fr{Tr\x,v)EQ[v\TT-^{v)] 24 = J^ ^r {tt\x,w {w)) Eq [v\r {tu)] . Effective rationality mth respect to x is = tt defined as in Definition 6, vising E [v\x,v\ as the payoff function. For any perceived payoffs are f Once {N,S,E\v\x,v\). fink we again, (w), we can now construct another derived game game because are interested in this between the Nash equihbria of game and the this derived there is a close neutrally stable outcomes resulting from evolution over play. Proposition 4 Given any mixed common perception (J : y — A {S) > {N, S, is neutrally stable for G^, then E [v\x, n (w)]) for each w E W . a Therefore, (tt {w)) a on and any n with x, a is x(7r) Nash equilibrium is effectively > 0, if of game rational with limited information. This proposition extends Proposition 3 to the case of mixed is useful because when we mixed perceptions. Proposition 4.3 We consider evolution over perceptions and play, omit the proof of this proposition which we encounter will similar to that of is 3. consider the and show that at meta game G, where the perceptions and play evolve common mixed Towards common We will then show that, for is at the mixed common perception x embedded neutrally stable for the initial common {x, meta-game Gx, where the in x. neutrally stable (x, a) for G, and for each realization Nash equilibrium uncommon any neutrally stable play a a we first derive the perception x embedded in x will contain exactly the same information regarding the underlying state as the (tt («;)) is this goal, perception x embedded in (possibly non-common) mixed perceptions x. Loosely speaking, the profile X. together, any neutrally stable outcome the agents play a Nash equilibrium of a coarsened version of the underlying game. have a perceptions. It Co-evolution of perceptions and play Now we cr common of the coarsened (mixed) perception a) in the meta-game G, the agents' perceptions are fixed Proposition 4 proves that for each n (w) of agents' perception profile, game {N,S, E[v\x,n (w)]), where agents perception (prior), and estimate their payoffs via Bayes' rule using available information. This will establish all our claim in the introduction that despite different perceptions, agents will play as if they share a common choose some effectively rational behavior with limited information. 25 perception, and will We VDV take aset common with cardinality |y embedded perceptions — | \V"'\- any perception in The profile V will be the image of the tt.^^ We also fix a one-to-one set and onto function The function common (/> provide the isomorphism between the perception profiles and the will embedded perceptions Common embedded perceptions = profile 7r (tti, . , . . 7r„) them. in H^ we G , in perception profiles consider a (generalized) perception TT The set of all perception common tt — (f) O Fl, we perception same information tt is as the is have the perception also embedded tt : W ^ V with TT. such (generalized) perceptions G Given any perception n = V^ For each such — 0"^ o We will say that the denoted by profile tt . jr. in the perception profile n: unconrmon perception profile That tt. it contains exactly the is, at each w G W, we have /* (w) = = n-^ {^ {w)) n"' {(/)-' (0(7r (w)))) Hence, the information partitions generated by n and Pljg^ {w) Z""' — = {w'Itt, {w') distinguished from world w TTi {w)yi G by looking X on n x, in we = r (w) are the same. Here, tt G H, where in the (l)~^ o tt = = Pv{r'{^)\x) = (tti, . . . ,7r„) = tt. mixed (uncommon) perception x probability to the conunon perception x assigns to the probability /"^ = {lu) worlds, w', that cannot be all tt. mixed (uncommon) perceptions are define a mixed coinmon perception tt = o tt l[x{7T,) (2) The mixed common perception x in the sense that embedded is x assigns the same in each perception profile tt profile tt itself. ""Note that this theory is useful when we approximate the contiunuum with grid V, VI will have the same limit. |y"| and (1) . by setting embedded as the n at the realization of mixed perception S:{n) at each tt-\tt {w)) the set of A''} is The mixed common perceptions embedded defined similarly. For each = I 26 in which case . As was the case with Given any -n' tt' — given X and tt and any 0o7r', given x and [w) tt [w), and it Pr i.e., X and € {tt'\x, tt = W ^ the probabihty that Pr J] (tt'Ix, tt (w)) Eq partitions. we have a common perception we have perception = Pr (7r'|x, tt (it;)). (w)) '^PT{^'\i,n{w))EQ[i!\r = is, w x and x generate the same information the same as the probabihty that is E[v\i,n{tu)] That it, Hence, by profile tt' we have (1), {w)] [v\r (w)] = E [v\x, tt {w)] the expected payoflr fmiction given the perceived payoffs wiU be the . same under X. The next lemma the relationship between the meta-game G, where the per- clarifies ceptions and play evolve together, and the meta-game G^, where the play evolves under the mixed Lemma common 1 Let : =a a be such that d perception V o ^ cf) A{S), and n = U''{a,il) We Proof. sen = 'eiv : Jio V -^ (f). A (S), a -.V^ -^ A{S), and = U {{x, a lemma /x : V^ -> A (5) Then, U{{x,ao4,),{x,jlo(t))) ^ =U {{x a) , , {x , /j.)) 5]]t'M5,^t;)(5(w)x(^)a,(s„^(u;))]^/ij(Sj,7r(u')) w^iv ses jyi ^EEEE^M5,-)QH n wew TTcn^ This — }:l have = - J]^^ U^a,jl) x. o 0) YlxiTT,) ieN ses 2fc/v , (x, states that the /i o 0)) = [/ {{x, a) , (x, ^i)) outcome of the evolution of play in any situation with widely differing beliefs and perceptions can be represented as the outcome of evolution of play in a situation with common perceptions. Perhaps, the fact that there perception that captures the same information as a set of lemma will surprising. But will evolve, and the long run, precisely this uncommon is a common perceptions is not enable us to next prove the stronger result that strategies as if all perception. 27 agents are using this common embedded , We can now Evolution of perceptions mon perception game G^, and game TT (A'^, 5, to Nash E [v\x, tt {w)]). We write under a mixed perception x, Proposition. 5 For every neutrally stable for any tt {N S , , d, where x > with Pr(7r|x) E [v\x TT , (w)]) where , o com- for the probability of a perception profile (7r|a:) — (7r|x) w = it to neutrally stable outcomes of the YlieN-"^ (^«)- stable (x, a) for and any 0, Pr common the mixed is G result of the paper, equilibria of a coarsened version of the underlying Pr i.e., and prove the main state which hnks the neutrally stable outcomes of . G perception defined by W, a {n {w}) a Therefore, tt. = ao (f)~^ G, the play a o neutrally Therefore, given (2). Nash equilibrium of game a is is n effectively rational with is limited information. Proof. Take any neutrally stable {x,a) a — a o (f)~^ and such that — p, each for e € U ((x, a) But, by Lemma 1, Since (x, a) fiocf). is Take any G. for fi : ^ V ^{S), and some neutrally stable for G, there exists e let > (0,e), , (x, e/i + - (1 e) a)) > U ((x, p) (x, , ep+{l- e) a)} we have [/*(CT,e/i+ (1 -e)a) - [/ ((x,a o (/>) , (x, e/i o + (1 - e) a o 0)) = U{{x,a),{x,ep + {l-e)a)) and U"^ {p, ejl + {I — e) a) U^ showing that a is — U ((x, p) (a, e^ + - (1 , (x, e// e) a) follows of cr o 7r TT > U^ (w)]) at each wG a {tt W whenever e) cr)). {~p, e/i + (1 Therefore, for each - e) e e (0, e), a) agents having since common .x ~ a o <p~^ is neutrally — a {tt {w)) is a Nash equihbrium of (tt) = Pr (7r|x) > 0. Effective rationality will result. ensure the emergence of behavior perceptions and playing the Nash equilib- rium behavior of some underlying game. That 28 a {w)) This proposition states that evolution of play all 4: Nash equilibrium again immediately follows from the corresponding to — from Proposition stable for G^, by Proposition 4 (for G^), E [v\x, (1 neutrally stable for Gf. The second statement (A'', 5", + is, evolution will lead agents to play as they have a if This librium). and act common is prior and are effectively rational (in fact, they play an equi- may despite the fact that each agent hold different mlsperceptions "irrationally" given their perceptions. Their behavior will effectively undo these perception differences, leading to effectively rational behavior and to a situation with effectively common perceptions. Notice that the proposition Nash ecjuilibria of maps the neutrally stable outcomes of evolution to the some coarsened game, yielding This ited information. may effectively rational behavior with hm- not, however, correspond to the equilibrium of the full- may information game, because some suppression of information emphasis on limited information). This tions that suppress information that some "insurance" opportunities is because all may agents would reduce the payoff to — as in Game 3 of Section We 2. take place (hence our develop mispercep- all parties, destroying will now present such a neutrally stable outcome of this game in more detail. Excimple 2: Suppression of information Consider the same example as in game 3 in the introduction, with true payoff function v for this 1\2 where x can take values with and Q {wi) — Q {W2) = L R 3,3 -1,1 u',-5 0,0 1/2, w where takes is We take W — 5 with equal probabilities. wi and 5 at at {wi 'W2- {v{-;wi) ,v [,W2) tV] as the set of possible payoff functions, where v V (•; W2))/2, which corresponds, in this case, to pure perception-play pair (tt , a) -7/ where \ vf f (u;) (1,0) '''*'"''^'={(0:i) for or each i ^ N. Here, the L when he plays 1 entry is + v at each if f1 = i;2 5) /2 w G = v, = 2.5. 0, uh = 5} We take V = — ({)(•; Wi) + We consider the W and otherwise the probability that a' assign to the strategy each player perceives the game as the average game, and plays When everyone has perception- play pair The only way a mutant may have a he chooses (0 — 1 plays rows or columns, respectively. According to this strategy, a player (or L) if otherwise. first = w = Game r at 1^2, {it, higher payoff is R) a), each player gets 3. that and the column player continues to play 29 r (or when he L, giving is the row player him a payoff of 5. Strategy &" (^1,^2) dictates that the column player will play mutant in this case, perceives the payoff function at must play will play r at {y, v). At w\, if W2-, only is (tt, opponent, the the column player v, (when he plays the highest our mutant can get lower than his payoff of 3 under if its In that case, our mutant v. the mutant's perception differs from R, in which case the highest our mutant gets he distinguishes W\ and If W2 as L is r). Hence, = (0.5)(5)+(0.5)(0) if 2.5, a). the mutant does not distinguish Wi and W2, he must perceive the payoff function In that case, the profile of perceived payoff functions will always be as v at wi, too. (vjC*), hence the incumbents always play L, and the mutant will again obtain (0.5)(5)+(0.5)(0) = 2.5, lower than lower payoff, unless his perception function check whether these mutants, who do is tx 3. will In either case, a and he plays 1 always play r and mutant gets strictly Now we need to at {y, v). as well as incumbents against incumbents, cannot do any better when they meet each other. But, when any two such mutants meet, each will get exactly 3, not higher than the incumbents' payoff. Therefore, [it, a) is neutrally stable. game may be neu- does not correspond to a Nash equilibrium of the full- This example shows that some Nash equilibrium of a coarsened (even when information game). Not trally stable it all Nash equilibria of all coarsened games can be neutrally stable outcomes, however. For example. Proposition 2 shows that in one-person games, each neutrally stable outcome leads to effectively rational behavior with tion, ruling out all non-trivial coarsenings. We full informa- next investigate this issue in games with strategic interactions. 4.4 A further restriction In deriving Proposition 5, mutations of perceptions. and derive a stronger we considered only mutations We will restriction now of play, and did not consider consider mutations of both perceptions and play, on the set of neutrally stable outcomes. Let us write for the expected value of having perception x and playing a, while 30 all the other agents ' . do the same, given that the underlying world IT = -Y^ min max "' i&N as the is minimum expected w and utility We also define w*) ]^ v' (s, jeN s£S an agent gets Gj (s,) he recognizes that the underlying world if gives his best response. Finally, write Vj: = for the set of payoff functions Proposition 6 Let at each ' ^ w. is w = {v TT (w) > \x (tt) 0, w W} e perceived with positive probability under x. a) be neutrally stable for G. If Vx {x, ^V then , ^W Proof. Assume V^ a neutrally stable ^V and take any v G (x, a) V\Vi. To derive a contradiction consider > U^' such that IP" {x,a) for W some w* G Consider the . following mutant (x,(t): 1. he recognizes w*: x 7f 2. [w] = = (tt) n [w) whenever x (tt) w^ for ^' (-5' ^^) c^i tt with x > (tt) 0, tt = {w*) v, and w*; and he gives his best response at w*: arg max„, Ylses each n and (s^) each for FIj^z -^j & N, when i (sj, vi, • . . , Vn), and — Vi a^ v, a, (t'l, . . . (I'l, , t'„) . . = ,u„) . a, G (I'l, . otherwise. When w ^ w*, the mutant (x, a) does as well as the incumbents. that he will do strictly better than the incumbents at w*. At - > ^ ^ — >^ n \^ {v^^\x, w*) Pr (v_j|x, w*) min J2 n^in iTiax 5]] v' i6Af max Pr ses (s, w*) n jeN ^ v' (s, w*) a^ max N^i)^ ^J (5j) 31 = [s,) (s, u'*) ^'^' > iv* , will now show the mutant gets J]^ TT We Oj {Sj, {v, i'_,)) cTj ^"'* O^' (sj) '^) . . . , t'„) . where the vector of perceived payoff functions where {v, i;_,) is the payoff function as v and V-i) given that the {v, lu* respectively, Vj, and any other and Pr {v_^\x,w*) j perceive the probabihty of is incumbents have mixed perceptions x and the underlying world (Note that X^„_ gyn-i Pr {v_i\x, w*) . i — This establishes that his expected payoff contradicting our hypothesis that {x,a) and 1; will is at be w* each incumbent gets V"' , strictly better is (x, a).) than the incumbents', neutrally stable for G. This proposition shows that in any Neutrally stable outcome an individual cannot more information. This increase his payoff by introducing games whose Nash We have so When far limited The previous Perceptions Are Not Observable the analysis to situations in which perceptions are observable. literature has also investigated situations in be only imperfectly observable 1999, (e.g., We now may which agents' preferences Dekel, Ely and Yilankaya, 1998, Ely and Ok and Vega-Rodondo, 2000). Suppose that coarsened equilibria can correspond to Neutrally stable behavior. Evolution 5 restricts the set of and Yilankaya, extend our analysis to this case. in addition to the observable perceived payoff function 7r(-,u;), each agent also has a private perception function n^. As a result, each agent will observe his own Ti-P {w), and can condition his behavior private perception of other players. We on this perception, define a perception profile for player in role j, that each agent can condition his play on We (tt (»;)) is Therefore, Proof. a a o Nash equilibrium of n is effectively It will all tTj, a : as tZj— A (S). 1/^+^ -^ Similarly, (tt^, tti, ..., Tr^).^^ observed perceptions and his we This implies own private An immediate stable (£, a) for the underlying game G and any {N, S,v {, tc lu)) with x{Tt) for each w > G 0, W rational with full infoimation. generalization of Proposition 5 implies that stable outcomes correspond to '' not observe the can now state Proposition 7 Given any neutrally a will can incorporate this into our analysis by simply redefining the play function to have a larger domain, perception. but he Nash turn out to be redundant that equilibria of (7rj, ..., tTh) some coarsened game. are observable, given that tt^ is all neutrally We only have private information. Nevertheless, this more general form highlights that adding a flexible piece of private information to our setup so far removes many of the neutrally stable outcomes of Proposition 32 5. to rule out Nash underlying game is s'j (A^, S,v {,w)). Suppose that a Nash equilibrium of a game {N, S, {N,S,v {,w*)) Eq (x, a) is equilibria of the neutrally stable, \v\x, tt (w*)]), and a [n {w"}) but not a Nash equilibriimi of some w* G W. This imphes that there for a role exist j, and a strategy such that y Now is tt^ = yr*, where his fitness. Hence, (x, a) full is information game, effectively rational with than Proposition the accurate perception. This devi- 6: of when he it rules out the play of all full still given by a^j plays the role j at w* not neutrally stable. Since a {n [w)) is dominated (tt {w)). increasing , a Nash equilibrium of hence a o strategies, tt information. to be observed, we obtain a stronger propo- now only Nash equilibria of the underlying game neutrally stable outcomes. This Nash equilibrium s'j we allow perceptions not Therefore, once sition vr* is [v'\x,7t{w)] not observed by other players, so their strategies are This then enables the mutant to choose the > Eq {s'^,a_j{7r{w)),w) consider a mutant with ation is games that are not Nash equilibria of these coarsened is intuitive, since starting from any outcome that some coarsened game, but not a Nash equilibrium game, a player can take a deviation to expand are candidate his information set is a of the underlying and increase his payoff. Concluding Remarks 6 There are many examples of potentially benefits by acting may be a useful as a commitment commitment we argue that a key irrational behavior that device. For example, the to punish those who break may have evolutionary tendency to seek revenge their promises. In this paper link in this reasoning, that of subjective rationality, does not strong evolutionary foundations, undermining much have of the appeal of this argimient. Subjective rationality requires that agents always choose actions that maximize their perceived payoffs. Although this appears almost tautological, we show that when there are misperceptions, subjectively irrational agents can have greater evolutionary success than subjectively rational agents. Once we allow mutations to lead to subjective tions, we irrationality as well as mispercep- find that selection will lead to effectively rational behavior, albeit with limited information: perceptions or preferences act as 33 commitment devices only when they . and relaxing subjective are informative about future behavior, link. Thus somewhat rationality breaks this paradoxically, subjective irrationality creates stronger evolution- ary forces towards "rational behavior" Interestingly, there is no immediate link between rational behavior and accurate perceptions. Evolution will select agents who will act "rationally" have very different perceptions, and sometimes will , but these agents will make systematic mistakes (yet their mistakes will cancel each other). This reasoning suggests that systematic misperceptions in experimental settings or in situations with little relevance to long-run fitness do not necessarily translate into widespread "irrational" behavior. We also show that even though, an "evolutionary equilibrimn," agents in very different perceptions, they will possess effectively and the payoffs, in the sense that they will play as This result is assumption in of interest since there is game theory has good that this assumption It is common may have good if perceptions of the common they have a disagreement over whether the theoretical foundations. Our all game prior. common evolutionary foundations. situations. First, according to our results, will be- when perceptions observable, behavior will be effectively rational only with limited information, and deviate from the Nash equilibrium pression of information prior analysis suggests important to emphasize that our analysis does not imply that agents have "rationally" in have will of the full-information game. may be mutually This is are may because sup- beneficial for all agents. Second, our analysis has been limited to the case where there are no cognitive restrictions on behavior, and therefore should be interpreted as implying that there will not be systematic biases given the cognitive resources available to the agents. This does not rule out boimdedly rational behavior because of cognitive limitations. 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