MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 9611 ISl^ii' iiiliiSiii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries DeW0f HB31 .M415 3>^ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series EQUILIBRIUM BIAS OF TECHNOLOGY Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 05-30 November 25, 2005 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http;// ^^'^^^m^S^]^'^^^ DEC 1 I 2005 LIBRARIES Equilibrium Bias of Technology^ Daron Acemoglu November, 2005 Abstract The study of the bias of new technologies is important both as part of the analysis of the nature of technology adoption and the direction of technological change, and to understand the distributional implications of new technologies. In this paper, I analyze the equilibrium bias of technology. I distinguish between the relative bias of technology, which concerns how the marginal product of a factor changes relative to that of another following the introduction of new the marginal product of a factor. The first part of the paper generalizes results in the literature regarding the relative bias of technology. when new technology on a number of existing technology, and the absolute bias, which looks only at the effect of menu the In particular, I show that of technological possibilities only allows for factor-augmenting technologies, the increase in the supply of a factor always induces technological change (or technology adoption) relatively biased towards that factor. This force can be strong enough to make the relative marginal product of a factor increasing in response to an increase in its supply, thus leading to an upward- sloping relative demand curve. However, I also show that the results about relative bias do not generalize when more general menus of technological possibilities are considered. In the second part of the paper, I show that there are much more general results about absolute bias. I prove that under fairly mild assumptions, an increase the supply of a factor always in induces changes in technology that are absolutely biased towards that factor, and these results hold both for small changes and large changes in supplies. Most importantly, I also determine the conditions under which the induced-technology response will be strong enough so that the price (marginal product) of a factor increases in response to an increase in its supply. These conditions correspond to a form of failure of joint concavity of the aggregate production function of the economy in factors and technology. This type of failure of joint concavity is quite possible in economies where equilibrium factor demands and technologies are decided by different agents. JEL Classification: O30, 031, 033, 065. Keywords: Biased technology, endogenous technical change, innovation, monotone com- parative statics. 'I am grateful to Rabah Amir for several useful comments, suggestions and conversations on lattice programming, to Alexandre Debs and Asuman Ozdaglar for numerous comments and suggestions, to Alp Simsek for help with Lemma 4, and to Susan Athey, Ivan Werning, Muhamet Yildiz and seminar participants in Canadian Advanced Research, MIT, and Toulouse on Information Technology for financial support. Institute of for useful comments. I also thank the Toulouse Network Introduction 1 Despite the generally-agreed importance of technological progress for economic growth and a large and and influential literature bias of technological bias of technical change nical change is change are not well understood. important not neutral: is on technological progress,' the determinants of the direction it for a number of reasons. some benefits An First, in most situations, tech- factors of production, while directly or indirectly reducing the compensation of others. This possibility is both by the distributional illustrated impact of the major technologies introduced during the Industrial Revolution and the of technological change on the structvue of wages during the past half century or so.^ of technological change determines its and analysis of the direction distributional imphcations (i.e., effects The bias which groups are the winners and which will be the losers from technological progress) and thus the willingness of different groups to embrace new technologies. Second, an understanding of the determinants of innovation requires an analysis of the bias and direction of for evaluating whether is technologies, for example, lines of previous innovations or technologies will future and the potential compatibility between old and of technology new new be exploited in the technologies.^ Finally, the bias important for imderstanding the macroeconomic implications of technological progress. These and related questions have spmred a dimensions of the bias of technology. Theory of Wages (1932), which later attracted attention first relatively large literature investigating various The pioneering study was discussed the issue of induced innovation.^ Ahmad The Nordhaus (1966), and Binswanger and Ruttan (1978), who studied the technical change. The topic from the leading economists of the 1960s, notably Kennedy (1964), Samuelson (1965), Drandakis and Phelps (1965), (1975), The Hicks' seminal book, link (1973), David between factor prices and focus of this literature was on the macroeconomic consequences of induced innovation and was shaped by a critical passage in Hicks's book where he argued: 'See, among others, Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1980), Reinganum (1981, 1985), Spence (1984), and Grossman and Shapiro (1987) in the industrial organization literature and Romer (1990), Segerstrom, Anant and Dinopoulos (1990), Grossman and Helpman (1991), Aghion and Howitt (1992), Stokey (1991, 1995), and Young (1993) in the economic growth literature. ^On the biases and distributional effects of the technologies introduced during the Industrial Revolution, see Mantoux (1961) or Mokyr (1990), and on recent developments, see footnote 6 below. ^See, for example, Farrell and Saloner (1985) and Katz and Shapiro (1985). There is an implicit reference to this issue in Marx, when he discusses how labor scarcity the exhaustion of the reserve army of labor may induce the capitalist to substitute machinery for labor (see Rosenberg, 1982), and also in HabaJtkuk's (1962) well-known contrast of faster technological progress in the United States than in "* — Britain because of labor scarcity in the former country (see, in particular, p. 44). — "A change invention, in the relative prices of the factors of and to invention of a particular kind of a factor which has Although not interpreted) become The itself a spur to —directed to economizing the use message in this sentence (and the way factor prices were the crucial element shaping the bias of technological progress (or technological adoption) abundant, thus is relatively expensive." (pp. 124-5) explicitly stated, the implicit was that production less expensive, technical , and somehow change should become as a factor less biased it was and direction becomes more towards that factor.^ topic of biased technological change received renewed interest over the past decade, as a result of a number of macro phenomena, particularly, the evidence that overall technological change over the past 60 years has been biased towards skilled workers (e.g., Autor, Katz and Krueger, 1998). This led a number of authors to formulate extensions of endogenous growth models (Acemoglu, 1998, 2002, 2003a,b, Acemoglu and Zilibotti, 2000, Kiley, 1999, Caselli and Coleman, 2004, Xu, 2001, Gancia, 2003, Thoenig and Verdier, 2003, Ragot, 2003, Duranton, 2004, and Jones, 2005), whereby technical change could be directed to one of multiple (typically two) sectors or factors.^ These models were descendents of the endogenous growth models of Romer, Grossman and Helpman, and Aghion and Howitt. As a result, they incorporated a number of specific features. These included a quasi-linear structure to obtain long-run growth, the constant demand borrowed from the Dixit-Stiglitz-Spence model, different types of technologies that were of factor-augmenting type, and the market and present elasticity of in the second generation of size effect, inherent in Romer's original endogenous technical change models (see, e.g., article Aghion and Howitt, 1998). ^Nevertheless, parts of Hicks's reasoning did not go uncriticized. For example, Salter (1966) and Samuelson (1965) pointed out that firms should strive to economize on total costs not only on the factor that has become relatively more expensive, thus questioning Hicks's reasoning (see also Nordhaus, 1973). But the essential ideas encapsulated in the quote remained influential in the literature. I will clarify below that this quote is never correct for factor bias, but would be true for factor-augmenting changes as long as the relevant (local) elasticity of substitution is less than one. this quote relates to the the price of a factor, say labor, on the overall amount an interesting area for study, but not part of the focus of this paper. See Acemoglu and Finkelstein (2005) for a theoretical and empirical investigation of this point. ^The focus of the first papers in this literature, Acemoglu (1998) and Kiley (1999), was to investigate when and why technology could be biased towards skilled workers. This was partly motivated by the evidence that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, new technologies were often replacing skilled workers, which contrasted to Another implication of of technology adoption or innovation, which is effect of also the later skill-biased nature of technological change (see James and Skinner, 1985, Goldin and Katz, 1995, on the earlier era, and Goldin and Katz, 1998 or Autor, Katz and Krueger, 1998, on the more recent trends). Later Acemoglu (2003b) and Jones (2005) used similar ideas to investigate whether there are any compelling reasons change to be purely labor augmenting as required for the existence of a balanced growth path in standard growth models. Acemoglu (2003a), Xu (2001), Gancia (2003), and Thoenig and Verdier (2003) used versions of this framework to investigate the effect of international trade on the bias of technology. for technical This structure led to some very sharp results about the relative equilibrium bias of technolwhich, in ogy, many ways, stood in contrast to the implicit message of Hicks's quote mentioned above. Using an endogenous growth model with two sectors and a constant elasticity of substitution between factors, Acemoglu (2002) showed that these models implied opposite conclusion to that of Hicks's quote. To describe these results, two-factor world, be the impact of The main to that of the other. ^ more abundant, technology becomes endogenously more The question that arises naturally sumptions imposed let relative bias, in new technology on the marginal product result in this class of models that results are an a factor becomes towards that factor. artifact of special as- Understanding the source of existing in this class of models. a of a factor relative when (relatively) biased whether these is is essentially the results is not only important for deriving general theorems about equilibrium bias, but also because without such an understanding, the forces determining the nature of technology adoption and technological progress remain unclear. The purpose of of equilibrium bias this and provide general theorems paper in the is to provide an in-depth analysis most natural setting that allows an analysis of these questions. To motivate the analysis, we may return to the results from Acemoglu (2002) mentioned above, and wonder whether those results hold in more general settings. In particular, start we may with the following conjecture: Conjecture (Relative Endogenous Bias): When Z the supply of a factor increases, technology becomes relatively more biased towards factor Z. The first theorem in this two factors and where all paper i.e., this conjecture is correct in a world with technologies are of the factor-augmenting type, thus substantially generahzing existing results. Moreover, to be strong, show that will it will provide precise conditions for this relative bias for the increase in the relative supply of a factor to increase once technology has adjusted to the change in factor supplies. The second that once kind, and we depart from an environment in particular, once there is in all relative price result, however, is technologies are of the factor-augmenting potentially a choice between technologies with different elasticities of substitution, this conjecture is simple examples where which its no longer true. It is possible to construct relatively it fails. Despite this negative result, the rest of the paper presents a number of general results about equilibrium bias. In contrast to the focus in Acemoglu (1998, 2002) and the conjecture above. ^Equivalently, bias can be described as referring to cost-minimizing relative factor price ratio. The two demands definitions of relative bias are equivalent for the purposes in this paper. at a given factor these results concern the "absolute" biased towards a factor bias if it , not relative, bias. increases its A technology marginal product.^ is said to be absolutely While understanding relative essential for a certain class of questions (for example, those concerning inequality), is analysis of absolute bias an equally important, for example, for understanding the implications is of technological change for the level of wages or the level of rewards to other factors. One of the main results of the paper is the following theorem which is stated loosely and without the necessary assumptions here (which are explained subsequently): Theorem (Weak Endogenous Bias): When the supply of a factor Z increases, tech- nology becomes absolutely biased towards factor Z. Stated differently, this theorem shows that under a set of relatively mild assumptions on the underlying environment, there is a strong result about equilibrium bias; technology will progressively favor factors that are becoming abundant. under two alternative sets of sufficient conditions. I will The first set measure (vector) of technology to belong to a convex subset lead to a local theorem The second factor Z). (i.e., show that of R^ this theorem applies of conditions requires the for some K> 1, which will a result that applies in response to small changes in the supply of a possibility is a global theorem. The conditions necessary of the theorem can be best understood by using the tools of for this version monotone comparative statics as developed by Topkis (1978, 1979, 1998), Milgrom and Roberts (1990a,b, 1994), Vives (1990), and Milgrom and Shannon (1994). In fact, the sufficient condition for the global theorem a form of supermodularity (or increasing differences) between factor Zi, ..., Z[sf) These light and a vector change may have increase in the of real-world increased the number (or a set of factors, 9 denoting technology choices. results are not only interesting because of their generality, on a variety Z of but also because they shed phenomena. For example, they suggest why recent technical demand workers (since there has been a significant for skilled more educated workers) and why technological progress may have , been biased towards unskilled workers in the past (since there was a large increase of unskilled workers in British cities during the 19th century, see, for example, or is in the supply Habakkuk 1962, Wilhamson, 1990). The above theorem is referred to as the specifies the direction of the bias. "weak endogenous bias" theorem, because it only Perhaps more important and certainly more surprising is the following theorem: Theorem (Strong Endogenous ^Thus the difference is Bias): Under sufficient non-convexity of the aggregate that this marginal product is not conapared to the marginal product of other factors. production possibilities set of the economy, when the supply of a factor becomes sufficiently biased Z towards factor Z increases, technology so that the price of this factor increases. In other words, with sufficient non-convexity of the production possibilities set, equilib- rium bias can be strong enough that endogenous-technology demand curves for factors can be upward-sloping rather than downward-sloping as in the standard neoclassical theory. This result will be stated in Theorem 8 below, which not only shows the possibility of strong equi- librium (absolute) bias, but also makes the conditions under which this happens precise. In particular, this theorem shows that there will be strong (absolute) equilibrium bias the aggregate output of the economy (or a transformation of if and Z. In equilibrium output in technology (say d) of Z by firms, while the choice of technology d or research firm) will also maximize output it) fails (profits) will its be maximized in the choice by some other agents (a technology monopolist (or some transform thereof). Nevertheless, these is a maximum Instead, {Z*,6*) could be a saddle point, transform). and only to be jointly concave two conditions together do not guarantee that the equilibrium, say {Z*,9*), the aggregate output (or if meaning that there exists a direction in the (Z, 9) plane in which aggregate output increases. tially, Theorem and strong show that there 8 will bias will never exist will be strong equilibrium bias whenever this when {Z*,9*) is in fact a maximum. This is of Essen- the case, implies that the equilibrium structure, where technology and factor demands are chosen by different agents in the economy is essential for this result, since otherwise, {Z*,9*) ruling out strong bias. Equally important, however, economy bias a is in the observation that once which factor demands and technology are chosen by quite easy to obtain, because there maximum is is would be a maximum, thus we have an different agents, such strong nothing that guarantees that {Z*,9*) should be in all directions. In addition to the earlier work on induced innovation literature and the recent directed technical change literature that have already been discussed above, this paper lated to work on the LeChatelier demand for factors of allow adjustment in closely re- principle. Recall that the LeChatelier principle concerns the a profit-maximizing firm, and states that long-run factors) are all is more elastic demand curves (which than short-run demand curves (which hold the employment level of other factors constant). In other words, in response to an increase in the price of a factor, the employment of this factor declines more in the short-run than in the long-run. This principle factor prices, but was first stated and proved by Samuelson (1947) for small changes in was known not to be true 1960, Roberts, 1999). It was for large later generafized changes (see, for example, Samuelson, by Milgrom and Roberts (1996) to a global LeChatelier principle under the assumption that production functions are supermodular (see The also Silberberg, 1974). intuition underlying the LeChateher principle that the firm can is adjust other factors to increase the marginal product of the factor whose price has increased. At some about the endogenous bias of technology correspond to equilibrium versions level, results The main of the LeChatelier principle. in factor supplies is is that the focus here the effect of changes is on equilibrium outcomes, rather than the partial equilibrium/optimization focus of the LeChatelier principle. ture difference The above discussion illustrates that this equilibrium struc- demand curve responsible for the possibility of strong equilibrium bias (since a firm's for a factor can never be upward sloping, even in the long run, and Green, 1995, Proposition rest of the paper demands to be chosen by different agents. organized as follows. Li Section is Winston 5.C.2). Equivalently, as discussed above, strong equilibrium bias requires technology and factor The see, e.g., Mas-Colell, 2, I describe three alternative en- vironments, with different market structures and assumptions on technology choice, and show that the determination of equilibrium bias in these three different economies boils the same problem, with the major difference that two of the economies allow non-convexities in the aggregate production possibilities set. above is to more natural Section 3 provides a significant generalization of existing relative bias results, but also shows relative bias for down why the conjecture regarding not correct unless we restrict the technology possibilities menu to only factor-augmenting technologies. Section 4 contains the main results on weak equilibrium (absolute) bias and presents a number of versions of the theorems, and also clarifies the limits of these theorems. Section 5 contains the results on strong equilibrium bias. Section 6 concludes, while Appendices 2 A and B contain some additional technical material. The Basic Environments Consider a static economy consisting of a unique tion, a total of N + M, Z = {Zi, ..., Zn) and L final = (Li, good and two ..., sets of factors of produc- Lm)- Throughout, I assume that agents' preferences are defined over the consumption of the final good. Moreover, are supplied inelastically and denote their supplies by distinguishing between these two sets of factors is Z e M^ and L e R^ . all factors The reason consists of a continuum of firms with an identical production function. (final good producers) denoted by the Without for to carry out comparative static exercises varying the supply of factors Z, while holding the supply of other factors, L, constant. economy all loss of any generality let set The T, each us normalize the measure of ^, I will \J^\, to The 1. price of the final good also normalized to 1.^ is consider three different environments to highlight the importance of convexity of the aggregate production All three environments will lead to a similar structure for the set. determination of equilibrium bias. weak equihbrium In particular, they will aU generate the bias under the set of conditions already discussed in the Introduction, but two of them can generate the strong equilibrium bias more naturally (see below for formal definitions). The Economy first. D technologies are chosen by firms themselves. In can be interpreted as choice of just another larity to the is some ways, set of factors. in this economy, technology choice This economy also has some simi- models recently analyzed by Boldrin and Levine (2001, 2004) and Quah (2003), which emphasize the petition. a completely decentralized economy in which (for decentralized), is possibility of But from the point endogenous technological change without monopolistic com- of view of this paper, the most important aspect of Economy that the whole discussion can be in terms of technology adoption, and D we can work with a convex decentralized economy familiar from basic general equilibrium analysis. The second. the technology. Economy C The third (for centralized), features in is, many a benevolent social planner choosing ways, the most standard environment, and features a monopolist choosing and selling technologies. This environment. Economy will lead to identical results to Arrow (1962), Economy C. A tradition dating back to and more recently used by Romer Aghion and Howitt (1990), Economy 2.1 In the first by each firm where 72 ^ Economy D, e £ <zS}^ and cM:'Jf,L* production function, which, ^ Since all and technologies and R&D, and these features Equilibrium all markets are competitive and technology separately. In this case, each firm Z for new (1991), M in a simple manner. D—^Decentralized environment. made monopoly), Schumpeter (1934) and (1992), emphasizes both the non-rivalrous nature of Economy (for Grossman and Helpman the monopoly power necessary to recoup the investments are captured in M i e T has access to y' = F(Z\L\6'^) 6'' G 9 is decided a production function (1) the measure of technology. for simplicity, I take to is F is a real-valued be twice continuously differentiable in agents' preferences are defined over the final good, ownership of firms is not important for the equilibrium allocations. In particular, firms will always majcimize profits independent of their exact ownership structure. For this reason, I do not specify the ownership structure of firms in what follows. now (Z^jL^).^" For C of impose no structure on the I K M.^ for some E N. For many instances of technology choice, discrete elements (corresponding to separate technologies), so we the global results, Each final and need that both will good producer Z may it i.e., it j = wz is 1,...,M, and and a wl — 1,...,N, and wij to denote the vector of factor prices. Since there , (2) i=i is the price of factor Lj for L and taken as given by the firm. Similar to the notation for total supply Lj of factor Lj order. For ^^ M j=i ' the price of factor Zj for j all some set. ^ F(Z\L\0^) -J^wz.Z} -J^w^.L), ' where wzj consist of solves the problem: N ' Q may not be a convex are lattices according to (firm) majcimizes profits, z-ez^e^.^ee^^^''^''^'^ one might think set G, but for concreteness, Z, I will use a total supply Zj of factor Zj is and both factors are supplied market clearing inelastically, requires / Definition 1 and factor A prices Z'jdi < Zj for j = 1, -, N and competitive equilibrium in (w^,w^) such f Lidi Economy that {Z',L',&*}^ _^ D < is Lj for j = 1, ..., M. (3) a set of decisions {Z',L\0'}^ solve (2) given prices (w2,w^) and ^ (3) holds. I refer to any 6^ that is part of the set of equilibrium allocations, {Z', L\ 0'} . t-, as "equi- librium technology" Assumption 1 c and increasing K''^ for in some K> (Z\L*), and Z, Then by standard arguments we Lemma 1 (Z\L%e') 1, F{Z\ L\ 0'^) £ and (Z,L,6i) for alH G jointly strictly concave in (Z', L', ^') are convex. have: (Symmetry) Suppose Assumption = is 1 holds. Then in any competitive equilibrium, J=^. '"Whenever F is assumed to be difFerentiable some open set containing Z x C [Z x C x Q]. in (Z',L') [(Z',L',0)), this means that it is differentiable over The differentiabihty assumptions are not necessary for the main results, and only facilitate the exposition by allowing a clear definition of marginal products and factor prices. Without differentiability, factor prices (marginal products) can take values in the set of generalized Clarke derivatives as defined in Clarke (1990). "Since Z is a. subset of R^, an easy way to guarantee that it is a lattice is to assume it to be a "boxconstrained" region (or a cube) with a minimum and maximum value for each Zj. Although the lattice structure can be restrictive under some circumstances, for example when there are budget-type relationships between subcomponents of the vector, it is not very restrictive in this context, since the fact that a firm is hiring more of one factor does not typically put constraints on its hiring more of others. This lemma follows immediately by the Proof. concavity of F(Z',L^,0'), which strict concavity of 7r(Z%L\6''). To obtain a contradiction, suppose that two firms, imphes strict and choose (Z\LS0') and (Z'',L^',0^'), such that (Z',L\6i^) i', possible (1 - if = -ir{Z\'L\e') A) (Z*',L*',0' ) for tt{Z'' ,L'' ,9''). some A G (0, 1), = = {Z\L\9') •7r(Z'',L'',6'* {Z,L,9). imply that (Z,L) Assumption in (Z',L*,0*). 1 = ), Since which is (1 - is increasing in This is only = X{Z\L\9') + Z and by the convexity of £, feasible 9. Strict > A) 7r(Z^',L'',6i^'), hence Tr{Z,L,9) delivering a contradiction. F {Z'' ,L'' ,9''). consider the vector {Z,L,9) > Xn{Z\L\9') + concavity implies that 7r(Z,L,0) 7r(Z%L',0^) Now ^ Therefore for (Z\L0, market i all e i clearing, (3), we have !F, and |j^| == 1 (Z,L), completing the proof. may be restrictive, Alternatively, however, because we can modify this rules out constant returns to scale it assumption to allow for constant returns to scale:^^ Assumption 9 C M^ 1' for some K > 1, F(Z^L',0*) is increasing in (Z%L*) and exhibits Z constant returns to scale in (Z',L\0'), and we have (Z,L) £ Proposition 1 (Welfare Theorem D) Suppose Assumption Then any equilibrium technology is 1 x £. Assumption or 1' holds. a solution to maxF(Z,L,e'), (4) e'60 and any solution to Proof. (=^) First petitive equilibrium. i ^ !F . problem this is an equilibrium technology. suppose Assumption By Lemma 1, Suppose that {Z^L',^'}^^^ 1 holds. {Z',L',5'}^g^ is such that (Z',L',^*) that F{Z\\} ,9^) This implies that any equilibrium technology 9 pose that Assumption 1' w^ for all and w/, such -^ ^2^2]-^ ^hA. satisfies 6 a com- M N ma^ (Z,L,e)earg (Z,L,0) == Moreover, by the definition of a competitive equilibrium, there exist is G arg max^/gg F(Z, L, holds. In that case, without loss of any generality, an equilibrium with only one (representative) firm active and employing sequently, by the definition of a competitive equihbrium (5) holds. (5) 9'). Next, sup- we can consider (Z, L) G .E x £. Con- Thus the same conclusion follows. ^^It is also possible to allow for mixtures of constant returns to scale additional notation, and since Assumption 1 or Assumption it 1'. is not essential for the focus here, and I strict convexity, but this introduces simplify the analysis by using either {<=) strict The hypothesis T satisfies E Take 6 € argmaxg/^g F(Z,L,^'). By the 1 liolds. concavity of F, the first-order conditions of (5) are necessary and sufficient. Consider the factor price vectors i Assumption First suppose that wz and w/, such that wzj = the first-order conditions of (5), so it 1' Once holds. Z consider an equilibrium with only one firm active employing (Z,L) G argmaxg'gQ F(Z,L, Proposition 1 6') is is we can x £, so any 6 G enables us to focus on a simple maximization problem it rather than an equilibrium problem. An that the equilibrium corresponds to a maximum important implication of this proposition of F in the entire vector also straightforward to see that equilibrium factor prices in this F marginal products of the We again, is an equilibrium technology, completing the proof. useful since dF{7i, L, 9)/dLj where 6 (Z, L,&) for all a competitive equilibrium, thus 9 is Next, suppose that Assumption an equilibrium technology. dF{Z, L, 6)/dLj. = (Z\L\0') that at these factor price vectors, (4) implies = dF{Zi, L, 6)/dZj and wlj function, economy (Z',L\0'). also It is are equal to the = dF{Z,L,6)/dZj and are given by wzj is and wlj = the equilibrium technology choice. is next derive a similar maximization problem for Economies C and M, Economy D, and show the strong (joint) convexity assumptions inherent in which relax that a similar equilibrium characterization can be obtained for these economies, but without the implication that the equilibrium corresponds to a Economy C 2.2 maximum of F in the entire vector (Z',L%0'). —Centralized Equilibrium In this economy, there is still a unique final good and each firm has access to the production function Y' In particular, we again have Z* 6 and G is = G{Z\-L\9'). Z CM^, L' G £ (6) CM^ and 5' again a real-valued production function that is G 9 is the measure of technology, twice continuously differentiable in (Z'.L^. Each firm has free access to the technology 9 provided by the centralized (socially-run) research firm. This research firm can create any technology 9 at cost technology menu 0. Once created, this technology is C {9) from the available non-excludable and available to any firm (as well as non-rival, see Arrow, 1962, Romer, 1990). In addition, to further simplify the analysis, I assume that the research firm can only choose one technology, which might example, because of the necessity of standardization across firms. In general, a social planner may want to create two 10 be, for ^"^ different technologies, say di and 62, and provide one All factor markets are again competitive. Consequently, given the technology offer of 6 of the research firm, the maximization problem of each final good producer M N .ma^ 7r{Z\L\6) is = GiZ\V,0)-TwzjZi-ywLjL). (7) Notice the important difference in this maximization problem relative to that in Economy D: firms are only maximizing with respect to (Z\L*), not with respect to 0\ which will be determined by the research firm. The 6^ = objective of the research firm 9 for all i E. J^, this is is to maximize total surplus, or total output. Since equivalent to m3^U{9)= f G{Z\L\e)di-C(e). e^ee (8) Jo This leads to a natural definition of equilibrium: Definition 2 choice 9 holds, and An equilibrium in factor prices (w2,w^) such and the technology choice We now that is a set of firm decisions {Z\L*|. {Z\L*}^ 2 G(Z',L\0') is t- for the research firm, 9, impose weaker versions of Assumptions Assumption £ Economy C 1 jointly strictly concave solve (7) given (wz,W£,) maximizes and _-, 1' technology and 9, (3) (8). on G: and increasing in (Z\L*) and Z and are convex. Assumption 2' G(Z\L\0') and we have The important (Z, T,) Z difference that with the latter, an important G is x increasing and exhibits constant returns to scale in (Z',L'), C between Assumptions G(Z\ L\ 0'^) role in the results 1 and 1' versus Assumptions 2 and 2' is does not need to be jointly concave in (Z\ 9^, which will play below (nor does 9 need to be a subset of IR-^). technology to a subset of firms and the other to the rest. This strategy may be optimal if C {0) were sufficiently small (so that duplication costs are not too large). In the environment outlined here, this option will not typically work because of non-excludability. In partic- would want to use the technology that is superior. Nevertheless, there can be some situations which the research firm may prefer to create two distinct technologies, 6i and 62, from the menu. For this, it needs to be the case that first, neither of the two technologies is superior to the other (i.e., which one leads to higher output depends on factor proportions); second, F has to be jointly non-concave in 9 and (Z,L), so that some firms may choose 9i and the corresponding factor demand, while others choose 62 and other levels of factor demands, and all firms make the same level of profits; and third, C (9) should be low enough that the costs of creating two different technologies, 9i and 92, is not prohibitive. Such situations are relatively rare and are not central to the focus here, so rather than deriving the conditions on C (9) and the production function G to rule out this possibility, I simply assume that choosing two separate technologies from the menu is not ular, all firms in possible. 11 Proposition 2 (Equilibrium Theorem C) Suppose Assumption Then any equihbrium technology 2 or Assumption 2' holds. a solution to is maxG{Z,L,0)-C{9) and any solution Proof. The proof under Assumption because G is imphes that problem to this 2, is an equilibrium technology. similar to that of Proposition is (9) 1, the equilibrium will be symmetric, so and follows again by noting that {Z\L\9) — (Z,L,0). In addition, increasing in (Z\L'), market clearing, (3), yields that (Z,L) (8) is identical to (9). scale in (Z,L), and (Z,L) E. Z x When Assumption £,, so 2' = (Z,L), which holds, there are constant returns to we can once again work with a employing single firm (Z,L), and the conclusion follows. = Defining F{2i,L,6) C G{Z,L,9) — C(9), we obtain that technology choice Economy in can be characterized as maximizing some function F{Z,Tj,9) with respect to ^ e Economy D. However, for Proposition 1, I refer to this as an "equilibrium theorem" not as a welfare theorem as since despite the fact that the objective of the research firm social surplus, the equilibrium may is to maximize not be the social optimum. This results from the fact that once created, technologies are non-excludable, so may as in all firms use it, whereas the social planner have preferred to exclude some firms to enable remaining firms to hire more of the factors of production (recall footnote 13). The equilibrium structure, as captured by Definition 2, does not allow for this possibility given the non-excludable nature of the technology. For our purposes, the more important difference is by assumption jointly concave in {Z,9), the same is is that while in not true in Economy D F(Z,L, Economy in this latter economy, F{Z,Tj,9) does not need to be concave in {Z,9) (nor 0) C. In particular, is it necessarily globally concave in 9). It is also useful to and WLj wzj = note that equilibrium factor prices are dGiZ,L,0)/dLj, but — dF{Z,L,9)/dZj and wlj since = F{Z,L,0) = dF{Z,L,9)/dLj now given by wzj = dG{Z, L, 9)/dZj G{Z,L,9) -C{9), as in this is equivalent to Economy D. M—Monopoly Equilibrium 2.3 Economy Now I briefly discuss an economy that is similar to plying technologies to final good producer firms. similar to Propositions 1 and 2, while Appendix with a monopolist provider of technologies. 12 I Economy C, but features a monopolist sup- take the simplest structure to deliver results A analyzes exactly the setup of Economy C In the environment here, there is still a unique final good and each firm has access to the production function = y' which is a-"" (1 similar to (6), except that function, which depends on 9^, - q)-i [Giz\ V, G(Z%L',0*) e')] now is " '"" q {e') (lo) a subcomponent of the production the technology being used by the firm. {9^) — This intermediate good is needs to be combined with an intermediate good embodying technology conditioned on 9'' to emphasize that technology 1998). As is (e.g., is assume that Z' e in the front common is denoted by q a convenient normalization. in equilibrium models of endogenous Z cM^,L' G £ CRf and G is a real-valued production twice continuously differentiable in (Z',L'). assume that I — q)~ 9^. 0'^, Romer, 1990, Grossman and Helpman, 1991, or Aghion and Howitt, 1992, The technology monopolist can and again (1 a generalization of the setup before, I function that embodies technology The term a~" supplied by the monopolist. This structure it This subcomponent can only choose one technology. it monopolist can produce as create technology 9 at cost many units of the intermediate C (9) from the technology menu, Once created, the technology good of type 9 (that intermediate goods embodying technology 9) at per unit cost normalized to final good can then (this is also set a 1 —a is, of the unit of the a convenient normalization, without any substantive implications). (linear) price per unit of the intermediate good of type 9, It denoted by %. All factor markets are again competitive. Consequently, each firm takes the type of available technology, 9, and the price of the intermediate good embodying this technology, X) as given and maximizes N ^ma^ ^Z\V,q{9) \ e,x) =^ M a"" {I- a)-' [GiZ\L\9)]" qi9)'-''-J2^ZjZ}-Y,y^LjLi-XQ{0) (11) which gives the following simple inverse demand its price, x, and the factor employment q' The problem for intermediates of type ^ as a function of levels of the firm as {9,x,Z\V) = a-'G{Z\L\9)x~'/''. of the monopolist is to maximize its profits (12) (which are equal to price minus marginal cost of production times total sales of the intermediates, minus the cost of creating the technology). Thus the problem .max of the monopolist n=(x-(l-a)) 13 /" is: q' {e,x,^\^') di - C (9) (13) subject to (12). Therefore, an equilibrium in this An equilibrium in Economy M is Definition 3 technology choice (11) given 9, and economy can be defined a set of firm decisions {Z', (w2,w^,x) such factor prices (w2,w^,x) and technology L\ g' (^, X) (0, x, Z', L*) } . ^' ''-'') Jctt solve and the technology choice and pricing (3) holds, 6, that {Z\L',g' as: decision for the monopolist, (^,x)) maximize (13) subject to (12). Once again the important demands and technology factor good producers, the The equilibrium constant elasticity economy in this demand — curve, so the optimal price of the monopolist that maximizes (13) i.e., 1/ (1 — a) times the marginal cost of production g' (^) {0,x) = g* — Oi~^G{7i,L,6)x^^^°' for [0,x — l!Z,L) = This leads to an equilibrium monopoly price of x a. = Moreover, 1- (which now apply to G, the subcomponent of the 2' production function (10)). Under these assumptions, the equilibrium q^ now straightforward to characterize because (12) defines a is continue to impose Assumption 2 or so that 1 is by the technology monopolist). latter of the intermediate, 1 and Definition are being decided by different agents (the former by the final simply the standard monopoly markup, is I distinction between this definition ^ all i a~^G{Z,L,6) will again be symmetric, and given the monopoly price x !F, for all i e J^. The profits = 1, we have and the maximization problem of the monopolist can then be expressed as maxU{e) = G{Z,L,d)-C{e). Thus we have established (proof in the text) M) Proposition 3 (Equilibrium Theorem Then an equilibrium in (14) Economy M is Suppose Assumption 2 or Assumption 2' holds. a solution to maxG(Z,L,e)-C(0) 6ee and any solution to this problem Relative to Economies D is an equilibrium. and C, the presence of the monopoly markup implies the presence of greater distortions in this economy.^"* that again defining F{Z, L, 6) = G(Z, L,9) solution to a problem identical to that in '''For example, it More important — C {9), Economy for our purposes here, however, equilibrium technology in C, Economy and quite similar to the one in M is is a Economy can be verified that taking the behavior of the final good producers as given, the socially (1 — q)~'^° [G{Z,L,9')] -C {6) rather than [G(Z,L,0')] -C {6). optimal allocation in this case would maximize 14 ^, D. As in Economy (Z, 6) in the C, F{Z, L, 9) need not be globally concave in 6 nor even locally concave in neighborhood of the equilibrium. This result therefore shows that for the analysis of equilibrium bias, it is not important whether technology choices are at the firm level or at the centralized level (resulting R&D whether they are made to maximize or or other research process), monopoly But we profits. and also whether F(Z, L, will see that is 6) from some social surplus jointly concave in (Z, 9) will play an important role in the results. Finally, {1 — it can be verified that in this a)~^ dG{Z,L,9)/dZj and wlj the derivatives of the F F (1 D factor prices are given by - a)~ dG{Z,L,9)/dLj, which — function defined as F{Z,L,9) comparison with Economies derivatives of the — economy equilibrium and C, with a slight — G(Z,L,6') wzj = are proportional to C{9). So to facilitate abuse of terminology I will refer to the Economy M. function as the "equilibrium factor prices" even in 3 Relative Equilibrium Bias The previous section established that in three different environments, with different market structures ogy down boils F(Z, L, 9) sections, and conceptions I of technology choice, the characterization of equilibrium technol- to an identical maximization problem where Z and make use L —the maximization of some function are the factor supplies in the economy. number of this characterization to derive a In this and the next two of results about equilibrium bias of technology choice. This section analyzes relative equilibrium a e* Z more economy with only two specialized e e C M^ G Z G M+ for , some K L G £ C component denoted by > 1, 1R+, 9j. so that F and that Finally, I bias, and factors, L and Z R+xR+xR^ : is throughout for that reason, (i.e., M -^ R+. — 1 and F is focus on N= 1), and Moreover, suppose that R^ a convex compact subset of assume that I with the jth twice continuously differentiable in {Z,L,9). Recall that, in a two- factor economy, relative equilibrium, bias is defined as the effect of technology on the marginal product (price) of a factor relative to the marginal product (price) of the other factor. Denote the marginal product wz when employment [Z, L, 6) = — (or price) of the dF{Z,L,e) and wl [Z, L, 9) levels (factor proportions) are given = two factors by — dFiZ,L,9) by {Z,L) and the technology ^Recall that F(L, Z, 9) either corresponds to the production function of the firms 15 , (Economy D) or is 9}^ we have From of Z the twice differentiability of F, these marginal products are also differentiable functions and L. Then we have the following Definition 4 factor Z An at (Z, Z, definitions:^^ increase in technology 9j for e*) G Z X £ X e some = j 1, ...,K > 0. is relatively biased towards if dwz{Z,L,6)/wL{Z,L,e) dOj This definition simply expresses what towards a factor (similarly a decrease in Definition 4 Prom non-positive). is in 9j it is means for a technology to it is relatively biased towards factor Z, relatively biased this definition, be if clear that (weak) relative equilibrium bias should correspond to a change in technology ^ in a direction biased towards to an increase Z in (or Z/L); this stated in the next definition. is exists at (Z, Z) for all for all j equilibrium bias at {^Z,L,6 (^Z,Lj^ dwz ^ ^ — 1, Z in response ^^ Definition 5 Denote the equilibrium technology at factor supplies [Z, L) & and assiune that d9j (Z, L) /dZ the derivative ..., Z K. Then x Chy 9 there is (Z, L) relative if (Z, Z, 9 (Z, Z) ) /WL {Z,L,e{Z,L)) d9j [Z,L) ^^ a^-"- 89, ^^^^ Notice that the definition of relative equilibrium bias requires the (overall) change in tech- nology in response to an increase in for which 89 j {Z,L) J8Z Z/L exists for all j. since relative equilibrium bias is to be biased towards The statement is Z at the point (Z, after used in this definition also equivalent to a decline in Theorem will be further discussed below Z x C not qualified with "towards Z" Z (or ZjV) inducing a change in technology relatively biased against Z. Finally, the requirement that for all 2 L) & 89 j (Z, Z) jdZ (in particular, see exists the discussion 3 in the next section). F(L, Z,5) = G(L,Z, 5) — C{&), where 0(1,2,9) is the production function of the firms (Economy C) or a subcomponent of the production function (Economy M). In both cases, the derivatives of F with respect to Z and L define the marginal products of these factors. With a slight abuse of terminology, I will refer to i^(L, Z, 6) as "the production function". ^^For this section, in factor supplies. all definitions This is are "local" in the sense that, why they I will only look at the effect of small changes are expressed in terms of derivatives. I do not add this qualification to simplify terminology. ^^Throughout this section, I focus on changes in the supply of factor Z, which is also equivalent to a change supphes Z/L (with L kept constant). Consequently, I use dZ and d[Z/L) interchangeablely. Moreover, I denote the change in equilibrium technology by 89 j (^Z,L) /dZ (or dSj [Z,L) /d{Z/L)) rather than ddj i^Z, L) /dZ (or dOj (^Z, L) /d [Z/L)) since B is not generally only a function of Z or Z/L. I reserve the notation d [wz/vjl) /dZ to denote the total change in relative (or absolute) wages, which includes the technological adjustment, and contrEist this with the partial change d [wz /wl) /dZ, which holds technology constant (see, in relative for example, (16)). 16 The next definition introduces the more stringent concept requires that in response to an increase in overall effect (after the induced Z of strong relative bias, which ^/L), technology changes so much that the (or change in technology) is to increase the relative price of factor Z. Definition 6 Denote the equilibrium technology at factor supplies {Z,V) ^ and assume that dOj (Z, L) /d {Z/L) relative equilibrium bias at (^Z,L,0 (Z, Z)) if dwz _ - JWL dz {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) L) exists at [Z, [Z, L, 6 {Z L)) , = for all j 1, 2-^ i=i librium bias if the the latter two definitions, sum K. Then ..., Chj 9 x there (Z, Z), is it is clear that there will of the expressions in (15) over j = 1, ..., K is term ^ be strong large {Z, L) relative equi- enough to dominate is the in (16)). The main result in this section is that the conjecture about relative equilibrium bias applies in a world with only factor-augmenting technologies, but not these results, it more generally. Before deriving useful to clarify the notions introduced so far using an example, which is captures the main findings in Acemoglu (1998, 2002), but in the context of Economy C or M studied above rather than in the models of the original papers. In particular, the next example considers an environment equivalent to in L and above Economy C or M above, with constant returns to scale Z. This example will also clarify one possible meaning of the Hicks's quote discussed (see in particular footnote 20). Example 1 (Relative Equilibrium Bias) Suppose that GiZ,L,9)=[j{AzZ)'^ + il-j){ALL)^]~\ where 9 = terms, 7 G are, {Az,Al). In particular, (0, 1) is and a 6 (0, Az and Ai are (17) two separate factor-augmenting technology a distribution parameter which determines how important the two factors 00) is the elasticity of substitution between the two factors. the two factors are perfect substitutes, and the production function production function is Cobb-Douglas, and when 17 cr = 0, there is is linear. When a — When a — 1, ^ ^^^) fi7 dZ piftd9j the direct (negative) effect of the increase in relative supplies on relative wages (which first strong dwz {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) /wl{Z,L,9 {Z,L)) + dz dwz {Z,L,9 (Z, Z) ) /WL (Z, L, 9 {Z, Z) ) 89^ ^ By comparing Z 00, the no substitution between the ^^ two and the production function factors, take e = = {Az,Al) 6 is Leontieff. Since there are relative marginal product of is: S^r^(t)'^ (!)"' The is marginal product of relative the usual substitution expression also makes 6 = all it '''^ ,^^ {Az/Al) labor for I M^. Suppose that factor suppUes are given by (^Z,L). Then the the two factors two technology terms, values of a effect, decreasing in the relative abundance of Z, Z/L. This is leading to a downward-sloping relative clear that the measure of relative bias towards demand Z will (recall Definition 4) . Economy C rj^A^ and Vl-^l^ > Z To derive the results similar to those in or M, suppose that the where > 5 0. This curve. correspond to since higher levels of 6 increase the marginal product of (1998, 2002) in the context of technologies are Z (-) relative to Acemoglu costs of producing Despite the fact that 6 > new Q introduces diminishing returns in the choice of technology, the production possibilities set of this economy is non-convex, since there technologies, and Al). Az and Al is choice both over the factors of production, Z and L, and the Az (so that the function (17) exhibits increasing returns in L, Z, From Proposition 2 or 3, the problem of choosing equilibrium technology the is following strictly concave maximization problem: m£LX AzAl -l{AzZ)^ + {l--t)[ALL)^ "" -VzA'+'-VlA Taking the ratio of the first-order necessary Al, and denoting the equilibrium values by and *'s, sufficient conditions with respect to Az and the solution to this problem yields g-i ^*z_fVz\ '+'' 7 f V+'"/^^^'+^' This equation can also be expressed in an alternative form, both useful and for Theorem 1 for the discussion here below: dln{A*^/Al) d\n{Z/L) Now (19) using equation (18) and Definition 4, ^ a-J_ l + a5' ^ we can express the condition A^~ for weak ' relative and A£ as two separate technology terms, both relatively more economical. '" not Az/Al, as is sometimes confusingly It is important that the bias towards factor Zisd= [Az/Al] and incorrectly stated in the applied literature. Az/Al is the ratio of Z-augmenting to L-augmenting technology. When cr > 1, an increase in Az/ Al increases the relative marginal product of Z, while when ct < 1, an increase in Az/Al reduces the relative marginal product of Z. '^Alternatively, we could define biased towards Z, but clearly focusing on 6 is , 18 equilibrium bias as:^^ A i^.l^A = Using (18) and a In {wz / rium is 6 = / = 0--1 N wl) ^'" . at the Aj)) a In a-l = -— 1 + (JO [a (1 -if > + (jo); a (AyA},) always weak relative equilib- in the Introduction). Alternatively, the ^^'^ ( 7 \ 1+CT4 Z same result introduced above, we have In particular, substituting for (19), always increasing in is 0, measure of relative biased towards riy\ is X a by the conjecture by looking directly {Az/AlY'^' which /wr^ {Z, L, A*,, always nonnegative, thus establishing that there bias (as claimed follows Al) (20), AA {wz which jZ, L, A*^, ( Z\ (l+<"5)"' Z jL?^ Next to investigate the conditions under which there can use Definition 6 and check the conditions is strong relative equilibrium bias, we for (again using log derivatives simplicity): d\x,{wz{Z,L,A*2,Al)l'WL{ZrL.A*z,Al)) d\n{Z/L) dln{wz{Z,L,A*z,Al)/wL{Z,L,A*z,Al))dln{A*yAl) {AyAl) din Erom (18) and (21), this condition is equivalent to 1- a ^^The fact that Al -^^ {l + a5)a -2- 5 a I + a5 > „ 0. A {wz/wl) is is directly a function of Az/Aj^ and expressed in terms of log changes rather than simply for convenience. In particular, wz/wl is a function of Az/Al rather than Az and Moreover, note that as long as separately. Finally, recall -if '— = (a 1 absolute changes d\n{Z/L) from footnote 17 that d{Z/L) is a: > and a > 0, dx/da = if and only if 91na;/91na = 0. used interchangeably with dZ. ^°More explicitly, returning to the discussion in footnote 18, when a > 1, an increase in Z/L increases Az/Al, which in turn raises wz/wl at given factor proportions. In contrast when cr < 1, an increase in Z/L reduces Az/Al, but in this case, Az/Al is relatively biased against factor Z (it is biased towards factor L), so a decrease in Az/Al At again raises this point, wz/wl- we can claim in Hicks' quote is example (and the theorem that follows) show that the not true for relatively bijised technical change; an increase in the abundance of a factor also return to Hicks' quote. This its price will make technology relatively biased towards that factor. However, if we interpret the quote in terms of relative factor-augmenting changes, equation (20) shows that it is true when a <\. Therefore, one interpretation of Hicks' claim (though not the interpretation typically adopted in the previous literature) is that the increase in the abundance of a factor will cause technology relatively augmenting the other factor as long as the elasticity of substitution between the two factors is less than one. that reduces 19 when a > so that 2 + S, the relative demand curve for factors is upward-sloping and there more transparently strong relative equilibrium bias. In this example, this result can be obtained by substituting from for A'^jA'i^ (19) into (18) to obtain: (T ~1 g—2—O g-l-gj Vi-7/ XVlJ "^L is V^ which implies ^ a-2-5 l + a6 d]n{wz{Z,L,A*z,Al)/wL{Z,L,A*z,Al)) dln{Z/L) which again implies that there is when strong relative equilibrium bias cr ' > 2 + 6."^^ This example therefore illustrates the possibility of both weak and strong relative bias results in an economy with a non-convex aggregate production Z is always technological change induced in response to an increase in towards Z, and moreover, if the condition a bias. Nevertheless, the structure of the > + 2 economy S is possibilities set. In particular, (weakly) relatively biased satisfied, there is also strong relative quite special, in particular, is it incorporates a specific aggregate production function and cost functions for undertaking research. But more important form. I is the assumption that next establish that with a more general setup, but augmenting technologies, the same Theorem sider is are Economy C or M results hold. with two-factors, {Z,L) e {Az,Al) G K^, Z x C CM.\, and two factor-augmenting so that the production function is F {AzL,AiL). Assume that twice continuously differentiable and concave, and the costs of producing technologies Cz[Az) and CiiAi), which strictly convex. _ ~ _ are also twice continuously differentiable, increasing Let a be the (local) elasticity of substitution between dln(Z/L) dln(wz/wL) by i^Z,L^. wz with two- factors and factor- still (Relative EquilibriuTn Bias with Factor- Augmenting Technologies) Con- 1 technologies, F technologies are assumed to be of the factor-augmenting all , let 5 = — ^ J. , f , .^v ^ '' , Z and and L, defined by and suppose that factor supplies are given Denote equilibrium technologies by (j4^,.A2), and equilibrium factor prices by {Z, L, A*z, Al) and wl {Z, L, A*^, Al). Then we have din iA*z/ AD d\n{Z/L) _ that for -I + a5 all (Z, L) e Z x £: a l (23) ^'in Acemoglu (2002), the condition for upward-sloping relative demand curves was a > 2 — 8' for some other parameter 5' > 0, which essentially corresponds to —5 here. The reason is that in that context, as in many endogenous growth models, the technology allowed for knowledge-spillovers, and the parameter 5' measured how much a particular type of technology benefits from past innovations in the same line, adding another degree of non-convexity. Here a higher value of the parameter 5 makes the aggregate technology of the economy more "convex" and thus upward-sloping relative demand curves less likely. See also Theorem 8 below. 20 and dln{wz{Z,L,A*z,Al)/wL{Z,L,A%,Al)) 5 In (A^A^) 51n(AzMi) so that there is always weak relative equilibrium din {wz {Z, L, so that there Al) /WL dln{Z/L) A*z, Proof. By Proposition 2 or 3, we need if o" ^ ^^^^ Moreover, bias. [Z, L,A*z,Al)) strong relative equilibrium bias is ^ ain(Z/L) — 2 — 5 > a-2-5 ^ ' (25) + 0-5 1 ' 0. to look at the following strictly concave maximiza- tion problem: ma^ Taking the ratio of the F [AzZ, AlL) - Cz (Az) - first-order necessary and Cl {Al) sufficient conditions gives Z Fz{A*zZ,AlL) ^ C'z{A*z) LFl{A*,Z,AIL) C'^{Al) where Fz denotes the derivative of F . with respect to its first argument and Fl denotes the derivative with respect to the second. Recalling the definition of marginal products, this gives Z wz {Z, L, A*z, _ZAzFz Al) All) _ Az LAlFl{A*zZ,AIL) Lwl{Z,L,A*z,AI) Now {A*zZ, C'^ [A\) (26) AlCI{ai)- taking logs and differentiating totally with respect to In {Z/L) gives: 1 + d\n{C',iA*,)/CiiAl))\d\niAyAl) d]n{Az/AL) J a In (Z/L) dln{wz/wL) _ + Equation (26) and the definition of a + din (Z/L) dln{wz/wL) din (Az/Al) ' (27) d\n{A*yAl) z 5 In (Z/L) yield: d\n{wz/wL) dluiAz/Ai) (28) a Substituting (28) into (27), rearranging and recalling the definitions of 5 and a, we obtain -I + a5 dlnjA^JAl) _ a d\n.{Z/L) as in (23). Then (24) l immediately follows by combining this with Finally, (25) follows from (23) (28). by noting that d\n{wz {Z,L,A*z,Al) /wl[Z,L,A*z,AI)) ^_1 a din (Z/L) 21 a - ld\n{A*z/Al) din (Z/L) a ' The major way natm-al result of this theorem a substitution The only by an increase bias if difference a > 2 is in + Az/Al Z is always relatively biased 5. generalize in a very 1 that the parameter 6 and the elasticity of depend on the Nevertheless, the change in (5. Example of technological possibilities only consists of factor- are no longer constants, but are functions of factor supplies will have effects that value of menu as long as the potential augmenting technologies. that the insights from is Al, Az, L and Z, so changes local elasticity of substitution (or in (Az/Al) as in towards Z, and there is and the Example 1) technological possibilities featuring only factor-augmenting technologies relative bias theorem, local elasticity of substitution between and the is induced menu sufficient to possibility of strong relative bias factors, a, is sufficiently local strong equilibrium relative Therefore, this theorem establishes that an environment with a both a general weak in of obtain (when the high and the parameter 5 is relatively low). However, once we depart from the world with only factor-augmenting technologies, Z possible for the supply of factor to increase, a direction relatively biased against this factor conjecture in the Introduction. This is and (i.e., in response, it is technology to change in towards factor L), thus disproving the stated in the next theorem and proved by providing a counterexample. Theorem bias. 2 With a general That is, menu of technologies, there is not necessarily relative equilibrium suppose that d9j (Z, Z) /d {Z/L) exists at (Z, L) for all j = 1, ..,K, then ^ dwz{Z,L,e{Z,L))/wL{Z,L,e[Z,L))de,{Z,L) < diZ/L) de, ^, is possible. Example 2 (Counterexample) Consider an example of production functions that satisfy Assumption of Economy C or M with the family 2': I/O F{Z,L,e) ioT 6 £ © — [a, b] where b > a, and A {6) over the entire G, with A' denoting A's ^^This is way of writing the function a convenient notation I will adopt F in = A{d)+ ffist is Z'^ + L^ (29) concave and twice continuously differentiable derivative. ^^ From Proposition incorporates the cost of creating the technology, other examples as well. 22 2 or 3, the choice C {9), in A (9), which maximize F{Z,L,9). of 9 will technology choice 9 satisfies -^'«4 d9 Therefore, at given factor supplies {Z,L), the equilibrium + z' 1" + Z' In ( {l-9)/8 +^ ZMnZ + LMnL L' = + L' Z' 0, (30) with d'^F iZ,L,9\ /d9'^ < A.,[wz/wl) = . , Prom Prom 0. dwz Definition 4, a counterexample would correspond to {Z, Z, 9 {Z, L)) the Implicit Punction Theorem, ^'^ this , dwz _ , ^[wz/WL)- /WL '-^ {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) /WL is L) ^ 89 {Z, ^^—^ {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) ^ ^ — ^ < 0. equivalent to d^F [Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) QQ {Z, Z, 9 {Z, £)) /d9dZ d-^F{Z,L,9{Z,l))/d9^ ^ ' (31) < or since d'^F {Z, L, 9 {Z, Z)) /d9'^ dwz {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) 0, JWL to {Z, Z, 9 {Z, Z)) 09 To obtain d^F {Z,L,9 {Z ,L) ) <0. d9dZ this result, differentiate the expression in (30) notation denote 9 (Z, Z) by 9^f(z,Z,^) _ with respect to Z (32) and to simplify 9: 1 Z" In d9dZ + L' ZZ' Z^ + L" i-e '( ZMn Z + L^ In L + — - In Z' + oc If this expression is decline. Moreover, 1+1- L' Z' from (29), and choose the function V __= 2,L l,9 = A {9) 0.l) 1 Rudin (1964), Z (or Z' + L' Z/L), 9 + = Z' + 6»lnZ P + l + l) 9 (Z, L) will e-i (Z,L,{ Z> L. such that ^ Now = 0.1. suppose that we start with L— 1 and Z= 2, Then 1 ^ -_Lln[l + 2°Vl+0-9(2°-'l^2)[l + 2°-i]-^ + a -7.28- 1 + 0.32 + 'See, for example, + U\nL 1 we have increasing in 9 as long as d^F(z = -'(^lnZ + + ^^"^1 negative, then in response to an increase in WL is U Z'^\nZ wz which + Theorem 9.18, or 1.07 <0, Simon and Blume 23 (1994), Theorem 15.2. (0.11n2 e which is clearly negative, so dwz (z = 2,L = l,e^ /WL {z = 2,L^l,~9 O.l) = = d'^F (^Z O.l) 2,1 ^ (32) is satisfied, case the increase in providing a counterexample to the conjecture. Z induces a decline in 9, which is 1,0 = O.l) ^ MdZ 39 and = Put °' differently, in this a change in technology relatively biased against Z. Theorem 1 explains the reason for the negative result in Theorem 2. The conjecture about example because technologies do not take the relative bias does not apply in this factor- augmenting form. Although factor-augmenting technology may be an interesting and empirically important special case, one may be interested in a more general theorem that applies without imposing a specific structure on the interaction between technologies and the factors of production. This is especially the case when we consider technology choices that correspond to shifts from one type of organizational form or organization of production to another, such as those experienced during recent decades, during the emergence of the Manufacturing, or during the Industrial Revolution. These shifts of not only change the pro- way the whole production process ductivity of different factors, but the American System is organized and thus naturally also the elasticity of substitution between factors. Example 2 shows that a general theorem is not possible for relative bias. In fact, Example 2 shows a very simple case where a choice over technologies with tion can reverse the results in Theorem 1 . Essentially, once different elasticities of substitu- we expand the allow for non-factor-augmenting ones, this will always effectively amount set of technologies to to a choice between technologies with different elasticities of substitution, so this example clarifies the limits of Theorem 1. Nevertheless, it is also important to emphasize that this example and Theorem 2 do not imply that with the general cause technical change that cases, weak equilibrium it is bias will menu of technologies, changes in relative supplies will relatively biased against the still more abundant apply, but without imposing more factor. In structure, many we do not have a general theorem. In the next section, Example we will see that 2 already hints at this possibility. to an increase in Z) is increases wz for absolute bias. In fact. The reason why induced technology not relatively biased towards affects the elasticity of substitution it such a theorem can be derived Z between the two (at given factor proportions), it 24 is (in response that the induced change in technology factors, and consequently, even though has an even larger (positive) effect on the marginal product of the other factor, wi.'^^ Equilibrium Absolute Bias 4 Example 2 shows that there no general theorem about is restrict ourselves to factor-augmenting technologies. a general result for absolute bias. The answer that absolute bias refers to whether new technology The main • The obvious question yes and is is we whether there the focus of this section. is Recall increases the marginal product of a factor. show that results in this section will therefore of a factor (or a set of factors) is relative equilibrium bias unless in response to increases in the supply technology will change endogenously in a direction absolutely , biased towards this factor (or this set of factors). As stated in the Introduction, this section focuses on presents both local and global theorems. case with N= Given the I weak (absolute) bias results and begin with the local theorem, which applies to the to changes in the supply of a single factor, Z. 1, i.e., problem of equilibrium technology choice results in Section 2, the is again equiv- alent to ma_xF(Z,L,6') where L (33) Z denotes the supply of these other inputs and denote the marginal product (or price) of this factor by wz denotes the supply of Z. {Z, L, ^) = dF the employment levels of factors are given by (Z, L) and the technology (Z, L, ^) to be a convex result I will also take F is also twice differentiable in {Z,6), Definition 7 Let 9 E Q GM . absolutely biased towards factor An Z compact subset of R^ which implies that wz for some (Z,ij,9) increase in technology 9j for at {Z,ii) & Z x£ K> is 0. is some I Let us /dZ when For the local and assume that differentiable in 6. j = 1, ...,K is locally if dwz{Z,L,9) d9j "To see this more explicitly, note that d'^F {Z,L,e{Z,L)) /dOdZ = dwz {Z,L,e{Z,L)) /dO and rewrite equation (31) as ^_ iX{wziwL)- When WL {Z, L, 6 [Z, L)) section and is is dwz{z,L,e{z,L))/wL{z,L,9{z,L)) awz[z,L,e{z,L))ide gg d^F{z,L,e{z,L))/de^' constant, this always nonnegative. is equivalent to equation (39) in the proof of Theorem 3 in the next 2 shows, a large effect of 9 on wl can reverse this However, as Example result. 25 Conversely we could define a decrease in technology 9 as locally absolutely biased towards Z factor if the same derivative is nonpositive. Notice also that the local bias definition requires the bias for only small changes in technology and only at the current factor proportions (Z, L) The global definition below will require a similar directional change but for all magnitudes of changes in supplies and at all factor proportions. Next we define (local) equilibrium absolute bias analogously to relative equilibrium bias. Definition 8 Let 9 e Z X jC there Q C R^ . Denote the equilibrium technology at factor supplies hy 9 (Z, L) and assume that d9j (Z, L) /dZ is exists at (Z, [Z,Tj,9 (Z, L)) local absolute equilibrium bias at L) for all j = 1, ..., (^Z, L) G K. Then if dwz{Z,L,9{Z,L))d9,{Z,L) ^ -^^ dZ ^^^> 89, In words, this definition requires the induced combined change in the components of tech- nology resulting from an increase in Z. As Z to be towards increasing the marginal product of factor in Definition 5 for relative equilibrium bias, this definition also requires dOj [Z, to exist for The next theorem all j. alternatively be replaced by Theorem will also be stated under this convex subset of M.^ and F{Z,Li,9) assumption, which can C or M. Suppose that twice continuously differentiable in {Z,6). is equilibrium technology at factor supplies (Z,L) be 0(Z,L), and assume that and that 89j {Z,L) /8Z local absolute equilibrium bias at all (Z, exists at (Z,L) Z i.e., L) E x C, ^dwz(Z,L,9(Z,L))d9i(Z,L) QQ. Qz J j=i E Moreover, if 89j [Z, L) /dZ /dZ Assumption Al below. 3 (Local Absolute Bias) Consider Economy D, the interior of L) ^ for some j = for all j = /--x ° ^°' ^" (^' L) l,...,K. e ^ is Let the 0(Z,L) is Then, there ^ ^- a in is (35) 1,...,K, then ^ 8wz{Z,L,9{Z,L))d9,iZ,L) Proof. The proof follows from the ImpHcit Function Theorem. For expositional first present the case where 9 e of 9 is in the interior of 0, Q CR. C M and by Since clarity, I hypothesis, the equilibrium choice we have ^ g/ 26 ^ =0, (37) and d'^F (Z,L,^ (Z,L)) Theorem the Implicit Function de{Z,L) ^ dZ so < /dO'^ Since 86 (Z,L) 0. it must be equal /dZ exists at (Z,L) by hypothesis, from to d^F{Z,L,e{Z,L))/d9dZ _ dwz{Z,L,e{Z,L))/d9 d^F{Z,L,e{Z,L))/d9'^ ~ d^F {Z,L,d {Z,L)) /Oe 2. we must have d'^F {Z,L,e {Z,L)) /dO'^ ^ d'^F {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) /dO'^ 0, i.e., < (38) This in 0. turn imphes: dwz{Z,L,9{Z,L))d9{Z,L) ^ establishing (35). Moreover, 0, ~ dZ de 89 {Z,L) jdZ if [dwz{Z,L,9(Z,L))/d9f -°' d^F{Z,L,9{Z,L))/d9^ ^ 0, dwz then from (38), ^^^^ (Z,L,6' (Z,L)) /89 ^ so (39) holds with strict inequality, establishing (36). change in 9 c ^^ K > let us look at the general case where wz resulting from the induced change in 9 (at given factor proportions) as in equation Next, (34): A uwz 8wz _ G with 1. Let Au;^ be the (Z,L,g (^,L)) 89j (Z,L) \^ r dZ d9i Then, we have that Au;z = [Vewz{ZX,0{Z,L))][Vz9{Z,'L)] = [VlzF{Z,L,9{ZX))][^z9[Z,L)], where [Vgw^z {Z, L, 9 (Z, L))] of G 9 C ^^ [V^^ , is (^1^)] a iiTx ^s 1 vector of changes in transpose. its The second also exists 9. Vz9 {Z,L)' Lr) is = - [WJzF is and /dZ the K x 1 is it L) it Vz9 must be negative a i^ x component 1 vector of matrix (vector) v, v' the derivative of the vector of changes in exists at (Z, Theorem, wz i.e., for a wz F in response to for all j, the gradient Vz9 (Z, L) satisfies {Z,L,6 {Z,L))]' ["^leF iZ,L,e {Z,L))]-\ K x K Hessian of F with respect to a solution to the maximization problem (33) implies that negative semi-definite. That singular, so also the Implicit Function where VggF [Z,L,9 (Z, £)) 9 (Z, is Since d9j (Z,L) and from the in Z, line in (40) uses the fact that function, so [Vg^-f" {Z,1j,9 (Z,L))] each component of in response to each the Jacobian of 9 with respect to Z, changes in each component of 6 in response to the change denotes wz (40) [Z, L) exists then implies that definite. Since it is 27 a Hessian, V^gF V^gF it is 9. The fact that (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) is is non- also symmetric. Therefore, [VggF inverse its (40), (Z,L))] (Z, L, is symmetric and negative definite. 9 (Z, L))] "' {Z, L, Substituting in we obtain = - [VlzF {Z, L, 9{Z,L))]' At<^2 which estabhshes By [^leF {Z, L, which (35) for the case in jdZ ^ d9j (Z,L) for one j = suffices that it 1, ...K. Under minimal assumptions induced by a change in factor supplies will more abundant. There 0, < for all one element of 7^ 0, a; Vzd so to establish {Z, L) be non-zero, shift our focus to absolute bias, there is a fairly (further discussed below), technological change be biased towards the factor that has become a clear parallel here with the LeChatelier principle of Samuelson is number (1947), but also a 9{Z,L))]> m This theorem therefore shows that once we general result. [V^^F 9C the definition of a negative definite matrix B, x'Bx the strict inequality in (36) in this case, i.e., also of important diff'erences. First, this theorem concerns how marginal products (or prices) change as a result of induced technological changes resulting from changes in factor supplies rather than the applies to the equilibrium of an it Nevertheless, the parallel as is economy not to the also important, since happening in the "long run", marginal products (factor prices) and long-run demand curves. Second, elasticity of short-run in maximization problem of a single firm. we can think of the change in technology which case Theorem 3 states that long-run changes in be will less than those in the short run because of induced technological change or technology adoption. Theorem (Z, L) for all 3 j was stated and proved under the assumption that d9j (Z,L)/9Z = 1,...,X. This assumption entails two restrictions. The first is exists at the usual non-singularity requirement to enable an application of the Implicit Function Theorem, that the Hessian of 9 {Z,L) (see, for we have not made shift with respect to V'ggF (^Z,L,9 (^Z,L)), 9, argument in the proof of Theorem infinite (or undefined). In fact, the assumption that d9j (Z, Z) Assumption Al: Vg^F [Z,L,9 all e' e e 3). non-singular at the point with optimum This possibility jdZ (Z, Z)) is dF{Z,L, 9') /d9 = is The second is more Economy D), a global concavity assumptions (except in the technology choice from one local 89j {Z,L) jdZ is example, Rudin, 1964, Theorem 9.18, or Simon and Blume, 1994, Theorem 15.2; recall also the may F i.e., also ruled out by F{Z,L,9') >^. 28 Z making this assumption. can be replaced by the following: non-singular, and there^exists ^ 9' j^ small change in to another, thus essentially exists at (Z, L) and subtle; since 9 {Z,L), > such that for we have F{Z,L,9 (Z, L) ) - The second part of the assumption ensures that the peaks of the function F (Z, L, 9) in 9 are "well separated", in the sense that in response to a small change in factor supplies, there will not be a shift in the global Consequently, Assumption A for all j. that Al optimum optimum of 9 from one local /dZ equivalent to assuming that 86 {Z,L) j is straightforward qpndition to ensure that Assumption Al is to another. ^^ exists at satisfied to is {Z,L) assume F is strictly quasi-concave in 9, though this is considerably stronger than Assumption Al. Since it is more assume that the derivatives 89j [Z, L) /8Z's intuitive to directly than imposing Assumption Al, But depending on taste. exist rather state the relevant theorems under this direct assumption. I Assumption Al can be substituted Theorem in 3 and some of the subsequent theorems. Three shortcomings of Theorem of a single factor. Second, it 3 are apparent. First, apphes only to importantly, as Definition 8 makes example, an increase in proportions (Z, L) , with all is . in fact a global version of Theorem 3, of these problems. ^^ Like the results in and then generalize in We Z a direction biased towards be biased against it which Z will at some For at factor different factor strengthen and generalize Milgrom and Roberts monotone comparative statics. I (1996), this it to deal theorem also start with changes in a single to multiple factors. say that there Z'>Z^^wz a local phenomenon. is Definition 9 Let 9 [Z, L) be the equilibrium technology choice supplies (Z,L). Third, and perhaps most Similar to Milgrom and Roberts' (1996) generalization of LeChatelier uses tools from the theory of factor, equilibrium bias clear, may applies to changes in the supply local (small) changes. change 0(Z,L) but this change proportions, say (Z', L') principle, there Z may it it is in global absolute equilibrium bias (z,L,9{Z',L)) >wz (z,L,0{Z,L)) for all an economy with factor any if for Z eZ Z', and Z G Z, LeC. ^^Put differently, suppose that the equilibrium maximization problem (33) has multiple local maxima, and denote the set of these maxima at factor proportions {Z,L) by G^ {^Z,L). All of these solutions satisfy the first-order necessary conditions of the equilibrium maximization problem (33). Suppose 6{Z,L) is a vector that satisfies these first-order necessary conditions. Given the non-singularity assumption (first part of Assumption Al), the Implicit Function Theorem can be applied to 6 (^Z,L). However, this does not guarantee that 89 [Z, Z) /dZ the global exists, since 6 (Z, maximum from this possibility out L) corresponds to the global maximum 6 (Z, Z) to some other 9 (Z, Z) € 6^ {Z, Z). by imposing that one of the solutions to the higher value, so that a small (infinitesimal) change in Z of (33), Z may shift Assumption Al rules and the change The second part of in first-order necessary conditions gives uniformly cannot induce a shift from one element of Q" (Z, Z) to another. ^^A fourth potential shortcoming is that Theorem 3 is stated assuming that 9 (^,L) is in the interior of 0. straightforward to relax. Nevertheless, since the global theorem, Theorem 4, naturally covers the case in which 9 (Z, L) may be at the boundary of 0, I do not introduce the additional notation to deal with this This is case in Theorem 3 (see also the proof of Theorem 6). 29 . Note that there are two notions of "globahty" Z to Z' is increase is To lattices, Z required to increase the price of factor main state the supermodular functions and and increasing Z for all e Z. Once again, this definition strict inequality. we need a number results, Appendix B of technical definitions. the re- i.e., quirement that a change in a function resulting from an increase in one argument increasing in the other arguments. In the case of continuously differentiable functions, a particularly simple definition of supermodularity = function / (x) and only if is 9^/ (xi, Definition 11 Let X x T is nondecreasing in x. t" > t, f (x, t") Lemma —/ 2 in is x e X and Then / ^ i (x) is supermodular in ^ T be partially ordered Moreover, f {x,t) has in With t). X if i' Then a sets. function f {x,t) defined on (x,t), if for all t" > i, f {x,t") — f{x,t) strictly increasing differences in (x, i), if for all supermodularity in (strict) these definitions, Appendix B. Using we can on 6 Z implies L Z £ Z and L e£, then there [Z', EjC, is implies (strict) in- we now have: 9 (Z, L) and suppose that F{Z,'L,0) for all for all let (x, t) use Topkis' Monotonicity Theorem, this approach, be the convex hull of Z, ZxQ Z',Z e Z, Z' > supermodular on a slightly weaker concept again related to complementarities: Appendix B shows that Z we have M", and suppose that the real-valued for all has increasing differences in factor proportions (.Z,L), on for all itself Topkis, 1998): (Global EquilibriuTn Bias) Consider Economy D, a lattice, let in {Z,6) c is (x, t) is strictly increasing in x. Theorem 10 Theorem 4 is and creasing differences in (x, given as > (x) /dxidxii X X be a vector in twice continuously differentiable in x. Increasing differences a subset S oi ...,a;n) (see, e.g., defines Both supermodularity (strictly) increasing differences. differences loosely correspond to the notion of complementarities, Definition 10 Let x from Second, the change in technology induced by this not limited to small changes. can be made stronger by requiring First, the increase in this definition. C or M. Suppose that be the equilibrium technology at is continuously differentiable in Z, and exhibits strictly increasing differences global absolute equilibrium bias, L)>9 (Z, L) for all L eC and wz (Z,L,9{Z\L)) >wz(z,L,9{Z,L)) 30 O for all Z G Z and L e£. i.e., for any Proof. The proof follows from the application of Theorem 10 F{Z,L,9) on continuity and the supermodularity of and 2 a subset of is R F Moreover, supermodularity of Z' >Z =>e (Z', L) on in {Z,9) Since wz An ZxQ > implies that important feature of marginal product of factor all Z 6 fact that B 10 in Appendix is a lattice implies that L all strict increasing differences in (Z, 9) g£. Next (strict) is imphes that increasing differences of increasing in 9 for all Z F {Z, L, 0) G [Z,Z'] c Z. (z, L, 9 {Z', L)) /dZ, the conclusion follows. this that consistent with Definition and dF (z,L,e] /dZ ^ dF and the Appendix B. Given the a non-empty, compact and complete sublattice of 9. is in {Z, L) for 6" (z, L, 9 {Z', L)^ but does so at Theorem therefore also a lattice, the set of equilibrium technologies ZxQ in 9, theorem, as opposed to the local theorem. Theorem 3, is the induced change in technology does not only increase the (which is becoming more abundant) points in the set Z. In this sense. Theorem 4 applying both for large magnitudes of changes and applying to at the current supply, Z, is all indeed a global theorem, admissible levels of factor supplies.^'' > 0(Z, L) Also in this theorem, the fact that ^(Z',L) 9 (Z, L)) is not particularly important, since the order over the set could be that as Z increases some measure of technology t declines. is But Remark 1 Inspection of when the assumption that Theorem e.g., 10 in we can consider changes in Appendix B F is supermodular in 9 is will not specified. in this case, this sure would correspond to a type of technology biased against factor Z. change the order over this parameter, < (say rather than 9(Z',Ij) t If so, = —i It mea- we can simply rather than show that Theorem 4 t. also applies, replaced with the weaker assumption that F is quasi-supermodular in 9, which is an ordinal property introduced by Milgrom and Shannon But Example (1994). with the (strict) increasing differences cannot be replaced property of Milgrom and Shannon (1994). Thus, interestingly. requires a mixture of ordinal and cardinal conditions. Nevertheless, I only 4 can also be stated assuming only increasing diflFerences in (Z, 9) rather strict increasing differences. But in this case, the conclusion that would only apply to the greatest and the 9[Z',L) > 0(Z,L) least elements of the set of equilibrium technologies Theorem 3 could be derived from Theorem 4 by restricting the around 6 (Z, L) and then taking a second-order Taylor approximation to F as to Theorem 2 of Milgrom and Roberts (1996, p. 176). is is Appendix B. Remcirk 2 Theorem "it stated the under the stronger assumption of supermodularity since quasi-supermodularity defined in than below shows that (strict) single crossing Theorem 4 result 3 also useful to note that arbitrarily small ball 31 set to an in Corollary (see Theorem 2.8.1 in Topkis, 1998). The greatest and the always exist since, given the assumptions of Theorem set is a complete lattice. Given 4, least elements of the maximizer set Theorem 10 ensures that the maximizer by this result, in the discussion I will simplify the terminology often referring to increasing differences rather than strict increasing differences. Two immediate strengthen the results of the theorem to obtain strict inequalities. the case whenever 9 (Z', L) Theorem 3), > (^Z, L) (so is it Theorem 9{Z,L), weh&vewz(z,L,9{Z',L)] > wz (z,L,9 {Z,L)) wz Since j^ first on (^Z,L,0 {Z',L)) = dF 0(Z,L) combined with the 4 hold. Z e Z and (^Z,L,9 {Z',L)^ /dZ, e{Z',L) fact that F is strict inequalities in > 9 (Z, L). addition 0(Z',L) If in for all of those states that this while the second imposes additional conditions to ensure 9 (Z',L) in 9(Z',ij) The similar to the result Corollary 1 Suppose that the hypotheses Proof. Both related corollaries of this theorem are also useful to note. L ^ G £. > 0{Z,L) and exhibits strict increasing differences in (Z, 0) establish this result. CoroUciry 2 Suppose that the hypotheses a convex compact subset of dF Z' (Z,L, 0) /dZ > Z and L S have that (Z', is £, L) M^ and that Theorem 4 in F > 9 (Z, L) 9 (Z', L) and wz (z, L, 9 in addition that twice continuously differentiable (Z, is strictly increasing in 9 for all and suppose that Suppose hold. Z is L) and G Z. Consider any Z',Z 6 Z, such that and 9 [Z, L) are (Z', 9, 9 L)) > wz in the interior of 0. Then, we (z, L, 9 (Z, L) Proof. This corollary follows immediately from the Strong Monotonicity Theorem, Theo- rem 11, in An Appendix B. important implication of Theorem 4 and the subsequent corollaries a global version of Theorem in addition to the relatively need F Theorem that we now have but at the expense of introducing more structure. In particular, weak assumptions to be (quasi-)supermodular in 9 More importantly, there First, 3, is and are limits to (in this context) that Z and 6 are lattices, to exhibit (strict) increasing differences in {Z,9). how much Theorems 3 and 4 can be generalized. 3 does not apply for large changes in Z. In fact, quite interestingly, take a series of small changes and turn we them we cannot into a biased response for a large change in Z (without the additional supermodularity and increasing differences assumption). Second, the requirement of nor could it (strict) increasing differences in (Z, 9) in Theorem 4 cannot be dispensed with, be replaced by the weaker conditions of single-crossing or quasi-supermodularity in 32 (Z, 6) of that Milgrom and Shannon (1994)—see Appendix B for definitions. Third, the assumption F should exhibit increasing differences on the convex hull of Z rather than Z itself cannot be dispensed with The either. a simple economy which following example illustrates Theorem the local theorem, satisfies these features by constructing all 3, at all points, but fails to yield a global version of (absolute) bias because the production function does not exhibit Z increasing differences in {Z, 6) on (i9, Z Q x (though single crossing in {Z, 9) it satisfies Z), and quasi-super modularity in (Z, 9) and exhibits increasing differences on is and in ZxQ where nonconvex). Example 3 (No Global Bias Without Increasing Differences) Suppose that F [Z, L, 9) Z+{Z- Z^/8) 9 + A{9) + B (L) A (9) increasing in Z. Suppose also that real-valued function with the following choice of technology: > A' (0) is an increasing function. points Z e we have [0,6] (since F is F [Z, L, 9) less than between Consequently, 4. Z so that F is everywhere to ensure interior solutions to the satisfies all concave in 9 everywhere on points in all Z Theorem the conditions of £xG= [0, 6] x 3 at all [0, 2]), so x Q. satisfy increasing differences in it and 9 changes sign depending on whether can be verified that there it [0, 2] (where A' denotes A's derivative), and not supermodular or nor does {Z, 9), since the cross-partial than or = -oo {2) local absolute equilibrium bias at However, F{Z,L,9) G= boundary conditions strictly is and [0, 6] a strictly concave and continuously differentiable is and A' B (L) Z— Z e Z= a.nd will Z is greater not be global equilibrium bias in this example. To Z = illustrate this, consider and some L G £. can be It 9 (1) satisfies A' {9 (1)) satisfies A' {9 (5)) = wz {Z, 9) = ! + {!to the claim in = and Z' 1 —15/8. The 9, Theorem 4. 5 as so levels of factor A {9) , implies that 9 [p) wz (5, 9 (5)) = 1-0 (5) /4 < w^ (5, 9 (1)) = > 9 (1). Moreover, 1-9{1) /4, contrary So why does the global theorem not work, while the local theorem does? The answer that the local theorem. Theorem 3, is 1 to 1.1, this increases 9, biased against Z when we the local theorem. Theorem which is look at 3, is only refers to changes in technology that are absolutely biased at the corresponding factor proportions. Consequently, from Z -|- i9) concavity of strict two potential supply F (l, L, = 1 79/8 + A{9) +B (L) so that F (5, L,9) ^5 + 159/8 + A{9) + B (L) so that 9 (5) verified easily that -7/8, whereas Z/i) = when we change Z absolutely biased towards Z = 5. This is Z around 1. But the fundamental reason successively will not give a global theorem locally, this say change why applying and we need the additional increasing differences (supermodularity) conditions (see also footnote 31 below for 33 = further discussion on this point). This example can also be used to illustrate that increasing differences cannot be replaced by F {Z, L, 9) may satisfy single crossing both in {Z, 9) and {9,Z). To illustrate this, let us take 6 = {9{l),9{b)] and suppose that 9 {1) — Q and (5) = 1, Let us continue to take Z = [0, 6]. First to check single crossing in {Z, 9), note that since 9{l) = 0, F {Z', L, 9 (1)) > F [Z, L, 9 (1)) whenever Z' > Z. Therefore, we only have to check that F (Z', L, 9 (5)) > F [Z, L, 9 (5)) whenever Z' > Z. This immediately follows from the weaker single-crossing property, since the fact that 9 (5) = 1, Z+ {Z - Z^/8) also suppose that A{1) Z',Z eZ = To . [0, 6] so that for all Z',Z e Z= establish single crossing in > (9, [0, 6] Z), let us take A{0). In that case, single crossing in must also 6* {9, (1) (z' - {Z'f /s) > and 6* (5) = 1 and Z) requires that whenever and Z' > Z, and Z+{Z- Z^/8) + A{1) + B (L) it + = and Z' > Z, Z' > Z + A{0) + B (L) be the case that Z'+(^Z'-{Z')^/8^+A{l) + B{L)>Z' + A{0) + B{L). It is straightforward to verify that the case, (Z - Z^/8) >0>A{0)-A (1). we have (z' - (Z')^/8) > Lemma 3 in first This implies that for > A{0) - Appendix B, when Z and inequality will hold for all Z all Z\Z e (0, 6] since, in this eZ^ [0, 6] and Z' > Z, A{1), establishing single crossing in {9,Z). Since by are chains, single crossing in {Z, 9) and {9, Z) implies quasi-supermodularity in {Z,9), this result also implies that increasing differences in {Z,9) cannot be replaced with quasi-supermodularity in {Z,9). Finally, this example shows that the assumption that the function needs to exhibit also increasing differences in [Z, 9) on the convex hull of Z, Z, cannot be dispensed with. particular, F on if we take Z = {1,5} and here satisfies supermodularity on Z X (see Lemma increasing differences on There is 2 in Z Z G — {9(1) ,9 {5)}, can be verified that the function x Q, and hence exhibits increasing differences Appendix B). However, x 0, where it it fails In in {Z, 9) to satisfy supermodularity and Z — [1, 5].^^ a natural generalization of Theorem 4 in which the supplies of a set of factors change simultaneously. This is presented in the next theorem. Let the production function be ^°To see why it is necessary for F to be supermodular or exhibit increasing differences in (Z, 5)' over the convex hull of Z, note that the supermodularity of F implies that for Z" > Z' and 6" > 9', we have F {Z", L, 6") + F (Z', L, e') > F (Z", L, 9') + F Now, assuming differentiability (Z', L, 9") and applying the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 34 . (e.g., Rudin, 1964, Theorem F (Z, L, 9), where Z The notion of equilibrium bias generalizes naturally. = Definition 12 Let Z economy with any for wzj (Z, L, Once CM.^, L 6£ and 9 We Z' L)) 9 (Z', > Z (Z, say that there is and Q > wzj (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) are lattices, let supermodular differences in {Z,9) for any Z', Z G Z, on Z' in an if implies (z, for all Z l) e £ and x by introducing Z be the convex hull of Z, let in ZxQ on for all Z £ Z and L e£, and for all L €£, then there is for all j = 1, ..., A^. strict inequalities. Economy D, C or M. Sup- 9 (Z, L) be the equilibrium technology at factor proportions (Z,L), and suppose that F{Z,L,9) tiable in Z, as global absolute equilibrium bias 5 (Generalized Global Equilibrium Bias) Consider Z way L) be the equilibrium technology choice again, this definition can be strengthened Theorem pose that eZ factor supplies (Z,L). Z e 2, Z', Define the marginal products in the usual (^i,..., ^;v)- is continuously differen- exhibits strictly increasing global absolute equilibrium bias, i.e., > Z imphes 6'(Z',L) >6>(Z,L) for all L e£ and wzj (z,L,^(Z',L)) >wzj (z,L,9{Z,L)] The proof Proof. is onZ of F(Z,L,0) in 9 and and using the definition of I ^-^^^li^^h^dedz > 0. Ja' However, this does not guarantee that / e {Z' = 1, , Z"\ unless F is Theorem 4 can be omit these to avoid repetition. wz, we have JI z z' Z for all j ..., A". strict increasing differences in that corollaries to this theorem similar to those to with slightly stronger conditions. for all C and xQ. m It is clear 6.16) twice x analogous to that of Theorem 4 and follows from Theorem 10 in Appendix B given the supermodularity {Z,9) Z (z,L\ e for all de supermodular over the convex 35 de>o hull of {Z', Z"}. Also, as in stated Theorem 4, supermodularity in 6 can be weakened to quasi-supermodularity in and the for the greatest least Strong Absolute Equilibrium Bias The results in Section 4 concern induced by a change in Z) will be "strong" Z of factor (Z',L) to 9 (Z,L) elements of the equilibrium technology 5 compare marginal products or strict increasing and the comparison of differences can be relaxed to increasing differences would apply 9, what was set. referred to as "weak" bias in the sense that they at a given level of factor supplies (in response to a change in 6 This section provides the conditions under which equilibrium bias . in the sense that once technology has adjusted, the increase in the supply marginal product will increase its particularly important because it (price). As noted in the Introduction, this is emphasizes the central role of the equilibrium structure in the analysis here, since such a result would not be possible in the neoclassical production theory. Example 1 above illustrated the possibility of strong relative bias where technology might be so responsive to factor supply changes that price at also a possibility in the class of first, this is some type possibilities set becomes more abundant, its relative by allowing in a single factor. for a structure similar to that of L) if for A'' = 1. exists at {Z,h^ [Z,L) e Z for all Q Let 9 (2, L) 6 We it Economy M. is I still First, focus on changes a solution to the {Z', L, 9 {Z', Z L))>wz 6 C M^, wz (Z,L,0 j = 1, ...,K. Then we be the equilibrium technology choice in say that there some L s£ and Z,Z' G wz suppose that or and to simplify the discussion, from now on, an economy with factor proportions {Z,L). Similarly, will see that (33). Definition 13 Suppose that , Economy C Recall throughout that equilibrium technology maximization problem in bias at {{Z, Z'} models studied here. But we of non-convexity either in the technology set, 0, or in the production define strong absolute bias, at factor and marginal product increase rather than decrease. Although somewhat counterintuitive requires I when a with Z> is Z', [Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) (Z,L)) is strong absolute equilibrium we have , differentiate in say that there is Z and 89j {Z,L) /dZ strong absolute equilibrium bias X jCii dwz{Z,L,9{Z,L)) _ dwz{Z,L,9{Z,L)) dZ dZ 36 ^K Owz ^ uixjz ^ {Z,L,9 d9j {Z,L) [^^,^,y {Z,L)) y^,:^jj u<^] y^,^j 89j dZ ' Note that in this definition dwz {Z,L,0{Z,L)) /dZ while use I dwz {Z,t,,e {Z,L)) 6 (No Strong Bias in Economy D) F is twice continuously differentiable in in Economy Suppose that D if The next 6 (Z,L). 9 is a convex subset there cannot be strong absolute bias in Proof. Let us (Z, L) . (Z,L) exists at = for all j 1,...,K. Then and the case with 9 eR. Let be factor supplies {Z, L, 9 [Z, L)) ^ ~ dwz dwz {Z,L,d {Z,L)) 39 {Z,L) {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) "^ dZ ^ °' 8wz {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) 89 {Z,L) ^ 89 dZ °' 89 'dZ equivalent to dwz {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) _ ~ d'^F [Z, L, 9 [Z, £)) dZ ^ 8Z^ Recall from the proof of condition (37) holds, and 89 {Z, L) _ ~ dZ so strong absolute bias Theorem we 3 that when 9 (Z, L) see that this /d9dZ _ would imply first /89'j 7^ solution to (33), so that d'^F (^Z,L,9 (Z, L)) /89^ d^F{Z,L,9{Z,L))/d9^ < {8^F (Z, L, 16.2). M and exists, d'^F [Z, L, 9 [Z, fact that 9 and second that the F ^ ' L)) /d9^ {Z,L) is a joint concavity in {Z,9), ^'fze)(z e)^' ^^ negative 9 (Z, L)) This implies /8Z^) > {8^F (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) /d98Z)^ which combined with 5^F (Z,L,0 (Z, L)) /90^ < the case of ^ S 0); ^ minor of ^'fze)(z e)^ °^ even order has to be nonnegative Simon and Blume, 1994, Theorem (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) /89^ x /8Z combined with the in {Z,9) implies that the Hessian of semi-definite, thus every principle (see, e.g., {8^F {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) /89dZ)^ note that since 89 (Z, Z) (from the non-singularity, 8'^F (Z,L,9) F (Z,L, ^ (Z, L)) in the interior of 0, the first-order 8wz {Z,L,9 {Z,t)) /d9 ~ 8'^F{Z,t,9{Z,L))/d9'^ ~ 8^F {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) /89'^' 8'^F {Z, L, 9 {Z, £)) impossible, is is have: dwz{Z,L,9{Z,L)) ^ 8-'F{Z,L,9{Z,L)) dZ 8Z^ 8^F ] Economy D. start with the local result dZ is a convex subset of Strong absolute bias corresponds to dwz This is (Z, 6), let the equilibrium technology at factor supplies (Z,L) be 9 {Z,L), and assume that 89j (Z,L) /dZ of = K^. Theorem To to denote the total derivative, denotes the partial derivative holding theorem shows that there cannot be strong absolute bias of /dZ in the interior of 0. When 37 , contradicts (41), proving the claim for 9 is at the boundary of 0, either (37) < , which case the same argument apphes holds, in even at this point). F is (Z,L,9 [Z,L)) /dO < twice continuously differentiable in {Z, 6) and dO [Z, L) Z change in dwz dF Alternatively, by hypothesis dd (Z, Z) /dZ (since dF will leave {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) /dZ < (Z, L, Q [Z, L)) /d0 = dwz However, in this case since 0. jdZ when note that 1, dwz{Z,L,0{Z,L)) dZ 9 {Z,Ij) ric (since it is is also negative definite in Z [VJzF{Z,L,0iZ,L))]'[VJgF{Z,L,9{Z,L))]-'[VJzF{Z,L,9{Z,L))]. it is ^ggF (Z, L, 6 (Z, L)) Vz^ 2 or 1, 1', C column vector, C. Let us and V a (n - is 1) 1) now apply this lemma with h V?^ gw^ Q^F (42) cannot Z' > Z, if 0) /dZ'^ inverse < [Vg^F (Z, L, by the concavity , and only definite, 6 if a scalar, and u is b—v'C~^v < ^ d^F (Z, L, 9) jdZ'^ < 0, 9) implies where C~^ C= boundary of is result. The proof C that strong bias is x a (n is the inverse of 1) equal to 6 is F 1 9 (Z, L))] — with respect Lemma 4, 6 — v'C^v < analogous to the one above for i.e., — is [V^^F (Z, L, that the Hessian of negative semi-definite. Therefore, from in factor supplies, note that for the case and where M. impossible in this economy for from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, for any we have wz Since its (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) V , concave in (Z, Finally, to prove the global result, any change V be positive, completing the proof of the local at the is VqqF (Z,L))], which implies that the expression in (42) F is jointly is C , symmetric negative negative semi-definite v'C~^v. The fact that 9 (Z,L) — x (n — [V^^F(Z,L,0 to (Z, 0), (Z, L) exists by hypothesis, Appendix B shows that an n x n matrix 4 in is negative semi-definite and symmet- 2'). B= where is and symmetric, and moreover d'^F (Z, L, (from Assumption Lemma 0, we have negative definite and symmetric. This implies that non-singular, so F with 9 £ M.^ for (42) a Hessian). Moreover, since is of i.e., dZ^ a solution to (33), is Consequently, 0. d'^F{Z,L,9{Z,L)) _ - Since 9 (Z, L) in the interior of is = 0. Next, to prove this result with multiple dimensions of technology, K> a sufficiently small exists, and thus 86 {Z, L) /dZ /dZ < {Z, L, 9 [Z, L)) exists dwz ^_, _ ,-,-,, (Z', L, 9 (Z', {Z,'L,9 (Z, L)) l.))-wz /dZ < ,- _ ,- -XX (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) for all = f^' ' j Z dwz(Z,L,OiZ,L)) " ^^ ^ ^^ € [2,2'], the integral the global result. 38 is dZ. nonpositive, establishing 9 (Z, L))] The set result in this theorem Economy D, not surprising. In is convex, so the marginal product of each factor is the production possibiHties decreasing in is supply even after its technology adjusts. In contrast, once we allow for non-convexities (and factor demands and technology to be chosen by different agents), the results are very different. To illustrate the importance of non- convexities, 9,^^ and at Economies C or now look M, which both cases strong absolute bias Theorem I is at D Economy with a non-convex technology set allow for natural non-convexities. a non-convex technology This theorem will establish that in possible. 7 (Strong Absolute Bias) Strong absolute equilibrium bias Economy D with I set, Economy C 9, or in or is possible either in M. be proved by providing two examples with strong absolute equilibrium bias. Example 4 (Strong Absolute Bias in F {Z, L, e) = ^1/201/2 e where £ > It is 0. - + s (L) 61 equal Z when (9 -h e)^^'^ = £ from 4 to 9 - 1 +B 1. 61 = e) -|- (9 Le £, this price resulting from the increase = 4,L, 1) Z (4/ (9 = = is given by wz in Z technology adjusts) + £)f''^ /2 - (1/4)^/^ /2 establishing the possibility of strong absolute bias in Z from 4 to 9 + e = 2 — 1 + B (L) > (2,L,0) ~ 1/3 > (L) Therefore, an increase in side increases faster in e). (after in and suppose that 4 (in particular, the two sides are e will induce a change in technology from 9 (i) -I- D F (4, L, l) F (9 -F e, L, 4) = [9 + e)^^'^ 2-i+B In contrast, (L),so that and the left-hand 0, price (marginal product) of factor wz {Z = = Take Economy Imagine an increase == {1, 4}. straightforward to check that for any F(4,L,4) =4-4-k5(L),so6'(4) F (9 -h e, L, l) = and Economy D) - is > to 6 (9 + s) = wz (Z = 9 4. The change in /2, so the [d/Z'j 1/4 Economy 1 -|- e, — L, 4) for e sufficiently small, D with a non-convex technology set. Example M, and 9= Economy C 5 (Strong Absolute Bias in to illustrate that a non-convex technology set M. Suppose F (Z, L, 9) = ^Z^l"^ is which 9 (for Z > this a crucial feature in generating strong (absolute) bias. to is Z= 4. 1) but is strictly concave in M) Next, consider Economy C is not jointly concave in and 9 individually. As Theorem 8 below Clearly, the first-order necessary and or not necessary in these economies, take + Z9- 9'^/2 + B(L), Z or will Z and show, Now consider a change from Z = sufficient condition for 1 technology choice gives is also assumed to be convex. This ^^In Economy D, when Assumption 1 applies the technology set is not required by Assumption 1', which only assumption can be relaxed. Recall also that convexity of requires £ and Z to be convex. 39 . e {Z, L) wz = i9 {Z, L, e) {Z) = = ^ Z. Therefore, 9 [Z 2Z-1/2 + = l) Therefore, u;^ (Z g, [Z while I = 1, L, 6' establishing strong (absolute) equilibrium bias between ^ (1)) 4) = 4. LG £, = 3 < wz {Z = 4,L,9 (4)) = 5, Z = to 1 Moreover, for any Z — In fact, 4. 8 implies that there will be local strong equilibrium bias in this example for Theorem Z Z > 1, and 9 then implies that there will be global strong equilibrium bias between any Z' and with Z' all > Z>1. The importance theory, Theorem of Theorem where the increase 7 that, contrary to the predictions of the standard production is in the supply of a factor always reduces price (and marginal its product), with endogenous technology choice or technological change, the price of a factor which has become more abundant can increase. Examples 4 and 5 show that construct economies in which there is it is straightforward to such strong bias. This theorem also distinguishes the approach in this paper from the literature on the LeChatelier principle, which looks at the decision problem of a single firm. As firm's demand curve for a factor is always Winston and Green, 1995, Proposition downward sloping in its own is well-known, the price (e.g., Mas-Colell, 5.C.2), so the equilibrium structure (in particular, the equilibrium with aggregate non-convexities) is important for the results in this paper, especially for the possibility of strong equilibrium bias. The fact that strong equilibrium bias non-convex is possible in the models of endogenous technological progress 1991, discussed in the Introduction, for is important and may be more Theorems 4 and likely that the Recall also that F {Z,L,9) is Z economy its in (33)). is the case, allowing 5 above set, as already to be non-convex 6 do not require to be convex) (.Z, or M, F{Z,'L,9) L) (from Assumption {Z,L) to be an equilibrium technology Recall that if F is is This is G{Z,'L,9) — = 1, 1', (i.e., 2 or 2') F or G. and has a solution to the jointly concave in {Z,9) at {Z,9 (.^, L)), negative semi-definite at this point (though not sufficient for local joint concavity). 40 non- in the discussion, "greater will feature strong absolute bias. Economy C Hessian with respect to {Z,9), V^F(2,e)(z,e)i negative semi-definiteness convex equivalently given by the derivative of function always concave in to be locally concave in 9 for 9 maximization problem is is and already hinted formalized in the next theorem. Recall that in C{9), so marginal product of the technology set technological choices, switching between quite important. If this Finally, as stated in the Introduction it as a scalar in a many important realistic (recall that convexity" makes D when Romer, 1990, Grossman and Helpman, (e.g., Aghion and Howitt, 1992), view technology discrete technologies Economy Although many existing approaches to technology, such as also interesting. is is . Theorem G is 8 (Non- Convexity and F ofR^, a convex subset Strong Bias) Consider Economy C or M. Suppose that twice continuously differentiable in (Z, 6), is equilibrium technology at factor supplies {Z,L) and assume that 9 {Z,L) e and that 89j {Z,L) /dZ bias at {Z,L) if definite at and only exists at {Z,L) F {Z,L,9ys if for all j = 1, Hessian in {Z,9), there V'^Ff^z,e){Zfi), is start with the case c where in the interior of is strong absolute not negative semi- R. Since, by hypothesis, 9 of 0, the first-order condition, equation (37) from the proof of the proof of Theorem 6 and in particular, equation (41), Theorem where it is in the interior 3, holds. Then was established that recall for the e K: S' dwz{Z,L,d{Z,L)) ^ d^F{Z,L,9{Z,L)) " dZ dZ^ Again from Assumption 1, from the L) fact that 9 (Z, d^F {Z,L,e{Z,L)) /d9^ < is is {Z,L,0{Z,L))- Proof. Let us case of Then ...,K. 9 (Z, L) be the let 2 or 1', 2', {Z,L,9 {Z,L)) /dOdzf d^F{Z,L,0{Z,L))/d9^ concave in Z, so is d^F a solution to (33) and 89 (Z, L) is Then the 0. F {d'~F fact that F (^Z,1j,6) /dZ'^ /8Z exists, we < 0, also and have (Z,L,6l (Z,L))'s Hessian, V^F(z,e){z,e), not negative semi-definite at (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) implies that {d'^F{Z,L,9{Z,L))/d9^) X {8^F{Z,L,0{Z,L))/8Z^) < {8'^F Since at the optimal technology choice, 8'^F [Z,L,9 (Z, L)) /89'^ < {Z,L,9 [Z,L)) /898zf 0, this . immediately yields dwz{Z,L,e{Z,L)) ^ dZ establishing strong absolute bias at Conversely, if V^F(^z,e)iz,e) is [Z,L,9 (Z, L)) ' as claimed in the theorem. negative semi-definite at (Z,L, 5 (Z,L)), then {8^F{Z,L,9{Z,L))/89^) X {8^F {Z,L,0 {Z,L)) /8Z^) > which, together with 8'^F [Z, L, 9 {Z, L)) /89^ establishing that for strong bias at (Z,L, fi' < 0, {8'^F implies that (Z,L)) we need {Z,L,e {Z,L)) /898zf dwz {Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) ^'^F(^z,e)(z,B) /dZ < , 0, ^°^ to be negative semi-definite at (Z, L, 9 (Z, L) ) Now change for the general case in the price of factor dwziZ,L,9{Z,L)) dZ _ where Z is C M^ and 9 (Z, L) is in the interior of 0, the overall given by (42) in the proof of Theorem 6, i.e., 8^F{Z,L,9{Z,L)) (43) 8Z^ - [VlzF (Z, L, 9 (Z, L))]' 41 [VleF (Z, L, 9 (Z, L))] "' [V^^F (Z, L, 9 (Z, L))] , Again by the same arguments, d'^F {Z,L,Q) jdZ"^ < and symmetric (which imphes that definite ative definite (Z,Tj,6 (Z,Ij)). Then from Lemma proof of Theorem 6, let B= yF(^z,e){Z,e) B and 4 in Appendix V^F^zmzfi)^ ^ [V^^F (^Z,L,9 (Z,L))] inverse its Suppose that and symmetric). and V^gF {Z,L,6 (Z,L)) = ^^^ (^' £, &) negative is also neg- is not negative semi-definite at is using the same notation as in the /dZ^ < 0, C= [VJgF {Z, L, e{Z,L))], = [VJzF {Z, L, 6 {Z, L))] so that (43) is equal to b-v'C~'^v evaluated at {Z, L, 9 {Z, L)). Lemma 4 immediately implies that 'ii^^F(^z,e){z,e) is not negative semi-definite at (^Z,L,6 (Z, L)), and V then , b — v'C'^v > dwz so that 0, {Z,i^,0 (^Z,L)) /dZ > and there is strong bias at {z,L,e{z,L)). Conversely, again from then b — v'C^^v < (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) , Lemma 4, if V^F(2:,0)(z,9) is negative semi-definite at (Z, L, 6 (Z, and dwz [Z,L,9 (Z,L)) /dZ < if F {Z, L,0) the Hessian of the function corresponds to so that there is no strong bias at completing the proof. C This theorem therefore shows that in Economy and only 0, L)) F or if to negative semi-definite, which loosely fails faihng to be jointly concave in {Z, M strong absolute bias will obtain 9). It therefore highhghts the importance of non-convexities in generating strong equilibrium bias of technology.^*^ More specifically, recall that for Economies Economy M, agents. For example, in C and M, we or only 9. But this does not maximum of the function F. When this is we are at the different maximum guarantee that we are at the in the entire (Z, 9) plane. In other words, the equilibrium a and 9 chosen by good producers choose their input demands, while final the technology monopolist chooses technology. This implies that when we change only Z Z have may be the case, a change in Contrasting this result with Theorem structure and non-convexity. As shown set G, equilibrium ensures that Strong equilibrium bias by is Note G is itself also that are at a only possible different agents (e.g., final technology set we in Theorem we when see the 6, in maximum, a saddle point rather than Z will induce 9 to change in Z will importance of the equilibrium Economy D with a convex technology so strong equilibrium bias is not possible. equilibrium results from the interaction of choices good producers and the technology monopolist), or when the non-convex. Theorem 8 not only specifies the conditions for strong equilibrium bias, but also highlights that these are not very restrictive. In fact, inspection of Example 5 shows '"The assumption that 9 (.Z,L) is in the interior of© is adopted to obtain an "if and only if theorem. When is at the boundary of 9, strong equilibrium bias is again possible, but failure of negative semi-definiteness no longer sufficient. 6 (Z, L) is 6, F maximum the direction of further increasing F, and consequently, the marginal product of factor increase. of 42 ) . that ) . very straightforward to construct cases in which equilibria in Economies it is correspond to saddle points, and thus satisfy the conditions of Theorem Finally, it also possible to provide a generalization of is Theorem we Theorem 8 for large changes in pose that 6 a convex subset of is > Z,L eC, and let Z, with Z' and assume that all = j 1,...,K for F{Z,L,9ys Z G 9 (z,Ij] all Z is 6^ in the first part of have:''^ (Non- Convexity and 9 M and 8. supphes (corresponding to strong bias between factor supphes {Z,Z'] as Definition 13). In particular, C F is twice continuously differentiable in M-'^, ( Global Strong Bias) Consider Economy L j be Z, Hessian, V^F(^z,0){z,e), Then fails to or M. Sup- {Z, 6), let Z, Z' the equilibrium technology at factor supphes (z, 6 in the interior of e [Z,Z']. C and that d9j (z,l,j /dZ there exists at strong absolute bias at is L (z,L) [{Z,Z'},L) be negative semi-definite at (z,L,9 (z,L\^ e for if for all [Z, Z'] Proof. The proof follows from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the proof of Theorem Take 8. Z and Z' > Z m Z and fix L G/!. wz {Z\ L, 9 {Z\ L)) - ^^ (Z, L, 9 (Z, L)) Then ^"^ = (^' f^' The hypotheses dwz {Z, L, 9 [Z, L)) The 6 jdZ > conditions of the Hessian of Z of the theorem, combined with the proof of \Z, Z'] F for all Theorem Z 9 are [Z, Z'j should 6) is to check that it is Z and Z', so (44) fail F my dZ. Z between 8, and Z' it is 8, since since it they require that is sufficient 8 for all points states that failure of necessary (and Theorem focus on (44) imply that to be negative semi-definite at but does not state that not). This motivated 8, (^' ^)) positive, establishing the result. is weaker than Theorem negative semi-definiteness of the Hessian of absolute bias between , Theorem more demanding than Theorem with respect to {Z, Moreover, this theorem . 6 ^^^ to ensure strong it is straightforward most of the discussion. we can also return to a further discussion of why the local weak bias result did not translate weak bias result (without imposing further conditions), whereas the strong bias result does (recall the discussion in Example 3). In particular, one might have conjectured that an argument using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus similar to that in the proof of Theorem 9, in particular, equation (44), may work for weak bias as well. To illustrate why this is not the case, let us suppose that C K. Then: ^' At this point, into a global dwz jZ, L, e (Z, L) dZ _ ~ dwz {Z, L, e {Z, L) dwziZ,L,e{Z,L)) 89 ) "^ dZ 86 dZ' Equation (44) and Theorem 9 apply to this entire term, while weak bias concerns the second part of this term. not possible to apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus just to this term, and intuitively, this is the notion discussed in Example 3, whereby an induced change in 6 at some Z that is biased towards Z may be It is biased against Z at some different factor supply, Z' 43 6 An Conclusion investigation of the determinants of equilibrium (endogenous) bias is important both for a better understanding of nature of technology adoption and technological change, and to study the distributional implications of In this paper, new analyzed the implications of changes in factor supplies on relative and I absolute bias of technology. First, about relative bias technologies. I generalized a number of existing results in the literature These results are about how the relative mar- in two-factor economies. ginal product of a factor responds to technological progress or technology adoption induced by changes in factor supplies. In particular, I established that with factor-augmenting tech- nologies, equilibrium technology will always be relatively biased towards the factor that has become more abundant. Moreover, somewhat enough paradoxically, this induced-bias can be strong becomes more abundant. These to increase the relative price of the factor that are interesting both because they apply to many macro models because they are essentially the opposite of the presumption of results economic growth, and also in the literature following Hicks' (1932) seminal work. Nevertheless, this result about relative bias does not generalize once with only factor- augmenting technologies. The reason directly affecting the elasticity of substitution factor that is becoming general theorems The second factors, the marginal product of the This suggests that more to absolute rather than relative bias. part of the paper shows that this theorems about absolute that with changes in technology abundant might increase even more. less may apply between is we depart from a world bias, i.e., how is indeed the case and provides general the marginal product of a factor (rather than marginal product) changes in response to technology. I its relative proved that under mild assumptions, changes in technology induced by small changes in factor supplies are always (absolutely) biased towards the factor that has become more abundant. I also showed that under supermodularity- type assumptions, the same result can be generalized to any magnitude of change in factor supplies, and can be applied to simultaneous changes in the supplies of a set of factors. Finally, the last section illustrated the possibility of strong (absolute) equilibrium bias. In particular, with strong equihbrium bias, an increase in the supply of a factor induces a sufficiently large change in technology so that the marginal product has become more abundant increases; in other words, demand curves sloping. The (price) of the factor that for factors analysis demonstrated that such strong equilibrium bias non-convexities, but is is become upward impossible without easy to obtain once non-convexities are present. Moreover, 44 Theorem 8 provided precise conditions for such strong bias to of the exist, related to F function in factor demands and technology, which is the failure of joint concavity possible (and in fact quite typical) in equilibrium environments. To keep the exposition simple, I have made differentiability assumptions throughout the paper, but the global results can be easily generalized by relaxing differentiability since they were derived using tools from the theory of monotone comparative generalization is Another possible statics. to introduce multiple goods rather than a single final good. This complicates the analysis, but the general insights do not appear to depend on the single good assumption. Yet another interesting generalization might be to integrate some of these results into growth models where there can be long-run growth due to technological change (see Acemoglu, 1998, 2002, 2003b or Jones, 2005, for various growth models with relative equilibrium bias). important directions for future research include an investigation of the bias of technology alternative settings where the problem of determining equilibrimn technology lent to a maximization problem. where there is (oligopolistic) technologies. Finally, the More The most important example of this is is in not equiva- a strategic setting competition between various firms that are also choosing their most important area for future research is an empirical investigation of whether the implications of these strong theorems actually hold in the data. 45 Appendix A: Technology Choice with Monopoly 7 Economy in C In this appendix, discuss the results in the environment of I briefly undertaken by a profit-maximizing monopolist. is The main Economy C result is that monopolist to charge price schedules rather than a linear price, the result equilibrium that corresponds to the maximization of some function F(Z,L, Recall that the production function given by is (6), if if is the research we allow the once again an ^). with the same assumptions on the function G. Suppose that without buying the rights to use some technology, each firm would They can buy produce zero output. some at price (I will x what these rights from the monopolist technology producer, specify this price is a function of below). The major that the technology monopolist will choose the technology 9 to maximize is difference its profits rather than social surplus or total output. Since without the technology, a firm produces zero output, the technology monopolist can charge each firm up to a price of 7r(Z',L',^*). Therefore, its profits are n(e)= [ t{i)niZ\L\9')di-C{e), Ji€T where t (i) is an indicator Eissumption as in menu, will it for Economy C whether firm all factor prices increase, and decline. For example, if is buying the new technology. Under the same that the monopolist can only choose one technology from the simply maximize better technologies to i The problem here 11 (^). firms, they compete more fiercely for the factors of production, so as a result, the profits that the technology monopolist can extract G exhibits constant returns to scale in extract any positive profits by charging any price schedule to In fact, in this case, all firms. price that is it would clearly can charge firm i a price x Now (Z', L', 0), which be beneficial is > 0, schedule makes will make monopolist to charge a the fee to use technology 6 conditional on firm Z,L,e')-^ GO .^ for the new technology consider the following price function for the monopolist (Z\L\e) = |^' some (^) ^^'^ selling its manipulate their factor demand. In particular, suppose that the monopolist employing (Z',L*). for x {Z, L), the monopolist can never not only a function of the technology, but also of the employment levels of the firms, so as to i that as the monopolist provides is profitable for all (Z\V) = fZ,L if (Z',LM — j^ (Z,L > 0. firms that are offered the technology to take it, and the strategy of it if selling to a total of 1 additional profits equal to ^ by doing so. 46 Since £ £ firms, > 0, where £ The price since they there will be excess labor . supply, so all factor prices will be equal to supn(i9) This is ^ 0. Consequently, G{Z,L,e) - written as "sup" not as "max" since the approaches , it as <^ j and e | 0. . The important C {9) supremum is never reached and the monopolist result for the analysis is that technology choice is again the solution to the maximization of some function F(Z,L, 0) (though the is never reached). Even though in this case factor prices are equal to zero, the text apply to the marginal products of the factors (which are never zero) 47 all supremum the results in Appendix B: Some Techniczd 8 In this section, The reader some define I lemma on 6 and negative semi-definite matrices, which X be a partially ordered binary relation) denoted by (>) (xi,X2) only > if x'l with the natural order {x[,x'2) X — At the end of the section, I is used in the proofs of Theorems > with an order set, (reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive > {>)xi and X2 > X (or >). For example, (>) is (>)a;2 an ordered is — R'^ V = (xi,a;2) set or a chain. Let x' (max{a;i,a:2} ,max{x2,a;2}). two elements of a partially ordered of M^, (xj,X2) A (xi,X2) — set contains the join and the meet of each pair of of X a lattice of each pair of Let f X —> Rhe : its In contrast, set. Vx > X=M denote the join, or the X. For example, when X = M?, Similarly, the meet, or the greatest lower denoted by X X) if x' A and z, or a subset A elements. according to the same order over own its is set (min {xi,x[} ,min{x2,X2}). it (i.e., with the order such that (xj, ^2) a partially ordered upper bound of two elements of a partially ordered bound (1994). also to 8. Let least and detail discussion in Topkis (1978, 1998), Milgrom and Roberts (1990) and Milgrom and Shannon also prove a and Results of the terms used in the analysis of global equilibrium bias. much more referred to the is Definitions subset 5 X' X' contains the for the case where X of X is joint and the meet of a lattice is if a sublattice elements. a real-valued function and X be a Then we have a more lattice. general definition of supermodularity than the one in the text: Definition 14 A real-valued function / (x) defined on a (sub)lattice / 6 X. for all x',x" inequality for When is / all (x) is (x') + / (x") < / Moreover, / (x) is (x' strictly V x") +/ (x' A supermodular X is supermodular x") if it if (45) satisfies (45) with strict unordered x',x" 6 X. twice continuously differentiable over X, the definition for supermodularity equivalent to the one in the text. Another useful definition is that of increasing differences, which weakens the supermodu- larity requirements.'^^ Definition 15 Let a subset S oi X x X T and T be partially ordered sets. has increasing differences in (x,t), Then a if function f {x,t) defined on for all t" > t, f {x,t") ''^The notion of "increasing differences" was originally called isotone in Topkis (1968, 1978), and referred to as non-decreasing differences (e.g., Amir, 1996). 48 is — / (x, i) sometimes is nondecreasing in t" > t, f x. Moreover, f {x,t) has - f (a;, t) i^, t") is strictly increasing differences in {x,t), Clearly, (strictly) increasing differences in in {x,t) In the text, I also These are defined A Definition 16 if for all x',x" and f{x') < f{x'yx") ^ f{x') < f{x'yx") ^f{x")<f{x'Ax"). / (x") < / Then f A x") X , and x T (46) where X {x,t) satisfies the single crossing property in (x,i) implies that f{x",t") > f{x',t"). > f{x',t") and f{x",t') T and if > x" > are x', f{x',t') have the following result linking supermodularity to increasing differences. Lemma 2 Suppose that X is a lattice. If exhibits (strictly) increasing differences on if (x' be a real-valued function defined on (x, t) f{x',t') implies that f{x",t") Then quasi-supermodular is e X, > We X real-valued function / (x) defined on a (sub)lattice and /(x",i') t' quasi-supermodularity. as follows: partially ordered sets. > for all in {t,x) are identical. made use of the concepts of single crossing property and Definition 17 Let / t" if strictly increasing in x. / (x) is (strictly) X. Moreover, suppose (x) exhibits (strictly) increasing differences / supermodular on X, then / on X, f (x) in addition that is (strictly) X (x) C M^. supermodular on X. Proof. The is first an implication of Corollary Next, it Example 3, is Theorem part follows from 2.6.1 of useful to state Topkis (1998), while the second part Topkis (1998). some of the and some additional 2.6.1 of relationships between these concepts invoked in results linking increasing differences to the single crossing property: Lemma 3 Let / be a real valued function. Then: 1. If X 2. If Xi and X2 is a lattice on X, then / and / (x) is supermodular on X, then / are lattices and X is a sublattice of (x) is Xi x X2 and / (x) has the single crossing property in (xi, X2) 49 quasi-supermodular on X. (x) and is quasi-supermodular (x2, xi) on X. If 3. ^1 and X2 are chains and property in (xi,a;2) and and X2 are li X-[ 4- X a sublattice of is {x2-,x\) on X, then / partially ordered sets, increasing differences in (xijXa) on Lemma The key theorem (x) is quasi-supermodular on X. a subset of is {x) has the single crossing Xi x X2 and / X, then / (xi,X2) has the (xi, X2) exhibits single crossing property in X. (xi,X2) and (x2,xi) on Proof. See X Xi x X2 and / 2.6.5 of Topkis (1998). for the analysis is the Monotonicity Theorem Here of Topkis. I state a version, which combines elements from Topkis' (1998) Theorems 2.7.1, 2.8.1, 2.8.4, 2.8.6 and Corollary for ultimate generality, text Theorems 2.7.1 (see also Topkis, 1978, I impose continuity Theorem is oi XxT and continuous in x on S, then empty, compact and complete sublattice of quasi-supermodular in x and exhibits x{t) eA and x {t) problem in the I etc.). 10 (Monotonicity Theorem) Suppose that S Instead of striving 6.3). necessary for the existence of solutions, X quasi-supermodular in x and exhibits increasing differences in sublattice and state a version that applies in the context of the instead of upper semi-continuity, which (e.g., 6.1, 6.2 G {t') A [t'), x X and is T and (x, t) A {t) = are lattices and / (x, t) is on a compact and complete arg ma:x.xes f increasing in Moreover, t. strictly increasing differences in (x, t), then ^ ^'^^' i^ i^: if for / (x, t) is any t' > t, >x{t). (i') Proof. See Topkis (1998). In the text, I make use of the second part of this theorem which requires / (x, strictly increasing differences in (x,i), creasing differences. With which A (t) we only know that the have to be for the greatest or the least ensures that any element of Another useful theorem, again I 2.8.5, first is is all the results in the text continue to apply increasing (ascending) in derived by I so all the comparisons element of the set A{t). Strict increasing differences greater than any element of the following, which t, Amir (1996) refer to as the A (t) for t' > t. and generalized by Topkis (1998) "Strong Monotonicity Theorem". Here state a slightly simplified version of the theorem: Theorem M" and is A {t') set to exhibit only a slightly stronger requirement than in- increasing differences, except that Theorem is t) T 11 (Strong Monotonicity Theorem) Suppose that is a sublattice of differentiable in (x, t) W^, and f {x,t) is is a convex sublattice of quasi-supermodular in x, twice continuously on a compact and complete sublattice 50 X S oi X xT, continuous in x on S, and df is /dxi {x, t) is strictly increasing in for all = i 1, ..., eA (t) and x {t') e A {t') Proof. See Topkis (1998) Theorem The important sumptions, ity it establishes a strict ordering between x we have the Lemma where a (n — eT with if t',t t' > t, (x, t) and >x{t). {t') (i') and x is that under (t), some additional as- while the original monotonic- ^^ following lemma, which Recall that for a matrix (vector) argmax^^es / 2.8.5. feature of this strong monotonicity theorem theorem only has a weak ordering. Finally, X, then x are in the interior of A (t) = then n, a non-empty, compact and complete sublattice of X. Moreover, x{t) b t denotes v, v' is its used in the proofs of Theorems 6 and S.^'* transpose. 4 Consider the n x n matrix C is 1) X a (n 1 - v'C'^v < — 1) column x (n — symmetric negative 1) Then we have vector. that definite matrix, 6 B is is a scalar, and v is and only if negative semi-definite if 0. Proof. {'^=) B is negative semi-definite if and only if {x-yyB{x-y)<Q, where x is an arbitrary (n — x 1) constructed by stacking x and y. (x; When y — 0, 1 vector and y is Using the form of y)'B{x; y) the above expression is a scalar, {x\y) B in (47), = x'Cx + 2yx'v + is the n x 1 column vector we have by^. always nonpositive since C (48) is negative definite, so B is negative semi-definite as claimed. Next consider the case where y as 2; = x/y, and let 7^ 0. In this case, let z be the {n — 1) xl vector constructed us further expand (48): {x;y)'Bix;y) = y\z'Cz + 2z'v + b) = y^{z'Cz + 2z'v + v'C-h) + y'^{b-v'C-^v). (49) ^^The assumption that df {x,t) /dxi is strictly increasing in t for all i = l,...,n, is slightly weaker than for all i = l,...,n and j = l,...,m. Also, the condition that x{t') and x{t) are in the d^f {x,t) /dxidtj > interior of can be relaxed along the lines of Theorem 2.8.5 of Topkis (1998). ^''l thank Alp Simsek for help with the proof of this lemma. X 51 Since C is a real symmetric negative definite matrix, definite matrix, so there exists -C'^ = M"! also have that (50) implies that K = B is y^{z' (M')"^ = M'^ i^'^)' is a real symmetric and positive M such that —C = M'M. [since (Af' )~^ = Moreover, we (M-^)']. Now, rewriting M, we have = -y'^{z' {-C) z -2z'v - v'C~^v) +y'^{h - v'C^v) = -y^{z' {M'M)z-2z'v + v'M-'^ {M')~\)+y^{b-v'C-\). equation (49) in terms of {x;y)'B{x;y) a non-singular matrix —C negative semi-definite {M'M) z - and only if + v'M'^ 2z'v {M')~^ (50) if v) - y^{b - v'C-^v) > 0. Now, rearranging terms and with straightforward matrix manipulation, we have K = y'^[{Mz)' Mz-2z' [m' {M'Y^^v+{{M-^)'v^' {M-^)'v)-y'^{h-v'C-\), = y^{{Mz)' Mz-2 {Mz)' {M'^)' v + - y' Therefore, B K Now (Mz - (Mz - {M-'^)'v)' negative semi-definite is = y'^ (Mz- if ({M-^)'v)' {M'^)' v) - y^{b - v'C'^) {M-'^)'v) and only (Mz- [M-^)' v\ y\h-v'C-'v). if y\h-v'C-^v) >0. [M~^)' V (51) suppose b-v'C-'^v<Q, then, from equation (51), the and is first term of K takes the form y^a'a for a always non-negative for any (=^) Conversely, suppose that for all (x; y). To obtain z, so «; > 0, establishing that B = (Mz— (M~^) is v\ (Mz— negative semi-definite. 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