IUBKABIES) S Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/estimatingtestinOObaij working paper department of economics ESTIMATING AND TESTING LINEAR MODELS WITH MULTIPLE STRUCTURAL CHANGES Jushan Bai Pierre Perron 95-17 Sept. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ESTIMATING AND TESTING LINEAR MODELS WITH MULTIPLE STRUCTURAL CHANGES Jushan Bai Pierre Perron 95-17 Sept. 1995 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE 1 4 1995 BRARiES 95-17 Estimating and Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes 1 Jushan Bai Pierre Perron Massachusetts Institute of Technology Universite de Montreal First Version: October 1994 This Version: September 1995 1 This paper has benefited from comments by Maxwell King and Serena Ng as well as from seminar presentations at Harvard/MIT, Northwestern University, McGill University, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Universite de Montreal, the University of University, the 1995 Sao Paulo, PUC at Rio de Janeiro, Hitotsubashi Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society and the 1995 joint Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Canadian Statistical Association. Jushan Bai: Department of Economics, E52-247B, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139 E-mail: jbai@mit.edu. Partial financial support is acknowledged . from the National Science Foundation under Grant SBR-9414083. Pierre Perron: Succ. Departement de Sciences Economiques, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Centre- Ville, Montreal, Canada, H3C-3J7. E-mail: perronp@plgcn.umontreal.ca. acknowledged from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide a la Recherche du Quebec. Support is Abstract This paper considers issues related to multiple structural changes, occurring at un- known dates, in the linear regression model estimated by least squares. The main aspects are the properties of the estimators, including the estimates of the break and the construction of tests that allow inference to be made about the presence of structural change and the number of breaks. We consider the general case of a partial structural change model where not all parameters are subject to shifts. We show convergence at rate T of the estimates of the break fractions. We also discuss a procedure that allows one to test the null hypothesis of, say, £ changes, versus the alternative hypothesis of t + 1 changes. This is particularly useful in that it allows a specific to general modeling strategy to consistently determine the appropriate number of changes present. An estimation strategy for which the location of the breaks dates, need not be simultaneously determined is discussed. Instead, our method successively estimates each break point. Empirical applications are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the various procedures. Keywords: Asymptotic Distribution, Change lection, Dynamic programming. JEL Classification: C20, C22, C52. point, Rate of convergence, Model se- Introduction. 1 This paper considers issues related to multiple structural changes in the linear regression model estimated by minimizing the sum treat the dates of the breaks as unknown of squared residuals. variables to be estimated. Throughout, we The main aspects considered are the properties of the estimators, including the estimates of the break dates, and the construction of tests that allow inference to be made about the presence of structural change null hypothesis of and the number of breaks. To that statistics discuss tests of the and econometrics 2 . The econometric literature contains a vast it amount of work specifically designed for the case literature has witnessed recently an upsurge of models with an unknown change point, interest in extending procedures to various thereby offering serious alternatives to the as well £+1 changes. on issues related to structural change, most of of a single change we no structural change versus an arbitrary number of changes as tests of the null hypothesis of, say, I versus Both the effect CUSUM test of Brown, Durbin and Evans (1975). With respect to the problem of testing for structural change, recent contributions include the comprehensive treatment of Andrews (1993) who considers sup Wald, Like- lihood Ratio and Lagrange Multiplier tests. Weighted versions of these tests satisfying some asymptotic optimality criterion are discussed in Andrews and Ploberger (1992). Recent studies also consider econometric models with trending regressors, unit root, cointegrated variables and serial correlation 3 Methods allowing the investigator to be . agnostic about the presence or absence of integrated variables are presented in Perron (1991) and Vogelsang (1993). The of attention in the recent debate issue of structural change has also received a lot on unit root versus structural change function of a univariate time series 4 . Yet, all in the trend these recent developments consider only the case of a single structural change. Issues about the distributional properties of the parameter estimates, in partic- ular those of the break dates, have received importance. The work somewhat less attention despite their of Bai (1994,1995a) contains general results concerning the 2 For a survey, see Knshnaiah and Miao (1988) and Zacks (1983) as well as the comprehensive treatment of Deshayes and Picard (1986). 3 See, among others, Christiano (1992), Chu and White (1992), Kim and Sigmund (1989) and Perron (1991) (trending regressors), Kramer, Ploberger and Alt (1988) (serial correlation), Bai, Lumsdaine and Stock (1994) and Hansen (1990, 1992) (models with integrated variables). 4 See Perron (1989, 1993, 1994), Banerjee, Lumsdaine and Stock (1992), Zivot and Andrews (1992), Perron and Vogelsang (1992) and Gregory and Hansen (1993). asymptotic distribution of the estimated break date when a single break occurs, in particular the fact that the estimated break fraction converges to its true value at rate T. In comparison, the literature addressing the issue of multiple structural changes is Recent developments include Andrews, Lee and Ploberger (1992) relatively sparse. who consider optimal tests in the linear model with known Perron (1994) study the sup Wald test for two changes our knowledge, the most comprehensive treatment who (in consider, as we in a dynamic time series 5 Wu and that of Liu, is Garcia and variance. model estimated by do, multiple shifts in a linear the context of a more general multiple thresholds model). . To Zidek (1994) least squares They study the rate of convergence of the estimated break dates, as well as the consistency of a modified Schwarz model selection criterion to determine the number of breaks. Their analysis considers only the so-called pure-structural change case where all the parameters are Wu and Zidek (1994). subject to shifts. Our assumptions are less restrictive than those of Liu, Furthermore, we consider the more general case of a partial structural change where not all parameters are subject to We Concerning the asymptotic behavior of the we improve on the rate they estimates of the break dates, convergence at rate T. shifts. report, T/ln 2 (T), by showing also consider the asymptotic distribution and confidence intervals of the estimates of the break dates. Our study considers, in addition, the important structural changes. esis of To that effect we present sup Wald type We also tests for the null hypoth- discuss procedures that allow one to test the null hypothesis of, say, £ changes, versus the alternative hypothesis of it criterion number changes. This is particularly useful of changes present (thereby avoiding the use of a which requires the estimation of the model up to some a Some ^+1 allows a specific to general modeling strategy to consistently determine the appropriate 5 for multiple no change versus an alternative hypothesis containing an arbitrary number of changes. in that problem of testing priori specified maximum). contributions include Fu and Curnow for all possible model number selection of breaks Finally our paper contains a discussion of an (1990) who discuss maximum likelihood estimation binomial model. Yao (1988) considers estimating the number of breaks in the mean of a sequence of normal random variables based on the BIC criterion. Yao and Au (1988) treat the estimation of multiple mean breaks in a sequence of random variables of multiple shifts in a somewhat restrictive and consider estimating the number of breaks using the BIC window nonparametric technique criterion. Yin (1988) uses the moving- to estimate the breaks in a sequence of random variables. Also, Feder (1975) considers estimating the joint points of polynomial type segmented regressions (nondiscrete shifts). Other relevant contributions include Kim (1993) and Lumsdaine and Papell (1995). estimation strategy for which the location of the breaks need not be simultaneously determined. Rather our method successively estimates each break point. There are many practical advantages arising from the estimation and inference of models with structural changes. To mention a few, we identification of events that may have first note that it allows the fostered the structural changes. For example, an approach often used to examine the effectiveness of policy changes involves and inference on the corresponding regression variable regressions alternative is compare the estimated break date with the to may recent regime The many if An coefficient. effective date of change (or policy implementation). Another potentially useful aspect of forecasting. Indeed, dummy is a policy in the field regimes are present in a given sample, using the most lead to better forecasts. rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses the model and the assumptions imposed on the variables and the innovations. Section 3 contains and the asymptotic results pertaining to the consistency, the rate of convergence distribution of the estimates of the break dates (as well as the others parameters of the model). Section 4 proposes test statistics, derives their asymptotic distributions and methods used to estimate the presents critical values. Section 5 discusses sequential model without treating all Appendix A applications. break points simultaneously. Section 6 presents empirical contains some mathematical derivations and Appendix B a description of a procedure to obtain estimates with multiple changes based on the principle of 2 dynamic programing . The Model and Assumptions. m breaks Consider the following multiple linear regression with Vt = x' P + z' 6 + u = x'tP + z'th + ««, yt = yt where y t is t x't j3 t + 1 +u t , < = Ti + l,...,T2 t = Tm + the observed dependent variable at time vectors of covariates of coefficients; u t is and /? and 6j (j = 1, t. The 1, ..., regimes): t , T, x (p x 1) and z t (q x 1) are are the corresponding vectors indices (7\, ...,Tm ), or the break unknown. The purpose regression coefficients together with the break points are available. t; ...,m+l) the disturbance at time points, are explicitly treated as 1 i=l,2,...,Ti, t, zt'<5TO+1 (m + is to estimate the when T observations on unknown (y t , z t zt ) , Note that vector When /? is p = this a partial structural change model in the sense that the parameter is not subject to shifts and 0, we obtain a pure A subject to change. is effectively estimated using the entire sample. model where structural change partial structural change model all the coefficients are therefore is more general and includes the latter as a special case. To proceed, convenient to introduce some terminologies. First, it is partition (or simply a partition) of the integers (1, (7i, Tm ..., ) such that < 1 T = the convention that 7\ ..., we an m- call T), an m-tuple vector of integers Tm < T. Note also that, throughout, we shall use Tm+ = T. Second, define the block-diagonal matrix < • and • • i ( Zi \ Z= zm+1 \ = with Zi The matrix Z (zTi^+u—fZTi)'- m ). Using (zi, ...,zt)' at (7i,...,T tem (1) may be Z is Y= expressed in matrix form as (y x ,...,y T )',X = X/3 + Z8 + U, = U = (u 1 ,...,u T partitions Z at (Ti, ...,Tm (x u ...,x T )', the matrix which diagonally )', <5 {8[,8'2 •••,<^l+1 ) , In particular, £° = (8° , ...,(^ +1 )' and (T®, Z is the one which diagonally partitions generating process is assumed suming goal is to estimate the 8f 7^ 8f+1 (1 <%< Z Xj3° unknown +Z 8° + methods The Hence, the data- at (T°, ...,T^). U. m). In general, the number of breaks of estimating used to denote, ...,J^) are coefficients (0°,8°, ...,8^ +1 ,T°, ...,T^), as- an unknown variable with true value m°. However, discuss and to be Y= The , superscript or and the true break points. respectively, the true values of the parameters 8 matrix / ). Throughout, we denote the true value of a parameter with a subscript. Z = said to diagonally partition is these definitions, the multiple linear regression sys- Y= where J it in later sections. for We m can be treated as now, we treat also it as known and postpone the problem of testing for the presence of structural change to Section 4. The method of estimation considered is that based on the least-squares principle. For each m-partition (Ti,...,Tm ), the associated least-squares estimates of f3 and 8j , sum are obtained by minimizing the of squared residuals m+l T, £ (Y-XP- Z6)'(Y -XP-Z6)=Y: ~ bit ~ z'M 2 xtf - t=l t=T,_i+l Let (3({Tj}) and S({Tj}) denote the resulting estimates based on the given m-partition (7i,...,rm ) denoted {Tj}. Substituting these estimates in the objective function denoting the resulting sum of squared residuals as St{Ti, ..., Tm ), and the estimated break points (Ti,...,rm ) are such that (fi, (2) where the minimization ..., is fm = ) Tm ST {Ti, argmin Tl taken over ..., partitions (2i,...,Tm ) such that T, all Thus the break-point estimators are global minimizers q. Finally, the regression P= (3) T,_i > of the objective function. least- i.e. = 6{{fj}). S fc{fj}), Since, the break points are discrete parameters model, an — parameter estimates are obtained using the associated squares estimates at the estimated m-partition {Tj}, values, they can Tm ). and can only take a finite number of be estimated by grid search. In the case of a pure structural change efficient procedure to obtain global minimizers can be obtained using a dynamic programming approach. This allows the estimates to be calculated using a number of sums of squared that is of order 0(T 2 ) for residuals (corresponding to the different possible partitions) any m> 2. The calculations needed can be significantly reduced further using standard updating formulae for recursive residuals. the procedure amounts to computing pairwise comparisons of the associated easily be extended, in T sets of recursive residuals sum an iterative fashion, to cover the case of a partial structural Al. Let 6 is i w = t (x't ,z't )', W= = 1, ..., m + l, that ..., (lOl,...,u^^) and , and 7^) such that W W° = W°Wf/(Tf — Tf^) A GAUSS program available tests . next section set of assumptions. at the true break points (7?, each B6 statistical properties of the resulting estimators are studied in the under the following for and performing The method can of squared residuals. change model. These issues are discussed in detail in Appendix The In effect, be the diagonal partition of diag(W?' ..., W W%+1 We assume ). converges to a non-random positive that calculates global minimizers using this dynamic programing approach from the authors upon request. This program also has procedures to compute the other statistics discussed in this paper. same T° = matrix (with definite for all T). The limiting matrices need not be the i. A2. For large the £, minimum eigenvalues bounded away from zero (i Au = The matrix A3. = and T£ +1 1 = 1, + ...,m Yli z t z of \ T.^o +x A4. The sequence of errors {u t } ancl °f i £t°-* u^ are 1). invertible for £ 1S 't "W — satisfies either of k > the dimension of z t q, . the following two sets of condi- tions: i) Let {Fi i : = • • • , —2, —1,0, 1,2, and and Andrews That (1988)]. (a) : such that r = 4 +6 for a-fields. some 8 > m— J. co and for alH > and Assume [McLeish there exist nonnegative constants {c, is, as ^m \\E{ui\^ m )\\ T < *il>m \\m - E(Ui\Fi+m )\\ r < C.V'm+l, {i/>m m > 0, : z > 1} we have , (b) where m > 0} be a sequence of increasing •} L r -mixingale sequence with that {u{, Ti] forms a (1975) • • = ||X|| r (c) max,- C{ (E\X\ t ) 1/t < K E~= -oo i>m < (d) . We assume in addition that oo, < OO, t and The disturbance u (e) ii) Tl = Let a) fying b) We is independent of the regressors {z s ,x s } for cr-iie\d{...,w t -i,Wt, ...,u t _ 2 , assume that {u £(u 4 |^"t*_i) We t = t } is t and s. u -\}. t a martingale difference sequence relative to {F*} satis- and sup t E\u 4+S 0, all t \ < oo. have _ PV] plimT'" 1 ^^ = Q(v), t=i uniformly in v € [0, 1], where Q(v) — Q(u) is Q{v) in u (i.e. c) If s, positive definite for v is positive definite for v and strictly increasing u). the disturbances u t are not independent of the regressors {z s } for the minimization problem defined by (2) that T{ > > — T,_i under part A5. T? > eT (i = l,...,m-f 1) for is taken over some e > all all t and possible partitions such (note that this is not required (i)). = [TX% Assumption Al where is < A? < • • • < A^ < 1. standard for multiple linear regressions. Assumption A2 requires that there be enough observations near the true break points so that they can be identified. Now consider A3. Because the break points are estimated by a global we least-squares search, otherwise obtained. in some A3 that fixed If we impose the number of number h (h > is all an exact as In q. is fit observations in each segment to be at combinations k) for (£, which £ — k > Note h. actually for technical convenience and could be dispensed with. This would require the use of generalized inverses. inverse of 9, > k not depending on T), the invertibility requirement q, can be weakened to hold for A3 — Y?k z t z \ to be invertible for £ no segment should contain fewer observations than particulax, least sum require the We for simplicity, the existence of the assume, generalized inverses at the expense of Am, but the proof goes through with a greater technical burden. The assumptions stated in or absence of a lagged A4 pertain to two specific cases related to the presence dependent variable in z t The . conditions described in part pertain to the case where no lagged dependent variables are allowed in z t . (i) In this case, the conditions on the residuals are quite general and allow substantial correlation. mixingale sequence includes ferences, strong see processes as special cases, such as martingale dif- mixing processes, linear processes, and functions of mixing processes, Andrews (1988) for details. istence of a uniformly The sequence {u bounded moment noting that condition (c) (e) many A is, in most t need not be stationary but the ex- } +8 of order 4 is required (this can be seen by cases, equivalent to sup,- ||u,|| r < Condition 00). precludes the presence of lagged dependent variables in the regressors. Part (ii) of Assumption A4 considers the case where lagged dependent variables are allowed as regressors. In this case, no serial correlation The requirement {u t }. permitted of {z t u t } forming a martingale difference convergence of the partial sums at the is T -1 / 2 Ht = rrui+i z u t t is obtained a lagged dependent , is not constraining from a practical point of view since be arbitrarily small. Note that no such restriction is If is weak present in the z t each segment considered must contain a positive fraction of the total sample. This variable to permit This extra generality . expense of some restrictions on the admissible partitions. varaible is in the errors present in the it's. is necessary if t can a lagged dependent In both cases, the assumptions are general enough to allow different distributions for both the regressors and the errors in each segment. The possibility of lagged dependent variables is potentially quite useful if the pa- rameters associated with the dynamics of the dependent variables are not subject to structural change. into account either in In this case, the investigator can take these a direct parametric fashion (e.g. dynamic effects introducing lagged dependent variables so as to have uncorrelated residuals) or using an indirect nonparametric ap- proach (e.g. leaving the dynamics in the disturbances and applying a nonparametric correction for proper asymptotic inference). This trade-off can be useful to distinguish gradual from sudden changes the same way a distinction and additive innovational outliers. Assumption A5 totic theory made between is is a standard requirement to permit the development of an asymp- and allows the break points to be asymptotically distinct. It essentially requires the asymptotic experiments to be carried under the assumption that each seg- ments increase proportionately (A°, ..., as the sample A£J as the break fractions and we let We refer to A^ +1 = 1. size increases. A° = and the quantities Consistency and Limiting Distributions. 3 we In this section, are interested in the consistency property of the estimated break and especially the rate of convergence. The fractions result about the rate of con- vergence will allow us to derive results about the asymptotic distribution of the estimates of the break dates as well as the estimated regression coefficients. A = (A l7 that A A m ) with corresponding true values A ..., is and consistent for A of notation, we and tribution, "=*>" (A°, ..., A^J. later that the rate of convergence "—" denote convergence let = weak convergence in probability, in the space D[0, 1] We is We shall first T. let show As a matter "—" convergence in dis- under the uniform metric, see Pollard (1984, Chapter 5). Consistency. 3.1 The main result of this section the consistency of A for A Proposition tent. That is, 1 Under assumptions A1-A5, for each n outline the appendix. summarized main Note that T, in the following proposition which states . > P(|A We is e > 0, i?) < e, and each fc - A2| > the estimated break fractions are consis- we have, when (* = T is large: l,...,m). steps of the proof using a few lemmas that are proved in the need not equal Tf so that estimated segments (or regimes) need not correspond to true regimes and the two partitions {T,} and {T°} are allowed to overlap. By showing that Xj — » X° we, in effect, bound the degree of overlap. Denote by between the the estimated residual for the r-th observation and by d t the difference lit and the true regression fitted regression "line" u = t yt - x t - J3 zt 6k t , e [7jt-i + line. fk 1, That is, ] and for A;, j dt = = l,...,m - x't $°) + + z't (h - «9), Note that, 1. t [7U + € d in general, t is 1, n pj., + f)t] defined over 1, (m + r°] l) 2 segments corresponding to each of the possible m-partitions {T,} and {T t different }. Using elementary properties of projections, £x;fi?<ii>?, j (4) -* and using u t = u t — dt t=i , ^E^=^E«*+ii:^-4^ u^- (5) j The proof of t=i T~ l of Proposition J2t=i <% Lemma an d ± t=i 1 j «=i t=i j simply uses relations T~ l J2t=i u d t t We . and (4) t=\ (5) and the associated limits start with the latter. Under assumptions A1-A5, we have 1 T 1 u tdt = -J2 1 op {l). t=i = In the absence of structural changes (6j {3)'J2 x u t, which t The proof is of this occurring at readily seen to be lemma, presented unknown dates exist. result applicable in the case of Corollary T— > 1 If E{u\) = a2 Op {T~ ll2 for all j), In this case, ). in the appendix, Lemma 1 is T~ l Yl u tdt Lemma 1 = T~ l (J3 — holds trivially. quite involved when breaks allows us to state directly the following homogeneous disturbances. for then under Assumptions A1-A5, we have as all t, oo: 1 T 2 p - t - i a2 . Proof: Inequality (4) implies that a2 a = < a2 + op (l) D + £<f?/T + op (l)>cr + 0p (l). Lemma 1 together with (4) and (5) implies 2 cr 2 2 while (5) implies, by Lemma 1, under A1-A5 that, ^xx^o. 1 (6) t=i The proof A . More some specifically, This i. Lemma of the consistency of A for A is we prove in the follows by showing that appendix that (6) implies cannot hold (6) if A, -/+ p A -^ A° for stated in the following lemma. 2 Suppose that assumptions A1-A5 are satisfied and that some break date, say A°, cannot be consistently estimated, then limsu P T for some constant We are now p(i|:^>CK-6?+1 ) C > and some in the position to to > 0. prove Proposition and under the supposition that some break date 2, 2 || Using 1. is (5) and Lemmas and 1 not consistently estimated, we have the inequality rp rp 1 i i which holds with probability no i less than some the inequality (4), which holds with probability eo 1 > 0. This for all T. is in contradiction Hence, all with break dates are consistently estimated. The consistency estimates in the and result for A allows us to state consistency results for the 6k (k = l,...,m). The proof parameter of the following proposition, presented appendix, uses arguments similar to those involved in the proof of Lemma Proposition 2 Under assumptions A1-A5, we have he -S° m y } That Sk is, k ^° -^0 (Jfc=l,...,m). the least squares estimators of the regression coefficients are consistent. 10 2. Rates of convergence. 3.2 We now consider the rate of convergence of the estimates. Xk converge to its true value at rate T. More Proposition 3 Under assumptions A1-A5, for every such that for all large -\°k )\>C)<r,, presented in the appendix. is 77 > by showing that start have: 0, C < there exists a 00, T, P(\T(X k The proof we precisely, We = (* It is l,...,m). important to remark that the rate convergence pertains to the estimated break fractions A, and not to T,, T the estimates of the break dates. For the latter, our result states that with high probability the bias is bounded by some constant high probability, we have C — \T{ that If\ is independent of the sample size T, with i.e. < C. This result about the rate of convergence of the break fractions allows us to derive the rate of convergence and obtain the asymptotic distribution of the estimated coefficients proof is $ and 8. The relevant results are stated in the following proposition similar to Corollary 1 and of Bai (1994b) Proposition 4 Under assumptions A1-A5, consistent is whose therefore omitted. the estimates (3 and 6 in (3) are vT and asymptotically normal such that where $ = pKm^(X,Zo)'n(X,Z (9) ), and n= Note that when the errors are $ = cr 2 V e{uu'). serially uncorrelated and the asymptotic covariance matrix reduces to a 2 V~ l which can be con, sistently estimated using a consistent estimate of heteroskedasticity lines of and homoskedastic we have is a 2 . present, a consistent estimate of Newey and West sible serial correlation (1987) and can be Andrews (1991). made assuming When serial correlation and/or $ can be constructed along the Note that the correction identical distributions across or allowing the distributions of both the regressors and the errors to differ. 11 for pos- segments Limiting Distributions of Break Dates 3.3 While the consistency of the estimates of the break fractions depends on the global behavior of the objective function, their limiting distribution depends on the local behavior around the true break dates. For this reason, the technical apparatus required to prove consistency rather different in the multiple breaks case is However, the analysis of the limiting distribution single break case. is similar in both In the single break case, results concerning the limiting distribution of the cases. We break dates are discussed in Bai (1994b). discuss the relevant results We discuss and provide, in this section, the appropriate Since the methods are similar, extensions to the case of multiple changes. The compared to the Bai (1994b) for more details. refer the reader to two types of limiting distributions we only for the estimates of the break points. corresponds to shifts of fixed magnitude and the second to shifts of shrinking first magnitudes as the sample size increases. Limiting Distributions with Fixed Shifts. 3.3.1 To study the we need the limiting distribution in the case of fixed shifts, following stronger assumptions. For regime A6. + l,...,m We {z t ;T°_ 1 i, say that z follows process t posed on the < 0, To if's. W^(k) i when the time index < t w}>\k) = is may = (i wjp{k) = (£f+1 For example, = > WJ'^Jfe) for k £ -a;. — Sf) and + 2a;. random walk with ,u\ we t = 1, define a stochastic first 0, W^(k) = W^(0 (A:) for ...,m: £ zM\ * = -1, -2, ... t=k+l " , +1, A.- -2a;.£z!' +1) u!' +1) , * = 1,2,... t=i where 1 (z\ belongs to the ith regime. W^(0) = where, for z<'Vi'>A,- = -A;£*f +1 Vj when t follow different stochastic processes and, set of integers as follows: t=i with A, a strictly stationary process is allowed. Also, no stationarity assumption need be im- t=k+l (ii) T°} characterize the limiting distribution, on the and W«(Jb) (io) < for different regimes, {z t ,u t } hence, piecewise stationarity process 1 l). Note that k + ') is {z\ , u\*'} follows the ith stochastic process for all independent over time, the process (stochastic) drift. 12 W^ is t. a two-sided Proposition 5 Under assumptions A1-A6, and assuming continuous distribution (for 2 ± A'^tUt has a then all t), fi-Tf that [A^*] -^argmaxH^W(jfc) (i = l,..., m ). Furthermore, the estimated break points are asymptotically independent of each other and of the estimated regression parameters. that {[AJz^] 2 The assumption uniqueness of the maximum of ± A|z u t W^' t has a continuous distribution ensures the } (with probability 1). Note that the limiting distributions of the break points estimates in the multiple break as in a single break model. This is basically due to the model are the same fact that these limiting distributions are determined by the local behavior of the objective function because of the fast rate of convergence of the estimated break points. view the limiting distribution of T, P?-, + hT?+1 — T° Accordingly, one can as being solely determined by the segment ). Because the estimates of the break fractions are consistent at rate T, they are sentially determined by a bounded no matter how large is finite number es- of observations with large probability the sample. This explains the asymptotic independence of the estimated break points since each contributing segments are increasingly apart as the sample size increases. The regression coefficients, on the other hand, are estimated using the entire data set or at least a positive fraction. deleting the finite points number think of possibly of observations that determine the distribution of the break when estimating the tribution. One can then regression coefficients without affecting their limiting dis- Hence, the information determining the distribution of the break points and the remaining coefficients can be viewed as non-overlapping observations from which the asymptotic independence of the break-point estimates and the coefficients estimates follows. The above result, though of definite theoretical practical use because of the interest, is perhaps of limited dependence of the limiting distribution of distribution of {z\f\ uj' '} for each segment i (though it is T, — Tf on independent of x and t the /?) . Hinkley (1971) provides an analytical expression for the probability density function in the case where z t = \ and u t i.i.d. of {z\[*', u\ *'}, the stochastic process normal. In general, W^ if one knows the distribution and the location of easily simulated. 13 its maximum can be Limiting Distributions with Shrinking Shifts. 3.3.2 An alternative strategy is to consider an asymptotic framework where the magnitudes of the shifts converge to zero as the sample size increases. Even though the setup is particularly well suited to provide an adequate approximation to the exact distribution when the shifts are small, it remains adequate even for moderate This shifts. alter- native asymptotic framework also allows a substantial relaxation of the assumption concerning the distribution of {z ,u t t Moreover, the resulting limiting distribution }. independent of the specific distribution of this We pair. provide, in this section, a description of the results trending. The A7. a) Let AT? = T?-T?_ v The pWmiAT?)- b) The when the data are not required conditions are stated in the next assumption. process {(zt ,u t ); +1 <t < Tf^ T?_ 1+ [sAT°] uniformly in is 1 € s for [0, 1] = i such that is Tf_ 1+ [s-AT9] Ez Yl T°} t 1, z't = sQi&nd ...,m + V Yim{ATf)- £ 1 Eu 2 =s*?, t 1. following limit exists: T°_! +[sAT°] 2?_j +{s AT°] plimiAT?)- uniformly in c) A € s £ Yl T=Tf_ 1 +l t=T°_ 1 +l 1 E(zT z't u T u t ) = sty (z = 1, ...,m + 1). l [0, 1]. functional central limit theorem holds for {z t u t }. That is, as AT, —* oo: Tf^+lsAT?] (AT, )" where B(s) is EBi(s)Bi(u) 1 £ /2 z t u t =>Bi{s) a multivariate Gaussian process on = min{s,u}ft the fact that if [0, 1] = l,...,m+l), with mean zero and covariance . t The next assumption concerns the behavior lies in (t the shifts decrease as around each break point to discern it. T of the shifts as increases T increases. more observations Its role are needed Hence, this make possible the application of a central limit theorem. A8. Let Ax,i = ^j-t+i — independent of T, where vj &Ti is (* = l,--, 77*)- a scalar satisfying 14 Assume A^,- = u^A, for some A, 1 v T -* For i = 0, T 1/2 and ~a [0, i. let W^ '(s) and W 2 Define, for i = a;.q i+1 a,/a:q,a„ *?, = AlaAi/A^.A,-, # = A;nt+1 A 2 t /A;.g l+1 A,-, be independent standard Wiener processes denned on (s) when oo), starting at the origin = s 0. These processes are also independent across 1, ...,m: Z«(s) (12) = rfuwtfk-') - M/2, jf«<o, < V£foW w (a)-&M/2, ifa>0. 2 We are (0, 1/2). l, ...,m, let: 6 = and a€ v T -» oo, for some now in a position to state the following result. Proposition 6 Under assumptions Al-A5, A7-A8, The The £2, 4 arg max.Z«(a) (A;<9,-A,-)4(T; - 2?) limiting distribution is the same as that occurring in a single break model. (13) density function of argmax s ZW(.s) and a\ are the same for adjacent is t's, (i = 1, = 1, and ^,4 = = <£ ti2 m) When derived in Bai (1994b). £,- ..., ^, in the limits Qi, which case the limiting distribution (13) reduces to: (AJQAOt^Cfi-I?) argmax.{^W( a )_| 5 |/ 2 } -i = - ^ 2 argmaxs {^«( S ) |s|/2}. or W^ (14) Finally, when the reduces to (15) 4{fi " 7f) " ars m ax , errors are uncorrelated, (A& A,-) ^_ ^ we have £2 (,) ( 5) " = a2 Q ^ argm^^')^) _ In this case, the limiting density function is ' and the limiting | result 5 |/ 2 }. symmetric about the has been analyzed by Bhattacharya (1987), Picard (1985) and 15 5 l/ 2 >- Yao origin. This case (1987) for a single The cumulative break. distribution function of arg max s {W^(s) — |s|/2} is Yao (see (1987)): H(x) = > x for + 1 (2 7r)- 1 /2 = and #(x) v^e- 1/8 - |(x + 5)*(-v^/2) + — H(—x), 1 standard normal variable. where $(x) For instance, the | C **(-3>/i/2), the distribution function of a is 95% and 97.5% quantiles are 7.7 and 11.0, respectively. The the break dates. All that parameters; T _1 correlation is Andrews needed is J2t=i z tz[ f° r sistently estimated in above allows easy construction of confidence intervals results discussed ^ Qi is present to construct consistent estimates of the various _1 "t f° r St=i by the differences for °2 The parameters ujA,- can be con- in the coefficient estimates Si — 6,_i When serial . can be estimated using a kernel-based method as discussed ft Note that when the segments are not homogeneous, obtaining (1991). consistent estimates of these quantities is still possible using data over the relevant subsamples only. The limiting distribution in the case of trending regressors is discussed in Bai (1994b) for a single structural change model. His results remains valid for multiple breaks. We omit the details and paper refer the reader to that for more details. Test Statistics for Multiple Breaks. 4 A 4.1 We F type consider the sup hypothesis that there are [TXi\ (i = Let R be test of m= Again 1, ...,&). (Ti,...,T/t). let no structural break (m k breaks. Let (7\, Z ...,Tfc) FT (X U Here SSRk is ..., the A,; q ) sum = (T ^ denote the matrix which diagonally partitions to change. The statistic analysis, we need 6, to = ^ - (k + !)<? (S[ — —8' 2, ...,S'k — T, = Z at 8' k+1 ). - p \ 8'R\R{Z'MX Z)-*R')-'R8 j . of squared residuals under the alternative hypothesis, which (Ti,...,Tjt); q is 8k+i against 0) versus the alternative the conventional matrix such that (RS)' depends on = = of breaks. be a partition such that Define (16) number Test of no break versus some fixed Ft 8i +i number the is for of regressors whose coefficients are subject simply the conventional F-statistic for testing some impose some i with given T\, restrictions 16 ..., I*. 8i = To carry the asymptotic on the possible values of the break dates. we need In particular, to restrict each break date to be asymptotically distinct bounded from the boundaries for some of the sample. arbitrary small positive Ac = The sup F type {(Ai, ..., test statistic A is fc number ); - |A )+1 > < define the following set A,| > Ax e, e, A fc 1 - e}. FT (\i,...,\ k ;q). A*)eA< a generalization of the supF test considered by Andrews (1993) and others for the case The we e: sup (Aj is this effect, then defined as supF T (k]q)= This test To and = k 1. limiting distribution of the test depends on the nature of the regressors and the presence or absence of serial correlation and heterogeneity in the residuals. We consider the case where the following additional assumptions are imposed. w — A9. Let (x't z't )' t , and Q be some positive definite matrix, we assume that [Ts] . P umT->oo r_1 J2 W W = t 't 5<5' t=l uniformly in s € Note that A9 precludes the presence of trending [0,1]. Extensions to the general case where -1 plimj^^T Y/tJi w t = w't in Q(s), which allows They trending regressors, are beyond the scope of the present paper. regressors. will be discussed a separate paper by the authors. A10. The disturbances {u t } form an array of martingale differences relative to {Ft} where T t — <r-field {• • • ,wt -i,w u • • ,u t _ 2 ,?it_i}. functional central limit theorem holds for {w u t t } Also, E[v%\ = a2 for all t and a such that [TV] t=i where W*(r) The is is a (p + q) vector of independent Wiener processes. case where {u t } satisfies the general conditions stated in Assumption discussed in Section 4.4 below. appropriate modifications are made We show how the results A4 remain valid provided to account for the effect of serial correlation on the asymptotic distributions. The following proposition, proved in the appendix, relates to the asymptotic dis- tribution of the sup Fr(k; q) test. 17 Proposition 7 Under assumptions A9-A10: supF T (fc; q) -i supF^ =f F(X U sup ..., A*; g), A )eA, (*i fc where (Aj, fFn ..., Ai.„x fc) gj ^ [W,(A.— 2^ +1 1 - ) - A t+1 ^(A,)r[A,^(A, + i) r-r tt A t A, +1 (A 1+1 «9,=i W is q (-) A e As . e for further details. values for supF who provide a to that in In what > tests for k follows, critical values are = = 2 and q A*; q) of replications critical values (see the -1 / 2 £»=i 10,000. is with respect to (Ai, programming algorithm ..., ^ (q = A 4.2 The = 1) double value (17) = 0.05. m, under the No critical 10) (1994). e,- The Wiener with e A*) over the set appendix 1, ..., 1. - t i.i.d. A t is N(0^Iq ) and n = supremum of obtained via a dynamic for further details). whose process W,(A) (i.e., We present, in Table up to 10 regimes, k — 1, 1,...,9) coefficients are the object of the test. The The column corresponding can also be found in Andrews (1993). maximum test. alternative hypothesis. structural break against an test, e Andrews (1993) test discussed in the previous section requires the specification of the breaks, the Thus a small infinity. significantly, see reported values are scaled up by q for comparison purposes. to one break (k 1. depends on the value of For each replication, the covering cases with up to 9 breaks and up to 10 regressors = obtained via simulations, using an approach similar Andrews (1993) and Garcia and Perron The number ..., , 2 are available except those of Garcia and Perron (1994) approximated by the partial sums n F(Xi, power +1 W,(A,-)] A,) test statistic we have adopted a partial tabulation for k Asymptotic 1,000. - converges to zero, the test statistic diverges to positive value instead of zero can improve the is A.- a q-vector of independent Wiener processes on [0,1] and A^+i Note that the asymptotic distribution of the e in - r-r maximum number It is number of interest to consider a test of no unknown number of breaks given some upper bound of breaks permitted. A new test, called the double can now be defined as DmaxFT(M,q) = max sup l<m<M (Ai,...,A m )€A« 18 of Fr(Ai,..., \m ;q). M on maximum m dependent chi-square random variables with q degrees of freedom, each one divided by m. This scaling by m can be viewed, in some sense, as a prior imposed to account for the fact that as m increases a fixed For a fixed m, F(A l5 ..., A m q) sample of data becomes The e = last sum of informative about the hypotheses being confronted. less column of Table reports the critical values of this test for 1 M = 5 and This should be sufficient for most empirical applications. In any event, the 0.05. critical values vary Test of 4.3 the is ; £ versus £+1 M larger than bound choices of the upper little for 5. breaks. This section considers a test of the null hypothesis that £ unknown breaks exist against the alternative that an additional break exists. sum the difference between the that obtained allowing £ however, is, + 1 difficult to use. sum one would base the test of squared residuals obtained allowing £ breaks breaks. The Here we pursue a different strategy. For the by obtained by a global Ti,...,Ti, are Our of squared residuals. The for the presence of test amounts test strategy proceeds conditional tural change versus the alternative hypothesis of a single change. T applied to each segment containing the observations 7i_i to = a model with (^+1) breaks the overall minimal value of the the all sum 1 and Tf+i T. segments where an additional break of squared residuals FT (£ + l\£) = 1) no struc- is (i The — test is 1,...,£ therefore + 1) using We conclude for a rejection in favor of included) is sum of squared residuals sufficiently smaller than from the £ break model. The break date thus selected the one associated with this overall (18) = - t again the convention that To (over + (£ an additional break. to the application of (^+1) tests of the null hypothesis of if and model with on the £ estimated break points under the null hypothesis by testing each segments on limiting distribution of this test statistic £ breaks, the estimated break points denoted minimization of the Ideally, {ST (fu ...,fe)- minimum. More imn inf precisely, the test is is defined by: ST (f1 ,...,f - 1 ,T,f„...,fe )}/a\ t where A,,, (19) and a 2 1, is = {rjiU + (f { - f^T) <r<fi- (fi - fi-M, a consistent estimate of a2 under the null hypothesis. 5t(Ti,...,T',_i,t, Ti, ..,!/) . is understood as St(t, Ti, ST (fi,...,ft ,T). 19 ...,T*) Note that and for i — £ for + i 1 = as . In the case of a pure structural change, an alternative interpretation of the test can be given as follows. sum Let D(i,j) be the minimized the segment containing observations from (i i + of squared residuals for then the test statistic can be 1) to j, written as FT (£+1\£) = (20) sap{P(T . ll Ti)-D{T . U T)-D(T T )}/a-2 sup i i i i l<i<t+l t6A;,, 5T (Ti, ..., ft ) = D(0, 2\) + D(fu f2 ) + + D(ft T) and St(Ti, ..., T,, k, T,+i, Tt) so that many common terms are This follows from expression for out. , - • , Under assumptions A9-A10, standard arguments show (2l)a^ sn P {D(T^Tf)-D(T^r)-D(r^)}^ reA^ is as defined in (19) asserts that T, ISfell gSSll!! sup Ml 1 = a q— vector of independent Wiener processes on is is the , Mj [0, 1] and A° iT? with J replaced by T®. Under the null hypothesis, Proposition 3 ,- T° + O p (l). Using this result, In addition, because over different regimes D(-, of (20) - 1 it is not difficult to show that the weak convergence in (21) also holds with Z£.j and If replaced by r,_i and observations, the canceled that, »?<^<i-t! where, as before, W,(-) a similar weak are •) limits in (21) for different maximum of £ and we have the following + i's computed using non-overlapping are independent. independent random variables 1 T,, respectively. Thus the limit form of (21), in the result: Proposition 8 Under assumptions A9-A10: lim (22) T—>oo where G q ^(x) is P(FT (£+1\£) < the distribution function of the 1). in DeLong Gq>v (x). A (1981) and : Gq ^{x) t+l Table 2 calculated with rj partial tabulation of Andrews (1993) However, the grid presented percentage points of in - pWq (l)\\> M 1- /^ = . is • can be obtained from the some percentage points can be (see also the first column of our Table not fine enough to allow obtaining the relevant Accordingly, we provide a .05. , variable critical values of this test for different values of £ distribution function found random 7- v<»<i-v +1 G,,„(x)' = \\Wq fr) sup The x) full set of critical values These were obtained using a simulation method similar to that used for the construction of Table 20 1 Note that a 2 is only required to be consistent under the null hypothesis for the The validity of the stated asymptotic distribution. power if a 2 is also consistent under the alternative hypothesis. constructed under the null hypothesis will overestimate biased downward, thereby decreasing = ° 2\, ..., A power. its the null and the alternative hypothesis where may, however, have better test If a 2 The . the latter is test statistic true, is a2 then consistent estimator under both given by is j;St(Ti,...,Ti + i), £+1 break Tt+\ are the estimates of the points. Note, finally, that the re- sults discussed in this section, including (22), hold true for partial structural changes. Also, it is important to note that the results carry through allowing different distribu- tions across segments for the regressors valid 4.4 The under A7(a and c) and the errors. instead of A9-A10, provided That a2 is is, Proposition 7 remains a2 replaced by in (20). Extensions to serially correlated errors. tests discussed above can be applied without the imposition of rected errors as specified in A 10. Assumption In this case, serially uncor- some modifications are necessary to take account of the change in the limiting distribution of the statistics A under the null hypothesis. simple modification is to use the following version of the F-test instead of that specified in (16): Fft\ u (23) ...,\ k ;q) = I -" {k + ( where V{8) is A " P 6'K(EV(6)B!)) and heteroskedasticity; V{8) i.e. e.g., R6, is robust to a consistent estimate of = p\\wT(Z'MxZ)-' Z'MxnMx Z(Z'MxZ) -l l consistent estimate of V(8) can be obtained using gested by, l an estimate of the variance covariance matrix of 8 that serial correlation (24) 1)g Andrews (1991). methods such as those sug- Again, note that this estimate can be constructed allowing identical or different distributions for the regressors and the errors across segments. In some instances, the form of the statistic reduces in an interesting way. Consider the case of a pure structural change model (/? = variables are such that (25) phm^Z'nZ = h u (0)plim^Z'Z 21 0) where the explanatory with h u (0) the spectral density function of the errors u t evaluated at the zero frequency. In that case, V(6) and the robust version FZ(\ u = MO)plim(^)- 1 , of the F-test can be constructed as: r" = ...,X k] q) (fc "P 1)g ^ ( S'B!(R(z'Z)- 1 Ii!)- 1 R6/h u (0). ) with h u (0) a consistent estimate of h u (0). In that case, we have the following asymptotically equivalent test a2 F}(\i, ..., h; = j——FT {X q) 1 , ..., Xk ; h u (0) with a 2 = T -1 J2t=i "t q), a consistent estimate of the variance of the residuals. Hence, the robust version of the test is simply a scaled version of the original condition (25) holds, for example, where testing for a change in statistic. mean The as in Garcia and Perron (1994). The computation ally involved when of the robust version of the F-test (23) can considering data dependent method of S. An is all be quite computation- combinations of possible break points, especially if a used to construct the robust asymptotic covariance matrix asymptotically equivalent version F-test to obtain the break points, is to first take the imposing i.e. Q = a2 I . supremum of the original This can be done since the break fractions are T-consistent even in the presence of correlated errors. One can then obtain a robust version of the test by evaluating (23) and (24) at these estimated break dates. The extensions for the PmaxFj test and the sequential Fr(£ + 1\£) are similar since they are simply functions of the sup Fr(k,q) tests. 4.5 Consistency of the A is test consistent if, tests. under the alternative hypothesis, the associated diverges to infinity as the sample size increases. Because supF T (l; q) A;supF T (A;; results of is 9), the consistency of the supFr(/:; q) (k Andrews (1993) who proved that the test > 2) follows test statistic < 2supF T (2; q) < immediately from the based on the statistic supFr(l; q) consistent for various alternatives including multiple breaks. Consequently, the test based on the statistic Dmax-F^A:; q) is also consistent. 22 We next argue that the test based on Ft(£ more than and a model with only £ breaks one break that is + £ breaks 1\£) is also consistent. is Hence, at least one segment contains a nontrivial not estimated. the true break point by a positive fraction of the total number is separated from For of observations. segment, the supF T (l;g) test statistic converges to infinity as the sample size this increases since + there are estimated, there must be at least break point in the sense that both boundaries of each segment £ If Accordingly, the statistic Ft(£ consistent. it is segments) also converges to 1 infinity. + l\£) (computed for This shows consistency. Sequential Methods. 5 In this section We points. mates we discuss issues related to the sequential estimation of the breaks with some results about the limit of break point start, in section 5.1 in underspecified models, number when the i.e. is The Limit An interesting by- the possibility of a sequential algorithm to estimate models with an unknown number of breaks. This 5.1 regression structure allows for a smaller of breaks than contained in the data-generating process. product of this analyses esti- is discussed in section 5.2. of Break Point Estimates in Underspecified Models. In this section, we show that the estimate of the break fraction in a single structural change regression applied to data that contain two breaks converge to one of the two true break fractions. In independent work, also Bai (1994c) for an Chong (1994) obtains a similar result (see earlier exposition). To present our arguments, we consider a simple three-regime model: t = (ii + eu if* Vt = (*2 + £t, if [T\i] + yt = fi 3 + et , if [TX 2] + l<t<T. y (26 ) with et ~ i.i.d.(0, of). Assume points in the model. Let Ta fii ^ (i 2 , fi 2 < ^ [TAi] f*3, 1 < and * X\ < denote the estimated single show that despite the misspecification of the number for either Ai or A2 < [TX 2 ] A 2 so there are two break , shift point. of regimes, depending on the relative magnitudes of the 23 Our aim Ta /T shifts is is to consistent and the spell of each regime. To verify this claim, we examine the global behavior of S(t), defined as the limit of T^StUTt]). We for the full sample without a break In this way, St([Tt]) the convergence of is T~ l (i.e. St{[Tt}) to S(t) - Y^(yt well defined for all r ^([TAx]) (27) and St(T) define St(0) 6 2 j/) A 5(A0 = a\ + (1 ~ A2 It is 1 € in r (A 2 LA sum where y , [0, 1]. uniform is as the " of squared residuals is the sample mean). not difficult to show that In particular [0, 1]. Al) (^ ~ *)' 1 and 1 c nm\ i\ ^5t([TA 2 ]) (28) Without Lemma P 2 \ ) = - ^) 2 + ^(A 2 - A\w )( z 2_,*l/i 2 <r / 1 < £(A 2 ), case where 5(Ai) our claim < 5(A 2 ), 3 Suppose that the data are generated by (26) and that S{\\) Ta /T the consistent for Ai. is Proof: This can be proved by showing that S(t) The is lemma estimated single break point at Ai. x 1 we consider the loss of generality stated in the following CM A S(A € for r [0, 1] function S(t) has different expressions over has a unique Some [0,1]. minimum algebra reveals that - S(X S(t) 1 ) \~ T = (1 which is - -M) -Tj(l - Ax)^ - [(1 is nonzero, so S(t) — S(Xi) is (regarded as reversing the data order), S(t) g + [A 2 , 1], S(t) - = SiX,) S(t) - (1 nonnegative. Under the assumption that S(\\) bracket above for r to) X 2 )(to < S(X 2 ), S(X 2 ) is 2 to)) r , < Ax . A l5 By symmetry nonnegative for r > - S(X 2 + S(X 2 ) - S(X X > S(X 2 - 5(A ) ) < the expression in the strictly positive for r — - ) A2 X ) . > Thus 0. It remains to consider the case where r € (Ai,A 2 ). Again, simple algebra shows S(r)-S(A0 = (r - 2 X^ito - in) - 2 ^~) { = {r-X,)-\~{to-to) Aa(1 i _ - {tl3 Xl T)(1 ~ toW ) _ *,)(/* -^)J > (r-A^^AO-^Ai)] where the from -* < first 1. inequality follows from Thus 5(r) — S(Xi) is ^~_'| < 1 and the second inequality follows strictly positive for r 24 € (Ai,A 2 ). Thus we have shown that S(t) has a unique global minimum < because St(To) St([T\\]), The assumption that S(Xi) pronounced or dominating The above lemma spells. can the for Ai, sum sum follows that it Ta /T < £^2) imphes when S(Xi) < at A! is consistent for Ai.O that the break point first terms of the relative magnitude of in shifts is Ta /T of squared residuals be reduced the most. Given that is more and the regime when the dominating break implies that only Now 5"(A 2 ). is identified consistent one can use the subsample [Ta T] to estimate another break point such that the , of squared residuals then consistent for A 2 is minimized for this subsample. The resulting estimate This follows from the same type of argument as in the preceding . paragraph because only A 2 can be the dominating break in the sample [Ta T], even , Ta < [TX\]. Hence, for A 2 if one knows that Ta /T is break model principle consistent for Ai, a consistent estimator is straightforward to extend the argument to the case where a one- fitted to is the same and the estimate of the break fraction converges to one of the squared residuals. break model also conjectured that a similar result holds It is fitted to is general result a relationship that has not, however, is needed for the m 2 breaks (with when, 7712 > say, sum of an mi mi). Such a arguments that follow. Sequential estimation of the break points. The arguments in section 5.1 Ta /T is showed that consistent for one of the true break point, the one that allows the greatest reduction in the Suppose, as above, that this break point we do not know if the other break break point either in the interval squared residuals for 1 The a relationship that exhibits more than two breaks. true break fraction, namely the one which allows a greatest reduction in the (i.e., if can also be obtained. It is relatively 5.2 is as the sample all [1, Ta ] is may before or after). In that case, not be , sum break in that segment will not significantly reduce the will sum be [1, in the interval [Ta T]. Ta , ], allowing one more of squared residuals. inf 5T (r,fa ), inf On in the interval [Ta ,r] will permit a large reduction given the presence of a break. Notationally, with probability tending to min{ of minimized. With probability tending to is estimated break point more break known we choose one or in the interval [Ta T], such that the This follows since, in the absence of a break in the interval the other hand, allowing one of squared residuals. A l5 which, in general, is observations [1,T] size increases, the sum ST (fa ,T) 25 } = inf ST (fa ,r) = ST (fa ,t) 1, where f is subsample [Ta ,T], and thus t/T that we can obtain Similarly, Ta if second estimated is is be in shift point will N t < N 2 - [1,jT ]. in a sequential way. first the case of a identified, the is > 5 (A 2 )), the the ordered consistent for (\ u A 2 ). is known number S(\i) (Ni,N2 ) be Generally, let Then (Ni/T,N2 /T) , if of break points. number known number of break points is sample split into is is m. The idea Once the sum of squared residuals. and again a third break point is squared residuals. The process is minor modifications. to break this first estimated and the is The sample is then partitioned selected as one of the three estimates from three estimated one-break model that allow the greatest reduction The procedure first is chosen as that break point (of the two obtained) which allows the greatest reduction in the in three regimes unknown. or two subsamples separated by estimated break point. For each subsample, a one break model second break point known of break points, say estimate the breaks sequentially rather than simultaneously. point implies analysis suggests a straightforward algorithm for estimating models with multiple break points whether the Consider and A2 actually consistent for A 2 (this will be true Sequential estimation with a The above of squared residuals for the The preceding argument consistent for A2. consistent estimates of Ai version of (f„,f) such that 5.2.1 sum equivalently obtained by minimizing the is continued until the m in the sum of break points are selected. simple to implement using existing least squares routines with It yields consistent estimates of the break points; though the estimates are not guaranteed to be identical to those obtained by global minimization. Interestingly, allows the estimation of models with any it using a number 5.2.2 Sequential estimation with an Consider now of least-squares estimation that the case of an A only of order 0(T). unknown number unknown number particular relevance in practice. is is number of structural changes of breaks of breaks. which is likely to be of standard problem with any estimation procedure that an improvement in the objective function is always possible by allowing more breaks. This naturally leads to consider a penalty factor for the increased dimension of a model. Yao (1988) suggests the use of the Bayesian Information Criterion defined as BIC(m) = In a 2 (m) 26 + p' ln{T)/T, (BIC) where = (m + p' number the R adjusted AIC +m+ l)q p, and <7 2 r. -1 , Many the prediction error criterion and Mallows is not recommended because, as to overestimate the dimension of a model. Zidek (1994) is An Cp that other criteria such as the can be used as well. widely known, is He showed S|r(Ti, *..,£»). of breaks can be consistently estimated. 2 criterion it The has a tendency alternative proposed by Liu, Wu and a modified Schwarz' criterion that takes the form: MIC(m) = They suggest using We = (m) S ]n(ST (fu ...,fm )/(T-p*)) = 0.1 and = Co + ( P 7r)co(ln(r)) 2+6 °. 0.299. propose an alternative method to determine the number of breaks. The ap- proach directly related to the sequential procedure outlined above. is Start by esti- mating a model with a small number of breaks that are thought to be necessary (or start with no break). Then perform parameter-constancy tests for each subsamples (those obtained by cutting off at the estimated breaks), adding a break to a subsample associated with a rejection with the test increasing £ sequentially until the test Ft(£ of no additional structural changes. The number of rejections obtained with the breaks used in the It is context 8 is initial + final + is l\£). This process number of breaks parameter constancy is repeated the null hypothesis l\£) fails to reject thus equal to the is tests plus the number of round. important to note that the application of the test Fj{£-\- \\£) in this sequential rather different from that discussed earlier. Indeed, the result of Proposition based on having the of the Ft(£ sum first £ breaks obtained simultaneously, as global minimizers i.e. assuming £ breaks. The reason of squared residuals for this is that the stated limiting distribution of the test requires convergence of the estimates of the break factions at rate T. Fortunately, this rate T convergence extends to the case where the break points are obtained sequentially one at a time. This last result is proved in a very recent study by Bai (1995b). Hence, the limiting distribution of the Ft(£+1\£) test in the current sequential setup is the same as that stated in Proposition 8. With probability approaching determined this way will be no 1 as the less rejection method is size increases, the number of breaks than the true number. The procedure does not provide a consistent estimate of the true sequential sample number of breaks, say mQ . This is because the based on a test procedure which implies a non-zero probability of under the null hypothesis given by the level of the test, say a. However, the asymptotic probability of selecting a model with a larger number of breaks, say 27 m + j, is a3 which given by decreases rapidly. Hence, there to estimate models with no need (with large probability) is more than the true number of breaks, as is necessary when using a model selection approach based on an information criterion. The sequential procedure could be Ft(£ for the test A increases. + 1 \£) made consistent by adopting a significance level that decreases to zero, at a suitable rate, as the sample size result to that effect is presented in the next proposition whose proof is provided in the appendix. Proposition 9 Let m be the based on the statistic Ft(£ number of breaks. to + number of breaks obtained using l\£) applied with If err converges to size aj, and let m slowly enough (for the test based on method be the true Ft(£+ l\£) remain consistent), then, under assumptions A1-A5, P(m = as some the sequential T— oo. That is, the estimated m — ) 1, number of breaks is consistent for the true number. Empirical Applications. 6 we In this section, this paper. The discuss two empirical applications of the procedures presented in first analyzes the U.S. ex-post real interest rate series considered by Garcia and Perron (1994). The second reevaluates some findings of Alogoskoufis and Smith (1991) who analyze the issue of changes in the persistence of inflation and the corresponding shifts in an expectations-augmented Phillips curve resulting from such changes in persistence. The U.S Ex- Post Real 6.1 Interest Rate. Garcia and Perron (1994) considered the time series properties of the U.S. Ex-Post real interest rate (constructed CPI inflation rate taken sample is is from the three-month treasury bill rate deflated by the from the Citibase data base). The data are quarterly and the 1961:1-1986:3. Figure 1 presents a graph of the series. the presence of structural changes in the mean of the our procedure with only a constant as regressor (i.e. zt series. = The To that issue of interest effect we apply {1}) and take into account potential serial correlation via non-parametric adjustments. In the implementation of the procedure, we allowed up at least 7 observations. The to 5 breaks and each segment was constrained results are presented in Table 3. 28 to have The the sup first issue to be considered Ft (k) the determination of the k between tests are all significant for The sup .F:r(2|l) present. is test takes value 34.32 sequential procedure (using a criterion of Liu, Wu 1% and is all select Of favor of the presence of two breaks. So at 5. of breaks. least Here one break therefore highly significant. BIC significance level), and Zidek (1994) and 1 number is The and the modified Schwarz two breaks. Hence, we conclude in direct interest are the estimates obtained under global minimization. The break dates are estimated at 1972:3 and 1980:3. The first date has a rather large confidence interval (between 1971:2 and 1973:4 at the 95% level). The second break date however, precisely estimated since the is, The confidence interval covers only one quarter before and after. 95% differences in the estimated means over each segment are significant and point to a decrease of 3.16% and a large increase of 7.44% in late 1972 in late 1980. These results confirm those of Garcia and Perron (1994). Changes 6.2 in the Persistence of Inflation and the Phillips Curve. Alogoskoufis and Smith (1991) consider the following version of an expectations- augmented Phillips curve: Aw = t where ut is w t is oi + a 2 E(Ap t \It -\) the log of nominal wages, p t the unemployment rate. They is t _i +£ t , the log of the Consumer Price Index, and is 61 +-82Apt - l Hence, upon substitution, the Phillips curve an AR(l) so that . is: Aw = 7i + j2 Ap ^ + 73 Au + 74 u -i + 6, (30) where t posit that inflation E(APt \It-i) = (29) + ct 3 Au + a 4 u t 72 = 0:262 t f Here, a parameter of importance measuring the persistence of Kingdom and the United inflation. t is 82 which is interpreted as Using post-war annual data from the United States, Alogoskoufis and Smith (1991) argue that the process describing inflation exhibits a one-time structural change from 1967 to 1968, whereby the autoregressive parameter 82 is interpreted as evidence that the abandonment of the Bretton Woods system relaxed significantly higher in the second period. This is the discipline imposed by the gold standard and created higher persistence in inflation. 29 They also argue that the parameter 72 in the Phillips curve equation (30) exhibit a similar increase at the same time, thereby lending support to the empirical significance of the Lucas critique. Using the methods presented in this paper, we reevaluate Alogoskoufis and Smith (1991) claims using post-war annual data for the United structural stability of the Figure 2. AR(l) representation Kingdom 7 Consider . whose of inflation first the series is depicted in Details of the estimation results are contained in Table 4. When applying a one break model, we indeed find the same results, namely a structural change in 1967 with 82 increasing the break is, remains constant. The estimate of 61 95% however, imprecisely estimated with a — the period 1961 any conventional The sup Ft(2) is, level. two breaks and selects too strong a penalty test 5% level and the sup Ft(2\1) The sup Fj(£ + MIC one suggesting that the selects when the sample not significant at is data does not support a one break model. however, significant at the 10% confidence interval covering More importantly, the supi*r(l) 1973. level indicating that the test significant at the BIC from .274 to .739 while size 1\£) test is is test is > 2. not significant for any £ latter may impose small. Overall, the tests support a two break model. The estimates data. The first rather with the of a two breaks model reveal a rather break date first oil not linked to the end of the Bretton is price shock in 1973. coefficient estimates point to the than changes period 1973 different interpretation of the The second break importance of 1980, and back located in 1980. to .011 after 1980. If from .021 to .130 in the anything, the data suggests a significant decrease in the persistence of inflation in the period 1973 — 1980, while the estimates of the autoregressive parameters are not significantly different in the and last first segments. Since, there indeed appears to be structural changes in the inflation process, interest to see if The results are presented in Table 5. to a single structural change. The sup Fj (k) procedure and the criterion of Liu, The data Alogoskoufis. of > 1. Furthermore, both the sequential Wu and Zidek (1994) select a one break model (only two breaks). Again, the estimate of the break are the same We refer Here the evidence point tests are significant for all k while the sup Ft{£+1\£) tests are not significant for any £ BIC chooses it is the Phillips curve equation underwent similar changes in accordance with the Lucas critique. 7 The shifts in the level of inflation rather in persistence. Indeed, the coefficient 6\ varies — is Woods system but is associated with the first as in Alogoskoufis and Smith (1991) and were kindly provided by George the reader to their paper for details on the definition and source of each series. 30 oil price shock (1973) and not with the end of the Bretton confidence interval is The estimate small). Woods system of 72 indeed shows a (the 95% marked decrease similar to the decrease in the persistence of inflation (the parameter estimate even becomes negative but not significantly so). Given the changes in the estimates of the parameter 73 and 74, the data suggest that the Phillips curve itself underwent a structural change in 1973. The data, however, do not support any adjustment of the Phillips curve following the change in the inflation process in 1980. Since BIC selects two breaks, we also present results for this specification. These lend even less empirical support to the Lucas critique since the breaks dates are 1966 and 1975 and do not correspond to those of the Conclusions. 7 Our inflation process. analysis has presented a rather comprehensive treatment of issues related to the estimation of linear models with multiple structural changes, to tests for the presence of number of changes multiple structural changes and to the determination of the Our results being asymptotic in nature, there of the approximations and the power of the is certainly a need to evaluate the quality tests in finite samples via simulations. intend to present such a simulation study in a subsequent paper. to be investigated, methods issues present. Among We the topics an important one appears to be the relative merits of different to select the number of structural changes. There on the agenda. For instance, extensions of the that are optimal with respect to some test are, of course, other procedures to include tests criteria, extensions to nonlinear models and the derivation of tests that are valid in the presence of trending regressors. 31 many A Mathematical Appendix. As a matter of random we of notation, let op (l) and and one that variables converging to zero in probability bounded. Unless indicated otherwise, all and op (l) is projection matrix, / likewise for — A(A'A)~ 1 p (l). We A'. is stochastically convergence are taken as T, the sample increases to infinity. For a sequence of matrices Bt, elements denote, respectively, a sequence p (l) we write Ma For a matrix A, use • || || Bt = op (l) if size, each of its denotes the orthogonal to denote the Euclidean norm, i.e. = (Hi 1 ?) 2 f° r x £ R? For a matrix A, we use the vector-induced norm, i.e. \\A\\ = sup x?t0 ||Ax||/||x||. We note that the norm of A is equal to the square root of the maximum eigenvalue of A'A, and thus ||A|| < [fr^'A)] / 2 Also, for a projection matrix P, ||PA|| < \\A\\. Finally, [a] represents the integer part of a. || x 1 '' !l 1 . Proof of Lemma We 1: start with a series of lemmas that will be used subse- quently. Assumption A5 is assumed throughout. Lemma A.l Let S and V be matrix S'MyS is two matrices having the same number of rows. Then the non decreasing as more observations (rows) are added to the matrix (S,V). Proof: Write arbitrary vector S = (S[,S'2 )' and V = We (V{,Vf)'. a (having the same dimension as the need to show that for an number of rows of S and V) a'S'Mv Sa>a'S[MVl S1 a. Note that a'S'MySa is sum the of squares of the residuals from a projection of Set on the space spanned by V. Similarly, q'^JMv^iq: from a projection of o:5i of squared residuals is the number Lemma on V\. The inequality is is the sum of squared residuals verified using the fact that the sum non-decreasing as the number of observations increases (here of rows of S\ and S). See, e.g., Brown, Durbin and Evans (1975).D A. 2 Under assumption Al, su ri . fx'M-zxy LHH 1 where the swpremum with respect to (Ti,...,Tm ) such that |T,_i — Ti| > q (i = l,...,m + 1); the (7\,...,:rm ). 32 „ .. =0p(1) is - taken over matrix Z all possible partitions diagonally partitions Z at We Proof: m+ m-break model has regimes. Each partition (7\, ...,Tm ) leaves at least one true 1 By Lemma (Xf'MzoXf/T)- 1 This partitions. It over The lemma now i M X Zt 1 l l \\ \\ from assumption Al. follows MxZ/T)~ l should be pointed out that (Z all such that (X,-,Z,) contains (Xf,Zf) i > Xf'M^Xf. Hence {X'MjX/T)- < \\(X'MzX/T)- l < max,- \\{X? MzoX? IT)- for all X' A.l, implies . . x regime uncut. In other words, there exists an as a sub matrix. + X'm+1 MZm+l Xm+1 An X'MjX = X[MZl X + have the identity possible partitions. In fact, it is is D. not uniformly stochastically bounded easy to see that this matrix some is Op(T) < \\X\\\\M-^Zo\\ for partitions. Lemma A. 3 Under assumption Al, X'MzZ = sup P (T). m Ti,...,T Proof: Because M-% ||X||||Zo|| is uniformly over a projection matrix, we have \\X'M-zZ The lemma all partitions. Op {VT) and similarly Lemma A. 4 The following \\Z \\ = Op (y/T). ||X|| < < Jtr(X'X) = D identity holds: (z'Mxzy = (z'zy + 1 1 1 (z'z)- (z'x)(x'MzX)- x'z(z'z)-\ 1 . Proof: Follows from direct verification. Lemma from follows \\ A. 5 Under assumption A4, there exists a < \\Z(Z'Z)- Z'U\\ = where the supremum with respect to (Ti,...,Tm ) is sup l 1/2 such that P (T°), T\ ,...,Tm — \Ti-i — such that \Ti-i such that > q (i = l,...,m + l) Ti\ > tT for some e > T,-| Proof: Consider first taken over all possible under assumption A^(i) and over partitions under assumption A^(ii). the case where part (i) of assumption Because of the independence assumption between z s and u t , A4 is we can We shall prove that the summation = \U'PzU\ of the m+ 1 5Z Ti+\ uniformly in ) J2 T.+l ^ z t) -1 ( X) T.+l 33 « u «)' treat the z t 's as . . Ti+i Ti+i 2 < u *)'( to hold. l terms Ti+i ( p (T assumed Pj = %(% Z)~ Z Tu ...,Tm However, U'PjU is nonstochastic, otherwise conditional arguments can be used. Let 2a partitions (»' = °i -i m ) Thus suffices to it prove that ^p (31) with £ — with Akt k > = q and where t=k vector defined by £t 1 = £t (k,£) = {Akt)~ l ^2 zt u t For notational simplicity, the dependence of £ on k and ^ will -Zj-zj. ]£j=jfc a q x is £t =o,(n £6ii ii l<k<l<T t Now not be exhibited. p[ £ £ ||E6II>^) < su P p(\\J:^\>tA t=k+q fc=l T T £ < r- 2as j2 (32) £ t=Jfc By the mixingale property, we can write u t as oo ut £ = J and for each position, u i<> with Uj t = £(u r ,t_j_ 1 ) a sequence of martingale differences. Using this decom- j, {ti Jt -^t— j} is , we have oo £6 = (A^) -ly,2 2(Ujf By Minkowski's inequality, ( £6 (33) < r=Jfc key point is £&. j=-oo t=i ~ Is * e £ = t=Jfc A |^_,-)-.E(ut|.7 = — oo t where £J( t . £ E £6. j=-oo that for fixed j, k, and £, 2s v 2s" l/2s e t-k - {Cjt,^t-j} (t = k,...,£) form a sequence of martingale differences. Thus by Burkholder's inequality (Hall and Heyde 1981, p. 23) there exists a C> 0, only depending on q and 5, such that 2s < (34) < c (£(£iiu 2s ^(£n^ir) i/s ) ) t=k where the second step follows by Minkowski's Thus {E\\£it f) 11 = ' z't {A kl )- l z (E\ujt t 2s yl a . inequality. By Now A4(a), for r 2 ||£jt|| = 2s, = 2s \ Y /2s < 2cti}>j < 2(max c,)Vj < 34 Ki/tj 1 zt u we can show \ Hansen 1991) (E\u jt z't (Ake) for all j. 2 . t (see It follows that (£||^|| 2s 1/s < ) z't (A kt )- l zt K 2 2s £6 E (35) Thus from rl,). < C (£z' (A kt )- l t K^ zt (34), = C(K^) 2 Y t=k where we have used the fact that J2t=k 2t(^«) lzt q. Combining (35) and (33), = l trace((Akt)~ Y?k z t z 't) Note that the right 2s £6 of (32), that with I hand - < Cq'K A4), 0. Let s £ < ~. +*) depend on k and L This implies, in view q, sup = 2 + 8/2 we can choose a G ( side above does not \\<k<t<r some C\ > ' U=-oo p{ for 2 t=k > Jb trace(I) we have 2s E = (0, HE^r*)J kct- 2 *** 2 t=k (the moment of order 4+6 1/2) such that r _2ari+2 -> 0. of u t exists by assumption This proves (31) and hence the lemma. Consider now the case where part this case trp A4 is assumed In to hold. 1 £ T- 1 of assumption (ii) zt z't -> Q(v) -Q(u), t=[Tu]+l and hence (T v — u > t > _1 0. Z^ = pyi +1 z t z 't)~ X —* — Q( u ))~ {Q( v ) l uniformly in v and u such that Also, [Tv] T- 1 ' 2 *tu t J2 = Op (l) t=[Tu)+l uniformly using a functional central limit theorem for martingales differences. cordingly, \U'P^U\ holds with Lemma a= = O v {\) uniformly in 7\,...,rm and the statement of the Ac- lemma 0. A. 6 Under assumptions A1-A4, we have for some a < (36) Proof: This follows \\X\\\\Z(Z'Z)-^U\\. sup X'Z(Z'Z)- l Z'U Tm Ti from Lemma A.5, \\X\\ a 35 = Op (T Q+1/2 = Op {T^ 2 ) 1/2, ). and \\X'Z(Z'Z)- 1 Z'U\\ < M Note that the same argument leads to (37) Tj Proof of Lemma sup Z' Z(Z'Z)- 1 ZU' rm By 1: the definition of dt = O p (T a+1/2 ). , T £ = U'X0 - utdt 0°) + U'TS - U'Z S° i where T U'Z = P {T suffices to Z diagonally partitions 1 /2 ) (these terms do not show T~^U'X$ = Because U'X/3° at (fi,...,fm ). depend on op (l) and T -1 £/'Zo (T\, ...,Tm )), to = op (l). Z Let (Ti, ...,Tm ) be an arbitrary partition and result. and S({Tj}) partition of Z. Also let $({Tj}) same S corresponding to this partition. We P (T 1/2 ) and prove the lemma, shall prove it a stronger be the associated diagonal be, respectively, the estimates of f3 and shall prove sup hrxfaTi)) Tm 1 (38) We = = op (l), Tx hrZt({Ts }) = sup (39) where the supremum with respect to (Ti,...,Tm ) those in Lemma 5. First consider (38). The taken over the same partitions as estimator 0({Tj}) can be written as = (X'MjXy'X'MjY fr{{Tj}) = (X'MjX^X'MjZoS + [X'MjX^X'MjU. (40) Using the argument of Lemma A. 3, we deduce that with lemmas A. 2 and A. 3 implies that $({Tj}) Hence is op (l), T^U'X^Tj}) = O p (T" Next, consider (39). 1 /2 ) = uniformly over X'M-gU = P (1) O p (T). uniformly over From 6({Tj}) = (Z'MxZ)- !? = U'ZiTMxZy'Z'MxZoS 1 +U'Z(Z'MxZ)- Z'MxU = B} ? Lemma + (//) A.4, (/) (42) (/) = U'Z(Z'Z)- 1 Z'MxZoS +U'Z(Z'Z)- 1 Z'X(X'MzX)- 1 X'PIMxZ Q S 36 partitions. MX X X Y and obtain (41) all partitions, obtaining (38). all 1 U'ZS({Tj}) This together . = 0, we Because P^ and \\X'PjMx Z Q over all \\ Mx < \\X\\\\Z = \\ that ZoS° of magnitude, repetition). more < a+ and, hence, the Proof of a-i'2 p {T Lemma 2: If Note that ) p (T 2a op (l) uniformly over 1 is > T t falls in > + and 7^. 1 < : * < T(\® + 7;). Let 1, - T(AJ — 7/),T(A° <5°) 1T [0-p o namely, Tk-i for t € [T(X° - + »/)]. We 2 rj)] the < for a same as — rj) T(\° and 77),TA°] have t 2^2 X t X t 2J2 x t zt Y.2 z t2 t E z t z t ) \ 8k — 77) < t 2 < TA° and £ — +¥ k -^\\ 2 (43). <$j+i extends over the set 2 be the smallest eigenvalue of the \\ is + EiVt Ziz z' t 77- number first matrix in (43) Then 2 }+fT\0-n +1&-&1I1 2 > min{ 7r,7T} The l l z't (6 k be the smallest eigenvalue of the second matrix in j2d 2 +j:d2 > 1 " < extends over the set T(A° t This proves (39) there exists a positive the interval [T(X° t ' J2i all partitions. classified into the fc-th regime, ] TA° for is . * Equivalently, ). , ) where a+1/2 complete. + 77) < fk Then d = x' - p°) + = x\0 - 0°) + z[(8k - 8j+1 for t e [TA? + and T(A° [ p (T (without loss of generality, assume this subsequence T). Suppose this interval dt of a lower order there exists a break, say, A° which cannot be consistently such that no estimated break subsequence of is only in differ (the details are omitted to avoid ) estimated, then with some positive probability to 7] and (II) (I) we have U'ZSdT,}) = 1/2, = proof of Lemma T- U'Z8{{Tj}) = l = specifically (II) Because 2a ) Similar argument shows that (77) replaced by U. is ) || A. 2, A.5, and A.6. remains to derive a bound for (//). It l || Now, we have P {T). Lemmas partitions using = O v {T l 2 and < ||Z a+1/2 uniformly (/) = p (T ||M^Z are projection matrices, (114 last inequality follows - 2 <?|| from - \\6 k an arbitrary positive definite matrix (43) can be written as (Tti)y-J2t(x<>_ smallest eigenvalue of of (Ttj)At, 7t, is At is 2 > \ min{ 7r,7f }||«J - <?+1 2 (x— a)'A(x— a) + (x — b)'A(x — b) > (l/2)(a — b)'A(a — b) + \ 6?+1 A || and wtw' = t || for all x. (Tt])At, say. bounded away from of the order Tt). . ) zero. The same can be 37 Now the first matrix in By assumption A2, the Thus the smallest eigenvalue said for jT Therefore, . Yli d2 > TriCiWq ~ than eo > ^°+ ill = 2 TC\\#j - for || Because A* (k 2: with large probability, 6k = x - 0°) + t interval. If either ||/? — (3\\ > a or {3 \\6k or 6k Lemma analysis for Ai By a will l,...,m) less consistent by Proposition is + e), T(\°h — e)]. € [r(A°_! t be true for with some a > E« ^? > ^(A" — leads to Without 3: and provide an 3) and A 3 Over this interval, over the same £. extending A°_j 0. — Similar argument as in the 2e)a 2 C some for is virtually the — T°\ < C> 0, with of squared residuals, \T{ — Jf\ same (and 1, 5x(Ti,T2,T3 ), < tT actually simpler) and for for all i. t {(Tx.Ta.Ta); \T t Because St(Ti,T2, Z3) enough to show that < 5r(r 1 for each 77 > T2 < where the minimum is C> there exist taken over the set 3,T2 1, T (C). T2 — Now denote SSRx = St(Tu T2 ,T3 ), ssr.2 = St(Ti,t2 , r3 ), and introduce SSR3 = we have St(Ti, 38 T2 T2 T3 , C> 0, define T2° < -C). > o) < it such that for large v , Such a relation would imply that t probability, C. large, examine the behavior e and C, global optimization cannot be achieved on < T to prove the proposition for a large T°| to T°. For p(min{5T (r1 ,ra ,r3 ) - SrCri,r2 ,r3 )} < (44) and thus omitted. Also using an argument of symmetry, we -T°\<cT,l<i< 0, > is The for those T{ that are close to the true ,T23 ,T3) with probability each e we only need can, without loss of generality, consider the case T (C) = there are only explicit proof of T-consistency for A 2 only. eT, with high probability. Therefore sum we assume loss of generality, the consistency result of proposition breaks such that is with probability no 1. (m = three breaks of the > not consistent, then, with some positive probability, either is — 6°\\ > 1 = £f d? > £. <% $)• Hence Proof of Proposition \Tk d V positive probability. This again gives rise to a contradiction with (4) in view of and (5) ~ z't (6k proof of proposition some C= estimated using at least a positive fraction of the is observations from [T°_j, T°], say using dt some 0. Proof of Proposition 1, 2 <5?+1 , ). T (C). Thus C with large T By definition, we have ST (TU T2 (45) , This latter relation 3) - Sr (rl5 7* T3 = (SSR - SSR3 - (SSR 2 - SSR3 ). is useful because r ) it ) allows us to carry the analysis in terms of two problems involving a single structural change. Indeed, note that difference in the sums sums T2 and T3 SSR2 — SSR3 Similarly, . the is an additional fourth break at time of squared residuals allowing T° between the breaks SSR\ — SSR 3 is the difference in the of squared residuals allowing an additional fourth break at time T2 between the as the sum of squared residuals from a constrained version of a more general model whose sum of breaks 7\ and T°. Hence, in each case squared residuals It is is SSR3 SSR\ and SSR2 can be viewed . then easy to derive exact expressions for the two components on the right hand side of (45) in terms of estimated coefficients. Consider first have (e.g., Amemiya , 1985, p. 31): sT (Tu r2 t3 - st (tu t2 ) , where SSR\ — SSR3 we , t°, r3 = (s; ) - 6A yzA MwzA (s; - 8A ), W = (X,Z), with Z the diagonal partition of Z at (Ti,T2,T the vector 3 ), 63 is of estimated coefficients associated with the regressors (0, ...,0,z r o +1 ...,zy3 ,0, ...,0)', and 6 A ZA = , (0, ..., 0, is the vector of estimated coefficients associated with the regressors zt7 +\ , ..., 2r°, 0, ..., 0)' (see Figure 3). Similarly, st (tu t*,t3 ) - s r (r1 ,ra ,3*,r3 ) = , where (s 2 - we have s A yz'A Mw zA 3 ), (again, see Figure 3). ssRi - ssr 2 = Z'A ZA , Mjy being a side of (46), ..., - sA), and 82 0, -ZTi+i, ••-, is 2r2 the vec, 0, ..., (s; - sA yz'A MwzA (s; - sA ) is bounded by {s 2 (S2 — 6 A )'ZA - sA yz'A ZA (62 — SA projection matrix. Expanding the first ) Mw zA {6 2 > because Z'A M^rZA term on the right hand we have (s; - sA yz'A zA (6-3 - sA ) - -(82 0)' - sA ) SSRi — SSR2 (47) : Thus The second term on the right < 2 (s 2 W = (X, Z) with Z the diagonal partition of Z at (Ti, T°, T tor of estimated coefficients associated with the regressors (0, (46) SSR — SSR3 for (s; - 8A yZA ZA (62 - SA = ) 39 - sA )zA W(W'W)- l W'zA (6'3 - (I) - (II) - (HI). sA ) Consider the limiting behavior of term be close to 8% given that, on the controlled set Note (I). T {C), t the distance between T, and Tf can be and made small by choosing a small Noting that 8 A e. observations from the second true regime only, 8A is T {C). Hence, for large C, large T and small (l/2)(6° - 8°)'Z'A ZA {8% - 6°) with large probability. C, on T (C), 8* and Z'A W/C = Op (l) that on and (II) is C expression the strong law of large numbers, on 8 A are 0„(1) uniformly. Also (because Z'A W involves no more (I) is it is no enough less than easy to argue T {C), (WW/T)- = than C observations). 1 P {\) t and small Thus e). Because both 82 and 8A are close to (III). large probability for > any given small number p (III) is Thus 8%, \\8 2 — 8A < \\ T, large (this is true for large no larger than pi'Z'A Z&i, with 1 a vector of p with C l's. summary, we have that the inequality SSRi - SSR 2 > (48) By estimated using no larger than (l/T)C 2 O p (l). Consider finally In (II). is close to 8% for a large e, t Next consider term that the estimates £3 will first The holds with large probability. same order of - (l/2){8° 3 magnitude C as A ZA {8l - 8° )'Z' 2 first - 8° 2) term on the ^C 2 P {1) hand right since the smallest eigenvalue of Z'A ZA /C SSRi — SSR2 > Proof of Proposition 7: FT (\ u .,.,X k 0. ( T-(k q )=\^ first is is of the bounded term and thus This proves (44) and thus the proposition. Note that we can ; pt'Z'A ZA L, side of (48) away from zero by A2. The other two terms are dominated by the with large probability, - write: — + l)q-p \ SSRo-SSR k J where SSRq and SSRk are the sum of squared residuals under the null hypothesis and under the alternative allowing k breaks, p)~ 1 SSRk let D —p u (i,j) l)q — a2 Hence, we concentrate on the limit of Now, R (D (i,j), resp.) be the sum of squared residuals from the unrestricted > . (restricted, resp.) observation We have (T — (k + F^ = SSRq — SSRk. respectively. T _i + t model using data from segments 1 i to j (inclusively), to Tj (these notations have different defined in Section 4.3, where the numbering of segments). i and We j refer to the numbering of the observations not Jt+i £Du 1 «=i 40 from meanings from the D(i,j) can then write: F} = DR (l,k + l)- i.e. (i,i), or (^)F^=J^[D R (l,i + l)-D R (l,i)-D u (i + l,i + l)]+DR (l,l)-n u (l,l). Consider the estimate of the coefficients on the first estimate of {X'M-zX)- /? l in the unrestricted X'MzY R and and Let x's. f3 restricted models, respectively. = {X'Mz X)- X'Mz Y l to introduce further notations. Let Yij, Uij, Z= where R be the have U = u and J3 We J3 We (z[,...,zT )'. need Xij and Zij denote the corresponding vectors or matrices containing elements belonging to the partition from segment to segment j from segments z's of 6j using data on the to j in the restricted model. Also, let 6f be the estimate 1 z's Xj and Zj be the vectors or matrices Now, let 8 Rj be the estimate of 8 using data Also, let Yj, Uj, (inclusively). containing elements from segment j only. on the from segment j only % in the unrestricted 8i Yj = 82 = = Xj/3 ... = + ZjS 8k+i = + Uj (with 8 8), We model. have = (zfrr'zM-x^). Y= Using the fact that, under the null hypothesis, and 1 = (£', ... a (k ,8')' + Z6 + U = Xfi + 1) vector X/3 + ~Z8 + U with 8 defined by straightforward algebra yields D R (l,j) = \\ (I - Pz^K^j - XhJ A T ) \\\ D u (j,j) = \\(I-PZj )(Uj-X, A t)\\\ where A T = {X'Mz X)- X'Mz U, l A T = (X'MzX)- x X'M-zU. FT Consider the ith element in the summation defining FT , t = D R (l,i + l)-D R (l,i)-D u (i + = To Kj P* Ml )(Ui, i+ - Xu+1 At) 2 (I - Pzi+1 )(Ui+1 - Xi+1 AT ) f \\(I- - \\ i simplify the exposition, = + l,i ZJj-Xij, Lj || and Mj = X'ltj Uh: U' +i uu+i = ^i,t+i-^i,t+i = U u . || (/ - PZl „)(Uu - Sj = lti 41 Xij , + Ui+ iXi+i, XU A T Z[jUij, Hj Noting that u uu + u:+1 ui+l u' we have l) we introduce the notation = XljXu, in (49), = 2 ) || Z[jZ\ i j, we deduce that FTfi = -%+1 H£ S* + S' Hr 1 + (Si+i-S y[Hi+1 +2S't+1 H-+\Kt+1 A T - 2S' Hr 1 K AT l 1 Si i i - 1 (Si+l Mi)'(A T - AT + ) (A T - AT )'(L i+1 - Li)(A T Using the stated assumptions, we have the following basic convergence = T-V'iXu^jyUu 1) -S i) - Hi)-\Ki+l - Ki)A T Si)'[Hi+l +2(Mi+1 - i i i -2(S,-+i -H ]- a(B1 (Xj ),B2 (Xj ))' = - A T ). results: aB{Xj)' where B(r) is a (q + p) dimensional vector Brownian motion with covariance matrix Q= T-\X U ,Z^)'{X „ZU 2) X From T-^Sj = aB Q21 Q22 easily the following results 2 (Xj); 2 x T- Hj -> p a XjQ 22 c)r- /^-."<r 2 A i g 21 b) Q12 -t'otXjQ. we deduce these two limits, a) ) Qn ; 1 T-'Lj ->» o*\jQ u d) T- e) x ! 2 Mj ; ; => vB^Xj); T 1,2 A T = {T- l X'X-T- x X'Z(T- l Z'Z)- T- ZX)l l 1 x(T~ 1/2 X'U - T- x X'Z{T- l Z'Z)- T- ll2 Z U) x _1 =» <r (Qn - Qi2Q 22 Q2i)-\Bi(\) - Q 12 Q^B2 (l)) = T 2 At- Let A = matrix. We deduce that It remains to consider the limit of (k + 1) by (k + 1) diagonal 2 i) r-^'z -»* a (A ® g 22 T~ X'Z X ii) iii) We T- 1 /2 -> p ^ ) x' diag{Xi,X 2 2 (e'A <g> ..., ) x vector; ..., then obtain T l'2 AT = [T- X X'X - T- X'Z(Tl x[T~ 1/2 X'U (T^iQii - l ~Z'Z)- - T- X'Z(T- (e'A 1 ® Q 12 )(A 42 <g> 1 x T- l ZX)- x Z'Z)- 1 T- 1/2 Z'U] g 2 2) _1 (Ae ® Q^)]" A'. Ai,...,l ; Q 12 where e' = (1,1, 1), a (Jb + 1) a(B2 (Ax), B 2 (A 2 - A ), B2 {1 - A*))' = 5*. a => l 1 - X k }, a - x[Bj(l) (e'A <g> Q 12 )(A ® g 2 2) _1 5'] -1 _1 = ^ [<3n - (e'A* ® Qi2Q 2 2 Q 21 )]- 1 [5i(l) - (e' ® QuQvW] = ff-MQn " QuQ^Qn]- l [B!(l) - Q l2 Q 22 B2 (l)} = A'. l The second equality follows since e'Ae = and 1 ® Q\ 2 Q 22 (e' )B" = QwQm-^MI)- Using the results stated above we easily deduce that (Mt+1 - Mi)\AT - A T (AT SJ+j^rji^+xilr - =» ) 0, - ^)(AT - Ar Ar)'(X,+i - S^H-'KiAr - - (Si+1 ) =» 0, - ff.r^+i - Si)'[Hi+i K )At { )Q^Q 21 A' - aB2 (\i)Q^Q 21 A' -a(B2 (X i+1 - B2 (\ ))Q£Q 21 A* = 0. => <tB2 (\, +1 ) Hence, we are Ft, left i with = -S'l+1 H-+\Si+1 + and we deduce, using the S'.H-'Si +,(5, +1 - Si)'[Hi+1 B2 (\j) = fact that - ff.-j^S+i - £) + op (l), W(\j) with W(\j) a vector crQ 22 of q independent standard Wiener processes, FT , =*> -B2 (X i+i yQ^B2 (X i+1 y\ i+1 + B2 (X 1 i )'Q 22 B2 (X i )/X t -1 +(£2 (A, +1 - B 2 (A,))'g 2 2 (52 (A, +1 - B2 (A,))/(A t+1 J ) = -a 2 +(7 = 2 2 <r || || W(A, +1 ) ) 2 || /A, +1 + a2 ||W(A l+1 )-W(A i )|| 2 W(A i+1 ) - || W(A;) A,) 2 /A,- || /(A, + i-A,) A, +1 ^(A,) 2 - /A l+1 A,(A t+1 || A,). Finally, note that D R (l,l)-D u (l,l) = P^Ur - X,A T = 2U[(I-PZl )X (AT -AT (I \\ - ) 1 2 \\ - \\ (I - Pz^U, - X.At) ) +A T X[(I - PZl )X A T - A T X[(I - PZl )X A T x = 1 0. Hence f: - a2 E ,=i w(A +i) - *sagw '" " A,- + iA;(A, +1 43 — 2 n , A,) 2 \\ 1 and the result of Proposition 7 follows. Proof of Proposition + Ft(£ 1\£) P(Ft (£ + £. Now P(Ft(£ m {m < c(ar,£,T) be the 1\£) > c T<l + l\£) > \ < aT is m By . , the consistency of the m breaks] — = for £ 1, — 0, 1, ...,m 1, enough given the assumption on the rate of decrease of ax- be the number of breaks estimated by the sequential procedure. The event 77io} satisfies where Aj,k = {Fr{k + < l\k) m or,k)- } C Ug^Ar,*, That is, the case that the hypothesis of k against k < definition, conditional on £ breaks) conditional on ct,i\ {m < k By value of the test critical we have since ct,( increases slowly Let = ct,i suppose the true number of breaks sequential test, (51) Let corresponding to a given size aj. (50) for all 9: tuq. By (51), P(AT,k\Tno) —* as T— »• in order to obtain + m < m , it must be breaks cannot be rejected for 1 oo for each k m < It . some follows that mo— P(rh (52) <m Q) < j^ P(A Ttk \m ) -» 0, as T -* oo. k=o Next, consider the event case that the hypothesis of in large {m > mo}. mo In order to obtain breaks against m +1 breaks is samples, with probability no more than or, given (50) with £ = m Combining (52) > mo, it must be the rejected. This happens, m breaks. Formally, by , P(rh (53) m and > m (53), ) < P(FT {m + l|m we see that P(m ^ ) > c T mo \m , m — ) as j < aT T —* oo. estimate of the number of breaks obtained using the sequential test 44 . is That is, consistent. the B Computational Appendix. In this section, we discuss an algorithm based on the principle of dynamic programming that allows the computation of estimates of the break points as global minimizers of the sum The method of squared residuals. directly applicable to the case of a pure is structural change model. Useful references include Guthery (1974), Bellman and Roth (1969) and Fisher (1958). A standard grid search procedure to obtain global minimizers with require least squares operations of order provides an efficient most method that requires least squares operations of order when estimating a model with more than two breaks some savings in the case of computation is two breaks). The basic reason once fairly intuitive number of possible segments is at it is most'T(T-f l)/2 and is minimum sum T(T + distance between each break may be of segments to be considered of (h when the segment is starts at T — hm when m all to h > q. compare possible of squared residuals. zero; for simplicity is we This implies a reduction in the number and h breaks are allowed number some minimum l)/2. Now the largest possible other segments before or after. 1 0(T 2 ). The distance be denoted by h. Note that — 1)T — (h — 2)(h — m also allows done in the construction of the is of squared residuals a date between further reduction in the total Hence minimum loss of generality that segment must be such as to allow segment imposed, as sum possible in which case the suppose without way l)/2 segments are permissible. First, tests discussed in Section 4. Let this is method therefore of order combinations of these partitions to achieve a In practice, less than (the realized that, with a sample of size T, the total as an efficient q at for this possible reduction in dynamic programming algorithm can be seen < 0(T 2 ) any number of breaks; hence substantial savings in computations can be for achieved h m breaks would 0(T m ). The dynamic programming approach — (i.e., 1, the m+1 For example, maximal length of this regimes). This allows a of segments considered of h 2 m(rn + l)/2 — mh . the relevant information can be obtained from the examination of the sums of squared residuals associated with T(T + segments. l)/2 - (h - l)T + (h- 2){h - l)/2 - h 2 m(m + We therefore need to evaluate the sum of squared 45 l)/2 + mh residuals associated with h segments having the following starting and ending dates: starting date i = 1, ..., ending date hm — 1 i=£h,...,(£+A)h-l i = hm + 2,...,T- hm + 1 + — j = j = h + i-l,...,T-{m-£)h j = h h 1, i + i- ..., T — hm = (£ l,...,m- 1) 1,...,T This can be achieved using standard updating formulae to calculate recursive residuals. Indeed, all the relevant information can be calculated from recursive residuals and the fact that the vations is the sum of squared residuals using recursive residual at time of an order 0(T). sum To be t. T — hm + of squared residuals using, say, t — 1 using a sample that starts at date i, and We All the relevant information is = is simply SSR(i,j) be the sum of squared residuals let note the following recursive relation SSR(i,j) obser- be the recursive residual at time j obtained obtained by applying least-squares to a segment that starts at date j. t observations plus the square of the Hence, the number of matrix inversions needed precise, let v(i,j) sets of 1 - and ends at date Brown, Durbin and Evans (1975)): (e.g., SSR(i,j i 1) + v(i,j) 2 . contained in the values SSR(i,j) for the combinations (i,j) indicated above. Once the sums of squared residuals of the relevant segments have been computed and stored, a dynamic programming approach can be used to evaluate which partition achieves a global minimization of the overall essentially proceeds via a sequential ments) partitions. Let sum of squared residuals. This examination of optimal one-break SS R({TTtn }) denote the sum (or first n observations. optimal partition can be obtained solving the following recursive problem: It is SSR({Tm T })= , min mh<]<T— [SSR({Tm . ltj }) + SSR(j + 1,T)]. instructive to write (54) in the following way: SSR({Tm T }) = , + l,T)+ min{m-i)h<h<h-h[SSR(J2 + 1, ji)+ m^(m-2)h<j <h-h[SSR(J3 + 1, j 2 )+ minm A<i <T-/ 1 , l [5'5 i?(ji 3 min*< im ^-m _ 1 _fc[55i2(l,j m ) 46 two seg- of squared residuals associated with the optimal partition containing r breaks using the (54) method + SSR(jm + 1, jm -i )]-]]] The Looking at the minimization problem, we see that the procedure last displayed by evaluating the optimal one-break partition starts possible break ranging from observations h to a set of sum T — (m + + l)h T — mh. Hence, the first step is to store optimal one break partitions along with their associated 1 of squared residuals. sub-samples that allow a for all Each of the optimal partitions correspond to subsamples T — (m — ending at dates ranging from 2h to l)h. Consider Such partitions have proceeds in a search for optimal partitions with two breaks. T — (m — ending dates ranging from 3h to 2)h. step which now the next For each of these possible ending dates, the procedure looks at which one-break partition can be inserted to achieve a minimal sum of squared residual. The outcome The method breaks (or three segments) partitions. of T — (m + l)h ranging from -\- (m — optimal 1 (m — l)h to 1) T — (m + l)h + sum The method can continues sequentially until a set of squared residuals when combined therefore be viewed as a sequential segments into optimal one, two and up to 1 partitions (or into two, three m optimal two T — 2h. The final step is to see which of these optimal (m — 1) with an additional segment. a single optimal T — (m + 1)^ + 1 breaks partitions are obtained with ending dates breaks partitions yields an overall minimal updating of a set of is and up to breaks (or m+ 1 m— 1 breaks m sub-segments); the last step simply creating segments) partition. This dynamic programming method to obtain global minimizers of the sum of squared residuals cannot be applied directly to the case of a partial structural change model. This is basically due to the fact that we cannot concentrate out the parameters without knowing the appropriate partition, global minimization sum is available. Let 6 = (6, 7\, and of squared residuals as a function of the vectors discussed in Sargan (1964), follows. the estimate of First respect to we can minimize SSR(0,6) minimize with respect to 6 keeping keeping 6 fixed, and iterate. objective function. associated with a depend on the optimal partition which we are trying However, a simple iterative procedure the i.e. The convergence Each in fixed ..., to obtain. Tm we can ), 6, i.e. write SSR(0,8). As an iterative fashion as and then minimize with iteration assures a decrease in the properties of this scheme are discussed in Sargan (1964). Note that the first step, minimizing with respect to 6 keeping fixed, applying the dynamic programming algorithm discussed above with y t dependent variable. Since change model. Let 0* {T*} = (rx*, ...,7^)). = (6*, is fixed this is, step is x't f3 as to the indeed, a step involving a pure structural {T*}) be the associated estimate from this The second — amounts first stage (with a simple linear regression with dependent 47 — z' 8* variable y t t for t in regime j (j = partition {T*}) and independent variable x t An issue that remains iteration. We is that then minimizes the = taken as the 1, ..., . the choice of the initial value of the vector all coefficients pure structural change and (j (the regimes being defined by the suggest the following procedure. First apply the algorithm treating /3 is m + 1) 1, ..., OLS let sum 9 a as subject to change, = (6°, {T a }) i.e. of squared residuals. The — treat the initial z't S^ even when some of the model }. as one of (7\, ...,Tm ) value of the vector on x m + 1), the regimes being defined by the partition {T a is to start the dynamic programming be the estimates of S and estimate in a regression of y t a choice of the startup value /? t for t in regime j The reason for such that the estimates of the break fractions are consistent coefficient of the parameter vector 5 = (<$i, ..., 8q ) do not change across regimes provided at least one does change at each break date. Hence, this choice of the starting value for /5 is asymptotically equivalent to the estimate associated with the global minimization and should, accordingly, allow obtaining global minimizers with respect to all the parameters in a few iterations. 48 References [1] Alogoskoufis, G.S. and R. 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I 9 a 1 .90 8.02 9.56 10.45 11.07 11.65 12.07 .95 9.63 11.14 12.16 12.83 13.45 14.05 .975 11.17 12.88 14.05 14.50 15.03 15.37 .99 13.58 15.03 15.62 16.39 16.60 16.90 .90 11.02 12.79 13.72 14.45 14.90 .95 12.89 14.50 15.42 16.16 16.61 .975 14.53 16.19 17.02 17.55 17.98 .99 16.64 17.98 18.66 19.22 20.03 .90 13.43 15.26 16.38 17.07 17.52 .95 15.37 17.15 17.97 18.72 19.23 .975 17.17 18.75 19.61 20.31 21.33 .99 19.25 21.33 22.01 22.73 23.13 .90 15.53 17.54 18.55 19.30 .95 17.60 19.33 20.22 .975 19.35 20.76 .99 21.20 22.84 .90 17.42 19.38 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 12.47 12.70 13.07 13.34 14.29 14.50 14.69 14.88 15.73 16.02 16.39 17.27 17.32 17.61 15.81 16.12 16.44 16.58 17.27 17.55 17.76 17.97 18.15 18.46 18.74 18.98 19.22 20.87 20.97 21.19 21.43 21.74 17.91 18.35 18.61 18.92 19.19 19.59 19.94 20.31 21.05 21.20 21.59 21.78 22.07 22.41 22.73 23.48 23.70 23.79 23.84 24.59 19.80 20.15 20.48 20.73 20.94 21.10 20.75 21.15 21.55 21.90 22.27 22.63 22.83 21.60 22.27 22.84 23.44 23.74 24.14 24.36 24.54 24.04 24.54 24.96 25.36 25.51 25.58 25.63 25.88 20.46 21.37 21.96 22.47 22.77 23.23 23.56 23.81 23.90 24.34 24.62 25.14 25.34 25.51 26.84 5 15.35 17.02 6 15.56 17.04 .95 19.50 21.43 22.57 23.33 .975 21.47 23.34 24.37 25.14 25.58 25.79 25.96 26.39 26.60 .99 23.99 25.58 26.32 26.84 27.39 27.86 27.90 28.32 28.38 28.39 .90 19.38 21.51 22.81 23.64 24.19 24.59 24.86 25.27 25.53 25.87 .95 21.59 23.72 24.66 25.29 25.89 26.36 26.84 27.10 27.26 27.40 .975 23.73 25.41 26.37 27.10 27.42 28.02 28.39 28.75 29.13 29.44 .99 25.95 27.42 28.60 29.44 30.18 30.52 30.64 30.99 31.25 31.33 27.06 27.46 27.70 .90 21.23 23.41 24.51 25.07 25.75 26.30 26.74 .95 23.50 25.17 26.34 27.19 27.96 28.25 28.64 28.84 28.97 29.14 .975 25.23 27.24 28.25 28.84 29.14 29.72 30.41 30.76 31.09 31.43 33.25 33.85 .99 28.01 29.14 30.61 31.43 32.56 32.75 32.90 33.25 .90 22.92 25.15 26.38 27.09 27.77 28.15 28.61 28.90 29.19 29.49 .95 25.22 27.18 28.21 28.99 29.54 30.05 30.45 30.79 31.29 31.75 .975 27.21 29.01 30.09 30.79 31.80 32.50 32.81 32.86 33.20 33.60 .99 29.60 31.80 32.84 33.60 34.23 34.57 34.75 35.01 35.50 35.65 .90 24.75 26.99 28.11 29.03 29.69 30.18 30.61 30.93 31.14 31.46 .95 27.08 29.10 30.24 30.99 31.48 32.46 32.71 32.89 33.15 33.43 35.07 .975 29.13 31.04 32.48 32.89 33.47 33.98 34.25 34.74 34.88 .99 31.66 33.47 34.60 35.07 35.49 37.08 37.12 37.23 37.47 37.68 .90 26.13 28.40 29.68 30.62 31.25 31.81 32.37 32.78 33.09 33.53 35.65 .95 28.49 30.65 31.90 32.83 33.57 34.27 34.53 35.01 35.33 .975 30.67 32.87 34.27 35.01 35.86 36.32 36.65 36.90 37.15 37.41 .99 33.62 35.86 36.68 37.41 38.20 38.70 38.91 39.09 39.11 39.12 Table 3: Empirical Results: U.S. Ex- Post Real Interest Rate Specifications zt = q= {1} p 1 = h=2 M=5 SupFT {4) SupFT (5) 51.88 44.76 Tests 1 SupFT (l) SupFr (2) SupFT (3) 58.53 44.16 53.76 Number Sequential Procedure 2 LWZ 2 BIC 2 of Breaks Selected Parameter Estimates with = = = *i <5 2 S3 = = T, T2 1 The supir7'(fc) tests Two 2 Breaks 3 1.36 (.16) -1.80 (.50) 5.64 (.59) 72:3 (71:2-73:4) 80:3 (80:2-80:4) and the reported standard and confidence errors vals allow for the possibility of serial correlation in the disturbances. inter- The het- and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix is constructed following Andrews (1991) and Andrews and Monahan (1992) using a quadratic kernel with automatic bandwidth selection based on an AR(1) approximation. The residuals are pre-whitened using a VAR(l). 2 We use a 1% size for the sequential test supFr(^ + 1|^). eroskedasticity 3 (i = In parentheses are the standard errors (robust to serial correlation) for 1,2,3) and the 95% confidence intervals for T^ and T2 - £,- Table 4: Empirical Results: U.K. CPI Inflation Rate 1948-1987 Specifications zt = q=2 {l,y t -i} = p h = 5 M=5 Tests Su P FT (l) SupFr (2) SupFT (3) SupFr(4) SupFT (5) 5.34 12.69 12.74 10.76 8.58 SupFr (2|l) SupFT (3|2) SupFr (4|3) SupFT (5|4) SupFT (6|5) 10.70 7.47 4.58 1.71 1.66 Number of Breaks Selected Sequential Procedure LWZ 1 BIC 3 Parameter Estimates with one Break = = 4,i <$2,1 = .025 (.013) 4,2 .274 (.316) 4,2 4,1 = = -021 (.010) 4,2 -488 (.220) 4,2 f2 = = .024 (.013) .739 (.125) 1967 (1961-1973) Parameter Estimates with 4,i = = = = -130 (.029) 4,3 -115 (.206) 4,3 1973 (1972-1974) 1980 (1979-1981) = = Two -011 (-019) -633 (.223) Breaks t H c m s—v lO r I I i— II CX en 3 CO O O ' to to <# co cm co CM o O CM II ex CO r* CM 03 CM 3 • CO -a CO J£ lO oi v> o a o •^ 3 cr W > s3 o co II CO a _o -^ -•-? co +J rd U cC II Cy co Is CO £ « W « M cm to v <?~ <?~ »h <t~- CO r-l r^ CM CM <i- m o ^ ^ I 3 V s- CO II II II to - CO S- CO CO« w QJ ex CO 3 < 3 to "3 CO ft. CM t— CO 00 I>CO lO -rt> CM CO oo — O £± N ^ — *~~fI ' I .—l CM *< co CO CM t- oo iO CO °° O o CX CO CM ^" t— ft I— CO .— I 7 <1 ^ O t~ N rn w § » CM CM CM S 3 -<* CM CO II •-" CO CM CM CO CTi ^^ CO o> «o -L CM CM 05 II II II II CO CO Oi lO as II II II CO ~ ^<i- V 3 ii it II II i-> o> oo -* r CM lO CM -o O o H CM CO N §*« ^CX o> »i CO 3 CO _ c 3 cr CO - •< — I <-i « CO T <L_. " <f~ <f- <*- <<- <— OS Ol co co co CO r >-i r >=? «1 CJ OJ'h <c>l II i-t II CN ,', CD CD O 2~i cD c CD cn CD GO CD co m X I ~0 O U) r-t- CD M 7J (D Q Z5 CD ~i CD CD cn Q CD CD 00 o CD cn I (D 00 CD 00 CO CD 00 cn i MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00940 0828 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 CD CD Ln O CD Ln cn C — ft) ro CD cn O c 7\ O T] CD cn cn zs — tl Q i—t- 5' CD O -x\ o I—I- CD CD -J ID Ln CD CD O CD Cn Ln CD CD O CD 00 1 Figure 3: A particular configuration of (7\, T2 T3 , ) in the set T (C) £ defined in the proof of Proposition 3 T, 6a Si *? 6° °2 7^0 To L / 2554 ) 1 % °3 2 TO J 3 Date Due gift 2 8 1390 Lib-26-67