M-IT. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/estimationofstruOObaij Dewe^ HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics ESTIMATION OF STRUCTURAL CHANGE BASED ON WALD-TYPE STATISTICS Jushan Bai 94-6 Dec. 1993 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ESTIMATION OF STRUCTURAL CHANGE BASED ON WALD-TYPE STATISTICS Jushan Bai 94-6 Dec. 1993 APR 5 1994 Estimation of Structural Change Based on Wald-Type Statistics Jushan Bai* Massachusetts Institute of Technology* Revised: December 1993 Abstract This paper addresses structural change in a linear regression model with an unknown change point. The change point is estimated by maximizing a sequence of Wald-type of the estimator. statistics. T-consistency This paper focuses on the convergence rate is Asymptotic distributions obtained. for the estimated change point and the estimated regression parameters are also considered. The analysis applies to both pure Key words and and partial structural changes. phrases: Structural change, Wald statistics, weak conver- gence, change point, T-consistency. JEL Classification Codes: C13, C21. thank Jerry Hausman and seminar participants at Brown University for very useful comments. Mailing Address: E52-274B, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, jbaitait .edn. Cambridge, 02139. Phone: (617) 253-6217. Fax: (617) 253-1330. email: "I f MA Introduction 1 In a regression framework, structural change with a shift in some of the of the shift point point is when unknown and must be estimated. Estimation it is statistics. These sequence of Wald unknown statistics is maximum. is (1960) for When shift point. known thejhift point used in constructing the from sequential estimation carried out estimator statistics are typically Chow the existence of a structural change; see for considered a regression equation regression coefficients. This paper focuses on the inference based on Wald-type Andrews (1993) may be for every possible test. of the shift used for testing shift point is not known, a This sequence results sample split. The shift-point then defined as the point where the Wald statistic achieves For ease of reference, we shall call this and its global estimator the W-estimator. Under normality with independent and identically distributed errors, the Wald statistic just the F-statistic. to When a single parameter changes, the W-estimator maximizing a sequence of The Wald type statistics is is identical t-statistics in absolute value. can be thought of as a measure of the distance between the estimator of pre-shift parameters and that of post-shift parameters. Correctly identifying the shift point will tend to may also consider the pre-shift this distance and vice versa. One sample drawn from one distribution and post-shift from another whereby the Wald ance." maximize statistics can be viewed as "between sample vari- Correctly classifying the observations into two samples will maximize the "between samples variance" relative to "within samples variance," cation framework. It is interesting to note and is as in the classifi- straightforward to prove that, when the Wald-statistics are computed using a sequence of least squares estimators, the W-estimator is equivalent to minimizing the because LM-type statistics statistics in linear and LR sum statistics are of squared residuals. Furthermore, monotonic transformations of Wald models, the W-estimator can also be obtained by maximizing a sequence of these latter statistics. This may not be true for nonlinear models or for estimation methods other than least squares. 1 There are tics. First at least two advantages for basing the and most important, Wald consistency proof given later. We estimation on Wald-type statis- statistics are particularly explore the structure of the convenient for the Wald statistic as a distance between pre-shift and post-shift estimated parameters and are able to show that this distance advantage and are is globally is maximized only near the true Wald the computational convenience. many built into and estimating the null hypothesis of shift point can be performed concurrently. no change, one may wish Andrews statistics are easy to compute software packages. In addition, testing for a parameter shift Upon Wald statistics is tests statistics from studied by Hawkins (1993). Structural change in linear regressions was considered early on by The problem has rejecting the to estimate a shift point simply the test statistics. Testing for a change using (1987) and The second shift point. Quandt (1958). received considerable attention recently in the literature. Various have been put forward in Well known examples include the op- use. timal test of Andrews and Ploberger (1992) and the fluctuation test of Ploberger, Kramer and Kontrus (1989), in addition to the Wald type of tests mentioned earlier. Tests for change in nonstationary time series models have been developed by Per- ron (1989), Banerjee, Lumsdaine and Stock (1992), (1992), and Vogelsang (1992), among others. comprehensive bibliography on the subject of tion of structural change has also been Chu and White (1992), Hansen Hackl and Westlund (1989) offer a The estima- its early development. examined by many researchers. given by Krishnaiah and Miao (1988). Methods of estimation include A survey is maximum like- lihood (MLE), nonparametric, least squares (LS), least absolute deviation (LAD), and Bayesian estimation, among others. MLE is studied the most, examples cluding Hinkley (1970), Picard (1985) and Yao (1988). i.i.d, on two i.i.d. Nonparametric estimation samples. LS is These authors deal with Picard (1985) and Yao (1987) focus or autoregressive models with a shift. local shifts. in- is considered by Duembgen (1991) for studied by Hawkins (1986) and Bai (1993a) and LAD by Bai (1993b). Bayesian estimation and Tsummi summarized monograph by Broemeling in the (1987) (also see Zivot and Phillips (1992)). be found in Bai (1992). type is These statistics. In this paper, statistics are we estimate the is Despite the large body of been obtained for linear regressions. Furthermore, we consider the problem in by using Wald shift point based on least squares estimation. Our aim to establish T-consistency for the proposed estimator. literature, T-consistency has not Further references can context of partial structural change in the which some of the regression parameters hold constant throughout the sample. Thus these parameters should be estimated using the The efficiency. entire sample in order to gain difficulty of the consistency proof increases dramatically structural change in contrast to pure structural change. under partial Bai (1993a) essentially considers a pure change problem and offers a simple argument of consistency. Despite the increase in difficulty, this we shall work with a partial model includes pure structural change pure and partial problems parameters. in The Wald type and The use We deal with the a unified way by concentrating out the unchanged of statistics serves this purpose well post-shift parameters and Wald method is statistics are and allows us also allow heterogeneous is necessary for based on these estimators. known likelihood estimation. We and dependent disturbances. The design of the regressors virtually arbitrary but satisfies estimation. maximum to used to estimate the pre- of least squares estimation enables us to relax the assumption of a error distribution function as is model because as a special case. focus on the shifted parameters. Least squares shift structural change some standard assumptions under least squares and time trends are allowed. In particular, stochastic regressors In addition to the T-consistency of the shift point estimator, root-T consistency for the estimated pre-shift and post-shift parameters Asymptotic distribution problem is magnitude, for the is W-estimator also established. is also considered in this paper. This studied for shifts with shrinking magnitudes. Under a shift with a fixed it is mathematically intractable to obtain the asymptotic distribution except for some i.i.d. samples with shift, as shown by Hinkiey The asymp- (1970). for the shift point. We also derive the asymptotic distribution for the estimated regression parameters. We totic distribution allows one to construct confidence intervals show that the asymptotic distribution for the latter normal and is is the same as if the shift point were known. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 specifies the model and the underly- ing assumptions. Section 3 proves the T-consistency of the W-estimator. The root-T consistency and asymptotic normality for the regression parameters are also derived Section 4 examines the asymptotic distribution of the shift-point in this section. Concluding remarks are provided estimator. Some in Section 5. technical matters are collected in the Appendix. Models and Assumptions 2 Consider the following linear regression with a structural change: where {e t } is t unknown the = xtf + ei, yt = x't + + eu z't 6 vectors of regressors (x t 1 shift point, and /? and is all we shall model assume zt is = obtained B!x t t Let us introduce = (£i,£2,--,£r)', XQ = 1,2, (* = fco ...,*<>) + (1) l,...,T) . shift at [see time some X x 1 (2) and zt R with where p zt is < q); further notation. Let y = (yy, fc The matrices X\ . e t are For dependent When x t = zt , , column rank (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,i ,0,...,0)', . k a sub-vector of x t a partial More a discussion]. for full zt 6, ko, (0, ...,0,Xfco+ i,...,xr)'. 1 and /?, is x q yt to estimate = is may include lagged When ko. Andrews (1993) The purpose p x e t are uncorrected with x t some matrix for transformation of x £ assume the parameters of the model shift = unknown parameters. When the 6 are uncorrected over time, the regressors x t and z t disturbances, (r a sequence of unobservable disturbances that are weakly dependent; x and z t are p x is yt and ..., generally, so that z t <j yr)', 2 is a linear with a focus on k X = (x\, X2, ..., X = (0,...,0,xfc + i,...,xr)\ and X depend on k, but 2 2 we . xt)'> and this dependence Z\ be displayed will not X = X\R, Z2 = 2 R, and Zq for notational succinctness. = XqR. Equations and (1) (2) Furthermore, let can then be rewritten as y We = X0 + Z = consider the problem of testing 6 + e. S (3) based on the Wald unknown, the matrix Z cannot be constructed. The strategy obtain a sequence of Z2 (recall depends on mean such as the 3 and Wald 6, the dimension of i t is is = to of testing 6 for k = p, p + 1, and then using . .. is , T—p as a test and 6k on be the X least squares estimators and Z2 The corresponding . then 1 —— m— J q M — I — X{X' X)~ and S(k) can be written X x and S(k) the is w km ** +1 >-"> T -* ' sum of squared residuals. Note that Si, as 6k S(k) is , Because k value of the sequence, or other functional of this sequence, respectively, obtained by regressing y statistic where /() is value. For each fixed k, let 0k t() = where where p Z2 by replacing Zq with statistics k), maximum statistic the of Wald test. = (Z'2 MZ )- l 2 Z2 My = J>« - xtk The the indicator function. WT = z t S k I(t > k)) 2 test statistic for testing 8 = is WT {k) sup (5) iT<k<(\-i)T where e > dard, see is a small positive number. The limiting distribution of Andrews (1993) Wj is nonstan- for details. Now assume 6^0. Our objective is to estimate the shift point k Q the shift-point estimator as the location where the maximum achieved, namely, k = argmax ,< J fc < T _ p VVT (fc) of . Wald We define statistic is where p is the number of We columns of X. k the W-estimator for ease of call reference. This approach to estimating of a shift has been used in empirical applications. Christiano (1992) looked for potential Note the restriction k € [p, T — p] is GNP changes in U.S. needed to ensure the existence of estimators. However, no restriction of the form k € [eT, (1 — e)T] Although both the numerator and denominator of Wr(k) of is using F-statistics. is (4) least squares required. depend on k, it not difficult to show that k can be obtained by maximizing the numerator alone and can also be obtained We state by minimizing the denominator alone. simple this result as a proposition. Proposition 1 A A k That as is, = argmax fc W:r(fc) = argmax fc 6 k (Z2 A MZ 2 )6k = argmin fc 5(fc). the W-estimator obtained by maximizing Wald-type statistics minimizing the sum of squared residuals. To see squared residuals under restricted estimation (8 = 0), this, let is S denote same the the sum then the Wald statistic of is ^» = (^P)(^P). Because S does not depend on k and the Wald formation of S(k), k it follows immediately that k = argmax {5 — 5(A;)}. The fc [see Amemiya statistic = is a strictly decreasing trans- argmin proposition then follows from fc 5(fc). Or S — S(k) = equivalently, 8k(Z'2 MZ2)Sk (1985, p. 31-33)]. For a linear model with least squares estimation, tonic (increasing) transformations of the be obtained by maximizing LR and LM Wald LR and LM statistics, statistics. statistics are mono- thus W-estimator can also Despite these facts, with Wald statistics for two reasons. First and foremost, Wald we shall work statistics lead nat- urally to the consistency arguments, as will be seen from the proofs below. Other forms of test statistics do not have this advantage. Second, under estimation methods other than least squares (e.g. instrumental variable estimation or GMM estimation), the results of Proposition LR equivalence of Wald, may 1 and not hold. In particulax, for nonlinear models, the LM no longer holds, but our analysis which statistics is based on Wald statistics has the potential to be extended both to other estimators and nonlinear models as well as simultaneous equations systems. For example, Lo and Newey (1985) and Andrews and Fair (1989) consider structural change problems based on Wald-type test statistics and nonlinear simultaneous equations. for linear In the case of pure structural change, that k = argmax, {(/?, = (X[X\)~ X[y x where f3\ - k)'[{X[X x )- 1 is, x = t + (Xyra )- l ]-»(A - &)} = {X^Xt)" X'2 y The term 1 and $2 W-estimator becomes z t , the . inside the braces represents a weighted average of the distance (squared) between the pre-shift and post-shift parameter estimators. The W-estimator maximizes In addition to the shift point, Let is, = J3 we (3(k) and 6 = Z2 replace Zq by same In 8(k) be the estimators of with k = limiting distribution as what are also interested in the regression parameters. follows, we use to zero in probability for 1 € TV- ||A|| = • || || 6 corresponding to k. We (3). That shall establish and if the shift point to were known. is random op (l) to denote a sequence of p (l) to denote a sequence which Bj = O p (l) if is For a matrix A, we use ||A|| stochastically bounded. each of used to denote the Euclidean norm, variables converging i.e. its elements ||i|| = is V {\). ' 1/ (5Zf=i I ?) to denote the vector- reduced norm, 2 i.e., sup r ^||Ax||/||x||. We make Al. ifco = the following assumptions: [tT], A2. The data where t € (0, 1) {(y t T,XtT,ZtT)\ 1 notational simplicity, the subscript where and k and then estimate model For a sequence of matrices Bj, we write The notation /? and 6 are root-T consistent, asymptotically normal, and have subsequently that the we this distance. R is p x 9, rank(iZ) = q, z t and < T t [•] is < T, will the greatest integer function. T > form a triangular be suppressed. € IV, x € TV, t 1} q < p. array. In addition, zt = For R'x u A3. The matrix sup ; >i j T,ttu \\- x x Yfttu t 't\\ x x t zero -jtj bounded stochastically is —Q xx where , Ylt=i x t £ t =* -^( 5 )i mean and positive definite for large values of is bounded away from zero 1S A4. j(X'X) A5. 't\ x t x't J2t=i Q xx for large — j\ and Furthermore, I. ;'. and positive is finite where B(s) every fixed for \i definite. multivariate Gaussian process with is covariance matrix E{B(s )B(s 2 )'}=n( Sl As l 1 ) where lTi][T,) i = n(s)=Km-'£'£E{x T-oo T i=l ;=1 G.(*\ The notation "=»" stands for the real number j^XtCt r > x' e i e j ). j weak convergence A y" stands topology, see Pollard (1984) and "x A6. For some i r/2 C> for all 1 z') 1] with the Skorohod minimum for the 2 and constant < C{j - in D[0, value of x and y. 0, < i < j < T. t=l Assumption Al assumes that the shift point is This assumption can be slightly more general, and tj,t € (0,1). form {t/T) e (£ g(t/T). > Assumption A2 allows 0) or, more for for bounded away from the end example, &o = ['TrT'h where tj — r trending regressors written in the generally, written as any function of the time trend, Expressing trending regressors in this way avoids a scaling matrix that would otherwise be required when deriving limiting distributions. The A3 points. requires that a positive definite. sum The involving an increasing latter half is number typically implied numbers. Assumptions A4 and A5 are standard independence of the errors see e.g., Wooldridge is not assumed. A5 is (1980) and Andrews and Pollard 8 by the strong law of large satisfied for a and White (1988). Assumption A6 (1990). half of must become Note that for linear regressions. martingales or strongly mixing sequences with some Yokoyama of observations first is wide range of settings, satisfied for moment x e that are t t conditions, see, e.g., Define f p = We shall show k/T. that f is consistent for r and prove that T(t-t) = (l) in the following section. The Consistency 3 In this section, tain its we first convergence of f establish the consistency of the W-estimator The rate. latter result and then ob- also used for obtaining the limiting is distribution of the W-estimator as well as the limiting distribution of the estimated regression parameters. First, the consistency result: Proposition 2 Under assumptions A1-A5, for any To > 0, when T > TQ we this proposition, - r\ Proposition 1, k behavior of Vj{k). and n > 0, there exists = > < n) 6' k (Z'2 MZ 2 argmax Vj{k). To obtain We show can only be maximized near k . that, The if ^ 6 )6 k we examine the global then with high probability, Vj(fc) 0, basic idea . consistency, fc shall e. define VT (k) = By > , P(\r To prove e to is decompose Vr(k) — Vr(ko) into two parts: a "deterministic" part and a stochastic part. The deterministic part maximized near ko, whereas the stochastic part we the deterministic part. To see this, first Sk = {Z'2 MZ2)- {Z'2 8* = 6 x + (ZLMZo)- uniformly small (in k) relative to notice that MZ l is is )S + {Z'2 MZ 2 )- 1 Z' Me, 2 Z'Q Me, therefore VT (k)-VT (ko) = = 6k (ZWZ 6'{(Z )6k-6ko(Z'Q 2 MZ 2 +h(k,S,e), )(Z'2 MZ 2 MZ )- l (Z' 2 )6 ho MZo)-(Z (6) MZ )}6 (7) (8) where = h(k,6,e) 26'{Z'Q MZ 2 ){Z2 MZ l + e'MZ2 {Z'2 MZ2)- 2 )- x Z2 Me-26'Z'Q Me Z'2 Me-e'MZo{Z'Q Expression (7) constitutes the deterministic part and h(k, tic paxt. MZ (9) )- x Z' Me. Q (10) e) constitutes the stochas- 8, Denote X& = XA and define X 2 - X = = -(X2 -Xo) = X& , (0,...,0,Iito+1 ,...,x fc ,0...,0) to be a zero vector if k = k so that X 2 the distinction between the positive and negative signs X = X ±X±. 2 ZA = Set for k (0, ...,0,ifc+i,...,Xjkp,0,...,t))' XA R, and for < k > k k = X is immaterial, we simply write + Xasign(fc — k). When let ' m= 7W When we k = k , *'{(^MZq) - {Z' MZ 2 ){Z' 2 is = Note that S'6. semi-positive definite. must shift-point estimator k k\f(k). ))6 • *y(k) is We (U) satisfy Vr{k) non-negative because the matrix have the following identity VT (k)-VT (ko).--\ko-k\i(k) + — MZ both the numerator and denominator of f(k) are zero. In that case inside the braces l^o 2 )-\Z' 2 \k^k\ arbitrarily define 7(^0) The MZ > h{k,S,£) for all k. Vr{ko), or equivalently, h(k,8, e) Thus we have F(f-r|>7 = 7) <p( sup P(|fc-* J |>r 7) J \h(k,6,e)\> inf |*o - *b(*0 t <p( sup \h(k,6,e)\>T V \p<k<T-j> = P(lT l sup r- 1 inf \ko-k\>Tv |Mfc,*,e)l>'7) p<jt<r-p 10 (12) 7 (*)) J > where = 7r Lemma A. 2 shows that 77 J" Next we verify at at the rate of of h taken over shall \/T all k, is it O p {T~ l/2 log(T)), is a stronger not difficult to see that h(k,6,s) grows We not enough. is (13) (13) T follows that h divided by It . show that converges to zero in must prove that the maximum value possible k grows at a slower rate than T. This the precise argument. Divided by T, the is Thus consistency = op (l). sup \h(k,8,e)\ p<k<T-p we (13). In fact, probability. However, this Here 1 than needed. For each fixed most zero. from will follow result 0. and bounded away from positive is > inf -f(k) l*-*ol>ru indeed the case. RHS term of the first is of (9) can be written as 26'^=^=(ZiMZ2 )(Z'2 MZ2 )- l/2 (Z'2 MZ2 )-^Z2 Me. The law (14) of iterated logarithm implies that y 1/2 Z sup \\(Z2.MZ2 2 Me\\ = O p (log T). (15) k where the supremum is taken over supBT B'T = sup k by {Z'Q T MZ is Q) T~ l l M (14) M£ = O p (T- T is obviously O v {T~ O p {T~ l,2 \ogT). We It 1 /2 2 is ). l ). )(Z'2 M O p {TFrom 1 2 '2 )~ x (Z' 2 log T). (15), su Pjt to the first statistics. M T. Next we k, or equivalently, Combining these Q) < {Z'Q MZ for all k ) The second term and of (9) divided T- e'MZ2 {Z2 MZ2 )-'Z'2 Me = term of x (10). results, The last term of (10) we have T~ sup t l \h(k, di- 8, e)\ thus establish the consistency of the W-estimator. should be pointed out that the consistency Wald-type < l O p (T -1 (log T) 2 ), which corresponds vided by k T- {ZoMZ2 )(Z2 MZ2 )- {Z'MZo) = O p (l). = O p (l). Thus Z'Q uniformly in < k But the above follows from (Z' l values of k such that p A^{ZqMZ2 ){Z2 MZ2 )~ xI2 = Op (l) show Bt — T- all The is obtained by globally searching the consistency argument does not require that the searching 11 be limited within a positive fraction of the data points such that k € The implication Wald type that the sequence of is the two ends, attaining maximum global its statistics is well [eT, (1 — e)T}. behaved even at near the true shift point. In a recent paper by Nunes, Kuan, and Newbold (1993), they prove the consistency but without obtaining any rate of convergence. Also their arguments require restricted searching. Next we establish the T-consistency result: Proposition 3 Under assumptions A1-A6, for any P (\T{f - t}\ >C) = P > Vr(kQ by Again because Vr(k) ( it VT (k) > sup - (|ifc definition, ) P Jfcol T. Thus any 2, for to prove (16), e it is > —k where K(C) = Finding the maximum but this is 0, : \k \ < Vr(ko)] e. show (16) «. / and a > sufficient to Pi=p( {k C > there exists a 0, > C) < suffices to \l*-*ol>C Proposition > T such that for large By e we have P(\k — k 0, > Ta) < t for large show that VT (k) > VT (k sup \ > C and Ta < k )) < < (1— a)T} e for a small K(C) amounts value over the set legitimate only after establishing consistency. number a > 0. to restricted searching, Note Vr(k) > Vr{kQ ) is for large C equivalent to Thus P\ < P[ h(k,6,e) sup \keK(C) By Lemma = A.2, inf fc6 K-(c) l(k) and large T. Thus it =P — > for is sup \k€K(C) ko 12 — k 7 (fc)V bounded away from any fixed h(k, 8,e) \ inf k fcr, which show that suffices to P2 Jcq A> >A )<e 0, (17) when C is Consider the terms large. data (at itive fraction of in k. Thus e' e'MZQ {Z' MZo)- O p {l)/\k - k\ l M Z' 2 {Z'2 Next consider S\Z'Q 2 )~ x Z' 2 Me because 2 MZ ){Z'2 2 - O p (l) — \k )- x Z' 2 > k\ A> Z2 = Z ± Z& Use MZ involves a pos- /T)~ X A5, where = O p (l) Op {\) uniformly on K{C). - \k C Choose C. k\ is large is by uni- Similarly, bounded by enough so that 0. deduce that to Me Me ± 6'(Z'A MZ2 ){Z'2 MZ2 )- 6'Z'2 2 Therefore (10) divided by e/3 for any pre-given (9). = M Me = O p (l). < O p {l)/C P(O p {l)/C > A) < MZ (Z2 observations), thus T~ xl2 Z'2 Me = O p (l) by assumption assumptions A2-A4 and form Ta least Z2 For k € K(C), in (10). l Z'2 Me = 6'Z^Me ±6'Z'^Me ±6'{Z':,MZ2 ){Z2 MZ2 )- 1 Z'2 Me. (18) Therefore, 6'{Z'Q MZ 2 )(Z'2 MZ 2 ko \8'Z'A Me\ Me - 8'Z' Me )- x Z' 2 — (19) k + \h\Z^MZ2 ){Z'2 MZ2 )- x Z'2 Mt\ (20) \ko-k\ S'Z'^Me — ko Now k + 6'{Z'A MZ 2 ) (Z2 MZ2 \~ X (Z'2 Me (21) ko-k by assumptions A3 and A4, MZ 6'{Z'A 2 — ko Z'^Zt^ ) k ko — k Z'^X* — ko (X'Xy-l k \ 1 T J X'Z2 T P (1), which together with the functional central limit theorem implies that the second term of (21) is (the case of k 1 ko — O p (T> ko is Z'Me = k x l2 ). Next, Z'A Me = Z*e - x Z'A X(X'X)- X'e. Suppose k < similar), then 1 *0 1 £ E **-TTk Ko- K k0~ K k K t k+ i I \ t=k+1 ko 1 *° Y, **t + ~ K tsfc+1 O v {T-" 2 13 ). «<] (X'X/T)'\X' £ /T) J k It remains to be shown that P for a given A. 3, there exists a P than less is Proposition t such that > A) <t. L > 0, such that for 1 A> any >A < ,k<ko-C which 0, K t=k+i "Q sup I C> 1 sup I ,k<ko-C By Lemma A, there exists a when C and C> A r Cr / 2 large for a given A. This proves (17) is 0, and therefore 3. T-consistency seems to be typical for shift-point estimators, just as root-T consistency is typical for other parameters under regularity conditions. T-consistency obtained under nonparametric estimation in the case of two bgen (1991). The same rate of convergence and a mean, see Bai (1993a, also established for LAD Duem- estimation b). Given the convergence rate of $ and samples, see a strongly mixing sequence or a linear process with least squares estimation in shift in is i.i.d. is k, it is relatively easy to show that the estimators of 6 are not only root-T consistent, but asymptotically normal. In estimating the regression parameters, we use k in place of Icq. Because of the fast rate of convergence, treating k as ko does not affect the limiting distribution of the estimated regression = parameters. Recall that Corollary 1 = 0(k) and 6 6(k). We have Under assumptions A1-A6, together with (M-!!)-™> e t being uncorrelated, n where V= ,. plim —1 ( T,t=i x t x t \ Ht=ko x t zi (22) „ For serially-correlated disturbances, the variance-covariance matrix of the limiting distribution is given by v- uv~\ x 14 where „ £/ = ,. Zl>i / 1 hm— £(*^e,-e,) £?>*„ ~ jB(*««Je*«i) \ (23) I Methods developed by Newey and West (1987) and Andrews (1991) can be used estimate the matrix U. When a and $ have the same that sion here is estimating t a and may be after a structural Lemma A.l and possibility the can be constructed possible to have a regressor in z An Lemma in the determined conventional does in fact exist. shift by using the identity variable but not in x The play. t That . is, only current proof does extension to cover this case requires similar results to A. 2 without assuming z t M, variable in the matrix new t change does a new variable enter into not allow this scenario. new Notice were known. The conclu- This conclusion assumes that a t-statistics). . required that the vector z t be a sub-vector of x t or a linear transformation It . ko if in place of k that, although the estimators of regression coefficients are way (based on of x and U, one uses k limiting distributions as sequentially, confidence intervals for We V to in Lemma which and including it in t One may . A. 4. Another solution explore this to include the is equivalent to assigning a zero coefficient to is x = Rx t But . this method produces an inefficient estimation of regression parameters and consequently an inefficient estimation of the shift point as well. i 4 Asymptotic Distribution and Confidence Sets We now consider the limiting distribution of the W-estimator for small shifts (shifts of shrinking sizes as T increases). There are two reasons intractability for shifts of fixed magnitude. dependent for fixed shifts and thus indicates that, even for an distribution is is One difficult to obtain. The result of normal sample with a mean of less practical importance. similar to that of Picard (1985) and Yao (1987). 15 is limiting distribution enormously complicated. Second, because of the limiting distribution is i.i.d. The for this. this the technical is highly data Hinkley (1970) shift, the limiting data dependence, The approach we take here We find a limiting distribution for small changes. This limiting distribution can then be used as an approximation to the underlying distribution for moderate shifts. Of course, the approximation not be satisfactory for large insight in on how Nevertheless, the limiting distribution provides shifts. the precision of the shift point estimator and serial correlation affects what way the magnitude may of the shift and regressors influence the precision of the shift point. We assume the magnitude of shifts, -4 ||6r|| In the previous section, we treated \\ = fco = - oo. + for the of Vr{k) argmax = 2 0(||6r|| ) — varies in a an<^ u is a real KT (V) = For any given V> 0, we (25) may be found Bai (1993a,b). Given the in may be obtained by the local Vr{ko) in conjunction with the continuous By functional. weak convergence when k where X\ T and established: 0„(l). convergence rate (25), the limiting distribution of k theorem (24) + Op (\\6T \\- 2 ). ko omit the details here. Similar results weak convergence such that we can show modifications, k We Vf\\6T 0, T depends on 6 as a constant not varying with fc With some \\6\\, the local weak convergence neighborhood of k such that k number {k: k = kQ in a compact + [v\t% \v\ < set. mapping we mean the = k + [uA^ 2 ], Let V}. derive the limiting process of VT (ko + M? 2 ]) - VT (ko) for v € [— V, V]. Suppose Vr(ko theorem then implies Xj(k— ko) of an argmax functional, On Kt(V), we we + [vX??]) - Vj(fco) =* G(v), the continuous — argmax For a discussion on the continuity refer to v G(v). Kim and Pollard (1991). have a more simplified expression 16 for Vr(k) — Vr(ko). mapping Proposition 4 Under assumptions of A1-A6 VT (k) - VT (ko) = w/iere o p (l) The proof is is is 1: ± 26T Z'A e + o p (l) uniform on Kj{V). provided in the Appendix. Thus the limiting process of determined by Case -S'jZ'^Z^t — 6tZ'a Z&6t ± We ISjZ'^e. Vj(jfc) — Vj(/fc ) consider two leading cases. Nontrending regressors but possibly correlated errors. Assume that the regressors satisfy [T>] Y plimT-00 * for all r. Let Aj = £ Ziz'x i = sQ plim-^^ - and J 1=1 T T ££ 8' t Q6t- Consider the limit of S^Z'^Z^Sj OjZ^Z^Ot — A T Since Z'^Z^ involves |[uAj 2 ]| E(z,-zJ-e,-Cj ) =Q t=ij=i = for k Icq + [uAj 2 Now ]. —3 (the absolute value of [vAj 2 ]) observations of z t , we have 7'. 7. MO i-a uniformly in v € [—V, V] (note that A^ — oo). This implies » 8' t Z'a Z&6t —* \v\ uniformly in u € [—V, V]. Next consider the By limit of 6' Z'^e. T Assume v < the functional central limit theorem of S'T Z'A e = 6' T £ A5 0, that is, k = k + [vX? (re-scaled), z«e t =» ^Wi(-») t=fc+i where W^-) is a Brownian motion process on [0,oo) with Wi(0) 17 = and 2 ] < k . The weak convergence on Jfc [-V,0], > ko space D[-V,0], the set of cadlag functions denned in the is endowed with the Skorohod topology (i.e., > v [see Pollard (1984)]. Similarly, when we have 0), fc t=ko+l where W 2 (i;) is processes another Brownian motion process on W\ and W 2 and W(v) 0, W (v) — 2 for v (— oo,+oo). Then combining these VT (k + 2 The - ko) -i* definition for — we have - VT (k ) ]) 2 <f> , we can its {6' T Q6T) For uncorrelated errors, because special case is follows that #(ib Case 2: a shift in - argmax ifco) <r 2 2 0(||6t|| ). first 0, - |w|/2}. given in (35). In view of the is write 2 ~ l T n6T)- {k {6' ft = <r 2 M -1 V * (26) Q, (26) becomes fc) -£ V- (27) t = 1, so Q= 1. It V\ Trending regressors. Assume Let us < Denote the random variable the intercept only. In this situation, z -*-> for v functional, a density function z< = the functions ft(x) have bounded derivatives on is The two 2<t>W{v). ^ argmax v {W(t;) in variable. (Jl9hl { k - A + => -|v| for the from a change by V*, |u|/2} Aj and 0. a two-sided Brownian motion process on 0, argmaxJ-M + 2<j>W{v)} = last equality follows argmax„{W(i;) ^(0) = W(v) = W\{— v) Let results, 2 [v\t > From the continuous mapping theorem \ T {k oo) with are independent because they are the limits of non-overlapping disturbances that are only weakly dependent. W(v) = [0, g(t/T) [0, 1]. show that S'tZ'^ZoSt 18 - \v\ = Let (gi(t/T),...,gq (t/T))' A?r = and T g(T)g(T)''8j which S' uniformly in v € [— V, V]. Consider the case of v S'T Z'^ST = £ 6T < k (i.e. < ko). Then g(t/T)g(t/T)'6T (28) t=k+i = {ko - +8' T t in v is equal to {ko We € [— V,0\. Note that (30) X £ (30) WIT) - 9(r)][g(t/T) - g(r)}'6 T £ [g{tlT)-g{T)\g{r)'6 T — k)\\ = — [uAj 2 ]A^, (31) which converges to —v uniformly next argue that (30) and (31) are o p (l) uniformly on Kt(V). bounded by is 2 dg(x) *o £ 8' T 6T sup (29) = k+l +26'T Expression (29) k)6'T g{T)g{T)'6 T dx (< - hf/T 2 < B \\6r\?{ho x - kf/T 2 < B 7 (T 2 \\6t\\*)- 1 -. 0, t=k+l (32) for some constants B\ and 5j. The proof = T g(ko/T) that (31) is also o p (l) is similar. Next S T Z'A e = Suppose the hand side £ S'T £j g(t/T)e t 6' £ et + 4 J) [j(i/T)- 5 (VT)k t . (33) are uncorrelated, then the variance of the second term on the right is *% £ ^)-</(wr)][j(t/r)-s(io/r)]^ which converges to zero by (30) and determined by 6' Tg(r) J2tLk+i e t - Because k by the functional central limit theorem 6' T9(t) The argument for v > is Thus the (32). £ = k^ + [uAf (see A5), £< = »Wk(-v). similar. In particular, ^Z^e limiting distribution of (33) = <rW {v) 2 19 2 ] and A?r = 6' is T g(T)g(T)'6T, where W 2 {-) is another Brownian motion process independent of W\{-). Define W(v) as in the previous case, we have VT (ko + [uAf - VT {ko) 2 ]) => -\v\ + 2aW(v). This implies, by the continuous mapping theorem and a change in variable, \f( k - ko) _^ where A?r = convergence f>T9{ T )9{ T )'fostill _ argmaXu{v^ (u) a2 u|/2}) (34) | For stationary and serially correlated errors, the above holds but with a 2 replaced by h *2 h l }™ h->oo iZZE(^)h = 1=1 J=l Confidence Intervals. To construct confidence asymptotic results (26), (27), and intervals for k Under case (34). distribution function for the G(x) for > i = 1 + W and G(x) 1 '2 = 1 ^-*'* — G(— x) function of a standard normal are easy to obtain. All a2 . However, 6j as fJ2t=i z t z t- is The a2 . l -{x [see random we need variable Yao (1987)], variable. variance it is So quantiles = is random t Q6t and S' Q (35) variable for the variance can be simply taken ^5(fc). Similar to the a root-T. consistent estimator For serially correlated errors, one also needs to estimate the matrix the methods of Newey and West trending regressors, Ay = (1987) and S'T g{T)g{T)' Sj by g(k/T)g(k/T)', which only uses the . </(f )<7(r)' observation. for constructing confidence intervals are easy to obtain. interval is given by [k - 2 a- c o/2 /A^, k 20 Cl Andrews (1991) can be used. The matrix k-th. is, the distribution is for this The matrix b2 |u|/2} x a 2 can be estimated by a 2 = not difficult to show given by (27). |e *(-3v£/2) where $(x) are estimates for Xj 1. is V — argmax„{W(t;) — + 5)*(-v^/2) + estimable, see Corollary result of Corollary 1, of random we use the (non-trending regressors) 1 together with uncorrected errors, the limiting distribution of k The , + a 2 ca/2 /\T] A and For can be estimated All quantities necessary 100(1 — a)% confidence where ca / 2 is V. the a/2 percentile of the distribution of Because the estimated change point k close to k Q is , one can estimate Aj in either case by ( M^ . \ some for m difficult to true for m > 0. k+m \ is and 5 . ? H*t £=fc-m / In the case of trending regressor such that z t show that ^ (EJ2U, 2 2 : <) = g(t/T), m/T (E*^ m z -* 't z t) (£, for m= example, should be close to Finally, the confidence intervals for regression relatively large. it ~> 2( r )s( r )'> for each fixed m. This growing unbounded but satisfying contains no trending regressors, then j^ m \ 2 Q not is is \ff . also If z, provided parameters 6 are constructed in the usual way. Concluding Remarks We have considered part or all shift point the structural change problem in a linear regression model where of the coefficients have a shift occurring at an is unknown estimated by maximizing a sequence of Wald the T-consistency for the estimated shift point. time. statistics. The unknown We established In the case of partial structural change, the unchanged regression parameters are estimated with the whole sample, whereas the shifted parameters are estimated with subsamples. With the presence of structural change, we have demonstrated that the sequence of are well behaved in the sense that the sequence achieves the true shift point. Thus the maximization the search for a maximum in the global statistics maximum near done via global searching. Confining is middle of the sequence (ignoring some fractions of the sequence in the beginning or at the end) for a linear regression its Wald type is not necessary. We also noted that with least squares estimation the shift-point estimator can be equivalently obtained by maximizing a sequence of F-statistics, LM-statistics, or LR-statistics. When only a single parameter be obtained by maximizing a sequence of 21 is allowed to change, the estimator can t-statistics in absolute value as well. In addition, we studied the asymptotic distributions for the shift-point estimator as well as the regression-parameter estimators. These results enable one to construct confidence intervals. Most importantly, the asymptotic results provide insight on how the precision of the shift-point estimator depends on the regressors, the magnitude of the shift, and serial correlations in the data. of regressor designs, with time trend also permit heterogeneous It will Our results hold for a and stochastic regressors wide range as special cases. We and dependent disturbances. be interesting to extend the argument of by Andrews (1993), who employs Wald, LM and this paper to the setup considered LR statistics to test for the exis- tence of a structural change in nonlinear models. These statistics are constructed using instrumental variable estimation or more generally the Hansen-type timation. estimator. tor. By maximizing An models and hope this a sequence of these statistics, one also obtains a shift-point important unresolved topic Much work for paper is GMM es- is the consistency of the resulting estima- needed to make the analysis of this paper applicable for nonlinear models with nondifferentiable objective functions such as LAD. will stimulate further research in this area. 22 We A Appendix Lemma A.l The following two MZQ MZ inequalities hold: MZ )>R {X'£,XA ){X' X r (Z^MZo) - {Z' MZ ){Z' MZ ){Z' ) - {Z'Q 2 ){Z'2 , x 2 2 2 X 2 l 2 2 MZ {X' XQ )R, {Z2 ) k<k {Z2 MZo) > RfX'^XA (X'X - X'2 X2 )-\X'X.- X^X Proof of (36). Write H= {X'2 X 2 - {X'X)~ )- X X 2 2 A = H X/2 (X2 X2 )R. X A' > 0. 2 2 kQ (37) . jfco, (38) X )R}- R!{X'2 X2 )H{X' XQ )R. 1 2 2 -A{A'A)~ Since I A' is H x I2 is identical to (39). Z^MZo - R (X'Q Xo)H(X , , 112 A{A' A)~ A' x Thus = R!{X' X )R > R {X'£,XA )(X^X , 2 X )- X last equality follows and is from x 2 2 X X'Q XQ omitted. 23 - (X'2 {X' + Xr 2 {X'Q XQ )R > 0. show )- X (X' side of (40) X XQ )[{X'Q Xo)- XX = hand - (X'X)- - H] = R!{X'M{X2 X2 )The '2 l suffices to it In fact, the equality holds in (40) because the left R!{X'Q Xo) [{X'Q XQ )H xl2 from the left and (X'q Xq)R, we obtain Xq )H{X'q Xq)R- R!(X' Xo)H The second term above (39) a projection matrix, we have Multiplying this inequality by R'(X'Q multiplying from the right by R!{X'q > ) 2 2 2 - A{A'A)- k )R, x 2 / / < For k . MZ )(Z MZ y (Z MZ = R (X' X )H(X X )R {R(X' X )H{X' X (Z' Let (36) l {X' X )R. (40) is Xq )R ](X'Q Xo)R XQ )R X'A X A . The proof of (37) is similar Lemma A. 2 Under assumptions A2-A4, for bounded away from That defined in (11). is notice that for any number n > = inf \k-k<,\>c < Proof: For k X'A X& j(k) inf k Lemma by , be written as R'[(X (41) is positive. far apart (i.e., £~3£ X'^ X& A.l part = such that ko — X when X& Also in probability. inf ~t(k) V ' |*-*o|>C RHS £j3£ 5Zjl fc+1 x t x't k of (36) is )R6. if X'A XA > zero, 0, when in fact positive definite, is bounded away from is (41) positive definite since contains enough nonzero elements). the can it LHS of k and ko are Also when k by A2 and A3, < k , for all k large. In addition, is v v bounded away from zero ~ = for all k ,Jgf>c bounded away from zero. < ko. {**%=! The P j sup - i ^2-^2 \ Thus we can choose > ko can there exists Y,2 t X Xo T-k C sufficiently large ww«) case for k A. 3 Under assumption A6, ° T-k \T-kJ so that Lemma > - + (X'^X^-^R. Thus )- X v \-i/(A AoJ v \ [A 2 A.2) is 7c > 8'B!^±{X'2 X2 )-\X'Q X Note that X'^X^ / is = (i), positive definite then the is and positive for large T. 7 (jfc) > If is f(k) IK ' lim inf t~<x Icr is, \k-ko\>Tr, Tn > C for 0, = 7T because 0, where zero, for and i{k) C > large et t=l 24 > A be proved similarly. L > < such that for any m 7M' A> 0, Proof: This is essentially proved by Serfling (1970) omitted. Note for z t e t i.i.d. (Theorem lemma or martingale differences, the Details are 5.1.). is the Hajek and Renyi (1955) inequality. Extension of the Hajek and Renyi inequality to a linear process of martingale differences Proof of Corollary the estimators $ and is given in Bai (1993a). Let us use Zq to denote Zq 1. when X by regressing y on 6 are obtained k replaced by is and Zq. Then k. Equation can (3) be written as = y with e' = + (Z — e we have when Zo = to show 6 *""' X'X X'Zo ZQ X ZqZq *1_ / T \ ko (the case of k > -Lr(Z Since the sum we have J_( VT\ X'e Z'Q e + X'(Zo-Z + Z' {Zo-Z the is same )6 )6 as the limit show plim-^X'(Z - < m that the limit of the right-hand side is Zq. Let us Supposing k +e Zq)S. Proceeding in the usual way, *({:» All +Z X/3 only involves ko The (43) converges to zero. — k is Zo)6 similar), -Z ) = = 0. (42) we have E ^= k terms, and ko — x k t z't . (43) = O p (l) by Proposition zero limit for (43) certainly implies plim 3, = fX'Z plim fX'Zo- All other terms involving Zq can be treated similarly and the derivations are omitted. Remarks: Corollary not only holds for fixed 1 and -v/ril^Tll —^ oo, as in the setup of Section and (42) can be proved as Since the sum x {Z° ~ *° involves about sumption, (v/rPrl!) -1 — * but also holds when = In this case, k k + \\$t\\ 2 ||<$r||" —* O p (l), follows. Note: ' "jr 4. 6, 0, m 2 ||<Jt||~ and - vm\ ,£ 11 terms, || I,2; " Ejl i+1 xt z't \\ mi \\6 so the desired result follows. 25 T 2 \\ '- = O p (l). By as- Lemma A. 4 The following S'T {{Z' MZ identity holds ) - (Z' T (Z'±MZA )6T Lemma follows simplify A. 5 Under (z) Proof of 2 *H^*)|| = (Hi) ||T- (iv) e'MZ2 {Z'2 MZ2 )- 1/ )-\Z'2 MZo)}8T = fact that Z' MZ 2 . = Z2 MZ2 ± Z'±MZ2 . A1-A6, op (i) VA/ZA ||=op (l) l Z'2 Me - e'MZQ {Z'Q MZQ )- x Z'Q M£ = op (l) uniform on Kj{V). (i). 11^(^)11 = <£Mo Proof of 2 '%(Z'tMZ2 )\\=op (l) \\T- is MZ 1 from the (zz) where the op (l) )(Z'2 the assumptions of ||r-V l 2 - ST {Z'A MZ2 )(Z'2 MZ2 )- {Z^MZA )6T 6' The proof MZ 11 ^^^ p (i) 11 = _L_o (i), - —7=6'T (Z'±X) P 0p( i). (ii) -l -j=6'T Z'±MZ2 By part (i), = -j=6'T Z±Z2 the second term is op (l)O p (l) be proved in exactly the same way as k < kQ and equal to zero for k Proof of > = op (l). in part (i) ko). (iii). 26 ( -jr~j That the first ~Y~' term is op (l) can (Note that Z'^Z2 equals Z'^Z^ for 2 Because e'Z& consists of only A^ observations, the functional central = implies that At||£'^a|| term on the right and \(ko-k)\/T is = KT (V). being uniform on the second term Proof of is Use (iv). P (1) Z2 = (X'ZA )/T = follows that it Finally, • Zo theorem This together with y/TXj -* oo implies that the p (l). op (l). Consider the second term. Because o(l), limit = o p (l) ± Z& from e'X/y/f X'Z&/(kQ — k) op (l), where = O p (l) O p (l) first = O p (l) and o(l) both and (X'X/T)" 1 = O p (l). op (l). to obtain e'MZ2 {Z'2 MZ2 )- Z2 Me = x £'MZ {Z2 MZ2 )- ZoMe + The the result of left hand (iii) MZ±{Z2 MZ2 y Z2 Me + £'MZQ {Z'2 MZ2 r Z^Me. x 1 e' ' imphes that the last 1 two terms above are op (l)0 p (l) = o p (l). Thus side of (iv) can be written as Z2 MZ2 \~ e'MZp l (Z'Q MZo\~ X Z' Me Because the two matrices inside the bracket converge to the same limit on Kt(V), (iv) is proved. Proof of Proposition Lemma By 4: the definition of Vj(fc) — Vr(kc) [see (7) and (8)] and A. 4, VT (k) - VT (ko) = From the (44) _ -6' {Z^MZ^)6T T definition of M, + the 6' T (Z'A first MZ 2 ){Z^MZ2 )-\Z2 MZ^)6T + h(k,6T ,e).{45) term of 6y(Z^MZ^)St = SjZ^Zk&T — (45) is S'fZ'^X y/T By Lemma (A.5)(i), the second term on the right is (X'X\ \ T ) -l X'Z&St y/f op (l), leaving S'jZ'^Z^St- Now the second term of (45) can be written as, upon appropriate scaling, 6T {Z^MZ2 ){Z2 MZ2 )- 1 {Z2 MZ^)6T = T- 1/2 6t (Z^MZ2 ){Z'2 MZ2 /T)-\Z2 MZ£,)6tT- 1/2 27 . (46) On KT (V), (Z^MZi/T)- 1 = P (1) and by Lemma A.5 (ii), consider the last term of (45) h(k,6T ,e) [see (9) and (10) for A.5 (iv) says (10) is o p (l). Lemma A.5, it is 26' {Z' T Q Combining these Using {Z' MZ 2) = {Z'2 MZ 2) ± (46) o p (l). is its definition]. Z'A MZ 2 Next, Lemma together with easy to show MZ 2 ){Z'2 MZ 2 )- x Z' 2 Me - 26'T Z'Q Me = ±26' Z*e T + op (l). results yields Proposition 4. 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