Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/publicactionforpOObane Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of PUBLIC ACTION FOR PUBLIC GOODS Abhijit V. Banerjee Lakshmi Iyer Rohini Somanathan Working Paper 07-05 September 30, 2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract_id=961497 Social Science Research MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGV __. I FEB 1 5 2007 LIBRARIES j Public Action for Public Goods Abhijit Banerjee, Lakshmi Iyer and Rohini Somanathan* September 2006 Abstract This paper focuses on the relationship between public action and access to public goods. by developing a simple model of collective action which is We arguments rely begins intended to capture the various mechanisms that are discussed in the theoretical literature on collective action. intuitive theoretical It We argue that several of these on special additional assumptions that are often not made clear. then review the empirical work based on the predictions of these models of collective action. While the available evidence is generally consistent with these theories, there Moreover, a large part of the variation "bottom-up" forces highlighted in these in access to public is a dearth of quality evidence. goods seems to have nothing to do with the models and instead reflect more "top-down" interventions. We conclude with a discussion of some of the historical evidence on top-down interventions. Keywords: Public goods, JEL collective action codes: H41, 012 'Department of Economics, MIT (banerjee@mit.edu), Harvard Business School (liyer@hbs.edu) and Delhi School of Eco- nomics (rohini@econdse.org) 1 Introduction 1 Public goods in poor rural communities are remarkably scarce. Basic health and education have long been regarded as fundamental rights, yet constitutional and political commitments towards them remain largely unmet. Over a quarter of adults in developing countries are illiterate, at least not immunized, twenty percent of the population without adequate sanitation. Within set of countries for mind the inadequacy there compared numbers are and Russian regions and it is how we levels. do live is considerable variation both across countries and inside level. 2 Even keeping in comparisons of this type arising from the way regions and public goods striking. In Nepal, access to schools For Kenyan provinces, this ratio slightly over 1.5:1 for Mexico and Thailand and negligible While without access to clean water and more than half which secondary data are readily available at the sub-national to the worst. children are contains figures for access to public goods and associated outcomes for a small difficulties of cross-country are defined, these in 1 all 1 this picture of overall national boundaries. Table is a quarter of in is is 8:1; it is ten times better in the best districts more than 2:1 for both Indian states Chinese provinces. In contrast, regional differences are small Vietnam. true that the largest gaps in access are typically found in the poorest countries, are to explain the considerable variation that remains after we take account it is not clear of differences in income For example, public goods do not seem to arrive in any particular order as countries get richer. Nor different types of public goods generally move together. scarce and unequal in South Asia but this electricity and transport facilities. 3 is less Vietnam has Health and education services are especially true of other types of physical infrastructure such as roads, sizable gaps in physical infrastructure, but equal access to health and education. Economic reforms and prosperity have been accompanied by considerable convergence 4 in access to education in India but by growing inequalities Physical access to of course just one aspect of provision. facilities facilities is are often dysfunctional: A in China. study in which enumerators made surprise health clinics in Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Peru, and countries, present, visits to many Data sources primary schools and Uganda concluded, "Averaging across the Even when physically about 19 percent of teachers and 35 percent of health workers were absent" . of these providers were not working: In India, only half of primary school teachers present ^NDP, Human 2 Recent surveys show that existing Development Report 2005, Tables 1, 6, and 7, pages 222-243. accompanying Table 1. We present data are described in the notes at the largest sub-national level for which they are customarily reported. 3 4 Human Development Report, 2006. Zhang and Kanbur (2003) show sharp increases in the Gini coefficient United Nations, Asia-Pacific of illiteracy rates for Chinese provinces after 1985 even though corresponding changes in income inequality across provinces were relatively small. In contrast, school availability during the nineties increased fastest in the backward states of Central and East India (Office of the Registrar General of India, 2001). were actually teaching when the enumerators arrived (Chaudhury In a survey of a hundred et al, 2004). hamlets in the Indian state of Rajasthan, enumerators found that most hamlets had a government health sub-center, but repeated visits revealed that of the time (Banerjee, some of these are almost never open, while others are Deaton and Duflo, 2004). These measures of public good quality are often correlated 5 with physical access. In such cases, regional disparities are the distribution of It likely to in access to education, better hygiene, health The National could be entirely explained by differences in what people want. by the Centre "What question: for the are the three response and was ranked Nearly a be even larger than those suggested by facilities. seems implausible these very large differences carried out open most first Study of Developing Societies main problems people by about a quarter of all like and longevity Election Survey in India, 10000 voters an open-ended in 1996, asks you face today?" Poverty was the most popular respondents, but public goods came in a close second. respondents listed problems associated with different types of public amenities (education, fifth of all 6 Voting behavior also drinking water, electricity, transport and communication) as their "main problem". seems to office reflect these preferences: there are when their tenure is in providing public goods. bottom-up processes resources. In section 2, of incumbent associated with poorly functioning public services. Motivated by observations call numerous instances in we like these, politicians being voted out of 7 a recent literature has focused on collective action by communities In this approach, the distribution of public goods which communities compete, lay out a determined by what we is in various ways, to lay claim to limited public framework within which the theoretical research understood and outline conditions under which these models provide clear predictions between community characteristics and the strength of where the theory is collective action. We in this area for can be the relationship also discuss the many cases ambiguous. Section 3 surveys the empirical research related to these models of collective action. consistent with the view that collective action is The broad patterns seem an important part of the story of why access varies so much. However, an exclusive focus on these bottom-up mechanisms leaves important questions unanswered and a great deal of the observed variation in public goods unexplained. In particular, one observes where the biggest expansions of public goods were politically weak. For example, allocations augment school resources for in areas that The Probe Team 6 See Center for the Study of Developing Societies (1996) documents Indonesia in the 1970s and programs to in were both concentrated in regions with the worst educational 5 (1999), chapter 4 instances have historically been both economically and elementary schools in India in the 1980s, many this for public schools in India. for survey questionnaires. Tabulated data for this question were provided to us by their Data Unit. 7 The incumbent Congress Party in the Indian state of the landslide victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party and water). A majority of voters surveyed in is Madhya Pradesh was often attributed to their Madhya Pradesh defeated in the Assembly elections in 2003 and mantra of "bijli, at that time felt that there quality of public infrastructure during the term of the incumbent government. ( sadak, pani" (electricity, roads had been a deterioration The Hindu, 2003). in the outcomes and the expansions in education in Europe, North America and Japan in the early twentieth century were often targeted towards the most marginal members of these societies. 8 During the colonial era in India, the autonomously ruled princely states of Cochin and Travancore invested heavily in education and health absence of any political imperatives, and the unusually high social outcomes in the present-day Kerala in the state are, in part, "an We example of princely autonomy having widespread, long-term conclude that the distribution of public goods tive action and various top-down is relate to changes in the technology of providing public goods, to the compulsions of the state, or the private objectives of have common in is that they are largely unrelated to what where the public goods get supplied. We 9 the outcome of interactions between the forces of collec- These other processes may processes. effects". is its happening on the ground agents. What they in the specific area end the chapter with a few historically significant examples of these types of interventions. Understanding Collective Action 2 The premise a part The by of, of this approach is that an individual's benefit from a public good depends on the group he is but his costs of participating in group activities are privately incurred. early literature in this area discusses the provision of schools and other facilities that are financed local taxes, or community resources such as water bodies and forest lands that are created, and often maintained and monitored, by voluntary contributions of labor. More recently, the focus has shifted to the role of political competition in explaining public good provision. Public infrastructure in poor countries is usually centrally financed and individual communities compete in various ways to claim resources from the Community state. action in such cases includes writing to state officials, entertaining them, making private contributions for the good and a range of other influence activities. The basic structure of both these models levels is similar. Individuals acting non-cooperatively choose effort based on the costs and returns from such investments. In the case of local provision, group benefits depend directly complex on the public goods technology. Under political process. central financing, they are the result of some more Either way, since returns depend on the collective behavior of different groups, the equilibrium allocation of public goods will be determined by the distribution of group characteristics. We 8 refer to research in both these traditions but use the language of political competition in presenting the Lindert (2004), chapter 5 and Benavot and Riddle (1988) present cross-national figures for primary school enrollments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Goldin (1998) documents the rapid expansion in secondary school enrollment rates in North the 9 first America in the inter-war period. decade of the twentieth century. Jeffrey (1993), p. 56. Sen (2001) briefly describes the spectacular growth in literacy in Japan during theoretical results of this section. We by summarizing the basic start logic of a collective action-public then proceed to various extensions. Suppose that there are Think of these as m, perhaps m goods problem a simple model and groups in society with m,...,n m members. homogeneous communities. spatially distinct, in We will subsequently introduce subgroups to capture within-community heterogeneity. Groups compete to extract public goods from the we state; are interested in group varies with the nature of this competition and the ultimate allocation of public goods how characteristics: their political visibility, their tastes, their size, their potential benefits from public goods, and other social factors that influence their ability to act together. Denote by members a,ij the effort put in by of group j and A member i of group j. We will sometimes use Aj to denote for the aggregate effort of all groups. Benefits of group j are denoted by bij(nj). The dependence on total effort from the public good for by member i allows for possible congestion effects which might rij reduce the per-member value of the public good as a group gets larger. The probability that group j will succeed in extracting the public expended by the group, is as well as the total effort given by m expended by nk assume that 0, J2j > 0) increases fnj > this probability and that f\j + $2j > when a group and /22; < 0. may for all j. We first (fij < These conditions imply that the probability of receiving the good always do not impose the assumption that £} fj In particular, we = 1 We also assume that and thereby allow aggregate also allow for the possibility that none of the get the good. effort given by a^, is m b ij( n j3 assume that agents choose a the political competition tj to i)fj(J2Y2 game that equilibrium effort level is maximize results > \. The payoff to agent aik >J2 ai ^~ Tlfc /c=l i=l in group j a ij- their private benefits i=\ t 1 ) and focus on the Nash Equilibrium of from these non-cooperative decisions. The TLj is j=l given by: m i nj nfc k=l i=l for the i=l puts in more effort, keeping constant everyone else's effort. Suppose that the cost of the We other groups in society. This probability increasing in the second argument and decreasing in the is provision to respond to aggregate effort. groups all effort rij k=l i=l We good from the state depends on the m nk fc=l i=\ nj i=\ first order condition The second order + condition, fuj + 2/i 2 j < /22J assumed to hold everywhere and is Notice that we do not allow effort decisions to be coordinated at the group effort would be chosen so as to n fa )/j of effort. ) k=l i=l is i=l would be 1j 771 Tlfc Tlj m nfc n-j j=l /c=l i=l i=l /t=l i=l i=l Aggregate be higher. This first-order by the other groups, each member effort effort in group j would now choose a higher (assuming that the groups play a Nash Equilibrium in own on other members and puts effort effort choice) member the well-known free-rider problem in collective action; each the spillover benefits of his they were, each member's (J2J2 aik 'J2 aii ~ a U i=l For any fixed choice of w maximize Y, and the corresponding level. If for all j. in less effort level would also tends to undervalue than would be optimal for the group as a whole. Even though the structure of this game implies that tion it makes everyone worse group and, as a result, off. Aggregate free-riding always hurts the group, there welfare through wasteful competition. There it inflict costs free-riding By our model. We In other words, there Some What remains true are then left we do not no scope is that groups which are with questions about how such any other type of organization shown to be empirically important problems in public goods settings and our main reason for staying clear of make almost any group outcome implementable. We theory of such coordination required make this in mitigating free-rider them here coordination mechanisms can we come back allow for actions explicitly aimed at improving group for leadership, sanctions or of these devices have been is is will for the characteristics. focusing on non-cooperativp equilibria, cooperation. in community We each reduce social normal to be grateful it is harder for them to go to war with each other! free-riding are likely to be less successful. influenced by is may on other groups and nothing surprising here; is to this point later in our discussion of the empirical evidence. more subject to no presump- effort enters negatively into the probability of success of groups that are especially active disunity within social groups that makes is approach interesting and sharpen is that strong enough believe a micro-founded predictive power, its and are not aware of any such theory. Returning to our particular model, can be shown that it if fU j + f\2j < agent chooses his or her ay non-cooperatively will have a unique equilibrium. a*Arij\ n_j) to be the optimal choice 10 This condition holds, 11 This condition small relative to A may for example, if /j of = a^ in the \-rf-\ , and a is a £ not too close to zero. 11 game where each For future reference, define unique equilibrium of the political competition game when (0, 1). We will frequently return to this particular specification. often be violated. For example, in the case where fj for all j the for all j, On = -^M , (a € the other hand, the condition 6 (0, 1]) is , it sufficient only holds when Aj is but hardly necessary. there are 12 people in group j and n_j people in the other groups, rij The uniqueness of the equilibrium (which of an artifact of the way we set makes it it now be a trade-off between paying the good for sure, and the gamble of trying to get solution to the first + m 2j j) 0. what is aj -p to presumably a higher price and getting If bij{rij) = bj for all j, the and can be rewritten as a (4) j fc=i rijaj. same. The right hand of equation second order condition fall in rij change (4) is declining in rij for individual must be accompanied by a in the aggregate effort level that /nit + /i2fc < for any group A k. latter because it is less likely to fall in —p > Uj(hj\n-j). hand left Aj to restore equality Both the fall in Aj and the is declining in their effort given our little effort rij A_j rise in Aj (by the will make group assumption j worse off, to start with (as a result of free riding) succeed in receiving public goods when Now side This however corresponds to a in (4). and causes other groups to increase the corresponding decline in the utility of the bj and the maximization) so with no change in the behavior of other groups, the the former because the group was putting in too have model considered suppose some members of group j defect to the market so that n, goes down but n_j remains the Now If = of the something (Y^A k ,Aj )]=/3(^-)^ *=i = ay statics), is at a price p, yielding a net payoff of by rn (£A k ,A + f faj < from the public system. it order condition (2) takes the form bj [flj where Aj the corresponding payoff be up the game. The simple and plausible modification was possible to buy the "public" good on the market 13 There would the buyer. let about the comparative easier to think below introduces the possibility of multiple equilibria even when fuj Suppose and members remaining share of total effort declines. its in and the group j is large enough, we may everyone else in group j would also want to defect, leading to a new equilibrium with group j entirely in the private market. A sufficient condition for there being two equilibria is for some The rij > 0. is entirely natural 12 n_j represents the vector 13 Such It is likely 14 There is (rai l bj-p U*(0;n-j) < bj-p much more and captures the idea that there ...,nj_i,nj+i,...,n from the public market to be > 14 multiplicity here "exit" Uj{nj\n-j) is m in trying to get things ). costly for services such as roads, public health or law good through no point plausible for certain services such as education, individual medical care a third, "unstable" equilibrium in between these two, in which trying to get the is collective action and purchasing it all the and electricity. and order. members from the market. of group j are indifferent between from the public system your compatriots have deserted you. if all For the rest of this section we will ignore comparative statics questions. We the possibility of such multiplicity in order to better focus on the discuss, in turn, the various characteristics of them their ability to collectively invest in activities that bring communities that determine public goods. Power or Influence 2.1 For a variety of historical, sociological and economic reasons, certain groups hold power within society that is disproportionate to their castes in India through in the birth Obvious examples are whites size. most of in South Africa in the Apartheid years, high large landowners in Brazil, capitalists of the robber baron years its history, United States and party apparatchiks in China in the recent past. and sometimes circumstance. The existence of such groups is Group membership is sometimes by often associated with autocratic regimes, although democracy per se does not rule out their salience. Those that control economic or social hierarchies often influence the functioning of democratic institutions in their favor. In terms of our model, an increase in power not accompanied by a sharp shift is of success for more powerful groups. This are independent of The fall in is captured by a shift in the /}(.,.) function. the productivity of is effort, easy to see in the case where West was in the and national legislatures clearly for institutional changes often 2.2 how such power aimed influences public goods. at reallocating .) = •), and effort costs women and Our changed power equations For instance, the extension of the selected minorities was classes and resulted in In India, the reservation of seats in local also intended to shift the balance of power discussion of the evidence on public goods allocations suggests that these had important effects. Tastes Tastes for public goods in our model are captured by the parameters for a public special case more there 0jf{., power towards the working composition of government spending. in those specific directions. in /,(., 9. that allow a careful study of dramatic changes as this we would expect a higher probability institutional histories of nation-states are dotted with instances of dramatically franchise in the As long is fey. To rank groups by good would involve comparisons of the distributions of these where effort all members of a group enjoy the same their preference benefits across groups. benefit, groups with higher values of bj In the would put and face a higher probability of receiving the public good. In the more general case where within-group inequality in benefits, we could define group j as placing a higher value on the public 8 good than another group k This k. is perhaps overly if benefits for all restrictive members and would of group j are higher than those for in general provide only a partial ordering of members of group group preferences but would once again generate the positive association between higher benefits from public goods and their greater availability. The notion that differences in preferences can be used to explain the distribution of public goods has a long and hallowed tradition in public economics, going back to the work of Tiebout (1956). At the core of this approach the idea that geographical differentiation in tastes emerges as an equilibrium outcome of is a sorting process in which households select residential areas based on the public goods they offer. With well-functioning housing and credit markets those that care most about public goods get the best provision. insight of the Tiebout approach The important was a "mechanism to was that for local public goods, as for private goods, there force the consumer-voter to state his true preferences". certain conditions, the equilibrium allocation of public goods is efficient. 15 It also Models of showed that, under have been this type widely used to explain the response of local government budgets to the demographic characteristics of city populations. Subsequent work in this tradition has public good allocations can be fairly tenuous. He shows that public goods. individual heterogeneity in many practical cases. average child in Much it is however shown that the link between preferences and Benabou (1993) allows for spillover effects in the benefits from these can result in variations in quality across neighborhoods even with no and that such variations are often They inefficient. Such spillovers are certainly important allow, for example, the possibility that a school will function better if the highly motivated. of the recent literature on public goods in developing countries has ignored household mobility and has focused instead on the processes of collective decision-making that translate the characteristics of given communities into policy choices. This seems to be the better choice residential mobility from the one in is very limited. lives for many While 40% of the U.S. population reside which they were born, from one community to another; generations and differences in public good access migration. 15 Tiebout (1956), 16 U.S. Census (2000). p. 417. this may in since, for 16 it is unusual for entire families in would involve leaving most developing countries, in a state which is different developing countries to relocate social networks that have been central to their also be difficult because land markets tend to be dysfunctional. Stark many poor countries have not been accompanied by much permanent Group 2.3 The question of Size how the size of a group affects of free-riding are of course more "the larger the group, the less it be able to favor we showed that discussion of the multiple equilibrium issue getting the good) is group In the special case when member has to do less. = i bij(rij) bj for all in group in a very influential essay, the other hand, in our earlier (and hence made by Esteban and Ray group that determines access to the public good and may be easier total collective effort-each On effort ambiguous because theoretically is an old and controversial one. Problems interests." total increasing in group size, echoing a point on access to public goods of group size common its is As Olson (1965) argued serious in larger groups. will leverage its political for it is its probability of (2004). The effect the collective effort of each a bigger group to deliver the same and j, i=\ m (5) nfc k=li=l where 8 some is effort for the positive constant, group goes to zero it is as the easy to check that total equilibrium effort as a fraction of first-best group size becomes very large. However, such free-riding is not enough to outweigh the natural advantage of larger groups. The problem becomes much more serious when the benefits per head go down as the group gets free-rider larger. The assumption of constant benefits is a reasonable description of the situation trying to get a school or a health center or a road. irrigation canal, where the total off-take limited is It is much less so and crowding more when likely. when the group is the group wants a well or an In such cases benefits might take the form bij(rij) Assuming the form of the / function given 9(b in (5), + = b + a group &i member will now maximize i=l 6i m nfc ,k=\ i=\ from which it follows that in equilibrium bi 0(&o The right hand side of this equation the bigger group increasing rij is more + -)n?is 1 =/?O4m) /3 -Q '-* increasing in Aj. Therefore, comparing two groups in this equilibrium, likely to get the good increases congestion on the one if and only if the left hand (thereby reducing 10 hand side is increasing in benefits to each rij. member) and But raises < the ability of the group to put in more effort on the other. As long as way. In particular &! = 0, ( if j3 no congestion < 2 and the purely public component The Distribution 2.4 groups effects), bigger of do will = b 0, 2, the net effect can go either smaller groups will do better, while if better. Group Benefits Olson (1965) argued that groups could be more effective in articulating their demands if most of the benefits from public goods are captured by a small number of group members because the strong stake of these to invest in group activities. In our model, this members would encourage them ambiguous general, group inequality has effects and can increase or decrease (5), (3 < is just one collective effort possibility. In depending on the shape of the effort cost function. To show this, public good effect is assume that / fixed at b\ . is given by We know 2 and the total benefit that the from the above discussion that this is group can get from the the case where the Olson group-size dominates and smaller groups do better in the absence of within-group inequality. We now allow for the possibility that benefits: Schools benefit those village, and benefits from members same community of the receive different shares of total with young children, roads are most useful to those irrigation water may Denote by 7y the share of the benefits going who commute out of the be proportional to the amount of land owned. member to i in group So j. ^ 7^ = 1. Each group member 1=1 chooses an action that maximizes HjbiO m nfc £a £= li=l ik Lfc and effort as a function of 7^ is therefore given by ^ = (7,)^[^(^rIt 1 (i-^)i^ follows that in equilibrium J2 a v = { A<*0 E-rr A' or £- ,3^T A'0 The left hand side of of success likely is this expression increasing in when group £7? is . \ L A increasing in Aj so group effort and hence the equilibrium probability As long as benefits are concentrated with /? 7y < = 11 2, this or 1. expression This is is convex in 7 and success the Olson case. is most When > steeply. Spreading total benefits across ^2 Tzj^ becomes concave in 2, and diluted benefits are an advantage because costs are jij many group members rising higher aggregate group effort in this elicits case. Khwaja (2004) proposes an interesting combination of these two cases where the convexity of individual cost functions decreases after a certain threshold because large farmers use hired labor rather than their U-shaped relationship between inequality and at the margin. This can result in a when we move away from equal first who the person inequality benefits because the cost of effort function They but enjoy the public good nonetheless. The focus on equilibria where falls convex, but eventually who were putting in zero some people put effects of increased inequality in depends on whether those with positive contributions effects of Effort Bardhan, Ghatak and Karaivanov (2005) consider this point actually increase total effort. a cost function that permits corner optima. The is : gets the greater share of the benefits will start employing outside labor. Further increases in beyond hurts those total effort own lose with the increase in zero effort the sharing of benefits in inequality or whether it now just effort. unequal benefits are further complicated system into the private market, along the if we introduce the lines suggested at the possibility of exiting beginning of this section. If from the those with the highest benefits are the ones most likely to exit from the system, inequality increases the likelihood of exit. Since this reduces the probability that those inequality may stay behind get the public good, a small increase in cause the entire group to switch to the market. 17 Cohesion 2.5 seems intuitive that more cohesive groups It who will be able to organize themselves more effectively to secure the public goods they want. There are several reasons why this might be the case. Individuals might want different types of goods, but only one of these goods can be provided Baqir and Easterly, 1999). Alternatively, people to those whom would invest all shirk even in if may be socially the collective effort whereas they all if perceived differences have the same preferences for is if there is no disagreement about the If this ). among fraction is We remain, are assuming here that the exit by if why ideal public good. the lack of cohesion They 12 each person may may influence provision envision a scenario where free-riding some does not increase the absolute amount they were to get the public good. large, only extend individuals are large, they observable but not necessarily contractible. For instance, villagers can identify those 17 may the public good. Miguel and Gugerty (2005) suggest an alternative reason even in equilibrium (Alesina, minded, but such altruism they consider similar to themselves (Vigdor, 2004 a community in who attend village of benefits that would go to those who meetings but networks may be important when everyone Each just too costly to exclude non-attendees from using public goods. In such settings, social it is of these is in sanctioning those who free- ride this may The may be easier to impose these sanctions models shares the prediction that a community consisting of n equal-sized sub-groups To not always be the case. which group j consists of public it a part of the same social network. n+ better at getting the public goods they want than one with why and component rij as well as a sub-group-specific b . . , s*. component be groups. There are however good reasons see why, consider a simple extension of our previous equal-sized sub-groups, s\, q 1 will model in Suppose that the public good has a purely b\ which reaches only one of the sub-groups. probability that sub-group Sk will get the sub-group specific component, conditional on the public good being built in the village assumed to be given by is E a ij nj E«u An example would road be a road that connects the village to the highway. All the groups in the village want the (this is the 60) neighborhood is 61). but only one of them A member i will have it start in their of sub-group Sk will E + 60 neighborhood (the value of a road in the maximize a ij *i] i=l 61 m -H) i=l nfc E E au At the optimum aO b A, + 61 A2 + 0-1 6b /3a which can be rewritten as E a \b + a ij' iesj= >-£) + b Using the fact that everyone in ^4r group j faces the same problem and {AjY e will A *ij make the same choice, we get or ! ~~ ' ' It is bi l-ad-^i 1 ~A clear that increasing nj q side of the above expression. ^A )"-^n j J )"- 1 A? (6) y« , keeping On rij fixed, makes the group more divided, and raises the left hand the other hand, increasing Aj increases the right hand side but lowers the 13 left hand will put in greater side. Olson group follows that It effort. size effect. and there less, when a = is we compare two groups with the same rij, the group with the higher Heterogeneity helps! This apparently surprising result Making the group smaller reduces the therefore the aggregate of the special case if many such 1 and -£ no Olson group q a direct implication of is problem collective action rij for that group, and tiny groups does better than a conglomerate of few larger groups. In w the fact that others are working does not 0, Hence, as size effect. is evident from equation make you want to work sub-dividing the group (6), neither helps nor hurts. Esteban and Ray (1999) consider a variant of this set-up members. Heterogeneity their group j and bo in this case in the entire population. Let = (the purely public which groups can impose a certain in can be shown to dampen collective action. Let be the action chosen by everyone in group a-j component absent) is the choice of , ZjO-i h a,j will j. effort level on be the share of £j Assuming that /3 = 2 maximize -4 fc=i The first where order condition for this maximization can be written in the form C= YL ik&k- Adding across the groups gives us k=\ h^ek\i-^] In an equilibrium with = 2c*. m equal and identical groups we must have si£i = i . We can now rewrite the above expression as mm &i-[l--]=2C 2 Effort C is clearly decreasing in m and since there no of their group These results is on heterogeneity and think of settings where, intuitively, for m > Bigger groups in this case have a bigger stake in the success 2. free- riding, get their groups to put collective action should it (7)' . in more be interpreted with caution. One can certainly seems more precarious to have two large and more or groups that are opposed to each other than a hundred tiny squabbling groups. activities in a They game of political competition could be quite wasteful. This As is 18 less As discussed equal-sized earlier, seen in Esteban and Ray group (1999). use a model very similar to the one above with the key difference that more effort directly reduces the quality of the public good. Effort 18 effort. is more lobbying, and lobbying interpreted as Voltaire once said "If there were one religion . . destroy each other; but there are 30, and therefore they . , despotism would be its live in assumed to reduce the net terrible; if there peace and happiness." 14 is were only two, they would An example resources spent on the public good. some part of such lobbying of the resources that could otherwise go into the public would be to allow the bureaucrat to steal good as long good as he builds the public that the group desires. Social divisions could therefore result in better public goods-obviously no divisions is ideal but two equal-sized groups is the worst possible outcome. Before we discuss the empirical evidence on public good allocations, it is useful to reflect briefly on plausible empirical hypotheses that emerge from the theoretical analysis in this section. coordinated behavior by individuals, we always get under-provision of effort some In the absence of from the perspective of the group but the extent (and even the presence) of social under-provision depends on the nature of collective action. most group form of lobbying activities take the for relatively fixed aggregate allocations, group characteristics that reduce collective action could be welfare-improving and would have aggregate allocations state, and may be free-riding goods depend little effect In contrast, in countries with rapidly expanding economies of public goods. is If on the overall availability and government budgets, quite responsive to the effort citizens put in to extracting public goods from the more likely to lead to overall under-provision. in a relatively straightforward We've seen that allocations of public manner on group preferences and group influence. Group size, within-group inequality in benefits and group fragmentation have more nuanced predictions and their net effects are hard to sign without additional information on the structure of individual costs of investing in group activity and the benefits from public goods. Careful empirical studies are therefore especially useful in 3 understanding the nature of these effects. Evidence on Public Good Provision Testing theories with nuanced predictions in always a challenge. In our setting, there are three main obstacles The most important problem to overcome in empirical work. observed except is experimental settings that are designed studies in section 3.3. is that public action for this purpose. Other observational studies must therefore search is We almost never directly review some of these for empirical patterns between the availability of public goods and the characteristics of communities that influence collective action. problem with this approach is The that many of the community characteristics which influence collective action can also directly influence the ease with which public goods can be supplied. For example, large villages are often located close to urban areas and this proximity may make with public goods lines are closer to existing (e.g. roads, communication and power involve relatively short diversions from major routes, To identify the group-size effect it is it easier and cheaper to provide them networks, bus services cheaper to transport school and medical supplies). on public goods that operates through collective action, we would need to separate these two effects. Second, public good quality varies enormously, but these quality differences are notoriously 15 difficult to may respond measure. Third, community characteristics framework, which makes now are hard to identify the causal it to the availability of public goods, as in the Tiebout effects of community characteristics. These problems well-recognized in the empirical literature on public goods and empirical strategies have tried to address them with varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, except in a few specific instances, identifying causal effects remains difficult and woven into a plausible story. 3.1 Empirical Methods The much typical empirical relationship that is what we believe of t, pjt is variable y^kt is based on suggestive correlations that are estimated in this literature takes the form Vjkt The dependent is = f{Pjt,x-jt)- (8) a measure of access or quality of public good k in community j at time a set of population characteristics of the community in year various geographical and historical features of the area in which the characteristics pJt t and xJt community is is a vector representing located. The population are of principal interest because they are directly related to the various mechanisms in the theoretical models of collective action. These typically include the shares of various population groups in the community (to capture the effects of different preferences or power), measures of social heterogeneity (to capture social cohesion), and measures of income or asset inequality (to capture economic heterogeneity as well as the distribution of benefits from public goods). village size, terrain, climate The variables Xj t might include population density, and other features of an area which might influence the demand for different public goods and the costs of providing them. In this context, we should noie group or population. It is that there is no universally accepted measure of the cohesion of a given most common to represent social heterogeneity by the index of ethnolinguistic fragmentation, n */ = !-£# o) 1=1 where £, refers to the population share of the ith group. This is a measure that is maximized when there is a large number of very small groups. An alternative is to use the measure of polarization proposed by Esteban and idea that two big groups may have a harder time working together than takes the form i=l j^i 16 Ray many (1994) which captures the small groups. Their measure where <5y- denotes the social distance between group malized to 1) for i not equal to j (and Su zero) this is ftp Notice that for the case where all the and group i = &=^ is the same 4££ +a a= and side of equation (7) derived in the previous section. 1, ( 1 Assuming that j. is -&)- is exactly the one on the therefore at least one model of polarization corresponds exactly to a measure of (the lack of) social cohesion. by Montalvo and Reynal-Querol (2005), there public action and the specific measure of equal group is a constant (nor- as' this expression There <5y is for left hand which an index In fact, as pointed out a close relationship between this specific class of models of a polarization where = 1, that goes beyond the special case of sizes. Different measures work well in different settings: Using data for 138 countries between 1960-1999, Mon- talvo and Reynal-Querol (2005) find that polarization measures are important predictors of civil wars while fractionalization measures have no statistically significant effect. In contrast, Alesina et al (2003) find that fractionalization performs better than polarization in explaining long-run growth across countries and that the explanatory power of fractionalization measures improves significantly when nic divisions are replaced by effective in capturing the many finer ones. However, it is coarse classifications of eth- not clear that either of these measures is particularly aspects of social distance that are relevant to collective action: the fact that one works better than the other in certain cases might be largely fortuitous. 3.2 The Role 3.2.1 Group Tastes and Group Influence Group of Group Characteristics preferences are not directly observable and evidence linking public goods to preferences fairly limited. Group influence changes, and the literature here influence, on the other hand can be more is therefore and the resulting changes in the more easily linked to legislative substantial. In fact, as we will see is therefore and institutional below, changes in group composition of public goods, can often reveal information about differences in preferences across groups. One approach to testing whether the availability of public goods responds to group preferences variables that determine the economic returns to public goods goods responds to changes villages in India and in these returns. find that and examine whether the is to identify availability of these Foster and Rosenzweig (2000) use data from a panel of 245 between 1971 and 1982, secondary school enrollments and school construction both responded to the rapid growth in agricultural yields. These investments areas with a high fraction of landed relative to landless households. 17 in schooling They argue that were greatest in technological changes and the corresponding made education more rise in yields schools are therefore responses to the increased public goods by emphasizing that it is demand the landed valuable and that the investments in public They for schooling. who make decisions link the land distribution to on technology adoption and benefit most from schooling during a period of rapid technological change. The demand may landless actually agricultural wages Their story is for schooling as the withdrawal of children of landed households from the labor fall and therefore the opportunity among the market increases costs of sending children to school rather than to work. plausible, but the data are also consistent with other explanations. For instance, schools (and other public goods) expanded rapidly through the Indian countryside in the 1970s as part of the government's Minimum Needs Program, and allowed them it may be that the political leverage of the landed relative to the landless To be more convincing, one to appropriate a large share of these newly provided public goods. would have to show that it technological change that economy that accompanied was precisely those public goods that farmers became more widely available to would want them and that in times of substantial the structural changes in the technological change did not commensurately raise the returns to education for the landless. Cultural norms and religious beliefs can sometimes provide us with information on group preferences. In the caste-based social hierarchy of rural India, Brahmans are the elite priestly caste. Banerjee and Somanathan (2006) use data for Indian parliamentary constituencies and find that in the early 1970s, the population share of Brahmans in schools, to post offices a constituency is positively correlated with access to primary, middle and secondary and to piped water. These are precisely the goods we would expect them to value given their traditional role as the repositories of written knowledge and the norms of ritual purity which prevent them sharing wells and other common water sources. Brahman concentrations are not associated with more of other public goods such as electricity connections, health centers, roads or transport services. Preferences for this latter set of goods Some is more be similar across the different castes. likely to studies have used exogenous changes in the political voice of particular groups to understand both the nature of a social group's preferences and their effects on public good provision. political shocks translate into demand shocks for public goods. An interesting The idea example of is this that these approach Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001), who observe that the early mortality rates of European had a strong influence on settlement patterns in the European Colonies of the 18th is settlers and 19th centuries. Places where the early settlers did relatively well attracted more Europeans settlers and as a result, these areas ended up with institutions and public goods which the Europeans demanded. Another case of a change in 1992), The in political voice followed the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution (passed which reserved a certain fraction of the positions of the heads of villages this policy which are reserved are chosen at random at village for women. each election. Chattopadhyay and Duflo (2004) use change as a natural experiment to examine the impact of a change' in 18 governments political power distribution. They find that political reservation for women political voice may in local government goods which results in greater provision of and roads. value, such as drinking water Changing women not be a simple matter of passing appropriate legislation, as shown by the experiences of the Scheduled Tribes and the Scheduled Castes in India. 19 Both groups have long been recognized as disadvantaged, and affirmative action policies were put in place to increase their representation in politics finds that reserving electoral constituencies for and within the bureaucracy. Pande(2003) Caste candidates results in higher job quotas and greater welfare spending for the Scheduled Tribes do not seem to lead to the same benefits. for that Scheduled group while similar policies Similarly, Banerjee and Somanathan (2006) find that, between 1971 and 1991, areas with higher Scheduled Castes populations experienced a rapid expansion in public goods while those with high concentrations of Scheduled Tribes continued to lag major should note that the Scheduled Castes began to mobilize effectively in the 1970s and that a We behind. party representing their interests came to power in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh political Scheduled Tribes on the other hand remained isolated, both geographically and in the 1980s. While one cannot rule out the (perhaps Scheduled Tribes possibility that these relationships live in remote areas or in politically. 20 might be driven by omitted variables low population density areas and these are just harder to reach with public goods), patterns of provision do appear to mirror changing political equations. 3.2.2 Distribution of benefits In general it not easy to separate the effects of inequality in the distribution of benefits from that of is inequality in the underlying asset distribution, for the simple reason that inequality of benefits Khwaja result of inequality in assets. benefits. U-shaped Even often a (2002) tries to deal with this by separately measuring assets and after controlling for inequality in the land distribution, inequality in benefits effect. is has a significant Increases in inequality at low levels of inequality hurts the maintenance of public projects, but further increases at higher levels of inequality actually lead to greater maintenance. As noted in the theory section, Khwaja also suggests a reason for why he finds a U-shaped relationship. Foster and Rosenzweig (1995) provide an interesting example of the Olson effect, though in a context that slightly removed from our main concern the experiences of other farmers with technologies 19 is a public good. The Scheduled Castes have 21 here. new Since those historically They are interested in the fact that farmers often free-ride off agricultural technologies who have is i.e. knowledge about new agricultural the most land have the biggest stake in experimentation, been at the bottom of the Hindu caste hierarchy and the Scheduled Tribes Hindu caste system. 20 Chandra (2004) documents the rise of the Scheduled Castes in India are groups outside the in Indian politics and speculates on reasons for the poor mobilization of the Scheduled Tribes. 21 The chapter by Munshi in this Handbook surveys several other instances about new technologies. 19 where the public good in question is information big farmers will experiment the experiment less than a small farmer who (HYV) of high-yielding varieties HYV most and as a is who lives next to a big farmer will next to another small farmer. Using data from the introduction of cereals in India, they find that those sooner, but those whose neighbors have more who have more assets do adopt assets adopt late. Cohesion 3.2.3 Much result a small farmer of the empirical work on public good provision focuses on the relationship with social and economic heterogeneity. Alesina, Baqir and Easterly (1999) pioneered this literature by analyzing data on public ex- penditures from a cross-section of goods on per capita income, US cities in 1990. cities spend proportionally even after controlling police, regress the share of expenditures on specific public city size, average educational attainments, five- way classification a measure of ethnic fragmentation (based on a fragmented They for the less income inequality, age structure and of ethnicities). They find that more on schooling, roads and trash pickups but more on health and population shares of specific ethnic groups and whether the city is majority African-American. The it is empirical work not clear is subject to three caveats which are how one should common to most other papers on interpret the welfare implications of these results. this topic. First, Can we be heterogenous communities are not simply substituting other, equally useful, public goods they are under-supplying? less useful action there are more groups (as Alesina et al believe), or is generate more collective action, but that the collective action and perhaps most importantly, geneity measure. A number area, being near a it is not clear is it wasteful (as Esteban and how one would area which it is is less collective is the case that multiple groups actually Ray suggest)? establish the exogeneity of the hetero- of factors that can affect heterogeneity (such as urbanization, being in a border major road or waterway, being next to a region where there was a war and therefore a large exodus) can also directly influence other economic outcomes, including the of public goods. ones that not clear, for instance, that the increased spending on health and police It is than spending on schools or roads. Second, do the results indicate that there when Finally, for the sure that There is demand also the possibility of reverse causality: the poor, for example, effective in delivering public goods for the poor, making the area availability, this is likely to and the supply may converge to an much more homogenous than would be otherwise. Given that the measures of heterogeneity are usually more or with the measures of public good for less contemporaneous be a serious problem, especially in high mobility environments. Alesina et al (1999) try to address the endogeneity issue by using include fixed effects as well as positive. all their community controls, the effect of heterogeneity fixed effects, but once they becomes insignificant or even However, their results get some support from a companion paper: one natural implication of the 20 view that heterogeneity makes smaller jurisdictions. which makes it The harder to provide public goods it constraint is is that people will want to separate into that there are increasing returns to scale in urban agglomerations, Over the 20th century the number of jurisdictions costly to have very tiny jurisdictions. (school districts) in the United States has decreased by a factor of 12. find that this process of consolidation Areas where same significantly slower in areas where and Hoxby (2004) racial heterogeneity increased: went up by 2 standard deviations between 1960 and 1990 racial heterogeneity jurisdictions over the was Alesina, Baqir period. They People do indeed seem to prefer to live find similar results for ethnic heterogeneity with people like themselves. If lost 6 fewer among Whites as well. there are returns to scale in the production of public goods, as seems plausible based on the overall tendency of communities to consolidate, this compelling evidence that heterogeneity hurts. is Several subsequent papers have looked at the results indicate a negative relationship not fully clear same question in a developing country context. Overall, the between heterogeneity measures and access to public goods, but whether these results can be interpreted in it is a causal sense. Banerjee and Somanathan (2006) limit the substitution problem mentioned above by looking at actual levels of public goods (where a particular shares, where some substitution various types of schools, health facilities. Hindu They construct a inevitable. facilities, They dimensions) rather than expenditure also look at several different public goods, including water sources, power sources and communication and transport religions (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis), as well as 185 distinct mean of 0.9 in 1971, and Easterly (1999). They is compared to the mean value of 0.26 also control for coefficient caste groups. Their for U.S. cities reported by Alesina, Baqir economic inequality, geographic variables (temperature, of political competition in the constituency. find that the social heterogeneity Hindu extremely fragmented: the measure of caste and religious heterogeneity barren land, being on the coast, average village The all fractionalization index of social heterogeneity using population shares of non- data show that Indian society has a is community can do better along size, Of the measure has a number of villages), state fixed effects and a measure fifteen different public goods considered significant negative effect in six cases on the Gini index of land ownership is rainfall, positive in eight of the 15 cases in 1971, and positive in two. and never negative, perhaps reflecting the advantage of concentrating benefits. The social heterogeneity results become weaker when they run the same regression inequality in differences, using becomes negative. Unfortunately it is data from 1971 and 1991, while the much effect of not clear whether this reflects a real change in the effect of heterogeneity, the fact that the data on changes tends to be dominated by social heterogeneity they measurement error changes very slowly over time), or the presence of omitted variables (since in the cross-section regression. Miguel and Gugerty (2005) look at the effect of ethnic heterogeneity on school spending In Kenya, a significant part of school expenses are financed by parents through their 21 in Western Kenya. Harambee contributions. When Miguel and Gugerty regress school spending on school or slightly positive effect of heterogeneity. mobility between schools is However, school heterogeneity and good schools are fairly easy, groups who are committed to education. level heterogeneity, When they find an insignificant likely to is be endogenous since be chosen by parents from likely to homogenous school to one with the average also significantly reduces the number more homogenous of desks and textbooks per However Going from a for school level heterogeneity solves all the identification influences may problems: after all, a region that is more be both more heterogenous and more serious about education.' There are a number of other interesting papers that look good outcomes without also find that wells are better not clear that using region-level heterogeneity to instrument open to outside They pupil. in the it is for reduces school spending by 20%, and level of diversity maintained areas. social they use the regional ethnic composition to instrument school level heterogeneity, they find a negative effect of heterogeneity on school outcomes. perfectly all really trying to establish at the correlation between heterogeneity and public a causal relationship. Khwaja (2002) looks at the effect of village-level social heterogeneity (based on religious and political differences as well as clan divisions) on the maintenance of public infrastructure in that village, using data he collected from rural Baltistan in north Pakistan. He finds that more heterogeneity and Platteau (1998) and Dayton-Johnson (2000) is associated with significantly worse outcomes. find a negative relationship between heterogeneity and maintenance of the commons, while Somanathan, Prabhakar and relationship. Baland, Bardhan, Deis, but economic inequality reduces (2005) find no Mookherjee and Sarkar (2003) look at firewood collection find that social heterogeneity increases firewood collection (implying worse collection, economic social or Mehta Baland in Nepal and maintenance of the commons) perhaps because the benefits are more concentrated, as discussed above. Banerjee, Mookherjee, Munshi and Ray (2001) try to identify a causal relation using a more theory-driven approach. They model a very specific public good setting: the productivity of a sugar farmers' cooperative, which jointly runs a sugar crusher. They begin from the observation that the productivity of the cooperative depends on paying prices to the sugar growers that are rewarding enough. that pays lower-than-optimal prices makes profits, which can be cooperative. and high When large farmers are so When numerous that the than they can gain by capturing the the other hand, a cooperative skimmed by the farmers who small farmers are in an overwhelming majority, they prices are maintained. On make sure that this does not happen the large farmers dominate, low prices are distortion caused profits. by the low price much more starts hurting large farmers is indeed such a relationship between the share of small farmers in the area around the cooperative and the price of sugar. More more U-shaped relationship using data from sugar cooperatives in the state of Maharashtra in India and find that there variables. likely unless Hence cooperatives with a very low or a very high share of large farmers will have high prices. Banerjee et al test for this effects for the area control the around the sugar cooperative They include fixed in all their regressions, to control for possible omitted compellingly, they also show that the participation of the larger farmers in the area moves 22 in the mirrors the opposite direction to the price of sugar-cane while the participation of the smaller farmers price: if the movements in the price in productivity, were driven by unobserved differences one would have expected the participation of the small and the large farmers to co-move. An alternative way to deal with the endogeneity problem radically altered the social structure. colonies in the Americas, the ones Haiti) or much Engerman and Canada). This important is to focus on the effect of specific Sokoloff (2000, 2002) observe that where the climate was suitable where there was considerable scope less egalitarian institutions is the European for the cultivation of sugar (e.g. than the ones where there were no such Brazil, Mexico, Peru), ended up with for extractive industries (e.g. possibilities (e.g. United States, because the presence of these highly profitable but labor intensive industries for these made it very economies to have a large and docile labor supply, which was ensured by either importing slaves or enslaving the local population. This created a society with high inequality less cohesion. In particular, Engerman and much This resulted in and consequently much Sokoloff argue, the elites controlling the state were not particularly was interested in investing in education for the masses, since educating the masses expensive. among shocks that likely to make labor more lower literacy rates in the sugar/extractive colonies than in the United States and Canada, for example. In a similar vein, Banerjee and Iyer (2005) focuses on the long-term impact land revenue collection system by the British colonial rulers in India. They based system, where the landlord was assigned the primary responsibility of being assigned a particular distinguish between a landlordfor collecting land revenue from that area and a non-landlord system where the taxes were effectively collected directly from the peasant. They argue that the landlord-based system introduced a class of powerful intermediaries between the rulers and the ruled, and this class who consequently harbored abolished (along with all was perceived (probably rightly) to strong negative sentiments against them. While the landlord-based system was land revenue collection systems) in the early 1950s, this history of class conflict made rural society in the ex-landlord areas less cohesive Using district-level behind lag and therefore less effective in getting public goods. data from the 1981 Indian census, they find that formerly landlord-controlled areas indeed in the provision of schools higher infant mortality rates. Some and health of the land revenue system is centers, and consequently have lower indication of the different social climate rates of violent crimes (such as murders) are dealt with much is higher in ex-landlord areas. by exploiting changes century to construct instrumental variables estimates. The impact be exploitative by the peasant population, in British land literacy rates and provided by the fact that The potential endogeneity revenue policy over the 19th 22 of historical landlord control persists in the 1991 census data: Banerjee, Iyer and Somanathan (2005) extend the analysis to a wider range of 25 different public goods, and they also control for caste and 22 for Specifically, Banerjee and Iyer (2005) use the fact of being conquered by the British in the period 1820-1856 as an instrument being non-landlord. The paper contains detailed discussions of the validity of this instrument. 23 religious fractionalization and Somanathan dummy it is 32% and negative Pandey (2005) compares one landlord area (Oudh) with the area in 2002, teacher attendance is 17% higher in the non-landlord area schools and teacher higher. Overall, these results suggest that where heterogeneity it characteristics as controls. (which was non-landlord) and finds that while both areas have the same level of access to primary schools activity and population of the non-landlord effect are positive and significant for 13 of the 25 goods significant for three. In related work, surrounding being directly ruled by the British in the past. As in Banerjee for (2006), they include a wide range of geographic The OLS estimates and and a is highly salient because of historical circumstances, can be a major constraint on public action, but necessarily otherwise. 3.3 Public Goods Experiments There have been a large number of laboratory experiments on Voluntary Contribution Mechanisms. In the simplest experiment of this type, subjects are divided into groups and given a fixed They are asked to choose the fraction of their or public good. The group members endowment that they would decide, simultaneously endowment of tokens. contribute to a group project like to and independently, on their contributions The experimenter totals group contributions, doubles them (or multiplies them by some other constant) and divides this amount between the subjects and Nash up such that the first-best equilibria are characterized each group. Each member's payoff consists of an equal share of member the group return plus the amount the typically set in decided not to invest in the project. These experiments are outcome involves some level of positive contributions by all members by under-provision of the public good. A survey of the results from such experiments is that subjects generally contribute more to the public good than predicted by Nash-equilibrium strategies. is found in Ledyard(1995). In one-shot trials, contributions are usually positive and total to about With repeated These trials, most studies A common finding 40%-60% in this literature of the socially optimal level. find that contributions tend to decline towards Nash-equilibrium levels. results are similar in flavor to those obtained from experiments on ultimatum bargaining games. There has been some debate about whether the positive contributions whether they are just mistakes made by agents who would reflect altruism like to maximize understand the structure of the game. To distinguish between these and cooperative behavior or their possibilities, optimum own payoff but do not fully experiments have been set up to ensure that both the Nash equilibrium outcome and the social can be made and too much), while altruism would always in both directions (by contributing both too result in contributing too much. The little are interior so that mistakes results obtained suggest that a sizable fraction of subjects do seem to behave selfishly but a sizeable fraction does not, which raises questions about the modeling of collective action in the theoretical literature summarized above. 24 The effects of group size on public goods has been studied also in an experimental setting. Issac and Walker more and find that larger groups exhibit (1988) perform experiments with groups of two different sizes free-riding, but mainly because marginal returns numbers-in-the-group" effect from the investing in the public good for larger They find that most of the group-size group activity. Once A this is fall as the effect of declining group groups in a manner that keeps the marginal return roughly constant. can be attributed to differences in marginal returns from the effect role of heterogeneity, they contrast the results of collecting firewood when is in activity. go either way as shown in Section into the voluntary contributions in group which To examine the which the return from the private unequal. They find that public goods levels returns are unequal. This happens because increases in private returns lead to lower extraction levels, while decreases do not increase extraction very this could Colombia in rural and a market two treatments: One the same across agents and another where the return are higher (firewood extraction lower) less. test the role of inequality or heterogeneity within the been used to endowment between subjects allocate a fixed time pure marginal returns, they increase the return from on public goods. Cardenas, Stranlund and Willis (2002) conduct experiments is isolate the controlled for, individuals in larger groups do not to contribute variety of approaches have activity To size increases. " 2.4). game by varying much (theoretically, Anderson, Mellor and Milyo (2004) introduce heterogeneity the distribution of payments for participation rather than changing payoffs within the game. In experiments with college students, they find that heterogeneous show- up costs lower public publicly observed. is may stem from good contributions but this happens primarily when the distribution Their results suggest that the some of the effects of heterogeneity on public goods psychological effects of heterogeneity on perceived status. awareness of payoff asymmetries lower contributions Of of these costs in size of contributions. which estimate the importance of Monitoring in these games means that group members are informed about the value of total group contributions between successive experiment. Communication finds that heterogeneous groups. special interest in the class of public goods experiments are those group monitoring and communication on the Cardenas (2003) also refers to allowing subjects a few trials of the minutes to converse before they decide on contributions. There are usually no restrictions on the nature of this conversation and subjects can use this to coordinate their actions or just to get to the sense that it is know each other. This communication not allowed to directly influence payoffs. Cason and Khan is strictly cheap talk in (1999) design an experiment to compare the effects of communication and monitoring in voluntary contribution games. monitoring case, subjects are informed about total contributions after each round, while monitoring case, this information particularly striking: monitoring are are in They fairly similar much higher (about 80% is available after every six rounds. find that in the absence of In the perfect in the imperfect Their results on communication are communication, contributions with both types of and decline over time. In the presence of communication, overall contributions of the tokens were invested in the the no-communication case) and did not decline group activity as opposed to a high of in later rounds. 25 40% Monitoring thus improved contributions only when it was combined with communication. The favorable public goods experiments is observed quite generally under effect of many communication on contributions different experimental designs in (Ostrom, 2000). The communication above can be used to justify measures of heterogeneity such as the effects described ethnolinguistic fractionalization index. If it is true that most communication takes place within groups, and that communication favorably influences contributions to group activity, then is we would expect an index that correlated with the frequency of within-group interactions to explain the provision of public goods. the other hand, the groups in these experimental settings consist of strangers and communication to a brief conversation. If group identities are contextual and can be so quickly created, that the social classifications that ones. least It is also group The limited quite possible often observe in census and survey data are not the most appropriate possible that, even in the absence of mobile populations, the distribution of groups, or at may identities, itself The Welfare Costs 3.4 we it is is On empirical research that depend on the process by which public goods are provided. of Public we have the availability of public goods. It Good Misallocation discussed in Section 3.2 attempts to isolate the causes of variation in demonstrates that the uneven political leverage of social groups and their various other characteristics can skew the allocation of public goods in favor of some groups and against others. In this section we briefly discuss some recent approaches to measuring the aggregate welfare associated with this misallocation of public facilities. There has been a very rapidly expanding computer science spatial optimization problems. A common problem literature in this class is one on in facility location that deals which there distribution of the population across a finite set of locations and a fixed allocated to a subset of these locations. as villages and facilities as centrally that social welfare of citizens and is and of facilities are to be we can think of the the total number of possible spatial configurations of is offices). locations Suppose facilities facilities that minimizes distance travelled. remains small and A measure of the then the difference between the distance travelled under the actual and the optimal As the number this optimization a given (arbitrary) financed public goods (schools, health centers, post one can simply compute the allocation of allocations. In a typical developing country, number is with decreasing in the aggregate distance travelled by the population. For small numbers facilities, cost of misallocation costs of villages increases, the problem becomes intractable. number A of computations involved increases exponentially variety of optimization algorithms have been recently developed which provide approximate solutions. The difference between the actual distance travelled and the distance corresponding to the algorithmic solution good misallocation. 26 is then a lower bound on the welfare cost of public in the facility location literature Athreya and Somanathan (2006) adapt an algorithm number of villages with post office facilities in the area studied. corresponding to the observed allocation of post offices in 1991 are the (near)-optimal allocation of the additional post-offices. Health and Family Welfare Centres of seven centres can reduce the any clues to the reasons They to the 21% in find that aggregate travel costs higher than the costs associated with Rahman and Smith (1999) study the location of an administrative region of Bangladesh, and in it Between 1981 and 1991, there was a 23% increase allocation of post offices in a region of South India. the and apply find that relocating a set distance travelled by 43%. These papers, in themselves, do not offer mean for misallocation. Given however, that they both deal with areas (an administrative block in South India and a Bangladeshi thana, each with million people), the social composition of villages does not vary very much. fairly less small geographical than a quarter of a Bureaucratic mistakes could thus be a large part of the explanation, given the difficulty in computing optimal allocations. The types of problems that have been studied so far in this literature are known about the settings. The optimality of available algorithms in Some Top-down Much of the evidence summarized applied to non-linear travel costs and multi-period in the previous section points to the that population variables, even when they Development Report 2006, urban and rural populations and between males and females; is only 6% and 2% section, the explanatory variables in Miguel this set of results. in these variables unexplained. yet, the share of inequality attributable to respectively. Among and Gugerty (2005) account public good outcomes. This bring us to the second caveat: determinants of public good access, then we would be The World educational attainment between the papers cited in the previous for less than 25% of the variation school funding across schools and those in Banerjee and Iyer (2005) account for about If local 30% made by population characteristics were the only less likely to see several countries in of the variation in rapid changes in public good access, of these characteristics (religion, caste, ethnicity) change very slowly over time. However, see extremely rapid progress The exhibit systematic effects on the availability of public goods for instance, reports significant differences in location and gender on average importance of local population There are two major caveats to and on associated outcomes, leave much of the observed variation many little is Interventions characteristics in determining access to public goods. since and improving the delivery of public goods. 4 first is specific however expanding rapidly. As spatial data becomes widely available this approach field is can be very valuable when still fairly we do on many public good measures and such progress often involves the convergence of under-provided areas with those that have been historically advantaged. In this section, Many of the we discuss the role of top-down interventions in bringing about these changes. major expansions in public schooling have taken place under colonial or autocratic regimes. In 27 the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century, large parts of the presently One might expect developing world were ruled by colonial powers. the compulsions of these powers to be roughly similar with regard to the provision of public goods, yet the differences in provision across the different types of colonies are very large. was 35%, the corresponding Dutch More were figure for somewhere colonies were in In 1930, the under the Sekolah Dakar rates for British colonies French colonies was about half of this (Benavot and Riddle, 1988). between, and Belgian and Portuguese colonies had the worst outcomes. recently, in Indonesia, in the five years built mean primary enrollment between 1973-74 and 1978-79, more than 61,000 primary schools INPRES program; this more than doubled the number of schools in the country (Duflo, 2001). While the autocratic Suharto regime probably had a specific political purpose behind this intervention, the fact that this rule was it was based on a largely followed, suggests that there rule that explicitly targeted under-served areas was very little local and that influence on the decision to build the schools. The erstwhile princely states of India provide us with interesting cases where autocratic rulers provide public goods even when seem to there are limited political incentives to do so. These princely states were parts of India that had accepted the overall suzerainty of the British and, in return, were allowed to retain The presence a large measure of internal autonomy. rulers was unchallenged within their domains, Despite the fact that they were under very in public goods and the high of these investments. social of the British and they could little in some some areas today state in present-day Kerala is of enlightenment among them, its 23 of the rulers did invest heavily are, to a large extent, a legacy particularly well-known for tradition of enlightened rulers. In 1817, the Regent Gauri Parvathi Bai declared, the entire cost of the education of of these afford to ignore the wishes of their people. pressure to deliver, outcomes observed The Travancore army guaranteed that the power its long "The state should defray people in order that there might be no backwardness in the spread that by diffusion of education they might become better subjects and public servants and that the reputation of the state might be enhanced thereby." This remarkable announcement was said to be heavily influenced by the diwan (prime minister) James Munro, and it set an important precedent for state action in education. In particular, the reign of Swati Tirunal (1829-1847) was regarded as a "golden age" for the state. An English school was opened in Trivandrum in 1834, and schools were established in each district as well. His successors were reforms in various branches of the government; Mulam all committed Tirunal rulers who Rama Varma continued the process of (1885-1924) introduced an Education Code, opened the schools to children of untouchable communities and even Assembly consisting education in of elected representatives of the people. the state went far beyond expanding enrollments. 23 British administrative intervention in these in these states. in his place. The kingdoms was limited The set up a Popular contribution of the Travancore rulers to The Travancore Administrative Report to posting a British Political of 1901 Agent or a British Resident Resident's reports of misrule could result in a ruler being deposed by the British and another being set up This was relatively rare. 28 records 809 students in the Maharaja's High School of came from both the priestly Brahman whom 800 had received vaccinations. The students and from a wide range caste and the lower castes of occupational groups. This was quite remarkable given the numerous accounts of bitter caste conflicts in the State at that time. We see a similar pattern in nearby Cochin, where Munro again acted as diwan. In both Travancore and Cochin, he reorganized the administration of the states along the lines of the system in British India and He was played a large role in eradicating corruption. in every village of Cochin also instrumental in setting up vernacular schools Future diwans of Cochin continued on the path of progressive reforms, state. introducing western medicine and English schools, and expanding access to education for We society. tax base, should note that while some public investments might be motivated by the desire to expand the it is unclear that setting up an English school was such a case at that time. After colonial state, never shy to Another dynamic ruler was Sayajirao was "absolutely necessary III of Sayajirao was also the first first appeared and of 1974-75 set present-day Gujarat state, ambitions and wishes villages who declared that education for the future of my people." The which could produce 16 children willing to attend; made important commitments down made to public good provision. These Congress Party brought out the National in the late 1960s. In 1968, the ruling Policy on Education, which Program English school in similar law in the neighboring Central Provinces. recent times, the Indian state has commitments all first the British state) only in 1848. in my up the all, to introduce compulsory education in certain areas in 1892. It took the British more than twenty years to introduce a more Baroda for the realization of state ordered that schools be provided in In that expanded the tax base, set make investments Malabar (northern region of modern Kerala British sections of all a commitment to universal primary education. explicit norms about access safe water within a mile of every village, to public goods The Minimum Needs in rural areas: a primary school paved roads to villages with populations over 1000, to at least 40 percent of villages in every state, and a multi-tiered health system. Indira Gandhi removal of poverty (Garibi Hatao) the cornerstone of her successful election campaign was accompanied by concrete results. Between 1971 and 1991, the went up by about a third and those with high schools doubled. in 1971. electricity made the This rhetoric fraction of villages with primary schools The fraction of villages with electricity almost quadrupled, the fraction with phone connections went up by a factor of six and those with piped water increased nine-fold. This increase was also specifically targeted at bringing about equality of access. Banerjee and Somanathan (2006) find that for 12 out of 15 public goods, higher access with significantly slower growth in the subsequent period. This being close to complete: half the goods were available in in less than 10 percent of villages in 1991. 29 less is in 1971 by no means a mechanical is associated effect of access than 5 percent of Indian villages in 1971 and There have been a variety of other nationally mandated programs which have been shown to improve health and educational outcomes in India over the last two decades. In education, Operation Blackboard (starting in 1987) and Lok Jumbish (started in 1992), significantly increased the availability of teachers and infrastructure in areas with poor educational outcomes. 24 The program of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), introduced in 1975, is a good example of how top-down interventions interact with local characteristics. program, funded by the government and various donor agencies, expanded very rapidly now covers over 7 million mothers and 34 million children below the age of envisioned to have universal coverage, current coverage survey evidence shows that the functioning of involvement of mothers Top-down NGO is in the program. ICDS still 6. 25 and workers is 1990s and Although the program varies widely across states units in the The is and more importantly, strongly driven by the degree of 26 interventions do not need to be initiated by governments or political actors. one of the biggest suppliers of primary schooling in For instance, an BRAC's Non-Formal Primary Bangladesh: Education Program (which covers the same competencies as the government schools) had grown from 22 one-room schools in Bangladesh. its activities 27 in 1985 to 49,000 schools in 2004, accounting for BRAC also has large health-care into Afghanistan and Sri about 11% of the primary school children and microfinance programs, and has recently expanded Lanka. Singh (2006) describes how a group of committed bureaucrats created the innovative Lok Jumbish program in Rajasthan, with the goal of promoting primary schooling. A recent innovation in top-down interventions find ways to improve the and governence issues. is effectiveness of public the trend towards explicit experimentation, as a good delivery. In one such experiment, conducted A number of way to them focus on corruption on behalf of the Indonesian government, Olken (2005) finds that corruption in road construction in Indonesia was substantially reduced (and road quality improved) when an auditing program was introduced. Duflo and Hanna (2005) describe another experiment, conducted on behalf of an NGO in India, which shows that using cameras to monitor teacher attendance reduces absenteeism and improves test scores in rural primary schools. Other experiments look at the benefits of providing additional resources: for example, Glewwe, find that providing more textbooks or top quintile of students, without Finally, goods is charts to schools in much improvement Kenya (1997) and Glewwe et al (2004) at best improves the test scores of the in the overall level of learning. Miguel (2004) argues that one way in which a top-down actor can influence the allocation of public by manipulating the conditions under which the bottom-up processes operate. He describes the contrast between 24 flip Kremer and Moulin Kenya and Tanzania, which shared many common characteristics during the colonial period. Chin (2005) contains an evaluation study of Operation Blackboard and Singh (2006) discusses the Lok Jumbish program. 25 http://www.unicef.org/india/nu trition_1556.htm 26 State coverage figures are available at http://wcd.nic.in. Dreze (2006) contains data from the and participating households across seven Indian states. http://www.brac.net/history.htm 30 FOCUS survey of ICDS units After independence, the Kenyan leadership played up tribal loyalties for political reasons and put into building a Kenyan identity; in contrast, the Tanzanian leadership put a a single Tanzanian identity. lot of little effort was emphasis on creating This seems to have implications for public good provision: in the Busia region of Kenya, ethnic heterogeneity at the local level is negatively correlated with the quality of public goods (mainly schools), while in the nearby Meatu region of Tanzania, they are slightly positively correlated. Taken together, these examples make a number sufficient political will, be tive of local conditions. it of useful points. First, a dictatorial state or a local NGO, it seems clear that an agency with can improve access to public goods, irrespec- Second, there might be important interactions between top-down and bottom-up process that are not captured in the current literature. In the case of Kerala, after the initial set of initiatives led by the bottom up local kings, the next stage in the expansion of access to public schools —the result of lower caste social movements in the (Singh, 2006 original much top-down interventions that made access to education a further. The fact that Gujarat, may literacy, 5 Conclusion this chapter is now much like We in response to the but they took the process in education in India (see the average Indian state, while Kerala later, is almost at bottom-up, stage. by documenting the enormous spatial variation that availability of public goods. is commonly observed in the proceeded to survey the now substantial literature that links this variation to the characteristics of groups and the ability of their ests. salient issue, which started out as the other early leader be a result of differences between them at this 100% began and early twentieth centuries and Ramachandran, 1997). These movements might have been launched the discussion of Baroda state above), We late nineteenth was actually much more members to act collectively to promote group inter- Theoretical approaches in this area explain the under-provision of public goods in terms of individual incentives to free-ride in group endeavors and, since group characteristics influence these incentives, they also predict variations in access. Empirical research on group characteristics and public good provision finds that while these characteristics do matter, the social composition of communities of the total variation in provision. The experimental evidence on voluntary contribution mechanisms levels find that is is able to explain only a fraction also not entirely conclusive: Experiments group contributions are generally below socially optimum but often above those corresponding to Nash equilibrium strategies. Moreover, these experiments find that communication between members can be important in achieving group cooperation, even directly linked to payoffs. This suggests that group identities can be created if it is not by communication, something our models currently do not allow. More are generally, the research on many group characteristics and collective action surveyed here suggests that there missing pieces to the public goods puzzle. Access to 31 many basic public goods is likely to converge in the coming years. Some areas that have had historically economic expansions accompanied by rapid increases need to infancy. poor access are currently in the midst of major in public As good coverage. There are several challenges to delivering quality rather than is access. First, quality no school building both to demand quality and to deliver very different parties), is much harder This makes it Second, the incentives of the government bureaucrats it. in delivering access versus quality. may For instance, they in its is neighborhood, but judging in the whether the children are learning as much they should, can be quite a challenge. new happens, we will our attention to quality differences, where both the theoretical and empirical literature shift to evaluate than access-anyone can see that there hiring this favor school construction harder may be and even teachers for venal personal reasons (such as corruption or being able to give contracts to favored but they clearly have no financial stake in getting the teachers to work. Another major deficiency ering public services. in this literature Even in the is the absence of a body of knowledge on the technology of deliv- absence of political competition and rent-seeking by different communities, the efficient allocation of public goods requires the ability to compute optimal allocations and provide bureaucrats the incentives to implement them. This is The not a trivial exercise. field of spatial optimization techniques has been expanding rapidly and shows that optimal allocations can, at best, be computed quite We approximately. still know relatively little types of information gaps. This The problem is likely to about the extent to which misallocation results from these be a fruitful of providing the right incentives to area of future research. government agents propriate level of political and administrative decentralization. current research offers work for the little guidance. Poor (World Bank, 2004), comes out This has been actively debated, yet the While those who consume the public goods community to exercise effective control over the providers of public services. This we saw in the first part of this paper, the information necessary to evaluate public services. right medicines? communities greater control over making sure that they work clearly a function of the ability of the characteristics, as related to the question of the ap- in favor of giving local are presumably the ones with the greatest stake in is is For example, the World Development Report on Making Services the delivery of public goods as a way of improving quality. local control 28 act together as well as their ability to may depend on a range of community but also on whether decentralized monitors have Can Will remote village level governments well, the effectiveness of a patient really judge whether he know whether building contractors is getting the are using the stated materials, or whether teachers are properly covering the grade-appropriate course syllabus? experiment by Olken (2005) suggests that the task of monitoring may indeed be quite community: While centralized auditing reduces corruption no detectable impact on the The optimal 3 in his data, greater difficult for The field the village monitoring by villagers has level of corruption. level of decentralization may also depend on project design: perhaps decentralized delivery Oates(1999) provides a review of the literature on the vertical structure of the public sector. 32 works well only with simple project designs, as Khwaja (2002) seems to suggest. 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