Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/quotasstabilityo00rote2 , »•;=- IEC working paper department of economics QUOTAS AED TEE STABILITY OF IMPLICIT COLLUSIOJL-" By Julio J. Rotemberg and Garth Salcmer* Number 419 l'iay 1986 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 021 39 4 1986 QUOTAS ABD THE STABILITY OP IMPLICIT COLLUSION By Julio J. Rotemberg and Garth Salcmer* May 1986 Number 419 *Sloan School of Management and Department of Economics, M.I.T. respectively. We would like to thank Robert Gibbons and Paul Krugman for helpful comments and the National Science Foundation (grants SES-8209266 and IST-8510162 respectively) for financial support. QUOTAS AND THE STABILITY OF IMPLICIT COLLUSION by Rotemberg and Garth Saloner* Julio J. May 1986 *Sloan School of Management and Department of Economics, M.I.T., respectively. We would like to thank Robert Gibbons and Paul Krugman for helpful comments and the National Science Foundation (grants SES-8209266 and IST-8510162 respectively) for financial support. I Introduction This paper shows that the imposition of an import quota by one country can protection can reduce the lead to increased international competitiveness: price in the country that imposes the quota, the foreign country, or both. somewhat paradoxical result emerges from a model of implicit collusion. threat, will ensue if any firm deviates the more collusion that can be sustained. ability of the foreign firms to punish collusion that can be sustained We study both the case in is The more powerful the . Since a quota reduces the a deviating domestic firm, the amount of correspondingly diminished. which sales and the case which prices are the in Our results are strongest when prices are the strategic variables. In such by the threat that a setting the firms in an industry sustain collusive prices more competitive pricing This strategic quotas always make monopolization of the domestic market more variables: difficult in that case. This is in sharp contrast to the results imperfect competition models in which quotas tend to make domestic firm to act as a monopolist at home . It is it in static easier for the also different from the impact of tariffs which, in a dynamic setting like the one studied here, do not necessarily make Whether it tariffs more make difficult for the firms to sustain collusive collusion more difficult to sustain or not outcomes. depends on the severity of the punishments that the firms can reasonably be expected to inflict on their cheating rivals. The maximal punishments of the style developed by Abreu (1982) involve an outcome in which the domestic firm earns because even with a very large zero profits . can, willing to tolerate the it if it is makes result, it This is tariff, ensuing losses, charge the foreign firm a price so low that impossible for the domestic firm to earn profits at home. tariffs do not affect the ability of the duopoly to maintain As a monopolistic outcomes. Contrast this with can still inflict There the maximum punishment the foreign firm a quota. on the domestic firm is to sell its entire quota. Thus yields positive profits for the domestic firm. firm faces a lower punishment, monopolistic outcome. fact that, This generally since the domestic has a larger incentive to deviate from the it This general intuition must be qualified somewhat by the as pointed out less costly to the foreign by Davidson (1984), trade restrictions country to let the make it domestic country have a larger Thus the domestic share of the domestic market. also firm's incentive to abide by the collusive scheme can at least be partially restored by altering the market shares in its favor and thereby giving it more to lose if it deviates. In this case of maximal punishments, therefore, our results have the opposite implication of those of Bhagwati (19G5) showed that a single domestic producer who faced would act more competitively with a a single domestic In his classic paper he . producer and tariff a single a competitive foreign than with a quota. market When we consider foreign producer, the opposite result emerges. If the punishments are not as grim as this, but instead involve reverting to the equilibrium from the one-shot game in each period, then large tariffs (which are anologous to small quotas) make collusion more difficult to sustain. In that case, then, the consequences of tariffs and quotas are similar. As mentioned previously, our results are strongest prices are the strategic variables . When quantities are the strategic variables for the case in which we analyze the case we find that only discipline of the oligopoly while large quotas, if in which small quotas break the anything, strengthen the incentives to go along with the monopolistic outcome . Thus our results case parallel closely those of Davidson (1984) for tariffs. for this He uses quantities as the strategic variables in a model ve~y similar to ours and shows that small promote collusion, while the opposite tariffs true for large tariffs. is After considering the effects on monopolization the quota we study the foreign repercussions we used that the arguments of the country that imposes in We notice immediately quotas. show that more competition emerges to country in the that imposes the quota also imply that quotas lead to increased competition abroad the the domestic firm if is We model the capacity capacity constrained. constraint in a simple way, assuming that the firm can produce at constant marginal cost up to some quota is limit and cannot exceed that imposed when the domestic firm the monopoly output is to be sold in the quota requires that the domestic firm sell is Suppose that limit. a capacity constrained in this way. If domestic market, the presence of a more at a limited capacity to supply the foreign market. home. Therefore, it has only In that case its capacity constraint has the same effect abroad as the quota does on the imports of the foreign firm. Thus, for the reasons discussed above, more competition results in the foreign market. It is possible for quotas to lead to increased competition abroad even in the absence of capacity constraints, however levels of demand fluctuate over the two markets. time and Suppose, for example, that the . are not perfectly correlated across In that case, in either market taken alone, unable to sustain the monopoly level of prices in and Saloner (1986) , when demand outweigh the punishment which is is demand. meted out in later, in . As in may be Rotemberg may the incentive to cheat "more normal", periods. such settings the firms can when they share two markets with imperfectly correlated In the simplest case, markets are states sufficiently high, As Bernheim and Whinston (1986) show, sustain higher profits all the firms of equal size (which is also the one that we study), the and have perfectly negatively correlated demand. In . . that case the two markets taken together are perfectly stable over time and hence, since the firms' incentive to cheat doesn't fluctuate over time, they may Imposing a quota on one of the be able to sustain monopoly profits each period. markets, however, means that the firms lose the countervailing force that smooths the incentive to cheat when demand Instead, the foreign market high in the foreign market. is transformed into is a market with fluctuating demand and monopoly profits may no longer be sustainable there. Thus the imposition market or of a quota can increase competition in the domestic market. The natural question is in the foreign whether the separate analyses discussed above can be combined to show that the imposition of a quota can contemporaneously increase competition in both the domestic and foreign markets . We show that The presence this is indeed the case of implicit collusion is not the only reason result in increased competition in both markets model developed in Dixit . why quotas may Indeed we demonstrate that the and Kyle (1985) can be modified to show that potential entry can have the same effect. The paper is organized as follows : We show that quotas can increase competition at home with prices as the strategic variables in Section with quantities as the strategic variables in Section III. II and In Section IV, we use the analysis developed in these sections to show that quotas can lead to increased competition abroad show that in the the domestic firm presence is if the domestic firm of fluctuating this can occur not capacity constrained in Section V. in We capacity constrained. demand that show that increased competition can result market. is even when In Section VI we both the domestic and the foreign Section VII concludes the paper with a discussion of the effect of potential entry . II Quotas and price competition home at We consider an There are two countries, domestic and foreign. oligopolistic industry with one domestic the simplest case restriction is Marginal cost consumers can only buy the good by the two firms are viewed P is is c it . Yet, and this does at home. for tractability Thus the foreign , the goods as perfect substitutes in the domestic market. given by: = a - where P constant and equal to own country 2 in their made mainly slightly contradictory assumption is Demand This However, the markets are segmented firm can charge a different price abroad than sold sales abroad. Foreign firms do not face any transportation costs from shipping the good to the domestic country. so that is To start with firm. we assume that the domestic firm makes no relaxed in Section IV. in both countries. and one foreign bQ (1) the industry price and Q is the sum of the amounts sold by the domestic and foreign firms In this section price is This means that if one supplies the entire market. If the strategic variable. firm quotes a price lower than the other, it There are two possible two firms quote the same price they share the market. assumptions about the way in which this sharing gets half the market. feasible The second is the presence of quotas the foreign firm case. Thus the latter done . The first is that that any possible market division and that market shares are also the market. is assumption implicitly agreed upon. may be forced is the to each is However, in have less than half of the only one that makes sense in this We start by analyzing equilibrium under free trade. This equilibrium 3 the standard duopoly equilibrium in a repeated setting. is We assume that the firms try to sustain the monopoly price (a + c)/2 and that they each serve half 9 A Then, the market. If if either firm deviates, market so that neither firm deviates, each earns (a-c) /4b per period. it undercuts the price slightly and captures the entire However, after earns twice this amount. it a deviation the firms are assumed to revert forever to the noncooperative equilibrium for the corresponding one-period game which has a price equal This punishment which gives each firm profits of zero possible punishment that can be conceived industry 5 It is . if to the is marginal cost c. also the strongest the firms are free to leave the then impossible to make them earn negative profits. With this punishment, each firm will be deterred from deviating as long as: (a-c) 2 2 /4b < 6(a-c) /4b(l-6) where the R.HS of this by cheating and long as 6 6 equation represents the future profits that are given up the rate at which future profits are discounted. is equals at least 1/2, the monopoly price We now consider the effect of a quota. allowed to import be c(a-c)/b so that sold under perfect competition. firm to supply the amount Similarly, if of (a+c)/2, z is 1/2 , it A sell is sustainable. is Let the amount the foreign firm scaled quota where demanded can it So as is by the amount that would be z is 1 would allow the foreign at a price equal to marginal cost. the amount demanded at the monopoly price and so on. Notice as an aside that any quota which is binding at the original equilibrium, i.e. which reduces the amount imported, raises the standard measures of domestic welfare. This is so because, even if the price remains at . 8 the domestic firn (a+c)/2, Domestic welfare is having higher sales, now earns higher profits. only increased further the national identity of firms if the price actuaUy falls . Since however, we focus mainly a slippery concept, is g on the competition-enhancing affects of quotas. We begin studying the equilibrium with quotas by analyzing the punishments for deviating from the implicitly collusive understanding. standard practice (1971), in As is models of repeated oligopoly (see for example, Friedman Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) and Brock and Scheinkman (1986)) we assume that firms revert to the Nash equilibrium in the deviates from the collusive understanding. who focuses instead on While, as one-shot game This if in contrast to is any firm Abreu (1982) the maximal feasible punishment for any deviating firm. we show below, our results are not very sensitive to our assumption of one-shot Nash punishments, there are three reasons why even when they are lower than the maximal punishments. these may be preferable First, if the owners of the firm can sell the firm forward, the only equilibrium until the sale takes place is the one -shot Nash equilibrium. managers to of the firm to signal, 7 Second, it is in the interest of the once punishments begin, that they are post prices other than those of the one-shot Nash equilibrium. signalling is credible unwillin g If this maximal punishments as in Abreu (1982) become c infeasible. Third, the one-shot Nash equilibrium easier to characterize is than the maximal punishments The static one -shot game to which firms revert when they are punishing each other has no pure strategy equilibrium. Kreps and Scheinkman (1983) analyze the mixed strategy equilibrium, and compute the expected profits of the firm with larger capacity. They also exhibit one such mixed strategy equilibrium (for which they compute the entire distribution show that this equilibrium is the of prices) . It is straightforward to unique mixed strategy equilibrium and thus to . also .. compute the expected profits We now list of the foreign firm at this equilibrium. The arguments behind the salient features of this equilibrium. these assertions are contained in the appendix: The highest price charged by both firms (i) The lowest price charged (ii) o = (a+c)/2 and it (iii) e) 2 (a-c)(2E-E - 1/2 2 ) [a+c-E (a-c) /2 is ] is /2 (2) charged by both firms with probability zero is In equilibrium, the domestic firm has expected profits of (a-c) /4b per period while those of the foreign firm equal e 2 (1- (o-c) (a-c)/b Notice that this static equilibrium has the features of the differentiated products model Krishna (198G) of A higher quota . is higher e) lowers both the Kreps and Scheinkman (1984) show that the highest and lowest price charged. entire distribution of prices (a stochastically dominated by that with a lower quota. There comment. c) 2 (1-e) 2 is one more feature of this punishment equilibrium that deserves At this equilibrium the domestic firm earns a present value What must be noted /4b(l-6). is that the domestic firm can never earn less than this present discounted value of profits at one involving maximal punishments firm can guarantee for itself that The reason . it will posting a price equal to [a+c-E (a-c) ]/2b. the domestic firm is (a- of any equilibrum; even the for this is that the domestic 2 2 earn (a-c) (l-£) /4b per period by This what gives quotas their limit on the punishability of ability to break the monopoly price With the value of the punishments in hand we now turn to the analysis of the repeated game. The price preferred by the domestic firm continues (a+c)/2 while the foreign firm, which higher price. is to be subject to a quota, naturally prefers a Yet we concentrate on the question of whether the duopoly can 10 We do sustain the "monopoly" price of (a + c)/2. this for two related reasons. higher prices are more difficult to sustain so that First, sustain (a+c)/2 they cannot sustain any higher price. whether the introduction in if the firms cannot Second, we are interested quota lowers equilibrium prices from their free of a trade level of (a+c)/2. The firm is sustainability of the price expected to allowed to sell its sell at this price. entire quota, have no incentive to deviate. deviate since is If, depends on the amount the foreign for instance, sell In this case, the domestic firm will always Similarly, 2 supposed Instead, /2b. if to sell which case it sells its entire in which case it sells Consider c) 2 /2b. (e profits are y(ait in which z is - z it + z - 6e(2e - e(2e 1/2 2 z ) exceeds (a-c)/2b. By deviating, the foreign firm earns c(a- - 1/2 2 e ) ]/2(1-6) (3) or: V > sells smaller than or equal to thus choose to deviate unless: v)/2 < 6[y - its quota, and the case in which former case. first the It will which the entire quota at a price essentially identical to its 1/2, in 1/2, in y(a-c)/b (0<y<l) in the collusive arrangement. We analyze separately the case (a+c)/2. the foreign firm deviates by undercutting the price slightly, it demand or either total if we consider the intermediate case So, Then, by going along with the collusive arrangement, c) is nothing, the domestic firm never deviates but the foreign firm always deviates. is the foreign firm e(a-c)/b, at this price the foreign firm will earns more in the static game. it expected to foreign firm (a + c)/2 . (4) 11 Note that for small z, must essentially equal y that the price will roughly equal (a + c)/2 whether q punished Thus is Note also that the higher is the firms' discount factor, at the it is monopoly price On cheating. sell 2 - v/2 e if it it goes along cheats it it firm sells it can 2 hand Thus the domestic - If (a+c)/2, while of the other V/2 < 6[e/2 being 6, the less willing to sell without cheating. consider the domestic firm. that price. is essentially its entire it the foreign firm Now allowed to goes along or deviates unless . capacity. it The foreign firm knows z. sell (a-c)(l/2 p)/b - (a-c)/2b at 2 earns only (a-c) (1-e) /4b per period after is deterred from price-undercutting if: /4]/(1-6) or: y < 6z - Equation li bz 2 /2. (5), (5) which is must be relatively small since higher levels of y if valid also when punishments the domestic firm is to are maximal, shows that be deterred from cheating make cheating more attractive without increasing its cost to the firm. If (4) and (5) contradict one another the monopoly price To see under what conditions sustainable. this occurs is not we combine the conditions and obtain: e{ 1 - 6 - 6[(2e - z 2 1/2 ) - e/2]} < 0. (6) 12 For small t enough we can neglect the term second order) and the condition But the domestic firm always requires that than t for y equal to ; When clearly violated. is saw that the foreign firm must be allowed strictly smaller square brackets (which in z it z small is is of enough we to sell essentially its entire quota. y be smaller than 6e which is has too strong an incentive to undercut the monopoly price For brackets up z entire quota when (6) Now cheats z until cheats consider the case in which - square only this the foreign firm cannot sell its z , 6 must exceed about y)/2 < 6[v t - exceeds 1/2 so that when the foreign firm z Then the foreign earns (a-c) /4b. (1/2 is in to be satisfied. 2 it Yet this analysis For this maximal applicable . The term positive. is reaches .553. z beyond since to 1/2 it the term in brackets 1 increasing in is relevant for .62 for and between £ + e(2e - 1/2 2 e ) firm will cheat unless: ]/2(1-6) or: y > (l-6)/2 + 6e(2e - 5e - 2 1/2 e (7) . ) which must now be satisfied together with So we substitute (7) (l-6)/2 < 6e(2e For demanded e (5) for monopolization to be feasible. (holding with equality) in (5) and obtain: - 1/2 2 e ) equal one, that is - 6e 2 /2. (8) when the foreign at the competitive price, (8) firm can sell the entire quantity requires that 6 exceed 1/2 as it did . . 13 under free trade. of 6/(1-6) Since the (and thus of 6) RHS of strictly increasing in z, is (8) required to make (8) hold, falls the level when strictly t rises To summarize the results at a more restrictive quotas (starting section, of this quota which allows the foreign firm to sell demanded the entire amount at the competitive price) monotonically reduce the ability to monopolize the Note that, for a given market. domestic market is 6, the quota that gives the minimum price in the strictly smaller than the one When these equations hold with with equality. For lower values of sustainable. which (or (8)) (6) equality, monopoly However, the price falls. z, satisfies is just the quota if is reduced significantly more, the price starts rising again as the prices charged even in the one-shot game rise. For equal to zero, the monopoly price t is reestablished. It must be pointed out again that the increased competition brought about by quotas is not sensitive to the use of one -shot Nash punishments. instance even if deviations by the foreign firm lead profits from then on (which for low maximal punishment) the foreign firm so as to refrain from deviating. 1/2 and any positive is z will This is a this firm to require that y equal at least (1-6)e inconsistent with (5) for We now briefly compare the results analyzing tariffs in a similar setting. of the foreign firm are higher, domestic firm. by the The repeated game has been analyzed by 6 equal to z in this setting is in direct contrast to the conclusions of the static analysis reported . earn zero much harsher punishment than the The increased competition brought about by quotas (1985) For in A to those by Krishna one would obtain when tariff simply implies that the costs tariff rate, than the costs of the which the two firms have different costs Bemheim and Whinston (1986), who consider optimal . 14 punishments firms still in the style of Abreu (1982). Then, both the domestic and foreign earn zero profits when they are being punished This means that . the incentives to participate in the implicit agreement that requires that the price (a + c)/2 be charged, do not change as a result of the tariff. Moreover, Bernheim and Whinston (198G) show that the equilibrium that involves the highest profits for the duopoly as a whole now has higher than a price This (a + c)/2. occurs because the profit maximizing price from the point of view of the foreign firm is now higher. So a tariff has the potential for increasing the domestic price above the monopoly price. Thus, in the case of (1965) about competition reversed. A maximal punishments the classic results of Bhagwati between quota, because punished effectively, makes consequence. it foreign and a domestic firm, are precisely makes it impossible for the domestic firm to be while a tariff has no such difficult to collude, This raises the intriguing possibility that this governments seem However, it a it to prefer quantitative restrictions to tariffs must be pointed out that the robustness with respect to a tariff is is the reason 12 of the monopoly outcome sensitive to the use of maximal punishments . If instead, reversions to the Bertrand outcome are used, a tariff which raises the foreign firm's costs barely below the monopoly price of (a + c)/2 makes the monopoly price unsustainable. The reason for this is that to maintain this price the domestic firm must give a sizeable fraction of the market (1-6) to the foreign firm. Thus if the foreign firm's costs are near (a + c)/2 the domestic firm will actually earn more during the period of punishment (when price barely below the foreign firm's costs) than when it it charges a goes along with the monopoly price The results of this section are sufficiently striking that be qualified somewhat further. The analysis hinges critically they deserve to on the presence 15 Since this means that only the foreign firm can one domestic firm. of only punish the domestic firm, this punishment ability of a quota. there were more domestic firms If revert to a price of c if any of curtailed in the presence is in the market, they could all them deviated and thus keep the oligopoly the monopoly outcome even in the presence of a quota. On at the other hand, if the domestic firms are capable of concerted cheating, the approximation considered in this section of only Ill one domestic firm may be a good one. Quotas and quantity competition at home we assume that quantities are the In this section This has two consequences. when competitor amount. neither firm eliminates the sales of First, deviates. These are maintained in quantities, which is prices are the strategic variables. The its at the implicitly colluding Second, punishments are characterized by reversion to the single period Nash equilibrium when it strategic variables. a much milder form of punishment than 13 results of this section are directly comparable to Davidson's (1984) analysis of tariffs, in which he also assumes that quantities are the strategic variables. collusion to import We show that the result that quotas lead now only holds very little. for to less sustainability of very restrictive quotas that allow the foreign firm For larger quotas, we find that collusion anything, enhanced by the quota. Thus our Davidson's (1984) since he shows that is, if results here are similar to small tariffs (which correspond to large quotas) enhance collusion while large tariffs do the opposite. Again, the firms are assumed to be able to monopolize the domestic market in the absence of quotas. earns (a-c) 2 /8b. If By going along with selling (a-c)/4b each, each firm either firm were to deviate it would choose to sell 3 (a- 16 c)/8b which would give woulci revert to From then on, the firms 2 /64b in the period of the deviation. Cournot-Nash equilibrium so that each 2 would will profits of 9(a-c) it sell (a-c)/3b and earn profits of (a-c) /9b per period. be deterred from cheating [9/64 - 2 l/8](a-c) /b < which requires only that Now 6 6 So, if: [1/8 - 1/9] (a-c) 2 /b(l-6) , exceed 9/17. consider a quota of E(a-c)/b. If e is above 3/8, so that the quota exceeds the best response to the monopolizing level of output, So suppose that it is t is between 3/8 and 1/3. affect the foreign firm's ability to Then the quota does not punish the domestic firm from deviating (since each firm produces (a-c) /3b in Cournot-Nash equilibrium. makes the foreign firm's own deviation less profitable since cannot now exceed t(a-c)/b. it done in the absence of a quota. the collusive output is For suppose that (a-c) /4b, isn't constrained, somewhat lower. since it 6 is it when it now earns will still it may be With e not only willing to go along with is less when may be it deviates than if it its does if it sales are possible to sustain the monopoly output by having the foreign firm produce less than half of the domestic firm produce more than half. actually just below 9/17 so that not be induced to cheat even This means that it firms can this cannot not sustainable in the absence of a quota. between 3/8 and 1/3 the foreign firm selling when the Furthermore, possible to sustain this monopolistic outcome even However, this deviation So such a quota has no effect sustain the monopolistic outcome without a quota. make has no effect. it lower than this level but higher than the Nash equilibrium that level of sales, i.e. each firm In essence, the "excess" total, and the unwillin gness cheat on the part of the foreign firm can be used to free up the constraint on to 17 the domestic firm. for a quota to promote competition Thus equilibrium (a-c)/3b, detail. t must be less than must be below the Nash it We now analyze such 1/3. quota a in first look for the lowest level of sales on the part of the foreign We firm which makes willing to go along with an equilibrium it Then we analyze whether the domestic (a + c)/2. by the foreign this price given these sales Suppose that the foreign firm and that the firms attempt to sustain the is willing to go along with is firm. supposed is firm whose price y(a-c)/b in equilibrium to sell monopoly level of output. We now derive the minimum level of y for which the foreign firm will not want to By cooperating deviate. 2 output at a price of sells its it The domestic firm earns (a-c) y/2b. sells that not sold by the foreign firm, or (a-c) (1/2 requirement that deviates it sells - We y)/b. E(a-c)/b. Thus when it deviates 2 it in y. This because the higher when they both go along with game. its is y the earns (a-c) e(1/2 it this level of output, is i.e. U[l/2 if: deviates are increasing the proposed equilibrium output. less than the or (a-c) (l-c)/2b Hence the foreign firm 2 + t lower are the domestic firm's sales Nash equilibrium value foreign firm sells E(a-c)/b while the domestic firm sells (a-c) - deviation the market reverts to the equilibrium in the one -shot Since the quota E)/2b. show below that the be smaller than 1/3 implies that when the foreign firm z Note that the profits to the foreign firm when After it portion of the monopoly output y)/b. is (a + c)/2 so that + v - e] - will . its Thus the foreign - e (a-c)/3b, the best response to 2 firm earns (a-c) e(1- be deterred from deviating 2 y/2}/b < 6(a-c) [y of if: (1-e) ]/2b(l-6) 18 y > t 6e - 2 2 E (l-6)] - /[1 Note that for values of when near zero, the foreign firm to sell it the quota is nearly firm's interest to sell as deviating unless it much allowed to is that for sufficiently small already selling all as that can and Then it The reason it always in the foreign is cannot be deterred from essentially sell deviate unless price does not differ appreciably from small, it will entire quota. its even during the punishment phase. (a + c)/2, is (9) . t the implicit agreement allows for this is that 14 its This means entire quota. z the foreign firm has no punishment power since it is Given allowed to bring in. surprising that we establish next that for sufficiently small this, z , it is it not the equilibrium cannot involve the monopolization of the domestic market. Suppose that the Consider the domestic firm's incentive to deviate. foreign firm selling is best response to this, c) 2 (1-y) would 2 (a-c)y/b as above. The domestic firm would (a-c) (l-y)/2b, deviated. /4b in the period in which sell it if it It would then earn From then on the foreign firm deviated. 2 (1-c) 2 /4b per period. So the domestic firm would be deterred from deviating only - 2 y) /4 - (1/4 - increase is y, if: y/2) < 6[l/4 It is (a- (a-c)c/b so that, by an argument similar to that above, the domestic firm would earn (a-c) (1 sell its - y/2 2 - (1 - /4]/(l-6). (10) easy to see that in spite of the fact that profits from deviating when y falls, as long as y is the inequality in (10) smaller than 6/(1-6) is more (which is likely to hold the smaller true by assumption). The . 19 reason for this that the principal effect of a decrease in y is is that the domestic firm earns more by going along with the collusive agreement. make the domestic firm firm sell only as much as willing to go along as possible as required to make is Substituting this expression for 2 (1-26 2 3 - (l-6)[4(l-6 E ) + we divide If 4 e 2 + ) + by z this expression 2 by (after dividing range of z . the foreign hold with equality. (9) multiplying by (1-6) [1-2e (1-5) 2 ] and 26] (1-6)[4(1-6) obtain (1-26 )<0, which requires of (11) (10), let to the inequality (10) becomes: collecting terms, e y in we Thus 2 z This means that 6 2 46(1-6) 2 + 6 < 0. ] and take the limit as if 6 exceeds .71 it is z goes to zero we Furthermore, the LHS smaller than about .71. decreases monotonically with ) (11) z in the relevant always possible to sustain the monopoly price If, instead, 6 between 9/17 and is .71, the monopolistic outcome sustainable with free trade but not with a sufficiently small quota. is In this case of linear demand, however, the quota must be very small for this result to hold. If we take the free trade (9/17) is , smallest discount factor consistent with collusion under one can demonstrate numerically that the monopolistic outcome not sustainable for z equal to .01 but These are such low values of z is sustainable for z equal to .015. that even the noncooperative solution looks essentially identical to the monopolistic solution. IV Quotas and competition abroad: Constant demand We now turn to the implications of the existence of a quota at home for . 20 competition abroad. Sections and II In this section to III we adapt the arguments presented in argue that under certain circumstances they can be interpreted as providing conditions under which competition increases abroad. We assume that the domestic and foreign markets are demand curves are given by a monopolistic equilibrium in as 6 equals at least 1/2 least 9/17 when becomes which both firms have infinite capacity, there (a + c)/2 is when prices are charged in is both markets as long the strategic variables and 6 equals at quantities are strategic variables. Now assume k(a-c)/b. If (1). identical so that their that the domestic firm actually has limited capacity given by So marginal cost equals infinite. If k equals c until the firm produces k(a-c)/b and then for instance, 2, the domestic firm can supply the quantity demanded at the competitive price in both markets section is that this capacity is The idea . of this sufficient to maintain the monopolistic outcome in both countries with free trade. However, with a quota that forbids all imports into the domestic country, the domestic firm must devote a larger fraction of its capacity to producing for the protected domestic market. then effectively has a very small capacity for selling abroad. It This has the same effect abroad as would a quota imposed by the foreign country. We is first treat the case in which prices are the strategic variables. equal to 1/2 (the benchmark case) and k is less than 2, If 6 the two firms cannot maintain the monopolistic outcome in both markets even in the absence of a quota. This results because the domestic firm does not have sufficient punishment power outcome can to at best keep the foreign firm from cheating. be sustained for values of 6 Thus the monopoly that are greater than that required to sustain monopoly under free trade without capacity constraints We consider how large the "critical" value of 6 must be for different values of k. Note first that k must be at least equal to 1/2 for the problem to 21 be interesting since otherwise the domestic country own market when its suppose that k is (the world market value of that market becomes closed to foreign firms. value of critical Now 6 is 6 about is .65. If consider the effect of a quota. important to notice is is at instead k is equal to one, the is is left The domestic over This firm sells (a-c)/2b at to sell in the foreign that the domestic firm is it is never willing to selling abroad it z we can use (6) 6 that sustains the monopoly outcome abroad. value of 6 strictly to a value of is .65 in the 1 is Letting k-1/2 be . minimum For k barely above 1/2 no sufficient to maintain that outcome absence of a quota). For k equal (in contrast to 1, a value of .65 required 'when only .62 was required under free trade. We now turn to the case in which quantities are the strategic variables. Here the monopoly outcome only broke down for tiny quotas domestic firm has a capacity of (1/2 +e) where z is other hand, once the domestic market firm is is willing to sell at most below .71, z is abroad. Hence . negligible, outcome can be maintained with free trade as long as 6 less than (or (8) for k bigger than 1) to discover the value of below if effectively is capacity constrained abroad with a capacity of (k-1/2) (a-c)/b denoted by sell punishing the foreign This means that the domestic firm sold at home. country. so because the marginal revenue from selling a unit is home always exceeds the marginal revenue from (a-c)/2b equal to k/2 z sustainable in the world as a more that (k-1/2) (a-c)/b units abroad, even when firm for deviating. So first about .62. home and has (k-1/2) (a-c)/b units What with (6) in equivalent to twice the domestic market) to obtain the is This value of whole. Then we can use barely above 1/2. for which the monopoly outcome 6 unable to meet demand is 6 if the the monopoly exceeds 9/17. On the closed to the foreign firm, the domestic This means that for z small the monopoly outcome won't be sustainable abroad. enough if 22 V Quotas and competition abroad: Fluctuating demand This section considers country tends collusion is somewhat different model in which quota a The idea country. to increase competition in the other in one market, they are small In this setting, one that is in the other market and the overall incentive to cheat (taking the two markets together) are fairly constant over time. If one looks at either market Then separately, however, the incentive to cheat fluctuates over time. in in maintained under free trade only because whenever the net benefits from cheating are big viceversa. a if, as Rotemberg and Saloner (1986), future punishments are largely independent the current period's incentive to cheat, then those punishments insufficient to deter cheating high. It if the current incentive to cheat may be is particularly thus becomes more difficult to prevent them from cheating. imposition of a quota has the effect of separating the two markets, makes implicit collusion Our specific model more of it Since the thus difficult. assumes that demand is random in both countries, as in Rotemberg and Saloner (1986), and negatively correlated across markets Bernheim and Whinston (1986). as in To simplify the analysis we assume that there are only two states of demand (high and low) whose realizations are independently distributed over time in any one country and perfectly negatively correlated across markets. So when demand In this section is high in one market we assume that there are N/2 firms do not restrict attention to linear demand curves. symmetric, the monopoly price in the high state, p it in is low in the other. each market while we Since the countries are , is the same in both countries and similarly for the monopoly price in the low state, p the analysis by ensuring that these two prices p . We start and p are sustainable with That free trade. is we consider situation in which a all N firms sell markets and derive the condition under which no single firm wants from charging p in the country in which demand is high and p in both to deviate in the other. Prices are again the strategic variable so that any deviation triggers a permanent reversion to the static equilibrium in which price equals marginal cost. Let be the total monopoly profits in the market with high demand and it those in the market with low demand. former As long as p exceeds marginal even when demand charging p is A high. firm that deviates from the monopoly outcome undercuts the price charged by the others slightly. the market in which deviating it + demand gives up both these profits. U the cost, bigger than the latter since the monopoly always has the option of is (tt v is now and Thus each firm TrVl " high and 1/N) < 6(n U is in the other. On thus earns it in the other hand, by in all future periods its share (1/N) of deterred from deviating as long as: 1 + it It tr )/N(l - (12) 6) or: N - 1 < 6/(1 - 6). (13) We assume that either the number factor big enough that (12) of firms is small enough or the discount holds so that with free trade the two markets can be completely monopolized. We now consider what happens when no imports are allowed country. This drastic quota has two effects. First, fewer (N/2) active firms in the domestic market while into the domestic it means that there are N firms continue to sell 24 in the As foreign market. the conditions under which monopoly will be a result, sustainable will be different depending on which market has high demand. Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) show, in this sustain collusion when demand monopolization is possible, monopolization is possible in the high Consider /N abroad. . Thus low. always easier to is it whether complete to see we study the conditions under which such Any demand state. country when demand first the foreign firms try to charge p tt is setting Suppose that the high. is firm that undercuts this price earns The losses from the ensuing competition are smaller may countries since domestic countries also lose they lose the expected value of profits in the future . Since If U (1 - 1/N) > 6(tt U Note that the E.HS of 1 + of tt they deviate (tt is and (14) )/2N(1-6) (14) (14) . equals half the R.HS of (12). The costs Yet, insofar as than half of the LHS to hold simultaneously. of (12) In particular, tt so that if (12) is bigger than it is in the tt When (14) holds, it is terms foreign if , the if the profits is impossible to sustain monopoly abroad high state of demand so the quota increases competition. It is LHS holds as an equality high and low demand states are different, the inequality in (14) always satisfied. in possible for (12) (so that monopolization is just sustainable with free trade) then in the )/2. +tt foregone future profits from deviating are half what they would be (14) is bigger home. at if: firms had access to both markets. of for foreign demand independently distributed over time, these expacted profits equal So, a foreign firm will deviate instead of it any profits they make So we concentrate on the incentive to deviate of foreign firms. tt As easy to show that when (12) holds it is always possible to sustain . monopoly abroad in the low state of demand. (12) ensures that deviations Yet when demand would prevail if is low, will This results from the fact that not take place even when demand constant. is expected future losses from deviating exceed those that demand were expected to stay from the fact that even when (14) holds, it is This low forever. still possible to sustain This can be seen as follows: substantial profits in the high state. turn results in Let the sustainable price (the highest price that can be charged without inducing any firm to deviate) in the high state be p argument analogous S 1/N) - (1 S = 6(tt s it tt Then by an . will just if 1 + and the ensuing profits one used to derive (14), a foreign firm to the refrain from undercutting p tt s )/2N(1-6) or: t s so that 1 = tt s it /[2(N-1)(1-6)/6 equals 1 tt when - (15) 1]} (12) holds as an equality and exceeds when it it holds as a strict inequality So far, we have shown that under plausible conditions the foreign market becomes more competitive while still retaining substantial profits. This result does not hinge on the fact that prices are used as the strategic variables. As in Rotemberg and Saloner (1986), sustain when demand is high. it As we showed there, this quantities are the strategic variables We now turn only requires that collusion be difficult to when demand is also true when is linear. briefly to an analysis of the domestic market. If domestic firms were to deviate from the collusive arrangement they could be punished in 26 In this case, both markets. On once. deviating firms would deviate both markets in at the other hand we have already derived the net benefits from deviating abroad under the assumption that punishments would only be meted out abroad. complete the analysis we thus look at the net benefits from deviating domestic market alone under the assumption that firms Then, the the domestic market for doing so. will To the in only be punished in total net benefits to deviating are the sum of these two net benefits. Suppose that the domestic market high, a deviating firm would earn then lose It its is instead of it share of total expected profits in would thus be deterred from deviating U tt (1 - fully monopolized. 2/N) < The RHS meted out only 6(tt of (16) in u is + share (2/N) of its its LHS of in addition, would on. (16) the same as the substantially smaller than the It . is if: itVnCI-S). the share we previously considered. ir own market from then RHS of On While the punishment (12). one market, the share of each firm one market alone while, When demand in this the other hand the (12) market is LHS (16) is of is double since deviations are taking place in the net benefit is smaller because there are fewer firms active in the market and so the firm's share was larger to start with. So if (12) is satisfied strict inequality. In this case showing that monopoly is (even with equality) then (16) is satisfied as a which demand is high at home. This applies to the case in demand is low in the foreign market and our previous analysis there is a net loss from deviating there applies. sustainable in the absence of a quota home market, then When demand it is is when demand Thus is if high in the also sustainable with the quota. low at home the corresponding condition at home has the same . 27 RHS as but an even smaller LHS (16) . So the net benefits to deviating are negative here as well. summary, when In holds, monopolization (12) always possible the in since protected domestic firms strictly Indeed, protected domestic market. is prefer to go along with monopolization than to deviate when (12) holds as an we can conclude that protection may make monopolization equality, home when The was not feasible with free trade fact that collusion potential, To do it this in a richer we must II. becomes easier for the domestic firms has the model, to make monopolization feasible abroad as well. allow the set of firms that charge the lowest price to split the market unevenly as Section feasible at is done Bernheim and Whinston (1986) and as we do in Bernheim and Whinston (1986) show that the possibility in such of arbitrary divisions allows "punishment power" to be shifted from a market in which there is more than enough monopoly outcomes. to one in which there isn't enough to sustain In our example, the domestic firms can offer the foreign Domestic firms would firms a share higher than 1/N of the foreign market. tolerate this for fear of losing their domestic profits if they deviate abroad. Foreign firms would earn more when they go along with the collusive arrangement and thus would be less potentially achievable willing to deviate when demand does not work, however, there is when N is . In this fluctuates relatively equal to 2 home when it little. deviates abroad. Then is This approach so that as in Sections only one firm in the domestic market. fear retaliation at way monopolization II this firm does not and need Its incentives to deviate abroad are the same as those of foreign firms and giving the foreign firm a disproportionately large market share only increases the domestic firm's incentive to deviate abroad. III to . VI Quotas and Competition in Both Markets competition at home (as in Sections Sections IV and V) fluctuating possibility that a quota will increase we consider the In this section II and The model we use . demand model of Section III) as well as abroad to illustrate this possibility is the V except to permit competition to that, increase at home, we consider a strictly positive quota. analysis we restrict attention to the case in which one firm in each country, and 6 is (as in equal to 1/2, N Also, equals so that to simplify the so that there 2, monopoly is is just sustainable in both markets with free trade. Since any firm that deviates in one market will be punished in both, any deviating firm will undercut the implicitly agreed upon price in both countries. So the incentive to deviate in any one country can be thought of as the sum of the net profits from deviating at home (i.e. the benefits from deviating at home minus the present value home) plus the net profits from of the losses at deviating abroad Suppose that the foreign firm has its net profits from cheating when demand those is when demand notice fall is that, as when demand s 1 when demand Similarly the domestic firm's s high are (3a/2-l/2)ir -(l-a)ii /2 we increase by the same amount a, s low are (3a/2-l/2)ir -(l-a)ir /2 and 1 is s (1-3cx/2)tt -an /2 while 1 is Then market. 1 low are is high are (l-3a/2)Tt -air/2. net profits from cheating those a share a of the foreign . The important thing the foreign firm's net profits from deviating Thus, as the domestic profits from deviating increase. as long as in each state the total net profits from deviating (the firm's net profits from deviating) are zero, redistribution of shares that will to sum each of there will always be a make both firms We therefore now concentrate only on the willing to go along. total incentive to deviate . In 29 the foreign country this s So unless state. abroad is ti is (tt home at We can then write the quota enough small 1 equal to the low state and in -ti tt ( si )/2 the total incentive to deviate t in -tt is the high positive one of the two states. in Suppose demand is Is )/2 foreign firm is 1 t given by P=a -bQ (where is in state Suppose that less than 1/2. is allowed to sell y (a as equal to i z (a i equals either u or -c)/b where at the if the quota monopoly price the Then we can obtain from -c)/b. 1) (4) the foreign firm's net profits from deviating while from (5) we can obtain the Once again by varying domestic firm's net profits from deviating. decreased incentive to deviate is the other's focus on the total incentive to deviate. 1 (a -c) 2 1 [E (l-6) + 6e i2 /2 - 1 1 1/2 l2 ) given by: is ]/b. Note that the condition that (17) be positive violated which There thus a net incentive is Now if we proved for the case we try monopoly to maintain s 1 (it -ti abroad. which to deviate in the 6 (17) is the same as that (G) be is equal to 1/2 in Section II. domestic market. consider the net incentive to deviate in the two markets taken together expression in (17) with by in one firm's increased incentive so we can This 6£ (2£ -E y ) i at home. replaced by 1 This given by when demand plus the expression in (17) with At least one is i is s (tt 1 -tt ) plus the high abroad. replaced by u when demand of these net incentives is positive so that it given It is is low is impossible to sustain monopoly at home. Now we consider whether it is possible to have an outcome different from the monopoly outcome at home such that the net incentive to deviate at home so negative that the state. That monopoly outcome can be maintained abroad even this is unlikely for small quotas should in the be apparent since, then, is high : 30 many the static game gives about as profits as the monopoly outcome. This suggests that there are no prices between the monopoly price and those that prevail under static competition for which the costs of reverting to competition are high. We now consider and study the overall profits from deviating p at home The amount demanded home. at a price (a-p)/b and, since the distribution of this demand across firms this price is immaterial, We consider more formally. this issue we the foreign firm sell let sells the difference e (a at is -c)/b while the domestic firm between the quantity demanded and the quota. The domestic firm's net profits from deviating are then given by: i E 1 (a The foreign the static game t 1 1 -c)(p-c)/b - 1 (p-c)[(a -p)-E(a -c)]/b + (a -c) by cheating but firm gains nothing 2 its (l-E 2 I ) /4b . cost from reversion to is: (a -c) [p - o]/b so that the overall benefits from deviating are 1 1 a (p-c)(E (a -c) whose minimum is - (a 1 -p))/b reached for + (a -c) 2 (l-c 2 1 ) /4b 1 + E 1 (a -c) (o-c)/b a p equal [a +c-t (a -c)]/2. There, this expression equals: l-z 2 /2 + e[1 - (2e-e 2 1/2 ) + 2 E 2 ]}(a-c) /2b (18) 31 which is maximum negligible for small t The . cost from deviating at home, fact that <t> , (18) small. is means that the small is Yet, maximum profits in the high state abroad must satisfy: S (tt - 1 •n )/2 - so that for small to <t> $ it < impossible to make is s tt m equal to it as would be required monopolize the foreign market. VII. Conclusions We have shown in a variety of models in which implicit collusion is important that quotas have the potential of increasing competition, not just in the domestic market, but also abroad. those obtained when there is These results stand a single domestic firm in sharp contrast to and goods from abroad are supplied competitively (Bhagwati (1965)) as well as those obtained when domestic and foreign firms act as The in a one -shot game. intuition underlying our seemingly paradoxical results are not restricted to quotas. competition less viable. when Indeed, any action by the government which makes collusion breaks down more profitable makes collusion itself Thus Government imposed minimum price floors could have precisely the same effect. One natural question to ask is whether our results depend critically on the existence of implicit collusion or whether they can also be generated in other models of strategic interaction. would be modified in the In this conclusion One particular concern is how our results presence of entry. we sketch an argument that shows that quotas also tend . 32 to increase competition by encouraging the entry of new (domestic) firms into The setting we consider the industry. to that developed They analyze an industry with an established foreign and Kyle (1985). in Dixit very closely related is firm and a domestic potential entrant. They show that it possible that is if the domestic country prohibits imports that there will be more competition in the foreign market. This occurs because the potential domestic firm may find unprofitable to enter if By protecting it it must compete with the foreign firm in the domestic market (while market), the domestic government provides its fixed costs. It is competes both markets in the foreign with sufficient revenues to cover then finds entry attractive, enters, and increases Since the domestic market was monopolized in any event, the competition abroad. domestic country it it in it made better off since consumer surplus is unaffected and rents have been shifted towards the domestic country. This analysis can easily be extended to include the case of a nonzero Moreover, quota. it not only does competition increase abroad, but in that case, Consider the case where the firms increases in the domestic country as well. compete with outputs as their strategic variables if entry occurs. Suppose further that the domestic potential entrant will find entry worthwhile earns its K is greater than than the domestic monopoly revenues. quota which is its Now domestic Cournot revenues and less let the domestic government impose a such that the domestic firm earns revenues best-response to the quota. to enter it competitive revenues abroad plus some amount, K, of revenues in the domestic market, where its if and does so. Once it of K when In that case the potential entrant is it produces willing has entered the firms produce their Cournot outputs in the foreign market, and in the domestic market the foreign firm its quota while the domestic firm increases in both countries. 1G sells its best-response to that. sells Competition 33 The protect Dixit its and Kyle (1985) insight domestic firm above analysis points out, insulation in its order in is own market to that the domestic country is encourage it to enter. that the domestic firm in may have However, what the may not need complete which case domestic welfare can be improved even further by allowing some foreign competition. In contrast to our analysis in Section instrument used by the domestic country required is is II, a this result holds quota or a whether the tariff. All that is that the domestic government increase the domestic profits of the domestic potential entrant to the point where entry tariff raises the costs of the foreign firm, is they make attractive. it Since a "less aggressive" in the domestic market which in turn makes that market more attractive to the potential entrant. Thus when considerations to of implicit collusion or of potential important, quotas can lead to greater competitiveness. entry are . 34 APPENDIX appendix we consider the one-shot game In this strategic variables and in which one of the firms establish the claims = [a (a + c)/2 = and (a-c)(2s:-0 - In equilibrium, 1/2 is: /2 charged by both firms with probability zero the foreign firm earns We discuss each (i) will is never choose to it charges its highest price, But the price that maximizes which (ii) is its The lowest price charged will profits is than Hence the domestic frrm knows that be undercut with probability one. when if the foreign firm earns it it is undercut for sure z - (a-c) (2s-e2) 1/2/2 (o-c) (a-c) /b (a) and is s, First, it . This price (iii) In . which the domestic firm would be willing could thereby be sure to capture the entire market undercut the foreign firm) properties. (a+c)/2 o - Consider the lowest price charge it sell less therefore the highest price charged by the domestic firm. equilibrium, to s charge a price higher than the highest price charged by the domestic firm. when (o-c) (a-c)/b given that the foreign firm can only First note that, it z of these in turn: The highest price charged by both firms the domestic firm, is: (a-c) ]/2 z this lowest price is (iii) We namely that: in the text, The lowest price charged (ii) o - c + which prices are the capacity constrained. is The highest price charged by both firms (i) s made in a (i.e. has a number of interesting cannot be the case In an equilibrium that the foreign firm always charges a price strictly above would always make more than its profits at a. s If it did so the domestic firm by charging a price between o and the lowest price charged by the foreign firm, which contradicts the fact that is highest price. its domestic firm, Secondly, a if the lowest price charged by the is cannot be charged with positive probability since that would it mean that the foreign firm would benefit from undercutting demand of unless o it at a so that it would be unwilling charge to On a. the lowest price charged by the domestic firm, is with positive" This would imply that the domestic firm couldn't expect to capture probability. all s the other hand the foreign firm (who seeks only to undercut the domestic firm) would never charge a price of who charges must be lowest price charged by the domestic firm o. So with zero it probability. Since the foreign firm must make equal expected profits at prices it charges in equilibrium we can compute computing its profits being able to If its profits sell its when charges it from charging = (a-c) is a price 2 /4b - sure to [p - does this (a-c)(2£-£ 1/2 2 ) sell the entire z is is assured of (o-c) (a-c)/b . demand given by 2 - 2 (a+c)/2 it p are given by: which must equal (a-c) (1-e) 2 /4b a = When /2. the expected profits simply by entire quota so these profits equal the domestic firm (p-c)(a-p)/b a. its all (a+c)/2] /b at a price of o. (Al) So a equals 17 (A2) : (1), a 3d FOOTNOTES proven by Mookerjee and Ray (1986) and Bernheim and Whins ton (198G) 1 This 2 The notion is of segmented markets is discussed, for the case of static imperfectly competitive models, in Helpman (1982). 3 For the specific demand and cost functions used here instance, 4 The in if assumptions 5 it 6 The is they can also sustain the division of the spoils that easiest to collude. punishment is not restrictive since, with constant The second assumption Each individual firm This is the firms can sustain any collusive outcome, the monopoly outcome. makes is large. is able to resist a larger temptation to deviate Thus collusion what leads Abreu (1982) easier the larger is to focus ability of tariffs to shift rents a the on the maximal possible punishments. from foreign to domestic firms In other words, following a deviation, if the punishment. is considered in a static model by Brander and Spencer (1985) 7 presented, for Rotemberg and Saloner (198G). first of these demand, is it is . the owner of the deviating firm signs contract to pass ownership of the firm to a third party for a nominal fee (which can even be less than the scrap value of the plant) specifies that the current owner date at which ownership passes. will . The contract receive the profits that accrue until the Then the current owner and the involved in a finite -horizon game which has as its rival are unique equilibrium the outcome from the one -shot game. 8 Such signalling might be credible, for example, managers who are "old-fashioned" in the if there are some types of sense that they have never conceived of maximal punishments, and who therefore revert to the one-shot Nash equilibrium . 5 I in any reversionary period. 9 This result does not depend on the use of one-shot Nash punishments and can The reason be derived also with maximal punishments. mentioned above, the domestic firm can be sure z ) is this loss. this loss, below To obtain It a must then be compensated at least (a-c) as 2 (1- it in later must charge a price periods for taking lower bound on this price v we assume that, after taking 2 at least (a+c)/2 - [ (a-c)/b] U/2 + [ 6(2e-e )/(l-6) order the foreign firm earns E(a+c)/2 even when Footnote 7 does it Then the domestic firm earns the entire monopoly profits (a-c) /4b. v must equal 10 o. that, is firm earn less than one-shot Nash equilibrium for at least one period v which first earn To make the foreign /4b(l-6) at any equilibrum. at the to for this establishes that for for the foreign firm not to cheat valid in this case as well, z small, y it is 1/2 ] is so that, to being punished. must be essentially equal even with maximal punishments. monopoly ] unsustainable for small z to z Since (5) is even with maximal p uni shments 11 This conclusion, which is also derived by Mookerjee and Ray (1986) for a slightly different game, is somewhat striking since the domestic firm makes there is static competition positive profits less if by simply charging than the foreign firm's marginal cost inclusive of that yields zero profits for the domestic firm is The equilibrium constructed as follows: the first period the domestic firm charges a price, u, (in that tariff. a price just In so low that its losses period) are exactly equal to the present value of the profits from the one-shot game from the second period on. slightly higher than u. The foreign firm charges The foreign firm charges this price a price just every period until the domestic firm charges u for one period; thereafter both firms revert to the one-shot outcome each period. 38 For evidence on this fact and some alternative explanations see Deardorff 12 (1986) . This hinges critically on the fact that we do not use Abreu's (1982) severe 13 These are however punishments. difficult to characterize in this case. This inequality can be used to demonstrate that the foreign firm always 14 sells when the entire quota market, the domestic firm amount this is it the quota it greater. Then by To show that . show that suffices to this inequality is z it less than 15 impossible if z is (l/4+y/2) would also have expression whose maximum, reached when z is amount this latter This means that half the E.HS of the inequality. is the firms are monopolizing the (a-c) (1/2-p) /b so that the best response to selling (a-c) (1/2+y) /2b is When deviates. z to Suppose . it were be greater than 1/4 plus must exceed 1/2 minus an 1/3 and 6 is This equals 1/18. 1, less than 1/3. Bernhein and Whinston (1986) consider the more general case They show correlation. larger than is that the sustainability of collusion of imperfect a monotonically is decreasing function of the degree of correlation across markets, so that we are considering the extreme that makes collusion most sustainable. 16 This result is in contrast to that of consider a model in which the incumbent Brander and Spencer (1981) is committed to selling its They . pre-entry output once entry occurs. In that setting, the incumbent can deter entry by producing to a large enough output. prefer to produce a Imposing a still chooses instead it when it to allow does so. on the incumbent may lead lower output even though that However, since the incumbent price tariff entry will result in has the option of detering entry, must be the case that So, in their analysis, any it entry. if it receives a higher tariff big enough to induce the domestic firm to enter necessarily raises the domestic price above what it it 2 would have been if however, depends Since there is J the domestic firm was deterred from entering. critically on the absence of perfecteness of their equilibrium. no logical link between the incumbent's pre-entry output and post-entry output, the incumbent should be expected entrant's post-entry output. 17 Note that this expression for s respond optimally to the This leads to the Cournot outcome in both markets is (the highest price charged expected profits strictly declining in as are the espressions 2 (1-e) So our analysis of competition of the domestic firm. differentiated products. t by the domestic firnm) and (a-c) consistent with that of Krishna (1985). a to its In that case the above analysis applies. post-entry. reducing This result, She analsyzes She shows that, a 2 /b, the is duopoly producing in the single shot static game, quota raises domestic prices as the domestic firm need not be so concerned with foreign competition. to the case in Our analysis shows which the duopoly produces a that her result extends homogeneous good. 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