MIT LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries $^\d '.^i- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series RATE-ADAPTIVE GMM ESTIMATORS FOR LINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS Guido Kuersteiner Working Paper 03- 17 October 2002 Roonn E52-251 50 Mennorial Drive Cannbridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at 10061 GMM ESTIMATORS FOR LINEAR TIME RATI> ADAPTIVE MODELS SERIES By Guido M. Kuersteiner* MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY First Draft: J JUN 5 2003 November 1999 This Version: October 2002 LIBRARIES Abstract In this paper we analyze Generalized Method models as advocated by Hansen and Singleton. efficiency bounds if number the GMM estimator. way known that number of selecting the The optimal number approximation. conditions is proposed. The of instruments shown that the It is order adaptive. In addition a new version of the these estimators achieve of instruments in a finite sample is GMM GMM. A bias correction for both standard MSE selected by minimizing a criterion based on version of the GMM estimator is higher GMM estimator based on kernel weighted moment kernel weights are selected in a data-dependent way. Expressions for standard shown that the is fully fesisible the asymptotic bias of kernel weighted and standard of the well This paper derives an asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) approximation for the available. MSE It is estimators for time series of lagged observations in the instrument set goes to infinity. However, to this date no data dependent the Moments (GMM) of GMM estimators are obtained. procedures have a larger asymptotic bias and and kernel weighted MSE It is shown that than optimal kernel weighted GMM estimators is proposed. It is bias corrected version achieves a faster rate of convergence of the higher order terms than the uncorrected estimator. Key Words: time series, feasible GMM, number of instruments, rate-adaptive kernels, higher order adaptive, bias correction 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 50 Memorial Drive E52-371A, Cambridge, USA. Email: Web: htip:// Gallant, Jinyong Hahn, Jerry Hausman, Whitney Newey and Ken West excellent research assistance. Comments by the paper. Financial support from NSF a co-editor and three grant SES-0095132 is I for helpful anonymous MA 02142, wish to thank Xiaohong Chen, Ronald comments. Stavros Panageas provided referees led to substantial improvements of gratefully acknowledged. All remaining errors are my own. 1. Introduction In recent years els based on first GMM estimators have become one of the main tools in estimating economic mod- order conditions for optimal behavior of economic agents. Hansen (1982) established the asymptotic properties of a large class of GMM estimators. Based on first order asymptotic theory was subsequently shown by Chamberlain (1987), Hansen (1985) and Newey (1988) that tors based on conditional moment restrictions it GMM estima- can be constructed to achieve semiparametric efficiency bounds. The focus of this paper is the higher order asymptotic analysis of series case. In the cross-sectional literature result in substantial second order bias of it is well GMM know that using a large estimators for the time number of instruments can estimators, thus putting limits to the implementation of efficient procedures. Similar results are obtained in this fully feasible, GMM paper second order optimal implementations of efficient for the time series case. In addition, GMM estimators for time series models are developed. In independent sampling situations feasible versions of efficient GA'IM estimators were implemented amongst others, by Newey (1990). In a time series context examples of first order efficient estimators are Hayashi and Sims (1983), Stoica, Soderstrom and Friedlander (1985), Hansen and Singleton (1991,1996) and Hansen, Heaton and Ogaki (1996). Under special circumstances and Kuersteiner (2002) constructs a feasible, number of instruments is efficient allowed to increase at the same rate as the sample the optimal expansion rate for the number paper a data dependent selection rule GMM estimators Several ture. of instruments for efficient size. fact, to this More generally date no analysis of GMM procedures depending on dimensional instrument set has been provided in the context of time series models. In this infinite version of a slightly different context, GMM estimator for autoregressive models where the however, such expansion rates do not lead to consistent estimates. In an in moment for linear for the time number series of instruments models is is obtained and a fully feasible proposed. selection procedures, applicable to time series data, were proposed in the litera- Andrews (1999) considers selection of valid instruments out of a finite dimensional instrument set containing potentially invalid instruments. Hall and Inoue (2001) propose an information based on the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the GMM estimator to select relevant criterion moment conditions from a finite set of potential moments. Both approaches do not directly apply to the case of infinite dimensional instrument sets considered here. bandwidth parameters the asymptotic MSB optimal bandwidth in for kernel estimates of of the estimator. Linton (1995) analyses tiie optimal choice of the partially linear regression model based on minimizing Xiao and Phillips (1996) apply similar ideas to determine the the estimation of the residual spectral density in a Whittle likelihood based re- More recently Linton gression set up. bandwidth for an (1997) extended his procedure to the determination of the optimal Newey semiparametric instrumental variables estimator. Donald and efficient (2001) use similar arguments to determine the optimal number of base functions in polynomial approximations to the optimal instrument. their true They analyze higher order asymptotic expansions parameter values. While the first order asymptotic terms typically do not depend on the estimation of infinite dimensional nuisance parameters as this of the estimators around shown in Andrews (1994) and Newey (1994) not the case for higher order terms of the expansions. is In this paper case of GMM important for we will obtain expansions similar to the ones of Donald and Newey (2001) for the estimators for models with lagged dependent right hand side variables. This set up the analysis of intertemporal optimization models which are characterized by One conditions of maximization. particular area of application Minimizing the asymptotic approximation to the struments leads to a feasible GMM MSE is first is order asset pricing models. with respect to the number of lagged in- The trade estimator for time series models. of is between more asymptotic efficiency as measured by the asymptotic covariance matrix and bias. Full implementation of the procedure requires the specification of estimators for the criterion func- tion used to determine the optimal for the number of instruments. optimal number of instruments leads to a GMM It is established that a plug-in estimator estimator that We the same asymptotic distribution as the infeasible optimal estimator. weighted version of GMM. It is shown that the asymptotic kernel weights are applied to the that adjusts its moment conditions. The paper tion. also propose a new kernel this purpose a new rate-adaptive kernel is can be reduced if suitable introduced. In addition, a proposed. is proposed. The bias corrected GMM estimator achieves a faster optimal rate of convergence of the higher order terms. is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the time series models and introduces nota- Section 3 introduces the kernel weighted asymptotic is and achieves and a semiparametric correction of the asymptotic bias term version of the MSE fully feasible bias smoothness to the smoothness of the underlying model data-dependent way to pick the optimal kernel Finally, For is MSE terms and GMM estimator, contains the analysis of higher order derives a selection criterion for the optimal number of instruments. Section 4 discusses implementation of the procedure, in particular consistent estimation of the criterion function for optimal GMM bandwidth selection. Section 5 analyzes the asymptotic bias of the kernel weighted estimator and introduces a data-dependent procedure to select the optimal kernel. discusses non-parametric bias correction. Section 7 contains a small proofs are collected in Appendix A. Auxiliary upon request. Lemmas are collected in Section 6 Monte Carlo experiment. The Appendix B which is available 2. Linear We Time Series Models consider the linear time series framework of stationary stochastic process. Hansen and Singleton assumed that economic theory imposes It is of a structural econometric ecjuation on the process we = partition yt and yt 3 Here, y^j [y(,i,J/( 2'i't s]- (1996). Let yt € is yt- the scalar R^ be a strictly restrictions in the form In order to describe this structural equation left hand side The are the excluded contemporaneous endogenous variables. possibly a subset, of the lagged dependent variables yt_i, variable, y^g are the included vector Xt where ...,yi_j. r is is defined to contain, known and The fixed. structural ecjuation then takes the form yt.i=ao (2.1) The model structural m again, with 7^ is for Ijl = /3 = + + We finite. a\L subject to exclusion + ao /3'x( + arU + An £f alternative representation of (2.1) is x p vectors a^ and normalization restrictions imphed by such that there exists an with infinite £< we such that a{L,fi)yt also = ao = for m > strictly 1, where = EetSt-j [yj2j^^(] we can by Yj obtained by setting + £(. Note that a; are /?. assume that the reduced form of moving average (VARMA) process A{L)yt = yt is 1 is — yt admits a A{l)i.iy + B{L)ut moving average representation (2.2) G M^ m— x't all 1 ... representation as a vector autoregressive /x specifically, £t the regressors in X( where In addition to the structural equation (2.1) Here, More denote the autocovariance function of G K'^ and collecting [/3o,/3x] = ao Ct- > m. write (2.1) as y^j a{L,/3) on the innovations and follows a Moving- Average (MA) process of order assumed known and = Letting also imposes restrictions = stationary with Eet + P'oyt,2 + P'i^t+£t- a constant and Ut is ^iy + A-\L)B{L)ut. a strictly stationary and conditionally homoskedastic martingale difference sequence. In order to completely relate model (2.1) to the generating process (2.2) matrices of lag polynomials Ai{L) and B\{L) such that A\{L)yt and Bi{L) satisfy [a'(L,/3), ^'i(L)]' = .4(1), \b' [L) B[{L)]' . = we + a\- The matrices A\{L) [cvo,a'i]' = A{\)iiy. It follows = B{L) and this representation that the structural innovations St are related to the by = We b{L)ut where b(L) = 60 + biL + ... assume that A{L) and B{L) have A{L) and B{L) are finite order + all bm-iL'^~^ and 6, G W are I reduced form innovations x p vectors of constants. their roots outside the unit circle polynomials in L. Economic theory the polynomials a{L,0) and b{L) such that their degrees are is known p—1 xp B\{L)ut from St define additional and that assumed to provide to the investigator. all elements of restrictions No on restrictions are assumed to be L known about the polynomials A\{L) and Bi{L). are unknown, although assumed parameter vector /? = finite. investigator moment (2.1) implies These moment moment = > for all j model form of the A (2.1). well zit where E W be known example strictly stationary asset pricing models. is ^ •• — — oo £l ^ and det B[z) for \z\ the polynomial A{L) and < some constant a^ and polynomial B{L) let Ai finite be the root of ...,u\'' . Assume < oo for < fc is E {utu[\J^t-i) = that 8. defined as C{L) L order polynomials in ^ for \z\ maximum modulus < lag polynomial 6 (L) = 6{L)B{L) and = — 9\L — 1 be the root of let Ai ... = ^ such that detyl(z) of det{zP'^A{z~^)) — 9m-\L^~^. A~^{L)B{L) Let pa he the degree of 1. which can eqiiivalently be written as f,(X) 1. ...)' and let P' = (27r)~^ ct^ = Let 0. |g,(giA)|2 f^^ Let p^ be the degree of the maximum modulus = Cov {xt+rm ^t^oo)' Assume The column rank assumption for an extensive discussion of this point). Then l//e(A) The 0, of det{zPbB{z~^)) = 0. max(Ai,Ai). Assume that A G (0,1). Define the infinite dimensional instrument vector (2/j,yj_j, Remark E {ut\lFt-i) = with coefRcient matrices Cj Moreover, assume b{z) 1. (27r)^^6(e''^)'i;5(e-'^) = ergodic, with |cum,j,,..,,Jii,...,^fc_i)| where A{L) and B{L) are p x p matrices of = following formal Assumf>- £fc_i=^— oo Assumption B. The lag polynomial C{L) zj,^ we impose the oo ^ Define A and the k-th order cross cumulant oful]^^^, oo = Alternatively, the a positive definite symmetric matrix of constants. Let ul be the i-th element of ut and is cumij_...^j^(ti, ...,ifc_i) f,{X) estimators. and A{L),B{L) and b{L). Assumption A. Letut G T, GMM by economic theory and then lead to the formulation of a In addition to the structural restrictions of Equation (2.1) tions on form 0. restrictions are the basis for the formulation of restrictions (2.3) are often implied structural concerned with inference regarding the restrictions of the E{et+myt-j) (2.3) is b{L),Ai{L) and B\{L) are treated as nuisance parameters. [Pq, I3[) while The economic model The In particular their degrees in exists fact that ut In our context it is and corresponds is for P is needed that P has full column rank. for identification (see Kuersteiner (2001) Assumption (B) guarantees that /^(A) to the spectral density of an ^ for A 6 [— tt, tt]. AR(m-l) model. a martingale difference sequence arises naturallj' in rational expectations models. needed together with the conditional homoskedasticity assumption to guarantee that the optimal GMM weight matrix is of a sufficiently simple form. This allows us to construct estimates of number the bias terms converging fast enough for bias correction and optimal The conditional homoskedasticity condition E{utu[\J-t-i) changing variances. Relaxing this restriction results type analyzed in in = Eutu't restrictive as is more complicated Kuersteiner (1997, 2001). In principle the higher order of instruments selection. GMM weight matrices of the moment however nonlinear and will Andrews (1991) shows by a strong mixing assumption Andrews (1991) and here are resulting estimator cumulants limits the temporal dependence of the innovation for the for /c = for Ut- 4 that the summability condition on the cumulants The cumulant summability than the second part of Condition slightly stronger by not be considered here. The summability assumption process. restriction implied The conditional homoskedasticity could be used in addition to the conditions (2.3). is time rules out it restrictions A condition used here Andrews in What (1991). is is implied is similar but needed both in on the eighth-moment dependence of the underlying process Ut. GMM estimation Infeasible efficient restriction (2.3). In our context this An infeasible estimator of based on (3 reference point around which For this purpose is = let Q. /? is where zj.ooj is lagged observations all cis moment instruments. defined in Assumption (B), is used as a ^^'^''^ fl.{l) = Cov{zt^oo, z[_i ^) and D= P'Q~^P where P detailed analysis of these infinite dimensional matrices can be found and Appendix The (B.2). infeasible estimator of is given by n~Tn .. = D-'p'Q-'- J2 /3„,^ 2t,oo the implications of the all feasible versions of the estimator. Ylh=^m+i Ij^iO A based on exploiting equivalent to choosing we expand defined in Assumption (B). in Kuersteiner (2001) is for {yt+m.i - a4) - (-t.oo ® ^iy) 1,0 t=i where Iqo an infinite dimensional vector containing the element is = P'n~^-^ and /uj is the element of first i^i y ~ ® m)^( almost surely such that s/n (/?„ ^o ~ 0o) D~^do. It can be shown that D~^do — N{0,D~^) as n — oo under the assumptions made about yt and etFor any fixed integer M, let Zi^m = {y't^y't-i: yt-M+iY be a finite dimensional vector of instruments. An approximate version /3„jv/ of Z^n.oo i^ then based on Dm = P'^jQ^^Pm and zt^M where Pm and Q.m Let do — 1 Yli^t,rx loo + same way are defined in the D~^do at — > as n, same way fully feasible in Af which AI goes to in the Equation > — » as (3„ ^ if P and Q with The infinity, estimator (3.2) oo. as last once M is statement i3„ j^f is but with z^oo replaced Pj\j is no longer by Zt^M- It then follows that ^/n and fi/i/ replaced by estimates a function of the data alone. while data-dependent selection of AI is A more ^ — /3) — without specifying the rate true, at least not replaced by a feasible estimator {^fi^ /3„ Pm m and where $ri.M fi/i/. We is call detailed definition of /?„ ^j discussed in Section 4. defined 0^ is ^-y a given 3. Kernel Weighted GMM In this paper a generalized class of introduced. Conventional (2.3). More GMM GMM estimators based on kernel weighted estimators are based on using the non-random weights generally one can consider k{j,M)Eet+myt-j-i The function k{j,M) M) k{j, is The truncated to denote the indicator function. The restrictions kernel is M of the moment restrictions such that 0. For the special case where k{j,M) a generalized kernel weight. a standard kernel function. is M) k{j, = first moment is = k{j/M) = k{j/M), {\j/M\ < 1} where we use {.} general kernel weighted approach therefore covers the standard shown that many GMM procedure as a special case when the truncated kernel used. In Section 5 kernel functions reduce the higher order bias of GMM and that there always exists a kernel function is it is that dominates the traditional truncated kernel in terms of higher order We now describe the kernel weighted kM = — having kernel weight k{j {km diag({t sample. ?/ =" > diag(fc(0, l,Af) in the M), j'-th 1} ,....{t The > M]) estimate of the weight matrix weight matrix is Af ))' diagonal element and zeros otherwise. An is instrument selection matrix = denoted by zt^M (5'm(0 ® Ip) 5m (0 = no data is [zt^M Km = Let " 1m ® v) in the where Qm is obtained as follows. m— hM= where 7^(Z) For standard Let = M ^ Xl"=r"^m+i ^t^t-i and fixed inefficient Zm ~ et and possibly small, demeaned element in y<. n~^Zi^jY. Let — x]' Then = - '^^ zi^^^'t-l hi- — 7"(0^A/(/) Y. a{L, f^n,M)iyt+m — y) for well it is GMM procedures where Q^ x,...,i„ define Qi\i(l) \ known = Em = Km^~\}Km- Z^ = Mp matrix /?„ m K,M = (P'm^mPm) 7 [2inax(i, r-m+i), Mi Also, P]^,; Assuming that dimension of the parameter space, the estimator first stage estimator that such an estimator can be obtained from the matrix of regressors. define the d x some consistent Imp- be the matrix of stacked instruments [xniax(m+i,7-+i) We then given by (3.1) (3.2) 1, introduced to exclude instruments for which there is vector of available instruments The optimal ^M ~ k{M ~ 2^t=iyt- An PnM- ..., Define the matrix /3„jv/- where Ip the p-dimensional identity matrix. Ip) 'S' GMM estimator MSE. = M Y is -) ^n-m,M]' and the stacked vector of the n~^X'Zf,; as well as the is such that M can now be written as "' P'm^mP'm- X = > d/p, Mp x 1 where d first vector is the . Km For the truncated kernel with kernel weighted moments can be hjj instead of the optimal Hjv/ = Ihip, (3.2) inferred from (3.2). M) is GMM the standard The As as weight matrix. for suitable choices of the kernel function k{j, order loss of efficiency is is The formula. effects of using kernel matrix A'a/ distorts efficiency by using shown below, these and bandwidth M. more than compensated by a reduction It is second order effects are also shown that the second of the second order bias for suitably chosen kernel functions. We now which plays a define the constant s role in determining the rate of convergence of Definition 3.1. Let \\ and Ai be as defined s = the muhipUcity of Aj. Define s si = 3/2si - < 1/2 if Ai Assumption C. The Mh^ [-1, , = A:(0) number hnite We 1] 1, = k{x) = kq i) X 1R+, k{-x,y) = 1/2 if Aj k{j,M) is = € k{x,y), k{0,y) (0, oo), cq = 1 ii) is .) for all = — log(A), kq > 1. satisfied Hanning > |x| ^ for = 1. k{.) is some ij eR+ 6 q + — 3/2si = 1/2 if Ai k{j/M). Then Ai and and limy_»oo (1 — k{.) satisfies and continuous at = lim3;_o(l k : at all but a — ^(i'))/ 1^1' (0, oo). if it satisfies \k (x, y)| and k{x,y) = for \x\ > k{x/y. y*"A^)) /y^X^ made 1. = < c < oo V (x, y) £ Fiirtfiermore, for A CqCj |x| for all x &M. Andrews (1991) except that we in in estimation. finite number The assumption of moment also conditions, could be relaxed at the bandwidth parameters to estimate the optimal weight matrix. This seems unattractive from a practical point of view and is 2s\ k{j,AI) if This assumption ensures that only a cost of having to introduce additional but = Ai, s rate-adaptive bandwidth parameter, are used Assumption (C) ^. ci for |x| controlled by the to /3„ (B). Let si be the multiplicity of Ai oo) there exists a constant kq such that kg (0, kernel function k{.. and for Assiimption (C) corresponds to the assumptions require A:(x) > regular = k(-x)\/x G M, k{x) for all q defined in Assumption (B) and some constant — Assumption in /3„ ^^ first Ai. of points. For q e distinguish: 2si kernel function Assumption D. The K We turn to the formal requirements the kernel weight function k{.,.) has to satisfy. is not pursued here. rules out certain parametric kernel functions such as the Quadratic Spectral kernel by a number of well known kernels such as the Truncated, Bartlett, Parzen and Tukey- kernels. In the case of regular kernels the constant kg measures the higher order loss in efficiency induced by the kernel function which kq ^ 0. is proportional to 1 — k{i/M) = kqM~'' For rate-adaptive kernels we obtain an efficiency which, as will be shown, is of the same order of loss of |i|' 1 magnitude as the for large M and some q such that — k{i/M,M^X efficiency loss ) = M^X CQ\i\'^ kq due to truncating the number The of instruments. kernels are called rate-adaptive because their smoothness locally at zero adapts to the smoothness A of the model. In Section 4 it is shown how the argument M^\^' in k{., .) can be replaced by an estimate. Kernel functions that satisfy Assumption (D) can be generated by exploiting the chain rule of Consider functions of the form differentiation. (3.3) for V 4^{v,z) . 6 [—1,1] and some non-negative integer z(— log(2))'' 7^ 0. The q rate adaptive kernel /c(j, M) = MG satisfying Assumption (0,oo] as long as A (C). the elements of M P^M as in is minimized. /3„ ^/ is Donald and Newey (2001). Let ^„ + Tn^M 6 where rn,M is (0, 1) shown f^j with respect to (j) and J k{x)'^dx exists. The latter is the case for \im.j[j^^ MSE < oo uni- all kernels J (p{k{x),M^\ MSE an error term. Define the approximate mean squared error (/?„(M, for I e'D'/^E {bnMb'nM) D^'^'^ and require that the error terms r^ jv/ and Rn,M = gW^ 1 with £'l = )'^dx. sum of a weighted be stochastically approximated by bn,M such that n^'^(^„ —— = v. applied and for which use the Nagar (1959) type approximation to the -—— = in the proof of Proposition (3.4) that chosen such that the approximate We is z)/9u|^^j Also note that ^ 4>{k{x),NP\'^^'fdx \i\''kqcl. Donald and Newey (2001) such that (3.5) It is We use the short hand notation / (j){x)'^dx = The bandwidth parameter bn,M = 4>{H^/^^)^ M'\^'')) /M'X'^' formly in 0,9(jf)(u, cl){k{j/M),NF\^) any kernel k{j/M) satisfying Assumption (C). - = l,(f>{Q,z) then obtained as is k{3,M) \imM-*oc {I = 0(1,2) chosen in accordance with a kernel k{x) to which ^(u, z) is (3.4) for Then q. thus follows that z parametrizes the partial derivative of for all z. It The constant kq = {2~z{-\og{z)Y)v + {z{-\og{z)f-l)v' of used in m~P) = i, k{.)) of 1, + "PniM, ^, k{.)) + i?„,M satisfy Op(l) as M^oo,ri^oo, VAf/n^O. (/j„(M,£,fc(.)) The only difference to expectation. ^ this 3.2. and define f,,{X) (3.6) is that in our case (/j„(M, As noted by Donald and Newey, the approximation efficiency of /?„ Proposition Donald and Newey (2001) = is is £, /c(.)) is only valid for an unconditional M -^ oo. Given the the case of interest in the context of this paper. Suppose Assumptions (A) and (B) hold and ^ Ej" -oor^'e-^^i. i eM'^ with Define Ai=piAn)-' r /,,(A)7-i(A)dA. J—n i'l = 1. Let T^^^ = EetXs — A Let Also, 5(9) = limM^oo for k{.) such that ^nd Qm = Assumption (Ch) P'^i {Imp for (Jim) I (M'^A^^^) with = i'D-y'%;nMbMD''/'-l, b\j Qm{Imj, ~ = Then, foUows that = 0{M^ In) + 0{M-^''). defined in (3.4) such that Assumption (D) holds, A:(., .) < K< - - Km) n^j + P'.p-Jihip - Km)- is satisfied it ^„{MJ,k{.)) ii) (1 \ix^M^^02Ml{M'^'y?^^) where a2M Pm [P'm^iIPmY' P'm^m) i) = =eD-^/'^X^AiD-^'-i. and Bx n,M and Ap-^~~X" -^ 00 n — > 1/k with CO, \imn/M^^„{M.l,k{.)) Hi) for k{x) = {|i| < 1}, n, 7\/ = -^ (p{x)'^dx\ ( I +cl'^k^^B^'^^ /k < k < -> 00 and M~-'-'^ X^^' n -» 1/k with Yimn/M'^ip^iM,e,k{.)) n = AA + + Bi/k. 00, Bi/k. This result shows that using standard kernels introduces variance terms of order 0{M~'^'^) that are larger than for the truncated kernel. to variance terms of the Using the rate-adaptive kernels overcomes same order as in the standard introduces additional variance terms of order A/'^'A optimal weight matrix resulting be shown, will in . GMM Nevertheless, kernel weighting case. Intuitively, the kernel function distorts the an increased variance of higher order terms this increased variance can be traded this problem, leading off against in the expansion. As a reduction in the bias by an appropriate choice of the kernel function. Since any kernel other than the rate-adaptive kernels lead to slower rates of convergence, only rate-adaptive kernels will be considered from An immediate corollary resulting from Lemma now (3.2) is that the feasible asymptotic distribution as the optimal infeasible estimator as long as Corollary 3.3. Assume that the assumptions of Lemma n — 00 then Because s/ii iPnj^j B^''' - P) — D^^do and Bi are difficult to = on. estimator has the same M / ^/n -^ (3.2) hold. If n. A/ — > 0. oc and Mj^/n (3.7) i\/* M* mimmize estimate we do not minimize ifjj{AI,l,k(.)) directly. Instead (p„{MJ.k{.)). Then, as n -» oc. = argminMIC(A/) = argmin^ M€l as Op(l). propose the following criterion. Proposition 3.4. Let ^ A\ " Me I 10 / V./-00 M*/M* (i)(x)'^dx] / —^ 1 -logaM where we with I 0"1M = + {[d/p] — cr2M l,[d/p] 2, ...} and denotes the largest integer smaller than [a] with aiM, cr2M defined in Proposition ciM^^A^^ + o{Xl^) where Remark + 2. By < A, satisfies construction, fi^^M' A, < (3.2). If in addition, for A^/^ then M*/M* - some constant = 1 Here a. ci, gm = logaiM 0(n-i/2 (logn)^/^). higher order efEcient under quadratic risk in the class of -"^ = all GMM estimators Pn,M> Mel. Remark 3. For the truncated kernel f^ second order loss of efficiency caused by a fact that (P'j^^jQ.^ Pm) is 4>{x)'^dx finite = 2 and C2m = 0. Note that aiM measures the number of instruments. This from the result follows the asymptotic variance matrix of the estimator based on M instruments. Then aiM has the interpretation of a generalized measure of relative efficiency of (3^^. It corresponds to N-'^a'^H-'^f'{I - Newey P'')fH-'^ of Donald and the additional loss in efRciency due to the kernel. Ai = ^a~^i' D~^''^airx. Noting that m= when Remark shown totically does not sufficient Mp is then the total is proof of Proposition B^'^\ = 1 measures the simultaneity bias such that Et is serially number of instruments, (4.3) that M* = logn/ possible to replace MIC(M) by is (2co) the simpler criterion n~^ ARMA uncorrelated, can be seen easily (2001). +o(logn) and asymp- M*/M* — 1 = o(l) is (Mp) — loguiM where this simplification is allowed the case for the it Newey B\ or k up to order o(logn). If the result at an exponential rate. This A rn A the same as in Donald and number of instruments. Note that logaiM decays 5. in the depend on A, it is the total Remark Mp is the penalty term essentially 1 4. It is that here The constant When caused by estimates of the optimal instruments. The term a2M measures (2001, their notation). only for models where class. further simpUfication is available if the deBnition of(pj^(M,i,k(.)) is based on ixD^''^EhnMb'n,MD^''^ instead of £'D^^^E{bn^Mb'^ j^^)D^^^'£. log \P'j^Q'^Pm\ n~^ (Mp) Note that - log |D| where a\M + log |P|v^fi^ Pm\ this formulation Then the approximate = MSE D~^/'^ P'j^^W^ Pm D"^/^ . depends on tiaiM The simpUfied is quite similar to Hall log|CTiM| = criterion for this case is ^^d knowledge of the variance lowerbound D~^ of MIC(M) = is no longer required. and Inoue (2000) except for the penalty term {Mp)~ /n. 4. Fully Feasible In this section we GMM derive the missing results that are needed to obtain a fully feasible procedure. particular one needs to replace the unknown optimal bandwidth parameter M* by an estimate M*. 11 In In . order to have a fully feasible procedure we need consistent estimates of the constants A\,D and (Jm, converging at sufficiently fast rates. The following analysis shows that estimation of that consistent estimates of same not true for is D Ai do not depend on and a^- We ^i can be done nuisance parameter additional free in the sense unknown parameters. Unfortunately the use an approximating parametric model for C{L) to estimate D and a^. We consider the simpler estimation problem for the constant first j Note that C estimates of the parameter P MA(m-l) representation of to obtain estimates can be done by using a nonlinear it- least squares or of the exponential pseudo decay of Cj and the fact that sample average based on estimated residuals F^^ €t can be obtained by using consistent An MA(m-l) model maximum chapter 8 of Brockwell and Davis (1991). This procedure Because = — oo are the coefficients in the series expansion of f~^ (A) Consistent estimates of the in ^i where m is is then estimated for it- This likelihood procedure as described outlined in the proof of is finite, = n~^ St^minf '+'"1/ F" Lemma (4.1). can be replaced by a simple ^t+m^t-j- Using these estimates one forms ^1 by (4.1) -^1 To summarize, we Proposition =1 E '^j'^T-m- j=-n+l state the following proposition. Assumptions (A) and (B) be 4.1. Let satisfied. Let A\ he defined in (4.1). Tlwn ^{Ai--Ai)=Op{l). We use a finite order VAR(h) the parameters Vt = Cq matrices Ui. D and G^]. Let 7r(L) = tti/j, is I It — follows that yt YI'tLi ""j-^ yt = = = C{L) with C{L) Cq C{\)^y + X^jlj and Evtv[ = + + Ei,. TTjyt-j = + vt YLT=o CjL^ to estimate where = Cq^Cj and VAR coefficient ttj The approximate model with then given by (4-2) where T,yh approximation to C{L)~^ Evt^h'u't h '^ ^^^ = fiyj^ TTi^hyt-i mean squared ... + nh.hVt-h + Vt.h prediction error of the approximating model. VAR ap- proximations in a bandwidth selection context was proposed by Andrews (1991). There however, h kept fixed such that the resulting bandwidth choice 12 is asymptotically suboptimal. We let h — > is 00 at a data-dependent rate, to be described below, leading to the approximating model being asymptotically equivalent to 7r(L). was shown by Berk (1974) and Lewis and Reinsel (1985) that the parameters It root-n consistent and asymptotically normal for h if i.e. Ng and Perron -^ DO. n > 0. satisfy these conditions h does not increase too ^ (tt'i, ...,<)' , Ft,,, r'j ^ = = {y[ - y' if h selected is Ng and Perron F/, where = vt^h (n [r^^j, ...,r^''^] = — Ut h)~ — , - ...,y[_^+, p x p block of Mf[^. Let Y^=h 7i"i,/i2/t-i y')' Ffc and A^ = Et=/z+i h„ first statistic in = ^max/"- -* if J{i, i) is Ng and Perron i'*-!,'.^'/-!,/. (1995). Let and define Mf;\l) is T^_^ = Cov {yt-i,y[_j). The coefficients of the approximate model {ni^h, ,'^h,h) = ri,/,r^^ Let fi,/, = (n - h)"-^ J2t=h ^t,h ivt+i - y) ^t,hYth- '^^^ estimated error covariance matrix — ••• — ^h,hyt-h with coefficients Definition 4.2. The general-to-specific procedure chooses ii) Op{\/logn) and h be the kp x kp matrix whose (m,n)th block adopt the following lag order selection procedure from the as (1995). Tr{h)' is = the sequence J{i, z), {i = as n /^ = n~^ Y17=h+i A Wald . Ng and hn all ^t.h^'f ^ test for the null Perron's notation, = Perron (1995). h if, at significance level a, J{h, h) ftmax, -•^ l}i wliich is significantly different not significantly different from zero for -^ ^"cf n^/2 Ei=h„,,< + i IKjII S„ {vecjTh^h) Ng and i) is Fj ^^F^ then, in J{h,h) =n{vecnh,h)' \ty^h^Mf^^{l)j is ~h= by AIC or BIC then h hypothesis that the coefficients of the last lag h are jointly We ~* where F^^^ satisfy the Yule- Walker equations and n^^'^'}2i=h+i''^j avoid the problems that arise from using information criteria to select the order of the ap- to be the lower-right and quickly, Moreover, the results of Hannan h. proximating model we use the sequential testing procedure analyzed in nih) are At the same time h must not increase too slowly to avoid and can therefore not be used to choose to be adaptive in the sense of To (tti, ...,7r/i) if /i, ...,7r/j_/i) (1995) argue that information criteria such as the Akaike criterion do not and Kavalieris (1984, 1986) imply that fails = Berk (1974) shows that h needs to increase such that asymptotic biases. h, — chosen such that h /n is 7r(/i) (tti i = /i-max; •••: 1 where from zero or /imax is such that ^ do. In order to calculate the impulse response coefficients associated with (4.2) define the matrix • I Ah 13 with dimensions hp x hp. The j-th impulse coefficient of the approximating model E'l^Aj^Efi with = E'l^ Estimates Cj^h — of Proposition (4.3) 1^. by substituting n{h) is approximated by aM,h form the possibly obvious way. We a similar way. We D^ = = - (^\M,h leads to an estimate D^. with /i as defined in Definition (4.2). In the proof D ~ ^ = = P'm^h ^\\^ ^^x; i^Mp ~ = ^'D,^ CT2A/,ft = where P^) parameter aM,h i'D^ the same way as described above and i/n-consistency uniformly in Ti{h) in for Df^. In practice, infinite dimensional matrices. The P'M,h^M,hPM,hDh dimensional matrices such as P'^ resulting approximation can h defined in the '^ obtained from is bM,h^M,kb'MjiD^ on ctim./i am ^m) ^a/,/i + ^MM^M'^h (-^^p ~ ^m) ^^^ = P^j,^^ and Op{n~^^'^). Next, ^P\ t, where Dh Poo,/i A for Cj_h in ' (^-ZM.h that A/, /, Kj jP-'hIh) The P'mm {P'M.h^MjiPM.hj A^ such use the approximate autocovariance matrices F^^ to dimensional matrices P^;;, then form the matrix QM,h (JM,h (4-3) in infinite = QMAihip - ^M,h obtained by replacing h with for 7r(/i) in shown that -yn-consistency of n{h) implies D:h — is it then approximated by F^^ = = = Y7P=-m+i^^ (J)^h{j) where the infinite dimensional matrix 0/i(j) We denote the k, l-th block of fi^^ by -dkj^h- We define Dh by letting defined in the obvious way. Substituting estimates Cj is is given by Cj^h Likewise we approximate the optimal weight matrix by the E'/^Aj^Eh of Cj^h are obtained fully feasible version Z)^ F^ autocovariance function 1)2,.... Sl^ block Tf^f._- k, l-th The . ~ ^ dimensional matrix has typical is ^^' f^"^ Yl'iZo^i+jA'^y.h^'i h infinite [/p,0, ...,0] is be made ^'^ estimate of aiA/.h ^- and ^ £ 0.^ M is based implied by the result is have to be replaced by arbitrarily accurate finite by an appropriate choice of the relevant dimensions without affecting the convergence results. We now 4>{k{i/M), on fr(/i). .. define the estimate /logCTjyj^^). M where where we replace K\j Moreover, we replace In Proposition (4.3) uniformly in ^j^^j^ s' is we all is ^'•^), establish that (a ^^j-^- defined in Proposition (4.3). om\ (4.4) The M* as A/* = ^/2 argmin . / A[ Km by with typical element TOO fr{h) following result can be established. 14 = Op{n~^/'^ {\ognY^'^+'') let than was needed to show D; — ^= .f'L'f h h \2 (f){x)^dx\ / / [M'^'X^^^] Establishing this result requires a stronger thus explaining the slower rate of convergence. Also defined in (4.1). Define b./i//, elements in (4.3) with corresponding estimates based form of uniform convergence of the approximating parameters Op(n in -loga^^^. A.-,A\Dt h D= ^ where >1i M* Proposition 4.3. Let addition logaiM = si Remark 6. with s' |Ai It is = ciM^'X^^''+o{X^/'') with > Ai| + Ultimately, one is is . < as in < A^ = cjM'^^A A^/^ ^^jg^ used. /log<7jy^;y. ^) is is (m*/M* - ie. +o(A^ = l) l) = Op{l). If in Oj,{n-'^/^ (logn)'/2+'') some for ) such that Xj- < < A^ A. that the remainder term disappears sufficiently fast. automated estimator interested in the properties of a fully M* (m*/M* - Tlien (3.7). . not too close to A, determined optimal bandwidth <p{k{i/M*), < Aij |Ai Si always the case that \oga\M Here we require that Xr M* be defined in (4.4) and ,>. /? where the data plugged into the kernel function and the data-dependent kernel In order to analyze this estimator we need an additional Lipschitz condition for the class of permitted kernels. Assumption and q > E. The kernel k{j/A4) satisBes \k{x) — < k{y)\ \x'^ — y'^\ Vx, y £ [0, 1] for some ci < oo 1. Assumption (E) corresponds to the assumptions made results ci we are now in a position to state one of the main Andrews in results of this Using the previous (1991). paper which establishes that an automated bandwidth selection procedure can be used to pick the number of instruments based on sample information alone. Theorem 4.4. Suppose Assumptions (A) Assumptions (D) and is A^ k{.) as defined in (3.3) or < and A3/2. Let for case Remark 7. ii) M*be and (B) hold and ether used as an argument in ii) k{., .) = {|xi < 1}. (p{., .) Assume defined in (4.4) then for case n/VM*(/3^ ^;^, — fin.M') — satisfies that Op(l)- Also, if Under the conditions of the Theorem, Assumptions logaiM n/^/W0„ i) M* i) i) fc(., .) is and = defined in 3.4 and satisfies (Cii) and (E) where (p{., + ciM'^^X^^' .) < o(A^") with - K.M^) = Op((logn)™^''(^''"«'"^)) — q < or ii) holds then a/s' can he replaced hy M* in the last display as well as in Proposition (4.3). Remark 8. Although the constant which requires that Aj Theorem (4.4) Ai typically and there are no shows that using the that have asymptotic estimators where a 7^ s' is mean squared it is often reasonable to assume that s' = 1 multiplicities in the largest roots. feasible errors unknown bandwidth estimator which are ecjuivalent to nonrandom optimal bandwidth sequence 15 M* M* results in estimates j3^ asymptotic is used. mean squared An immediate ^^j, errors of consequence / of the Theorem is also that P^ is first j^,j, D~^do. The theorem however shows respect 5. Theorem (4.4) is in addition higher order equivalence of P^j(,j. Newey stronger than Proposition 4 of Donald and and P„,M'- In this (2001). Bias Reduction and Kernel Selection In this section we analyze the asymptotic bandwidth parameter Theorem 5.1. n,j sample size n and the Assumption (D). IfM as a fimction of the A'l. .) satisfies D'^A[ f <p'^{x)dx. k{., lim ^/^IME[bn ' m - P) = J This result also holds for kernels satisfying Assumption (C) if f 9. -^ oo then n^oo Remark bias of /3„ Suppose Assumptions (A) and (B) hold and and M/n^/'^ -^ j' order asymptotically equivalent to the infeasible estimator {x)dx (p is replaced by k'^{x)dx. A simple consecjuence of this result kernel weighted GMM estimator is is that for many standard kernels the asymptotic bias of the GMM estimator based on the satisRes Assumption (D) with lower than the bias for the standard truncated kernel. Corollary 5.2. Suppose Assumptions (A) and (B) hold and ^ (f{x)dx < 2 or Assumption (C) with lirn^ where b^ f^ It is [ k'^{x)dx ||v^/ME(5„,M - ,5)11 the stochastic approximation to the 2. If n, M -» oo, M/n^/"^ -> < Jim^ \\V^/ME{bl,, - then /3)|| GMM estimator based on the truncated kernel. can be shown easily that substituting well known kernels such as the Bartlett, Parzen or Tukey- Hanning in 4>(v,z) leads to We now j {x)dx being equal to 16/15, 67/64 and 1.34 respectively. (p = Hml/ ( A^^^7'Af^2s-2 ^here J by optimality of A ( [ [_^ il/^, < (f>{x)~dx) k* - 4 a simple variational argument inequality is MSE turn to the question of optimality in the higher order Let k* function. which < fc(., .) satisfied < | is oo. M^ is From Proposition + c^k'^B^''^ k* < sense of the choice of kernel optimal for the truncated kernel. (3.2) it follows at once that Note that any kernel dominates the truncated kernel. In Theorem used to show that we can always find a kernel imiformly on a compact subset of the parameter space. question of finding an optimal or at least dominating kernel. When g solved for standard kernels by Priestley (see Priestley, 1981 p. 569). 16 = 2 is k{., .) for (5.3) such that this This result raises the fixed this problem has been In our context of rate-adaptive kernels with fully flexible q optimization problem is exist. In known whether not it is closed form solutions of the associated functional any event, such solutions most depend on the constant likely B^"^^ which difficult to estimate. To avoid selection problem. Let <f>{k{x), the kernel we only choose Let r be a finite integer. > if |x| ip^ = Let 1. and it is with (5.1) = ip U = 1 + X][=i '^i^^ Then for j = 1, r ,ip^) fC^ 2k{x) — ..., where r (f){k*{x)fdx] J Note that optimality is it in this section is follows > for j ^'^^ ^ ^ define Also k{x) [0, 1), U^ c ili^ ^ C/^. 1, /C^ = h{x)\k{x) enforces adaptiveness of (p (•, •) M'^, = let IC^ = 1 + = k{\x\) for such that {|x| > 1}. J^'^^^ ipiX', < x compact and C/1 is The permissible class kernel k*{x) <a( I +k*?B^'^'^/K* (l>{k{x))^dx] \J-oo (5.1) is A and which means that B''' + k{.,.)eICg A;2b('?)/k*, all J for all in general k* A sequence. k* The notation elements 0(/c, = o^^., argmin -, is /ctj ^^. ) estabhsh the following Theorem its own optimal data-dependent optimal kernel (5.2) a( is T M* To see depending on k and why (5.1) same variance term is selected, sequence, can be no worse than under the <p(k(x)fdx] +^^(2-^) a,^,-,. used to emphasize that the A'M-matrix used to construct M^ M^ is ct2a/ r. contains diagonal the optimal bandwidth for the truncated kernel. We result. sup (k*{x) ^'^^ and defined as k* where 5.3. Let k*{x) be defined as in (5.2). Let Pn,M'{k'),k' ^^ A a reasonable optimality criterion because one of the main objectives to construct kernel functions that dominate the truncated kernel. evaluated under q>q' ,q'>l depends on B\/k* as the truncated kernel when evaluated along the sequence M^. Once the kernel k* MSE, when for k{x) e [-1, l],ipe C/^| implies dominance note that the particular choice of k* guarantees that k* has the its = and k{x) The optimal the restrictions outlined before. satisfies pointwise in be shown that will Because /c(x)^ satisfies \J-oo a( before. solution to the optimal kernel which by the Weierstrass Theorem can be approximated by polynomials. understood that k{x) also = be as described Define k{x) (i/'j, ICj= K.^ is (f){k{x)) B^'^'. It k{x), M^X^) ..,tpj_i,0,ipj^i,..,tpT.), [ip-^^, of kernels we propose the following data-dependent these complications kernel weighted estimator based on k*. Here, M*{k) - fc*(x)) Then = for any q' 6 [1,t], r < oo, Op{n-^^^ (logn)^/2+.') GMM estimator with iiernel k* and let = argmin^M^n"^ — 17 loga. r /3^ M'(k') k' ^^ ^''^ where for AJ{k*) we use GMM a'l^j with ^^Mh ^^^^^ (t>{^* Furthermore, let satisfy \/1oS'^im/i) = Assumption {Ai, ..., Let (B). -"^ used as kernel weight. Then, Ap^, Bi, ..., Bqi^;pa,qb finite] be the set of all reduced Go be a compact set Go C O such that sup^^j fi''?' Then, for some collection of sets U^, each sufficiently large, there exists a 0. - lim^r^o (l ^2,6(9')/^* for ~k{x)^ I |x|'' < any 6 [l,r],T < oo such that q' part of the theorem imphes that the truncated kernel the case because the truncated kernel dominates 6. ^ ( A: oo and infeo -4 G IC^' with > kg' = 4 + (f^^^{k{x)fdxj - j {|.r| < 1} 6 /C and there always dominated by k* is is an element . This in /C that strictly it. Bias Correction Another important are analyzed for siipe^ < form models that 0. The second is : first. issue is whether the bias term can be corrected for. The benefits of such a correction turns out that correcting for the bias term increases the optimal rate of expansion It the bandwidth parameter and conseciuently accelerates the speed of convergence to the asymptotic normal limit distribution. Using the result Theorem in Pl,i (6.1) Note that The for the following bias corrected estimator = hnM - ~ [p'm^mPm)'' a Ai can be estimated by the methods described is proposed j 4>Hx)dx. GMM (truncated kernel) the bias correction term standard bias term (5.1) is simply 2-^ ( P'j^jQ'^JPm in the previous section. The ) A\ quality of the estimator Ai determines the impact of the correction on the higher order convergence rate of the estimator. If for fin,M- If Ai — Ai -Ai— A\ The mean squared is = only Op(l) then the convergence rate of Op{n~^) for r] 6 (0, 1/2] and ^/ri. (/3„jv; ~ error of the bias corrected estimator /^j r^jv^ as in (3.5). =^n M +'n m We ^^'i^h j^^ is essentially the same then the convergence rate of the estimator nD'/^£'Eb';,^„bl,/(D'/^ where /3„ = 1 + is is as the one improved. defined as before by ^^(M.^.fc(.)) + JR^,M the same restrictions imposed on the remainder terms /?^ ^^ obtain the following result. 18 . . Theorem Then any for Suppose Assumptions (A) and (B) hold and 6.1. i = eR"^ with f ^ 1, (fiUMJ, k{., Assumptions (Ci) or (D). satisfies .) K, .)) = 0{M/n) - logCTM- The optimal M* can he chosen by Mp M_ = argmm IfM* = argmin ^ - log^M, n/y/W* RemEtrk The 10. result then (m*JM; - (^pIjCi, if $^ from Theorem 0((logn) /n) 7. Monte A small moment for the (6.1) = l) is j(^. •" It follows logcTM- Op(n-i/2 (logn)''^^/^) and K^i + ^D-'A[ I hHx)dx^ = Op(l). - remains valid , n replaced with P^ M^/k') C that for f^n^M* the higher order MSE y J^ T^J) as long as q' > s' 0(logn/n) compared to is GMM estimator without bias correction. Cctrlo Simulations Monte Carlo experiment is conducted in order to assess the performance of the proposed For the simulations we consider the following data and bias correction methods. selection generating process (7.1) with [ui, ~ I't] N{0, E) where be estimated and is set to not explicitly estimated. /3 S = yt,i = Pyt,2 yt,2 = <Pyt-i,2 has elements The parameter both Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and poorly identified. We [uqiWo] The parameter = 0. In each sample the is ai2 cr^ + vt. = 1 and = first is ai2- The parameter P is the parameter to one of the determinants of the small sample bias of GMM estimators chosen in 9 finally generate samples of size n = Out-i simulations. All remaining parameters are nuisance parameters 1 in all the quality of lagged instruments and o"j + ut- is and {.1, .3, .5} . Low set to { — .9, —.5, 0, {128,512} from Model is .5, set to .5. values of .9} (7.1). The parameter (p controls imply that the model (p is . Starting values are yo 1,000 observations are discarded to eliminate = and dependence on initial conditions. Standard GMM estimators are obtained from applying Formula (3.2) with in (3.1). Im- In order ^m we first construct an inefficient but consistent estimate /3„ based on (3.2) setting and ^m = f-M- We then construct residuals St = yu — Pn.iVit and estimate Q.m as described to estimate Km = fu Km — Kernel weighted ^ GMM estimators (KGMM) 19 are based on the same inefficient initial estimate such that the estimate for (Im In the second stage is identical to the weight matrix used for the standard we again apply dependent kernel k* defined in with (3.2) Equation The estimated optimal bandwidth M* is and the matrix K^j based on the optimal data- Cluf with (5.2) /C, = /Ci. computed according For each simulation replication we obtain a consistent (5.3).^ residuals it- We estimate 9 by fitting an MA(1) model then estimate the sample autocovariances F^^ for j estimate of Ai based on Formula (4.1). Next optimal specification of the approximating of lags. Based on the optimal = to the procedure laid out in first for yt lag length specification stage estimate where n 0, ...,n/2 = [yu, y2t]' D j to generate is We the sample size and form an of Definition (4.2) to determine the allowing for a we compute the which are then used to estimate the remaining parameters /3„ Theorem Matlab procedure arimax. to it using the we use the procedure VAR GMM estimators. maximum of 2 * [71^/^] impiilse coefficients of the and a^j needed for the criterion VAR MIC(M) as well as for optimal kernel selection. In Tables 1-3 kernel, we compare^ the performance KGMM-Opt, to feasible standard automatic selection of M* we GMJVI-A", with a fixed number GMM, GMM-Opt, consider both estimators, of X— 1, Theorem GMM KGMM we that for small relative to the sample size there (p are also not verj' different from dominate effect and OLS. As the GMM both in terms of (median) becomes more pronounced as by the predominance of bias terms KGMM-X In addition to (with optimally chosen kernel) and We also report the performance of the BKGMM-Opt where M* is selected according and M from the properties of using weights conditions consider with truncated kernel. (6.1). In order to separate the effects of selecting first GMM with optimally chosen 20 lagged instruments. BGMM-Opt corresponding bias corrected versions to the procedure described in of feasible kernel weighted for the moment with a fixed number of instruments. Tables 1-3 show is little difference identification of the between the two estimators. They model improves, KGMM starts to MSE and mean absolute error (MAE). This more and more instruments are being used which can be explained bias in this case eis well as and the bias reducing property of the kernel weighted estimator. Turning now to the identified fully feasible versions models the choice of M we see that the same results does not affect bias that much and all remain to hold. For poorly the estimators considered have roughly the same bias properties. Especially for poorly identified parametrizations optimal is much more disperse than optimal KGMM. The reason for this lies in the fact that optimal GMM GMM tends to be based on fewer instruments which results in somewhat lower bias but comes at the cost of increased variability. The Matlab code 'Results for 9 is As identification, parameterized available on request. = { — .9, .9} are available on request. 20 by (p, and/or sample size improve, optimally chosen kernel weighted The GMM starts to dominate standard GMM for most parameter combinations. both estimators attain further improvements both as bias corrected versions of as well as MSE and A4AE are concerned when the model the kernel weighted and bias corrected On weighted version. A clear ranking compared to is The thus not possible. is and more KGMM-Opt when identification Theorems without the homoskedasticity assumption In this sense it ht = ao + as before. ai£^_i it is We when \6\ still (4.4) and (6.1) are is expected that the optimal + £t - ^^t-i where St + ^i^t-i- We set 6i = .2, uq = /3y2i now implemented with MIC(M) M* — IGARCH(1,1) process follows the .1 is and results are reported in are available on request. = ai .8. The while KGMM-Opt now identification in is for innovations easy to detect in the data the case of ^ For a fixed number of cases for the larger sample size n = 512. moment The = .5. estimator does worse when identification is KGMM GMM-Opt (2 log A) first St = [u(,i;t] equation in 1 /2 with inht are defined we assume that GMM ^m. lags. dominates still strong and/or sample sizes are large. As expected, bias correction it GMM in continues to perform well weak but performs at least as well is no longer when effective produces severe outliers resulting in inflated dispersion measures. For this reason only inter decile ranges We n/ Results for other parametrizations conditions reducing bias. Moreover, when combined with kernel weighting, 8. log heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimators Table 4 many of conditional performs reasonably well For simplicity we use the procedure of Newey and West (1987) with a fixed number of The Overall, large. not expected to go through investigate this question by changing the Since heteroskedasticity of this form estimators are or results concerning higher order adaptive- plausible that the criterion is even with heteroskedastic errors. = weak we have maintained the assumption While the strongest ness and optimality of bias correction in (7.1) to Hit is sensitive to the underlying data-generating process. homoskedasticity of the innovations. Model than the non- bias corrected estimators tend to perform relatively poorly In the theoretical development of the paper asymptotically. MSE tends to have a somewhat larger the other hand the non- weighted version tends to overcorrect bias in some cases. GMM-Opt their performance GMM In these circumstances well identified. is far as bias (IDR) are reported. Conclusions have analyzed the higher order asymptotic properties of Using expressions for lagged instruments is the asymptotic derived. It is new version of the estimators for time series models. Error a selection rule for the optimal number of shown that plugging an estimated the estimator leads to a fully feasible A Mean Squared GMM version of the optimal rule into GMM procedure. GMM estimator for linear time series 21 models is proposed where the moment conditions are weighted by a kernel function. moment It is restrictions reduce the asymptotic bias shown that optimally chosen kernel weights of the and MSE. Correcting the estimator for the highest order bias term leads to an overall increase in the optimal rate at which higher order terms vanish asymptotically. optimal kernel A is fully automatic procedure to chose both the number of instruments as well as the proposed. 22 A. Proofs Lemmas Auxiliary are collected in ^t^ = Ext- Define Wf^i - T^^. et+miyt-i+i — i^y) Definition A.l. Let Ew[i and let wt,i Define = = Proof of Proposition = wt,i = ^nd Est+mys — {xt+m = Next define wl^^^ For a matrix A, ^j,k,'&j,k 3.nd 'djf. respectively. such that upon available is request. They are referred to Lemma (B.XX). Before stating the proofs a few commonly used terms are defined. in the text as vt^i Appendix B which Mx) {vt-i-i^i - {yt-i — jJ-y) - Hy) {yt-j , T^^ = Ewt^i and F^^ = \\A\\ Ew\-_^ = TjV. Q~^ and Q^ My)' with ^l-s- ^^^ ^^^ j,k-tli element of Q, = be AA'. tr (3.2). Consider a second order Taylor approximation of D'^f around D~^ = ^m = PM^M^Mn"^^^ Y17=r ^t+mZtM^M, for d-M MPnM -P) = D-'[I - {Dm - D)D-' + {Dm - D)D'\Dm - D)D-']dM + Op{M/V^) where Dm for - M/n^^'^ — the error term * D = Op{MI-n}/~) as shown in We decompose the expansion (B.33). P'n-'P, H2 and Hi is Lemmas the Taylor theorem, and the fact that detl? Vn{Pn,M ~ P) = bn,M + Op{M / y^) — d^ -\- — di -\- ... H3, and H4 contain a Taylor (A.l) nil B Lemmas (B.24) to + = dg with dj defined in (A.L5)-(A.24) such that with series n-} - o^/(Om - 9 4 i=l j=0 7=0 where Op(l) by 0, ... 9 The terms dM = (B.14)-(B.23) and ^ D = Hi + + H4 where Hi = P'j^jKm^m ^mPm — = P'mKm^mKmPm - P'mKm^mKmPm, H3 = -P'^^Km^m{^m - ^mWmKmPm into Dj^; defined in (A. 14). Also, (Im is Op{M / y/n) by expansion of Qjj around ^^j given by ^mWm +B + op ^M - ^M has typical element k,l given by vec(Qjvf — ^M)' ovecriavecn' 2 ) vec(r2;v/ — ^m)- The term 2 Op{ CIm gk{M) — ^M = M^X ) = for Op(l) by Lemma rate-adaptive kernels k{j, A/). on the kernel used. Define the constant kernels. In Lemmas Let gk{M) (B.9). (B.14) to (B.16) Ck it is = 1 = The notation M~'^ = Hu + and H12 (A.2) Hu = P'Mn-JPM-P'^~^P = (A.3) H12 (A.4) Hn = -P;;0^/(/-A-A;)PM = O(5fc(M)) (A.5) Hi, = -Pl,{I-KM)n-,}PM=0{gk{M)) = Cjt = — log A + Hi^ + 0{M'^'X^'^') P'M{I-KM)^l,j{I-KM)PM = 0{gk{Mf) 23 k{j/M) and gk indicates the dependence of the rate for regular kernels shown that Hi for regular kernels H14 for rate is adaptive , where H222 = means is 'equal by definition'. In Lemmas (B.17) to (B.20) tiie term H2 = -\- -[Pm-Pm)' KMn-jKM{PM-PM) = H2U ^ (A.7) H212 = P'MKMni}KM{PM-PM) + {PM-PM)'KM^''^KMpM = (A.8) H221 = (A.9) H222 = P'MKMnilKM{PM-PM) + {PM-PMyKMnjlKMPM = Pm is Lemmas + H221 + Op{M/n) Op{n-^'^) -{PM-PM)'KMni.}K'M{PM-PM)=Op{M/n) defined in Section 3 and (B.21) and (B.22) = P'j^j show that [t^^ = Hr^ ..., H31 = TYj] with f^^ + Hs2 + ^33 + Op{M/n'f^). n"! Er=maxO+i,r-m)+i H3A is (A.IO) //31 = {pM-PM)'KM^li{^M-^M)^MKM{PM-PM)=Oj,{M/n) (A.ll) H^2 = -P'MKM^M{^M-^MWMKM{pM-PM) = Op{M/n) (A.12) Hyi = -{pM-PMYKMn~J{ClM-nM)^MKMPM = Op{M/n) (A.13) Hm = -P'j„KMn-^l{hM-nM)^-^KMPM = and Hi which is (A.14) where the Op{n-"^) a remainder term defined as Hi = P'l^KMinjI - n-J + nilih^ last equality follows from Next we turn to the analysis Lemma of d^; ^uWm)KmPm = Op{M/n) (B.23). which is decomposed as dfc -V2^,;^^,...,,-i/2^,; V= Voo such that it follows from = ^ dj. Define M t t with H212 analyzed to be (A.6) where H211 Lemmas (B.24) to (B.33) that (A.15) do = P'n-^v = (A.16) di = (A.17) do P'm{I (A.18) dz -P'j,,{I (A.19) di [Pm - Pm)' RmQ-IKmYm = Op{M/n) (A.20) d5 {Pm - Pm)' (A.21) dg [Pm - (A.22) dj P'mKm9.i}{^m - hM)^-^KMVM (A.23) ds P'i^KmBKmVm + (A.24) dg n-'/^Z^tpM^MnilKM [1m ® 0pii) Pi,njlVM-p'n-'v = Op{APx") - KM)nj}{I - Km)Vm = Op{gk {Mf) - Km)Qi}Vm - P'^njlil - Km^IJKmVm = KmWm = Op{M/v}'^) Pm) Km^m{^m - ^mWmKmVm = Op {M/n) 24 Op{gk (M)) = OpiM/n) Op(n-i/2) = Op{M/n) (y - My)] = Op{M/7i^^-). '^tJ- We D~^ X)t=o ^i " ^~^ St=i £7=0 H^D~^dj Prom in probability. ^12; = M~'. We focus on regular kernels where <7fc(M) first of the estimator which the results in Equations (A. 2) to (A. 24) do, d2, ds -^^13, -f^i4i -f^222, and d^. M~^ (B.39) and -Edod'^D-'^iHis as Af — » + Hu) = £^0^2 by left = M-^/c^B^^^ (B.39) and + o{M-''-i) largest follows that the largest such terms are cross products of the form Edid'-, hniM^oo {Hn = —M~''kqB^ + + Hu) /gk{M), the largest o{M~'^) as shown in Lemma and The two o{M-i) by Lemmas (B.24) (B.42). sign. P'm{I-Km)^m{I-Km)Pm lgk{Mf. Terms of order M^^? include by Lemma (B.38) and -Edod'^D'^H'y^ = -M'^'^k'^B^^^ + o{M-'^i) - {Hn + Hu)D'^do){d3 - {Hu + Hu)D~'^doy = 0[M-^'i) by Lemmas We are (B.16), (B.24), (B.43). M and are largest Terms that grow with that the cross product term i?i^222-C~^rfo'^5 0{n-^) by + and n and are Since Edod'2 and —Ed^d'^D'^ H'12 are of opposite sign these terms cancel. (B.35). with E{dz c^'^k'^ M k'^ limM-00 M-29fc2B^9) Lemma = 00 are Edod'^ terms cancel because they are of opposite Now define B^"^ = it depend on Of those terms we examine Edid'^D-'^Hi and EH^D-^dod'^D-'^Hj. Letting 6^^^ terms vanishing at rate consider the terms in the expansion Lemma and (B.40) Edr^d'c, = in order are if222-D~^do is and ^5. It follows by Lemma (B.41) We ai'e left with EH222D~^ dQd'QD~^ H'222 = by Lemma (B.44). Then {MJ, k{.)) = 0{M^/n) + of lower order. 0{M'^/n) (/;„ OiM^^"). Next we turn to the case of the rate-adaptive kernel where gk{M) Hu, H222: do, di, d2, ds and ds are largest in probability. that Edod'QD~^Hii Lemma (B.36) it (B.43). The Ed^d'^ such that these terms cancel out. follows that Edod'^D^^ {H13 are therefore Edid[ Hu)D-'^do){d3 - = = M^'X'^'^^Bi +o + Hu) is {gk{M)^) where Sj = 0{M'^'\^'^') by term growing with M is + Lemmas = . liniA./^oo Lemmas The Now H\\, H12, H13, and (B.36) we show (B.34) Because Edod[ of lower order. Hu)D-'^do)' (//i3 largest In = NPX = Hu + largest o{n~^) by terms remaining -Hu/9k{M)'^ and £(^3 - {Hn + (B.16), (B.24), (B.25), (B.39) not affected by the kernel choice and is and therefore Ed^d'^ = 0[M'^/n) as before. For part ii) and iii) we only need to consider the terms An = Ed^d'^ and Bn = E{d3 — {H13 + Hu)D-'^do){dz - {Hi3 follows that lim inf „ From Lemma + Hu)D-'^do)' + Edid[. Since for all n > 1 we have An > and B„ > A^ > and lim inf„ Bn > such that A, S^''^ and B\ are nonnegative. (B.44) it follows that El'D-^'^d^d!^D-^/^l = mV" ( 1 4?{x)d:^ 25 (.' D'^'-A^^AiD-^'-l + o{M^/n). it From Lemma (B.39) =D+ that Edod^ M^\^' Ed^d-i = follows that it -kqB[''^ + o(l) and from Lemma (B.24) it follows o{l) such that = M^'X^^^E{Hy3 + Hu)D-'dod'oD-\Hn + Hu)' c^''fc2g(9)^-ig(9)' + ^^i^_ This implies that E{Hu + or in other words ^j2s;^2A/g(g) B„ = ^ ^^^^^,^ Proof of Proposition 1 Since - au-r D — QajPm = - E{Hn + Hu)D-'^dod'oD-'^{Hn + H^) + Edsd'g o(Af2^\2W) j^ E{Hn + Hii)D-Uod'^D-\Hn + H^i)' = Hu)D-^dQd!^ - Lemma -^^ l'D''/^{D - P'm^-^Pm)D-^I'^1 = A'f'X^^'Bi -^13 + Lemma (3.4): First note that by = P'j^,jQjj ^"^ (B.43) where = is o{Af~'X'") o{M'^'X-^^). Here Ed^d'^ = defined in (B.19). (B.25) + i'D-^^^Edid[D-^/^£ o{max{n-\M^'X'^^'')) + o(max(n-\ 7\/2^a2^')). Pm > by standard arguments it follows that 1 — a\M | M as — » oo. Also, -^14 such that bM^MbM = QMnMQ[„-{H,3 + Hu){P'Mni}PMy^{Hi3 + Hu)' where the Cq from line follows = b[''^ c^'^k-^ consider for example, Qa/Pa/ = H 14) /gk{M) \im{Hu + '^k^~\imQMQi\[Q',^i/gk{M)~ by similar arguments as cally, We last the proof of in and the Lemma fact that b!^^ (B.43). More = specifi- Hn+Hu with Hn = A/'A'" E'/.j,=i ^"' IJiI" ]J^\^jft^^n,h^-\- use the chain rule of differentiation to write 1 ,. - k(i, lim "m Because d<t){v,z)/dv I lim = hm A/-00 \ = = M) TT- z[— <p(k(t/M).APX'^^) log 2)^ - k{i/M) 1 1 - M \i\'^AP^X^' =2— - 1 ,. = hm l-k{i/M) + 2{z[— logz)'' — - (P{k{i/M).ciAPX^\\ + (|i|/Af)' \)v MU'PX^'' continuous in v and z is 0, it follows ] {om{1))) M —M— h (fc ' W ,;„ A:,(-logA)« lim ^ - 1) ' logCl 777^ M^<x>\M\ogX / — M + , 1- r,. {k - log * A + ,^-logA/ 1) , ^T A/logA A;,(-logAr 26 M + , ^ 1 + , {i/M}'' J - log(l + Oa/(1)) ^ A/logA ' ^ (1 + oa/(1)) that , Here, om(1) is M a term that goes to zero as — > Define oo. um = — cr\M follows that It (^2M- = 1 + 0{M'^^>?^). Let X = 1 — aiM + cf2M such that — log(l - x) = x o{x). Then, - logaM = 1 - o-iM + 0-2M + o{x) = M'^'X^^ {kqB^'^^ +Bi) + o(M2^A2^0- Since M* ^ oo as n ^ oo it follows that iPn{M*,£, fc(.)) = MIC(M*) (1 + o(l)) The result then follows by the same arguments as in Hannan and Deistler (1988, p.333). If in addition log a im = ciM2^A2^^4-o(A^^) with A^ such that < A^ < A^/^ Then, it then 1 — CTiM = ciM^^A^^ + o(A^^) and the same holds for a2M by construction of k{., follows that (p^{M*,i, k{.)) = MIC(M*) (l + 0{-n}l'^ {\ognf^)\ by the same arguments as in the proof (JM -\- . .). of Proposition (4.3). . Proof of Proposition ^ of generality that estimated residuals = 9{z) if 9{z) Since xt contains elements of (4.1): C,jj^rrS''^j^-k ^^ v^'^onsistent. — y) —^ = £t {yt — (xj Let /? be a y^-consistent for \z\ < By Assumption 1. The periodogram of st is InW = ©2 C (B) 3 ''^^^ first stage estimate. = x) are used to estimate (j. Let g{X,0) c l-9iz-...9rn-iz'^''^- Define the parameter space 01 7^ enough to show without it is j/j IZt s int Gi, M"*"^ such that ^ 02 compact such = The with |i9(e^'^)| (Bi, ...,em-i) e 0i that ^o G 02- The maximum likehhood etEsC''^**"*^- loss estimator for 9 is asymptotically equivalent to (A.25) ^ = with Ai{9) ""' Et,s ^tese'^^'-'\ /^-(A) /3 n-iE,^n(Aj)/5(Aj,0) (x — = /r (A) = n-i(do - ao) Zt,s n-i = for A^ Zt,s ^t{xs argminAf,(6l) = - l^,)e'^^'-'\ and /°(A) ete'^^'-'^ 2nj/n, j = -n + 1, 0, ...,n - L Define F^X) = /^ (A) = n"! (do - ao) EtM - ^Je'^^*-^) ..., = n'^a^ - = 4(A) + (^ -/?)'/;? (A) (^-^) + +2 (^ - /3)'/r (A) + 2/r(A) + Note that /-(A,) = A^„(0) 0. = = /^ (A,) = /^°(A,) = We now A-„(e) + for j # ao = (do-ao) Et = y - My " 2(/3 - (3)'K^{9) From standard arguments A''''{9) = /;?(A) 2(do and /-(A,) = - ao)(^ - /?)'/,?" (A)- n(do-ao)2, /^"(A,) £* have + (/? - /3)'A^(^)(/3 2(do with - Mx)- It follows that /^(A) for j ao)^ Et,. e'^^*"^) for do (see Brockwell - aQ)n in 6* /3) ^ ^(cf + and Davis 1991, 2n j f^b{X)/9iX,9)dX and d'^hf {6)189 2n f[X)/g{X,9)dX uniformly - "4- 6 02- Consistency 27 ch. (xt 10) - it Mx)) ("o - ^o)^ follows that K'^{9) d^A''^{9)/d9 for of 9 follows + /t < /5(O,0). °^ A°''{9) oo such that Ai{9) -^ from standard arguments. . To = establish y^-consistency note that ^yn^A^^{9o)/^6 Op{l), n ^^'"^^t^t — ^p(l) ^i^d Therefore We = also define dA'{9)/d9 dA'[9) (A.27) where = V^dAi{9)/d9 (A.26) < = + ^iQi - (i)' d h.'^ [9) / d9 + Op (1) 2n J f,{X)dg~'^{X, 9)/d9d\ such that dA%9) dAi{9) 89 89 09 ||(9A^(6'o)/56'|| V^dA'„{9)/de + 8Ai{9) 8Ai{9o) 89 89 Op{n-^/-) by (A.26). Definition (A. 25) dAi{9) OAiieo) 89 89 < dAi{9o) 2 dAU0o + 89 for 9 implies that = 0p(n-i/2) 89 Finally dAi{9) dA'{d) 80 89 = dA'„{9)/89- I 27Tf,{X)dg-\\,9)/89dX +20-l3nd{A'-{9o)))/d9 + /here the second term Op{n is ^/^) since [p — j3) = Op{n ^^^). The Op{l) first term can be written as - j 2TTf,{X)8g-\X,9)/d9d\ 8A'^{9)/d9 = n-i Y. \^n{^3) - 2^A(A,)1 dg-\X,:9)/de + n-'Y.27TMXj)8g-\Xj,9)/d9where the second term 0{n-^). is Now define e,^{e) = (27r)-i i 2^f,{X)dg-'{X,9)/89dX / ^^-^(A, 9)/0ee'^^dX such Ej^jWe-'^^and n-'Y. J !^n(^^) n CO t,s=l /=-oo n = n-' - 2^A(^i)] dg-\X,r0)/O9 n-|min(/,0)| Y E l——n {et£t-l-Est€t-i)U0) + Op{n-') t=max(/,l) / < Ei'i"'(""'E,(^*^'-'-^-^'^^-') MO 28 n \ 1/2 that ^^"^(A, 9)/8e where the second equahty follows from n Then note the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. ^ ^ = ^) e''^^^* that n"^ Ylt for i 7^ s ~ ^^t) = i^t and the inequality follows from Op{n~^^^), E l= — n l= — n and Yl?=-n I'l ^K^)'^ uniformly converging for 9 with is \9 — < 6o[ 5 for some zeros on or inside the unit circle. Consistency of 6 then implies X^JL-n Kl establish that _ dA%{9) 09 dA^0) consistency of Y^- C,j+m^Y-k of generality y-n-l 7 YljCj+m^]^k since __ fyy yn-1 xt 9) ~ Jlj ^j+rrJ'^-k _Q it j = Op{l). These results Op(n-i/2) 09 +^ ^^ consider without J2j Cj-i^nS'^-k of elements of yt,yt-i, ,yt-r- We loss next show that fn-l/SN Write n-1 2^ 2^Cj+mrj_fc— 7 > Cj+mrj_fc j=— n+1 q(^)^ then follows that n-1 7)-l such that 6{z) has no Op{\). composed is -pw A = (A.27) — such that by a continuity argument y/n{9 To show From Op{n~'^l'^). 00 > 5 Cj + m Cj+m j (Cj+m Z^ r^-fcj (^r^-fc = -7T+l r^-fc- j=-n+l First consider r!-l E -^^^ where P(supj ~ Cj Cy For any S such that („l/2^J- 71+1 > C''^ \9 — ^ 0q\ J-k rj!. ||c.-c, ) < ^ C goes to zero for some S implies 9{z) < >ri j-k E <ni/2sup c,-c,| large If,-/ enough by the previous has no zeros on or inside the unit p result. circle consider En-l ui/2 (^)l ^ j-k ^ j-k >T) +p{J9-9o\ >S We nV2 by Equation (B.9) and the way it r^_^ — r^_^ use the triangular inequality ^n-l sup E < \J0WI ryy 1 j-k _ -pyy __ ' J-k + ryj' ^ j-k ryy ^ J-k fact that supi^.g^ji^^ XI":=i„+i |Cj (^)| = ryy _ -pyy Op{l) 0{1) uniformly in follows from Equation (B.IO) that ^r^-l ni/2 This establishes that Ai sup E" — Ai = Op{n ,JC,(^)I^ S-fc ^/^). The 'j-k result then follows 29 such that by 0(1). Lemma (B.47). n. In the same j 1 Proof of Proposition — log (Tm —A ij^ + (p{x)^dx] s' We = si < Ai > Ai + > si < Ai < Ai I -log(j^,^^ + show that uniformly first L„(M) = Ln{M) (A.28) with . L^iM) = Let (4.3): (l ^A in and L„(A/) (j'^^(l){x)'^dx) M, + Op{n-^/^ (logn)'/2+5' Consider . (^-I) ^°g'^Aa-i°g'^ M L„(M) - Ln{M) < + .4 log 0-2M Ln{M) because L„(Af) follows that M.h 1 gi){A4) = + > M'^/nA (j^^(p{xfdx') A-A = Op{n-^^'^). |Af |'^~^ a[^' (A.2^(A//)-2Af-^' Let 1). °p(^L,h . First First g{M) = \M\' by Lemma X^^^^, By Proposition 1. g'{M) = = ciM'^'X-"' + and Lemma (B.47) it o (A/^^A^^) and loga^^^ = (4.1) |Af I'-'+^'Z^ a'^^I, gr{M) = |A/|''-^ a'^^' and \e'D7'^^H,^jDl'^^£ - fD-'/^HuD-'^-'e = giMy'M-^' (<7^Aa-^?A0 individual > show = Kuh^llh^Mh-h- we analyze cr^; Next, note that logcr|^ = with // n.h and I* >^ components Op(n-i/2 (iogn)i/2) ^^°"gl^ *° oi H^^ < (B.46) such that j^ ^'^°''' ^hat ^n.A-^n = Op(n"i/2 (iog„)i/2^/(M)2) — Hu. Note that + (1 = Op(n-V2(logn)^/2j5r(j)) Op{n~^/'^ (logn)^/^ j) because analyze terms involving -dj^j^+M ^'^ use the expansion Qy^—Q~^ = Q~^ iO. — Qf^] pyx = 0(.gr(j)). To Q~^+Op (n~^/^y/\ogn) such that (A.30) ^^:...H Note that m— '^k.iA - ^k.z /=-m+l = by Lemma (B.46). It Op(n-i/2 |z - k\ S2 = — 1 if - k) [logn)'/'') then follows that = ^n,n+M:h - ^n^n+AfW where gr{i Aj < Ai, S2 noting that X]w=i^ji.t i^kih = si ~ '^k.i) + '^i.j2+M if Opin^'/^ (logn)^/^ M^^X'') Xi is = Aj and S2 of the 30 = si if Aj same order > Aj. This can be seen by as the A/-th autocorrelation of a AR process with lag polynomial — (1 H,,rHn, ^^' namely 11." P' - ffi"^M,h \ MJi in this difference are of the form — AiL 1 ( 1 Consider . ^MA ~ P'm {^m - "r •' OO AiL)^'"*"^ [^ now the largest order element of ^]m) ^^^- ^^^^ largest order terms / J1,..,J6 " h Ji,J2,n =1 '^h,J2 {'^J2J3+Ml^j3,j4'^J4 + M,j5)'dji,je^^-jJ6 I and taking into account (A. 30) we need to consider JT.J2 ^ Jl '^33 J4 ('^J4 ,35 J2J3 J2,]3,h , + M'"35 ,36 ^J6 + M ,h ) ^ J7 .js ^ yx -3a j:,...,J8=l Op{n-^/^^/I^M''X^^) where S3 = = S3 2s — 4si + s'. The 1 if < Ai = Ai, S2 + 4si — 1 if Aj = Ai and S2 = 5si — 1 if Ai > Ai where H^^ ^ — Hu are of smaller order. This establishes (A. 29). remaining terms of Next, show that \/nsup ^2M ~~ 5si = /g'i^I)^ '-'^2M h C)p(l). We focus on a typical term in the cr^j^f^, matrix Sm = yM - Km) U~^ ^ P'M,h with population analogue Sm- Other terms of = VlogCTiM, 5A/ J'^oga^j^jj^, tains diagonal elements ^j. |1 - kU/M)\ = (t>j 1 — (j){v, - SM (- log sm)"! \SM (- logSM)^ = z) . — (1 Also PM,h can be handled cr^.,f^ (f){k{j/M),SM) and Note that Km) (Im - let = (/)j i;)(l — in a similar way. <p{k{j/M),SM). u + vz (— logz)') = Tj^^,^- - <l>32) A,,,, Let sm = The matrix A'm con- < such that 'r^4 and Af^^.^ = M 1 t^' f^^Z^'mr':. -32,h Now, E ((1 - '^.0 (1 - ^2) - (1 - <p3.) (1 - <^.J) ^'L 3\,32 = E { (^.: - <^.0 {^2 - <^..) + (<^.. - ^.0 (1 + (1 - ^3^) {<P32 - h^) } ^j!,. 31,32 such that Sm - Sm l9{Mf < SM 2 sup A/ E M 9'{M) +2 sup M M /-logs/M SM J logSA/V g'{M) M log 2 SM E M g'{M) M - k{n/M) 1 1 - k{j2/M) {J2/Mf ^31 ,32 3132 \32 SM 9'{M) log SM \ M J l-HkUi/M),SM) l-<P{k{n/M),SM 9'{M) g'{M) '^ M E 3\32 aM 31 ,32 J1J2 31 1 - kin/M) [Ji/Mf _ AlM ^Jl J2 l~4>ik{J2/M),SM) 9{M) ^3i ,32 , /here M ( - log SM sup < sup (sM Ci ( - log SM SM M g'{M) V ) SM M g'{M) \ here = ci +C2SUP /g'{M)\ (— log [M^X supyi,; (AFA^^) /M) (log is ) /M) and = C2 in the M— By as > oo. Op(7l-l/2 (logn)i/2) M The sup \criM/g'{M)\ uniformly continuous in'M and sup py:c - sm) |(sa./ = result then follows because /9'{M)\ = Op{n~'^'^ (logn)^' Op{l) with probability going to one. By by ) the -J2,h proof of Proposition (3.4) the 2 SM log M (A. 29). Also note that J] arguments SM log - Sm) I same arguments it - follows that [(l as in the proof of (A. 29) (p{k{ji/M), ^/iogaiM)) /g'{M)\ —> can be shown that it M -1 pxy^M-'py^: EiJii'iJ2 JlJ2 "Jl n = Op(n-i/2(iogn)V2) is Op(n-i/2(iogn)^/^). J1J2 such that the third term of the bound lg'{MY = Op{n~^'^ for 5a/ - lg'{Mf 5a/ .1/2 It thus follows We have therefore established (A.28). Let Ln[M) = Ln{M)+g(M)^+logaM v-'here g{M)^+]ogaM = 0{\l'^^) with A^ < A by Hannan and Kavalieris (1986, p.47). Since \l^ /g{Mf = {K/Xf' M~-' ^ as M ^ oo it follows that L„(M) = L„{M) (1 + 0{gr{M)^) with gr{M) = AF (A^/A)^^ Let M* minimize L„(A/). By the same arguments as in Hannan and Deistler (1988) it now follows that M* / M* - 1 = Op(l) and Ln{M*)l L„{M*) = that 5a/ — 5a/ {\ogny''-) uniformly in M. . 1 + Op(l). This establishes the first part of the Proposition. Moreover, optimality of A/* implies that — logcrA/- + i +logCTA/- "'"^ + c > for some constant c. This leads to log n + 2s log (A/* + 1) + 2 (A/* + 1) log A < log (2M* + 1 + o{g{M'f-)) or logn ^ log (2Ar ^ - < M* - In a similar + 1 +o(g(Ar)2) - 2s log (A/* + logn M* > = 2 log A 2 log logcrA/--i log(2Ar-l + o(5(Ar)2) - + ^' ~^ 2s log (A/* c < + A ^- —2 log A. such that 1) 21ogA -> -2 log A. A/* = M* = - logn/(21og A) + Op(logn). Optimality of M* /n) and logo-^^-^. ^ = Op((logn) /n). We have seen before 0(1). This implies that then implies that Ln that log (7^^.^ - M* way we note that — logUM' + Thus, logn/A/* 1) —_ \M*j = Op((logn) logcTyiY. (1 + C)p(7i~-'/-^ (logn)^''^'''* 32 ) such that logaj^-j, = Op((logn)^ /n) which in = A**M*^ = turn implies that ^(M*) with e^. A,-/A < = M*^ shows Op(logn) in X^' A^/^ by assumption Op(logn/ni/2). Substituting it that A'^m* = Op(logn) follows that {K/Xf''" = Op{y/\ogn) for = s if s if M* = - logn/(21og A) + e^. and Op(l) otherwise. Since = and Op(l) otherwise. Then, consider gr (m*) = Op((logn)^^+^/2) for all s such that 5, where log (AjA)-'°*^"/'°^^ But (log A^/ log A - > 1) 1/2 if = A^ < Ln{M*) = + M-M" (Ln{M)) I M* M* follows . l = = L„(M*) fact that + (logn)2^+^ ^^-(logA./IogA-l)^ (l + M* = Op(n-i/2 (iogn)i/2+^')) Op(logn). Also, Ln(M*) < leads to ia2Z„(M*) .- M* - Ar 2 (9A/2 have used the fact that dl^ (A'P^ jdM = 0{M) = we note that for 0. Let Then, Ln{M*) - Ln{M*] 1=0. 14^ 2M*^~e{M*) Ln{M*) =0p(n-V2 (log n)V2+^') I from (A.31), Z„(Af*) < L„(A?') and This result implies that M* - M* = Opin'^'^M* Op(l). (log 72)^/^+''/^) = Op(l). Similarly, maximizing Ln{M) we have (A.32) l°s"/l°g^ Op(n-i/2(iogn)i/2+^'). Ln{M*)l (2Ar2^(Af *)) = M* ((A,/A) Op(n-V2 [Xognf^) and [M*] around M* = L„ (m*) + < M* - M* and we [dMf (a/*) g, o(g,(M*)2)) Ln{M*)/Ln{M*) = L„ (m*) d^ + second order mean value expansion of L„ where Ar/log A-l Oj, Op(n'-i/2 (logn)^/^"^^')) by similar arguments as before. It follows that (A.31) A (1 Then from (A. 28) and the last equality follows L„(Af*)(l A3/2. OT,[gr{M*)). (m*)' = ('(A^/A)-'°s"/'°=(^'-/^)) Z„(M*) < L„(M*) = Ln{M*) where the + A -2 log = Note that (A,/A)^M- (logn)^ log"' v-logn/21ogA ( (A./A)^M- (A,/A)- AT - Ln{M*) - L„{M*) 1 33 Ln{M*) = o{gr{M*f) since L„(M*) < Ln{M*) = L„(M*) where ^.(M*)^ We = [l + We 0(7i-i/2 (logn)^/"). have thus shown that use this result to sharpen the convergence result for Deistler (1988, p.333-334) optimality of < Ln{M*) = L(Ar) {l + o(gr{M*)^)) lil* - M* = Opin'-'^/'^M* (logn)^^'^). o{gr{M*)^j) and L„{M*) M* M*. By the same arguments as in implies that LniM") < Ln{M*) < L„(Ar )(1 + Op(n-i/2 or, < by rewriting the inequalities as < (A.33) 1^ - 1 (iogn)'/^+'')) - Ln{M*) < Ln{M*)Op{n-^/^ L„(A"/') _ +A Hannan and L- < j^^i^ + 1 j (logn)^/'^"^*'), OAn-^^^ (logn)V^-^ ) where by a mean value expansion [giM*f-g{Arf)n _ Qg^j^rf/dM^ with more, M* - M* < M* - M* Note that g{M*fn/M*'^ = 0(1) by optimality of A/*. Furtherdg{M)'^/dM = c/(i\/)2 (2s/M + 21og A) By the first order condition for M* it follows that . dg{M*f/dM + 2M* /n = 0, or n/ M*dg{l\rf /dM M* - M* = = -1/2. From [2s/ M* \M' j dg{M*Y/dM since ( NT _ \ Op(l) by previous arguments it follows that + 2 log A) n/M*dg{M*)'^/dM -^ 1/2. We now rewrite (A.33) as IF + '+ .7- ") such that the result follows. Proof of Theorem D'j^j.{dj^j. — dM') also establish D^-j, D,;,.) = = Op(l) and Op((logn)"^^'<(^'-'?'-i)) dia.g{(f){k{0).M'\'"), trices used. is The decomposition v^ (h^^M- - K,M-) = Aw- {^M- " ^m-) ^}IJm-Note that Dm- = Op(l) and di\f = Op(l). The following calculations (4.4) ..., <p{k{{n - dj^-j. = Op(l). It is therefore enough to ~dM-) = ^j^j ,/^{/M~*{d^;. m- 1)/Af ), Af^A'^^))' and with elements <P{k{{j)/M*),s^-j.) where s^-j. 34 is show that %/n/M*{DM' — Opi{\ognr^^^'' -"•-''>). Define Km = {Jcm ® Ip)- We defined in the proof of hf = write K^^,. for ma- Theorem (4.3) and note that for the truncated kernel K^^^. the other elements are zero. Let a matrix where the is " definitions we can = rewrite d-M J-n-M—m the same in diagonal elements are one and all '^^^ way ^M ,n M fi*A with h\j and ^\j^ defined pM* Pn-m = '^"^-^'^n-m and Qm M first •n-M-Tn replacing fi^ and Q,jJ by Q.m and ^n}- Using these P'n-m^m^*m ^MZ^-m^- First consider z: yf^lW*{d^,-dM') = V^W{K-mKM^n*7}k^.^^^-p'^_^kM'9rj^}kM'^ = .MM~*{Pn-. ^M-^*M>M. + ^M-n^->^,. + A,^.fi;r;^M. +kM'(p-*^}-^M')kM' with ci A^. = kj^, —Km' From Assumption (E) br [{l/M*y - (l/M*)") <P{k{j/Ar),Sj^.) < < for \SM' 2c2 |s^^, (- logs,^.)' and C2 - SM' (-logSM.)'l + < - SM' (- logSA/01 <2 /c(j/M*) for A/^* ~* °o- sup (5M (- log M k{j/M* ) — k{j/M*] < |2 - SM' (-logSM-)"! \KJ/M*) - k{j/M*) + C3 br l/M*" ((AfVM SM^ - Now SA, - A:(j7Ar)| < 2ci bf 1/M*' ((a/VM*)' - 1 note that (- log sm)'') / (g(M)M^+^') |5(M*)M*^+^' I the proof of Proposition (4.3) Op{n'~^''^ (logn) is Op{n-'^ (logn)^/^+''+'''''^) ) it and g{M*) is ' , because C3 4-|s.>. (-logS£,.)''-SA/. By ci \k{j/M*f - k{j/M*f 1| *\2 fcOYM*)^ - k{j/M*) and SM- (— log SM-)' ~* some constant - 4>{kU/M*),SM') {-logSM.y - some constants follows that for Then, . 2C2 |5^. (-logS^^.)' + it n = \^M' {-'^OgSj^.j.y (- log SM' follows that = sup^ [hi (-logSA/)'^ Op{n~^^^ logn) such that the - sm (- first term Op{n-^/'^logn^/'^/M*). For the second term -SM' ^mAzMIm^ (-logSA/-)'| SM' (-logs A/* 35 logSA-/)'^) / U(M)M9+'''/^ in the previous inequality we write SM' {-logSM-y where sm = M'X" + o Sm'/sm' - 1 {APX'^'^) = (m7M*)' method. Since .s a/. Then (- - a(^^'-^^*) = (- log sm-)' Opin-^l"^ \ogn^'"^/M*). . logs^-^.)' / (- = 1 we (4.3) 1 = Op(Ti-i/2 (logn)^/2+^''/^) by ^(tz'^/^ (log From Theorem logSM')' - 71)''"'""^) follows that |s^j. it have l/Af*" also Op(n-i/2 (logn)^/2+//2-, ^^^ Theorem (- (4.3) logs^;^.)'' {(m*IM*X - = l) - and the delta .sa;- (-logSA/.)'| = Op[n-^''^ (logn)^^^^'' /M*") such that a/2+max(5'-i7,-l) )• 4>{k{3/hnrsM.)'<t>{H3lM*),SM.) =Op(|j|7T-V^(logn) = For the truncated kernel A^-^- M' unless tending to one. So the rest of the proof is M* f- by fi'^^.^ Then, 'd*j^^,j^- E ^Rm*^Y. y;VA^p;_A^.r2;ri/?A,.^j^ = M* - M* > ( the truncated kernel and trivial for general case. Denote the /c,j-th element of P But . 1 = ) with probability we only consider the more letting fc(ji, A/*) = (f){k{j/M*),Sp^-j.) fjf [fc(ji,Ar)-fc(ji.Ar)]^;'^->(j2,Ar)t;,,, '=iii.j2=i = where d^ = sJnlKPC2 [fif 4+ + c^e" + ^f + rf^ + 4+ '^'^] ^ ^^=1 E "Xi ^7. [Mji, A/*) - Mji, M')] ^;fi/c(j2/Ar)7;,,„ n—rtj n < = ^Y. E (rjf-fjf)[A:(j:,Ar)-/c(ji,Ar)]^;fJ;fc(j2,Ar)t.,,,, (=1 Jl.J2 = l and similarly by A.-,, for d^, and Qa/ by ..., dg corresponding to Definitions (A.20-A.24) for $1]^^ in the same waj' as 1 ^n/hPd^ <C, ^/.1/2-P i^.OJn -1/2 1 (log n) in d,f. We dg cZ.5 where we replace Km consider the largest term ^5 /2+max(s' —q. — l) n n—m 'E E i^ir||(f;r-r;r)^;5>(^2,Ar)., J2 t=l JlJ2 = l By the same arguments as in the proof of n— (B.29) follows that it m E (A.34) Lemma l^ili(flf -rjf)n'J>02,Ar)X:;^^t'u.|| = Op(Ar) Jl-J2 = l where we have used that properties as ^j^.j^- note that it E" ,_ , |ji|'' ^^1 < y^ oc uniformly in j2 since Also note that k{J2,M*) y/n/M*d^ = Op{n~^/^ (B.28,B-30-B.33) ^ (logn) +"'^''(* ~i~ •'). = for |J2| > A/*. i^l^-j has the same summability The bound (A.34) implies that Using similar arguments based on the proofs of Lemmas can be shown that the remaining terms df,d^...,d^ are of smaller order. For Ijil" F'^t? jl J2 0(1) such that yxy „*M]\ / n J2 jlJ2 = l 36 II n 2\V2 d'^ and thus ./f^jM^d^ For = Op((logn)'"'*''(^'-'''-'') vWM^^n-mAM.^;^>M-%^ = ^AVM^C2 [<^ + ... + d^^ + d^^] we define n—m n d^^ = ^*) ^n,2 JlJ2 Hj2,Mn-k{J2,M*] n Vt,i; 1/2 0{\) it From YT]^^=\ \\h\'\hV for the other terms. and similarly follows that ./WJWd^^ = £^iiEr=i^M2/x^ii' = Oj,{n-^'^ (logn)i+2'"^''(^'-'?'-i) M*-i/2) Op(l). For ^f^^^JWd^^ note that for some Ci max(Air',M*) 114^11 < CrO,[n-' (logn)^+2--(^'-'--^)) J] l^^l' l^'il" || [^T. ' ^^') ^tn E"=i "^^^nl^ jlj2 = l such that for any finite e > and some C consider \M'+t] 32 where \M* + denotes the smallest integer larger than e] M* + e. >C +P{M* > M* + e). Using the Markov inequality it follows that 1/2 1/2 a*M' ji J2 jl J2 = by similar arguments as The remaining terms ^*j^]} as in are of smaller order {p*j^} Op{n ^ 0{n-'/^) ™'"'^^ (logn)-^"*" ''' by the same arguments as before. - ^IJ.^) A'm-^^ we expand n*r} around Q*'} and n*-} (A.l) leading to ^;> M - ^M' = ^mH^Ii' - ^*M,)%7' + (A.35) = proof of Lemma (B.29). Therefore y/n/M*d^'^ ^/^^JM^P^.^Km- Finally, for around in the = (^||E"=i^*j=/^ Op ^A/. ~ ^W and (A.36) Note that hi',} ft*- follows that - , Q^j. = M* + M* M* - M* > 1. Using the = n*^j} - nij}{nij, - ni,. )nij} M* ^ M*. Because M* M* - M' > 1. We thus if fact that pU'^ ^*M' P( M* - M* > ~ ^M- and + M* o^i ^M' " ^M' are integer valued by definition note that for any e 1) tends to zero >s)<P{ M* it > 0, ^}j. - ^\i' it > also e ^ follows that - M* >1)^0, 37 J 1 n*- in fact — ^ converges to zero in probability at arbitrarily fast rates. Also note that n^^. Op{n-'^'^{\ogny''^) by Lemma - ^*^} j^, with Om- = -)*— 1 n;7.' Combining (B.9). ^11' --M- = (A. 35) and - hl^.)OM. OM-{nij. - "• \--Jw M' —^ o* ^n*— - o* 0*7/ let* (Q^,;. - Q^;.)^M- I^' — (l 'A/- (A. 36) then leads to + - 0^,|. Op( ' * A /• 'A/ ~ ' * A/* /I that t'^us follows Next consider + K^rK^!^^> + ^m-^I^^^m- ^A/.f^;-;>A> Pn- First, we analyze P;_„A^,. j^^;;A';,.F„_^ H^ = H^^ + -\- //g^ H^^ + H^^ and the consider Furthermore Aj^-^.. let y;i7AFOp(n-i/2(logn)^/2+max(.'~,,-i)) < = Now where = //.-^ //2I1 from the definitions definitions follow the appropriate substitutions for ^*^} and ,/^^*\\H^\\ = H^+H^ + H^ H^ = ^ + ^.n2 + ^2li + ^222> in (A.6)-(A.13) with '^^^QY7i=o^^^i^i'^/^P) |jil||r^f^*f;5;fc02/M*)r ~ J2 Op(M*'"^^(^'-'''-^))0(l). ^^^222 71 ^ — 771 Jl-J2=l and by the proof of Lemma (B.20) 0{n-^/'^M*) such that y^n/M* (B.22) we can show order by Lemmas in the same it E T,]~J!^=i follows that \\H^22\\ = Op(n-i/2 \ji I" (f Jf - T^^) ^;fj>(i2/A^*)f r^, (logn)^^"'^''*''"''-"^^). way that y/n/M* \\H^ || = Op(l). All the Using the results of = Lemma remaining terms are of lower (B.17-B.21). Next, we turn to P;,_„A^^.fi*r;A^^.P„-77z defined in the obvious way. y;VM^I|//^^|| It follows = H.^^ + Hi'^ + H^^ where Hi-^,H^^,H^^ immediately that < y;V^Op(n-i(logn)i+2'"^''('^'-''--i)) = Op(n-i/2 (logn)-^/2+2max(.'-9,-i)^_ ^ JlJ2 = l 38 pxy n»A/"pyi \n\\j2\ are j we note For H^^^ The same type Op(l). E E",X=i that of \h arguments 1721' I" = '^T.-^tn^^-n ^(1) such that again ^JnjM* ^Hy^^ = also estabhsh ^^/M^ WH^^^ = \\ Op(l). All the other terms are of lower order. Finally, we turn based on (^^4, — to ^JnlM*P'^_^KM* terms d^.d^, ...,dc) lower order. The = + We j. /c ^UL ijj such that -^ y* - argmaxq>,' G => /C^ ijjj Proposition (4.1) is k'i* for ^ — each j = '^2Mh ^ such that for k{x) € A(j -n/Mf - because A:*. it if g' <P = y* Lemma Ai - Ai ~ "^^M = (B.44) = all of follows that for j fixed, where A:-'* = ^ By the Note that (T2m and fc^ = fc 6 /Cg, for all argmin(5n,j(^) and k'^B'^^^K* = for k e /C^ \ima2M^n/Mf = Opin''^/'^ (logn)^/^+''). Next, note that -' log n But now, \ M^ j log n q is To j. find the countable and It sup;,g^, \Qn,j{k) Qj{k)\ = and M* = (V'l = Op(n-i/2(logn)i/2+ma.x(.'-g.-i)y i/M* {k*) + Op (l/M* <J> (fc*' 39 OpipT^I'^ (logn)^/^+^') then follows from standard arguments that optimum finite - in /C, for (k*j we now each /M* g, = U* with q = Qn,q{k''*) converges to a fixed (fc*)-l (4.3) still define k* = Op (n"^/^ (logn)^/^"^*' goes through when k 1, V'l) it The 3. are Op{n~'^/'^). Op{n~^^'^). follows that kj +k]B^^yK. Then, uniformly (k[i/M* (r)), ^\oga,^j.^^.y^ - - < not uniformly continuous in K.j it can be checked easily that the proof of Proposition Then, i (}>{k[x)fdx OpiyTT^I'^ (logn)^''^+*'). Qn.qik'^*)- for The terms EHzD~^dj follows that it 0, 1,...,t. It is uniformly continuous in k for each = = Edi First, the proof of (B.47), sup;^^ value. Thus, q converges. For the second part note that with By M*/ logn = (-2 log A)" Vo(l).We have shown that because Qj EHiDdj. (B.28,B.30-B.33). therefore Ed^. is Lemma (7^ - . ^ l\'lr-p ,n. log n sup^ Lemmas = A f/^ (t){xfdx\ Also define and Qj{k) where consider Edi and therefore analyze the problem of finding Q^^j{k) k'^B'-i'i/K* By (5.3): uniformly continuous in < by the same arguments o{M/y/n). m as in the proof of however. Note that i term largest order Proof of Theorem is We (5.1): are of lower order by M/VnAiJ(t)'^{x)dx same arguments Op(l) ) ^t;,.) as before. Proof of Proposition Eds ^ ^m*^ ^M'Pn-m = (^t-7. (k*{ilM* (r)), yiogaj,^.( is replaced When of (f > 1 Theorem the error (4.4) B\/k*. We fci Op{n~^^~ (logn) = e. = 64/45 < J-j g^(,|-^ ^j^g^^ 2 with A:2 = 1- Now need to show that by choosing e this can be is iA + -e + 8/2l£2 + 4/3e2 + 2/5£l Choose first same arguments ^j^g consider = (/ consider a perturbation to In other words, for k^ the approximate the truncated kernel, which is +™^^(« -9,- ' go through. For the last part of the theorem such that f h?{x)dx x^ such that is MSE made is let k{x) say ^^(x) A;(.), A f^ /j.£(x)^dx ( ] = J li^{x)dx B^^V^l^^ ) + ^{s)) /-^ + 5 {e) < 4 - = l — x^ = 1 — ex — -\-e^B'^^^ /k* smaller than the approximate Bi/k*. Note that J h'^{x)dx e such that (e^ supe^ and 1 as in the proof MSE where 5 is used as a bandwidth choice. But then clearly, if M is chosen optimally than with M^. Similar arguments can be used to handle the case where Proof of Theorem the (6.1) MSE of \/n (,8^ m ~ 0) '^ We db and the additional term dis " consider the expansion of ,/n {Pn.M then the same as the analysis for ^/n = d^ = M/^{A[ - 7=-4i Vn A\) j / <f) {13^^^^ (fp'{x)dx = E{d5- Edc,){dz- Ed^)' + o{\). From 0{M/n). Also E('H222D-'^dod'r,D-'^/'^£ = o{M/n) with first Edc^d'r, Lemma order, (B.40) shows that M* all 1 = by = Op{M/n), Lemma /?) (4.3) and Theorem analysis of where the order of magnitude (B.44) (B.41) and M/n terms. it Thus du = Op{M/n) it is ^/M;) = the (}P'{x)dx = o(l). follows that Ed^d'^ = together By Remark (4), to possible to minimize by Proposition {\ogny^^-^'' (4.4) this establishes 40 The where we replace d^ by Ed^ — -^A'j j Lemma Opin''^''^ (logn)^/^+^') follows jM*(M;/M*-l\b~}^Aij(l)'^{x)dx = Op{n-^^^ (B.47). 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1.6191 0.2193 0.60238 2.8213 0.1965 0.84522 1.6398 -0.01157 0.48039 0.64576 0.40261 0.65701 0.93193 0.26319 0.46613 0.68559 0.26391 0.71097 1.0397 0.063104 0.50435 0.80424 0.46675 0.46775 0.47616 0.47121 0,46856 0.47072 0.064923 0.36801 0,63065 0,012124 0.17127 0.22942 0.4193 0.42041 0,44244 0.2859 0,28971 0.31147 0.33826 0.35308 0,40205 0.18586 0.19964 0.23394 0.076623 0.36358 0.6227 0.01198 0.17069 0.2287 -0.20138 0.52444 0.70699 -0.17292 0.27818 0.37291 0.085374 0.32911 0.52499 0.013643 0.16615 0.21996 0.021164 0.36326 0.55213 -0.02036 0.17825 0,24791 44 Table 2: Performance of GMM Estimators with 6 n = 128 Estimator OLS 0.1 GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt OLS 0.3 GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt OLS GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt 0.5 = n = 512 Bias MAE MSE Bias MAE MSE 0.49705 0.49725 0.50385 0.49483 0.49372 0.49516 0.49461 0.98011 1.8786 0.48621 1.1214 5.2146 0.50373 0.50334 0.52432 0.49198 0.49328 0.51224 0.49943 0.51901 0.58448 0.48642 0.49693 0.55721 0.51603 0.82588 1.5626 0.48211 0.95272 5.0932 0.48989 1.1095 2.8016 0.45823 1.326 12.9356 0.50207 0.69179 1.1779 0.48339 0.66513 0.89137 0.52045 0.76303 1.1456 0.46361 0.74174 1.0006 0.45384 0.45547 0.4613 0.45384 0.45403 0.45568 0.28972 0.66679 1.2017 0.1072 0.47244 0.90049 0.44322 0.44483 0.46525 0.40133 0.40931 0.4302 0.43339 0.4501 0.51347 0.34142 0.35464 0.40636 0.36738 0.622.56 1.1651 0.2135 0.48551 0.87465 0.28444 0.66182 1.101 0.11745 0.35947 0.49946 0.36569 0.52213 0.7151 0.20702 0.39769 0.57164 0.28996 0.57883 0.84856 0.11337 0.40762 0.66559 0.38046 0.37889 0.38487 0.37494 0.37593 0.3775 0.042111 0.29423 0.54636 0.015656 0.13132 0.1768 0.32936 0.32894 0.35015 0.21703 0.21913 0.23704 0.2695 0.28151 0.32307 0.15066 0.1643 0.19171 0.08868 0.31714 0.58005 0.030298 0.14035 0.18463 0.04296 0.27811 0.41247 0.016908 0.13559 0.18328 0.090384 0.28488 0.44025 0.02436 0.13273 0.17765 0.054996 0.28023 0.42958 0.015666 0.13461 0.18303 45 Table 3: Performance of n = GMM Estimators with 9 128 = .5 77 = 512 Bias MAE MSE Bias MAE MSE 0.4708 0.47223 0.4798 0.46821 0.47019 0.47208 GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 0.52711 1.1213 2.0323 0.52264 1.1775 2.20,54 0.39267 0.39842 0.42841 0.36723 0.37541 0.40458 0.40082 0.42934 0.4976 0.37235 0.40024 0.45747 GMM- Opt 0.41931 0.80943 1.357 0.41969 0.86022 1.5581 BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt 0.32466 1.2808 13.0744 0.30929 0.60111 0.88186 Estimator OLS OLS 0.1 0.3 GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt OLS GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt 0.5 0.43155 0.67594 0.9787 0.40402 0.67063 0.97716 0.35219 0.70706 0.98258 0.32216 0.76215 1.232 0.38604 0.38641 0.3945 0.38685 0.38754 0.38952 0.19769 0.82882 1.6984 0.087729 0.496 0.87353 0.27067 0.28668 0.31713 0.24542 0.25758 0.28589 0.26555 0.30311 0.36346 0.22235 0.25503 0.30632 0.23217 0.62133 1.0808 0.13734 0.41268 0.70857 0.098508 0.57105 1.1184 0.018366 0.29295 0.46272 0.24356 0.50607 0.742 0.16227 0.35728 0.54694 0.13393 0.53538 0.84079 0.025493 0.35742 0.59875 0.27857 0.28049 0.28786 0.28095 0.2819 0.28394 0.011779 0.3225 0.67531 -0.00211 0.11246 0.15008 0.15784 0.16854 0.19507 0.1009 0,10759 0.12591 0.13523 0.16429 0.20386 0.065555 0.09014 0.11271 0.058289 0.253 0.46363 0.01898 0.10532 0.14026 -0.01254 0.21014 0.33764 -0.02236 0.095026 0.12984 0.065003 0.22165 0.34951 0.012326 0.10667 0.13995 0.003854 0.22473 0.42831 -0.01114 0.094756 0.13116 46 Table 4: Performance of GMM Estimators with OLS Bias IDR Bias IDR 0.1 0.36203 0.39565 0.37789 0.22017 0.50136 5.22 0.51375 8.5451 0.36409 0.9079 0.43471 1.163 0.36288 0.99398 0.43279 1.2035 0.37306 1.8038 0.44232 2.2475 0.35293 1.0481 0.42576 1.1657 0.41278 2.0442 0.49196 2.7351 0.38757 1.931 0.48469 2.158 0.28962 0.29852 0.31254 0.19993 0.19565 2.991 0.039369 2.5622 0.24842 0.65978 0.28085 0.9905 0.93733 0.3 GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt OLS GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt 0.5 0.248 0.78716 0.26538 0.22376 1.2064 0.22999 1.1617 0.24336 0.73583 0.27032 0.97506 0.2297 1.4793 0.24377 1.62 0.23773 1.37 0.25496 1.5437 0.21107 0.26352 0.22779 0.15279 -0.00746 1.0207 -0.00346 0.60612 0.12121 0.50708 0.08675 0.5928 0.11991 0.54298 0.076 0.47081 0.082524 0.57197 0.072163 0.4773 0.1116 0.49428 0.084331 0.57169 0.077325 0.67164 0.057138 0.46211 0.086783 0.65593 0.06762 0.50118 47 32ifl OS and Heteroskedasticity -^ GMM-1 GMM-20 KGMM-20 GMM-Opt BGMM-Opt KGMM-Opt BKGMM-Opt OLS .5 n = 512 n = 128 Estimator = AUG 2 e 2003 Date Due Lib-26-67 Mil LIBRARIES 3 9080 02524 4572