/***=>* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/oninflationoutpuOObena HB31 .M415 m-S^> working paper department of economics On Inflation and Output with Costly Price Changes: A Simple Unifying Result Roland Benabou Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National Bureau of Economic Research Jerzy D. Konieczny Wilfrid Laurier University No. 586 Sept. 1991 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 On Inflation and Output with Costly Price Changes: A Simple Unifying Result Roland Benabou Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National Bureau of Economic Research Jerzy D. Konieczny Wilfrid Laurier University No. 586 Sept. 1991 DEWEY MJ.T. LIBRARIES NOV 1 4 1991 REUeivtu On Inflation and Output with Costly Price Changes: A Simple Unifying Result. by Roland Benabou Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National Bureau of Economic Research and Jerzy D. Konieczny" Wilfrid Laurier University September 1991 Department of Economics Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02 139 Wilfrid Laurier University USA Canada MA Waterloo, Ont, N2L 3C5 I. Introduction. We study the effect of inflation on the average output of monopolistic firms facing fixed costs of changing their nominal prices. analyzed by several authors, literature offers a simple, explicit formula which unifies all special results. is As a In this paper result, we the derive a the effects identified in earlier literature. finds, for constant elasticity that the average of log-output slope of this Phillips curve has been usually with specific functional forms. somewhat confusing array of Rotemberg (1983) The demand functions and quadratic costs, not affected by inflation. Kuran (1986) finds effects of opposite signs for nonincreasing elasticity and concave increasing elasticity demand and constant elasticity functions, assuming constant marginal costs. Naish (1987) uses linear demand and cost functions to demonstrate the important role played by asymmetries in the profit function around its peak. Konieczny (1990) shows, depends not only on the skewness of He function. dominates negligible. profits, more generally, that the effect but also on the curvature of the demand does not, however, provide a way of determining which of these two factors and incorrectly claims Finally, Danziger that, (1988) at small inflation rates, stresses the role played the profit effect by discounting is at small inflation rates. This paper provides a unifying but very simple treatment of all the effects described above, for the case where the costs of price adjustment are small. This framework, which seems to us the most solution relevant, allows the use of Taylor expansions to obtain a closed (Proposition 2), which can easily be applied to any specification. form The Model. II. We consider a monopolistic firm which produces a single, perishable good and expects the inflation rate to remain constant over time. any time but disseminated, it c> 0; incurs a cost, c etc. new the price 1 The firm can change its price at must be decided upon, the information also proxies for the adverse reaction of customers and competitors, not captured by the model. price. It is convenient to express profit and demand functions in terms of the log of the real The firm's problem, at the time of the first price change, is to choose the sequence CO CO of times of adjustment, and {t } T . T so as to maximize the present value of V (1) - t-O where F is (s,S) and assuming: type r its profits: -g(t-Q)e' ndt -ce' r is F(z n* L the profit function, assumed to be inflation rate price, ^F(P £ {PT } T -o each adjustment, (logs of) real prices set at We shall the discount rate. m ) > - F'(z (Sheshinski and Weiss, nominal price so that the (log m ) > F"(z m ). 1977): of) real price has eroded the real price to s < z™ < S. strictly is at quasiconcave and C3 ; g > is 7 denote by z " the (log) real monopoly The optimal pricing policy is of the each price change the firm chooses the 5 > z™; a new change occurs when inflation 2 1 Benabou (1991) analyzes firms which compete through customer search. In this demand and profit functions are endogenous and the effect of inflation on output depends on characteristics of the market such as search 2 The case of deflation is the case also costs. obtained by permuting S and s throughout the paper. The optimal policy satisfies the (s,S) (2a) F(S) -re - F(s) (2b) F(s) - order conditions: first rV Strict quasiconcavity implies that the optimum dS/dg > > ds/dg F'(s) > (3) > F'(S) ; unique and is satisfies: We now consider an economy consisting of many such firms which stagger their price changes uniformly over time. firm over its Y . the is " (5) then equal to the average output of a function, S-s < y'(-) s -L y(z)dz \ J* 0. and rearranging, we obtain: y(s) + v(5) - Y F'(s) - F'(s)(S-s) dg Since both inflation (4) y(S-P )d, - dS dg F'(s) and y(s) - Y are positive, (5) m±m [m makes _ ?] clear that the effect of on output depends on: the skewness of the profit function (represented by the asymmetry in marginal profits, F'(s) + F'(S) s s> demand Differentiating (i) r" J- S-s Jo v(-) is price cycle: (4) where Aggregate output and 5; ) which, through this will (2), be called the determines the effect of inflation on the price bounds, profit effect : 4 the (ii) y\s ) + y\ ) _ the of curvature demand (represented function y) which determines the output the output difference effects of those changes; this will be called 2 the demand effect . Following Konieczny (1990) for every z 1 < z" < z 2 such inequality holds. If F(-) 1 slower than z" - s. As a is that we call F^) = F(z2 ), and strongly left result, (see explicit skewed S < -F'(z 2 ) if the opposite - z™ increases skewed towards lower values, so that (5) as well as We now derive, formula which shows the effect of Small Adjustment Costs or Low (11) below). The Inflation: A its implicit nature for the case of small all makes opposite simplify the exposition we incorporated in Section V (2a') F(s) - F(S) (2b') F(s) - The first a c, Simple Formula. consider the case where r = 0; below. rather underlying parameters. to derive closed-form solutions for first it g and/or concentrate on the most relevant case, where g or especially c and use Taylor expansions 3 F'iz-^) as inflation rises, (5) reveals the qualitative effects at work, opaque and unwieldy. Below we therefore III. if strongly right skewed. holds for F(-) simple, is skewed strongly right skewed then, each price cycle the profit effect tends to increase output While F(-) strongly left s, S and is small, dY /dg 3 . To a positive discount rate is order conditions become: F Numerical simulations in related models (Benabou (1991) and Dixit (1991)) show that such approximations are generally quite accurate over a wide range of parameters. 5 where F denotes average profits per unit of time, net of price adjustment both price bounds, s and We costs. By (2'), approach the monopoly price as c or g approach zero. 5, therefore define: - zm S = S «1 and z where, throughout the paper, ^T « J^" order n in x, relative rate at X stands for i.e. which t = zm - - m - s r an * a^x', 'Y^\<* « ax x* <: xn 0, a262 + <S represents a Taylor expansion of a x + a2 Thus . i goes to zero in comparison to s 6 = S represents the <S - z m , when c or g become very small. Now, for all z F(z) (6) in [5,5]: a F(z m ) + F" — (z 2 Expanding (2a') a = -F"'(z m )/2F"(z m ) z (7) Next, m - s m (z~z m ) f + to the third order in Till i— (2 m 6 ) (z-2 m 3 ) 6 leads to c^ = 1, a 2 = -2a/3, measures the skewness of the profit function around zF. Thus: a 5(l-2fl5/3) inserting (6) and (7) into (2b') gives the following expression for 1V3 5 - zm = S « (8) as in 3cg -2F"(z m ) Mussa (1981) and Rotemberg Finally, we where return to output. (1983); Using its interpretation (7)-(8) to is expand straightforward. (4) we get: 6: Y« and y(z m ) + y'(z m )a8 2 /3 + y"(z m S2 /6 ) so: Y*y(z m ) -y\z m ) (9) — 6 Proposition Let F'"(z [ m _ y"(z ) m m y'{z m F"(z ) ) ) 1. = r 0; then, for small adjustment costs m F'"(z (10) y"(z ) dg (gc <- F'Xz™)): m m y'(z m F"(z ) or/and inflation rates ) ) 1/3 where m -y'{z A Interpretation IV. The use ) \%F"{z m ) > 0. _ and Examples. of Taylor approximations yields explicit measures of the effect of skewness of profits and the curvature of demand on the average output. not change signs in the neighbourhood of z™, F(-) if F"'{z from m ) < ( >) 0. Thus two measures of the is Assuming that strongly left (right) effect of F'"{z) does skewed near 1 z" skewness on price bounds are, (6)-(8): s + S (11) The -z™*^ or effect of changes in the price the curvature of the demand function. f'(s) + f'(S) * ^ bounds on average output depends, A measure of this effect is, from in turn, (7)-(9): on ^LLI^l -Y (12) =y"(z m ) — 2 By Jensen's function is inequality, and convex, Proposition is demand it if shows how the net 1 effects. negligible as effect tends to increase output demand effect of inflation depends on the Konieczny (1990) claims compared demand to the this is is not that of profits, demand the relative strength low inflation at that, rates, the because the profit function effect, not correct: both effects are of order S the relevant asymmetry if concave. is hence symmetric up to a third order approximation. (log) quadratic, and (12) that the to decrease demand of the profit and profit effect 3 2 This . but of marginal It is is is from (11) clear due to the fact that can be seen from profits, as the term F'(S) + F'(s) in (5). We conclude commonly used When the if is effects for some of the most functional forms. demand function zero and so sign (dY/dg) = profit effect by identifying the two this discussion - is linear (in the log of real price) the m sign (F'"(z )). zero and sign (dY/dg) = both conditions are met; the profit function m 3A and y(z) = costs the profit effect the latter is -A; is effect is (log) quadratic the not affected by inflation is considered by Rotemberg (1983). in the real price: and either constant or linear marginal Output sign (y"(z )). this is the special case For demand functions linear as the former equals If demand thus — A t - A 2e z , A x > 0, A2 dominates the demand = 2A > > 0, effect, 0. dg For is is isoelastic demand and the cost function and a > Ap 0, p > cost functions: y(z) = 1, the profit effect and so dY/dg = A(l-ap). The is A t e'Pz A(l - * , p - (y) a/3); = ya the where demand *(•) effect profit effect tends to decrease output while the 8 demand the > 1; this is true in particular for constant the demand V. A The effect operates in the opposite direction. effect to dominate, and profit effect is stronger for a& (a > For for increasing marginal costs marginal cost must decrease fast enough (a < 1). 1/fi). General Formula with Discounting. When the discount rate is more about firms care positive, profits closer to the beginning of each cycle than those in the later phase. Therefore, in comparison to the case considered in section level, z™. The they set the III, price is initial real price, then allowed to deteriorate more before the next adjustment. + Discounting therefore creates a discontinuity at g = Y; average output to F'(s) • (1988), makes S Therefore, the terminal one falls. This is resulting in , dY/dg to by because, closer to /", for small c or as the inflation rate increases, the (at (2), g it initial an upward jump any given g > 0), it 4 in is F'{S)dS/dg - F'(s)ds/dg. reduces | F'(S) price increases | relative more than This raises the average price and lowers average output (Danziger Konieczny (1990)). To show precisely generalize Proposition positive value, 1 how discounting combines with the profit and to the case of a positive discount rate. and consider the case where c m (13) As see Danziger (1988). negatively affected by discounting. Since discounting closer to the profit maximizing 5, f*F(z)e*-' ,Sr/g Mdz is small. _ p -rr/g -F(s) We let demand effects we g take any given (2b) can be rewritten as: - cge Sr/s r/g 4 = In particular, as g F(s) + re. -* 0, 5 tends to z™ while s remains bounded away since F(S) where, first as before, S - zm = S < 1; m z = - s « axS r a2S2 + order conditions (2a) and (13) to the third order in (2/3)(r/g - a). 5 l{ -r -a\s 2 S + <S or 3U given by is still at = obtain: 1, a2 = z m £J-S _ — - a 18 (8). Expanding average output as before leads Y~y(z m ) -y\z m ) (15) we 6 Hence: (14) where Expanding again the . — 2r + F'"(z [g m _ y"(z ) F"(z m m m y'(z ) to: ) ) J Equations (14)-(15) clearly show that positive discounting lowers the average price and raises average output, inflation tradeoff, Proposition If *Ag-& dg is the same F'"{z is m [F"(z m all small (gc < -F its effect on the slope of the output- (z m ) and re < -F y"{z ) m U-,m\ y'(z ) is m )), then ) g) 1. three factors which affect the slope of the inflation-output solely in terms of the underlying parameters of the model. A detailed proof (z m ) as in Proposition This result embodies tradeoff, to 2. dY A As given by: it is the cost of price adjustment (16) where as argued above. available from the authors upon request. It incorporates 10 Proposition 1 as a special case and also shows that, for small falls with inflation regardless of the strength of the VI. Conclusions. enough demand and inflation rates, output profit effects. We analyzed the effect of inflation on the average output of monopolistic firms facing a small fixed cost of changing nominal prices. Using Taylor expansions, closed form solution which can be applied to any specification. we derived a This extremely simple formula allows us to evaluate the relative impact of the three factors which affect the inflation-output tradeoff: the asymmetry of the profit function, the convexity of the function, and discounting. clarifies the It previous results of demand thus provides a unifying framework which substantially this literature. 11 References: Benabou, R. (1991), Studies, Inflation and Efficiency in Search Markets, Review of Economic forthcoming. Danziger, L. (1988), Costs of Price Adjustment and the Welfare Economics of Inflation and Disinflation, American Economic Review, 633-646. Dixit, A. (1991), Analytical Approximations in Models of Hysteresis, Review of Economic Studies, Konieczny, J. 141-151. (1990), Inflation, Output and Infrequently, Economica, Labour Productivity when Prices are Changed 201-218. Kuran, T. (1986), Price Adjustment Costs, Anticipated Inflation and Output, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 407-18. Mussa, M. (1981), Sticky Prices and Disequilibrium Adjustment in a Rational Model of the Inflationary Process, American Economic Review, 1020-27. Naish, H.F. (1986), Price Adjustment Costs and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff, Economica, 219-30. Rotemberg, J.J. (1983), Aggregate Consequences of Fixed Costs of Price Adjustment, American Economic Review, 433-436. Sheshinski, E. and Y. Weiss (1977), Inflation and the Costs of Price Adjustment, Review of Economic Studies, 287-303. i 1 7 7 Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 TOflO 00730020 2