r£5S 2 (UBRARI2SI @ \ 2 cy >-.<'< TB Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/nonlinearerrorsiOOhaus HB 31 .M415 M working paper department of economics NONLINEAR ERRORS IN VARIABLES: ESTIMATION OF SOME ENGEL CURVES J. A. Hausman W. K. Newey J. L. Powel No. 504 November 1988 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 9 1 989 NONLINEAR ERRORS IN VARIABLES: ESTIMATION OF SOME ENGEL CURVES J . W. J. No. 504 Hausman Newey L. Powel A. K. November 1988 Revised Draft November 1, 1988 Comments Welcome Nonlinear Errors in Variables: Estimation of Some Engel Curves by J. A. Hausman, W.K. Newey, and J.L. Powel 1988 Jacob Marschak Lecture of the Econometric Society Australian Economics Congress Canberra, Australia August 31, 1988 Estimation of Some Engel Curves Nonlinear Errors in Variables: by J. A. Hausman, W.K. Newey The Adcock (1878) simple the errors is in perhaps bivariate variables the , and J.L. Powell 1 problem has been long known statistics; in first reference which points out the problem. regression model the result of errors in variable downward bias (in magnitude) of the estimated regression coefficient: law" of econometrics as known to MIT students. econometrics in variable problem. research the the 1930' s, considerable In is a the "iron During the formative period of attention was given to the errors in However, with the subsequent emphasis on aggregate time series errors econometric research. in variables problem decreased in importance to most In the past decade as econometric research on micro data has increased dramatically, the errors in variables problem has once again moved to the forefront of econometric research. Solutions to the errors in variables problem for the linear regression model have been well explored and are often used by econometricians . The most common solution is the use of instrumental variable estimation (IV) which depends on the existence of an appropriate instrument or repeated observation of the MIT, Princeton University, and University of Wisconsin. We thank Greg Leonard for excellent research assistance and the National Science Foundation for financial support. A. Deaton, A. Lewbel, R. Pollak, D. Jorgenson and J. Poterba made helpful suggestions. Presented as the Jacob Marschak Lecture of the Econometric Society at the 1988 Australian Economics Congress. 2 The notion of the "iron law" is that the estimated effect is (almost) never as large as economic theory or the applied researcher expects it to be. Of course, in the multiple regression situation with many right hand side variables the result need no longer hold true. Nevertheless, the folklore in econometrics plus years of reading students econometrics papers results in the belief that downward bias in coefficients estimates is a pervasive problem in micro data parameter estimates. 3 Griliches (1986) discusses micro data problems which variables problems in many typical econometric data sets. lead to errors in •2- infrequently been used by exist, Two other solutions variable measured with error. econometricians . The first but they have only alternative solution involves knowledge or an estimate of the variance of the measurement error(s) of the right hand side variable(s) or its relative size compared to the variance of the stochastic disturbance, measurement error in the which can left hand partly be side variable. usually not available to econometricians. entirely or This type composed of of knowledge the is The second alternative solution is to use distributional properties of the right hand side variables or to use higher order moments which depend on distributional assumptions, moments, to estimate the parameters. beyond the first two This approach again has only rarely been used by econometricians. Thus, the IV appropach is by far the most widely used technique for dealing with errors in variables problems in linear multiple regression problems. The linear model with measurement error is isomorphic equation model, so that two stage least squares or a to a linear simultaneous closely related estimator is Zellner (1970) and Goldberger (1972) extend the single equation errors in variables problem to the multiple equation context. Geraci (1977), Hausman and Hsiao (1976) consider the errors in variables problem in the (1977) simultaneous equations situation. An excellent survey is given by Aigner, Hsiao, Kapteyn, and Wansbeek (1984). Reiersol (1950) demonstrated identification of the errors in variables problem using distributional assumptions. Kapteyn and Wansbeek (1983) generalize the result to the multiple regression context. Bickel and Ritov (1987) apply the method in an adaptive estimation framework. Geary (1942) originally proposed using higher order moments in estimation in the errors in variables problem. Higher order moments may offer a useful methodology given the increasingly large data sets of many thousands of observations used by econometricians. They can be applied in a straghtforward method of moments procedure. However, the technique has been little used to date and J. Hausman has been unsuccessful in a few previous attempts. . ; 3- However, used. this relationship no framework as recently noted by Y. longer holds Amemiya (1985). in the nonlinear regression The reason that 2SLS no longer leads to a consistent estimator in the nonlinear errors in variables problem is because the error of measurement is no longer additively separable from the true variable 2SLS in the Application of 2SLS or nonlinear nonlinear regression model. (N2SLS) leads to inconsistent estimates. A staightforward way in which to see why 2SLS or N2SLS does not yield consistent estimators the in nonlinear errors the linear in parameters and nonlinear in (1.1) where g(z) is the linear a yi - /So tj^ is variables specification: + Pi g(2i) + *i in variables instead the observed varible where model is to consider i ~ 1 n sufficiently smooth function to do Taylor approximations. errors (1.2) in variable X£ - Zi + r?i Xj_ we framework, assume that z is As in unobservable takes the form: i - 1 n assumed to be uncorrelated with z^. with x in equation (1.1) and taking a Replacing the unobservable z Taylor expansion leads to: Fuller (1987) discusses many of these other estimators which may improve the finite sample performance of IV-type estimators in the errors in variables context. The failure of additive separability also arises in the reduced from of the nonlinear simultaneous stochastic equations problem where additive the disturbance of the structural form enters nonlinearly into the reduced form. This situation leads to N2SLS and N3SLS being inefficient relative to ML in the nonlinear simultaneous equations model as demonstrated by T. Amemiya (1977) ^ 4- + Pi g(xi) + «i (1.3) y L - P where [ j Taylor ] denotes the expansion j - N2SLS or other IV techniques. be uncorrelated with contains both framework first the derviative fundamental the equation in Taylor expansion were variable would exist. (1.3) absent, However, problem with of g(x^) so that, it is but , In the linear errors in variables . is unity even if observation error the so higher order terms of the the unlikely that an appropriate the additional is This linear separation is linearly separable from the right hand side variable. not present fu.J/J'1 the first term of the Taylor expansion However, and the derivative of g(x^) r/^ Xi ) The instrument must be correlated with g(x^) and e^. rj^ ( Inspection of the first term of the demonstrates (1.3) gUl 2 0! - th derivative of g. equation in 1 ft g (x i )r?i instrumental factor of the added terms in the Taylor expansion beyond the first make the problem even more unwieldy to solve with the usual instrumental variable techniques. To date variable model the methods depend on very proposed strong to estimate restrictions on nonlinear the the measurement errors of the unknown regression coefficients. errors in distribution of the However, knowledge of the parametric form of the distribution function of the measurement errors is not sufficient for consistent estimation. the true values of the regressors, An additional assumption is needed that e.g. the Zj_ in assumed to be random drawings from a distribution with Instead, equation a (1.1), are also known parametric form. if the true regressors are treated as fixed but unknown constants, then maximum likelihood estimation is inconsistent due to the "incidental parameters" problem of Neyman and Scott (1948). 8 Aigner et. al variables models. . (1984) have a brief discussion on ML for nonlinear errors in . , 5- An alternative appi"oach assumes that a large number of measurements on each regressor true exist, that so errors for then the follows because regressors average these of measurements closely Consistent estimation of nonlinear errors in approximates the true regressors. varibles models the the approaches covariance matrix zero as the the measurement size increases. of sample Estimators under this type of assumption have been proposed by Villegas (1969) Dolby and Lipton (1972), Wolter and Fuller (1982b), Powell and Stoker (1984), and Y. Amemiya situation This (1985). seems unlikely to occur very often in econometrics Lastly, Griliches and Ringstad (1970) analyzed quadratic a specification and demonstrated that the bias of least squares can be exacerbated by the nonlinearity Wolter and Fuller . (1982a) propose a consistent estimator for the quadratic specification so long as the errors are normally distributed. Neither instrumental variables nor additional measurements are required for estimation. In this paper we discuss consistent estimators for nonlinear regression specifications when errors in variables are present. Our estimators depend on the existence of instrumental variables or a single repeated observation. Thus we do not require the large number of measurements or shrinking covariance matrix assumption of much previous research. In Section 2 we discuss an estimator for polynomial specifications in the true Powell regressors. (HINP)(1986) This estimator proposed by Hausman, leads to Ichimura, Newey, and consistent and asympotically normal estimators so long as either instrumental variables or an additional measurement of each true regressor are present. An interesting result emerges in the instrumental •6- variable case because the model turns out to be overidentif ied. tests of Thus, the model specification are possible. In Section 3 discuss we an estimator for Newey and Powell , (HNP)(1988) yields a nonlinear This estimator proposed by specification when errors in variables are present. Hausman, general the consistent additional measurement of each true regressor is present. estimator when To date, an we have not been able to establish asymptotic normality of the estimator or to extend it to the instrumental variable situation. However, Monte Carlo evidence provides some indication that the distribution of the estimator is not badly behaved so that we use bootstrap estimates of the precision of our estimates. In Section 4 we apply our methodology to estimation of Engel curves on household data, research on. a problem which econometricians have done considerable previous Here we find a number of interesting results. First, we find that the "Leser-Working" specification of budget shares regressed on the log of income or expenditure should be generalized to higher order terms in log income. Also, we find that errors in variables in either reported income or expenditure should be accounted for. However, we do not find evidence that more general functional forms beyond polynomial specifications in income improve estimation of the Engel curve significantly. Lastly, and perhaps most interesting, we find rather strong support for the Gorman (1981) rank restriction on the matrix of coefficients for the polynomial analysis, estimation. findings a terms in income. restriction from This is result Thus, economic remarkable after theory if over 100 may future years affect research of the leads Engel curve econometric to similar -7- Identification and Estimation of the Polynomial Functional Model II. estimation consider first We parameters the of of polynomial the specification K yt = (2.1) S 0*- ( J j=0 Zi )J + £i - l,...n i which is a kth order polynomial in the unobservable variable z^. Zj_ as {zj_} a interpreted be modifications in the as sequence a (2.2) first xj_ regularity conditions. - Zi + estimator fixed of same relationship to the unobserved variable Our alternatively, random variable with unknown distribution function; can uses rji i - 1 The constants the appropriate with observed variable x^ has the as in Section I: Zj_ n. additional the We will treat information of repeated single a measurement w^ of z^ with an additional measurement error v^ defined by (2.3) w^-z^ + v-^ i-l,...,n. Two points of interest arise from the specification and assumptions of equation (2.3). is independent nonlinearity . First, we will assume that v^ is uncorrelated with of These Zj_. The assumptions independence are assumption analogous to the is e and £ required linear case so rjj_ by and the that w^ could be used as an instrumental variable if the specification of equation (2.1) were linear. Second, we will not impose the usual restriction E(v^) - a constant term can be present in the measurement equation (2.3). so that Alternatively, vj can be assumed to have zero mean, but the slope coefficient of zj in equation -8- The details of the derivation of the estimator in can then be non-unity. (2.3) this latter case is left to the interested reader. We now turn to sufficient regularity conditions to allow identification estimation of the and maxi > j | ajj | . i . d. 1 random variables The : Vi) - E E (ii) vj is independent of z^ (iii) E £i ( 1 matrix norm the |A| | = | e^, r?^, vj_ , and are z^ jointly 1 z i( | (e it Vi , Vi 2K (r/i Zi , | 2K Zi, V£) - 2 cc )|| < All necessary moment matrices are nonsingular. (iv) assumption i.i.d. heterogeneity assumptions or linear derivation of allow to A.l(i), both for (iii), is necessary dependence either and identification Only assumption A.2(ii) Independence case. specification. relaxed be Assumptions both. allow to can distribution of the estimator. usual Define with (i) The (2.1). We make . Assumption i equation in /3j is because are (iv) and the or standard asymptotic stronger than in the of the nonlinear Note that assumption A.l(i) could be strengthened to independence for purposes of symmetry; we require only the weaker no correlation assumption. For equations. identification we Define the moments for m - 0.....2K. £p consider the population analogue of the normal - E[y^ (z^)P] for p - 0.....K and The normal equations z'y - (z'z) take the form /J K (2.4) Cp - Z Q Pi * j+p P - K 4> m m - E[(zi) ] . , -9- Both sides of equation depend on the unobservable variables z^. (2. A) However, the unobservable moments can be derived from the observable moments E[x^ (w^)P] E[(wi)P], and E[yj (w^)P] = E[( Zi )°] -= E[(vi)°] = E - (2.5) [ We now use assumption A.l and the fact that E[(wj_)°] . 1 to find: Xi (wi)J- 1 J - ] J 2 p-0q <I> ] p [ j Equations allows (2.6) E [(Wi)J] - (2.7) E (2.5) [y i (w i )J] and L = which have a S [ Q p p ^j.p Cp i/j-p ] That the parameter for j for relationship - 1 j - [ (v t ) J ] 2K. K. and equation (2.7) (2.5)-(2.7) between the then defined (5K + moments of 1) the elements of the unobservable moment vectors 1) $ and v each of which have 2K elements and of ,2K where v$ - E 1 equations is, one-to-one observable variables and the (5K + derive recursive - for ^_ pl allow identification of z'z, (2.6) identification of z'y. equations * [J] p+1 £ HINP (1986) which has K elements. relationships which permit convenient solution of the elements vector 6 - ($' , u' £'). , Once 6 is computed, /3 then is identifiable as a solution to the normal equations (2.4). To derive the asymptotic distribution of the estimator define the (5K + 1) dimensional data vector (2.8) mi - [x i ,...,x i (w i ) 2K Define the population moments to 1 be Wi , fi — (wi) E[m^] . 2K , y i ,...,y i (w i ) The moment K ]. vector /i is -10- consistently estimated by the sample average moment vector m and application of the Lindeberg-Levy CLT yields the asymptotic distribution of m d Jn (m (2.9) The elements of - are 9 diffentiable relationship the delta method, N (o, -» /*) estimated then 6 for fi) = h(/i) fi = E [m^mi'] by w' - . continuous the continuously and also known as First order approximations, . lead to the asymptotic distribution of G d (2.10) The elements of Jn (5 - 6) + N (0, Jacobian the HfiH') matrix H for H -= can be the normal dh(fi)/8^' calculated recursively with computational details given in HINP (1986). Lastly, estimated 0. we solve for fi using Let D be the second moment matrix of (1, D(9) based on the estimated 6. (2.11) fi We estimate fi ..., (z^)^) and the and D - - fr 1 i. matrix which gives S$ 6 - vec(D) 7n V - D" 1 { and S$ as the selection HINP (1986) derive the asymptotic distribution . d i_ (2.12) z^, (2. A) by Define S| as the selection matrix which gives Sc 6 - We have equations (fi [ - S^ fi) - - N (fi- (0, ® I V) where K+1 ) S$ ] H fi demonstrated identification and derived H' a [S£ - (/3'®I R+1 ) S^'D" 1 consistent and asymptotically 11- normal estimator case the in of measurement replicated single a for the unobservable variable z^. We now turn estimation and identification to when instrumental variables which allow prediction of the unobserved regressor z^ are available. Thus, we assume that z^ is determined by the p dimensional vector of instruments zi - qja + (2.13) To sufficient state assumption A.l.(ii) for v^ that sufficient the n. 1 estimation and identification assumption an to - j_ conditions Otherwise independent. vj_ and conditions instruments the quite are we similar change q^ are to the previous case that we considered: Assumption i . i . d. (i) 2 random variables The : e^, rj^, and q^ , are jointly with E («i I qi, vj_) - E (f/i qi, | v^ - , E (ci^i qi [ (ii) vj is independent of q^ with E [vjj - (iii) E (iv) All necessary moment matrices are nonsingular. Again, vj_ [HCci, r,0\\ the i.i.d. 2 ] <-, E tMvi, qi 2(K + X) ] || Vi) - a €r? <« assumption can be relaxed to more general situations. For purposes of identification we assume that a is known since it is identified from (2.14) , xj[ - q^a + »7i - V£ i - l,...,n. 12- Let wj - qia and again denote We must again determine the - E[(v^)J]. «/j i/j for identification and estimation. Substitution of the instrumental variables into equation (2.1) yields: (2.15) K S 7i j-0 J (i) yi - (ii) 7j (iii) ei - ei + K Equation (2.15) (iii) - p S [ ] /? j-0 implies that E(e^ from j wj) | /3 ] [ p F [(vi) K p -J-^ ] P (wi)J J so that 7 is identified by the - (i). f) and v in 7 which must be sorted out Before proceeding to do so, note that since vq — for identification. identified P J P-J 2 We now have the convolution of we have 7^ — j-0 p yp.j least equares projection of equation (2.15) 0, where (wi)J + ei /S^ and 7^-1 — ^k-1- equation (2.15) (i) 1 and v\ — two highest elements of Thus, the alone which will subsequently /9 lead are to over identification. To complete the identification, we now multiply through equation (2.1) by the observable variable x^ and we substitute z^ - w^ + (2.16) (i) K+l x i v i " -Sn < H( w i)-' + ui where K 6 i -^ [P] ViVj " J 1 K+1 v^_ -13- K+l K+l jS pSj + z^e* Again, disturbance the expectation so that E[u^ | w^ - 1 j_ term , /9 from Sj^+l vjj - 0. we Thus, c$0 , - - • , <$k+1 We • parameters in we can u. have (2.16) (2K (Wi)J + ) (i). 5 iyi a - in \ conditional follows from the least We can again identify the two highest Over identification of these two coefficients. 6 + reduced 3) form coefficients have K+l Thus, we have overidentif ication of order discard two equations [r, zero has (i) The estimate of ~ ^K anc^ ^K " ^K-l- parameters follows from the 7 and Vj • n. equation in squares projection of equation (2.16) order terms of J sP'J 1- t(vi) £ _l p t'l coefficients unknown and still identify the and 70>---i7K> unknown K nuisance or equivalently, 2, unknown parameters. The solution to the equations once again follows a convenient recursion relationship. HINP (1986) give the recursion formulae. Estimation parameters 7 and procedure research. need The 6. not proceeds from Given 7 and be initial we 6, asymptotically derivation of interested reader to HINP then estimate efficient; asymptotic the estimator is straightforward, but tedious. the estimation (1986) the f) of the and v. topic distribution is of reduced form This two step left the to future resulting We give only a sketch here and direct who give the complete derivation. Taking account of the fact that a must be estimated, the asymptotic distribution of the reduced form parameter is normal, say (2.17) /n" 7 7 6 8 d . . 1 | 14- Given equation minimum we (2.17) chi-square can Denote estimation. estimates efficient obtain then the (2K + vector 2) of of the /9's reduced by form coefficients, after elimination of Sq by (2.18) ft - (7, -= (tli, S) fl where 2) ft - x ( 7K , 7^, *K+1 ' ^ k) ' Similarly, denote the 2K vector of b and u parameters as (2.19) 6 - (£, v) - (e lt 6 2 ) where & 1 = (0 K , 0^) . The unknown 6 parameters follow from the reduced form (2.20) II parameters n - h(6) so rearrange the covariance matrix M from equation (2.17) to conform to equation (2.20) and denote a consistent estimate of the rearranged matrix, V. The minimum chi square estimator is then (2.21) Q - min [ft - h (e) ' ] v" 1 [ft - h(e)]. e The value of Q from equation (2.21) can be used to test the overidentifying restrictions since it is distributed as a central chi square random variable with 2 degrees of freedom if the specification is correct. The test of identification •15- is equivalent to coefficient of a zj test of equation (2.2): cause system the be to non-zero mean and non-unity slope a just The identified. asymptotic covariance matrix of the minimum chi square estimator takes the usual form (2.22) P Tn" - ft N (HV'l-H')" (0, specification of equation The besides the polynomial terms. However, 1 ) where H - 3h(e)/d6'. contain other variables does not (2.1) in many applications we might expect the appropriate specification to be yi - (2.23) K 2 0j Q ( Zi )J + R^ + ei where we assume that the Rj are measured without error. technique does not work for equation variables specification. replicated variables equation R. measurement Instead, and accounted for are (2. A), (2.23) we apply in the the normal equations. two The matrix R'z depends different setups. replicated measurement approaches The case for additional by the R^ considering We need to augment z'y and z'z to include Thus we need to form the matrices R'z and R'y. observable. The usual partialing out because of the nonlinear errors in variables instrumental n. 1 on the The latter matrix is directly unobservable variable z; however, Because 62 is just identified, equation (2.21) may be further simplified using partitioned inverses. 62 follows from II2 while the overidentif ied parameters 6^ are estimated from 11^ See HINP(1986) for computational details. , . 16- equation (2.5) with R^ included permits computation estimate an of of the required moment matrix. Inclusion of additional regressors in the instrumental variables case The addition of is also quite straightforward. R^ to equation (2.15) effect on the disturbance e^ so that 7j in equation (2.15) Similarly, to the 5-; is estimated from equation (2.16) -y* and has no remains the same. (ii) after the term w^R^ is added In both cases least squares projections right hand size of the equation. yield consistent estimates of (i) (i) so 6a that estimates of /3 and v can be calculated from the estimated reduced form parameters. In this section we have proven identification and developed consistent estimators for the measurement or measurements can be estimated polynomial instrumental included parameters offers a specification when present. variables are easily; minimum chi a convenient single replicated Additional replicated either square a combination of the Similarly, approach. replicated a measurement and instrumental variable situation can be combined using chi square approach. a minimum In both cases we increase the efficiency of our estimator, or alternatively, we can test the specification of our model. However, we do not claim to have found the most efficient estimator since there exists an infinite of unconditional moment class estimation. We leave the restrictions which can, construction of feasible in principle, efficient be used in estimators which attain an efficiency bound as a topic for future research. w - This approach is equivalent to using the transformed replicated measurement R(R'R)" 1 R)w together with equations (2.4)-(2.7). (I : -17- III. Errors in Variables in a General Nonlinear Specification identification and consistent estimation of We now discuss nonlinear errors Hausman, Newey measurement variables specification with errors in and Powell , have we case; been instrumental variables case. unable Also, we normal distribution for the estimator. extend to do in variables following limited to the replicated Our estimator is (1988). estimation as yet investigations Carlo to the not currently have an asymptotically We lack the centering correction for the estimator which would permit derivation of the asymptotic distribution. limited Monte general a indicate that bias the of However, estimator is the small and that bootstrap estimates of the sampling distribution of the estimator provide a good indication of the precision of the estimates. consider We general the regression nonlinear model with additive disturbance yi - f(z i? 0) + ej (3.1) where we take without error variable is zj_ z is be to scalar. - n. 1 Inclusion of additional variables measured straightforward using the approach of the last section. unobservable replicated measurement make a i assumption A.l w^_ ; is instead we observe x^ as in equation determined similarly by equation (2.3). (i)-(ii) of Section II where independent of z^ is crucial for our estimator. the assumption 3 : 2 and E [ |f(zj_, T>0 such that E [ exp (T E [ | « i 1 ] P)\ | 2 (z^ The (2.2). Lastly, we that vj_ is The moment assumptions that we make are Assumption The ] are finite and there exists , r)^, Vj_)|}] is finite. 18- assumptions these Using coefficients unobservable of , and results of projection of y^ linear the the Section II, we polynomials on can of estimate the true, the but regressors. We denote this polynomial approximation using the estimated moments for the normal equations (2.4) as (3.2) where £p- projection coefficients p-0....K. ft j+p Once we have the estimated n(K) we can estimate the true regression function fo( z ) " by (3.3) which jK stands for a Kth order polynomial. II(K) f(z,/?) ft j£o is a £ K (z) - .S nonparametric n jK (zJ) estimate of the regression function. Equation (3.3) provides an estimate of the true least squares projection (3. A) of y^ on z-^(K) f K (z) - iQ II jK (zJ) and also provides an estimate of the least squares projection of fg(z^) on z^(K) because e^ has zero mean conditional on z^ by Assumption A.l (i). Furthermore, A. 3, is existence of the moment generating function of sufficient polynomials for to form a integrable functions, which implies that (3.5) lim^ E [(fo(zi) - f K Ui)) 2 ] - basis for Zj_, given assumption the space of square 19- provides an arbirarily good mean square approximation For K large enough fj^(z^) of f (zi>. Given fR( z ) estimate nonparametric the of regression true the function, we estimate P by imposing the restrictions implied by the parametric model - on f^( z ) ^ e use • a minimum distance approach and obtain P - argmin (3.6) ^ J fi [fj( X j.) «( Xl ) 1 f( Xi - from ft P)] , 2 where lo(x^) is a nonnegative weight function and B is a feasible set of parameter values. the Note that the observed variable x^ is used in equation (3.6) in place of unobserved variable z^. Other observed variables could also be used which We restrict our attention here to the could lead to more efficient estimators. xj_ with an analysis of other variables left to future research. the weight The purpose of function w(x^) is to take account of the substitution of x^ for the unobservable z^ so that the mean square approximation holds lim^ (3.7) Also, we require E [w( Xi ) regularity { (x t ) f - conditions fK (Xi)) and an 2 ] - identification assumption to proceed Assumption k ; (i) B is compact. (ii) with probability one. SUP j9eB I f(Xi ' /9) I f(x^, P) (iii) There exists d(.) such that is finite ~ d(Xi) and E [d(x i )2j all p in B such that p / p where Pq is the true is continuous at each P in B p. , E [w(x i )(f(x i , Pq) - < - f( Xi , iv ) for P)) 2 ] > •20- Our last assumption imposes a condition on the weight function Assumption 5 distributions The : of z^ and x^ are absolutely continuous with densities g z (.) and g x (-) respectively such that there is a positive constant with w(.)g z (.) < C C gx (.). While estimation of the weight function may sometimes require careful attention, in the common case where the density of z^ is continuous and nonzero everywhere and the the density of x^ is bounded, then any w(x^) which is zero outside some bounded set will suffice. Hausman, Newey and Powell (1988) then prove that given the assumptions and the additional condition that the density of z^ is bounded away from zero on an interval, determined from equation (3.6) is consistent, plim then /3 -= fi , if K which is chosen as a function of the sample size K(n) has the properties that K(n) -* » and K(n)^ ln[K(n) /ln(n) ] -» 0. Note that the growth rate for K is somewhat slower than the square root of the natural log of the sample size. In this section we have discussed a consistent general nonlinear errors in variables specification. together with data. the estimators of Section II to estimator for the We now apply this estimator estimate Engel curves on micro Derivation of an estimator with two or more mismeasured variables and derivation of the asymptotic distribution of the estimator of this Section are both quite complicated problems which we defer to future research. 21- IV. Estimation of Some Engel Curves Estimation econometricians Many of . Surveys led has the early information section detailed cross curves Engel of collected in interest used British data, investigations further considerable to been an area of long has annual the Family Expenditure investigate the best specification for the form of the Engel curves; Houtthaker Working" income Leser and (1955,1971) studies Prais and "Leser- The form of Engel curve in which budget shares are regressed on the log of expenditure has or been widely translog specifications of Engel curves, and examples. notable are (1963) and the Many of these investigation. among AIDS the specification specification. adopted Deaton of Lau and Stoker Jorgenson, e.g. and An alternative specification, Both research. recent in Muellbauer (1982), use (1980) the this the quadratic expenditure system, which specifies budget shares as a function of both the inverse of expenditure and it square has been estimated by Pollak and Wales (1980). Economic Engel curves. theory gives almost no general guidance (1981) shares are expenditure. considered specified as curves Engel polynomials Gorman makes demand curve literature, the in in which However, functions key assumption, expenditure, of does as aggregable Gorman for , the Lewbel (1986,1987) curve specifications. or e.g. budget log of most of the previous that the polynomial functions which contain expenditure in the demand curve specifications. function" and in a notable paper expenditure either do not depend on price coefficients specification of "Adding-up" of budget shares to one is the only restriction, this restriction is typically enforced in the data. Gorman in demonstrates polynomial further terms considers in that the income Gorman's is Given this "exactly rank of at most results the matrix three. for additional of We Engel -22- investigate Engel curve specifications of the Gorman form and provide tests of his rank three restriction. Few squares studies nonlinear or least curves in variables model income current studies. into "permanent" most estimators other exception notable than is least Liviatan as the as endogeneity. (1959) predetermined variable instrumental variables used He inappropriate predetermined variable a instrument for current expenditure. income made the use income and "transitory" Liviatan also noted Summer's expenditure is The squares. used have Liviatan noted that Friedman's (1957) relabelling of the classic errors (1961). of Engel of ^ family in budget objection to the use of current because with reasons of current income of joint used as an Livitan's assumption that current income uncorrelated with the stochastic disturbances in an Engel curve specification seems highly questionable. assertion that "permanent" with each other. justified He income the assumption based on Friedman's and "transitory" consumption are uncorrelated However, subsequent econometric research, e.g. Attfield (1978), has demonstrated that the Friedman assumption is unlikely to hold true in family budget data. Thus, alternative instrumental variables investigate two alternative sets of instruments: determinants of income these alternative necessary. instrumental variables in the Engel curve Here we expenditure in other periods or and expenditure such as education and age. sets of stochastic disturbance are Neither of should be correlated with the specifications , although we test the assumptions subsequently. ] 2 Liviatan used IV on a linear Engel curve specification. Leser (1963) applied a variant of Liviatan' s procedure. However, straightforward IV is inapplicable to all of Leser 's Engel curve specifications, except his first two linear specifications, because of the nonlinearity of his specifications. Inconsistent estimates will result for reasons discussed in Section I. In particular, Leser's best fitting specification (1963, p. 699) contains terms in both log expenditure and the inverse of expenditure which makes application of regular IV inappropriate. 23- We first consider a quadratic generalization of the Leser-Working Engel curve specification where the budget share of commodity is a i function of both log expenditure and the square of log expenditure: Wi - £ (4.1) where stochastic the is (^ + 0! log(z) + p 2 log 2 (z) + ei disturbance. we However, expenditure, but we instead have data on log x — log error the observation of satisfies the z properties do + observe not where we assume that rj Assumption of actual A.l (ii). Alternatively, a permanent income explanation can be attached to equation (4.1); however, we unwilling are to make any assumption permanent income and transitory consumption. the Gorman rank 3 about the relationship of satisfies Note that equation (4.1) condition, while the usual translog-AIDS specifications based on the Leser-Working specification have rank 2 coefficient matrices. Our first results are from the 1982 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES). The CES collects data from families over 4 quarters so that we repeated measurement techniques discussed in Section II. can apply the The basic data we use are budget share and total expenditure for each family from 1982:1. We initially use The as the repeated measurement total observation estimator of equations on 5 commodity transportation. 3 groups: food, expenditure (2. 5) -(2. 7) clothing, from is used. 1982:2. repeated We estimate Engel curves recreation, health care, and We report elasticity estimates and asymptotic standard errors at quartiles so that the shape of the Engel curves can be compared: . -24- Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1982 CES Data Repeated Measurement Estimator using 1982:2 (Asymptotic Standard Errors) Table 4.1: IV Estimates OLS Estimates Percentile Percentile Commodity 25th Food .83 Clothing 25th 50th .74 .63 .73 .68 75th .60 (.03) (.06) (.04) (.05) (.03) 1.44 (.16) 1.43 1.41 1.14 (.04) (.04) 1.08 (.06) (-18) Transpor 75th (.02) Recreation 1.47 Health 50th (.08) (.13) 1.29 (.06) 1.28 (.09) 1.12 1.51 1.28 (.09) (.06) (.14) .99 .44 .50 .56 .68 (.14) (.21) (.09) (.07) (.09) 1.19 1.11 1.18 (.06) 1.48 (.05) 1.02 (.12) 1.35 (.11) (.04) (.04) .009 (.21) .10 Number of observations- 1324 Overall, with the exception of health the IV and OLS estimates are reasonably close and both accurately estimate the elasticities. Working specification, that all the 02' IV estimates. s are zero, A joint test of the Leser- is computed to be 9.75 for the The marginal significance level for a x degrees of freedom is about .08. random variable with 5 Similarly, a test based on the OLS estimates is computed to be 73.1 which has a marginal significance level of less than .001. Thus, both the estimates, especially for food and recreation, and the statistical tests give some indication that a quadratic term gives better estimates of Engel curves individual on data. The usual assumption of constant budget share elasticities which the Leser -working specification imposes appears inconsistent with the 1982 CES data. While differences do the IV occur. estimates and OLS For instance the are reasonable close, some sizeable estimated food elasticity at the 25th 25- percentile and elasticities clothing the the at and 50th 75th percentile are quite different with both sets of elasticities estimated with a high degree of Also, accuracy. 25% to 50% possible the estimated transportation elasticities differ by a 50th and 75th percentile between OLS and IV. the at difference estimates versus we the do Hausman a estimates. OLS type (1978) To test for a specification test of the The estimated statistic is IV 87.39 which is random variable with 15 degrees of freedom. distributed as a \ range of Thus, we find strong evidence that use of current expenditure in estimation of Engel curves on micro data consider leads the errors to problem estimated var(z) is to is variables in note Thus, .150. that the problems. An alternative estimated var(f|) is .108 method while to the the measurement error in current expenditure is about 42% of the total variance of .258 of the logarithm of measured expenditure. The substantial proportion of measurement error in measured expenditure can lead to significant problems in OLS-type estimators. We now the Gorman results. higher order polynomial terms in log income will have a linear relationship to explore Gorman's theorem implies that the lower order terms since the matrix of coef f icieiits is at most of rank three. For the polynomial generalization of equation (4.1), the rank restriction takes the form that the ratio of coefficients of the cubic terms to the coefficients of the quadratic terms will be constant across equations. First, we estimate a generalization of equation (4.1) with a third degree term in log income included: (4.2) Wi - £ + p l log(z) + p 2 l°g 2 U) + £3 log 3 (z) + ££. IT This rank restriction result follows from Gorman (1981), p. 16, equation (1) 26- Th e estimated Engel curve and elasticities specification of equation (4.1) quadratic the order terms are all are zero for the IV quite similar to those based on statistic that the third The \ estimator 2.59 is with the corresponding statistic for the OLS estimates is freedom; IV estimates level of about .07, degrees 10.57. Thus, of the for more than a quadratic term in do not demonstrate much evidence the budget share specification. five The OLS estimates, with a marginal significance are more ambiguous about the cubic terms. However, we will use the quadratic specification in our subsequent estimation because we believe that the IV estimates are likely to be better than the OLS estimates. We then estimate the "Gorman statistic" to see whether the coefficients in the cubic remarkable specific result of equation (which we hope is (A. 2) have not due to rank find We three. computational error) considerable variation in the estimates of the ^2 s an<^ t ^ie i$3' s > . a rather Despite we find their ratios to be remarkably close in actual values and estimated precisely although we cannot estimate the individual coefficients very precisely. Thus, we find a more special result than Gorman's result- -not only is the coefficient matrix of rank three, but the linear dependency takes on a remarkably simple form. Table 4.2: Estimated Ratios of ^3/^2 for Equation (4.2) Commodity IV Ratio OLS Ratio Food -24.98 (0.47) -25.24 (0.56) -25.12 (0.32) -23.31 (5.18) -25.57 (0.31) 1.60 -129.35 (10739) -22.6 (2.46) -22.97 (2.17) -28.57 (2.38) -34.09 (9.05) 7.85 Clothing Recreation Health Care Transportation X (4) Statistic . 27- Thus both the IV results and the OLS results demonstrate that the Gorman results , on rank holds 3 food where to the in the The one anomalous result for OLS is for CES data. 1982 estimated quadratic term is very near zero. This estimate leads the high estimated Gorman ratio as well as the very high estimated standard Note that the OLS results are not as good as the IV results error of the ratio. since However, statistic test the as before, has a significance marginal we tend to prefer the IV estimates. level of about .10. Perhaps the results are "too good" given the variation in prices faced by families in the sample which we have no data on. We now reestimate from 1982:3 in place equations of expenditure (4.1) from and 1982:2 (4.2) to by form IV using expenditure the instrument. The results are very similar to the results in Table 4.1: Table 4.3: Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1982 CES Data Repeated Measurement Estimator using 1982:3 IV Estimates Commodity Food Clothing E.ecreation Percentile 25th 50th .72 .69 .65 (.06) (.04) 1.44 (.07) (.06) 1.50 (.12) 1.41 (.17) Health Transpor rank 1.47 (.11) .10 .23 (.18) 1.23 (-09) (.13) 1.09 (.05) 2 X (4) Statistic The x Gorman Statistic 0.44 75th -25.18 (.38) -25.18 (2.23) -24.65 (1.01) -28.34 (7.37) -26.60 (7.10) 1.38 (.13) 1.50 (.20) .60 (-23) .94 (.10) Number of Obs-1324 statistic for the Gorman ratios again shows no evidence of rejecting the 3 restriction. A Hausman (1978) specification test type statistic for IV •28- with 15 degrees versus OLS is estimated to be 135.71, which is distributes as \ of freedom. error Again, a strong indication is found of the importance of measurement micro the in estimators. extremely data potential and problems with use the estimated variance of the measurement error is The close to previous estimate and represents which 41% of OLS-type .106 which is of the total Thus, both sets of repeated variance of the logarithm of measured expenditure. measurement estimates yield numerically consistent sets of coefficient estimates. Up to this point, we have used the replicated measurement estimator for our Engel Section II, curve specifications. equations used include age, (2.13) education, Here we and equations race, use (2 . 15) - (2 union membership, and region and industry dummy variables. predicted the . 16) , estimator of where the instruments spouse age and employment, we use a Thus, IV "predicted value" for expenditure to form the instruments to use in the nonlinear specifications where the R/ of the prediction equation is about 0.3. Table 4.4: Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1982 CES Data Using Predicted Expenditure Estimator IV Estimates Commodity Food Clothing Recreation Health Transpor. Percentile Gorman Statistic Overid Statistic -25.39 3.12 25th 50th .69 .62 .51 (.15) (.06) 1.47 (.01) 1.51 (.11) (.15) 1.28 (.25) -25.22 .93 -25.94 1.71 (.35) 2.35 (.45) .15 (.31) 1.59 (.23) 2 X (4) Statistic 2.43 75th (.15) (.31) .24 .50 (.15) 1.02 (.08) (.34) .39 (.25) 1.35 (.21) 0.59 (.66) -25.26 4.68 (.15) -26.61 (1.84) Number of obs-1324 1.46 •29- Except for recreation and for transportation at the 75th percentile the estimated elasticities are quite close to the repeated measurement estimates. quadratic terms are zero is estimated to be 11.78 which has a marginal the all significance level should terms A test that about included be again we Thus, .04. in that higher specification. curve Engel the find evidence A order Hausman specification test statistic is calculated to be 73.34 which again indicates that n The \ (2) test for correct the IV estimates are better than the OLS estimates. specification from equation (2.21) is well below its critical value of 6.0 at the 5 percent level The test for overidentif ication does not the two each commodity. for reject our specification. We now do a test \ estimates are the same. that sets repeated measurement of IV This test is equivalent to a test of the overidentifying restrictions on the instruments. statistic is estimated to be 12.4, and The \ since it has 15 degrees of freedom, no evidence is found to reject the hypothesis of orthogonality predicted of IV which instruments. the expenditure measurement both of form of the estimators yield \ indicate that either IV However, the estimator in statistics of relation 35.6 mutually curve specifications. consistent with each Since other, and the we tests to 91.6, repeated measurement the value instruments are not mutually orthogonal to the the Engel equivalent or the for the repeated respectively, the predicted stochastic disturbance in repeated measurement estimators are tend superior estimators in the current situation. to believe that they are the We cannot be more specific about the relative superiority of the estimators without further research. We repeat the IV estimation of equations (4.1) and (4.2) using 1972 CES data where we predict expenditure using similar instruments. These data were kindly provided to us by Professor Dale Jorgenson. Repeated . -30- The 1972 CES data observations on family expenditure are not available for 1972. set sufficiently large is families minimize to that we potential estimated the family effects size curve Engel on the only on 4 person estimates. The estimated elasticities are reported in Table 4.5: Table 4.5: Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1972 CES Data Predicted Expenditure Estimator IV Estimates Commodity Food Clothing Recreation Health 25th 50th 75th .76 .67 .54 (.12) 1.43 (.89) (.07) 1.36 (.83) 1.41 (.10) (.13) 1.22 (.80) 1.49 (.17) 1.32 (.13) 1.07 (.20) .54 (.18) Transpor 2 X (4) Statistic 0.54 Overid Statistic Gorman Statistic Percentile .78 .44 (.11) (.21) .59 .65 (.10) (.19) IV -42.1 (.48) -41.8 (1.14) -41.3 (2.23) -41.1 (1.67) -42.2 (.22) OLS -44.5 (4.73) -42.8 (.66) -43.5 (1.65) -42.0 (.50) -40.6 (2.60) 1.23 3.82 2.39 0.41 2.31 Number of obs - 992 The estimated elasticity for transportation is below the 1982 estimates which may well arise 1982. to come from the extremely large rise in gasoline prices between 1972 The estimated IV Gorman ratios are again very close, close to a rejection of equality. * prices. 15 The CPI test fails Note that the estimated values of the Gorman ratios differ from their estimated values in 1982. be expected since the slope coefficients are, and a x and in general, This result is to nonlinear functions of increased by over 130% between 1972 and 1982 with significant Note that the estimated OLS Gorman ratios are also very close. The x 2 (4) statistic for the OLS estimates is 1.87 which indicates no grounds for rejection. For completeness, the X (5) statistic that all the quadratic terms are zero is 17.2 which is strong evidence against the Leser-Vorking Engel curve specification on micro data. - . . -31- increases expenditure across categories. Thus, ratios of nonlinear functions of prices would be expected to change as prices change. A differences in the Hausman (1978) type specification test of IV versus OLS is estimated to be 117.8. Thus, we again find strong evidence of the importance of measurement error in the 1972 data CES as we did in the 1982 Lastly, data. the 2 x (2) of overidentif ication of equation (2.21) once more does not reject our specification of the Engel curve for any commodity. One potential problem that we have not yet accounted for is errors in variables in the left hand side variable, and (4.2). given the budget shares, in equations (4.1) To the extent that the errors in variables occurs in expenditure on a commodity, problem arises. which the numerator of the budget share, no special However, to the extent that the denominator of the budget share, total expenditure, measurement forms is measured with error, estimation problems arise. error enters solution exists. But the the problem in a non-polynomial variable, Since the no obvious problem can be eliminated by respecifying equations (4.1) and (4.2) with commodity expenditure as the left hand side variable instead of the budget share. The estimation procedure remains the same except for an adjustment to the estimated standard errors of the coefficients to account for heteroscedasticity The results are presented in Table 4.6. variables in the left hand side variable presents this Engel curve specifications specification does not fit the We do not find that errors in a significant problem although data as well as the earlier . 32- Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1982 CES Data Commodity Expenditure is Left Hand Side Variable IV Estimates Table 4.6: Gorman Statistic Percentile Commodity 25th 50th .89 .73 .62 (.08) 1.72 (.23) (.04) (.07) 1.61 (.11) 1.26 (.11) 1.36 (.16) 1.05 (.20) .15 .68 (.24) 1.22 (-13) (.32) 1.16 Food Clothing Recreation 1.55 (.17) -.41 (.39) 1.06 (.33) Health Transpor 2 * (4) Statistic 2.29 75th -33.38 (33.18) -15.26 (1.49) -14.59 (27.04) -16.61 (1.13) -17.69 (0.82) (.30) Number of Obs-1324 The elasticity estimates are quite close to the elasticity estimates derived from the budget estimated share health imprecisely. results of Tables elasticity The at Gorman ratios and 4.1 25th the are all 4.3. percentile quite only The close which to one exception not come close to a estimated is another with exception of food, which again is measured quite imprecisely. does is The \ rejection of the Gorman restriction. Thus, the very the statistic when we estimate the Engel curves in commodity expenditure form, rather than budget share form, the results remain essentially unchanged. We again find support for the Gorman restriction on the specification of the Engel curve. Up to this point we have budget share data. following Engel considered only polynomial Engel curves for However, Leser (1963) found evidence which indicated that the curve specification superior was specification: (4.3) Wi - p + /9i log(z) + £ 2 / z + f i- to the Leser-Vorking . -33- Thus , he generalized the Working specification to include the as well We consider this extended Leser specification as well its logarithm. as inverse of income as another generalization of the Leser-Working specification: (4. A) Note both that - wj[ + Pi log(z) + p 2 zlog(z) + /3 equations (A. 3) and (4.4) are ej.. rank two specifications. The coefficients of these generalized Engel curve specifications are estimated using the general (3.6). nonlinear errors in variables estimator of Section III, equation Recall that the estimation strategy of Section III involves fitting the Engel curves with polynomials followed by estimation of the coefficients of the nonlinear specifications using the predicted values of the budget shares from the polynomial coefficient estimates. The estimated coefficients of equations (4.3) and (4.4) follow from the best fitting polynomial. fitting polynomial health care for is the a In 9 out of 10 cases the best second degree polynomial with the sole exception being specification of equation (4.4) which uses a third degree polynomial The estimates of the nonlinear Engel specifications are given in Table 4.7 34- Estimates Using 1982 CES Data- -General Nonlinear Specifications 16 Table 4.7: Eqi jation Clothing Recreation 50th 75th 25th 50th .82 .71 .59 .82 .76 .67 (.060) 1.45 (.13) 1.43 (.15) (.031) 1.45 (.11) 1.23 (.11) (.068) 1.42 (.15) 1.09 (.17) (.057) 1.45 (.13) 1.45 (.17) (.043) 1.41 (.076) 1.33 (.10) (.045) 1.39 (.084) 1.20 (.10) .28 (.13) .60 (.27) 1.08 (.07) 1.01 (.14) Health .06 (.19) 1.16 Transpor (.08) that the estimates .04 (.17) .12 (.15) 1.17 (.09) the closeness of Furthermore, fit .15 (.22) 1.07 (.08) 1.12 (.06) the estimated elasticities estimated elasticities for the polynomial specifications compare 75th elasticities are quite similar between the two of the nonlinear specifications. the • 25th Food Note Equation (4 4) Percentile (4 .3) Percentile Commodity of in Table 4.1. nonlinear specifications the are close to to We predicted the values of the underlying polynomials since that is the criterion used to estimate the coefficients Leser in equation specification of equation specification of equation (4.4). Engel curve specifications For 4 of (3.6). do the fits (4.3) 5 commodities, better than the the extended generalized The exception is health care where none of the very well. However, to the extent that estimated elasticities are so similar, the choice of the "best" specification the is probably a rather unimportant exercise. We for possible shares. now consider an additional nonlinear specification which accounts measurement errors in the left hand side variables, the budget We take the quadratic generalization of the Leser-Working Engel curve of equation (4.1) and multiply both sides of the equation by total expenditure: 16 Standard errors are calculated by the bootstrap method here. . -35- ei - (4.5) In equation (4.5) j8 z + 01 zlog(z) + p 2 zlog 2 (z) + ei commodity expenditure is now the left hand side variable which from measurement possible problems eliminates . budget shares in equations (4.1) and (4.2). error the in denominator of the Our estimates of equation (4.5) are For instance, the very similar to the estimates in Table 4.7 and earlier tables. estimated elasticities at the 50th percentile are (0.69, 1.46, 1.17, 0.37, 1.13). Thus, Engel the nonlinear specification of the quadratic version of the Leser-Working curve yields estimates measurement error in the very close previous our to left hand side variable estimates that so again does not seem to be an important problem. Our final exploration of Engel the addition of demographic variables in equation curve specification involves (4.1). Differences the in household size have often been a focus of attention in the specification of Engel curves; here we also include region of the U.S. to account for regional price differences of the commodities as well as age of the household head to account for life cycle effects. variables The with demographic 4 family variables size groups, are 4 all entered region groups, as and 4 indicator age (dummy) groups. We believe that this specification is preferable to the non- identified approach of family equivalence scale specifications. to include the additional right hand The approach of equation (2.23) is used side variables in the Engel curve specifications We now reestimate Tables 4.1 and 4.2 where we variables and used the repeated measurement estimator. include the demographic 36- Expenditure Elasticity Estimates Using 1982 CES Data Repeated Measurement Estimator using 1982:2 IV Estimates Table 4.8: Clothing Recreation 50th .72 .66 .59 (-05) 1.47 (.14) 1.17 (.17) (.06) (.07) 1.39 (.12) 1.15 (.17) -.33 (.39) Health 1.43 (.13) 1.16 (.17) -.09 (.23) 1.07 (.10) .21 (.17) 1.07 (.10) Transpor 2 X (4) Statistic Family Size, The 75th 25th Food 3 Gorman Statistic Percentile Commodity estimated Age, and quartile 1.06 (.11) Number of Obs-1321 1.90 3 -9.93 (6.17) -10.44 (8.23) -14.80 (.43) -14.01 (.52) -15.34 (.93) Region variables are included 3 elasticities change very little from the specification which omits demographics, with the sole exception of the health equation. health equation coefficient estimates. elasticities estimates estimated very are accompanied by quite imprecisely with large the negative standard asymptotic The error The Gorman ratios are not as close as in Table 4.2 although the test statistic takes on almost the same value which indicates no reason to reject the Gorman restrictions. The food and clothing ratios are smaller in magnitude than the other three commodities. However, the Gorman ratio for food and clothing are estimated very imprecisely. Working specification of We equation specification of equation (4.2). The Hausman indicates (1978) strong test evidence again find of of IV and (4.1) The x (5) versus strong evidence against the Leser- OLS measurement evidence in favor of the cubic statistic is estimated to be 48.2. with error X (10) random variable under the null hypothesis. demographics since it is is 473.0 distributed which as a -37- Despite the closeness of the quartile elasticity estimates without and without demographic variables included, we do find of demographic variables on expenditures a shares. quite significant influence We present the estimates results in Table 4.9: Table 4.9: Coefficient Estimates for Demographic Variables Commodity Food Agel (19-29) -.04 (.01) Age2 (30-39) Age3 (40-49) Regl (NE) Reg2 (W) Reg3 (MW) Sizel (2) Size2 (3) Clothi Mean Share .01 (.01) -.00 (.01) -.02 (.01) Transportation .01 (-02) .04 .01 .01 .07 .03 (.02) (.01) (.01) (.02) (.03) -.00 (.01) .00 .00 .01 .01 (.00) (.01) (.01) (.01) .01 (.01) .00 .01 (.00) (.00) -.00 (.01) -.00 (.01) -.01 (.02) .08 -.01 (.04) .01 .01 (.03) (.01) -.01 (.03) .01 .02 .01 .01 (.01) (.02) (.03) (.04) -.00 (.01) -.00 (.00) -.01 (.00) .01 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 -.01 (.00) -.01 (.01) .02 .01 (.01) (.01) (.00) -.00 (.00) (.00) .00 (.00) (.01) .22 .06 .06 .21 (.01) Size3 (4) - HC .01 .00 05 - (.03) .00 We find fairly sizeable age effects in the estimated share equations. The region effects are not particularly large which helps support the necessary assumption of constant prices across the US in the Engel curve specification. The notable exception The health care equation is for health care. the Western region is the estimated effect here may arise from the much difficult to estimate overall; larger share of health maintenance organizations in the West in 1982. The family size effects are statistically significant although they have only a small effect compared to the shares in expenditure of the five commodities. We then reestimated the Engel curve specifications for 1982 using the The estimated elasticities, not reported here, second repeated measurement. are quite similar to Table 4.7 and the demographic effects are quite similar to Table 5 Gorman ratios Thus, the ratios The A. 8. 11.86). statistic test of estimated are be to -8.10, (-8.26, -9.51, -7.68,- are once again quite close to each other with a x C-0 3.97. The test for quadratic the against the cubic specification is 86.4 which once again gives strong evidence against the Leser- Working specification. to be 675.8. The Hausman test statistic of IV versus OLS is estimated However, when we include the demographic variables the two sets of replicated measurement results before. The x (10) are longer nearly no so mutually consistent as statistic for the test of overidentif ication is estimated to be 50.4 which easily rejects the overidentifying restrictions. In section we have estimated various Engel curve specifications this where we have taken account of errors in measurement in income or expenditure. We find very strong evidence that substantial measurement error exists in the CES data. We also find strong evidence that equation Leser-Working specification of equation (4.1). for the hypothesis polynomial terms that more general nonlinear than cubic are needed. 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