Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/innovationemergeOOathe jUEWPV IB31 ,M415 working paper department of economics and the Emergence of Market Dominance Innovation Susan Athey Armin Schmutzler No. 99-18 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Innovation and the Emergence of Market Dominance Susan Athey Armin Schmutzler No. 99-18 October 1999 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 Innovation and the Emergence of Market Dominance Susan Athey and Armin Schmutzler This Draft: October, 1999. analyzes a model of oligopolistic competition with ongoing Abstract: This paper investment. It incorporates the following models as special cases: incremental invest- ment, patent races, learning-by-doing, and network externalities. cumstances under which a firm with low costs or high quality will We investigate cir- extend through further cost-reducing or quality-improving investments. In studied oligopoly games, such investments are strategic substitutes. its initial lead many commonly- We derive a new comparative statics result that applies to games with strategic substitutes, and we use the result to derive conditions under which leading firms invest more than lagging firms. We show that the conditions models. We are satisfied in a variety of commonly-studied oligopoly also highlight plausible countervailing effects First, leading firms may find it more from two distinct sources. costly than others to achieve the same increment many models of patent races, where firms make research investments in an attempt to find a new technology that delivers a given level of cost or quality. Second, countervailing effects may arise in dynamic games with more than two firms, when firms are sufficiently patient. to their state. This force JEL Classification is particularly salient in Numbers: Lll, L13, L41, O30. Keywords: Oligopoly games, strategic substitutes, innovation, investment, increasing dominance, market concentration. *AfSliations: Susan Athey, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA 02142, USA; and National Bureau of Ek;onomic Armin Schmutzler, SozialOkonomisches Seminar, Universitat 50 Memorial Drive, E52-252C, Cambridge, Research, e-mail: athey@mit.edu. Zurich, Bliimlisalpstr. 10, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland, e-maU: arminsch@sozoec.unizh.ch. We Rabah Amir, Zava Aydemir, Kyle Bagwell, Abhijit Banerjee, Men-Andri Thomas Gehrig, Bob Gibbons, Aija Leiponen, Paul Milgrom, Wally Mullin, Andreas Polk, Mike Riordan, and seminar audiences at MIT, Freiburg, Torino (EARIE) and Zurich for helpful discussions. Thomas Borek provided excellent research assistance. Athey are grateful to Benz, Luis Cabral, thanks the NSF (SBR-9631760) for fmancial support. Introduction 1 This paper studies the dynamics of market structure in a setting where firms have the opportunity to innovate, for example by investing in cost reduction. Our goal is to understand conditions under which firms with an initial advantage increase or decrease their investments and market shares over time. We focus on changes in concentration that choices about activities such as investment in research arise through firms' and development and advertising. We examine conditions under which weak increasing dominance emerges, whereby leading firms invest more into improving their state. We also discuss under which conditions this implies strong increasing dominance, whereby the higher investment levels of leading firms result in increasing market shares. The empirical evidence about the dynamics of concentration illustrates that a variety of phenomena are possible. Increasing dominance of the market leader most obvious examples concern network is not uncommon. effects or learning-by-doing. ^ Increasing The dominance has also been documented as arising through a process of cost-reducing or demand-enhancing investments in retail markets (Bagwell et (Sutton (1991), Bagwell and Ramey al (1997)) (1994)).^ On and advertising-intensive industries the other hand, increasing dominance does not always arise in such settings.^ To provide competition insight into these patterns, among two in each period, ^ Network more oligopolists. In our model, firms may make investments where we use the term "investment" very broadly. For example, firms may make investments negUgible or and we develop a general theoretical model of in process innovations that lead to cost reduction, so that the current have been widely cited as the reason why VHS managed to rapidly extend comparatively advantages over Betamax in the market for videocassette recorders; more recently, policy- effects initial makers have focused on the role of network effects in computer operating systems and apphcations. Seminal models of network effects include Katz and Shapiro (1986) and Farrell and Saloner (1986). Learning-bydoing effects have been analyzed in the context of aircraft production and other manufacturing processes; see Cabral and RiordEui (1994) for further examples. ^In another example, the empirical literatine concerning the product cycle emphasizes that when a mature stage of market development is reached, a shake-out of firms arises. Such a shake-out often arises because some firms manage to reduce production costs faster than others (Klepper 1996). relatively ^Gruber's (1994) account of the semiconductor industry shows that the dynamic patterns within genermemory chips vary from period to period and from product to product. IBM lost its early lead ations of mainframe computer market to market entrants in the 1960's and 1970's (see Sutton 1998, ch.l5), in network effects. The aircraft industry is another example for a technology-intensive industry characterized by technological leapfropping between a small number of firms, resulting in leadership reversals and significant shifts in market shares. in the spite of strong state of the firm depends on past investments. Investments can result in small incremental improvements relative to the earlier state, or else in n&D-investment refers to Our first result firms are myopic. We show that more when the following conditions are met: product market payoffs are convex (ii) level that maximizes establishes a general set of conditions under when (i) (i)-(iii) is all Indeed, much games with functions must be "exchangeable." differences among firms are we impose an about strategic trade Within the That is, and Milgrom and Roberts (1990)), it in favor of conditions (i)-(ii). equilibrium demand. Clearly, the higher many firm's variables. may it Our result represents an also be applied to other games can be vised to consider questions games, we show that forces arising naturally in and consider decomposing a firm's product market demand, and a games policy. work to lowering cost. In competing they must satisfy a certain kind of sjrmmetry: summarized by the state class of investment oligopoly models * should be noted that the result alternative assumption: the firms' profit with strategic substitutes. For example, we show that its adjustment costs do strategic substitutes potentially have extension of the comparative statics literature, and and (iii) of the existing literature restricts attention to two-player In this paper, for just this reason.^ all It and choices are mutually reinforcing and thus comparative statics on equilibria can be easily obtained, multi-player effects. "* which weak increasing dom- not immediate. In contrast to games with strategic complementarities (Topkis (1979), Vives (1990), where a single period. investments are strategic substitutes, in the state variable, imply weak increasing dominance profits in firms with higher state variables will not rise too quickly with the level of the state variable. that (as in stochastic a learning-by-doing or network externality setting, "investment" a choice of output that exceeds the inance emerges invest races). In major breakthroughs Consider the example of cost reduction, profits into the product of a firm's markup a firm's demand, the higher are the returns models, an opponent's investment decreases a firm's equiUbrirun own investment Observe that an increase is many increases in player I's action its equiUbrium demand. Thus, it is perhaps has direct negative effects on aU opponents; but the resulting decrease in player 2's action might lead to an even larger increase in player 3's action. Thus, the effect of an increase in player I's state variable has ambiguous effects on player 3. ^This is the approach taken by Novshek (1985) in an analysis of Com-not ohgopoly. Amir (1996) and Davis (1999) use the tools of games with strategic complementarities to analyze Cournot ohgopoly games with more than two firms, but maintain the assumption that each firm cares only about the siun of opponent output. not surprising that a wide variety of commonly- used models satisfy conditions including: Bertrand and Cournot competition with differentiated and (i) (ii), goods and hnear demand; horizontal competition on the line or on the circle with quadratic transportation costs; and some to vertical quality differentiation models. some cases where firms undertake We also show that our results more than one type of investment can be extended at the same time, such as quality-improving and cost-reducing investments.^ However, we have already noted that even in innovative industries, not always follow patterns of increasing dominance. favor of dominance? What market dynamics do serves to mitigate the forces in We only briefly discuss the potential for competing effects that arise due to product market competition, instead focusing on the properties of the technology with which state variables can be adjusted upwards (effect (iii)). Two polar examples serve to highhght the scenarios under which adjustment costs do or do not compete with increasing dominance effects. First, consider a stylized incremental investment model, where the cost of achieving a given increment to the state variable is the same for of the state variables. Contrast this with a second example, a manner that compete closer to is for the what has been modeled all firms, and independent where innovation takes place in the literature on patent races:'^ in firms next technological innovation, and each firm requires a similar investment to achieve a given level of the state variable (or a given probability of achieving that level of the state variable) in the next period. per unit of investment is In such models, the magnitude of improvement larger for laggards than for leaders, than laggards. However, the latter effect and so leaders may must be large to overcome forces (i) invest less and (ii) from above. In a second set of results, concern for the future of the state variable aflfects is dynamics reinforce the we relax the assumption that our results about dominance. deterministic resiilts firms are myopic, We find that and consider how when the and firms commit to an investment plan evolution in advance, from the myopic-firm model.^ However, when we allow firms to ^Cabral (1999) proposes an alternative theory of increasing dominance that does not rely on the scale He identifies a different force: leaders have an incentive to imdertake R&D investment with retinrns that are correlated with the laggards, while laggards desire an opportmiity to leapfrog, which can be accomplished using independent investments. effects described above. ^See Reinganmn 1985, Vickers 1986, Beath et (1979) and Lee and Wilde * Indeed, al. 1987, as well as the earlier patent race papers by Lom-y (1980). the hteratm-e highhghts the fact that the results are sensitive to the specification of the model. ^This highhghts an advantage to our lattice- theoretic approach: the theorem applies without modification condition each period's investment on the current level of the state variable, then a variety of competing effects most robust can in scenarios where firms are require advance planning we show Finally, Thus, we show that our results about increasing dominance are arise. and are fairly short-sighted, or difficult to modify once where investment strategies in place. ^° that our framework can be used to organize and extend the results of specific models from the existing literature, including incremental investment games, learning- by-doing models, and patent races. ^^ Thus, our model provides a lens through which to analyze the extent to which increasing dominance should be expected in a partic- ular industry. We main proceed as follows. In Section results for this model. and applications of the 2, we introduce the model. Section In Section 4, results from Section 3 contains the we present examples of the general framework 3. Section 5 examines poUcy implications and conclusions. The Model 2 This section specifies a model of dynamic oligopoly that is general enough to incorporate incremental investment races, patent races, learning-by-doing and network models as special cases. Our interpretations will vary across models; Section 4 makes the interpretations more precise in the context of the specific applications. when the choice set for each player is an infinite series rather than a real number. on understanding general properties in a dynamic context, our paper is similar to Budd et al. framework to identify factors favoring and preventing increasing dominance. Their paper considers a continuous-time game between two firms who make investments in changing the state variable, and each firm's profits depends on the state variable. They fink the slope of the profit functions to investments, but they do not attempt to give conditions on oUgopoly models that lead to ^°In its focus (1993) who also apply a relatively abstract increasing dominance. ^^ Consider some examples from the existing hteratiue. Flaherty's (1980) incremental investment model homogenous goods. allows for cost-reducing investment between two rounds of Cournot competition with Dominance emerges. A similar effect is present in the product life cycle model of Klepper (1996), although the scale effect is dominated by others in some stages of the life cycle. In Bagwell et al. (1997), customers learn retail prices slowly and, by using low prices today, firms signal that they have low costs and will also have low prices in the future. This is credible if low-cost firms expect high future demand, which is the scale effect described earUer. Cabral and Riordan (1994) examine a duopoly model with random product sales, where a lucky firm that manages to sell a lot in early stages proceeds along its learning cin-ve more rapidly, allowing it to set prices lower than the competitor, thereby increasing the chances of future sales and thus the chances of futiue leairning. T There are t, firm i periods, t = 1,...,T though in a = and / 1, ..,n. > Yj firms, where = 3^^ componentwise order: Since the goal of this paper assume that Y^ 3^i, few apphcations we will have will order vectors using the standard, i oo), characterized by a state variable Y^ 6 is typically E, for < (T implies that firm is i 3^^ = In each period I,..., I. a partially ordered is E". Throughout the paper, we for x, x' G E", x > state variable might represent the extent of previous cost reductions j. As from some number by a of product variants offered firm; or, a combination of x'- we such, the initial level; a demand-enhancing parameter, such as product quality or a cumulated advertising or the > x' if Xi to analyze the dynamics of market share, has greater market share than firm i set, level, demand and cost parameters. Let Y' = (y/, ...,y/) ey = The x^J^^. initial state of the market, exogenously given. Given Y^~^, each firm chooses an action variable We the increment y| in the state variable. a* — (a\, ..., G a\) A= XiAi. The In the simplest applications, yl turns, we allow y* = (2/1, •••, ?//) = = a-. Now when a- y/-^ + i € ^i, which (1) random we variable with distribution the distribution of the change in the let 7r*(a',y*, Y'~-^) it first case, a* is depend only on the state Instead, we variables, denote product market profit for firm this case, i. For example, a' product market profits and we do not formally model the product market let 7r*(a*,y*, Y'~^) represent the reduced-form profit to firm from a product market equilibrium. Since many examples, such wish to represents output choice in a learning-by- might represent the vector of cost-reducing investments. In ^^In We the vector of firm choices In the second case, investments precede product market competition. competition. re- represents an Pl&D-effort. market competition. For example, doing game. Then, Let develops according to to be the reahzation of a may improve is influences an "investment." consider representing the profits from product market competition. in product -^YP), yl handle two distinct cases in a unified notation. In the resulting {Y^°, However, to incorporate stochastic investment if (y'|a', Y*~^).^^ In this case, investment state variable, as will refer to this choice as state vector of firm F/ a* Y° = in this case, investments affect as incremental investment games, the distribution of y* in period on y/~^ and a*, not on the other firms' state variables and investments. In contrast, investments have externalities across firms. t i product depends only in patent race models, market competition only through the evolution of the state variable, for each i there must exist a function 7r*(Y) such that n^{a\y\Y'-') We refer to the function tt* when = r{Y'-' + y'). (2) deriving general results about our model, and we analyze the case where (2) holds in greater depth in Section 3.3 and in the context of applications. We write the expected product market profit to firm En'{a.\ Y'-') We i as follows: = f 7r'(aS y*, Y'-')dH{y' \ a*, Y'"^). further allow for an investment cost function, denoted A;'(a-,y/~^) for firm assumed to Thus, the expected payoff" to firm Y-''"^) is i To keep the will exposition concise, though our main results non-decreasing in in period W{a\ Y*-^) = we which is satisfy: k\al, entiable, i, t is do not rely that all k'{al F/"^). ni,,y.(a, Y) = ^ff Y), (a, (4) of the relevant functions are differ- on that assumption. Throughout the paper, use subscripts to note partial derivatives of IT and ^n'(a, Y), (3) written E7i'{a\ Y'-') we assume a^. (E7r0a.,y. En\ as follows: = ^^Tr^a, Y), and n^.(a, Y) = likewise for the other variables. We will assume throughout the paper that an equilibrium the assumption that the equilibritmi is satisfied: for is each i,j and each Y, "conditionally unique," that if Yi = on firms k playing equihbrium actions a*_^j{Y), j^ i,j variables, there is then a*(Y) is, Further, we maintain the following condition ^ Yj and there exist two equiUbria, a*(Y), a*(Y) = a*(Y) and a*(Y) = a*(Y). In words, conditional such that a*_ij{Y) a*_ij{Y), exists.^"' if firms a unique equilibrium. For the case where ^*This assumption might be restrictive in some cases. z tt' and j have different state represents a reduced- form The hteratvre on existence of equihbrium in Cournot quantity games might be instructive here (Novshek (1985), Amir (1996), Davis (1999)), as this work concerns games with strategic substitutes; but, each of these papers considers models where firms care only about the smn of opponent outputs. from competition profit function in the product market, we impose the conditional uniqueness assumption on the product market equilibrium as The assumption that there of conditional uniqueness plays an important role, as Observe that further below. this assumption, if each firm's objective function In order to introduce our final assumption, poses two elements of a vector. Formally, Xi = Xi. Then we |n^._„. | > exchangeable if for = conditions hold: f\x.) Using x= if define a Tjfc(x), /* set of I functions, all map Tj^ = E" : globally concave. for i,j ,a,- we must then Xj we can The /^x) = — XiXi : i,j,k G {1,..,/} such that f^{Tij{x.))- this definition, we a; is (see, for = 1,...,/, verify that for all ^ R", = Xk, Xk that trans- Xj, and for all have: Definition 1 Consider a are that is In contrast, to guarantee uniqueness in the /-player game, ^ j,k, will discuss considerably weaker than an assumption is a sufficient condition for conditional uniqueness i we a unique equilibrium of the /-player game. Using familiar arguments is example, Tirole 1988, section i y^ j. well. > i ^ M. j for i=l,..,I. The functions ^ k ^ i, the following two f'{Tjk{x)). state the assumption: (EXCH) firms' profit functions are exchangeable. This assumption will be maintained throughout the paper. Exchangeability reqmres a kind of symmetry variables of in the identities of firms: its if firm j was in firm actions holds and all We i cares only about the actions It z's implies that firm z's profits are the same as firm situation. It further implies that firm i's profits are state variables of two opponents are exchanged. Intuitively, difTerences among firms are summarized wiU provide exphcit examples that however, the assumption differentiation, for all firms. and state opponents, but not about the match between an opponent's identity and actions /state variables. be each firm and What is would unchanged if the when exchangeabiUty in the state variables. into this firamework in Section 4; in general, consistent with models of Cournot oUgopoly, vertical product differentiated product is fit j's profits models where the cross-price ruled out by this assumption? are horizontally differentiated on a Hotelling line, effects are identical Consider a simple example. and each firm can Firms invest to decrease its Then, firm marginal cost. lowers its i's profit will depend on whether a near neighbor or a distant firm > 2 firms, exchangeability will not hold in a Hotelling marginal cost. Hence, framework. For 1 = for / 2 firms, exchangeability will only hold when firms are restricted to locate symmetrically around the midpoint of the interval.^'* Exchangeability can also be understood in relation to the concept of anonymity, as used game theory and in cooperative among a group of agents. A This literature considers allocations social choice theory. welfare function w{x.) is anonymous if an allocation x yields the same welfare as Tjfe(x); and a social choice function (mapping agent state variables, or preferences, to allocations) is anonymous if permuting the state variables of two agents leads to a permutation of the allocations (see, for example, Moulin (1988)). the exchangeability assumption in this context. that in terms of firm is opposing firms j ^ i first consider stating requirement of exchangeability is are anonymous; the second requirement that the vector of profit functions, which can be viewed as a single social welfare function mapping 3 z's profits, The Now state variables Dominance In this section, and actions to "allocations" of utility, is anonjonous. results we study conditions under which firms with higher state variables make higher We begin by introducing an abstract theorem that applies to games with strategic substitutes. We then investments in equilibrium. In such cases, we speak of weak increasing dominance. apply the theorem to our model under the assumption that firms are myopic. For the case where investments take place prior to product market competition, we further explore the conditions on the oligopoly model that lead to both weak and strong increasing dominance, so that leading firms increase their market share over time. where firms are ^''Of course, Finally, we consider the case far-sighted. we could consider each firm's horizontal location as a state variable, but this approach will not be useful for our purposes. Ranking Equilibrium Actions 3.1 Games with in Strategic Sub- stitutes As we will see in more many detail below, strategic substitutes, in the sense that firm firm j's investment. In this section, with strategic substitutes. To do Consider a element game between = Let A^ Xi. Xj so, given by u' We : Pi! e X decreasing in the level of Assume that A", i's is is = and games notation. strategy space by Xi, with typical N a product set in M^, < oo (we and as well as static ones),^^ an exogenous "state variable," {9i, ..,6j) statics result for more abstract slightly we can analyze dynamic games = is games are games with Oi G 0j, where 0, let is a XiQi. Let the players' utility functions be -^ R. will typically we (x, 0)). Further, we introduce a / players. Denote player XiXi. For each player, there product set in E"^, and 6 incentive to invest i's we introduce a new comparative for all i,j. allow this generality so that X= oligopolistic investment assume that the utility functions are exchangeable (as functions of require that: (UNQ) For each 6, there exists a conditionally unique equihbrium, where the term "conditionally unique" was defined in Section 2. Before proceeding, we introduce an important definition (Topkis, 1978). X,y Definition 2 Let be partially ordered sets. increasing differences in fix"", If y = Xiyi differences in If / : R^ To a product is [yi, yj) ^E is smooth, we begin, we do added generahty is set, all it y^) i x^ > - /(x^ y^) > / 3^ — M > is x^, function f y^ > /(x^, y^) - : X x y —^ M. satisfies y^, /(rr^ y^). supermodular in y and only if if it satisfies increasing ^ j. has increasing differences state a condition that appUes choice sets (such as ^^ Everything for {x; y) if for all A if when the in this section can be rephrased for the case > 0. players have multi-dimensional when they play a dynamic game and choose a not required for this paper. /^^ where Xi series of investments): for is an arbitrary lattice, but the and all x_i, all u^{xi,yi-i\6) Condition (OSPM) supermodular (OSPM) in Xj. requires that each player's payoffs are supermodular in her vector. If the choice set is the player's choice vector Games with is choice multidimensional, this assumption requires that each component of is complementary with the other components of the choice strategic substitutes can vector. be usefully contrasted against games with strategic Games with strategic complementarities complementarities.^^ own that each u^ satisfies increasing differences in {xi;xj) for all are defined by the requirement i ^ j. The following result is due to Topkis (1979). Lemma 3 Suppose that: (OSPM) (i) holds; (ii) the players' actions are strategic comple- ments, and (Hi) v} has increasing differences in {xi\6j) for highest equilibrium. Then, The 6" > 6^ implies x.*{6") > and suppose this change directly For each is fairly straightforward. affects only firm j, mental returns to investing in the sense defined by 6, let:K*{6) be the x*(0^). intuition behind this comparative statics result increasing 9j, all j. Lemma 3. If Consider by increasing her incre- opponents' actions were held fixed, firm j would want to increase her action. However, such a change would lead opponents to desire increases in games of Now in their actions. Since strategic complementarity, the consider a game with such increases are mutually reinforcing equihbrium action vector must go up. strategic substitutes, defined —Xj) satisfies increasing differences in (xj; for j ^ i; that action decreases the incremental return to a player's ences in {xi] — x_j). own now we suppose —6-j) for all j Theorem 4 any increase action: ^ i. any opponent's has increasing differ- such that u^ has increasing is, u^ has increasing differences in Then, we have: Suppose there are only two players, that functions are exchangeable. Suppose that: ^^See Bulow, Geanakoplos, and Klemperer (1985) this distinction in oligopoly 9i u'' in u' that increases in any opponent's state variable decrease the incremental return to acting, that {xi] is, by the requirement that each For such games, we consider parameters differences in {xi]6i), as before, but all (i) (OSPM) (UNQ) holds; holds, (ii) and the players' actions are and Fudenberg and Tirole (1984) games. 10 that the payoff for more discussion of strategic substitutes, Then > di = i 1,2. In the = —X2, 61 = = 61, 62 = for first vector, (^1,^2) -9h)- As {9h, -9l) {9l, each parameter vector is > ^ —9j) for j i. Lemma Now, we compare two Ol = — w'(xi, —£2;^!, —62) 3. For a given, alternative param- Lemma = In the second vector, 9i ^2- 9i\ {9h,—9l), whereas for the second vector, -9h), and since (UNQ) implies that the {9l, unique. = —^2) andlet {i*(x,^) the conditions of satisfies = 9h > vector, 9i first Hence, for the 9h- (^1,^2) rium Xi, £2 [xi] x*{d). Then the modified game eter vectors. — > x*(^) be the equihbrium of this game. 9, let 92 = and (Hi) u' has increasing differences in {xi;6i) implies that x*(9) 9j Proof. Define Xi for and 3 implies that x\{9h, and hence x'{{9h,9l) > x\{9l,9h)- By exchangeabiUty xI{9h,9l) = equilib- —9l) > £i(^l, —9h) xI{9l,9h) and hence the result follows. The proof proceeds by observing for one player, it is that, by re-ordering the action possible to convert the two-player game with set and state variable strategic substitutes to a game with strategic complementarities.^^ Then, the comparative statics result v^dth strategic complementarities, Lemma under two scenarios: one where the player's, and one where the the player's state variable first first 3, for games can be used to compare the equihbriimi choices player's state variable roles of the players are reversed. and increasing the second is higher than the second Lemma 3 implies that decreasing firm's state variable decreases the equilibrium choice for firm one, and increases the equihbrium choice for firm two. Finally, we exploit exchangeability: the equihbrium in the second case the first case, merely the equihbrium of with the roles of the players reversed. Since reversing the state variables of the players leads to an equihbrium with a lower choice for player 1 2, is we conclude and a higher choice for player that the player with the higher state variable chooses a higher action. Now consider extending this result to more than two players. In a geime with many players, even if the conditions of we vxxn into a difficulty. Here, Theorem 4 hold, an increase does not necessarily lead to an increase in Xi and a decrease in the choices of ^^Vives (1990) and Amir -"^^ all in 9i opponents. (1994) use a similar approach to analyze Cournot oligopoly using the tools of supermodular games. ^*To see the role of the condition (UNQ), suppose that actions are chosen from {0, 1}. If (UNQ) fails, both (0,1) and (1,0) can be equihbria for a given set of parameters. In fact, both might be equihbria for both parameter vectors {9h,^l) and {9i,6h)\ this is fully consistent with our assumption that actions are strategic substitutes. Clearly, however, the equilibrium (0,1) the conclusion of the theorem. 11 when the parameter vector is (9h,0l) violates Consider the intuition. Clearly the direct effect of 6^ supports the specified changes in the when choice vectors, and one set of indirect effects does as well: all player i increases her action, opponents have a lower incremental return to their actions. The problem may set of indirect effects dominate: when player j decreases her action, player k has an Whether player k incentive to increase his. that a second is more is sensitive to a change in player z's action or player j's action depends on the functional form. Given that comparative and more than two players, the existing literature often assumptions. For example, firm's profit statics results are quitesubtle in it is common have been exploited game effectively imposes a number of simplifying assume that a (as in a Cournot model with perfect becomes a two- player game. These properties proof of Selten (1970), and in the comparative statics in the existence discussion of Dixit (1986). strategic substitutes to consider two-firm models, or to depends only on the sum of opponent actions substitutes), so that the games with However, these assumptions are restrictive, for example ruling out models with imperfect substitutes. Thus motivated, we now introduce a new result for Although we cannot generalize the comparative games with statics results of provide sufficient conditions for weak increasing dominance. The strategic substitutes. Lemma 3, we can assumption critical for still our result is exchangeability. Theorem Then 6i > 5 Suppose the assumptions of Theorem 4 hold, except there are / 6j implies that Proof. Without = Ti2{0). that xli2(^) 2. By — x*{6) > 2 players. 6i > x*{G). loss of generahty, consider players 1 and 2, and suppose 62- Let our exchangeability assumption, there exists an equilibrium x*(0) such ^-i2(^)- -^i^ ^-12 = ^-i2(^) ^^'^ consider the game between players 1 Let x**(0) and x**(^) be equilibria of the two-player game, and observe that imphes that each of these equilibria assumption, players 2. > 3, .., is unique given the parameters. (UNQ) our exchangeabiUty / are not affected by the reversal of the state vairiables of firms Thus, the equilibrium of the two- player game are not constrained: By x**(0) = {xl{0), xl{6)) and is also an equilibrium when players likewise for 0. and 1 3, and .., / But Theorem 4 imphes that xriO) > xriO). m The intuition behind the result can be easily related. librium choices for two vectors of state variables: 12 Our goal is to compare the equi- the original vector, and a vector with the first affected two elements transposed. The key insight is when we players. variables of the reverse the roles of the first first two that players three and higher are not Further, transposing the state two players should merely transpose their equilibrium we can proceed by holding fixed the actions of players three and higher values for the original vector of state variables, and analyze the players. But then, the Theorem 4 logic of Thus, choices. at the equilibrium game between first two applies: decreasing player I's state variable and the increasing player 2's state variable decreases the equilibrium choice of player 1 and increases the equilibrium choice of player Thus, we see the critical role 2. played by exchangeability: to hold fixed the behavior of players three Without this assumption, asymmetries Theorem we could and higher, it gives us just enough structure and focus on the two-player game. find a counter-example. Such an example might exploit in the extent to which one player cares about the choices of the others. 5 can potentially be applied in a wide variety of oligopoly problems, as discussed below, as well as in a variety of other economic contexts; Section 4.4 considers a model of strategic trade, while the conclusion discusses a potential application to tournaments. It is instructive to compare the approach pursued here with more standard approaches that might be used to reach the conclusion alternative set of sufficient conditions: weakly increasing satisfies in 6i and x*j{6) is 6i (a) 6i = =^ x*{9) > x*{0). =» ^*(^) = ^j(^)) and > 6j 6j weakly decreasing in di for j ^^ i. Consider an (b) x*(9) is a particular game If the requisite regularity conditions, condition (b) could be verified using the implicit This approach would function theorem. differ from ours require additional (dominant-diagonal) conditions the conditions of increase of some Theorem x*{0), j j^ 5, i, strategic substitutes. Indeed, in two respects. on second (b) excludes situations derivatives. where an increase we when there are three or (b). we Second, unlike in 6i leaxls to an more players, it is possible to construct fails. Thus, by imposing are able to include a range of economic behaviors Further, as discussed in Section essential uniqueness would are able to dispense with smoothness requirements, dominant diagonal conditions on second derivatives, and excluded by it even though such situations are quite plausible in games with examples where the conditions of Theorem 5 hold but condition (b) exchangeability, First, is 2, even our maintained assumption of weak compared to the global dominant diagonal condition. 13 Weak 3.2 Using the results of the in Dominance Increasing we now give conditions last subsection, our investment game, when Myopic Firms for weak increasing dominance for firms are myopic. Proposition 6 Suppose firms are myopic. Suppose that for all i Then, weak increasing dominance holds: for a given ^ i the equilibrium investment of firm j, if firm greater than that of firm is i i ^ j, all a and all Y, has a higher state variable, j, that Yi is, > Yj implies a*(Y)>a;(Y). The Proposition is a direct application of Theorem can be understood as follows. First, in The 5. conditions of the Proposition terms of adjustment costs, the incremental cost of investment must not increase too rapidly as the own state variable increases. conditions concern expected product market profits. For future reference, conditions that would be required to satisfy (^^l.,a, < 0' (WID) (^^l.,y. > 0' in the ^^d The remaining we summarize the absence of adjustment costs: {En^)^^^^^ < (WID-P) 0. In words, (WTD-P) requires that in terms of expected product market profits, the investments of the two firms are strategic substitutes; higher levels of a firm's own state variable increase the marginal returns to investment; and higher levels of the opponent's state variable decrease the marginal returns to investment. In Section 4, we will further analyze these conditions in the context of oligopoly models. Of course, not aU applications will be characterized by weak increasing dominance. In- deed, the following simple corollary gives sufficient conditions for "weak decreasing domi- nance," meaning that leaders invest less than laggards: Corollary 7 Suppose firms are myopic. Suppose K,aj < Then, Yi > Yj implies In words, and if a*(Y) < 0, ni^.y. < 0, that for all and U^^^y^ i > ^j and all (a,Y), 0. a*(Y). a higher state variable for firm i decreases firm i's investment incentives increases firm j's investment incentives, the leading firm will invest less myopic. 14 if the firms are Investments that Precede Product Market Competition 3.3 we In this section, further explore the special case where the firms invest prior to prod- uct market competition, and thus the profits in the product market can be represented as reduced- form functions of the state variables, as in under which (WID-P) the subscripts on tt is satisfied. and tt' When (2) holds, we have the is to analyze the conditions following (where, as usual, 7^V.,,.(a^y^Y'-l) = F^.,y,(Y'-^ ^V„..(a',ySY'-^) = 7r;,,^^.(a^y^r-^)=r^,,^^.(Y*-^+/) that (5) describes the interactions a' = + /) y*, and (5) (2) holds, £;7r*(a', Y*~-^) = 7r'(Y*~^-|- among investments and between investments and In this case, the following condition wiU be sufficient to guarantee that state variables. (WID-P) goal denote partial derivatives): When investment returns are deterministic, a*), so Our (2). holds: 7rV.,y. > and < 7r^._y. (WID-0) 0. Next, we analyze (WID-0) in terms of a more primitive (but still reduced-form) oligopoly model. Bagwell and Staiger (1994) argued that a wide range of ohgopoly models have the feature that investments in cost-reduction are strategic substitutes. might hold for firm i variable is in general, and m'(Y') first are is first - markup for gyt Qyt many D'(Y*) m'(Y*), where D'(Y') • is the result demand product market equilibrium when the state in the + Qyt Qyt applications, market share and the markup: of a competitor's improvement + "^ QytQyt + ^ dYldYj ^' own on a firm's improvements in the opponent's state variable |^ < and |pr firm's imderstand the second term, note that the positive effect state, < own mark-up has and hence the higher the liigher one's up has why such a two terms on the right-hand side are typically negative. To understand the term, observe that in bad the = see Y'. Observe that: ""YuYi Here, the suppose that ^'(Y*) To 0. effect greater effects on profits the own demand (f^fpr < 0). To of a firm's state on its own mark- greater effect on profits the lower the competitor's state 15 Then, the negative and hence the higher one's demand (f^|^ < 0). Similarly, d^D' _ dD'dm' - ^QYl dYl + "" ^ {dY!f ^i ^YuY. ^, , Recall our initial (defining) assumption that |^ > d^m' ^^' {dYlf 0; further, many since in a higher F/ corresponds to factors such as lower costs or higher quality, as well. If so, then f^f^ > from reduced marginal costs improved quality) is enhanced by the positive reduction on demand. So long as neither mark-up nor own Lemma result follows directly 8 Suppose that D^ {Y^, dD'/dYl > 0, dm^/dYl > |^ > demand is effect of cost- extremely concave in the dominates and (WID-0) holds. Similarly, state variable, this effect The next we expect the positive effect on the mark-up that stems 0. Intuitively, (or applications, 0, from these arguments: ...,Yj) and m'' (Y^, ...,Yj) dD'/dYj < and dm'/dYj are linear functions, < 0. and that Then Condition WID-0 holds. By hold Proposition if 6, the conditions of Lemma assumption the following is much more Lemma, which shows special than required. Nevertheless, that many Lemma In the following models, condition WID-0 firm i 's and demand is linear (Dixit, 1979), where is constant, goods are Y} represents either marginal cost, quality level, or the difference between the latter two parameters. Models of horizontal competition on the line (d'Aspremont (Salop, 1979) vjith quadratic transpoHation costs, where (c) can be applied in holds:^^ Bertrand or Cournot competition where each firm 's marginal cost differentiated, Obviously, the (WID-0). in 9 it will familiar oligopoly models satisfy the properties summarized (b) weak increasing dominance adjustment costs do not increase too rapidly with state variables. linearity (a) 8 imply that The Shaked/Sutton (1982) model of Yl is et ai, 1979) or on the circle as in (a). vertical quality differentiation with potentially dif- ferent marginal costs, where Y} represents firm i 's marginal cnst}^ ^^Bagwell and Staiger (1994) establish that several of these examples satisfy strategic substitutability. However, they do not discuss convexity. ^°In this case, condition WID-0 does not necessarily hold 16 when V/ represents firm f's quahty level. The Shaked/Sutton (1982) model of (d) assumed to he covered, where the market vertical quality differentiation the firms have identical marginal costs, and Y^ represents firm is i 's quality level. A sketch of the proof can be found in the Appendix. In the Lemma follows from direct application of quality parameter as the state variable Lemma of demand and Proposition particular, Lemma 6, it 9 the mark-up, in particular for a low-quality firm that but it we must verify the assumptions that profits are exchangeable requires that we horizontally differentiated. we the Exchangeability always holds in models restrict attention to only Even and that there two firms for the two-firm case, in when the model (b), (a), exists (c), and where firms are firms are located on a line, require the additional assumption that the locations are equidistant from the midpoint of line. for Yi is apply in order to remains to check that the models satisfy our maintained assumptions. In a conditionally unique equilibrium. (d), its rival.^^ whether (WID-0) holds, useful in determining is case of vertical differentiation with the vertical differentiation: increasing quality does reduces vertical differentiation by moving closer to Although three cases, the result not quite as straightforward, because the conditions model of 8 do not hold for every not necessary increase is The 8. first The y^Yj,iy^ sufficiently If conditional uniqueness requirement is satisfied if ^^^^ai^i In terms of our primitives, this will hold j. if ,a ~ ^ai,a^i ,ai ¥" the adjustment cost function convex in investment. investment is deterministic and yj = a-, we conclude that product market competition creates strong forces in favor of the result that leading firms have stronger incentives to increase their state variable than lagging firms. Proposition 10 Suppose that firm investments precede product investment returns are deterministic, and that competition 8 are is y\ Finally, assume that Try. y. > a\. Suppose further that product market Lemma described by one of the models of satisfied. = fc^. y market competition, that 9, for or that the conditions of all (a, Lemma Y). Then weak increasing dominance holds for myopic firms. ^^Indeed, Ronnen (1991) considers the Shaked/Sutton model when the market is not covered, and finds conditions whereby vertical investments are strategic complements; similarly, the conditions do not necessarily hold if See also EUickson (1999) for an example complements depending on the parameter values. the firms have different marginal cost parameters. where quahty investments may be strategic substitutes or 17 In Section we 4, will consider specific models that We further explore stochastic investment. into our general framework, fit will also highlight and circumstances under which countervailing effects are likely to dominate over the forces identified in this section. Before proceeding, however, we consider conditions under which leading firms will not only choose higher investments, but will also increase their market shares over time. Weak is, — Strong Increasing Dominance 3.3.1 - increasing dominance does not necessarily imply strong increasing dominance, that that leading firms will increase their market share over time. ments need not necessarily imply relation faster Clearly, stronger invest- growth of the state variable if there between investment and investment success. ^^ However, even if is a stochastic the state variable of the leading firm grows faster than the others, additional conditions are required for increasing We dominance to imply strong increasing dominance. continue to focus on the case where investment is 7r'(Y) = D'(Y) straightforward to show that under these assumptions a firm that increases than its competitors can increase its market share = deterministic (y' ment takes place before product market competition, and faster weak if and only if • its a*), invest- m^(Y). It is state variable (letting D be total demand) :^^ DZ^-D^ZZ^>0. Olk Olk To (8) k=lj=l fc=l interpret this condition, consider a special case: demand functions are linear in states symmetric, so that there exist two constants, Ki and K21 such that for all i,j, I = Ki and dD'/dYj K2. In this case, (8) becomes 1// > {<)D'/D for and dD^ /dYi — I EEfp^ fc=ii=i > (<)0- '^ Since the leading firm by definition has a market share greater than 1//, strong increasing dominance holds if and only if X] X^ fc=ij=i market demand if the interpretation dominance if ^< every firm can increase is straightforward. and only simultaneous increase in if 0. As its state variable this last term describes the growth of total '' Weak by the same marginal amount, increasing dominance implies strong increasing market demand remains unaffected or shrinks as a result of a all state variables. Also, consider the discussion of leaxning- by-doing below. ^^The claim follows by taking the sum of derivatives of firm 18 z's profit over i = 1, ...,! and rearranging. Of course, these are cases demand-creating Other things being equal, we should therefore expect strong effects. more creasing dominance to be than for cost-reducing where the investments only have demand-steahng rather than typical, say, for advertising investments in a investments in products with fairly elastic in- mature industry demand. Far-Sighted Firms 3.4 Now suppose that firms discount the future at rate 6 > 0. We wish to generalize Proposition 6 to the case where firms look forward to the future, maximizing present discounted expected profits. We assume that the actions of firms are observable simplify matters, To will assume that the evolution of the state variable we show that we begin, attention to the In an we OPSNE, benchmark case of "open- loop" pure strategy Nash in the it may OPSNE when considered when we equilibria restrict (OPSNE). at date 0. While in general, such a restriction OPSNE is also a can Nash equihbrium player can condition his actions on the observed history of past play, not be subgame-perfect (see Fudenberg and Tirole (1991), pp. 130-133).^^ As omits the strategic effects that might arise when firms attempt to manipulate the future investments of opponents, firms are fairly impatient OPSNE may be required deterministic. the investment plans of the firms must best later; the deterministic context: every less so in game where each though the it is However, to each firm makes a deterministic investment plan at the beginning of the responses to one another severe, is are able to provide powerful conclusions game, and this plan cannot be modified be in every period. and must provide a good if research first it serves as a useful point of comparison. Further, fix their if investment plans several periods in advance, approximation of behavior. Such advance planning might and development requires large capital expenditures or specialized technology, such as laboratories. Milgrom and Roberts (1990) showed that an advantage of the to games is lattice-theoretic approach that the theory of supermodular games can be appUed to problems with a wide variety of choice sets, including problems where the agent chooses an infinite sequence of ^^To see this, suppose that a^ is an open-loop NE. Then, consider the unrestricted game, where players can condition their investment in period t on thf history of play up to period t. Suppose that player i chooses a strategy where his action at every step depends only on t and Y", but not on any other aspect of the history. Suppose in particular, player i's plan is to use a'-'^. Then, the same conditions that guarantee that a*-' is an OPSNE imply that a.^'^ is a best response to a^''-' for j ^ i. This argument breaks down if the game is stochastic or firms use mixed strategies. 19 actions. They apply the theory of superraodular games dynamic games. The following Proposition uses a to analyze OPSNE of infinite- horizon similar approach, applying Theorem 5 to the infinite-horizon problem. Proposition 11 Suppose (WW) satisfies = T < oo periods and are far-sighted, and that Suppose further that the evolution of the state variable holds. Y^ that firms live for Y^'^ + aj, (£;7r%^_^^ and that for > 0, 7^ j, i {Ett'),.^,. unique If there is a conditionally all < OPSNE, 0, and and all (a, is deterministic and Y), (£^7r%^_^, < denoted a*(Y°), Y^' (WID-Dl) 0. > Yj' implies that for all t, ar(Y°) > 4* (Y°). The proof is given in the Appendix. Proposition 11 imposes several conditions beyond those required in Proposition 6. The functional restriction on the evolution of the state variable simplifies the problem, allowing us to consider directly the effect of today's action all future periods. Condition (WID-Dl) is on required to guarantee that the following additional conditions hold: the actions of a given firm in two different periods are complementary in increasing the profit in all future periods (requiring the additional assumption Ily, y. > 0); and, across any pair of periods, the actions of the two firms are strategic substitutes (requiring the additional assumptions H^. not affect firm product market z's adjustment y. < and Ely. y < 0). Since firm j's actions costs, the conditions reduce to restrictions and states do on the expected profits. Consider the special case where investment precedes product market competition. Then, the restriction analyzed in the last subsection, (WID-0), impUes both Our restriction to OPSNE in Proposition 11 is (WID) and (WID-Dl). potentially severe. While it illustrates that some aspects of dynamic competition reinforce our results about increasing dominance, the result ignores the incentives of firms to adjiost their investment strategies over time in an attempt to manipulate the investment response of opposing firms. Unfortunately, when we enlarge the strategy space of firms in the dynamic conditions, a variety of competing of sufficient conditions for effects game to allow them to respond to current can emerge. The following result highUghts a set weak increasing dominance 20 in a dynamic game between two firms. Proposition 12 Suppose the assumptions of Proposition 11 hold. In addition, in each period, each firm's investment is chosen period, the opponent from a compact subset o/E, and (1) the conditions of twice continuously differentiable, that in each and for i ^j Lemma 8 hold, and for all (a, or, more generally, (2) allt, a'(Y'~-^) is continuously differentiable, a^(Y') is dY! W Y), (^^%,,y,>Oi (^^%,,a,>0! (^^l,,a,>0; (^^1, <0; and for that equilibrium action induces a unique, interior best-response investment. assume that either Finally, is 's assume (WID-D2) and nondecreasing in {—Yl,Yj), and "^r;7<^j(Y*) is nonincreasing in Yj. (WID-A) // there is a conditionally unique Markov-perfect equilibrium, where strategies in period denoted a'*{Y), then F/"^ > F/"^ implies that af (Y*-i) > t are af{Y'-^). This result provides sufficient conditions for weak increasing dominance in a Markovperfect equilibrium, in period t. whereby each firm's investment in period Under the assimiptions equilibrium wdth the OPSNE, of Proposition 12, t depends on the state variable we can compare the Markov-perfect finding that the additional strategic effects reinforce the ten- dency towards weak increasing dominance. However, when the assumptions are relaxed, the additional strategic effects weak increasing may serve as mitigating factors. If firms are sufficiently patient, dominance may be overturned. Consider the role of each assumption. First, we maintain the assumption that order to avoid technical issues concerning differentiability of the value function. can be extended to an infinite horizon, but the proof is The oo in results more cumbersome. DifferentiabiUty simphfies the analysis by allowing us to apply the envelope theorem interactions between investments across firms T< when analyzing the and over time. Second, we have imposed additional conditions on partial derivatives of the product market payoffs (WID-D2) and the pohcy functions (WID-A). They play a role because, to determine whether investments are strategic substitutes, investments are substitutes in affecting tomorrow's the conditions of Lemmas 8 and 9. profit. One consequence 21 we must These verify that today's restrictions are of condition (WID-A) is impUed by that firm j's period-t investment decreases the marginal return to firm effect on firm j's period-i + investment. 1 and the policy functions are linear, When z's period-i investment, through its per-period payoffs are quadratic, optimal latter effect zero. is However, in general, the third derivatives of the value function can potentially generate strategic interaction effects that work against weak increasing dominance. Now quence of this assumption, exploited be monotone: by Lemma when 3, vestment increases and firm With more than ther, The consider the role of the assumption that there are only two firms. even if in firm the proof, is conse- that equilibrium policy functions will has a higher state variable, firm i first z's equilibrium equihbrium investment decreases. Formally, ^a^j{Y^) j's < in0. 2 firms, this conclusions no longer holds, as discussed in Section 4.1. Fur- equilibrium policy vectors are monotone, competing effects can similar reasons). Consider the interaction The variable in the final period. arise (for still between firm Vs state variable and firm Y^) cross-partial derivative gytg^y n'(a'^(Y-^), j's state includes the following terms: nka.(a^(Y^), Y^)^ar(Y^) Notice that if g^a'^{Y'^) substitutability is 0, between firm the sign of H^^^. Thus, two firms < the i's + first term is positive, creating a force opposing strategic investment and firm j's investment. when more than two complicated by the Y^)^aJ(Y^)^ar(Y^). nL^,„,(a^(Y^), We have not specified firms are present, strategic interax:tion between effects of the two firms' investments on the investments of other firms. In summary, we find that model remain present; and in advance, when if firms are forward-looking, the basic forces from our static the firms are forced to commit to strategic investment plans our results about weak increasing dominance are reinforced. Thus, our results about weak increasing dominance are perhaps most salient when firms are impatient, or when investment plans are inherently long-term. However, if firms are far-sighted their investments in response to the evolution of the state variable, be qualified. Competing effects curvature of the profit function ^^Of coures, increasing dominance not satisfied. may is arise when there are and if they adjust then our results must more than two firms, or when the very sensitive to the level of the state variables. ^^ may arise even when the sufficient conditions of Proposition 12 are For instance, in a model of Cabral (1999), increasing dominance arises despite the fact that expected payoffs are concave in the state variable for leaders and convex for laggards. 22 Before proceeding, we mention a comment about our extension final our result about decreasing dominance, Corollary 7, to far-sighted firms: cannot be extended to allow for far- sighted firms, even under the additional restrictive assumptions outlined above. For example, applying the logic of the proof of Proposition 11 would require that the intertemporal profit function satisfies increasing differences in (a-;-a^), and in {a];Yj) for condition generally requires Ily < y. 0, this violates the The first Hy y > 0. investment in terms of today's profits, then firm j's investment increases the returns to firm But 7^ j. whereas the second condition requires Intuitively, if firm j's state variable increases the returns to firm z's future. i z's investment in the requirement that across any pair of periods, the investments of the two firms are strategic substitutes. Thus, if firms are far-sighted, another approach is required to provide conditions under which lagging firms "catch up" to leading firms. Examples 4 In the following, we apply the framework Incremental Investment 4.1 to several specific examples of investment games. Games Several authors (e.g. Flaherty 1980) have considered incremental investment games. ^^ now introduce a generalized model of incremental investments, allowing for more than two firms, general functional We We forms for product market competition, and stochastic investment. ^^ show that increasing dominance holds quite generally competing We effects from adjustment costs are not too interpret a' as large, in this context, so long as and the firms are not too any patient. an investment that takes place prior to product market competition, such as a cost- reducing or demand-enhancing investment. the cumulated cost reduction from some common The state variable V/ represents reference level c^ or else the quality level. Hence, the profit from product market competition can be written as in (2). If investments are deterministic. Proposition 10 applies directly: so long as the marginal cost of adjustment ^^The product life cycle model of Klepper (1996) also incorporates incremental investments; however, that model has a richer structure, as firms take three different kinds of iavestment decisions. ^^Flaherty (1980) considers more than two firms, but does not derive general results about weak increasing dominance. 23 does not increase too fast with a firm's sighted, increasing dominance should Two extreme examples own and firms are state variable, sufficiently short- hold. of adjustment costs can be used to highlight scenarios under which the conditions on adjustment costs are be likely to satisfied. suppose that First, adjustment costs are entirely independent of the state variable. At the other extreme, there exists a strictly increasing and convex function k^ (Y^). such that k^ A;'(a-,y/~-') = k'^{Yl~^ + a') = In words, the adjustment costs depend only on the target level of the state variable, not on the initial state. max {y/~\ ..., ^/~^}) if This type of adjustment cost the firm invests in a radically or organizational form, so that earlier expertise firm's state variable, the cheaper it is is of likely to arise (at least for is diff'erent little use. technology, product variant In this case, the lower is a to attain a given increase in the state variable, a-; thus, the adjustment cost function creates a force that could potentially upset Now Y^ > A consider the case of stochastic investments. (WID). model of incremental investment motivates several assumptions about the investment technology. First, assume that the distribution of yl depends only on firm Vs investment. Further, assume that higher levels of investment lead to a First-Order Stochastic Dominance (FOSD) improvement in the distribution of yl, and that investment returns are distributed independently across Formally, there exist marginal distribution functions H^{yl a-), | //(y>*, Y*-^) = Yl H\y\ \ a^), and H\y\ \ a*) is i = 1, .., /, firms. ^^ such that: nonincreasing in a\. (9) i Lemmas 8 and 9 provide conditions under which, product market firms; if and (WID-0) are profits, following result, proved in the Appendix, sufficient to imply the desired conditions on expected (WID-P). For simpUcity,we firms are far-sighted, the are deterministic, the The payoff functions satisfy condition (WID-0). indicates that (9) when investments restrict attention to game can be analyzed the case of myopic using the approach of Proposition 12. Proposition 13 In that (WID-0) and the incremental investment (9) hold, and that (£J7r')a._y; > model with stochastic investments, suppose k'^. y. for all {ai,Yi). Then weak increasing dominance holds for myopic firms. ^*In fact, independence is tion of the restrictions that not necessary; see Athey (1999) and Athey and Schmutzler (1995) for a descripwould be required on the joint distribution of investment returns to preserve oui results. 24 Our results Bagwell and about incremental investment games can be applied to a variety of industries. Ramey (1994) argue that in the retail sector, leading firms made a variety of cost- reducing investments as they gained in market share. For example, Wal-Mart invested in own its and a satellite-based communication distribution system, including trucks, warehouses, system, as well as advanced information technology systems to manage its inventory. Sutton (1991) provides a variety of other examples. Multi-dimensional investments 4.1.1 In this section, we show that our about incremental investment games extend to the results case where firms invest in both cost reduction 5 applies to and quality improvement. Recall that Theorem games where the firms make more than one type of investment, provided these investments are complementary; thus. Propositions 6 and 11 can be easily extended to that case. It remains to be verified that the relevant restrictions are satisfied in the incremental investment games. Cost-reducing and demand-enhancing investments for monopolists have been shown to be complementary under ohgopoly setting. Formally, Y- let = (I^/c^/q) ^^^ ^^^ ^i cost functions are additively separable for the and further, if for 77, now, we generalize that result to an fairly general conditions;^^ dY-^dY-^ ^ IT)^ ^ IK. two investments and nv') > ~ ' and one firm gains an this advantage, investing To is more further understand Lemma 8 to straightforward to in initial sufficiently small, —g— F(Y') < (WID-0') 0, well. An implication is that, advantage in either cost or quality, it starting wiU retain both cost-reduction and quahty improvement. when (WID-0') wiU be satisfied, observe that we can extend effect: it show that condition (WID-0') holds provided demand and mark-up can linear functions £>' (V/c .., Y/^; Y^q, .., Y}q) and m' [Y^q^ ••' ^/c! ^iQ) •' ^q)' Ramey (1994) and Athey and Schmutzler (1995). The driving force behind this result a low-cost firm will have higher per-miit profit and hence values an increase in demand more ^^See Bagwell and a scale is allow for both cost-reducing and quahty-improving investments. In particular, be written as is A;^. y. dY-^dY^ ITj^ JK ' then we can apply Propositions 6 and 11 to this game as if (^iC'^ig)- ^^ ^^^ adjustment k G {C, Q}, ^' from symmetry, — than a high-cost firm. 25 and dD'jdYi^ further, These conditions are When ment > 0, satisfied in firms are myopic, models we can (ii) and dm^/dV^^ < dD'/dYj^ < 0, (a) and (b) of further extend the Athey and Schmutzler returns, as in each type of investment, for dm'/dY^^ > Lemma for 77 = 9. model to allow (1995). For example, for stochastic invest- suppose that (i) investments in cost- (iii) reduction do not affect the distribution of quality improvements (and vice versa). more holds (9) the returns to demand-enhancing innovation are distributed independently of the returns to cost-reducing innovation, ^° and leading firms will invest C, Q. in Then, both cost-reducing and demand-enhancing innovation. Patent race models 4.2 we apply our framework In this section, Although our to models of patent races. results are ambiguous, they can be used to organize the competing effects that arise in the existing (Reinganum 1985, Vickers 1986, Beath literature As in the case of common incremental investment, Yl et al. 1987). is we modify our assumptions about the investment technology. In each period the firms invest in If firm state variable, maxfce{i^..,_/} states receives the patent, i where that level is it remain the same (F/ where dP'/da\ > Denoting the = Y^~^). The and dP'/da\ < /c-th unit will achieve R&D in an attempt to attain an exogenously fixed an improvement over the best present Yl~^ ?^ In each period, one firm for [^' state: level of the Y^ =Y > the patent; for the other firms, the i obtains a patent is P' (a^), ^ iP vector as e^, firm En\B^X-') = iZ will receive probability that firm k R&D investment. a\ is the cumulated cost reduction from some reference level c or the quality level. However, a patent. Suppose i's expected product market profit (y'"' +eA: (y' - Yl''))] P' is written: (a') fc=i ^°More generally, if the investments are and Schmutzler (1995). ^ As in many of the patent race papers, as a result of a patent '^It is possible to is map correlated, the investments we satisfy a condition found in Athey therefore assiune that the level of the state that can be achieved given exogenously in each period. these assimiptions into conditions on the joint distribution function i/(y*|a*, Y'~^), P is more intuitive for this problem. More generally, we might also consider more than one firm can obtain a patent and the size of the prize may not be fixed (because firms but the notation in terms of races where must can pursue different R&D-projects). 26 Finally, ( assume that previous investment success has no = t^yt-i ^' Of 0). course, if we assume leaders have a lower marginal cost of effect on marginal R&D costs instead (in the spirit of Rogerson (1982)) that R&D, the case for weak increasing dominance would be strengthened. If there are only two firms, then as required the larger (WID-P).'^'^ Intuitively, the lower the level of the opponent's state variable, by is the incremental effect of a patent, and thus the greater the profit increase to the firm from taking the patent away from the opponent. Next, consider whether firm investments are strategic substitutes. Suppose that profits are close to zero not attain a patent. Then, the probability that firm i < (£^7r')^ ^, if attains a patent g^g^i P^ (a') is less is the firm does sufficiently negative. sensitive to firm j invests more. However, even under this assumption, if (WID-P) In words, Vs investment when firm fails in general, since firms with higher current states will see lower returns to investing: (^-)«,., The intuition that it is = Z K (y- + simple: the better a firm - rr))] e. (y' aheady is, ^P' (a') < 0. the smaller the increase of the state receives as a consequence of a successful patent, and hence the smaller the resulting profit increase. In conclusion, we cannot make an unambiguous dominance, since the own-state works against the opponent-state effect can be shown that increasing dominance higher state on investment incentives own state on investment Without lated. there must exist and a2 '''^In ^ = loss of generality, still holds if effect. o-l it the negative effect of a competitor's see this, suppose that increasing dominance suppose that the violation concerns firms Yh > Yl and an > However, substantial relative to the negative effect of a firm's is To incentives. case for either increasing or decreasing such that in equiUbrium, Vi = Y//, 12 1 and = Y^, 2. ai vio- is Then, = a^,, an- Suppose that adjustment costs are sufficiently convex in actions such that each the (y*-^ case of />2 firms, + e, (r - Yl-')) it even is '-^ is possible positive. 27 that iv^-i > 0; since for k ^ i, j, firm's objective function is globally concave in the investment, and investment choices are Hold fixed the actions and states of firms 3 and higher at interior. al;^2(^)) ^ind suppress and these in the notation. Then, the first-order conditions for players 1 2 and exchangeability imply that = n^, (ol, an; Yh, Yl) By concavity, H^^ (a^, a^,; Yl, Yfj) n^^ (a^, aL-, > 0. H^^ (a^, Hence, Yl, Yh) - U^ a^,; Y^, Yh) = 0. Yh, Yl) > 0. " "^ (a^, a^; (10) But, n^, (aL, aL, Yl, Yh) -U^ (cl, an; + Ul Yh, Yl) = U^ {aL, aL, Yl, Yh) -U^ {aL, an, Yl, Yh) -K^ {aL, an, Yh, Yh) + K^ i^L, an; Yh, Yh) -U^ {aL, an, Yh, Yl) < Then, aL) is if Il\^ ^^ is (an - {aL, an; Yl, aL) (^-infUl^^,^^ + {Yh - Yl) (^- iniUl^y^ + supU^^y^^ not too negative, adjustment costs are sufficiently high such that {an not too large relative to {Yh — Yl), and sup^ y ^iiY2 < increasing dominance holds. In words, are not strong strategic substitutes, from a higher Yh) level of a firm's own i'^^a.v weak increasing dominance and the decrease state is n^^y^ , (10) fails follows if — and weak the investments in the marginal return to investment small relative to the increase in the marginal return to investment from a higher level of opponent states. ^^ Note, however, that even if weak increasing dominance holds, leapfrogging sheer luck, a laggard might overtake the leader even though he invests is possible. less. If this By happens, he wiU have higher investment incentives once he takes the lead. A 4.2.1 Now Potential Extension: Incremental versus Radical Innovation consider whether weak increasing dominance can be expected in a model where firms can choose to invest in both incremental improvements and more radical iimovation. For ^^ Existing literature on patent races has taken notice of the fact that product market competition might matter whether or not increasing dominance arises. For instance, Ln Vickers (1986), weak increasing arises for Bertrand competition, but not for Cournot competition. However, the conditions here have to our knowledge not been derived elsewhere. for dominance identified 28 example, suppose that the state variable for each firm level of cost reduction), is one-dimensional the current (i.e. but that firms can choose two action variables, denoted {aic,aip) , where Uic as an incremental investment, and of aip as a radical investment which can poa major jump tentially lead to state variable: yi = in the state variable. with dyi/daic yi {aic, aip) These action variables both increase the and dyi/daip > > Further, assume that 0.^^ these variables are substitutes in improving the state: d'^yi/daicdaip < 0, would be true as implementing the radical investment makes incremental cost improvements suming that investments take place before competition, product market given by tt' (Y -I- In the one-dimensional case mental investments firms invest general. To more As- profits are therefore {ac, ap)). y natural conjecture obsolete."^^ if if is WID-0 we saw holds for that weak increasing dominance tt', but is likely for incre- investments. Thus, a less likely for radical that leading firms invest more in incremental investment, while lagging in radical innovation. While this behavior see this, observe that deriving such a result from might obtain, Theorem need not in it 5 would require the following conditions. (a) Kca,. (c) Ui^^^y^ The second of Vi [dic all 1 o-ip) 1 < 0; > (6) n^,^,„^.^ and condition in (b) will ciiC increases yi, ir^^^^y^ fail < < and 0; n^,^,,^,^ and ajp increases see why, observe that y^, but Ily. y. < own investments in the if < 0. by the definition WID-0 holds. Thus, in qualitatively similar ways. investment precedes product market competition, then interact with H^,^,^. To opponent actions interact with a firm's own actions itively, if (11) 0; > Oand (d) IV^^^^y^ in general. > same way. Thus, an all Intu- opponent investments increase in firm j's investment in incremental innovation decreases the returns to both incremental and radical iimovation for firm jF ''^More generally, we could consider combining the model of incremental investment with a patent race model, as described above. ^^We ignore comphcations arising because of stochastic R&D here. model where firms can choose between two different types of iimovative investments. In this model, if the frrms make identical choices about investment, the outcomes are perfectly correlated, while otherwise they are independent. In this setting, it turns out that leaders want to imitate laggards, whereas laggards want to differentiate themselves from leaders. ^^In a related paper, Cabral (1999) analyzes a 29 Learning- by-doing 4.3 In learning-by-doing models (e.g. Cabral and Riordan (1994), Sutton (1998, ch. 14)), costs are monotone decreasing functions force of previous output levels. It well understood that this is works towards increasing dominance, although countervailing firms have exhausted most of the opportunities how our approach to show dominates. for learning. In effects arise once leading the following, we shall apply the nature of product market competition influences which force ^^ Denote the output reference level c. level as a\. Y^ is common the cumulated cost reduction from some Hence, we write \r=l where r is a strictly increasing and concave function. In this case, deterministic, we let tt* if investment returns are (a^ Y*~^) represent the product market profit of a firm cumulated cost reduction is given by Y^~^ and the output level by a\. i when its Further, the state variable develops according to Hence, t-i satisfies d^yl/dal > and d'^y\/dYl~^da\ < Finally, 0. we set A;* = 0, as all costs and benefits of increasing output are borne through the product market profit. Consider the example of Cournot competition with inverse market so that IT (Y, a) = p( Ylk=i ^k] —c + Yi model. is First, it ai. We now standard to assume that H^ ^. < ''^It is an increase in output is more valuable for function p{-), argue that (WID-0) holds for this in a Cournot model, in order to guarantee existence of equilibrium (see Novshek 1985). Further, H^. effects: demand a low cost firm. y. = 1 > Finally, H^. 0, due to scale y = 0. Hence, simple to reinterpret the follow'.ng as a model of network or standardization effects along the hnes and Saloner (1986), Katz and Shapiro (1986), where firms that manage to acquire many customers an early phase of the market benefit if customers' wiUingness to pay grows with the number of other customers adhering to the same standard or using the same network. Here Y^ is a measure of perceived quality rather than total cost reduction. of Farrell in 30 when firms are myopic, leading firms will always have stronger incentives to increase output and thus increase That their state variable. is, weak increasing dominance holds without game has a unique additional assumptions, provided the Cournot equilibrium. For forward-looking firms, however, the nature of product market competition plays a decisive role in determining whether increasing dominance two-period framework. The long-run profit of firm LR^ (Y°, a^) =r (a\ Y°) where 7r'(Y^) if da]dY^^ da\dY^^ d'LR _ + y^^A al),Y'_, + yi,(Y°„ a^J) dH^ d'^LR da}da] \dY° {av^^f d^¥ ^ _ ~ d''¥ da}da] d^l^' "^ As long as tt' satisfies However, q^qyo V] competing increasing effect course, ^ dY^ ) " dy] dy] dY^^dY^ da] da} tt^ ^ ' ' " have the correct sign under to the remaining terms, there are two countervailing effects. is tt* works against the product market effects arise with forward-looking firms, the it is first expression. For This weak therefore important that the dominate. most apphcations For example, effect in As are correct. negative, reflecting the slow-down in learning for a better firm. will mental investment, and investments models. ^^ j: condition (WID-0), the signs of the second derivatives of dominance to product market i weak dy} \ have already shown that the mixed derivatives of very general conditions. all 5, dajdYP dy} J da} dy} ( dY^dY^' da} \ , Applying Theorem the following conditions hold for da\dY^ da]dY^ Of n^ (y,° can be written as the Cournot profit for cost structure (Y^). is increasing dominance will obtain We + i For simphcity, consider a arises. it combine some elements of learning-by-doing, in more incre- radical innovations similar to the patent-ra€e has been widely asserted that in the market for memory chips, learning-by-doing effects play an important role. However, increasing dominance only arises in some parts of this market. For example, the market for DRAM chips does not exhibit in- creasing dominance (Gruber, 1994). Within each product generation (4K, 16K, 64K, 256K, 31 1MB chips), concentration levels did not increase (at least, not substantially); The each product generation, leadership patterns often changed. prising, given that across generations, learning-by Dynamic competition across generations latter finding doing effects are more akin is much is not sur- less significant. to patent competition, potentially have higher investment incentives. In contrast, the and across where laggards EPROM market shows stable leadership patterns, even across product generations; Gruber (1994) argues that learning-by doing 4.4 effects tend not to be exhausted within one product generation in this market. Strategic Trade Policy Our model can also be apphed to analyze strategic trade the consequences of setting with one increasing its R&D home own typically strategic substitutes R&D if home generally, and Brander, country, since Staiger, 1994). home firm's R&D 1983). R&D, same time reduce the In a thereby foreign firm's investments are Such an argument can be used presumably desirable only market share. However, following the increasing dominance plays a role, temporary subsidies goal unless the More (BagweU and home subsidies, subsidies that are lead to lasting increases in the paper, of questions concerns firm and one foreign firm, a government that subsidizes firm's innovation incentives, will at the temporary One set subsidies by governments (Spencer innovation incentives, to the advantage of the to support policy. may if they logic of this not serve the long-term firm actually surpasses the foreign firm. we can use the results in this paper to formally analyze the dynamic evolution of other trade policies, such as export subsidies, even in the absence of innovation. Rather than apply our framework to product market competition between the instead analyze the game between firms, we the governments of two countries, where the governments choose to subsidize their export industries (and these choices might evolve over time). For simplicity we consider the simple case (first analyzed by Brander and Spencer (1985)) where the firms, after receiving their subsidies, play a Cournot game; incorporate learning-by-doing. Our goal is to use Theorem more generally, we might 5 to analyze conditions under which a leading country sees a greater return to using subsidies than a lagging country. In that case, lagging countries may be better off and demand export subsidies are prohibited. i = is linear: q Formally, suppose two firms from coimtries are Cournot competitors, if 32 1,2 serve a third country's market. Firms = a — p. Each firm chooses output levels Qi SO as to maLximize firm profits plus country i. Ziq^, where Zi is tlie per-unit export subsidy chosen by Countries choose subsidies so as to maximize their firm's profits in the ensuing oligopoly game. Simple derivations (see, for example, Fershtman show that, when each , {z^,Zj) 11 {a = firm z's constant marginal cost + q/ (1 + z,) + cj/ (1 + Zj) - - 2q/ — (1 + z,) is , ni^•^^ . ^^ = (1+2,)' (1 o (1 do not differ is negative too if 5 leads us to conclude that and only when home Cj + Z,r much from each > p (1 + 2,) if {a — 0. firm's cost: 12ci (1 + Z,Y sign of the last expression depends on parameter values. costs the + 2,)'(l + ^i) not be monotonic in the 8c, (1 = (l may , ^ + Z,f and m. , '"'' < + 2,)' a "^''^' subsidies, the sign when higher is higher: However, the incentive to subsidize The 930)) + c,-/ (1 + zj)) Hence, subsidies are strategic substitutes, and the incentive to subsidize opponent's cost p. denoted q, is 3q) {a and Judd (1987, VlCi) (1 (1 + ZiY For approximately identical + 2) + Cj + 8cj < 0, which holds other and from a. Applying the logic of if Theorem countries are not very different, the leading country has a larger incentive to subsidize exports, undermining the standard infant industry protection argument. One would therefore expect a leading country to expand its lead in the early stages of such a strategic subsidy game. When firms are very different, however. Theorem 5 cannot be applied; either leading or lagging countries might have higher investment incentives, depending on the parameters. For example, have 5 little if the cost of the leading firm is very low, it will incentive to subsidize. Conclusions This paper analyzes ohgopolistic firms that can engage in demand-enhancing or cost-reducing activities, providing conditions under which a firm likely to increase an initial advantage might lead to such a development are scale effects from product market competition. Whether there axe strong countervaihng effects over competitors. resulting The main is forces that depends on the nature of the investment process. 33 When "investment" is just a by-product of large output, such as in learning-by-doing or network models, the product-market effects are When reinforced by the investment process. investment, countervailing forces arise a systematic product market effect lagging firms find if When leading firms to improve their states. is firms can improve their states via incremental investment somewhat Finally, effect. competing effects will often dominate the about games with strategic substitutes represent a contribution could be applied to a variety of other games with strategic substitutes. we have argued that most of the commonly studied in /-player opponent choices. This oligopoly models have forces to a two-player game. suffices. in In this paper, sufficient to generate is statics results. firms is imposed in order to effectively we have shown that a Namely, we require exchangeability of the firm assumption commit in For example, it sum of ohgopoly games that one firm cares only about the restriction result In the present functional form assumptions, can be used to extend the existing literature. commonly assumed The Thus, our approach, which does not rely on specific that favor strategic substitutability. is far- ' to the literature that uses lattice-theoretic tools to analyze strategic behavior. context, than can arise when firms are sufficiently ^ generally, our result less costly of the patent race type, there working against increasing dominance, which sighted. More is it many However, our approach reduce an /-player much more general assumption profit functions. We interesting empirical predictions still game show that this and comparative has limitations in dynamic games, unless the advance to investment plans and do not adjust them in response to changes opponent investments. We expect that the techniques developed in this paper can be fruitfully applied in a variety of other problems in industrial organization. Section 4.4 is suggestive of applications to delegation games. In an example of an application outside of the oligopoly context, the players could be workers in a firm engaged in repeated tournaments for promotions, where human capital investments are possible in each period. applied to understand under which circumstances ahead of others in early periods of the In conclusion, we observe that our public policy questions. game (e.g. The methods promotion of this paper could be policies) workers who get are likely to increase their lead. results provide a lens through which to analyze several In particular, several anti-trust pohcies that might serve to limit increasing concentration, such as prohibitions against predatory pricing 34 and mergers, can have ambiguous welfare effects. Even if it can be established that a particular policy works dominance, often the investment required for a firm to achieve for or against increasing market dominance are beneficial to consumers. Consider Even the case of mergers. first an industry if is characterized by increasing dominance, some symmetry-increasing mergers (such as mergers among lagging firms) slow the evolution of market dominance. However, even mergers some welfare benefits: for example, in among may leading firms have an incremental investment game, increases in market share are the direct result of larger improvements in cost or quality. Similar logic apphes to predatory pricing. when Broadly speaking, predatory pricing occurs firms set low prices in order to induce market exit, reduce a competitor's output, or prevent entry. The rule of Areeda- Turner (1975) considers predatory. In contrast, Baumol competitor after the exit of a is (1979) proposes a rule whereby a firm that increases may be satisfied, game, a firm drives out its Our approach guilty of predatory pricing. a view suggested elsewhere (Bagwell condition any prices below marginal costs as 1997, Cabral et al. even when welfare price consistent with and Hiordan 1994): the Baumol not harmed. In an incremental investment is competitor by sufficiently lowering firm raises prices after a competitor exits, the price might end were is its its cost. Even if the leading up lower than when the firms fairly similar in size. Appendix 6 Proof of Lemma in Section 3.3. In the argument relies on the decomposition of profits outlined 9: For parts all the cases under consideration, (a)-(c) , demand and markups are linear functions of the state variables. Hence the desired properties follow, (a) Consider a duopoly with inverse Pi for output levels gi and q^ = ai - demand Pqi - 792; and parameters /? functions = P2 >7> - 791 - Pq2; "2 0; ai, 02 > 0. For the case of price competition, straightforward calculations show that _ (2/3^-7^)(a,-Q)-/?7(a,-c,) '^^ _ 4/32-72 {213^ - j^) {g, - a) - P^j (aj - (4/32-72)(/32-72) Clearly, these expressions are linear in marginal costs, increasing in c, that Lemma cj) and decreasing 8 can be applied for cumulated cost reduction as the state variable. 35 in Cj, so The same argu- ment works parameters for the quality (WID-0) and (WID-0') conditions and the Qj, cti, difference For the case of quantity competition, the argument _ - q) - 7 (ttj -72 2/3 (qj 'z Cj) iVi € _ _ 4/?-'= (b) producing a good 20^ {aj-a) - Pj {aj - Wi) . covered, Then, assuming that Di = - — {Vi -^^ in equilibrium - Ci demand {Vi —\ mi = - Ci Suppose customers vt. for customer w are - sis + Vj Cj) —. 6 Wi\ — q ov vi Ci^vt with firms located at line, both firms have unit demand and the entire interval Cj) i bt\Wj Hence, no matter whether —+ Vj — -; Cj) Suppose transportation costs markup and demand can be written turns out that the it Hence, _y 4^2 which consumers have^^illingness to pay for cost. the same, using ' are distributed uniformly on the unit interval. is is Consider the standard Hotelling model of competition on the [0,1] t{w — between quality and (the latter condition defined in Section 4.1.1) hold. is used as a state variable, the equilibrium markup and are both linear functions of these state variables. when Similar reasoning shows that demand and mark-up firms are located on a circle, are linear functions of marginal costs (see Eswaran and Gallini 1996 for details). (c),(d) In this model,^^ firms sell a valuation where a for Yi for quality. This taste parameter > 2a. In this case, c — Q where = c products of different qualities is it is Vi. Customers distributed uniformly across the interval is straightforward to show that the conditions of some differ in their reference cost level. Now consider Yi = Vi, in Lemma 8 [o;,a], still hold the boundary case that costs are identical. Profits can be written as ^i _ (I [vj - Vi) \l{viThus TTy. y. = wherever this 0, is is [2 a— a\ dy for firm Y^ > Y^ can show that that (OSPM) •^^To be holds, 11: Let a* implies a^ = > is -af for Vi i, i than Yj) {2 ; Vj^ Vj J show that for Yi > Yj, any incremental This follows because the value of for firm j it is a - af - Ej < > for firm j. whereas {a\,...,aj) = {Y^ - Yj){a-2af (a^,...,ajj a^, the result follows. and the game has precise, the following for Vi defined. It suffices to max {a-2afdy,{dy-Yi + Proof of Proposition - 2af Vj) [2a investment dy increases profits more for firm such an investment [a and a = {ai,aj). Clearly, To apply Theorem strategic substitutes 5, it suffices to and increasing differences if we show in (aj^YP) a slightly modified version of the original Shaked and Sutton model (Tirole 1989, eh. 7.5.1). 36 and i in (a^, —Yj^) To . see that these conditions hold, note that the long-run profit function of firm can be written as +(5*-itf (a^ (OSPM) requires: d LB} + a'-^) + ... i strategic substitutes, J da\da' 1- ... 40 i To guarantee Y° + a^ + ct-lrrt we require: = 6'-'K^^,^+6'nv„Y, = <5'"^n^.,y. , sT-l-ni + - + s'~"^Y„Y,<o^oTte{i,...,T}. Rt-ni , , J d'^LR} The = 6^-^Ul Y- + S'U'y.^Y. + +(5*nt. + y. ... ... + 6^ "^nV,_y. < fori 6 < fori G {1,...,T} and s<t. + (5^~^n'y y, {1, ...,r} and s > t. increasing differences conditions require the following: fl2 T Tji - S'-'K„y, + S^'^kv, + ... + <5^-^nV.,y, > ^tt^ = <5'-^n|,.y. + + ... + <5^-inv.y. <oforie{i,...,r} -Q^gyo for i G {1, ...,T} a2r pi <5*n^.y All of these conditions are clearly implied Proof of Proposition 12: Let F''*(Y') be the value of the firm in period be the equilibrium policy vector in period Step 1: Show by (WID) and (WID-Dl). t, and let a*(Y') t. that condition (1) in the Proposition impUes (2), i.e., the assumptions of Lemma 8 imply linear (and thus differentiable) policy functions in each period, (WID- A) and (WID-D2). Let where a.^ is the by IT (a, Y) Nash equilibrium + 6V"'{a + Y). Then game where player i's payoffs !P(V) maps quadratic functions into of the auxiliary static if 11* is functions, as the equilibrium strategies quadratic, a^ will be linear. Since ^'^"^(Y-^"^) is are given quadratic quadratic, the value function in each period will therefore be quadratic, and the policy functions linear and conti .luously differentiable. '"'Here affect and (WID-A) and (WID-D2) in the following, ouj results, mixed therefore hold. partials differ according to we drop the arguments. 37 where they are evaluated; as this does not Step 2: Show that condition (2) of the Proposition implies that the value function differentiable for each is Since each firm has a unique best response, actions are chosen from a compact is continuously differentiable in Y^~^ theorem implies that if y yi,t-i^Y'-^) is continuously t. differentiable in Y*~-^, ^yi,t-i(Y«-i) '' is , and 11' set, a*(Y'~-^) twice continuously differentiable, the envelope is continuously differentiable, then = maxff(a„a*(Y*-i),Y'-^) +<5F^'*((a„a*(Y*-i))+Y^-i) and = nV.(a*(Y*-^),Y'-^)+5T4f(a*(Y*-^)+Y*-i) dYl The derivative ^yt-i. y^'^~^ 0^'^~^) sumed is obtained analogously. Since the equilibrium policies are as- to be continuously differentiable, the derivatives of the value function are continuous as well. Thus, since y'^~i(Y'^~^) period Step 3: is is continuously differentiable, by induction the value function in each continuously differentiable. Establish conditions required for weak increasing dominance in the final period, T. Now, assume for simplicity that the value function not true, we can redo the and policy function following analysis with differences rather than differentiable (if derivatives). Consider the properties required for increasing dominance. this is in each period are twice As (WID-Dl), and (WID-D2) by assumption, analogous conditions hold replacing 11' satisfies (WID), with H' + 6V^''^, 11' if: ^y;!y, Consider first Differentiating whether y'-^-i < 0> V^-,Y, satisfies 0> and vp^^ > (WID-V) 0. (WID-V). Observe that F''^-i(Y^-i) and using the envelope theorem can be written as > as described above, for i ^ j, = n'(a^(Y^-^), Y^"^). r_f T_i n'(a-^(Y-^~-^), Y-^~^] follows:^-^ j I j '> 3 +ni,..,^«T(Y'-->)^af (Y-) + ni,,,„,-|3raJ(Y'--)^aJ(Y'--') ^^Here and in the following, we drop the arguments {a^ {Y'^) ^Y"^) to simplify the exposition. 38 > Note that --fnaj(y^-i) ^pf^af (y^-^) < by guarantee that ^^rJlyT-i ^K^'^C^'^''^),^'^'^) sufficient to WID-A D2, and and Lemma < for i Thus, the following are 3. ^ j : WID, WID-Dl, WID- (observing that by exchangeability, the signs of the derivatives of aj can be inferred) ^^^;|^^n'(a^(Y^-i), Y^-i) Similarly, This guarantee that Step same positive under the is f _i^ n^(a-^(Y-^~-^), Y-^~-^) The assumptions holds for t = set assumptions; finally, these show to that WID- V of the Proposition guarantee that WID-V T. Suppose that of n'(a*(Y^-i), Y'-^) Step if 5: WID-V holds in period Athey will Then, following similar arguments to t, the derivatives hold for i - 1. By induction, WID-V WID-V holds for 3. all t. imply that in each period t, this result, we use the following lemma (see, for example, (1999)): Lemma 14 Let / X : y — x M, and > let G^{»;z) and G^{»;w) be probability distributions. If f{x,y) satisfies increasing differences in (a;,y), in z WID-V weak increasing dominance. To prove 13: and that all t, can be analyzed following the approach of Step the Proposition together with applies to guarantee Proof of Proposition i, it t. holds for continuously diff'erentiable for each + (5y^''(a*(Y'-i)+Y*-^) The assumptions of Theorem 5 is sufficient to t. 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