MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02524 4515 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries 4 1 Ofr ,1 fl5 .03- A Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series IMPACT OF HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY Jonathan Weinstein Muhamet Yildiz Working Paper 03-1 March 2003 Room E52-251 ^ 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at \ * ^| MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 3 2003 LIBRARIES IMPACT OF HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY JONATHAN WE1NSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ Abstract. large, some games, the impact of higher-order uncertainty implying that present economic theories theories first In may be very misleading as these assume common knowledge of the type structure or the second orders of beliefs. Focusing is after specifying the on normal-form games the players' strategy spaces are compact metric spaces, we show in which that our key condition, called "global stability under uncertainty," implies a variety of results to the effect that the impact of higher-order uncertainty Our central result states that, under global stability, the is small. maximum change in equilibrium strategies due to changes in players' beliefs at orders higher than k is exponentially decreasing in we can approximate k. Therefore, given any need for precision, equilibrium strategies by specifying only finitely many orders of beliefs. Key words: higher-order uncertainty, stability, incomplete information, equilibrium. JEL Numbers: C72, C73. 1. Most economic Introduction theories are based on equilibrium analysis of models in which the players' types (following Harsanyi (1967)) are simply taken as their beliefs about some underlying uncertainty, such as the marginal cost of a firm or the value of an object for a buyer, and rarely include a player's beliefs about the other players' beliefs about the underlying uncertainty. Using such a type structure implicitly assumes that, conditional on the first-order beliefs about some Date: First Version: October, 2002; This version: March, 2003. We thank Daron Acemoglu, Glenn Ellison, Sergei Izmalkov, Paul Milgrom, Stephen Mor- Robert Wilson and the seminar participants ris, Marchiano We are especially grateful to Siniscalchi, Drew Fudenberg, whose dominance-solvability. 1 at MIT and UPenn. inquiries led us to our result about JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 2 payoff-relevant uncertainty, knowledge. Even the 1 all literature There (in is a finite-dimensional space of payoff uncertainty) now an as large As Rubinstein is up to some finite order economic theories beliefs it is may be in can be profoundly mutually this information is misleading. 3 beliefs have large impact, the present This large impact is also disturbing hard to believe that we would ever know a player's high-order with any precision. Without such knowledge, predictions game — no matter how many orders we consider. Most importantly, when the higher-order because common knowledge from the equilibria of games in which only some and Morris (1998) and (1989) illustrates, the equilibria of a which a particular piece of information known this as- an impact on equilibrium behavior as lower-order uncertainty (see Rubinstein (1989), Kajii different makes 2 extensive literature, however, that emphasizes that in games higher-order uncertainty has Morris (2002)). Damme on global games (Carlsson and van (1993)) and on forecasting others' forecasts (Townsend (1983)) sumption common of a player's higher-order beliefs are when we cannot make the impact of higher-order uncertainty assuming that higher-order beliefs large impact implies that the is large. accurate Moreover, correspond to higher-order reasoning, such a bounds of rationality are at least as important as the basic incentives. This would necessitate a change of paradigm for analyzing these problems. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to classify which high-order uncertainty has In this paper, little we provide a broad high-order uncertainty has little games in impact. set of sufficient conditions impact. Our main under which sufficient condition is called "global stability under uncertainty." It states that the variation in each player's best response is always less than the variation in his beliefs about the others' Here we use the standard terminology: a player's first-order beliefs are his beliefs about the underlying uncertainty; his second-order beliefs are roughly his beliefs about the other players' first-order beliefs, 2 For an illustration of and so how on. a model with such an assumption can be deceptive regarding the impact of higher-order uncertainty, see Section 2.3. For example, the Coase conjecture as shown by Feinberg and Skrzypacz may fail (2002). when we introduce second-order uncertainty HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY actions (according to the stant b that less is than embedding metric defined 1. 3 later), multiplied by a con- Under certain continuity assumptions, we show that global stability under uncertainty is closely related to the standard concept of global stability of best-response correspondence (under certainty). For games with one-dimensional strategy spaces, we further provide a simple second-order condition that guarantees global stability under uncertainty. We consider finite-person metric spaces and there is games some in which the strategy spaces are compact payoff-relevant source of uncertainty that comes We work in universal type space, where from a complete, separable metric space. the players' types are their entire hierarchy of beliefs about the underlying uncertainty, allowing players to entertain that, our when the game rium is (e.g., beliefs. We show best responses are always unique, global stability implies that dominance-solvable. 4 In that case, whenever there exists an equilib- under the conditions of Vives (1990)), strategy profile. This much any coherent set of it is the unique rationalizable important because rationalizability is is considered to have stronger epistemic support than equilibrium (see Bernheim (1984), Pearce Aumann and Brandenburger (1984), will refer to (1995) and Dekel and Gul (1997)). We equilibrium throughout the paper because our results also apply to games without unique best responses, which might not be dominance-solvable. We a (Bayesian) Nash equilibrium of this game. fix Note that, since every type space can be embedded in universal type space, this corresponds to fixing an equilibrium beliefs up to stability, the all for all type spaces simultaneously. a certain order k. maximum variation his higher-order beliefs, is at we want (e.g., in Our main Let us also result states that, fix a player's assuming global in the player's equilibrium strategy, as most b k we vary times a constant. That means that, if to determine the equilibrium behavior within a certain margin of error order to check the validity of a certain theoretical prediction), need to specify orders k* is finitely many orders of beliefs, where the required we only number of a logarithmic function of the desired precision. In particular, the impact of an erroneous common knowledge assumption at orders higher See Milgrom and Roberts (1990) for a related result in supermodular games. than k* JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 4 will be less than the specified bound. This is by Wilson (1987) of "successive reductions a contribution to the goal set out in the base of common knowledge required to conduct useful analyses of practical problems." We have so far- maximum focused on the change in a player's equilibrium strategy due to any change in his higher-order beliefs. We also investigate the relationship of the change in strategy to the size of the change in beliefs. Towards this goal, firstly, we define an "embedding metric" on beliefs at each order (as well as on beliefs about the other players' actions). This metric has the crucial property of preserving the distances in lower-order beliefs are embedded in the space of higher-order beliefs as point masses, allowing us to sensibly compare variations at different orders. player's strategy varies as other beliefs fixed. his beliefs, beliefs, we vary his belief at Now we is satisfied in traditional the different orders of We by the show size of this that, is at most b k change under global and the independence assumption, the marginal impact of changes times a constant. This formalizes our notion that, under global stability, the marginal impact of higher-order beliefs decreases exponentially. In that case, precision in lower-order beliefs will important than the precision in higher-order if all his can define the marginal impact of a change in fcth-order measured by our embedding metric. in fcth-order beliefs It how much a "independent private value" beliefs as the variation in equilibrium strategies divided stability ask (To be able to do this without violating the coherency of an assumption that in beliefs as We some order k and keep we need an independence assumption about environments.) when they beliefs in approximating a problem. also follows that the players' equilibrium behavior they formed erroneous higher-order beliefs. very natural; we should emphasize that they be much more would not change much These assertions may all sound may easily fail when global stability does not hold. In particular, with linear best-responses, the marginal impact of fcth-order beliefs actually increases exponentially in k whenever global stability does not hold. It also follows from our assumptions that equilibrium behavior is continu- ous with respect to the product topology on type space that comes from the HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY 5 embedding metric; when the best responses are always unique, the equilibrium correspondence be continuous. will Although there is a sizeable literature on the impact of higher-order uncer- most studies has been tainty following Rubinstein (1989), the focus of ation of common knowledge and lower semi-continuity of equilibrium in the worst-case scenarios, such as approximating p-beliefs relax- common knowledge with common (Monderer and Samet (1989)), robustness of equilibrium against (pos- sibly substantial) payoff uncertainty with small probability (Fudenberg, Kreps, and Levine (1988) and Kajii and Morris (1997)), and strong topologies under which equilibrium is lower semi-continuous uniformly over all games (Monderer and Samet (1997) and Kajii and Morris (1998)). Most closely related to our work, Morris (2002) analyzes the impact of higher-order uncertainty within a model with linear best responses, reaching the conclusion that order beliefs can be arbitrarily large games. Our focus two ways. differs in order uncertainty within a single if we impact of higher- require a uniform Firstly, bound we measure the impact game (dropping over all of higher- the uniformity requirement). Second, while our sufficient condition implies continuity of best response, most of these papers analyze matrix on the mixed The strategies, when the best response outline of the paper relation between games with games and naturally use the supremum metric stability is is generically discontinuous. as follows. In the next section, we illustrate the and dampening impact of higher-order beliefs using we present our basic model with linear best responses. In Section 3, independence assumption and introduce the embedding metric; we introduce global stability in Section 4 and provide sufficient conditions it in Section 5. Our major results are presented in Section 6 assumption, and our main result 7. Section 8 concludes. 2. Some is and examples for with independence extended beyond this assumption in Section proofs are relegated to the Appendix. Examples with Linear Best Responses We will now show how dampening impact of higher-order uncertainty is equivalent to stability in games with linear best-response functions, such as the linear . JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 6 Cournot duopoly. This we cepts which illustrates the close relationship between these two con- a broader context in the later sections. will establish in Cournot Duopoly. Consider a Cournot duopoly where 2.1. function the inverse-demand given by is P=l-Q P where i E N= function {1,2}. The marginal cost of firm Each firm knows = (Qi, 12) i The inverse-demand and payoff is i where qo qt is the supply of firm denoted by q, so that qt - - <7i functions are own marginal its (1 cost. If 92 - its payoff (k) common knowledge. we assumed that the marginal common knowledge, then we would have the classical We case. costs complete-information could also allow incomplete information by assuming that (c\,C2) drawn from a commonly known Cj + q\ is u were Q= good and the price of a is own conditional on its cost is distribution, representing the beliefs of j about If Cj. we further assumed that and C\ C2 were independently distributed, then this would correspond to the assumption that the firms' beliefs about the other firms' cost are paper, if Cj, on all levels representing ijj its beliefs representing type A is the entire Firm of uncertainty. i's list about beliefs probability distribution i^ i's t, on = t about k ,~ l , Firm Cj. function of of type tj its type, is i an equilibrium . : about q. In general, firm U h-> q*{U) specifies firm z's [q, (l- ql - q* (tj) - c,)} has Firm supply as a q*(U) maximizes the expected payoff iff That is, equilibrium strategy maximize the expected payoff t i. i .). given the strategy q* of the other firm. E ij has also a probability distribution representing fcth-order beliefs of firm {ci,t\,tf, to allow j has a probability distribution j's beliefs strategy profile (gj,^)? where q* q* will knowledge. In this we do not make such strong informational assumptions; we want variations in on common =q { (l - q, - E t [q* (tj)] - a) , . HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY where expectation Ei as q* depends on the entire type (tj) (2-1) Of be determined by will course, we = ^ q* = ^ -^te(*i)]- - \e3 M ^= ~^- -^ 1 (2-3) 1 ^ Here [cj] n* Ql 1 - E - l depends only on depends only on and EiEjEi -a [g*] ~ —2 [ t}, Cj ] l - EjEj about the i depends on the third and Cl l ~ Ei 4 - + \e,EM}- the beliefs of the beliefs of i|, ft)] would yield further substitution of (2.1) in (2.3) l [q* we can obtain Substituting (2.2) in (2.1), _ at all levels, .) . have also (2-2) A £L its beliefs {tj,tf, This implies that tj. 8f 7 ^+ 4- - i - EiE g all N l , r about the cost of i j, E Ej t [ci\ about the cost of beliefs of j i, higher-order beliefs. In general, fcl 4+ 1 F F F T^ EjEjEj •EF ^*1 i [ qj \ k times when k odd; the last term is is EEE l J Ej[q*]/2 i rium, each firm's supply will always be in last term is at most l/2 fc . That is, if we [0, 1]; k when k is even. In equilib- hence the absolute value of the fix the beliefs up the equilibrium strategy q* up to an error of at most l/2 to fcth order, we know fc . This also implies that we can write the equilibrium strategy as a convergent series * Ql where the 1 = ~ -c, 2 _ 1 -E z [cj] 1 - EjEj 4 coefficient of the [cj] _ is l/2 - EiEjEi fc . The significance of this formula that the coefficients of expectations decrease exponentially as order expectations. [c-j] 16 8 kih term 1 we go is to higher- . JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 8 2.2. be YILDIZ General Case with Linear Best Responses. The with linear best-response functions easily generalized to the case BRi = where a t is s* (2.4) a, + bE z [sj] the underlying parameter for player the (unknown) action of player = + a, ; bEi [a,-] + b i (such as Now, the equilibrium j. 2 analysis above can EE t 3 [a,] + — (1 c*) and /2) Sj is strategies satisfy + ^E^E, E t \s*] v k times when k is odd. The absolute value of the coefficients will decrease exponentially, resulting in a convergent infinite series as above, • Note that When and only if \b\ < 1. this corresponds precisely to the stability of the equilibrium of the complete information • if the equilibrium is game under the best-response correspondence. unstable, the impact of higher-order beliefs in equilibrium is actually higher than that of lower-order one must know the higher-order beliefs to beliefs, an impossibly high and level of precision in order to predict behavior. • Our derivation in this section relies only on the formation of higher-order expectations — not on the particular type space used. Hence applies it to any type structure. • We are only able to use the substitution trick here to derive a simple formula because of the linearity of the best-response function. In the general case a player's best response depends on the details of the entire distribution (as noted by Morris (2002)) and there is no direct relation- ship between a player's best responses under certainty and uncertainty, rendering such elementary analysis impossible and requiring the more sophisticated tools of the following sections. Note also that Morris and Shin (2003) and Morris (2002) obtain examples with linear best responses similar to ours in on different issues; this section. specific They focus Morris and Shin (2003) focus on the role of public information while Morris (2002) focus on the large impact of higher-order expectations in the worst-case scenario (when the slope of the best response approaches 1) HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY A 2.3. each player and (0, 1) E [a + bsj\xi] — BRi = The above Check We have ex ante a ~ AT (0,1), and = a + £; where e ~ N (0, (1 — v) /v) Structure. gets a private signal x, i some v G for Type Traditional is all + 6 is common t £2 are all independent. [sj|xi] for some b > 0, For each where di assume i, = E [a|x,] = vx;. knowledge. ^ whenever bv that, and a, e\, a, 9 we have a Bayesian Nash equilibrium 1, s* with VXi (2.5) l-6u 1 When < bv When 6u > 1, negative and hence s* is decreasing in x l equilibrium seems intuitive. 1, tuitively the coefficient of x^ is however, counterin- Now, . write s* as a series of higher order expectation as in (2.4). Since the fcth-order expectation of a s* is = EiEjEi vx + t . . 2 bv x z . Ej [a] = + &Vx ; v k Xi, we have h b -f k EiEjEi E { \s*} . V fc Firstly, notice that when bv > 1, times higher-order terms increase exponentially, yielding a divergent series. This explosively large impact of higher-order uncertainty, ond, however, does not appear when formula in bv < 1 < 6, in the directly computed formula in we have a convergent (2.5), despite (2.5). Sec- series yielding seemingly intuitive the fact that marginal contributions of higher-order ex- pectations increase exponentially. This is only because our single-dimensional type space forced the variations in higher-order expectations to decrease exponentially, 5 compensating the increases in marginal contributions. approximated real-life situation, doubts about this model. But in the the players will probably have higher-order In that case, their higher-order expectations may vary significantly, leading to dramatically different behavior (under the equilibrium of more accurate model). In that case, the model's predictions about the behavior will be misleading, and considerations about higher-order beliefs within the model will yield a false sense of robustness. J This is a general phenomenon (see Samet (1998).) >• jonathan weinstein and muhamet yildiz 10 Model with independence 3. We ing uncertainty Polish space on i game among consider a A. set : x S (In the K . . . , Xi—\, Si, where Xi-\-i, which which at . . . , Xn ) xz Xn X\,..., list j\—i, anu = G TV and open least contains all d_i (s_ n We now define the players' ter a. We confine ourself to independent from (i) Ms own v-^li • Each = player Ylj^i %}, x -i Ei—li ^ij 2-i+l j £ N, we define /_, Yj, j when we - : • i %n) X-i we — for fixed <r-algebra use product spaces, = on will write di for the metric on Si for each 5_ by t s'_.) = maxdj {sj,s') . 3 other orders. We do this because we want vary a player's /cth-order beliefs without worrying about the measure the impact of (ii) its this change on equilib- impact through the changes (The independence assumption will in the be dropped result.) define the beliefs (or type) of a player A =A fc .) a metric is the belief structures where a player's beliefs are His fcth-order beliefs (about i^T e X-i i i inductively. His first order beliefs (about a) are represented by a probability distribution t\ [0, 1] compact d) is a hierarchy of beliefs about the underlying parame- player's beliefs at other orders. We € X, suppressing the rium strategies without worrying about main of sets, write Xj —> : We beliefs at coherency of his beliefs and in our source of underly- where (A, (01,02) \Xi, X—i) sets; define the metric eLj on to be able to A The Given any metric space (X,d), write A(X) (fj {xj))-, v always use the product cr-algebra. i n}. , . S = Hi #• the space of probability distributions on X . a compact metric space, and utility function is Likewise, for any family of functions fj Y-i by /_j (x-i) = Cournot example above a Notation. Given any \X\, . a complete and separable metric space), where d (i.e., -»• N = {1, 2, a payoff-relevant parameter a € is has action space m A players (AJJlJ) 1 ) . = e Ai = A (A) on A. are represented by a probability distribution on A£I*. The type of a player t t\ Ul t 2 3 f \ % is the list . . HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY We write T T = Yli^i f° r of all these probability distributions. types t. of player ti We i. also write 11 for the set of all possible t the se ^ OI an type profiles " His beliefs are represented by the product measure beliefs (t},tf,tf, . .) at each order; that x if G £_,-) rifclo-^fc} * by changing t\ to t\ in of his • x T_;, the s FlfcLi ^f POfc-i)- We we have used the independence assumption.) for the belief structure obtained x if C ^ given any rifclo^fc is, probability that he assigns to the event {(a, (Here, of course, x ij write t\tf t\vL i and ti\tf are i; defined similarly. Example 1. (^Independent private value environment ) Take any incomplete- information game with payoffs Ui for each (s; #,) where each i pendently distributed with some probability distribution by player i, and this is framework, by taking and £ : 6-i i— > common A=U H,^^., and = 5e t] i; r knowledge. taking t\ strategy of a player i is it = s, (i,) Bayesian Nash equilibrium = s* maximizes the expected value i* due to Vives (1990) i\ embedded in our be = Uj^Pj where P^i k > where 5 X de- 2, on {x}. 1 S{ (ti) i that determines which action result, = if = P_jo£ = o^-i /or eac/i inde- and privately known game can if is a measurable mapping ti the probability distribution x _1 notes the measure that puts probability A This P G Oj 9i x Oj, he would choose given (s\, s^ E G s*), , 1 x if (see also x - • We fix type U. which must be such that \ui (a,Si,s*_ l (i-i)) if his at each |ij] i, of Ui (a, and for s* (ti) sl f ) under Si, each i. The next Milgrom and Roberts (1990)), presents conditions under which there exists an equilibrium. (This result is proven by the devise of considering the "agent-normal form game" in which each type taken as a omitted. new The player.) The S and is conditions that are already true in our model are stated conditions in this result will not be assumed in our paper. Existence Theorem (Vives (1990)). For each compact a lattice subset of a Euclidean space, and Ui upper semi- continuous on S z . i is G N, assume that S, is a bounded, supermodular on Then, there exists an equilibrium s* . JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 12 Embedding metric. Throughout the paper, we tances between probability distributions. we metric, which Given any fi, (3.1) /J G A MiA will call A (X), = ,/ write first A (X X) Imarg^ = x the marginal distribution on the is embedding metric don A (X) (3.2) d(/j,,n')= where Ev member sense: of if \i z'th //, marg2 */ = X x X. copy of X. and inf Ev [d(x 1 ,x 2 )} point masses at x and // are /i and Now we where [/,', define our by setting easy to verify that this It is //} with marginals , the expectation operator with respect to v and is dis- therefore introduce the following for the set of all joint probability distributions margi need a measure of the embedding metric. Let (X, d) be any metric space. we {u G We will is (x\, x2 ) is a generic an extension in the following x', respectively, then d(u, = An fjf) d(x,x') -- thus the notational convenience of using d for both metrics. equivalent definition given by is d(^//)= (3.3) inf E[d{YX)) Y~ii,Y'~ij. where distributions and E is \i and and Y' of X-valued random variables with fjf, respectively, and coming from the same probability space, all pairs the expectation operator on this space. The embedding tinuity; the proof distribution of Lemma Y taken over inf is 1. metric has the following property of preserving Lipschitz conis in the Appendix. Notice in the / (Y) for a random variable Y~ lemma that o /i f~ l is the [i. Let (X,dx) and (Z,dz) be two metric spaces, and f : X — Z » be such that dz (f(x),f(x'))<Xdx (x,x') (Vx,x') for some X. Let also dx and dz be the embedding metrics on respectively. A (X) Then, dz (/i o f-\u' o /- 1 ) < \dx (ji, /i') (V/i, a') and A (Z), higher-order uncertainty 4. 13 and Higher-order Uncertainty Stability, Rationalizability, We are now ready to present our sufficient condition for the dampening impact of higher order uncertainty: function. The is usually defined by the condition less than the variation in the other global stability of equilibrium that the variation in the best response players' strategies under the best-response stability of equilibrium under certainty. 6 is We will response function under uncertainty, which first is extend this notion to the best not directly related to the best response function under certainty. Best Responses. Given any player A x S-i, we write BRj i and any probability distribution for the best (tt) response of player when i on it his beliefs about the underlying uncertainty a and the other players' actions s_ are rep2 resented by Notice that tt. we are taking the best response to be a function rather than a correspondence. Under certain conditions egy spaces are convex and utilities are strictly when the (e.g., quasi-concave in own strat- strategy), the best-response correspondence will indeed be singleton. In general, however, there may be multiple best responses. In those cases we assume that the will equilibrium uses a single consistent selection from the best-response correspondence. In the former case, the global stability defined below will be a property of the game, while in the latter case, we the independence assumption, and /.i When G A(S'_ it Z ). In that case, it will we will be a property of equilibrium. Under have tt will write does not lead to any confusion, we BRi when — t\ BR^ will (e.g., BRt denoting the best response of player (a, s_,; t l ) 1 a and s_j are random ({i) The iff there exists b G we could (t},/J,) is fixed) t\ instead of i or write when [0, 1) We G A (A) BR4 {-k). it in the type his form of is £;, where say that global stability under un- such that, given any usual definition appears to be different. For instance, in need that the product of some for variables. Global Stability under uncertainty. certainty holds t\ /i sometimes suppress some of the arguments write x maximum rescale our metrics variations is less than 1. Of on each strategy space so that our i G N, t\ G A (^4), two player games we only course, under this condition, definition is also satisfied. , JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 14 and any // /z, G A (SLj), d (BRi % where gLj The is , BR r the embedding metric on (//)) < BRi with A (S-i)) 6d_i (m, A*') A (5_j). required condition for global stability schitz continuity (of each on (ji) is the standard condition for Lip- respect to the embedding metric defined with the additional requirement that the constant which can be b, thought of as an upper bound on the absolute value of the slope, be Of 1. course, this satisfying the Our first is the same as saying that for each above condition, since we can take b entire type space to Proposition game, a strategy of a player . . . our game i is a is 6, G than [0, 1) b n }. , is dominance- a function from his 5,-. Assume 1. there = max {6j, result states that global stability implies that solvable. Notice that in our i less that each player has single-valued best response corre- spondence, and assume global stability under uncertainty. Then, there exists at most one rationalizable strategy s* , it is We profile. If in addition there exists an equilibrium the unique rationalizable strategy profile. prove this proposition in the appendix for the general model developed in Section 7. Our proof essentially shows that the diameter of the space of surviving strategies, measured as the tions to any given type of maximum distance among any player, decreases by a factor of b at available ac- each round. Therefore, in the limit there can be at most one strategy profile. If there equilibrium isfied), it (e.g., will when the is an conditions in the existence theorem above are sat- never be eliminated and hence will be the unique rationalizable strategy profile. The requirement that there is always a unique best response is not superfluous. For example, for the second-price auction with private values, there are multiple equilibria, and hence multiple rationalizable strategies, but the dominant-strategy equilibrium is globally stable and satisfies all of our other results. By a well-known will result of Milgrom and Roberts (1990), a supermodular game be dominance-solvable whenever there is a unique Nash equilibrium. When . . HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY 15 we can there are two players, this requires a single-crossing property, which guarantee only by a global stability condition on best responses under certainty result extends this result beyond supermodular games, by imposing our global on the best responses under uncertainty. stability condition directly Global stability sufficient to is guarantee that the impact of higher-order beliefs on equilibrium result. Consider a change in a player so that is This diminishing. according to some mapping The next <f>. maximum — 1st order beliefs, (s* Assume 2. Then, given any k t, > 1 (u\t* o 0- ) and Proof. Let /j, spectively. Clearly, same — from to if 1st order beliefs = tfo0 _1 , have changed result states that, in that case, the can be at most i t* times the expected b change in the other players' equilibrium strategies due to the change Proposition dz formally expressed in the next fcth-order beliefs i's change in equilibrium strategy of player in their k is believes that the other players' k i Our each type of each player.) (in the region of all possible intersections for fjf , global stability i and any measurable function < bE s * (u)) and beliefs of o s*_ z [cL, are i. under uncertainty for some ( 5 *_ 2 be the distributions of s*_ l state space T_j 1, under the original (u\<P s*_ i 1 (t*! )) under two random , s% and tt fi', (t_0) \u] ti\t% o <j)~ respectively, 1 = dipRifafiiBRi^yl)) < < inf bi E[d- i {s- i ,s'_ i )] bE[d-i{sU,sU°<t>)\ti\ = bE [<L« ( s v (t_A0 (^T 1 )) , under Therefore, ^(tAt^- ),^)) ; re- coming from the variables and have the distributions n and [0, 1). A£~* —» A£~-J : (f> € b , sU (u)) \u] t{. .. jonathan weinstein and muhamet yildiz 16 Sufficient conditions for stability 5. we In this section present two sets of sufficient conditions for global stability under uncertainty. Both under certainty. We under uncertainty class is first is closely related to global stability la. Best-response function of player BR (5.1) A x S-i — X > is i and dx (g t i.e., s_ {a, ) 2 the vector of and <& l t Q i This takes the form of xu 6 A (A x 5_,); fi'.X-^Si and , g r (a, s'_,)) in (5.1) all < such that P> i /^cL* (s_ 2 satisfied is , di (/,- , some /; (x')) u, is analytical (The Taylor expansion E [gi\ moments.) The more substantial part of this assumption are Lipschitz continuous. Under < s'_j) whenever interior solution. (x) would imply such a functional form, where for the first order condition fi certainty. (a, S - i )]) there exist a, and and the optimization problem has an that under are two Lipschitz continuous functions defined through Note that the functional form is (E[gi taken with respect to Banach space (X, dx)\ OLidx {x, x') =f 1 (t i ,fJ,) i where expectation : present a general class of games where global stability characterized by Assumption la. Assumption <7, sets of conditions are closely related to global stability certainty, Assumption la is yields a best response function BRj Our (a, s-i) = fi [g t (a, s_ ? )) = hi (a, s-i) equilibrium would be stable under the best response correspondence di [hi (a, S-i) , latter condition Assumption Proposition < hd-i hi (a, si,)) is slightly at each a for some &,- < 1. The weaker than the following assumption. lb. For each 3. (s_i,s'_j) if i G N, we have 6j Assumptions la and lb imply = a,/^ < 1. global stability under uncertainty. Proof. In the Appendix. That is, under Assumption the existence of / or g is cti's and /3/s la, global stability under uncertainty is implied by that satisfy Assumption lb. Moreover, whenever the identity, global stability under certainty and uncertainty will be HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY equivalent. Hence, there Assumption 1 17 a close link between these two concepts. Although is might not be easy to check in general, our next example presents a general class of games where these conditions can be easily checked. Example 2. For each G N,_ take i Ui (a, where gi : Ax S-i — R for each j j3 i = s-i) R G j3 t > differentiable functions with $[ gi is (s^ gx fa (a, i,i£l for some s_ 2 ) -d (sj) and , z and for some i [x, x] a continuously differentiate function with \dg /dsj\ is * ^ Si, = Si 0, and 7 < <f>[ Lipschitz continuous with parameter 0, and <p { d > i are twice continuously Cj and 0, < d[ > Note that 0. with respect to the changes in s_j. f3 { Check that BR i where f t lution x <d i i (x), x if z to the first order condition d (x) (z) is x (tlix)=f (E[g if z function theorem, fi (x) /<fr' > (a,s^)]) c(x) /</>' /<f/ (x), = (x) where 7^ = min^^] {^ x 1$ x )) > whenever b = max l6 jv Pi/li < 1{ ) the unique so- By the inverse- parameter aj Therefore, global stability 0. i it is z otherwise. also Lipschitz continuous with is and = l/j { is satisfied Focusing on games where the agents' strategy spaces are one-dimensional, our next result presents a simple sufficient condition for global for dampening impact stability, and hence of higher order uncertainty, in terms of second derivatives of the utility functions. Proposition 4. ferentiable, Ui (a, C R, Ui (a, S-i) is strictly concave, 2 2 For each -, i, assume Si d Ui/ds is •) is twice- continuously dif- bounded away from zero, and 5.2 6 ; <^ =max> a j-£ max s \d 2 u x (a, s) u z /dsidsj\ / ' mm . s \d 2 (a, s) < Then, we have global stability under uncertainty whenever the interior of Si for all Proof. In the Appendix. t\ x /j,, or (ii) 1. /dsf\ Si is convex. (i) BF^ {t\,n) is in — , JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 18 Example 3. and arbitrary parameter Consider Cournot duopoly with linear inverse- demand function cost function a.) Check that with Ci c'/ > (where both = 2 \d Ui/dSidsj\ \P'\ and \d P 2 and Ui/ds may depend on ct = 2 \ P 2\P'\ + c" , so that = max —— \P'\ bi 2\P'\ 1 + d! < - -2' yielding global stability. 6. Equilibrium Impact with Independence In this section, using the embedding metric defined above, we will put a natural metric on the type space, which will allow us to compare variations in different orders of the type space. We will show that, under the previously stated conditions, variations in higher-order beliefs have a lower impact on equilibrium behavior than comparable variations in lower-order 6.1. Embedding metric on We now beliefs. beliefs. apply the embedding-metric construction inductively to define our embedding metric on beliefs of each player at each order. First, for k = 1, we extend d d{t},t$)= inf a~t\ at each t},t] G Ai and to A" -1 by to A (A) At = by setting E[d(a,a')] ,a' ~t\ setting d^P^m&xd^J.}) at each l t _ il i\ i £ A" -1 . For any k d{tlt^)= where Y and Y' take values in > 1, we extend d inf to A*, A£lJ (whose generic member d(t k_ u ik_ i )=m^xd(t';,t^ G A" -1 . setting E[d(Y,Y')l, by setting at each i'L^i'Li by is t^' 1 ), and to A fc HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY 6.2. Dampening impact stability, we will now find 19 of higher-order uncertainty. Assuming global an upper bound egy caused by a change in any fcth-order changes (according to d) at beliefs. When we bound orders k, this all the change in equilibrium strat- for will consider comparable be decreasing exponen- tially in k. Proposition uniformly on d (6.1) for some b. t 5. Assume that, for each i N E BR4 , Lipschitz continuous is (•, /i) i.e., \i, {BPH $;ti),BRi aGl. Assume (£;/x)) < ad, under uncertainty for parameter also global stability Then, in the model with independence, for any d (6.2) i { S *(ti ),s*{ti The conclusion can be some order k while \%))<abk -1 strategy due to this change in the beliefs at is k U, k, and any i , i, k k d(t ,i ). Change the spelled out as follows: the other beliefs are fixed. all (V/z.^tl) $,£) beliefs of The change a player at in the equilibrium most an exponentially decreasing function of k times the change in the beliefs according to our embedding metric. bound In other words, the of the rate of change in equilibrium strategy as a function of fcth-order belief = Proof. Firstly, for k some k — 1, i.e., (6.3) For any fixed t is (6.2) is just (6.1). k~ x for all j E TV, i, and t 1, J d3 (s* and i (t,-) E N, E A£~j. Fix U d (f Then, by k. Now assume that (6.2) holds at , s* , let / at each t_~ exponentially decreasing in (it- Lemma 1 ) J (t^ 1, for d(t (WH) us define / (£ri) = 1 )) /,, ~2 A£lJ : = BR_ 7 d (i — (Atii > r\t k -i) k . S-i by setting 1 ) so that our induction hypothesis (6.3) < ab k any ik_1 k < «b k ~2 k k d{i -\i -') k k (yi _- \t _-^ , of-\t k of-i)<ab k ^d(t k ,t k ). t . becomes JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 20 Notice that k t o f~ x and t k o / _1 are the distributions of s*_i under U and U\ik . Therefore, by global stability, di {s;(t i ),s*(tA^))<bd^or\^or')<abb In case we only know a player's beliefs up k- 2 d{tt^)<abk -1 d{ttit) to kih order and have no knowledge of his beliefs at higher orders, the following result tells us the accuracy with which we can predict his equilibrium behavior. This is important because, as argued in the Introduction, modelers would prefer not to have to specify the This result might be thought to be a corollary to players' higher-order beliefs. Proposition k 1st 4- will and can be obtained simply by adding the 5; it all higher orders. The form of this proposition and only assumes global the strategy space. 7 9, changes at summation, however, validity of this infinite be established only when we prove Proposition effects of which stability is a more general and boundedness of Notice also that our present result does not refer to any topology on the type space —although we used our embedding metric to reach this result. Proposition Da = max aja k > 1. 6. / e/i Under d and the assumptions (a, a'). Let tt , U be the notation of Proposition 5, such that t\ = ^ for all I < let k for some Then, in the model with independence. ^( S *(t 2 ),s*(tO) <b k aD A /(l-b). In certain cases, a modeler might want to predict the equilibrium behavior within a certain margin of error. For example, checking the validity of certain qualitative predictions of his theories may only require the knowledge of equi- librium strategies within a certain margin of error. Proposition 6 This infinite summation would give us a proof only for / any sequence {i^]}^ of types such that orders, limj^oo d corollary. s (t [I] ,t) t[l] =0. Proposition 9 is if we had identical to tells us how continuity at infinity, some fixed type t at the i.e., first implies the latter statement as an immediate HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY many orders of uncertainty he needs to specify. and any t G T, if we know , fRA (6-4) k t It 21 implies that, given any > e up to the order — \og(e)-\og(aD A /(l-b)) > 777 , log (6) maximum then we can compute the equilibrium strategies up to a Notice that the expression on the right-hand side e. decreasing in 6.3. is error of and increasing in b e. Continuity in product topology. Many authors emphasized that librium strategy is equi- not continuous with respect to the product topology on type space and introduced stronger topologies, such as the topology of uniform convergence, in order to make the equilibrium strategies continuous (see Monderer and Samet (1996) and Kajii and Morris dence fails to be lower semi-continuous.) vergence over e-mail all These authors require uniform con- games, in essence focusing on the worst-case games, such as game which has high dependence on consider the (The equilibrium correspon- (1998)). games with higher order beliefs. Moreover, they discrete strategy-spaces, where the best-response respondence cannot usually have any continuous selection, which global stability. Here of this sult game we fix is cor- needed for a game, and ask whether the equilibrium strategies are continuous with respect to a product topology. Our next re- answers this question in the affirmative for games satisfying global stability under uncertainty and embedding metric on Note that for the beliefs. this topology embedding metric. That to this topology iff, for [t m product topology on type space generated by the the topology of pointwise convergence under the is is, equilibrium strategy s* any sequence -£ where convergence of beliefs Vfc {t z>m } e N] =» meN [a* fc, is continuous with respect of types, m ) -a ; (*)] at each order is according to the Also, because the space of beliefs is , embedding metric. compact under the embedding metric, this JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 22 topology metrized by the metric <4 (called a Frechet metric) defined by is oo db any number in (tJ where b is bility, the equilibrium strategy metric, and hence Proposition the it is )=Y 1 (0, 1). is J fc=i i is k- Our next l , d{ttil), result states that, sta- continuous in the product topology. Under the assumptions and 7. under global Lipschitz continuous with respect to a Frechet model with independence, for each player b i G the notation of Proposition 5, in N , the equilibrium strategy s* Lipschitz continuous with respect to d^. In that case, s* of continuous is with respect to the product topology on type space generated by the embedding metric on any two types Proof. Fix U,k each order. beliefs at and U of player tr i. For each k G N, define the type by setting i k -7 i I. We otherwise t) I at each order if/<fc, t\ — J have oo oo d t (s* (t,),s* < (U)) ]T> (s* (t i!k ),s* (t iifc _!)) =Y,di fc=i (*J (U,k),s* (t iik \ii)) fc=i oo fc=l where q equality, note that we can change U Hence, by Proposition a\ (s* e. (U) Since tion; the , To as defined in Proposition 5, proving the result. is s* (t,)) e is < 6, for J2[ =1 d x each (5* (t e a ) i, > 0, s* (ti, fc , 1. Let S* be the set of sistent selection 5, t* to t\ -i))+e and the < Er=i The next / such that dt (s* (t hk ) equality last equality is Bayesian Nash Equilibria by first in- one at a time. there exists an integer arbitrary, this yields the inequality. next inequality Proposition Corollary by changing to see the is , s* (t ilfc _i))+ by defini- definition. s* that use a con- from best-response correspondence, and define E* by setting HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY E* (t) sition = {s* E* 5, G 5*} (t) \s* is at each t G T. Then, under 23 the assumptions of Propo- lower semi- continuous with respect to the product topology on type space generated by the embedding metric on beliefs at each order. Proof. Take any t, any s* (t) By in the topology above. equilibrium s* at G E* (t), and sequence definition s* (t) Then, by Proposition t. is (n) that converges to t Nash the value of a Bayesian 7, s* (t (n)) G E* t (n)) converges to (t s* (i). 7. Without independence We will now define the universal type space without imposing independence. We will show that our main result, namely Proposition 6, generalizes to this structure. General model (without independence). The independence assumption was built into our previous model to allow for simpler notation and a clearer consideration of the effects of changing beliefs at a single order. In order to allow for the general case, we will need to consider the usual (and more complicated) construction of the universal type space by Brandenburger and Dekel (1993), a variant of an earlier construction by Mertens and Zamir (1985). of /cth-order beliefs in our two models are not parallel, as in the /cth-order belief will contain information about define our types using the auxiliary sequence by Xq =A and Xk = [A n (X)~-i)} x X all {Xk} of A is the We will sets defined inductively > with the weak topology and the cr-algebra generated by a standard separable Borel space as new model lower orders as well. for each k k -i The meanings 0. We endow each Xk this topology, yielding a Polish space. A player z's first or- der beliefs are represented by a probability distribution r\ on Xo, second order beliefs (about all players' first order beliefs and the underlying uncertainty) are represented by a probability distribution r? on X\, etc. Therefore, a type r of z a player i is a member of I7fcli ^ P^fc-i)- Since a player's Mh-order beliefs now contain information about his lower order beliefs, we need the usual coherence requirements. We common knowledge write T for the subset of (Ofc^=i A PGt-i))" that the players' beliefs are coherent, i.e., i n which the players it is know JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 24 their own beliefs and their marginals from the variables t, f G 3 is T different orders agree. The as generic type profiles. rest of the We model will use in Section unchanged. Dropping the independence assumption causes two complications. First, since a player's higher-order beliefs contain information about his lower-order we can no I > beliefs, longer vary a player's belief at order k and keep his beliefs at order k constant —as in Proposition 5 ments. Instead, we allow in Proposition 6). all — without violating the coherency require- the beliefs at orders higher than k to vary (as all now (possibly) we need to extend Second, since the other players' actions are perceived to be correlated with the underlying uncertainty, our definition of global stability to allow such correlation. To do any metric on A this, let d-i be x S^ such that t d-i ((a,s-i), (a,s'_,)) (7.1) = d_ (s-^s'^) ?: A and s_,, s'_ G 5-,;, so that the metric cL; on <SL, is preserved when S-i is embedded in A x 5L,-. Extend also d-i to A (A x S-i) using the embedding metric as before. We are able to leave the metric d-i only partially specified for each a G r since global stability is related only to responsiveness of the best response with Thus we respect to the changes in the other players' strategies. prove that as long as the inequality below satified for is some will be able to d-i our results will hold. Global Stability under uncertainty in general model. stability under uncertainty holds ding metric d-i on and any n, tt' G A (A (BR (tt) , some there exist x S-i) satifying x S-i) with d, (7.2) The next A (A iff (7.1) b G [0, (tt')) < say that global and some embed- and such that, given any marg^ = marg^', we BRt 1) We bd. t (tt, tt') i . can also check that Example 2 of Section 5 remains valid under the new we will whenever max, \P'\ have global stability under the < 2 min„ \P'\. new N have proposition extends Propositions 3 and 4 to the present set up. tion, while G definition in One defini- Example 3 , HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY Proposition 8. certainty, For each (b) 25 Assumptions la and lb imply global (a) assume S i, t C K, U{ entiable, Ui(a, -,s_j) is strictly concave, (a, •) d 2 Ui/ds 2 under un- stability is twice- continuously differis bounded away from zero, and _ v-^ 7 3) ( bi - 27ien we 7 = 2-J 2_J max S)a \d 2 Ui (a, s) /dsidsj\ L 31 i3 2 min^ld ^ (a,s)/ds 2 < /iaue global stability interior of Si for all or tt, (ii) 3lw3r \ under uncertainty whenever (i) BRi (tt) in the is Si is convex. Proof. In the Appendix. We are now ready main to prove our which extends Proposition 6 to result, our general model. Proposition D$ = maxi e jy swpvw e &, Ay s ^ di (BRi (tt) BRi (tt')) G M. such that r\ = f\ for all < k for some k > 0. Assume 9. Let Let also r,f € global stability T , be . , I under uncertainty for parameter b. Then, in the general model, ditfWtsKftf^tfDs. (7-4) Notice that our result assumes only global stability and boundedness of the strategy space. Under these two assumptions we reach the conclusion know the beliefs up to a certain order k, a bound of error that maximum impact all as a bound on the k, any topology on the type space. chosen variations in equilibrium outcomes. If there are other known then we can replace Ds prove our proposition. 2. Let (X, We start with the following technical lemma. Ex), (Y,Ey) ; (Z,T, Z ) be separable standard Borel spaces, X xY x Z with the a-algebras generated by the corresponding product topologies. Let probability measures x Y and X restrictions) with these bounds. In the remainder of the section we and endow XxY,YxZ,XxZ, and X Ds Our is Finally, bounds on the equilibrium outcomes (perhaps due to some support Lemma we bounding the the higher-order beliefs can have on equilibrium. result does not refer to if we can know the equilibrium play within an exponentially decreasing function of is that, x Z, respectively, be such that marg x P = marg x P'. P and P' on Then, there , JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 26 exists a probability marg XxZ P = measure P on X x Y x Z such that marg XxY P = P and P'. Proof. In the Appendix. Proof of Proposition 9. Define = A x T to be the universal state space. This n Q = A x (Jlfcli A (Xk-i)) in which coherency Q, is the subset of the larger space is common knowledge. By Brandenburger and for every i E N, there exists Dekel (1993), and yielding a standard separable Borel space, and YILDIZ for every t Q, is = a Polish space, (ti, a probability distribution kt . G . . . A , rn ) G T (Q) such that maigXki KTi =T^ (7.5) and k Ti (fi) = 1. (Vfc), Let : (a,r) h^ (a, s!_, (t_,)) , and write tt Ti for k Tj o /T 1 6 A (.4 x 5_ t ) the joint distribution of the underlying uncertainty and the other players' actions induced by We k = > 0, will r,. Notice that s* use induction on and assume that the hypothesis. We fc. For result is = BRi (7r r J. (t$) = A; 0, this true for k true by definition. is — Fix any Take any r and r as in the 1. have 4(s:(Ti)>Sifo)) = diiBRii-K^^RiiTVr,)) < 6d_ -(7r Tt.,7r^) t = (7.6) 6 inf ^t^TTx 'T=.T Ev [d_ { ((a, s_0 A ^- , (a', aL,))] - I where the inequality The is rest of the proof is due to global ] stability and 7Tt devoted to constructing ai/6 A 1Tt the induction hypothesis, (7.7) Ev [(!_, ((o,s_0 , (a'.s^).)] < 1 ft*" /^- is )7r . defined by (3.1). such that, under . HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY Combining We will (7.6) and we obtain (7.7), decompose ClasCl (7.4). AxLxH where = k— 1 oo L = 11 (A (AVj)) (7.8) 71 H = \{ (A {X . and l 1=1 that L is a singleton and set, (7.5), we have beliefs. =A Xk-i raargx,^^ = = r\ H n Ti and n^ on i = maigXki K fi t\ there exists 2, A the marginals of a on the cross product of of we use the convention 1, in the following such that Cl , by our hypothesis. Since we have separable stan- is Lemma dard Borel spaces, by = x L. probability distributions where the second equality For k G L can simply be ignored I analysis for that case. Note that By n l )) l=k and higher-order are the spaces of lower 27 fc A (Xk-i a G _ x with the Hx x first H) such that and second copies are = marg 12 o" marg 13 (j and n Ti = Kf t , respectively. = Now, consider u 7 (7.9) a : o (a, 7 I, -1 A G h u h2 ) [(A x S-i) .-> (/3 (a, Notice that the marginal of u on the margjZ/ = margj (a o 7 and similarly marg2f = We now prove (7.7). /. By (7.9), 'K-i . a', ) But by (7.9), s_, and f = (l,h 2 ), = s!_, (f _,) , /? (a, /, /i 2 )) copy of first (marg 12 a) o = 7 (A fc -i x and hence by d-i {(a, s_ ? ) (7.10) = M A = (3~ l and , (a', si,-)) s'_j = H is z k Ti o [3~ 1 j7T - x H) and take any = 7r Ti , . ((a, s_,-) , (a', s'_ 2 )) (7.1), = rf_, (*_-, s'_,) . sl f (t_j) for some type profiles f which agree up to the order k — induction hypothesis, (7.11) x S- Therefore, by definition, v G A„. T Write I we have a = _1 /, where ) d^^s'^Kb^Ds. 1 by (7.8). = (I, hi) Then, by the G JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 28 Combining (7.10) and (7.11), d_ (7.12) Since suppi/ C t we obtain ((a, s_ ) 2 , (a', s'_ 2 )) < b^Ds. / (by construction), (7.12) implies (7.7). Conclusion 8. Present economic theories are mostly based on equilibrium analysis of models on only a few low orders of uncertainty, all higher-order We know, how- some games higher-order uncertainty has a profoundly large impact in which, conditional unwarrantedly assumed to be beliefs are ever, that in in equilibrium. In this stability paper we presented a knowledge. sufficient condition, is low. Using the universal type space, in any coherent set of beliefs, specify the players' beliefs up we have shown under to some order we k, which players can enter- this will assumption that know behavior within a bound that decreases exponentially in k That k (e) orders of beliefs, where k Proposition (e) is a logarithmic function of by specifying e. Under a independence assumption we also formalize our notion that, under marginal impact of higher-order uncertainty order Propositions 2 and (cf. 9). 8 5). That is, is when may grow further (exponentially) decreasing in the the problem must be approximated stability does not hold, as the exponentially. In the latter case, first stability, the using lower-order uncertainty rather than higher-order uncertainty; this reversed we their equilibrium (cf. of error, then the researcher can validate his theory e if a theoretical prediction requires knowledge of the strategies within a is, if margin namely global under uncertainty, which guarantees that the impact of higher-order uncertainty tain common may be impact of higher-order uncertainty we believe that accurate prediction using traditional analysis will be impossible. When the best responses are always unique, game, and hence our analysis would not change we have a dominance-solvable if we considered refinements of equilibrium or non-equilibrium concepts, such as rationalizability. Nevertheless, in general, our use of normal-form representation and the solution concept of °It also follows from these assumptions that the equilibrium strategy player's type with respect to a product topology (cf. Proposition 7). is continuous in HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY 29 Nash equilibrium does impose an important (unrestricted) Bayesian which requires further research. Many limitation on extensive-form rep- theories are based resentations and use refinements, such as sequential rationality (Selten (1974), Kreps and Wilson (1982)). Their predictions are often driven by these ments when equilibrium It is itself refine- does not have any predictive power in their games. then crucial to extend our analysis to such a framework, using extensive- form constructions, such as Battigalli and Siniscalchi (1999). Appendix A. Omitted Proofs A.l. Proof of dx definition of Lemma (li, Li'), there exists u € A^' dx )] Define / J" 1 : X2 — Z 2 * by / (£1,2:2) = (/ ( A (A'), G // fj,, Ev [d x (x 1 ,x 2 < (A.l) i/o Take any 1. and any fix > e By 0. such that (fjt, fjf) + e. Then, by x i) / ( x 2))> definition, 6 A^ of -iy of -i. Hence, dz {^of- Jor l < Euof - l ) i [d z (z 1 ,z 2 )} = Ev [dz (f(x 1 ),f(x 2 ))} < Eu [Xd x {xi, < Xdx since e is A. 2. + is by change last inequality is plies that our elimination by game is 1. dominance We will now show is the case whenever vex.) For each i, let U{ is M, C by by the hypothesis, solvable. Beforehand, i, we formally define our in the proof. his best response correspon- by the best response function BRt. (Recall that continuous and strictly quasi-concave, and Si 5, the (3.2); that global stability im- method and develop some notation needed single- valued, given is is (A.l).] Rationalizability. Assume that, for each player is (xi,x 2 )] Ae; of variables, the next inequality Proof of Proposition dence = \E„ [d x arbitrary, the result follows. [Here, the first inequality next equality and the {Li,Lt) x 2 )] ' be the set of all measurable functions s; : is this con- %— > Si, JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 30 the set of i.e., all allowable strategies for player iteratively as follows. Set be the = Sf Sj\ For each k set of all possible beliefs of player that are not eliminated in the beliefs of i A on x S-i by his type and all set S* best responses of = Yl T €T &i Proof of Proposition ( The r 0- Dk = We will actions and = s^ (t^) d E*" 1 . G S\ = and metric d_,, and take any = BR (7r r S; (t^) A (M_j) G belief c_i ., and _.) !<T G {.B.Ri (tiy^,,) |<t_, about 1 E*:" } for E^ k, s' t each and any (t ? ) is i . i in the limit The second part simply hence k, assume global 0, , there cannot be any two distinct first part. for 1 k, define (s l (T i ),s'l (T l )) showing the ., induced for the i Tj against all his beliefs in 0; therefore, Towards showing that lim^oo D^ definition, l . . D M_;) set of all rationalizable strategies for follows from the observation that s\ b 7r Tii<7 _ available to any type t x of any player of the process of elimination, meter = (tj) sup show that lim^oo Dk Si (t,) and his r^ 0, 1, 1 players' allowable strategies For each non-negative integer 1. E^ = A (S^ rounds. Write with type i > = k , 1 0, let on other i 1 Write Sf the other players' strategies. the set of — k first Define sets 5f i. 5°°. 1 some para- stability for G N,Ti G %,Si, i = BR G s* some o^i a >_.) for (tt Ti G S*. s^ > 1 By o'_ i G Hence, (A.2) di {Si On ML a; (r 2 ) ,5- (r,)) = di (BRi (ir TttCr _ the other hand, for each — ^o x define also butions on tively. and z/ ° p^ \°~'-i /i A w = 1 )) // given any u fi' : ) ,BR(n T ^ a <_U < (a,r), define fi^ s_, i—> s_^ (r_,) Notice that . fj, and u bd- = /j^ dn Ti J/i w (•) u = (a, r), (to) G _ i A and any = f ffT a_ w () dnTi (u), fj, >7T , Ti ,<T-i, x (cr_ z o is , (a, s'_j n Tita>_. ) . p" 1 ) and the point mass at 7r T . ct_j >(7 /_. and = / Moreover, since . ((a, s_; (r_,)) \J are the probability distri- z vt t?i(7 t Sa and 5 a x S- conditional on u, induced by behefs Notice also that = = u> where pw w x t a'_ { , respec- u (-)dKTi (u), fjf G cr_j,cr'_, (t-0)) e SU PPA*W we > E^ fi 1 , ave HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY d- ((a,s- (r_,)) z { (A.3) , J_, fflV i ,(7_ i> By combining, = (a,s'_ { (r_i))) (A. 2) < £„ 7rT il <r'_J and d-i (s_* (r_j) taking the fc -i, yielding D k -i- < Ejx [J_ t (xi,x 2 )] we obtain (A.3), < di(Si{Ti) ,S;( r i)) By = (xi,x 2 )] [<J_i < D (t_;)) s'_, , 31 supremum on both ^fc-i- we obtain sides, D k <bDk -i. A.3. random and BR, showing that Proof of Proposition A (S-i). S-i D k < b k Do, < Therefore, Take any 3. = Recall that d_, (n,fj?) (t},n) with distributions = fi (E [ and \i t| dkiBMtiiBRiW)) = < o (£ 2 inequality first is and the by will (jm) Proof of Proposition assume convex, a,-ftE [d_i (s_,, last inequalities are (BR, i?/?, (^,m) an d we can take BRi (t,-, , 4. ##i /x) BRi {E[gi ( (a,s'_ i s'_ E t] m £?/?, (£j, //) We (/i, A (A) £ variables 1, . we have Hence, )])) a 5 -z))]) > [d- t { fj! (a, s'_,)]) [& =b E sf_i)] < M-i (U,n') are the variations in unconstrained optima.) i £ , )] and in that case the variations in the constrained U z sL f )]) (a, due to Assumption (//)) Take any and (£ [# fi, Take any (s_i,s'_j)l. By Assumption [d x (gi (a, s_f) jft triangle inequality. Since s_j dt A.4. s_ and any and any two random (a, S - i ))),fi \g t (a, A (A), E [d_i =£ (tj, //) D 0. £ t} //, respectively. a,dx (E < E N, i A (/I), di (fi (E[gi < where the € and BR, 9l (a, s-i)]) Dk = infs_ t-~/z,3^_.~// variable a with distribution s'_ l lirrifc_ 00 1 t , (s_i, s'_ 2 )] , and the second are arbitrary, this yields //) • and /*,// the interior of G Si. A (5-,). We (When S t is as the unconstrained optima, as optima are write (s;t})= Jui(a,s)dt}(a) if anything less than JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 32 and write U l and U^ for the U\, U^, with respect to Firstly, since BRi for optimization and the s i; (fi) first and second order cross partial with respect and BRi (//) problems with and Sj are in the interior, the and \i partial derivatives of first Sj, respectively. order conditions // yield EptiBIk^)^^)] = (A.4) and E[Ui(BR (A.5) i (»'), S '_ i )]=0, respectively. Let = E[ir {BR J be the value of the derivative at BRi We will now (??). First find we \E[U\ < £ will yield [BR equality following inequality (p) sU) - Ul (BRi , (li),^.) - V\ (BR (/i) ( M) , s_ ?: )] | ,s_0|] ^max^^^lcU-^,^) ^maxl^.^;^)^^;^,^)]. = inequality, and these bounds for \J\, //. = lEptiBRiMis'-i)]] < E[\Ut {BR first problem with for the optimization upper and lower bounds = Here the (/.*) M),J_ i )] find an upper bound: \J\ (A.6) i (f i is is is we write U- by definition, the by the (BR^ second equality triangle inequality. (jj,) , — s'_,) U- (BR,, To (/.i) , is by (A.4), and the derive the penultimate s_j) as the some of the changes that we would get by changing each coordinate in turn, and apply the mean value theorem to each, obtaining |i£ (Bifc M y_<) - 0? (BifcM,s_0 1 < ^max|t£.(s;tj)|| 5i -sj| < ^maxl^.fatJJId-^S-i.slO HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY where the last inequality is 33 by our definition of the metric To cLj. find our lower bound, we write = \E[Ui{BBd {p),s'_ \J\ = \E[Ui{BR i = E[\U\ {BR, (A.7) Here the The first sign. The {p) )-Ux {BR ) s'_ % , - U\ {BR, is crucial; {^-BR equalities are we have and hence U\ {BRi equality here because U\ — (p) ,s'_ t ) is U\ {BRi {/j,, = p') we obtain \BRi (p) -BRi{n)\< d_ 4 (a*, A' Emax (s; /ds 2 \ t,-)| < Jmax s dt] (a) its the & [^-» ( s -«i 5 -t)] irrw g f ni |^(s;ti)|. s and min s U; (a, s) fdsidsj] dt\ (a) | C/^ (5; t})\ Therefore, . max ^ J |mm Ulj (s; t\)\ s 2 |<9 s'_A is strictly a constant. Combining is i'n$s- 1 ~n,s'_ ~^' ^ min ) (•; respectively. never changes (//) ,s'_ ? ) j¥« Check that max s \U^ ) \] mean value theorem, and again by the are arbitrary, 2 s'_ t by definition and (A. 5), s'_j \d Ui (a, s) , _ i )]\ i { f,')\. because the term inside the expectation and that s_j and {pi) rmn'\Uii {s;t})\\BRi inequality in the next line . i { fj,'),s = and (A.7) and observing that cLj f min s f l E mmpt^tfjWBRi^-BRi^) and the second last equality is (A. 6) {p),s'_ i )]\ > third equality decreasing, i 2 |9 s I ^> min,|££(s;tj)| v-> ~ /" ^J s max, «t (a, s) |^ /ds ds ] dt (a, s) |<s>V (a, 5) mm l Jds* dtj (a) | /ds ds J l 2 s \d Ul {a, S )/ds EmaXj \d Ui 2 mm (a) | , \ "< 2 W \ (a, s) /<9sidsj| l s \o Ui (a.s) /osf\ completing the proof. A. 5. Proof of Proposition proof of Proposition 4 above. 8. We The proof will of part (b) prove part (a). is very similar to the > JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 34 Under Assumptions la and gi (a, S-i) marg A 7r BFU = gi (a, s'_^) = = marg A we yielding dx (tt'), {BR, Now assume that /3 > exists Mi > such that Define a metric c^, on onAx define d_j A Z X , Since d x (g l {a,s_ t ),gl (A.8) and {tt) 0. { BR BR have 7r', each (a) for g~i any lb, take = (tt')) = f {E% Firstly, if )) < M_* <M d^ = f (En (g z (a))) z { x £Lj /4 any for (tt, tt') = (a, a') then 0, tt, it' with (g { (a))) , = (L*. compact, there is (V^s^a',^) t = /3 i hence, for each continuous and <& is by setting Af. (a, s_;, s'_,), {tt) (a',s'_ l 6 t . M;//3j at each distinct a, a', S-i by cL* ((a, s_ ?: ) (a, , s'_ ?; Now, take any two random = d^ )) (a, a') variables (a,S-i) ~ from the same probability space and write p + 7r for d_ (s_i, 7; and s'_,-) (a',s'__j) . ~ come that 7r' ^ the probability that a a'. Note that E (A.9) [d_, ((a, s_0 , = P M /f3 + E s^-))] (a', r l [d_, (s_ i; s'_.)] . Moreover, we have diiBRiWtBIUW)) < a E[dx i (gi (a, S - i ),gi (a,s'_ i ))] otiE [d x [gi (a, +a E z < < OipMj + <*&£ where the first equality is by nuity of gi, inequality ) ,& (a, s'_,)) [d_; (s_i, s'_.) [d_i (s_,-, = b,E [d-i((a, s^), (a'.sLj)] is i i i a ^ a'] a : = by definition of are arbitrary, this shows that is 6, (s-i ,^_i )]) , rfj (A.9). Since (a, S-i) (•£>!?; (7r) , the next 3, by (A.8) and the Lipschitz by the non-negativity of and BR, a'] a] derived as in the proof of Proposition additivity, the next equality is = a : sLj] bi {pM /P + E[(L : (a, s'_,)) ,# = the next inequality equalities are z [d x (gi (a, s_,-) + Qi^S ttjpMi s_ {tt')) < bz d_j, and the ~ and (a! E [d_,- (tt, tt')] tt , conti- last .s'_ 7 ' . ) two ~ tt' . , HIGHER-ORDER UNCERTAINTY A. 6. Proof of Lemma P = Let 2. 35 = marg x P'. marg x P Since we have separable standard Borel spaces, there exists conditional probability P(-||-) (Ex x y) x {X x Y) ply write P (B\x) — > [0, 1] P (X for with respect to the cr-field T, x x {Y}, and we x B\\ {x,y)) where y can be chosen define P' (C|x) similarly for each probability distributions on (Y, C E Hz- Notice that Ey) and P (-|x) (Z, Ez), respectively. 9 sim- arbitrarily. and P' We are (-|x) For each : i6X, let Px = be the product measure of measure P P(.|x)xP(-|x) P (|x) and P' at each measurable set FCX Fx = A P{AxBxC)= J Y x {(y,z) Notice that, for any rectangle x Px (Fx )dP(x) Z eY x x B x where Z\{x,y,z) € C 6 E^ Now we show that P x satisfies the F} Ey [xa(x)P (B\x) P' where \ A denotes the characteristic function P x Z, and define probability by setting P(F) = and onY (-\x) x E^, (C\x) dP (x) of A. statement of the lemma. For each A Ex € G Ey, we have P{A x B marg XxY P(A x B) x Z) XA {x)P{B\x)P'{Z\x)dP{x) XA {x)P{B\x)dP{x) P(Ax Since the probability measures rectangles A B). marg XxY P and P agree on the 7r-system of x B, which generates the entire d-field on Theorem they are equal. This is similarly true for all X x Y, by Dynkin's tt-A marg XxZ P and See Parthasaraty (1967) for the results of probability theory in this proof. P'. jonathan weinstein and muhamet yildiz 36 References [1] Aumann and Brandenburger "Epistemic Conditions for Nash Equilibrium," (1995): Econometrica, 63, 1161-1180. [2] and Battigalli Epistemology [3] [4] Dynamic games," Journal of Economic Theory, and Interactive 88, 188-230. Bernheim, D. (1984): "Rationalizable strategic behavior," Econometrica, 52, 1007-1028. Brandenburger, A. and E. 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