\ A " Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/optimalcollusionOOathe .,r 2 f\-f\\ working paper department of economics Optimal Collusion With Private Information Susan Athey Kyle Bagwell No. 99-17 October 1999 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 •_-_..- WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Optimal Collusion With Private Information Susan Athey Kyle Bagwell No. 99-17 October 1999 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 99-17 ABSTRACT We consider an infinitely-repeated Bertrand game, in which prices are perfectly observed and each firm receives a privately-observed, i.i.d. cost shock in each period. In our base model, side-payments are prohibited. In order for a cartel to achieve productive efficiency, firms that receive a high cost draw in the current period must be induced to give up market share. To provide this incentive, firms may need to reduce current prices, make compensating adjustments in future market shares or allow for future price wars. In the most profitable collusive schemes, firms implement productive efficiency, but they do not resort to low prices or future price wars; instead, firms with bad cost draws may be favored with higher expected market share in future periods. If types are discrete, there exists a discount factor strictly less than one above which first-best profits can be attained purely through history-dependent reallocation of market share between equally-efficient firms. We provide further characterizations of equilibrium play as well as several computational examples. We next consider the role of three characteristics of the institutional environment. First, we examine the costs and benefits to the cartel of explicit communication about cost types in a given period. We show that firms may find it beneficial to communicate after some histories but not others. Second, we show that if firm identities cannot be tracked over time (so that firm-specific future market-share favors are unavailable), the best collusive scheme sacrifices all productive efficiency. Third, we examine the role of explicit sidepayments, which may entail inefficiencies if they are illegal and bear the risk of detection. Unless side-payments are perfectly efficient, optimal collusive equilibria are non-stationary and thus involve the use of future market-share favors. _-—trrepffHMsTffUTE Optimal Collusion with Private Information Susan Athey and Kyle Bagwell May, 1998. This Draft: September, 1999. First Draft: Abstract: We consider an infinitely-repeated Bertrand game, in which prices are perfectly observed and each firm receives a privately-observed, i.i.d. cost shock in each period. In our base model, side-payments are prohibited. In order for a cartel to achieve productive efficiency, firms that receive a high cost draw in the current period must be induced to give up market to reduce current prices, share. To provide this incentive, firms make compensating adjustments in future may need market shares or allow for future price wars. In the most profitable collusive schemes, firms implement productive efficiency, but they do not resort to low prices or future price wars; instead, bad cost draws may be favored with higher expected market share firms with in future periods. If types are discrete, there exists a discount factor strictly less than one above which first-best profits can be attained purely through history-dependent reallocation of market share between equally-efficient firms. We provide further characterizations of equilibrium play as well as several computational examples. We next consider the role of three characteristics of the institutional environment. First, we examine the costs cost types in a given period. after some histories and benefits to the communication about cartel of explicit We show that firms may find it beneficial to communicate but not others. Second, we show that if firm identities cannot be tracked over time (so that firm-specific future market-share favors are unavailable), the best collusive scheme sacrifices role of explicit side-payments, all productive efficiency. Third, we examine the which may entail inefficiencies if bear the risk of detection. Unless side-payments are perfectly lusive equilibria are non-stationary illegal and optimal col- they are efficient, and thus involve the use of future market-share favors. JEL Classification Numbers: C73, L13, L41. Keywords: Collusion, cartel design, repeated games, private information, mechanism design, auctions, information-sharing, communication. *M.I.T. and NBER (Athey) and Columbia University and NBER providing detailed comments on an earlier draft. Mullin, David Pearce, Lars Stole, Jean Tirole Fabra), Berkeley, Federal Reserve We would like Bank Board We 1997-1998, We are espe- thank the NSF Ellison, at Barcelona UC-San Game Theory Wally (Pompeu Diego, the Conference Summer for helpful (Athey: SBR-9631760; Bagwell: SES-9905460) for generous Athey thanks the Cowles Foundation when much thank Glenn of Governors, Harvard, M.I.T., Minneapolis Conference on I.O. in Toronto, and the Stony Brook financial support. to and seminar participants Federal Reserve Bank, S.I.T.E., Stanford, Toulouse (I.D.E.I.), discussions. (Bagwell). Pavel Grigoriev for exceptional research assistance, and to Eric Maskin for cially grateful to of this research was conducted. at Yale University for hospitality in Introduction 1. we In this paper, consider an infinitely-repeated Bertrand game, in which each firm privately informed of and time. across firms i.i.d. unit cost level in each period, its We and the unit-cost realization is is thus represent collusion in the context of a repeated hidden-information model with publicly-observed actions (prices). 1 Building on work by Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1990) and Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin (1994), we use the tools of dynamic programming to recast the characterization of optimal Perfect Public Equilibria firms are (PPE) in terms of a static drawn from a restricted set (namely, the set of who we show how firms self-enforcing scheme where, another, the collusive mechanism design problem, are prohibited from in place of mechanism an PPE in which transfers across continuation values). Thus, making side-payments can explicit specifies that still implement a monetary transfer from one firm to one firm is favored over another in future play. Our analysis ent market and is motivated by the question of how collusive conduct varies across legal environments. In particular, the design policies vary widely across countries and industries, and enforcement of anti-trust and the different manifestations of anti-trust policies naturally affect the organization of collusive activity. environment is permissive, then firms may set differ- up industry associations 2 in If the anti-trust which they con- firm the terms of their agreement, communicate about current conditions, keep records of past experiences and perhaps even exchange side-payments. environments, firms may still may communicate 3 In less permissive anti-trust as to current conditions, but the conversations occur surreptitiously, in "smoke-filled rooms," and explicit monetary transfers avoided. Finally, a vigorous anti-trust policy might even deter among tion firms. This latter possibility holds that communication While anti-trust 1 Our model among is some forms of may be communica- the evident aim of current U.S. policy, which firms as to current prices is 4 a per se violation. policies clearly influence the organizational structure of the collusive of hidden information can be contrasted with the hidden-action model of Green and Porter (1984) and Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1986), as well as the model of observable demand fluctuations pioneered by Rotemberg and Saloner (1986). 2 Levinsohn (1995) describes the significant variation in anti-trust law and enforcement that is found Significant variation also occurs within countries and across industries; for example, in across countries. many 3 countries, the legal stance toward cartels is more tolerant in export industries. is often permissive in Japan, and McMillan (1985) discusses that colluding firms there sometimes form "dangos" within which communication and even side-payments are found. As Stocking and Watkins (1946) detail, U.S. anti-trust policy was also relatively permissive in the first part of the 20th century, and industry associations in which firms shared information and records, and exchanged side-payments, were then common. Sophisticated cartels of this nature were found in the steel, aluminum, incandescent electric lamp, and sugar (as Genesove and Mullin For example, anti-trust policy with respect to collusive conduct (1998, 1999) describe) industries. 4 However, it is not illegal to share production plans; see, for example, Doyle and Snyder's (1998) analysis of information sharing in the motor vehicle industry. endeavor, the implications for market conduct are more subtle. all, For example, how, does the ability to communicate influence prices, market shares and profits? might these variables be affected, if one another (perhaps at some cost, firms were able as well to if side-payments are make illegal at And how direct side-payments to but detection occurs with some intermediate probability)? Practically, a theory that addresses such questions be useful in two main respects. First, it if might could provide a lens through which to interpret observed (historic or current) collusive conduct in terms of the surrounding market and environment. Second, legal it might provide a framework with which to better anticipate the possible consequences of a change in anti-trust policies for the conduct of collusive firms. 5 Motivated by these considerations, we analyze in this paper optimal collusion in a range of possible environments. To understand our findings, tradeoffs that confront the legalized cartel, which uses payments) that are enforced by binding contracts. cartel that production is Cramton and Palfrey is (1990) it is explicit An helpful first to recall the monetary transfers important consideration allocated efficiently over cartel members. As Roberts (side- for the (1985), and Kihlstrom and Vives (1992) have shown, when firms are privately informed as to their respective costs of production, productive efficiency requires communication and transfers between members. Communication enables firms to establish before production the identity of the lowest-cost firm, while transfers (from this firm to the other cartel members) ensure that firms have the incentive to communicate truthfully. Outside of a legalized cartel, however, the collusive relationship must be self-enforcing. In addition, the collusive environment may effect transfers collusive may from one to another. restrict the set of instruments with which firms Thus, we characterize optimal self-enforcing conduct among privately-informed firms operating in collusive environments that are distinguished on the basis of restrictions on the instruments available to the firms. In our base model, we make the following assumptions: regard to current cost conditions; (ii). (i). firms can "communicate" with firms can use "market-share favors," which requires that the identities of individual firms can be followed over time, and whereby individual firms are treated asymmetrically as a reward or punishment for past behavior; (iii). firms can not make explicit monetary transfers (use "bribes" ). After studying this model in some detail, we then analyze restrictions Our is the way in which optimal collusion changes as each of the three imposed or removed. ^ characterization of the optimal collusive mechanism in the base model highlights the central role played by market-share favors: the prospect of a future favor can provide a high-cost firm with the incentive to truthfully acknowledge low market share 5 in the present. This consideration is We show that when such its current state and accept a favors are possible, the scope for perhaps of some special significance in the current environment, as new instiEuropean Union and the former communist countries, and further as tutions are being developed in the countries increasingly raise competition-policy concerns in their trade-policy negotiations. self- enforcing collusion can be induced as is significant. Indeed, follows: if critical firms are sufficiently patient, truth-telling a firm announces low cost in the present, market share only in the event of we compute a if forgoes it where both firms are equally "ties," some future efficient. Formally, discount factor (strictly less than one) above which the cartel can In essence, the cartel uses asymmetric future achieve first-best profits in every period. market-share assignments to duplicate the transfer patterns that would be employed by a legalized cartel, without When efficiency loss. firms are less patient, however, favors. In particular, when the disadvantaged firm of ties. any When (in particular, its implement market-share costly to the firms attempt to implement a scheme that favors one firm, may not be willing to give up enough market share in the event assigned market share when both may be it is too low following a particular cost realization may be tempted firms realize low cost), the disadvantaged firm to undercut the collusive price and thereby capture the war may subsequently ensue). In order to mitigate this temptation, firms entire market (though a price may find it necessary to lower prices, in order to diminish the gain from undercutting the collusive price. Alternatively, the scheme may require the disadvantaged firm to give up some market share in the state in which efficient it is most Intuitively, efficient. under a scheme that calls for production across firms, the disadvantaged firm has no incentive to undercut the collusive price in the state of the world when serving the entire market. Thus, relatively easy to induce the disadvantaged firm to give up a At the little market share start of the game, it is it is most efficient, since it already anticipates in that state. less patient firms anticipate the costs associated with using future market-share favors to provide incentives for truthful revelation. They then weigh the disadvantages of future market-share favors against the productive efficiency gains from truth-telling up productive in the present. efficiency rather One theme of our analysis is that such firms may give than lowering prices in the present or bearing large future inefficiency. In addition to our theoretical characterizations, several examples that illustrates the The computation manner in we offer a numerical computation of which collusive conduct unfolds over time. highlights an empirical implication of our model: optimal collusion gen- erates negative correlation over time in the market shares of firms. referring to our theoretical and computational findings, we Later in the paper, discuss further the extent to which the predictions of our model can be linked to real-world case studies and empirical applications. We next turn to evaluate each of our three assumptions about We begin with the role of communication (assumption (i)). the collusive environment. In our model, allows firms to smoothly divide the market on a state-contingent basis. nication, firms must allocate market share in communication Without commu- a decentralized fashion, thereby limiting the range of market-sharing plans available. Thus, we show that to choose plans that require communication. At the same time, we moderate patience may choose to avoid communication Accordingly, its price. if in know firms do not communicate, a given firm does not chooses often profitable for firms it is some its also find that firms of periods. Intuitively, when opponent's cost type when it the opponent's price varies with cost, then the firm also does not know the exact price that its opponent will choose. Uncertainty about the op- ponent's price can, in turn, diminish the incentive that the firm has to "cheat" and select a slightly lower price. Therefore, while communication can generate productive efficiency gains along the equilibrium path, it may also heighten the incentive of an impatient firm to deviate from the collusive agreement. Firms thus choose to avoid communication in periods and use Our it to allocate market share in others. finding that firms sometimes, but not always, choose to rally to the question of We communication. how collusive behavior changes show that even count factor strictly less in the absence of than one above which In particular, we by reducing productive mal rationale Next, we assumption efficiency 7 may have further, it anti-trust enforcement prohibits communication, there exists a first-best profits may respond without lowering for the "smoked-filled with collusive ventures; conversations find that such firms if communicate leads natu- can be achieved. on communication can diminish firms of moderate patience, however, restrictions profits. some prices. 6 dis- For collusive to communication restrictions Thus, our theory room" conversations that traditional offers a for- I.O. associates suggests that anti-trust enforcement that limits such perverse welfare implications. consider the ability of firms to track firm-level behavior over time, modifying (ii) to suppose that firms face informational or coordination limitations which preclude rewarding an individual firm's current behavior with more favorable treatment in the future. Such limitations arise, for example, when where only the amounts of the bids (but not the Individual behavior ent identities, or 6 also difficult to chronicle, if identities of the bidders) are publicized. firms can exit and participants use agents to conduct business (as is re-enter under differ- common in auctions). This finding hinges on the assumptions that goods are perfect substitutes and firms compete in prices. More 7 if is firms interact in an auction market generally, restricting communication lowers both prices and productive efficiency. We may contrast the role of communication in our model with alternative roles identified in the previous literature. First, Compte (1998) and Kandori and Matsushima (1998) consider repeated games in which players have private information about the history of play, arguing that public communication can then constitute a state variable that facilitates the application of recursive techniques. In our model, by contrast, over time and firms' choices (prices) are public, and so the game already has McCutcheon (1997) provides an alternative interpretation of communication, the relationship between communication and the renegotiation of the equilibrium. Finally, in the information sharing literature (e.g., Vives (1984) and Shapiro (1986)), firms commit to share or the private information is i.i.d. a recursive structure. Second, involving oligopoly not share information prior to the play of a static oligopoly game. Incentive compatibility issues do not arise in this literature, as any shared information is, by assumption, directly received or honestly relayed. See Kuhn and Vives (1994) for a general survey of research that explores the competitive implications of communication among firms. Collusion in such environments can be characterized using the solution concept of metric PPE, that PPE is, basis, so that all firms in which collusion among firms proceeds on an industry-wide move through collusive and war phases together. Athey, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998) provide a more complete analysis of symmetric collusion with a continuum of types and downward-sloping demand. type model) two of their findings. symmetric collusion among sacrifices We productive off of same equilibria, firms charge the efficiency. 8 We confirm here make in a model (for a two- a wide range of parameter values, optimal is achieved using stationary equilibria, the equilibrium path. Second, in the optimal symmetric (high) price irrespective of their cost types, Clearly, communication is transfers and the cartel not necessary for this scheme. communication has no value among patient therefore conclude that firms are also able to First, for sufficiently patient firms where price wars occur only Sym- firms, unless the from one to another as through asymmetric future market-share assignments. Finally, make we examine assumption bribes, (iii) by considering environments in which firms can though these must be self-enforcing and may incur inefficiencies, as through a risk of detection. Then, firms can potentially substitute current-period bribes for future market-share favors. In practice, monetary transfers may occur directly, with one firm pay- ing other firms for the right to produce. Bribes can be associated with processes, too; for example, colluding suppliers determines the firm that is to may 9 a concern, so that bribes are not is hold a "knockout" auction that win the procurement contract, and then to ensure that this firm wins at a profitable price. trust officials first more sophisticated future market-share favors as a means We rig the actual bids show that when detection by fully efficient, bribes of transferring utility. Put anti- never fully replace differently, unless bribes are perfectly efficient, firms strictly prefer to keep track of history, using non-stationary equilibria that specify a future advantage to firms who admit high cost in the present. Before proceeding, we pause to place this analysis in the context of recent methodological We advances in repeated game theory. build directly on tools developed by Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1990) and Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin (1994). The latter paper discusses optimal an efficient are impatient. Sec also in a repeated game with private information, establishing that outcome can be achieved when firms are of our analysis 8 PPE is 10 that we Within characterize optimal this context, Damania and Yang (1998), who we PPE further infinitely patient. A novel feature with hidden information when firms show that the optimal scheme can be consider a class of symmetric collusion schemes for duopolists with private information as to demand parameters. 9 Side-payments may also be implemented through a common-fund arrangement, whereby a cartel member that exceeds its production quota contributes a penalty payment to the common fund, while a member that operates below its quota receives a compensatory payment from the common fund. As Stocking and Watkins (1946) describe, arrangements of this general nature appeared in the and incandescent 10 electric lamp steel, aluminum cartels of the early 1900's. Independently, Aoyagi (1998) analyzes an auction model where bidders who win in the current period characterized using tools developed for static must fers mechanism design theory, but continuation values. Thus, in addition to computational analysis, and comparative ing the connections to the static literature. PPE motivated by the shape of the set of satisfy particular kinds of restrictions theoretical characterizations where trans- we provide a rich set of statics predictions, while formally highlight- 11 The Model 2. For simplicity, we focus primarily on a highly stylized model with two firms and two cost two types. Formally, customers with valuation denoted firms 1 = - and {L, H} 2, produce perfect substitutes, and Each firm has possible r. any pricing realized costs prior to its and firms, 1 decisions. costs Oi by 6 2 are given = and 9 6j = 2 a unit mass of and Oh and privately observes Thus, the state space in any period x {L, H}, and we index these states as 1 sell to 6k in state (j, (j, k). k) The G - , where the costs of probability of the cost draw j G {L, H} in any period is denoted Pt(9 = 6j) = rjj, where rjj > and r} L + r]H this is assumed independent over time and across firms. To simplify the exposition z few of the this results, assumption we maintain the assumption is is equal to profit to ne tt = — — 6 H ), (Oh — a 1 sit G when For each while the low type mixes, receiving = each firm A = {L,H,N}; is O^VhIIl- This payoff can be contrasted with the first-best level of fb tt \(r - E[min(^ cannot make monetary side-payments. (i) will note Thus, ex ante expected profit to each firm in this equilibrium 1 ,^ 2 )]). In our basic repeated-game model, firms can each period: we of a Ol)vh, the expected profit from just undercutting the price charged types. each firm, 1/2; however, 12 a symmetric mixed strategy equilibrium. firm, the high type charges price equal to cost (p by the high-cost > 1; game (without any communication, com- to the one-shot pricing or transfer possibilities) profit equal to (6h tjl = used. The Nash equilibrium mitment that is (iii) i observes each firm meet and communicate their types but Formally the firms play the following game in its type l ; (ii) each firm i makes an announcement l i then selects a price p and makes a market-share out for a specified number of periods in the future. Athcy, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998) also describe differs by characterizing optimal asymmetric collusive a similar asymmetric scheme. The present paper schemes using dynamic programming. 11 Our work can be contrasted with the macroeconomics literature (e.g., Green (1987) or Atkeson and Lucas (1992)) on repeated games with hidden information, which studies the game between a central planner and a continuum of agents. Only a few papers consider small numbers of agents (i.e. Wang (1994), and, independently, Cole and Kocherlakota (1998)), and typically the focus of these papers is on existence methods rather than theoretical characterizations. Given that we restrict attention to pure strategy equilibria in the repeated game, the lack of pure strategy equilibria in the stage game creates some tension for the formulation of the model. However, our emphasis on Parcto optimal equilibria implies that in the characterizations we highlight, the best equilibria or computational 12 are pure. p proposal q 1 = 2 p = (p\p ) and q (iv) for ; 2 (g\<? then market shares are allocated according to m *(P) q) = 9* ^ +9 D 1 J Q 1) and = "i'(p, Q) This description of the stage and then then q l 1 m min(g (p,q) l max(|, , r, = 8 1 1; and — J g )) = p if 0; if = l r, p < p3 p> U r, then l ' otherwise. We game warrants a few comments. interpret this make announcements concerning as describing an environment in which firms meet, respective cost types p > if ), and make market-share proposals. select prices We game their allow may announce that it has low costs (L), (H) and a firm may decide not to make an each firm three possible announcements: a firm may announce a firm that We announcement (N). it has high costs include the latter option, since, while and communicate, they are under no obligation to do we permit share proposals, market shares when they firms' announced cost market share allocate make proposals firms to set the same we allow firms to meet In our formalization of market- so. that jointly determine their respective market-share proposals follow the price. Since the may positions, our formalization allows that equally-priced firms in a state-dependent fashion. We can imagine that consumers divide themselves evenly between two equally-priced firms, unless one firm chooses not to sell additional units at the posted price, at which point the consumers go to the other firm. We do not allow, however, both firms to produce positive quantities rules out the possibility that the firms divide the charge different prices in each segment. Our next notation is goal is is - {a* : i - typical policy for firm component , -> ,4} x {p* is i denoted follows: i - : 6 = 1 A l l -> K} x = {a l {tp* l (8 2 ), we a(0) = a) = <p(0, 7 a- is : l ), the announcement function, the second is (9 ,9 x s (9 ,a^) the market-share proposal function and letting Although the we begin with an abstract repre1 2 {L, H} and a = (a a ), we define the space of = % from which a firm might choose as i first example, geographically) and (for simplified in later sections, for completeness S = A This 13 to formally define firm strategies for the stage game. sentation of these strategies. Letting policies market at different prices. is - l l x A j (9 ,a ),(p -> l 3?}. (9\a :i )}, where the the pricing function, the third firm j's realized announcement. Further, define the following vectors: (a 1 1 ( 1 (9 p (9\a ( 2 ),a (9 2 2 2 ), p(0,a) )); 2 1 p (9 ,a ( )); = {p\0\a% p\9\o})) s(0) = (s\9\a 2 ),s 2 (9 2 ,a 1 )) A benefit of this stage game is that it offers a simple framework (e.g., all transactions occur at the same price and so a rationing rule need not be specified) within which to allow for the possibility that firms communicate and allocate market share in a state-contingent fashion. Of course, other assumptions are possible concerning market-share division and the ability of firms to restrict output and set prices. Our analysis below highlights how the results change if we modify this (somewhat ad hoc) description of market 13 behavior. Notice that a policy vector s(0) determines announcements as well as the price and marketshare proposal responses to these announcements. Accordingly, a policy vector determines may a path through the stage game, and we on a realization of cost types as = 7p( S ) Now 7r'(s, Eg[^(s,e)}. The consider notation for the repeated game. discounted stream of profit, given the firms' cost types are A 0),with expected stage-game payoffs then given as game described above, where each stage therefore write stage-game payoffs conditional firms firm has the objective of maximizing its expected common discount factor announce costs types and then further that, As mentioned above, the S. across firms and over time, so that the environment i.i.d. novel feature of our model, formally described in the stage Assume meet each period to play the game above, is is stationary. that firms can and make market-share proposals accordingly. set prices upon entering a period of play, a firm observes only the history of: own cost draws, and (ii) realized announcements, prices and market-share proposals. Thus, we assume that a firm does not observe rival types or rival policy functions sJ We would like our dynamic game to have a recursive structure, so that dynamic(i) its . programming techniques may be We applied. thus follow Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin (1994) and restrict attention to those sequential equilibria in which firms condition only on the history of realized announcements, prices and market-share proposals and not on own their private history of types and such sequential strategies familiar arguments, any history is itself we may a PPE and policy schedules. Such strategies are called public Using equilibria are called perfect public equilibria (PPE). verify for our in the full game game and that the continuation of any PPE after yields payoffs in the continuation equal to what would have been obtained had the strategy profile been used from the start. Formally, the public history of realized prices, announcements and market-share proposals up to date t is histories at period be a strategy t n = 1, 1 {cr t ..., oo. {h t )) . t. specified as follows: h t A strategy for firm profile in period t, and Then, given a history h t , H {a ,p ,qj. Let ( t t in period t i let cr = is denoted be the o\ : set of potential H t — S l > Let . <r t represent a sequence of such strategy profiles, the expected per-period payoff in period t for firm i is Given the mapping from strategies to prices and market shares outlined above, each strategy induces a probability distribution over game play in each period, resulting in an expected payoff for firm % i, denoted as v (a) = t E[Y^1\ 6 ~1 i 7r (a t (h t ))], where hi is the null history. To simplify our the literature: analysis, we assume we make a final assumption that is commonly invoked in that after every period, firms can observe the realization of some public randomization device and select continuation equilibria on this basis. This assumption has the consequence of convexifying the set of equilibrium continuation values available at a particular point in time. While we believe that this assumption is fairly innocuous, convexity of the set of continuation values plays an important role in some Thus, below parts of our analysis. we analyze conditions under which (in Section 4.3) we do not introduce convexity obtains without resorting to randomization. For simplicity, randomization process. explicit notation for the we can now Following Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1986, 1990), T(V) which set. define an operator PPE values, V*, as the largest invariant, or "self-generating," S and v = {v ,v 2 ), the operator is defined as follows: yields the set of S= S x 2 1 Letting x (u\u 2 ) T(V) S and v A 2 x 3 s G : for = i = 1, 2, and, for each > u* 3? : = u* i and +6Ev f^s*,^') i i [s s -» co(V) such that: + 6Ev*(B(0)y, 7f*(s) l 4 = (a l ,p l G S l , (p ) l , j i (8 ,d>(9 )),s>(6 &*(&))] i , This operator effectively decomposes equilibrium play into two components, strategies for We the current period and continuation values drawn from the convex hull of the set V. record immediately a useful property of T: Lemma 1. T maps compact compact sets to and the sets, PPE set of values, V* is , compact. Proof. weak All of the constraints entail utility functions compact; and inequalities; the feasible set is and the functions defining the constraints are real-valued, continuous and bounded. T Given compactness, the operator can also be used to compute the set of equilibrium which values, using the following algorithm. Begin with a set Vo discounted value of we could take V all to is larger than the present possible per-period realizations of utility for each firm. For example, be [0, r/(l - 8)} x [0, r/(l - 8)]. Then, construct Vn+1 = T(Vn n>0. ), Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin (1994) extend Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1990) to show that lim n _ 00 Vn = V* the , set of equilibrium values v(<r) of the game. We apply this computational algorithm later in the paper. Our We goal is to characterize the operator T and thereby the set of equilibrium values. are particularly interested in characterizing the Pareto frontier of this set, in order to understand optimal collusive arrangements. From there, it will be possible to back out the strategies that generate the equilibrium values. To present our findings, we distinguish between two kinds of equilibria, based on the quality of information transmission between firms. In an informative PPE, firms employ equilibrium strategies in which they always share their cost information with one another: for all i Section G {1, 2} and j G {L, H}, 5, this restricts the set of additional requirement on s. unable) to communicate and if 9 % = 9j, then PPE, and we Similarly, in a l 1 {9 ) = j. As we define the operator discuss in T 1 more detail in (V) to represent this an uninformative PPE, firms are unwilling make market-sharing plans, and we may capture (or this situation by focusing upon equilibria in and j E {L,H}, a requirement on s. = l (6j) which firms never share cost information: N. We for all i € {1,2} U use the operator T (V) to capture this additional PPE Informative and uninformative the juxtaposition of these two classes of PPE are of independent interest, and serves to highlight the benefits and costs of successful information sharing for colluding firms. Furthermore, the characterization of such equilibria contributes to our understanding of the equilibria of the unrestricted some 3. histories and not PPE class may PPE full set, V*, since optimal involve informative communication following others. The Mechanism Design Approach we consider the In this section, optimal informative we In addition, PPE class of informative can be recast in PPE and show that the search for the terms of a static mechanism design program. establish the solution to this program in two special cases. The cases correspond to familiar and easily interpretable assumptions in static mechanism design (budget-balanced transfers, no transfers), and they provide useful benchmarks for a more general analysis. 3.1. We Mechanism Notation and Incentive Constraints rely on an application of the revelation principle to simplify our characterization of informative PPE. Since the the operator T 1 , set of informative every utility vector u PPE values, V1 , is in the set of informative the largest invariant set of PPE values has associated current-period strategies and continuation- value functions, s and v, that yield expected utility of u. When following these strategies, firms report their cost types truthfully receive the corresponding prices and market-share allocations. Our approach is and to introduce notation for such state-contingent prices, market-share allocations and continuation values, and then formalize the corresponding incentive constraints that these must satisfy in order to be implementable as equilibrium play. We begin with a general description of the incentive constraints. In an equilibrium of the repeated game, there are two kinds of deviations that a firm might entertain. a firm with cost type 9 equilibrium specifies l may when its consider a deviation in which cost type is instead 6 l it First, adopts the policy that the j, therefore sets this price then firm i's price may if it differ makes positive sales from pjk, but it ) l (i.e., if qj k snl tascin > If cannot be lower. 11 0). firm i re pjk prevails. Firm i makes no sales in state {j, k), U*(L, L; z) We to > U*(H, L\ next formally represent the incentive that a firm has to charge a price not assigned any cost type, that to undertake is, an off-schedule deviation. In an informative PPE, The there are two types of off-schedule incentive constraints. of a firm to deviate from the assigned price concerns the incentive 1 might place. If undercut firm 2's price and capture the satisfied, neither of these deviations 8{v)k where v tion, l =H l (V) = - > max l ) inf{V (q%(pjk v G V}. : (We as a it It is parameter As v l is - q)^ - p]k )) 6j), will write v the following constraint l (IC-Offljfc ) . rather than v l (V) to conserve nota- relative to the set of values reached only in the analysis. If might wish to 1 profitable: and take the off-schedule constraints in a particular context.) treat v is 16 entire market. both firms above firm like to price slightly to avoid producing in that state; alternatively, at higher prices, firm slightly is first communication takes after are assigned a price less than firm l's cost, firm 2, (IC-On^) z) is we can equilibrium path, off of the IC-Off2L under consideration essentially defined analogously. worth pausing to notice how the form of these constraints follows from our assump- tions about communication and timing. The constraints must hold state by when communication among firms is informative each firm knows cost type (and thus the price) of its opponent. when state, since setting its price the These constraints can be contrasted with the case without informative communication (analyzed in more detail below), whereby an off-schedule price deviation is contemplated without knowledge of a other assumptions about timing are also possible. The second type of off-schedule deviation is or (H,L). If firm cost, in order to high price. draws a low cost, firm 1 Such an undercut might be attractive and firm final decision to U\L, L- z) > in state (L, L) or (L, Y, Vk- 1 1 for exactly one of firm undercut. Deviations of this kind are dissuaded BL ) follows. H) than might then undercut firm can wait to learn the realization of firm max (4(pffl - course, in might be tempted to report a high induce firm 2 to price high, so that firm or perhaps for both, making a 1 Of an interim deviation, described as Suppose that the collusive scheme assigns a lower price (H,H) rival's cost. 17 + 6v\qHk (p Hk l 9L ) 2's 2's cost types, 2's type before if: + 8v Hk ) l , (IC-Off-Ml) ke{L,H} 16 Given that unit costs are constant in output, a firm best deviates by claiming all market share or all market share. In either event, a small change in price serves the purpose. We therefore need not concern ourselves with the possibility that a firm deviates by maintaining the price and adjusting up or down its proposed market share. 17 For example, if the firms are bidding in an auction where only one firm can win, they might use a randomization device to select the winner, where q* k is the probability i wins in state (j, k); then, the onrelinquishing schedule constraints would be identical, but the off-schedule constraints would require that unless player i must be willing to "sit out" entirely this more-restrictive alternative, if the randomization turns against her. but the qualitative results are similar. 12 We q' jk = 1, do not analyze M where the analogously. is It mnemonic The for "misrepresentation." constraint for firm 2 can be easily verified that, so long as IC-Offl^ is satisfied for k is defined E {L, H}, the high type never has the incentive to engage in this type of misrepresentation. Further, it is same 3.2. We be the case clear that (as will in many each state, this type of deviation in The Repeated Game as a of our characterizations below) = z f 7 Mechanism set of continuation values (p,q,v)&Z(V): Ebrallt when V = firms use informative . l,2, 1 \ IC-Ontu, lC-Oniu, IC-OffiJ and IC-Off-Mi hold. fc With Lemma we present the this notation in place, Given a set 2. VC 3? ' =T The lemma I to J following lemma. let = i (p,q,v)e.F'(V0 = 1, 2, u* = 1 C/*(z). J (V). follows by a comparison of constraints and an application of standard rev- elation principle arguments. gramming , {uW): 3z l | such that for f I (V) = Thenf\V) 2 prices are the (weakly) dominated. is introduce notation for the feasible set of policy vectors communication, given an arbitrary if Intuitively, decompose the problem once we have invoked the tools of dynamic pro- into a choice of current-period strategies and future continuation equilibria, the revelation principle applies to the "staticized" representation of the game. For the class of informative the repeated we can game and the mechanism characterize the operator constraints of a fairly standard restriction (u] fc ,Wj fe ) An £ T 1 PPE, Lemma 2 formalizes the relationship design problem we have just defined. as generating the set of all utilities It between states that that satisfy the mechanism design problem, with the addition of the unusual V. important consequence of this result is that for any informative PPE utility vector u, there exists a policy vector (p, q, v) th tsV. These examples are motivated by the of available monetary static mechanism design transfers. In the first example, V is a line of slope "budget-balanced" transfers of utility that incur no efficiency 13 literature loss. where — 1; V is the set this represents In the second example, we consider sets of the form (K,K) values except V = 1 {(u ,f 2 ) The are Pareto inefficient. benchmarks allow us to develop some basic consider sets V ^ v1 : 2 K}; clearly the analogy to the static 1 fi (v) ° n[ ' In discussing schemes, = l pricing pj k if = 2 + q) k , qj k r for = I fa ,* ~\ such mechanism design pair (v ,v To 2 ) G begin, Lemma 3. V 1 all These later ) 3z : u 1,2, define: G^JF) (p,q,v) = that fori and q\ H (j, k) G = qHL = 2 . 1. We Similarly, the ignore then refer to the set of constraints Tb n (V), and we = we literature, 2. i =U i \ (z). J efficiency for every state if say that a scheme uses efficient scheme is characterized by Pareto every (j,k), there does not exist a continuation value 2 that Pareto dominates (Vj k ,v' k ). we record the Any 2 We we say that a scheme uses productive efficient continuation values if for l 1. on which we build when we intuition, excluding off-schedule incentive constraints as - continuation cases are illustrated in Figure the off-schedule incentive constraints in this section. G sets, all with more general shapes, such as the convex set illustrated in Figure To draw most (j,k) such for following standard lemma: z satisfying IC-Oni D and IC-Oniy also satisfies H U q^ q\. If IC-Oni D binds, then U\H, H; z) = U l (L, H; z) =U l (L, L; z) Market-share monotonicity follows since our model - <?L {6 satisfies the low-cost type has a higher marginal return to market share. relationship between the expected utility of each type follows says that the low-cost type earns an "efficiency rent" when IC-Omo binds l (z) =U l a single-crossing property: The representation of the by algebraic manipulation; of ^(^// — each firm, then the ex ante expected for (H, H- z) This reveals that (3.1) it L ) over the high-cost type. a discrete- type variation on the classic "revenue equivalence theorem": It also illustrates U H - 6L ). among + n L <?L (e H - 6L ) i is given by 9L ). (3.2) utility for firm = W(H, H; z) + 8&H + n L ^L {6 H - the set of allocation rules where IC-Onz^ binds, firm between providing incentives with low prices or low continuation values i is indifferent for its low-cost type. This follows because (in contrast to market share) neither the price nor the continuation value interacts directly with the firm's type in the firm's objective function. cartel has a preference over the use of low-cost prices and continuation values Thus, the for which a firm's on-schedule incentive constraint binds, only insofar as these instruments generate efficiency losses or gains for the other firm. firms. In contrast, continuation value when may Lowering price decreases the utility of both cross-firm transfers of utility are available, lowering one firm's allow an increase in that of the other firm, and continuation values are then a superior instrument for maintaining on-schedule incentives. 14 To better some highlight we turn now of these themes, suppose that the set of feasible continuation values Lemma any and K > K For 4. 0, G the Pareto frontier of % a line of slope is V(K) = {(v\v 2 suppose that 3?, n {V{K)) to two special cases. First, ) + v 2 = 2K}. Then, for u + u 2 = 62K + 2tt fb }, v1 : {(u\u 2 ) is -l. 1 : can be implemented with a policy vector z that this frontier properties: productive efficiency, pricing efficiency we 18 and Pareto satisfies the following efficient continuation values H (Vj k + v k = 2K for all j,k); v\iL — v\ H = (r — 9 )/8; the downward IC-On constraints bind; the upward IC-On constraints are slack; and v\ H < vjj < v HL for j G {L, H}. 2 l This result merits some interpretation. As expected, first-best ward IC-On constraints bind, and market share is since it is the low-cost type desirable for both firms. who has is attained. The down- the higher market share, Thus, the relevant consideration is to dis- suade the high-cost type from mimicking the low-cost type; as lower cost types have a higher marginal benefit to high market share, if the high-cost type is just indifferent between the high and low announcement, the low-cost type strictly prefers the low-cost announcement. The optimal mechanism announcing high for ing, line, requires transfers through continuation values that reward a firm costs. In particular, and continuation- value the IC-Om^ constraints bind discounted equals the Next, from a efficiency, the policy vector satisfies productive, pric- and the continuation values and only maximum amount we consider a second set in if when if v HL — l v\ H = on a budget-balanced lie (r — 9 H )/8, which when that a high-cost firm could gain by misreporting. special case, wherein the firms receive continuation values which each firm can receive at most K. To state the we result, refer to the following condition: (r Lemma 5. Suppose that V(K) = - 9H )/(6H {(v l ,v 2 ) and this frontier : u 1 + u2 = r - E[d] (Pool) rjH v l ,v 2 : Then, for any K, the Pareto frontier off^ n (V(K)) {{u\u 2 ) > 6L ) K}. (i) Suppose that (Pool) holds. + 62K, u* > is 0}, can be implemented with a policy vector (p, q, v) that efficiency, Pareto efficient continuation values lowing properties: pricing i,j, k) and productive Then the Pareto {{u\ u 18 frontier 2 ) inefficiency with c?H : ofTb n (V{K)) u i+ u 2 = rlH is (r- H ) = cfi for i = 1,2. (ii) satisfies the fol(Vj k = K for all Suppose that (Pool) fails. given by + rj L {\ + Vh )(6 h - 6L ) + 82K, u > { 0}. For the public goods problem with private information, d'Aspremont and Gerard- Varet (1979) show when the mechanism must satisfy McAfee and McMillan (1992) specialize this that the first-best can be attained using budget-balanced transfers, incentive compatibility but not participation constraints. result for the case of first-price auctions, this problem. The continuation values to sum showing that participation constraints in fact can be satisfied in a further specialization to the two-type model, rephrased to allow for to a constant other than zero. following result is 15 implemented using productive his can be (v'jf. Oh) = K for all i,j, k), pricing efficiency in + @h m the remaining states. Lemma an environment 5 refers to in efficiency, state (H, Pareto H) (phh efficient = continuation values ^ and a price of f) (r which the only instruments available (reduced continuation values, low prices) with which to achieve incentive compatible productive When ficiencies are wasteful. (Pool) holds, so that the profit to the high-cost type Lemma advantage of the low-cost type, relative to the efficiency — is large 5 establishes that the Pareto frontier entails productive inefficiency: the loss in profit from either Pareto cient continuation values or inefficient pricing then ef- ineffi- overwhelms any potential productive efficiency gain. To see the logic of the condition (Pool), consider raising productive efficiency creasing q HL (and therefore decreasing q HL understanding the effects of this ). The by utility — r)i(r in- subtle aspect of the intuition entails change when prices and continuation values must adjust The change to maintain the on-schedule incentive constraints. expected by decreases firm l's ex ante and firm Oh), since firm l's high type bears the cost directly l's low type must now charge a lower price or receive a lower continuation value to avoid vio- The change lating IC-Onl£>. increases firm 2's ex ante expected utility by 7]lT)h(Qh the higher "efficiency rent" (0 H — @l), 0£) available to firm 2's low-cost type in state (H,L). (Pool) guarantees that the cost to firm outweighs the efficiency benefit to firm 2 This result introduces a theme that that there — 1, incurred across both states (H,L) and (L,L), in state (H,L). will recur throughout our analysis. It illustrates a "tax" on productive efficiency: improving productive efficiency tightens the is on-schedule incentive constraint, leading to further distortions. If, in contrast, (r — 0h)/{Oh — Ol) < Vh, the firms prefer to incur the incentive costs that the achievement of productive efficiency requires. These costs low continuation values or low prices for the low-cost types. may be In the environment under consideration, the firms are indifferent between these two alternatives, it is manifested as and in particular, always possible to achieve the optimal collusive payoffs using the highest available continuation values and low prices for the low-cost types. Further, notice that the pricing scheme outlined r when its own market share Whether in the cost is lemma can be implemented decentrally: each firm charges a price of high, and selects a price p when its own cost is low. This allocates efficiently and achieves the price of {(v ,v 2 ) : v 1 ^ 2 V = H). {(K,K)} where to a situation K}. In other words, wasteful continuation values are not instruments for providing incentives. In a repeated set of equilibrium values case of in all states except (H, firms choose to produce efficiently or not, expected profit to a cartel improved by moving from a situation where l p is restricted to take the Symmetric PPE, optimal game form V= {(v ^ 2 ) : v 1 = v 2 }, not V = useful as context, this implies that 1 is if the as in the equilibria are stationary: "price wars" are not employed. 16 . We elaborate on this result further in Section 6. More general oligopoly models also have similar forces present: the on-schedule incentive constraints create cross-type externalities 19 that favor pooling of cost types. This result can be related to the existing literature, where types are typically taken In their analysis of "weak cartels," continuous, in several ways. (1992) show that when types, F(8), V= {(u ,^ n rj ) v1 : = 2 i> }, as motivated (r {(0,0)}), all and the distribution over firms pricing at the reser- by Symmetric PPE. The continuum- type approach easily be the probability that cost type n (Pool): = Athey, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998) extend this result to the case where 2 and our two-type approach can be most Let (V log-concave, the best collusive scheme entails is vation price. 1 transfers are prohibited McAfee and McMillan - 9 N )rjm -rj N Yl™=i Vn(0 n +i nondecreasing in m. The first - is realized. 6n ) expression connected with reference to an A-type model. is > Then, the following conditions replace for all m; and - 0n)/Vm is the analog of (Pool); the second condition is J2n=i Vn(0 n+i the analog of log-concavity of the distribution F(8). 4. Characterization of Informative we In this section, PPE characterize the set of informative PPE the insights developed in the benchmark cases of Section lytically some key findings, and we then values. 3.3. Our analysis builds on Throughout, we develop ana- illustrate additional subtleties with computational examples. Before beginning the formal analysis, we outline some of the central tradeoffs. Suppose that the firms attempt to implement first-best profits. Consider plished, and the factors that how this might be accom- might prevent the firms from reaching this goal. In the first period of the game, a first-best scheme must implement productive efficiency and pricing efficiency; thus, from the perspective of current-period profits, high-cost firms are to mis-report their costs in order to achieve greater market share. porting, the agreement therefore favors from firm 1 must provide that firm 2 and consider the scheme a first-best collusive scheme, productive efficiency H) is truthful re- receives future market- share following a realization of the state (L, H). Suppose then that (L, realized in the first period, (L, To ensure is in the if the firms experience the same H) is second period of the game. In again required; consequently, once more realized, then firm 2 must again receive zero market share. other hand, tempted if state On the costs in the second period, then the collu- 19 When the monopoly price varies with the cost type, firms seek to tailor the price to the cost realization. For the case of Symmetric PPE, Athey, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998) show that if demand is sufficiently downward-sloping, the firms find it optimal to partially sort types. In a two-type model, if (Pool) holds, optimal schemes entail productive efficiency only of the demand function is large enough if the cost types are sufficiently different and the slope (or if the firms are too impatient to collusive equilibrium) 17 support the high prices of the sive is may arrangement favor firm 2 while simultaneously delivering first-best profits. This and (H, H) (L, L) firms still market shares are appropriately chosen, both states are realized. If these have the incentive to report truthfully. What might The prevent such a scheme from succeeding? patient so that firm its assigned market share is may require low prices, or some market share must be is low when Pulling these themes together, in a given period, the firms seek may which in the state in an off-schedule deviation it its call it is What low. accomplished? Then, asymmetric treatment introduces new the scheme firms sufficiently dissuaded from undertaking an off-schedule deviation following is 1 a realization of (L,L), when is when the achieved by giving firm 2 more than 1/2 of the market in the second period this if inefficiencies. cannot be In particular, upon the disadvantaged firm to most temptation to undertake efficient, as its assigned market share we may summarize the relinquish is high. central tradeoffs as follows. If productive efficiency "today," then asymmetric treatment required "tomorrow." Productive and pricing efficiency tomorrow, however, can then be maintained only the asymmetric treatment if among share assignments this is possible only if may implemented through asymmetric market- equally-efficient firms pricing at the reservation value. tomorrow the disadvantaged firm assigned low market share. patient firms is sufficiently patient to is In turn, endure its In view of these tradeoffs, a cartel comprised of moderately assign market shares today without achieving we productive efficiency, burden. in order to lessen the future transfer In the next two subsections, full derive conditions on the discount factor under which firms are able to implement a given level of efficiency (such as first-best) in every period of the game. Subsequently, we explore between current and future 4.1. A efficiency faced Linear Informative In this subsection, we in greater PPE Set depth the optimal resolution of the tradeoffs by firms of moderate patience. With First-Best Profits than one above which the identify a discount factor strictly less cartel can achieve first-best profits in every period. Recall that Section 3.3 analyzes Pareto optimal schemes directly the for an exogenously given set of continuation values. endogenous nature of the continuation-value existence of a set of Informative profits to the cartel as PPE a whole, and values, (ii). where (i). We now confront set. Our each utility pair yields first-best goal when implementing any is to establish the point in the set, only other elements of the set are used as continuation values on the equilibrium path (by contrast, off of the equilibrium path, punishment outside the set is required.) "self-generating" set comprised only of values that yield first-best profits segment with slope We (y,x). Clearly, a must be a line — 1. seek to construct a self-generating line segment with endpoints denoted (x, y) and The first step is to ignore off-schedule constraints 18 and identify conditions under which the endpoint segment. 20 (x, y) Formally, weu we [0> 1]) (x,y) = (U l (z),U 2 (z)) line explore conditions under which there exist market shares qHH as continuation values v] k G [x,y] with v 111 e as can be implemented using only continuation values on the and IC-Om^ binds for each k when i, = 2 x + — y ujfc , such that , the firms use pricing and productive efficiency This step can be challenging r — Oh, cost firm, U 1, l = (z) is for certain x, while E\n}(J,j;z)] D for firm 1 to reveal its by v^ k (l each (j,k). Further, in order to provide incentives 5) for type when : is it high cost, the future must look relatively better Lemma 4, a necessary — 6 H )/8, and so vHL must following the logic of IC-Om^ to bind is that v HL — v\H = (r least (r — 6 H )/8. This requirement places additional downward expected profit, which must be low enough to — v\ 0l is too small, y. Intuitively, profits derived achieved when can be it U satisfy bound on today's pricing efficiency impose a lower term, Oh profit for a high- per-period profits derived from each of the continuation its — each at monopoly it following a realization of (H, L) for If may be difficult to achieve the desired level of profit for firm maintaining vj k > x. To see why, observe that firm l's average profit too large, today must then be worse than values: parameter values. difficult to 1 = (z) profit. x. implement U pressure on today's {z) = if the efficiency-rent y while maintaining firm 2's average profit today must then be greater that from each of continuation values. its the efficiency rent 6 H — 9L can be significantly increased by raising g| L while , per-period its Recalling (3.2), this is more then current-period profit large, as is exceed x However, productive and Similarly, 2 condition still easily for firm 2 respecting the on-schedule incentive constraints. In the Appendix, we show that there the constraints listed above are than exists a critical discount factor less all satisfied, if (recalling our assumption r] L > 1/2) vl>i^T^VL-i). We may verify that (4.1) sufficiently close to 1/2. 20 We 22 is satisfied if r Under argue in Section 4.3 that y. if z (4.1), — Oh < Oh — we show Ql\ in the 1 where 21 : (4.1) more generally, it holds if tjl is Appendix that implementation is and z Although we do not formally analyze this case, it can be shown that for t/l < i , a different but analogous condition must hold. 22 parametric restriction fails, then the firms may not be able to implement exactly first-best However, it is possible to construct self-generating sets composed of three connected line segments, If this profits. interior line segment has slope — 1, and all points on that segment are implemented using productive efficiency. In contrast, some productive inefficiency is used on the exterior segments. As firms become more patient, the width of the interior fine segment grows, and so first-best can be approximated where the arbitrarily closely as 6 approaches 1. 19 e feasible 6 if is e < greater than a critical discount factor, 6 cFon step (o H -o L denned as -°H + 2(r-e H )(i- follows: W L VL ) to identify a second critical discount factor, above which the is schedule incentive constraints hold. off-schedule deviation leads to standard, , r _ " The second Fon an It is sufficient for our construction to specify that an infinite reversion to the static Nash In the Appendix, we As equilibrium. firms are sufficiently patient, then an off-schedule deviation if off- is unattractive. is describe the computation of the critical discount factor, 8 Foif above , which the off-schedule constraints are cleared: ro/f =~ 23 (r-0 H )(l-T,L )+T} L (e H -OL) - H )(i - VL + VL (9 H - L + vl(r- e H (r ) ) ) Suppose that r -6 H < 9 H -0l, and define 8 fb = max{6 Fon ,6 Foff ) G (0, 1). such that x + y = 2ir FB /(l - 6), Then, for all 6 e (6 FB 1], there exist values y > x > and the line segment [(x, y), (y, x)] is in the set of informative PPE values, V 1 Each utility Proposition 1. , . u on the segment can be implemented using a policy vector (p, q, v) such that pricing and productive efficiency hold, and Vjk € [(x, y), (y,x)] for each (j, k). pair For the computational example we explore below, where r r) L = .6, we find that 8 Proposition 1 Fon = .66, and 6 Foff = = 2.5, 6jj = 2, 0l = I and .82. can be thought of as a generalization of Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin's (1994) folk theorem. Instead of resorting to infinite patience, we compute a discount factor strictly less than one (.82 in the previous result further provides an explicit characterization of the behavior associated first-best example) where first-best is achieved. with this arrangement: since real inefficiencies might be associated with the provision of incentives, and since some firms may be at the margin of deviating from the agreement, it is important that the cartel design the collusive agreement to circumvent these The cartel achieves this efficiency 23 Our is by shifting market share among firms not sacrificed. This discount factor may be may where productive 24 it is computed using a particular method of implementparameter regions under consideration. For particular alternative self-generating sets that can be implemented with lower levels of conservative, since ing the self-generating set, one that applies for parameter regions, there in states issues. all patience. 24 themes from the review-strategy games with infinitely-patient firms. Under this approach, after many periods, there is a "review," whereby the distribution of observables is compared to the expected distribution if each firm had followed the specified strategy. Any firm whose behavior over that period of time does not conform is punished as harshly as possible. In the limit, patient firms view the small probability of punishment as sufficiently bad that they conform to the required strategies. Further, It is useful to contrast our characterization of collusive behavior with literature (Radner, 1981) as developed in "hidden action" the review periods can be taken to be arbitrarily distant, so that in the limit, punishments occur with zero probability. In our model, by contrast, firms are not infinitely patient, and so real inefficiencies may be required to provide incentives. Our analysis is concerned with the optimal manner such incentives. 20 in which to provide Computational Example 4.1.1. Throughout Section We now detail. offer 4, we use a computational example to develop our insights in further some general remarks about our computational approach, and we next consider an explicit parameterization that relates to Proposition Our approach is V° and then compute to specify a set iterating until the distance between the operationalize this algorithm, a natural sets 1. V = T 1 (V 1-1 1 At the Wang start of the algorithm, (1994), we method is we use a divide the set The denote the vector of points in this grid. values for firm 2, of the algorithm, to divide each set [0, r/(l V into a grid, and then V t+1 This approach is . which speeds up the computations. 25 — 6)] where we into a fixed grid, and worst continuation values best To 1 are the only values ever permitted for firm we compute the 1, ..., level. let x grid represents the set of feasible continuation further ease the computational burden, than compute the lower bound of the set bound with trick = 2. On each iteration for firm 1 which can for each Xk in this grid. be sustained To and these t becomes lower than a given tolerance check which members of this grid survive to become members of slow, however. Following for ) static Nash equilibrium V 1 we impose two on each The payoffs. iteration, First, rather restrictions. we approximate restriction to static this lower Nash punishments does not directly affect the qualitative characterization of the efficiency frontier, since (as the computations show) the firms only leave the efficiency frontier off of the equilibrium path. The available punishment, however, does affect the extent to asymmetric equilibrium values. Thus, point on the frontier. it indirectly affects the continuation values for every Second, we restrict the firms to use pricing efficiency. 26 Given the we have imposed, our computations should be restrictions which firms can sustain interpreted as lower bounds on the Pareto frontier of equilibria. Figures 3, We number 4 and 5 illustrate our computation for a particular set of parameter values. the states on the frontier. The proceeds from every point on the frontier. table below the figure shows how the game Observe that the computations yield slightly asymmetric continuation values across the two firms; this arises as a result of the tational algorithm, which treats one firm's profit as discrete Further, on the region where the continuation value frontier compu- and the other's as continuous. is approximately linear, there many ways to implement a given value; but, due to the discretization the firms may have a strict preference among alternative collusive schemes are often of the frontier, giving 25 Wang's (1994) approach builds in turn on Phelan and Townsend (1991). Recently, Judd (1995) has developed several approaches to computation that could be substantially more efficient. As our aim with the computations is to illustrate the theoretical results, we have not pursued this approach, though it is an interesting avenue for future work. 26 For impatient firms, this restriction is perhaps more onerous; we show in later subsections that for inefficiency may be desirable on the Pareto frontier some parameter values, even if (Pool) holds, pricing when the off-schedule incentive constraints bind. 21 approximately the same among nearby states. utility. Thus, occasionally behavior appears to "jump" drastically This does not qualitatively affect the computation of the equilibrium set. Using the table of transitions, it is possible to trace the path of play given any sequence of cost realizations, taking any state on the Pareto The frontier as the starting point. market-share table illustrates the extent of productive efficiency in each state. Figure 3 illustrates the implementation of an equilibrium yielding first-best profits for the cartel at every point in time. and productive efficiency The region of states between 11 and 24 used (approximately) in each state. is is self-generating — v LH = l l - B„)/6. particularly useful to consider the implementation of the equilibrium value cor- It is responding to state 11, since the off-schedule constraints for the extreme values of the linear self-generating set are the above, most we most demanding. Consistent with the theoretical analysis see that in state 11, firm 2 produces (essentially) only in state (H, L), where efficient. not produce, but does receive a "rewards" accrue to firm 2 following the realization when (H,L) announces high it entails when value. In other words, larger cost, while the future remaining in state when implementing payoffs to firm 2 is is Linear Informative PPE (L,L), but the prospect is PPE any lower; thus, the only way to lower set, is high. The remainder is of Section 4 analyzes collusive on characterizing the Pareto before proceeding in that direction, we briefly only partial productive efficiency and we analyze them for is two reasons. must be approximated numerically, may be 24, 12 Even though such used. 24, and 13 and in frontier of the PPE values, where sets typically are not Pareto First, in contrast to the Pareto frontier, which linear self-generating sets are tractable to analyze verified that self-generating sets are not unique: the regions of states and schemes extend the approach of the last section to consider linear self-generating sets of Informative It equi- Set with Partial Productive Efficiency such circumstances. Although our main focus Informative if its firms are less patient, their ability to use market-share favors in future "tie" states is limited. 27 rel- to lower firm 2's market share in state (H,L), where the off-schedule As mentioned above, when often must be state 7, firm 2 cannot adhere to the agreement constraints are slack since firm 2's market share optimal, "punishment" Clearly, firm 2 11. the cost realization librium profit following a realization of (L, L) A other cost realizations, firm 2 does to state 15 in the following period induces firm 2 to adhere to the agreement. In contrast, 4.2. all more favorable continuation atively patient to endure sitting out moving it is Further, following the cost realization (H,L), the equilibrium specifies that the firms return to state 11. In contrast, following of , Incentives for truthful revelation of the cost type are provided using continuation values, with v HL (r 27 24, respectively, are also self generating. 22 between 8 and 24, 10 in closed form. Second, a self-generating set of equilibrium values provides a lower on the bound can be sustained by colluding firms in an optimal PPE. This level of profits that lower bound, phrased in terms of exogenous parameters, useful is when we attempt to characterize the Pareto frontier in the next section. Depending on parameter values, a variety of different constraints plementation of a linear self-generating In this section, set. we may bind in the im- take a conservative ap- proach, constructing a linear set [(x,y),(y, %)] where the off-schedule constraints bind in two states for firm by specifying a when implementing 1 set of constraints that bind, Formally, suppose that, isfied. and we then when implementing IC-Offl[ L IC-OfflJjj IC-Onln and IC-On2 D , , To construct the (x,y). . We = vlh = vll (x,y), = restrictions, q\ h € q\ H and (0, 1). It q HL — q HH = l segment, we proceed verify that the others are sat- (x,y), the following constraints bind: Nash equilibrium use the static threat point in the off-schedule constraints. Further, Vhh = v H l, line we l 0. It specify that Pjk — as the r for all (j, k), can be verified that under these l remains to verify that v HH D y. Straightforward cal- culations (presented in the Appendix) establish that this condition can be satisfied when firms are sufficiently patient: Proposition 2. There exists a 5 hn < 1 such that, for all 6 > 6 hn there exist values y > x > such that the line segment [(x, y), (y, x)] is in the set of informative PPE values, V 1 Each utility pair u on the segment can be implemented using a policy vector (p, q, v) such , . l 2 andq LH +qHL that pricing efficiency holds, vjk G [(x,y), (y,x)] for each (j,k), where = (r - 6 H )/(0 H - For the parameter values we use in our computations Vl = hn -6), value of b~ ~ -7, and In fact, 2. scheme never yields it is straightforward to verify first-best profits, condition that IC-Offl£ H restriction = (r 2.5, is even when 6 + q\ L ~ 1.5, less that q\ H + qjiL < = 1; this is — 6H at that discount factor, q\ H is = l+ j^rgfa , B L ). 2, 6L than the 1 + 6, = 1 and first-best and so this because we have imposed the binding when implementing (x,y). When 6 gets larger, this too strong; a more profitable linear self-generating region exists where only IC-Offl£ L binds when implementing the endpoints. Although the Pareto superior sets can be computed as 4.3. We set. well, The Shape proceed now we do not pursue it here. of the Pareto Frontier to consider the shape of the Pareto frontier of the informative As discussed at the start of Section 4, when PPE utility firms attempt to implement highly asym- metric equilibrium values, the off-schedule incentive constraints bind and some inefficiency may be required. We thus anticipate that total cartel profits asymmetric, indicating that the frontier we is fall as values become more typically nonlinear. In the present subsection, establish conditions under which a subset of the Pareto frontier of the set of informative 23 PPE we formally characterize the which the off-schedule constraints determine the boundaries of this linear subset values manner in a line with slope equal to —1. is boundaries of the frontier (as well as the To we begin, In addition, itself). our assumption that firms can randomize between continuation recall equilibria, which ensures that firms have available a convex any point in time. Figure 2 illustrates the general shape of a symmetric, convex set of continuation values. or vn, vs, ve, vw, corners, the is The = where vn boundary of the values. In this context, When if for some and West, set has four "corners," labelled as North, South, East, (v}f,v%) set is of particular interest to us, since inefficiency set of continuation values at we say (J, and likewise for the other corners. Between two monotone. The part of the boundary between v^ and Ve represents the Pareto frontier of the set of continuation it that a scheme k), (vj k ,Vj k ) is is characterized by continuation value Pareto not on the Pareto frontier of V. describing the Pareto frontier of the set of feasible continuation values given a we use the notation set V, max{u? /(«}*) -C { some /. We , v%) E co{V)} if v% \ for {v)k : fc [ = large constant C. define the function {v) k - vE Of course, convexity ) of the set v) k e vE [vj,, if v) k if v) k ] l < vN > vE V implies concavity of the frontier / outside the domain of the Pareto frontier in order to simplify the statement of some of our results about the slope of the frontier. Given our assumption that firms are symmetric, f(y) + v is maximized at v 1 = vl, where /(f]) = v]. We may thus say that a scheme is characterized by future inefficiency + if Vj k fail to < f{vj k ) maximize 2v\ for some (j,k), so that under some state the continuation values As mentioned above, total cartel future profits. future inefficiencies are associated with highly asymmetric values, and represent an efficiency cost that when firms attempt to provide incentives with such values. Thus, it is — 1, may make some loss. For the informative PPE set V 1 , provides equal utility to both firms. V1 that Consider a policy vector that implements v[, and for simplicity that pricing efficiency is used. by e/r]L and (H, H) by e/tjh, it is By in states (L, lowering firm L) and (H,H). Suppose market share l's also feasible. While firm in state possible to transfer market share from firm 1 to firm 2 without upsetting any of the on-schedule incentive constraints. is so that the firms be the point on the Pareto frontier of let v{ assume that the off-schedule constraints do not bind (L, L) incurred important to identify conditions under which a subset of the Pareto frontier has slope of use of future market-share favors without efficiency is l's profit is lower, total cartel profit is This new scheme unchanged, and so the Pareto frontier has an interval with slope equal to —1. How can we ensure that the off-schedule constraints do not bind in states (L, L) and (H,H)7 Without loss of generality, when implementing 24 v{, we may specify that q^ = 1/2 and = Vjj r v s for j G {L,H}. With this specification in place, demanding circumstance from the perspective (L, L) when pll = we r, see that suffices to it of off-schedule constraints arises in state check the following condition: {r-eL )/{2S)<v s I -v 1 Of course, v] 1 is endogenously determined. and observing that the most We 1 (OffSS) . illustrate a range of discount factors where (OffSS) holds in our computational examples. Further, Proposition 2 establishes a lower bound v] 1 for v] 1 : if we define must be greater than that if (r - 6H )/(dH ~ x and y (x BL ) + y)/2 > .275, as in Section 4.2, since [(x, y), (y, x)] is Using straightforward computations, . 28 then (OffSS) holds for all 6 > 6 lin . contained in it V1 , can be shown In other words, (OffSS) holds whenever the linear self-generating set constructed in Section 4.2 exists. When (OffSS) holds, we have the following initial characterization of the shape of the Pareto frontier: Proposition 3. Assume (OffSS). 1 (i) The Pareto frontier ofV has an open interval with slope equal to — 1. (ii) Let (x, y) and (y, x) denote the endpoints of this open interval, and let (p, q, v) implement (x,y). Then at least one of the following two conditions hold: (a)forsomej G {L,H}, for some IC-Offljj binds; (b) vjj Q x for some j G {L,H}, and either pjj 6j or q^ = je{L,H}. Part confirms the existence of a subset of the Pareto frontier with slope (i) — 1. Part (ii) then identifies the factors that limit this subset. Formally, either an off-schedule constraint binds, or else the firms run out of market-share favors values in the event of ties. and the ability to shift continuation In either case, the firms cannot implement any further transfer away from firm one and towards firm two without a loss of efficiency. For firms of moderate patience (6 < 8 FB ), the off-schedule constraints typically bind first. It is possible of utility to further characterize the implementation of (x, y) for different parameter regions, but will not pursue Next, it we here. we observe entire Pareto frontier that the off-schedule constraints also determine the endpoints of the and that they when implementing force the firms to bear inefficiency those endpoints. Proposition then there each firm is i, 4. T Suppose that (p,q, v) implements vN (i) . If IC-Oniu either pricing inefficiency, productive inefficiency or both, at least one of the following two conditions hold: 1 IC-Offljj binds; (b) v^ D vjj for some j G {L, H}, and (a) for either pjj 0j is slack for each i, lf(£L >qH for some j € {L, H}, or q^ = for some (ii) L je{L,H}. The lower bound on (r — 6h)/{8h — #l) and so the bound is relaxed when r\h > 1/2. 28 is calculated 25 when rj L = 1/2. This bound is decreasing in tjl, To understand part (i), observe that if the firms are using productive and pricing then IC-Offl£ H and IC-Off-Ml are ficiency, incentive constraints are slack (as they are in can given up some market share in state (L, So long as the upward on-schedule slack. all H) ef- of our computational examples), 29 firm 1 without violating any incentive constraints. In other words, the off-schedule constraints create a force in favor of sacrificing productive when efficiency firms attempt to implement asymmetric continuation values. similar to Proposition 3 If (ii). neither of the off-schedule constraints bind, Part it should be possible to shift market shares or continuation values in the event of ties from firm firm an In contrast to Proposition 3 2. (ii), however, shifting continuation values efficiency loss; indeed, the frontier will typically is (ii) may to 1 entail have slope greater than —1 near the r corner, v N . Finally, we consider whether the and constraints are nonlinear (1 — qj k ) pjk), J- J {V) same prices are the in is in set of equilibrium values convex. Since payoffs market shares and prices (they depend on and not generally convex, two is itself V 1 may gj fc , gj fc -p^ and not be convex either. When distinct equilibria, however, the nonlinearity does not pose a problem, and the convex combination of two equilibrium values can be implemented using a convex combination of the two associated policy vectors. In the next subsection, analyze conditions under which prices are always equal to the reservation value r implementing values on the Pareto frontier of the equilibrium 4.4. Pricing and Continuation Value Efficiency we consider whether, when implementing Pareto values, pricing and continuation-value Pareto efficiency are used. circumstances under which we expect these properties to hold. properties imply that the To begin, downward on-schedule we consider whether when implementing equilibrium far when set. In this section, and we (ii) the Pareto frontier is pricing sufficiently wide, frontier, constraints are typically binding. (i) discount factors . efficiency hold the off-schedule constraints are slack, and the equilibrium value ! v N and v E when implementing that exceed 8 FB PPE We identify two distinct We then show that these , is sufficiently that the firms implement the r equilibrium value using continuation values strictly between v N and v E indicates, these properties hold informative and continuation-value Pareto values such that: from the corners of the Pareto efficient . As Proposition 1 values in the neighborhood of v* for However, conditions (i) and (ii) apply in a wider set 29 To further understand the role of the assumption that IC-Omjy is slack, first observe that if both downward and upward on-schedule constraints bind for firm i, then q^ = (pH which requires productive inefficiency. Part (ii) does not cover the case where IC-Om'j/ binds but IC-Onio is slack for one or both firms. Although we do not formally analyze this case, we establish below conditions under which the upward on-schedule constraints are slack at the start of the game, when implementing v[ adjusting the scheme so that the upward on-schedule constraints bind typically requires new inefficiencies, consistent , ; with the proposition. 26 of circumstances. more moderate discount In particular, for a range of factors, the off- schedule constraints are slack at the begi ) implement a Pareto and the off-schedule constraints hold with slack, V efficient utility pair in vjj < vjk 1 < v^ for all 1 Suppose that . (j, that firms use Pareto efficient Suppose value is continuation values. In establishing this result, that there exists a cost state j for firm first always (i.e., in 2's more Suppose that there subtle. firm 2's continuation value example, we might have and increase Provided that the frontier, this (j, (ii) L f(vj H ) and and rj H , v"j L initial continuation values frontier. continuation In this case, frontier. experiences cost 1 incentive constraints. The second exists a cost state j for firm 1 < f(Vj L ). In this event, such that for firm 2. we may reduce 2's l's lie ex ante For Vj H strictly utility or incentive constraints. between the corners of the Pareto continuation values, in states (j, H) as well as But we may now apply the argument developed adding a constant to firm and thereby increase firm we respectively), while holding the continuation values without disturbing firm below the first possibility, Part H= rj its possibilities. 2's below the frontier in exactly one cost state maneuver positions firm L), strictly cost state j, is v"j vj L (at rates for firm 2 constant, such that firm continuation value whenever firm state j. This raises firm 2's utility without disturbing is 1 both states (j,L) and (j,H)) below the can simply add a constant to firm possibility we must examine two 2's continuation value whenever firm 1 for our experiences 2's utility. establishes the optimality of efficient pricing. The result follows because it is always possible to raise prices and lower continuation values to keep the firms indifferent; but we have just established that continuation values below the frontier can be strictly improved upon. Our next objective is to relax the constraint that the continuation values tween the corners of the Pareto frontier. We find that lie strictly be- additional restrictions on parameters are required to maintain our efficiency results in this case. In a computational example, Figure 5 illustrates our approximation of the Pareto frontier for a set of parameters such that, at the start of the game, when the firms attempt to implement equal utility, the off-schedule constraints do not bind (in particular, the off-schedule constraints are slack for 27 the (p, q, v) implementing states 7-17). However, the Pareto frontier not wide enough to is productive efficiency using Pareto-efficient transfers (since the off-schedule implement full constraints do bind for the "corner" continuation values, that at the edges of the Pareto is, frontier). Proposition 6. efficient utility Suppose that (Pool) holds. Suppose that pair in V 1 , implements a Pareto (p, q, v) the off-schedule constraints hold with slack, and further either both v H h and v LL are on the interior of the line segment on the Pareto frontier ofco(V) < g|- < 1 for j G {L,H}. Then: (i) continuation values with slope equal to — 1, or (b) (a) are Pareto efficient, and (ii) prices are efficient. This result generalizes Proposition stand the restrictions, recall Lemma increase the total collusive profit efficiency of prices implies that under several additional 5, 5, when the continuation To under- which establishes that when (Pool) holds, firms by decreasing productive and continuation restrictions. values. 30 As an extension value frontier is and increasing the efficiency of Lemma 5, this result narrow, and firms maximize the of cartel profits, they choose productive inefficiency over inefficient prices sum and continuation values. Continuing with the case natural question is in which the off-schedule incentive constraints are whether the Pareto frontier is itself self-generating. slack, a Are there circum- stances in which the implementation of a Pareto efficient equilibrium utility pair requires for some state a Pareto inefficient continuation value cumstance were to asymmetric arise, utility pair, to transfer utility then it (i.e., a "price war")? such a cir- would be associated with an attempt to implement an with the continuation- value inefficiency then employed as a means between agents. Furthermore, as Proposition 6 Part efficient utility pair, If (i) indicates, for an Pareto inefficient continuation values would b , however, it is conceivable that an optimal cartel might implement a utility transfer with an inefficient continuation value, particularly in the (L, L) state, so as to relaxing that firm's downward on-schedule possibility does not arise in So far, draw from a firm while simultaneously incentive constraint. We constraints. Before proceeding, effects of off-schedule constraints we make on pricing and continuation- 30 is note, though, that this any of our computational examples. we have considered only the on-schedule two observations about the utility Although we do not formalize this, it can be shown that when (Pool) maximized using productive efficiency, even at the expense of fails, the sum of firm profits i plementing asymmetric vectors, the firms may use both pricing and continuation value inefficiency. further here. 28 We will not utility pursue this case . value efficiency. First, the off-schedule constraints place The off-schedule constraints may downward pressure on the prices. require lower prices for low-cost firms, in order to reduce the incentive that such firms have to undercut the equilibrium price. However, as lowering prices reduces total cartel profits, lowering prices does not necessarily help firms achieve Pareto When prices equilibrium values. efficient are inefficient, in principle, the we have not discovered any examples where schedule constraints might then bind, although we employed this occurs. Second, in establishing continuation- value Pareto efficiency, ments which firms in upward on- shift profits across states of the world. When bind, the profit of a firm in a particular state of the world argu- off-schedule constraints may be Thus, constrained. our characterizations are more limited. However, in the next subsection, we establish a set of characterizations of productive efficiency that hold even in the presence of off-schedule constraints. Returning to the case where the off-schedule constraints are consequences of pricing and continuation- value Pareto that the downward on-schedule slack, we now examine the lie on a segment of the linear establish constraints then bind, unless the firms are indifferent a range of equally-desirable implementation schemes (as might occur values we efficiency. In particular, if among the continuation frontier) u be a Pareto efficient utility pair in V 1 Whenever there exists a policy vector implementing u such that prices are efficient and continuation-value Pareto efficiency holds, then there exists a (p, q, v) that implements u such that either: (a) at Proposition least (fL > 7. Let . one off-schedule constraint (fa for each i, then v\ H D binding, or (b) (1) is l D vHL uj- for each j IC-Onio binds for each and i, (2) if G {L, H}. This result explores the consequences of concavity of the frontier, f(v). Concavity implies that asymmetric continuation values are associated with future inefficiency. Thus, unless behavior is constrained by off-schedule considerations, it is only optimal to use asymmetric continuation values to the extent that they provide a mechanism to enhance productive efficiency benefits. If the frontier is strictly concave in the relevant region, the firms use asymmetric continuation values up to the point that the To constraints bind. l see this, suppose that v HL the incentives are stronger than necessary: we can > v\ L and IC-Onl^ frontier, this If we simultaneously move adjustment slack. is strictly concave. In contrast, if U 2 slack. Then, bring vHL and v\ L toward one another undisturbed {j]i and rjn, firm l's continuation values along the Pareto not disturb firm Such an adjustment leaves is will will is 1 at exactly the rates that leave firm 2's on-schedule incentives respectively). downward IC-On l's on-schedule incentives because IC-Oni^ unchanged, and increases the frontier is U 1 whenever the frontier linear in the relevant region, the firms be indifferent to the adjustment. In any case, only the off-schedule constraints would prevent such an adjustment. 29 Finally, observe that the ranking of continuation values in (b)(2) intuition that firm 1 is rewarded in state (H,L) and punished The deter a (downward) on-schedule deviation. each is i downward on-schedule same time > tfH for downward on-schedule a given firm. Since (b)(1) specifies for upward 31 Computational Examples Consider Figure 4 in relation to Proposition for the policy vectors that implement states 11 to Proposition 5 apply for those states. to another state The by Proposition on the Pareto and thus our characterizations from 20, frontier. 7: for firm 1, Given that this property holds, the The continuation frontier. the realization (L,H) continuation value, while the realization (H, L) is when implementing is values are ranked followed by a low followed by a high continuation value. Similar results hold in the example illustrated in Figure Proposition 6 are satisfied frontier are binding table of transitions illustrates that continuation- diagram only labels and represents the Pareto as predicted illustrated in the diagram, neither the in every state, after every realization of cost types, the value Pareto efficiency holds: move As 5. on the width of the Pareto off-schedule constraints nor the constraints firms in order to constraints bind, the assumption implies that the on-schedule incentive constraints are slack. 4.4.1. (L,H), additional assumption that q\ included because under that assumption, the upward and incentive constraints cannot bind at the that the in state conforms with the 5. In this case, the conditions of states 9-17. Productive Efficiency 4.5. Having considered the use of pricing and continuation-value efficiency, whether firms use productive efficiency when implementing Pareto Our tions. first It result applies to all points on the Pareto frontier, we next explore efficient utilities. with no additional restric- hinges upon the tradeoff between productive efficiency today and future ciency tomorrow. To < see the logic, suppose q\ H engineer a Pareto superior equilibrium. The 1, ineffi- and consider whether firms could firms could increase productive efficiency to- day by increasing q\ H To maintain on-schedule incentive compatibility for firm 1, v\ H could then be reduced so that the combined adjustments in q\ H and v\ H do not increase . in U l (L, H;z). Since a firm values an increase assured this is this adjustment if the adjustments are is made in market share made, and now consider firm 2. q* i, its costs are high, . 2 This firm experiences a reduction in qLH As market share is more valuable when costs are low, the positive effect of the increase in q\ H If (p = L H for some formally delineate them. when so as to leave f/^L, L; z) unchanged. Suppose and, moving along the frontier, an increase in v\ H 31 less on U l (L,L;z) is greater than the the rankings of continuation values are not quite as sharp, and we do not 30 complementary negative value reduction that leaves U 2 (H, H; z), if 2 the decrease in qLH on effect of U 1 (L, L; z) future inefficiency raises U therefore sufficient to strictly increase is is not too great A (H, H;z). 2. Indeed, even the frontier if the frontier (i.e., if Pareto superior equilibrium is not too is strictly concave, if the then this maneuver flat), thus generated, provided that the is arrangement continues to satisfy the off-schedule incentive constraints. 32 is continuation- firm l's continuation- value reduction were to translate, dollar for dollar, into a continuation- value gain for firm 2 unchanged U 2 (H,H;z). The assured, since from the perspective of the off-schedule constraints, new this, too, does not matter it whether market share or continuation values are used to provide profits But in a given state (in contrast, higher prices raise the incentive to deviate). Formally, we have the Proposition 8. following proposition: Choose any Pareto efficient utility pair in Then productive policy vector that implements this pair. q LH = l (i.e., 1 1) ifpLH > @h and + A:f(vlH = 1 + ) if there exists e > - - [f(vl H ) f(vl H Productive efficiency holds in state (H,L) e > (i.e., V1 and let (p, q, v) be the efficiency holds in state (L, H) such that e)]/e l q HL = < (9 H - 0) if Phl 9L )/(pLH - > 6h and 9 L ). if (4.2) there exists such that 1 + A+/«L ) =1+ [Hv'hl + e) - /(«k)]/e > -(fe - fe)/(pm - (4-3) fe). Consistent with the description above, we is used when im- plementing Pareto the continuation values in the (L, H) and (H, L) states are efficient utilities, if drawn from regions too greatly from see that productive efficiency of the frontier at which the frontier slope does not depart — 1. Recall that by Proposition 3, when (OffSS) holds, the interior of the Pareto frontier has slope equal to —1. Thus, Proposition 8 can be used to show that, some productive efficiency see why, observe that is when (OffSS) holds, used by optimally colluding firms at the start of the game. To (OffSS) holds, it is feasible to implement a symmetric scheme with no productive efficiency using pricing efficiency and Vjk is when = v^ for all (J, k); clearly, this the best scheme with no productive efficiency. However, Proposition 8 implies that the latter scheme is Pareto dominated by a scheme with at least some productive implemented using vlh and v hl with slope It is necess (at least efficiency, weakly) outside the interval of the Pareto frontier — 1. important to emphasize, though, that Proposition 8 provides sufficient, but not constraints are slack (as when ferable without efficiency and the conditions of Proposition 7 hold), and utility loss, as in sufficient conditions for Proposition 6. productive efficiency, 33 is trans- However, in order to state necessary we must confront the possibility that a range of policy vectors implements the same equilibrium values. In such cases, we focus on equilibria that satisfy two we of productive efficiency. Second, as firm 2 in state (H, L). utility is transferrable, utility in states symmetry To Qlh q\ H see that such a scheme exists, sum in state (L, 1 H) the observe that as long as of firm profits, and transfers (L,L) and (H,H); the symmetry of the model then implies the desired Suppose that 9. Qhli v lh = 1 implements an equilibrium value (p, q, v) ofV 1 and either assumption Then q\ H G . the schemes should treat firm the optimal scheme maximizes the for each i, that plh v hli an d that no other such policy vector implements (0, 1) and qHL G + Atf(vl H D ) u on the Pareto (a) or (b) of Proposition 6 is satisfied. Further, and IC-Oniy are slack that the off-schedule constraints — is, of policy vectors. Proposition frontier select the policy vector with the highest level focus on schemes that are symmetric outside of states where the cost types are equal; that same we criteria. First, (0, 1) if and only if for all e jtt < Y^=\ + Vl{Vh - Plh — Vh 1 Vl) > u suppose = Phl > &h, using a larger 0, + Kfivln)- (4-4) Further, q\ H = 1/2 and q\iL = 1/2 if and only if the second inequality holds at v HL l if and only if the second inequality fails. while qLH = 1 and qHL = v lh — vs = > One implication of this result is that v^ if — < vjj (r — 9 H )/8 (the minimum width required to implement productive efficiency using pricing and continuation-value Pareto efficiency) ing v ! s , , there is productive inefficiency even in the so long as the off-schedule constraints 1 first period of play, when implement- do not bind. Further, we see that if future = is extreme, so that A^/^f 0, the second inequality in (4.4) holds when = r if and only if (Pool) holds. Thus, we can interpret Proposition 9 as a generalization Plh of Lemma 5. In general, firms implement some productive efficiency; however, they stop inefficiency short of full ) productive efficiency if the slope of the frontier gets too steep or too in particular, if the frontier is too narrow. 33 The approach of Proposition 9 can be extended to the case where utility firms; however, the conditions are 34 flat, and 34 more cumbersome and more is not transferrable across stringent. if the upward on-schedule constraints are l = 1, and if A+/(vL // ) > -1, then qHH = 0. then for e sufficiently small, A7/(vL H ) < -1, then q HH In other words, the firms take the market shares to the extreme before incurring future inefficiency in state Additional characterizations can be provided. For example, slack, (H,H). It is also possible to show that, when off-schedule constraints are slack, / is differentiable, and l continuation values are interior, Pareto efficient points require }'{v LH ) f'{v\j L ) = f'{v LL ) f'{v HH ). Intuitively, the continuation values are chosen to balance the inefficiencies incurred in each state of the all world. 32 now summarize our Let us characterizations of Pareto efficient collusive schemes for we firms of moderate patience. First, find that firms are willing to bear when ciency to gain productive efficiency in the present. However, do not bind, and either the Pareto frontier tain pricing ciency and continuation-value Pareto In contrast, the firms efficiency. is when they attempt to may some future ineffi- off-schedule constraints wide enough or (Pool) holds, the firms maineven at the expense of productive efficiency, and continuation- value Pareto sacrifice pricing implement asymmetric equilibrium values, if effi- the off-schedule incentive constraints directly or indirectly prevent the use of future market-share favors in the event of ties. fairly efficient may Thus, schemes for firms of moderate patience, we expect to (at worst, there is some productive start the inefficiency), game using but the schemes incorporate additional inefficiencies following a series of one or more cost realizations whereby one firm has lower cost than another. 4.5.1. Computational Examples Consider again Figure productive efficiency Notice that for a wide range of states (9 to 22), (approximately) 4. is implemented, as predicted by Proposition tinuation values (in states the frontier 21 use the is (L,H) and (H,L)) associated with these always within the bounds specified in same extreme continuation values (vlh on the diagram. Due shift efficiency loss the frontier is (4.3). — 24 and vhl states, the slope of Further, states 9 to 3); these are labeled to greater future inefficiency. Thus, in order to implement a range of equilibrium values, firms find and = and (4.2) extreme con- to concavity of the frontier, shifting these continuation values to become asymmetric would lead fixed, at the 8: it optimal to hold the extreme continuation values the market shares and continuation values in from shifting market shares linear (as predicted ties. Naturally, there is no in the event of ties; likewise, since the inter by Proposition 3), there is no efficiency loss in shifting continuation values along the linear portion of the frontier. Further, we observe that the extreme values of the Pareto firms use productive inefficiency frontier. In particular, states 3 when implementing the and 24 use productive ineffi- ciency; since these states (or less efficient ones) are reached with positive probability from every starting point, even the most profitable points on the Pareto frontier yield less than the first-best profits. This = vlh is 26, the corner of the is consistent with Proposition Pareto frontier. Thus, 8: when implementing (4.2) fails, so that state 24, productive efficiency not necessarily optimal. Now consider Figure productive efficiency 1.57, and incentives to state 1 is 5. Across all but the most extreme states, the overall level of approximately the same, with qLH + qHL approximately equal to for truth-telling are provided in a similar fashion, following a realization of (H, L) and to state 20 following a These states correspond to the corners of the 33 frontier, and so the with the firms going realization of (L, H). fact that firms achieve only partial productive efficiency consistent with Proposition is Along the 8. interior of the frontier, the slope of the frontier stays fairly close to —1, and this indicates that the firms are willing to incur efficiency. 35 some future inefficiency in order to However, consistent with Proposition inefficiency to implement implement the extreme productive efficiency. higher levels of These features imply that the states, 6, implement partial productive the firms do not use continuation-value interior of the frontier somewhat is optimally colluding firms capture some productive efficiency in the but at the cost of greater inefficiency in the future. However, to nearly linear. greater productive inefficiency first is required. Thus, period of the game, 36 Outside of states 7-17, the off-schedule constraints bind, and at the extreme points of the frontier we have computed, it is impossible to decrease the utility of the disadvantaged As our computational algorithm does firm any further while maintaining pricing efficiency. not allow for pricing inefficiency, we have not determined lowering prices. 5. Informative We now if the firms could do better by 37 Uninformative Communication v. consider the role of communication. mative communication with the opposite We begin by contrasting the case of infor- where firms are unable or unwilling possibility, to communicate. Recall that Section 2 specifies a particular extensive-form communication occurs and then firms make pricing first, However, market-share proposals only posals. are equal. The main affect decisions outcomes game in which and market-share pro- in the event that prices insights of Section 4 are robust to alternative specifications of the extensive-form game, so long as the firms have an instrument to divide the market on a state-contingent basis, and so long as pricing decisions are taken after communication takes place. However, when we consider how the game progresses in the absence of communicatiming assumptions play a tion, the To much more important begin, let us take the specific extensive-form game role. of Section 2. Interpreted the absence of communication implies that the firms use the announcement 35 When implementing states thus, the firms 36 1 and x 2, q LH « 1 a literally, l l (8 but the overall level of productive efficiency go to state 18 or 19 following state (L, H) rather than state ) is = N lower; 20. Relative to the linear self-generating set constructed in Section 4.2, however, the level of productive efficiency is higher (1.57 in the computation versus 1.5 for the strictly linear set). Intuitively, within the linear set, the level of productive efficiency contrast, in Figure 5, states in those states. With those 1, 2, and 20 are (less efficient) is the same when implementing each point in the set. In available only because the firms sacrifice productive efficiency equilibrium values in the share favors available, and thus greater productive efficiency 37 is set, firms have greater future market attained at the start of the game. However, since the advantaged firm produces at least half the time in each state, lowering the price any state would apparently lower profits for both firms, and thus leave the Pareto frontier. But, a more rigorous argument is required to establish such a result, since we must consider more radical adjustments in conjunction with a price decrease, such as reallocating market shares across states of the world. in 34 now (which we will suppress in our notation) in It linked to communication; we could formally accommodate such an alternative assumption = by requiring that following the no-communication announcement N, ^(Oj) make the consider might be argued that market-share proposals are inherently market-share proposals. Although the main qualitative ideas described for all j, k. Now states of the world. all latter assumption, for consistency we 2 <p {Bk) = 1/2 apply when we in this section instead follow explicitly the model of Section whereby equally-priced firms are able to unilaterally withhold quantity from the market 2, even The absence of explicit communication. in the difference is that a firm's price and market-share proposals must then be decentralized, as these variables depend only on the firm's own cost type. In this context, how tive? This requirement has both a downside and an upside. The downside market-sharing arrangements that can be implemented ever, is perhaps less severe is still can be allocated a state-contingent fashion, provided in 38 consistent with decentralized decision-making. 2 simplest no-communication scheme might require p (0h) ip l {6j) — ip 2 (9 k ) = 1/2 for all j, k: = 1 P (Bh) > this yields productive efficiency, and even pricing in the event of ties that the set of This restriction, how- restricted. is is than might be expected: in our model, even without informative communication, market share that the allocation announcements to be uninforma- are the firms affected by requiring For example, the 2 = 1 P (9l), and equal market shares P {Ql) Bertrand setting, arbitrarily small efficiency (in our by setting p 2 (B H ) > P 1 {Bh) > P 2 (8l) > achieve productive and pricing efficiency, but now firm 1 price differences can allocate consumers). Similarly, 1 P {Ql)i the firms wins all ties. may continue to Notice that the two schemes just described could be implemented even the market-share proposals altogether, if if we eliminated we instead maintained the assumption that con- sumers divide themselves evenly among two firms charging the same However, when price. decentralized quantity restrictions are included, the firms might specify a scheme whereby p>(e H ) = l p {B H ) > p 2 (9 L = ) l p {6 L ), and </(%) = 2/3, to share the market unequally in the event of ties. pi{e H ) firm 1 market = 2 p (B L ) = p\B H > to serve the ) p (BL ), and tp^Bj) market in its = Compare our model if 2/3, = p 2 (B k ) 1/3. This allows the firms also use a = communication. scheme whereby 1/3. This 1 scheme allows receives 2/3 of the many market-sharing arrangements are 39 to a Cournot model, where without communication, colluding firms typically suffer the opponent turns out to be low cost. In contrast, able to select the (B k ) They could large inefficiencies: a high-cost firm produces, just in case the wasteful 2 entirety in state (L,H), while firm in other states. Despite these possibilities, infeasible without informative 38 1 tp monopoly output for the cost opponent when is high-cost as well, but this is the firms can communicate, they are type of the firm that actually produces, and other firms from producing. Thus, our base model presents a conservative case for communication. 39 This discussion highlights the role of our assumption that the game has simultaneous moves: the firms might wish to move sequentially, if that were possible, to restore the ability to assign market shares in a fully state-contingent manner. refrain 35 An environment without informative communication also admits an upside for the col- luding firms, once the off-schedule constraints are considered. In the absence of informative communication, each firm must be dissuaded from deviating from the collusive agreement after observing its own knowing the type type, but before of the other firm. In other words, the off-schedule incentive constraints bind at the interim stage. For example, suppose that an equilibrium = specifies q\ L = 1/2, q\ H = x q HL 1, x and q HH = 1/2. This market-share allocation can be achieved without informative communication. The off-schedule incentive constraint might bind for a low-cost firm it would then be tempting to cut price By contrast, if a low-cost firm the entire market with probability tion can firm 1 were to tive then the off-schedule then already anticipates winning In this way, the absence of informative communica- promote cooperation, by preserving uncertainty about opponent play and thereby softening the off-schedule incentive constraint. relieves that firm 2 has low cost: 2's cost type, easily met, since firm 1 tjh- know and pick up the remaining 1/2 of the market. slightly were unaware of firm 1 more incentive constraint would be 1, if some PPE, of the pressure to give since it becomes 40 Notably, uninformative communication up productive efficiency that is easier to lower q\ L while maintaining q\ H present in an informa- = 1 without violating the off-schedule constraints. We turn now to a formal representation of the incentive constraints With appropriate communication. definitions, we can inally, let for firm 1 in place, v under uninformative represent the x represent the continuation value k and p2 (9k)- With these definitions the on-schedule incentive constraints are again represented by IC-Oni^ and ICthat is induced by the price selections p Oniy. To define the off-schedule constraints, (6j) somewhat 7 H}, IC-Offl^ decentralized pricing strategies. For j G {L, £ it is 1 Vk[qjk(Pjk-9j) is easier to refer directly to the defined as: + fivliA k€{L,H} > max 2 - ((p (0 L ) 2 Vh(p (0h) ~ 9j), while the corresponding constraint for firm now For a given continuation- value set V, we 3?+ x [0, l] 4 x V — 4 > {0, 1}. We let IC-Off2^, 2, C(p,q, v) = Oj), is o) + 8v\ defined analogously. define a function C(p, q, v), where 1 if decentralized strategies (a (8 40 In other words, when l ) = TV { ', p i l (9 ) , ,i ip (6 )) : the specified prices, market shares or continuation values require informative communication, while C(p, q, v) l C = if there exists that can induce the specified prices, firms do not communicate, they can pool off-schedule incentive constraints across different information states. This is broadly analogous to Bernheim and Whinston's (1990) finding that multi-market contact between perfectly-informed firms serves to pool incentive constraints and facilitate cooperation. 36 market shares and continuation values. Notice that continuation values can only be statecontingent to the extent that the state of the world When divisions. C(p, q, v) = 1, revealed by pricing and market-share is the off-schedule constraints defined above, IC-Offz 7 and u IC-Off-Mi, are appropriate, while the IC-Offi constraints are appropriate The when feasible set for C(p, if firms use uninformative communication can q, v) = 0. be written as follows: u (v) [ _ " I ' z = (P. q> v £Z(V) ) C(p, : = For 0; all i IC-Omu and IC-OflW IC-Onix,, I q, v) = j G {L, H}, 1, 2, hold. Notice that, since the off-schedule constraints are different from the case of informative PPE, neither Tv (V) nor ^{V) is can then be characterized as the largest invariant f u (v) = 1 An initial observation reservation price J- U (V) is ' and the is ' The a subset of the other. set of uninformative set of the following operator: = (p.q.v)e^(v) for i = 1, 2, «* = U\z). {v}y): 3a l | such that PPE 1 J PPE, even that in an uninformative if firms collude at the off-schedule constraints are slack, the set of feasible policy vectors may not be convex, so that we rely can randomize among continuation equilibria. 41 not convex. Thus, the set of equilibrium values more heavily on our assumption that firms We now hurt firms if discuss several circumstances under which restricting communication might l the off-schedule constraints do not bind. First consider the choice of qLH In . regions where the continuation value frontier tion value frontier is is too steep or too or flat, if the continua- too narrow, Propositions 8 and 9 establish that the firms implement productive inefficiency. In such cases, intermediate values of q\ H are typically optimal, so that the restriction to uninformative communication examples and 4 in Figures 3 illustrate may be The computational costly. a range of equilibrium values where, for the (p, q, v) that implement these values, C(p, q, v) = 1. In Figure 4, the (p,q, v) that implement the middle states clear the off-schedule constraints with slack, and thus restricting attention to U (p,q, v) € !F (V) unambiguously lowers cartel profits. More formally, observe the tradeoff can be characterized q\ H = in i Of course, it + efficiency a manner analogous to Proposition 1/2 can be improved upon by a scheme where q\ H IC-Onlu (holding the 41 between productive rest of the [f{v\ H ) - scheme = 1 A scheme and v\ H is inefficiency (p, q, v) where chosen to satisfy fixed), if f(vl H )]/(vl H - v\H ) < H- (B. e L )/(PLH - could be argued that randomizing between continuation equilibria firms cannot communicate; however, from a formal perspective, there on an ongoing 8. and future basis in order to randomize. 37 is no need eL ). is less plausible for firms to when communicate However, if the frontier is productive efficiency even too narrow, or if eventually becomes too steep, firms sacrifice if it were (4.2) holds so that, available, a small increase in q\ u it (holding the market shares in other states fixed) would increase profits. Thus, restricting communication can lead to greater productive Similarly, inefficiency. it would often be l optimal to choose intermediate values of qHH and q\ L typically not equal to one another, , if those were available. Thus, we have argued that there exist circumstances under which restricting commu- A nication to be uninformative lowers the profits available to the cartel. second question concerns whether these losses accrue for every discount factor, or whether the losses disap- pear when firms are sufficiently patient or impatient. Clearly, restricting communication does not hurt in the static Nash equilibrium, or if the firms are too impatient to implement nonstationary market shares. Restricting communication also cannot hurt patient enough to implement first-best in an uninformative establishes that, even when communication exists a critical discount factor strictly less ticular, the linear self-generating is prohibited, than 1 PPE. The we still above which segment constructed if the firms are following proposition have the result that there first-best in Proposition 1 is attained. In par- can be implemented without communication. Proposition 10. Assume that r — 9 H < 9 H — 9 L and define 6 FB as in Proposition 1. For all 6 G [6 FB 1], there exists an uninformative PPE that yields first-best profits to the FB /(l - <5),tt fb u cartel: (n /(1 - 8)) E V , , . Thus, restricting communication hurts collusive ventures, but only when firms are moderu we note that most of our results about ately patient. For further characterizations of V , V 1 can be modified to characterize V u but we , will not pursue that here. Building on these results, we turn finally to a discussion of the qualitative features of the set of unrestricted PPE, where the communication can depend on period, the firms first choice of whether or not to use informative One way history. to understand the choose whether or not to communicate. and face the IC-OfK 7 If game is that in each they communicate, they they do not, they choose from a restricted set of market-share and price policies, but they face the relaxed IC-Offi u reveal their types constraints. Formally, they can select f(v) = { | (ul '" 2): constraints; if from two distinct 3z = (p>q. such that for i sets of feasible policy vectors: v )e{^/ GOu.F'0/)} = 1, 2, u* =U l 1 (z). J Consider a qualitative example where firms choose to refrain from communication. Suppose that the firms implement productive efficiency, so that firm deviate in state (L, H), and they wish to implement a scheme that 2. If is 1 has no incentive to biased in favor of firm the firms attempt to reduce the market share or continuation value of firm 38 1 in state By (L, L) too far, IC-Offl£ L will bind. refraining from communication, the firms can pool the (L, L) off-schedule constraint with the non-binding (L, allowing for a lower profit for firm 1 in state (L,L) (e.g., H) off-schedule constraint, thus market share equal to 0). More generally, our analysis suggests that firms use communication in order choose a r policy vector from J- (V), so as to implement market-sharing arrangements that are not when available using decentralized schemes; however, and when ing the off-schedule constraints, there significant gain is from relax- the "ideal" market shares are close enough to a scheme that can be implemented without communication, firms refrain from communicating, choosing a policy vector state at r from TU (V). For example, in Figure 5, the utility pair of could be approximated using a decentralized scheme, where firm 1 — e, and firm when 2 prices at r its cost Then, firm 2 receives no market share when with firm 1 when its from communication, frontier, cost it is Once the low. may be is its high and at r cost utility pair to e is 1 when high, while off-schedule constraint possible to shift v\ L producing an equilibrium is — always prices its cost splits the it is low. market relaxed by refraining l and vHH to the Southeast along the the Southeast of state equilibrium value could be used to provide future market-share favors 1. In turn, such an when implementing other states, increasing productive efficiency across the frontier. 6. Symmetric In this section, PPE we explore market-share favors. We firms can communicate; the role of our assumption that firms have access to future examine the way (ii) in which collusive behavior changes when no bribes are permitted; and (iii) (i). firms are restricted to use Symmetric PPE. Although there may be only limited circumstances where firms can communicate but not track behavior over time, an examination of fies we this possibility further clari- the consequences of the institutional environment for collusive conduct. 42 In any case, when it is available, informative communication is always weakly a Symmetric PPE, and is strictly dominated for an intermediate range of establish that even dominated in discount factors. Working with a continuous-type model allowed, Athey, Bagwell Lemma which communication between firms same is not stationary, and, under a wide range of parameter values, price and win with equal probability. 5 to confirm the analogous result for the discrete-type In this section, we all use model with communication. Consider the content of the restriction to Symmetric PPE. Formally, the set 42 is and Sanchirico (1998) have previously established that the optimal symmetric collusive scheme cost types charge the in Vs of an example where communication might be possible, consider the common practice in art A group of agents could meet before an auction without revealing their clients. If clients can use different agents in different auctions, their identities can remain concealed. To see auctions of using agents to represent buyers, often anonymously. 39 Symmetric PPE values is the additional restriction u Lemma 2, we 1 = u 2 on the V Consider a set (u ,u G ) V is Lemma apply that is = 3z : (p,q,v) G {J#{V) V = {(ti 1 ,^ (V) is 1, 2, 2 : ) V logic of u = u U F{V)} =U 2 V l '(z). any (v},v?) S D sup{« G V}}. T (V) satisfying Lemma since , u1 = u2 for all Thus, we can 5 implies that available, the firms simply use the best continuation values in implemented using iaax.{(v},u 2 ) Lemma Lemma 5 indicates that the largest point in G V} as a continuation a stationary equilibrium of the repeated game since the schemes of 1 Clearly, 5 to characterize the best point in the set regardless of the state. Formally, T = i closed and bounded. contained in even with a larger set S Applying the set of values permitted. such that for 2 which imposes seek to analyze the operator (u\u 2 ) l T S (V), the largest invariant set of the operator (i.e. Vjk = value, corresponding to maxV s for all j, k). Further, 5 can be implemented without informative communication, the firms choose not to communicate. Proposition 11. There exists a 8 s < 1 such that, for all 6 G (6 s 1] 43 (i) If (Pool) holds, 1 then the optimal Symmetric PPE is stationary, and it yields value to each firm ofu — (r — E[9])/(l — 6). This is implemented as follows: each firm prices at r in every period, communication is uninformative and the firms divide the market evenly, (ii) If (Pool) fails, then the optimal Symmetric PPE yields values u = (n H (r - 6 H ) + n L (l + r]H )(8 H - 6L )) /(2(l-<5)). This can be implemented using a stationary equilibrium with uninformative communication and the pricing scheme outlined in Lemma 5. : , { Since informative communication it provides no benefit; exist discount factors it is not necessary to implement the best collusive schemes, simply tightens the off-schedule incentive constraints. Thus, there under which maximal collusive profits can be implemented only if firms refrain from informative communication. The optimal equilibria for less patient firms are analyzed in greater depth in Athey, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998), so here we simply highlight a few brief points. (Pool) holds, the low-cost type 6 < 6 s , it is is most tempted to deviate from the rigid-price rule. necessary to "separate" the cost types and specify a lower price for a low- cost firm, in order to mitigate the incentive of such a firm to undercut. 44 (Pool) implies that the collusive profit 43 In particular, expression is When When when is lower. In the computational (Pool) holds, 6 s satisfies ^ more complicated (but straightforward to r ~ £e 2 = \(r - 6L ) compute given a + In this case, example of Figure 5, <5V. When (Pool) fails, the parameter values), since set of might bind first for different parameter values. which is developed further in Athey, Bagwell and Sanchirico (1998), is reminiscent of arguments made by Rotemberg and Saloner (1986), although they emphasize that all firms must reduce different off-schedule constraints 44 price This logic, when a high and public demand shock is encountered. 40 6 = 6 s = .71; yet, in the self-generating set of informative PPE values depicted in Figure 5, the firms are able to achieve partial productive efficiency, and thus strictly greater profits, than in the best Symmetric Section 4.2 exists for 6 From the perspective > PPE. and .7001, of policy, Similarly, the linear self-generating set constructed in we this scheme also improves upon the rigid-price rule. therefore conclude that regulations that might appear to hinder collusion, such as withholding the identities of the bidders in a procurement auction, might have the perverse consequence of leaving prices unchanged but lowering productive efficiency. 7. Bribes we extend the model In this section, The model as the Bribes model. game: firm (v) i sends b > l communication as defined and we to allow for bribes, following stage model is extended added to the extensive form stage is to firm j; firm j receives jb in our refer to the 1 Observe that (ex ante) . not necessary to implement bribes; the firms can condition bribes on the market shares realized ex post. To simplify the exposition, we communication; however, our main results carry over to restrict attention to informative endogenous communication. The exogenous parameter 7 £ of the bribe; 7 = 1 corresponds to the use of incentive constraints, we both firms send bribes, first describes the inefficiency money withou observe that optimal collusion never requires a state in which since, a single bribe efficiently if [0, 1] is with 7 1, the desired net transfer can be achieved most made from one firm to the other. With this observation imposed, and under informative communication, the off-schedule constraint be written is 2, it b) k + 8{v)k - v 1 ) > max(<z?fc (pjfc - OJ, defined analogously; likewise, IC-Off-Mz s natural way. firm can as: 7 b% IC-Off2^. for firm 1 Notice that when IC-Offl^. holds, if q}^ - pjk is )). (IC-Offlf fc ) constructed from IC-Off-Mz in the firm 1 is assigned to send a bribe to never has the incentive to withhold the bribe after production takes place. After 41 production takes place, firm v}) > 0. But 1 wishes to adhere to the equilibrium play by IC-Offl^.. In words, this inequality holds it is if 7^ — tfk + 5( vjk~ more tempting to deviate from the agreement before production takes place, as the deviating firm can capture the market and avoid paying a bribe if that is required, than after production takes place, when the firm can only avoid paying the bribe. IB Let (V) be defined as .F (V), once the utility functions and constraints from the F base model are replaced with the utility functions and constraints with bribes. vector is now (z,b), where z = (p,q, v). Finally, with ex ante utility given as The U Bl policy (z, b), let f B (v) = u2) (ttl - 3(p q v b) eTlB{v) : ' J \ such that for i ' ' = 1, 2, u* = U Bi (z, b). \ J We denote the set of PPE values in the Bribes model as V B which following our previous arguments is the largest invariant set of T B Let vf be the point on the Pareto frontier of V B that gives equal utility to both agents. , . Suppose that (r - 6 L )/(28) < v\ B - v} Then for all 7 < 1, if any productive efficiency is implemented (qi H > 1/2), the equilibrium is non-stationary. If 7 = B (ii) Assume r — 9 < 1, there exists a non-stationary (p, q, v) that implements v H 9h — 9lB B For all 7 < (=)1, there exists 6 < 1 such that, for all 6 € [8 1], bribes are never used (resp. not necessary) along the equilibrium path in the most profitable equilibria for the Proposition 12. (i) . . , firms. Proposition 12 examines the extent to which bribes replace market-share favors in imple- menting Pareto efficient equilibrium values. Recall that so long as the off-schedule constraints frontier of the set of informative Thus, ther, it is when initially more PPE efficient to sufficiently patient firms are dominated. we have already established that, do not bind at the symmetric point on the Pareto values, the frontier has an open interval of slope — 1. use market-share favors than inefficient bribes. Fur- can attain first-best without bribes, inefficient bribes 45 Proposition 13. Fix 6 and 7, and suppose that (p, q, v, b) implements a Pareto efficient B value u G V Suppose that p H L, Plh > 6 H If 1 - 7 < (9 H - 6 l )/(plh - 6l) and — — 1 7 < (9h 9l)/(phl — 9l), then the scheme uses productive efficiency. . . Proposition 13 characterizes the use of bribes to provide incentives for productive ficiency, when firms are not patient the set of informative PPE values, enough to implement first-best. ef- Bribes can expand whenever the equilibrium without bribes calls for the 45 In a continuum-type model, the Pareto frontier has slope equal to — 1 at the Pareto efficient equilibrium providing equal utility to both firms, if firms are sufficiently patient such that the off-schedule constraints permit small future market-share favors. Thus, for any 7 not fully replace future market-share favors. 42 < 1, even in a continuum-type model, bribes do use of continuation values that entail greater future inefficiency than the inefficiency of bribes. Figure 6 illustrates how bribes augment the set of continuation values available to the firms. Recall that Proposition 8 establishes that firms use productive efficiency unless the continuation values are not available or require too much future inefficiency, even if the off-schedule constraints bind. Thus, so long as bribes are suitably main analysis highlights an important theme: the firms is firms use productive efficiency. efficient, factor limiting productive efficiency of the availability of an instrument for transferring constraints. Intuitively, in the absence of bribes, then a market-share transfer share allocation is may be if today's productive efficiency, and, ideally, 4, utility, rather than off-schedule firms achieve productive efficiency today, required tomorrow; therefore, tomorrow's market- burdened with twin objectives: have shown in Section This it also it must embody the required transfer must be productively When these objectives can sometimes clash. however, they can be used to achieve the efficient itself. for As we bribes are available, objective, leaving tomorrow's market-share first allocation free to achieve the second. Bribes can thus enable a substantial improvement in productive efficiency for firms attempting to effect transfers, provided that the associated transactions cost (1 — 7) is low enough. of contrast, now consider the use of bribes in the case of Symmetric PPE. 1 2 B BS Let T (V) be defined from T (V), imposing the additional constraint that u = u and BS be the largest invariant set of T BS From the perspective of designing collusive let V As a point , . we can think of bribes as enlarging lemmas from Section 4.4, we have: agreements, Using the Proposition 14. (i) the set of continuation values beyond The Pareto Optimal equilibrium value using a stationary collusive scheme; sufficiently patient, the (ii) If 1 — 7 < optimal collusive scheme efficiency, pricing efficiency and the use of is it is it critical @l) and it entails productive and firms are critical discount factor for support- critical when 1 When the firms do not communi- discount factor for sustaining collusion with —7 < (Oh — &L)l( r — #l) is strictly lower discount factor for sustaining rigid prices and productive inefficiency These results have two main implications In terms of applications, there may be (i.e., than the when 7 for applied analysis of collusion. observe that firm-specific reputations and non-stationarity 46 — important to note that this optimal collusive scheme can can be easily shown that the productive and pricing efficiency can be implemented Ol)/(t stationary, be implemented without informative communication. cate, — V BS . bribes. Although we do not include the computation of the ing efficiency in this model, (Oh in V s 46 = First, 0. we market-share favors) are only limited circumstances where firms cannot track indi- vidual behavior over time, but they can use individual-specific bribes as conditioned on current-period announcements; however, an example is an auction market where the bidders use agents art auctions), agents represent multiple bidders (as is common and bidders can switch agents without observation. 43 in robust features of collusive ventures, so long as bribes are inefficient and individual firm behavior can be tracked over time. path price wars) are not useful in Non-stationary equilibria (including on-equilibrium- two extreme with side-payments cases: legalized cartels cartels facing informational or other (unmodelled) constraints that force and Symmetric PPE. them into 47 Second, our results have a somewhat perverse policy implication. To the extent that bribes are used, in either symmetric or asymmetric efficiency of the cartel. For collusion at high prices, On increase the productive discount factors and parameter values, firms can sustain and the only can implement productive reduces welfare. many PPE, they efficiency. issue for the cartel Thus, for many is the extent to which they discount factors, prohibiting bribes the other hand, there do exist moderate discount factors such that prohibiting bribes lowers the collusive profits enough that collusion takes place only at substantially lower prices. For moderately patient firms, therefore, a prohibition on bribes may 8. raise consumer welfare. Policy and Empirical Implications Our analysis has a variety of implications for policy. One theme ing firms tolerate productive inefficiency before lowering prices. welfare, that may is bad news: policies that limit firms' ability to that successfully collud- is 48 From the perspective communicate and use bribes serve mainly to limit productive efficiency, without having a large effect on prices. These policies increase consumer welfare only if firms are sufficiently impatient that remov- ing these instruments destroys their ability to collude at high prices. bribes all, of may not have much effect at all, unless the firms 49 Further, prohibiting have moderate patience. our findings therefore provide some formal support for those (e.g., Bork (1965, Over1966), who are attentive to the possible efficiency gains that restraints of trade may and who therefore question the unqualified application of the per se rule against Sproul (1993)) afford, price fixing. 50 Similar results hold when we consider designing markets (such as auction markets for 47 Of course, in reality, tracking a complicated, non-stationary agreement, and potentially communicating about cost information, also has costs, so our comparison between inefficient bribes and future marketshare favors may be biased against bribes; nonetheless, our results indicate that market-share favors can be quite effective as a collusive mechanism for sufficiently patient firms. 48 This theme arises in the base model, as a comparison of Propositions 6 and 9 confirm. It also appears when we consider policies that prohibit communication (see the discussion preceding Proposition 10), impose anonymity 49 Of (see Propositions 11 and 14) or prohibit bribes course, in our inelastic-demand model, social welfare is (see Propositions 13 independent of and 14). price. Qualitatively similar would also arise in a model with downward-sloping demand, however. At the same time, we note that our findings depend somewhat on the ability of firms to use small differences in prices to allocate market share. As discussed in footnote 38, in a Cournot model, restricting communication might improve consumer welfare. findings 50 44 government contracts or internet auction markets) to withhold firm identities. 51 If firms are patient enough to support the fixed-price equilibrium, policies that impose anonymity only reduce productive efficiency. On the other hand, there are discount factors under which PPE entails productive efficiency and lower best asymmetric PPE entails some productive the best Symmetric prices when firms have low cost, while the inefficiency but monopoly prices. Another implication of our model concerns merger policy. Although our formal model considers only two firms that draw from identical cost distributions, the modeling frame- work can be As is easily extended to allow for multiple firms customary, with more firms, the critical with asymmetric cost distributions. discount factor for supporting cooperation goes up. But asymmetries also frustrate collusion among impatient pects higher cost and/or lower market share in the future a collusive agreement. It thus difficult for more tempted who ex- to deviate from asymmetric firms to implement Accordingly, a merger that creates asymmetries across firms future market-share favors. may impede may be more is firms: a firm the provision of market-share favors and thereby the attainment of productive efficiency. In terms of empirical implications, our results suggest the following taxonomy: very impatient firms use low prices that vary significantly with costs, and implement productive efficiency; slightly firms who are more patience leads more patient still, but to higher prices, but who still prices that vary with cost; face informational or coordination constraints that prevent tracking individuals over time, use high prices that do not vary with cost, and each firm's market share is independent over time; and finally, firms who are patient and sophisticated use high prices that do not vary with cost, but they implement productive efficiency analysis and a is firm's market share is negatively correlated over time. An implication of our thus that market-share volatility and productive efficiency are non-monotonic in the "extent" of collusion, being greatest when firms interact noncooperatively or employ sophisticated collusive schemes. Our results also provide some insight into the role of institutions, such as industry asso- ciations, industry trade publications and the celebrated "smoke-filled room." a potential benefit to communication: it We identify allows firms to allocate market share in a state- contingent fashion. Clearly, this only has value in collusive schemes that implement some productive efficiency. 52 51 On the other hand, we have seen that firms may prefer to avoid Indeed, an interesting question for policy concerns the design of formal auction markets: should the auctioneer reveal the identities of the bidders? For example, an internet market can be designed using can be designed so that participants are required to publicly reveal their identities. In the former case, the market-maker provides the service of allowing participants to meet anonymously and still conduct transactions; in the latter case, the market-maker provides the service of verifying identities (for aliases, or it example, using credit cards). 5 In alternative models, communication might offer other benefits; for example, firms might share information to better forecast future demand. 45 communication following some after histories, in order to they learn that they will not produce. We about the use of bribes; they are mainly useful keep impatient firms from deviating have also provided some negative results for firms of expect difficulty in tracking identities over time. They moderate patience, or firms who typically do not fully replace market- share favors as a mechanism for providing incentives, and thus an optimally-designed cartel allocates current production in a Our manner that is sensitive to firm-specific histories. results provide a lens to guide future empirical lusive behavior. may be However, market-share favors not necessarily generate the same kind of "paper where side-payments were permitted But there are more recent examples lusion among difficult to come from series of side-payments. historical examples of legal- Stocking and Watkins (1946)). (see, e.g., as well. For example, col- document, since they do might a trail" as Indeed, most of the detailed case studies of cartels ized cartels and case-based research about McMillan (1985) describes col- firms in the J ith our formal analysis, and sometimes even ture market-share favors, McMillan reports that firms use bribes, as a means fu- of providing incentive for honest communication so that greater productive efficiency can be achieved. With the recent increase in anti-trust enforcement of price-fixing cases in the U.S. (and the incentives it may be it provides to conspirators to divulge details of the workings of the cartel), 53 possible to gain further insight into the institutional design of individual contem- porary cartels and to document the kinds of behavior studied in this paper. In many of the recent cases, market-share allocation was a primary concern of the cartel; examples include citric acid, feed additives, marine services, graphite electrodes, tels differed in their sophistication of explicit communication rules. for these cartels, particularly and used side-payments and Interestingly, other cartels used a favors: in the case of citric acid, cartel year, car- and design. According to prosecutors, the main topic peared to be market-share allocation. Some of the individual customers and vitamins. 54 These cartels, among high-level executives, ap- such as marine services, allocated profit-sharing, following a written set of mechanism closer in spirit to our market-share members examined market and any company who sold more than a pre-specified the following year by purchasing from other cartel shares at the end of each amount had to members whose market make shares it fell up in below the target. More generally, the existing literature on collusion typically does not distinguish between market-share allocation schemes that implement productive efficiency and those that use pre-determined (and thus 53 The allocation rules. U.S. Justice Department began a "leniency" price-fixing case to confess 54 inefficient) is immune from program For example, in the case of bid- in 1993, whereby the first conspirator in a criminal charges. See Business Week (July 27, 1998), "Justice's Cartel Crackdown," pp. 50-51 for more discussion. 46 common, but many rigging at auctions, bid rotation schemes are involve randomized market-share allocation Schankerman (1975) analyzed and they showed that cartels all famous examples of the "Phases of the Moon"). (i.e., Comanor and prosecuted cases of bid rigging over a 50-year period, with a smaller number of bidders were more likely to use bid rotation schemes than "identical bidding." Although they did not provide about the nature of the bid rotation, further study of the legal testimony discern those rotation schemes that made much may detail allow us use of market-share favors or bribes to implement productive efficiency. In other applications, it may be possible to verify the prediction of negative correlation in the market shares of firms using sophisticated rotation schemes as opposed to randomized rotation schemes. 9. Conclusions While the results in this applied to a number paper are motivated by the problem of collusion, they can be of other contexts. At a general level, our model considers interactions between agents - such as family members, workers in a firm or politicians - who must repeatedly take actions in an environment with two main characteristics: payments. each firm's from period to period, and the actual change cost or benefit of taking the action changes private information; first, and second, there are limits Essentially, the repeated play of on the is firms' ability to use explicit side- any of the standard multi-agent mechanism design problems (public goods, auctions, bargaining) fits into the framework, with the additional assumption of restricted transfers. Private information may be privately it is is easy to motivate in many contexts. For example, family informed about how tired they are on a particular day, and thus to perform household work. Likewise, division heads within a firm information about the efficiency of access to a resource, and politicians information about the costs of legislation. transfers also arise frequently: families share a common members how costly may have may have private private Limits or transaction costs associated with may common budget, division heads may may be illegal. Social norms may also share a resource and payments for votes prohibit monetary transfers in certain circumstances. In this broader context, our paper can be interpreted as providing a formal analysis of the hierarchy of relationships available, as well as the extent of efficiency achieved by each type establish that the promise of future favors may use inefficient bribes in the present. 55 of relationship. For example, we eliminate the need and desire of agents to 55 Holmstrom and Kreps (1996), who study the use monetary payments for favors. Our analysis differs from theirs in that we bring together the tools of dynamic programming and mechanism design to characterize optimal equilibria for firms for a given discount factor, and we explicitly model the tradeoff between different kinds of sideIn this regard, our results are similar to those of of "promises" as opposed to payments. 47 ^From a methodological paper is the first perspective, our analysis highlights several points. which we are aware to provide tools of use of market-share favors by impatient firms. comparison between them both for characterizing the The problem among We those instruments. identify these tradeoffs static and dynamic analyses of and explore it is possible Second, we develop the to provide rich characterizations of optimal collusive schemes. between optimal and impatient theoretically as well as using computational examples, showing that precise connections our of cartel design motivates our a variety of instruments available to the colluding firms, firms face real tradeoffs First, making collusion, clear the similarities and differences, and laying the groundwork for treating other repeated-game problems within the mechanism design framework. Third, our work motivates some new questions for static them. 56 mechanism design, and takes some towards addressing initial steps Finally, our comparison of symmetric and asymmetric equilibria indicates that symmetry can be a significant restriction eliminating side-payments in static on the set of equilibria, mechanism design problems much as restricting or yields drastically different answers than allowing for budget-balanced side payments. This observation motivates more two kinds of careful exploration of the classes of environments suited to the Appendix 10. Lemma Proof of For any (u 1 ,u 2 ) 6 T'{V), there exist s G 2: that satisfy incentive compatibility conditions and yield u tions uniquely define prices, can define the associated (p, q, v). constraints of l = 1 tt It is game is l (Q ) ^ 6 l , T (V) are T / (F) satisfied. S and v (s) + in 6v 1 : A2 (s(6)). x K4 -> co(V) As these func- each state of the world, we straightforward to verify that any (p,q, v) that can be Z(V), up to payoff-irrelevant choices in the feasible set example, prices greater than r that receive no market share). the incentive constraint in a l market shares and continuation values attained in the extensive- form (for equilibria. It then remains to verify that implies that the on- and off-schedule incentive compatibility Any desired on-schedule deviation can be achieved by using while any off-schedule deviation can be achieved by choosing the appropriate 6? and 2 2 p\ Thus, (p,q,v) E^iV), and thus (u\u ) G f^V). Now consider a (u\u ) € f J (V). Again, any (p,q,v) €Z(V) can be achieved with the appropriate s € S and v A 2 x 5J4 —» co(V). l l % The on-schedule incentive constraints imply that a (6 ) — and the off-schedule incentive conl l x straints imply that the most profitable deviations, a ,p ,(p give lower profits than the proposed : , , equilibrium. Proof of Lemma 4: Imposing pricing efficiency, productive efficiency and Pareto efficient 56 For example, we examine how restrictions on transfers (for instance, to a convex set) affect optimal mechanisms. In the literature on collusion, only a limited class of restrictions on transfers have received Cramton and Palfrey (1990) and Kihlstrom and Vives (1992) study the role of participation McAfee and McMillan (1992) distinguish between "weak" and "strong" cartels, where weak cartels cannot implement any side-payments and strong cartels can write enforceable contracts and make side-payments. The model of Symmetric PPE can be interpreted as a generalized model of weak attention. constraints; while which firms can impose symmetric "penalties" in response to the placement of a low bid in a procurement auction. The strong-cartel model is closer in spirit to the model of Asymmetric PPE: transfers can be made from one firm to another, but only imperfectly, using asymmetric continuation equilibria. cartels, in 48 continuation values + vjk = 2K v lk (i.e., - and IC-On2£i respectively bind = = for all (j, k)), and only if straightforward to show that it is IC-Onl^ if - H }{q H {qHH - 1) - VlQll} + 6 {Vh(vH h ~ v\ H ) + Vl(v hl - v LL )}, and A r - e H]{mqHH + nL{.l-ql L )}-5{ilH(v]{H -v}{L + L {vl H -vl L )} l l [r ri ) Adding the constraints — vjjH = yields the necessary condition v HL (r — H )/6, and we may choose the remaining market shares and continuation values to respect the additional conditions in the lemma while satisfying each of Proof of Lemma 5: We in from (3.1) for „2 U l (L, L; z). the above constraints. posit that the We 2 max „2 „2 (PjH QjH „2 PLH, PHH, PHL^r; +A downward IC-On constraints bind, and substitute solve a relaxed program: - Oh) + Sv H + VL 2 q L (9 H - 6L ) v^^jjOK (1 (PHk QHk) -0H +Sv h ) +t] L U (1 k€{L,H} k£{L,H} W E E VkQHk ke{L,H} + ^-\ql-qn} mqlk k£{L,H} which is non-negative on the Pareto frontier. The multipliers on the monotonicity constraints are denoted ip l and these are also non-negative. By inspection, it is clearly optimal to set pnk — r, Pjh = r and v H = K; then, differentiating Let A be the multiplier on firm l's utility constraint, , with respect to the market-share variables, we d (i - rf L (eH A) - eL ) get: - iiP-n L + v>V; *?LL r\hir 2 dqLH d 9 Thl (i) Notice unless ip 1 first > if 2 > ip Notice that these Oh) - ^VlVh{0h - VlVh(0h - L ) - At? l (t- L) - - A)[?7tf (r - 6 H )} + ^VH ~ ip 2 VH ^Vh - ip 2 r]L - H + ip^rjL + ^"Hh ) 0, 1) productive inefficiency (q^ = q^). Now suppose and consider asymmetric solutions. Still, there will be no > 0. monotonicity constraints are binding, and there that (1 we maximize the sum of the firms' utilities (A = 1), (Pool) implies that 2 we increase qLH and decrease q HL until the boundary constraints bind. variables move in the direction of inefficiency. At a symmetric solution, both that or ~ d 2 dqHH we weight the firms evenly (A productive efficiency unless ip 1 + = ip 2 is Suppose that 2 > and 2 qHii = 1 and tp 2 1 i(j — 0. Then, the objective = 0. But then, firm 2's increasing in q UH and decreasing in q\ L so we take q\L monotonicity constraint implies tjh + "nhq\n < VHqHL> a contradiction. is , Thus, we have established that the largest joint utility available to the firms is achieved by and that allowing allocations of utility will not improve for asymmetric cfa, the sum of utilities. This scheme satisfies all of the constraints in ^o„(V). So, an upper bound for the sum of utilities is given by r — E[0\. Now observe that for any a G [0, 1], we can allocate a(r — E[0}) to firm 1 and (1 — a)(r — E[9\) to firm 2 by simply changing the market shares of the "pooling," where q^ = 49 firms while maintaining q\ — (fa. IC-On Since this satisfies the constraints, the Pareto frontier is given as in the statement of the lemma. Under the alternative assumption that (Pool) fails, inspection of the program shows that when q\ H = and q\ h = 1 The monotonicity constraints do not bind. At program is independent oipLH and phl- This scheme can be implemented relaxed these values, the by using pricing efficiency in state (H,H) (j>hh = f), Vj k = K for all i,j, k, and productive efficiency. The truth-telling constraints can be satisfied as follows: find p < r to be used by all low-cost types. With q LL = q HH = 1/2, truth-telling by a high-cost firm requires: (ii) profits are highest . l -Vh(t - Oh) yielding the price stated in the lemma. We = It is {vh +!jVl)(p now - H ) direct to derive the utility frontier. To compute 6 Fon consider the following system (imposing pricing efficiency, productive efficiency, l = x, and v]k = 2-k fb /{1 -8)- v)k for all (j,k)): IC-Onl D IC-On2 D U 1 = x, tP = y, v LH vjf H = x, q\j H = 0, and q\ L — 0. It can be verified that under our assumption that tjl > r^a Since In particular, v\ L - v\ H = 1/2, v\ H < v\ L ^f- G (0,1), this implies Proof of Proposition 1: solve a set of equations for the critical discount factor. , , ^1 . , . < v ll < v hl-> wnere the latter inequality follows since the downward on-schedule constraints l = v\ H + r ~® ti It remains to verify that given our solutions to these equations, imply that v HL T v hl = x + ~6 H < V- We can compute: v lh . y-* = rrj(9 H -e L )-(r-e H )(2T) L -l) —6 always positive under our restrictions tjl > 1/2 and r — Oh < T~ as stated in the text, solves the equation y — x = s H It can be verified that y — Fon This expression is . 5 > 6 Oh — x> r~ 0l- 6 6 Fon H for , all . To compute 8 Fo ^ , we observe first that IC-Offl£# is slack, as implementation described above, IC-Offl^ implies IC-Offl^ L for qjj and w 1 computed above, and . is IC-Off-Ml. Further, using the We then substitute in the values verify (using tedious algebraic manipulation) that IC-Offl£ L when 6 > 8 Fo ^ where 8 Fo ^ is given in the text. Finally, since for the endpoints of the interval, we have described a policy vector that meets all of our constraints and uses as continuation values other values on the same interval, we can then construct the and IC-Offl^^ are satisfied , segment using convex combinations of policy vectors to implement convex combinations of equilibrium values. This is possible because, when pricing efficiency is imposed, the constraints and utilities are linear in market shares and continuation values. Thus, we have remainder of the line constructed a self-generating set of equilibrium values with first-best profits to the cartel. Proof of Proposition and q HL = q HH = l l 0. 2: To implement Further, set q\ H — q\L (x, y) = , let prg~hr pj k ' — r, vlh = ^ll = {x, y), Finally, use the static as the off-schedule threat point. Notice first that IC-0n2£> vhh = vhl, Nash equilibrium and IC-On2[/ both hold with equality given these values. Given the specified market shares and off-equilibrium-path threat points, the l that v LH satisfies IC-Offl£ L and IC-Offl£ H is uniquely determined. Next, it can be shown that IC-Onl£> holds with these parameter values if and only if vjiL — v\jH — q^xir — 0h)/8. Thus, it remains to verify that this distance is feasible using v y, where y is determined as firm HL scheme. Given pricing efficiency and the specified level of productive efficiency and since all continuation values he on a line with slope -1 through (x,y) it is = x + y, as a function of the exogenous compute the sum of firm profits at (x,y), 2's profit in this for the cartel, possible to , K 50 l parameters. Then, since v LH K — v\ H and . It — x, v HL can be verified that this solving, the constraint binds for 8 VJ ~ qz+riH) + \/(a(l +)~ l l and only if vLH ){r — 0#)/(2<5) + {q\ H + q LL constraint becomes relaxed as 8 increases. Substituting y holds — VLJVL 8 hn + if = D)) 2 +4D(1 + d)([? 2{& + rJl+r i + UnL {l + ] Proof of Proposition 3: implemented with g!-- = 1/2 and (i) uj- The symmetric = lower vjj by e/{28) until we 2rlL )) T(V) can be we observe that we can takepjj > 6j — pjj > 0, we can raise pjj by e and point of the Pareto frontier of v 2j. Before beginning, without loss of generality. To see why, observe that l + rjljl + rjj) + ^(1 + 2^)) arrive at pjj and Vjj, if 8j where 9j = pjj, without affecting any utilities or incentive constraints (since an optimal off-schedule deviation would ensure zero market-share in state jj). To see that the resulting assumption that IC-Offrj is preserve this inequality, the feasible continuation values may employ a t)*-j is feasible, observe that given market share of 1/2, our slack implies that ^(9j — new continuation v^ must is value convex and symmetric, similar adjustment, unless u!- = v l . But Pjj) it is < &{ v)j —H 1 satisfy feasible. )', since the adjustments v^ > v Finally, in this case (OffSS) is l . if Since the set of 8j — pjj — 0, we violated. an alternative utility pair, with no 2 1 efficiency loss, in which U is decreased and U is increased. We define two perturbations. In l Perturbation 1, we lower qHH by e/{{phh — 6l)vh) and lower q\L by e/({pll — 9l)vl)- For l each firm i, IC-Onif/ is unaltered by this perturbation. In Perturbation 2, we lower qHH by l — — lower by For each firm i, this perturbation leaves and e/({pll e/((Phh 0h)vl)&h)vh) q LL l 2 unaltered IC-Om/j. Both perturbations lower U and increase C? There are several cases to consider. Suppose first that, for a given A € {£/, £>}, IC-Oni^ is slack for each i. If A = U, we use Perturbation 2 to engineer the desired utility transfer without violating on-schedule incentive constraints. Likewise, if A = D, we use Perturbation 1. Next, we modify the argument for the case where the on-schedule constraints are slack in different directions. First, take the case where IC-Onlo and IC-On2[/ are slack. If pll Phh, we use Perturbation 1, which relaxes IC-On2£> by {phh-Qh)/{phh-Ql)-{vll-Qh)/{pll-Ql), which is positive by our assumption that pll Phh- ^Pll > Phh, we use Perturbation 2. This relaxes IC-Onl[/ by (p HH - 9l)/(phh - Qh) - (pll - 8l)/(Pll - Oh), which is positive. Similarly, in the second case, where IC-Onlj/ and IC-On2£> are slack, we proceed as follows: if pll Phh, we use Perturbation 2, which relaxes IC-On2[/ by (p LL - 6 L )/(p LL - 6 H ) - (p HH - &l)/(phh - H ), which is positive; and if pll > Phh, we use Perturbation 1, which relaxes IC-Onlo by (pll ~ Qh)/(pll - 9l) - (phh - 8h)/(phh - 0l), which is positive. (ii) Suppose that (a) and the first part of (b) fail: IC-Offl£ L and IC-Offl|^^ are slack, and vll > x an ^ v hh > x Then, lower v HH by de/r]H and lower v\ L by de/rjL, and raise the corresponding values for firm 2 by the same amount (this is possible because uj > x and the set of available continuation values is convex). This does not affect any on-schedule incentive constraints, relaxes firm 2's off-schedule constraints, and decreases U 1 and increases U 2 with no efficiency loss, contradicting the hypothesis that (x, y) is the end point of the region with slope equal to —1. Now consider the case where (a) and the second part of (b) fail: IC-Offl LL and l IC-Offl^ are slack, q\L > and qHH > 0, and pjj > 0j for each j. We will show below in Proposition 8 that under the assumptions of this proposition, q\ > q\, which implies that for each i, one of IC-OniD and IC-Oniu is slack. We may now apply the algorithm used in the proof Starting from this point, our approach is to implement . - 51 of Part to (i) efficiency loss, implement a without utility pair that yields lower (higher) utility for firm 1 (2), contradicting the hypothesis that (x, y) the endpoint of a region with slope equal is to -1. Proof of Proposition 4: (i) If each IC-Oniy is slack, prices are efficient, and q\ H = 1, then IC-Offl£# and IC-Off-Ml are slack, and we can decrease q^ H and give the market share to firm 2 without violating any on-schedule constraints. But this makes firm 1 worse off and firm 2 better off, violating the hypothesis that the scheme implements a corner of vj^. and the first part of (b) fail: IC-Offl£ L and IC-Offl## are slack, and Then, for e\ small enough, there exists an e 2 > such that it is possible 2 l and lower v\ L by £1/771,, and raise v Hli by £2/vh and raise v\ L by £2/% to lower v HH by ei/tih (this is possible because the set of available continuation values is convex and by the definition of r vN as the north corner of the Pareto frontier). This does not upset any on-schedule constraints, and makes firm 1 worse off and firm 2 better off. There is potentially an efficiency loss, however. Next, we consider the case where (a) and the second part of (b) fail. We may then argue as in the proof of Proposition 3 and arrive at a contradiction. Proof of Proposition 5: The proof proceeds in a series of lemmas. Part (i) follows by Lemma 7, and part (ii) follows by Lemma 8 Suppose that (ii) (a) l >vjj v\ L >v]J and v HH . Lemma 6. Consider a scheme (p, q, v). (Tlj) If we subtract -q^dv from vj H and add r\ndv to U 1 IC-Onlo and IC-Only are unaffected. (T2j) If we add r\ndv to i>£- and subtract rudv 2 from v H U 2 IC-On2r) and IC-On2\j are unaffected. vh, , -, Lemma , If (p, q, v) satisfies 7. ^o n {V) and vjj > > vE l l v k - 2 ' scheme is Pareto dominated by another scheme that satisfies continuation values on the Pareto frontier of V and uses the same prices. for any (j, k), this v 2H < for all (j,k), then if v k Fb n {V), f{vj k ) has all 2 < f(vj H ) and v L < f(vjL ). Then, we can hold fixed firm l's continuation values and increase v H and v? L by the same amount without affecting Proof. Suppose that for some j, 2 IC-On2, thus increasing Lemma 6, U2 . Then, suppose that v 2H (Tlj), so that neither continuation value can be increased, again increasing Lemma ifvjj > Suppose that 8. l v k j > Vg, then pjk U (p, q, v) = Proof. Suppose pjk < 2 = is without affecting and v 2L < f(vjL ). Then, apply on the frontier. Then, both v 2H and v 2L f(Vj H ) - U implements a Pareto 1 . The other efficient case point in is TQn (V). For all (j, k), r. r. Then we can increase pjk by de and decrease without affecting payoffs or on-schedule IC constraints. Then, we can improve the continuation values to the frontier as in Proof of Proposition 6: Lemma {(u^u 2 ) u K}, the total the shape analogous. l : Lemma vL and utility v?j k by ^de by returning 7. when the down when 5 establishes that continuation value set has cartel profits go firms use Pareto inefficient This logic can be applied directly here, observing that we are maximizing total profits because utility can be transferred across the firms (as in Proposition 3) under the conditions stated in the proposition. Proof of Proposition 7: The proof is established by applying parts (ii) and (iii) of the continuation values or prices. following lemma. 52 Lemma exists u be a Pareto Let 9. T^V), and point in efficient let (p,q, v) implement u. (i) There an implementation of u,(p,q, v), such that: either (a) at least one off-schedule constraint 2 and, either (a), (d) IC-0n2r) v 2iL and v\ H G v HH IC-Onlo binds, or else (c) v\ L binds, (b) ; x l v HH (ii) If (p,q, v) satisfies pricing efficiency, or, more v\ H and v HL binds, or (e) v\ L l generally, (H,H;z) IP(L, H;z) for each i, and further continuation-value Pareto efficiency . H an implementation of u, (p, q, v), such that q = q and either (a) at least one off-schedule constraint binds, or (b) IC-Onio binds for each firm, and unless q\ — qfa, ICOniu is slack. (Hi) If the assumptions of part (ii) hold, and if in addition, q^ > (?H for each firm i, there exists an implementation of u, (p, q, v), such that q — q and either (a) at least one holds, then there exists IC-Onio binds off-schedule constraint binds, or (b) for each firm l and v LH i 1 v^ v BL for je{L,H}. Proof. Define = ft - fH Rb = L* and k. RA likewise for can be written I . Let >L PC- *(«£ ~ RA = «ff)i J2 l l . 6l. Suppose that (i) for (p, q, v), 2 according Then bringing together v\ k and v Hk Given the convexity of the can be written IC-Onl/? to trick (T2j) of set of feasible continuation values, R l values of v\ k and v Hk whereby incentives for firm 1 since IC-Onl^ - QHkPHk) ke{L,H} R = R\ + R B Then IC-Oni^ 1 VkiQLkPLk 1 and is U slack. 1 is L 6h > 1 slack R increase weakly; these , while IC-Onify and v\ k > v\ik Lemma 6 does we can 1 for some not affect firm do not violate on-schedule Thus, we can perform such adjustments until either (b) or (c) holds, or else (a) does, so that the off-schedule constraints prevent the adjustments. similar logic holds for the case (ii) Lemma where IC-On2o > (pH > qnH 3 implies q^ IC-Oniu bind, while if q^ , . 2. find corresponding feasible is A slack. = fy, then simple calculations verify that IC-Onir) and only one on-schedule constraint can bind for each firm. Now If (pL L 9h — R\ — L (6h — r) < 0, so that IC-Om/j implies { R B < 0. Since U (L,H;z) \Y(H,H;z) = U9H - R\, the condition lY(L,H;z) D W(H,H;z) also imphes R B < 0. Consider firm 1. If (p, q, v) is compatible with R B < 0, then we cannot have l v\ L > vHL and v\ H > v\j H Using continuation- value efficiency, the latter pair of inequalities suppose q\ > qH L If . 1 x prices are efficient, . are equivalent to those in part that either (i)(a) or (i)(b) holds. (fa > for (fa each i, (i)(c). The then each IC-Oniu But, by part case of firm 2 is there must then exist a (p,q, v) such analogous. Finally, if IC-Onio binds and (i), is slack. Apply part (ii) to derive a scheme whereby either the downward on-schedule constraints bind and the upward on-schedule constraints are slack, or else the off-schedule constraints bind. Call this scheme (p,q,v). Suppose that the off-schedule constraints are slack. Suppose further that Vj L < Vj H (and thus, v? L > v? H ). Following the logic of part (ii), we must have v 2_j L < v 2_- H (iii) (and thus v]_j L > v]_j H ), or else IC-On2£> would be violated. Then, decreasing vjH by Vl(vjh~ vjl) and increasing vh by tih(vj H — vh) keeps U 1 and firm l's on-schedule constraints unaffected, while moving the continuation values for firm 2 along the frontier weakly increases is concave, and rate t)h until it IC-On2o (though it may violate IC-On2[/). Next, decrease v}_j H at rate rji, and move firm 2's continuation values along the relaxes and increase U2 IC-On2£> binds again (by the logic of part (ii), since v\_ / L at frontier, bind with v 2, L < v 2_ jH ). This unchanged, while it weakly increases U 2 IC-On2£> will and U 1 since / is concave. For this new scheme, either an off-schedule constraint binds, or else we have a feasible, weakly Pareto dominant scheme where the downward on-schedule constraints bind, leaves firm l's on-schedule incentive constraints 53 — — and vh — i)j H and > u* L l v _H Similar arguments establish that . if v\ k > vHk we , can find a weakly Pareto dominant scheme whereby the downward on-schedule constraints bind, and further 2 2 > i) Hk for each k, and thus v\ k D v Hk establishing our result. v Lk , suppose q\ H < 1. Add - rre~£ to q\ H and subtract e from v\ H Hvlh is on the Pareto frontier and A~ f(v\ H ) > — 1, move v\ H along the frontier of V. Otherwise, raise v\ H by e (this is possible by convexity of the set of feasible continuation values, Proof of Proposition 8: First, . y This does not affect U Consider now the and since satisfaction of (4.2) implies vjjH > v N ). l l 1 effect on the interim expected utility of both firms: U {H,H;z), U {H,L;z), and C/' (L, L;z) are 2 2 l unchanged; and U {L,H;z) decreases. U (L,H;z) and U (L,L;z) are unchanged. U 2 (H,H;z) goes up if -(plh — 9h)/(plh — &l)~ max(— 1, &.~ f(v\ H )) > 0, which when rearranged gives (4.2). U 2 (H, L; z) goes down if v\ H increases by no more than e, which it does by construction. Thus, Finally, none of firm l's all of the on-schedule incentive-compatibility constraints are relaxed. off-schedule constraints are affected by this shift, and firm 2's off-schedule constraints are relaxed. To see the result for q HL we perform an analogous trick, subtracting - ^-de from qHL and . , adding de to v HL , and noting that satisfaction of (4.3) implies that v\j L <v\. (recalling that in specified a large negative slope for / when vj k >u]j). we Proof of Proposition the definition of /, 9: Under the assumptions of the proposition, utility is fully transand we can simply maximize the sum of firm utilities. Doing so leads to a symmetric scheme across states (L, H) and (H, L), with one firm being favored over another l in states {H,H) and (L,L), if at all. Now imagine lowering q LH and raising q\j L by e, and then l 2 adjusting v LH and v HL upward by ( until both firms' downward IC constraints bind again. The opponents' continuation values are moved along the frontier. Solving for £, we obtain: ferable across the firms, 1 £(plh ~ Oh) l- VL (l-Atf(vl H )) 8 can be shown using algebraic manipulation that the first inequality in the statement of the is necessary and sufficient for this change to lower total firm profit. The second It proposition inequality is necessary and sufficient for the firms' joint profit to decrease if we reverse this change. Proof of Proposition proof of Proposition 1 The 10: linear self-generating set of equilibria constructed in the implements the endpoints of the segment, 1, q^ k — (9l) = r — 2e, that have market shares q\ H = for all other (j, k). (x, y) and (y,x), using schemes Consider a scheme whereby firm chooses p^iOn) — r and p 1 and p2 (0h) — r — e and p2 (0l) = r — 3e. Using this scheme, the market shares are assigned appropriately. Further, each firm's announced price differs 1 by is state, so that continuation values can be contingent purely on prices. Thus, communication not required to implement the scheme. Since firms can draw from a convex set of continuation values, all continuation values in between (x, y) and (y, x) are available to the firms, and the linear set is self-generating. Symmetric PPE and Lemma 5 indicates that the highest point in T (V) is implemented as described in (i) and (ii). Since the scheme described in (i) is still feasible when we take V s as the set of feasible continuation values, it must be optimal. The rigid-price scheme clearly requires no communication; the scheme in (ii) can be implemented without communication, using p {6u) = r and p {6i) = PProof of Proposition 12: (i) Under the stated conditions, the frontier has an open interval with slope — 1, and thus it is more efficient to use continuation values rather than inefficient bribes. Proof of Proposition values is 11: contained in the set This follows from V= {(u 1 ,u 2 ) Lemma (u ,^ 2 ) 1 : i 5, i 54 since the set of D sup{u G V s }}, Proposition (ii) 1 establishes a critical discount factor without bribes; thus, if bribes are at all inefficient, beyond which first-best they are not used even Proof of Proposition 13: This follows as in Proposition 8. Proof of Proposition 14: (i) This follows as in Lemma 5 and (ii) When all implemented using as in Proposition — 6h)/{2 constraints. + The optimality of bribes for The 7 ties — (1 the availability continuation in the specified region follows exactly Consider a scheme that uses and productive efficiency, and b\ H — replacing continuation values with bribes. equal market-sharing and no bribes in the event of (r 8; inefficient of the off-schedule constraints are cleared, productive efficiency can be bribes. 8, they are available. 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