MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 03316 3277 PAl\-\5^ hO' I 0' 0& Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Moral Hazard and Efficiency with in Anonymous General Equilibrium Trading Daron Acemoglu Alp Simsek Working Paper 10-8 April 27, 2010 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at 597907 This paper can be Social Science Research (>' Moral Hazard and Efficiency General Equilibrium in with Anonymous Trading* Daron Acenioglu^ Alp Simsek* April 27, 2010 , , Abstract A "folk theorem" originating, among others, in the work of Stiglitz maintains that competitive equihbria are always or "generically" inefficient (unless contracts directly specify consumption levels anonymous markets). This paper critically economy with moral hazard. We first formalize this folk theorem. Firms offer contracts to workers who choose an effort level that is private information and that affects worker productivity. To clarify the importance of trading in anonymous markets, we introduce a monitoring partition such that employment contracts can specify as in Prescott and Townsend, thus bypassing trading in reevaluates these claims in the context of a general equilibrium expenditures over subsets in the partition, but cannot regulate among We the commodities within a subset. not weakly separable) how this expenditure is subdivided say that preferences are nonseparable (or more accurately, when the marginal rate of substitution across commodities within a subset in and that preferences are weakly separable when there exists no such subset. We prove that the equilibrium is always inefficient when a competitive equihbrium allocation involves less than full insurance and preferences are nonseparable. This result appears to support the conclusion of the above-mentioned folk theorem. Nevertheless, our main result highlights its limitations. Most common-used preference structures do not satisfy the nonseparability condition. We show that when preferences are weakly separable, competitive equilibria with moral hazard are constrained optimal, in the sense that a social planner who can monitor all consumption levels cannot improve over competitive allocations. Moreover, we establish e-optimality when there are only small deviations from weak separability. These results suggest that considerable care is necessary in invoking the folk theorem about the inefficiency of competitive equilibria with private information. Keywords: competitive equilibrium, double deviations, efficiency, general equilibrium theory, mon- the partition depends on the effort level, itoring partition, moral hazard. JEL Classification: D52, D61, D62, "We thank Alberto participants at * NYU Bisin, and Glenn MIT Massachusetts Institute of Ellison, D82 Bengt Holmstrom, Robert Townsend, Muhamet Yilidiz and seminar comments and suggestions. Technology and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, for useful 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries Introduction 1 A central question for economic theory with complete markets, this question is equilibria are Pareto optimal conclusively answered by the celebrated First is Second Welfare Theorems, which show the efficiency of competitive markets. In economies that, under some regularity conditions, competitive and every Pareto optimal allocation can be decentralized as a competitive equilibrium. Nevertheless, the complete market benchmark does not cover empirically-relevant economies where missing markets are ubiquitous. missing markets in practice important reason for know more about their preferences, risks on sizable literature and is many Arguably the most private information. Individual agents and actions than the market can observe. Despite a economies with private information are this topic, efficiency properties of not yet fully understood. In this paper, we investigate the efficiency of competitive equilibria in a subclass of economies wdth private information, those with moral hazard, where individuals take privately-observed actions affecting their endowments (and/or production). One approach to the study of efficiency in moral hazard economies has been pioneered by Prescott and Townsend (1984a, 1984b). Prescott and Townsend propose the important idea of considering insurance contracts as commodities that should also be priced in equilibrium. Prescott and Towmsend show that competitive equihbria with moral hazard are (constrained) Pareto optimal under two key assumptions: exclusivity and that individuals can sign exclusive contracts and employment contracts.^ assumption, full We monitoring, is more problematic. is kets." buy The first implies a good starting point for the study of Under full fully The second monitoring, contracts specify for individuals in different states of nature. imphes that firms or some other outside agency can is monitoring. focus on exclusive contracts throughout the paper. complete consumption bundles This assumption full This essentially monitor individual consumptions. not only unrealistic but also goes against the spirit of "competitive mar- Competitive markets should allow anonym.ous trading, so that individuals are able to at least a subset of commodities in anonymous markets without a central agency keeping track of their exact transactions. A mous systematic analysis of the structure and efficiency of competitive equilibria with anonytrading is not available, but a series of papers by Stiglitz and coauthors, most notably, Greenwald and Stightz (1986), and also Arnott and Stightz (1986, 1990, 1991), claim that competitive equilibria under these circumstances are always or "generically" Pareto subopti' Exclusivity insurance is may be a less satisfactory assumption for insurance contracts, also possible; see, e.g., Arnott and Stiglitz (1991) in particular, when informal and Bisin and Guaitoli (2003). Real-world insurance and financial contracts often explicitly regulate what other contracts individuals can sign for the same whether they can pledge the revenues of the same business. Exclusivity context of employment contracts we focus on in this paper. risks, or is much more natural in the mal. These claims are supported by local analysis of first-order conditions, though without a rigorous proof that this type of local analysis may valid or economically important.'^ say that the inefficiency of competitive equilibria with a folk theorem. This folk theorem in applied work. It and is credit is is anonymous trading has emerged as not only of theoretical interest but has been very influential often invoked to argue that decentralized allocations in insurance, labor markets are inefficient and necessitate government intervention intuition for specific models in which this (or to provide the the case). is we consider a general equilibrium environment where the structure and In this paper, efficiency of competitive equilibria with consists of a large Hence one number of firms anonymous trading can be studied. The economy and risk-averse individuals. Individuals accept employment contracts from firms and choose an effort level, which determines the probability distribution over a vector of production. economy Individual effort private information. Commodities in this are partitioned, such that expenditures over subsets in a given monitoring partition of commodities are observable (for example, determined but not how this spenchng Employment resort). is is how much an individual spends on vacation can be distributed across different activities in the vacation contracts specify payments to workers and expenditure levels over the subsets in the monitoring partitions as a function of the realization of the state of nature. Prescott-Townsend economy a singleton.'^ After all is The a special case where each subset in the monitoring partition uncertainty is is resolved (the underlying states of the world are reahzed), individuals allocate the contractually-specified expenditures within the subsets in the partition at given market prices. We establish the existence of a competitive equilibrium lem that characterizes equilibrium allocations (Theorem ize the if above-mentioned folk theorem. We say 1 that there and an indirect and Proposition is no full maximization prob- We then formal- 1). insurance at an equilibrium the marginal rate of substitution of some good between any two states is not one. can we say that preferences are nonseparable (or more accurately, "not weakly separable"), if there is a subset in the monitoring partition such that the marginal rate of substitution between the goods in the subset change if the effort level is modified. Conversely, we say that preferences 'This is particularly concerning for three reasons. First and more importantly, this local analysis assumes that a range of Lagrange multipliers exist and are strictly positive, though there is no mathematical or economic reason for them to be so. One of our main results will establish the (constrained) optimality of competitive equilibria under certain conditions explained below, thus invalidating this line of analysis. Second, the local assumptions and the first-order approach, which do not generally apply in these environments (see Grossman and Hart, 1983, Rogerson, 1985, Jewitt, 1988 on the first-order approach). Third, as we will show, it may well be that even if efficiency is "nongeneric," small deviations from this efficiency benchmark might still lead to allocations that are approximately (e-) efficient and many inefficiencies identified via this method may not be first order. Another special case is one in which the partition consists of a number of singleton elements, which correspond to "monitored goods," and the remainder, which comprises "nonmonitored goods." analysis makes use of differentiability when are weakly separable there exists no such subset (this standard separability assumptions often adopted Theorem result (contained in 2) in theoretical in the sense that a social planner who is who is Note that this theorem and applied work). Our is first is no constrained suboptimal (inefficient), is constrained by the same moral hazard problems (but allowed to monitor expenditures on cation.'* weaker than the significantly shows that when preferences are nonseparable and there insurance at an equilibrium, then this equilibrium full is silent all goods) can improve over the equilibrium allo- on whether a social planner who is also constrained by the same monitoring technology can implement such a Pareto improvement, and we show that this is WHLiile not necessarily the case.^ Theorem sheds doubt on 2 appears to give for Theorem 3 shows that competitive equi- Pareto optimal when preferences are weakly separable (see also Theorem which contracts with randomization are allowed). This two reasons. condition. to the folk theorem, the rest of our analysis general validity and applicabiUty. its libria are constrained 6 for the case in some support First, Second, it most preferences used in applied establishes that the equilibrium is work is an important satisfy this resxilt weak separability constrained optimal relative to a very strong notion in which the social planner has access to more instruments than the market (she can monitor and specify expenditures for all goods, whereas contracts can only do so for goods within a subset in the partition). This result suggests that, at least in most of environments considered in apphed work, the inefficiencies emphasized by the folk theorem do not Finally, in Theorem 7 we show that when mark environment with weak there are only small deviations from this bench- separability, competitive equihbria (or are e-efficient for the right choice of e). remain approximately even if there is efficient This result highlights another important concep- tual point, that a large set of economically relevant environments inefficiencies arise. may not feature meaningful a "generic" inefficiency result. Overall, although our results do not imply that competitive equilibria are always efficient in private information economies, they delineate a equilibria have very strong optimality properties. situations are a good approximation range of benchmark situations in which They also show that when such benchmark to the actual environment, efl&ciency will hold approx- "Prescott and Townsend (1984a, b) emphasized the importance of contracts that allow for randomization for efficiency in their analysis. Such randomization for the baseline efficiency results in is important for existence in their start with an environment that does not allow for such randomization. when randomization environment, but is not central our or their framework. To highlight this and to simplify the exposition, We we then establish the equivalent results Theorem 5 generalizes Theorem 2, etc.). we use for most of the analysis may be more relevant than this latter weaker notion, since in a production economy the social planner can often achieve the allocations under full monitoring by using taxes and subsidies. To simplify notation, we do not explicitly study such tax policies. is allowed (e.g., 'Nevertheless, the notion of efficiency ''See, for example, Atkeson and Lucas (1992), Golosov and Tsyvinski (2006), Golosov, Kocherlakota and Tsyvinski (2003). Suppose imately. example that the worker's preferences are defined at two for levels: the worker has preferences over a number of needs (such as food, entertainment, procrastination, vacation, health care and so on) and each one of these needs is satisfied by consumption of various goods in the economy. Suppose also that there are only a few needs that interfere with the worker's effort choice such as vacation, procrastination and health care. In particular, a higher effort choice might make the worker enjoy vacations and procrastination less relative to other needs (since she spends most of her time working) and enjoy health care more relative to other needs (since the cost of effort decreases with level of health), but the worker's preferences for other needs consumption may not depend on effort levels for the Suppose level. also that employers can monitor the few needs that interfere with effort choice (but not necessarily the consumption of the particular goods that make up these needs). This amounts that firms can enforce the office, applies how long a vacation the worker takes, and how good a health care she and shows that the equilibrium stitutes a receives. will how much time to assuming she spends in Under these assumptions, our Theorem 3 be constrained optimal. This scenario thus con- counterexample to the conjectured suboptimality of competitive equilibria under private information and anonymous trading, and suggests considerable caution in appealing to the above-mentioned folk theorem. Moreover, in this example, the folk theorem would suggest taxing the goods that provide procrastination services (such as TVs), but our results indicate wrong that this might be the tion of TVs recommendation since firms already monitor the consump- policy (and other procrastination goods) by making the workers come to the ' work hours. •-' • . As the above . . discussion clarifies, our paper tionship of our paper to Prescott and is Townsend . during office . -' : number related to a of literatures. , The rela- (1984a, 1984b) and to Greenwald and Stiglitz (1986) has already been discussed. Another set of closely related papers are by Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986, 2008) and Citanna, Kajii and Villanacci (1998), which establish the generic inefficiency of competitive equilibria in economies with (exogenously-given) incomplete markets. Our work extends the Geanakoplos-Polemarchakis endogenously incomplete markets (because of moral hazard). environments constrained optimality may. result itored. It also highlights that in such the appropriate subsets of goods are mon- Similar issues arise in other economies with price externalities due to endogenously incomplete markets. for if with results to environments For example, Kehoe and Levine (1993) provide results similar to ours an economy with participation constraints. Our paper is also related to Citanna and lanacci (2000), which establishes generic inefficiency of equihbria for a moral hazard with exclusive contractual relationships Our work shows in which the principal has all Vil- economy the bargaining power. that their inefficiency result crucially depends on the assumption that the 4 principal has the bargaining power. Given the separability assumptions they impose on pref- would be erences, our results imply that the equilibrium which the agent has the "bargaining power," all and the insurance market is i.e. when insurance competitive. contracts are exclusive t,v.'; , ,, ., which establishes the Pareto optimality of competitive equilibria fully separable and Lisboa are worth emphasizing. here, in which utility. First, A number ' , In addition to these works, the paper most closely related to our paper with moral hazard and opposite case in efficient in the polar ' Lisboa (2001), is in the context of an economy of key differences between our work Lisboa considers a special case of the model studied utility functions are fully separable across all goods and effort monitoring of consumption in any subset of goods. Second, Lisboa's analysis order approach applying everywhere, which is restrictive and not used and there relies on the is no first- in our analysis. Third, Lisboa's analysis contains neither our characterization results on inefficiency of comparative equilibria nor our result There is on approximate also a large literature efficiency. on various different aspects of moral hazard in general equilibrium. Bennardo and Chiappori (2003) and Gottardi and Jerez (2007) discuss the prob- lems that arise in general equilibrium transferability of utihty. positive profits. This is economies with moral hazard because of potential non- They show how Bertrand competition might lead an issue that also arises in our to equilibria model and we provide sufficient with con- ditions (that are not very restrictive) for Bertrand competition to lead to zero profits. Bisin, Geanakoplos, Gottardi, Minelli and Polemarchakis (2007) consider an alternative approach to moral hazard in general equilibrium, where, in contrast to our setup, contracts are not necessarily individualized. This introduces natural externalities across the actions of different individuals signing the Finally, arise in the some same type of the same issues we emphasize pubUc finance and mechanism design (1987), Allen (1985), Atkeson (2001), of contract.^ Werning and Lucas in literatures. None See, for example, (1992), Guesnerie (1998), Cole (2001), Kocherlakota (2004), Golosov TowTisend (2006). the context of general equihbrium also and Tsyvinski and Kocherlakota (2006), of these studies derive results similar to our Hammond and Doepke and main theorems in this paper. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the environment, defines a competitive equilibrium, and establishes the existence of equilibrium. Section 3 introduces the notion of constrained optimality and provides sufficient conditions under which the equilibrium is not constrained optimal. Section 4 introduces the notion of weak separability and presents ''Also related are recent papers considering adverse selection Gottardi (1999, 2006) and Jerez (2003). in general equilibrium, for example, Bisin and our main result, which shows that the equilibrium are weakly separable. the preferences Section 5 introduces the environment with stochastic contracts which shows that the equilibrium is approximately constrained optimal when the preferences are approximately weakly separable. Section 7 concludes. from the main text, and Section 6 presents our second main result, generahzes the efficiency results to this setting. results omitted when constrained optimal is Appendix A.l discusses additional and Appendix A. 2 contains the proofs of the results all stated in the text. Environment and Equilibrium 2 Preferences 2.1 We consider a static production economy with a set of (individual-specific) states of nature denoted by S. goods and states, continuum of individual workers, denoted by and use |G| the analysis and the exposition, e|£;|} .., CR by the function when she question e 5 q, we assume The a finite set. whereby such that j/f ^ 0, M, with measure that all and normalized to and a finite € 5 to index s 1. There G q^ (e) [0, 1] is \G\ W_^_ a To simplify workers have identical utility and identical . We E= represent this probability distribution the probabihty of state with a production vector assume throughout that the is the worker induces a probability distribution effort choice of which ensures that each good g across individuals. G use g E ~ exerts effort e (naturally with J^sesl^i^) in turn, associated is, We to denote the cardinality of these sets. endowment (production) vector y £ over an s is j^l G goods denoted by In particular, each worker chooses an effort level e E E, where production technology. {ei, and finite set of is j/s E W_^ '. ^ E s ^°^ ^^' e For each in positive supply in realization of states in S S g, for the worker in E E). Each state there exists s E some (conditional on effort) Thus, with a law of large numbers type argument there states. is is We S also independent no aggregate uncertainty.^ We assume that each worker has VNM preferences over consumption of goods and effort choice represented by U{x,e) = ^qs{e)u{xs,e), seS where x^ = (xl,...,x[ state utility function. The ) E W^ is the vector of consumption in state Throughout, we use the notation Xs = s and u () denotes the {xs)\geG to designate vectors. results generalize to multiple types straightforwardly provided that worker type is observable and contractible. See, for example, Bewley (1986) or Malinvaud (1973). Nevertheless, some care right notion of integral in applying such a law of large numbers. (1996), is sufficient here. The is necessary in defining the simplest approach, proposed by Uhlig A= = {xi)\seS,geG to designate matrices. We refer to the pair (x, e) as an allocation, and let V Id X £^ denote the set of allocations. We make the following standard assumption R|^ and X CI I ' ' ' on the utiUty function: , • . , , Assumption Al (Preferences) The state utihty function u(-) entiable in Xs, strictly increasing in each if, Throughout, the effort choice of . , the worker is and strictly is twice continuously differ- concave in her private information, so there hazard problem and employment contracts cannot be conditioned on alized production vector Motivated by the discussion these reahzations. Q = {Gi, which is .., publicly observable and is G\g\ } of the set of equal to the set of w^ expenditure R+ £ all goods w = {w^riseSmeM in the introduction, on the monitoring subset Gm, Gm to denote the matrix we consider a for each m £ M = p^ — 1. denote the vector of prices by p G R\. the corresponding price sub-vector, and by x'^ denote by p use where each element denotes the individual's expen- For any subset of commodities G' i.e. We as described below). We as the numeraire, The are traded in spot markets that operate after all We 1 partition {l,..,\Q\]. diture on each monitoring subset at a given state. choose good re- contracts can specify the worker's market clearing prices at The effort choices. employment contracts can condition on The employment goods, G). production vectors are realized (and a moral is a collection of disjoint subsets of goods the union of (i.e., goods within each monitoring subset Xg. C . G, we the corresponding consumption sub-matrix. 2.2 A Firms and Employment Contracts large finite set of firms profits. number by J = Since, as of firms can sign {1, 2, we .., | Jj}. employment contracts with the workers. We denote the Firms are owned by the workers and maximize the expected make will see shortly, in equilibrium firms will zero profits, we do not introduce additional notation to specify the allocation of their profits. Throughout we impose single firm. An exclusivity and assume that each worker can only contract with a employment contract between a firm and a worker the worker's production, y^, to and prescribes consumption that at this point we gives the property rights over the firm and specifies worker's expenditures, levels for goods, x = {x^)\s^s,geG, and are not allowing stochastic contracts, which probability distribution over outcomes. w = {wT}seSmeM^ effort choice, e E E. Note would instead determine a We return to stochastic contracts in Section 5. c = {w,x,e), and we denote the set of contracts We denote a contract by the tuple C = rI^I^'I^^I X A (where recall that A = rI^'''''^' x E denotes the set of allocations). that C is a subset of a finite dimensional space and its elements, denoted by c G C, are by Notice simply vectors. An incentive compatible contract = is c C £ (u;,a;,e) such that the effort choice and the level of consumption of goods are incentive compatible given prices p and wage schedule > w. More formally, this means that for a given market price vector p G (x, e) 0, max U{x,e) arg (1) {x,e)eA We — '^T ^sPs subject to effort level e, the in (1) can s consumption choice at each state s denote the consumption choice at state tion choice at strict all states is finite, this spondence e.[w,p). > and c 2.3 G C\p) G C^{p). is solution. e) ,e) The By = maxt/ (x(zt>,p, e) Berge's upper hemicontinuous, and the indirect recall that c continuous in its (2) solution , e) Maximum Theorem, utility function is represented by a corre- (3) . . the correspondence e{w,p) its is arguments (here faces a menu less the worker will never reject this ^ ' of incentive compatible contracts, one from each firm, reject all contract offers. In this case, she generates and we adopt is continuous in {c (i^ijOI-gj, and she chooses the contract that maximizes her Vs, arguments. The incentive . Worker's Contract Choice each s (since she will be the simply a vector). Each individual worker v = Maximum Theorem and also define the indirect utility Junction y(c,p) each p is G argmax[7(x(ti;,p, problem always has a We w'^ for each m. then a solution to the following problem: e E u{xs,e) by the function x{w,p,e). By Berge's effort choice is to: by the function Xj {ws,p,e), and the consump- concavity of u(-) in x, the function x(-) compatible Since s uniquely determined as the solution is max x^^pf •" < subject to Vs and m. be conceptually divided into two parts. Given an Xs G arg for each denote the set of incentive compatible contracts by C^{p). The maximization problem We fo'^ utility. The worker can an alternative production vector y^ < also ys in productive without the firm). Since, as we will see, in equihbrium all contract offers, there is no loss of generahty in assuming that assumption to simplify the notation. So when the worker rejects , contract offers, she solves all max U subject to Let (( is (x, e) u;'" = XsP < (i.e.) (4) VsP for each a;'^"p'^'") ,. ,x,e] as outside option of the worker. ifte Hence, a strategy for the worker index of the firm she chooses or Ju if is i^ & function J^:C j c (:/, | = p) Rejecting every contract p). i-+ (p)'"^' JU {0} that specifies the she chooses her outside option: {c(i',j)}iej earg_max Vic '^•^-i We ,;,':, be a solution to the preceding problem, and define the contract equivalent for the worker to accepting the contract c(j/,0 2.4 s. {i^,j) ,p). ' (5) jeJu{0} Firm's Problem assume that firm continuum of incentive compatible contracts, one j offers a worker, taking the price vector p, the contracts offered by other firms and the worker strategies as given. ^'^ (J|y)t,£_/^ Lebesgue measurable function c(-,j) Lebesgue measurable functions from = firm from an accepted contract c [0, 1] firm's profit C^ [p). (p), Let and C ic'{py let 7r(c, given by: {i(j,x, e), K{{w,x,e),p) Note that the > to is '^'\ - each ^ j_r is x, a denote the set of p) denote the profit of the ; . Z< = Y^qs{e){ysp- from a contract that ^j^ Formally, the contract offer of firm j — C' [0,1] : (c {i',j)) for not accepted is equal to 0. Hence, firm j solves the following problem: max , 2.5 Tr{c{v,j),p)dv. /^ , , , , (6) Definition of Equilibrium Let us refer to the economy described in the previous section with E. In this section, we define a competitive equilibrium for economy £ and show that such an equilibrium exists. Definition 1. A competitive equilibrium in economy £ is a collection of contract offers [c{v,j)\^^j ^^j^ by the firms, a collection of strategies for the workers {^u)^^j>^, a price vector p, and accepted contracts, [w (i/) , x [v) e {v)]^^j^, such that , '°To justify the assumption that firms take the price of goods as given, we could put an exogenous limit on the measure of contracts a firm can sign (a capacity constraint). If the capacity constraint is sufficiently small and the number of firms is sufficiently large, each firm will be too "small" to influence equilibrium prices while there will be sufficiently many firms to provide each worker with employment contracts. This extension is straightforwad, but we present the model without capacity constraints to simplify the exposition. , 1. Workers' contract choice 2. Firms maximize expected problem 3. is optimal, profits, i.e., Goods markets clear, i.e., for each j G J, the contract offer c{-,j) solves x^^[v))dv Indirect facilitate the characterization of equilibrium, > qs (e) > for and if p^ each s G S and e also > 0. (7) impose the following assumptions. probability function qs is strictly positive, G E. Assumption A3 (Local Transferability) There tions u^i () with equality 0, Problem we Assumption A2 (Probability function) The is, the strategy J^ satisfies (5). ',eS Firm Competition and the that J\f, for each g E G, y^ qs{e{v))[y^^ — To for each v G (6). M 2.6 i.e., exists a monitoring subset Gi and func- such that w'^^'^i (•) (8) In addition, u'-'^ (•) satisfies: lim (9) dxs Assumption A2 first is Assumption A3 standard. is less part of the assumption, for example, will hold if standard, but relatively weak. there is one good which is completely separable from effort choice, and consumption of which can be monitored by the firm. second part of Assumption particular, it implies a A3 is The The a relatively weak form of the standard Inada condition (in minimum consumption requirement on the consumption vector, x^^ as opposed to separate requirements on the consumption of each good, xf ). This requirement, along with Assumption A2, ensures that the worker's expenditure on the goods positive at each state can slightly increase s, i.e., wl > 0. The first (or decrease) the worker's expenditure the incentive compatible effort level the same. least part of Assumption A3 Without a condition that allows drive profits to zero (see for this Gi is on the goods in Gi while keeping Consequently, the assumption allows for at Lemma 2 in Appendix A. 2 wliile respecting for a formalization). type of utihty transfer, Bertrand competition Bennardo and Chiappori, 2003). Since 10 strictly ensures that the firm a small amount of utihty transfer between the worker and the firm, the incentive compatibility constraints (see in this problem is may not already well . understood and is orthogonal to our main concerns, Assumption questions of interest for us. The ' ' ' ' ' '. , '. , . enables us to focus on the c . - -,- : following proposition provides an equivalent characterization for the equilibrium. particular, a collection of accepted contracts measure zero of them maximize the part of an equilibrium is this paper, the proof of this Proposition Proposition 1. As with (The Indirect Problem) Consider an economy E Al-AS. Then, the prices and accepted of an equilibrium if and only The contract c{v) (p,c{v) contracts, the other proofs in = that satisfies Assumptions ['w{v) ,x{u) ,e{v)\^^jA, are part a solution to is V(c,p) ' (10) • ceC'ip) . all all . but a measure zero of i/ G (H) 7r{c,p)>0, subject to for but a - if: max -. if all Appendix A. 2. in is and only if In worker subject to the incentive compatibility utility of the constraint and a non-negative profit constraint for the firm. 1. ;. A4 M ' The goods markets 2. clear [cf. Eq. {7)j. . Moreover, at the solution to problem (10), the constraint (11) binds, that makes zero profits m each firm equilibrium. Existence of Equilibrium 2.7 The assumptions we made so far do not guarantee the existence of an equihbrium. S (p), solution set to problem (10), denoted by p, is, • then the equilibrium may to be upper hemicontinuous the constraint the not upper hemicontinuous in the price vector In particular, the correspondence not exist. if is If C' set, (p), is discontinuous. S (p) could fail In this setting, the worker's incentive compatible effort choice can be discontinuous in the price vector p. Nevertheless, because the elements of effort choice, e), the C^ correspondence C^ continuous even when effort choice is {p) are contracts, c {p), which lies in discontinuous in p. to establish the continuity of the constraint set, C^ Assumption A4 e t e Rl'^l (Effort Targeting) For each = {w, x, e) (and not simply the the larger contract space C, could be The (p) (see following assumption Lemma 3 in is sufficient Appendix A. 2). e E, there exists a vector of utiUty transfers such that ^qs{e)ts>^qsie)t, ses ses 11 for each ee E\{e} . (12) • This assumption natural and quite weak. is It loosely corresponds to the requirement that firms should be able to induce (target) any level of effort also not difficult to satisfy. For example, it holds when |£'| < they wish to do if It is and the probability vectors, \S\ each e E E, are linearly independent. In the commonly studied case of two effort {Qs i^))ses ^°^ assumption holds when there are at least two states and the levels, this so. Assumption A4 ensures the continuity of C^ to identical success probabilities. S turn implies that the solution correspondence to problem (10), (by a version of Berge's Maximum do not lead efforts which in (p), upper hemicontinuous (p), is Theorem). The existence of equilibrium then follows from standard arguments. Theorem (Existence of Equilibrium) Consider economy £ 1. A1-A4- There Remark 1. sufficiently strong price vector p. E. A3 and A 4) An alternative to imposing Assumpcontinuous effort choice, e.g., E = [0, 1], and to make to assume assumptions to ensure that the The effort choice changes continuously in the following set of sufficient conditions are typically adopted in general equi- librium analyses of moral hazard economies with continuous effort and Stiglitz, 1991, 1993, or Lisboa, 2001): between consumption and effort choice, c(-). to high output and low output). concave in these conditions, it e, (2) u The {xs, e) (3) The state utihty function = v [xg) — c (e) states, i.e., is for is example, Arnott is fully separable some function v {) and S = strictly increasing can be shown that the first-order approach is (see, for probability function q^ (e) and the cost function c(e) that the worker's effort choice for i.e., (1) There are only two individual a cost function strictly Assumptions (The Role of Assumptions A3 and A4 would be tions economy exists a competitive equilibrium for the that satisfies {/i, /} (corresponding strictly increasing is and convex valid, which in e. and Under in turn implies continuous in p. However, these conditions are too restrictive our purposes since they rule out nonseparable state 3 below), which play a crucial role in our main utility functions (defined in Definition efficiency results in Sections 3 and 4. Our Assumptions A3 and A4 are considerably weaker than the standard assumptions, and as such, they enable us to establish the existence of equilibrium for nonseparable as well as separable state utility functions. The analytical difficulties that emerge state utility functions have been emphasized by Arnott light. Theorem 1 and in the setting with nonseparable Stiglitz (1988b, 1993). In this could also be viewed as a methodological contribution to general equilibrium analyses of moral hazard economies. It is also worth noting that allowing for stochastic contracts as in Prescott (1984a) does not bypass the need to impose Assumptions A3 and A4 (see Section 5). Intuitively, allowing for stochastic contracts convexifies the incentive compatibility 12 and Townsend set, C' (p), which sim- . plifies the analysis in some dimensions. However, convexifying a discontinuous correspondence does not necessarily make continuous. Hence, the essential difficulty for establishing the it existence of equilibrium remains in the setting with stochastic contracts. This difficulty does not arise in the Prescott and Townsend (1984a) economy, because contracts directly prescribe consumption levels for each good and thus endogenous prices do not affect the set of incentive compatibiUty contracts. , ; , Generic Inefficiency of Equilibrium 3 This section formalizes the folk theorem for imperfect information economies, by providing sufficient conditions under which the equilibrium inefficient. is We start by describing the notion of efficiency used in our analysis. An allocation in our setting, {x, e) £ A, effort-incentive compatible is optimal given the level of consumption prescribed, that • We (f ) ([2: M, and , for each, e £ e {i')]^,^j^ is effort-incentive compatible the resource constraints hold, that V / Definition timal An economy-wide 2. effort-incentive is if it effort-incentive compatible U {x {v) , qs{e{v)) {yl U {x {1^) ,e {u}) > e {v)) and - and feasible dv > 0, for all A-^ if . An economy- wide {x [v) xiiiy)) each e {v)) € A^ for each is M, (13) g. constrained (Pareto) op- and there does not economy-wide allocation [x{v) u £ , alloca- is, compatible and feasible, for is E allocation \x{u) ^e{v)\.^^j^ feasible the effort choice is, if denote the set of effort-incentive compatible allocations with tion v e U {x,e) > U [x.e) if exist ,e{v)]^^^i^ another such that with strict inequality for a positive measure of Consider an equilibrium of the economy E with price vector and accepted contracts, (p, \w {v) , X {v) e , wide allocation Remcirk 2. {'^)]^(zj>j)- We say that the equilibrium [x (p) ,e{u)]^czj\f ^s (Full if the economy- constrained optimal. same informational constraints (monitoring) technology. notion of efficiency provides the as the firms but with better contracting In particular, the planner cannot observe the effort choice of the worker, but can specify the consumption of is constrained optimal Monitoring by the Social Planner) Our social planner with the of optimahty is arguably strong. this notion helps us to develop our all goods Nevertheless, it is main point more 13 in the employment contract. This notion natural for us for two reasons. succinctly. For example, our main First, result (Theorem a range of benchmark situations in which the equilibrium 3) delineates this strong sense. Second, the social planner is efficient in can approximate a constrained optimal outcome according to our definition using more limited instruments, i.e., a tax and transfer system. For example, the government can reduce the consumption of a particular good by levying a linear tax on that good (though a tax and transfer system Appendix A. 1 considers a weaker notion of optimality is not equivalent to full monitoring: and provides an example economy that constrained suboptimal according to the strong optimality notion, but not according to this is weaker optimality notion). The main result in this section establishes sufficient conditions under which the equilibrium constrained suboptimal. These conditions are related to the notions of nonseparability is no insurance, which full Definition 3. we Cm define next.-"- if there exists a state 6 when effort level is modified, that is du is no nonseparable (not s, a monitoring subset Gm, <md two goods utility function such that the marginal rate of substitution between g\ and §2 at state 91 ,92 There is Consider an allocation {x,e). The state weakly separable) at (x,e) full and (.3, e) ,'',;. /dxf ^ du insurance changes s (X., e) /^xf eeE\{e}. ^"' '^"^ at {x,e), if there exists a good g £ G and two such that the marginal rate of substitution for good g between states si,S2 G S not equal to 1, states 5i,S2 is that is du{xs^^^e)Jdxi^ du{xs2,e) /dx% The next theorem our main inefficiency result. is ' ' shows that the equilibrium It strained suboptimal whenever the state utility function ' is nonseparable and there is is con- no full insurance at the equilibrium allocation for a positive measure of workers. Theorem 2. (Nonseparability and Inefficiency) Consider an economy £ that Assumptions A1-A4- Let [p, [w [v) ,x{v) ,e {v))^^j^\ denote the prices and accepted contracts in an equilibrium. Suppose that there M* , is a positive measure set the state utility function is nonseparable allocation {x {u) The , e (v)) . and there Then, the equilibrium intuition for the result is satisfies is is no J\f* full C A^ such that for each v € insurance at the equilibrium not constrained optimal. closely related to double deviations by the worker, that is, deviations in which a worker switches to a different effort level and reoptimizes her consumption "As Definition 4 below preferences. We makes it clear, "nonseparable" preferences are the converse of "weakly separable" its easier to use than "not weakly separable" or use the terminology "nonseparable" since "weakly nonseparable". - 14 new of nonmonitored goods for the there no is A the preferences are nonseparable and insurance at the equiUbrium allocation, double deviations bind in the incentive full compatibihty constraints. That workers. When effort level. social planner they prevent firms from providing more insurance to the is, who can also prescribe the consumption of nonmonitored goods not constrained by double deviations, and can therefore provide better insurance without is violating the incentive compatibility constraints. worth noting that Theorem 2 It is also utility functions are open and dense differently, for u if any £ G utility functions, as defined in Defini- continuous utility function (with the sup norm). Put nonseparable, then eu is + {1 — e) u is nonseparable (0, 1). The next example Example all weakly separable and u is a generic inefficiency result, since nonseparable weakly separable (or tion 4, are nowhere dense) in the set of is illustrates the intuition of Suppose that there are two 1. and low output, and two goods, G= Theorem S = states, 2. The monitoring {1,2}. output {h,l}, corresponding to high partition is given by G= {G}, which implies that the firm can only specify wages and otherwise cannot monitor worker's consumption. For simplicity, consider a partial equilibrium setting in which the relative price of the goods levels, i.e., is fixed E= firm makes zero that is, = TT; also that is equal to , = 2 0, and tt/j = relatively is y^p work, and relatively j^, good 2, 0. Assume qk (e is = 1) = to leisure Suppose there are two effort Assiune the 1/2 and g/, (e than good 1. = 0) = More 0. Assume specifically, given by: good less 2 relatively more (in when she works. Consider a comparison to good social planner 1, i.e., implements she chooses x\ = if = e 0. = 1 (14) 1) when she does not social planner that chooses the allocation x^) ,e), subject to effort-incentive compatibility be seen that the of only 1.^- u{xs,e)=\n(^xl+(^^ + {l-eijxi^. ., f|,f > more complementary Note that the worker enjoys good ((x^, = p^ = suppose p^ low output state and positive profits in the high output state, profits in the the worker's state utility function . 1, i.e., {0,1}, which respectively correspond to shirking and working. yip good and and resource constraints. It can and provides the worker with the consumption Moreover, given that the worker does not consume the state utiUty function in (14) imphes that there is no incentive problem. Thus, the ''The partial equilibrium setting is a special case of our model in which there is a linear production technology (that operates without moral hazard considerations) which can convert the two goods to each other. To simplify the notation, we present our main results in an environment without this type of production technology. Appendix B, which is available on request, shows that all of our results continue to hold when we introduce a general (potentially nonlinear) production technology that is not subject to moral hazard. Also, again to simplify the exposition, in this example we use functional forms that do not satisfy Assumptions A2 and A3. 15 That social planner provides the worker with full insurance. the good first and the worker's Next consider a firm that full enough consume the bundle (^) < bundle. Since In In decision. offers a The is (15) (i« ^My)-4y)- wage contract {wfijWi). It can be seen that the social That not incentive compatible. (15), the given the wages just is, worker would instead not work and consume a different the worker can increase her utility with a double deviation (5^), which she changes her = ^, i] = 5'"(t) + insurance solution planner's = by utility is given ^(^.^) in the worker's consumption of given by: is il to is, effort choice and reoptimizes her consumption firm will instead offer the wage contract [wh^wi) that following equations: _ ' is new for the effort the solution to the . (Budget constraint), - In {wh) + ;t In [wi] > In The equilibrium wages and consumption Wh = The Y^TTh, xl equilibrium utility is Wh, x\ -Wh (Incentive compatibility). 1 are given by: = 0,and wi ' = given by: //(.,e) Comparing Eqs. = ( . jo'^h,xj = = wi, xf 0. (17) > = iln(l..)+lln(l..)=ln(l..). (17)-(18) with (15)-(16), note that "the firm worker, and the contract offered by the firm is strictly is (18) only partially insuring the worse for the worker than the allocation offered by the social planner. Theorem allocation. hold. in A 2 establishes the inefficiency of equilibrium natural question To address this question. which any equilibrivim is is under conditions on the equilibrium whether- there are any economies for which these conditions Theorem 8 in Appendix A.l characterizes a constrained optimal. The ensure that the equilibrium allocation of a worker always features under full that there exists a shirking effort level which is any equilibrium. To at less than full always preferred by insurance, and which yields the firm (almost) zero profits. 16 economies result essentially provides conditions on the preferences and the technology such that Theorem 2 applies we assume class of insurance, tlie worker To ensure that every equilibrium allocation satisfies the nonseparability property, monitoring subset between Gm and two goods gi,g2 £ Gm and 52 always change monotonically gi Theorems and 2 8 provide some support we assume that there exists a such that the marginal rate of substitution in the effort level. for the folk theorem for the inefficiency of the equilibrium. Recall, however, that these theorems rely on a strong notion of optimality which essentially provides the social planner with a better monitoring technology Remark Theorems 2). 2 and on whether a 8 are silent than the firms who social planner is (cf. also constrained by the same monitoring technology can implement such a Pareto improvement. To address Appendix A.l introduces a weaker notion of optimality which constrains the this issue, planner with the same monitoring technology as the firms. example economy with nonseparable Theorem 8, but is utility, which is This appendix also provides an constrained suboptimal as implied by The example shows weakly constrained optimal. social that the inefficiency of equilibrium established in Theorems 2 and 8 in part stems from the strong notion of optimality wliich gives the social planner a technological advantage in monitoring. This suggests that care must be taken in invoking these theorems. Efficiency of Equilibrium under 4 We next provide our main result, which result shows that the equihbrium separable. The next Definition subset Gm The 4. o,nd is the converse of constrained optimal state utility function u(-) level. du{xs,e) /dxf That Gm, Note that the state (x, e) is Separability Theorem when worker weak In particular, the 2. preferences are weakly separability. weakly separable if, for any monitoring ihs marginal rate of substitution between gi and 32 is is, du{xs,e) /dxf du[xs,e)/dxf = du{x,^e)/dxf any allocation is Weak definition formalizes the notioir of two goods gi,g2 G independent of effort at - / utility function ^"' '"''' ''^''~ " ^^ weakly separable is if \g\ "^ ^ ^^ and only , ~ '^"' ^'^ if it is G A. Our next result shows that weak separability is ^ rp " ^^ nn\ ^^'^ not nonseparable sufficient for the competitive equilibrium to be constrained Pareto optimal. Theorem 3. (Efficiency under Assumptions A1-A4- Assume for the Separability) Consider an economy £ that satisfies also that the state utility function u(-) is weakly separable. any equilibrium of the economy £ The Weak intuition of this result is is Then, constrained optimal. that, under weak separability, the social planner chooses worker the consumption bimdle which the worker would have chosen by herself 17 in the anonymous trading market. competition A among Hence, there no benefit to additional monitoring, and is firms leads to the allocations that the social planner would have chosen. complementary intuition that double deviations in which the worker changes effort level is and reoptimizes her consumption bundle accordingly are not valuable. This further implies economy does not change the that the relative price changes caused by other contracts in the We insurance-incentive trade-off for a worker, rendering pecuniary externalities ineffective. demonstrate this theorem with a simple example Example in Consider the same setup as in Example 2. which preferences are 1 with two differences. that price externalities do not create inefficiencies in this setting, than relative prices Example in that 1, we consider the is, fully separable. emphasize First, to we consider more general = price vector (p^ l,p^ € R-).) (we continue to assume that the prices are fixed). Second, we assume that the worker's state utility function is given by = u{xs,e) where u^^^ V (v, e) is and decreasing and strictly V [xl,xl) = and 1 a scalar valued function that in and v (x^jX^) e, is is , strictly increasing { {x\) as the 2. of the need, v, The + = *" (ig) ^ j consumption > e 0). {v, e) is u^^P {v, e) concave in strictly increasing = — In [v) which is satisfied utility function, u(-), is , /dxl e) and by consuming separable, since du [xs, e gives the worker's utility corresponding the level Note that the state effort choice, e. is strictly Here, the inner function v {x\,x1^ can level of a particular "need," outer function u*^^ and the some for and a scalar valued fimction that concave in both arguments (a particular instance be thought of goods u"'P{v{xl,xl),e) ^ weakly . , dv {xl,xl) /dx\ ' du{xs,e)ldxl which is independent of the Consider first ((x^, Xj^,x^,a:p) , e) a " who determines an each worker. on this assumption). The planner maximizes effort-incentive compatibility effort-incentive compatible allocation Suppose, for simplicity, that the planner offers every worker the same employment allocation (the result rely ' effort choice. planner for " dv{xl,x1) /dxl' and resource in Theorem 3 is more general and does not the representative worker's utility subject to constraints, that is: max qH{e)u''P{v{xlxl),e) + {l-qH{e))u^'P{v{x],xf),e) {x,e)SA subject to '^qs{e){xl+p^x1) seS solve this problem, the planner ^qs{e)TTs, seS U {x, e)>U (x, e) To = for all e £ :_ £^. computes the value from implementing any 18 e G E. The planner then implements the effort level that yields the highest utiUty to the worker. Similar to the analysis in of the weak equivalent to Grossman and Hart (1983), the social planner's how much deciding simplified in is view In particular, the planner's problem separability of the state utility function. first problem of the need to provide in each state, Vs, is and then deciding the optimal consumption bundle that provides this level of the need. Hence, the optimal utihty from implementing £ e E given by is max qh{e)u''P{vh,e) s€S ^"'' (^'^' E ^ ^~) seS each s £ — (i^,a;^) that, given Vs, the planner for would {/i, I], v^ and v (^xj,xf) the vector x^ is G E, subject to V = vi. = min = (^xl,x'l) this level of the solution to: xseK is ^°' all e (^'^ ^) minimize the cost of providing like to Wpi {vs) This ^"^ 9^ (^) s€S and two additional constraints v is, (20) ses Y. 1^ (^) the need. That {l-qh{e))u'''P{vi,e) Y^qs{e){xl+p'^xl) =^qsie)TTs subject to Note + 1 x] xs + pJ2-2 , |G| Vs. a strictly convex minimization problem that provides a one-to-one relationship between Wpi () and the optimum choice of the consumption vector Xg- By duality, the optimum vector Xs also maximizes v (x^,^^) subject to the expenditure being not greater than Wpi (u^). Using these observations, problem (20) can be rewritten as max subject to E ^ 9^ ""' '^^^ (^~) , r qs (e) Wpi {vs) ^ = ?s (e) (^ (^5,5^) , e) (21) t^ seS y^orrcrfls (e) ^.cc9s (e) I I maxf maxr Next consider the problem of a firm igi „igi , , o offering a 19 , , o o-o , ,i ,- .^ u^^^ (v (xl.x'i) ,e) w^^^ (u (ij, z?l , e) | for ] > each e £ £. wage contract {Wg,Wb}- To implement effort level e £ E, the firm will solve ^ max ^ subject to max qs (e) Qs (e) Eses<ls = it;^ ^ {xlx^) u^'^p {v e) (22) 1 g^ (e) tt^ (e) (^max|.^^j^K;i ^'^^ (^ (^l.^') ,e) j ji+p2j2<,,^} , A , comparison of problems (21) and (22) shows that they are equivalent. social planner and the firm will receive the same utility in and a firm that can only who can monitor The weak will is (u^, u^, its first and the worker eff'ort level, e, is not valuable, .., Suppose that the state utihty function can be written as = u'^l, e) u^^P [v' is {x^^)y (:r?=) ,.., \M\ arguments, and for each m, v"^ its : in (8) are W_^. number (23) ' , strictly increasing I i—> M is arguments. This functional form distinct set of goods. Theorem is \G '"' and strictly a scalar valued function is intuitive, as it implies of higher order needs (such as food, entertain- ment, procrastination, vacation, health care, education consumption of a J^^l (xf'^') ,e) a scalar valued function which that the worker receives utility over a represented as £;. also suggests a general class of preferences that satisfies the increasing and concave in separable. Thus, e Consequently, the each case. Hence, in this example, monitoring example u{x,,e) which e a wage contract provides incentives as well as a social planner ofi'er separability condition. concave in each worker's consumption. analysis in this where u^^^ choose to implement the same for etc.) each of which is provided by the Clearly, the state utility function in (23) is weakly 3 implies that equihbria of economies in which preferences can be constrained optimal. This analysis the suggests that, monitor the consumption of broad aggregates that interfere with effort choice, if firms can then the equi- librium will be efficient even though firms are unable to monitor workers' exact consumption •" choices. 5 Equilibrium and EfRciency with Stochastic Contracts This section extends our setup to allow tic contracts." Allowing nonconvexity of problem for for contracts with random outcomes, briefiy "stochas- randomization can be beneficial in this economy because of the (2) in Section 2 (e.g., Prescott 20 and Townsend, 1984a, 1984b, Arnott and analysis in this section shows that allowing for stochastic contracts Our Stiglitz, 1988a). does not change the efficiency properties of this economy. In particular, analogues of our main Theorems results, Given a V (Z) and 2 apply for the economy with stochastic contracts. 3, dimensional space Z, we finite B let {Z) denote the Borel cr-algebra of denote the set of probability measures over (Z, B (Z)). We endow P t] tj ( by U^ (77), measm-e, contract and j.l /i, equal to it is /, U {x, e) drj. ^^^^ iC = £ V{C), over the contract space we V {A) S let M|(i,e) Similarly, a stochastic contract x Kl,. is is resolved after the effort decision and then learns which contract she effort level contract uncertainty A,B[C^\. Given a stochastic is \i can be With ex-post randomization, made, that is is, the worker chooses With ex-ante randomization, the will receive. resolved before the effort decision is a probability resolved, a stochastic contract interpreted as having either ex-ante or ex-post randomization. the contract uncertainty is denote the marginal measure over the allocation space A. Depending on when the contract uncertainty an (Z) with the weak* A stochastic allocation in our setting is a probability measure over the allocation x E,B{A)]. The worker's utihty from a stochastic allocation A = M.\. is denoted topology. space Z and made, the worker learns her i.e., contract before she chooses an effort level (see, Arnott and Stiglitz, 1988a, for further discussion and the role of For analytical and notational convenience, we each type of randomization). analyze the case with only ex-ante randomization. All of the results in this section generaUze to the case with both ex-ante and ex-post randomization.^'^ Given the assumption of only ex-ante randomization, a stochastic contract compatible tracts, that if and only is, supp[ji) a probability measure support if its C C fi £ V {p). lies in Equivalently, an incentive compatible stochastic contract profits of the firm are respectively given by Jqii„) deterministic case, each worker menu faces a and chooses the contract that maximizes her tracts to maximize offers as given. its We expected incentive the set of deterministic incentive compatible con- [C^ {?)) The expected i' 11 is profit, utility of the V {c,p) d/x and worker and the expected /(^// \ tt (c,p) dfi. of incentive compatible contracts utility. is < As in the tJ-iuj) \ i Each firm j offers a continuum of con- taking the workers' strategies and other firms' contract denote the economy with stochastic contracts with £^, and we define the equilibrium for this economy as follows. Definition 5. A competitive equilibrium ible contract offers < i^-t^ ' It is well known economy £^ is a collection of incentive compat- by the firms, a collection of strategies for workers, [J^j j) \ a price vector p, allocations in [/^yji^gyv" ' •s^cft that: workers' contract choice is optimal, films ^, max- that ex-post randomization in this setting could be useful to provide the worker with additional incentives (see Arnott and Stiglitz, 1988a). However, as noted by Bennardo and Chiappori (2003), this additional incentive provision does not interfere with the existence or efficiency properties of equilibrium. 21 imize expected profits, and goods markets clear, that / - xl)dii^dv>Q, with equality for p^ > Q. (24) J(w,x,e)eC'(p)'^g Jj\f The "S^ qs{e){yl / for each g: is, following result is the counterpart of Proposition 1 and Theorem 1 with stochastic contracts. Theorem omy £^ (Existence of Equilibrium with Stochastic Contracts) Consider an econ- 4. Assumptions Al-AJ^. that satisfies economy £^. The prices and accepted only 1. There exists a competitive equilibrium for the contracts, (p, P'^''^^ °f '^'^ equilibrium if and if: For all M hut a measure zero of workers v G max subject to the contract , / V(c,p)dLi / TT The goods markets clear /i^ is a solution to (25) {c,p)dfj,>0. Jc'(p) 2. '^^^ [Mi/]i>eA/')' (26) . Eq. (24)/. [cf. Moreover, at the solution to Problem (25), the profit constraint (26) binds, that firm makes zero profits m equilibrium. .. every is, •, Analysis of the efficiency of the equilibrium closely parallels the case with deterministic contracts. First, we provide the analogous definition of constrained optimality with stochastic contracts. Given the assumption of only ex-ante randomization, a stochastic allocation incentive compatible if and only compatible allocations, that effort-incentive compatible is, and if the support of r; £ P {^^)- feasible if rj is effort- the set of deterministic effort-incentive lies in ^n economy-wide and only rj if 77^ 6 P stochastic allocation {/^^) for \'n,j\^^j^ is each u and the resource constraints hold: ' Tqs{e)(yi-xl)dr^,dv>{}ioxe^chg. / / (27) JAfJ{x,e)eA'^ Definition is An 6. economy-wide stochastic allocation effort-incentive compatible and feasible, and compatible and feasible economy-wide allocation u £ N with strict inequality for a positive \ri^]j^^j^ is constrained optimal if it there does not exist another effort-incentive [fli,]^i^j^ measure of such that U^ (t)^) > U^ (7?^) for all v. Consider an equilibrium of the economy 8^ with the prices and accepted contracts, {pAi^u]u€J\f)- cation ^^ \^i'i,\(x,e)\ ^^-y ^^^^ *^^ (iKf ^^ equilibrium is constrained optimal constrained optimal. 22 if the economy-wide allo- , Our next result Theorem the analogue of is sufBcient conditions under which the equilibrium we generahze Definition 0. The 7. Consider a stochastic allocation state utility function u(-) is between g\ and 52 o^ state nonseparable '^ no full The Theorem 5. is :" is if there {A*) > exists a state s, a such that t] such that the marginal rate of substitution level is modified, that A - and G good g E - . E\{e} and two / - . e e is, , . states Si,S2 6 S . our main inefficiency result for the economy with stochastic contracts. (Inefficiency under Stochastic Contracts) Consider an economy E^ equilibrium. Suppose that there there exists a A A* C set at {ri,A*), at {r],A*) if there exists a Assumptions A1-A4- Let satisfies insurance to stochastic allocations. for each [x,e) e . • following du{x.,e)ldxf insurance such that Gm changes when the effort s du{x.,e)/dxf is full and a compact 77 and establishes not constrained optimal. To state the result, is the notions of nonseparability and no monitoring subset Gm, ond two goods 51,52 £ There 2 for stochastic contracts, compact A* C set nonseparable and there is is no (p, [/^t/]^gj\/) denote the prices and accepted contracts in an a positive measure set Af* A with tJ-i/\{x,e) (^*) insurance at full that > C Af such that for each v £ such that the state (Miy|(a;,e)i ^*)- utility J\f* function Then, the equilibrium is not constrained optimal. We next provide the analogue of shows that, when the contracts is Theorem utility function is 3 for stochastic contracts. The following result weakly separable, any equilibrium with stochastic constrained optimal. 6. (Efficiency under Stochastic Contracts) Consider economy £^ that Assumptions AI-A4. Assume any equilibrium of 6 Theorem the also that the state utility function economy £^ is u () is weakly separable. Then, constrained optimal. Approximate EfRciency of Equilibrium As noted in Section 3, weak separability is a nongeneric property (in the sense that any weakly separable utility function will become nonseparable after a small perturbation). there satisfies is also a sense in which such genericity results economic importance of certain types of may However, not be relevant for understanding the inefficiencies. In particular, such genericity results do not preclude the possibihty that in most economically relevant situations equilibria might be 23 "approximately" efScient. In the present context, weakly separable utility functions might be a fairly good approximation to most economic situations (including almost in applied work). when Thus, what might be relevant there are only small deviations from such We this question. its Definition weak A/", we investigate an alternative economy with weakly separable "close to" is 8. For each e > 0, an economy-wide allocation utility [r]^]i,^j^ is e -constrained optimal compatible and feasible, and there does not exist another effort-incentive compatible and feasible economy-wide allocation V S separability. In this section, inefficiencies equilibrium will be approximately constrained optimal. if it is effort-incentive all whether there are significant introduce a notion of approximate efficiency (e-constrained optimality) and show that when the economy functions, is cases considered all [f)u]^^j^ U^ such that with strict inequality for a positive measure of v G > U^ (7)^,) {r]^,) + e for J\f Consider an equilibrimn of the economy £^ with the prices and accepted contracts, ^^ (Pi [Mi/li/eA/')- ^^-y ^^^^ ^^^ ^ location [fi^lr^g^^ The notion optimality (cf. equilibrium is e- constrained is e-constrained optimal optimal. of e-constrained optimality is economy-wide if the al- . a generalization of the notion of constrained Definition 2) since the two notions are equivalent for e = 0. We next introduce the notion of a perturbation of the state utility function. Recall that, by Assumption A3, the ' state utility function has the representation u{xs,e)=u^' for some functions u'^^ (•) and ', (xfi) +u^\^i (a;f^^^e) For simplicity, we keep the transferable component, u'^^'^i (•). u^^ (), unchanged and we focus on perturbations of generahty). Let u*-'' " I ( u^\^^ Note that any state U -u'-'^^i () (this is without loss of any () denote a continuously differentiable, strictly increasing, strictly concave and bounded function, and consider the ^^ , : R^ ^^' X set of state utihty functions: u E utility function with the sup norm, which makes U u G U For a state utility function u G satisfies into a ZY, satisfies we ., Assumption Al and Assumptions Al and A3. normed vector space, ' is , bounded. We endow the set ^"^ and thus a metric space. B {u,S) = {u & U \\u — u\\ < 5} denote the functions in B (u, 5) can be thought of as small let \ 5 neighborhood of u. When d > 0, the The assumption that u is bounded is without loss of generahty, because each worker's production of each good g is bounded above by maxsgsj/f, which implies that the utility function can be restricted to a bounded consumption set. More specifically, for any unbounded state utility function, u, there exists a bounded state utility function, u, which agrees with u on the relevant consumption set and which leads to the same equilibrium set. 24 perturbations of the function u. B (u, 5) with v. is weakly separable, then the state are close to being weakly separable. utility functions in Theorem satisfy If 7. B (u, 5) Our next are approximately efficient (e-constrained optimal). (Approximate Efficiency) Assumptions A1-A4 and that B (u, 6), We shows that equilibria of economies result ^ denote Let \S^ (w)] the class of economies that differ only in the state utility function, > a weakly separable state utility function u £ U. For any e u E utility functions in then any equilibrium of the economy £ 0, there exists 6 u e U. Consider > such that, if {u) is e-constrained optimal. provide a sketch proof of this result, which completed is present a social planner's problem for this economy, which We Appendix A. 2. in first useful to characterize the efficiency is properties of the equilibrium. Consider the problem of maximizing an (equal) weighted utihty and resource constraints: of the workers subject to effort-incentive compatibility max subject to / / U {x,e)dfjjjdu / / \^ qs Jn J{x,e)eA' f^ Note that problem (28) is — (e) (yf a linear optimization problem (28) xl)dr]^,dv > 0. and the constraint set, V {A^), is convex. Hence, problem (28) has the same optimal value as the following simpler problem: max U{x,e)di) / veV{A') subject to 'S2qs{e){ys -^i)d'fi>0, / J{x,e}eA' where t) e V (A^) is (29) J{x,e)eA! ^g5 the average measure defined by: V (a) = f r,^ (a) dv each for i £ S [A') (30) . In other words, the social planner can be thought of as choosing a single stochastic allocation to maximize a worker's expected utihty subject to resource constraints. Let J7p;^„„g^ [u) denote the optimal value of problem (29) for the economy with the state utihty function u G U. The next lemma characterizes approximate constraint optimality of the equilibrium by comparing the optimal value of the social planner's equilibrium problem (25). To state the result, when the Lemma price vector 1. is let problem U^^ is ") denote the value of given by p and the state utility function E^ Consider an equilibrium of the economy the equilibrium (p, (29) with the optimal value of the e-constrained optimal In particular, the equilibrium is if and only if constrained optimal 25 is u £ U. with the price vector p. For any £ U5^^^^^ (u) G [U^ if problem (25) and only if {p, u) US^^^^^ {u) , U^^ = (p, U^^ u) > 0, + e]. [p, u). 2 , Given this lemma, Theorem 7 problems (25) and erties of intuitively follows To (29). equilibrium of the economy £ iu) constrained optimal. is = establishes that a version of Berge's ^Sanner (^) ^^ it <p e M+ upper hemicontinuous U^ (p, u) (31) problem applies to Similarly, Ug„ (p, u) in u. I p is and thus (29), a continuous function of is an equilibrium price vector of £ These observations, along with Eq. (u) this (32) > imply that U^^^^^^, (u) (31), are close to each other for a state utility function, u, that Appendix A. 2 formalizes and completes of u. this implies can be seen that the equilibrium price correspondence, P (u) = and 1, imphes that any Next, the analysis in Appendix A. (u). Maximum Theorem ^ continuous function of u. {p,u). Moreover, By Lemma 6 U^,{p,u), any equilibrium price vector p of the economy E for Theorem see this, first note that UXnner{'a) is from Theorem 6 and the continuity prop- lies in a neighborhood argument, establishing a proof of Theorem 7. Theorem useful. 5 > 0. 7 also highlights Take the set of why the notion of generic inefficiency economies corresponding to With the same argument dense within the set B{u,5). 3. Theorem that utility functions in the set B {u, 5) But our shows that result all for some nowhere as above, weakly separable utility functions are have equihbria that are approximately Remark not always economically is of the corresponding economies efficient. (The Role of Stochastic Contracts in Approximate Efficiency) Note 7 concerns the economy £^ with stochastic analogous approximate efficiency result contracts, and we do not have an an economy £ with deterministic contracts. for conjecture that the result generalizes to economy £, but this conjecture is We not straightforward to prove. The proof to be Theorem of no analogue of set of incentive 7 does not generalize to Lemma 1 in C sarily characterized as the solution to a in £, mainly because there appears that setting. In particular, due to the nonconvexity of the compatible contracts, example economies economy (p), the Pareto frontier of economy £ weighted social planner's problem. which the equilibrium is is not neces- One can construct constrained optimal; but neither problem (28) nor problem (29) (nor any other weighted social planner's problem) yields the worker the same utihty as the equilibrium. Since our proof of Theorem 7 exploits the continuity properties of the social planner's problem, this proof does not generalize to economy £. Stochastic contracts are useful in this context because they convexity the set of incentive compatible contracts, which 26 in turn enables us to characterize constrained optimality using a social planner's Lemma formalized by problem (as 1). Conclusion 7 This paper investigated the efficiency of competitive equilibria in environments with private information. Prescott and Townsend (1984a, 1984b) petitive equilibrium in such environments can fully specify to situations in when establish the constrained optimality of (insurance, Though important, consumption bundles. which individuals are allowed to trade anonymous trachng employment in "folk or credit) contracts these results are not apphcable anonymous markets. to be an essential feature of competitive equilibria. Less structure and efficiency of competitive equihbria in the presence of such A theorem" originating work of in the Stiglitz com- is We view such known about the anonymous trading. and coauthors maintains that compet- equihbria are always or "genericaUy" inefficient in such environments. This folk theorem itive has widespread appUcability in both applied models and in policy discussions, though been formally investigated. This paper of a general equihbrium to workers To economy with moral hazard. who choose an effort level that is private endowment and production distribution of equilibriimi critically reevaluates this folk and characterize some of its vectors. theorem within a subset. We how context information and affects the probability We establish the existence of a competitive properties. employment contracts can the partition but camiot regulate in the has not In our economy, fo-ms offer contracts investigate the efficiency properties of competitive equilibrium, itoring partition such that it this expenditm^e we introduce a mon- specify expenditures over subsets in is subdivided among the commodities say that preferences are nonseparable (or not weakly separable) when the marginal rate of substitution across commodities within a subset in the partition depends on the effort level. We prove that the equihbrium rium allocation involves result main is less than full is always inefficient when a competitive equilib- insurance and preferences are nonseparable. While this consistent with the folk theorem on the inefficiency of competitive equilibrium, our result shows why such inefficiency does not always monitoring. We by preference is show that when there is weak arise partial separability in preferences, a condition satisfied used in most applied theory work, competitive equilibria with moral hazard are constrained optimal, in the sense that a social planner consumption and can be mitigated by levels who can regulate and monitor cannot improve over these competitive allocations. We also all show that equilibria in economies that have utility functions that are approximately weakly separable will be approximately efficient. These results imply that the strong suboptimality claims of 27 the folk theorem for competitive equiUbria in private information economies exaggerated. At the very least, considerable care equilibria are inefficient is may be somewhat necessary in concluding that competitive and government intervention is necessary without knowing the details of preference and information structure. Our results also on the monitoring emphasize that the efficiency properties of competitive equihbria depend partition, which raises the question of how the monitoring partition termined in practice. In related work, we develop a framework equilibria in competitive other things, this framework shows that endogenous monitoring will create another force towards is bounded above by the partition (which depends on the worker's preferences). cost of monitoring this partition cost of monitoring a particular This further implies that, when the sufficiently small, the competitive equilibrium is approxi- is mately constrained optimal, despite the costs of monitoring that who does not equilibrium compared efficiency. In particular, additional welfare loss in to the constrained efficient allocation planner de- which firms pay a cost to choose which subsets of commodities and actions to Among monitor. for the analysis of is it incurs (relative to the social incur them). This result reinforces our point that considerable care is necessary in invoking the folk theorem about the inefficiency of competitive equilibria with private information. A Appendices A.l Omitted Results. The appendix : presents results omitted from the \ main Class of econoinies in which any equilibrium text. is inefficient. Theorem text estabhshed sufficient conditions under which the equihbrium allocation suboptimal. The next the conditions of result identifies a class of Theorem features less than full 2, and insurance, thus, profits. To ensure that every is inefficient. we assume always preferred by the worker under economies full in To ensure insurance, same monitoring and which [£ (^)]gg(o I) which differ only in the satisfies yields the firm (almost) zero The we assume that result then follows . For Inefficiency) Consider a class of economies parameter 6 defined below. Suppose that 28 is partition such that the marginal rate of .- (Sufficient Conditions constrained that there exists a shirking effort level which from Theorem 2 (proof omitted). 8. main that the equilibrium always substitution between the goods change monotonically in the effort level. Theorem is which any equihbrium equilibriurri has the nonseparability property, there exists two goods within the 2 in the 1. There exists an effort level, Cshirk E x £ \ {eshirk} and qsi„„ {eshirk) = (x o,nd 0,e = = Cshirk) ^ 'is ]RI^|?^ — S There also exists a state sio^ £ . Moreover, 0- > u{x,e) £ E, such that u{x,eshirk) U {Q,e shirk) < maxegjr for such that i7 (y, e), = ysi^^ the allocation i.e., than the allocation that offers no insurance (and isss desirable 6 e all lets the worker choose the effort level). There exists a monitoring subset 2. strictly increasing in e ECR E There exists 6 £ (0,1) such least that, Gm o-i^d Gm two goods gi,g2 S for any x £ 9, is yg^gi '. Ri,_Jjf' < for each 9 such that a h Assumptions AI-A4 one competitive equilibrium, and any equilibrium of the economy 8 hold, [9) is £ {9) has at not constrained optimal. Alternative notions of efficiency. We next consider a weaker notion of optimality than studied in the main text. This notion of optimahty constrains the social planner with the same monitoring technology as the firms. market C price and contract allocation feasible if the contracts are incentive compatible given the price vector, 9. for each u £ {p) strained optimal = (p, [c{v) {w {v) N if it is , and [w{v) feasible {v)]^,^j^), and there does not such that U {x {u) exist ,e{y)) ,x{i') ,e[v)\^^j^^, The pair is i.e., is c{v) £ weakly con- another market feasible pair, > U {x [u) , e(j/)) for all u G J\f J\f. next provide an example with nonseparable state utility function in which the equilib- \^'e is not constrained optimal, as implied by optimal. and 8 {p,[c{u) the resource constraints in (13) hold. market ,x{v),e pair, with strict inequality for a positive measure of f E rium = A Definition The example shows in part Theorem but which 2, is weakly constrained that the inefficiency of equihbrium estabhshed in Theorems 2 stems from the strong notion of optimality which gives the social planner a technological advantage in monitoring. Exciniple 3 (Nonseparable Preferences, Example 1 Weak Optimality). Consider the same setup as in but assume, additionally, that workers are heterogeneous in their preferences. In particular, there are two types of workers, denoted by Tj and T2, of equal measure, state utility functions of type Ti u{xs,e ,Ti) The and T2 workers are respectively given by: = In a;^ + f - -I- (1 - = In J ((- + 29 {I ~ eU xl and x^ e) I u{xs,e;T2) 1/2. + J x^ (A.l) . Let = (p^ l^p^ = =w 1, (c [Ti] [Ti\ , X [Tj] e [T'j])^grj , 2} denote an equilibrium price and J The contract allocation pair in which workers of the same type accept the same contract. equilibrium allocation for type Tj workers (17)], while the equilibrium allocation for type T2 workers which the consumption of goods 1 and Example characterized exactly as in is Eq. [cf. the mirror image allocation in is We claim 2 are reversed. 1 that this equilibrium is weakly constrained optimal. Example First consider the Pareto improving allocation in monitor consumption), given by social planner that can fully by a (the allocation chosen 1 e [Ti] = for 1 each i e and {1, 2}, the consumption allocations: For type Tj : For type T2 : xi [Ti] = xj [Ti] = x\ [T2] = x] [T2] = ^ and ±1 We claim that the corresponding contract allocation, is compatible = = = [T2] = [Ti] {w for the type Tj workers only < if p'^ However, j. It can make the contract allocation {c remains to show that there which location pair reach contradiction, [p^ = a l,p'^,{'w[Ti] G {1,2}.^^ = is a is , there is > p" c [T2]} ff [Ti] such a x[Ti]p,x[Ti] ,e[Ti])^^,^r,\)- over price It [T2] = is = [Ti] (A.2) 0, ^ = x [T] A.3) ( x [T] e [7^])}^^^ p, , normalized to 1). Given incentive is similarly, the allocation in {A.3) Hence, there 2. market no other market improvement Pareto that [Ti] if xf the allocation in (A.2) 1), incentive compatible for the type T2 workers only level that i {c [Ti] not market feasible for any relative price level p^ (recall that p^ the state utility function in (A.l) (and e[Ti] is and xl and no relative price feasible, verifying the claim. price feasible the is and contract al- Suppose, to denoted by equilibrium. allocation pair, can be seen that e [T,] = each for 1 In view of the conversion technology, the resource constraints can be reduced to a single constraint: , EIE\E i6{l,2} (A.4) -f[^]<^-" ,; ge{l,2} s&{l,h} consume good First consider the case p^ £ (51 2), so that type Ti workers always choose to and type T2 workers always choose to consume good 2, i.e., xf [Ti] = for i ^ g. 1 Then, the incentive compatibility constraints can be written as: hn{ii[T,]) V "^ ^J/ + l-ln{xj[T,]) V ^'^ > - In^^^'f^^^ \2 p2 lln{xl[T2]) + hn{xf[T2]) > lnf^x?[T2]p2 2 More specifically, for the case in ' 2 ' ^ which only one type works, a Pareto improvement without violating the resource constraints. 30 it can be seen that it is not possible to attain 2}, , These constraints can be simplified to s^UTil^Q Note (18) also that this allocation -(17)) if only i with that 2 a Pareto improvement over the equihbrium allocation is Eqs. (cf. -, . . In {xl [T,]) + ^ In some [x] [T,]) > E {1,2}. i bound on the amount In It (^^tt^^ for each i e {1,2} (A.6) can be seen that conditions {A. 5) and {A.6) of resources that need to be spent on each type workers, is: xUT,]+xJlT,] > (^±+^-^^ Inn -2,rn ^ f ^P2 strict inequality for ,rr.. some , i £ {1, 2}. 3 2p2 2^ + 2 \ Combining the constraint (A. 4) (along with the fact that if On 4M-.9 . -2 with „„, if: strict inequality for establish a lower 1 [Ti] — l i =/= two inequahties with the resource g), we have: 13 2 3p2 + -r + 6 last iov and 3^<y . the other hand, using the arithmetic-mean geometric-mean inequality, 3 3p2 2p2 2 ?^ + J_ 3 > > 2, inequalities with Eq. can be obtained for the case in 3p2 2P2 2 ^2p2 2 3 3p2 = we have: 3 and 4 2. 3p2 Combining these h (^-^^ ^ 3' (A. 7) yields a contradiction. A similar contradiction which p2 ^ [5^2], proving that the equilibrium is weakly constrained optimal. The key (A. 5). intuition behind this result Note that a high 2), but it captured by the incentive compatibihty constraints, level of the relative price p2 relaxes straints for the type Ti workers good is the incentive compatibility con- (who have a greater temxptation to shirk when they consume also simultaneously tightens the incentive compatibility constraints for the type T2 workers (who have a greater temptation to shirk when they consume good the Pareto improving allocation constructed in Example price vector, and the equilibrium is 1 1). cannot be decentralized with any weakly constrained optimal despite the fact that constrained optimal. 31 Hence, it is not A. 2 Proofs This appendix presents proofs of the results in the main text. A. 2.1 Proofs for Section 2 We show that Assumptions A2 and A3 imply the following lemma, which we use first in the subsequent analysis. Lemma (Local Transferability) Suppose Assumptions A1-A3 hold and consider an in- 2. centive compatible contract, c c+,c^ S C\p) = {w,x,e) £ C\p). Then, for each e > contracts 0, there exists such that V{c^,p)>V{c)-€, tt{c-,p)>tt{c,p), (A.8) and V{c+,p)>V{c,p), 7T{c+,p)>TT{c,p)-e. (A.9) ; Proof of Lemma We first 2. the subsequent proofs. For each non-zero consumption vector xf^ 6 K, we define w^ (x^^,p, level ts and some of define a transfer function that will be useful in this t^) G R optimum as the , price vector p, and transfer value and x^' (a;^\p, as the is) solution of the following strictly convex optimization problem: wl{x<^\p,ts)= min xf>^> subject to That is, w] (xf^,p,ts) describes the u'^'(xf') is interval (-^,5) such that w] over this interval, vector t = {ts)seS' (xgi (xgi,^, ts)) We and a that exists ^^ (5 > is ts, is (xf') + i^. level necessary to increase the state s given that the current consumption that, since xj^ (^xf\p,ts) ^1^° define is well defined for each > 2. 0. (xf^',p, O) tg [x'^\p,t) = xf^ and € [-6,6). Note also that, continuous and strictly increasing in W''^ is non-zero, there exists a sufficiently small Given the transfer tg. (w] (xf^,p,ts))g and the corresponding transfer functions over Lemma positive scalar e we have w] w] Note (^xf\p,ts) o as next prove p. u'^i minimum wage utiUty obtained from the goods in Gi by the current price vector = (A.IO) , x"^' [x^'^,p,t) = all states. Consider an incentive compatible contract c = C {w,x,e) G We first construct a contract c+ that satisfies Eq. {A.9). = w] since c G C\p). Then, from the continuity of w^ (), (p) Note there such that Wj (if',p, (5) e (u;],i(;s -he) for each (A. 11) s. _ 32 By w^ definition of () (and incentive compatibility of vP' (icfi Define the transfer vector satisfies By = {ts vP' (xf 1) + (5, for S for each s). Since c have each is e S. s (A.12) and u () incentive compatible It (8), ' ' i ) (^.11), this contract costs the firm at Eq. satisfies = {S) = also Eq. (^-12) imphes that e remains incentive compatible after the utility \ f (w^ (x^i p t{5)) u;^\(i}) follows that c+ = ^^ incentive compatible. ,_q^ \ q^^ , ,r/\' g\Gi\ condition transfer t{S). t {x^\p,5)) we c) most Eq. (A. 9). Next recall that Assumptions more than the contract e A2 and A3 ensure u'l > Thus, c. each for a similar argument establishes the existence of a contract c_ that satisfies Eq. c_|_ Hence, s. This {A.8). completes the proof of the lemma. Proof of Proposition (p, [w {i') ,x{h'),e (i^)]i,g_/v) ond claim holds holds by 7i"(c(i^),p) definition of equilibrium. > all is 0, measure that set A/"* in the constraint set of of positive A/^ = {i^ is, To prove the the contract c{i') measure zero J E Af* Lemma [i^) = j} C Af and problem measure and the I Applying of the Let proposition. first claim, note that firms first is in the constraint set of We set). be accepted). problem claim that c{v) solves problem but a measure zero set of workers. Suppose, to reach a contradiction, that there exists a positive both part if profits (by offering contracts that will not (10) for all u (except potentially a (10) for the only denote an equilibrium price and contract allocation pair. The sec- can always guarantee themselves This implies consider First 1. is contracts {c{i'))^^j^, such that c{i') and c{u) are (10), set of firms but V{c(i/),p) 2 to this contract for e Since C J\f* Af there exists a firm j such that the set is finite, of positive measure. > V{c{v),p). Consider a contract = V {c{i') ,p) — V {c,p) > 0, c(;y), with i^ £ TV-'. there exists another incentive compatible contract c_ {v) such that V{c-iv),p)>V{ciu),p) andTTic_{u),p)>TT[ciiy),p)>0. Then, we claim that another firm contract offers to the workers in workers v € (cf. Af-' switch to firm j'. j' Af-' ^ to (c_ (:^))j^g^j. Note Since each contract c_ {i^) by changing that, after this change, makes the firm all its the positive profits (A. 13)), the expected profits of firm j' strictly increase after this deviation, proving our claim. This contradicts the fact that firm proof for the only We for j can strictly increase its profits (A. 13) if j' maximizes profits in equilibrium, completing the part of the proposition. next prove the claim in the proposition that the constraint T:{{w,x,e) ,p) any solution {w,x,e) to problem (10). > binds Suppose, to reach a contradiction, that the contract 33 , c = {w,x,e) is a solution to problem (10) and satisfies 7r(c,p) exists another incentive compatible contract c+ such that This contradicts the fact that c is a solution to problem n > > (c_|_^p) (10), Lemma Then, by 0. and 2, there V {c+,p) > V {c,p). showing that the profit constraint binds. Next consider the price if part of the proposition. and allocation system that satisfies Let p and [w {v) ,x (v) ,e{iy)]^^j^ be a the two claims of the proposition. ture a symmetric equilibrium in which every firm offers every worker the = {c{u,j) i.e., [w{u) ,x{i') Given these ,e{L')])^i^j^ -^j. left Suppose, to reach a contradic- is strictly positive profits by offering a collection of C M with positive measure incentive compatible contracts [c{y,j')]^^j^- Then, there exists Af* ,,,,,. - J (u) = the deviation by firm j' after tt{c{i',j'),p) >n{c{iy),p) = Since the worker y e Af* prefers the contract offered by ,.: • c+ {i^,j') and equations {A.14) and (A.15), there 2 , and (A.14) f over the contract V{c{u,j'),p) >l/(c(i^),p). . j' 0. . By Lemma opti- offers are optimal. can make such that for each v € A^* is by assumption. Hence, we are with by proving that firms' contract tion, that there exists a firm j' that same contract, any worker strategy offers, conjec- satisfied mal. Moreover, the goods market clearing condition only We exists c(i^), we have ,-- „ (A.15) , an incentive compatible contract such that tt{c+{u,j'),p)>0, &ndV{c+{u,j'),p)>V{c{iy),p). It follows that c(iv) is not a solution to problem (10) for v 6 Af*, which is a contradiction. This shows that the price vector and contract allocations constructed above constitute an equilibrium, completing the proof for the We next show that Assumptions if part of the proposition. A3 and A4 imply the following lemma, which we need to establish the existence of equilibrium. Lemma A4 3. (Continuity of Incentive Compatible Contracts) Suppose Assumptions Al- hold Then, the correspondence incentive compatible contract c g contracts c[n\ £ Since C^ C\p\n]) such (p) is also C\p) is lower hemicontinuous in C\p) and any that c\n] — > sequence p [n] — > p. That p, there exists a is, for any sequence of c. upper hemicontinuous. Lemma p. 34 3 establishes the continuity of C^ [p) in , Lemma Proof of Consider the price vector 3. {w,x,e), and a sequence {p[n]}^i n and a contract c [n] = (x [n] e, , — » We p. w [n]) = an incentive compatible contract c p, claim that, for any e > 0, there exists an index such that ' c{n\eC\p{n]) and w[n]€B{w, e). Given this claim, a — c[n] » To prove the claim transfer vector this vector i, t s (A.16) sequence {c[n]}^Q can be constructed such that c[n] G C^{p[n]) and C\p) thus follows that It c. ' is lower hemicontinuous. Assumption A4 implies that there in (A. 16), first note that such that Eq. (12) holds for the M''^' note that Eq. and the vector effort level e (12) also holds for the transfer vector where -qt, ry exists a Given t. > an is arbitrary positive scalar. Next consider the function w^ () defined and w^ be since w^ (a;^',p, Pj (i'-'^,0,p) e B = strictly positive in U (x {w,p, e) the function \\p[n] — < p\\ 5 < \\T]t\\ = s is (by Assumptions (tf^e) nIR++ for each p and sufficiently small so that which > u.'^ view of Eq. , [n] = = < ||i|| , 5 and ,e) constructed (x<^i (i<^i , p [n] , < {w^ {x^' ,p[n\, that the effort level ^ e such that p|| < Let S. 77 (A.17) y'?]f,gs(e), p, there exists a sufficiently large 7]t) , ,e) + e/2, < y(c,p) > U {x{w,p,e) t/(x(u;,p[n] and rjt x'^\^' qt) V {c,p) and n such that and ,e) ~ e/2. ) , e) , e) we + £ for all e e £; \ {e} define the and we claim that c[n] p [n] , (A.18) . c [n] = (^.16). By contract \ satisfies , incentive compatible given the wages exists e — f, . w^^^^}) / construction of x[n] and w[n\ (and 5), we have that w\n\ £ B{w^,e). [n] ||p > Since the indirect utility function (12). e w continuous in p and is these two inequahties jointly imply e), U {x{w,p[n],e) X max () and V {c,p) = U {x {w,p, e) the ,, w^ A3), there exists J that satisfies i continuous in U{x{w,p[n],e) Given Since A2 and and define y2''ltsqs{e)- e) are , S V{c,p[n]) Since in (A. 10). e is incentive w [n] and the compatible. effort level e. Moreover, x\n\ is Hence, we only need to show Suppose, to reach a contradiction, that there such that t/(x(u)[n],jD[n],e),e) > 35 ;7(x(iu[n],p[n],e),e). ' (A.19) . w [n] Note that the construction of Gi- Note differs from condition also that, from (8), w . only for the wages for the monitoring subset the consumption choice for goods within Gi does not affect the consumption choice for the goods within other monitoring subsets. This implies ^G\Gi ^^ j^j ^p j^j ^ g^ _ -j^GXGi the definition of the function (^yj^p w^ () Jtj] ^ e) for any These observations, along with effort level e. Eq. (A. 10)), further imply that: (cf. U {yi{w[n],p[n],e),e) = + '^r]tsqs{e) t/ (x(u;,p[n] ,e) e) , 565 Considering this equality for e G ^rjtsqsie) {e, e}, + U {y.{w,p[n] and plugging ,e) ,e) > ^T]tsgs{e) + t^ (x (u;,p[n] ,e) , e) ses seS Combining in the inequality (A. 19) implies: this inequality with the inequality in {A. 18), we have Y^ T]tsqs (e) > Y^ rjtsqs seS (e) - e. ses This inequality yields a contradiction to the definition of e in (A. 17), proving that the effort level e is incentive compatible. This shows that c the proof of the lemma. Proof of Theorem to . The key 1. p. We establish the local transferabihty condition Let {{wn, ^n, £n) that {w, x,e) € ,,,. , for the problem (cf. Lemma = {w,x,e) and satisfies the constraints of 2, lim p„ problem (10) Lemma (cf. [p), 3) is upper is along with S (pn) each n and for = p. for the price vector p. We claim to reach a contradiction, that there exists {w, x, e) that satisfies V {{w,x,e) ,p) > V {{w,x,e) ,p). (uJ, x, e) which strictly, satisfies the , 7r((u;,x,e),p) and which C\p) there exists another incentive compatible contract non-zero profit constraint S denoted by that {w„, x„, e„) £ the constraints of problem (10) and that yields the worker By Lemma . , 2). )Pn}^i denote a sequence such S (p). Suppose, (10), this using the continuity of lim {wn,Xn,en) Note that {w,x,e) the claim in (A. 16) and completes step in establishing the existence of the equilibrium show that the solution correspondence hemicontinuous in [n] satisfies > (A. 20) 0, yields a strictly greater utihty for the worker, V{{w,x,e),p)>V{{w,x,e),p). 36 ' );;.- " (A.21) , Since {w,x,e) C^ (wJ„,x„,e„) 6 and Lemma C\p), by £ (pn) for each n. Since there exists ^ (•) and 7r(-) >0 TT{{Wn,Xn,en) ,Pn) since {Tu„,Xri,en) € imphes that 5 : (A. 20) C^ >V {{Wn,Xn,en) ,Pn)- {pn), these inequalities contradict the fact that (Tj;„,x„,en) is S follows that [w,x,e) 6 It a which {p), upper hemicontinuous. {p) is rest of the D dence {w,x,e) such that » are continuous functions, Eqs. and V{{Wn,Xn, en), Pn) solution to problem (10) given the price vector pn- The — (tZ;n,5„,e„) imply that there exists a sufficiently large n such that (-4.21) But 3, proof follows standard arguments. Consider the excess {1} X r!^ RI*^I :z5 ' good (recall that the price of correspon- normalized to is 1 demand given 1), by: = n(r,] ^^' /AAEse5(^.(^)-2/.)9.(e(^))di^6Kl^l { [ Since there S Since We ys (p) is < Qo for each (p) s) while the < (p) good g tends > D^ since the supply of 0, demand since the supply of to zero as p^ — » for D [p) ^ good g \ good g tends to good g oo. Therefore, is {w {u) ,x[v) ,e A. 2. 2 {v))^j^j^ clear. \s bounded from above infinity as p^ — Similarly, 0. > (since zero, while the demand Kakutani's Fixed Point Theorem applies to this (i/) ,x (i/) G D (p). By S {p) ,e{u)) e definition of for each u & J\f the price vector p and the contract allocations 1, correspond to an equilibrium, completing the proof of the theorem. 2. good g between N* Consider a worker v e Since {x,e) does not feature for Proposition upper hemicontinuous. Proofs for Section 3 Proof of Theorem MRS By ' convex valued. is also bounded away from there exists {w (v) ,x{i'),e {u))^i-j^such that {w and the goods markets ^ is economy, which implies that there exists a price vector p such that D (p), D [p) demand correspondence upper hemicontinuous, the correspondence have, limps_^o limp9_oo -D^ for a continuum of workers, the is 1 iwiv),x{u),eiiy))eS{p) ioie&chiyeM j' \ full states si and denote her allocation by insurance, there exists si,S2 G and S2 is not equal to 1. We S and g G will reallocate G c = [w, x, e). such that the the consumption of good g across states so that the worker receives better insurance while her equilibrium effort choice e remains eff'ort-incentive compatible. Formally, we claim that there exists x^ \s\ G W_^ such that 9.(c)i| = ^9= (A.23) («)!?, s€S ses e and t/(^^\{^^i^e) G > aigmaxU eeE t/(x,e). 37 (x^''^^\x^,e], \ (A. 24) J (A.25) Once we prove this claim, improving deviation it follows that there an effort-incentive compatible and Pareto is each worker u G Af*, which implies that the equilibrium allocation for is not constrained optimal. To prove the -^— dill that (j4.25). Recall we claim, Xo '' show that there first c "' ( Suppose, without 1. =/= du{xsi, du e) > 9 OXq^ For any e > consider the deviation vector v 0, exists a deviation xf that satisfies (A. 23) and /9x 1 loss of generality, that (x52, e ;j' (A-26) • OXs2 G [e] R''^' defined by Vs [e] = for any ^ {s\, S2} s and r ^^ 1 1 r ^^ 1 Qsi (e) where the constant K= — ^ — °^ °^ ' ^ by construction, the vector x^ = x^ > v -\- , «™x » qs2 (e) ensures that < e for any e > 0. Note that, the resource constraints in (A. 23). Note satisfies [e] \\v [e]\\ also that U (x^\^«> x» , + t; [e] , = J^ g^ e) (e) w (xf ^^^l xf , „ line considers a first [e] U Eqs. (x'^^'S', (A. 28) x^ + and the inequahty v[e] ,e) > U (x, e) for e) order Taylor expansion for the functions u {xg^ e) , and u{xs2,e), and the notation o{e) captures the residual which From , aK(x, , '?^i ^^'l . where the second , ^, E56S9^(e)"(2^^'e)+ \ e) au(x3,,e) e^y ^^ VS2 le;— gj|-— qs^{e) dxi^ ^^^ / - + in (A. 26), each e e it satisfies > follows that there exists £ (0, e). ^^ = lime_o 0. such that This proves our claim that there exists a deviation x^ that satisfies (A. 23) and (A. 25). We next consider a sequence of vectors {v such that £ f5 =: x^ [n] + v [e G (0,£) for each n and e[n] [n]] [n] e [n]]}^-i, — > 0. also satisfies the effort-incentive to reach a contradiction, that there e [e E\{e} such is no such n. where {e [n]}^ We is a sequence of scalars claim that there exists n such that compatibihty constraint in (A. 24). Suppose, Then, for each vector i'[e[n]], there exists that U Since the space £'\ {e} subsequence. Let e E is E\ (x^\^3\xs finite + v[e[n]],e[n]) >U{x,e). (A.29) . (and thus compact), the sequence {e [n]}^-[ has a convergent {e} be a limit point of this sequence. Since hm„_^oo v 38 [e [n]] = 0, Eq. .V (A.29) implies : Note U{x,e) >U{x,e). . that, since preferences are nonseparable at (x,e), there exists (A.30) . s,m and gi,g2 6 Gm such that du{xs,e) /dxf du{xs,e) /dxV- _ ~ du{xs,e)/dxf ^ du{xs,e)/dxf where the last C equality follows since c £ xl^'-^'^ (u;,,p,e) 7^ xi^''^^^ The {p). last pSi ^' equation further imphes that This further implies U {x{w,p,e) ,e) > U {x,e) > U {x,e) where the last inequality uses contract {w, x, e) x^ = x^ +v[s [n]] is This yields a contradiction to of the fact that the (A.30). incentive compatible. satisfies , It equations (A. 23) follows that there exists a vector v — (A. 25), which [e [n]] such that completes the proof of the theorem. Proofs for Section 4 A. 2. 3 The proof of Theorem 3 requires a preliminary step. intuitively clear that, if preferences then the indifference ciurves between any two goods in satisfy the separability condition (19), the same monitoring partition It is m should be independent of the effort choice e. The next lemma formalizes this observation. Lemma subset in Gm Suppose the separability condition (19) in Definition 4 holds for the monitoring 4. Gm- Consider such that the a vector {xg, e) £ IRi|_ x E, and let xf"^ denote a reallocation of the goods level of the utility is kept constant, i.e., suppose: u(if-,xf\^"',e) =u(a;„e). Then, this reallocation keeps the cf "" Lemma Proof of 4. We first , level of utility xf \'^'" , e) constant also for any other effort =u{xs, e) for any e e E. level, i.e.: (A. 31) claim that, under the separability condition (19), the partial derivative of the utiUty admits the following representation: ^}^^i^ = where F : e'^' -^ R''^'"! is a vector valued function and h positive scalar valued function. To prove (A.32) h{is,e)F{xs), this claim, fix 39 : Rl^^l x some good E ^ R++ is a strictly g € Gm and define the . .. scalar valued function du (xo, e) h{xs,e) which is strictly positive. Applying condition (19) 6 Gm,g), we have that the for all pairs [g ratio, is independent of du{xs,e) /dxf'^ du{xs,e) /dif"" du{xs,e) /dxi h{xs,e) Hence, e. can be denoted by a vector valued function F{xs)- it This completes the proof of the claim in (A. 32). Next, to prove the lemma, note that there exists a continuously differentiable function xf"* : [0, 1] -^ 1+"" which satisfies u Note that xf "* (i) ("xf " (i) , xf" xf (0) ^^'^ = =u {x„ e) ,e] represents a curve that lies = xf"", xf"' (1) for if'", each t e and (A.33) [0, 1] inside the indifference surface (which is the higher dimensional analogue of an indifference curve). Totally differentiating Eq. (j4.33) with respect to t, we have ^ 9^i(xf-(i),xf\^",e)'dxG'"(t) L ^f^_W = L . for each t e [0, 1] dt dx?"^ ' ' , Plugging in the representation in (A. 32), the previous equality implies: h (xfSince F /i(-) (xf" (t) (i) xf \°"* y h (xf- which is the an arbitrary xf \^-, F e) (xf- (i) , xf \^'-y ^^E£_lW ^ Q f^^ g^^j^ g J [Q^ ^] ^^34^ _ a strictly positive scalar valued function, the previous equality implies that is , , (t) same e , ^^V^ = 0xf \^- as Eq. , e) F This further imphes that (x?- it) , xf \^-)' , ^^£^ = . each tG[0,l], for (A. 34), except for the fact that the effort level, e, is replaced by E E. Using the representation in (A. 32) one more time, the previous equality imphes du (xf - [t) , x?^*^"" V , ^^Gm u) i ^^s {^) e) ^ f^^ g^^j^ dt dx?"' t e [0, 1] ^ ' ' Integrating this equation and using the fundamental theorem of calculus, (A. 31), completing the proof of the We next use this lemma lemma. to provide a proof of 40 Theorem 3. we establish Eq. Proof of Theorem By 3. the equilibrium conditions, [x {v) Assume, to reach a contradiction, that exists an incentive feasible allocation [x{i/) ,e (i^)]^^/^ is \x (v) e , {i^)]i,^j>j- , e {i^)]j^qj^/ is incentive feasible. constrained suboptimal. Then, there such that ' U{xiu),eiu))>U{xiu),e{v)) with strict inequality for Consider v e a positive measure of N such that the inequality We notation for convenience. will of the indirect problem (10), that i/ G (A.35) A/". (A.35) holds strictly, and drop the show that the allocation i/'s from the the profit constraint (i, e) violates we claim is, Y,qs{e){ys-Xs)p<Q. (A.36) ^ ses And similarly, we claim that the same holds weakly. Once of the we establish the claim in (A.36), the result follows welfare theorem. first In particular, integrating Eq. contradiction to the fact that \x{v) that the equilibrium is To prove the claim inequality holds weakly whenever the inequahty in (A.35) , e (i^)]i,g_A.^ from the standard proof (A.36) over &\\ M yields u £ satisfies the resource constraints, a which proves constrained optimal. we in (A.36), construct a contract c will = {w,x,e) which satisfies the following three properties: (PI) c is incentive compatible. (P2) c yields the worker the same utility than the allocation (P3) c costs the firm less than the allocation (x, e). (x, e), i.e., S2qs{e)xsP<^qs{e-)^sPOnce we construct a contract (PI), the contract c satisfies (11). By all c (A. 37) seS ses with these properties, we have the following impUcations. By the constraints of problem (10) except for the profit constraint (P2), the contract c yields the worker greater utihty than the equilibrium contract. Since the equilibrium contract solves problem (10), the contract c must violate the remaining constraint of problem (10), that is, violates the profit constraint. it By (P3), the contract c costs the firm less than the allocation (x, e), which in turn implies that (x, e) also violates the profit constraint. we Hence, properties limit sively. of This shows the claim are left (P1)-(P3). a sequence In particular, with We in constructing construct will {w[n] ,x[n]}^_Q, let Eq. (A.36), completing the proof of the theorem. (ti) [0] , x [0] ) a contract the {w = 41 = sequence that (ii),x,e) wage and allocation where the = c will xp,x) denote the be pair, satisfies {w,x) as constructed initial vector. the the recur- Suppose . {{w [0] , X [0]) tion of {w [n] , {w .., , X [n [n]). x[n]^= Cxf'",i[nvalue and Scf"" is - Let 1] , X [n m€ - {1, l]f\'^'"') I])} is and w[n]^= ('w^,u) - [n llf^^""^), where n. For w™ is each the define s, minimum u x^^p*^" (x'^'^ ,x[n- each step, the vector, {w at and consider the construc- the unique solution to the following strictly convex optimization problem: subject to is, 1, \M\} denote the modulo \M\ value of .., min That > constructed for n (A.38) 1]^\'^"' ,x [n]^ , = u{x[n - e") (A.39) l]^,e) constructed by reallocating the goods [n]^), is within one partition, Gm, in a way to minimize the costs while providing the worker with the same The utility as before. partitions are subject to this operation one at a time an order. Once we operate over in all we partitions, start the process over (which We claim that captured above by taking the modulo \M\ value of n). converges to a vector We first {'w.,x), show that the sequence the wage for each partition, c= and that the contract {iD [n] ,x (u) [n]^ , [n]^ i "" {w [?^]™}^o for each constant it is m and s, w [n]^ conditions: w [n]^, bounded below by it is "* [n]^ • - > A du x H7 ^ dxi [n] ^ { }^Jg' with equality [n], partition, weakly decreases 0. This means that, to problem (j4.38) satisfies the first order ' P^ w satisfies (P1)-(P3). has a unique limit point which we denote by w^. This further implies that w\n] -^ w. Next, note that, the solution x where A [n]^ ,x[n]} an updating does not occur). In particular, if a decreasing sequence. Moreover, is [n] updated once every \M\ turns. Moreover, is problem {A.38) shows that the wage corresponding to each each time an updating occurs (and {w formally Note that the allocations and converges. [n]} j, {w,x,e) the sequence is and is if , ' eo) "^ if"" for > ' each s, m, and g £ Gm, 0, a strictly positive Lagrange multiplier for each the solutions x [n] (A.40) s and m. Hence, given the wages are uniquely characterized by the conditions in (A. 40) along with the equations w [n]^ = X [n]f " p^"' for each which hold since the minimum of the problem {A.38) {A.40) — (A.41) are continuous in to a vector x. The ib [n], limiting vector, x, is and since w [n] s is and m, : ' attained. Since the equations in -^ w, the solutions x the solution to Eqs. (A.40) — (A.41) [n] also converge (A.41) corresponding to the limiting wages w. This establishes that the sequence we have constructed converges to a vector, {wjx). 42 We next show that the contract c = We {w, x, e) satisfies (PI), that break this argument into two steps. incentive compatible, that '" Vjg^ (e) u (fs, e) > 2~]9s , (e) e) "(^s, for effort- is each e € £. (A. 42) utility is compatibiUty condition c satisfies the stronger incentive of the claim in (A. 42) rehes on imphes that the that the allocation (f e) ses We will then establish that the contract The proof compatible. is, ses (4). we claim First, c is incentive is, Lemma 4. In particular, note that Eq. (A. 39) preserved at each step of the above construction, that u{x [n]^ , e) = u{x[n — 1]^ , e) each for s. is: , Moreover, note that, at each step, the above operation reallocates the goods within exactly one monitoring subset Gm- That is, the allocations x (potentially) for the allocations x [n]^ ". Hence, u{x\n]^ ,e) = u{x[n — This further implies that the limiting that Lemma 1]^ ,e) utility is [n]^ for and x[n — 4 applies each equal to the 5 and 1]^ same except are the and shows that e G £'. initial utility for any effort level e, is: = u{xs,e) Since the allocation (x, e) is effort-incentive (x, e) is also effort-incentive We u{xs,e) for each s and e e compatible, Eq. (A. 43) implies that the allocation compatible, proving the claim in (A. 42). next prove that the contract c is incentive compatible. Given wages choice e £ E, the worker's consumption choice satisfies the following du{xs,e) ^3 dx; < 7™p^ with equahty where 7^ is if for each s,m, xf "> > is gG first w and some effort order conditions: (A. 44) G"", 0, a positive Lagrange multiplier for each consumption choice (A. 43) £^. s and m. In particular, the workers' uniquely determined by the conditions in {A. 44) along with the budget constraints: lii^ Note that the (A. 40), e, and is — for each s and m. (A. 45) order conditions in {A. 44) are identical to the and Eq. (A. 41) to Eqs. (A. 40) choice first = xf ""p*^" is identical to Eq. (A. 45). (A. 41). Hence, the worker's equal to x. first Recall also that x consumption choice is is order conditions in the unique solution independent of her effort This imphes that the effort-incentive compatibility condition (A. 42) imphes the incentive compatibihty of the contract 43 c, estabUshing (PI). We next show that c utility to the is (P2) and (P3). Note that, by construction, c yields the satisfies worker as the allocation (x,e), establishing (P2). Recall also that w= a decreasing sequence, which implies that firm less than the allocation (x, e) and Eq. the proof of A. 2. 4 Theorem w [0] = ["-J^j^o xp. Hence, contract c costs the This completes (A. 37) holds, establishing (P3). 3. Proofs for Section 5 Proof of Theorem if xp < {it' same and only if We 4. (p, [fJ-uJu^Af) Given the space, 2, V iC argument this result, the (p)), also satisfies the in the °^ ^^ equilibrium ^^ P^'-* ^ conditions 1-2 of the theorem are satisfied. Since the space, transferability condition in condition. claim that the pair, first C^ (p), satisfies the analogous transferability proof of Proposition 10 applies unchanged with stochastic contracts, proving the claim. We next show that an equilibrium exists. First, problem (25) compact. Since the objective function is solution to problem (25) always exists. Next, S^ denoted by (p) C V with weak* topology). V (C^ to Theorem (p)) : M'"^! 1 [C^ ^ V (C) is rest of the D^p) Note that, for C^ 3, (p) is = D : (and thus continuous) in linear we claim that the S (p) is (recall that V (C) S^ upper hemicontinuous. Recall also that e R|^ =5 ' IRl'^l For a given price M any collection of allocations, G (p) is convex p, define the excess \ji^, e S^ (p)] , the excess ^ ' ] demand in (A. 47) is . V {C) ]1 that by I is S^ .- ^^g " the average measure defined by fifc'j Note that endowed hnear. JJ\f J(w,x,e) jl is p. It follows equivalent to where a Then, a similar argument ^MkH^')M-),e{-))^sss(''s{y)'ys)qs{e{u))dlL^dv p^ £ 5^ (p) for each v ^ [ \ /i, solution set to problem (25), a continuous correspondence in proof follows standard argimients. demand correspondence is also a continuous correspondence in p. establishes that is can be seen that the constraint set of upper hemicontinuous in p (p)), is By Lemma valued since problem (10) The it (p), since Jl^, G = f S^ (p) for p.^ (c) dv for each each v and S^ C eB{C). (p) is convex valued. Hence, problem (A. 46) can equivalently be written as: Dip) = \f , 5](x3-y.)g.(e)d/i|/ie5«(p)l. 44 (A.47) . S^ Since (p) is upper hemicontinuous Theorem saxne arguments in the proof of proof of Theorem As 5. compatible allocation, t), A* Hsupp and that closed) show that an equiUbrium 1 77 Theorem in the proof of exists, in p. Then, the completing the = t] show that there will is an incentive My|(x,e)- (77), and note that A** = {A*) (^**) we 2, that satisfies the resource constraints and improves the utility of the worker over the equilibrium allocation, = upper hemicontinuous also is 4. Proof of Theorem Let A** D (p) in p, rj > Let 0. compact is Theorem compact and supp (77) is Then, consider the deviation e). > In particular, for each £ 2. is e A** and note that Definition 7 imphes that (x, e) preferences are nonseparable at the deterministic allocation {x, coiistructed in the proof of A* (since v 0, let 6 (x, e)] [e M'"^! \ denote the vector constructed in (A. 27). Note that \\v\e (x,e)]|| < £, and that v[£ \ is continuous in -'/ each e for < e Theorem Recall also that, by the proof of (x, e). ' + fx^\^»^ x^ f/ (x, e)] [e I) > e) , I and each (x,e) e A**. For each e (x,e)] \ there exists s such that 2, (A.48) ;7 (x, e) e (0,5), define the function ({,£): A —* A with: (x,e) C\[g] {x^\^3}^x9 C((x,e),£)-^ Note that C('i£) + I if v[s\ A\A**, G (x, e) (x, e)] , e A**. (x, e) if e) a measurable function from {A,B{A)) to {A,B{A)), because the pertur- is bation function v[£ (x, e)] is \ continuous in (x,e). Hence, given the probability measure the function C('i-) induces another probability measure over {A, 6 77, {A)) (the push-forward measure), defined by: ','-1 =Til^C [A, T][e]I^Aj Note that of 77 [e], We 77 [e] is a stochastic allocation. Moreover, by equation (A.48) and by the definition we have that U^ {rj [e]) sequence of scalars such that supp n, By 77 (77 [e [e [n]] is (77) and that [n]]) is . U is, e (0, e) for each n and e {77 [e [n] — > [7i]]}^j, 0. where {e We claim that [n]}^_-^ is a there exists n not a subset of the set of deterministic incentive compatible allocations, the construction of A^ That e [n] the resource constraints (27). satisfies 77 [s] also incentive compatible. Suppose, to reach a contradiction, that for each 77 [e [n]], that the perturbed vector of > U^ next consider the sequence of stochastic allocations such that A eB{A). £)]. ioi each ( x there exists e (x [nf^^^'' , X [nY ^^^' [n] [ti] a vector (x this implies that there exists , e £\ + v[s [n] x [n]^ + v[e (x [n] [n\ , e [tt])] , [n] e [n] ) , e is [tz]) A . G A** such not an element \ {e [n]} such that (x | [71] , e [n])] 45 , e [n]) >U{x\n],e [n]) (A.49) . Since the space A** x E compact, the sequence of vectors, is convergent subsequence. Let e 7^ e (since e [n] 7^ e [n] for each n). E he 6 A** x {x, e, e) Note [n]}^j, has a {(2; [n] ,e [n]) ,e & Hmit point of this sequence and note that also that Eq. (A. 49) impUes U{x,e) > U{x,e). Since preferences are nonseparable at the deterministic allocation Theorem G A**, by the proof of {x, e) we have 2, U {x{w = xp,p, e) ,e) > U c= This yields a contradiction to the fact that the contract, ible (the contract c = {w xp, x, e) is incentive compat- in the support incentive compatible since the allocation, {x, e) G A**, is of the equilibrium stochastic allocation, Proof of Theorem > U (x, e) {x, e) 77 — /^^|(x,e))- This completes the proof of Theorem Suppose to obtain a contradiction that 6. is ('7^)|^gA/' is 5. not constrained optimal. Then, there exists an effort-incentive compatible and feasible stochastic allocation ilu) such that \u€J\f with strict inequality for a positive measure of v G Consider an allocation drop the e rji^ from the notation i^'s M for convenience. profit constraint of the indirect problem / J(w,x,e)eC And similarly, we claim that We (25), that (A.50) J\f. which the inequality for ,-•:.,:,:• - i7^(r?J>t/«(77j will is, in (A.50) show that the is satisfied strictly, allocation 77 and violates the we claim X]9^(^^(2/s-a;s)p cR7<0. V^g5 / (A.51) .',, the same inequality holds weakly whenever the inequality in (A.51) holds weakly. Once we estabhsh the claim in (A.51), the result follows from the standard proof of the welfare theorem. first In particular, integrating Eq. (A.51) over all v G Af yields a contradiction to the fact that {t}^)^^/^ satisfies the resource constraint (27), which proves that the equilibrium Consider the proof of where is (x, e) constrained optimal. £ supp Theorem 3, recall that (PI) - , {fj) and note that (x, e) there exists a contract c <=^ c (P3) G C' (p), 4=> (P2) {w the construction in [x, e] , X [x, e] , e) is Theorem A-' since {w,!, -^^ U e) fj is 3, incentive compatible. (x,e) =U and (x,e), :; can also be seen that the contract a continuous function of (x, 46 e), for each (A.52) • , seS it By that satisfies properties (P1)-(P3), ^g,(e)x,p<^g,(e)x,p. seS Prom = C (x, e) £ supp (?/). c [x, Extend c e] [•] = to a measurable function over Note that c [•] measure bility by defining c [x, e] over B {A)), (^4, the mapping c = [•] = {ili B {A)) a measurable mapping from {A, is t] A of all xp, x, e) for each (x, e) ^ supp to (C, B (C)). {fj). Hence, given the proba- B (C)) induces a probability measure over (C, (push- forward measure), defined by: jl Note that the support of each (x. e) = (C^ fi in is (c-^ fj C^ Hence, the stochastic contract 6 supp[f}). is problem (A. 50), it follows that fi (cV is jj. e] e incentive compatible. C' Moreover, yields the fi {p) for worker Since the equilibrium allocation p.. violates the remaining constraint of (yl.50), that (P3) and the definition of more than the proof of Theorem e B /z is: \^(}s{e){ys-Xs)p\dlL\(^^^)<Q. / costs the firm C satisfied strictly implies that than the equilibrium allocation strictly greater utility By property each property (PI) imphes that c[x, [p), since property (P2) and the fact that (A. 50) solves for (^C'j'^ allocation 6. /i, r\. we also have that the stochastic allocation y\ix^e) This imphes the inequality (A. 51), completing the . . Proofs for Section 6 A. 2. 5 Proof of Lemma We 1. claim that U3^^^^^ {u) first > U^^ {p,u) holds for equiUbrixmi price vector p e P{u). Note that the solution to problem (28) is greater than the solution to problem (25) (because the equilibrium allocation all U u e and always weakly pA/ is always in the constraint set of problem (28)). Since problems (28) and (29) are equivalent, it follows that f/^o„„er (u) We > t/g^ {p, u), next prove the lemma. librium allocation, Pi,\(x e) tion, that ?7p^^„„,,(u) i > proving the claim. First consider the only ^^ [Mi/|(x,e)] if e-constrained optimal. [uS,ip,u),U,^^{p,u) + Since e]. part, that Suppose, is, suppose the equi- to reach a contradic- U^nnerM > U^q{p,u), we have tion [fii,]^^j^, + e. Let denote the solution to problem (29) and consider the allocadefined hy fj^ = for each v. The allocation [f]^]^,^j^ is effort-incentive compatible and feasible, and ^planner i'^) -* ^eq (Pi u) f] fj it improves every worker's that the equilibrium allocation of the [/J.i,|(x,e)] ^at utility i^ by more than This contradicts the fact constrained optimal, proving the only if part lemma. Next consider the if part, that is, suppose f^Q„„gr pose, to reach a contradiction, that the equilibrium exists e. an allocation, proves the utility of [fii^Ji^^j^, all which is is ('^) ^ [^Sj 47 for ^) i ^4 (^' "") + ^] • ^^P" not constrained optimal. Then, there effort-incentive compatible workers by e (and strictly so (Pi and feasible, and which im- a positive measure workers). Consider the average allocation is f] defined in Eq. (30), which satisfies the resource constraints, and which incentive compatible since Moreover, since (29). utility of all ^e^ (P' '^) Proof of Theorem W is {A is a Pareto improvement, the average allocation + ^' is a convex set. Hence, We 7. that e, first {u) = <.{x,e) A e (u) is Assumption A3 Lemma 3 is is for the shows that A^ (p, (e) u > S^ 9« {x, e) {u) is same function (^) ^ u'-'^ (•), Consider next the correspondence U^^{u) the correspondence t/g u. is the same problem. A similar argument as in the (p, u) is : W M =? It (25), and V {^A^ [u)) is U to V{A)). a version of the proof of Theorem 4,' = ll Then, ('") ^^ continuous in u. is (A.53) - We in u. To see this, let S^ claim that {p,u) C V {A U^{p,u) denotes the optimal value continuous correspondence of {p,u). demand correspondence By ) of U^ (p, u) the is given by upper hemicontinuous in (p, u). same Y,{xs-ys)qs{e)dfi\~^eS^{p,u)y upper hemicontinuous, D {p, u) is also over, note that the equilibrium price correspondence satisfies: p (u) = also a defined by recall that the excess U Maximum argument to the previous paragraph establishes that a . follows that (i.e., continuous = {U^^{p,u)\pEP{u)], is Dip,u) S^ U and S{p,u) a continuous function Since is > shows that the solution to problem (29) upper hemicontinuous denote the solution to problem is 1 E Next, since each u E the equilibrium price correspondence defined in (32). [u) (where recall an argument similar to the proof of applies to problem (29)). This shows that ^^anner is e ^°^ ^^'^^ e (^' ^) This further implies that upper hemicontinuous, and the optimal value P [u) U a lower hemicontinuous correspondence of u. a continuous correspondence of u. recall that follows that (u): an argument similar to the proof of Proposition where improves the It z. problem consider the set of deterministic this, first continuous correspondence of u (when viewed as a correspondence from Theorem + u) i) continuous in u E an upper hemicontinuous correspondence of satisfies {u) A yj qs \ Note that A^ in the constraint set of U^ (f)) > U^ claim that U3^^^^^ (u) a metric space with the sup norm). To show A^ is, is fj which yields a contradiction, completing the proof of the lemma. incentive compatible allocations, A^ ) workers by strictly more than > ^pianneT (") \f]^]^ V r!^i |p e 48 j e D (p, u) More- . D {p, u) Since is is upper hemicontinuous in (p, u), an upper hemicontinuous correspondence of U^ {p, u) is it has a closed graph, which imphes that P (u) Since u. continuous, Eq. (A. 53) imphes that Ug^ {u) is is P (u) upper hemicontinuous and upper hemicontinuous, proving the claim. We have thus estabUshed that US^^^^j. (u) is a continuous function and U^^ (u) uous correspondence of u e U. Next consider the values of these expressions that any equihbrium of the economy S (u) Lemma 1, it follows that Ug^ {u) is is constrained optimal by a singleton and it is u for Theorem = 6. equal to US^^^^^^ (u), that a contin- is u. Then, by is, (A.54) Ki^)={Uplanner{u)}. Fix some e ||u - < nil > 0. From the Jpianner, continuity of US^^^^^ (•), Recall > there exists 6pianner such that, if then (A.55) ' \UXnnerN-UXnneri^)\<£/^D Similarly, if ||U - u|| from the upper hemicontinuity of < SplanneT, = min and Eq. {A.54), there exists 6eq such that then Ue, Let 5 t/g„ (•) [Spianner, 5eq) - U±^^,A^) < 5/2 for any t\, e 1/ J (A.56) (u) and note that Eqs. (A.55) and (A.56) imply U^^^^^^^ {u) - Ueq r> for any u e B {u, S) any economy 8^ Theorem (u), and any Ueq J eg € U gg G U^q with u G B (u,6), {u). is By Lemma 1, it follows that any equihbrium of e-constrained optimal. This completes the proof of 7. References Allen, Franklin (1985) ing," Economic "Repeated Principal-Agent Relationships with Lending and Borrow- Letters, 17, 27-31. Arnott, Richard and Joseph Stiglitz (1986) "Moral Hazard and Optimal Commodity Tax- ation," Journal of Public Economics, 29, 1-24. 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