Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/methodofsimulateOOmcfa working paper department of economics 3TH0D OF SIMULATED MOMENTS FOE ESTIMATION OF DISCRETE RESPONSE MODELS WITHOUT NUMERICAL INTEGRATION Daniel McFadden No. 464 August 1987 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 A METHOD OF SIMULATED MOMENTS FOE ESTIMATION OF DISCEETE RESPOHSE MODELS VITHOUT NUMERICAL INTEGRATION Daniel McFadden No. 464 August 1987 ...T, MAR LIBRARIES i 6 mo A METHOD OF SIMULATED MOMENTS FOR ESTIMATION OF DISCRETE RESPONSE MODELS WITHOUT NUMERICAL INTEGRATION by Daniel McFadden Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 March 1986 (Revised July 1986, August 1987) ABSTRACT This paper proposes a simple modification of a conventional method of moments estimator for a discrete response model, replacing response probabilities that require numerical integration with estimators obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. This method of simulated moments (MSM) does not require precise estimates of these probabilities for consistency and asymptotic normality, relying instead on the law of large numbers operating across observations to control simulation error, and hence can use simulations of practical size. The method is useful for models such as high-dimensional multinomial probit (MNP), where computation has restricted applications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research grows out of joint work with Kenneth Train on the estimation of choice models containing variables measured with error. I have particularly benefited from discussions with Ariel Pakes and David Pollard, who pointed out a lacuna in my original analysis of this problem, and whose independent investigation of the asymptotic behavior of simulation experiments motivated several critical steps in my proofs. I have also benefited from suggestions made by Chungrung Ai, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Chris Cavanagh, Vassilis Hajivassiliou, Robert Hall, James Heckman, Hidehiko Ichimura, Charles Manski, Dan Nelson, Peter Phillips, and Paul Ruud. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No. SES-860S349. KEYWORDS: METHOD OF MOMENTS, SIMULATION, MULTINOMIAL PROBIT, DISCRETE RESPONSE forthcoming, Econometrica 2009750 A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 1. INTRODUCTION A classical method of moments estimator 8 mm of an unknown parameter * vector 6 minimizes the (generalized) distance from zero of empirical moments 1 E (1) observations Instrument Vector Expected Response at Observed Response 6 mm For some problems, the expected response function may be difficult to express analytically or compute, but relatively easy to simulate. When this function is replaced by an asymptotically unbiased simulator such that the simulation errors are independent across observations and sufficiently regular in B, the variance introduced by simulation will be controlled by the law of large numbers operating across observations, making estimate each expected response. it unnecessary to consistently This is the basis for the estimation method developed in this paper, the method of simulated moments (MSM). This paper focuses on application of MSM to the multinomial probit model. However, the method is more general and can be applied to most moment estimation problems. In a related paper, Pakes and Pollard (1987) have independently proposed minimum distance estimators using simulation, and have established their statistical properties using combinatorial empirical process methods. Most of the statistical results in this paper could be obtained by application of their methods. Section 2 of this paper gives definitions and notation for discrete response models. Section 3 defines the MSM estimator and gives an informal argument that it is consistent asymptotically normal (CAN). Section 4 discusses issues of computation and statistical efficiency. Sections 5-7 ) A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 2 discuss applications of the method to discrete panel data with autoregressive errors, to discrete response models with measurement errors in explanatory variables, and to non-normal discrete response problems. An Appendix contains formal statements of assumptions and results. 2. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION Define C = {l,...,m> to be a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive alternatives. = u (2) A latent variable model for response from C is defined by cxx e C, i , i where a is a row vector of individual weights distributed randomly in the population, response i is a column vector of measured attributes of alternative x. is observed if u. and i, £ u. for j e C (with zero probability of ties). equal to one for the observed response, Let d. denote a response indicator, zero otherwise. Assume a = a(6,T)) is a smooth parametric function of a random vector with unknown parameter vector 6 taking true value 6 density of and g (a|e) the induced density of a 75, the mean and covariance matrix of a. rT Define X„ = for alternative x l i, (3) (4) 1 = (u -u u_ C-i 1 1 . X_ . C-i m ) and u_ = (u,,...,u L P (i|6,X_), vector u_ with u, s u, for L let T(6) it g(Tj) fS[B) denote the and fl(6) denote is often convenient be a upper triangular = n. (x, L f2: Let Let . In applications, to work with a Cholesky factorization of matrix satisfying . 7), j 1 € C, given X_. U ,-u.,u. 1-1 The response probability ). equals the probability of drawing a latent J u. m i' 1+1 Define -u.,...,u -u. 1' m 1 = (x -x.,...,x. -x.,...,x -x.). -x.,x. 1' 1 i'i+l 1' m 1 i-1 ' , McFadden A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models Then u__, has a multivariate density g (u covariance matrix X probability of u 'QX 9 , X ) with mean 0X , Kuc _ ii o)g u (u c _ i |e,x )du _ c i c Hate.nJx^sOgCTjMTi, = S where 1(Q) denotes an indicator function for the event Q. When a is multivariate normal, one obtains the MNP model. model, For this a can be written a = a(6,7)) h £(6) + vT(6) (6) with and and P (i|e,X ) equals the nonpositive orthant r r = a(8,T))X P (i|e,x ) = S c c (5) , 1 3 j) a row vector of independent standard normal variates. In economic applications, the latent variables u often have the interpretation of utility or profit, and P_(i|e,X_) is the choice probability for a population of optimizing agents. The attributes x are functions of observed characteristics of the alternatives and of the decision-makers, with ax. interpreted as an approximation to a general economic function of observed and unobserved characteristics and of the deep parameter Alternative-specific dummy variables may be included in components of 8. x. ; the associated can be interpreted as alternative-specific additive a. disturbances. Let n = 1.....N index a random sample from the population, observations (d_ X_ ) with d_ = Cn Cn Cn (d, , In log likelihood of the sample is N (7) L(9) = E £ „ n=l leC . d. in . The associated score is 2 Ln p r (i|e,x r ). C Cn ' d mn ) and X„ = (x, Cn In yielding x mn ). The A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 4 N 5L(e)/se = (8) E Z _ , n=l ieC , W. in [d. in - P (i|e,x )], r r Cn C ' where O) w. in = aLn p_(i|e,x_ )/ae. L Ln ' The primary impediment to practical maximum likelihood estimation of S for the MNP model is computation of the (m-1) dimensional orthant probabilities for u„_. to obtain P_(i|0,X_). Direct numerical integration is practical for m ^ 4 using a method of Owen (1956), modified by Hausman and Wise (1978), or expansions due to Dutt (1976). Otherwise, unless a has a factor-analytic covariance structure with less than four factors, it is usually impractical to carry out the large number of numerical integrations Lerman and Manski (1981) suggest a required to iteratively maximize (6). Monte Carlo procedure for estimating P(i|e,X models with large m; ) that can be applied to MNP but find that it requires an impractical number of Monte Carlo draws to estimate small probabilities and their derivatives with acceptable precision. Daganzo (1980) has developed approximate maximum likelihood estimators for MNP using a normal approximation to maxima of normal This approach has the drawbacks that the variates suggested by Clark (1961). accuracy of the approximation cannot be refined with increasing sample size, and the method can be inaccurate when components have unequal variances; see Horowitz, 3. Sparmonn, and Daganzo (1982). THE METHOD OF SIMULATED MOMENTS The conventional method of moments estimator of a k x 6 in the discrete response model P ( i j 9, X ) satisfies 1 parameter vector ) , A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (10) e mm = argmin Q (d-P(B) ) ' a where d-P(0) denotes the mN x W W(d-P(9) ) vector of residuals 1 d. - In P_(i|9,X„ ) stacked C Cn by observation and by alternative within observation, and where W is a K x mN array of instruments of rank K £ evaluated at some fixed 6 ) 6, but are in forming first-order conditions for solution of The instrument array (9), evaluated at 6 (10). of 6 The instruments may depend on k. (or at a consistent estimator yields a method of moments estimator asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator for and hence asymptotically efficient. 6, If computation makes exact calculation of the efficient instruments impractical, nevertheless provides a template for instruments that with relatively (9) crude approximations to P and its mN moderately efficient estimators. x k array of derivatives P will yield 3 Under mild regularity assumptions, sufficient conditions for classical method of moments estimation to be CAN are (i) and (ii): ( i ) The instruments are asymptotical ly correlated with the score; i , e, , « -1 the array R = 1 i m N WP (8 9 J is of maximum rank. (ii) The conditional expectation of the residuals d-P(9), instruments, is zero if and only if 6 = In the remainder of this section, I given the . will assume the instruments W are a computationally practical fixed array, defined independently of 6. (Approximation of the optimal instruments (S) is considered in Section 4. The method of simulated moments (MSM) avoids the computation of P(6) required for (10), replacing it with a simulator f(0) that is (asymptotically) conditionally unbiased, given W and d, and independent across observations. The MSM estimator is given by any argument satisfying A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (11) (d-f(e sm ))'WW(d-f(e sm s inf )) 8 (d-f(e))'WW(d-f(e)) + 0(1). Simulators for the Response Probabilities An unbiased frequency simulator f(8) is readily calculated from the latent variable model (2): Draw one or more vectors independently for each observation the analysis. Given trial frequency f r (i|8,X n, from the density g(r)), and fix these draws for the remainder of calculate u_ = a(8,7))X_ and calculate the Cn Cn 6, with which component ) 7) i of u_ is largest. This simulator has discontinuities at values of 8 where there are ties for the maximum component of u . For the MNP model, the frequency simulator is computed economically from (6) by drawing standard normal vectors calculating u_ = (0(8) Cn It is also + 7)r(6))X_ Cn 77 and . possible to construct smooth unbiased simulators f(8). This simplifies the iterative computation of the estimator, and its statistical analysis. Let y(u__, ) denote a density chosen for the simulation that has the nonpositive orthant as its support. (12) P (i|e,X ) h T h(u ,e,X Then (5) can be rewritten Mu )du where h(u_ — ,6,X_ — .) = g .(u„ _ |e,X_)/r(u_ .). L 1 L 1 U l, 1 L L~l . T Average h(u,6,X_ — .) for an C 1 . ' observation, using one or more Monte Carlo draws from y(u__.) that are taken independently across observations and fixed for different 8. This gives a smooth positive unbiased estimator of P_(i|8,X_), provided f has sufficiently thick tails so the expectation of h exists. The density z can be chosen to facilitate Monte Carlo draws and reduce simulation variance. r is independent exponential in each component, For example, if then random variates from this distribution can be calculated from logarithms of uniform random numbers from A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (0,1). 7 Choices of y that make h flatter can reduce simulation error, as in Monte Carlo importance sampling. .,9,Xr _.) = For MNP, h(u n(u _ -p(e)X _ ,X^_ r(e)'r(e)X _ )/y(u c 1 c i i c i ), where n(v,A) denotes a multivariate normal density centered at zero with covariance matrix is exponential, A. When r this h is uniformly bounded. A potential drawback of smooth simulators based on (12) not constrained to sum up to one for i is that they are An alternative class of e C. kernel -smoothed frequency simulators are defined in Section 4 that satisfy but are only asymptotically unbiased. summing-up, Section 4 also defines special unbiased smooth frequency simulators for MNP. Statistical Properties I shall argue that MSM estimators are CAN under mild regularity The main result on the asymptotic properties of these estimators conditions. Theorem is given in 1 below. closed convex subset of [0,1] I will assume that the parameter space , that the true 8 is a * k is in the interior of 0, the explanatory variables have a distribution with compact support, that that the response probabilities are uniformly bounded and twice continuously differentiate with respect to functions. e, Define a simulation bias B(6) = if unbiased simulators are used, (13) sup and that the instruments are smooth Q |B(6) | = o ' N" /£ Vf'(£f (6)-?(6) ) ; this is zero and more generally is assumed to satisfy 4 (1). Define a simulation residual process £(e) = N* 1/£ W(f (9)-£f (6) ) . These simulation residuals are by construction the normalized sum over observations of independent identically distributed terms, independent of d and uniformly A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden bounded, with E(C,(6) |W) = for each 8 that by a standard central I 8 Then £{B) is an empirical process in 6. limit theorem is pointwise asymptotically normal. shall need the following critical stochastic boundedness and stochastic equicontinuity assumptions: = 0(1), (14) sup (15) su P _. lc(e)-C(e*)l = o (l), 0£A P N ICC©) Q 1 V2 |8-8 where A^ = {e\ N I |stO(-l)>. prove these properties for smooth simulators in Proposition this section; Suppose — — 1 at the end of the technically more difficult case of simulators with discontinuities is handled in Appendix Lemma Theorem 1 . the MSM estimator 8 defined by 11 ( satisfies Appendix ) (These are stated informally as the assumptions assumptions [Al] to [A10]. in the preceding paragraph. sm 7. ) Then 8 i_s consistent , with N 1/2 (8 -8 * ) converging in distribution to a normal vector with mean zero and covariance matrix G I sm = (R'rVr'G sm R(R'R)" 1 1 , with R = lim N' WP„(6 8 ) and 1 sm Proof: = lim N" EW(d-f(e*))(d-f(e*))'W' . The argument parallels that of Pakes and Pollard (19S7). The vector W(d-f(8)) entering the defining condition (11) for the MSM estimator can be decomposed into four terms, (15) N" V2w(d-f(e)) h + [N" 1/2 [<;(e*) - c(e)] - B(e) w(d-f(e*)) + B(e*)] - [N' V2w(P(e)-P(e*))]. The asymptotic properties of the estimator are argued by applying conditions (13)-(15) to the first two terms in (16), and applying the following arguments A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 9 to the last two terms. (a) By construction of the simulator, N expectation zero, given -1/2. %/(d-f(8 * )) + B(8 * ) has Random sampling plus the independence of the W. simulators across observations implies by a central limit theorem that this term converges in distribution to a multivariate normal vector Z with mean zero and covariance matrix G (b) The expression 5 sm - N <<\j(6) probability to a smooth function 1/2 W(d-f(6 6 sm is of rank k. ) = if and 6 Argument (a) implies . (11) satisfies Hence, (1). u>(8) « = lim u„ V! (8 6N ) e = )) converges uniformly in )) with the properties that Consider first the consistency of N" * * and that R = u (8 , W(P(6)-P(6 co(8) — » G = G only if -1 P 1 (17) (d-f(6 N" £ sm ))'W'W(d-f(6 1 N" inf £ [N" Q sm )) (d-f(8))'W'W(d-f(e)) + 0(N' 1/2 W(d-f(e*))]'[N" 1/2 W(d-f(e*))] 1 ) + 0(N' 1 ) = (1), P implying (13), N' 1/2 W(d-f (B ) (14) and argument = ) Then, (1). one has u,,(8 N sm (b), uniformly outside each neighborhood of zero. Hence, multiplying (16) by the probability that 8 sm ) = o (1). p But N' u,, N 1/2 and using converges 8 to a function bounded away from is contained in any neighborhood of approaches one. Next, I 1/2 argue that N (8 the condition N" V2W(d-f (8* (18) (1) p = N' 1/2 W(P(8 ) ) sm A Taylor's expansion yields sm = -8 * ) (1) )-P(8*)). is stochastically bounded. plus (13), (14), From (15), and (17) imply 8 A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (19) N" 1/2 w(P(e sm 8 (8 = [R+o (1)]N p p V2 (8 =0 k, -e )]N 1/2 i imply + o (1) • 1/? ' (8 sm -8 * ) = (1). p /? ~ Let 8=8 — — .1— * ) and then 8 = (R'R) * R'Z o (1) = + C,{Q ) - C,{6) W(d-f(8 Then N (1). R'G sm R(R'R) implies 1/2 (8-8*) W(d-f(e)) = Z - [R + 0(8-8*). ]N + o (1) P 1 = [I-R(R'R)' R']Z + o (1). P From (13), (22) (15), A = N" 1/2 and argument (b), W(f(e)-f(6 = N" V2w(P(e)-?(e = N' V2 v(P(e)-p(e sm sm sm )) )) + c(e) )) + o p + 3(e) (l) = RN - ?(e 1/2 (e-e sm sm ) ) - B(e sm + o (1) p 1 = R(R'R)" R'Z + o3 (1) P ( ° 1 (23) N' (d-f(e))'WW(d-f(e)) + o sm (l) p 1 * N" (d-f(e sm )). . 1/? ' * ~ (8-8 Also, Substituting 8 in (16) and applying the = o (1). Taylor's expansion (19) with 8 in place of 8 1/2 * .1 R'N (R'R) An is shown to be sm .i+ asymptotically normal with covariance matrix (R'R) N" ). * is defined, 8 it. Argument (a) implies N " (8-8 (21) -e -8*). this implies N asymptotically equivalent to implies sm sm asymptotically normal statistic (15) (e consider the asymptotic normality of the MSM estimator. Finally, is sm R — Since R is of rank + o(e ) S = R + o (1) and 6 sm p ) (1) (20) = [n" wp (e )) - « .1 Then N WP 1 )-p(e 10 ))'WW(d-f(e sm )) 1 = N' (d-f(e))'W'W(d-f(8)) + 2N" V2 (d-f(e))'W'A + A'A. ) ) : . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden From (21) and (22), But then A s RN 1/2 1/2 N' (0-0 sm ) (d-f (8) + o p ) ' (1) WA = o (1), P = o (1), p 11 and (23) implies A'A = o (1). P implying r * ° 6 sm and 6 asymptotically * r * ' equivalent. P The stochastic boundedness and equicontinuity conditions used in the proof of Theorem can be demonstrated for smooth simulators by the .following 1 argument Proposition If the simulator f (G) 1 j_s uniformly bounded and twice continuously differentiable, then (14) and (15) hold. Proof: A second-order Taylor's expansion of (24) c(e)-C(e*) = c D (e*HeV) where C, 00 is a k x k + (i/2)[n' 1/2 < The array C, 9 satisfies E(C, 9 (8 )) = 0, C ee = = ) p 8 (1). sup. (25) 1/2 (e-e*)] ), with independence across so a central limit theorem implies C„(& contribution of each observation to the array V2 ivec([ (e-e*)]' [N • . observations, N' Do array of second derivatives evaluated at points between * 9 and yields about 6 C, . e€A Hence, (24) implies, C, 00 (1). The uniformly bounded, so is V2 |e-6*| i 0(1)}, for A^ = {0| N 1/2 ic(e)-c(e)| = o ti) -o (n' ), ? ? N establishing (15). I next establish (14), cover [0,1] k with 2 ki cubes with sides 2 -i , and let point selected from each cube that intersects 0. to be the nearest point in 0.; < From this construction, Given an integer using a "chaining" argument. 6. For be a set containing one € 0, 2 define 9 = 0. (6) _1 _1 then |9-9.(9)| i, and |0 (9)-0 (6)1 < 2 . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (26) * lc(e)l ic(e Z K(e + )| )-c(e )|. =l i I 12 shall need a version of Bernstein's inequality, giving an exponential bound for sums of independent random variables: distributed with |Y N (27) P{N" 1/2 £ Y | i Let M £ 1 EX £ c and | > I t} are independently Identically If Y, then for = 0, t > 0, 7 2 2 V2 £ 2exp[-t /(2c +2ct/3N )]. =l be a uniform bound for 2, ^W, (f_(i|e,X- )-Ef„(i|e,X„ )) and for its ieC in C Cn C Cn 00 derivative with respect to Note that 6. £ i2 -i-3 for any Then, = 1/4. 1=1 C > 48M+8kM Ln 2, (28) P{sup lC(G)| Q C> > CO 1 _1 " 3 , (e)-<(e.(e))|>i2 £ p<sup lc(e Q i+1 * p{|<(e )|>c/2> + c> i=l CD (29) £ P{|c(e )|>c/2> £ 2 + 1 i (30) ki =l sup p{K(e. (e)-c(e.(e))|>i2" +1 1 ~3 c} 2 2 £ 2exp[-C /4(2M +MC/3)] CO + £ 2 kl 2exp[-C 2 2 i X 4 3 2 /(2M *+2M2 4 x Ci2 * 3 /3)] i=l CO (31) < 2exp[-C/4M] + £ 2exp[-iC/8M] i 5exp[-C/8M]. 1=1 The inequalities (28) and (23) hold since left-hand-side events are contained in the union of the right-hand-side events, of the Bernstein inequality, while (30) follows by application and (31) by use of the bound on C and manipulation of the exponential terms. Given c > 0, C can then be chosen sufficiently large to make the right-hand-side of (31) less than proves (14). c. This A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 13 The preceding arguments also apply to the classical method of moments estimator by setting f(e) = P(8) and <(6) = covariance matrix of the estimator is Z the asymptotic Then, 0. 1 mm = (R'R)' R'G mm R(R'R)' 1 , with N G (32) w mm = lim N" 1 )w; W Z ( Z_ P C r (i|e\x r Cn in in _1 L ' Cn=i E P c (i|e .x Cn )w in W' Cn W - Cn_ . c Define N G (33) = lim E E where C = C(9 ). Then G W, £(<, C, ), in Jn in Jn W; n=l i.jeC sm = G mm + G ss , simulation to the asymptotic variance. and G ss If f(6) is the is the contribution of the frequency simulator obtained by r independent Monte Carlo draws for each observation, then G = r G mm and I sm = (1+r )Z mm In this case, . one draw per observation gives fifty percent of the asymptotic efficiency of the corresponding classical method of moments estimator, and nine draws per observation gives ninety percent relative efficiency. Use of Monte Carlo variance reduction techniques such as antithetic variates, or use of smooth simulators, may improve further the relative efficiency of MSM. 4. COMPUTATIONAL ISSUES AND STATISTICAL EFFICIENCY Practical use of the MSM estimator requires that easily calculated, moderately efficient instruments W be available, that the Monte Carlo simulation of the probabilities and their derivatives be economical, that iterative algorithms to compute the estimators be fairly stable and efficient, ,, A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 14 and that estimators for the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimators be computable. Choice of Instruments Consider first the question of suitable instruments. The classical method of moments estimator is asymptotically efficient if and only if, for stochastically negligible terms, W is proportional to SLnP(9 )/dd. except The asymptotic efficiency of MSM relative to the classical moments estimator approaches one if the expected response in (11) is simulated consistently. The issue is how to construct W to obtain good asymptotic efficiency for MSM without excessive computation. For the MNP model, the integral (12) defining the response probability can be differentiated with respect to £ and (34) T, yielding SP (i|e,X)/33 = XtX'nXj'V (u-£X)n(u-/3X,X'nX)du L u*0 1 X(X'nX)' T (u-£X)h(u,X,e)y(u)du, u^O (35) sp (i|e,x)/sr c = rx(X'nx)" 1 s rx(X'nx) where n = TT, X = X , S [(U-/3X)' (u-0X)-X nX]-n(u-/3X,X nX)du u^O , - (x'nxfV S [(u-0X)'(u-/3X)-X'nX]-h(u,X,e)r(u)du}- CX'QX) u^O , X' and as before h(u,X,6) is the ratio of the multivariate normal density to a Monte Carlo sampling distribution y(u) on the nonpositive orthant. g Applying the chain rule to /3(e) and T(e) then yields derivatives of the response probabilities with respect to the deep parameters e. For discrete response models other than MNP, analogues of (34) and (35), . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden involving derivatives of the density g with respect to 0, 15 can be defined, and smooth Monte Carlo simulators constructed. Economical Simulators Simulation of (34) and (35) based on Monte Carlo draws from the density y(u) yields smooth unbiased estimates of the derivatives. simulator (12) of P_(i|e) is positive, (35) Since the smooth the ratios of simulators of (34) and to the simulator of (12) provides an approximation to the ideal instruments 3Ln P /38. The number of draws per observation must go to infinity with sample size if the ideal instruments are to be estimated consistently, permitting MSM to be asymptotically efficient. However, moderately efficient instruments can be obtained with relatively few draws. It is essential for the asymptotic statistics of the MSM estimator that the simulation of (12) and the derivatives used to construct instruments be independent of the draws used to simulate the expected response in (11); however, use of common draws from y(u) to simulate P_, 5P_/Sj3, and 8P-./8T at observation n may improve the approximation of the ideal instruments. The frequency simulator of P (i|8,X_) the smooth simulators (12), permits easy draws. (34), For MNP, is economical to compute, as are and (35) when the Monte Carlo density y(u) a practical choice is y independent exponential, allowing u to be drawn as a vector of logarithms of uniform random deviates. However, more accurate smooth simulators may be obtained with suitable transf ormat i ons First consider kernel -smoothed frequency simulators that satisfy summing-up. The construction of these simulators starts from a perturbation of the latent variable model (2), A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden u (36) = u c is a where v ^b N + c , vector whose components are independently distributed with a distribution function * and b is a simulation parameter. a finite moment generating function /i(t) for Choose N t\, so that for some c > 0, b.. N in a neighborhood of zero. t Associated with (36) is a 0. -> N Assume * has response probability, obtained by first conditioning on u„_, P (i|e,X c c (37) IB ) = K(u J" c_ i /b )G(u _ |e,X )du _ = c 1 N c i c J" , K(a(8, T^X^/b^g^di) m-1 y m-1 ) = J with K(y 1 ( *(v-y,)) *(dv). II ,_. As b., N J approaches zero, K(u_ ./b M ) C-i N approaches the indicator function l(u__,s0), and P_(i|s,X r ) approaches defined by The kernel-smoothed frequency simulator is an P_(i|9,X ) average, over Monte Carlo draws from (5). g(i)) of K(a(6,7j)X_ ,/b , If the simulators for all simulator is nonnegative. from common Monte Carlo draws, i € C are constructed then they satisfy summing-up. strictly positive if the support of * is the real line. This ). They are Choosing * to be type v extreme value distributed yields a multinomial logit form K(v m m-1 g 1/(1 + "Z exp(-vj), and (37) is a multivariate normal mixture of logits. I ) = A J j=l polynomial kernel such as *(v) = [6+5v+(2- computationally economical, and for small | v| b., N ) v 3 ]/12 for |v| £ 1 yields a smoothed simulator that for most draws coincides with the unsmoothed frequency simulator. variant of the kernel -smoothed frequency simulator is unbiased: the form u_ = u_ + vb.„ C C N 10 For MNP, a Write (2) in with v a standard normal vector and u_ ~ W(|3X_,A'A), C with A upper triangular and small enough so is X'rTX_-b I A' A = X'rTX.-b I; C this can be done provided b is positive definite. As in (37), conditioning is . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden on u c 17 , (38) P (i|e,x ) = S c c K(OXc _ i +TjA c _ 1 )/b N )g(u)d7i, K(y = S m-1 y .) n *(v+y ( »'(v)dv, ) with g the multivariate standard normal density, * the standard normal distribution, and A column of the array with columns A -A Li j j * i , where A is a J An average of K in (38) over Monte Carlo draws from g yields an A. unbiased positive smooth frequency simulator. are used for for i i Adding-up holds if common draws e C. For MNP, construction of economical simulators is aided by the use of spherical transformations. Each of the expressions (12), (34), and (35) involves simulation of integrals of the generic form m k Q=;(Du.J (39) J )n(u+u,A)du, u£0 j=l m where £ k. is 0, or 1, 2, r j r and A = X-.OX' , and s 0=1 nt v.i = C(n,a,b) j3X Make the .. o/2 m transformation r = c/ini (40) u = n J e = u ./v. . J ' Define J -(r-b/a) a/2, dr; this is proportional to a parabolic cylinder function (Spanier and Oldham, 1987), (41) and satisfies the recursion C(O.a.b) = (2:i/a) 1/2 *(b/a V2 ), C(l,a,b) = C(0,a,b)b/a + e C(n,a,b) = C(n-l,a,b)b/a Then, + b /2a /a, C(n-2, a, b) (n-1 )/a (n 2: 2). , A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden (42) m m k J = k,+m-l,a,b)( n s, c £ C( c Q Z S 1 J J ° j-1 J-l 18 ), where s is distributed uniformly on the intersection of the unit sphere and the nonnegative orthant, and a = s'(X^_ nX _ )G i i 1 s, - " <a . (xj_ Qx . )-V i c i c l *» 1/2„-3m/2, _.. -1/2_, ,~%-1 = ,„ 2 r ( m/2 ) ( 2n ) n * c i o i , 1 = exp(-[px(x , nx)" x , p , -(£X(x , c with X = X and c , the distribution of independent of X and s, m Sj = (43) |u (x nx)" s]/2), To generate uniform draws from s. draw a standard normal random vector j=l J J recursion (41) to calculate variates for and take u, „ ,1/2 is simulated by drawing one or more s, (43) 1 / / |/ L Then, 1 nxf s)/s C. and for each s using the A further refinement is to use control 12 C. The spherical transformation can also be used to calculate an economical unbiased smooth frequency simulator for MNP. unit sphere in R K , and let A 2 Let s be a uniform draw from the be a random variable with a Chi-squared distribution with K degrees of freedom, denoted variable model for MNP can be written u r = computation yields a partition of intervals may be degenerate.) P„(i|e,X O+AsDX , vector srX s) . O also smooth. 2 ) Given . where j is the an easy ], = j (Some of the i, given s, ascending rank of sTx. The A. are smooth in 6 for almost all X J s, is maximum. The probability of response = EL(A, .) - Hj,(X,), the latent Then, into intervals [A., A. [0,+co] on which each of the components of u 0,...,m, IL,(A , L* so P (i|e,X L* , w s) is in the is The simulator is an average of the P (i|6,X ,s) for r random A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models. McFadden draws of 19 s. The accuracy of simulators for MNP that are based on spherical transformations can be improved substantially by use of antithetic variates. IK For uniform draws from the sphere Deak (1980) gives an effective procedure: in K IR , first draw a random basis s , . . . ,s . This can be done for example by drawing K standard normal vectors and applying a Gram-Schmidt Then use the 2K vectors ±s orthonormalization. (±s ± s ) for i < j, , or the 2K(K-1) vectors as directions for the simulation. Iterative Estimation methods A practical estimation procedure is first to use relatively crude to iterate to an initial consistent instruments, defined independently of estimator second to simulate the ideal instruments using (12), at 6, (35) 9, 6, (34), and and third to carry out one or more iterations using the approximately ideal instruments. Good candidates for crude instruments are low-order polynomials in the explanatory variables; e.g., X__. for SLnP c (i |e,X )/33 and X _.X^._. for SLnP C ( i |6,X )/3r. 14 Consider iterative algorithms for calculation of MSM estimators. When smooth simulators are used for f(6) in (12), and the instruments W are defined independently of 6, then estimates can be computed by Newton-Raphson iteration or a similar second-order method applied to minimize the criterion (44) (d-f(e))'W'W(d-f(e)). This criterion may be irregular; simulators may have local flats. in particular, Then, kernel-smoothed frequency optimization methods that use McFadden A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models 20 non-local information, such as simulated annealing, may be more reliable; see Press et al (1986). When a frequency simulator is used, (44) constant in is piecewise and non-local methods must be used in iteration. I 6, have tried random search algorithms and pseudo-gradient methods that adapt ively approximate slopes using long baselines; the former have performed better. For discrete response models that can be parameterized in terms of mean and variance, such as MNP, convergence can be accelerated using a method due to Manski: Suppose r simulations per observation, and that starting from a trial 6 with A a step * size to be determined. a jump in (44) from draw j, observation a Consider (44) as a function of search direction A8 has been determined. 6 +AA6, o , n, is The value A , nj at which there is easily calculated. Then, practical to enumerate the values of (44) at all the jump points X . it is and choose a global minimum along this search direction. Generally, iteration using smooth simulators is faster that that using frequency simulators. However, in applications where the number of alternatives is very large, the burden of computing f(6) or approximations to the optimal instruments for all alternatives may be excessive. Then, a frequency simulator f(8) with r repetitions will be non-zero for at most r alternatives, and the instruments need be computed only for these alternatives plus the observed one. For example, a single Monte Carlo draw for each observation requires calculation of the instruments only for the observed and drawn alternatives, and yields fifty percent of the efficiency of the classical method of moments estimator, no matter how large the set of possible alternatives. Comparable reductions in computation can be achieved using a kernel-smoothed frequency simulator with a kernel of bounded support. A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 21 Asymptotic Covariance Matrix Consider estimation of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the MSM estimator, £ (R'rYVg sm R(R'R)' = sm 1 A consistent estimator of G . sm is N G (45) 1 = N" sm E Z . . W. . _ n=l i.jeC - in in -f(i|e ' sm ,X_ ))(d. -f(i|e Cn jn ' sm ,X_ ))W' Cn jn . * -1 The matrix R = lim N Cd. WP (9 ) is consistently estimated by 1 R = N' WP Q (46) where P is , an unbiased simulator of the array P , evaluated at sm or any » initially consistent estimator of , obtained using one or more draws per observation in (34) and (35) or their analogues in models other than MNP, independent of any simulation used to compute To show (45), 1. note first that this expression with in place of sm by a law of large numbers; see part (a) of the proof of converges to G Theorem W. Second, by (13) and (15), terms involving the difference of * f(0 and f(0 ) sm ) are o (1). p The argument for (46) necessary to use versions of (13) and (15) for P simulators using the argument of Proposition 5. . is the same, but it is These hold for smooth 1. DISCRETE PANEL DATA WITH AUTOREGRESSIVI ERRORS Consider longitudinal discrete response data (d, , v.n = 1,...,N observed over t = 1.....T r periods, binary response and x has 2 T is a where d, tn x, tn ) for subjects n = ±1 indicates a vector of explanatory variables. alternative response patterns, large for long panels. variable model that may be appropriate for such data is This proble m A latent • A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden u (47) d with c, tn tn tn = £ = /3x tn + c = sign(u n + v. tn , tn , ), tn £ 22 a normal subject-specific disturbance, n first-order autoregressive disturbance, and and independent across subjects. £, tn a normal v independent of each other with variance is stationary, If c v, normalized to one, then (48) c. tn 2 with X = (l-X 2 1/2 ) 7, nn On t-2 2,V m + X t-1 J the proportion of the variance in the autoregressive error, serial correlation, and probability P(d |x ri . jn independent standard normal variates. of d ,j3,X,p) n = (d ln > • • d Tn ^ given x equals the probability of a (T+l) dimensional draw u tn ttn d, > for t = (tj , . (x = n . . , p the The x Jn t)_ ) Jn ) such that T. 1 Full maximum likelihood estimation of this model requires to evaluate P(d T-dimensional numerical integration & computationally impractical for T > 4. n |x 1 n ,B,\,p), which is Ruud (1981) has developed practical consistent estimators using partial likelihoods for small numbers of adjacent periods; see also Chamberlain (1984). from initially consistent estimators, The MSM method, starting offers a computationally practical way A frequency simulator or a kernel-smoothed to increase efficiency. frequency simulator with a finite-support kernel, can be computed using (41), and with a moderate number of repetitions requires simulation of the instruments for a practical number of alternatives per subject, even for large T. Alternately, it may be possible to compute directly an unbiased simulator of the score SLn P(d le.x )/8Q for the observed response pattern n d . 1 n From the analogues of (34) and (35) for the discrete panel data 1 A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 23 this requires that one obtain asymptotically unbiased or consistent problem, simulators for the conditional expectation of first and second order polynomials given draws from the nonpositive orthant. Unbiased simulators can be obtained by use of acceptance/rejection methods, or asymptotically unbiased simulators by allowing the number of repetitions in the simulation of the probability in the denominator of P dP/89 to go to infinity with < These approaches have been investigated by Ruud and McFadden sample size. (1987) and Hajivassiliou and McFadden (1987). MSM estimation of discrete panel data models extends readily to more general time-series covariance structures, so long as it is practical to Cholesky-f actor and invert the covariance matrix to obtain a representation analogous to (48) for the c in terms of independent normal variates, and so long as it is practical to construct instrument arrays for the deep parameters of the problem. The estimator can also be applied to models with general state dependence, provided the initial value problem (Heckman, 1981) can be handled. (49) with £ u, = £x. d = Sign{u tn n + \p± r . t-l,n tn tn For example, tn ^n + v. tn , ] a subject-soecif ic disturbance and v ° disturbances are normal, and (50) + £ consider the model P(d n |x 1 n ,d n On ,p,£ n ) v, tn of the x process. ; independent across T = n *(d. Ox, + tn tn L— n this is justified if x ifjd, If the t. - has unit variance, Suppose the conditional distribution of £ depend only on d tn + £ . t-l,n given x then n n )). and d n can be assumed to On is independent of the past Suppose the inverse distribution of £ given d flexible parametric form that spans the true inverse distribution. history is given a Then the A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden response probabilities are given by the expectation of (50) with respect to which can be simulated economically from the inverse distribution. serial correlation to the disturbances tn £, Adding (50) a T-dimensional whose simulation by MSM can be handled jointly with simulation of integral, the expectation with respect to 6. in (49) makes v. 24 £,. DISCRETE RESPONSE MODELS WITH MEASUREMENT ERROR Suppose discrete response for a random sample n = 1,...,N satisfies a latent variable model u (51) d n n = |3z + c n = H(u n n , ), where H maps e the row vector u for the observed category, n into m discrete categories with d and H To simplify notation, category. (d ) the set of u assume (3 n an indicator yielding the observed is a scalar; generalization merely requires that the construction below be carried out component by component. Suppose z is not observations x x (52) where £ z n observed directly, but is related to a vector of by = 2 A + C n n ~ N^O,^), . independent of We interpret the x as observations on c. measured with error, or as indicators for z. In form, this is a multiple indicator or factor-analytic latent variable model, with A giving the factor loadings. Suppose in the population z ~ N{f±,r) conditional distribution of z given (53) z ~ Nin + , x, , independent of £ . suppressing subscripts, (x-uA)(A rA+i<)"Vr,r-rA(A'rA+>i')"Vr). Then the is McFadden A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models If the e ~ W(0,fi) (54) in (51), 25 then 2 , u ~ w(p/i+p(x-MA)(ArA +*)" A'r,p [n+rA(A'rA+*)" A r]). 1 , 1 and the response probabilities given x are of MNP form. The MSM estimator for the general MNP model can be adapted directly to this problem, the main practical difficulty being calculation of the derivatives of the Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix with respect to the deep parameters in order to calculate a relatively efficient instrument matrix. A number of variants of the measurement error model (51) may be encountered in applications, including variables measured with error that are common to several alternatives or interact with alternative-specific dummys, multiple variables measured with possibly correlated errors, and simultaneity between the latent variables and observed indicators. These may alter the details of (52) and (53), but give the same basic structure for the response probabilities and MSM estimator. It is also possible to treat measurement error in discrete response models such as multinomial logit by allowing the to have an appropriate distribution. For the logit example, e MSM estimation can be used by simulating the expectations of the logit formulas with respect to the conditional distribution of the true explanatory variables. topics are studied in greater detail in McFadden ( These 1985a, 1985b) and Train, McFadden, and Goett (1987). 7. NON-NORMAL DISCRETE RESPONSE MODELS This paper has focused on estimation of the MNP model. However, the MSM estimator can be applied to any latent variable model in which unbiased estimates of the response probabilities can be obtained economically by Monte McFadden A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models Carlo methods. For example, in the latent variable model it (1), 26 may be reasonable to assume that some components of a are always non-negative, giving monotonicity. This could be modeled by taking the density of a. to be multivariate truncated normal, or by giving some components non-negative densities such as gamma. This complicates the analytic representation of response probabilities, but is .readily accommodated in Monte Carlo draws from the latent variable model to obtain frequency estimators. The MSM estimator also permits analysis of discrete response data generated by more complex partial observation functions than the maximum indicator appearing in (1). alternatives. For example, consider data on ranks of With the exception of the multinomial logit model, is it impossible to obtain analytically tractable expressions for probabilities of more than the first few ranks in terms of response probabilities; (1978), Barbara and Pattanaik (1985), and McFadden (1986a). see Falmange However, Monte Carlo drawings from the latent variable model provides unbiased frequency estimators of the ranking probabilities that can be used in MSM estimation. 8. SUMMARY This paper has proposed a simple modification of a classical method of moments estimator for discrete response models that avoids the necessity for accurate numerical integration to calculate response probabilities, using instead asymptotically unbiased simulators of these probabilities. This method of simulated moments is practical for problems where direct numerical integration is computationally intractable. A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 9. THEOREMS AND PROOFS APPENDIX: I 27 use the following notation, mostly collected from Sections 2 and 3 of the paper: C = {1 = ax. u. the set of possible responses. m} or u = aX a latent variable model, x)aKxm m (x. 1 a = a(G,7)) a x 1 = l(u.iu_) l C l P (ile.X T) given X i, g, , independent of X„. u. t; observed response), (= such that a(8,T))X maximized is . a simulator for P (i|e,X ) ). instrument vector, determined as a function 1 = w.(e.X-). l C a random sample. N mN x f(8) 1 vectors formed by stacking or f (i|e,X r ) by alternative, d. k x mN array formed by stacking W. P (8) mN x k array of derivatives of P(8). 6 anv vector satisfying o sm IIW(8 o P (i|8,X , ), then by observation. W = W(6) )(d-f(8 . ) sm some 8 ) II £ infJIVtG )(d-f(9))li + (1), 8 o o p density for X_, with associated measure p. ) P^te), 8 parameter vector with true value 8 probability of l p(X ), a random vector with density g(ii) and W. P(8), m and k x d, u l l ) 1 L 1 indicator for maximum W. n = u„ = (u. array, a k x at f (i|8,X with X_ = K vector function, with associated measure d. e C, i R(8), R k x k array of sample covariances, R(e) = lim F^.O). R = R(e*). . ^(6) 1 = N' W? (8) 15 The response probabilities are invariant under monotone transformations of the latent variable model. = 0, so X is Hence, without loss of generality, we may normalize x contained in a K(m-l) dimensional space. Further, a may be McFadden A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models 1 defined without loss of generality to have a compact domain. 28 R and 9 to have regular domains, and The first assumptions made require X guarantee a zero probability that the latent variables for different alternatives are equal, so the response probabilities are well-defined without additional tie-breaking rules: t Al is [ A2 ] The parameter space S is a compact convex subset of R in the interior of ] The domain t of the attributes X The random vector independent of X is , continuous on i_s tj IN, For an open set X such that a ( each 8 € , 7) ) X and 6 is. a compact subset of a . finite-dimensional with domain is IN, The function a = a (6, . 7)) and is twice differentiable in 6 with these derivatives continuous on [A4] j_s_ and has a finite mean x '* , 0. K(m-l) dimensional space [A3] k £ x 5? IN. with p(X ) = 1, the subset IN(6,X ) of IN distinct in every component has probabi 1 ity one for 0. The last assumption is usually imposed in the definition of discrete response models, and can be derived from more basic structural conditions. following lemma covers common applications, including MNP. The When the model contains alternative-specific random effects, the array A„„ in this result is a (m-1) dimensional identity matrix. A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden Lemma X A f0 = C Suppose there is a partition Suppose [Al] and [A2]. 1. such that A „ 12 is. 29 (m-1) x (m-1) and almost surely nonsingular. A 22 Suppose a = a(8,T)) = S uppose a 6. [a (55) 1 a is. 2 = ] + Tjr(6) /3(B) twice continuously differentiable in is. partitioned commensurate ly with X„, so 2 1^(6) (G)] r 2 1 + [tj i) il ] f ° Suppose T 2 7) 1 conditioned on r\ and suppose tj R , Proof: 1 aX c = pX the term one, 7) nonsingular for 8 e i_s T) T k 7) 22 Suppose the density of 8. has a finite mean [0, i2 uniformly bounded and continuous is 1 Q + r ( r 11 A 12 +r A i Then [A3] and [A4] hold. . 2 22 with support , ) + 7,2r A ]22 22 With P robabilit y has a continuous density with support R , given implying that the probability of a hyperplane where components of aX f , are tied is zero. The next assumption guarantees that the response probabilities are well-behaved: [A5] 6, The probabi litv P (i|e,X_) is. positive, and twice differentiable in and the probabi litv and its derivatives are cent ir.uous , or. 6 x X. The following result gives a sufficient condition for [A5] which holds in particular for the MNP model with alternative-specific dummys: Lemma 2. Suppose the hypotheses of Lemma 1, with A„ always nonsingular . Then [A5] holds. Proof: By the symmetry of the problem in alternatives, it is sufficient to ) . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden consider P (lle.X so = [0,s] aX 2 (56) 1 given Then, tj = Pr(ctX Usin g the decomposition of Lemma °| x r ^- =£ 1, implies p\ 2 = [s - r, ) 30 the set , 2 - e A B(tj ^(r n A l2+ r l2 A 22 )](r 22 A 22 )- - 12 22 of ) satisfying aX tj 1 . intersection is the £ of m-1 linearly independent half-spaces, with each bounding hyperplane twice continuously differentiable in (9,X J" 2 g» J" .(t| |k) 12 )dij g (t) 11 P (l|B,X ) = continuously differentiable in is twice )dT) Hence, ). 1 1 m— (S,X 1 has support R Since g ). the probability is positive, , n The next assumptions concern the instruments and identification of 9 The function [A6] continuous ( Let M [A7] , bounded , = w. (B,X_) determining the instruments is and twice continuously differentiable on 6 x denote a bound on w and its B derivative w. The instruments identify B Sy, Z w (e,x ieC c , uniform in i, 6, X_. C with HP c (i|e,x )-P (i|e ,x )]dp(X * eoual to zero if and only if 9 = 6 [A3] , 1. l u(e,e) = (57) W. : - , - for any 9 € c ) 17 6. R is of max i mum rank To satisfy [AS], instruments constructed by simulation require the use of smooth simulators such as (12), (34), and (35) in the case of MNP. If [A5] holds and the instruments equal the score of the likelihood evaluated at each trial 9, w. (9,X ) = 5Ln P (i|9,X )/59, then 6=9 and u reduces to X A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden «(e,e) = P (i|e*,x )[5LnP (i|e,x )/ae]dp(x ) c c c c c S Sy, 31 1 the expected score of an observation under maximum likelihood estimation. this case, [A7] requires that For be the only critical point of the expected 6 log likelihood, a standard identification condition. Also, R in this case, * equals the information matrix evaluated at 6 which is symmetric and , nonnegative definite, and by [A7] is definite at some point in every neighborhood of G Then, . [A8] adds only a regularity requirement. case of more general instruments, In the and [A8] are standard assumptions for [A7] the identification and regularity of classical method of moments estimators. Hence, the identification conditions for MSM are the same as for the corresponding classical method of moments estimator. The next assumption concerns the simulator f [A9] Vectors otherwise (17, In , . . . , t) rn are drawn ) independently of W and , so that each tj ( | i 9 X ): , by simple random sampl ing or , and independently for different d, has marginal density g ( tj ) Define . ip ( i 1 6 , X ) frequency in the r draws for observation n of the event that a is maximized at component bounded function of (58) £{f (i|e,x c for some c > 0; Cn e i . Define f X_ and Cn , ( In , .... i 77 | 6 X_ rn , and for some M , M„, X > 0, 1 , 17 . ) be anv uniformly to. ) 8 satisfying ) + 0(N* )|w,d} = ? (i|e,x ) c Cn cp (59) 73 , ( be the to. ( n, ' C " V2 ) and all 6,6 € 8 and X_ € Cn X, |f_(i|e,Xp )-f r (i|e,xr )| s M Vr (i|e,x_ )-p_(i|e,xr )l + M,je-e|\ C f Cn C Cn Cn C Cn C <p | ' ' ' ' Condition (58) requires that the simulator be asymptotically unbiased, while (59) requires that it be at least as smooth in 6 as the frequency simulator. Condition (59) is satisfied trivially by either the frequency . A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden simulator, or by a smooth simulator such as that based on (12). simulator is different iable, then X - If the the assumption also allows 1; 32 < X < 1, A simulator satisfying corresponding to "polynomial" non-differentiability. (59) will be termed X-Lipschitz in neighborhoods where is constant. <p The following lemma establishes sufficient conditions for a kernel-smoothed frequency simulator to satisfy (58). Lemma 3. Suppose the assumptions of Lemma nonsingular hold 1_ with A , always Suppose a kernel -smoothed frequency simulator (37) with a . distribution function * having a finite moment generating function in a neighborhood of the origin and with N , b Then 0. -> Let u(t) be the moment generating function for Proof: such that *(v) £ e TV u(-t) for all v and l-*(v) ^ e < (58) holds . . There exists t *. "TV for all v /i(t) > > 0. m-1 Then, for c = max. y./2 J > 1 m-1 + J ( II y m-1, )= f K(y. 0, J *(v-y.)) ¥(dv) ^ e + e /i(-t) with the first term the result mCt), J of bounding the product at negative arguments, bounding the measure at positive arguments. yields K(y ,...,y _ ) 1 B 1 J\|K(u_ ./b.,) A C-i N - - e~ (1 2= T|cl u(T)) m and the second the result of A similar argument for c ^ 1 l(u_ .sO)|G(u_ |e,X_)du_ .. C-i C-i C C-i . - me" T|c| Define in at least one component, ProM . . 1(A) |u i e .-"u. |=s -tM u(T)m and I(A_) ^ e Mb,,). But (55) single component u.-u. of u_ conditional density of Then, .. C-i i 2 -n = R given -tM m-1 -A -A (u(t)+u(-t) . ) in the proof of Lemma 2 holds when the second partition is of dimension one and J greater than Mo . with M a positive constant, and A the bounds on K imply I(A„) £ £. to be the set of u_ C-i 1 to be the set of u_ A. < Define 1(A) = u(x). A, ' less than -Mb., in every component, Further, j ° _ v>c J-l Then, ¥(v-y.)) ¥(dv) II ( v£c s is the value of a be a uniform bound on the letting M r 1 tj , Prob( |u .-u. s j l Mb.,) N £ 2Mb„M N z •. Therefore, A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden I(A £ 2mMb M N ) 3 I(A„)) s N (e" TM N 1/2 u(T)m + e~ |P ( C TM |G, i X c ) - P (i|e,X )| (u(T)+u(-r) ) c c + 2mMb M * N V2 (I(A KAg) + ) The condition N 0. Choose M = ). 1 x" Ln N. (Ln N)b implies the required limit. -» b.. + 1 the right-hand-side of the last inequality goes to zero if N Then, -> 1/2 Then, . 33 N The next result characterizes the regularity in 8 of the simulated and guarantees that with probability one, the condition defining e moments, has a solution with |W(d-f(G Lemma sm Suppose [A1]-[A9]. 4. £ mM M /r: w (p ))| Then almost surely , — Define I(S,X Proof: and I(e,X , = (60) = 7}) J" 1 , tj) = if the components of a(e,T))X otherwise. uniformly are bounded by jl mM M /r. w y and the *jjumps in this function on * , » ijs of 9 with Lebesgue measure X- Lipschitz in 6 except for a closed subset zero W(d-f(6)) . For each 9 e 0, [A4] are all distinct, r implies I(e,X ,7))dg(T)) dp(X ), N S% c c and hence o = S (61) Q s^ S t Ke,x c ,7))dg(T)) d P (x c ) de. Applying Fubini's theorem to (54), there exists a set X probability measure one, for X_ e X measure one, and for (X ,tj) measure on which 1(6, X _, t?) if I(6,X , 7)) = 0, e X = 0. x a set N(X £ ) N(X„) a set with probability IN (X £ X with ,7)) of full Lebesgue £ The continuity of a(6,T)] in 6 implies that then this is also true in a neighborhood of 6, so (X_,7)) is upcji. The function W(d-f(6)) is defined by N independent draws X„ density p(X_), and for each l density g(7j). Hence, n, r draws (tj, ln with probability one, X_ Cn tj rn ), 6 X, 1 with each with marginal and tj . jn e (N(X_ Cn ) for A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden j = r and n = 1 of full measure. constant M_ on f Suppose . . . implying ,N, 6 r N p| ("| (X l n=l j=l , tj Jn ) is an open set uniformly X-Lipschitz with is ) Ln 0... N 6*0, so 9 i i( xr .V- (X„ ,,T)., ,) ) With probability for some (n,j). for the discontinuity in |W(d-f(8))| (52), N = by [A9], f (i|6,X But, is contained in one, one. 1, 34 (n, 'j') Hence, * (n,j). is at most mM M /r w using with probability tp n Assumption [A4] implied that the set of for which there are ties in the 7) components of a(6,7))X_ has probability zero for all G and almost all X . The next assumption requires that the geometry of a(6,i)) be such that the exceptional set IN(6,X of ) -q where ties occur varies smoothly in (6,X_). [A10] There exists M g and X > the set B_(e,X_) o L. {tj such that for X_ e X C heN(e, X,J C L ' 1 o 1 L o most a polynomial singularity. conditions, L g 8 0, 18 X . ABOUT HERE) illustrates the construction of B_(6,X_). if the set-valued function IN(G,X_) and almost all 6 e for some |e-9|s5} has g(B_(G,X_)) * M (INSERT FIGURE Figure o The assumption holds is transversal at G or if there is at The next result shows that with regularity the case a(6,X„) = 3(G) + T)T{e) for the MNP model satisfies [A10]. Lemma 5. Suppose the hypotheses of Lemma and [AB]-[A9]. Proof: i, with A always non-singular Then [A10] holds. Suppose a tie between alternatives 1 and 2, so ax = 0. Using the , A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden notation of (55) and (56), partition = (a, ,a„ ...,a a. the second component. 2 (62) 2 This function p\ 2 - and let a„ denote ) <L , tj ^(r n A l2+ r l2 A 22 )](r 22 A22 )- - 1 = 0(0, X tj m Then, p\ 2 = [- -n J, l 1 35 1 . is continuously different iable in (0,X ) and ), hence has a Taylor's expansion e-e 0(6, ^.tj (63) where A 1 - ) 0(e,X 1 ,T) c t^A = [A ) and (0,X ) X^n 1 Then the set [^(0, 2 7) ) g^T) J" 1 c {r> (0, X )-(0, X M.d+ElT) g2 1 ! )6M r bounds g 7) -0(0, X ) ) (7) I tj 7) X_)-(0, X_) | 7) 6, )5. ) I £ M (1+|t 1 ) |)6> contains all )dT) 1 ) = 2M 5/m(m-l), g There are m(m-l) possible combinations of tied . alternatives, each of which can with permutations of components of X„, and ^ 2 1 1 1 , (0, 1 1 c | and satisfies s 6, | 2 J N (0,X ,7) 2 C i 2 I \ such that for ^ M (1+It) )| ~ ~ [ )dT) T) where M ,T) 2 = ) 11 1 1 0(0,X - X-,7} solving (55) for (65) c Then uniform continuity on compact ). x X implies there exists a constant M |0(0, x are vectors of continuous derivatives of 0(0,X„,7) and A evaluated between (6,X (64) V ] and relocation of X be put in the form above. c., The sum of the bounds for each combination gives [A10]. Given c > 0, a finite family of random functions F is said to bracket a family of random functions F if for each Y € F there exist Y,Y such e F c that Y ^ Y ^ Y and E(Y-Y) in the smallest set F c < c. The logarithm of of the number of elements that brackets F, denoted H(e), is called metric A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden entropy with bracketing 36 The following result establishes stochastic . equicontinuity conditions for families whose metric entropy does not rise too rapidly as c falls. Lemma Assume F is a uniformly bounded family of measurable random 6. functions satisfying with bracketing . H(e J" Suppose y copies of Y-£Y for Y e lim limsup Pr{sup 8-»0 N-»0 F (66) Proof: , y_, . . Define F. sup .. de finite ) N" . , where H is the metric entropy are Independent identical ly distributed IIYII Then for every X = £|Y-£Y|. > 0, N 1/2 | ~ IUe _ £ (y -y n=l n n ) | X} > = 0. Dudley (1984), Theorem 6.2.1, establishes (59). I use a restatement from Alexander (1987), Theorem 2.1. The next result establishes that the simulation residuals satisfy stochastic equicontinuity and boundedness conditions sufficient for the MSM estimator to be CAN. The critical step is to show that these residuals satisfy the assumption on metric entropy required by Lemma Lemma Suppose [A1]-[A10]. 7. B(B) = N' V2 w"(£:f (67) limsup (68) sup Then given X,5 (e)-P(e)). sup |B(G)| PHsup K(e)| Define £(e) = > =0, > M} < X, and for A, = {G| N V2 |e-6 |£6>, (69) limsup Pr{sup \C,{B)-^{6 6eA N )| > A} = 0. N" 0, 19 6. V2 W(f (6)-£f (6) ) and there exists M such that 1 A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden Proof: Condition (67) is immediate from [A8]. integer j, cover [0,1] k with 2 k i Assume 8 € [0,1] cubes with sides 2 - For any . and for each X , 37 €-X v.* let 0.(X J L be a set containing one point selected from each cube that ) intersects |e-e.(e)| Define 9.(9,X ). C 2~ J ^ = 5.. Let Y(9,X draws the selection can be made so that #(13.(9, X„) C ° By [A10], 0. for 6 € 8 (X J L J s L to be point in 8 (X ) J = E W.f (ile.X ). L L 1 i€C ) for s = l,...,r with tj , O Define q (9,X J e B. o t? s ) nearest to ) < M 5 g then 6; to be the number of Using the notation of (59), (9.X.J. C . L L ) J and X satisfying [A9] and [A10], Y°(9,X (70) J Then, define = mM (M WI |e-e.(e)| ) ^ A +M q.(e,X )/r). y5JL J by [A10], £q.(e,X„) s rg(B s (6.X.J), C j 8. EY°(e,X_) £ mM M Je-e.(G)| (71) wf C J implying C X mM M g(B. (e,X r )) w <p° 5 C + j . i mM (M„+M M )5. w f <p g J X = M S o A j From (59), |Y(e,x_)-Y(e.(e),x rj| * mM (Mje-e (72) + £ mM Y.(e,X i A .(e) | )-(p (i|e.(6),X )| c(e,x„)/r) -rM ^ J ) J (i|e,X max|<p x \ C "J 'CjC JC ). Given c > 0, choose j to be the smallest integer such that 2 >- J c. (MJe-e .(e) jCj'C C J < w mM M I Y.(9,X_) = Y(e.(6),X_) - Y°(6,X_) * Y(6,X_) £ Y.(e,X_) = Y(9.(9),X_) Hence, + W L J L- Then the 2 k ^ +1 functions Y. and Y. bracket Y(9,X_), 6 e 8. This >- J J implies that the metric entropy with bracketing for F = <Y(9, X_) |9e8} satisfies H(e) T 12 == (kj+l)Ln2 * (-Lnc)k/A 1 H(e )dc £ (k+l)Ln2 - 2(k/X)T Lne of Lemma 5, so (66) holds. de + < (k+l)Ln2, co. and hence si H(e 2 1/2 ) dc ± This establishes the assumptions A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden For any 5 < 6 > forming the expectation of (59) and using [A10], 0, implies E| Y(e,X_)-Y(e X_) > L mM (M„+M M )5 = M 5. O W I <p g < I L Hence, 38 |6-0| can be (66) written in the form IC(6)-C(0)| > X} = sup lim limsup Pr{sup (73) 0. i Taking 5 = 2~\ = 1,2 j one has 1 0-0 5 for N £ 4^ < 1 and N V2 |0-0| < 1. Then (73) implies (69). Next prove (68). limsup Pr{sup (73) N ^° N E (6 . .|" e -) X} IC(6)-<(6)| > )| M o < } > < with 6. = (j/J)6 + Pr{|C(6)| > can be written (l-j/J)G ° 6 = 6 o and J the smallest integer M +XJ} Q *' Then (67) holds with M = M In this lemma, o > & lc(e M ** )-c(e )| < x, j=o < x. J} ' vJ \J + XJ. the construction in (70) and the following arguments hold even if the number of repetitions r is a random function of Then, such Then, * Pr{|<;'(e J| N. such that > A. But any 6 e X. J exceeding 1/6. (74) o J J sup there exists 5 0, A central limit theorem implies there exists M e 0. that sup., Pr{|C(6 j=0 > 16-6 1*5 Choose any 6 + From (73), given X in particular, 6, X_, and the lemma holds for simulators formed by acceptance/rejection methods with random stopping rules, and for consistent simulators where r increases with sample size. Let 8 be a sequence in and assume that the instruments are A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden evaluated at 6 for each N. The 8 of initially consistent estimators, In the last case, (1). P 9 sm solves HW(G sm might be non-stochastic, or a sequence or might equal the MSM estimator )(d-f(6 Lemma 7 holds in all these cases. sm ))ll £ infJIWO 6 sm 39 )(d-f(6))ll sm + A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 40 FOOTNOTES 1. The idea of simulating response probabilities from an underlying latent variable model, generating the response probabilities by stochastic integration, is standard in the area of computer simulation; see Hammersley and Handscomb (1964), Fishman (1973), and Lerman and Manski (1981). This literature has concentrated on simulating the response probabilities to a level of accuracy that enables their use in standard maximum likelihood procedures. 2. o = Use the identity £ sp (i|e,x )/ae ieC 3. c Z [3LnP c (i |e,x )/ae]P c (i |e,x c ). ieC Starting from any K x mN array of instruments Z , and taking account of the structure of the covariance matrix of the residuals, one can show by a standard argument from non-linear least squares that the asymptotic minimum variance estimator in the class using linear combinations of instruments in Z * is attained by W = P(6 8 * —i " )'Z'(ZPZ' ) Z, where P Q (6 6 ) is the mN x k » derivatives 5P (i|e,X Z. in If Z o )/50, evaluated at 9 * , P = diag P(6 ), and 2? - S Z° P_(j|e*,X r ). in _ jn C Cn jeC . = 5LnP(e * * * )/S6, functions P and P then W = 5LnP(6 )/8Q. Approximations to 6 and to the yield approximations to the minimum variance instruments that can be constructed from Z 4. array of Appendix Lemma 6 . and assumption [A3] give sufficient conditions for simulators to satisfy (13). 5. The independence of the simulators across observations can be relaxed to any process that is sufficient to give the term in (a) asymptotically , A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 41 normal and to give stochastic equicontinuity of the simulation residuals. Continuous differentiability and compactness imply 6. M| e-e 1 Given c where M £ max |R(6)|. , > for N each N > P{max , e ' |u..(e)-u(e) P{max Hence, e/3> < > | | u> C (e)-u(G) By construction of 8 c. | N > c} < i sufficiently large so that such that |u.,(e)-u(8) | | let 8 denote the finite set of Then choose N N c there is a 6 e 8 6 e 8, 2e/3. 8 u (G)-co (6) extract a finite covering of 0, with neighborhoods of radius less than e/3M; centers of these neighborhoods. | c for , ^ |u.,(e)-<4e) N | + Regularity condition [A8] c. * implies R(6 nonsingular. ) The inequality, from Gine and Zinn (1986; Lemma 3.2), 7. N I P{ Y. > is 2 2 s exp[-t /(2Ncc + 2ct/3)], tt 1 i=l where 2 2 = EY. cr ; see also Pollard (1984) or Shorack and Wellner (1986). l Replace 8. t by N and use t Consider the normal density XTTX l/2 = nCu-n.A) with A = to obtain (24). £ c cr and (2Tt)- p. |Ar = £X. 1/2 (u e ^ ),A " 1(U '^ /2 , The following matrix differentiation formulas are derived by writing out terms from the familiar expressions 5Ln|A|/6A A and dk /ok = - ©A A cwhich hold when A is symmetric, but identity of cross-terms is not imposed in the differentiation): aLn|XT'rx|/ar = 2rx(XT'rx)* 1 1 x', 1 1 3(z' (xT'rx)" z)/6r = -2rx(x / r rx)" zz' (x'r'rx)" x'. , The derivatives of Ln n(u-|3X, SLn n/sp = X(XTTX)" sLn n/ar - 1 X' TTX) (u-pX) rxu'rrxrV are then ' + 1 1 rx(x'r'rx)" (u-3X)' (u-px)(x'r'rx)" x'. A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 42 This construction was suggested by Paul Ruud. 9. A mixture of multinomial with the mixture interpreted logit models, as the result of taste variations in the population, has been of independent interest as a discrete choice model; see Westin (1974) and McFadden (1984). The polynomial kernel limits the number of alternatives for which 10. calculations must be done. greater than 2b If an observation has in magnitude, probability of the converse is then K(u 0(b). ) every component of u coincides with l(u„ .^0); the If for a draw of u IN for an L.• in magnitude, observation, all component differences exceed 2b the kernel-smoothed frequency simulator coincides with the simple frequency simulator. in a sample of size N with r Monte Carlo draws per Then, observation, the expected number of alternatives for which further calculation is required to obtain the simulator and corresponding instruments is bounded by (r+l)N + mrN0(b ) ^ (r+l)N + 0(mrN + This ). makes the calculation practical even if the number of alternatives is large. Discussions with Jim Heckman contributed to the formulation of 11. kernel-smoothed frequency simulators. The unbiased kernel-smoothed frequency simulator for the MNP model was suggested by Steve Stern. Moran (1984) suggests several control variates. 12. Peter Phillips ana Vasillis Kajivassiliou suggested the use of spherical transformations for this and Dan Nelson developed many of the details. problem, To generate a denser set of antithetic points, for any integer T 13. i and each pair s for T-l. t = 1 and s J with i < j, construct the directions (±ts Combined with the points ±s , When £ = (T-t)s this gives 4(T+1) evenly spaced points on each great circle, for a total of 2K 14. ± > + 2TK(K-1) directions. and T consists of an identity submatrix corresponding to 1, ) A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden 43 alternative-specific dummy variables and a zero submatrix corresponding to the and X__,X'_. are, except for proportional remaining variables, then X If the model constants, a superset of the ideal instruments. is identified, then it will always be possible to find low-order polynomials in X_ , that have an asymptotic correlation matrix with 5P„(i|e)/59 that is of full rank. the crude instruments proposed may not be grossly inefficient. Thus, In the third step when smooth simulators are being used, one iteration from 6 using Newton's method achieves the maximum asymptotic efficiency attainable from better instruments simulated at 15. for each 16. With random sampling, 6. R»,(8) by application of a strong law of large numbers. 8, For any continuous function a = a(6,7j), variable model u = the transformed latent yields the same response probabilities, aX (1+llall) and is uniformly Lipschitz in X 17. converges almost surely to a limit R(8), . If crude instruments independent of 6 are used to obtain an initially consistent estimator, then w in (50) is independent of 18. then it is sufficient that [A7] hold for Loo a closed set, in a neighborhood of G X X : If V e B r and for some (6 ,X^) in a closed <5 . L limit point I (0 L o 77^ -» tj , then tj^ and hence e M(e J ,X^) c L L i) € N(6 ,X„) u C for each ,X°) of (8 J ,X^). am indebted to Ariel Pakes and David Pollard for discussions that led to the formulation of this lemma. . neighborhood of (e,X_), by [A3]. using the continuity of a(8,7))X r in (8,X_), 19. 6 The following argument establishes that B_(8,X_) is closed, measurable, for (8,X_) € Hence, If approximations instruments are calculated, starting from an initially consistent to the ideal estimator, 9. , A Method of Simulated Moments for Discrete Response Models McFadden REFERENCES (1987) "The central limit theorem for empirical processes on K. Vapnic-Cervonenkis classes" The Annals of Probability 15, 178-203. Alexander, and Pattanaik (1985) "Falmange and the rationalizability of stochastic choices in terms of random orderings" Econometrica 54, 707-715. Barbara, S. Chamberlain, G. (1984) "Panel Data" in Z. Criliches and M. 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