Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/longlargedeclineOOblan DEWa 31 415 o: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE LONG AND LARGE DECLINE U.S. IN OUTPUT VOLATILITY MIT John Simon, Reserve Bank of Australia Olivier Blanchard, Working Paper 01 -29 April 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/abstract=277356 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 1 5 2001 LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE LONG AND LARGE DECLINE U.S. IN OUTPUT VOLATILITY MIT John Simon, Reserve Bank of Australia Olivier Blanchard, Working Paper 01 -29 April 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/abstract""277356 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE LONG AND LARGE DECLINE U.S. IN OUTPUT VOLATILITY MIT John Simon, Reserve Bank of Australia Olivier Blanchard, Working Paper 01 -29 April 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/paper.taF7abstract id=XXXXX The long and large decline in U.S. output volatility. Olivier Blanchard and John Simon * April 20, 2000 *MIT and NBER, and Reserve Bank of Australia respectively. and our discussant, Benjamin Friedman, Ph.D. thesis [2000]. We comments. The views to the NBER for or Reserve thank the editors comments. The paper builds on Simon's thank Robert Solow, and participants in this We in the MIT MIT macro lunch for paper are those of the authors and should not be attributed Bank of Australia. Output volatility Abstract The is two U.S. expansions have been unusually long. One view last that this is the result of luck, of an absence of major adverse shocks over the last twenty years. We argue that more a large underlying decline in output volatility. is at work, namely This decline is not a recent development, but rather a steady one, starting in the 1950s, interrupted in the 1970s and eeirly 1980s, with a return to trend in the late 1980s and the 1990s. The standard deviation of quarterly growth has declined by a factor of 3 over the period. This enough to account We is more than length of expansions. reach two other conclusions. First, the trend decrease can be traced to a ity in for the increased output number of proximate causes, from a decrease government spending early on, to a decrease in in the volatil- consumption and investment volatility throughout the period, to a change in the sign of the correlation between inventory investment and sales in the last decade. Second, there is a strong relation between movements in out- put volatility and inflation volatility. This association accounts for the interruption of the trend decline in output volatility in the 1970s and early 1980s. Output volatility Since the early 1980s, the U.S. The expansions. and from 1982 to 1990, lasted 33 quarters. The second, first, But in 1991, is giving signs of faltering. which started quarter, economy has gone through two long it is is already the longest U.S. expansion on record. is that these two long expansions are simply the result of luck, One view of an absence of major adverse shocks over the last twenty years. in this in Furthermore, we argue, this decline volatility. development is We argue paper that more has been at work, namely a large underlying decline output talent 38th in its — but — the by-product of a "New Economy" or of is not a recent Alan Greenspan's rather a steady one, starting in the 1950s (or earlier, but this difficult to establish, because of a lack of consistent data), interrupted in the 1970s and early 1980s, with a return to trend in the late 1980s and the 1990s. ^ The magnitude of quarterly output is of the decline is substantial: The standard deviation growth has declined by a factor of 3 over the period. This more than enough to account for the increased length of expansions. Having established this fact, we reach two other conclusions. First, the decrease can be traced to a number of proximate causes, from a decrease in the volatility in government spending early on, to a decrease in consumption and investment volatility throughout the period, to a change in the sign of the correlation between inventory investment and sales in the last decade. Second, there is and movements in output a strong relation between movements in output volatility in inflation volatility. volatility is The interruption of the trend decline associated with a large increase in inflation volatility in the 1970s; the return to trend is associated with the decrease in inflation volatility since then. 'Wliat has happened to output volatiHty over a much longer time span subject of a well known debate, and Balke and Gordon [1989]. to which we do not return. See Romer hcis [19S6], been the Weir [19S6], Output volatility Our paper namely the decrease in output GDP, and show process for We start volatility. We organized as follows. is by presenting our basic fact, then look at the stochastic that the decrease in volatility can be traced primarily to a decrease in the standard deviation of output shocks, rather than to a change in the dynamics of output. we show how Finally, this decrease in the standard deviation of innovations accounts for the increase in the length of expansions. We then take up the question of whether recessions are special, in a the formalization used earlier does not do justice take up the ciuestion of whether what years this is is Put another way, we we have seen over the simply the absence of large shocks and nothing more. not the case. The measured decrease do with the absence of large shocks We to. in last We twenty show that output volatility has little is level of inflation, volatilities We a strong relation both between output volatility and the and between output went up in the 1970s, factors, volatility and inflation volatility. and have come down does not, however, imply causality. due to third to in the recent past. then turn to the relation between output volatility and inflation. show that there way Correlation since. Both evolutions may for Both example be such as supply shocks in the 1970s. This leads us to consider the evidence from the G7 countries. Our motivation is that the different timings of disinflation across the countries can help separate out the effects of inflation from those of supply shocks. We first show that these other countries have also experienced a decline in output volatility, although with some differences exception is output timing and in magnitude. An interesting Japan, where a decline in output volatility has been reversed since the late 1980s. time fixed in We then show that, even after controlling for effects, inflation volatility still common appears to be strongly related to volatility. As a matter of accounting, the decline in output volatility can be traced either to changes in its composition, or to changes in the variance and co- Output volatility variances of its underlying components. With this motivation, we look at the components of tion at which GDP. We find that, at least at the level of disaggrega- we operate, changes in composition explain essentially none of the trend decline. Composition has changed, but the effects of the various We changes have mostly cancelled each other. also find that, apart from a decrease in the volatility of government spending early on in the period, most of the decrease in output volatility can consumption and investment volatility, be traced to a decrease in both and more recently to a change in inventory behavior, with inventory investment becoming more countercyclical. We it is conclude by discussing the agenda for further research. In particular, clear that we have only gotten The deeper decline. to the proximate causes of the volatility causes, from changes in financial markets to better counter-cyclical policy, remain to be identified. 1 The Figure real decline in output volatility shows the evolution of the rolling standard deviation of quarterly 1 output growth (measured at a quarterly sure of output chain-weighted is GDP. We rate), since 1952:1. use a so the standard deviation reported for quarter deviation over quarters weighted GDP is figure — 19 to 1947:1, so the of the growth rate The t is shows a The The first first is of 20 quarters, the estimated standard available observation for chain- observation for the standard deviation 1952:1. clear decline in the standard deviation over time, from about 1.5% per quarter late 1990s. t. t window The mea- decline is in the early 1950s to less than 0.5% in the not continuous: Volatility increases from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s, followed by a sharp decline in the second half of the 1980s. One may think of other ways of measuring volatility. An alternative is to o C J 1 o Z3 O o D > O O D O ^ C o if) a^ c O^ 1 o fY R- 9' L V 6' L 0' L 9'0 ^'0 ^0 Output volatility look at the standard deviation of the deviation of the level of (the logarithm of) is output from trend, example, from a Hodrick-Prescott for to look at annual rather than quarterly changes in tives yield very similar conclusions. The filter.^ Another GDP. These basic reason is alterna- that the standard deviation of quarterly output gTowth reflects primarily the high frequency properties of the series, which are largely invariant to the detrending method. Changes The output process in the natural next step movements over time, is to think and ask how it about the process generating output has changed. Does the lower volatility of output reflect a lower standard deviation of output shocks, or a change in the dynamic process through which these shocks More concretely, affect output, or both? assume that output growth follows an autoregressive process given by: (Ayt where yt difference, g - = g) - a{L){Ayt-i denotes the logarithm of output is The standard (Tf, and a{L) deviation of output cxy is put growth follows a first be AR(1); while ^This is is t, this A is denotes a first a white noise a lag polynomial. If a{L) — o, for example, out- = a^j\J\ — a^, the standard deviation of output. points in mind, 1947:1 on, again with a for quarter (1.1) order autoregressive process and ay so the higher a, the higher makes CYt then depends both on the standard deviation a^ and on the lag polynomial a{L). it in + the underlying growth rate of output, eyt shock with standard deviation With these g) we estimate window (1.1) over a rolling of 20 quarters. We sample from assume the process to does not fully capture the dynamics of output growth, an easier interpretation of the changes the approach taken by Taylor [2000]. in the process, and all Output volatility of our conclusions extend to a higher order Figure The top panel 2. gives the estimated gives the estimated AR(1) coefficient. AR. The growth results are plotted in The bottom panel standard deviation of the shock. The other two The middle panel rate. lines in gives the estimated each panel give two- standard-deviation bands on each side of the estimate. The conclusions from Figure 2 are straightforward. Neither the growth show rate nor the AR(1) coefficient slightly lower at the is but the difference coefficient is movements over clear end not significant.'^ time. The AR(1) of 1990s than in the rest of the sample, The standard deviation of the output shock shows the same evolution as the standard deviation of output growth. when Indeed, plotted in the same graph, their evolutions appear nearly identical. In short, the decrease in output volatility appears to come from smaller shocks, rather than from a decrease in persistence of the effects of these shocks on output. Back to the length of expansions Having estimated the process for To do issue of the length of expansions. We output growth, we can return to the so, we proceed in two steps. estimate two processes, one for the period 1947:1 to 1981:4, the other We for the period 1982:1 to 2000:4. choose the split date to coincide with the peak of the cycle preceding the last two expansions. The intent of the capture the major changes in the process between the start and split is to the end of the sample. ^A perhaps obvious point: Changes in the estimated AR(1) coefficient for the univariate representation of output growth do not imply a change in the dynamic structure of the economy. dynamic used Output movements come from many underlying shocks, each with effects. At different times, different shocks for estimation, leading to different may dominate its own the (short) subsample estimated univariate dynamics of output. Roiling Figure 2 mean growth rote Rolling ar(l) coefficient Rolling standard deviation of residual t , J \ 4_/-^H / / J ^ N \ — *v ^^ _^^ Output volatility The two estimated equations are given by; 47:1 to 81:4 {Ayt - 0.S7) = 0.31{Ayt^i - 0.87) + eyt ct^ = 1.12 82:4 to 00:4 (Ayt - 0.85) = 0.48(Ayf_i - 0.85) + eyt ct^ = 0.56 Using the estimated equation, we generate a sequence of 100,000 first observations for output growth, b;Tsed on draws of the shocks from a nor- mal distribution. Following a long tradition of approximating by a simple rule, we NBER dating define the beginning of a recession as two consecutive quarters of negative growth, and the beginning of an expansion as two consecutive quarters of positive growth following a recession. mean and median tions. We The for the We compute the lengths of expansions in the sample of 100,000 observa- then do the same using the second estimated equation.'* shown results are in Table 1. mean and median expansion 35 quarters length for the are 17 and 13 quarters first subsample; 51 and second subsample. These means compare to an actual for the mean expansion The estimates length of 19 cjuarters for 1950:1 to 1981:4 (with recessions being defined with the same rule as and of 36 quarters in the simulation, not by for 1982:1 to 2000:4 (but NBER dating), with the second expansion not having ended yet). In other words, the differences between the two estimated ''Note that the average length of expansions lying parameters of the starts; AR process. By is a very non-linear function of the under- construction, an expansion ends when a recession under our definition of a recession, this requires two consecutive quarters of nega- tive growth. rate, the The probability of such an event depends non linearly on the average growth standard deviation of the residual, and the below the average growth standard deviation is deviation will have little effect far AR coefficient. rate, small on the probability of a recession. If, changes for example, the in the standard If it is closer, the same small changes will have a substantial impact on the probability of a recession, and in turn on the length of expansions. Output volatility autoregressive processes account well for the increase in expansion length from the to the second sample. first To show which parameter changes are responsible for this increase, we then show the results of switching either the mean, or the AR(1) coefficient, or the standard deviation of the shocks, across the two samples. Not the two samples, switching AR Switching the persistent, them has no effect making on the length of expansions. effect of it more a negative shock on output growth likely that output will decrease for a row), longer in the second subsample. But nearly from switching standard deviations. the same as in the now be only first If all subsample, the we have expansions are likely to be much now more two quarters the action comes mean length of expansions would 14 quarters, the median 11 quarters. In short, the two long expansions is the standard deviation had remained decrease in the standard deviation of output shocks which just experienced. And is it is the large at the root of unless this changes, longer in the future than they were in the past. Table 1. Mean and median Simulated (Actual) length of expansions (quarters) 1947:1 to 1981:4 1982:1 to 2000:4 mean/median mean/median 17/13 51/35 (19/15) (36/-) 17/12 55/38 15/11 83/55 99/67 14/11 Switching: Growth AR a',s in coefficients leads to shorter expansions in the first sub- sample (because the in growth rates are nearly the same surprisingly, given that the rates coefficients Output 10 volatility Are recessions 2 There is special? a widespread view of recessions and of output volatility under which the estimation and the exercise we carried out in the previous section According to that view, largely tautological at best, misleading at worst. cessions are largely the result of infrequent large shocks large and identifiable that they often have names: the shocks, the Volcker disinflation and so on. dominate output and there volatility, decline in output volatility: We just is is re- — indeed sufficiently and second first oil Under that view, these shocks no great mystery in the measured have not had large shocks over the last two decades.^ To see whether this In the approaches.^ first, our measure of volatility In the second, and indeed what has been going on, we explore two is we look if we look what happens we simply exclude The measured to the evolution of recessions from the sample. for signs of large shocks, kurtosis, in the relevant distributions. conclusions. and associated skewness Both approaches decline in output volatility absence of large shocks over the is at last twenty years. What is it yield similar not due to the captures instead the decline in the volatility of "routine" quarter-to-quarter changes in GDP If growth. the decline in volatility simply reflected the absence of large negative shocks and associated recessions, excluding recessions would then eliminate our findings. Indeed, excluding recessions from the sample strong a correction under our null hypothesis. It is clearly too corresponds to eliminating ^This view was forcefully communicated to us by the editors of the Panel at the start of this project. ^recessions often come with unusually large negative realizations of the shocks also follows from the definition of the recession, and the fact that the distribution of shocks, conditional on being in a recession, implies a higher probability of large negative shocks. Output 11 volatility large negative realizations just because they But, this overly strong correction still if makes And for convincing evidence. we this approach, but allowing same presence of a dummy each of the quarters of an for the NBER shows a decrease rolling regression as line), The dated recession. is in volatility, it To implement we did earlier, resulting time series plotted in Figure 3 (as together, for ease of compari.son, with the standard deviation obtained without recession dummies (the series shown and plotted here as the dotted The and negative. variable taking the value of one in estimated standard deviation of the residual the solid large this is indeed the case. re-estimate the for the happen to be results are quite clear. (by construction). in Figure 1 earlier, line).' Output volatility But the general evolution is is indeed lower in recessions very similar, with a clear trend downwards, from roughly 1.2 at the start of the sample, to 0.4 at the end. The other approach is to actually look for signs of infrequent, large, shocks. For example, under the hypothesis that the economy subject to is two types of shocks, frequent and small on the one hand, infrequent and large on the other, we would expect the distribution of output growth to exhibit either skewness or kurtosis (if large infrequent shocks are equally likely to be positive or (if negative), or both. Other, implications. more complex, models of recessions have similar While, by the Wold representation theorem, we even these models are (1.1), large infrequent shocks are typically negative), still know that consistent with the linear representation given by the residuals are likely also to exhibit either skewness or kurtosis.* ^Introducing a mean growth dummy for recessions can be thought, of a way of allowing rate in recessions. In this sense, this estimation switching process estimated by Hamilton [1989] for U.S. ^Take, for example, the idea that is in the spirit of for a lower the Markov- GDP. serial correlation of output is higher in expansions if) 0) Z5 C o CO CO (D O CD Z5 O C O O > (D X) X5 ^^ D X3 C O CO c o (D D 9' L V L 2' L 0" I tiuinmiii^iiumiuc Output 12 volatility This suggests looking at the evokition of skewness and kurtosis of residual obtained from estimation of (1.1). Each point represents the estimate 4. The results are shown in e, the Figure of skewness (top panel) or excess kurtosis (bottom panel) of the residual from estimation of an AR(1) process over the current and previous 19 quarters. Each of the two panels also gives the standard The two 95% confidence band for the hypothesis that each equals zero. panels yield similar conclusions. Except for a brief period during the 1980 recession, there kurtosis.^ is little evidence of either significant skewness or ^^ than in recessions, clearly a non linear feature. Capture this by the assumption that output a two-state Markov process, with a high probability that output growth remains growth is high if initially high, low. It is and a low probability that output growth remains low easy to show that this Markov process will if initially have an AR(1) representation given by (11), with the distribution of the residual skewed so that most residuals are small and positive but with a long negative tail associated with recessions. ^ Under the assumption that large shocks are indeed infrequent, the use of a short window (20 quarters) implies that there are occurs. Those subsamples expect many or will many subsamples during which no large shock not show evidence of skewness or kurtosis. But we would most recessions to be associated with me;isured skewness or kurtosis. This does not appear to be the case. Nor do we see more evidence of skewness or kurtosis we use a longer window. Over the sample treated as a whole, there of significant kurtosis, but this appears simply to be is due to the decrease if indeed evidence in the standard deviation over time (The distribution of draws from a set of normal distributions with difTerent variances will exhibit kurtosis.) '"Other evidence that skewness and kurtosis are not important here is that the expansion length simulation results presented in the previous section are roughly mialTcctcd draw shocks by sampling with replacement from the estimated if we residuals rather than from Figure 4 Roiling regression 1950 1950 1970 Rolling I960 1970 1980 skewness 1990 2000 2010 2000 2010 regression excess kurtosis 1980 1990 Output We [1986], 13 volatility have explored other approaches. Following Blanchard and Watson we estimated a specification in which the output shock is assumed to be the sum of two underlying shocks, one drawn every period from a normal with probability distribution, the other equal to (1 — p), and drawn from a normal distribution with larger variance, with probability p was equal to reject the hypothesis that of a decrease in p. and could not zero, p over time. In other words, we could not We could not find evidence find evidence that the decrease in output volatility has been due to a decrease in the likelihood of large shocks over time.^^ 3 Output volatility and Having estabhshed the basic are at least two 1 inflation fact, ways to look we now turn to at the evolution of its interpretation. There output volatility in Figure — or equivalently, at the evolution of the standard deviation of the residual in Figure 2, as the The first, two are nearly identical. which we have implicitly relied on until now, is to see the evolution as a trend decline, temporarily interrupted in the 1970s and early This interpretation 1980s. 5, is shown graphically in the top panel of Figure which reproduces the evolution of the standard deviation of output from Figure 1, and draws in addition an estimated exponential trend over the period. The second, which has been suggested in a particular McConnell and Perez-Quiros a normal distribution "One hypothesis quarters, exercise — as we did is are nearly identical is, of recent papers (in instead, of a step decrease our stochastic simulations earlier. that there are large shocks, but their effects appear over a making them more would be very in [2000]) number difficult to detect. different if If this we were to use lower when using annual few- were the case, the results of our freqxiency data. In fact, the results rather than quarterly data. Figure 5: Trend decline or break in volatility? Log linear time trend ?950 1960 2000 1970 Break in 2010 1986:1 ?nin Output volatility some time in the 14 in the early to mid-1980s. This interpretation bottom panel of Figure can also fit 5, the assumption of a step decline in 1986:1. et al, shown graphically which shows how an estimated step function The the general evolution of volatility. work of McConnell is step function The more is drawn on careful econometric estimating rather than a^isuming the break date, finds a slightly earlier date, 1984:1, as the most hkely break This second interpretation suggests looking for factors point. ^^ in the economic environment which changed around the mid-1980s. Plausible candidates are an improvement by Taylor by Kahn [2000]) et al. Under the likely to in , the conduct of monetary policy (as argued for example or changes in inventory behavior (as argued for example [2001].) interpretation however, which first be the right one, one needs to look for we two shall argue is sets of factors. more First, ^'^ the factors behind the underlying trend decline over the last 50 years. Second, the factors behind the interruption of the trend in the 1970s. Put another way, the focus shifts from what happened in the 1980s (to explain the step decline in volatility) to what happened in the 1970s (to explain the interruption of the trend for a bit interpretation Inflation we prefer, and and the route we follow different by major increases aflFected is the in the rest of the paper. inflation volatility That the 1970s were was more than a decade). This is in not very controversial. The U.S. economy the prices of raw materials, including oil. Inflation increased, to return to a lower level only after the disinflation of '^The difference conies from our use of a rolling window to capture in 1984:1 will of our A decline not necessarily show up until enough earlier observations have dropped out window — something that happened around '^Or indeed over the past century, from volatility. earlier research on if 1986:1. one takes a longer view, informed by the evidence volatility since the late 1800s. Output 15 volatility the early 1980s. That these shocks, and perhaps inflation led to more output top panel plots output volatility (dotted of the inflation rate (solid hne) GDP deflator. have volatility. The does not seem implausible. volatility Figure 6 shows the relation between inflation and output mean may itself, The bottom panel inflation volatility (solid line), line) against the — with inflation 20-quarter rolling measured using the plots output volatility (dotted line) against both constructed as 20-quarter rolling stan- dard deviations. (All variables, including mean inflation, are measured at quarterly rates). The temporary is increase in output volatility in the 1970s and early 1980s temporary increase with the clearly correlated with the Output volatility level of inflation. seems however more strongly related to the volatility than to the level of inflation. Simple regressions of output volatility on the level of and an exponential time trend show inflation, inflation variability factors to be significant, with the level roughly quantitatively similar important and roles, and the all three variability of inflation playing and the negative time trend remaining '^ significant.'^ Correlation between inflation and output volatility does not imply how- ever causality from inflation to output volatility. that the correlation reflects a alternative is and output volatility '"One worry is At least one plausible common dependence of inflation on third factors, such as the supply shocks of the 1970s. that measurement noise in the decomposition of nominal GDP will create a spurious positive correlation between output and inflation volatility. But the results are very similar if we use the CPl, where the '^Onc problem with such regressions tions and means both on the appropriate GARCH model be a function of inflation results. left for is issue is likely to be less important. the use of moving averages for standard devia- and right hand sides. Estimation of a potentially more output growth, allowing the variance of output shocks to volatility, the inflation level, and a time trend yields very similar Figure 6: Volatility of standard deviation of output and inflation output and mean inflation Output 16 volatility Here, international evidence can help: First, and obviously, resentative of can it what happened tween output and inflation to tell us whether the to output volatility, volatility elsewhere. US evolutions are rep- and to the But relation be- we also, if are willing assume that the supply shocks of the 1970s were largely common across countries, then them gives us a it way of controlling for their presence by treating as fixed eflFects in a cross country panel regression. In other words, such a regression can help us establish the relation between output and flation volatility, controlling for G7 turn to the evidence from the A look at the other supply shocks. With this G7 mind, we now in countries. countries G7 Figure 7 shows the evolution of output volatility for the For clarity, we have grouped the countries in three panels. includes the United States, the United Italy. in 1960 (1982 The top panel The bottom Japan. In each case, the measure of output volatility deviation of output growth, using a countries. Kingdom, and Canada. The middle panel includes West Germany, France, and data we have start only in- window is panel shows the rolling standard of 20 quarters. Because the for Italy), the different measures are available only from 1965:1 on (1987:1 for Italy), a shorter sample than the one used The for the United States above. top and the middle panels show that six of the had roughly similar evolutions over the period. In all G7 countries, the standard deviation of output has declined, from a range of 1.5% (for little below 1.0% (for is indeed how One closely, to a of the striking characteristics of these common, long The all two similar the standard deviation of output growth across these countries today. the presence of Germany) the U.S.) in the early 1960s, to around 0.5% for countries in the late 1990s. panels countries have is general decline and convergence suggest lasting, forces across countries. Looking more however, there are also clear differences across countries, especially ' " Figure 7 % 1.5 1.0 0.5 % / West Germany \ 1 1.5 1.5 t *^ 1 i"* 1.0 _^— 1.0 Italy 'i, W.-*"^ '.I 0.5 l/'^-w.,*^^. 0.5 France % o/ /o 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Q Q ' I I I 1965 1970 I I I I I 1975 I I I I I 1980 I I I I I 1985 I I I I I 1990 I I I I I I I I I Q Q 1995 2000 Output 17 volatility After the general increase of the early 1970s, the decrease in in timing. taken place earlier in Germany, later in Canada. volatility has The only G7 country bottom in the to have a clearly different evolution panel. After a decrease Japan, shown is from the early 1960s to late 1980s, the standard deviation of output has increased in the 1990s, and than it To the extent that at the start of the sample. was slump of the largely coincides with the long Japanese to search in that direction for an explanation. by both firms and consumers liquid assets of cash flows on effects of is 1990s, now higher this increase it is tempting For example, a decrease in may have led to stronger effects consumption and investment, leading to stronger multiplier shocks on output. The floor on interest rates We monetary policy responses. may have constrained have not explored these hypotheses further paper, but we find the coincidence of the long slump and the increase in this in volatility intriguing, and potentially useful in learning what has happened in other countries. Leaving Japan aside and focusing on the other six countries, we return to the relation between output volatility and inflation. To do so, we rim the following panel regression; ^yit where effects, the of output If + /?t + refers to country, fit and and t ai7r,j and tt is (3.1) e,i to time, so the j3iS are country fixed are time fixed effects, Oy and inflation, + C2cr^., + a rolling a-„ are rolling standard deviations mean of the inflation rate. the effects of the supply shocks of the 1970s on output volatility were indeed lation i /3, common across countries, then this specification will give us the re- between output and The assumption is inflation volatility controlling for probably too strong however: The supply shocks. effects of were different across countries, and these differences may supply shocks well have been associated with different evolutions of both the level and the volatility in- Output 18 volatility flation. In this case, the coefficient on inflation will up some pick still of the supply shocks. Nevertheless, even in this case, this cross country effects of specification an improvement over the U.S. regression is which we could (in ^^ not introduce fixed time effects) presented earlier. Estimation yields coefficients of ao a\ = best way The top for the is is inflation volatility, rather summarize the implications of the regression to which are given is through a in the three panels of Figure 8: panel gives the actual and the fitted values of output volatility United States (dropping changed by this). specification does a The it which appears to matter, and to matter strongly. level of inflation set of graphs, • 0.67 with a t-statistic of 13.7, and —0.02, with a t-statistic of -0.7. Thus, than the The ~ The good job in inflation, from the panel regTe.ssion conclusion to be drawn other two panels show movements Tiit is — nothing that the panel of fitting the U.S. evolution. how much of the evolution and how much is due to the comes from common time components: • The second panel volatility (repeated gives the evolution of the fitted value of output from the of the inflation component, first panel), together with the evolution a20"7r,(. The panel makes clear that the increase in inflation volatility accounts for the reversal in trend from the early 1970s to the early 1980s. '^Note that, even under the assumption of common supply shocks, this specification does not resolve other potential identification problems, such as the possibility that the relation between output and inflation volatility reflects causality from output to inflation volatility (through the response of monetary policy), or a dependence on other third causes, such as an improvement volatility. in the conduct of monetary policy leading to lower output and inflation Figure 8 o/ /o Actual and fitted values of /o a. 1.0 1.0 ^-vA. 0.5 0.5 a. o/ /o % component Inflation 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 % Common o/ /o time (G6) component 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Q Q I I I 'l965 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q Q " 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Output • 19 volatility The third panel gives the evolution of the fitted value of output volatil- ity (again of the repeated from the first common time component, panel), together with the evolution (3f This suggests a steady underlying trend decrease from 1960 on. In short, this decomposition suggests a trend decrease in volatility, tem- porarily interrupted by an increase in inflation volatility. Under that inter- pretation, the sharp decline in output volatility in the 1980s appears to be mostly the result of a sharp decline in inflation To volatility. get a better understanding of both the trend decrease and the tem- porary reversal in output volatility, the last section goes one level down, and looks at the evolution of the individual components of 4 A GDP. look at the components In his 1960 Presidential address to the American Economic Association, Arthur Burns (Burns [I960]) argued that a trend decline in output volatihty was indeed under way. Composition improvements in capital smooth consumption effects and the steady shift to services, markets and the increasing ability of consumers to in the face of variations in income, the increase in the income tax and stronger automatic stabilizers, all led, and, he argued, would continue to lead, to more economic stability. He was clearly right This section makes a about the trend. first Was pass at the answer. he right about the channels? From a statistical accounting point of view, one can think of the volatility of output as depending on three sets of factors, the volatility of its relative weight. We Volatility of look at all components, their co-variation, and their three in tmn. output components Take the standard decomposition of GDP by type of purchase and type of purchaser, consumption, investment, government spending, net exports Output 20 volatility and inventory investment. Let each of these components, denoted by Xi in real terms, be so: For each of the components, we consider two measures of volatihty: The GDP the same as for first is little namely the rolling standard Xn, which we denote by Gxn- This measure deviation of the rate of growth of makes earher, sense however for inventories and net exports v/hich change signs and are frequently close to Thus, we construct the rolling standard zero. deviation of growth for consumption, investment, and government spending only.^' The second measures the volatility of a variable commonly called the "growth contribution" of each component, which adjusts the component in GDP. A very overall output volatility able is if it volatile component may have rolhng standard deviation. Note that this measure GDP little effect is on vari- once again the well defined for all com- regardless of whether they change sign or arc close to zero. Note also that the variable so, the share if is the share of GDP. The accounts for a small share of defined as /\Xit/Yt^\, and our measure of volatility ponents of for can be rewritten as {^X^t/Xit-\){X^t-\/yt-\), stable at high frequency, the standard deviation will be is roughly equal to the share of the component of GDP, times the standard deviation of the component's growth rate. For both volatility measures, the window we use to compute standard deviations change are quarterly, not annual ' ' In parallel with component. The 20 quarters. is GDP, we have estimated the same as for GDP. decrease in volatility comes from the decrease in the volatility of change in dynamics. We Rates of rates. our exploration of general conclusion is do not present the results here. AR processes for each For the most part, the tlie shocks than from a Output The 21 volatility given by the solid by the dotted move line, line, and the scale is on the with the scale on the right left axis. axis. first measure The second is given is Note that the two lines largely together at high frequency, reflecting the stability of the shares. From Figure 9, • Volatility of we draw the following conclusions: government spending (and of very high during the Korean war. and has remained low ever • The evolutions are plotted in Figures 9 and 10. There is no It fiscal policy in general) rapidly went down was in the 1950s, since. clear trend in the volatility of net exports. There is also no clear trend in the volatility of inventory investment, although volatihty has been low in the 1990s (this together with the change in correlation shown below, suggests a recent change in the behavior of inventory investment.) • Most of the decrease in overall volatility can be traced to a decrease in the volatility of consumption and investment. After a large decrease in the 1950s, consumption has continued to decrease, from about 0.75% in the 1960s to 0.30% in the late 1990s. volatility has measure is The decrease in investment been more limited. The standard deviation of our second nearly the same in the late 1990s as it was in the 1960s. Given that much of the action comes from consumption and investment. Figure 10 goes one further step of down and shows the evolution of the volatility consumption and investment components. • Relative declines in the volatility of tion, all three components of consump- spending on durables, on non-durables, and on services, are roughly similar. Their timing is slightly different, with much of the trend reversal in consumption in the 1970s and early 1980s coming from consumption of services. 1 1 1 1 1 r> -r- 1 1 '\ ^ 1 r r ) ^ - . : S s X Q X >^ Q '- V ^ - r ^ Ol J c o c a '- s 1 3 p J 0) (A > ! 1 \ V, s 5 O > ' - : < > : I 1 r cz ^->^ - ^ 1 (0 . 1 1 1 1 1 eg 1 >- 1 ^ > T3 C 3 U) OJ T- 1 1 1 1 ~/ a> o X o .^ - - ' .-- c r^ ^ — — 2 "^~~—-, 1 1 ii) — -^ <u w C o c *-» c y ^ .j> .2 »- •- CM ^ '- J ~>""^::=^ T J _ '^- "C-. •-^ j^( 0) JE ^^;5^ LJ. ^ en 0) . > .^^^^ __II7 C J> ^ (/) / J ^~^^~^ "~ ^ /» o _ ^ ^» 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •- <- 1 1 > <D T3 (N 05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ i. -. ^-"^ L 1 t K L > \ 2__^ y m C Q) U) 0) T3 r p* J" c -^ o J _j D. L o Xy Q. t, E 3 W o / 1 !=. 1 — * \, ^^ : > / ^ ^e^ — ^^ ^ ^ ^ C 3 c o o r^ ? " r- -^ r-- E ~Ilii7 c o C;^ r o c " ' ( 13 3 a O) 3 < ^ i ^ re ^m ^ ^ ~/~^ -> X n 5=^=. ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 ^ ^ ^__^ ___j J ^ C 1 \ \ 05 O »- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f CNJ 1— Output 22 volatility We think these are slightly surprising iindings. One might have ex- pected improvements in financial markets to lead consumers to choose a smoother consumption path, thus leading to smoother consumption and non durables. But one would of services also have expected an improved abihty to borrow and lend to lead to a stronger stock-flow adjustment for purchases of durables, and thus potentially to more volatility of durable purchases. This does not seem to be the case in the data. • The two series for Non tions. investment volatihty exhibit quite different evolu- residential investment shows a steady decline, and a limited increase in the 1970s. Residential im'estment shows a steady increase from the 1950s to the mid 1980s, and a sharp decrease after that. The sharp decrease corresponds to the elimination of interest rate ceilings on savings and loan institutions (the end of Regulation Q), making it a plausible candidate explanation. Correlations of output components The standard viations of its deviation of output depends not only on the standard de- components, but also on their correlations. To show what has happened, we construct the correlation of each component with (i.e GDP minus inventory investment) AXit/Yt-i with ASt/Yt-\, where St final sales — more specifically the correlation of is final sales. Again, we use a window The correlations change over of 20 quarters. These evolutions are shown time (as we would expect if in Figure 11. the subsamples are dominated by different shocks, with different implications for the correlation between each com- ponent and trends. final sales). The exception sales. Until the is But, except for one series, they do not show clear the correlation between inventory investment and mid-1980s, inventory investment tended to move with sales, if) Q o o 0) 3 Li- Output 23 ' volatility leading to a higher variance of production than of sales — a fact studied at length by the research on inventory behavior. Since the mid 1980s, inventory investment has become countercyclical, leading to a decline in the variance of output relative to sales. et al. [2001], methods This must have come from a change of firms. It is in the inventory management clearly one of the factors volatility in the 1980s, output which has been examined by Kahn fact, although only the behind the decrease last one in in a long series of structural changes.^* Composition efFects The composition GDP has changed substantially over the The main three changes years. we of last fifty (at the level of disaggregation at which are looking) are the increase in the share of (high volatility) fixed non residential investment, from 9.6% in 1950 to 13.8% in 2000, the decrease non durables consumption, from 36.9% to 20.1%, and the in the share of mirror increase in the share of (low volatility) consumption of services, from 20.8% To to 39.3%. characterize the effects of composition on output volatility, a simple approach is to compute the volatility of a counterfactual series for output growth, using 1947 shares rather than current shares to weigh components. More specifically, follows. "^There we construct the counterfactual output growth Write the rate of growth of output is a puzzle here as well: with the introduction of "just have and the roughly coincides roughly management methods. These methods not clear however why they should have change from positive to negative: Better tracking and forecasting of ability to less procyclical is as: in correlation time" inventory led to lower inventory-to-sales ratios. It led the correlation to sales, in The change series as maintain a stable inventory to sales ratio should lead to more not inventory investment... Output volatility 24 (AYt/Yt^r) = ^ AX,,/y,_i + J2AX,t/Yt-, i where the terms tive, and the terms in the first in the J sum second are the terms which are always posi- sum are the terms which change sign in We the sample (net exports, and inventory investment). expression as: [AYt/Yt-i) where Oit-i = ^a,t-iAXu/Xu^i + Y,AX,t/Yt-i the share of component is constructing AXjt/Xjt-i does not We at time i make much exports as they are frequently around zero. separately. can rewrite this i — 1. Once again, sense for inventories and net Consequently, we treat them then construct the counterfactual series for output growth as: {AYt/Yt-iT = ^a,i947AX,,/X„_i + I where 0^947 is j the 1947 share of component standard deviations for actual figure, as the The in changes i. We then construct rolling and counterfactual output no need to present a different ^ AA>/yt_i two series. composition nearly offset each other, and the with the general evolution of output volatility over the 5 Conclusions We have documented the long and large decline We have shown that is series are nearly indistinguishable. values are within .05% of each other. Composition effects have last half-century. There in last little final to do 50 years. output volatility over the this evolution does not have one, but — Output many proximate up in 25 volatility Among causes. them, the evohition of inflation volatihty, the 1970s and early 1980s, down since then; a steady decrease in investment volatihty, and even more so of consumption in the volatility of volatility; A change government spending early on. to countercyclical inventory investment in the 1990s. a decrease from procyclical Many questions remain however. First, pohcy of about the deeper causes of the decrease — especially monetary policy in volatility, from the role — to the role of structural changes especially changes in financial markets. • Our findings suggest a complex role for hand, the trend decrease give much support result of a policy, of a r- output in for the idea that effect. volatility in the first is cyclical what we are seeing dramatic recent improvement Greenspan policy. On the one output volatihty from 1950 on does not On in is primarily the our conduct of monetary the other, the dramatic decrease in mid- 1980s can be interpreted both of them related to monetary The monetary in two ways, policy. that this decrease was indeed the result of smarter counter- monetary the 1980s on. policy, leading to better output stabilization from This explanation runs into a puzzle however. Given the lags in the effects of monetary pohcy on output, one would have expected better monetary policy to show up primarily as shorter lived effects of shocks on output, and thus as a decrease in the efficient in the univariate autoregressive representation. AR(1) There is co- no evidence that this has been the case.^^ '^A more sophi.sticated argument is that, despite the lags in policy might have reduced the variance of measured output shocks expect shorter-lived effects of the underlying shocks on these sliocks in the first place. monetary GDP, and is policy, better leading agents to thus to react less to But, even in this case, better policy should be reflected in Output The other the same that is it was associated with decrease in inflation volatihty which occured around time. But even The second interpretation impHes a role this monetary policy. been due, in large part, to better Our — and may have been largely — the caused by • 26 volatility findings also suggest a role for the argument is be have in financial markets not straightforward. is policy. improvements consumption and investment in reducing likely to increased inflation stability monetary volatility. On for But, here again, theoretical grounds, it is not obvious that more efficient financial markets should lead to lower consumption volatility. While, for given interest rates, they plausibly lead to a decrease in the volatility of consumption services and non durables, they also allow consumers to adjust faster to their desired stock of durables, leading, other things equal, to more volatility of spending on consumer durables. The evidence vestment. is The same argument however of a decrease applies to in- in volatility in all components of consumption and investment. • The issue of the relative role of monetary policy and ket improvements in reducing output volatility is that respect, the evolution of Japan in the 1990s inconclusive. Japan in the 1990s. But was markets in financial obvious. As we saw, output Monetary (or to policy, it financial a fascinating one. In is both intriguing and volatility increased substantially in due to monetary something else)? policy, or to The answer is was clearly disrupted. — thus in far from — the liq- And, because of the problems of banks, intermediation Only a more disaggregated examination both a smaller variance of measured output shocks, and on output changes both current and anticipated, was clearly limited by the constraint that interest rates be non negative uidity trap. mar- a decrease in the AR(1) coefficient. in will shorter lasting effects of shocks Output 27 volatility help attribute blame. Second, about the implications of our findings. • We reasonably confident in predicting that the increase in the feel length of expansions United States is it will here to stay (This is not a prediction that the not go through a recession in the near future, nor a statement that the cycle...): is The decrease New Economy has eliminated the business output volatility appears sufficiently steady in and broad based that a major reversal appears a • much unlikely. This implies smaller likehhood of recessions. Lower output volatility suggests lower risk, and thus changes in risk premia, in precautionary saving, and so on. Interestingly, the decrease in output volatihty has not been reflected The asset price volatility. in a parallel decrease in last figure of this paper, Figure 12, plots the evolution of output and of stock market price volatility, the second being measured as the rolling standard deviation of the rate of change of the Dow Jones index. evidence of a trend in • Dow As documented by Jones And, obviously, ultimately what but the risk facing individuals. others, there is little volatility.-*^ important is We is not aggregate risk, do not know what has happened to the volatility of idiosyncratic shocks during the period. We "°This intend to explore is all these avenues in the near future. not neces,sarily a puzzle. If we think of the better use of monetary policy as one of the factors behind the decrease in output volatihty, stronger stabilization require larger cisset prices. let movements There is in interest rates, however little alone nominal interest rates. may and thus potentially stronger movements in evidence of increased volatility in real interest rates, o o 05 O CO O O in CM O O p CD CD O o m c o (0 > Q> T3 T5 OX CO CD T3 o C ^ OS ^ o CO Q "O O) c c ^^ H O 03 a. Ci (0 Q^ cvi T" Q> 3 O) LJ. o o in o o c> CD CD o o o o o LO CNJ o o Output volatility References Balke, N. and Gordon, R., 1989, The estimation methodology and new evidence, Journal of of prewar gross national product, Political Economy 97(1), Blanchard, O. and Watson, M., 1986, Are business cycles in 38-92. 25, 123-156, all alike?, "The American Business Cycle: Continuity and Change, Robert Gordon ed, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Burns, A., 1960, Progress towards economic stability, - Amencan Economic Review 50(1). 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