Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/mentoringdiversiOOathe _ working paper department of economics MENTORING AND DIVERSITY Susan Athey Christopher Avery Peter Zensky January, 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS MENTORING AND DIVERSITY Susan Athey Christopher Avery Peter Zensky No. 98-2 January, 1998 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAN 2 8 -SS9 LIBRARIES Mentoring and Diversity Christopher Avery Susan Athey Peter Zemsky* December, 1997 Abstract This paper studies the forces which determine how diversity at a firm evolves over time. We consider a dynamic model of a single firm with two levels of employees, the entry level and the upper level. In each period, the firm selects a subset of the entry-level workers for promotion to the upper level. The members of the entry-level worker pool vary in their initial ability as well as in their "type," where type could refer to gender or cultural background. Employees augment their initial ability by acquiring specific human capital in mentoring interactions with upper level employees. We assume that an entry-level worker receives more mentoring when a greater proportion of upper-level workers match the entry-level worker's type. In this model, it is optimal for the firm to consider type in addition to ability in making promotion decisions, so as to maximize the effectiveness of future mentoring. attain full diversity, We derive conditions under which firms as well as conditions under which there are multiple steady states, so that the level of diversity depends on the firm's initial conditions. With multiple steady states, temporary affirmative action policies can have a long-run impact on diversity levels. *MIT, Kennedy School of Government, and INSEAD. We would like to thank Preston McAfee and two anonymous referees for insightful comments which greatly improved the paper. We are also grateful to Jim Baron, Jeremy Bulow, Peter Diamond, Joshua Gans, Ed Lazear, Michael Kremer, Bill Lovejoy, Meg Meyer, Bob Marshall, John Roberts, Scott Stern, Bob Wilson, and seminar participants at Stanford and Oxford for helpful discussions. All errors remain our own. The authors acknowledge support from the State Farm Companies Foundation and the National Science Foundation (Athey, SBR-9631760). Athey and Avery are also grateful to the Cowles Foundation at Yale for hospitality and support while this work was being completed. Introduction 1 The and of biases in hiring and promotion decisions engencontemporary American society. Some complain that af- topics of workplace diversity der impassioned discourse in firmative action policies lead firms to discriminate against white males. Others counter that the historic domination of management by white males puts other groups at a dis- advantage, arguing that the underlying nature of the workplace inherently favors those who are from similar backgrounds as their managers. They point to many industries and occupations, women and minorities have moved the fact that in only slowly into and lower levels of the workThis phenomenon has been referred to as the high-level positions, despite the fact that the labor pool some force have been diverse for time. 1 "glass ceiling." Some firms have made active efforts to reshape themselves, instituting affirmative action programs and hiring diversity managers. affirmative action program, while DuPont Corp., and Pacific Bell American For example, Airlines, AT&T, among is known for its have instituted diversity programs. 2 Other firms ag- gressively fight external constraints on their staffing decisions. this heterogeneity IBM Colgate-Palmolive Corp., firms without specifying why It is difficult to reconcile firms care about diversity. This paper develops a model to analyze the relationship between the diversity upper level employees and its internal promotion policies. We consider the dynamic problem faced by a firm in choosing which of its lower level employees 3 Employees are characterized to promote as its existing upper-level workers retire. by an initial ability for upper level work and by a type, which can be interpreted as of a firm's gender, race, cultural background, or personality type. Employees augment their initial ability by acquiring employees. We specific human capital in mentoring interactions with level interpret mentoring broadly, including activities such as information sharing, informal teaching, or career advice provided by The critical assumption in our model is human capital from mentoring when the match her upper type. This assumption is more senior workers. more more upper-level employees who that an entry level employee acquires firm has consistent with evidence from a variety of sources. Psychologists and sociologists have documented that mentoring relationships within 1 In many occupations, the 1980 Census revealed a higher proportion of women, Blacks, and Hispanics in "employee" positions than in "supervisor" positions (Rothstein, 1997). Large gaps exist between the proportion of women at lower levels and higher levels of large corporations (Morrison and VanGlinow, 1990) and law firms (Spurr, 1990), and also to a lesser extent in academic economics departments (Bartlett, 1997). 2 The Wall Street Journal (August 9, 1991, p. Bl). Our model can also be used to study the dynamically optimal hiring policy of a firm where the productivity of new hires depends in part on the proportion of more senior workers matching their type. Under this interpretation, the analysis addresses the evolution of the diversity of a firm's entire workforce. For clarity, we of hiring in Section 2.1.1. limit our exposition to the promotions interpretation, except for a discussion — form between members of the same group. 4 Ibarra (1992) demonstrates that the structure of social networks depends on gender and race. More generally, communication, and thus mentoring, may be more natural and more effective firms are more likely to when people share common interests (such as sports), cultural experiences, language, when people have significant interactions in a community outside the workplace. 5 Type-biased mentoring has also been highlighted in accounts of business and the legal 6 profession. For example, a National Law Journal article reported, "Despite women's or progress, the partnership ranks are 86.4% male. This puts when it's it comes to mentoring, the most important factor harder for women in women at a disadvantage becoming a partner. Often to find a mentor, because the massive majority of partners are men, and men tend to be more comfortable mentoring other men. Rainmaking and 7 skills typically learned from a mentor are keys to partnership." client development Our analysis explores the consequences of type-based mentoring for promotion poli- — and cies — for the long-run evolution of diversity in a given firm. are two types of employees, upper level and that one type is In our model, there currently the "majority" (i.e. more employees are of that type). Our assumptions about mentoring imply that more human capital, and thus firms entry-level employees of the majority type acquire who base promotions solely on ability promote more majority employees. since the diversity of management affects a firm's profits through the However, human capital acquisition of future workers, the optimal policy of a far-sighted firm will generally involve promoting workers who do not have the highest ability in order to influence the evolution of diversity over time. Thus, our approach suggests that observed differ- ences in promotion decisions result from (i) true productivity differences, which arise (partly) as a result of a firm's past promotion decisions, 4 and (ii) what we call bias in Morrison and Van Glinow (1990) and Noe (1988) review the theory and evidence in favor of typeMore recently, Dreher and Cox (1996) document such differences in a survey of biased mentoring. MBA graduates. Ranter's classic (1977) analysis of gender roles in organizations takes a similar view, observing that "A homogeneous network reinforced the inability of its members to incorporate heterogeneous elements" (p. 59), and further, "...numbers proportional representation are important — not only because they symbolize the presence or absence of discrimination but also because they have real consequences for performance" (p. 6). 5 In a related set of historical examples, Greif (1993, 1994) shows that cooperation in trading relationships can at times be more easily sustained between members of an extended family or community. 6 "Women's Progress Slows at Top Firms," May 6, 1996, p.Al. made about the management consulting industry: "The lack of role modand mentors who are black is a problem.. .the same issues that face blacks in corporate America 7 els Similar claims have been — lack of connections, lack of mentors, and the often-present glass ceiling face blacks in management Gautam, The Insider's Guide to Management Consulting, San Francisco: Wet Feet Press, 1995). Similarly, The Wall Street Journal ("'Women Make Strides, But Men Stay Firmly in Top Company Jobs," March 29, 1994, p. Al), reporting on the effects of culture in large U.S. companies, argued that "as long as the percentages of male managers remain high, the culture reconsulting" (Prakash, mains mostly male and, women advancement. Women say they are chance of breaking through the glass ceiling." say, indifferent or hostile to their ignored, not taken seriously... [so] there is little promotions, that is, a decision to pass over some workers with higher ability as part of a long-term plan to move to a desired level of diversity. While much of the political debate about affirmative action and discrimination centers on issues of fairness in the evaluation of individual workers at a given point in time, our model suggests that firms can benefit from considering today's promotion decisions as an investment in future diversity. we address the following question: Given an initial level of diversity, what conditions do far-sighted firms benefit from increasing or decreasing diverunder sity? In our model, the opportunity cost of a homogeneous upper level is an inability to In this context, take advantage of the scarce talent of entry-level minority employees. Since minorities receive relatively little mentoring, even a minority with a very high initial ability be passed over in favor of a less initially able, but better mentored, majority type. show that the more rapidly the initial ability number of that type promoted, the greater the may We of each type of worker diminishes in the homogeneity and the more the firm will shift its bias towards the current minority type. Consistent with this analysis, the desire to exploit the talents of an increasingly diverse labor market is often cited by 8 firms that actively promote workforce diversity. Scarcity is likely to be a factor when a job requires specialized skills, for example, academics, athletics, high-tech managers, cost of or specialist physicians. we need not favor the minority, even if there are decreasing returns to having more mentors of a given type. Because majority In general, find that the optimal bias employees are better mentored, their promotion rates can be higher than those of As a more about the mentoring of majority than minority employees. A profit-maximizing firm will only bias its promotions to favor increased diversity if there are sufficiently decreasing returns to mentors of a minorities. result, the firm cares effective given type. We further sity at a firm. consider the factors which affect the long-run steady state level of diver- We characterize conditions under which there is a unique long-run level may involve either full diversity or complete homogeneity. When a unique long-run outcome, history determines which group is in the majority but not the level of diversity. However, we also characterize conditions under which of diversity, which there is there may even if be multiple steady state In particular, we show that may be highest if it is in the state of full might not choose to move towards diversity if its starting point is the per-period profits of given firm diversity, the firm 8 levels of diversity. For example, Business Week ("White, Male, and Worried," January 31, 1994, pp. 50-55) resome companies, "managing diversity.. .is a competitive weapon that helps the cently reported that to company capitalize on contribute their full its talent pool. The goal: to create a culture that enables potential to the company's success. One way is to groom more all employees to qualified women and minorities through active succession planning." Similarly, it has been claimed that companies use diversity programs to "attract and retain the best and the brightest... giving a headstart in recruiting and managing the workers of tomorrow." ( USA Today, "Setting diversity's foundation in the bottom line," by Del Jones, October 15, 1996, p. 4B.) homogeneous. When there are multiple steady states, history matters in the strongest sense: the past determines both the level of diversity and which type is in the majority. Then, short-run pressure on the firm to diversify can have long lasting impact on the by moving the firm from one steady state to another. Our paper differs from previous theoretical work on discrimination (e.g. Arrow, 1973; Coate and Loury, 1992; Cornell and Welch, 1996; Rosen, 1997) in several ways. First, prior work is best suited for understanding discrimination in hiring rather than in promotion decisions. For example, the assumptions of incomplete or asymmetric information about worker abilities that underlies much prior work are less palatable when an employee has been with a firm for a long period of time. Second, prior work does not consider dynamically optimal policies. Finally, most studies focus on marketwide causes and remedies for the observed inequities; only a few model the forces which lead to discrimination within a firm, and all prior work deal with a one-on-one relationship between the worker and the firm. None formalizes the idea that the current level of diversity diversity of a firm affects the career paths of The model new employees. from the existing literature as well. Past work on affirmative action policies have suggested that they can actually impede the progress of minorities by reinforcing beliefs that minorities are less qualified (Coate and Loury (1992), Cornell and Welch (1996)). Here we show that affirmative action may increase diversity in the long run by inducing the firm to shift from one steady policy implications from our state level of diversity to a different, more sufficiently adjusted its level of diversity, differ diverse, steady state. Once the firm has an affirmative action policy is no longer This full diversity of its own accord. from the fact that the short-term costs of moving towards diversity are highest for initially homogeneous firms, in which minorities face the largest mentoring disadvantage. When the initial level of diversity (and thus the gain to workers from mentoring) is more balanced, firms are more willing to move towards full diversity. necessary; the firm will choose to maintain result derives In order to fully characterize the dynamically optimal policy of a given firm, we have abstracted from a variety of factors, most notably the issue of market equilibrium. An important question is whether type-based mentoring necessarily leads to completely homogeneous firms when multiple firms compete for the same pool of entry-level workers. Of course, if the number of firms is limited and the talents of workers are specific to the firm-worker match, or if there are labor market frictions such as search costs, firms will face diverse labor pools in equilibrium, model will still play an important static, multi-firm extension of role for firms. and the forces analyzed in our basic Furthermore, Section 5 considers a our model that incorporates a labor market for entry employees to show that under our assumptions, each firm faces diminishing returns to majority-type workers in the entry level, since only a subset of entry-level level workers will be promoted. Thus, even when labor market frictions are not present, firms will not necessarily specialize by type in their entry-level workforce. While the focus of this paper is on a firm's choice 4 about ethnic or gender diversity in its workforce, the model we develop could also apply to other types of diversity, such as diversity in skills (operations versus marketing skills for managers, theorists versus empiricists) or personality (cooperative versus competitive). also be applied to a class of Further, our results can production decisions about practices (such as research and development) whose productivity depends on their extent of use in the recent past. The paper proceeds as follows. We introduce and discuss the formal model in Section 2. Section 3 characterizes In Section 4 we analyze how when the optimal bias favors diversity or homogeneity. diversity evolves over time. Section 5 extends the to include a labor market for entry level employees. tion model Section 6 discusses the interac- between type-based mentoring and ex ante human capital acquisition. Section 7 concludes. The Model 2 This section introduces a simple model of a single firm managing how the diversity of upper level employees evolves over time. The firm employs a continuum of upper managers and a continuum of lower level employees. 9 We normalize the measure of managers at the firm to 1. There are two types of employees, labeled A and B. In each period a The proportion of managers of type A in period t is denoted proportion r € (0,1] of the managers retire and must be replaced. Retirement rates 1 are uniform, meaning that rm workers of type A and r(l — ) workers of type B its level m m retire in period The . l t. firm operates an internal labor market in which retiring managers are replaced by lower number 1 level employees. and The 10 lower level is assumed an equal r entry-level workers to be integrated with We assume that there are at least of each type and that the two pools of workers are symmetric in their initial abilities. Member 9 G [0,r] of a pool of entry-level workers has an initial ability x(6), which represents the surplus received by the firm when worker 6 takes an upper-level position. There are several ways to justify the presence of such a surplus. The worker's ability might be specific to the firm-worker match, or it might not be publicly observable after a worker is attached to a firm. Frictions in the labor market such as search costs might of type A's 5's. also lead to such a surplus. The function x(Q) is assumed to be nonincreasing with a continuous first derivative. Thus, the quality of the marginal worker from each pool (weakly) decreases as the firm digs deeper into that pool, representing scarcity of managerial ability among entry-level 9 In our working paper we consider a model of type-based mentoring with a finite number of employees where initial ability is stochastic. The qualitative insights of the stochastic model are the same, but the deterministic model analyzed in this paper is more tractable. 1 Section 5 considers an extension where the diversity of the entry through labor market interactions between firms. level is endogenously determined Such scarcity may be especially relevant for jobs in the service sector, jobs requiring education and specialized skills, jobs where "stars" are important (such as academics, entertainment, and sports), and high level management positions in firms. A worker's type and initial ability are observable. Each applicant gains additional management skills through mentoring, represented by the function /^(-), which depends on the proportion of managers which match an employee's type, 11 though not the 12 This mentoring function is assumed to be increasing and ability of these managers. continuous. The overall (lifetime) contribution to the firm's profit from promoting an applicant, which we will refer to as the applicant's "surplus," is the following function 13 of her type, her index and the composition of the firm when she is promoted: workers. = = 5,4(0,771) s B (6,m) We denote by zt G A; r — z The l [0,r] x (9) x(9) the measure of the + fjL(m) and + //(l — m). new managers in period t who are of type are then of type B. firm's per-period profit function the total surplus generated by is its new man- agers: 7r(m,z) = SA{6,m)dQ / + Jo The s B (9,m)d9. / Jo firm seeks to maximize the discounted l sequence of promotion policies (z ,z 2 , sum of its per-period profits by choosing a to solve the following ...) maximization problem: 00 V(m) = max y^ 8 t j ir(m t ,z t ) (1) s.t. z l m t+1 G [0, r] = -r)m + 2 m° = m t (1 and t , Given a value function, we can define the optimal policy correspondence by z*(m) We = {zG [0,r]|V(m) = n(m,z) + 8V(z + (1 pause to establish that the above optimization problem - r)m))} is well behaved. 11 For our theory, it does not matter whether mentoring occurs before or after promotion. Allowing the mentoring bonus to depend on the quality of the current upper-level workers would diminish the firm's willingness to sacrifice ability of promoted workers in the current period in order to move towards more profitable levels of diversity, since less qualified workers promoted today will 1 be mentors tomorrow. These contribution functions do not include the indirect contribution from future mentoring of less effective 13 other workers. Lemma The value function defined by (1) is unique and continuous. The policy correspondence z* is compact valued and upper hemi- continuous. V and \z*(m) — r/2\ = 1/2. are both symmetric about 1 m Our model reduces dynamic programing problem where the state variable is and the optimal promotion management in any period, to a m the diversity of the firm's in how policy {z*}, where z l G 2*(m f_1 ). the firm biases UB {m) z We promotions. its , Thus, an optimal sequence of policies policy depends only on the state variable. given by 1 are interested in We how m ( evolves over time is and promotion define the unbiased (or myopic) implicitly from the equation s A (z UB ,m) = s (r-z UB ,m), B which equalizes the contribution of the marginal new manager of each type. If the worst type A is better than the best type B (s^(r, m) > Sb(0, m)) so that the marginal UB (m) = contributions cannot be equalized, then the firm only promotes type A's and z r. Similarly, s B (r,m) if > s,i(0,m) then z UB (m) = 0. This myopic promotion policy ignores the dynamic consequences of promoting a given type and simply maximizes the current period payoff. We can now define the bias in the firm's optimal promotion policy as b(m) A > positive bias b(m) the least qualified type qualified type B who is then a bias is A = z UB {m) - that is z'{m). in favor of promoted is type B, so that the contribution of greater than the contribution of the least promoted. 14 M UB (m) Given the promotion policies z UB and z*, we can define transition functions and M*{m) which give the state achieved in period t + 1 as a function of the period t state, m: M UB (m) = m(l - r) + z UB (m). M*(m) = {m'\m' = (1 — r)m + z, where z € z*(m)}. Our model is summarized in Figure 1. The Figure plots the supply of "final" ability, s A (9,m) and Sb(6, m), when m = .9, for some specific functional forms. Since type A is the majority, the surplus function is higher by the amount of the mentoring differential, in this case ^(.9) — /i(.l). When unbiased promotion policies are used, by definition, the surplus of the marginal worker firm promotes mostly type that when A is the the optimal promotion policy the marginal type 14 A worker same across the worker types, so that the workers. In this example, the optimal bias is is used, fewer type better than the marginal type is A workers are B worker. positive, so hired, and Note that there is a one-to-one mapping from a sequence of promotion policies to both a sequence and to a sequence of biases. Thus while we have set up the firm's problem in terms of promotion policies, one can also think of the firm as choosing an optimal sequence of either diversity of diversity levels levels or biases. Interpretations 2.1 Internal Promotions Versus External Hiring 2.1.1 We have presented our model in terms of an internal labor market is managing the diversity of the upper of interpretation of our model is that it two (ILM) where the firm levels in its organization. An alternative represents a firm where only the "upper-level" workers are employed within the firm, while the "lower-level" workers are hired from an external labor market, where ability of these workers can be observed by the firm. Then, our model applies to bias in a firm's hiring policies. We simply need to reconsider the justification for our assumptions about the surplus received by the firm for each worker. As in the ILM interpretation, surplus in the ELM model may be justified by labor market frictions or match-specific abilities. We can assume that the firm anticipates the mentoring that will be recieved by new hires. We might also consider the case where workers of the same type are identical in terms of the value they provide to the firm, but the wage that the firm must pay to workers of a given type is increasing in the number of workers hired of each type. That is, the supply curve for each type of worker is upward sloping, so that hiring only one type of worker will increase the firm's average labor costs. This interpretation is more appropriate for labor markets in which individuals are easily substitutable in the firm's production function. 2.1.2 The Our model Definition of Bias points out some of the subtleties in defining a promotion "bias" . We think that there are at least three reasonable definitions of bias even in our simple model. Given the identical initial ability of each type, one could define bias as any deviation from equal promotion rates (i.e. as \z(m) — r/2|). Such a definition produces maximal "discrimination" against the minority, since majority applicants have a mentoring advantage. Alternatively, one could define the bias as any deviation from promoting the applicant who contributes the most to long-run firm profits, where the contribution is broadly defined to include not only the initial ability and human capital acquired from mentoring, but also the worker's impact on the human capital of future hires as an upper-level worker. Then a profit-maximizing firm would by definition have no bias in promotions. We who take a middle road and define bias as deviations from promoting the workers contribute most to the firm "directly" through their the worker's expected future impact on feature of this definition is new hires own human capital, net of through mentoring. One attractive that the "direct" effect of the worker is realized no matter what promotion policy the firm uses in the future, while in contrast the future effect of the worker through mentoring depends on the firm's (endogenously determined) promotion policies. itself Further, using our definition, bias summarizes a firm's underlying preferences to- wards diversity; a firm with a positive bias also sees long-run profits increasing in diversity, while a firm whose over, a firm decisions, but it with a negative bias sees profits decreasing with diversity. More- profits are increasing will also consider the with diversity will not only bias promotion impact of a broad range of actions which might which under room" culture advance or hinder the careers of minority managers. For example, a firm our definition biases in favor of the majority may also allow a "locker that discourages minority types, while a firm that biases in favor of the minority may also hire a diversity manager. In addition, our definition of bias is attractive in that it focuses on deviations from "type-blind" promotion policies, where the employee with greatest ability for the job promoted ignoring issues of type. While such a distinction may not be of obvious economic importance, the question of whether firms are promoting "the most qualified person for the job" independent of skin color, gender or cultural background are at the is heart of popular debate. By 15 defining bias as the deviation from the myopic promotion policy, we emphasize the conflict between immediate profits and the long-term interests of the firm. In any case, our choice of a definition of bias is merely a matter of interpretation which does not affect the analytical results. The Optimal Promotion 3 We Policy begin our analysis of the model by examining whether the firm's optimal promo- tion policy is biased in favor of minority-type workers or majority-type workers. a building block, we which lives for first characterize the effect of diversity on the profit of a firm only one period. The one-period model highlights the trade-off between maximizing the mentoring gain initial talent in both pools. 3.1 As for one of the applicant pools, and exploiting the scarce The One Period Problem (i.e. 6 = 0). The optimal promotion UB unbiased (z (m)) since the firm does not care about the derived from promoted workers. The profit of the firm at its Consider a firm which lives for policy for such a firm is future mentoring benefits optimal policy is only one period then nUB (m)=Tr(m,z UB {m)). 15 This argument presumes that most of the mentoring occurs before promotion. Thus, this argument for the labor market interpretation of the model developed in Section 2.1.1. does not hold Suppressing the dependence of z UB on m, we can rewrite this as follows: KUB (m) = z UB ^{m) 4- r (r- z ub )(jl(1 -"»)+/ z UB r r-z + x(6)d0 x(6)d6. / Jo By UB Jo the envelope theorem, the effect of a change in the initial level of diversity is given by: d7r (m) 7 dm *"VM " = (r ^VCl - "0- ~ A workers leads to an increase A workers who will be promoted, Increasing the initial proportion of type UB type the mentoring received by the z — m) corresponding reduction of //(l — z UB experienced by the r 2) ( workers of fi'(m) in as well as a who will be promoted. Thus, the sign of dix UB (m) /dm depends on the curvature of the fi function as well as the relative proportions of type A and B workers promoted. If the mentoring function is concave, then //'(l — m) > fi'(m), and increases in diversity (i.e. a lower m) increase the mentoring of minority employees more than they decrease the mentoring However, since the mentoring function of majority hires. is nondecreasing, majority types gain more from mentoring than minority types, and the unbiased firm hires more — z UB ); thus, of the (majority) profits are As a more A types (z UB B of A types types than the (minority) sensitive to the mentoring is B concave and the degree of concavity r types. with the diversity of result, the firm's profit increases the mentoring function than > r/2 > its is management only overcome We shall say the larger weight placed on mentoring outcomes for majority workers. that sufficient concavity (SCV) holds H » Further, we say SCV all m > (SCV nowhere) fi implies nowhere By definition, SCV nowhere, then profits 2 °. for Now > if r-z UB {m) < jjb^) V - m). (l 1/2. if //. we Similarly, fails to be SCV (SCV everywhere) holds if shall say that sufficient concavity holds for each m> 1/2. Note that convexity of SCV. if holds everywhere then the profits from unbiased promotions d7r ^m That is, < 0, from unbiased promotions increase with diversity. —xt 1/2 that sufficient concavity holds everywhere holds for nowhere m> at if sufficient to > for m > \. Similarly, if SCV are decreasing with diversity. holds That is, m>i consider the optimal promotion policy of a firm that lives for two periods. In the second (and final) period, the firm does not care about future mentoring unbiased promotions are optimal; thus, equation (2) characterizes SCV the firm's preferences over the level of last-period diversity. Consequently, most profitable beginning of the final period level of diversity at the 10 if and holds everywhere, the is full diversity m (i.e. = This leads the firm to bias 1/2). minority. Conversely, period is homogeneity promotion (i.e. in favor of the period promotions in favor of the holds nowhere, the best state at the beginning of the final m 6 {0,1}). This leads the firm to bias its first period majority type. Characterizing Sufficient Concavity 3.2 We SCV its first have shown that condition SCV determines the first-period promotion bias for a Throughout the rest of the paper, we will show that condition SCV is useful in characterizing promotion biases and long-run dynamics for infinitely-lived firms. Thus, we pause to further characterize and explore this condition. firm which lives two periods. 3.2.1 The The Mentoring Function SCV on the shape of the mentoring function relative many settings, we expect that the mentoring function should exhibit diminishing returns. In its most literal sense, mentoring refers to a voluntary relationship between an experienced employee and a new hire, generally of the same type. An increase in the proportion of managers of a given type may allow lower level employees who would otherwise be unmatched to find a mentor; it also may allow them to find a more appropriate mentor than they otherwise would have. While the first minority-type upper-level workers yield high returns by providing mentoring to those who would not otherwise have received it, as more minorities are promoted, additional upper-level minorities simply provide somewhat better mentoring possibilities to those who would have been mentored anyway. We also allow for the mentoring function to exhibit constant or increasing returns. The last few steps toward homogeneity may be the most valuable in terms of mentoring if homogeneity in language and culture greatly increases the efficiency of communication and information sharing. For example, the advantages of a highly cooperative management culture might be significantly compromised by the presence of even a few managers who are not cooperative types. In such instances, the SCV will hold nowhere. condition is a restriction to other parameters of the model. A In third possibility for the shape of the mentoring function mass mentoring function, which is first is what we convex and then concave. function incorporates the idea that /i(m) increases slowly at call a critical This mentoring first due to the relative mentors who are themselves in the minority. However, the returns to additional mentors increase rapidly in the neighborhood of a "critical mass" of mentors. Once the critical mass is achieved, diminishing returns set in. For such mentoring functions, we expect that SCV will hold in some regions but not others. ineffectiveness of 11 The Exogenous Parameters 3.2.2 In addition to the shape of the mentoring function, several other exogenous parameters affect whether condition SCV holds. we consider the retirement First, represents the rate of turnover relative to the size of the firm. rate, r. This Industries with low turnover at the senior level relative to the size of the firm include law, academics, businesses organized by partnership, and high levels of large bureacracies; industries with high turnover include many high-technology industries, as well as intermediate levels of hierarchies. We a which describes the importance of mentoring relative to initial ability. For any mentoring function p., we can define fi(m) = afL(m), and explore the effects of varying a. Industries where mentoring is likely to be important relative to initial ability include services, law, academics, industries where networking and information sharing play an important role, and industries where apwill further introduce a parameter, , prenticeships are important components of training. In contrast, mentoring will be important in industries where jobs are well-defined, require few specialized less individual production, we and involve little skills, information sharing. which describes the scarcity of initial ability. An increase in 7 makes x steeper, so that for z > |, x(z; y) — x(r — z;^) is nomjtocreasing in 7. Thus, for any given promotion rule which deviates from equal Finally, will introduce a parameter 7, , proportions in promotion, then the higher initial ability of is 7, the larger is the cost in terms of the unbalanced promotion decision. Observe that our assumptions are = k — 7$. Industries where scarcity important include industries which require specialized skills and experience, such as satisfied for a linear initial ability function x(9; 7) is high-level management, or industries where "stars" are important, such as academics. The following proposition summarizes the effects of SCV, which holds if fi'(m) - r ;ga(ffV (l - m) < tion Proposition 2 For m> 1/2, the expression fi'(m) — these parameters on the condi0. t~ z ubi^a V '(l ~~ m ) i s: nonincreasing in 7; (ii) nondecreasing in a; (i) (iii) nonincreasing (nondecreasing) in r whenever 4^z VB (m\r, 0,7) r < (^)l. Proposition 2 demonstrates several natural properties of the firm's optimal policy. First, an increase in scarcity (as parametrized by 7) increases the cost of an asymmetric promotion policy, thereby increasing the benefits of diversity so that SCV is more likely to hold. Second, an increase in the importance of mentoring relative to initial ability (as parametrized by a) increases z UB since the majority type gains a larger advantage, , and thus makes optimal policy SCV will less likely to hold. When a becomes sufficiently large, the firm's (SCV will hold nowhere); for a sufficiently almost the same number of majority and only select majority types close to zero, unbiased promotion selects minority types, and then concavity and SCV 12 are (approximately) equivalent. an increase Finally, in r requires the firm to the proportion of type than less SCV x{6) is = workers hired. A the proportion of type 1, more likely to hold. k — 7#, the elasticity The 3.3 A Infinite we show In this section, When promote more workers, which changes UB with respect to r is increases, and so condition the elasticity of z If workers falls when r the initial ability function takes the specific form restriction holds, and an increase in r decreases (SCV). Horizon Problem that our characterization of firm's bias when it lives only two periods extends to the case where the firm faces an infinite horizon, so long as the firm's one-period value function, Proposition 3 Consider value of the firm promotion policy m > 7r t/B 1/2. (m), (i) monotonic throughout the region is Suppose that SCV holds everywhere. (dV/dm < is increasing with the level of diversity is biased in favor of the minority (b(m) > 0). 0) (ii) and Now m^ Then |. the the optimal suppose that SCV holds nowhere. Then the value of the firm is increasing as the upper level becomes more homogeneous (dV/dm > 0) and the optimal promotion policy is biased in favor of the majority (b(m) The proof that if < 0). of this Proposition uses induction on the the one-period value function function must be as well. g^g 7 7r(m, ^ z) : in SCV period 2 to choose SCV of type is nonincreasing more in diversity than the fact that workers, the higher are workers promoted. Consider the case m. This will lead a forward-looking firm in period 1 would using an unbiased promotion policy. Since it everywhere implies that an increase more A A is holds everywhere, and suppose that the future value of the firm starting unbiased promotion policies are yet nonincreasing, then the infinite horizon value the higher the initial proportion of type number show of periods to The key feature of our model for this result the returns to increasing the where is number beneficial in diversity improves per-period profits when in place, increasing the initial level of diversity will when the optimal promotion policies are used, since Q~^gZ'ir ( Tn z) , be ^ 0. Proposition 3 shows that, just as in the single-period problem, the firm fer either homogeneity or diversity even functions. If SCV if attention is may pre- limited to concave mentoring holds everywhere, then the greater impact of additional minority managers on future mentoring always offsets the greater importance of effective men- Then the firm benefits from increases in diversity (i.e. which translates into a promotion bias in favor of the minority. holds nowhere, then the greater importance of effective majority toring of the majority pool. m closer to 1/2 Conversely, if ), SCV mentoring always dominates, the firm prefers a more homogeneous management (i.e. closer to or to 1) and the promotion bias is in favor of the majority. There are, of course, parameter values for which SCV holds in some regions but not others. For these mentoring functions it is possible that the firm biases in favor m 13 of the majority for some values the following example: /J.(m) period value function, m and in favor of the minority for others. =mu , x(9) = UB (m). Note that 7t — 1 6, and r = profits increase .3. Consider Figure 2 plots the one- with diversity on [|,.927] Figure 3 illustrates the unbiased promotion rate (z UB ) for type applicants as well as the optimal promotion rates for 8 = .3 and 6 = .95. The 45° but not on A of [.927, l]. line is the retirement rate, since The bias in favor of type unbiased promotion rate B we assume workers, 6(m; (<5 Figure 3 shows that for = = <5), is type 0) for <5 .95, a uniform retirement rate in each period. A 's computed as the difference between the and the biased promotion rates. the firm always biases in favor of the minority; despite the fact that the one-period value function worthwhile to bias promotions towards value function. In contrast, the majority in the region show that even within a We initial conditions. if 6 = [.93, .96], .3, is increasing near full diversity, the firm's optimal policy and 1, the firm finds it which maximizes the one-period in favor of the is to bias in favor of minority elsewhere. Hence, we change with the example in the next single firm, attitudes towards diversity will will further discuss the dynamics of this section. The Dynamics 4 We now turn of Diversity to a characterization of the evolution of diversity at our firm. can be used to analyze the dynamic path followed by firms from any Our model initial condition and we illustrate these dynamics with numerical examples. However, most of our emphasis is on steady state levels of diversity. We provide conditions under which diversity and homogeneity are steady states, and further we study conditions under which there are multiple steady states. We then conduct comparative statics to a steady state, analysis. Convergence to a Steady State 4.1 A steady state level of diversity correspondence m 3 G M* (m s ), is defined as a fixed point in the optimal transition so that it is optimal for a firm with diversity m 3 to maintain that level. In terms of the optimal promotion policy, a steady state satisfies G z*(ms ). That is, at a steady state, the measure of retiring A managers exactly equals the measure of type A's that are promoted. Similarly, a steady state with UB (m and rm = z UB (m unbiased promotions satisfies m 3 = s) s s ). Figure 3 graphs the promotion policy against the (uniform) retirement function; each crossing of the two functions represents a steady state. In Figure 3, the set of steady states when rm s M 6 = .3 is The given by {0, .067, .5, .936, 1}. following proposition proves that the level of diversity always converges to a steady state. 14 . Lemma 4 M UB (i) a single-valued, nondecreasing continuous junction. is {-) M'(-) is a single-valued, nondecreasing and continuous function except for possible upward jumps, where the correspondence will contain both the high and low values. M*(m) > \ and UB (m) > \ (Hi) Form> (ii) M J, . With either biased or unbiased promotions, the diversity of the firm converges (iv) a steady state in Lemma [| 1] , for m° > \ 4 establishes that, under either unbiased or optimal promotion policies, the more type A's in management today, the more there will be tomorrow. This t+1 — rm > (similar to Theorem 3) follows from the fact that &m tg m i+i ^(m m 1 workers if m° > ) Lemma Further, then m A workers in the firm today. 4 shows that in our model, the majority type ( > in : marginal return to increasing the future proportion of type nondecreasing in the proportion of type is |, profits, the result 1 , terms of today's A to \ for all A t. continuous (but for upward jumps) transition function that fixed. That is, convergence to a steady sufficient to establish is is nondecreasing and is state. Further, with type based mentoring and m' > the immediate returns from |, m to any m' > | are greater than the returns from moving to 1 — 1+1 This is sufficient to establish the result since by the symmetry of the value function m' +1 and moving 1 m — +1 t+1 This have the same continuation value is the first (i.e. V(m t+l = ) V(l — m . t+1 )). of several propositions that explores the extent to which history matters in our model. Because we have a nondecreasing transition function, the majority type is never pushed into the minority. We now conditions dominate in the long run (as opposed moves towards full diversity (m = |)). The 4.2 consider whether the initial to the alternative, where the firm Set of Stable Steady States We distinguish between two types of steady states. Consider Figure 3 again, and focus on the case where 6 = .3. There is an important difference between the steady state at .936, and the ones at 1/2 and 1. Diversity only converges to .936 if m° = .936. If the firm starts at for e > critical m° = m and to mass points, = .936 4- e, 1/2 for £ where e < 0. We since the long-run is small, then diversity converges to refer to points m= such as .936 in Figure 3 as outcome of the firm is determined by whether the initial conditions achieve a level of diversity greater than the critical mass. shall refer to a steady state it which is 1 We always reached from a neighborhood surrounding as a stable steady state. Formally: A Definition 1 level of diversity transition function M{m + e) and and m—e < M m if there exists M(m — e) (>)M(m — is a v stable (a critical > are single-valued, e). 15 such m+e ^ that, for mass point) for some all v > e > such that (<)M(m + e) Let S' be the set of stable steady states under the optimal promotion policy and S UB be the set of stable steady states with myopic promotions. We will refer the let symmetry when analyzing stable steady states: S is symmetric if mES=>l — m£S. Since we have assumed that the two types are symmetric, our firm's policies and steady states will be symmetric as well. We use this fact to simplify following notion of our exposition. We start by characterizing S UB . This of interest because a variety of factors is may (such as legal restrictions or agency problems) myopic promotion, and further because bias on the set of steady states. helps us to isolate the effect of the optimal Characterizing the Stable Steady States with Unbiased Promotions 4.2.1 The it some organizations to pursue lead following Proposition characterizes stable steady states when the firm uses an unbiased, or myopic, promotion policy: Proposition 5 (i) \ € S UB iff //(§) < -rx'(\). (ii) For any finite, symmetric set of points X C [0,1], there exists a nonincreasing UB = initial ability function x(-) and a nondecreasing mentoring function fi such that S X. Full diversity differential (m = between workers that relative to the effect Part (ii) ^) is stable on when the effect of increasing m due to type based mentoring arises initial ability (rx'(^)). on the surplus (//(|)), derives conditions for multiple stable steady states, showing that take (almost) any form long as functional forms. For many is small 16 S UB can symmetric. This extreme result uses very particular it is functional forms we expect that there will be no more than three steady states. Consider the following example: Example 1 Suppose the initial ability function is linear, x{6) = Vm, then S UB = {m, 1 - m} for some m>\. IffJ,'"(m) > Vm, When M UB is the initial ability function convex; thus, firms outcome is if //"'(rrz) < 0, linear who simply attain either full diversity or In contrast, is and //"(to) > 0, — ^6. If(j,'"(m) < then S UB C {0, §, 1}. k the transition function most "able" workers hire the will eventually homogeneity, but no intermediate outcome full the transition function possible. Full diversity M UB is is stable. concave, and an intermediate might never be attained; but if it is attained, it is Figure 3 graphs promotion and retirement the unique long-run stable steady state. functions for a linear initial ability function and a mentoring function in the class fi(m) //" 16 > = amp 0. ; note that for this functional form, Figure 3 shows that S UB Here, as elsewhere, the scarcity of and the derivative of the initial ability the rate at which the firms dips into = nondecreasing and concave iff {0, |, 1}. initial ability function its // is x . depends on the product of the retirement rate rate enters in because it determins The retirement applicant pools. 16 . Stable Steady States with Optimal Promotion Policies 4.2.2 We now explore the effect of the optimal bias on the evolution of diversity. We can write M'{m) = M UB (m) + b{m), illustrating that the effect of the optimal bias To further analyze this unambiguous down when is to shift the unbiased transition function. attention to the interval effect, restrict it is when SCV holds everywhere using optimal promotions is SCV or is positive shifts in the transition function shifts in the set of stable steady states monotonic up when the bias sign, then the transition function shifts negative. Such monotonic the bias has an If [^, 1]. and produce (Milgrom and Roberts, 1994). Thus, holds nowhere, the set of stable steady states comparable to the set of stable steady states attained by a myopic firm. Definition 2 Consider two sets of is more diverse than 2 if stable steady states, X\ and X 2 . We say that X\ X G X 2 ,x > -} > min{:r|£ G max{x|x G X 2 ,x > -} > max{x|a; G X\,x Building on Proposition unbiased promotion policies Proposition 6 SCV (ii) SCV holds Part (as (i) If 5, (i) which characterizes the S UB the next proposition , SCV holds UB holds nowhere, then S If 1 1 min{a;|x is nowhere, then X\,x > -} set of stable steady states under characterizes S* relative to everywhere, then S* is S UB more diverse than S UB . . If more diverse than S* | is never a stable steady state. shows that implementing an optimal bias which when SCV > -} is in favor of the minority holds everywhere) increases long-run diversity, while a bias in favor of the majority (as when SCV holds nowhere) decreases long-run diversity. As a result, the effect of public policies which seek to force firms to hire "the best person for the job" can have ambiguous effects on diversity. of full diversity whenever S VB that full long run. S* is result has implications for the status and homogeneity. In particular ^ G S* whenever ^ G S UB S' — {^} = {\}\ and S* = {0,1} whenever S UB = {0,1}. Part (ii) establishes ; diversity can never be a stable steady state When — The {m, full diversity is If 1 there — m}), the majority. when SCV holds nowhere. the unique outcome, then history does not matter in the a unique stable steady state level of diversity other than | (i.e. then the only effect of initial conditions is to determine which type is model produces a phenomenon which resembles the popular press. In particular, a firm which starts In such a case, our the "glass ceiling" described in 17 with homogeneous management progress of minorities into However, at some point the will diversify initially. management stalls. There based mentoring) which keeps minority representation is an "invisible barrier" (type- in management from mirroring the diversity of the lower level of the organization. Figure 3 gives an example where there are multiple steady states when 6 — .3. Further, it can be shown that even if SCV holds everywhere (which is not the case in Figure a case, = S* there 3), initial {m, Figure 3, 1 may exist multiple stable steady states conditions — m}), mB > m^ > 1/2. 17 In such may not just determine which type is the majority (as when may also determine the level of long-run diversity. As in they some point there can be a critical mass at Then fh. the firm gets "stuck" and does not reach the stable steady state with highest diversity implication of these dynamics is if m° > One fh. that short-lived pressure on the firm to diversify (e.g. from government regulation or the popular press) can have long-lived effects on the level of diversity. Suppose the firm starts at m° = m^ but at some point is subjected to pressure to diversify further. If the pressure shifts the level of diversity above the critical level in (m^,m B ), then the gains of the minorities long-run level of diversity will be When SCV m^ if the pressure is be self-reinforcing. The removed. holds everywhere and there are multiple steady states, Proposition 3 ranks the steady states in terms of an even will "inertial trap" with lower the less diverse steady state profits: m^ represents Thus, we see that firms employing the same profits. technologies and facing identical worker pools can have different levels of profitability depending on historical conditions which affect their initial levels of diversity. While the less profitable firm could imitate the organization of the other firm, the existence of multiple steady states implies that the cost of the transition diverse firm is When SCV ambiguous is less holds for some levels of diversity but not others, the bias can have an effect on Return to Figures 2 and diversity. at m = 3, where S UB = {0, |, 1}, but = .3), For relatively short-sighted firms \. (<5 homogeneous inital condition incurs prohibitive transiand thus a firm which starts at m° € [.936, .96] will reach full homogeneity to full diversity from a tion costs, faster more than the willing to bear. per-period profits are maximized moving is than with unbiased promotions. On the other hand, a far-sighted firm (<5 = .95) willing to incur the transition costs to get to the best per-period level of diversity: the far-sighted firm always biases in favor of the minority, to full diversity, S* A = and the firm always converges {|}. second example is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4 illustrates a "critical mass" mentoring function, where mentoring is relatively ineffective until the minorities reach 20% of the firm. Unbiased promotions (or optimal promotions by a short-sighted firm) lead to stable steady states at S UB = {.1,.5,.9}. However, a far-sighted firm (6 = .95) recognizes that it Am highest stable state being m = 1. 17 For example, if /j.(m) = receives 1 , x{6) = maximal per-period 1 - 6, r 18 = .05, profits at full diversity, and an example can be constructed with the thus A managers = {|}. Figure 5 graphs the proportion of type in each period for a short-sighted firm, given a variety of different initial biases promotions to achieve S' it conditions. Again, short-sighted firms appear to have a "glass ceiling," because starting from homogeneity, minorities make some initial progress into the firm; however, they never reach a level of representation above 10%. Comparative Statics 4.3 we turn Next, to the comparative statics on the set of steady states. 18 We introduced the parameters of interest in Section 3.2.2; our analysis in this section derives predictions about how the The level of diversity varies across different economic environments. any parameter on the long-run steady states of profit-maximizing firms effect on the unbiased dynamics and the effect on the optimal bias. We start by characterizing the first effect. effect of can be decomposed into two parts, the Proposition 7 The diversity of S UB pendent of 6. If dz UB /dr < 1/2, then Proof: Recall that S UB diversity of is m G S UB /d~i for all To UB (m) — rm = 0. increasing (decreasing) in a parameter and dz UB /88 < m^ decreasing in a, increasing in = 0. It is 7 , and is inde- diversity is increasing in r. satisfies z (increasing) in that parameter. dz UB is Consider if m UB (m) — z > rm Then |. is the decreasing UB /da straightforward to show that dz Finally, if dz UB /dr < 1/2, then dz UB /dr - > 0, m< \. becomes more important, majority candidates become more attractive and their promotion rates increase. As a result, diversity falls with a. Conversely, as initial ability becomes scarcer (high Finally, 7), mentoring has less impact on promotion rates and diversity increases. increases in the retirement rate has two effects. First, because there are more majority type managers, they have more to lose from rapid retirement, and hence increases in r can favor diversity. Second (and similar to our analysis of sufficient concavity), as r increases the firm dips deeper into its applicant pool, and the curvature of the initial ability function, x(9), determines whether promoting more workers increases or decreases the cost of asymmetric promotion decisions. 19 If r increases minority interpret Proposition 7, observe that as mentoring promotions faster than majority promotions using the unbiased policy (as x(6) = k — 7$), then increases in r increase diversity. 18 As is true if be discussed further below, our comparative statics analysis is restricted to a local apwe consider the effect of small changes in parameters on any given stable steady state. 19 Specifically, with a convex initial ability function, the ability of the minorities falls off faster than will proach, where that of the majority as more of each are promoted. Hence, an increase in diversity. Conversely, if x is in r can lead to a decrease concave, then the ability of the majority types favors diversity. 19 falls off faster, which Now we turn to analyze how the set of stable steady states changes with exogenous parameters when optimal promotion policies are used. A natural first approach to this problem would be to derive comparative statics results on the optimal bias, and use these results to analyze changes in steady states. Since the bias increases exactly the value function gets steeper, this approach statics on when equivalent to deriving comparative is we showed that when the nonincreasing (nondecreasing) in m, so is the infinite hori- the slope of the value function. In Proposition 3, one-period value function is zon value function. Unfortunately, similar connections do not in general hold properties of the value function: for other making the one-period value function steeper every- where does not necessarily make the infinite-horizon value function steeper everywhere, without additional restrictions on the curvature of the one-period payoff function. Instead, we take more a we focus only on comparative statics makes use of the fact that z*(m 3 ) at arbitrary initial conditions, are steady states. Our Rather than analyze changes in the bias "local" approach. analysis for states = rm 3 to m 3 which compare the magnitudes of the potentially competing effects of exogenous paramters on present versus future profits. Despite the fact that our approach we still somewhat more restrictive, must be qualified in the fully is find that several of our results from Section 3.2.2 dynamic problem. We begin by examining the First Order Conditions for the unique optimal promo- tion rule which must be satisfied in a stable steady state: m Lemma 8 For all s ^ promotion policy, z*(m 3 ). first which are stable steady | An interior steady state m states, s ^ there is a unique optimal {0, |, 1} satisfies the following order condition c FOC s (m s = ) TT 2 (m3 ,rm s ) + 1 The — (1 r^^i(ma ,rma ) = — r)o 0. Order Condition illustrates that the return to promoting more majority type workers today is balanced against to the (weighted) return of beginning a new period with a higher level of diversity. Given uniqueness of the optimal promotion First policy, the implicit function theorem together with function implies that a small increase in stable steady state. We Proposition 9 Each (ii) to When SCV holds (iv) When SCV holds When SCV holds small increase in (m s ) must lead to an increase in the stable steady state to m 3 ^ | is: small increase in 7. everywhere (nowhere), nonincreasing (nondecreasing) in response a small increase in (Hi) 3 exploit this fact in our comparative statics analysis. Nonincreasing in response (i) FOC differentiability of the objective 6. nowhere, nondecreasing in response everywhere and x(6) r. 20 — k— to a small increase in a. 7$, nonincreasing in response to a Proof: it (i) Applying the implicit function theorem, since by assumption suffices to m s is optimal, check that dFOCsjm;^) _ d[x(rm; 7) - x((l - r)m; 7)] cty $7 for m> which holds by ^, definition, (ii) See appendix, (iii) and (iv): See text below. D Proposition 9 shows that the faster initial ability declines with the proportion of a given type promoted, the more diverse the upper level will be in steady state. 7 — Note — promote minorities is 7 on the optimal bias. As the firm promotes more minorities, it cares more about their mentoring and hence it is more interested increased diversity. The parameter 6 has a simple effect in our model. As the future looms larger, the optimal bias becomes larger, since the firm cares more about the effectiveness of future mentoring. Hence, the effect on the dynamics depends on the direction of the optimal that the direct effect of a shift in a greater willingness to reinforced by the effect of bias. for If, usual, if 6 is example, the bias close This result enough to is 1, identifies the for the minority, there is then diversity increases. Further, as a unique long-run level of diversity. nature of the inefficiency which arises if the agents re- sponsible for promotions were to discount the future more than the firm's owners. In compensation schemes are rarely used for agents in the middle levels of a firm's hierarchy, and workers take into account the fact that they will leave the firm (or at least their current job) with positive probability in the future. Such a practice, long-term divergence of discount factors would lead to inefficiencies, according to our analysis, and firms whose mentoring functions are globally SCV might move towards diversity too slowly. In such a case, firms have an incentive to create internal rules or policies about hiring and promotion which help correct the agency problem. This is consistent with the existence of internal affirmative action policies within many large firms. Furthermore, since such agency problems may exist even in top management, shareholders may wish to constrain the policy of top management on diversity. The ability of shareholders to dictate diversity policy has been a topic of recent debate curities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 20 In 1993, the SEC by the Se- reversed a long-standing policy by allowing Cracker Barrel Old Country Store to exclude a shareholder resolution which prohibited job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, arguing that diversity policy not by SEC fell within the range of "ordinary business matters" which can- rules be dictated by shareholder resolutions. Recently, shareholder interest groups have questioned the policy change. Our analysis suggests that shareholders may indeed have an interest in directing company policies towards diversity, even beyond the more widely cited issues of legal ^Wallman, Steven, "Equality March 30, 1997. Is liability. More Than 'Ordinary 21 Business,'" New York Times Page 3, 12:3, The comparative on S UB a and do not extend to the case with optimal promotions. Consider first the effect of a, where /i(m) = a/2(m). It might seem that when mentoring becomes more important, the firm would always want to increase homogeneity in order to improve the mentoring of the majority candidates. While this intuition is correct for large enough a, there is a competing effect for intermediate levels. This can be seen in reference to the first order conditions: —d FOC 3 = (m; a) The importance statics ft(m) - /t(l for r6 - m) + of mentoring has two r _ effects _ r ^ ( m( i '{ Tn ) on steady ~ states. ( l ~ m)fi(l First, it - m)). increases the mentoring advantage of majority candidates, which directly increases their promotion by the term fi(m) — (1(1 — m) > 0), a force which favors increased homogeneity. Second, as mentoring becomes more important, the firm becomes more willing to bias promotions to optimize mentoring. Since this bias may be for or against the minority, the effect of a change in the importance of mentoring is in general amrates (as reflected biguous for intermediate levels of a. However, we can make additional progress where the mentoring function is nowhere SCV, as shown in Proposition 9. To see this, observe that by Proposition 3 and optimality of the stable promotion policy, SCV nowhere implies that rm 3 > z UB (m s ). But then, the second term in j^FOCs (m; a) must be greater than ^7r c/B (m), which in turn is positive by SCV nowhere. Now consider the rate of turnover. We obtained unambiguous comparative statics on S UB for r when x(6) = k — *y6. Restricting ourselves again to the linear case we in the special case find that, ^FOC s (m; r) = -(2m - 1) 7 + (1 As with a, there are two effects. There which favors its diversity. ^"_^ K(m) - is (1 - m)/x'(l - m)). )2 term —(2m— 1)7, up the firm must dig deeper into direct effect, captured in the As the retirement rate goes applicant pool, and the importance of mentoring relative to initial ability However, there is also an indirect effect: a firm is more increases since current promotions have an immediate falls. willing to bias promotions as r and large effect on diversity. If is opposed to the minority, the indirect effect opposes the direct effect. However, if SCV holds everywhere, we are able to make a prediction. To see this, observe that by Proposition 3 and optimality of the stable promotion policy, SCV everywhere implies that rm s < z UB (m s ). But then, the second term in -^F0C3 (m;r) the bias must be less than \-§^K UB (m), which in turn is negative by SCV everywhere. There are other potential comparative statics as well: for example, if the initial one type of worker increased relative to the other, the steady states would entail more workers of that type. If such asymmetries were important, far sighted firms might be willing to change their composition so that the better type is in the ability function for majority. 22 Market Equilibrium and Segregation 5 In our basic model, we have assumed that the entry level of our firm is fully integrated and that there are no labor market interactions between firms. In this section, some of these assumptions (although We for simplicity we consider only a we relax static model). are motivated by the question of whether, in a world of type-based mentoring, the existence of competitive labor markets leads to segregation, where hire yl-types and some some firms only B types. Since type A individuals will be more A workers in the upper level, type-based mentoring firms only hire productive in firms with more type does indeed create a force in favor of type-based specialization by firms in the same labor market. we do sometimes observe segregated outcomes. For example, in the U.S., several industries such as law and banking historically included some firms with a large Jewish representation. Construction companies in some U.S. Some academic disciplines have cities are dominated by a particular ethnic group. Of course, in practice, large representations from particular nationalities, and gender integration is surpris- ingly heterogeneous across disciplines, even within the sciences. In other examples, the software company T/Maker in Cupertino, remained over two-thirds women CA was founded by a woman and the firm after 15 years in business; as discussed in the intro- company Esprit de Corps has approximately two-thirds women in management. However, more often firms are not strongly segregated. How do we reconcile the lack of strongly segregated outcomes with the existence duction, the fashion homogeneity of a firm's lower levels. For example, it is rare that firms are truly identical from the perspective of workers. Their locations, cultures, and the skills required will differ; it may be efficient for a diverse group of workers to remain in the same firm, despite mentoring disadvantages. 21 of type-based mentoring? First, there are a host of significant costs to Instead of considering such direct costs of homogeneity, however, this section devel- ops a static version of our basic model which incorporates two firms and a labor market for workers. 22 Not surprisingly, we find that type-based mentoring does encourage firms to concentrate their lower level hiring on one type. There is a benefit to concentrating employees of each type at the firms that have a comparative advantage in mentoring them. However, we show that such segregation need not be complete. As a firm hires more employees worker makes it to the upper hiring majority-type workers. 21 any given majority-type and hence so does the marginal benefit of differences in diversity are not too great, we show that of the majority type, the probability that level falls, If Additional costs to homogeneity arise from government and civil litigation for biased hiring pracpressure on firms to mirror the composition of their local labor markets, the fact that tices, social different types Our model may be better suited for different jobs, and worker preferences. still fails to endogenize the labor market participation decisions and human capital acquisition decisions, as well as the initial conditions of existing firms, are taken to be exogenous. 23 there can be an interior equilibrium in which all firms hire any scarce input with decreasing marginal productivity, majority-type employees across firms. A 5.1 some of both it can be As with types. efficient to spread Two-Firm Model Unless otherwise stated, we retain the earlier assumptions from our single-firm model. The main change is the addition of a second firm that competes for entry level employees We in a competitive labor market. model, where each firm makes static assuming that the simplify the analysis function initial ability by limiting ourselves to a and by hiring and promotion decisions only once, is linear. = Each firm hires a unit measure of qi be the proportion of lower level employees at firm i of type A and let w be the wage differential between A's and fi's. In the labor market there is a unit measure of each type of employee, and the labor market must clear. That is, qi(w) + q2(w) — 1, where qi(w) is firm i's demand for entry level A's at a given wage differential. More generally, we could include an Formally, there are two firms indexed by i 1, 2. lower level employees at the beginning of the period. Let upward-sloping supply curve The X{6) = initial ability for 1 — 7# for 6 € both types of labor. for management [0, 1]. in the population of both A's Firms and workers observe and B's initial ability (but before promotion) and hence each firm attracts a random is given by only after hiring selection of workers from each population. The supply of initial ability of each type of entry-level worker at a given firm then depends on how many of each type it hires. In particular, it must be that the initial ability function for type A workers at firm i is x A (9,qi) = 1 — 7#/ Z, = 1 — 7#/(l — while for type B workers it is x B ( (9,qi) For firm let rrii i, let Zi <fc). denote the proportion of workers promoted denote the proportion of managers of type A; and function. The profit of firm U(zi, q^rrii) i is the is r xA (6; (1 - 2^(1 - qi)d6 Jo This expression is fii are of type A; denote the mentoring given as follows: = ^(m*) + + let who + r Z ' mA (3) x B (6; 1 - qM6 - Jo the same as in our basic model, except that now q{ the functions depend on the composition of the lower level, and further the w initial ability wage differential generates a direct effect on profits from the lower level composition, —q{W. A key quantity for characterizing the equilibrium is the "mentoring differential" at firm i, which we define as Aj = fii{mi) - Hi(l - mi). The mentoring differential of a firm is increasing in the management m* and in the importance of mentoring. 24 representation of A types in A We now show that type-based mentoring does not necessarily produce segregated firms. Proposition 10 is qi = = 1, Zi (i) r, qj > Suppose m, = 0, Zj = 0. > Then the unique equilibrium outcome Suppose m\, m 2 > 1/2. Suppose further that: 1/2 (ii) A Al 2 -l- rrij. -A ->r 7 >A 2 2 2|Ai-A 2 Then there exists 2 ' g*r / w = unique equilibrium involves cialization in * gi g 'A t / 7 A,A^ + full 1 values A's The marginal 2 A2 ^ 2 if , G(0,r) A + A2 >0. firms start out specialized result is due to the fact that more highly than B's while firm value of A's to firm 1 by type, the and thus specialization in entry level hiring, promotion decisions. This specialized, firm than A's. r + VA 2 + A 2 of Proposition 10 states that, (i) (4) . an unique interior equilibrium where 8* Part 1 if spe- firms are initially 2 values 5's (and 5's to firm full 2) more highly may fall as the lower levels become increasingly segregated, but the ordering of preferences will never mentoring leads to segregated firms. of Proposition 10 shows that if type A is the majority in both firms, then reverse. In this case, type-based Part even if (ii) one firm is nearly homogenous and the other nearly diverse, the firms will both hire and promote some minority workers. it is possible that This result may seem paradoxical because the mentoring differential varies across the firms while the wage A depends not just on the level employee makes it into management. The more A's a firm hires, the lower the probability that any given A is promoted. Hence, the marginal benefit of hiring As is diminishing. If the mentoring differentials are not too large, this effect can lead to an interior equilibrium where both firms hire some A's. Equation (4) gives sufficient conditions for the existence of such an interior equilibrium. Essentially, it assures that it is possible to equalize the marginal benefit of hiring ,4's across firms. Note that as the difference between mentoring differentials, |Ai — A2I, becomes small, the inequality is always satisfied. 23 differential is constant. mentoring The differential, However, the value of hiring a type but also on the probability that the lower hand inequality of (4) has an intuitive interpretation. It guarantees that the marginal worker is greater at firm 2 than at firm 1 when all of the type A workers are hired by firm 1 and all of the type B workers are hired by firm 2. The right hand inequality of (4) just assures that the mentoring differential at firm 1 is not so large that Z\ = r and B's are never promoted. left value of a type A 25 The extent of entry level segregation depends on two factors. First, the difference in mentoring outcomes at the two firms, Ai | — A2I. it is increasing in Second, segregation is actually increasing in the importance of scarcity relative to the magnitude of mentoring j/(A\ differentials, more scarce + A 2,). is initial This somewhat counter-intuitive result arises because the talent relative to mentoring differentials, the less the probability of promoting a given type A worker falls as more A's are hired, and thus the lower are the opportunity costs of segregation. our study of the basic, model, we can build on these results to consider the implications of labor market interactions for our analysis of the optimal promotion bias As in of each firm in a two-period model. initial ability The functions faced by each firm. labor market introduces asymmetries in the If Aj > A2, then the initial ability function up relative to the B's, while at firm 2 it shifts down (since q* > 1/2 > q?). As & result, more A's are promoted at firm 1, and fewer at firm 2, than if the entry level was fully integrated (qi = 1/2). Hence, the bias at firm 1 will tend of the A's at firm 1 shifts to shift towards the majority while at firm 2 the bias will shift towards the minority, where firms are symmetric in terms of their mentoring functions and initial conditions, we will have q\ = q*2 — 1/2, and both firms will be integrated at the entry level (though type A workers will receive a wage premium). In this case, our analysis of promotion policies is identical to the relative to the single firm case. In the special case single-firm case. While it is beyond the scope of this paper to solve a fully dynamic, multi-firm model and study whether firms may converge to the single firm outcome, we offer the following result. Corollary 11 Suppose m 1 > m > 2 1/2. Then there exists values Aj > A > 2 such that the difference in diversity levels between the two firms decreases relative to the initial conditions as a result of equilibrium hiring. Corollary 11 establishes the possibility that despite the pressure for segregation from type-biased mentoring, the equilibrium hiring and promotion decisions will leave firms more similar than their initial conditions. This may happen despite the fact that the more homogenous firm, firm 1 also loses more type 1, A workers promotes more type A workers (z\ > z%), since firm to retirement. Observe that our analysis has abstracted from several important considerations. did not consider that employees may derive a benefit from being promoted. Such a benefit would work in favor of an interior equilibrium. 24 Further, if wage differentials We are illegal or create other costs for the firm, the promotion probability might become the driving force for allocating workers to firms. 24 Suppose A's are in the majority at both firm 1 and 2 and all A's are hired by firm 1. The promotion proability of A's is higher at firm 2. Hence, the greater is the benefit to being promoted, the greater is the wage premium that firm 1 will have to pay to hold on to all of the A's and hence the harder it will be to sustain full segregation as an equilibrium outcome. 26 Ex Ante Human 6 Capital Investment While the model in the previous section shows that even firms in a competitive labor market may choose a diverse entry level, this result still relies heavily on the availability and scarcity of initial ability among workers of both types. In general, we expect that the relative supply of initial ability will be endogenously determined and thus might not be symmetric. In particular, we expect types to sort among their innate ability in each industry, but also probabilities. For example, in the model industries taking into account not only any differentials in wages or promotion of the previous section, workers of the majority type receive a wage differential when ability is supplied symmetrically by both types. might expect additional majority-type workers to enter and minority-type workers to exit (although asymmetric opportunities in other industries may mitigate this effect). Thus, under some conditions adding a participation or human capital investment We decision would increase the relative supply of high-ability majority types in a given and lead to lower and workers would reinforce one industry. This should serve to slow the rate at which firms diversify steady-state levels of diversity. The decisions of firms another: the greater the expected relative quality of the type A type A A worker pool, the more workers a firm expects to hire and promote in the future, and the more type workers the firm wishes to promote today. This would feed back into the investment decisions of the workers, encouraging further asymmetries. encourage clustering of types in some industries: workers invest in behavior has been observed historically, as is segregation" (Beller, 1984; Bergmann, 1989). most documented Further, if capital for In fact, such in the literature one type industries, that type might have lower incentives for This might human industries in which their type has at least moderate representation. human is initial on "sex the minority in capital investment across the board. Endogenous human Our formal are no capital investment will also have implications for public policy. analysis involves optimizing behavior without externalities inefficiencies. 25 and hence there Unless the social welfare function includes a taste for diversity, our results do not motivate government constraints on the hiring and promotion decisions of firms. However, the strategic interdependence between the decisions of firms and workers can lead inefficient level of ties by firms. to coordination failures. One form is an promotion of minori- of coordination failure investment by workers coupled with too little In addition, one might see an inefficient concentration of minorities in only a few industries or occupations, when some of those minorities might have scarce There are other sources of inefficiencies. For example, successful members of some types (i.e. who attain upper level positions) may serve as "role models" for younger members of their community. This role modeling would be very much like our broad definition of mentoring except that the human capital tranfers would happen outside of the firm and hence would not be factored into firm decision making. individuals 27 talent for other industries. 26 Thus, there might be a role for government intervention to increase diversity. 7 Conclusion This paper develops a novel perspective on discrimination and diversity. We begin with the view that firms possess a stock of upper level employees. With type-based mentoring, the diversity of this stock matters, since it affects the flow of payoffs from newly promoted workers. As a result, a firm's optimal promotion policies have a dynamic component: they affect how the diversity of a firm evolves over time. This leads to a notion of bias as reflecting a firm's willingness to sacrifice current profits to increase or decrease future diversity. We find that when the firm draws from a diverse applicant pool, its per-period may be maximized anywhere from full diversity to full homogeneity. Thus, our model provides some insight as to why some firms adopt policies of affirmative action, payoff while others oppose such policies. based mentoring may We show that under some conditions, typeceiling," where minority representation reaches further lead to a "glass a stable steady state which involves less diversity than in the worker pool. Finally, we demonstrate that there may be multiple equilibria. Full diversity may be the optimal stable steady state for a firm, but it may not be optimal for a historically homogenous firm to sacrifice immediate profits to achieve full diversity. Empirical evidence about the dynamics of diversity and its dependence on current would require data that tracks the diversity of organizations over time. The data on partnership decisions by individual law firms is publicly available, and it would be especially appropriate for investigating the importance of mentoring effects. More broadly, it would be interesting to examine how a variety of individual levels of diversity outcomes (e.g. promotions, hiring, and turnover) depend on the type composition of the firm at different levels of the hierarchy. model can be extended in a number of theoretical directions. A complete theory of long-run diversity in an economy should endogenize the human capital acquisition decisions of workers, and allow for entry and exit of firms. While we have informally discussed the effects we believe type-based mentoring might have in In addition, our base such a model, a complete theory might formalize these effects as well as further explore the causes and consequences of any market failures and externalities. On more micro level, it might be interesting to deepen our understanding of mentoring, and to consider a moie general set of assumptions about mentoring. For example, we could study the incentives to build mentoring relationships. In another potential extension, we might allow the level of mentoring received by a worker to a Such concentration could be inefficient with their innate talents and interests. if means that minorities are unable to 28 find good matches depend on the characteristics of the mentor. If the effectiveness of a mentor depends on her ability, firms would be less willing to bias promotions to achieve a desired level of diversity, since hiring less qualified workers would have future as well as current costs. If the effectiveness of a mentor depends mainly on the mentoring she herself received as an entry-level worker, then initially homogenous firms will face an additional force in favor of inertia. Finally, we might wish to model the game played among workers in the firm's hierarchy, or more generally, the forces which affect the evolution of a firm's corporate culture. There build up is also the possibility to further develop a theory of the firm in specialized assets over time. This is which firms a view which goes back at least to Prescott and Visscher (1980), but which has not figured prominently in formal theorizing. A variety of decisions which have important effects on a firm's stock of specialized assets can be fruitfully studied from this perspective. For example, firms can be viewed as a stock of competencies whose accumulation depends on the nature of a firm's past activities (such as the set of products A has developed). it that competencies affect a firm's payoff from its natural assumption is current activities (in a process similar Then, a firm's choice of current activities does not just per-period profit, but it has an important dynamic component in that it to type-based mentoring). determine its how affects the firm's competencies evolve over time. The trade-off that arises in this context between breadth and depth of competence appears surprisingly similar to the trade-off between diversity and homogeneity that is the subject of this paper. Appendix 8 Proof of Lemma In the notation of Stokey F(m,m') = 7r(m,m' (1 r)m, r)m r] which + (1 [(1 payoff function, function 1: T{m) = — and Lucas (1989), our one period is bounded and continuous; the — r)m) , characterizes the feasible values of the nonempty, compact valued and continuous; and their Theorem 4.6 holds for our model and the value function is unique and continuous and the policy correspondence is u.h.c. The symmetry in V and \z'(m) - r/2| follow from the symmetry of our model. state variable in the next period, the discount rate is in (0, 1). Proof of Proposition is Hence 2: Recall that z UB (m; r, a, 7) = argmax z6 r 7r(m, z\ r, a, 7), and that £tt = x(z UB 7)x(r - z UB 7) + ct [/2(m) - /2(1 - m)] (i) By definition, x{z UB 7) -x(r - z UB 7) is nonincreasing in 7 for z VB > §, which holds if m > \. Thus, -^ir < 0, and z UB must be nonincreasing in 7. But then, (r-z UB (m; r, a, -f))/z UB (m; r, a, 7) is nondecreasing in 7. (ii) Since £(ra) - /2(1 - m) > for m > ^tt > 0, which implies that [r - z UB )/z UB [ nonincreasing in a. Thus, then (r SCV is ; ; , nondecreasing - z UB (m; r,a,i))/z UB (m;r,a,"f) creasing in ] ; \ is , . \ is r. 29 in a. If J nondecreasing in r. (iii) : c/B (m; r, a, 7))^ < 1, Thus, SCV is nonin- 2 Proof of Proposition We proceed by induction on number of periods remaining when period to go, the value function there is 1 nonincreasing in m > that 3: 5 when SCV is nonincreasing in m. The ^aj 7r ( equal to is T— 1 periods to go, T ~ V^ T 1 \m), firm then solves V (T) (m) - max {^{m, z) + 8V {T Observe that life. We know UB n (m), which is a firm's Consider the problem with holds everywhere. periods to go, and assume that the value of the firm with in = /A 771 + Tn ,^) ~ tfO- ) l \(\ m ) - r)m + ^ 0- z)) Since V^ T ~ l \m) is nonin- UB {m), and so -§^it{m,z^) < -§^K{m,z UB < 0. Thus, creasing, clearly z^(ra) < z JLVW(m) =-£;ir(m,zW) + 8 (1 - i-JV^'^'ftl - r)m + z) < 0. By induction, and ) since monotonicity also nonincreasing preserved by infinite sums, the infinite horizon value function is inm> |. The argument Proof of Proposition 4: UB {-) nondecreasing, (i) For M is is analogous for nowhere SCV. note that z UB (m) = argmax 2e [ , r | 7r(ra, z) and ~ ^'i 171 ) + A*'(l — Tn) > 0. Since the objective is differentiable, strictly dmdz 7T ^ rn z ) concave, and strictly supermodular, z UB {m) must be unique everywhere, and strictly ' increasing (ii) < z UB (m) < when r. Consider the following expression M*(m) = max arg for M*(m) 7r(m,m' — m'er(m) where r(m) = [(1 — r)m, (1 — r)m supermodular in and m' since + (1 — r)m) + SV(m'), Note that the above objective r]. is strictly m — d2 7v(m,m' v (1 \ — r)m) ^^ ,. ,. ,,, (/ =/i'(m)+/x'(l-m)-a;'(m'-(l-r)m)-x'(r-m'-(l-r)m) > . . , v „ , , v x 0. (5) Further, T(m) is nondecreasing in the strong set order (see Milgrom and Shannon, 1994). Hence, M*(m) is nondecreasing and single- valued everywhere except for at upward jumps. Thus, every selection from M*(m) is a continuous function but for upward jumps. UB Clearly UB (m > Now, we establish convergence for both M* and |) > 5. Consider m' < \ and m > \. Condition (5) and the symmetry of V implies that 7r(m, m! - (1 - r)m)+6V(m') < 7r(m, 1 - w! - (1 - r)m) + 6V(1 - m'), which establishes M that M*(m > following |) > \ for m Milgrom and Roberts MUB exists on [j,l] > 1/2. By our constraint, (1994), starting . Proof of Proposition 5: 30 from m° M . > M*(m > 5, \) < 1. a fixed point of Hence, M* and D . . G (i) \ =— SUB and only if if UB z < \\) . UB Using the implicit function theorem, z \\) r. fi'(l)/x'(^)\ substituting gives the result. [0, 1]. rm. Then z UB [m) = rm Vm and S UB = UB (m) is then straightforward to perturb this x or /i so that z ^ rm for G N, is any subset of (|, l] which contains no isolated points. = Consider x(6) (ii) It where - 1 = and p(m) Q m N M UB (m) Suppose x(6) = K - 70. Since UB C/B B For 2 < 1, curvature of M^ follows that of z Example 1: = - r)m + z UB {m), (1 the . 2 ^ (m) = a2 Hence, if > /x'"(m) + ^g dm M^) ~ Ml - m) r (i"(m) 27 m, then Af^ 6 for all -fi"(l-m) 2 concave over is (|, 1] for all 771, then M convex over is the interval, and only state in Proof of Proposition results z UB {\) 6: = (4, 1] most one at iff Q can be stable. 1 Follows by Milgrom and Roberts (1994), using our (i) on the sign of the bias from Proposition 3. (ii) z UB {\) — |. Hence, z*{\) = + 6(5) = \ iff b(\) = 0, which is the case when SCV holds everywhere, but not when SCV nowhere. Proof of Lemma 8: Lemma Recall that m Suppose that there Then there must be an upward jump in policy at state s is . this implies that for all d > > e 4 implies that By everywhere, except at upward jumps. But is M'{\) > 1. If M"^) < and there are at most two steady states in stable steady state in this interval; the steady state exists UB and there 0, M* rm s definition, is single-valued almost is one optimal promotion another optimal promotion rule, z' > rm s . M* at m s suppose that the jump is of size d. M*(m 3 + e) > m 3 + d > m s + e, contradicting ; the definition of a stable steady state. Now m consider an interior steady state promotion policy zs = rm 3 z3 . 3 (£ {0, |, 1} and the associated steady state Since G arg max 7r(m a z) , + 8V(z + (1 — r)m 3 ) ze[0,r] must be that 7r2 (m,,,T-m s ) + 8V'(m 3 ) for V, we write out the value function = promotion decisions z = it for the vector of V(m, z) = If m 3 is 7r(ra, z 1 a steady state, then V'(m 3 ) the envelope theorem, we have dm 3 ) form as the in long 1 (z ,z 4- 67i(z 1 2 .). . , + (1 , ) = -^V{m a ,z a —V(m dm 31 3 That sum is, ) ) ,z 3 ) of per period payoffs define - r)m, z 2 + that = V(m ~ 33j ^,» 83 ,z . whereever this derivative exists. To solve where z s . . = (rm 3 ,rm 3 , . .). By = 53(1 - ry6%(ma ,rm a ) t=o K\{m s rm 3 ) l-(l-r)<5' , Inserting this into the expression Proof of Proposition 9: 7r 2 (m s ,rm s + SV'(m s ) = ) gives the result. Following the arguments from the text, (ii) we apply the implicit function theorem. Using = x(rm 3 - x(r(l - m 3 )) + fi(m 3 = m 3 fi'(m 3 - (1 - ra s )//(l - m 3 ^(rris^ms) 7r 2 we have ) ) (m s ,rm s ) ) fi(l - m 3) ) that dFOC s (m; 8) r(mfx'(m) ~ - (1 - m)//(l - m)) (l-(l-r)<5) 2 06 m > \. If ^ is globally SCV, then z UB (m)n'(l - m) > (r - z UB (m))/j!(m). UB Then z (m) > z*(m) = rm implies that dFOC3 (m)/d8 > 0. Conversely, if fi is nowhere SCV, dFOCs (m)/dS < 0. Proof of Proposition 10: Suppose that mi, m 2 > 1/2 and that wlog Ai > A 2 In Consider . an interior equilibrium ATT —= - ^{rrii) => z { We can use this expression - iZi/q, = fii{l g*(l m - - t ) + j(r - qi) A.-/7 for Z{ to write the first - ail ^z] 7(r dq 2qf 2(1 -ft) = t ft(tu) = 1/2 Zjf + Zj)/(1 - q{ ) = q{ r order condition for q^ as _ 2 ' + r 7 /A - W7/A 2 z . Imposing the equilibrium condition qi(w*) + g 2 (u>*) = 1, yields the expression for w*, which can then be used to solve for q* and z*. These quantities constitute an interior equilibrium if the following two conditions hold: , 1 w > Suppose that m* > 1/2 > > =4- ijj = and ru < => ; ^; + Ai . - 2(A^) > "* r > 2* ^ r7 > Ai. « rrij. $ = There cannot be an interior equilibrium since Hence the unique equilibrium outcome must 1. 32 be == 1, Zi g,- = r, Zj = 0. Price must be set sufficiently close to zero that the market clears. Proof of Corollary 11: Consider two values of Ai and A 2 which satisfy Ai > A2 > 0. The diversity of firm i at the end of the period is (1 — r)m + t become more firms similar in their diversity levels (1 which is - r)m + x z\ - ((1 - r)m 2 + (4) z*. and The if z*2 ) < mj - m 2 , equivalent to (A.-^)(^+ r 7(f^))<m -m, 1 As A approaches Ax, the latter inequality will be satisfied, and (4) will continue to hold. Thus, if the firms are similar enough at the start, they will become more similar. 2 33 9 References Arrow, Kenneth (1973). "The Theory of Discrimination," in 0. Ashenfelter and A. 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Recursive Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 35 Methods in Economic Dynamics, Type A Type B Ability: Ability: 5e(0)=x(e)+^(.l) s A (Q)= Jt(9)+n(.9) Number Hired i Figure 1: The (m) z r-z (m) (m) r-z (m) figure plots surplus functions and promotion policies. The ability of type A workers is higher than type B due to the mentoring differential. As indicated with the horizontal line, unbiased promotions equalize final abilities across the two types. The optimal promotion policy for this set of parameters entails a bias in favor of the minority, type B. Parameters: \i(m) = mu , r=3, x(Q) = 1-0, m=.9, 5=.95. V(m;8 = 0) 0.554 . 5535 0.6 0.7 Proportion of Type Figure 2: 0.8 A 0.9 Workers One-period value function, 5=0. =m l \ r=3, x(Q) = 1-6. Parameters: \i(m) 36 1 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.16 - Bold Arrows indicate flows of Type A Workers for different promotion policies. 0.27 J- 0.265 0.92 0.98 0.96 0.94 Proportion of Type A Workers Figure 3: The dynamic evolution of diversity for different discount factors. The upper panel plots the retirement rate against the optimal promotion policies for 5=0, .3, and .95. As indicated by the arrows in the lower panel, when the retirement rate is greater (less) than the promotion rate, the firm moves towards greater (less) diversity. Parameters: [i(m) = m \ r=3, ;c(0)=l-0. l 37 : 0.25 Mentoring Received By Type A Workers 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.2 Proportion of Type Figure where \i(m) = 0.8 0.6 0.4 A Workers A critical mass mentoring function, when m<2, \i(m) = .15 + A([i-.2)- n otherwise. 4: Proportion of Type in the 20 10 Period 0: Initial Condition A Workers Upper Level 30 40 Period 5: An illustration of the "Glass Ceiling." The figure plots the state of the firm as a function of time, starting from different initial conditions. Mentoring function is critical mass mentoring function from Figure 4, and optimal promotions Figure are used. Parameters: r=3, 38 - - 7 3 o <5=.3, ;t(9)=l-0. Date Due MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01 972 0728