Queensborough Community College The City University of New York Oueensborough Bridge Research Club Constitution Article I. Article II. Article III. The name of this organization shall be: Queensborough Bridge Research Club Purpose: 1. To bring together students currently conducting or considering scientific research 2. To expose students to the various career opportunities available for persons with a science background 3. To discuss recent advances in science 4. To be aware of and take advantage of paid science internships 5. To increase student-faculty interaction through mentoring relationships 6. To increase interest in coursework by highlighting the hands on applications in research 7. To prepare students for succeeding in science related careers after QCC 8. To promote the importance of working safely in the laboratory Membership The Queensborough Bridge Research Club is open to all students currently conducting or considering scientific research. One may be a member by attending club meetings NO PERSON SHALL BE DENIED MEMBERSHIP OR OFFICE IN THIS ORGANIZATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OR NON-BELIEF, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, POLITICAL BELIEFS, VETERAN, HANDICAPPED STATUS OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Article IV. Section I President: 1. Shall provide executive leadership to The Queensborough Bridge Research Club and assume primary responsibility for the fulfillment of the club's purpose. 2. Shall call regular (emergency) meetings of the Board. 3. Can appoint (4) student representatives to the Board. 4. Shall be a voting member of the Board 5. Shall have the power to veto any matter voted upon if it is written and agreed upon with the club advisor. 6. Shall represent the members of the Queensborough Bridge Research Club when representation is appropriate. Vice President: 1. In the absence of the President, will assume all duties and responsibilities of the President. 2. Shall be a voting member of the Board. 10f3 Queensborough Community College The City University of New York 3. Shall assist the president. 4. Shall prepare and present at the final session a summary of the year's activities. 5. Must attend all Board meetings. 6. Shall represent the members of the Queensborough Bridge Research Club when representation is appropriate. Senator: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shall Shall Shall Must Shall when serve on an Academic Senate Committee. be a voting member of the Board keep informed of the needs and interests of the members attend all board meetings. represent the members of the Queensborough Bridge Research club representation is appropriate. Treasurer: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shall be a voting member of the board. Shall keep records of all financial activities. Has the power and responsibilities to examine the financial records. Shall sign payment vouchers, purchase requirements, and checks to authorize funding. 5. Must attend all board meetings. 6. Shall represent the members of the Queensborough Bridge Research club when representation is appropriate. Secretary: 1. Shall serve and help the board as an assistant to every member on the board. 2. Shall keeps the minutes and records of the meetings. 3. Must attend all Board meetings in order to have voting power. Section II: Elected President: 1. The new president is nominated by the old president. 2. The nominee is voted in by a super majority vote by the board. Board Members: 1. Get appointed by the new president 2. He/She only gets to chose members if the old once leaf. 3. Old board members get to choose if they want to continue their term. Article V. Meetings: Meetings of the Queensborough Bridge Research Club will be held at least (7) once a month or more frequently to vote and plan educational and social programs. The entire board must attend to all regular scheduled meetings. 20f3 Queensborough Community College The City University of New York Article VI. Amendment Procedures 1. The proposed amendment must be introduced at a meeting of the student board. 2. Copies of the proposed amendment will be distributed to all student Board members at this meeting. 3. The board shall vote to approve or reject the amendment at the same or following meeting of the board. 4. The board must pass the proposed amendment by a super majority vote of membership in attendance. Article VII. Ratification 1. All members of the Board have to agree on the constitution, up on hand with their signature. 2. All members of the Board have to read the constitution prior to signing. Article VIII. Conduct of Meetings Most meetings are conducted accordingly to Robert's Rules of Order, although moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed. Article IX. Resignation: 1. All board members should give a writing statement of resignation to the president. 2. This statement has to be handed in a week prior to the resignation date. 30f3