CONSTITUTION OF THE QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE MUSIC SOCIETY Article I. Section I. Name of QSA Student Group: This Group shall be known as The QCC Music Society. Article II. Section I.Purpose of Organization. To foster an open minded approach to the art of music within the QCC community. To' pool the talents of Fine Arts and Music Technology students in projects which vary in genre and cultural significance while furthering an understanding of academic and recreational musicianship and music appreciation. Article ill. Section I.Membership. Any current Queensborough student who is able to present valid ID may join. NO PERSON SHALL BE DENIED MEMBERSHIP OR OFFICE IN THIS ORGANIZATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OR NON-BELIEF, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, POLITICAL BELIEFS, VETERAl'l', HANDICAPPED STATUS OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Article IV. Section I. Officers and Duties. President - Responsible for the general operation of the QCC Music Society in accordance with SGA policies. Organizes the agenda for all Music Society meetings. Acts as chairman of the Executive and Administrative boards of Music Society. Vice President -'-Assists the President in fulfillment of his/her duties. Must also act as President in his/her absence. Senator - Must become familiar-with group and campus wide issues. Must become familiar with the needs and concerns of the society and the student body large. Will represent Music Society as a voting member of the Student Senate. Will also act as president in the absence of the President.Ar-D Vice President. at Secretary - Responsible for the administrative duties related to music society operations. Will keep aU official records ofMS activities. Will be responsible for all paperwork NOT related to fihhnces. Maintains email lists and web presence. Will generally act as a proxy forany President's, Vice President's, or Senate meetings not attended by those respective officers. Treasurer =Responsible for all record keeping related to Music Society's although moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed. Article VIII. Section 1. Ratification The QSA Student Senate must approve this constitution and all amendments to it. RATIFIED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE QCC MUSIC SOCIETY THIS 13th day of September, 2006. VOTE WAS AS FOLLOWS. OF 13 PRESENT: 12 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain. Amendment I. Section I. Purpose of Amendment Let it be known that a majority of the members of the Music Society have concluded, on this the 14th day of February, 2007, that an amendment was required to facilitate the creation of Executive and Administrative boards to fulfill provisions ofthis constitution. Section II. Boards and Committees As per the provisions stated in several articles, the following Committees shall exist in order to oversee music societies general operations. Section II. Executive Board. The Music Society executive board shan directly oversee all matters relating to elections procedures, and shall represent Music Society at all meetings with the QSA and with the college at large. It shall consist of, as voting members, The president, Vice President, and Senator of Music Society. It shall consist of, as Non-voting members, The Secretary and Treasurer. Section III. Administrative Board. Shall oversee the administration of all music society events. Shall debate all matters not requiring a vote of the society at large. It shall consist of, as voting members, all officers of music society as recognized in article N of this constitution. Ratification of This Amendment The QSA Student Senate must approve all amendments to this constitution. R-ATIFIED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE QCC MUSIC SOCIETY THIS 18th day of April, 2006. VOTE WAS AS FOLLOWS. OF 26 PRESENT: 25 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain.