an Hillel freamble We) the Ofthe.

Hillel Constitution
freamble We) the members Ofthe. Queensborogh Community College Hi1.1eI ordain this
Constitution as a guide an'd an aid to our organization,
.Article I; name ofQSA student group
:.Thename of the student club crganizatio» witch
is to be eclosed is Hillel.
Artic}«IT purpose of Hillel
·First: to aid the college in developing socially-minded citizens, familiar with the
fundamental problems of democracy, andcapable of assuming responsibility in their envionnent
as leader of American thought and action.
Second: To educate students for participation in Jewish 'campus life.
Third: To provide a Jewish social enviorment for students) iT' cooperation with other
clubs on campus.
Article TII Membership
First: Any student at' Queensborogh Community College may become a member of
Hillel by completing a membershipapplication. No person shall he denied. membership or lw
denied in this organization because of race , color, religious beliefs or non beliefs or non hdicf.
national origin, sex. politicle beliefs. veteran, handicapped status or sexual orientation.
Secondi Any registered student at Queensborogh Community College may become n
member of Hillel by completing a membership application.
section 1:
First: The officer of Hillel shall be the President. Vice-President, secretary and senator •
.Second: The duties of president are: To represent Hillel in any collegiate activity; to
appoint temporary committees, and to conduct meetings.
The Vice- President shall head the executive committee be Ex-officio member of all
comities) and shall act for the president in his or hers absence.
The secretary is to carry on all respondance of Hillel, is to b a member of the publicity
publications committee, to take minutes and to at all regular and special meetings of
Hillel and is to submit the same to the organization at the meeting.
The treasurer shalt keep an accurate and adequate ~ecord of all income and
expenditures. This person shall submit a semesterly report on the financial difficulty the
treasurer is to prepare a report and recommend action to the executive council whichwiU
take further action.
Third All officersshall be members of the Executive council. The executive council is
governing body of Hillel. And of the heads of the committees.
section 2: elections of officers shan be held at the at the last meeting of the semester, such
officers to be elected for next semester. The nominating Committee is to' submit to the
organization of a slate, which shall be open to nominations from the floor the floor.
A quorum of the total membership must attend the meeting at which officers are to be
Mcle V Meetings
~~ctiori 1: meetings of Hillel must be llefci at least twice a month. during active school" semesters
Section i~it quorum shall consist of at least one third of active members.
An active member is one who has discharged all financial obligations to Hillel, and who
hasnot missed four consecutive m~tings ~Except in.the case of the officers he must belong to at
least case of'theofficers be must belong to at least one and not more than three committees.
Article VI Amendment Procedures
Amendments to the Constitution or the By-laws are to be submitted to the constitution
committee, witch shall act on it and report it and report it to themembership,
A two-thirds
I?ajority of those attending the'meeting following this shall be necessary to accept the
Article vrr
. The Constitution and all its amendments must be approved by the QSA Senate Student
Government, President ViCe President of the Hillel club at Queensborough Community College.
VIII Meetings and quorum
section 1 All council meetings of Hillel must be held at least twice R month during octivc
semesters only. A quo rom shall consist of at least onethird of the active members.
section AU council meetings shall follow the latest edition of Roberts RulesofOrdc(
except in conflict with the council constitution
in witch case the latter shall prevail.