CONSTITUTION FOR THE CSTEP CLUB ARTICLE I Name of QSA Student Group: CSTEPCLUB ARTICLE II Purpose of the Organization: To provide support for students in the College Science And Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) in coping with Academic responsibilities and provide an opportunity For sharing their experiences with other members of CSTEP. ARTlCLEm Membership: Open to any student of Queensborough Community College regardless of race, color, religious belief or non-belief, national origin, sex or political beliefs, veteran or handicapped status. ARTICLE IV Section 1. Officers and Duties President: -Represents aU members of the club and is responsible for enforcing the constitution of the club. -Be officially registered as a day student at QCC and an official member of the College Science and Technology Entry Program. -Be matriculated in a degree or a certificate program and carry a minimum of 12 credits or equated credits each semester. -Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of2.0 or higher. Vice President: -Assist the President in his/her duties and takes her/his place in his/her absence. Secretary -Should attend meetings and keep accurate records of each meeting. -Should post the minutes after each meeting at the approval of the president. Treasurer -Shall have access to any and all financial records of the CSTEP Club. Senator: -Keep an accurate record of the attendance of all meetings. -Conduct all official correspondence of the CSTEP Program. Section 2. ARTICLE V Elections Procedures At least 30% of the entire body must be present for quorum. Robert's Rules will be used. Meetings: A minimum of three times a semester. At least 300/0 of the entire body must be present for quorum ARTICLE VI Amendment Procedures: By two-thirds majority at any meeting. ARTICLEVll Ratification: This constitution and all Amendments to it must be Approved by the QSA Student Senate. ARTICLEVllI Conduct of Meetings: Meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of order.