cr.rm OF

The City University of New York - Bayside, New York 11364-1497
Article 1
The name of the QSA Student Group will be the College Discovery Club.
Article 11
The purpose of this organization is as follows:
(1) Provide opportunities for students to have a fulfilling college experience by
participating in various social or academic events
(2) Foster a sense of unity and belonging between students and the campus
Article 111
The College Discovery Student Club is open to all the students of Queensborough
Community College, and in particular the students from the College Discovery Program.
The students from College Discovery will automatically be members of that club and any
other parties, will be more than welcome to join this club by signing the attendance sheet.
No person will be denied membership or office in this organization because of race,
color, religious beliefs or non-belief, national origin, gender, political beliefs, veteran,
handicapped status or sexual orientation.
Article IV
Section 1
The College Discovery Club will have five officers: the President, Vice-President,
Senator, Treasurer and Secretary.
(a) President
Will be in charge of the organization, the College Discovery Student Club.
WilJ have full authority to sign the payment requests as well as keeping the records
(i.e. any events being held, any money spent...)
Will work closely with the Faculty Advisor, a') well as the Vice President, Senator,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Will be responsible for the proper functioning of all planned Club activities.
The College Discovery Club Constitution
Will provide any assistance to the club members.
Will inform the club members of any decisions that may affect them or any activities
that may take place in the school.
Will represent the Club during Club Day and similar events.
Will attend the Day Student Government Presidents' meetings.
(b) Vice-President
Will assume the role and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.
Will work closely with the Faculty Advisor, as well as the President, Senator,
Treasurer and Secretary.
Will assist the President to make sure that all planned Club activities function
Will inform the club members of any decisions that may affect them or any activities
that may take place in the schoo1.
Will provide any assistance to the club members.
Will represent the Club during Club Day and similar events.
Will attend the Day StudentGovemment Vice Presidents' meetings.
(c) Senator
Wi11attend all Day Student Government Senate meetings.
Will inform all the club officers of the decisions or the issues discussed in the Student
Senate meeting.
Will work closely with the Faculty Advisor, as well as the President, the VicePresident, Treasurer and Secretary.
Will inform the club members of any decisions that may affect them or any activities
that may take place in the school.
Will provide any assistance to the club members.
Will represent the Club during Club Day and similar events.
Will be responsible for the proper functioning of the Club's activities if the President
and Vice President are absent simultaneously.
(d) Treasurer
Will work closely with the Faculty Advisor, as well as the President, Vice President,
Senator, and Secretary.
Will inform the club members of any decisions that may affect them or any activities
that may take place in the school.
Will represent the Club during Club Day and similar events.
Will assist the President with the keeping of the financial records of the Club.
Will inform the Faculty Advisor and the Club's officers of the status of the budget
once every month.
Will provide any assistance to the club members.
The College Discovery Club Constitution
Will share responsibility with the Secretary for the proper functioning of all planned
activities of the Club if the President, Vice President, and Senator are absent
(e) Secretary
Will be responsible for originating and distributing College Discovery Club fliers on
Will be responsible for submitting the College Discovery Club fliers to the Office of
Student Activities for approval.
Will be responsible for typing documentation pertaining to the College Discovery
Will be responsible for obtaining the attendance during the Club meetings.
Will be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of each meeting.
Will be responsible for sending "Thank You" cards to guest speakers after they have
Will work closely with the Faculty Advisor, the President, Vice President, Senator
and Treasurer.
Will share responsibility with the Treasurer for the proper functioning of all planned
activities of the Club if the President, Vice President, and Senator are absent
simultaneousl y.
Will represent the Club during Club Day and similar events.
Will provide any assistance to club members.
Section 2
The elections will be held at the beginning of the semester sometime before or during the
first meeting. The Faculty Advisor will be responsible for conducting elections and each
officer will have to be elected by a majority vote. The positions fur election will be as
• President
• Vice-President
• Senator
• Treasurer
• Secretary
Article V
A meeting will be held every week during Club hOUTS,except in the case of an important
event that will take place on Campus. If this were to happen, the club members will be
notified in advance.
An amendment can be proposed or adopted during any regular Club meeting.
majority will be needed for the passing of the amendment.
The College Discovery Club Constitution
Article VII
This constitution
and all amendments
to it must be approved by the QSA Student Senate.
Article VIII
Most meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, although
moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures 'will normally be followed.