Theresa Pittman



“To transform the rural economy through leadership in information technology applications for economic development.”

Photo: Cape Spear Lighthouse, most eastern point in North

America [El punto más al oriente de América del Norte]

Theresa Pittman

Chair, Office of Distributed Learning

College of the North Atlantic

Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Location / Ubicación

Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Newfoundland & Labrador

• Most eastern point in North America / El punto más oriental de

América del Norte

• Area of 405,212 square kilometres (156,500 sq miles)

• Population / población 500,000

• 40% of population lives in capital city of St. John’s / 40% de la población vive en la ciudad capital de San Juan

• 700 rural communities / 700 comunidades rurales

• Province of Canada / Provincia de Canadá

1986 -1991

Telecentre Activity

o First telecentre was established in Velmdalen, rural farming community in Sweden, in the mid-1980s, then western Europe, Australia,

North America; NL 1989 Fieldtrip to study

European Telecentres.

o First North American telecentre opened in

Clarenville in 1989.

o Newfoundland telecentre project received funding from government to open up six (6) telecentres with community partnerships.


Opened 6 telecentres






Clarenville, 1 st Telecentre 1989



Outreach – Rural Communities

Goal of telecentre was to work to ensure people and communities without required skills, knowledge and financial resources could still get access to the technology.






Network Telecentres

~ 1993



Telecentre Activity

o Core Telecentre funding ended, change in government development policies, each telecentre divested back to community.

o Clarenville telecentre sponsored by

College of the North Atlantic o Pilot distance learning project started


• 2002 - Instructional Design Specialist with the Office of Distributed Learning, which has grown from the Clarenville Telecentre, and is located in the same physical space.

• 2005-2010 – Various positions within

College and Department of Education.

• 2010 - Accept new leadership role as Chair,

Office of Distributed Learning, College of the North Atlantic, Move back into my old

Telecentre Manager’s office!

2010- present o Main office of College Distributed Learning service locate in Clarenville even though the college has 17 other campuses and main headquarters in another town. This is because distance learning was a direct outcome of the telecentre. o Currently offer 10 fulltime programs, 250+ courses online. o 4500 course registrations each year


College of the North Atlantic

Office of Distributed Learning Team

My Reflections / M is reflexiones …

Change is the goal. El cambio es el objetivo .

People, leaders and committed team members, make the change happen. Las personas, líderes y miembros comprometidos del equipo, hacen que el cambio suceda.

Technology assists with change. Adapt technology to match the change you desire.

Tecnología ayuda a cambio. Adapta la tecnología para que coincida con el cambio que usted desea.

Learn from each others experiences – connect, communicate, build.

Aprender de las experiencias de los demás – mantenerse en contacto, comunicarse, construir.

1 Multi purpose

- Be diverse.

Ser diverso.

- Be adaptable to change. Ser adaptable a los cambios.

- Be eager to innovate.

Estar muy dispuestos a innovar.

2 Linkages to


- Informal and / or formal linkages.

V ínculos formales/


- Include learning in all aspects of operations. Incluir el aprendizaje en todos los aspectos de las operaciones



- Form partnerships.

Crear asociaciones.

Reflect needs of community.

Reflejar las necesidades de su comunidad.

Thank you! Gracias!

You may contact me at:

Me puede contactar en:



Theresa Pittman

Chair, Office of Distributed Learning

College of the North Atlantic

Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
