MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 1187 '1 H^* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries DEWEY HB31 .M415 r\o ol- Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Is Institute of Literacy Shared Within Households? Theory and Evidence from Bangladesh Kaushik Basu Ambar Narayan Martin Ravallion Working Paper 01-44 October 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge fronn the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at id=xxxxx •^ Is literacy shared within households? Theory and evidence from Bangladesh Kaushik Basu', Ambar Narayan^, and Martin Ravallion'' May, 2000; revised October, 2001 Abstract: A member of a collective-action of literacy with others offset by we may or may not share the benefits household; the shared gains from doing so a shift in the balance of for Bangladesh Holding in that household power within the family. may well be Using household survey data find strong external effects of education on individual earnings. a range of personal attributes constant, an illiterate adult earns significantly in the non-farm economy when living These effects are strongest, ruled out, but would family with at least one literate member. and most robust, for women. Omitted-variable bias cannot be also be consistent with an intra-household externality of literacy. Key words: Household JEL classifications: in a more behavior, literacy, externalities, earnings, Bangladesh DIO, J24, J31 'Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 02142, and Department of Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 MA 2,3 World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC, 20433 Acknowledgements: These are the views of the authors, and should not be attributed to the World Bank. The paper is an output of Kaushik Basu's World Bank research project, 'Literacy and Child Labor' (RPO 683-07). 1. Introduction This paper asks whether an ilHterate worker's labor earnings are affected by the educational members of that worker's household. The attainment of other very little large literature on literacy says about intra-household externalities of literacy and education. Yet one might well expect that one person's literacy will have spillover benefits for others within the same household. In their study of the propensity to innovate and Nesman (1985) observe how having among Guatemalan a literate family member conveys many of being literate oneself. Likewise, Dreze and Saran (1995) note can spread to others in the farmers, Green, Rich how of the benefits the advantages of literacy household by virtue of certain kinds of decision-making on behalf of the household shifting toward the literate. It person can be argued that an is literate will illiterate be better off than an (Basu and Foster, 1998). For certain does not become person literate this who illiterate activities, all way, but it lives in a person household who one needs is which in lives in a one at least household of illiterates access to a literate person; one eases the handicap. For instance, an illiterate farmer new occasionally receives pamphlets from extension workers or needs to read the label on a fertilizer An packet could benefit enormously from easy access to a literate person. worker whose work requires some knowledge of what plenty of 'commonsense' — which comes from within the family? empirically, is One namely in the world there that literacy, or education literate more urban at large knowledgeable people Of course, employers who pay more for someone coming from a What evidence happening interacting with benefit a lot from having a literate person at home. will be willing to is who or just — might are aware of this, household. generally, has an external effect external effect of education within families has been well researched the effect of parental education on child welfare. There is a large body of evidence indicating that children's health, nutritional status and educational attainments are enhanced by having better educated parents, particularly the mother.' However, sharing knowledge with children is more obvious than amongst adults, which will also depend on how sharing knowledge affects other aspects of decision making within the family. There is also evidence that a farm-household's total income depends on the highest education level reached, rather than the mean, or the education level of the household head (Foster and Rosenzweig, 1996; Yang, 1997a,b). This does not, however, imply an external effect of one person's — it human may simply More capital reflect gains direct tests can be work on earnings it is on the productivity of another person within that same household from a division of labor within the family. found by looking commonly assumed that individual labor market earnings. In empirical at own wages depend on own characteristics and not family characteristics directly. Indeed, the exclusion restriction that such external effects on earnings do not exist has been used to regressions (Alderman et 1996). al., positively to wife's schooling in the and parents-in-law in Brazil external effect or the background ' An effects test for the However, there US (Benham, (Lam and Schoeni, outcome of marital sorting. on public sector wages important early contribution was endogeneity of human capital in wage evidence that men's earnings respond is 1974) and to the schooling of the wife, parents 1993). It is unclear whether this is a direct Krishnan (1996) finds strong family in Ethiopia, which she attributes to a selection effect. Behrman and Wolfe (1984) who demonstrated the importance of family background (including parental schooling, notably of the mother) to children's schooling in Nicaragua. In a recent example, Gibson (2001) finds strong effects of adult literacy on children's nutritional status in Papua New Guinea. In the same Bangladesh data set that is analyzed here there is evidence that children of better educated parents are more likely to attend school (Ravallion and Wodon. 2000). For a survey of the evidence on these effects see Strauss and ^ If there are Thomas (1995). indeed external effects on earnings then family characteristics are not valid instruments for endogenizing individual human capital. whereby family background influences access the wage to public sector jobs; correcting for selection bias, effect vanishes. We aim here to test for external effects for both turn deliberately to a developing country setting in men and women which there educational attainments, in the expectation that this will effects of education. We examine the efficacy of men externality of literacy. It is within the family, and there is been any research on whether women in the women illiterate men? it easier to identify any external women as recipients of the worse as the recipients of externalities. Does household yield significantly greater externalities on Before turning to the formal analysis, larger debate are large disparities in are better at generating positive externalities are better or member than on versus We Bangladesh. supportive evidence.^ However, there does not appear to have the presence of a literate illiterate women believed that make in rural we should clarify that on the inter-relationship between the concepts of we are staying literacy, knowledge. These are of course distinct concepts, though sharing a away from the schooling and common core. Once one goes into the distinctiveness of these concepts, one could argue that a minimal level of education enables a person to receive externalities better. But these are complexities that scope of this paper. Here literacy is equated with the ability to read, though lie we beyond the will look at the effect of different years of schooling. We begin by examining a key theoretical question: Given so chooses, prevent others from benefiting from her literacy, could ' It be that men and women have A number of studies others in the household Strauss and Thomas why does different propensities to share? have suggested that more than do men; (1995). that a literate women member can, if she not do so? Moreover, The following section share their education and other advantages with for further discussion she and references to the literature see model constructs a theoretical to answer these questions. The paper then within households. Section 3 describes our data for Bangladesh. Section 4 describes the regressions that selectivity bias regressions, we we estimate across by standard means. illiterate sharing tests for literacy wage sub-samples of the workforce, correcting for sample In addition to reasonably standard vanables for earnings include measures of the highest education level in the worker's household. stratify the regressions by gender and employment sector We (subject to data limitations) in the expectation that external effects will be stronger for certain types of jobs. Section 5 presents the results, and section 6 consists of concluding remarks. available 2. from the authors. Why It is A detailed Statistical Addendum is might there be external effects of education within households? not obvious on a priori grounds that a literate person will share the advantages of members of literacy with the illiterate large, non-rival but excludable. brochure for an illiterate They the same household. The benefits of literacy are, by and member are non-rival because for a literate or to give the illiterate a piece of information is to read a virtually costless. In a household one can, for instance, exchange such information over dinner or while doing household chores. They are excludable because a part with any information. It is true that some of watching, for instance, what he does with the can block a with other In lot of the benefits he wants to. member can, if he so chooses, refuse to the benefits can be acquired new fertilizer. by osmosis But nevertheless the So why would we expect him literate to share — by person knowledge members of the household? answering this, matter. Interestingly, making if literate it we is (see, for instance, could directly appeal to altruism and possible to go deeper. The new treat that as the literature end of the on household decision- Udry, 1996; and Quisumbing and Maluccio, 1999) has lots of disputes. but one proposition generally agreed upon in most households. There are the from anybody's nse benefit in there is that is some pooling of resources and earnings household public goods like the common kitchen, which income. Then there are the shared tasks, such as one person belonging to the household or hired by the household going to the market to shop for everybody. This means that if individual / can raise individual/s income by conferring some of his literacy advantage loj, a part of the gain will come back to / through the sharing process. However, one has to balance against this the fact that a higher income will may expenditure pattern of the household. alter the and literate literacy illiterate If is In our members and people then a shift in power within the household associated with shared advantage can work against the interests of the it illiterate preferences differ sufficiently between literate naturally be disinclined to share the advantages of literacy. effects empower the To family member, who get a grip on these conflicting useful to construct a model. model, the household collectively chooses are free to restrict illiterate members choose utility gains, members from enjoying to help illiterate which in turn its consumptions, but literate members of the same household depends on depend on how sharing the literacy advantage a positive income potential of the illiterate view of the literate power within effect of sharing literacy members. The second is members Whether the advantages of literacy. literate their personal alters the level composition of household consumption. This depends on two potentially opposing first is will then and effects. The on consumption, through higher earning a potentially negative effect (from the point of members) on the composition of consumption, the household, given differences in preferences. via effects How these on the balance of two effects balance out determines whether there will be an external effect of literacy within the household. Let us, for simplicity, assume that a household has two members, one literate and one whose illiterate, two goods. literate If and .r utility functions aref/^(.) and the vector of is members illiterate U ^,(.) . respectively. We assume goods consumed by the household, then the are given by U ^(x) and f/y (.v) It is . that there are utilities assumed of the that both utility functions are strictly increasing and quasi-concave. The two goods can tobacco and skirts. who consumes 1 it. Or interpreted in the We may think of the two two goods may be the same commodity Thus we could think of apples consumed by woman and apples consumed by the private goods. more than one way. The literature as good 2. man of the household as good on household decision making often allows on individual utility by the person Either way, both goods are assumed to be goods the household. In the presence of household public transferability restriction the differentiated goods as it is for public goods within possible to place a kind of functions under which the household provision of public goods ceases to be sensitive to the balance of power (see Bergstrom and Comes, 1983). For reasons of simplicity, we stay away from public goods. We shall take this to modeled and analyzed be a 'collective-action household', both because this has been in recent times (see, for example, Bourguignon and Chiappori, 1991, 1994; Moehling, 1995; Basu, 1999) and because of its flexibility. The latter enables the model to capture households that meet the hard requirements of the unitary model, as one polar extreme, and also of households which Our model assumes are deeply divisive. that the household consumption maximizes and Uo, the weight X being a function of the person's income, y^ think of A. . Since the as a function of y„ . latter is It will be illiterate assumed to assumed a person's income, weighted average of Ul y^^ and the literate be constant throughout the analysis, that A(y^ ) e [0,1] and A'(y^ ) ^ . we can Hence the household's problem is choose x so as to maximize: to X{y^)U^{x)^\\-X{y^WL^A subject to the budget constraint p.x (1) <y^^^-yQ where p = [Pi , P2 ] '^ '^he price vector for the two goods. Let us denote the solution of this problem by: ^= 4yo) (2) (While X depends also on p and y^ these are assumed to be constant and so are ignored.) , The literate interesting question is: what will member's decision whether or not be the value of y^ When Jo ~ will the literate not yp'^ ^"^^ ^^y be the period-2 problem. In period or y,. Clearly, he will set yg x(j^ ) are given literate =yp and only member to share the benefits of literacy. U ^(x) member will the literate set household's problem described above to member has if when to choose between setting y^ = yp t/^(x(yp)) > ^/^(^(y,)) where x(yp) and problem such It is that it evident that will not exclude the illiterate will if be in the interest of the preferences do not differ member from the benefits. If then the household's consumption choice problem reduces to maximizing subject to p.x Therefore the externalities (2). identify special cases of this Uq(x) = In other words, to think of the the literate if on the illiterate if she, respectively, gets the illiterate? One can then the literate U ^{x) by 1 is member from in part Of course, yp>y,. it. exclude the of answering this This will depend to exclude the illiterate of his education. Let y p and y^ be the income of the benefit of literacy and if she does not get ? < y^ + y^ and , U i^{x{yp)) > U ^{xiy^ )) . the maximum level of t/^ {x) will be non-decreasing in Another special case in which the literate member yQ will not . exclude the for illiterate member from the benefits is when both goods y^ Then the consumption possibilities of the all . unambiguously higher when knowledge what Intuitively, the illiterate family member when U ^(x) consider a special case: towards two 0, the - ) and - f/f,(x) x^ -\- Ax" assume P2 =i- Thus the household's (period-2) problem + Ax^_) subject to p,X| This is the first-order condition Inspecting (3) A{yp ) - A{yj zero, x^ it [\ , be is that they , To with see this « < 1 . have similar much in favor of more formally, Note that as A let us goes Xj is to maximize ~ Aiyo)]x, < + y^ v^ changes it at is must - PiXX have: Pi obvious that changing v^ from y, to Vp will increase small or A is sufficiently small. Of course, .x, if as long as either of these terms rise. that if most a means we >'o Pi is sufficiently ) Note now small + + +Aiyo)A{y^ + ' is -A equivalent to the problem of maximizing: X, From ) functions tend to converge. Further, and, without loss of generality, utility A{yo){x, will does not change too literacy benefits are shared. x^ member to share their literacy power (captured by A preferences, or that the bargaining family normal and Aiy^ shared within the household. members necessary for is is literate are little A(yp)-A{y,) is small it means that the structure of decision-making m response to changes m the earnings of different members. And if A is that both members have similar preferences; preferences being identical if A -0. From these interpretations household. we may It we clear that these are conditions that one is not be 'unitary', but have just shown the hypothesis it that is proximate is it illiterates will From are about to test. not too divisive either. If that within households, that is cannot see tell how us how the above discussion i: literate the exact value of literacy of e [0,1] , Otherwise where not. what illiterates. This is we are testing for is a certain expect to see external effects of education While we hypothesize yp > y, that So an important purpose of our empirical s, can be shared. men and women. it is = 5 means not to share at all 5. That is, easy to see that a y^ = y^ (s) with y^ (0) = , literate , theory exercise is to = y, , yg 1 means to fully where there (1) is = Jp and how much to share, that whom depend on the nature of the It is reasonable to expect basic differences between the utility functions In that case, s, and therefore, y^ externality of literacy, note that if there is there can be large natural differences woman 5 will utility (s) will man the household. In anticipation of our empirical finding that Suppose the and person's decision on the benefits of literacy are to be shared with an illiterate — that holds, should be evident that the the incom.e of an illiterate person in a household be a function of From our model is, . we would normal is. Then we would have someone y, right it in a easy to adapt the above model and alter the sharing of literacy from being a 0-1 variable to a variable share. > is large the gap will be. large this gap It is yp view And when be better off than isolated hypothesis meets the criterion of falsifiability. In a sense, what view of the household. would expect function of the person with be different depending on whether or an illiterate women belonging to are better "recipients" of the a third person in the household between men and women woman — a child, for instance as recipients of externality. uses increases in her bargaining power in the household to spend in a 10 way that benefits the child but the However, benefits if go the man same in the man (woman) does place uses the power it is own advantage. not get benefits for himself, he (herself, she) prefers that the to the child rather than the other adults in the household. assumptions, to his more willing natural to expect that a literate person will be benefits of his or her literacy flow to a woman rather than a Given these plausible man, since to let the external that helps direct more advantage towards the child. For similar reasons, s and ypis) can also depend on other factors that determine the utility functions of the individuals. These factors include whether the person works in the agricultural or the non-agricultural sector, and whether he or she belongs to the urban or the rural sector. What we mean rural that there is may be systematic differences and urban households or households in the utility in different sectors functions that prevail in we of the economy. In that case m_ay find that the externality of literacy depends not only on the gender of the participants but also on the sector to which they belong professionally. Theory of course cannot nature of the differences in 5 and y'pis) question. The definitive The aim of show why . All theory says is that this is potentially an interesting was not to derive some testable hypothesis, but simply to the sharing of literacy is neither a foregone conclusion (as the unitary household suggests) nor obviously false (as is us the exact answer has to come from empirical investigation. this theoretical section making). Hence, there tell in a model of the completely individualistic model of decision indeed an open empirical question of how much "literacy sharing" occurs within households. 3. Data Our data are from the Household Expenditure Survey for Bangladesh, 1995-96. This is a reasonably comprehensive nationally representative socio-economic survey of 7420 randomly 11 sampled households (comprising 39,043 individuals) in 22 regions comprising of 63 including rural, urban metropolitan and urban municipal areas. 61.1% of people in Bangladesh over seven years of age are females). In rural areas, the percentage is higher, The survey illiterate districts, results indicate that (55.7% of males; 66.6% of namely 65.4% (60.2% of males; 70.8% of females). Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (1998) provides a detailed description of the survey and summary tabulations of the results. complete tabulations of descriptive As a first step in the analysis, statistics it is interested in, given that the data reveal reasons we activity. The Statistical Addendum to this paper contains on the variables used below for all important to consider the kind of earnings incomes from are interested in only that part of income a that is So we exclude incomes derived from personal and income from own farms and businesses. The reasons objectives as well as with the nature of data. most cases should be seen as accruing to the we are wide range of sources. For obvious earned from some form of productive individual wealth and assets, from the categories of incomes to be considered. For reasons that are less obvious, for this exclusion have we to also exclude do with our Income from own farms and businesses, we entire household rather than of the household. In such a scenario, education of one or more likely to sub-samples. feel, in members to individual members of the household is have a direct effect on household earnings and should not be considered a part of the externality effect that we are interested in. Also due not possible to apportion them between individual way, which makes earnings. From apportioned it members of the household it is often in a satisfactory very difficult to measure the effect of household education on individual eyeballing the data among to the nature of these earnings, we various household get the impression that farm members somewhat been added to the income of the head of the household. 12 incomes have been arbitrarily. For instance, it has often For these reasons we focus on the following types of earnings: salary and wages received from regular and/or irregular/seasonal employment, remuneration. Given our data To anticipate our results, farm labor earnings, and so type of we found that the external effects of literacy are what we this is find it agricultural workers will be unaffected will focus Addendum. (There To we are too schooling. where illiteracy is The next step is manual non-farm For activities. sample for we this to identify be possible.) all illiterate defined as being unable to read, irrespective of the level of to identify the household each is illiterate that takes the value 1 person belongs the household education level of the households. The variable for (a) dummy variable illiterate agricultural laborers in the Statistical are interested in, construct variables that measure (a) whether anybody maximum following discussion. Given the agricultural laborers in the we confined to non- a literate person in their household. is in less male separate out the sub-samples or groups individuals, in the by whether there also give results for few female on implausible that the productivity of an Returns to family literacy will presumably appear completeness, however, both cash and kind, and professional quarterly figures for these categones of earnings are used. set, work involved, we do not m is is literate and and (b) the constructed by defining a one member of the household if at least to, is literate. Variables for (b) are constructed in the following manner: Using the available figures on individual educational attainment, we define the educational level attained by the most educated maximum to education level of each household, maximum education level of a household as the member of the we household. Once are in a position to define the we denve dummy the variables proxy the educational attainment of each household. Accordingly, the four educational levels Class I we consider are being able to read, completed and above. Class IV and above, and Class VII and above. The 13 dummy variable takes the value one illiterate persons into rural the highest education attainment in the household. if that is is then sub-divided into males and females. and urban sub-groups, with the latter The entire The male group municipal or metropolitan areas. However, the female group further divided is who group comprising of males group of live in urban not sub-divided further because is of concerns about the sample-sizes. To summarize, amongst sector we illiterate consider three sub-groups: wage (i) earners whose urban and rural females; earnings from the non-agricultural sector, and (iii) work principal (ii) is in the non-farm males with primary rural urban males. Testing for external effects of education on earnings 4. There are many ways that literacy might be shared with an could well be contingent factors. For example, it illiterate worker, and there might be conjectured that the extent of literacy sharing depends on the precise relationship between the illiterate worker and the literate family member. main We will test whether the gender or age of the however, analysis, we illiterate worker is literate, to the is a member = dummy C(LITj + Xjfi + is Wj, of (4) £j variable taking the value one if at least X,is a (IxAT) vector of control variables for person; to allow for an intercept.) The parameter a measures on the worker's earnings, andy5 £} is For the We assume that the labor earnings, one other person compnsing other worker's productivity and hence wages, including experience. (The error term matters. are determined by: log W^ where LITj family focus on whether the presence of literacy in the household associated with higher earnings for illiterate workers. an literate assumed to is first in the household factors relevant element of X, the external effect of the family's literacy a (Kxl) vector of parameters on worker characteristics. The be normally distributed with mean zero and standard deviation o 14 is 1 . There are three potential problems classic problem of estimating wage equations, namely individuals who have chosen We assume that where Z^is M-1 a for j- a is for person a from assumption f,. any selection then aLlT^ + X^/3 + po^A(dLlT^ tests will exploit this fact. +Z ^y) S even if age and a /. dummy and only if adding extra controls for the To element 1 in is 1 and other elements model (5) is interpreted as a error term »^is standard normal with a the maximum-likelihood Heckman The expected value of observed log earnings is the usual inverse Mills ratio. A is a non-linear function. results will also make We One is can of our a widely-used identifying with selectivity, namely that certain household 1 if X include age of the earner, square of the the earner has been to school. maximum level of education in We also test each household allow for geographic effects, a series of regional dummies are also depending on the region a particular earner belongs to completes of independent variables in the A small number of persons The the variables in the vector included that take the value first do not influence earnings given participation. variable that takes the value (discussed further below). list if whose X, =Z, given that in estimating earnings regressions sensitivity to the bias. However, our main wage equation, the Here we follow standard practice. Then we can use where A characteristics influence participation, but In the force. (Mxl) vector of parameters. Equation to coirect for separately identify first is (5) non-zero correlation coefficient (p) with model The +u^>Q of the individual's labor force participation decision. selection in (4). one only observes wages for those that person/ are observed (IxM) vector of regressors regressors and work to enter the (paid) wage earnings SLIT^+Z^y are estimating the test regression in wage equation. our sample have been to school but remain 15 illiterate. In the selection equation, the vector Z includes all the independent variables in the equation, along with variables that represent household characteristics that are determine participation in the workforce. This latter deemed wage to group of variables includes dummies for land holdings, and demographic characteristics including characteristics of the household head. In the case of females with primary earnings whether the household urban males, a is rural or the variables in Z, The second in some common to problem is that become we way; literacy is is no bias under the null hypothesis of this source of selection bias in the The third problem is household. in We can literate. X all Sample so selection bias not think it normally acquired through schooling. And, of that there is no sharing. (very) effective sharing of literacy; We choose to ignore the possibility of following analysis. our data — which due to possible endogeneity of In the present context, — observed are correlated with the presence of a literate person suggest two possible reasons make included may be On a priori grounds we do We believe this to be a more serious concern. recognizes that workers can is ratio for identification. whether there are omitted determinants of an individual's earnings by the employer but not in the become in estimating our test equation (4) is bias literacy within the family. a key question is in the case of area or not the intra-household sharing of literacy select illiterate workers. literate this for robustness of our results to including in cases that previously illiterate workers course, a necessary condition for this bias there test and exploiting the non-linearity of the inverse Mills potential dummies urban are also included as explanatory variables; However, we also could arise from the fact that is the non-agricultural sector, dummy for whether the household is from a metropolitan as an explanatory variable. complete from why this might happen. The first reason a choice about the extent of schooling in their family, such as through the choice of marriage partner or the schooling choices parents 16 make for their children. This will bias our results if the choices made are correlated with the omitted determinants of earnings. For example, an illiterate person with high latent ability be better able to Note that, worker derives wages yield higher to utility own from having right. a literate to the employer) might educate her children more. a while such sorting effects will lead us to over-estimate interpreted as literacy externalities in their illiterate may choose spouse, or attract a literate (known The choices made , they can also be reveal that a high spouse or child, even if this wage effect does not for that worker. Another reason to suspect endogeneity bias the presence of literacy is that correlated with other measures of the extent of schooling in the family, which the earnings of an illiterate worker. Possibly it is may may be also matter to not literacy that gives the external benefit, but schooling more generally. This would be consistent with the proposition that schooling has external effects on earnings, though There are obvious data. limits to In pnnciple, panel data in the error it how would far bias our estimates of the effects of literacy per se. one can address such concerns with cross-sectional might help, by permitting a time-invanant individual effect term of the earnings regression, correlated with family from the time means, our estimate of the wage would then be robust practice, latent changes over time effect of to the existence of this individual effect family literacy literate member, In are also slow moving, and even time invariant given the relatively short duration of most household panel data sets available. external effects of family literacy. literacy that in deviations under standard assumptions. however, family characteristics such as the presence of a likely to be Takmg literacy. might be found in Standard panel data It is sets may have little power for detecting also unclear whether the short term fluctuations in family — when — would panel data simply time varying measurement error a literate uncle visits briefly, for example, or entail 17 any real scope for passing on the external effect, even member over the when there are large long term external benefits in having a literate family longer term. There could then be a large attenuation bias in the within estimator on panel data. We can, however, perform two tests of the robustness of our estimates of of LITJ in our cross-sectional data on the assumption that marriage is set. the In the first, main way we in influence the extent of literacy in her or his family. restrict the which a high wage on the unmarried people belonging to each group. This test will family; 5. we test, endogeneity illiterate worker can in each case now based only not however be robust to other illiterate worker may choose to parent or sibling so as to assure that the external gains from literacy are captured; higher earning ability In the second to unmarried workers, that the estimates are forms of selective family formation. For example, an unmarried literate to The wage and probit equations have the same specifications as before, with the difference continue living with a sample a we add may help assure that this is possible. extra control variables measuring the extent of schooling in the use the highest years of schooling reached. Results We estimate equations (i) Women variable in the (4) (5) for the following sub-groups: with primary earnings from the non-agricultural sector Here the dependent . wage equation estimated on the and full the log of earnings of individuals in this group. In the probit is sample of illiterate individual's earnings are observed and sector, and (ii) females, the dependent variable takes the value if 1 if an her primary earnings are from the non-agricultural otherwise. Rural males with primary earnings from the non-agricultural sector The dependent variable in the . wage equation is the log of earnings of individuals in this group. In the probit ' estimated on the entire sample of rural males, the dependent variable takes the value mdividual's earnings are observed and sector, and if his pnmary earnings if an from the non-agncultural are otherwise. Urban males The dependent variable (iii) 1 . wage equation in the is the log of earnings of individuals in this group. In the probit estimated on the entire sample of urban males, the dependent variable takes the value In each of these cases, three if 1 an individual's earnings models household-education variable, a second and a - one with which the sample is summarizes the 1 results. and participation probits used We restricted to to (The Addendum conect for selectivity gives full details unmarried workers, women, and in a household w ith the effect earnings to be 65% is illiterate member adds 0.50 highly significant. This implies that higher the sample to unmarried a literate if someone women; is literate in we this case the find the earnings gain this group. In the probit takes the value 1 if which in the is at least is is one is can expect their robust to restncting literate member has even greater wage equation is about double the also illiterate. in the sample of unmarried It is women not clear, however, from the agricultural sector; in estimated on the entire sample of rural males, the dependent variable otherwise. 19 if his is why the log of earnings of individuals belonging to an individual's earnings are observed and agricultural sector, and women This effect also gives results for rural males with primary earnings dependent variable working to log earnings of illiterate not suggestive of a bias due to selective sorting through marriage. The Addendum illiterate indeed, the gain in log earnings rises to 0.74. This implies that female worker from a family with fact that wages of illiterate their family. earnings as one from a family where everyone else The on the wage regressions bias.) find a large and significant effect of family literacy on the women. Living ' literacy as the only third with controls for other levels of education. Table an in are estimated observed. is primary earnings are from the would be stronger the effect for illiterate unmarried of one possible explanation. power in the from the gains effect remains and so the literacy with the illiterate Women's worker women may unmarried literate family well have very member sectors of living in a household they and the is where at least one other person a family where at least one person illiterate is literate. to restricting the sample to unmarried workers; the effect For urban males the men illiterate rural household, although the effect is literate by living tests variables was female (the for left non-farm in log 15% on average However, no longer rural higher if this effect is not robust statistically significant. is is significantly higher if they live in a barely significant at the 5% level. illiterate Nor men is is this effect not changed in a literate family. do not distinguish the external family member. gains from literacy, are and The gain is literate. found for unmarried men. The labor-force participation of urban The above and unmarried women. the urban men illiterate effect vanishes. Labor-force participation of significantly bargaining when an significantly lower effect is similar for married about 0.14-0.15, implying that earnings of come from literate suggestive has a strong incentive to share We find significant gains to illiterate males working in both is little is unmarried woman. labor force participation, by contrast, lives in a literate household, earnings model theoretical household even when they bring extra wage earnings into the family. Thus, only the income positive Illiterate women. Our we To effect of having a test the possibility that different re -ran the tests including whether the out category literates are was two extra male versus female genders generate different external dummy variables. One of these only male, and one was for whether they are only the case in family members). The coefficients on these which there are both males and female dummy 20 literate variables were small and (individually and jointly) insignificant in almost all wage the variable for "male-only" literates in the was -0.361 suggesting an only men are literate; Similarly, we The one exception was regressions. womens' wage however, the coefficient was only significant tested for whether age of the literate variables for whether women to were under all literates 16, or These were mdividually and jomtly insignificant member workers at dummy which there the coefficient regression, for gam attenuation of the external the the matters. m households where 8% level (t=1.76). We added dummy over 16 (again the mixed case was omitted). in all of the wage regressions. We also tested how robust these results are to the specification of the variables included as controls m the wage regression we have imposed the most contentious restriction earnings via effect its on the correction term not have a direct effect on labor earnings. include dummy (comprising the vector is that equation The final (4)). Possibly household landholding only influences for labor force participation, column variables for landholding class in the family literacy are similar to the X in be to wage in Table 1 regression. i.e., landholding does gives the results The estimated when we effects of model. first Table 2 presents the main results from the wage and participation regressions which also included controls for other schooling same Table as used for Table 2.) The 1. The Addendum literacy effect on earnings effect of high education levels. labor-force participation For both still ^ present rural is Similarly to Table The found household. (Otherwise the estimation method is still strong for 1, was And there is the a very strong on female due to higher schooling rather than literacy per controls for other family the effect women. significant negative effect of family literacy to be is also gives full details on the regressions underlying and urban male workers, the positive when one adds Addendum from in the effect of family literacy members' schooling, but also stronger for unmarried the authors. 21 women; it is se. on earnings not details available in the is significant. Instead we get a significant positive effect of family schooling. For rural males, participation in non-farm work is not changed significantly by family literacy; for urban men, higher levels of family schooling attenuate their labor-force participation. we So, while earnings, this is find some signs that literacy in the family increases an illiterate not robust to adding controls for higher levels of education in the family. This not of course inconsistent with external effects of education. However, whether it The that we is man's the fact of literacy that is it is does lead us to question driving the results for males, or something else. external effects of family literacy and schooling on the earnings of illiterate find are very strong indeed, and much stronger than for men. Why might this women be? We can suggest the following explanations. One might conjecture that women have less power to influence the literacy of their family than do men. Social sanctions on women's' behavior might limit their ability to choose a partner, while men are less constrained. Or possibly men have greater influence over whether the children are sent to school. If there are in fact pecuniary gains to an illiterate having at least one literate men may person in the family then external effects of literacy through family formation than are worker from well be better able to capture the women. We would then find less variance in family schooling for males than females. This explanation of family literacy for this explanation were is not, illiterate however, easily reconciled with our finding that the external effect males drops out when we confine attention to unmarried males. right, then we would surely expect a stronger effect to emerge for unmarried males than married ones. We believe that a more plausible explanation much more dependent on is that illiterate women in Bangladesh their family for assistance with tasks that require reading 22 are and writing If than are illiterate men. There are sources of help in reading and writing for illiterate workers, including paying for the services of a scribe. However, cultural and religious sanctions on women's social activities may well entail that they have a harder time than men m accessing would be no weaker we suspect, and these sources of help outside the family. This effect possibly stronger, for unmarried than married men. Another possible interpretation of our allows illiterate workers results is that to avoid exploitation (in sectors having a where there power), or simply allows a better matching of the worker's other (Even if all workers receive their marginal product, this worker literate is family some monopsony skills to the may depend on in the jobs available. the kind of firm that a person joins.) Finally, women may well be better able to absorb the benefits of household literacy. They may, for instance, be unencumbered by pride or other defenses which could render one unable learn easily from others. Conclusions 6. Intuition and piecemeal evidence suggest of others in the household. That or her literacy with other in a is, that literacy has positive externalities a literate person is likely to share members of the household. This means household where there is someone literate than We have tested this hypothesis in two ways. in a that some of the it is Firstly, benefits of his illiterates. we have asked whether Our sense for agents to share their education with others in the household. Secondly, up to systematic scrutiny in earnings data for 23 it can be theoretical analysis of the household, based on the collectivist model of the household, confirms that the hypothesis stands on earnings better to be an illiterate household of only derived from a consistent set of assumptions about household behavior. if to it can make we have Bangladesh. We tested found that it not only stands up, observed personal when it does so with a considerable amount of robustness. Controlling for attributes, an illiterate living in a family with at least one worker earns appreciably more literate member. This finding in the is non-farm sector robust to the tests we perform for selection bias and marital sorting. The empirical investigation has yielded insights deeper than the basis of theory and intuition. greater benefits It is, on the children than a and female recipients! Is for instance, widely noted that a literate literate father. benefits of literacy in the household than a gives no hint as to which it women efficient recipients. are more male illiterate? way this 24 mother confers But what about differences between male there any reason to believe that a female have differences, what we had anticipated on may is better able to absorb the While theory suggests go. Our empirical that they can results suggest that Table 1: Illiterate Effects of Family Literacy on the Earnings and Labor Force Participation of Non-Farm Workers Unmarried sample only Full sample Women Earnings (Q ) Participation {S Number ) of With land effects on earnings 0.504 0.737 0,487 (4.577) (4.477) (4.368) -0.256 -0.290 -0.253 (-3.512) (-2.353) (-3.527) 295 139 295 observations Men Earnings (a ) (rural) Participation Number ( S ) of 0.146 0.143 0.143 (2.769) (1.127) (2.636) 0.110 0.113 0,111 (1.980) (1.125) (1.991) 582 157 582 observations Men Earnings (a 0.144 ) (urban) Participation Number ( 6 ) of -0.031 0.136 (2.274) (-0.251) (2.405) -0.023 -0.023 -0.151 (-0.153) (-0.153) (1.800) 550 132 550 observations Note: Gain in log earnings of an illiterate worker attributed to literacy within the household. Log earnings regressions include correction for sample selectivity bias as well as controls for worker characteristics (age, age squared, the if any school attendance, and regional STATA 6 command for the effects), t-ratios in parentheses MLE version of the Heckman corrected for heteroskedasticity and clustering. 25 . We have used selection model, with standard errors Table 2: Effects and Schooling on the Earnings and Labor Force of Family Literacy Participation of Illiterate Non-Farm Workers There is literate the Women Earnings Participation Men Earnings (rural) Participation Highest schooling another person Completed in household Class 1+ Earnings (urban) Participation Note: Log earnings household Completed Class VII-i- 0.462 0.186 -0.311 0.757 (2.578) (1.510) (-1.628) (4.154) 0.102 -0.249 -0.223 -0.196 (0.866) (-2.678) (-1.820) (1.705) 0.104 0.152 -0.042 -0.053 (1.252) (2.225) (-0.495) (-0.613) 0.016 -0.069 (-0.949) (0.189) Men in the Completed Class IV+ 0.171 0.012 (1.953) (0.145) 0.048 0.056 -0.020 0.271 (0.493) (0.743) (-0.205) (2.736) 0.005 0.001 0.026 -0.460 (0.004) (0.008) (0.187) (-4.075) regressions include correction for sample selectivity bias as well as controls for worker characteristics (age, age squared, parentheses. 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