« fllBRAffiESl : . , f" ^ MIT LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/howmuchdoessortiOOkrem IHB31 .M415 working paper department of economics HOW MUCH DOES SORTING INCREASE INEQUALITY? Michael Kremer 96-18 March 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 HOW MUCH DOES SORTING INCREASE INEQUALITY? Michael Kremer 96-18 March 1996 MASSAC^' *"™ I lJULlS — '"""WE 1996 HOW MUCH DOES SORTING INCREASE INEQUALITY' Michael Kremer" March am 29, 1996 comments from Ricardo Caballero, Steve Durlauf, Nada Eissa, Glenn Loury, Larry Katz, Casey Mulligan, Paul Romer, Danny Quah, and two anonymous referees. I thank Raghav Kapoor, Amanda Merryman, and especially Matt Barmack and Sergei Severinov for outstanding research assistance. Research support was provided by the National Science Foundation grant number SBR9414126, and by the MacArthur Foundation. *I grateful for "Massachusetts Harvard Institute Institute of Technology, National Bureau of Economic Research, and of International Development. 96-18 Abstract Social commentators from William Julius Wilson to Charles increased sorting of people into internally marriages is spurring long-run inequality. fears are misplaced. Murray have argued homogeneous neighborhoods, Calibration of a formal that schools, and model suggests that these In order to increase the steady-state standard deviation of education by one percent, the correlation between neighbors' education would have to double, or the correlation between spouses' education would have correlations have declined slightly over the past significant effects to increase few decades. by one-third. Sorting has on intergenerational mobility than on inequality. In fact, both somewhat more Michael Kremer E52-251C MIT MA 02139 Cambridge, 1 Several influential social commentators have argued that Americans are increasingly sorting into internally homogeneous neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and marriages, and William Julius Wilson [1987] contends that this will increase future inequality. that black middle-class flight from urban centers leaves inner-city blacks without role models; Robert Reich [1991] argues that a "fortunate and Herrnstein and Murray [1994] assert that people are sorting more by intelligence, society; with a "cognitive elite" increasingly living in the same schools, working in the children may be Corcoran I and marrying each other. in a vicious cycle A started this project, I in sorting will same series of papers indicate that neighborhood [Borjas, 1994; Crane, 1991; shared these concerns. influenced by their parents and neighbors. the This suggests that of increasing sorting and inequality. on misleading intuition from models changes same neighborhoods, attending 1989; Cutler and Glaeser, 1995; Case and Katz, 1991]. et al., When firms, substantially affected by their America may be caught largely has seceded from close contact with the rest of fifth" in which I now childrens' believe that they are based outcomes are very strongly Calibration of a simple model suggests that have only a small impact on steady-state inequality of characteristics such as education and income. I assume characteristics childrens' inherited characteristics equal a linear combination of their parents' and their neighbor's characteristics, plus an error term. greater correlation between spouses or among neighbors in This implies that any heritable characteristic will lead to greater inequality of that characteristic in the next generation. It is possible to solve for the steady-state standard deviation of a characteristic as a function of the correlations between spouses' and among neighbors' characteristics. 2 Data from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the 1970 and 1980 Matching Census Extract Data Sets indicate that, on average, a child will obtain an extra 0.38 A years of education for each additional year of his or her parents' education. child will gain an extra 0.13 years of education for each additional year of education in the neighborhood (census tract). Given these parameters, the steady-state standard deviation of educational attainment would increase by approximately 1%—or less than between neighbors' education doubled from 0.2 to 0.4 or if one week— if the correlation the correlation between spouses' education increased from 0.6 to 0.8. In fact, these correlations have been stable or declining. among people in the same census tract fell correlation between spouses' education fell The finding seems from 0.18 from 0.649 that increased sorting has only a to be an artifact of the to The 0.178 from 1960 to 1990. to 0.620 between 1940 and 1990. minor impact on inequality does not Estimation of a general Markovian model for intergenerational transmission of education yields similar results. moderate observed heritability of education Even under strong assumptions about between spouses' education deviation of education. will still There masks a highly inherited somewhat evidence latent variable. have only minor effects on the steady-state standard Although the paper focuses on education, changes these variables have roughly the is little the heritability of such a latent variable, the correlation unlikely to have significant impacts on inequality of Sorting has a The assumption that children's characteristics are a first-order linear function of parents' and neighbors' characteristics. that the correlation of education same in sorting are also income or occupational status, since heritability as education. greater effect on the persistence of educational status across 3 generations than on inequality of education. 4 A doubling of the correlation among neighbors' education would increase the correlation between parents' and childrens' education by 8 percent, from 0.329 0.6 to 0.8 percent, to 0.354. An increase in the correlation between spouses' education from would increase the correlation between from 0.329 to 0.367. in the steady-state Persistence of economic status strongly influenced by educational sorting within their own and childrens' education by 12 Either of these changes in sorting approximately a 3 percent increase discounted education. parents' if would produce standard deviation of dynastic among ethnic groups will not be people draw spouses and neighbors largely from ethnic group. Benabou [1993a, 1993b], Durlauf [1992, 1994] and Fernandez and Rogerson [1992] examine the transmission of inequality under neighborhood similar topics using a modified version of a biological effects. This paper examines model created by Galton [1889] and Pearson [1896], and generalized by Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman [1981]. Economists such as Becker and Tomes [1979], Becker [1981], Blinder [1973; 1976], and Atkinson [1975], have used related models to examine inheritance. Blinder shows that changes in inheritance rules, or in marital sorting, can have only a slight effect on income distribution through inheritance of physical capital, since inherited wealth accounts for only a small part of inequality. This paper differs from earlier work by allowing the correlation between spouses' characteristics to depend on the variance of characteristics effects, in the population; by incorporating neighborhood by calibrating the model to empirical data on the transmission of education rather than simply the inheritance of financial assets; and by using the model to quantitatively examine 4 I am grateful to Glen Loury for pointing this out to me. 4 contemporary concerns about increased sorting The remainder of the paper is American in organized as follows. society. Section sorting on inequality using a modified version of the Galton-Pearson Section II calibrates the model, arguing that sorting into neighborhoods Section III is likely to examines the significantly models the model of inheritance. homogeneous households and on the persistence of educational Section IV argues that the conclusions are unlikely to change changed under more general models. rather than appealing to incentive responses I among status This paper evaluates claims that sorting will increase inequality on their conclusion, effect of have only minor effects on steady-state inequality of education. effect of sorting families and ethnic groups. I which are difficult to quantify. own However, terms, in the argue that endogenous behavioral responses are likely to further counteract tendencies for sorting to increase inequality. The conclusion also discusses policy implications: arguing that to the extent social policy seeks to reduce inequality, better to invest directly in the poor than to try to change sorting patterns. it is probably The Model I. Suppose t+1 that the educational attainment of a member of the + 0<a + P<l, ith dynasty in generation is (1) + ^. =*H where a « h, +Zi>,, P^ — £,m represents the additional years of education a child will attain given an increase of one year of average parental education, i' is the spouse of agent i, P represents the additional years of education a child will attain given an increase in average education of one year in the neighborhood, n and £, t+ , is an i.i.d. is the number of neighbors, random shock is the education of neighbor to educational attainment. dynasties, but could vary with time linear, first-order, genderless z){ if there is human model should be seen capital, as implications of sorting, I that fertility I is bounded. down is time t, constant across in education. This In will generally refer to zJt as In order to focus and the transmission of human neighbors and parents are completely inelastic to incentives. 'This approximation clearly breaks k t+1 at as an illustrative approximation.' measured by years of education. assume that an exogenous time trend general, zJt could represent any asset, but for specificity, representing Note j on the capital All households are by assumed to for the tails of the distribution, since education have two children, one boy and one 2 girl. Squaring both sides of equation (2) and taking expectations shows that the variance of education at time t+1 will be an increasing function of cr„ the variance of education at time p m the correlation between spouses' education; and p n the correlation between neighbors' , , education. Assuming that n is large, so that a child's parents can be treated as an insignificant part of the neighborhood, tf^JPJ (2) +p2pn r+l Solving for the steady a2 - a 1 +Pm ) more general case with both effects. 2 + (P 2 + 2ap> n parental and neighborhood effects. If Although tendencies for poor households to have more children any case it is is also likely to be P=0 or p n =0, the will clearly affect the minor [Mare, xxx]. In not clear that this will interact with changes in the assortativeness of marriage. therefore abstract patterns . E This case illustrates principles which carry over to steady-state distribution of education, this effect I +a useful to first consider the effects of sorting in marriage in the special case in which there are no neighborhood 2 , = 1 the 2 state, (3) It is +2a p pn a on steady from differential fertility in calibrating the effect of state inequality. changes in marriage t; — steady-state variance simplifies to < oK-. " (4) 1-a 2 ( —pJ 1+ \ 2 This paper will generally take p m as exogenous. examining the possibility may education is Lam and Schoeni [1993] find is worth briefly between Figure shows I have a higher correlation between that the correlation between spouses's To 0.77 in Brazil compared to 0.57 in the relatively more equal United States. understand the possible reasons for the it lead to interesting feedback effects. that U.S. states with a higher variance of education also 3 However, that greater inequality will lead to a greater correlation spouses' characteristics, since this spouses' education. J same observed quality, q, this relationship, suppose that people choose spouses of where q lt equals z it plus an i.i.d. variable, denoted be taken to represent a non-heritable characteristic which people value in spouses. Alternatively, %u could be thought of as noise term that obscures the true quality either interpretation, p m will equal intersection of the functions p m (a) (T/Co 2 ^ + a2 ,). The and c(p m ), as shown cj it . cj jt can 4 z, . t Under steady-state will be given by the in Figure I. A change in matching technology or preferences which reduces cr^ will create a multiplier effect on steady-state 3 As will become marital sorting 4 if If there is there clear below, this effect on inequality, even transferable utility, if is far too big to there were be explained by the effect of no mobility between states. people of the same observed quality would match together were complementarity between quality of marriage partners. If spouses cannot same quality might match together even if there transfer utility to each other, people of the were no complementarity between spouses' quality [Becker, 1981]. inequality. Substituting the formula for p m into (4) yields o.» - o} o* 1 - 2„ 2 +4o/of(l r - cr) = a<l; 2 2(1 - a ) 2 a ^ - 2 2.- 2 1 0=1, o >2o, 2' ; (6) otherwise. oo, As is apparent from the denominator of state-inequality depends critically on a. If a (4), the effect equals 1, of changes in sorting on steady- the correlation between spouses' assets determines whether inequality increases without bound, or society eventually reaches some steady-state level of inequality. still If a is close to 1, the correlation between spouses' assets will have a major impact on steady-state inequality. correlation between spouses' assets has only a Because they may be responsible for inequality, it is useful to first minor However, effect if a is small or moderate, the on steady-state inequality. intuition about the effects of sorting on consider the effect of sorting on steady-state inequality under savings models in which shocks to dynastic wealth are fully transmitted to children, so equals 1. Let z represent physical, rather than and returns are independent of wealth, and as exogenous. that If there is perfect correlation human capital, and suppose that savings rates shocks cannot be perfectly insured. between spouses' wealth, z it+1 a Take "» will equal z it + 9 e 11+1 In this case, assets in each dynasty will follow a . among assets However, if of will be finite for If between 5 spouses' assets is Rich people will tend to marry bounded away from one, less wealthy spouses because This "Maria Maples effect" implies that rich people will on who are poorer than themselves, so the steady-state variance of assets p m less than one. marriages take place only within countries, there will be a steady-state variance of assets within a country, but the variance of assets The the variance of be poorer than them, and some of these people will have very large values average have children will 6 the idiosyncratic variable. £, indefinitely. the correlation inequality will be bounded. most people grow dynasties will random walk and data are consistent with this prediction. the United States, but the variance of log among countries will Inequality has not grow indefinitely. grown monotonically within income (and presumably wealth) among countries has grown over time. Changes to 1, in sorting will but will have a tiny effect larger if a is close to 1 . Table have a dramatic effect on steady-state inequality if I a is moderate. shows The if a multiplier effect will also be is close much the direct and indirect effects of a reduction in the noise in the marriage process which causes the correlation between spouses' assets to increase from 0.6 5 to 0.8. If there are decreasing returns to accumulable factors, inequality will eventually be bounded, but only because it will be impossible for the very rich to continue accumulating because of economy-wide diminishing returns. 6 If a^ approach 1 is small enough relative to sufficiently quickly that aE2 between spouses' assets will the variance of assets will grow without bound. the correlation 10 To see the intuition for simply note that indirect effect of if a II, the direct effect The a falls. in sorting much declines faster than the direct effect as or I, As empirical estimates suggest that in the contemporary United States, a approximately 0.4 for education and income, which suggests that the direct effect of changes in sorting on inequality small and the indirect effect is unimportance of the multiplier effect for straightforward to calculate It is p m to cause specified increase in c„. were how 7 big l1 , N Solving this The equation implies that a would if will abstract from it qualitatively similar if P is ( 1+ g ) „2 a 2 need to be for a specified increase an increase in p m from 0.6 to 0.8 in the is l-H^a N have to equal 0.84. and the steady-state standard deviation of human variance is am is affected by is Increases in sorting will always increase steady-state inequality, but this effect will only be strong so that the denominator of (3) 2 greater than zero, so childrens' education neighborhood. (4), - - a would in the e = 1.1 relationship between sorting average education I Given the neglible. effect. For example, -^ (7) 7 I is cause a ten percent increase in the standard deviation of education, then by to capital of a, realistic values remainder of the paper and will focus on the direct in so sensitive to a, examine Figure is high, the denominator of equation (4) will be close to zero. changes discussed in Section is is why if close to zero. a+ P Even is close to if a+ P is 1, and p m and p n are close to 1 , the steady-state only moderately sensitive to the correlation between spouses' assets grateful to a referee for the derivation below. large, if p m and p n 11 are small. Equation (3) indicates that the effects of simultaneous increases marriage in sorting in and neighborhoods are greater than the sum of the effects of separate increases. However, discussed below, this complementarity between sorting in marriage and neighborhoods relatively minor for realistic values of a and p\ This section calibrates the model to the distribution of human capital in the United Using data from the PSED, and from the Matching Census Extract Data that a, the parental effect, neighborhood likely to I is effect, is 0.13. is Calibration II. States. as approximately 0.38, and that an upper bound on Given these parameters, increases in sorting sets, I find p\ the by education are have a minor impact on the steady-state standard deviation of education. focus on education, rather than income, because spouses' income marriage, and sorting neighborhoods. is is endogenous to only well-defined for variables which are exogenous to marriages and Moreover, as Solon [1992], and measurement error or fluctuations in income neighborhood income on childrens' income. Zimmerman [1992], have shown, will bias estimates of the effect of parental Of course, there may be measurement and error in education as well, to the extent that years of education do not acurately represent the correct theoretical concept of human capital, but some purposes, education may income. in fact it is likely to be smaller than that for income. be a better indicator of socio-economic status than For 12 Table II 21 waves of the reports PSID summary statistics on childrens' and parents' education from the (up through the 1988 interview year). Only children over twenty-five years old in 1988 were included in the sample, to avoid including children completed their education. 17 years of schooling. first who had not yet People with any post-graduate education were classified as having In order to use self-reported data used split-offs from the original from both parents and children, PSID sample. This means sample of the population because it that the sample misses the replenishments to the PSID is not a I random to replace people lost to attrition. Data on the average education in the taken from taken from the 1970 census. census Census people, so this represents a fairly small area. average education of males over 25 in the tract in which the child grew up were tracts typically comprise five thousand The neighbors' education was calculated census tract in which the child resided between 1968 and 1975, weighted by the number or years the child spent People were excluded from the sample tract in which they grew up, or Children who grew up whom Column if in the census tract. information was not available on the census self-reported data on both parents in single parent available on both parents. those for if as the was not available. households were included, as long as data was Similar results were obtained for a larger sample, including all child-reported measure of parental education were available. (1) of Table HI shows the baseline specification. The parental effect estimated to be 0.379, the neighborhood effect deviation of the shock to education neighborhood effect is large: is is is estimated to be 0.127, and the standard estimated to be 1.74 years. living in an educated The estimated neighborhood increases the expected 13 education for one's children two- thirds as much marrying an educated spouse. as discussed below, the coefficient on parents' characteristics and the coefficient on neighborhood characteristics The remaining columns of Table in approximates childrens' education. and Column reality. An general, (but much (3) distinguishes likely to be biased is how likely to be biased downwards upwards. well this linear, genderless model between mothers' and fathers' effects on their F-test cannot reject the null hypothesis of equal effects of mothers' A fathers' education. test is As previous version of this paper obtained similar results using a more messier), model that distinguished between fathers and mothers, and between sons and daughters. Column (4) of Table III checks how well the linear model approximates the process of intergenerational transmission by adding quadratic and interaction terms to the regression. Although the difference Section III estimates a in adjusted R 2 between the models more general Markovian model of is small, an F-test rejects linearity. intergenerational transmission that does not impose linearity. Given the estimated parameters, education is remarkably insensitive to the correlation between spouses' or among neighbors' education. The standard deviation of steady-state education would increase from 1.87 to 1.89 years spouses' education increased from 0.6 to 0.8. It between neighbors' education doubled from 0.2 - 0.8 percent would increase to 0.4. would increase by about a week. in sorting in these magnitudes would increase the correlation between 1.3 percent if the correlation Assuming these hypothetical increases in segregation Simultaneous increases - if a 180 day school year, the standard deviation of education marriage and in neighborhoods of the steady-state standard deviation of years of education to 14 2.2%, slightly more than the sum of the individual Although these changes are small, effects. they happen relatively quickly: the standard deviation of education will increase 85 percent of the way to its Note steady-state value after in single generation following the increase in sorting. that sorting by education has been quite stable hypothesized above are extreme. the same census In 1960, the correlation was 0.180. 8 tract In 1990, it had historically, so that the between the education of people fallen to 0.178. from the public use microsample of the 1940 census in changes sample of couples In a which the husband was between the ages of 30 and 45, the correlation of years of education between spouses was 0.649. 1980, it had fallen to 0.633, and by 1990, it had in fallen to 0.620. 9 By (Note, however, that Mare [1991] and Kalmijn [1991] find slight increases in assortativeness of marriage using a measure of sorting based on the likelihood of crossing educational school graduate/some college barrier. correlation as a measure of stability in sorting patterns Measurement sorting. barriers, Kremer and Maskin [1995] discuss Whichever measure is such as the high the justification for used, the overall impression is of over long periods.) error in parents' education will bias the estimated a downwards. Ashenfelter and Krueger [1994] estimate that 8 to 12 percent of measured variance in schooling 8 This is due to error, may be due and they cite previous estimates by Siegel and in part to equalization of Hodge [1968] and incomes among regions of the country during the period. 9 men and women have different educational distributions, and that these distributions have mass points, the maximum feasible correlation between spouses' education is less than one. For example, in 1990, the maximum feasible correlation between spouses' Given that education was 0.96. correlation to the There was a maximum slight decline feasible correlation over the period in the ratio of the actual between spouses' education. 15 Bielby [1977] that between 13 and 20 percent of the variance of schooling measurement Measurement error. extent that parents' education overestimated if who parents is error in parents' education will bias P correlated with neighbors' education, fj is due upwards to to the be will also Under value education tend to live in educated neighborhoods. the extreme assumptions that twenty percent of the variance in parents' characteristics were measurement neighborhood, in and error, a would that none of the be 0.38 * 5/4 = effect of parents' education 0.47 and (3 would be was picked up by the In this case, an increase 0.13. p m from 0.6 to 0.8 or in p n from 0.2 to 0.4 would increase the steady-state standard deviation of education by approximately 1.5 percent. increase in p n from 0.6 to 0.8 by only 2.8 percent. A would increase Even if a were 0.6 and (3 were 0.13, an the steady-state standard deviation of education doubling of p m from 0.2 to 0.4 would have a slightly smaller effect. Substituting the estimated parameters into (4) implies that the steady-state standard deviation of education will be 1.87 years, which of education among inequality above is Note less than the 2.1 children in the parents' generation. its steady-state value is 10 The model's implication that this is the standard deviation of years of education for a is some evidence that a may have been greater an artifact of reduced differences between among among sons is fathers in the sample is men and women; a and Duncan [1967], find sample of people thus much smaller than regressions of fathers' of 0.56. This is not merely the standard deviation of 3.49 years, while the standard deviation of education 2.15; similarly, the standard deviation of education while the standard deviation of education is in the past: education on fathers' reports of grandfathers' education yield an education that The variance of education may have been young enough to have parents in the PSID. The standard deviation it would be in a sample containing both recent and older cohorts. "There year standard deviation 1 consistent with the fact that the standard deviation has been dropping over the past generation." 10 is among daughters is among mothers 2.06. that the correlation of occupational status On is 2.62, the other hand, Blau on fathers and sons in 16 greater in previous generations due to greater regional and racial variation in education spending, and more limited public support of higher education. Results are likely to be similar for characteristics other than education. heritability of income is approximately 0.4, according to Solon [1992] and Zimmerman Blau and Duncan [1967] find similar correlations for occupational [1992]. and Murray [1994] claim that intelligence is The status. Herrnstein about 60 percent heritable and issue dire warnings about the effects of alleged recent increases in assortative mating by intelligence. Herrnstein and Murray's estimates of the heritability of intelligence are accepted then increased correlation of spouses' intelligence is face value, have a minor impact on the likely to (However, steady-state variance of intelligence under the model. at If model may not be this Murray believe appropriate for examining the genetic transmission that Herrnstein and drives intergenerational correlation of intelligence.) The main exception [1995], parental who to findings of heritability in this finds the intergenerational correlation of income is income influences upward biases correlation in consumption used as an instrument for parental consumption. children's in estimates consumption of heritability. It is In any case, play a somewhat important role: a= an increase 0.4, indicating that there has status. if not clear been 0.8 and in little is [3 in = how is Mulligan approximately 0.8 when However, IV techniques may directly, consumption with the lower correlations and Zimmerman [1992]. 1964 was economic range or below if parental lead to significant to reconcile such a high income documented by Solon [1992] 0, assortative marriage begins to p m from 0.6 to 0.8 will increase the standard change in father-son correlation of 17 deviation of consumption by 7.3 percent. A fuller analysis would examine the case of multiple, correlated, heritable characteristics, as proposed by Goldberger [1979]. III. Although changes somewhat more in sorting significant impact steady-state correlation have only a small impact on inequality, they have a on the intergenerational correlation of education. The between the educational attainment of a parent and a ,„, corrSz^^) (8) A Sorting and Persistence of Inequality = his or her child is (1 + pj —^- * P Pn . doubling of p n from 0.2 to 0.4 will increase the intergenerational correlation of education by 8 percent, from 0.329 to 0.354. An increase in p m from 0.6 to 0.8 will increase the intergenerational correlation by 12 percent, hypothesized changes in p m and p n are from 0.329 many to 0.367. (Recall, however, that these times greater than the changes which have been experienced historically.) Since sorting increases the intergenerational correlation of education, inequality dynasties will be more sensitive to sorting than inequality "discounted dynastic education" as (9) - M A, - *£ s'v »=1 among individuals. Define among 18 where 6 is the discount rate. (10) 12 Assuming " A, £ that the population in steady-state. V + P» 1 »' is Pp„ iv -*,-; r=l where p denotes the mean level of education. discounted dynastic education This implies that the steady-state variance of is 2 _ (11) 1-5 Assuming an M2 1+ P» ( intergenerational discount rate of 0.5, an increase in p m from 0.6 to 0.8 would increase the standard deviation of discounted dynastic education by 3.4 percent, and an increase in p n from 0.2 to 0.4 Under the model, if would increase it by 3.1 percent. spouses and neighbors are chosen with regard to education but not ethnicity, ethnic groups will converge to the mean level of education at a rate corresponding to the intergenerational correlation of education. convergence among ethnic groups. Sorting will therefore slow This effect will be exacerbated if influenced by the "ethnic capital" of their group, as in Borjas [1994]. substantial sorting on purely ethnic grounds, sorting by education childrens' education However, will only if there is is have a minor impact on the rate of convergence among ethnic groups. To 12 see this, consider a Obviously, this concept exponential in education, and model with both neighborhood is a bit ad hoc. utility is log, it On the other may not be a effects hand, if and ethnic group wages effects. are approximately terrible welfare indicator. 19 Suppose < 12 ) z , k+ a = \t+*l'J where y measures the strength of ethnic transmission, and z g group g at time t. (I assume that a child of parents equal probability of becoming a of each ethnic group wm member of either.) , Suppose that a Given the the society as a whole. (1 t + 1 lives in an ethnic linearity of the as if a fraction w m+ (1 - w m )(l z w+1 u, p m ) marries a spouse with the average education = * +e + [a + Zftf denotes the average education of persistence of differentials p n )(3. - Assuming that among a+ f3 all members of groups, equals + y< 1, all p+Y-e]ii, a + (3 the population, + y - (1 - w m )(l and - the group 0, the pm) oc/2 - (1 - w n) groups will converge to the same steady-state independently of sorting, but they will approach the steady-state more quickly members of in Thus (13) (1 - period in wn of the ethnic group marries a spouse with the average education of people in the ethnic group, and a fraction where capital of ethnic randomly drawn fraction marries within the ethnic group, that a fraction model, one can calculate average education of a group w m )p m human from two different ethnic groups has neighborhood, and that the remainder sort by education alone. - the is if more match with spouses and neighbors from outside the group, and of these people have spouses and neighbors with the average education in the if more population as a whole. Changes in sorting by education will have only have a minor impact on 6, persistence 20 among of inequality ethnic groups, if groups sort strongly by ethnicity circumstances under which disparities For example, significance. if wm = among 0.7, and - precisely the ethnic groups are likely to have the most social w n = 0.5, then the increases in sorting in marriage and neighborhoods described above would increase 6 from 0.432 to 0.444 and 0.445 respectively. 13 There has been a debate about whether social policy should focus on reducing sorting by race and ethnicity, or sorting by socio-economic status. The analysis in previous sections on inequality among individuals. The implies sorting by education will have little analysis in this section suggests that groups sort highly by ethnicity, reducing sorting by ethnicity sorting is likely to if effect have a larger effect on disparities between ethnic groups than reducing by education. IV. The previous process. sections Extensions assumed education was transmitted by a first-order linear Theoretically, sorting could have a bigger impact on inequality transmitted through a non-linear process, or if if education were there were a highly heritable latent variable which influenced education. This section argues that an initial examination of the data does not suggest that relaxing the assumptions of the model will significantly change the conclusion that sorting has minor effects on steady-state inequality. 13 In a regression of childrens' education on parents' education, neighbors' education, and the average education of their ethnic group, ethnic education I assume y = 0. is insignificant (and negative), so 21 examine the In order to Markovian context, I effect of marital sorting on inequality in a divided the population into six education categories: some more general elementary 1) school and below, 2) some high more than then estimated the probability that the child will be in each category college. I school, 3) high school, 4) conditional on the category of each parent. matrix, Given the estimated Markovian a proportion *F of the population chose spouses with the randomly. *P chose spouses 15 As *F increases from 0.6 deviation of education increases by approximately A transition would obtain possible to solve for the steady-state distribution of education that is it 14 college, 5) college, and 6) similar transition matrix neighborhood. was constructed . 1 - to 0.8, the steady-state standard percent. 1 to a proportion examine the effect of sorting by divided the population into four quartiles, corresponding to the quartiles of I the distribution of education by neighborhood, and then constructed a transition matrix. analyzing the effect of sorting by neighborhood, was spouses' education 0.6, education of the parents. an increase 1 same education, and if and The in the steady-state I assumed that the correlation that parents' education could be between summarized by analysis indicates that an increase in p n from 0.2 In the average to 0.4 leads to standard deviation of education of approximately 3/10ths of one percent. 14 Scarcity of data made it impossible to distinguish the effects of mothers' and fathers' education separately. "One weakness of this approach not match with others of the education. Thus, this is that same education it does not take into account that those are likely to procedure gives equal weight to all the off-diagonal cells in the transition matrix, rather than weighting the cells near the diagonal from the diagonal. who do match with people of similar more heavily than those far 22 Scarcity of data made for non-linearities in parental couples in it impossible to use finer categories or to simultaneously allow For example, there are too few and neighborhood transmission. which the mother has a college education, the father has an elementary school education, and the typical neighbor had a high school education to accurately estimate the distribution of education for children with this background. Under Markovian models, parents' in which childrens' education a non-linear function of and neighbors' education, average steady-state education will typically depend on the pattern of matching. Under the the estimated state education increases slightly Markovian 16 if utility is people will consider within the household this cost is joint, falls Average steady-state education would 1.4 percent in response to an increase in the correlation Recall that transition matrices, average steady- with the correlation between neighbors' education, but with the correlation between spouses' education. to 0.8. is fall between spouses' education from 0.6 transferable, an efficient marriage pattern will be chosen, so of sorting in choosing spouses. it may be educated people for marrying them. difficult for less However, if consumption educated people to compensate more In any case, as discussed in the conclusion, the implication that the average level of education will be reduced by increased correlation between spouses' education is likely to be overturned by endogenizing a, the heritability of education. Besides education 16 is its assumption of linearity, another restrictive assumption of the model transmitted by a first-order process - i.e., that childrens' educations is that influenced Sorting has similar effects on average predicted income given education, which a non-linear function of education. is is itself 23 only by parents' education. mask Theoretically, moderate heritability of education could potentially stronger heritability of an underlying latent variable. persistent latent variable influencing education, where 6 is i.i.d. with 2 mean zero and variance ae spouses' latent variables education 17 , and Under is variables models. same the that there are this and model, the estimate of a see this, suppose that z that education, Assume as the correlation no neighborhood The estimated . To y, equals z that the correlation between effects. denoted their is a + 6, between observed years of 18 will be subject to attenuation bias, as in errors-in- heritability of education will be 2 (14) plim d = a. o e + °z Note that 17 To az : + a e 2 = g 2 . The probability limit of the estimated standard error will be the extent that people care about their spouse's education, they will basis of education, rather than the latent variable. latent variable will more educated match on the However, people with high values of the be considered more desirable partners because they will typically have children. Moreover, people may have some information about the latent variable by observing relatives. 18 Neighborhood effects are statistically insignificant in the estimated latent variable model. I 24 /1C\ (15) -2 ,. plm Under - N2 , oe = 2 (o-aro^.x —^ (l + al 2 - the one hand, greater values of will be more greater a 2 + °e 2 °e + - g D^ 2^1 -2 a °e + ' a oe2 , ^ 2 cc (l * o\ . + p) imply that steady-state inequality of the sensitive to the correlation given d, a greater The + the latent variable model, the steady-state variance of education will be <"> On p"\ between spouses' education. implies a greater variance of 0, the i.i.d. On latent variable the other hand, for a variable influencing education. the less sensitive inequality will be to the correlation between spouses' education. Instrumental variables estimation using grandparents' education as an instrument for parents' education suggests that a is approximately 0.44. the regression, the IV estimate of a increases the regression; the change of the data in the 0.44 for estimate in the coefficient is sample for which data may to 0.58. is When neighbors' education Neighbors' education is due to the loss of approximately available on neighbors. is put in insignificant in 30% percent This suggests that the be preferable, but both estimates should be treated with caution. If grandparents directly contribute to their grandchildren' education, the IV estimate will be biased upwards. Equations (13) through (15) imply that 0.6 to 0.8 will increase change in sorting c by 0.9%, compared would increase since this implies a large These results with c e2 G„, by 1% if to if a 0.8% under a was 0.6, but is 0.44, an increase in p m the baseline model. by only 0.7% if from This a was 0.7, . more complicated models should be considered provisional. It is 25 possible that sorting has stronger effects at the extreme tails of the distribution. may analysis in not have been fine enough to determine the effects of segregation on segregation inner city ghettos, or estimation of inequality. The Markov among Native Americans more complex However, latent variable initial efforts in in South Dakota. Theoretically, the models could yield larger effects of sorting on these directions suggest that the results of previous sections are fairly robust. VI. Authors from a variety of caught in a tide Conclusion political perspectives have argued that America of increasing inequality and segregation. The data reviewed is in this becoming paper cast doubt on the view that Americans are sorting more than before, and the calibration suggests that increased correlation effect between spouses or among neighbors' on inequality of moderately heritable characteristics. dramatic increases in sorting in either deviation of education by only likely to likely to As shown in have a minor Table IV, even marriages or neighborhoods would increase the standard percent, or approximately one week. Increased sorting fit the data but yield different long-run predictions, there presume these more complicated models would suggest a is While have a moderate impact on the intergenerational correlation of education. other models might also to 1 is is no reason larger, rather than smaller, effect of segregation on long-run inequality. In fact, the analysis in this paper since it may overestimate the effect of sorting on inequality, takes a, the effect of parents' education on their children's education, as exogenous to 26 sorting paterns. Reductions in the cost of sorting are likely to raise the private return on educational investments closer to the social return. parents to adjust their consumption to the Becker [1981] argues education if this that parents mean to They may also reduce incentives for smooth consumption across generations. have greater incentive to invest in childrens' increases the child's chance of marrying a desirable spouse. assortative marriage can be seen as a tax proceeds going to their children-in-law. on parents' investments If pm = 0.6, Imperfectly in their children, with the average education of a child and his or her spouse will increase by 0.8 years for every extra year of education the child's parents provide. If p m rises by 1/3, to 0.8, average education of a child and his or her spouse will increase by 0.9 years for every extra year of education the child's parents provide. likely that this twelve and a half percent increase would increase investment in in the return to educational seems It investment education by more than enough to offset the approximately one percent decline in education from increased marital sorting in the estimated Markovian model. 19 If improvements in the matching technology lead parents to increase investment in education, and thus increase a, both the variance and the average level of education will increase [Becker 1981]. In situations in which the average coefficient of variation, a/u, provides a better deviation of education. 19 To Under this level of education changes, the measure of inequality than the standard model, with its additive error term, increases in a will the extent that imperfectly assortative marriage arises not because of informational problems, but because people also value other noninherited characteristics, reduced variance in these non-inherited characteristics will not necessarily lead parents to invest education. more in 27 reduce the coefficient of variation, but in parental investment no reason in general, there is in children will affect the coefficient Improved matching to presume of variation one that increases way or the other. consumption smoothing across will also reduce incentives for generations, and this will make because improvements matching technology will cause poor people to expect worse in the long-run distribution of assets more equal. This is marriages for their children, and rich people to expect better marriages for their children. consequent reduction poor people to save sorting on inequality in the desire for more and may be consumption smoothing across generations rich people to save less. effects the direct effect of increased by skill in workplaces may have larger on inequality than sorting by parental characteristics, since an individual's future characteristics are presumably more highly correlated with than with his or her parents' characteristics. which will cause by behavioral response. partially counteracted Sorting by academic ability in schools or Thus is his or her current characteristics Ironically, this suggests that the seen as least objectionable from an egalitarian point of view in increasing inequality. increasing. increased. 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Stature," American 33 Table a I: Direct and Indirect Effect of Increasing p m from 0.6 to 0.8 % direct increase p m after multiplier c„ effect in % indirect increase in a., 0.9 14.0 0.850 4.0 0.8 1.0 0.825 1.0 0.6 2.7 0.809 0.11 0.4 1.0 0.803 0.01 34 Table II: Years of Schooling Years of Education Father Mother Children 0.38% 1.63% 2.63% 2.42% 4.14% 4.51% 7.73% 6.73% 8.19% 5.06% 30.13% 4.39% 5.89% 1.55% 6.02% 8.61% 0% 0% .46% .21% 1.25% 2.01% 2.97% 8.86% 4.89% 7.61% 8.82% 41.79% 4.26% 4.85% 2.63% 5.73% 3.68% 0.04% 0.13% 0.33% 0.59% .09% 2.84% 4.93% 40.45% 9.53% 10.95% 5.31% 14.08% 9.74% M 11.12 yrs 11.48 yrs 13.33 yrs o 3.49 yrs 2.62 yrs 2.11 yrs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 n 0% 0% 1 2393 obs 2393 obs 2393 obs 35 Table III: Regression Estimates of Childrens' Education as a Function of Parents' Education and Neighbors' Education VARIABLE PARED (1) (2) 0.379 0.413 (0.022) NEIGHED MOMED -0.262 (0.018) 0.127 0.525 : (0.044) (0.450) 0.204 ~ — : DADED 0.179 . (0.019) - : - (0.007) : : : (0.016) ~ ~ 0.032 7.51 8.53 7.45 7.554 (0.417) (0.225) (0.425) (3.448) 0.266 0.262 0.266 0.274 1413 1413 1413 1413 0.012 Z -0.028 _ ADJ. R" N - _ P*NEIGHED CONS (0.165) (0.025) PARED" NEIGHED (4) _ 0.127 (0.044) (3) (0.0194) Note.- standard errors are in parentheses. MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 009781565 36 Table IV: Effect of Changes in Sorting on Steady-State Inequality, Intergenerational Correlation of Education, Inequality of Discounted Education, and Persistence of Inequality between Ethnic Groups* (Percentage increase over base case shown in parentheses. Note: Maintained assumptions are that a=0.379, p=0.127, ) at = 1.74, y= 0, w m= 0.7, and w n =0.5. a. P~(ZiAt+ i) n 0.2 1.874 0.329 2.242 0.432 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 0.8 0.2 1.889 0.367 2.313 0.444 (33%) (-) (0.8%) (11.5%) (3.2%) (2.6%) High Neighborhood 0.6 0.4 1.899 0.354 2.307 0.445 Sorting (-) (100%) (1.3%) (7.7%) (2.9%) (2.9%) High General Sorting 0.8 0.4 1.915 0.392 2.382 0.457 (33%) (100%) (2.2%) (19.3%) (6.2%) (5.6%) Base case High Marital Sorting Pm Pn 0.6 J * e Figure 1. Inequality as a function of a and p Date Due OCT 12 1397 Lib-26-6"