tCHPgg Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series FISCAL POLICY AND FINANCIAL DEPTH Ricardo J. Caballero Arvind Krishnamurthy Working Paper 04-22 May 3, 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 021 42 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 7 20(M LIBRARIES Fiscal Policy Ricardo J. and Financial Depth Arvind Krishnamurthy* Caballero This draft: May 2004 03, Abstract Most economists and observers place the recent Argentine crisis. lack of fiscal discipline at the core of the This begs the question of how countries (pre-Maastricht) could run large fiscal deficits like and accumulate debts Belgium or Italy beyond those of far Argentina, without experiencing crises nearly as dramatic as that of Argentina? Why that Argentina cannot act like Belgium or Italy and pursue expansionary fiscal is it policy during downturns? their financial depth, We argue that advanced and emerging economies and show that lack of way that can overturn standard Keynesian financial fiscal depth constrains policy prescriptions. empirical support for this viewpoint. Crowding out is fiscal We when the crowding out JEL Codes: coefficient exceeds policy in a also provide systematically larger in emerging markets than in developed economies. More importantly, this difference ing crises, differ in is extreme dur- one in emerging market economies. E44, E62, F34, F41 Keywords: Sudden stops, financial depth, fiscal deficits, liquidity crises, populism, crowding out. •Respectively: MIT and NBER; We Northwestern University. are grateful to Fernando Broner, E-mails: Guy, Debelle, a- Jaewoo Lee, and Alessandro Pavan for their comments and to Francisco Gallego for excellent research assistance. Caballero thanks the NSF for financial support. Introduction 1 Most economists and observers place the gentine crisis. lack of fiscal discipline at the core of the recent Ar- This begs the question of how countries could run large and accumulate debts fiscal deficits Belgium or like far beyond those of Argentina, with- Why out experiencing crises nearly as dramatic as that of Argentina? cannot act We like Belgium or Italy Italy (pre-Maastricht) and pursue expansionary is it that Argentina policy during downturns? fiscal provide an answer to these questions based on the observation that advanced and emerging market economies depth constrains differ in their financial depth. policy in a fiscal We show that lack of financial way that can overturn standard Keynesian fiscal policy prescriptions. By financial depth we mean the supply of funds available to the government and private sector of an emerging market. Investing in an emerging market requires far than investing in an advanced one. exchange rate tion. risk, Segmentation investors who have depth of a country As it requires knowledge of political risk, and the degree and form of corporate, and government corrup- judicial a prevalent feature of emerging markets. is We refer to the small set of the investment expertise on these markets as specialists. is The financial limited by the liquidity controlled by these specialists. in our previous model an external For example, more expertise work crisis as (see Caballero and Krishnamurthy 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), we an event in which financial depth country faces a quantity financial-constraint on its crowds out private investment; therefore loose fiscal The crowding-out problem is We of the country's assets. amplified illustrate if is borrowing. policy expansionary limited. 1 In this context, the Any government expenditure may in fact fiscal policy be contractionary. worsens the quality two channels of amplification. First, as the rising share of public debt to private assets reduces the aggregate liquidity of the country's assets, specialists increase their required liquidity Second, if premium and this further reduces financial depth. the lack of fiscal discipline sparks investors' fears regarding the fiscal responsibility of the government, specialists endogenously lower their valuation of the country's assets financial depth also We 1 reduced further. provide empirical support for our crowding-out hypothesis by examining the ential response of 2 is See Broner et emerging and advanced economies to al (2003) for and 2 fiscal shocks. We first differ- extend the extensive evidence of limited supply of funds during external crises. This second, signaling channel has a resemblance with some of the explanations in the literature on "expansionary fiscal contractions" sparked by Giavazzi and (1990) and Drazen (1990). Hemming et al (2002). See More also, e.g., generally, the tight connection environment of tight capital flows is behavior of the Brazilean yield curve. Pagano (1990), and discussed by Blanchard Alesina and Perotti (1995), Giavazzi and Pagano (1996), and between fiscal policy and cost of credit in an consistent with the evidence in Favero and Giavazzi (2003) on the (IADB results in economies than 1997) and show that We advanced economies. in expansion on private investment. policy fiscal is indeed more pro-cyclical in emerging then turn to estimating the effect of a fiscal We show that this coefficient is more negative in emerging economies than in advanced economies. However, our main results are from a "differencein-difference" regression. in tranquil times much is We show that the difference between the response in crises and bigger (more negative) in emerging economies than in advanced ones. we make the In section 2 basic connection between crowding out and financial depth Sections 3 and 4 are the core of the paper and during sudden stops of capital inflows. present two models of extreme crowding out. In the liquidity of a country's assets as the share of first one we we model the decline in the government debt in total assets rises, while in the second one we highlight the negative signaling of a government that refuses to adjust accounts. its fiscal The simple dynamic model value. Section 5 present empirical evidence, and section We consider a government that has a stock of debt, private sector has a total of / projects that marginal product of I of independent 6 concludes. r. it D, which it The needs to refinance. needs to fund. Each of these projects has a In sum, the financing need of the government and the private sector + D. The international interest rate is r* During normal times, there are . lenders (or collectively they have sufficient funds), so that investment are financed at the interest rate of Our central assumption strained. At there are many by is Crowding out 2 is of illiquidity in Section 3 q, that during this point, the country where q is specialists, is an external crisis this supply of funds is con- each with some limited funds to lend. The specialists are indexed is than q. whose opportunity cost is less for funds > r*). In aggregate, the supply the mass of funds available for lending by with the supply of funds yields, I + D = F{q). Since the private sector has marginal product of borrow funds. Thus government debt and private has limited financial depth. Formally, we assume that given as F(q), where F(-) Equating the demand many r*. their effective opportunity cost of lending (q schedule of funds specialists is all sufficiently r, it is willing to pay up to r in order to in equilibrium, I +D= F(r). (1) ^From during a this relation, crisis we see an immediate constraint that the loss of financial depth places on fiscal policy: If the government increases crowding out of private investment. Figure 1 illustrates this scenario. we measure gross returns and on the horizontal the amount external crisis, the interest rate jumps to the which pins down the the government, maximum means one less D, there maximum On is a one-for-one the vertical axis of external loans. During an return the private sector can offer, (and actual) loans the country receives. Any new loan to loan to the private sector. F D Figure In the next sections potentially more In this section of Crowding out we develop dynamic illiquidity we show government debt falls. : model and illustrate that in the if and crowding out specialists economy have any liquidity preference, then as the share increases, the liquidity of all of the country's assets Specialists require a larger liquidity supply of funds. The reason behind this is versions of this simple drastic forms of crowding out. Aggregate 3 1 premium in response, effect is that ultimately linked to the productivity of its and further reduce their the aggregate liquidity of a country private assets. Government assets may be backed by domestic transfers but they do not themselves generate aggregate returns. Thus, as crowding out increases country's assets assets decrease, the liquidity of the falls. Our dynamic model to which and returns from private is a fairly straightforward extension of the previous static model, we add a government in order to derive the dynamics of government debt. Time continuous. is Our with either the reversal of the any time interval default. In Xdt. The attack event is crisis, the reversal of the dt, crisis We equal to F(q). is precipitate a government occurs with exogenous probability endogenously determined by the behavior of specialists (see below). period financial depth crisis may or a final attack which For now, we denote the attack probability in the next dt as During the and finishes analysis starts with the onset of an exogenous crisis is and the supply of funds to the country limited introduce some liquidity concerns among < We the specialists. The long-term that there are "long-term" and "short-term" specialists. opportunity cost of funding of q fitdt. > Short-term specialists have cost of funding of q In addition to higher q. We model this by specialists also face the possibihty of liquidity shocks. have specialists F= with corresponding total mass of funds of q, assume F(q). short-term q's, assuming that with flow probability of 5dt a sunspot occurs in the next interval of time. If the sunspot occurs, may then the short-term specialists Loans from short term projects (i.e. is r, specialists to exit the As The government effect of its actions next dt and cease lending. before, since the marginal product of the private sector's the interest rate on these loans — for the both the government and private sector are assumed to be instantaneous). excess return of (r market also is q)dt to an investor of type r. If q. If loans are repaid, they yield a flow there default, the return is values an expansionary fiscal policy, while We make on private sector investment. is — 1. it completely ignores the this extreme assumption in order to capture the short horizon of the type of governments that concern us here. flow benefit sets g t equal = g is gtdt. > 0, So, the government either continues an expansionary or balances the budget by setting gt t . growth t As mentioned, the in public debt t . is over its debt, crisis may end +gt. t in a final attack in and has to reconcile its debt. which the government We assume that But not all governments perceive the same type, 6, that parameterizes how concerned cost. We is unable to the government cares about the growth in the stock of debt because the cost of dealing with the attack D that to, D = rD roll = —rD The fiscal policy The is increasing in assume that a government has a with the debt. In particular, a government it is of type 8 views the cost of debt as, (1 3 Note essential. also that What is we have assumed - B)C(D) full is that there illiquidity after the except of a measure zero event (when the final See below. crisis 0, C" > 0. than partial default or restructuring. This default, rather important to our model This holds as long as the degree of C> is a discrete expected run is substantial, takes place at the first loss which when is is not default takes place. the case instant in which in our model it is feasible). Our preferred interpretation of 6 and expropriate as a "populist" expropriation then is [itOdt. so that the analogue of (1) < 6 < We may react assume that a government of type In any interval of time dt, the probability of 1. Therefore, the supply of funds from specialists F(r - is 8), /j, t is, It The model has that in the attack event, the government financial assets. all 8 expropriates with probability is +D = t a sovereign principle built regardless of whether these were issued F{r - fi t 0t). (2) as default/expropriation occurs on in, all debts, by the country's private sector or the government. Thus, foreign investors value corporate and government debt equally. We bility next describe the liquidity concerns of specialists and link this to the attack proba- fj. t of Sdt. We . As noted earlier, The sunspot may serve to coordinate an attack. assume that the sunspot show that any short-term for the next dt reason order a sunspot occurs in the next interval of time with flow probability is dt. is only observed by the short-term specialists. specialist that and not renew — 1, which is the other hand, if his financing on any government or corporate is benefit. assume that q > r — no problem in if is of is is any events. We specialists, oiF—F assets. unwinding the corporate position, since these are short-term loans not repay these loans without question is 4 a sunspot occurs specialists will unwind a position on completed projects. The problem will which to withdraw. do not observe the sunspot of the short-term the do not cease lending based on this sunspot. is is on the other hand, continue lending regardless of for all levels of Dt. Also, since they There q)dt, The This ensures that they always earn a surplus on specialist lending 59. Then, in aggregate, — Thus, as long as there chance of default, the optimal strategy for the short-term specialist specialists, ir loans. the attack occurs and the government defaults, the cost an order of magnitude larger than the The long-term easy to has seen a sunspot will withdraw from the country that the benefit of continuing to invest in the country On It is may first arise with the government loans. The government securing financing from other specialists. whether the specialists that did not observe the liquidity shock have Thus the sufficient resources to finance the government bonds of the exiting specialists. These resources will be insufficient if, A > F, There is still their financing. term small. specialists. the possibility of a "run" equilibrium in which We are implicitly ruling this out. In this case, we (3) all of the long-term specialists do not renew One can imagine a sunspot also coordinating the short- are analyzing a situation where the probability of this sunspot is very which case the government in 6 is not able to refinance debt and defaults with probability its 5 even satisfied, so that a sunspot occurs, there if government's debt. In this case, and in distress F D Thus, as F(r) to t 0. D > F, t a sunspot always results from falls In other words as the government crosses through the threshold, the become illiquid, and crowding out deficits lower is more than More one-for-one. generally, the liquidity of a country's assets, crowding out will be severe. when D is large, t the marginal lender Whenever the Note also that is, liability. is a short-term specialist This is who is fi- the source of the instability. (1983), there is a "run" equilibrium, which we resolve with a latter takes place, it precipitates an attack. Diamond and Dybvig sunspot. That not sufficient liquidity to refinance all of the For large levels of nancing an implicitly long-term government in is debt level a government can take on without risking a final attack. government Intuitively, As this inequality S. 58). country's assets more = is F, passes through this threshold the supply of funds from specialists F(r — as long as = maximum a is /it \i t < For small levels of Dt There are two cases to consider. illiquidity has a more severe effect on worse governments (i.e. higher f?'s). as government debt passes through the threshold, a worse government experiences stronger crowding-out. The model can be solved recursively because of the assumption that the government not concerned about private investment, and because the interest rate the The government problem can be crisis. investor's If the constant during solved without regard for what investors think of its actions, since the residual claimant of these actions The is is the domestic private sector. problem can be solved next, taking the actions of the government as given. crisis ends before the attack occurs, the debt repaid with taxes (which the is government does not internalize), and the government's perception of the benefits of a expansion vanishes as 5 well. may be able to change the promised interest rate on the government to increase the interest rate would smooth our results somewhat but anything qualitatively. interest rate it There would be a region of The main pays on its fiscal 6 In a richer model, the government discussed above. difference is bonds above crisis and default, linked to the it its debt. Allowing would not change same considerations that prior to the default event, the government would raise the r, thereby delaying the crisis. This would be realistic as highly indebted governments (relative to the size of the specialists pool and private sector's assets) would see frequent interest rate spikes. rise 6 The point, however, is that there is still a Dt beyond which there is no more interest that can prevent the crisis from taking place. A11 that we is require is that the government values g more during the crisis than during normal times. The government's Bellman- Jacobi equation during the 0= external crisis is: max AV'(Dt)(rDt +gt )-(\ + n(Dt ))V(Dt )+gt .-»{Dt )(l-9)C(Dt )}. (4) gt€{-rD t ,g} Given the convexity of C(-), stopping rule: easy to see that the solution to this problem is it J —rD | otherwise. t The government begins with debt Dq. assume that D < D"{9) V0. Consider a 9 such that D*(9) = — rDt gt D .| (|) also F, which means that D* (9) > In this case, substituting _aitfflli, A = used the fact that fj, = between setting gt equal to g and setting condition gives us the < boundary condition, -t- where we have t than F. strictly larger is into equation (4) gives the nc we In order to keep the problem interesting, 7 Clearly no government will stop spending as long as F. a A < D*{0), if j is 5. it D = At t (5) o D*(9) the government is indifferent equal to —rDt. Manipulating this indifference smooth pasting condition: V'(D*(9)) = -1. This gives us an equation that we can solve for D*. (6) The solution applies as long as it is greater than F. Suppose that C(D) = D1 > with 7 D*(9) then combining conditions 1, = max j \ The first term in squared brackets spending sufficiently early that A one-for-one. This holds as long as - I when is is It may . A ^nzgr (7) good type of government stops never runs the risk of an attack, and crowding out ) F so that it is its only creates out. F(r — 66). That < F(r — crowded 8 68). is no government ever Without fully crowds out the private sector. this assumption, the interest rate rises above r which unnecessarily complicates our analysis. be surprising that g does not appear in the above first order condition, and hence in the expression the private sector D* 9. (6) yields: ' worse type of government continues spending beyond We also assume that D" (0) < 8 -9) J increasing in is more than one-for-one crowding the for it 6(1 and (5) This is due to the fully linearity out, assumption in the objective function. The only role of g in our model to control the speed at which the government accumulates debt along the path. marginal flow-utility of government expenditure. It does not affect the 4 and crowding out Fiscal fears We now illustrate a second dynamic channel whereby crowding out is more than one-for-one. Investors often worry that an emerging-market government The government in charge around when the that may it may be come bills may be fiscally irresponsible. too willing to run up expenditures, expecting not to be due. Thus, another cost of fiscal expansions during a crisis spark investor fear that the government reduces financial depth as the number is fiscally irresponsible. is This further of specialists willing to lend to the country falls. Although there are some interactions between the informational problem we highlight here and the liquidity mechanism in the previous section, our point off the liquidity mechanism. Thus, we simplify the liquidity story constant (alternatively, we of the specialists are of the the type 9 is we make two modifications is best are looking only in the region where type, indexed by not publicly known. D as in Section q, The unconditional turning of our previous model. First, and assume that the attack parameter, same made by > 2. D). fi, is exogenous and We assume that Second, we assume distribution of the latter is 9 ~ all that U[0, 9}. Investors infer the type of the government from the history of government actions since the beginning of the crisis and its initial level = 9t The expected return on lending E[9\{g s } s=0 an interval dt in - (r and the corresponding supply of funds faced /j,9 t analysis The analysis of the problem through section. is ,D is \. is, )dt, solution (8) fj,9t a stopping is it r*. I C(D) g —rD if t = D1 D t <D*(9), otherwise, with 7 > 1, In particular, since does not try to signal its type identical to that of the previous rule: f which, for the parametric case > very similar to the previous case. Thus the government problem is is: &). not concerned with private investment, its actions. The t conducted in the region where r — Our the government ... by the country F(r is of debt, has: Since D*'(8) > 0, the more populist a government is, the slower its fiscal tightening. Investors understand this and update their priors with respect to the government's type based on the path of government's expenditures. government is = g, If gt worse than that which would have stopped at D* have that g> max (o,l- \ +^7 Conversely, of all the fiscal deficit is know =D t . that the type of Inverting (9), we X r eliminated, investors learn that the value of 9 is the best those that were possible before adjustment took place. The crisis if investors solid line in Figure 2 illustrates the path of expected default, goes on and the government does not adjust its fiscal deficit. /j,9, as the external The dashed line, on the other hand, shows the path of expected default for the best 9 possible, given the level of Dt. When line to the a government adjusts, shifts it the market perception from a point on the solid corresponding point on the dashed updating stops, 9 t > = 9 line. At this time there is full revelation and W >t. tie t*6. Figure Expected Default 2: Again, this environment exhibits a more extreme form of crowding out than that in the static model of Section 2. During the external crisis, the country faces an aggregate financial constraint: It Taking beliefs + D = F{r-fi9 t about the type of government as given, investment one-for-one (as in Section does not leave beliefs unchanged. 2). (10) t ). fiscal expenditure crowds out private But an expansionary fiscal policy during the crisis This negative updating further reduces the supply of funds to the country, and private investment falls more than one-for-one with the expenditure. fiscal The other face of this perverse relation between financial resources and there a is is jump fiscal made in the resources by available The reason deficit early. is policy and the availability of Adjustment leads 6 to the great benefit of adjustment. specialists. 9 fall sharply Note, however, that same point as would cutting the cutting the deficit late does not take the economy to the is rise in that along the path, investors have learned that the government more populist than a government that reacts early. That which include the perceived quality of its is, the country's "fundamentals," government, are no longer the same. 10 Empirical Evidence 5 This section begins with some facts on the cyclical behavior of public with and without financial depth. crowding-out is It deficits in countries concludes with tests supporting the hypotheses that larger in emerging economies than in advanced ones and, most importantly, that this difference rises significantly during crises. Cyclically of Deficits 5.1 Let us contrast the behavior of advanced economies fiscal variables in vis a vis emerging Beginning with an example, we contrast the experience of Italy during the economies. 1980s with that of Argentina and Brazil in the late 1990s. Each of these country-episodes known for a high fiscal deficit within its respective is comparison group and the centrality of the deficit in public debate about macroeconomic outcomes. Panel (a) in Figure 3 presents the evolution of public debt and overall fiscal deficit as the 1980s. Debt axis while the deficit Panels (b) and 1990s. It is is (c) reported on the deficits) are significantly larger for Italy maximum in Argentina. Public debt in Italy recent example of this scenario seeing Lula's 10 We sector, fiscal the sharp is fall in austerity plan, realized that he was isolate less large, for right axis. was above 15%, may find that a government is was below when and in 4% Brazil. investors, after populist than feared. our main points. is it as large as in Argentina One of these assumptions not concerned about signaling since the cost of a bad signal but not late when the bad reputation (i.e. Argentina and Brazil Brazil's sovereign spreads which does not concern the government during the government, then one is is than deficit in Italy was more than twice have made extreme assumptions to government measured on the repeat this figure for Argentina and Brazil, respectively, during the late the relevant periods. While the A is GDP for Italy during apparent from this figure that both the level and change of public debt roughly public 9 left a percentage of crisis. If is paid in full is that the by the private we reintroduce some concern by the willing to stop spending early when the signaling gain already too hard to undo. See Angeletos et al (2003) for recent developments on policy signaling models. 10 It is also interesting to this section, that Brazil point out, although this made is not the main point that concerns us in a significant effort to reduce its deficits while Argentina did not. (a) Italy 19B0 1982 1381 1983 1984 (b) 1995 198S 1986 1987 19 Argentina 2000 1999 1995 X -Public Debt 1988 Overall Deficit - - - Primary Deficit | Figure 3 Debt and Deficits : The cyclical behavior of these deficits Italy the deficit between the component for when looking only component of and 1990s for not in Argentina and Brazil. in the 1960s, when and the cyclical at the expenditure side. GDP using the Hodrick-Prescott available. is The developed economies and for the 1990s 11 for 11 correlation of GDP is This difference -0.38 for Italy, filter. In correlation between the and 0.83 and For these introductory numbers Later on in our regressions similar conclusions. The component Argentina and Brazil, respectively. government expenditures and n The cyclical components are computed we use data beginning it is of the public deficit and 0.02 and 0.28 also apparent cyclical countercyclical, while cyclical -0.53 for Italy, is is also very different across these economies. is we use data for the 1980s emerging markets. These shorter samples yield 0.51, for Argentina, and Brazil, respectively. They can be These patterns extend beyond these few economies. ferences between emerging and advanced economies. The top of Table above evidence while the bottom report the medians of similar advanced economies. 12 While the try/episodes in our example, is generalized to 1 reproduces the statistics for differences are not as dramatic as for the emerging and extreme coun- apparent that the use of countercyclical it is still fiscal a reality for advanced economies but not for most emerging market economies. Public Deficit, GDP Government Expenditures, Argentina 1.96% 83.03% Brazil 28.37% 50.83% Italy -52.69% -37.94% Emerging (median) -4.41% 45.60% Advanced (median) -47.09% 9.08% Table We 1: dif- policy 13 GDP Procyclicality of Fiscal Policy argued with our models that an important candidate for explaining the differences between both groups of countries is financial depth. In emerging markets, limited funding constrains the use of fiscal policy during crises. Measuring financial depth as the ratio of credit to the private sector over GDP, Argentina and Brazil have 70% during More on indices GDP). LaPorta, nificant the 1980s 14 We the period of large public of financial report deficits). That is, OLS and IV GDP and liquid fiscal pro- liabilities (using legal origins as instruments, along the lines of effect of financial more two measures of development (private credit over et al., 1998) results. Virtually all and negative variables. (i.e. in the late 1990s, while in Italy the ratio exceeds generally, Table 2 presents cross-country regressions of cyclicality over 25% and 30% ratios of combinations tell the same story: there is development on the degree of procyclicality of financially developed economies experience a sigfiscal more countercyclical fiscal policy. These results are economically significant. For instance, a representative country in the top quartile of the distribution of private credit has a correlation between the cyclical 12 The sample in this exercise the 1960-2002 period. The corresponds to 88 emerging and 22 advanced economies with information in classification of emerging and advanced economies follows that of the IMF. 13 This was one of the central messages in 14 The IADB (1997). source of our measures of financial development is the Financial Structure Database of the World Bank. Private credit includes credit by commercial banks and other financial institutions. Liquid liabilities include currency and deposits (time and interest-bearing) in banks and other financial intermediaries. (See Beck at al. (1999) for a detailed description of the original sources.) 12 components of GDP and quartile of the distribution Dependent while that of a country located in the bottom deficit of -0.39; is -0.04. 15 GDP Expenditures and variable: Correlation of: Public Deficit and GDP Private credit OLS IV Number -0.093 -0.098 (0.007) (0.027) -0.290 -0.374 (0.048) (0.004) 90 90 of countries Liquid OLS IV Number Table 2: of countries Procyclicality of Fiscal Variables liabilities -0.157 -0.100 (0.003) (0.073) -0.505 -0.439 (0.019) (0.008) 85 85 and Financial Development. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Evidence of State Dependent Crowding-Out 5.2 We now turn to assessing how crowding-out of private investment varies across advanced and emerging market economies, especially during severe contractions and we D and C, erwise. 15 X is = A/it-i + aD + PDitCu + jX + 6X C it indicator function that takes a value of one this, The median country there GDP, is a public deficit over "crisis" and zero oth' in We also have conducted credit if (11) it . it 16 17 a group of controls, including a constant, and the relative price of capital. the top quartile is South Africa with a ratio of private credit to while the median country in the bottom quartile 16 it respectively, are (private or total) investment over GDP, and an is Nepal where private credit to GDP is GDP of is crisis indicator. The results are unaffected partly due to standard problems for interest rates to appear significant investment equations. As well as due to the fact that in practice crowding out takes place through channels which are only partially captured by domestic interest rates and bank loans. 17 Aside from our specific 50%, only about 10%. robustness checks including the domestic real interest rate and domestic private growth as well as interactions of these variables with the by these additions. Probably, this in For estimate: Iit /, crises. tests, this specification is justified in 13 more detail by Serven (2003). many All specifications include fixed effects hand side is and the lagged dependent variable on the right instrumented using the second lag of the dependent variable. Data and samples 5.2.1 We obtain the data from multiple sources. Total investment and the relative price of capital are from Heston et al. (2002). We construct private investment by removing government investment from total investment. We obtain the former from the Government Finance Statistics of the Growth IMF (GFS). The latter of private credit and is also the source for the public deficit information. were obtained from the World Bank's World real interest rates Development Indicators. Our panels are unbalanced, with the sample restricted to countries that have a of five observations. We split the sample into two groups: economies and another including 13 emerging economies. system to allocate countries to each of these groups. in that classification: Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, UK, and USA. For less New one including 18 advanced We use the IMF's classification We include all the Australia, Belgium, Canada, minimum advanced economies Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, developed economies we restrict the sample to those countries that Moreover, we exclude the are sufficiently developed so as to have access to capital flows. transition economies because they experienced shocks during the 1990s. These two criteria plus the reduce that sample of emerging markets to: and reforms of a very minimum different nature of five observations for each variable Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, and Venezuela. India, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, We study periods when international capital flows are relevant for each of the groups: the 1980s and 1990s for the advanced economies, and the 1990s emerging market economies. for the A key variable for us is the indicator of crisis. For this, we use three indicators built from the current account to GDP ratio, GDP growth, and country risk. The latter is measured as 100 for minus the Euromoney country advanced economies and take first risk rating, which is available for the 1980s emerging economies. for the 1990s for differences of each of these variables. Crises are periods Note that the popular EMBI/EMBI+ constructed by JPMorgan is emerging economies and at most from 1994. The Euromoney country papers, for instance Haque, et Euromoney index is 40%, including rise in political risk, all and 1990s crises indicators these are located in countries, of current only available for a subsample of risk rating has been used in other (1996) use this indicator to study determinants of country risk. built using polls of economists with an increase meaning a of al., Our when the highest (lowest) quartile of the distribution of changes, across ls 18 and creditworthiness and economic risk, is political analysts. The index goes from The to 100, a weighted average of analytical indicators (weight and economic performance), credit indicators (weight of 20%, payment record and rescheduling), and market indicators (weight of 40%, access to bond markets, selldown on short-term paper, and access to discount available for forfeiting). 14 account and country risk (GDP growth). Table 3 summarizes the fraction of observations identified as crises for each set of countries. Definition of Crises Period Growth CA Country Risk Emerging economies 1990s 7.3 7.3 9.3 Advanced economies 1980s 5.1 7.0 8.8 Advanced economies 1990s 2.9 2.1 2.0 Table Main 5.2.2 Fraction of crises-observations, by countries and periods 3: results Tables 4 and 5 presents our main results from estimating equation (11). reports results for private investment while the latter does it The former for total investment. half of each table contains the results for emerging market economies, while the reports the results for the advanced economies. across • most of the Crowding out is 6 We its Dn is much larger in rows). our hypothesis, while in advanced economies the extent of crowd- and emerging markets crowding out crises times, in during crises (sum of coefficient in most cases crowding out during The long run coefficient for similar across tranquil rises significantly • In fact, in bottom half conclusions are quite clear and robust present in advanced and emerging economies but is Most importantly ing out The top specifications: the latter group (coefficient in the • The table crises Du and DaCit). exceeds one even in the short run. estimates, which simply divide the short run results by one minus the on Iu-i, typically exceed two - a very extreme form of crowding out. Conclusion have shown how limited financial depth during crises constrains fiscal policy use as a countercylical policy instrument. In fact, using Emerging markets factors. set the crises invariably it in this fashion and may backfire. stem from a combination of bad luck and financial Argentina was no exception to these factors. However, one of the factors that Argentine experience apart was the poor response of the authorities to the phases of the crisis. limits Argentina was too late in adjusting 15 its fiscal accounts. initial Along with Emerging Countries 0.475 0.535 0.439 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.739 -0.662 -0.793 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.664 -0.159 -0.681 (0.043) (0.502) (0.023) -2.009 -3.403 -0.291 (0.043) (0.000) (0.780) Obs. /Countries 106/13 106/13 106/13 Time Period 1990s 1990s 1990s Crisis indicator Growth CA Country Risk Tranquil -1.408 -1.424 -1.414 Crisis -2.672 -1.766 -2.627 0.482 0.488 0.472 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.178 -0.170 -0.229 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.101 0.177 0.057 (0.346) (0.029) (0.223) -1.357 -2.155 -0.332 (0.064) (0.001) (0.373) Obs. /Countries 297/18 297/18 297/18 Time Period 1980-1990s 1980-1990s 1980-1990s Crisis indicator Growth CA Country Risk Tranquil -0.344 -0.332 -0.434 Crisis -0.149 0.014 -0.326 Iit-1 B it DitCu Cit Long-Run Crowding-Out Advanced Countries ht-i D it DuCit C%t Long-Run Crowding-Out Table 4: Private Investment. P-values are presented in parentheses. Covariates include the (log of)relative price of capital and interactions 16 of this variable with the crisis indicator. Emerging Countries 0.504 0.537 0.455 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.746 -0.728 -0.800 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.482 -0.066 -0.624 (0.099) (0.779) (0.019) -2.384 -2.583 -0.444 (0.013) (0.006) (0.660) Obs. /Countries 112/13 112/13 112/13 Time Period 1990s 1990s 1990s Crisis indicator Growth CA Country Risk Tranquil -1.504 -1.572 -1.468 Crisis -2.476 -1.715 -2.613 0.436 0.448 0.450 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) -0.215 -0.211 -0.255 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.083 0.164 0.063 (0.405) (0.019) (0.127) -1.105 -2.094 -0.437 (0.106) (0.000) (0.178) Obs./Countries 309/18 309/18 309/18 Time Period 1980-1990s 1980-1990s 1980-1990s Crisis indicator Growth CA Country Risk Tranquil -0.381 -0.382 -0.464 Crisis -0.234 -0.085 -0.349 ht-l D it DuCit Cu Long-Run Crowding-Out Advanced Countries Iit-1 D it DuCit Cu Long-Run Crowding-Out Table 5: Total Investment. P-values are presented in parentheses. Covariates include the (log of)relative price of capital and interactions of 17 this variable with the crisis indicator. the political environment, this poor response worsened the quality of Argentina's assets by reducing aggregate liquidity and reigniting fears of populism. The recent experience of Brazil under President Lula reflects the other side of the coin. Faced with deteriorating external financial conditions, and contrary to expectations, Brazil's government endorsed tight Markets were positively surprised that the fiscal discipline. government was not as populist as many feared. The reaction was a sharp reversal of capital outflows. Our model captures of the country's assets these events. Slow fiscal adjustment weakens investors' perception through two channels: it lowers the perceived quality of the gov- ernment; and it investments. Conversely, early adjustment can result in a dramatic improvement in the reduces the liquidity of the country's assets by crowding out productive country's performance. Our evidence points clearly in the direction of a crowding-out severe in emerging market economies than in advanced ones. ference rises during periods of crises. mechanism that More importantly, In emerging markets, crowding-out is is more this dif- more than one-for-one during crises, suggesting that fiscal expansions at those times are in fact very contractionary. plain why This, together with the direct impact of capital flow reversals, fiscal policy is much less countercyclical in advanced ones. 18 may ex- emerging market economies than in References [1] Alesina, A. and R. Perotti, "Fiscal Expansion tries," [2] Economic Policy, A and European Forum, Vol. Angeletos, G.M, A.Pavan, and C.Hellwig, Fiscal Adjustments in OECD Coun- 21, 1995, pp. 205-48. "Coordination and Policy Traps," MIT mimeo, 2003. 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