Document 11157971

SO441 Synoptic Meteorology: Assignment 5
35 points
1. (10 pts) Explain each of the 4 terms of the frontogenesis equation: give a description, and
a pictorial example for each (Lackmann 2011, Section 6.2).
2. (5 pts) Discuss why the temperature gradients along a cold front tend to be much stronger
than those along a warm front.
3. (5 pts) Given your answer in #2, discuss the implications the differences in temperature
gradient along a cold front vs. a warm front have for precipitation and cloud types along
4. (15 pts) Putting it all together. Using Q-G theory (Lesson 7; Lackmann Ch. 2) and the
theory of extratopical cyclone development (Lesson 4; Lackmann Ch. 5), explain the
development of the idealized frontal system depicted in the figure below.
Sea level pressure (mb) at 0000 UTC 17 Nov 2009
with subjective frontal analysis. Fig. 6.1
(Lackmann 2011).