Assignment #2 (35 pts) Name: ___________________________ 1. Consider two general velocity vectors,

Assignment #2 (35 pts)
Name: ___________________________
1. Consider two general velocity vectors,
u1  u1iˆ  v1 ˆj  w1kˆ
u2  u2iˆ  v2 ˆj  w2kˆ
a. (4 pts) Find the dot product of u1 and u2 .
b. (4 pts) Find the cross product of u1 and u2 .
c. (4 pts) If the vectors are expressed as follows,
u1  4 y
v1  3 x
w1  0
u2  3 x
v2  4 y
w2  z
Evaluate the dot product and cross products of u1 and u2 that you found in parts a and b.
d. (4 pts) If an ocean parcel is moving due southeast at 10 kts (meaning it is moving from NW
to SE), write its velocity vector using standard iˆ and ĵ notation.
2. The triple cross product identity is expressed as
    
A B  C  B A C  C A B
When dealing with rotating frames, such as the earth, the following term comes up when
calculating the acceleration:
 
where  is the angular rotation with units of s 1 and  is a position vector from the center to
the surface of the earth with units of m. This term,      , is called centripetal acceleration,
and we will see it again in Chapter 9.
a. (3 pts) Use the triple cross product identity on      :
b. (3 pts) What are the units of the expression      ?
c. (3 pts) Without loss of generality, we can assume that
 xiˆ  yjˆ  zkˆ and that the rotation
axis is in the k̂ direction so   k̂ . Use this information to evaluate the expression you found
in question 2a.
3. More dot and cross-products.
a) (5 pts) Find the result of A  B if the coplanar angle between two non-zero vectors, A and
B , is 180°.
b) (5 pts) Find the result of A  B if the coplanar angle between two non-zero vectors, A and
B , is 180°.