8 i "& \ LIBRARIES) ra / ° M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/comparativeadvanOOkraa DEWE\ working paper department of economics COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AND THE CROSS-SECTION OF BUSINESS CYCLES Aart Kraay Jaunie Ventura 98-09 June, 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AND THE CROSS-SECTION OF BUSINESS CYCLES Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura 98-09 June, 1998 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 1 6 1998 LIBRARIES Comparative Advantage and the Cross-section of Business Cycles Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura The World Bank M.I.T. May, 1998 Business cycles are both less volatile and more synchronized with the in rich countries than in poor ones. In this paper, we develop two alternative but non-competing explanations for these facts. Both explanations proceed from the observation that the law of comparative advantage causes rich and poor countries to specialize in the production of different commodities. In particular, rich countries specialize in "high-tech" products produced by skilled workers while poor countries specialize in "low-tech" products produced by unskilled workers. Cross-country differences in business cycles then arise as a result of asymmetries among the industries in which different countries specialize. We focus on two such asymmetries. The first we label the "competition bias" hypothesis, and is based on Abstract : world cycle in production costs are more prevalent in hightech industries, sheltering producers from foreign competition and therefore making the idea that cross-country differences them The second asymmetry we based on the idea that production costs in might be more sensitive to the shocks that drive business cycles. large suppliers in the markets for their products. label the "cyclical bias" hypothesis, low-tech industries and is Comments are welcome at akraay@worldbank.org (Kraay) andjaume@mit.edu (Ventura). The views expressed here are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of The World Bank. Business cycles are different Figure 1 , we have and poor in rich as the Volatility fluctuations in per capita ones. In GDP growth against sample of countries. We refer to this plotted the standard deviation of per capita the log-level of per capita income for a large relationship countries. In the top panel of Graph and note that it is income growth are smaller the bottom panel of Figure 1 we have , downward-sloping, meaning that countries than in rich poor in plotted the correlation of per capita income growth rates with world average per capita income growth (excluding the country in countries. question) against the log-level of per capita income for the We refer to this relationship is self-explanatory, shows in rich in Both explanations countries than in poor ones. Table that these facts are quite robust. causes rely on the notion that it is per capita income growth are more 1 , which 1 Here we develop two alternative but non-competing explanations facts. set of as the Comovement Graph and note upward-sloping, meaning that fluctuations synchronized with the world cycle same that the law of comparative these for advantage rich countries to specialize in "high-tech" industries that require sophisticated technologies operated by skilled workers, while poor countries specialize in "low-tech" industries that require traditional technologies operated by unskilled workers. This pattern of specialization opens up the possibility that cross-country differences in business cycles are due to asymmetries between high-tech and low-tech industries. For instance, assume that production foreign shocks and less sensitive immediately that production in to in high-tech industries domestic shocks than in is more low-tech ones. high-tech industries, and therefore would be more synchronized with the world cycle than in sensitive to in rich it is reasonable to expect that foreign shocks are less domestic shocks. As a countries, 1 result, would also be less Acemoglu and reference to the Zilibotti production volatile in than volatile many other than in rich low-tech ones. (1997) also present the Volatility graph. graph. Comovement countries, high-tech industries, and therefore in follows low-tech ones. Moreover, to the extent that foreign shocks are an average of the domestic shocks of countries, It We are unaware of any previous One explanation of idea that producers in in low-tech industries. why industries react differently to asymmetry among refer to this industries as the "competition bias" hypothesis. This bias would occur, for instance, production costs among more prevalent firms are differences in These cost and make them large international markets. in how This competition bias has implications for and foreign shocks. Consider the unit costs in in if high-tech industries. in differences shelter technological leaders from their competitors suppliers based on the is more market power than producers high-tech industries enjoy We shocks all effects of industries react to domestic a favourable domestic shock that reduces industries. Since producers in high-tech industries are large suppliers international markets, increases in their production lower prices, moderating the effects of the shock. Since producers in low-tech industries are small suppliers in world markets, increases in their production have the extent that the competition bias is important, little To or no effect on their prices. one would therefore expect that high-tech industries are less sensitive to domestic shocks than low-tech industries. Consider next the effects of a foreign shock that raises production and income abroad and, as a result, increases tech industries are large suppliers into a large and prices. Since shift in their industry producers in demand in in all industries. international markets, this demand which in world demand is low-tech industries are small suppliers met by increases that the competition bias is important, industries are more in in production international demand as most of production abroad. one would therefore expect To high- translated is in in the the extent that high-tech sensitive to foreign shocks than low-tech industries. Another explanation the idea that unit costs business cycles than in in for would occur if why industries react differently to the latter might be the former. the "cyclical bias" hypothesis. this bias shock leads to large increases markets, this shock has a negligible effect on their industry increase Since producers If We more sensitive to the refer to this shocks is based on shocks that drive asymmetry among industries as business cycles are driven by productivity shocks, industry productivity is more volatile in low-tech industries. If business cycles are driven by monetary shocks, advance constraints are more prevalent this bias cash-in- if for firms in low-tech industries. This cyclical bias also has implications for and foreign shocks. Almost by assumption, the domestic shocks reduce might arise how industries react to domestic cyclical bias implies that favourable more than unit costs in low-tech industries high-tech in industries, leading to larger increases in production in the former than in the latter. This is how the cyclical bias explains why high-tech industries are less sensitive to domestic shocks than low-tech industries. Less obviously, the more implies that high-tech industries are industries. To see this, sensitive to foreign cyclical bias also shocks than low-tech consider the effects of a favourable shock that raises The production and income abroad. cyclical bias implies that worldwide production of low-tech products increases relative to that of high-tech products, raising the relative price of high-tech products. constitutes a favourable one From the perspective shock for low-tech producers. for As a domestic economy, of the this producers of high-tech products and an adverse result, high-tech industries are more sensitive to foreign shocks than low-tech industries. To analyze these issues we construct a stylized world equilibrium model of the cross-section of business cycles. Inspired by the work of Davis (1995), world in which differences in both factor industry technologies a la Ricardo endowments a combine to la economy determine a country's comparative to both the sort of productivity fluctuations that emphasized by Kydland and Prescott (1982), and also real effects since firms and find conditions cyclical biases can be used to explain the evidence enough that we to face cash-in-advance constraints. cross-section of business cycles obtain closed-form solutions for also find that our results hold even in we all We subject this have been monetary shocks that have We then characterize the under which the competition and in Figure 1. The model is simple the expressions of interest. We the presence of trade frictions, modelled here as "iceberg" transport costs, provided that these the pattern of trade. Also, consider a Heckscher-Ohlin and advantage and, therefore, the patterns of specialization and trade. world we frictions are not so large as to alter find that reductions in transport costs (globalization?) magnify cross-country differences in business cycles. hypotheses under consideration have of the terms of trade. In principle, between the two hypotheses. Finally, we show that the two different implications for the cyclical properties these properties can be used to distinguish In practice, however, a first look at the data yields conflicting evidence. The research presented here economy real is related to the large literature on open- business cycle models, surveyed by Backus, Kehoe and Kydland (1995) and Baxter (1995), that explores how productivity shocks are transmitted across countries. Our work also relates to recent work by Obstfeld and Rogoff (1 995, 1998) and Corsetti and Pesenti (1998) that analyzes the international transmission of monetary shocks. We differ from these emphasizing the aspects focus on those aspects in in lines of research in two ways. Instead of which business cycles are similar across countries, which they are different. Instead of focusing primarily on the implications of international lending, risk-sharing and factor transmission of business cycles, The paper is we emphasize the role of organized as follows. Section 1 we movements for the commodity trade. 2 develops the basic model. Section 2 explores the properties of a cross-section of business cycles in the basic model. Section 3 extends the model by introducing money. Section 4 further extends the model by introducing transport costs. Section 5 examines the model for cyclical properties of the some implications of terms of trade. Section 6 concludes. Previous literature on business cycles in open economies typically assumes that either (a) there is a so that there is no commodity trade whatsoever, or (b) that countries are completely specialized in the production of differentiated products. Whether such models provide a good description of observed trade patterns has not been a major concern for this literature. In contrast, the model presented here is empirically consistent with the main features of observed trade patterns: (a) a large volume of trade among rich countries in products with similar factor intensity (intraindustry trade); (b) substantial trade among rich and poor countries in products with different factor intensities (interindustry trade); and (c) little trade among poor countries. single commodity, 1. A Simple Model of Trade and Business Cycles We consider a world with a continuum which industries, skilled and country is refer to unskilled workers defined by a an index of productivity. country differences in and is, one; two 8 is in their technologies, their of production, endowments their level of productivity. In particular, triplet (n,8,7i), technology of the country mass as the a- and p-industries; and two factors unskilled workers. Countries differ and of skilled we of countries with where jj. is a measure of each how advanced the fraction of the population that is skilled, the and n is We assume that workers cannot migrate and that cross- technology are stable, so that )i and 8 are constant. We generate business cycles by allowing the productivity index n to fluctuate randomly. The a- and p-industries each contain a continuum measure one which can be traded of differentiated products of at zero cost. Firms in the a-industry sophisticated technologies that require skilled labour, while firms traditional in use the p-industry use technologies that can be operated by both skilled and unskilled workers. we Not surprisingly, shall find that rich countries that have better technologies and a high proportion of skilled workers export mainly cc-products, while poor countries that have worse technologies and a high proportion products. To emphasize instruments. To the role of simplify the commodity problem further, of unskilled trade, we we workers export mainly p- rule out trade in financial also rule out investment. Jointly, these assumptions imply that countries do not save. 3 Preferences Each country level of skills 3 and populated by a continuum of consumers js who differ in their personal opportunity cost of work, or reservation wage. their The model presented here is related to Kraay and Ventura (1 997). We index consumers by this ie [1/y, 00 ) Pareto distribution: P(i) and assume = 1 - (y maximizes the following expected c a (z,i) E|U • \)~ X with ?t>0, y>0. , is distributed according to A consumer with index i utility: \ 1-v nV that this index cp(i) e -P-t.dt K|) 1-v (1) i / where if the U(.) is any well-behaved of a- is an indicator function that takes value e e e-i 1 = Jc a (z,i) 1 and p-products: _ c«(i) l(i) otherwise; and ca (i) and c p (i) are the following consumer works and consumption indices function; e e-1 e-i "•I dz cp(i) = Jcp(z,i) e e-1 -dz (2) _o where ca (z,i) and c p (z,i) are consumer industries, respectively. The i's consumption of variety z elasticity of substitution of the a- between industries one, while is the elasticity of substitution between any two varieties within an industry and p- is 9, with e>i. The spend a solution to the fraction Moreover, the v of their ratio of consumer's problem is quite straightforward. income on a-products and a fraction 1-v spending on any two a-products z and z' is Consumers on p-products. given by 1-e 1-e Pp(z) Pa(z) ; and the ratio of spending on any two p-products z and z' is Pa(z') Pp(z') where p a (z) and p p (z) denote the respectively. Finally, unskilled) price of variety z of the a- consumers work if exceeds a reservation wage and only 1 of i" . if and p-products, the applicable wage (skilled or We express prices all terms of the ideal consumer price index, in 1-v V "1 Jp a 1 (z) "1 Te -e -dz J to P p(z) 1 1-e - and of skilled assumption that the 1 Let . r(p.,8,7i) and w(|j.,8,7t) be the wages j unskilled workers be the measure = d2 .0 .0 of skilled i.e. in and a (p.,8,7i)-country. Also, define s(u.,8,7t) unskilled workers that are employed. distribution of skills and u(u.,8,rc) Under the and reservation wages are independent, we have that i s = r \ 8- (3) ( i u = (1-6) w\ x \ (4) 1 Equations (3)-(4) f ' r show \^ x employed are y, that type of enough so ' and w unskilled workers that are wage any type worker respectively. If the the entire labour force of that type is employed and the labour supply v reaches and that the fraction of skilled l , workers becomes "k, is the vertical. happens. that this never labour supplies, of of y) J same Throughout, Finally, we we shall assume that y is for large note that the wage-elasticity of the for both types of workers since it only depends on the dispersion of reservation wages. Firms and Technology The to all oc-industry uses sophisticated production processes that are not available and e~ ta countries that require skilled workers. Let practice" unit labour requirements to produce one ' products of measure dz. Let (1 + Ti)e _£flc n unit of ' n dz (ea>0) be the "best- a given small set of a- dz (rpO) be the "second-best" technology available measure dz. Let owns country in produce one be the measure unit of a given small set of a-products of of a-products in the best-practice technology. how advanced products \i to the technology of a country which a firm located We can interpret Assume is. in a (|a,8,7i)- a natural indicator of u. further that the set of a- which two or more firms share best-practice technology has measure 1 zero. Jointly, these assumptions imply that 1 = 1 Ju. dF(|j.,8) • J where , F(u.,8) is the oo time-invariant joint distribution function of ti is large enough so facto' monopolists policy is to set in that the firms that a markup over £« We shall their unit cost. Symmetry ensures same price, skilled and same 4 all wages are firms Symmetry ensures that high all in all unskilled workers. In particular, have access competitive and prices are equal to costs. that in equilibrium skilled all firms in (5) p-products of measure dz. Since P-products. that that p-industry uses traditional technologies that are available is that p a (p.,8,7i): workers of any kind are required to produce one p-industry assume throughout n and can be operated by both the 8. the market for their products. Therefore, their optimal pricing Pa=^r.e- (e p >0) and have the best-practice technology are 'de the a-industry of a (ji,5,7i)-country set the The p. enough unit of to the countries e~ p n -dz a given "small" set same of technologies, the We shall assume throughout that only unskilled workers firms in the p-industry of a produce (^,8,7i)-country set price, p p (n,8,7t): Pp=w-e" Epn Two features (6) of this representation of throughout the paper. First, technology play an important role the elasticity of substitution 8 among varieties 6 regulates the extent to which the competition bias is important. is If perceived as different (similar) by consumers and, as a face weak 6->°°, the low (high), a-products are result, firms in the a-industry (strong) competition from producers of other varieties of a-products. degree As and the competition bias of competition in the a-industry increases disappears. Second, the parameters e„ and ep regulate the importance of the cyclical bias. If e a <£p (£a>£p), unit costs in the (3-industry (a-industry) are sensitive to fluctuations As in productivity. more £a->£p, the cyclical bias disappears. Productivity Fluctuations We generate business cycles by assuming that the productivity index fluctuates randomly. In particular, we assume that component, n, and a country-specific component, % consists of the components are independent across specific components n n interval 2'2 respectively, , with zero where n is a that the productivity index drift variance reflected on the interval and 0<a<1 . These assumptions imply n-*,n + * 2 2 This interval time as the global component of productivity changes. Finally, and country-specific components on the interval 4 5 n n 5 . of productivity, G(IT) We assume that the initial itself it is and unit fluctuates over a well-known and G(7t-n), are uniform cross-sectional distribution of is the case if the share of spending on a-products not too small, See, for instance, Harrison (1990), Chapter 5. This drift Brownian motion that the invariant distributions of the global 2'2 and country- Brownian motions on the follows a Brownian motion with zero result of the theory of reflected global and instantaneous variances odt and (1-o)dt positive constant it a global that the country- countries. Both the global of productivity are reflected of We assume that the n-Yl. and country-specific components are independent, and moreover specific sum i.e. v»0. the country-specific component of productivity and hence does not change over From the perspective of time. a instantaneous correlation between these shocks regulates the extent to which the variation whether i.e. shows possible sample paths n under three panel, first we assume country-specific. all in the variation % is so that is in n is global, The i.e. changes third in straightforward to Vo7 is it 6 . That n comes from dn different is n are in in show that the the parameter is, is due n n and a to the global or d(7t-n). Figure 2 assumptions regarding constant and The second panel shows the case global productivity, n. variation in that o=0, It changes refer to domestic productivity in or country-specific components, the we can (u.,8,7t)-country, as as domestic and foreign productivity shocks. of equal to the invariant distribution is the variation all a. In in % is which c=1 Then, djr=dn and . perfectly correlated with panel shows the case in changes which 0<o<1 Then, the . has both country-specific and global components. Equilibrium Prices and Trade Flows Let p be the average price of an oc-product (or the ideal price index of the industry) relative to the of the p-industry). average price of a p-product product Then, our normalization 1 -e 1 "1 1-e = p1 -dz (or the ideal price index rule implies that 1 "1 (z) Jp a cc- "v and .0 Jp p (z) 1 -e 1-e -dz =p v . Using this notation, the .0 equilibrium prices of any a-product and p-product produced 1 Pa=X"P 1-v V- in a (jj.,5,7t)-country are: 1+A. 0+ *. e e+x. e a (7t-n) (7) This will be true except when either n or n are reflected at their respective boundaries. These are rare events since the dates at which they occur constitute a set of measure zero in the time line. 10 Pp = P where % is _V (8) 7 a positive constant. Since each country varieties of a-products, the price of these varieties many quantity produced. Countries with productivity (high 71-n) producing quantities of prices disappears in their must command the same not be produced p = vK-e is \\f of varieties (low in equilibrium. Finally, (e 0" £a) ' and p a—>p we its own 5) with relatively high 1 " result, v . In p.) produce large face low prices. As 8->oo, the p-industry all products price. Otherwise, low-price varieties of (3-products find that the equilibrium would value for p is: n (9) another positive constant. (£a>£p)» high productivity is 8 the presence of a cyclical bias, In e^ep associated with high (low) relative prices for a-products as the world supply of p-products the cyclical bias disappears by the workers (high a small number of depends negatively on the each variety of the a-products and as a the dispersion where skilled a "large" producer is is high (low) relative to that of a-products. and the As £a-»£p, relative prices of both industries are unaffected level of productivity. fi_i 7 In particular, = x Tn^l e+x - 11 J JJji- -~ o o ^S (uT (1+x e a )' — -e (7l_n) dF(y,8)dG(jt- n) which , constant given that the distributions F and G are time-invariant. To derive Equation on the (sum of all) a-products of a (u,5,7i)-country and a productions. Second, use Equations (3)-(6) to find that: of world expenditure of the value of P«' = Pre • • e e+ ^ is j a . Finally, substitute this (7), equate the (u',8',7t')-country to expression in ratio the ratio the ideal price index of U-5'J the cc-industry and solve tor p„. Equation (8) is simply a consequence of our normalization rule and the observation that all p-products command the same price in equilibrium. R+i 1+1 8 In particular, \v v = v ( e \ x °° J 1-v V.O-V (1+A.)-e 11 J J(1 - 5) e R p -(7i-n) dF(u, 8) dG(n - n) ^00 derive Equation (8), we equate the ratio of spending in both industries to the ratio of worldwide production of both industries and then use Equations (3)-(7) to solve for p. To 11 Let industry, y(|a,5,7i;) i.e. and y=rs+wu and technologies (high u.) values for both y and countries. Since be the income and the share x(|i,8,7t) x= r • s Not surprisingly, countries with good . and a high proportion We therefore x. of skilled consumes of a-products and import almost all of them, all all number infinitesimal countries export almost of their consumption income, these exports and imports are x and 5) have high To balance it as of varieties of all rich cc- of their production of a-products. v, respectively. usually referred to as intraindustry trade, since with similar factor intensities. workers (high refer to countries with high values of x each country produces an products and production of the a- in As a share This kind of trade involves two-way trade their trade, countries with in of is products x<v export p- products and countries with x>v import them. As a share of income, these exports and imports are v-x and x-v, respectively. This kind of trade interindustry trade or factor-proportions trade. stylized manner a large volume industry trade As a is result, the usually referred to as model captures in a three broad empirical regularities regarding the patterns of trade: (a) of intraindustry trade between rich and poor among rich countries, (b) substantial inter- countries, countries. 12 and (c) little trade among poor 2. The Cross-section In to the world two kinds supplies. On of Business Cycles economy described of shocks. On the in the previous section, countries are subject one hand, domestic productivity shocks the other hand, foreign productivity shocks shift industry shift industry demands. In the presence of the competition bias or the cyclical bias, these shocks have different effects in high-tech similar shocks and low-tech differs industries. As a result, the aggregate response to across economies with different industrial structures. In other words, the properties of the business cycles that countries experience depend on the determinants of their industrial structure, that is, on their factor endowments and technology. Domestic and Foreign Shocks as a Source of Business Cycles The (demeaned) growth rate of income in a (n.,8,7i)-country a linear combination of domestic and foreign shocks: dlny-E[dlny] = ^ E dn + ^n The functions ^(\i,8,n) and l, can be written as 9 dn (10) n (\i.,b,n) measure the sensitivity of a country's growth rate to domestic and foreign shocks, and are given by: $K=<1 + *.)- xe Q x e ' To see prices this, apply and supplies Ito's in 9-1 f +X + (1-x)-e p + «"rr^ W+A lemma ( x " v)(e « to the definition of Equations (11) _e P ) income and use the expressions (3)-(9). 13 (12) for equilibrium factor Equations (10)-(12) provide a complete characterization of the business cycles experienced by a (ji,8,7t)-country. how business Moreover, they show cycles differ across countries, since the sensitivity of growth rates to domestic and foreign shocks depends on the share in production of high-tech products, detrended growth rate of world average income, Y, dlnY-E[dlnY] = where the co sensitivity of the is Finally, x. we note the the given by n dn (13) world growth rate to innovations in component the global of productivity is given by: ©n=(1 + A.)-(v-e a +(1-v):e p Let country, denote the standard deviation of the growth rate of a V(u:,8,jt) and let C(|i,8,7i) denote the correlation of income growth. These are the graphs we in Figure (i)lf w (ii) If (iii) If 10 1 : Q +X e +X en > e„ a P eR w statistics: is V= then , - o) —=—= then —— < and -— > Z, we have n +a (t, x. Moreover: all x; —— > for all x; and dx and — - < for all x. dx 3x A. • for on at most, dx dx simple, since y(l and Comovement 10 dx < e„ The proof then , + growth rate with world average theoretical analogs to the Volatility The functions C and V depend, =£«•-—-, £3 H its closed-form solutions for both the K + £n ) and C= volatility and comovement . , V(i-o)-§! +«•(£* +Sn) does not depend on x, (^1,8,71)- Using the Equations (10)-(14) and the properties of the shocks, 1. derive the following result: PROPOSITION (14) ) V (C) will be downward (upward) sloping proposition describes the sign of for different if and only parameter values. 9x 14 if ^ is Since ^+£n 2 decreasing in x. The This is the as measured by of first x, to theoretical Volatility a series of results that relate a country's the properties of its business cycles. Proposition if show same parameter that this implies that rich countries are less sensitive to domestic shocks remainder of Why Are sensitive to foreign shocks this section their the competition bias (low 8) and/or the cyclical bias (ep>£a) are strong enough. Equations (11)-(12) more says that the 1 and Comovement graphs have the same slopes as empirical counterparts with x), but industrial structure, we (i.e. E, n is (i.e. £, n increasing with restriction is decreasing x). In the provide intuition for this result. Rich Countries Less Sensitive To Domestic Shocks? Domestic shocks shift industry supplies. When these shocks are positive, they raise production, wages and employment they lower production, wages and employment. However, in both industries. When negative, to the extent that the competition bias and the cyclical bias are important, these effects are larger in the p- industry than the a-industry. It useful to start with a is benchmark case in which 6->«> and Ea=Ep=£, so that neither the competition bias nor the cyclical bias are present. productivity industries, shock results in and has two an increase in productivity of familiar effects. Holding constant productivity directly raises production by productivity also raises the wages employment, output and income to the growth rate of income elasticity of the labour shares their is sum and rise further. in all is nothing but the i.e. e-drc. Increased factor a result, This contribution of employment growth wages, countries by the 15 both employment, increased unskilled workers and, as measured by Xedm, and in e-drc in of the growth rates of productivity production, in of skilled supply to changes therefore raise growth rates magnitude and hence income. This celebrated Solow residual and consists of the of both sectors, weighted A favourable X. its strength depends on the Favourable domestic shocks same magnitude, i.e. (1+X)edn. To see how shocks, assume the competition bias determines that G is finite and ea=e p =e. As domestic shocks raise productivity equally employment and output. This since the country is large is in a-products are met with reductions in the a- and p-industries, raising wages, its a-products, increases ^— • demand faced by each share of the a-industry (the larger prices. Since rich countries effects on their have larger growth rates, i.e. (1 + more important the cc-industries, X) 1 shocks, assume a-industry by residual Ea-dic, and in and and the employment on converse their will growth rates, be To sum Now larger is this stabilizing is the role of • how a country responds to domestic domestic shocks raise productivity As a be smaller effect will and the is 0) e drc • the p-industry by fy-dn. industry. Since rich countries effects £c<ep. The more 9 + KJ the cyclical bias determines that 0-»°<> . domestic shocks have smaller -x V, To see how • + A. cc-product (the lower is x), e drc • the supply of in and income. This prices that lower production 9 inelastic is the as before. However, (1+A.)-£-djt measured by the term -x stabilizing effect of prices is country reacts to domestic benchmark case, favourable the captured by the term the markets for in in how a in result, in the both the Solow the a-industry than in the p- have larger a-industries, domestic shocks have smaller i.e. (1 + a) • [x e a + (1 - x) epl dn • - . Clearly, if £a>£P the , true. up, in all countries domestic productivity shocks shift outwards the supplies of a- and p-products. Since rich countries produce mainly high-tech products, they face inelastic industry experience relatively small effects of virtue of demands (i.e. the competition bias) and shifts in supplies (i.e. the cyclical bias). domestic shocks on income are small in rich countries. As a domestic shocks are large in in supplies. This poor countries. 16 is why the the Poor countries, by producing primarily low-tech products, face elastic industry experience relatively large shifts result, effects demands and on income of Why Are Rich Countries More Sensitive to Foreign Shocks? Foreign shocks shift industry production and income Whether this leads on the extent abroad. To to to in demands. For instance, demand the rest of the world, increasing an increase in which the increase the in demand demand for the positive for all products. domestic industry depends met by an increase is shocks raise in production the extent that the competition bias and the cyclical bias are important, the increase in demand the always larger than that for the a-industry is of the (3- industry. It is benchmark case useful to start again with the competition bias nor the cyclical bias are present, foreign shock consists of an increase edn the domestic economy. First, it and 9->«> Ea=ep=e. average productivity abroad in both industries and therefore raises worldwide in both a- and p-products. However, in i.e. which neither the in demand and of A favourable magnitude production of follows from Equation (12) that this has no effect The reason is simple and follows from three assumptions. the assumption of homothetic preferences ensures that, at given prices, the demands relative for both types of products are unaltered as income grows. Second, the assumption that £a=£p ensures that, at given prices, the relative supplies of both industries are unaltered as productivity grows. Third, our assumption that 0->°° ensures that consumers are very willing to switch their over different varieties of products. The increases demands third in first two assumptions for both industries. This is varieties of cc-products, there are To see how assume why p does in that 9 is finite demands since the increase no changes not in in and ea=ep=e. It that the in relative (recall how a is still Equation in (9)). The supplies of different prices. country reacts to foreign true that after a favourable the foreign supplies of both industries match exactly at the industry level. demand change in their relative the competition bias affects foreign shock the increases the increase mean the foreign supplies of both industries match exactly the increase assumption means that despite the change shocks, consumption expenditures for As a result domestic cc-products 17 is p is not not affected. However, matched by increased production abroad, the price of these varieties increases. This stimulates wages, employment and production x — • • e drc and , in the a-industry. This effect more larger the is inelastic the is is measured by demand faced by each a- + A, product (the lower Since their is 6) rich countries larger the share of the a-industry (the larger is have larger a-industries, foreign shocks have larger is x). on effects growth rates. To see how assume shocks, foreign its and the that 0->c» and e a <s p . At given prices, shock raises the world supply of oc-products demand. As a there result, is an excess demand supply of p-products that leads to an increase point of view of the country, this industry and a decrease shifts raise the (3-industry. (1 + A.) - (x v) fep • - e a ) and effects To sum Since the Since on its their whose effects of foreign foreign whose ((3-products) (recall domestic in sign and an excess Equation demand (9)). for the (5-industry. From the domestic the a-industry, while lowering is shocks shift the (i.e. measured by is a net exporter shocks larger a-industries, foreign demands of both industries at face with the world cycle stiff home. little the competition bias) and specialize shocks are positive and price them growth rates. move result, cc- These demand depends on whether the country have favourable by less (more) than for a-products the in we have now that a have a larger share of high-tech products, they have prices products and, as a p country reacts to foreign effect in both industries competition from foreign suppliers products for the rich countries up, foreign rich countries industries an increase demand The combined of a- or p-products. have larger in is in wages, employment and production in • how a the cyclical bias determines large. (i.e. the cyclical bias). As a shocks are less positive than in rich cycle. countries, negative. 18 result, Poor countries produce low-tech competition form abroad and specialize moves against the world in As a result, in the effects of and they might even be The Role of In this Commodity Trade model, the properties of business cycles because countries have many different industrial structures, differ as measured by determinants of the industrial structure of a country. the most important of such determinants, that we deny this ability to is, %^ = (1 + X) perhaps ability to trade. In fact, In a world of autarky, x=v In in if every country and such a world the growth rates to domestic and foreign shocks would be the v ea + • Comovement graphs would be C^Vc We focus here on a country's commodity prices are determined by domestic conditions. countries, There are x. the countries that populate our theoretical world, their business cycles would have identical properties. sensitivities of across countries (1 - v) eg flat, and • V ^= =(1 + X)- ; and the same Volatility V£ a +(1-V)£p in all and and 7 . Moving from a world of autarky to a world of free trade affects the industrial structure of countries since in free trade the relative prices of those products a country has comparative advantage are higher than higher industry shares, even if in in autarky. Higher prices imply production remains constant. But one would also expect higher prices to stimulate employment and production. These increases employment could come from unemployment, as here. case Or they could come from employment if we changed which in is the case in in the model presented other industries, as it would be the our assumptions and allowed both industries to use both types of workers. 11 This result depends on the assumption that the elasticity of substitution between a-products and pproducts is one. Otherwise, industrial structures would also be different in autarky and the cross-section of business cycles would exhibit some variation. 19 3. Monetary Policy In this we section extend the model by introducing monetary shocks as an additional source of business cycles fluctuations. money and business simplification is cycles, adequate if we assume shocks shocks one takes the view to the marginal money to the rate of is customary monetary policy that other than stabilizing the cycle. For instance, public good, As if that We advance the inflation tax used is their a country if money by assuming In particular, firms is committed to is in the country are monetary authorities use have to that firms face use cash in a cash-in- order to pay a fraction of before production starts. Firms borrow cash from the government and repay the cash plus output a the exchange rate. 12 wage payments to finance value of this public good are translated into growth. Alternatively, motivate the use of constraint. This monetary policy has objectives translated into shocks to the nominal interest rate, as the manage the literature on is erratic. maintaining a fixed parity, shocks to foreign investors' confidence the latter to in interest after production is completed and sold to consumers. Monetary policy consists of setting the interest rate on cash, and then distributing the proceeds or losses consumers. Increases in in a lump-sum fashion among the interest rate raise the financing costs of firms, reducing wages, employment and output. formally equivalent to supply In this model, interest-rate shocks are therefore shocks such as changes in production or payroll taxes. The Model with Money Let countries, i be the interest rate each country is now on cash. Since monetary defined by a quadruplet process for interest-rate shocks following the 12 See Christiano, Eichenbaum and Evans (1997) for same 20 (n,8,7t,i). steps a discussion policy varies across We construct the we used of related to construct the models. process for productivity shocks in Section independent pieces: a global component, 1 The . I, interest rate consists of two i and a country-specific component, i-I. Moreover, the country-specific components are independent across countries. Both component and the the global Brownian motions on the reflecting instantaneous variances and 0<())<1. with zero country-specific and <|>-dt i interval and unit of interest rates are i , 2'2 with zero respectively, (1 -<J))dt These assumptions imply drift components where i that the interest rate i is is a positive constant a Brownian motion l t variance reflected on the interval and drift l T 2 The cross-sectional distribution of the country-specific components, H(i-I), i i and hence does not change over 2'2 country, we is^. that their correlation coefficient shocks are assumed The is Equations to is uniform on of a and note foreign interest-rate shocks Finally, productivity shocks and (u.,8,7i,i)- interest-rate be independent. introduction of of the model. problem and define di and dl as domestic From the perspective time. initial 2 monetary policy leads to minor changes in the equilibrium Since cash-in-advance constraints only affect firms, the consumer's not altered (3)-(4) payments k„ and and both the spending remain valid. Kp in the a- Regarding and and the labour supplies in we assume that a fraction of rules firms, have p-industries to be made in wage cash before production starts. Consequently, the costs of producing a small set of products of measure dz include not only the e~ z V' n -dz, but also the financing costs, e Equations (5)-(6) p a= 13 unit labour requirements, have JL. r to ' l dz and e ' K Kpl -dz. dz and 13 As a result, be replaced by: .e— We are using the following Ka e~ Za l (15) approximations here: Ka-i^lnO+Ka-i) and Kpi=ln(1+KP 21 i). ^ pl pp =w-e An interesting novelty of the source potential industries, i.e. (16) for the cyclical bias. £a=ep unit costs could , in-advance constraint Even still more binding is extension of the arguments valid, model with money in Section if productivity be more 1 -V {ep p= -e « )n ¥ .e -^ is there, Kp>K„. Finally, 1 it indicates another equally volatile can be used this As the cash- that Equation (8) is still 14 (17) Kp " KjI ' ( (18) Equations (15)-(18) are natural generalizations of Equations (9). if both a straightforward show to in «* -e~ {fj that volatile in the p-industry while Equations (7) and (9) must be replaced by: Pa=x-P is the cash-in-advance constraints model converges to the become less important, model without money presented i.e. (5), (6), (7) k^->0 and Kp-»0, Section in and 1 Properties of Business Cycles With the addition of interest-rate shocks, income growth country 14 "1 15 given by this generalization of Equation (10): The constants % and X ¥ is = J o+i +x e i+i +x i x \\t are HH^ J = v 1-v ( r now given G - e b ^ \?-V co ; j (|i,8,7i,i)- 15 '«* [(i+X)E -(7t-n)-x-K 11 JJ(1 _ 6) e V . R P V .dF(^8).dG(K-n).dH(v-I) -(i-i)J B P >*.dF0i.8).dG(7t-n).dH(i-i) ^o-^rjO To compute income, remember that but a transfer from firms to the by: e8+X co in consumers financing costs are not really a cost for the via the government. 22 economy as a whole dlny-E[dlny] = where and ^(h,8,tc,i) £,(11,8,71,1) , ^ d7c dn-^ di-^ + §n and £ n (|-i,S,7t,i) are which measure the dl defined by Equations still sensitivity of (19) (1 income growth 1)-(12) to and ^(|j.,8,7t,i) domestic and foreign interest-rate shocks, are given by: 5i = \- Si = 1- X-K„ a Equations (1 + (1-X)Kp Q +X 1 +1 (20) (21) Q+X 1)-(12) business cycles of a £i->0 e-1 XK„a and (19)-(21) provide a complete characterization of the (u.,8,7t,i)-country. As k^O and Kp->0, we have that £,->0 and and business cycles are driven only by we have shocks. that In Z, K -^>0 and i; n ->0 productivity shocks. As e„->0 and and business cycles are driven only by Ep->0, interest-rate the general case, however business cycles result from the interaction of both type of shocks. A comparison and foreign mentioned of (20)-(21 ) with monetary shocks are very earlier, differences in (1 1)-(12) reveals that the effects of similar to those of productivity shocks. (21) as e„ and ep do in (1 1) monetary shocks only have and with is smaller, i.e. i.e. Ka and Kp play the (12). In contrast to productivity indirect effects wages and labour supplies. Therefore, shocks As the prevalence of cash-in-advance constraints provide an alternative source of cyclical bias, and domestic on production through same role in (20) shocks, however, their effects on the sensitivity of income growth to monetary the term (1+X) which premultiplies (11) and (12) is replaced A,. Since we now have two sources of business cycles, world average growth given by: 23 is dlnY-E[dlnY] = where con is a> I If still k rp = k„ a Q +X w Kn > k„ a p Q +X Q +X If functions then , is given by: (23) , then C and V -— = —— = dx — — , Proposition 2 then for < and — — x. 16 Moreover: all x; > for all x; and dx > and < for all x. dx dx is depend, at most, on result: dx dx kr < k„ p co, shocks are negligible ea=ep=0, we have the following productivity w (n) (22) +(1-v).Kp] =A.-[v-K : (ii) If n dn-(0[ dl defined by Equation (14) while PROPOSITION 2 The (i) If co the natural analog to Proposition 1 in a world in which business cycles are driven only by interest-rate shocks. The competition and cyclical biases cause cross-country differences in business cycles, regardless of whether the cycles are driven by productivity shocks or interest-rate shocks. the competition bias of 16 and the cyclical bias generate these patterns business cycles has been discussed at length i! Note that The proof is in this case analogous v-j[i-.).{?,..( t ,.{,) to that of Proposition The 1 24 in in intuition of why a cross-section Section 2 and need not be M dc.. kMM r we repeated here. Instead, productivity shocks and PROPOSITION 3 The : generalize Propositions interest rate functions and 2 1 to the case where both shocks drive business cycles, as C and V depend, at most, on x. follows: Moreover, if 17 av — < 3x ( — >0), then — >0 (— 3x 3x <0). Define: 3x 0-1 ( ? ? "\ A = (1-a)-0+*r-|e o -Q^-epJ-ep+(1-*)-* ( -I 6-1 -^-^-K p ^ Ka Kp ; J- B= (1-c).(1 + X) 2 {e„.^I-e p ) .£!-«, + (l-«.»? .(«. J Then, A>0, (i) If — > for all x; 3x (iij if -B<A<0, — <0 (— >0) — 3x (iii) if if x<-- < A<-B, then for (x>--);and B dx B all x. 3x and Proposition 3 provides a set of necessary functions V and C to exhibit the be the highest value for x in same slopes than their empirical counterparts. Let x* a cross-section of countries. Then, a necessary and sufficient condition for business cycles to be less the world cycle countries in rich sufficient conditions for the is that volatile A+Bx*<0. This and more synchronized with condition is always both types of shocks generate industry responses with the right biases, 17 C Note that V = ^(1-c)-^ + a-£ n + Sn) +(1-4>K? 2 +4>-(Si +Sl) ^,,+^n +**»?)-((1-oK| nor %,+tn depend on decreasing (increasing) x, V in x. (C) The is +o(U +S n 2 ) and Since neither +(1-4>K downward (upward) sloping 2 if 2 +<MSi +^i) and only proposition describes the sign of — 3x different parameter values. 25 if i.e. a-«>n"ten + Sn> + *- m i-($i-HJi) = y(o-o>ft is 2 satisfied 1(1 v if (1 - o) • ) - o) Z, -i, n + 2 n + (1 - (1 <|>) • - £, • <t>) x I ' 2 %x for and Kn > k„ £r > En instance, it . But might be that the cc-industry (interest-rate) this is not is shocks and less sensitive more less volatile 6+ A, P >K a -), yet 6+ be less sensitive shocks and more sensitive 6-1 -— , (e p >e a — 6-1 - still business cycles are A. and more synchronized with the world cycle (productivity) shocks 6—1 (k r < K a naturally requires that the cc-industry K sensitive to domestic productivity to foreign productivity (interest-rate) 6—1 than the (3-industry, £r < e a a necessary condition. For to in rich countries. This domestic interest-rate to foreign interest-rate (productivity) shocks, , ). 26 4. Trade Integration The postwar barriers to period has seen large reductions commodity instead explore how trade. Here we do not attempt parametric reductions of business cycles. Throughout, in we assume in both physical and policy to explain these changes but transport costs affect the cross-section that transport costs are small relative to cross-country differences in factor endowments that all enough countries are either net importers or net exporters of the p-product, for any value of their domestic productivity assume and and interest rates, for that transport costs are small technology in possible equilibrium prices. Moreover, all enough relative to cross-country differences in the a-industry that every a-product continues to be produced one country. These assumptions ensure that the pattern of trade introduction of transport costs, although the we volume of trade is is in only unchanged by the negatively related to the size of transport costs. Remember that the main theme of this cycles a country experiences depends on decline, the prices of products increase and, as a result, the natural conclusion of this in its paper is that the nature of business industrial structure. As which a country has comparative advantage share argument in is production of these industries increases. that one should expect We confirm A that reductions in transport costs (globalization?) increase the cross-country variation of business cycles. transport costs in the properties this intuition here. The Model with Transport Costs We generalize the model with costs of the "iceberg" variety, i.e. if money by assuming that trade incurs transport t>1 units of output are shipped across borders, only one unit arrives at the destination while x-1 units "melt" Pp(z) now denote in transit. Let p«(z) and the f.o.b. or international price of variety z of the a-products and of 27 the p-products, respectively. of these international prices, relative to p-products. We use the same normalization and define p as as the average The presence as before In each country, the imports and import-competing products are higher than the f.o.b. c.i.f. measure u. P-products do not produce, the of domestically-produced a-products is xpp(z) if the country is c.i.f. is x- a net importer price of all terms or prices of c.i.f. prices while the prices of exports are equal to the f.o.b. prices. Since countries import varieties of a-products they in a-products f.o.b. price of of transport costs implies that the domestic product prices vary across countries. c.i.f. rule all the but the infinitesimal p a (z). Similarly, the of p-products, c.i.f. price of and p p (z) otherwise. Note that the consumer continues (evaluated at prices) over c.i.f. labour supply decision is in terms of a reservation wage. However, since c.i.f. consumption expenditures commodities exactly as before. The consumer's also unchanged: applicable wage, expressed different to allocate prices, the price of a consumers work unit of in different is given by x Therefore, we need ( s = the country if to replace countries face in a (u.,8,7r,i)-country. This Equations (3)-(4) by the following generalizations: ^ r r ( their a net importer of the p-product, and x otherwise. 18 5- = (1-8)- the v is (24) YPc u if consumption now varies across countries. Let p c (n,8,rc,i) denote the ideal price index of consumption index and only consumption, exceeds consumers located unit of if w > -?- X (25) U-Pcy 18 To see this, use the normalization rule and recall that all countries import all but the infinitesmal number of a-products produced domestically, and so incurr the transport cost on (almost) their entire consumption of a-products, which constitute a fraction v of total expenditure. In addition, consumers in countries that are net importers of p-products face a c.i.f. price of xp for their remaining expenditure on p P-products. 28 Since a-products are exported and is f.o.b. prices only valid and, as a countries, producers face identical in all Equation (15) result, countries that export p-products. in the producer price of these products is T-p p and, , However, Equation (16) is still valid. In c.i.f. countries that import p-products, as a result, Equation (16) has to be replaced by: T-p =w-e" p E P- 7C+K replace 8 and 1 -8 with 8 and with 5-t products, l (26) somewhat tedious algebra Straightforward but for equilibrium prices in P Equations • x~ 4v x (8), and x • (1 (17) and - 8) and (1-8)-t~*" still hold, provided that the country if v (18) reveals that the expressions otherwise. is we a net importer of p- 19 While trade patterns are unchanged, the world economy with transport costs exhibits less cross-country variation in industrial structures than the world with free trade. industries in The higher the transport costs are, the lower is the price of those which the country has comparative advantage. That price of a-products (P-products) before, this leads to (poor) countries. in rich an reduction in economy is, the lower (poor) countries. For the reasons is the mentioned the share of the cc-industry (P-industry) in rich 20 19 To derive the analog to Equation (17), we can equate the ratio of world expenditure on the (sum of a-products in any two countries to the ratio of the value of productions as before. Using the new expressions for wages in the expressions for factor supplies results in all) 1 (..,<! u'-6 Pa' = Pa -A. pC 1+x x Wi „M Q+X ^• a-(*- )-77r K K A e H+ /- .. e n, H-6p c of our . Inserting this in the ideal price index , for the a-industry yields the appropriate modification of consequence a-(i-i') 1 • unchanged normalization rule. To Equation (17). Equation (8) is simply a obtain the analog to Equation (18), note first that the presence of transport costs implies that the market -clearing conditions in the a- and p-lndustries can now be expressed as equating the value of world production at producer prices to the value of world consumption at consumer new expressions prices for for factor prices, all a- and the and p-products. Then, using the analog to Equation (17), the factor supplies we can equate the ratio of expenditure in both industries to the ratio of productions at producer prices to obtain the appropriate modification of (18). It is straightforward to verify this by substituting the expressions for equilibrium wages and 20 employment into the definition of x and differentiating with respect to 29 x. Business Cycles and Transport Costs The (demeaned) growth and to rate of income (19)-(21). Consequently, Proposition a country's volume industrial structure of trade and, as a result, still 3 is still given by Equations relating the properties of A in the cross-sectional dispersion process of parametric reductions are important, we know that the Volatility and upward sloping with volatility of volatility in costs in in x. This implies that the model with transport in transport costs has opposite effects on x, If the competition and cyclical biases and Comovement graphs are downward respectively. Therefore, reductions business cycles in rich in transport costs countries (as their x increases) poor countries (as their x decreases). Similarly, reductions make business (as their x increases) their business cycles the free-trade model. the business cycles of rich and poor countries. lower the 1)-(12) holds. However, transport costs reduce the the cross-section of business cycles exhibits less variation costs than (1 cycles and more synchronized with the world cycle less synchronized with the world cycle x decreases). 30 in in and raise transport in rich countries poor countries (as 5. Terms of Trade Shocks In this section, we develop implications of the theory for the cross-section of changes the (growth of the) terms of trade. Often, to be exogenous to the in model, as part of the description of the "shocks" to the system. The advantage of a world equilibrium model freedom by determining the behavior of the We exploit this feature cyclical bias hypothesis have structure of a country. Although empirically distinguish somewhat here to different implications for of the (growth rate of the) in that is terms of trade sources of fluctuations. comovement assumed the terms of trade are in show how it removes that the competition the volatility principle these implications could first of terms of more primitive terms of trade vary with the between our two hypotheses, a degree this and and industrial be used to look at the data yields inconclusive results. Properties of the Terms of Trade Let T(ji,8,n,i) denote the terms of trade of a (u.,8,7i,i)-country, defined as the ideal price index of production relative to the ideal price index of refer to the (detrended) growth rate in the trade shock. 21 Using the expressions consumption. terms of trade of a country as for prices in Equations (8) and its We terms of (19)-(20), this is given by: dlnT-E[dlnT] = 5l 21 -dJt + sS -dn-£ T -di-Sj" -dl that the growth rate of T in (27) is equivalent to the growth rate in the weighted by the share of exports in income, less the growth rate of the ideal price index for imports weighted by the share of imports in income. We use this alternative It is straightforward to show ideal price index for exports, formulation when we turn to the data. 31 (27) where ^/(|a.,8,7i,i) of trade to and £ n T measure the (|i,5,7t,i) sensitivity of the domestic and foreign productivity shocks, while measure the growth T ^, (^,5,7c,i) the terms in and T ^, (^,5,7i,i) domestic and foreign monetary shocks, and are given by sensitivity to ^=-x-e«~ ^ =x ' £a 'iTX $7=-X-K a +(x " v) ' " ea) (£p (29) —^- e7=xk„ The (28) (30) i-(x-v)(k r -K„) intuitions for (31) these expressions should be familiar. Increases in domestic productivity (decreases in domestic interest rates) raise the supply of domestically- produced varieties decline price in their constituting of the a-products. If the competition bias as countries are "large" suppliers an adverse terms of trade shock for the present, this leads to a is in their export markets, domestic economy. This is captured by Equations (28) and (30), which vanish as 0->«> and the competition effect disappears. Increases in foreign productivity rates) raise the demand raise their price as well (See Equation trade shock for all for a-products countries, share of a-products in and is in all (17)). (decreases in countries and provided that 6 is finite, This constitutes a favourable terms of larger the richer is a country (the larger is its production). In addition, provided that ea<£p (Ka<Kp), foreign shocks create an excess demand for all an increase all a-products (See Equation in foreign interest the relative price of a-products relative to (3-products, leading to constitutes a positive (negative) terms of trade a-products with x>v (x<v). 32 shock (18)). This for net exporters (importers) of Empirical Implications Let VT (fi,8,7t,i) terms of trade of a denote the standard deviation of the (detrended) growth of the (u.,5,7t,i)-country, world average output growth. Comovement and We let C T (u.,6,7t,i) We : [(1-o)-e a +(1-(t»)-K a E = a-(e p -e a ) +<t>-(icp correlation with its as the Terms of Trade have the following PROPOSITION 4 The functions CT and VT depend, D= denote refer to these statistics graphs. Volatility and result: at most, on 22 x. Define: ].^; -K a ) ; M = a-(1 + ?,)-[v-e a +(1-v)-ep]-(£p-e a ) + (j)-X-[v-K a +(1-v)Kp]-(Kp-K a ) Then, T (i) T E 8V 3V — x<v— (^>0)if (x>v—E— );and ^-<0 D+E D+E 3x 3x (ii) C T=0 if x=v and ^^<0 (^— >0)if M<0 dx Proposition 4 of trade to (M SO) shows that the model predicts the have a U-shaped form, with minimum at v • non-negative, the for all x. dx minimum Volatility . D+E graph Since both impose If D is in terms D and E of this function is in the interval [0,v]. Empirically, should expect most countries to have x<v, as the average country median country for the lies well one above the the world income distribution. Therefore, the theory does not tight restrictions on how a cross-section small relative to E, we would of terms of trade shocks would look. expect most countries to be in the downward- ^To prove this, note first that VT and CT are identical to V and C as given in footnote 1 7, provided we replace the growth rate sensitivities with the terms of trade sensitivities given in (28)-(31). Performing this substitution, C = we find that VT = y D 2 x + E (x - v) • • M*E- v* x t are . , V T -jo-[v-e a +(1-v)-e p ] +«(»[v-K a +(1-V)-Kp] the derivatives of these expressions with respect to x. 33 The 2 that and proposition then describes the signs of sloping region of in V T . If D we would large relative to E, is the upward-sloping region of V T Interestingly, . D and E can be as a measure of the strength of the competition and 6-»°o, the competition bias becomes the cyclical bias disappears shocks have small cyclical biases. a whole might not exhibit a strong Proposition 4 also upward-sloping that, cycle if in countries, and negatively the cyclical bias if Alternatively, offsetting, M i.e. if used M<0. Since quite large. for the T C =0 the country as if terms of trade x=v, it countries. If is in poor countries. small for both shocks, if 1 i.e. If M<0, the opposite flat at zero. Note that £p->£a and Kp—>Ka. is true. M volatility could . and comovement of the growth Figure 3 suggests that changes 2). volatile in rich countries more or one to assume (E»D) in we the poor ones, and that changes in that the theory of Figure show that M=0. These that the cyclical biases are large than less equally correlated with the world cycle is willing is in rich approximately 3 as indicating that E»D, while the restrictions are consistent with the notion but go in different directions for different shocks (M=0). However, this neither rules out nor confirms whether the cyclical bias important than the competition bias On the one hand, the cyclical bias is one could in If the cyclical biases of both shocks are large but (See also Table one could read the top panel lower panel would is follows terms of trade against the log-level of income for a subset of countries the terms of trade are correct, if £p»£a and Kp«Ka or £p«£a and KP »Ka to construct Figure and poor ep»ea and Kp«Ka, terms of trade be for the could be small even terms of trade are less in necessary that both is it Comovement graph Turning to the data, Figure 3 plots the rate of the E->0 the terms of trade are positively correlated with the world M=0, the Comovement graph be zero that the biases respectively. As cyclical and yet E could be cyclical bias M>0 and downward-sloping if M>0, changes in rich shows that, for for instance, If, loosely interpreted and D->0. As both £p-»£ a and Kp-*^, irrelevant and E->0. Note expect most countries to be is more shaping the cross-section of business cycles. point to the condition that E»D to support the view that more important than the competition 34 bias. On the other hand, one could stress that E»D does not necessarily mean that D and use the condition M=0 the cyclical bias. we In to is small argue that the competition bias is any case, given our very crude measures in absolute value, more important than of the terms of trade, are reluctant to use Figure 3 to draw sharp conclusions regarding the relative importance of our two hypotheses. 35 6. Concluding Remarks We have developed two alternative explanations of the main features of the cross-section of business cycles. Both explanations rely on the observation that the law of comparative advantage leads rich countries to specialize in "high-tech" products produced by skilled workers, while poor countries specialize To products produced by unskilled workers. industries respond depend on the properties differently to and poor "low-tech" the extent that "high-tech" and "low-tech" domestic and foreign shocks, business cycles industrial structure of in rich in countries. a country and, as a We result, have different have focused on two such asymmetries: the competition bias and the cyclical bias. Our work suggests some avenues natural On for further research. the empirical front, the theory developed here provides a rich set of testable predictions regarding the connection between the industrial structure of a country and the nature business cycles that of the it experiences. To investigate the empirical validity of these predictions, one would have to first identify domestic and foreign shocks. With this evidence to to quantify the extent to trade the theoretical front, in financial cycles. In the it is in an natural to models presented here, the ask how the price of consumption. integration to the supplies and would then be possible industry structure possibility of cross-border shape of consumption an incentive However, since neither factor supplies nor affect industries react in different dates and for the establishment market that redistributes consumption across dates and consumption, a redistribution of the would in it how instruments affects the shape of the cross-section of business international financial states. hand, in the properties of business cycles. states of nature varies across countries, creating of in which cross-country differences contribute to cross-country differences On asymmetries If latter we want to depend on cannot affect output, although it certainly construct an argument relating financial a cross-section their productivities to their productivities of business cycles, consumption. 36 we need One way achieve to link factor this is to modify preferences so as to introduce income effects on the labour supply. preferred option would be to allow workers technology, and then study how trade and firms to invest in financial investments, combines with commodity trade business cycles. 37 in In in skills our opinion, a and instruments, by affecting these shaping the cross-section of References Acemoglu, D. and C, (1997) "Was Prometheus Unbound by Chance? 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Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995), "Exchange Rate Dynamics Redux," Journal of Political Economy 103 Obstfeld, M. (June):624-660. and K. Rogoff (1998), "Risk and Exchange Rates", mimeo. 38 Figure 1: Volatility and Comovement Volatility 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 §, 0.08 f 0.06 0.04 - •• 0.02 » -- —I 6.5 7.5 8 (— 8.5 10 9.5 Iny Comovement 0.8 T 0.6 "- 0.4 =g 0.2 - -- 9.5 10 -0.2 -0.4 Iny top panel plots the standard deviation of the growth rate of real per capita GDP (dlny) over the period 1960-1994 against the log-level of average per capita GDP in 1985 PPP dollars over the same period (Iny), for a sample of 88 countries. The bottom panel plots the correlation of real per capita GDP growth with world average per capita GDP growth excluding the country in question (dlnY) over the period 1960-1994 agains the log-level of average per capita GDP over the same period. All data are at annual frequency. The consists of ell non-OPEC market economies with at least 30 observations on per capita income beginning in 1960 in the Penn World Tables Version 5.6, extended to 1994 using constant price local currency growth rates from the World Bank World Tables. The sample (RGDPCH) Figure 2: Sample Paths of the Productivity Index Country-Specific Variation Only (o=0) Time Global Variation Only (0 = 1) Time Both Country-Specific and Global Variation (0<a<1) Time Figure 3: Volatility and Terms Comovement of of Trade Volatility 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Iny Comovement 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 + *- 0.2 -0.1 6\5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Iny The top panel plots the standard deviation of the growth rate of terms of trade (dlnT) over the period 1 960- 1994 against the log-level of average per capita GDP in 1985 PPP dollars over the same period (Iny), for a sample of 63 countries. The bottom panel plots the correlation of the growth rate of the terms of trade with world average per capita GDP growth excluding the country in question (dlnY) over the period 1960-1994 agains the log-level of average per capita GDP over the same period. All data are at annual frequency. Terms of trade growth is defined as the growth rate of the national accounts local currency export deflator times the share of exports in GDP at constant local currency prices, less the growth rate of the corresponding import deflator times the share of imports in GDP. The sample consists of all countries with complete time series on these variables in the World Bank World Tables over the period 1 960-1 994. Five countries for which terms of trade volatility was more than two standard deviations above the mean for all countries were dropped from the sample (Argentina, Zambia, Israel, Bolivia and Nicaragua). Table 1 : Volatility and Comovement Comovement Volatility (Standard deviation of real per capita GDP Growth) Average Correlation (Correlation of real per GDP growth with world average excluding country in question) capita Average with ln(per capita Full Sample Correlation with ln(per GDP) capita GDP) .051 -.621 .240 .627 .050 -.624 .264 .539 ~* *~ .259 .440 (88 countries, 1960-94) Full Sample, Non-Oil Shock years (88 countries, 1960-72, 1976-78, 1982-94) Sample, using unweighted world average growth Full Sample, using deviations from linear trend instead of growth .097 -.431 .525 .428 .031 -.573 .496 .425 .050 -.407 .260 .430 Third Quartile .051 -.094 .140 .297 Bottom Quartile .074 -.144 .066 .238 Full rates Top Quartile Second Note: by Income Quartile See notes to Figure 1. MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01444 0801 Table and Comovement the Terms of Trade 2: Volatility of Volatility Comovement (Standard deviation of terms of trade growth) (Correlation of terms of trade growth with world average excluding country in Average Correlation Average with ln(per capita Full Sample question) Correlation with ln(per GDP) capita GDP) .054 -.420 .054 .095 .051 -.416 .044 -.257 .072 .338 (84 countries, 1960-92) Full Sample, Non-Oil Shock years (84 countries, 1960-72, 1976-78, 1982-92) Sample, using unweighted world average growth Full Sample, using .066 .387 .211 -.330 .015 -.153 .072 -.563 .068 -.299 .074 .202 Third Quartile .069 .238 .053 -.263 Bottom Quartile .074 -.048 .006 .038 Full deviations from linear trend instead of growth rates* Top Quartile by Second Income Quartile See notes to Figure 3. For this row only, the level of the terms of trade is defined as a geometric average of the import and export deflators, using the export and import shares in GDP as weights. Note: * - /, g 7 : Date Due Lib-26-67