M.I.T. LIBRARIES -DEVv£Y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/characterizingprOOathe DEWE HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics CHARACTERIZING PROPERTIES OF STOCHASTIC OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONS Susan Athey No. 96-1R (No. 96-1 August 1998 October 1996) massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS CHARACTERIZING PROPERTIES OF STOCHASTIC OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONS Susan Athey No. 96-1R (No. 96-1 August 1998 October 1996) MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 CHARACTERIZING PROPERTIES OF STOCHASTIC OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONS Susan Athey* First Draft: March 1994 Last Revised: April 1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics E52-251B Cambridge, MA 02142 EMAIL: athey@mit.edu ABSTRACT: objective This paper develops tools for analyzing properties of stochastic functions which take the form V(x,0) = ju(x,s)dF(s;Q). The paper analyzes the relationship between properties of the primitive functions, such as utility functions u and probability distributions F, and properties of the stochastic objective. The methods where the utility function is restricted to lie in a set of functions which is a "closed convex cone" (examples of such sets include increasing functions, concave functions, or supermodular functions). It is shown that approaches previously applied to characterize monotonicity of V (that is, stochastic dominance theorems) can be used to establish other properties of V as well. The first part of the paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for V to satisfy "closed convex cone properties" such as monotonicity, supermodularity, and concavity, in the parameter 0. Then, we consider necessary and sufficient conditions for monotone comparative statics predictions, building on the results of Milgrom and Shannon (1994). A new property of payoff functions is introduced, called lare designed to address problems supermodularity, which is shown to be necessary and supermodular in x (a property which predictions). The results KEYWORDS: single crossing sufficient for V(x,Q) to be quasi- in turn, necessary for comparative statics are illustrated with applications. Stochastic properties, monotone comparative is, dominance, supermodularity, quasi-supermodularity, concavity, economics of uncertainty, investment, statics. *This paper represents a substantial revision of my August 1995 working paper of the same title, which was based on a my Stanford University Ph.D. dissertation. I am very grateful to my dissertation advisors Paul Milgrom and John Roberts, as well as Meg Meyer and Preston McAfee, for their numerous insights and suggestions. I would also like chapter of to thank Kyle Bagwell, Scarsini, Don Brown, Armin Schmutzler, Darrell Duffle, Joshua Gans, Ian Jewitt, Scott Stern, Don Dave Kreps, Jonathan Levin, Marco Topkis, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at Australian National University, Brown, Berkeley, Boston University, California Institute of Technology, Chicago, Harvard, LSE, MIT, Northwestern, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Rochester, Stanford, Texas, Toulouse, U.L. de Bruxelles, University of New South Wales, Yale, and conference participants at the Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics and the World Congress of the Econometric Society in Tokyo for helpful discussions. All errors are of course my own. Financial support from the National Science Foundation, the State Farm Companies Foundation, and a Stanford University Lieberman Fellowship is gratefully acknowledged. INTRODUCTION 1 This paper studies optimization problems where the objective function can be written in the form V(\,Q)=\u(x,s)dF(s;Q), where u is a payoff function, F a probability distribution, and 8 and s is For example, the payoff function u might represent an agent's are real vectors. profits, the vector s might represent features of the current and 6 might represent an agent's investments, state utility or a firm's of the world, and the elements of x effort decisions, other agent's choices, or the nature of the exogenous uncertainty in the agent's environment. Problems which take this form many arise in contexts in economics. For example, the theory of the firm often considers firm choices about investments interaction between firms often takes place firm has private information about pricing games. how is a large literature concerning the comparative statics of and decision-making under uncertainty, where the central questions distributions over asset returns, this paper statics predictions in is to and background add to the such problems. To set initial wealth, characteristics of the risks. 1 of methods which can be used to derive comparative that end, the properties of the objective function, V(x,0), based paper develops theorems to characterize on properties of the payoff function, problems often place some structure on the payoff function; for example, a assumed be nondecreasing and concave, while a multivariate to restrictions on cross-partial derivatives. payoff functions. strategic Examples include signaling games and investment responds to changes in risk preferences, The goal of And returns. an environment of incomplete information, where each costs or inventory. In another example, there portfolio investment decisions concern its in which have uncertain utility Economic function might be profit function These assumptions then determine a u. set might have sign U of admissible This paper derives theorems which, for a given set U, establish conditions on probability distributions which are equivalent The paper focuses on to properties of V(x,9). sets payoff functions, U, which are restricted to satisfy "closed convex cone" properties, that properties which are preserved under affine transformations and limits; of is, examples include the properties nondecreasing or concave. We proceed to under which sets V satisfies V in two steps. The first "convex cone" properties. For example, step we is to characterize conditions characterize how restrictions on of payoff functions, U, correspond to necessary and sufficient conditions on probability distributions 1 analyze properties of such that V is For examples, see Rothschild and Gollier (1995), Jewitt (1986, supermodular in Stiglitz (1970, 1971), G, so that investments Diamond and 1987, 1989), Kimball (1990, Stiglitz (1974), 0-, and Oj are mutually Eeckhoudt and Gollier (1995), 1993), Landsberger and Meilijson (1990), Ormiston (1983, 1985, 1989), Ormiston (1992), Ormiston and Schlee (1992, 1993), Ross (1981). Meyer and complementary for i&j. Building on these results, the second part of the paper then focuses on characterizing the conditions (single crossing properties and quasi-supermodularity 2 ) which have been shown be necessary and sufficient for comparative to (Milgrom and Although single crossing properties and quasi-supermodularity are not closed Shannon, 1994). convex cone predictions statics we show properties, that the techniques developed for closed convex cones can be generalized to analyze comparative statics properties. Consider first the analysis of closed convex cone properties of Since such properties are V. preserved by arbitrary sums, closed convex cone properties of w(x,s) in x are inherited by V. somewhat more subtle to analyze properties of admissible payoff functions, U. on the existing theory of sufficient conditions some set U. If the property of stochastic dominance. on F(s;0) such V in 0, while exploiting restrictions V which is desired monotonicity, is on the It is we can build A stochastic dominance theorem gives necessary and that V(x,Q) is nondecreasing in 0, for all payoff functions Thus, each set of payoffs of set U induces u in a partial order over probability distributions. This paper begins by introducing some abstract definitions which formalize an approach to stochastic dominance which has been used An initial implicitly, and result in this paper is that stochastic in the following way. Such a theorem set is useful if T is of "test functions." is T might be First nondecreasing in for all we We characterize exactly how small T must be equal T can can use a set of test functions and the constant functions 1 and to stochastic m in some other when T which — 1. Applying is can be thought be a valid all indicator functions approach yields the familiar nonincreasing in on a case by case basis. 3 formulates and proves general theorems about the approach, and establishes that used to check other properties of 2 Formal definitions are given V in 0. set convex cone of U. In for all dominance based on convex cones has been applied classes of payoff functions We set T. s. in previous studies (for example, Brumelle and Vickson, 1975) to characterize monotonicity of V(x,Q) in few commonly encountered it is U is the set of univariate, contains this T be: in order to to the closed Order Stochastic Dominance Order, which requires that F(s;Q) The approach for all u in U, smaller and easier to check than U, so that the set a set of "extreme points" for U. For example, nondecreasing functions, for upper intervals, is nondecreasing in of test functions for U, the closed convex cone of particular, dominance orders can be completely characterized Instead of checking that V(x,0) necessary and sufficient to check that V(x,Q) of as a less often explicitly, in the literature. In particular, building directly it for a This paper can be also be from our results about in Section 3.1. 3 Independently, Gollier and Kimball (1995a, 1995b) have advocated a more abstract approach to stochastic dominance theorems analogous to the one in this paper. In contrast to Gollier and Kimball, this paper focuses on characterizing a wide variety of properties of V in G. Further, we provide necessary conditions for a set of functions T to be a valid test functions for U, an exercise which requires us to identify the "right" topology of closure for this purpose. set of stochastic dominance, we show convex cone property, the we that if the property "test functions" desire for V (call approach described above we show a subset of these closed convex cone properties, is it property P) in is also applicable. a closed Further, for that the approach cannot be improved new classes of theorems, such as upon. Thus, the paper establishes several potentially interesting "stochastic theorems" supermodularity The and "stochastic concavity theorem." stochastic supermodularity theorems can be used to prove comparative statics predictions in decision problems and games. For example, they can be used in a firm's profit function, or to show when two complementary risky investments are when investments by two firms are or substitutes strategic complements. In Section 3, we build on this approach to characterize comparative statics properties of V. We begin with the case where x and 6 are scalars, and study conditions under which the optimal choice of x nondecreasing in is supermodular; but of V in x, A 0. sufficient condition for comparative statics predictions is that supermodularity if is the desired property, we can simply take the first u(x ,s)-u(xL ,s). However, it will also difference be useful to characterize the necessary and sufficient condition for comparative statics, the single crossing property cross zero, at (which requires that the incremental returns to x most once and from below, as a function of We 6). establish that the conditions required for single crossing are in general weaker than those required for supermodularity. surprising result conditions on F can other words, if U where m(a^,s)-m(^,s)=1 and v, Our is is large much all enough ueU, easier to large enough ,s)^-1, then to include at least no weakening of the if and only if V(x,0) is check than single crossing applied), knowing supermodular for all wet/. x is Since in this context (in particular, existing that it is necessary for some classes of useful. final goal is to characterize Milgrom and Shannon (1994) supermodular in (x }yK2). However, we have uncovered statics properties of the function V exogenous change this property is not is in some parameter 6: V 0. x and x2 to must be quasi- preserved by convex combinations, and thus not sufficient to establish that V is quasi-supermodular. This the general principle underlying the results of Ormiston and Schlee (1992), few x or in x quasi-supermodularity of w(x,s) in x essentially this result for a comparative identify a necessary condition for the optimal choices of jointly increase in response to an 4 Thus, v(jc ,s)-v(jc l in the sense just described, then the optimal choice of dominance theorems may be is w But, a be obtained by considering single crossing as opposed to supermodularity. 4 In nondecreasing in 6 for supermodularity U is our set of admissible payoff functions is that if two functions u and problems is and apply the theory of stochastic dominance described above, based on the properties of H stochastic V specific classes of payoff functions. who establish paper identifies a new property, V sufficient to guarantee that supermodularity, supermodularity, yet it The paper proceeds by necessary and call /-supermodularity, that is in fact quasi-supermodular. preserved is may be is which we convex This property combinations. is closely related to quasi- Unfortunately, quasi- like difficult to check. Section 2 considers properties of as follows. admissible payoff functions U. V in based on the Section 3 considers comparative statics properties of V. set of Section 4 concludes. PROPERTIES OF 2 V(x,0) IN 9 This section begins by studying monotonicity of V in mathematical constructs and lemmas required for what In this context, 0. we call the we develop "closed convex cone" or "test functions" approach to characterizing properties of stochastic objective functions. to apply the techniques to characterize other "closed identify a set of properties for 2.1 A Unified which this main the We convex cone" properties of V then proceed in 0, and we approach cannot be improved upon. Framework for Stochastic Dominance This section introduces the framework which as an abstract class of theorems, we will use to discuss stochastic and to draw precise parallels dominance theorems between stochastic dominance theorems and other types of theorems. We allow for multidimensional payoff functions and probability distributions, using the following notation: the set of probability distributions on 9T F:9T —> [0,1] will use the notation A"Q to represent the set all Further, for a given parameter space 0, . we is denoted A" , with typical element of parameterized probability distributions F:9?" X0-»[O,1] such that such that 0g 0. With this notation, we formally F(;0)e A" define a stochastic dominance theorem. Definition 1 Consider a pair of sets ofpayofffunctions (U, T), with typical elements m:9?" pair (U,T) FeA"e is for a stochastic dominance pair iffor all parameter spaces —> SR . The with a partial order and all , ju(s)dF(s;6) J t(s)dF(s;d) Definition pairs of sets 1 is is nondecreasing for all ueU, if and only if nondecreasing for all teT. clarifies the structure of stochastic dominance theorems. , These theorems of payoff functions which have the following property: given a parameterized probability distribution F, checking that all of the functions in the set {ju(s)dF(s;Q)\u nondecreasing identify is equivalent to checking that 4 all e u\ are of the functions in the set <At(s)dF(s;6)\t e T\ are Stochastic dominance theorems are useful because, in general, the set nondecreasing. T is smaller than the set U. Definition 1 differs from the existing existing literature generally G, viewing to 9t. u(s)dF(s) and J In contrast, bilinear functional line, we Brumelle and Vickson, 1975), literature (i.e., compares the expected value of two probability in that the distributions, say F and u(s)dG(s) as two different linear functional mapping payoff functions J by parameterizing the probability distribution and viewing mapping payoff functions and (parameterized) probability are able to create an analogy J u(s)dF(s;6) as a distributions to the real between stochastic dominance theorems and stochastic supermodularity theorems, an analogy which would not be obvious using the standard constructions. The dominance and stochastic stochastic The first goal of this section be a stochastic dominance is become more of this definition will utility a closed convex cone is P theorems, ccc(G) is formalize the relationship between P (such as supermodularity). and sufficient conditions for the pair (U,T) to We will build on the concept of a closed convex cone, where a set G g e G implies a g + fig e G for a and P positive, and further G is pair. 2 if g\ 2 l Thus, an example is the set of nondecreasing functions. two constant functions, {u(s) = l} vj{u(s) = -i). Then: U,T sets of bounded, measurable functions, and consider a stochastic dominance pair if and only if 1 Consider Then (U,T) is the weak topology. 5 ccc(Ukj {1,-1}) = ccc(Tu {1,-1}) Remark: detail. 6 (2.1) If we eliminate the requirement that condition (2.1) can be replace We begin by interpreting Theorem First, F is a probability distribution observe that unless ue U. For example, U might crossing functions, that The weak topology is is, in Definition 1, by ccc{U) = ccc(T). T is 1; the following subsection establishes the proof in a subset of U, there is theorems provide conditions which are easier to check than 5 The defined to be the smallest closed convex cone which contains G. Let {1,-1} denote the set containing the Theorem when we for other properties to identify necessary closed in a the appropriate topology. set clear be a set which is no guarantee J that stochastic some dominance u(s)dF(s;6) nondecreasing in for all not a closed convex cone (such as the set of single functions which cross zero once from below). formally defined below in Section 2.2; it is Its closed convex cone the weakest topology which makes jB u(s)dF(s) continuous in both u and F. 6 In the context of specific sets of payoff functions U, the existing literature identifies similar conditions for the corresponding stochastic dominance theorems, though a different topology is used. For example, Brumelle and Vickson (1975) argue that (2.1) is sufficient for several examples, using the topology of monotone convergence. In this paper, using the abstract definition we have developed for a "stochastic dominance pair," we are able to formally prove that the sufficient conditions hypothesized by Brumelle and Vickson (1975) are theorem, not just particular examples. dominance pair is new here. Further, the result that (2.1) in fact sufficient for is any stochastic dominance also necessary for (U,T) to be a stochastic 1 , might be much larger (for the case of single crossing functions, the closed convex cone all functions). which In that case, check easier to is stochastic it that might by expected payoffs are nondecreasing dominance theorems are most When U contains difficult to find a subset, T, of that closed likely to the constant functions and be useful when is in 9. is the set of convex cone for Thus, (2.1) indicates that U is itself a closed convex cone. a closed convex cone, (2.1) becomes: U=ccc(T\j{1-1}) In principle, the (2.2) most useful T is the smallest set general, there will not be a unique smallest set. no convex combination of u and v u,v in E{U), sets 9?, whose closed convex cone A set E{U) is is in E(U) the set of indicator functions is Finally, because (2.2) is necessary when U=ccc(Tu {1,-1} we know , that M { and we U is if U. However, U a set of extreme points of E{U). For simplicity, of extreme points which are closed. For example, is we if, for in all will also consider only the set of nondecreasing functions on a e 9? } ? , be a stochastic dominance pair sufficient for (U,T) to cannot do any better than letting The a set of extreme points of U. Table summarizes the main stochastic dominance theorems which have appeared I economics or statistics literature to date. dominance theorems as well restrictions on the (for the in There are potentially many other univariate stochastic example, theorems where the set of payoff functions imposes third derivative of the payoff function); our analysis will indicate how these can be generated. TABLE I STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE THEOREMS* Sets of Payoff Functions, : U Sets of Test Functions, T Condition on Distribution for Stochastic 0) (ii) U F0 m {u|w:9t -> U so m {u\u:<R -> 91, T F°={t\t(s) = l la „ nondecr.} % concave} T s° = {t\t(s) u{r|f (s) (iii) U S0M =\u u: 91 —> 5R, nondecr. , concave 7 Notice that there are many 1 (s), ae*} -F(a;0)Tin0Va. ) = -s} = Tsou = j,|,(5) _ a -\_F{s,6)ds min(a, s), a e 9? ^^ Dominance 5)> j Q g <RJ \'_F{s,e)ds^ in -j"_F(s,6)dt Tin0Va. 6\fa. ! possible sets of extreme points. of sets bounded by rational numbers. And we could We could consider, for example, only indicator functions multiply the indicator functions by a positive constant. h:9? (iv) —> 2 '(^2)= nondecreasing,] 91, (• supermodular | t a,,a 2 1 |^.-)(*l>- :l F(a p a 2 ;0) t-,^.)(*2).l e9? -F(a,;0)-F(a2 ;0) Tin J -F(a,;0), -F(a 2 ;6) 0; T [u\u: 9t (v) 2 —> 9?, '(^2) = V.-A)' 1 !*,.-)^)'] supermodular} in V(a,,a 2 )- F(a p a 2 ;0) Tin 0; > t a ,a2 e t\t( Sl ,s 2 )= "(V s )= f(s,,s2 ) = 2 [u\u: 9J (vi) 2 —> 9?, nondecreasing} t and 1 A The next F(a,;0), F(a 2 ;0) const 91 x (5,, -l la ^ Sl ), a,e9l} "W)^' « 1 A (5,,^2 ), V (ai,a in e^} 2 whereAc9t 2 ] 52 ) nondecreasing <*F(s,0) f two lemmas which 2.2 Mathematical Underpinnings will Tin0VAs.t. l A (5,,s 2 ) is nondecr. j section introduces the details of the mathematical results underlying further proves 2 ). Theorem results are variations and a Proof of Theorem and 1 on theorems from the theories of judm. linear functional analysis, topological vector spaces, and linear algebra; the main contribution of this section function spaces and topology and restate the problem in such a to solve the stochastic , be used throughout the paper. We begin by proving some general mathematical results about linear functional of the form Our 1 way that define the appropriate is to we can dominance problem. One feature highlighted by adapt these theorems this analysis is there is no "art" to finding the right topology or notion of closure in the context of stochastic problems: the right topology is simply the weakest one which makes the functional J u work of Bourbaki (1987) the in linear functional analysis, we dm continuous. By appealing to highlight the simplicity and generality of the closed convex cone approach. We will work with a class of objects known as finite signed measures on 9T denoted ftp. Any finite signed measure m has a "Jordan decomposition" (see Royden (1968), pp. 235-236), so that m = m + -mr, where each component is a positive, finite measure. We will be especially interested , in finite signed set measures which have the property that of all non-zero finite because elements of F and F 2 1 and F1 so that signed measures which have this property by ^*; this set can always be written as = j[F — F l fi are probability distributions; likewise, for any 2 the measure F - F e ^*. 1 , jdm = 0, 2 ], jdm + =jdm~ we . Denote the are interested in this set where two probability it is a positive scalar, distributions F 1 and we In this section, me^. will prove results inequalities of the we linear, is Jw(s)dF'(s) > Jw(s)dF 2 can without (s) for the be easier to work with in loss of generality there we? * a is 5 /5(u,m) = \udm. Then P theorems /?(?>",%*) is 9T be a subset of measurable payoff functions on PiA n ,B") a separated duality. For consistency is We now define the appropriate topology, the topology with the fewest dual of P*) Bourbaki N(u; £, (m, is (1987, , . . . , m k )) set open exactly the set p. n.43), UeP*, refer to j )| < e >, where is any me%* our results hold fl, * fl 2 , such that if we A" let like to find the coarsest topology (that a as there is the dual cone of the set U, denoted if, M*=lf* there for B" be any subset of %*, so long as let is, continuous linear functionals on P* all this is the uses in weak topology basis cr(P*,%*) neighborhoods on of By P*. the form a neighborhood corresponding to each and each e>0. u e U}. Likewise, for a set M=lf, we topology be useful use the pair (P*,^1) in our formal analysis. where would m)|m e 3£'}; {/?(-, this we will , arbitrary: all of such that the set of sets) = 1 u max] fi(u - u, m finite set (m,,...,m t )c3£* Given a a 9T and we notation Define the bilinear functional . ^u 2 somewhat (P*,2#*) is as "nondecreasing." is, x inequality will it a separated duality: that I } all u dm>0, where The former P other than for properties such that /3(«,m )^/3(w,m2 ), and for any u P(u ,m) ^ P(u 2 ,m). s Our choice of (the J this terms of proving our main results, and further Let P* be the set of bounded, measurable payoff functions on x ^f -> SR by interpret appropriate pair of probability distributions. proving results in Section 4 about stochastic p:£>" form Since positive scalar multiples will not affect this inequality, and because the integral operator will which involve is defined by M of measures, the dual M'={u: is as the U={m: J u(s)dm(s)>0 for ju(s)dm(s)>0 for second dual of U. Bourbaki (1987) shows all that dual meM}. If cones can be characterized in the following way: Lemma 1 Consider (P*,^) with the weak topology. Suppose convex cone. Further, Lemma Lemma 2 1 U 8 1 and McTW. Then U is a closed *=ccc(U) and M**=ccc(M). can be related to our condition (2.1) in the following way. ccc(T)=ccc(U), if and only if Proof: Suppose ccc(T)= ccc(U). T UcP are closed U'=f'. By Lemma 1, T"=ccc(T)= ccc(U). Also by convex cones, and thus U'"=U and t"'=T The boundedness assumption guarantees . Lemma 1, if and Taking the dual of that the integral of the payoff function exists. It is possible to place other on the payoff functions and the space of finite signed measures so that the pair is a separated duality, in which case the arguments below would be unchanged; for example, it is possible to restrict the payoff functions and the signed measures using a "bounding function." For more discussions of separated dualities, see Bourbaki (1987, p. 11.41). restrictions . . f'=ccc(U)=U** by Lemma Lemma 1 Now suppose f=U*. Then f'=U*\ which follows that it implies ccc(T)= ccc(U). 2 refers to a condition which functions are not included. attention to measures stochastic f"=U***. yields . is The following Lemma me^*, and specializes states the result in a dominance formulation. The proof of theorem, rather than relying on Lemma 2, same close, but not exactly the way which Lemma this Lemma as, (2.1): the 2 to the case where will map most constant we restrict closely into our based directly on the Hahn-Banach is of the result and the role of in order to clarify the structure the constant functions in the analysis. Lemma 3 Consider a pair of sets of payofffunctions (U, 7), where the following two conditions are equivalent: U and T are subsets ofP*. (i) {me$'\ludm>0 Vwe U] = {me$'\judm>0 V«g7"}. (ii) ccc(U U{1 -1}) = ccc(T U{1,-1}) Proof of Lemma 3: First consider (ii) \me$"\\udm>Q Vwe£/} = Since U<zccc(U LHS in the set u{ 1,-1}) of (2.3). It , it implies (i). We begin by establishing that: {mef \judm>0 suffices to show that Then |X is Vmeccc(£/u{1,-1})}. RHS in the of (2.3) whenever set follows for the constant functions because (2.3) J dm = -j dm = 0. it is This U u{l,-l} because Jw, dm > and dm + a ju dm>0 when a,,a >0. It follows for positive combinations of functions in J«2 dm>0 implies J[a,w, + a 2 u2 ]dm = a ju l follows for the closure of the set because J u dm > Under continuous in the hypothesis that T to with is u, oiP*^) from above ccc(U T is (ii). topology is , apply (2.3) replacing Define U = ccc{U u {1,-1}) that the set e U such U ef and we can take c = is f = ccc(T u {1,-1}) that iiif of continuous linear functionals on V* is exactly the facts, . We know that T convex, set a corollary to the Hahn-Banach theorem implies that closed and convex, theie exists a constant c and a m, Since {1,-1} and generated from a family of open, convex neighborhoods. Recall hyperplane)- so that /?(«, nu)>c for argue such that c /(A) u{ 1,-1}) = ccc(!T u {1,-1}) we can loss of generality) that there exists a u m)\m e %"}. Using these since we have chosen the weakest topology get the result. Suppose (without {/?(-, 2 2 2 and for a continuous function, f{A) Now we prove that (i) implies the l all ue T and Oef , j3(«, eW (a separating nu)<c. as well. Thus, /3(0,m,) = 0>c. Now we will without loss of generality. Suppose not. Then there exists a uef . such that c < P(u,nu) = c < 0. Choose any positive scalar c p >—> such that p (which 1 c implies that pc < c ). Since hypothesis that /J(w,m.) Because {1,-1} e and thus judrtu f , > f a cone, pw e is c for all for all ue , < 0, which violates condition fails, closure, is critical for determining the j udrtu < there exists a for measure m.e£* such some u € ccc(U u {1,-1}) This m. . The key consequence of our construction F 1 2 1 such that am.=F -F for that is F(-;6,)=F . decreasing for Theorem particular, 1 is that some a>0. Thus, m.e$?, which implies that there exists this separating letting 2.3 0={9„,0J, and nondecreasing in 9 continuous. Thus, if VmgT, but the two \u(s)dF(s;Q) some sets are equal weak topology Other Closed Convex Cone Properties ofV(x,B) weak and is 1 less familiar than ccc(U u{ 1,-1}) = ccc(Tu {1,-1}) /J(-,m) continuous, (2.1) will follow for the 1 F{-\Q^=F* and letting others; in dominance theorems have been proved by showing monotone convergence of the convex cones of F hyperplane can be used to generate a makes use of the weak topology, which might be is appropriately , This counter-example establishes the proof of Theorem such that (5(-,m) By Lemma 3 has produced the following result: judnu>0 for all u e ccc(T u {1,-1}) but ugU. u(s)dF(s;Q) existing stochastic , which determines the form of the hyperplane. we have \ g f but for all u thus the topology, Vickson, 1975; Topkis, 1968). However, by definition, the which makes w dm, > Then, some closure under J = -/3(l,m.) = 0, the separating hyperplane. 10 counterexample to a stochastic dominance theorem, by 2 that p\l,m») (i). choosing the topology and the two spaces of functions, if (ii) c, contradicting the 0. , dm, = 0. 9 So, m, e £" and we have shown J = pc < f we conclude that The proof uses a separating hyperplane argument, and meaning of But, (5(pu,nu) . we let c = u e U. So, and p\w,m.) > f is that the (Brumelle and the coarsest topology for some other topology topology. in 6. This subsection derives necessary and sufficient conditions for the objective function, ju(s)dF(s;d), to satisfy properties P other than "nondecreasing in 9," for example, the properties supermodular or We ask two questions: concave in 9. 9 See also McAfee and Reny (1992) (i) For what properties for a related application of the P is the closed convex cone method of Hahn-Banach theorem, where the separating hyperplane also takes the form of an element of £*. 10 Notice that establishes the if F is not restricted to be a probability distribution, remark following Theorem 1. 10 it is not important that m&%*, and thus Lemma 2 P proving stochastic theorems valid? convex cone approach To we begin, (ii) For what properties we introduce a construct which satisfies property P on denote the set of P convex set,, which are defined so f " is well-defined We that, we establish that the closed while for supermodularity, it theorems, which are precisely P are interested in properties h:Q p —>9? given a function , together with the statement "h(Q) and takes on the following values: "true" or such parameter spaces all P will call stochastic analogous to stochastic dominance theorems. QP can exactly the right one, as in the case of stochastic dominance? is parameter spaces P Q p When P represents . must be a lattice. Further, for Qp concavity, "false." Let can be any we a given property P, will define the set of admissible parameter spaces together with probability distributions parameterized on those spaces: n VP s {(F,e p )\Q P e QP n F e A Qp } and . Definition 2 Consider a pair of sets of payofffunctions (U,T), with typical elements «:9t" pair (U,T) is a stochastic J u(s)dF(s; 6) J u{s)dF(s; 8) satisfies property With this definition in place, method of proving is P pair iffor all Vp satisfies property P on Q p for all ue U, (F,Q P ) e stochastic it Definition 3 and The : if and only if be straightforward to show that the closed convex cone dominance theorems can be extended to all stochastic P theorems, if P "CCC property," defined as follows: A property P is a CCC property if the set offunctions g:Q P —> 9? a closed convex cone, where closure . P on O p for all ueT. will a closed convex cone property, or a —> 9? is which satisfy P forms taken with respect to the topology of pointwise convergence, if constant functions satisfy P. Note while that we functions, The we are using closure under the topology of pointwise convergence for properties P, are using closure under the weak topology property "constant." and supermodular are is CCC. which places a sign Further, any property Finally, since the intersection of all the property "nondecreasing The following result and convex" shows a stochastic stochastic P pair. a is a CCC property. 11 on a mixed two closed convex cones is itself CCC property. convex cone approach applies Equivalently, if ccc(U P pair. properties, as is the partial a closed For example, CCC property. that the closed Theorem 2 Suppose property P is is CCC restriction convex cone, any of these properties can be combined to yield another (U,T) payoff U and T. properties nondecreasing, concave, derivative (as defined in Section 2.2) for sets of If (U,T) is to CCC properties. a stochastic dominance pair, then then (U,T) is a u {1,-1}) = ccc(T u {1,-1}) , 6 We establish a series of implications, referring to the following condition: First, (i) (2.4) holds Vu e T (ii) implies functional and Third, (iii) (2.4) implies and constant functions satisfy Second, P u(s)dF(s;Q) satisfies J (2.4) holds \/u Vw e ccc{ T u {1,-1} ). To P is a CCC property, and J u(s)dF(s; 6) J This theorem generates . many new 2.3.1 = l, is a linear see this, recall that a subset of a , J all the convergent nets of continuous for wa (s) dF(s; ) —> J all \i, for any net ua u(s) dF(s; ) . Since the pointwise limit of a net of functions which P as well. the hypothesis of the theorem and since P theorems, where the (U,T) pairs which on stochastic dominance literature nondecreasing respectively, is a stochastic P(-;p.) is classes of stochastic theorem generalizes a to , Precisely analogous arguments establish the symmetric implication. have been identified in the large corresponding is Vm e U, by Finally, (iv) implies (2.4) holds special case, this 1,-1 } because \ dF(s;8) s contains the limits of then given 6 u(s)dF(s; 6) satisfies u {1,-1}) it Since the linear functional set. T u {1,-1} such that «„-»«, Uczccc(U { P is a CCC property. elements in that satisfy P, then TU Vm e cc( T u {1,-1} ), because the integral (2.4) holds topological space is closed if and only if in e P by definition. implies (iv) (2.4) holds (iii) (ii) result functions are also stochastic by Topkis (1968), who proves and indicator functions of P pairs. As a that the (t/,7) pair nondecreasing sets, P pair when P is a CCC property. Some Simple Examples Using Theorem 2, we can apply the results of Table I to problems of stochastic supermodularity. Consider the following optimization problem: max z In our to improve costs example, the optimizer first (s). its is a firm making investments in research and development production process, and in particular The returns to research nonincreasing in its searches for ways is parameterized by t. statics nondecreasing in t Suppose distribution that the firm's payoffs are c(z). Then, Theorem theorem of Milgrom and Shannon (1994)) implies for all c 12 and all (z) to reduce its unit production production costs, and that the firm's investment has a cost, 2 (together with a comparative (z) is it and development are uncertain, and the probability over the firm's future production costs investment \u{s)dF(s;z,t)-c(z) u nonincreasing, if and only that if F(s;z,t) is supermodular Intuitively, the goal in (z,t). weight towards lower realizations of its of the firm's investment in research When F unit cost. is supermodular, the parameter the "sensitivity" of the probability distribution to investments in research: correspond to probability distributions where research In the second example, we more is choice of effort, let c(z) be the cost of all and let t Then expected assignment or production technology. nondecreasing in z for effort, we though u nondecreasing and concave, (z), as in the classic Let s represent the agent's wealth will not model that here), let z be the be a parameter which describes the job utility if t effective at lowering unit costs. formulation of the principal-agent problem (Holmstrom, 1979). rule, indexes t higher values of consider a risk-averse worker's choice of effort (which might be determined by a sharing to shift probability is (ignoring c(z) for the and only if z shifts moment) F according to is second pa order monotonic stochastic dominance, that F(s;z,t)ds nomncreasing in z for is, Js=—«• Next, observe that the optimal choice of effort F(s;z,t)ds -J concavity" The is result: supermodular is expected concave latter result is particularly useful, since and only in z if it all c(z), and only if if Finally, consider the analogous "stochastic in (z,t) for all a. utility is nondecreasing for is all a. if — pa F(s;z,t)ds I is concave for all a. can be used to establish that the First-Order Approach valid in the analysis of principal-agent problems. In fact, Jewitt (1988) establishes just this result, applying the more standard approach of integration by parts. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for "Stochastic P Theorems" 2.3.2 This section considers the question of whether the "test functions" approach can be improved upon precise, pairs P for "stochastic it will when P is a property other than nondecreasing. To be more introduce some additional notation. We let S JD7 be the set of (U,T) theorems," be helpful to - which are stochastic dominance some property P. Then, observe pairs, we that and endeavor in theorem To set U only property "constant in 6." functions, and the set clearly is is the set of 1L SPT all all stochastic = Z 5/57 P for arbitrary closed one could check a stochastic of the extreme points of U, E(U). which properties P pairs for Our P final are such that (U,T) satisfies a stochastic P if (2.1) holds. see an example where (2.1) lu(s)dF(s;0) Z spr be for the possibility that without necessarily checking this section is to identify if and let have not established that convex cone properties P. This opens the door theorem for a we is too strong, consider a simpler example of a Take the case of f = -U F0 constant in 9 . if The pair and only (U if not a stochastic dominance pair. 13 U F0 F0 , the set of ,f) satisfies -lu(s)dF(s;6) all CCC property, the univariate, nondecreasing payoff a "stochastic constant theorem," since is constant in 6. However, U FO ,f) X 5/ r = JL SDT In general, the result that (U,T) a stochastic supermodularity pair is dominance. For example, and is , U this set U dominance it may be U are T have theorem This allows us to bypass the step of checking immediate. is same closed convex cone the does not literature make such P pair if and only are a stochastic jdm?=l) ccc(U if such directly (further, G(;G follows: for distributions. But, observe that = {G 1 vG 2 ,*) 1 1 ,*) J Thus, J if we The is some it can also be expressed as follows: G(;Q supermodular, since the 1 ) = G(;Q 2 ) = -^—. Then, \udnu>0 if dnC ) latter entails v G 2 ) - J u(s)dG(sid ) + J u(s)dG(s& a G 2 ) - J u(s)dG(s$ 2 ) > 1 can conclude that for u dG(;Q) for ^, and dnC 1 1 (normalized so that \udnu<0 but , we 3, Define a parameterized distribution, G(;G), as ) Jw dG(;Q) u(s)dG(sid m*e^* a Lemma aG 2 ,6 2 }. J and only exists u e ccc(T kj {1,-1}) all vG 2 = G(;G aG 2 ) = 7 1 there Recall that, in . = \[ng + n£ —nu -nu]. Q SPM let u {1,-1}) ^ccc(Tu {1,-1}), supermodular, for which (U,T) This nu, our separating hyperplane, can be expressed as the difference between two probability nu most of the stochastic a statement explicitly). if ccc(U u {1,-1}) = ccc(T u {1,-1}) $udnu>0 that ueccc(Uv {1,-1}). Now, on stochastic has been analyzed in the stochastic dominance literature, then the corresponding and that literature determined by an economic problem, We begin this section by giving an example of a second property, showed easier to verify whether or not by drawing from the existing the characteristics of a set if stochastic supermodularity whether useful because fails to this G, \udG(;Q) be supermodular, and critical feature is supermodular for all . u e ccc(T u {1,-1}) , yet we contradict the definition of a "stochastic P theorem." of supermodularity in example this is that the separating hyperplane, an element of ^*, can be used to generate the needed counterexample to the stochastic supermodularity theorem. More generally, we will define a set of properties called Linear Difference Properties (LDPs), properties which also have The first important attribute of this feature. LDPs is that they can be represented in terms of sign on inequalities involving linear combinations of the function evaluated For example, g(G) is nondecreasing on if and only if H g(Q )-g(Q This statement specifies a set of inequalities, where each inequality function evaluated at a high parameter value and a g(6) is supermodular on if and only if g(Q* 14 at different L )>0 is parameter values. for all G" >G L in 0. a difference between the low parameter value. To take another example, vQ )- g(Q*) + g(Q aQ 2 )- g(Q 2 )>0 2 restrictions } for all G',6 2 in , sum Again, this statement specifies a set of inequalities, this time involving the 0. of two differences. we In both cases, can represent every inequality by the parameter values and the coefficients which are placed on the corresponding function For example, values. the for property nondecreasing, each inequality involves the coefficient vector (1,-1) and a parameter vector of the H L form (G^G* ), where 1 is the coefficient on g(Q ) and -1 is the coefficient on g(Q ) Thus, g(G) w L w if and only if for all vector pairs (a, <]>) = ( (1,-1) (G G ) ) such that G > 6^ is nondecreasing on - . , , ^T._ a, g(fy) = g(Q H )-g(Q L )>0 vector pairs of the form Xt,«i g(^ ) = g(Q i l = (cc,<|>) on supermodular Likewise, in the case of supermodularity, . 1 ((1,-1,1,-1), (G and if only ve 2 ,e',e' aG 2 ,G 2 )). for if, 1 2 1 2 are interested in In this case, such all vQ )-g(Q ) + g(Q AG )-g(G )>0. More 2 we g(Q) vector is pairs, generally, consider the following definition. A property P is a linear difference property Definition 4: there exists a positive integer k @,Q e c I and a a G SR*, ]£._, a, = 0, (a,(|)) (f> if, for any parameter space collection of pairs of vectors, 0™ e \, so that conditions (i) @q , Q P e@ p , where and (ii) are equivalent for any g:Q P ^3i: The P on Q p (i) g(Q) satisfies (H) lUargi^ZOforall definition of &Q a (a,«))) P on P ." e eQf on the above discussion; we builds directly inequality representation of the coefficients . Note first that in will refer to the construction of In the , as the "linear we have be useful when to vary with the vectors of parameters; this will multivariate concavity has a linear inequality representation. CQ &Q allowed we show that above examples, nondecreasing and supermodular both have linear inequality representations. In the case of nondecreasing, given a parameter space <?e ND = Q ND , = (1-D; {(oc,40|a 4> = (6",G L ); 6"^ e G ND For the property supermodular, given a parameter space ^e sw = Observe zero. It is {(«,(t))|a that in the = (l-U-l); <t> = (G' vG 2 ,G 1 ,G 1 , 6" > Q L }. Q SPM , aG 2 ,G 2 ); the appropriate set is G',G 2 €0 5PA,}. examples of nondecreasing and supermodular, the components of easy to show that if combination of differences between the definition requires X*=i X,*=i jc,. a, 's. = , then £*=1 a . ( jc, a sum to can be represented as a linear This motivates the word "difference" in the name, since ot.=0. 15 Lemma 4 P If property is QP Proof: Consider (a,§) e &e • e<d p If . , P on + a 2 ft [«ift Ofc ) 0,, (<t>i )] . Then The which Definition 5 require 3. <3 P (<fc ) ' : any (a,§) e ft , , &e and any a,,a,>0, + «2 S=i «, ft (<t>, ) . which nonnegative by is This argument can be extended to sequences or nets of may be more difficult to check. A property P satisfies the single inequality condition VP n wiSR"—>SR, there exists (F,0) e The P on for on 0,, then X*=i a £(<t>,) = for all Now suppose that g (9) by Definition 3. constant in satisfy P. we condition last is = «i Xti «, assumption and by Definition functions g(9) and thus g(9) satisfies and g 2 (9) satisfy Zli «/ a linear difference property, then Pe CCC. such that \udm > if and only if, if for any me^ and any ju(s)dF'(s;9) single inequality condition is satisfied if for each vector pair satisfies P on 0. there exists an (a,<}>), appropriate parameter space and probability distribution so that the inequality corresponding to (a,<})) is critical in is determining whether \u(s)dG(s;Q) a strong condition: this subsection. it is what we verified P for arbitrary payoff functions satisfies in the discussion of supermodularity at the While the single inequality condition may seem close u. It beginning of to the desired conclusion, we have been unable to find alternative conditions which are easy to verify (though see the working One paper (Athey, 1995) for assumptions which are "more primitive.") not always well-defined on the restricted parameter space which single vector issue is that P is defined by the components of a is 0. Consider several examples which serve to illustrate the single inequality condition. already established that nondecreasing and supermodular satisfy the condition. any discrete generalization of a sign restriction on a mixed manner analogous we the property partial derivative We have Next, observe that can be represented in a to our representation of supermodularity at the start of this subsection. Finally, consider concavity. Example: "Concave" Proof: Let satisfies the single inequality condition. CV = [9,1] . Define G(;G) = G(;l) = 7^-7 G( ; 9) = (1 - 29) , jdirC for0<9<l/2, and G(-; 9) = (29 -1)7^— + (2-29)-^\dmt fails to be concave if J definition, this holds if u(s)dG(s;j) J 16 "' for 1/2<9<1. Then, fw(s)JG(s;9) Js \dmt < j j u(s)dG(s;0) + \ j u(s)dG(s;l) u(s)dmt < \ J u(s)dnu + 29 7^ jdnC \dmt +jj u(s)dtru , or J . But, with the above u(s)dnu < . . interesting to note that in general, the intersection of It is two properties which However, since the inequality condition does not necessarily satisfy the single inequality condition. intersection of two CCC properties is approach for the intersection of two this, it is CCC LDP property, inequality condition. This an arbitrary that lattice and lattice -^^-f(x)>0 that (ii) is we can always apply the closed convex cone properties that satisfy the single failure condition. interesting to note that supermodularity, be defined as requiring can be a which Given for a suitably differentiable function /(x) can for all i±j, is in fact an LDP and which true because supermodularity is a property when satisfy the single satisfies the single can be defined on (i) the lattice has four or fewer points, supermodularity of a function on can be expressed in terms of a single inequality, so that the single inequality condition satisfied. We now state the final result of this section, inequality condition, then the stochastic which same mathematical is that if P is an LDP and satisfies the single structure underlies the stochastic P theorem as a dominance theorem. Theorem 3 IfP an is LDP and the single inequality condition holds, then conditions (i)-(iii) are equivalent: P pair. (i) (U,T) is a stochastic (ii) (U,T) is a stochastic dominance pair. (ii) ccc(C/u{l,-l}) Proof: Lemma 4 implies that P is equivalence of (i) = ccc(ru{l,-l}). implies (iii). (ii) and (iii), Suppose and Theorem 2 gives (iii) fails, and there short-hand for the closed convex cones, as in there exists m, e £* such that J u dm, > J u(s)dF(s;Q) satisfies stochastic P Z JFT = H SDT . implies So (i). 5 e U such it establishes the remains to show that ug that 1 T (the sets are Lemma 3). Then by the proof of Lemma 3, for all uef , but J udm. (F,Q) e n "D P < By . such that J the single u(s)dF(s;Q) stated as follows: if P is an LDP and sets P satisfies the single This result establishes that the closed convex approach to theorems exactly the right one for this class of properties. Note that Theorem 3 holds without any assumptions about continuity, differentiability, or other such properties. on fails P for all we f The consequence of Theorem 3 can be inequality condition, then (iii) exists a inequality condition, this implies that there exists on 0, but Theorem a closed convex cone property. Assumptions of payoff functions might be relevant for a particular stochastic dominance pair (U,T); these assumptions would then be inherited by the corresponding stochastic supermodularity theorem. Linearity of the functional l%u,m) in m, however, 17 is critical. we In the next section, discuss applications of theorems which can be derived using Theorem some of the new stochastic supermodularity 3. Applications: Stochastic Supermodularity Theorems with Supermodular Payoffs 2.4 This section explores applications of the from Theorem 3. By Theorem 3, new stochastic supermodularity theorems which follow each of the (existing) stochastic dominance results corresponds to a (new) stochastic supermodularity result, which may then be applied to solve comparative statics problems. Consider Table The payoff functions. interval of the which gives the stochastic dominance theorem I (v), random T set in variable s, Table , I for bivariate, supermodular (v) contains both the indicator functions for each upper and the negative of the indicator functions for each upper interval. Thus, the corresponding stochastic dominance theorem requires that the marginal distribution of each random variable is unchanged by the parameter This condition 6. is required because a supermodular function does not necessarily satisfy any monotonicity properties. In particular, a supermodular function might be additively separable, and monotone decreasing or monotone increasing. Thus, an FOSD shift in either marginal distribution will raise expected profits for some supermodular payoff functions, and lower expected payoffs for others. Now, 5,= and a, s2 =a 2 . Then must be nondecreasing When (j ,,5 2 )gSR consider a partition of the space in , 2 into four quadrants, delineated the requirement that the function 6 6 specifies that the marginal distributions are constant in 6, that nondecreasing in random 6. is We will refer to this type of shift as variables; such a shift is beneficial when l [aix) (s )-l [a2 „ (s 2 )-dF(s ,s 2 ;6) ) 1 JJ shifts probability by the axes mass l into the northeast quadrant. equivalent to requiring that F(a u a 2 ;6) is an increase in the "interdependence" of the the random variables are complementary in increasing the payoff function. The intuition for the stochastic supermodularity builds directly from the stochastic dominance theorem for the intuition. set For two parameters to be complementary in increasing the expected value of a supermodular payoff function, they marginal distribution functions, of supermodular payoffs must not and further they must be complementary in interact in the increasing the interdependence of the random variables. To see a special case of how Table I (v) might be used, consider the following example. A firm engages in product design for a product with two components, and the random variables, s and s 2 i represent the qualities of the increasing the quality of one two components. The components component increases the 18 fit together in such a way returns to quality in the other component. , that The two product design teams work two teams stochastic, but the outputs of the Each team's output develop the two different components. to are correlated (perhaps due to realizations of is random events which affect the whole firm, or due to communication between the two teams). Suppose the firm wishes to set target qualities (or incentive contracts) for each group, where an increase in the target quality increases the expected quality the group will produce. The above gives necessary and sufficient conditions for supermodularity of the firm's objective. would be interpreted as follows: increasing the target quality for increasing the target quality of the second group. the cost of producing quality for result This result one group increases the returns to Further, in response to an exogenous decrease in team one, then the firm would find it optimal to raise the targets for both teams. The conditions for "stochastic supermodularity" can be verified in a specific functional form example. Suppose random that the covariance ((s ,s 2 ) ~ 5V7V(/x x Table I (v) establishes that if 1 G 12 >0). ,// 2 ,(7; ,0' 2 ,ct 12 ); u G 12 > Then checking . is, u(s1 ,s2 )dF(s1 ,s2 ;fi l ,n 2 ,a n ) J Intuitively, when the payoff function one random variable increases the returns to the other, then mean of one random the random the conditions given in supermodular, the expected profits are supermodular in the means is of each marginal distribution. That for all u supermodular, if variables have a bivariate normal distribution with a positive ! supermodular is is in a stochastic variable increases the returns to raising the variables have a positive covariance, increasing the mean of interact in the marginal distribution functions is satisfied in this design example, we conclude that if ), environment, raising the the other. mean of one does low values together. Of course, the requirement (jj,,,|i 2 such that under certainty, effectiveness of the other in terms of shifting probability weight into regions variables realize high or in Further, since not decrease the where the random that the parameters example. do not Thus, in the product the outputs of the product design teams are joint normal with positive correlation, the target qualities of the two teams will be complements in the firm's profit function. Now we turn briefly to multivariate, supermodular payoff functions. a particularly complicated problem because changes functions pose distribution can potentially affect the the high-order mixed interpretations on such application to income are assumed to dominance derivatives. between results. One all However, it is approach, followed by often difficult to place Meyer (1990) Meyer (1990) considered supermodular between three or more variables are ruled out. 19 thus, of the arguments of the payoff function are inequality, is to consider objective functions be zero. the joint probability co-movements of many random variables simultaneously; partial derivatives relevant for stochastic in Multivariate payoff economic in the context of an where higher-order derivatives objectives Supermodular payoffs of this where interactions form can be used to represent a social welfare function that is Our averse to inequality. context as well; a stochastic supermodularity theorem could be used to check complementary when two in that policies are expected social welfare. in increasing The following be used results could result takes an alternative approach, studying the case where the random variables are independent. Theorem 4 Let s be a vector of independent random parameters such that for variables. Further, suppose that marginal distribution ofsi i=l,...,n, the is a vector of given by F^s^d.). Then the is following two conditions are equivalent: (i) For all supermodular payofffunctions (ii) Either (a) or (b) is i Proof: For i all (ij) pairs, J (ii) (a) or { i is Theorem 4 k Va,e<K. : ^ii;Oy). ($,-,$,) since supermodularity that the supermodularity condition is on the preserved by distributions (b). FOSD shifts in independent random variables are expected value of supermodular payoff functions. 11 FOSD) is Thus, if a complementary with increasing the others stochastically as well. Returning to the joint normal distribution, when 6 V0,">0f, supermodular in a group of random variables, increasing one variable in the stochastic sense (of satisfied in 6. V6» >0f, Va.eSR. ;ej-) supermodular in and check in increasing the payoff function i ;0*)<JF;(a.;0f) This result says that parameters which induce complementary supermodular S r\d (v) I is rewrite the expectation as that the inner integral is sums. Apply Table —>S{, ju(s)dF(s;0) J^;»,.*JWi f (i.x f ;e. w )-^;«,) S *I' reduces to i = U,n, ^(a J Note n true: (a)Fori = l,..,n,F (a ;6?)>F (a (b)For u:3i represents the if the random variables are independent, the conditions are mean of random variable sh result has potential applications in the study of coordination problems in firms the product design example from above) as well as in general investment problems. Schmutzler (1995) apply this result to (recall Athey and analyze a firm's choices over investments in product design and process innovation. 11 Since a supermodular function (ii)(a) or (ii)(b) in Theorem is also supermodular in the negative of all of 4.6. 20 its arguments, we allow for either case . 3. COMPARATIVE STATICS PROPERTIES OF V(x,Q) IN (x,0) This section builds on the analysis of Section 2 to characterize interactions between components of x and components of are necessary and in the function V. sufficient for Particular emphasis will be placed monotone comparative on properties which statics predictions. 3.1 Definitions Since this section will focus on properties relevant to comparative statics predictions, Given a introducing several relevant definitions. set X and we begin by a partial order >, the operations "meet" x v y = inf {zjz > x, z > y} and x a y = sup{z|z < x, z < y} (v) and "join" (a) are defined as follows: A lattice is a set X together with a partial order, such that the set is closed under meet and join. 6 Let (X>) be a Definition lattice, (i) A function h:X->Sl is quasi-supermodular if, for all x,yeX, h(x a y) - h(y) > (>)0 implies h(x v y) - h(x) > (>)0 (ii) hissupermodularifforallx,yeX, h(x v y) + h(x a y) > h(x) + h(y) (Hi) Ifh is nonnegative, it is log-supermodular (log-spm) 12 . . if, allx,yeX, h(xvy)-h(xAy)>h(x)-h(y). h(x",x_ k ) — h(x k ,x_ k ) is nondecreasing We will be particularly In that case, if 1978); h is h is (iv) in h has increasing differences x_ k for all x k interested in the special case >x k for (x k ;x_ k ) if in . where our function of interest is bivariate. smooth, supermodularity corresponds to the restriction that -^-h(x)>0 (Topkis, log-supermodular h(x",x2 ) — h(x(',x2 ) is if log(/j) is supermodular. Equivalently, supermodularity requires that nondecreasing in x2 for same of h(x",x2 )/h(x(-,x2 ). all x" l >jc, , and log-supermodularity requires the Quasi-supermodularity (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994) requires something weaker: the incremental returns, h(x" ,x2 )-h(x[,x2 ), must satisfy a single crossing property. The following definition lays out several variants of single crossing properties which will be useful in our analysis. Definition 7 Let X and be partially ordered sets, (i) g(6) satisfies single crossing (SCI) in 6 if, for all 6H>9L g(6L)>(>)0 implies g(d„)>(>)0. (ii) h(x,6) satisfies single crossing of incremental returns (SC2) in (x;6) if, for all xH >x[/ g(0) = h(x H ;6)-h(x L ;9) satisfies SCI. , Topkis (1978, supermodularity. introduced 1979) Building x*(0,i?) = argmax/i(x,0) is on his some basic work, nondecreasing in comparative Milgrom (0,2?) in the and statics Shannon "strong set theorems (1994) order" 13 if on based show and only if that h is xeB quasi-supermodular in x and satisfies SC2 in (x;0). If xe 9?, the result simply requires that 12 Karlin and Rinott (1980) called log-supermodularity multivariate total positivity of order 2. 13 A>B in the strong set order if, for any aeA and beB, 21 avb&A and ciAbeB. h satisfies . . SC2 Thus, in (x;0). to satisfy SC2 we satisfy when Primitives Form a Closed Convex Cone subsection motivates the study of necessary and sufficient conditions for V(\,G) to last SC2 0, numbers. In when Since this property does not concern interactions between components of x or in (x;0). components of real sufficient conditions for V(x,6) in (x;0). 3.2 Stochastic Single Crossing The on necessary and will focus special attention we change this context, V(x H ,d)-V(x L However, in notation to consider properties of V(x, 6), where the italic variables are ,d) it is = l[u(x clearly equivalent to study H ,s)-u(x L ,s)yiF(s;d) satisfies we might wish other contexts, supermodularity of V(x,6). Thus, when we to study V(x, 0) satisfies SCI SC2 SC2, and to study in 6. of V(x,0) in (6;x), or quasi- present a theorem which allows the roles of the utility function and the probability distribution to be interchanged: we analyze J u(s)dK(s;6) , but do not restrict K to be a probability distribution. Theorem 5 Suppose Then the following two that ccc(T)=G. Let K(;ff) be a signed measure. conditions are equivalent: (i) V(6)= J g(s)dK(s; 6) (ii) For all satisfies 6,^.QL , there exists a SCI in 6for all ge G. X>0 such jt(s)dK(s;6 H )>k jt(s)dK(s;d L ) for that all teT(that Proof: Observe that (a) V{ej>Q implies V(6H)>0 for geK(s,6,)' implies V(6H)>0, (The latter equality definitions, and if and only if (c) follows because (^(s.flj all is, K(s,6H) ge G, if K(s,9H) e (K(s,0,)' - X-K(s,e,) and only if (b) e T). ge G and n G)' = ccc(K(s,0,) u G'). u G*)* = ^(s,^* n G", simply applying G is assumed to be a closed convex cone, so that G=G"). In turn, (c) holds if = ^(s,^ + a m(s) for some m(s)e G*, and some a,A^0. But then, g(s)dK(s;6 H ) =X j g(s)dK(s;6 L ) + a J g(s)dm(s). Since f=G' by Lemma 2, and I and only J if (d) K(s,8H) g(s)dm(s)>0 by definition of G\ Now suppose that A^O, e A, f such that J and suppose follows that J g(s)dK(s;0 H ) that ViO^O for some ge G. >X J g(s)dK(s;d L ) Then, we can g(s)dK(s;d H )=0. But fc=Q implies that K(s,0H)-X K(s,6H)e we have V(0J>O and V(6H)=0 the definition of it for some ^(s,^) where tf(s,0w )-A K(s,0H)e find a K(s,6H ) f as well. T, contradicting SC 1 Closely related results have been applied in the economics literature by a few authors; interpret the theorem, Then, and then return to discuss the literature in the next subsection. 22 we first Theorem 5 Sufficiency in jt(s)dK(s;6 L )>(>)0, it (that is, (ii) implies will follow that (i)) is Now To consider necessity. where g g, subject to the constraint that j g(s)dK(s;6 L )>0. infimum must be nonnegative. This implies geG it will follow that there exists a more must course, this G (a closed convex cone), the single crossing property holds, the if Lagrange multiplier X such exist a Xj g(s)dK(s;6 L ) > 0. all geG. equivalent to checking that K(s;6 H )-XK(s;6 L )sG'. is that X such that jg(s)dK(s;d H )-Xjg(s)dK(s;0 L )>O for Of Taking convex familiar form, consider taking the restricted to lie in Then, that there inf jg(s)dK(s;6 H )- Then is then whenever yields the implication required. r's recast the result in a with respect to j g(s)dK(s;6 H ) If (ii) holds, j t(s)dK(s;6 H )>XJ t(s)dK(s;6 L )>(>)0. combinations and limits of sequences or nets of these infimum of straightforward. we Finally, can apply Lemma 2, which establishes that G* =T* when ccc{T)=G. Theorem Clearly, Theorem that 1 F is 5 and Theorem A such that are very closely related. a probability distribution and apply monotonicity requires that K(s,6H) positive 1 K(s,6H) - K(s,6,) e In contrast, T'. - X-KfaGJ e T\ The latter we If relax the restriction in to the problem above, stochastic Theorem 5 requires that there exists a it condition is less stringent, and yields a weaker conclusion (single crossing as opposed to monotonicity). However, Theorem 1 G contains the constant functions and K is a probability distribution, if and Theorem 5 coincide. In Corollary 5.1 Suppose that constant in 6. { 1,-1 }e V(6)=j g(s)dK(s; 0) (ii) J t(s)dK(s;d) Proof: Clearly, . we have the following G and G=ccc(T\j{ 1,-1}). If (ii) is SCI satisfies nondecreasing implies (i), since 8 for all in (ii) This result if and j dK(s; 6) is is then it must follow that if implies that condition (B) of Theorem 5 holds { 1,-1 e G, then condition (B) of Theorem 5 requires that 6, only te T. } constant in all corollary: Suppose further that 6 for all ge G, in and jdK(s;0 H )<X jdK(s;8 L ). This holds only holds for turns out that Then (i) fc= 1 particular, it if j dK(s;d H )=X J when dK(s; 6 H )>lj dK(s; 9 L ) jdK(s;d L ). 1ffdK(s;0) is X=l. potentially quite powerful, since payoff functions in the desired class if it implies that in and only if many problems, the probability distribution according to stochastic dominance. Thus, Corollary 5.1 reduces a potentially 23 single crossing more is difficult ordered problem F is a probability distribution, g(s)dF(s;d) satisfies SCI for all g nondecreasing, if and only if F is ordered according to FOSD. J Likewise, J g(s)dF(s;6) satisfies SCI for all g concave, if and only if F is ordered according to to a well-studied problem. SOSD. Below, we For example, if will apply this result to comparative statics problems. Relation to the Literature 3.2.1 The approach used in our formal proof of Theorem 5 builds on the approach taken in a note by "more Jewitt (1986) to characterize the notion of (1995 a, b) also prove "diffidence theorem." satisfies SCI in this result for the The Gollier and Kimball case where seSR or seSR and s independent. They call the Gollier and Kimball's diffidence theorem can be stated in our language for all densities/, if [\h{s)k{s,6l)ds risk averse" (Ross (1981)). 2 as follows (taking h, a density, as given, >X implies that it - k(s,6,)] a.e. and assuming and only that seSR): ]k(s,6)h{s)ds if there exists a X>0 such - \k{s,6)f{s)ds that $h(s)k(s,6H)ds — k(s,dH) We can place their result in the above framework as follows. If we some probability density h(s) and consider G={g:g=h-f for some probability density/}, then we can let T(Gh ) = {g:g(s)=h(s)-l (a _ ea+e) (s) for £>0, aeSR}. When we restrict attention to a single fix random variable, their result is equivalent to Theorem 6. Their method of proof is different from the one used here. Gollier and Kimball show wide variety of problems in the- theory of investment under uncertainty can be usefully studied with the diffidence theorem, and their papers provide many that a examples and applications. To see the simplest example where the diffidence theorem applies, index preferences. Then SCI of jh(s)k(s,G)ds — y{s)k(s,6H)ds is let 6 interpreted as follows: if an agent with preferences 6L likes the gamble corresponding to density h better than gamble corresponding to /, all agents with preferences 6^>6L will also prefer gamble h to The contribution of Theorem 5 thus is to gamble/ provide a statement and formal proof of the theorem at the appropriate level of generality for our purposes, using the basic theorems of topological vector spaces, and then derive theorems Thus, we which establish its consequences for comparative statics analysis. extend the domain of applicability of the tools, and show that these tools can be usefully connected to Milgrom and Shannon (1994)'s methods for comparative interest is Corollary 5.1, which does not appear statics analysis. in the previous literature; this corollary, Of particular which gives conditions under which stochastic dominance and stochastic single crossing are equivalent, will imply that in many economic situations, comparative stochastic objective cannot be improved upon. This 24 statics is theorems based on supermodularity of a taken up in the next section. Single Choice Problems 3.3 and Comparative Statics SC2 This section examines conditions under which V(x,6f)=j u(x,s)dK(s;0) satisfies which necessary and sufficient for comparative statics in univariate choice problems. is allow for Since we K to be a signed measure (not necessarily a probability distribution), our analysis applies to problems where the choice variable affects either a probability distribution, or a Let Corollary 5.2 9t* in {x;6), K be a finite signed measure, —>SK such that ccc(Ui)=ccc(T), and let utility function. Uu T be sets of payofffunctions mapping and let U ={u:Xx3i —»SR: X a partially ordered set, k and 2 u(xH ,s)-u(xL ,s)e Ut for all xH >xL ). (A) x'(6)=aigmaxA u(x,s)dK(s;6) A>0 such is nondecreasing in 8 for all ue U 2, if and only a if there exists that j t(s)dK(s;0 „)>X jt(s)dK(s;0 L ) for all te T. (B) Suppose that F is a probability distribution, and that x\ff)=argmaxI u(x,s)dF(s;6) \ nondecreasing in 6 for all is nondecreasing in { 1,— 1 }e 6 for all us U U 2, x Then . if and only if jt(s)dF(s;6) is te T. Proof: Follows from Theorem 5 and Milgrom and Shannon (1994), except for the following caveat: Milgrom and Shannon (1994) show x'(d,B) is because that SC2 is necessary for the conclusion that nondecreasing in (x,B). The quantification over we B can be dropped are asking that the comparative statics result hold for all ue our case in and U^, thus, effectively, for all constraint sets B. To see how this result could be applied, consider choose between two distributions. first part (A), and suppose an agent We wish to characterize how the choice of distributions must changes with a parameter of the agent's preferences. Let/be a density for the probability distribution F(s;x), and suppose that that x indexes de{dudH }. Then and only if Corollary 5.2 (A) some A>0 such there exists state the condition F according that g(s,6H) is nondecreasing function: that distributions J result is due to is consider nondecreasing us that J F^^^fajxJ. s. Suppose for the moment g(s;d)f(s;x)ds satisfies is SCI that g(s,0H)— Xg{s,6,) is nondecreasing in is "more nondecreasing" than to SCI That g(s,0,). If for all such F, if Another way s. g(s,6,) to and some other we consider instead Second Order Stochastic Dominance, the corresponding for all is, geG, g(s,6H) is if and only if there exists some A>0 such "more concave" than gis^J. Ross (1981), and Jewitt (1986) showed how the method used used to establish Ross' Now g(s,6H) concave in so that must be a convex combination of g(s;6)f(s;x)ds satisfies gis^-Xgis^J FOSD, tells which are indexed according result is that that is, to in The latter Theorem 5 can be result. part (B) of the Corollary. Checking that ][u(x H ,s)-u(x L ,s)]dK(s;0) equivalent to solving the stochastic dominance problem analyzed in 25 Lemma is 1. . . Examples of payoff functions u(x,s) such that the set Ui={g: g(s)=u(xH ,s)-u(xL ,s) for some x„>xL } the conditions of Corollary 5.2 (B) include supermodular payoffs and payoffs satisfy u(xH ,s)-u(xL ,s) nondecreasing and concave. is techniques, that the stochastic where Ormiston and Schlee (1992) show, using different dominance orderings are necessary for comparative statics in a few specific classes of payoff functions; thus, Corollary 5.2 (B) identifies the general principle behind the results. To how see this result Suppose (1996). might be applied, consider a noisy signaling game, as studied by Maggi two that there are The the quantity to produce. first firms, a first mover has y, noisy signal of the incumbent's choice. (z) private information about his mover chooses a quantity After observing the first mover and a second mover, and each firm chooses (as is usual in such models) that is 7I2 when marginal cost, y. but the second mover observes only a The second mover forms a that 712(^1,^2) is the expected profit to the entrant suppose (#,), own posterior F{q the quantities chosen are { \z). Suppose q and q2 and , x submodular. Then the second mover's best policy is given by q2 (z)=aig max f n 2 {q q)dF(q x , I l z) 1 Then, Corollary 5.2 (B) establishes that q 2 {z) ordered according to if F(qi\z) is mover's profits mover's policy be given by is is nonincreasing in z for FOSD. Now consider the and assume Ttiiqi.q^f), first all t^ submodular, mover's problem. that this function is submodular. if and only Let the first Then, the first given by ?i(7)=arg max J 7T, (q, q 2 (z), y)dG{z\ q) 1 Then, by Corollary 5.2(B), #,($ and only if function is and G{z\q) is is nonincreasing for ordered by all FOSD. By Athey nondecreasing, a pure strategy 7C, submodular and for all q2 nonincreasing, if (1997), whenever each player's best response Nash equilibrium exists in this game (also see Vives (1990) for an existence result for supermodular games with incomplete information). While it might seem that most economic problems fall under the domain of Corollary 5.2 (B), the following subsection discusses a class of payoffs which does not satisfy the relevant assumptions. 3.3.1 It Single Crossing at a Point and the Portfolio Problem might at first seem that most sets of payoff functions which arise in economics contain the constant functions. However, portfolio theory motivates a class of payoff functions which does not: the class of functions which cross zero at a fixed point. optimization problem: 26 In particular, consider the following . max xe[OM This Jf u(xs + (1 - x)r)dF(s; 6) the standard portfolio problem. is In this problem, the marginal returns to investment for a When given realization of s are given by (s-r)u(xs+(l—x)r). crosses zero from below, and satisfies weak always crosses at the same is is nondecreasing, this function Let us say that a function g point: s=r. Notice single crossing at s if s>(<)s implies g(s)>(<)0. crossing (SCI) functions crossing at s it utility is that, while the set of single not a closed convex cone, the set of functions which satisfy weak single a closed convex cone. Further, observe that a set of "test functions" for this set of functions can be described as follows (for some P>0): T(s ;$)={t: BasSi, £,5<|3 such that t(s)=(l-2l{s<s })(l{min(a-e,s )<s<max(a+£,s )}+6)} Notice that the constant functions are not in this set of test functions, and thus Corollary 5.1 and Corollary 5.2(B) do not apply. Athey (1998) shows can be analyzed using a crossing about s approach is respect to problems where payoffs (or incremental returns) are weak single that different, and seemingly unrelated, set of tools. based on the fact that single crossing properties are preserved when integrating with While the log-supermodular densities. statistics introduction to Karlin and Rinott (1980)) has typically (for literature drawn sharp distinctions example, see the between methods based on convex cones, and methods based on "majorization" (Marshall and Olkin, 1979), now briefly The establish a connection Consider the following result, also established in (i) (ii) J for all is Athey (1998) using a different method of proof: nonnegative, and suppose further that k is continuous and Then the following are equivalent: 6. g(s)k(s; 6)ds satisfies For all 6H> 6U will between the two approaches. Corollary 5.3 Fix s and suppose k(s;6) strictly positive at s we SCI for all g which satisfy weak single crossing about So. k(s; 6„)/k(s; 6L)-k(s ; 6H)/k(s ; 6L) satisfies weak single crossing about s almost everywhere. Proof: By Theorem 5 and using the SCI j g(s)k(s;6)ds satisfies if there exists almost all s<s A>0 such . that for all set of test functions rCs ;P) for g which satisfy fc(.s;0w )>AJfc(.s;&) This implies that £(•?<>; weak (3 arbitrarily small, single crossing about s for almost all s>s , and , if and only Jfc(.s;0w)<A.ifc(.s;ft,) for fl^^Cs,,;^. Substituting and applying the definition of single crossing gives the desired conclusion. To interpret condition (ii) of Corollary 5.3, observe that k(s;8H)/k(s',dL) the realization s of the risky asset. Condition point, the likelihood ratio is greater than below the crossing (ii) it is is a "likelihood ratio" for requires that for realizations of s above the crossing at the crossing point. Likewise, for realizations of s point, the likelihood ratio is lower than at the crossing point. 27 . To connect the about log-supermodular densities, notice that this result to results crossing of point g advance, in k(s;dh )/k(s;6L)-k(s ;dh )/k(So,6L) satisfies point, s . But weak then we is forced we do not specify check to that for every possible crossing single crossing about s checking that k(s;0h )/k(s;6L ) that is equivalent to be will if nondecreasing in s, or that it is log- supermodular. Equivalently, k satisfies a monotone likelihood ratio property. Thus, despite the fact that neither single crossing nor log-supermodularity are closed convex cone properties, Theorem 5 can be used to establish a result relating the two properties. To see will invest how this result more We conclude that an agent can be applied, return to the portfolio problem. in a risky asset in response to an increase in 6, if asset returns according to condition (ii) in Corollary 5.3, when and only s =r. if 6 shifts the density of Athey (1998) provides further applications. Multivariate Choice Problems 3.4 and l-Supermodularity This section derives comparative statics properties of stochastic objective functions decision-maker's choice set question of when U(x,&) we need to introduce two is a lattice (for example, a vector of real numbers). is quasi-supermodular in new x. Theorem In order to apply when Consider first the the 5 to this problem, properties. 8 For a given Ae 9?„ consider a function h:X—>S{ (X a lattice). Then h is l-supermodular at (x,y) with parameter X if h(xvy)-h(x) > A[/i(y)-7i(XAy)] Ifh:XxQ->% where is a partially ordered set, then h{x,9) satisfies l-increasing differences (l-ID) on YxT with parameter X if, for all x„>xte Y and 0„>6>te V, h(xH ,dH)-h(xL ,dH) > XlKx^-hix^O,)] Definition . the It is clear that /-supermodularity implies quasi-supermodularity, two definitions. Further, if h is some A>0 such that h is which follows immediately from bounded and quasi-supermodular, then /-supermodular at (x,y) with parameter A. supermodularity, as opposed to quasi-supermodularity, /-supermodular with parameter A at (x,y), the for each (x,y), there exists But, a critical property of for a fixed A, is that if, two functions convex combination of the two functions are both will inherit the /-supermodularity property. In other words, the definition of /-supermodularity gives us a make two quasi-supermodular functions comparable, so that we may /- way to take convex combinations without upsetting quasi-supermodularity. We will say that the function some A>0 such is /-supermodular on a sublattice that the function is /-supermodular at (x,y) with Y if, for each x,y e Y, there exists parameter A, and likewise for /-ID. Clearly, supermodularity is stronger than /-supermodularity, since the definition is satisfied for A=l. However, /-supermodularity allows for some points. flexibility in the scaling of a function at different For example, consider the sublattice y={(0,0),(0,l),(l,0),(l,l)} and a function h(x) which 28 satisfies increasing differences in (x \x2 ) t (the on {0,1}x{0,1}. same) affine transformation of both h(0,0) and h(l,0), increasing differences preserved, while /-I.D. in (jc,;x2 ) When attention is restricted to a four-point sublattice this constant not necessarily h(-,Q) does x,. {x,y,xvy,XAy}), log-supermodularity (i.e. To also stronger than Z-supermodularity for positive functions h. However, since is an affine transformation of Intuitively, taking will be. not affect the sign of the incremental returns to X transformed by taking If the function is depends on the choice of x and y, we see this, let is X=h(x)/h(xAy). cannot necessarily find a single for all (x,y) pairs in a given sublattice. The following result characterizes quasi-supermodularity stochastic problems (where, for a distribution K, with respect to ji and k is Theorem 6 Consider a jx is and the single crossing property in a measure such that K is absolutely continuous the density). Let k:Xx9T—>9t. Suppose ccc(T)=G. lattice X. (A) The following conditions are equivalent: (i) For every y,zeX, supermodular at (ii) (B) Let there exists a (y,z) with A>0 such parameter X V(x)=j g(s)k(x,s)dn(s) all teT, j t(s)k(x,s)diLl(s) is for that, l- . quasi- supermodular in x. is Qbe a partially ordered set, and let fc:Xx0x9T—>%. The following two conditions are equivalent: For every subset Y={xH ,x L }cX such (Hi) that 6H>6L there differences on (iv) exists , YxT a X>0 such that, that for xH>x L and every subset V= { 6H ,dL ) , all teT, J C0 such t(s)k(x,8,s)dfl(s) satisfies l-increasing with parameter X. V(x,8)=j g(s)k(x,e,s)dfi(s) satisfies Proof: Consider part (A). V(x) is SC2 in (x;6). quasi-supermodular in x if and only if, for every sublattice F={y,z,yAZ,yvz}cX, Jg(s)[£(y vz,s)-%s)]^(s)>(>)0 implies I g(s)[k(z,s)-k(y Az,s)]d^i(s)>(>)0. Applying Theorem there exists a for all te T. X>0 such But that J f(s)[fc(y The comparative statics To all g<= G, if and only if (i) interpret this result, consider first the case suppose n is supermodular Lebesgue. at (y,z) Then (i) requirement that is and where that (iii) J and only t(s)k(x,s)d^i(s) is if is are satisfied. G is the X for almost all s. The 29 l- x\ff)^aigmax x€B j g(s)k(x,6,s)dfi(s) set of all requires that for y,zeX, there exists a with parameter if analogous. at (y,z) for all te T. Part (B) is consequence of Theorem 6 nondecreasing in (6,B) for holds v z, s) - k(y, s)]djiz(s) >Xj t(s)[k(z, s) - k(y a z, s)]d/i(s) this in turn is equivalent to the supermodular with parameter X 5, this in turn probability densities, and X>0 such order of the quantifiers that k(x,s) is critical: is l- there must be a single X for almost supermodular in all s. As we discussed above, one Since sums of supermodular functions are supermodular, V(x) will clearly be x. supermodular in x as well, a stronger result than To see another example, suppose that k the set of nondecreasing utility functions, is and required. is we can dH , ^>0 such we wish that F(s;xL ,6H )-F(s;xH ,6H) H Hh(s)-Hl (s), where is to Then is check whether our choice of distribution is on the cumulative to a change in x at ordered by 6L . all for all xH>xL and 6H>6L Alternatively, s. distribution of increasing x at equal to a convex combination of F(s;xL ,6L)-F(s;xH ,dL) and a difference FOSD (Hh(s)<Hl(s)). requiring that the shift in the distribution due to a change in due requires that, for (iii) > X[F(s;xL ,dL)-F(s;xH ,6L )] interpret the condition as follows: the effect F{s'^c L ,6H )-F{s'^c„,0H ), is G a density for the probability distribution F(s;x,0), nondecreasing in a parameter of the distribution. there exists a sufficient condition is that k is It is Thus, x we at Q„ is interesting to return to the result of can interpret the result as "more FOSD" Theorem 1 than the shift as applied to the property supermodularity and the set of nondecreasing functions: a necessary condition for V(x,ff) to be supermodular for all g nondecreasing is that l-F(s-jc,0) is supermodular in (x,6) for all s. Thus, the necessary condition for comparative statics is a bit weaker. This result could be applied to study how 4. a worker's choice of effort (x) varies with different task assignments (0). CONCLUSIONS This paper develops systematic tools for analyzing properties of stochastic objective functions, in particular properties which are relevant to deriving comparative statics predictions. introduces abstract definitions which allow parallels to be as stochastic drawn between The paper classes of theorems, such dominance theorems and theorems which characterize other properties of stochastic objective functions, in particular properties which arise in the study of comparative statics analysis such as supermodularity, single crossing properties, and quasi-supermodularity. 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