Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/cheaptalkneologiOOfarr working paper department of economics CHEAP TALK, NEOLOGISMS, AND BARGAINING Joseph Farrell Robert Gibbons No. 500 July 1988 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 CHEAP TALK, NEOLOGISMS, AND BARGAINING Joseph Farrell Robert Gibbons No. 500 July 1988 «u? ^^^ AUG 2 Cheap Talk, Neologisms, and Bargaining* by Joseph Farrell Berkeley and Roben Gibbons MIT and NBER July 1988 Abstract This paper shows that in some bargaining games, cheap talk must matter: the unique neologism-proof equilibrium involves informative talk. A simple tradeoff makes both equilibrium talk and neologisms credible: by saying that he is interested in trading, the buyer encourages the seller to continue to bargain but receives poorer terms of trade if trade occurs. All tj^pes of both parties are (weakly) better off in the neologism-proof equilibrium than in the equilibrium without talk. Thus, cheap talk before bargaining will happen and is socially desirable. * Financial support through (Gibbons) is NSF grants gratefully acknowledged. IRI-8712238 (Farrell) and xxx-88xxxxx 1 1 . Introduction Many game-theoretic models on Spence's (1973) signaling model: signal that he is of bargaining under asymmetric information are based a bargainer incurs costs (t)q)ically not desperate to trade and so should receive favorable terms of trade occurs.! Outside bargaining theory, Crawford and Sobel (1982) have communication credible that shown if trade that possible without costly signals: costless messages (cheap talk) can be is if tliere is some common interest between the parties. and Gibbons (fonhcoming) and Matthews and Postlewaite (forthcoming) Farrcll show through delay) to cheap Gibbons show talk can matter in a specific bargaining game, a double auction. Farrell and each bargainer faces a tradeoff that can make his talk credible: by that expressing an interest in trading, one bargainer encourages the other to continue to bargain but receives poorer terms of trade if trade occurs; in equilibrium, only buyers (sellers) with high (low) reservation prices are willing and Postlewaite show equilibria (each of bargainers' that talk to express such an interest Mattheu's can coordinate the bargainers on different double-auction which would have been an equilibrium without announced in trading. reser\'ation prices, and that talk) depending on the such pre-play communication dramatically enlarges the set of equilibrium outcomes of a double auction. Both papers show that talk can matter by constructing equilibria In this paper must matter, in the we show that in encourage his could not be equilibria without some bargaining games cheap talk not talk. only can but sense that the unique neologism-proof equilibrium (see Farrell (forthcoming)) could not be an equilibrium without credible for the that same reason we opponent talk. In this equilibrium, cheap talk is identified in our earlier paper: a bargainer can use talk to to continue to bargain, but will receive trade occurs. This tradeoff leads to two results in the game we poorer terms of trade if analyze: (1) buyers with high reservation prices prefer to reveal themselves through talk rather than to masquerade ^The large (1983). literature on this subject begins with Fudenberg and Tirole (1983) and Sobcl and Takaliashi 2 as buyers wdth low reservation prices, reveal themselves rather than to pool. and (2) The first buyers with high reservation prices prefer to of these results implies that an informative cheap-talk equilibrium exists, and the second establishes that equilibria in which talk is absent or uninformative are not neologism-proof. We also consider the welfare implications of cheap talk before bargaining. game we analyze, all types of both parties are (weakly) better off in the neologism-proof equilibrium than in the equilibrium without only will happen but auction that some In the is talk. Thus, cheap talk before bargaining not socially desirable. This contrasts with our findings for a some types of both parties do double better in an equilibrium with informative talk, but types do worse, and the ex-ante expected gains from trade are lower with talk than without. The body of the paper on die familiar is organized as follows. In Section 2 take-it-or-leave-it bargaining model. we develop a variation Our model may be of independent interest as an analysis of trade in idiosyncratic goods, but provide an uncluttered setting for our analysis of cheap we have developed talk. In Section 3 we it mainly to characterize the neologism-proof equilibria in our bargaining game. Section 4 concludes. 2. The Model We analyze a very simple bargaining game in single take-it-or-leave-it offer to a buyer. good denoted by in question is seller's payoff is p - s - buyer rejects then the makes no c s, seller, at seller's (privately cost c, can known) valuation make a for the the buyer's by b. If trade occurs at price p then the and the buyer's seller's The which a payoff is -c is b - p. If the seller and the buyer's offer then each player's payoff is zero. Both is makes an zero. offer that the Finally, if the seller parties are risk-neutral.- Perry (1986) shows that the unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium of this game is identical to the unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the infmiie-horizon altemaung-offers game with no discounting in which (i) 3 The willingness to seller's make an depend on her valuation and on her common knowledge that [0,1]. We ask whether cheap talk by the buyer can influence We assume that it is make an offer belief about b, and tlie seller's and the price she demands that, in a if she double auction, the buyer faces a simple and can make cheap talk matter our take-it-or-leave-it bargaining game, in a an interval contained in be well defined.) In order for be credible talk to study this tradeoff u([x,y],b) be the expected payoff to a let (Note that b need not be [0,1]. To double auction. of valuation b when the seller believes that the buyer's valuation to she does so offer. intuitive tradeoff that [x,y], if and b are independently drawn from a uniform distribution on s Our previous paper shows in demands belief about the buyer's valuation. so influence both the seller's decision to makes an offer and the price she is buyer uniformly distributed on in [x,y] for this in equilibrium, there must expectation exist a valuation b* e (0,1) such that buyers with valuations above b* prefer to have the seller believe that their valuation is high while those below b* prefer her to believe that (1) u([b*,l],b) > u([0,b*],b) forallbe(bM], and (2) u([0,b*],b) > u([b*,l].b) for all b e [0,b*). In the take-it-or-leave-it bargaining bargaining power makes game, however, the = for all and (iii) opponuniiy to make the buyer incurs cost the first offer, C> c ^Formally, u(rb*,l],b*) = arbitrarily close to zero for u([x,y],b) is because given weakly increasing this implies that u([0,b*],b) = (ii) who do in this game, the only buyers not trade following talk. the seller incurs cost c each lime she each time he makes an Therefore, u([b*,I],b) is low. fact that the seller has all the b e [0,b*].3 Thus, willing to admit to having low valuations are those the seller has the is impossible to satisfy both of these inequalities, except in an it uninteresting way: u([0,b*],b) offer, it makes an offer. ihis belief ihe seller will not b sufficiently close make an offer less than b*. to (but greater than) b*. Note that so u([0,b*],b*) = 0, else (1) fails for b slightly greater than b*. But for all b < b*, so (2) cannot hold su-ictly. in b, 4 many In other bargaining games, expected payoff of zero."* become will It take-it-or-leave-it bargaining game affect the bargaining. Rather than we modify therefore, its not true that the lowest- valuation buyer has an it is clear below, however, that the simplicity of the enables us to derive crisp results about abandon the how take-it-or-leave-it bargaining talk will game, information structure so that the lowest-type buyer has a positive expected payoff. In the process, we develop a model that may be of independent interest as a description of an important class of bargaining problems that has not yet received much attention. We assume that the buyer does not learn his exact willingness to pay for the seller's good until she defines complex or it Such imprecision precisely. idiosyncratic: if the seller must carefully define must write a contract covering many contingencies that relationship with the buyer), the buyer cannot precisely Our assumption is and the natural given that the buyer when arises its is idiosyncratic, there is good in question is specifications (or if the seller might arise during a long-term know his valuation beforehand. seller are trading in a competitive market at a market-determined price: buyer's need) the bargaining rather than when the seller's good (or the a matching problem as well as a pricing problem, so competition disappears and bargaining results. We model the buyer's imprecise knowledge of his valuation nature draws the valuations s and the buyer learns what we type (t) is either high (H) or and b, as above. Second, the seller learns her valuation, will call his type (as distinct low (L), where t = H from his valuation). for b e [1/2,1] and Thus, after learning his type, the buyer's belief about his valuation t = L and uniform on [1/2,1] if t as follows. First, is t = L The s, buyer's for b £ [0,1/2). uniform on [0,1/2) if = H. Chauerjee and Samuelson's (1983) linear equilibrium in a double auction, for instance, if s is on [x,y] and b is (indcpendenily) distributed on [w,z], then the buyer with valuation w earns a su-icily positive expected payoff provided w is sufficiently greater than x. Also, in infinite-horizon games based on Rubinstein's (1982) model with discounting, such as Chatterjee and Samuelson (1987) and "^In distributed Cramton (1984), if there are gains from trade then both parlies earn a positive expected payoff. 5 After learning his type, the buyer can send a costless message (cheap talk) to the seller. is The message space is unrestricted, but there is not sufficient to consider the space of equilibrium The remainder of the game chooses whether to make an is offer, much that if said. In fact, it messages {"H", "L", "pool").^ a take-it-or-leave-it bargaining and can be game. The seller makes an so what price to demand. If she offer, the buyer learns his valuation, b, and then chooses to accept or reject the offer. If the seller does not make an offer, the game ends, without the buyer learning Tlie payoffs are b. exactly as described above because the messages introduced here are costless. Two special features of this communicate anything other than seller makes leave-it the offer, there game there model has moving is is if are worth noting. First, the buyer's tj^e, talk by the seller 3. to affect the basic ideas presented cheap t talk cannot because the buyer learns b after the to talk about b, and about her valuation, the buyer learns that certain to exceed 1/2. Relaxing these assumptions seems unlikely t: no scope for the buyer no role for support: model = H, say, then in this take-it-or- s.^ Second, the he knows that b is would complicate the analysis but below. Analysis Our analysis proceeds by comparing six expected payoffs, analogous to the expected payoffs u([x,y],b) but based on the buyer's knowledge of his type but not his valuation. These six expected payoffs are denoted U("H", t), U("L", t), and U("pool", t) -This is in conirasl to our earlier paper, in which wc considered only the restricted message space {"keen", "not keen") and so could noicompleicly characterize the equilibrium role of cheap talk in a double auction. Also, noie well the distinction between the equilibrium messages ("H", "L", "pool") and the unrestricted space of possible messages; Farrell describes the large set of potential out-of-cquilibrium messages involved in the definition of neologism-proofness. °In this take-it-or-leave-it game, talk by the seller about her valuation could matter only by inducing the buyer to send a subsequent cheap-talk message that varies wiih ihe seller's talk. But no matter what her valuation, the seller prefers to have the buyer reveal more rather than less before she has to decide whether Thus, independent of her valuation, the seller would send the message that induces the buyer to reveal as much as possible, so there is no reason for the buyer's talk to varj' with the seller's: the seller's talk will be uninformative. to make an offer. 6 for t e { H,L) The . first and second of these are the expected payoff to a buyer of iypt given that the seller believes that payoff to a buyer of type types is t t = H and t = L, respectively. The t third is the expected given that the seller holds the (prior) belief that each of the two equally likely^ We are interested in two (perfect Bayesian) equilibria of our game: a separating equilibrium (in which pooling equilibrium equilibrium, tlie tlie (in buyer's talk perfectly which the buyer's post-talk bargaining behavior the take-it-or-leave-it bargaining A talk game given communicates communicates nothing). is exists. (3) U("H", H) > U("L", H) (4) U("L", L) > U("H", L). The refmement we use games is that — that is, satisfy a refmement. and is Farrell's and Banks and Sobel (1987), have no notion of neologism-proof equilibrium. (5) U("H", H) > U("pooI", H) (6) U("H", L) < U("pool", it (Many games by Cho and Kreps (1987) effect in cheap-talk games.) not neologism-proof (and so reject 'The payoff function a pooling (or "babbling") if other refinements, such as those developed for signaling We say that the pooling as an equilibrium) if and L). u([x,y],b) is of course related to lliese six expected payoffs: for instance, E{u([l/2,l],b)IO<b< outcome of We tlierefore ask whether a separating equilibrium exists, and Formally, a separating equilibrium exists is each kind of the unique sequentially rational also whether the equilibria that exist are reasonable equilibrium In and a the seller's belief.^ basic result in the theory of cheap-talk equihbrium always his type to the seller), U("H", L) - 1/2). '^Note that this uniqueness of scqueniially rational posi-talk bargaining behavior rules out equilibria in which cheap talk matters for the coordination reason emphasized by Matthews and Postlewaiie. The idea behind these conditions can be phrased in terms of a speech like those popularized by Cho and Kreps. Suppose that his type is high, t the pooling equilibrium = H. Then is the buyer should deviate from the equilibrium by making the following speech to the seller during the cheap-talk phase: Note that if you believe in equilibrium, by (5). claim then this Noie also I that if and the buyer learns to be played "I claim my will be (strictly) better off than my t>pe were low then 1 I type is high. would have been would have no (strict) incentive to get you to believe this claim, by (6)." In FarrcH's terminology, (5) and (6) define a credible neologism by the high t)'pe; if (5) and (6) hold, we say that a credible neologism by the high buyer-type breaks the pooling equilibrium. A credible neologism by the low buyer-type also could break the pooling equilibrium, if (7) U("L", L) > UC'pool", L) (8) U("L", H) < UC'pool", H). Proposition 1 below implies and that if a credible neologism by ilie low buyer-type breaks the pooling equilibrium then a credible neologism by the high buyer-tj'pe also breaks the pooling equilibrium, so we ignore neologisms by the low buyer-type in what follows. If a separating equilibrium exists, then we neologism-proof. Here the relevant neologism am not going to reveal my this deviation..."). The is also are interested in whether (9) UC'pool", H) > U("H", H) (10) UC'pool", L) > U("L", L). and is is pooling (the appropriate speech begins type. Notice that regardless of separating equilibrium it my type, I have reason not neologism-proof if and only to if "I make 8 by analogy with that both inequalities are strict, Note type cheap-talk Lemma 1 If the . (7). A basic result for two- is proof then the separating equilibrium Proof and a separating equilibrium exists and the pooling equilibrium If . games (5) pooling equilibrium must hold, hence at least one of is (9) is is neologism-proof. not neologism-proof then at least and (10) must fail. one of on a Lemma 2 series of simple . distributed Suppose the on [x,y]. lemmas (5) and The analysis (proofs of which are relegated to the Appendix). seller of valuation s believes that tlie buyer's valuation is Then (7) Q.E.D. We now characterize the neologism-proof equilibria of our model. rests not neologism- if the seller makes an offer, the price demanded is uniformly p(s|x,y) = max{x,(y+s)/2}. Lemma 3 . For all Lemma 4 . (a) U("H", H) > (b) UC'pool", H) > (c) U("L", L) > (d) U("L", H) > Lemma 5 . values of U("H", L) = c, if if if and only if and UC'pool", L) = if c and only and only and only if < 1/2. if c c if c < < 0. < 1/4. 1/8. 1/8. For c e (0,1/2), U("H", H) > U("pool", H). Combining these Lemmas (and adding a small argument given in the Appendix) yields the following characterization of the neologism-proof equilibria of our model. Proposition 1 . > 1/2 then the unique equilibrium is pooling and (a) If c (b) If c £ (0,1/2) it is neologism-proof. then a credible neologism by the high buyer-t>'pe breaks the pooling equilibrium. Funher, there exists a c* e (0,1/8) such critical cost level e (c*,l/2) a separating equilibrium exists and is when neologism-proof, but tliat when c c e (0,c*) a separating equilibrium does not exist (and so there does not exist a neologism-proof equilibrium). Two the .seller features of result are does not make an offer Thus, by Proposidon happens! tliis And 1 (a), worth noting. in the First, by Lemma the pooling equilibrium high buyer-type, while is neologism-proof only . if nothing Lemmas Lemma 5 establishes 3 and 4(c) do so for the low, and the seller is what her valuation) simply because she has more information. 9 Tlie importance of Proposition Proposition 2 1/4 then second, assuming c e (c*,l/2) so that the separaung equilibrium exists, both better off (no matter real > pooling equiHbrium, no matter what her valuation. parties are better off in the separating than in the pooling equiHbrium: this for the 4(b), if c 1, however, is that it leads to our main For c E (c*,l/2), the post-talk bargaining behavior proof equilibrium could not be equilibrium behavior without The proof of this Proposition is result: in the unique neologism- talk. simple: the unique equilibrium without talk unique neologism-proof equilibrium for c e (c*,l/2) bargaining behavior in these two equilibria differs is in is pooling; the separating; and the post-talk many obvious ways. We now turn to It IS of course not generally iruc in games that having more information makes a player better off. In our bargaining game, however, the buyer's optimal action depends only on the price the seller demands and on b, and so is mdcpendeni of what the buyer thinks the seller knows. In essence, this reduces the game to a single-person decision problem for the seller, in which case it is true that more information is better. 1 a detailed discussion of these differences in post-talk bargaining behavior in order to interpret the effects of cheap talk in our model. There are two ways which post-talk bargaining behavior can differ among in equilibria: in the seller's decision to Our main occurs if trade low buyer-type think, less interesting) instance, the make arguments suffice is demands if she makes an offer in We now identify the equilibria described in Consider valuation s first makes an intuition cases, for we have the is same in the the probabilir\' that the Proposition 2 that are relatively uninteresting for either of these reasons; this leaves us with embody the some we indifferent about his message: (4) holds with equality. the price the seller offer. however, simpler (and, support the equilibrium. In to separating and pooling equilibria, so the equilibria differ only makes an pay a this tradeoff. equilibria considered in Proposition 2, low buyer-type some cases precisely (or both). order to increase the probability that trade will occur, and the in strictly prefers not to some of the In seller demands she offer, or in the price results involve both of these differences: the high buyer-type is willing to higher price Also, in make an tiie equilibria that described. the pooling equilibrium. offer then the price she Lemma demands 2 implies that is p(s|0,l) = if the seller with (l+s)/2. Straightforward calculation then shows that (assuming c < 1/4) the sellers with valuations s < 2^/c - 1 make offers; as noted above, wb.en c > 1/4 no seller-type makes an Now consider the separating equilibrium. When make that offers in the separating make equihbrium than offers in both equilibria make the in the same ^^It is only by accident that the price that a seller with valuation = (l+s)/2, is the same in the separating equilibrium is claims to be the high type, p(s|l/2,l) = b £ [b',1] for when some b' > (l-i-s)/2. demands If 1/2, then the price a seller the buyer claims to be the high type price she in the demands as the price that she s in the p(s|b',l) = s fhe fact that most apparent when demands in the pooling equilibrium, separating equilibrium the high buyer-i>'pe consisted of with valuation would be pooling equilibrium. seller-tj^es offer in each equilibrium. ^0 seller-types p(s|0,l) more pooling equilibrium, but those types more make offers c e (1/8,1/2), offer. demands when buyers with valuations in the separating max(b',(l-t-s)/2) , the buyer which differs equilibrium from the 1 c e (1/4,1/2): the seller makes no offer in the pooling equilibrium, but in the separating equilibrium, with probability 1/2 the buyer announces that his type the seller updates her belief about his valuation b, and, analogous argument applies when c e sellers make if s is low, (1/8,1/4), except that in this is high, in makes an which case offer. An case ver)'-low-valuation offers in both equilibria. Consequently, when c £ (1/8,1/2), saying "H" strictly dominates saying "pool" or "L" for the high buyer-type and weakJy dominates these alteniaiivcs for the low buyertype. For these values of critically c, therefore, the existence of a separating equilibrium on the weak inequahty A in (4). more interesting equilibrium exists depends when talk not only determines which seller-types make offers but also what prices they demand. This occurs when c e (c*,l/8), as the following table 1 1 Pooling 1 Equilibrium Demanded by Seller of Valuation p(s|0,l)=-^ I.I 1 following "H" Separating 1 following "L" p(s|l/2,l)=^ demands s*(cr'pool")= 1-2%^ 1 p(sI0,l/2) = ^^ 1 1 seller, for instance, makes 1 1 1 1 1 s*(c|"H") = 1-V2c 1 1 1 1 Thus, a low-valuation Highest Valuation Seller to Make an Offer 1 1 Equilibrium 1 clear. 1 1 EquiUbrium 1 s 1 1 Separating equilibria but Price makes 1 s*(cr'L") = ^""^ ' 1 offers in both the pooling and separating a different price in the latter because the buyer's talk has influenced her belief about the buyer's valuation, b. 12 4. Conclusion The in which first result talk of our analysis does not matter) high that no offer is made by a is is that the pooling equilibrium (the only equilibrium neologism-proof only making an strikingly: restricting attention to neologism-proof equilibria, if an offer (not to trade) is observed, then talk must have played a natural and credible encourages the and this seller to make an many Our second when some cost in tlie t we result is that will = H, terms of trade the buyer if trade occurs, We expect analogous cheap-talk messages pursue when mention this idea in future games to be often work. c E (c*,l/2), the separating equilibrium not only the unique neologism-proof equilibrium. In this equilibrium, talk affects is whether and at what terms trade takes some bargaining games that in offer, at so is this result is the other bargaining games, so that pooling equilibria in these be neologism-proof; exists but The force behind to the high-type buyer: breaks the pooling equilibrium. credible in will not message available role. offer We can rephrase this more of any valuation. seller the cost of if (i.e., place. for Combined with our some values of c) talk not first result, this shows only can matter but must matter in the sense that the only neologism-proof equilibrium could not be an equilibrium , without talL We find this result particularly appealing when both buyer -types have a strict and both buyer-types have a Our in the which case incentive to reveal themselves in a separating equilibrium strict incentive to reveal themselves rather than to pool. final result is that, in the (weakly) better off c e (c*,l/8), in game we analyze, all types of both parties are neologism-proof equilibrium than Thus, cheap talk before bargaining not only will happen but in the is equilibrium without socially desirable. talk. 1 3 APPENDIX Proof of Lemma 2 The problem choose p is to x) for p e [x,y], is zero for p order condition }delds p = (y+s)/2, which is a global max s . F(p) seller's +p - [1 to solve F(p)], P where F(p) = (p x)/(y - - Lemma 3 . By Lemma valuation seller and so Thus, in U("H", minimum price L), and distributed on [0,1], the Lemma valuation seller in (a) In on [1/2,1] one for p > maximizer provided minimum price demanded comes from is minimum price also is 1/2. F(p) . is making an U("H", H), the zero-valuation zero-valuation seller tlie zero- is is uniformly does the low-type In neither case offer. seller believes that 1/2 if she makes an b offer. is uniformly distributed This offer indifferent about making an p(0|0, 1 ) = 1/2 if she 1/2. accepted Thus, = 1/4, the zero- valuation seller is indifferent if c offer. UC'pool", H), the zero-valuation seller believes that b demands is makes an is uniformly offer. This offer accepted with probability 1/2 and so earns a profit for the zero- valuation seller of if c is solved by computing the value of c such that the zero- indifferent about distributed on [0,1] and so Thus, first- Q.E.D. offer. and so demands p(0|l/2,l) = (b) In The y. uniformly distributed on [1/2,1], the with probability one and so earns a profit for the zero-valuation seller of 1/2, the tliat U("pool", L), where the seller believes that b 4 Each case is 2, the the seller believes that b buyer receive an acceptable Proof of is {x,y/2). where is 1/2, and is = max p(0|x,y) x, Q.E.D. strictly positive at this price. Proof of < about making an offer. 1/4. is = 14 U("L", L), the zero valuation (c) In [0, 1/2] and so demands p(0|0, 1/2) = 1/4 if seller believes tliat b is uniformly distributed on she makes an offer. This offer is accepted with probability 1/2 and so earns a profit for the zero-valuation seller of 1/8. Thus, the zero-valuation seller is U("L", H) the zero-valuation (d) In [0,1/2], as in (c). Tliis belief leads to the = p(0|0,l/2) Proof of offer when Lemma 5 c The . argument for c e (0,1/4) valuation s is strictly off. = lliis same one by that b is behavior as 1/8, uniformly distributed on in (c). The demand the high-type buyer, but the zero- as follows. from Lemmas is indifferent about By Lemma H) and in 4(a) and 4(b) for c e (1/4,1/2). TTie 2, the price demanded by the seller of U("pool", H): = p(s|0,l)=^. difference between U("H", H) and U("pool", H) more = Q.E.D. result follows is beUeves seller c offer. behavior from the buyer and so 1/8. identical in U("H", p(s|l/2,l) The only seller 1/4 is accepted with probability valuation seller does not expect making an making an indifferent about if sellers choose to make an is that, for any given value of offer in the former, so the high-type buyer is c, better Formally, simple computations show that in U("H", H) the highest-valuation seller to make an offer former is s*(cl"H") is strictly larger. Proof of Proposition (a) 1 = 1-V2c, while in U("pool", H) = l-2Vc. The . not exist because U("H", 4(a), so (3) fails. Similarly, the pooling equilibrium Lemmas 4(c), (5) and s*(c|"pool") Q.E.D. The separating equihbrium does 4(a) it is and (7) fail. is H) = 0, by Lemma neologism-proof because by 15 (b) By Lemma 5, (5) holds, and by Lemma 3, (6) holds. Thus, a credible neologism by the high buyer-type breaks the pooling equilibrium. Therefore, by if the separating equilibrium exists then Suppose e (1/8,1/2). first that c 3 and 4(c), (4) holds weakly. Now remains to suppose show Hence neologism-proof. By Lemmas 4(a) and 4(d), (3) holds. By Lemmas and only if 3 and 4(c), (4) c E (c*,l/8), for U( L , „, H) = and only It thus E (0,1/8). Using the in the text, calculations = 32x3 that f(l/4) 1/8 in and rr that if c £ (0,1/8) then x e (0,1/4). Thus, U("H", H) > U("L", H) if if f(x) = strictly. (l-4x)(3+4x) where x = Vc72. Note c By Lemmas that ,,,.,. „ Note holds some c* values of p(s|0,l/2), s*(c|"L"), p(s|l/2,l), and s*(c|"H") given show 1 a separating equilibrium exists. that c e (0,1/8). that (3) holds if it is Lemma < Lemmas . 96x2 and . f(0) 24x + 5 < > 0. 0. (Both of these are obvious from 4(a) and 4(d) and c = 0, respectively.) first principles: consider Finally, note that f(x) is decreasing for x e (0,1/4), so there exists a unique x* £ (0,1/4) that solves f(x) = Therefore, c* solves X* = Vc72 . Q.E.D. 0. 1 6 REFERENCES Banks, and J., Sobel (1987), "Equilibrium Selection Econometrica 55: 647-61. J. in Signaling Games," Chatterjee, K. and L. Samuelson (1987), "Bargaining with Two-Sided Incomplete Information: An Infinite Horizon Model with Alternating Offers," Review of Economic Studies 54: 175-92. and W. Samuelson (1983), "Bargaining under Incomplete Information," Operations Research 3 1 Cho, I.-K., Cramton, : 835-5 1 and D. Kreps (1987), "Signaling Games and Stable Equilibria," Quancriv Journal of Economics 102: 179-221. Incomplete Information: An Infinite Horizon Model with Continuous Uncertainty," Review of Economic Studies 51: 579-94. P. (1984), "Bargaining with J. 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