Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/basinsofattractiOOelli a DEWEY HB31 .M415 I working paper department of economics BASINS OF ATTRACTION, LONG RUN EQUILIBRIA, AND THE SPEED OF STEP-BY-STEP EVOLUTION Glenn Ellison 96-4 Aug. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 J'; BASINS OF ATTRACTION, LONG RUN EQUILIBRIA, AND THE SPEED OF STEP-BY-STEP EVOLUTION Glenn Ellison 96-4 Aug. 1995 MASSACHUSl MAR I 3 ^ 96 library Basins of Attraction, Long Run Equilibria, and the Speed of Step-by-Step Evolution Glenn Ellison 1 Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology August 1995 4 would like to thank Sara Fisher Ellison, Drew Fudenberg, David Levine, Eric Maskin, Roger Myerson, Georg Noldeke, Tomas Sjostrom and Peter Sorensen for their comments. Financial support was provided by National Science Foundation grants SBR-9310009 and SBR-9496301. Abstract The paper provides a general analysis of the types of models with c-perturbations which have been used recently to discuss the evolution of social conventions. of the size and structure of the basins of attraction of measures dynamic systems, the radius and bound the speed with which evolution occurs. The coradius, are introduced in order to main theorem Two new uses these measures to provide a characterization useful for determining long run equilibria and rates of convergence. Evolutionary forces are most powerful evolution may proceed via small steps through a series of intermediate steady states. number of applications games is when are discussed. The generalized to the selection of selection of the risk —dominant dominant equilibrium equilibria in arbitrary games. in 2 A x2 Other applications involve two-dimensional local interaction and cycles as long run equilibria. Keywords: Learning, long run equilibrium, equilibrium selection, waiting times, radius, coradius, risk dominance, local interaction, JEL Classification No.: Markov C7 Glenn Ellison Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 , process. Introduction 1 Multiple equilibria are common in economic models, and when they are present, both aggre- gate welfare and the distribution of payoffs often varies dramatically with the equilibrium on which players coordinate. Beginning with the work of Foster and Young (1990), Kandori, Mailath, and Rob (KMR) (1993), and Young (1993a), a large number of recent papers have explored the extent to which evolutionary arguments can provide a rationale for regarding some equilibria as being more likely literature in two ways. run and the medium run behavior than others. This paper attempts to contribute to First, it develops a general technique of such models, providing intuition for of previous analyses are what they are, and allowing for behavior. Second, interest. it discusses a number is a crucial determinant of whether evolutionary change possible for change to be effected gradually via KMR, the results interest outside the will it is occur rapidly a number of small and Young (1993a) develop lit- a discussion of when evolutionary produce rapid change (and hence are practically relevant), in which of why more thorough descriptions of Most prominent among these (and hopefully of broader The papers both the long of specific topics which should be of independent erature on the development of conventions in games) forces for analyzing this explicit is argued that whether it is steps. models of processes by which conventions might be established as large populations of boundedly rational players interact and adjust their play over time. Each makes the assumption that there is some source of persistent noise in the population, e.g. player turnover, trembles, etc., with the central ob- amounts of noise may dramatically servation being that small the system. While any behavior become much more likely is in theory possible alter the long once noise is run behavior of introduced, some actions than others, which suggests the definition of "long run equilibria" as states which continue to be played in the long run with nonvanishing probability as the amount of noise tends to zero. The most striking result which these papers obtain is that such an analysis not only rules out unstable mixed equilibria, but usually provides an argu- ment for selecting an unique equilibrium even in games with multiple strict Nash equilibria. For the case of 2 x 2 games, these papers find that for a variety of dynamics the unique long run equilibrium involves the population coordinating on the equilibrium Harsanyi and Selten (1988) term risk-dominant. this conclusion is affected A number of more recent papers have explored how by the assumptions about the nature of the social interactions 1 and learning and what similar analyses have to say about bargaining, rules, signalling, and 1 other classes of games with multiple equilibria of inherent interest to economists. The part of this paper attempts to develop a first new framework for analyzing models In previous papers, the standard approach has been to rely on a with persistent noise. tree construction algorithm developed by KMR, Young (1993a), and Kandori and Rob (1992) (building on the work of Freidlin and Wentzell (1984)) to identify the long run This method of analysis has a number of significant limitations which provide equilibria. The the motivation for this paper. analysis provides it is first obvious limitation of the technique limited in scope in addressing only long run behavior anything about how rapidly the long run equilibrium is reached. 2 As is that the and not saying Ellison (1993) argues, convergence times for models in this literature are at times so incredibly long that long may have run behavior relevant time horizon. very to little do with what what happens within any economically Another drawback in theory universally applicable, it is that while the tree construction algorithm has in practice proven difficult is to apply to complicated models and when developing generalizations. Finally, the nontransparency of the algorithm has make the whole literature seem a bit mysterious that the typical paper writes down a model, the feeling is says something about trees and after several pages of calculations gives an answer but provides is — a common frustration little understanding of how the answer connected to the assumptions of the model. The framework developed in this paper provides a method for analyzing both the long run and the medium run behavior of models with small persistent noise. While the method is not universally applicable, and may facilitate it provides an intuitive understanding of the literature to date both more thorough analyses and analyses of more general and complex models in the future. One can First, it is think of the main theorem of the paper as incorporating three main insights. noted that virtually 'Sec, for example, Bergin all of the models in the literature share a and Lipman (1993), Binmore and Samnelson(1993), common structure Elliaon (1993), Kandori and Rob (1992, 1993), Noldeke and Samnelson (1993, 1994), Robson and Vega Redondo (1994), and Young (1993b). 2 The papers of Ellison (1993), Binmore and Samuelson (1993), and Robson and Vega Redondo (1994) are notable exceptions to the tendency to rely excusively of the Freidlin- Wentzell construction ignore convergence rates. and thereby and thus can be addressed within the context of a simple (albeit abstract) model. Next, the paper points out a relationship between the long run behavior of models with noise and the speed with which evolutionary change occurs which clear intuition for is simply that if why the long run equilibrium of a a model contains a state or set of states in the sense that play tends to is model remain in system begins most of the time. In in any other ft which Q. for it is. is The observation both very persistent a long time whenver ft be reached relatively quickly ft will state, then in the long light of this observation, what is a neighborhood of reached, and sufficiently attractive in the sense that after the at least occasionally provides run states near ft will occur an understanding of what makes evolution evolution fast or slow will provide also an algorithm for identifying long run equilibria. The final crucial observation, which should be of interest to the broadest audience, concerns the speed with which evolutionary change occurs Specifically, critical may determinant of whether evolutionary change will occur rapidly argued that a whether the process proceed by a (possibly very long) series of gradual changes from one nearly stable state more dramatic changes are to another, or whether think about why required. A evolve into a bat. If one the process of growing a wing required ten distinct independent genetic mutations and a creature with anything viable, biological analogy helps evolutionary mechanisms of the former type are more plausible. Think of how a mouse might all is it is we would have less to wait a very, very, long time until one ten mutations simultaneously. If than a full wing was not mouse happened to have instead a creature with only one mutation was able to survive equally (or had an advantage, say, because a flap of skin on its arms helped it keep cool), and a second mutation at any subsequent date produced another viable species, and so on, then evolution might take place in a reasonable period of time. paper focusses on the development of conventions in games, on the speed of evolution which to assess arguments in this paper provides I While this hope that the observations may be of use more generally in helping a variety of areas of economics where "evolutionary" changes are discussed. The main theorem ization of the long run focusses on two of the paper combines and formalizes these observations a character- and medium run behavior of models with new measures, referred to as the radius scribe the size of the basin of attraction of a limit set noise. The formalization and modified coradius, which and its de- relation to the basins of — and which can be used to provide bounds on the speed attraction of the other limit sets with which evolution occurs. The radius measure, denoted by #(ft), obtained by simply is counting the number of "mutations" needed to escape the basin of attraction. an upper bound on the speed with which evolution away from notion of persistence. The modified coradius measure, on the speed with which evolution toward ft will as to capture the fact that more complicated so be reached with few mutations and if it is occur. ft will ft Cft*(ft), provides a lower The measure arise itself is it number via a the paper shows that ft is is also if it can of smaller a state which is occur most of the time, the main theorem of the unique long run equilibrium of a model In this case the modified coradius bound somewhat more quickly both possible to reach will provides can occur, capturing the transitions between intermediate limit sets. Formalizing the intuition that both persistent and sufficiently attractive It > CR'(Q). if iZ(ft) shown to provide a bound on how rapidly ft will be reached. One can theorem as making a number of contributions to the see this the most obvious benefit is that is provides a tool with which one can analyze Second, what as well as long run behavior. benefit it may be will is is unexpected allow virtually all going on in the literature. probably not be surprised to learn that long run equilibria can in some cases be identified by looking at simple measures of persistence think medium run the most important and unexpected the intuition which the theorem provides for what While the reader literature. First, is that the main theorem of this paper is and attractiveness, what I sufficiently powerful so as to of identifications of long run equilibria which have been given in the past to be rederived as Corollaries (albeit sometimes with a great deal of work). of this broad applicability literature, all that is is An implication that behind most of the mysterious tree constructions in the happening is that there is a nearly stable state (or a which requires a large number of mutations to escape (and hence is set of persistent) such states) and to which the system returns relatively quickly after starting at any other point (either because it can be reached with few mutations or by a sequence of smaller steps through intermediate limit sets). Finally, I hope that the theorem will identify the long run equilibria of complex and general models. The examples and which are presented are intended in part to most usefully applied. prove valuable also in helping researchers to illustrate corollaries where (and how) the theorem may be Following the main theorem, the paper explores a number of different topics which should be of independent interest (at least to those development of conventions games.) The in first who have of these involves generalizing the famous result that risk-dominant equilibria are selected in 2 reviews negative results (providing a selected equilibrium presents the new x 2 games. The discussion here new example which the long run equilibrium concept by showing how is first nonrobustness of illustrates the outside the class of 2 x 2 games the may depend on which Darwinian positive result which followed the literature on the behavior rule the main item of interest. is chosen), and then The result is that in any game for which an equilibrium satisfying Morris, Rob and Shin's (1995) refinement of dominance, ^-dominance, risk that this selection many is exists, that equilibrium quite robust in that local interaction settings. the main theorem Two may model, and holds both for any Darwinian dynamic and in it trivial KMR proof of this result serves also to illustrate how aid in the derivation of general results. additional learning in cal interaction The selected by the is games topics which are discussed at some length are lo- models and the extent to which models of evolution with noise should be thought of as a method of equilibrium selection. The primary result on local interaction is that ^-dominant equilibria are selected also in a two-dimensional local interaction model, with convergence to the long run equilibrium being relatively fast. This latter result is noteworthy because the model lacks the powerful "contagion'' dynamics which one might have thought drove the model serves also to most likely to fast evolution of clarify my earlier one dimensional comment and the The that the techniques developed here are prove useful in analyzing complex models to a single limit set (and paths to it) local interaction models. ability to — the ability to limit one's focus account for the impact of transitions through intermediate limit sets are each most valuable when considering models for which the unperturbed dynamics feature a large The main comment select and cycles. is may be something illustrated via a simple example, is that the term long of a misnomer in that an evolutionary model can easily a cycle or other behavior even in games with an unique Nash equilibrium. The The states of this paper on the equilibrium selection interpretation of evolu- tionary models with noise, which run equilibrium number of steady final first two sections of the paper are concerned with contains a discussion of the applicability of the its relationship to the literature. main theorem which attempts to catalog both the extent to which the results of previous papers could have been derived main theorem as applications of the rates) which case (in it provides intuition and convergence and the extent to which the main theorem would have allowed much more Using the former criterion the theorem easily. latter situation is common. The less is results to be derived very widely applicable; the contains an alternate proof of the long run final section equilibrium part of the main theorem based on a Freidlin- Wentzell "tree surgery" argument. In light of this argument one can interpret this part of the theorem also as illustrating how a systematic tree surgery argument can be applied to models in which transitions through This section intermediate limit sets are important. the techniques of Young (1993a), Kandori and Rob will clarify how this paper builds on (1992), Ellison (1993), Evans (1993), Samuelson (1994), and others, and suggests how "tree surgery" arguments might be applied in other contexts. 2 Model One of the primary goals of this paper to provide an improved understanding of the is behavior of evolutionary models with noise. As a that if one abstracts away from the the literature can be fit into a details it first becomes framework which is step toward this goal, I clear that virtually all of the note here models in remarkably simple. Because the economic motivation for this abstract model would otherwise be a total mystery to anyone not familiar with the literature, I begin this section with a concrete example and then describe the general framework within which the 2.1 An example main results of the paper will be formulated. — a model of the evolutions of conventions The primary motivation for the recent literature suggestion of Foster and Young (1990), KMR in games on models of evolution with noise is the and Young (1993a) that we might better understand the behavior of players in games (especially those with multiple equilibria) by explicitly as modeling the process by which "social norms" or "conventions" might develop boundedly rational players adjust to their environment over time. present one such example which framework discussed Let G later be a symmetric is is meant to illustrate the In this section I type of model which the abstract intended to encompass. mxm game. We will 6 suppose that conventions for how to play in this game develop within a to play G in periods t write Z t 0, 1,2, who period not knowing at time = his states of the system. It . . . • • i players as they are repeatedly We will be. all can describe the play of the population such strategy profiles, and a 1 elements of refer to the simplifies notation at times to pick x mN We each of the players. 5 /v) giving the strategies of states so that each can be represented also by place and zero in randomly matched with each player choosing a single action to use in each , opponent by a vector (si,$2> for the set of all N society of Z will as the possible an (arbitrary) ordering of the vector, zt , equal to one in a given the rest. Rather than suppose that the players choose their actions rationally, one might imagine some simple boundedly instead that the players react to their environment by following One rational rule. particular example which has been extensively studied response dynamic" under which each player at time used at time - t 1 by his potential opponents. t is the "best- plays a best response to the strategies We can incorporate this or any other deterministic behavior rule in which players react only to actions in the previous period by specifying that changes in play over time are described by the appropriate "deterministic evolutionary dynamic'', a function b When one is be made that trying to Z — Z = such that zt +i model the behavior of a large society, b(zt). an argument can certainly not plausible to assume that the specified boundedly rational learning it is rule will describe everyone's play. will : More reasonably, we might assume instead that there always be noise on top of this due to trembles in action choices, players reacting to idiosyncratic payoff shocks, the replacement of old players with the prevailing norms, and other factors. and Young (1993a) will typically is amount of noise we can more is which fixed e is we know initial little conditions (which we about), this dependence introduced into the model. As a result, we Canning (1992), KMR, usually think of as a result is may eliminated if a sufficient obtain a model in which confidently predict the long run course of play. The most common some crucial observation of players unfamiliar with that while long run behavior an evolutionary model without noise be dependent upon of historical accidents The new € (0, specification of noise in the previous literature ^), the evolution of play over time defined by composing the deterministic under which each player's strategy at time t + is dynamic 1 is left is to suppose that for described by a stochastic process b with a random mutation process unaltered with probability 1 - me, and drawn independently from a is distribution placing equal probability on each of the To describe such a model mathematically, note possible strategies with probability me. may be that given our notation with z t as a vector, the deterministic dynamics = as a linear transformation z t +i the tj tn place if b(i) — is described by a which has a one 1 x mN The is vector v t whose in that place. We with c(i,j) the number of players is t tn matrix which has a one from t to j. c(i,j) = 2.2 The general model = d(b(i),j) with discuss the away from many = e c(,,i) who (l - (m - ljc)*-*^, play differently in the states j and I will later It is more abstract model small (with high values is use the fact that this cost function in the context of A i.e. nice side benefit of this generality first state space of the descriptors of is clarify the structure of these d(x,y) of the form + d(y, z). which the general characterizations The model abstracts a framework which that the framework becomes quite simple models. models of learning and evolution with noise can be seen main elements of the general model defined as combining various specifications of three The is encompass most of the models which have previously been Essentially, (most) previous below. < d(x,z) details of the evolutionary process in order to obtain and therefore helps Note that b(i). standard to refer to c(i,j) as the d satisfying the triangle inequality, sufficiently general so as to studied. a Markov v t P(e), of the behavior of evolutionary models of noise will be developed. is is in have a measure of the relative likelihood of transitions when € cost of a transition now mN element gives the probability of the state zt of c(i,j) corresponding to very unlikely transitions). I x the probability transition matrix given by P.j(e) c(i,j) mN probability distribution over the possible states at time vt+ i where P(e) an and a zero there otherwise. The stochastic model j process on the state space Z. t P z t P, with represented main element of the model is a finite set Z which I will refer to as the model. In the typical model the state space consists of a set of possible how a game is being played. For example, a state z € 8 Z might be the current summary strategy profile of the population, a such as the number of players using statistic each strategy, or a more detailed description of play in which the current strategy profile is augmented with on past play or on who was matched with whom. historical information The second main element model of the space Z. In the typical model P is P a Markov transition matrix on the state describes the implications of a particular specification of the process by which boundedly rational players adjust their play over time. For example, besides the best-response dynamics decision rules where players make could be used to capture a variety of more complex it use of more information which are stochastic because players adjust their play or rely on information the acquisition of which matching process. Note that the one based. For example, if players are observations, the state should incorporate Finally, the third we In particular, are given a outcome of the random P that is is Markov, so that on which players decisions are to be to play a best response to their what each player saw main element of the model random perturbations. here critical restriction assumed historical data) or each period with some probability in affected by the in the state space all information one must include interval [0,«), is example (for I will Markov process is most recent k in the previous k periods. a specification of some type of small assume that t belonging to some Z and with transition each for {z\} with state space probabilities Prob{zt<+1 such that in e (i) for with P(0) that for all each = > P; and < we provide of Pxx = oo (with i (iii) mutations. = z} = P„,(e) is ergodic; there exists a cost function c 6 Z, lim ( _o Pzz'i.t)!^*'2 * for sufficiently small e if c(z, z medium run and exists 1 ) = P(e) is continuous x Z —* TZ + U oo such and is strictly positive if The characterizations Z : (ii) oo). long run behavior depend on the specification of the random perturbations only through the cost function as z'\z\ the transition matrix P(() pairs of states z,z! 0(2,^) will e = cost function, so we will tend to think of the a primitive of the model concerning the relative likelihood of the possible For example, instead of simply choosing the cost of a transition to be the number of independent random trembles necessary for it to occur, a cost function could be chosen so as to incorporate state-dependent mutation rates with unbounded likelihood ratios (as in Bergin and Lipman (1993)), correlated mutations which occur among groups of players, or the impossibility of some mutations (in which case the cost is set to infinity). medium run behavior Descriptions of long run and 2.3 In this paper long run behavior will be described in the any fixed in the literature. Specifically, for e > 0, the manner which has become standard Markov process corresponding model with £-noise has an unique invariant distribution (given by /x' = /*' to the limj_oo vo-P'(e)) which we think of as describing the expected likelihood of observing each of the states given that evolution has been going on for a long, long time. While which is of most interest, // is difficult to compute, and hence it has become standard in = the literature to focus instead on the limit distribution p' defined by n" motivation for this when that n* is is easier to lime _o A4 '- 3 The compute and provides an approximation small. Also following the literature ( is this distribution it is we will call to jj.'- a state z a long run equilibrium if/z*(*)>0. 4 The most basic result on what long run equilibria look like (found in Young (1993a)) is that the set of long run equilibria of the model will be contained in the recurrent classes of s (Z,P(0)). The recurrent classes are often referred to as limit sets, because they indicate the sets of population configurations which can persist in the long run absent mutations. They may take the form of steady between which the system consisting of the state A shifts in states, of deterministic cycles, or of a collection of states randomly. The prototypical example which all players play A in a model where is the singleton set G has {A, A) as a symmetric Nash equilibrium, and where players do not switch away from a best response unless a mutation occurs. While common it is because the this is not in the literature to medium run examine only the long run behavior of models, As not an important consideration. is Ellison (1993a) and others have noted, a description of the implications of evolution which includes only an identification of the long run equilibria may be misleading in that what happens in the "long run" 3 if often very different from The asaumpttoas on the nature does in fact exist. To see what we would expect to observe of the perturbations this note that for we have made any two states z and * in, say, the first ate sufficient to ensure that the limit Lemma 3.1 of Chapter 6 of Freidlin and « Wentzell (1984) expresses the quantity -fat ratio of polynomials in the transition the transition probabilities themselves are asymptotically proportional to powers of will * 5 have a limit as t —• there exists s > fl C Z t, Because each of these ratios 0. Such states are also at times referred to as being stochastically Recall that probabilities. is a recurrent class such that Prob{z?+> = if Vw € ui'|z? 0, Prob{z?+1 € = w) > 10 0. stable. ft|z,° = w} = 1, and if for all w, w' 6 Q Many trillion periods. because this authors have nonetheless focussed on the long run, no doubt in part what the standard techniques allow one is to do most easily. The main theorem of this paper provides a general characterization of the rate at which systems converge, with my hope being that this will induce future researchers to provide more complete analyses. In particular, writing first W(x,Y, e) for the expected wait until a state belonging to the set reached given that play in the e-perturbed model begins in state x, and supposing the set of long run equilibria of the model, this paper uses of Y how quickly the system converges to convergence is fast and we will regard ft its long run limit. max r g£ W(x, ft, f) If this maximum is ft is measure as a wait is small, not just as the collection of states which continue to occur frequently in the long run, but also as a good prediction for which behaviors we might expect to see in the medium run. If the maximum wait is large, one should be cautious drawing conclusions from an analysis of long run equilibria. Note that in practice waiting times will tend to infinity as e goes to zero. being fast or slow in a given model will depend on all these Whether we regard convergence how in quickly the waiting times blow as up as e goes to zero. 3 The radius and coradius of basins of attraction This section defines two new concepts, the radius and coradius of the basin of attraction of a limit set, which are central to models with this paper's characterization of the behavior of evolutionary noise. Essentially, the main theorem of this paper provides a sufficient condition long run equilibria by formalizing a very simple intuitive argument relating for identifying long run behavior and waiting times: persistent once it is reached, and which relatively quickly after play begins in that states in ft if a model has a collection of states is ft which very is sufficiently attractive in the sense of being reached any other state, then in the long run we will observe occur most of the time. The nontrivial work involved in developing this observation into an useful characterization of behavior consists of developing measures of the persistence of and of the tendency of sets to be reentered which are reasonably easy to compute. The particular approach I take is develop measures which reflect critical of the size and structure of the basins of attraction of a model's limit sets. as surprising is aspects What I see not that a characterization along these lines can be developed, but rather that a fairly simple the characterization of this form turns out to be sufficiently powerful to 11 identify the long run equilibria of I most of the models which have been previously analyzed. begin with a measure of persistence. Suppose (Z, P(0)) the model above, and set of initial states let ft {z € Z|Prob{3T zt s.t. g Write D(ft) ft with probability one, t be a finite = main theorem is simply the number of sequence of distinct states (z\, *2 < T, and zt i D(Q). Write 5(ft, Z- of cost can be extended to paths by setting c(z\ , z 2 , radius of the basin of attraction of out of D(Q), 1}. = min r T )€5(n,z-D(n)) we define set-to-set cost functions c(X,Y)= = win zj) with . . , minimum ft 1 c i zu *t+i )• cost of I define the any path from ft as the radius of the largest neighborhood it Note that the calculation of the radius of ft it. all c(zi,z2 ,...,zT ), the basin of attraction of a limit set, the longer will from zt 6 Z?(ft) for c(zi,z 2 ,. ..,zr). from which the Markov process must converge back to ft ft, such paths. The definition all = X^i zj-) 6 z\ c(ft,Z-I>(ft)). Geometrically, one can think of the radius of of , out of by (n,... I* T )€S(-*,r) then #(ft) . to be the ft, i2(ft), (zi if . ft i.e. R(il) Note that . . the set of Z?(ft)) for i.e. z) "mutations" necessary to leave a basin of attraction. Formally, define a path from Z?(ft) to for the > T\z = V* ft of persistence which appears in the Markov process of the base its limit sets. from which the Markov process converges to D{Q) = The measure be a union of one or more of is full dynamic system; ft. In practice, the least costly path from it typically suffices to ft. The take for the is the radius of Markov process to escape does not require that one explore the examine the dynamics ft larger out of -D(fi) is often neighborhood of in a a direct path (w,z 2 ). In each of the examples presented in this paper, the cost function c(x, y) takes the form c(x,y) = min{j|/>„(o)>o}d(z t y), with d satisfying the triangle inequality. simple method for proving that A(ft) with c(w,z2 ) = minu/€fl c(w, z) To = k is to exhibit states k and to show both that min w€ nc(w, z) < k < k see that this is => minu,60.c(u»,z') sufficient, < min w€ o c(w,z) one shows that the showing inductively that there exist 12 for all z' least costly w 1 ,w2 ,...,u>t-\ 6 ft w € ft, => z € path is In this case, a and z2 $ D(il) £>(ft), with and that PZX '(0) > 0. a direct path by such that c(w, zi,z2 ,...,zt) > c(wi,22,--.,2t) > ••• > C(WT-1,ZT). 6 The second property theorem is ft which will play a critical role in the length of time necessary to reach the basin of attraction of One simple way state. of a union of limit sets to put a (not particularly tight) bound on ft our main from any other this waiting time is count the "number of mutations" which are required. Formally, define a path from x to to be a finite sequence of distinct states (zi,Z2,- and zt 6 ft. Write S(x,ft) for the of attraction of ft, such paths. = max min is & x, z t ft for all t < T, define the coradius of the basin c(z!,z2 ,... ,2j). simplifies the calculation of the coradius to keep in formula above I — ft CiZ(ft), by Cft(ft) It set of all ,zt) with z\ to mind that the always achieved at a state which belongs to a limit coradius of the basin of attraction of when maximum Intuitively, the set. states are, in a cost-of-paths sense, ft is small it is easy to see that the basin of attraction of all in the close to that set. When the coradius of be entered is fairly small soon after play starts in any other state. Given any a nonnegligible probability of reaching D(Q) within some this does not occur, is ft is then the period T state is finite ft will initial state, there number T of periods. If again an inital condition from which there a nonnegligible probability of reaching D(Q) by period 2T, and so on. The bound on waiting times provided by the coradius, however, is often not very sharp. the computation does not reflect the fact that evolution toward by the presence of intermediate steady states along the path. ft may be In particular, greatly speeded Defining a variant of the coradius concept which takes this into account will allow us to achieve a tighter bound on return times, producing more widely applicable characterization of long run equilibria. The inductive step consists simply of noting arg min,/ go e( »',*;), c(w, ii, ij) and that 6 *tgmin{»<|p = c(w, zi) + c(n,z 7 = > c(v>,zi)+d(wi,Z2)-d(wl,z[) = c(w,*i) > d(wl,zt)>c(wi,zi). v>l for ,(o)>o} d(w\z[), -i- ) c(w, n) + + d(w', zi)-c(wi,z[) 13 d(x[,zt) ij € argmin{,|p, ,(<»>o} d(z, *a). fi € The we variant will use based on a modified notion of the cost of a path which allocates is a portion of the total cost of getting to ft to the necessity of leaving the basin of attraction of each limit set the path passes through. to C Li,Li,...,L T ft, let Specifically, for (zi,Z2>- ••>-*r) a path from x be the sequence of limit sets through which the path passes ft consecutively, with the convention that a limit set can be appear on the but not successively. Define a modified cost function, c*, list multiple times, by r-l c"{z l ,z 2 ,. ..,zt) = c(z u z 2 , ...,zT )~Y, R(Li). i=2 The definition of modified cost can m c (x,ft) be extended to a point-to-set concept by setting = min (z\ The *r)€S(x,n) c'(z u z2 ,...,zT ). modified coraditts of the basin of attraction of ft is then defined by CR m (ft) = maxc M (x,ft). Note that CR'(ft) < CR(ft). The definition of the modified coradius steady states on expected waiting times. is To compare the two simple Markov processes meant to capture the get some in the effect of intuition for this it is intermediate instructive to diagram below. In the diagram arrows are used to indicate the possible transitions out of each state and their probabilities (with remaining probabilities). In the Markov process on the null transitions accounting for the left, both the cost and the modified cost of the path until such a transition occurs Markov process on the occurs is only 7 + 7 + right = 7 is still x A The modified cost of the path three, is and the expected wait some € • - • x y from x to w also one. € *• w biological analogy provides is three, the expected wait until a transition 3 e • w) In contrast, while the cost of the path (i, y, z, w) in the is jy. 7- (x, intuition for the result. € »> • z »• • w Think of the graphs as representing two different evironments in which three major genetic mutations are necessary 14 to produce the more fit w animal mouse.) The graph of the from animal a situation in which an animal with any one or two left reflects of these mutations could not survive. (growing an entire wing?) mutation on its own In this case, getting the large mutation provides an increase in fitness which allows that mutation to take over itotv seems change from plausible when such gradual change is From the comparison of the two Markov processes above, mediate limit in the modified coradius definition is relatively more possible. Why can speed evolution. sets we need a very unlikely event. In the process on the right, each single is Clearly, the large cumulative the population. (For example, to produce a bat from a x. it should be clear that inter- the particular correction for this embodied approprate is much less obvious. While Theorem 1 shows formally that the modified coradius can be used to bound return times, an example may be more useful in presenting the basic intuition. In the three state Markov process shown below, suppose that c(x,y) > with R{il) = oo and CR'(Q) = ry c(x,y) and c(y,il) > r y so that + - c{y,tt) ry . fi is the long run equilibria To compute W(x,fi,t) (which will turn out to be the longest expected wait) note that W(x,Q,e) = with Nx and Ny being the number of times x and y occur before the system starting in state x. of the run of z's before an i x — E(Nx ) + E(Ny ), — We can write E(NX ) y transition occurs Q is reached conditional on as the product of the expected length and the number of times the transition y occurs. Hence, r,> r^l-r +— , E(NX ) = (l + . / c( y ,n)\ € J „ Similarly, we can number of x -» y negligible c -(«K«.»)+e(v.n)-i-»). write E(Ny ) as the product of the length of each run of y's transitions. This gives compared to E(NX )- E(Ny ) ~ is *( exactly € _CA n ). »), which is and the asymptotically Hence we have W(x,n,€) ~ which f~( r » +c (i'' n ) -r e -M*.v)+c(v,n)-r,) j Looking carefully at this calculation, one can see that the subtraction of the radius of the intermediate limit set reflects the fact that because most of 15 the time the system in state x the waiting is time is and the probability of a transition from y to leave i essentially ft determined by the wait to conditional on a transition out of y While the unconditional probability of the transition occurring. probability is t c c is e (" n ), the conditional ^ ,n )- r v. e'v . *.• V ft The main theorem 4 We are now in a position to present the theorem which contains the main general results of medium run behavior The theorem this paper. models with noise (using the radius and modified coradius measures). in evolutionary hope that this theorem medium run and the provides a description of both long run and seen as valuable in providing both a general tool for analyzing is intuition for begin with the theorem and some of its Theorem limitations via a run (a) All of the long (b) its why and then proof, number the results of previous papers are what they are. For any y # Note that as a SI, illustrate the use of the equilibria of the if iZ(ft) > theorem and discuss Cfl'(ft), then system are contained in we have W(y,il,e) = 0(€~ CR '^) corollary, the I of simple examples. In the model described above 1 I same results hold if R(il) ft. as € -* 0. > Cft(ft). Proof Write €- perturbed the all /*'(*) for y £ ft. A the probability assigned to state z in the steady-state distribution of model. For part (a) it suffices to show that e /j'(y)/jj (ft) -» standard characterization of the steady-state distribution E # H*(y) ( /j E (ft) # of times y occurs before of times ft il is occurs before y is is r See e.g. RHS is Theorem at reached starting at y reached starting in most W(y,il,e), while the denominator 6.2.3 of Kemeny and Snell (1960). 16 for that with the expectation in the denominator being also over starting points in ator of the as € -> is fi' ft. 7 bounded below The numeras € — by W(w,Z - a nonvanishing constant times min^gn spent in D(Cl) is spent in D(il),e) (because almost Hence to prove both part fi.) (a) and part all (b) of the of the time theorem it show that suffices to W(w,Z- Z?(fi), e) ~ e" fl(n) Vw € fi, and W(y,n,e) = 0(e- CR 'M) The € of these asymptotic characterizations of waiting times, that first -R(0) for € u> we may that Vy g H. 17 is find constants T ,zj with zj G Z— w= z\, zj, ities on the path . . . obvious. fairly is and D(Q),e) < /f€-* (n) note W(w,Z - To see that cj such that for any W{w,Z— D(Sl),e) ~ w € D(Q) there D(il) such that the product of path the transition probabil- all R n '. Conditioning on the outcome of the ' at least cit exists a first first T periods we have W(w,ZTaking the maximum <T + (l- c^^Max^^W^Z - Z?(fl),e) D(Q),e) of both sides over all w € D(£l) yields Max^njWKZ - D(Cl),e) < (T/a)*- ™. 1 To see that W(u>, W(w,Z Z- D(il),e) > k(- R less hitting n) for any > E(# > l/MaXj, € nProb{Z D(Sl),e) Given that the system returns to on ^ times in in a finite fi w € before — note that fi, Z- D(il) D(ft) is reached is clearly of exact order e = w) reached before returning to number of periods (in R W, and hence we have il\zo expectation) conditional than R(il) mutations occuring, the probability of going from ft is \zq w to Z- D(il) without the desired lower bound for W(u;,Z-.D(ft),Oaswell. It remains now only to show that Maxy(U W(y,n,t) = 0(€- CR 'M). To begin, we note that if we define set-to-set expected waiting times W(X,Y,e) = m*xW(z,Y,€), 17 on a worst case basis, = y}. and write £ for the union of limit sets of (Z, f(0)), then because in the limit as expected wait until a limit Write W(Q,e) for For each y € reached set is first is finite, it will suffice to e — the show that Max y€ £_ n W(y,ft,<0. £— ft, let y = zi,Z2, • • ,ZT De a P at h from y to ft of minimum possible modified cost. Because any element of a limit set can be reached at zero cost from each other element of the same limit set, L\,L 2 ,...,L T through which it we may choose passes distinct, is this path so that each of the limit and such that the path is contained in each of these limit sets for a set of successive periods. (Remember that y € L\ path to have minimum modified cost it sets ). For this must be the case that r-l = ]£e(Z,„I, +1 ), c(zi,z 2 ,...,zt) 1=1 and zt € £, if must it also be the case that = c*(zt,zt +i,...,ZT) c"(I,,ft). (Otherwise, a lower modified cost path can be constructed by concatenating (z\,...,zt ) with a minimum Now, the to reach £- crucial element of the proof Q from wait to reach of modified cost path from I, to is ft.) to simply L\ as the expected wait to reach any other limit from that point. Writing q{z\y) ft expand the expected waiting time Ly reached is z (after starting at y), has the longest expected wait to reach ft set, plus the expected for the probability that the first and assuming that y is the element of L\ which we have z€C-Li Writing min/gi, Ejgt, q(z\l) we have qt 2 for W(L u Sl,e) < W(L lt C - L u e) + q 12 W(L 2 ,a,c) + Repeating this process we get W(y,ft,£) < W(L u C-L u( + (l-q12 )W(Sl,e) ) 18 (1 - element qi2)W(£l,e). +qn(W(L 2 ,£ -L 2 ,e) + (l+9i2923(W(L 3 ,£ - L 3 ,e) + 923) W(ft, e)) (1 - ft4)TT(fi,c)) + + 912923 W(I = X ..qr -2r-l(W(L r -l,C ,£ - Ii.e) + + • (1 " + fl 2 W r - I r -1,«) + r 912923 • • 9r-lr)W (fi,f) • it suffices to subsets of e values for which W(y,Sl,c) = W(fi,«). For such that show that 912923 •••9r-lr To show on the that W(il, RHS To do e) = 0(e~ CR 'W) of the above equation so, consider the we have qu+i ~ e c( is it e's this holds on each of the the expression above gives 9r-lr now suffices to show that each of the expressions -c **( n )). 0(€ minimum - R L >) c(I,,Ii + i) and W(I,,Z-D(£,),e) ~ e elements which appear in the expressions. Because the D(U) to Z,+i cost path from each z 6 " flr-lr^fl.e)) + 9i2923W(£ 3 ,£ - L 3 ,e) (£i,£ - &a,«) W(Q,e) = 0(e~ CR 'W) To show (1 has cost ( i <> i *+i) _fl ( i '). Because the unperturbed Markov process converges to a limit set in finite time from any point and the probability of converging to bounded away from zero for any y & D(Li), we also have W(Li,C - L, Z,,e) is uniformly ~ W(L t ,Z - D(Li),€). Putting these together we have 9,i+l • fC(Lf,L <+ ,)-«(LO 9r-lr _ . . . ( c(Lr-l,Lr)-R(Lr-l) ,-c«(^,n) with the last line following from our earlier discussion of the nature of cost paths. 0(€~ CR 'W), For each :' this expression is 0(c~ CRm W) minimum modified and hence we have W(y, fi,e) = the second main component of the proof. QED. At this point, analysis it I would like to give provides with the some motivation now standard for the theorem by contrasting the techniques developed in KMR, Young and Kandori and Rob (1992). These techniques provide an algorithm which 19 (1993a), in principle will run equilibria of any model which find the long of the algorithm requires one to tree on the set of limit sets The obvious drawback first model and find the of this paper's characterization of long run equilibria in comparis restricted applicability its identify all of the limit sets of the direct application which minimizes a particular cost function. ison with the standard techniques Section 9, A our framework. fits in that may not universal. it is However, as is discussed in not be such a serious limitation from a practical viewpoint in that the set of models to which the main theorem applies appears to contain most models niques. for which economists have previously succeeded The main theorem of this paper has several potential advantages. why the theorem provides a clear intuition for papers are often regarded as being mysterious. find surprising about the intuition provided long run equilibrium can be derived from in previous papers. Finally, the to models which contain a large by it My this guess, in fact, paper is standard techniques are number of limit and most Second, limit. works, whereas the results of previous is sets or that what readers will not that a characterization of but rather that there it, standard tech- First, theorem provides a convergence rate as well as a long run concretely, the on in applying the is nothing more going ill-suited to direct application when one wants to derive theorems which apply to classes of models broad enough as to include members for which the sets differ. It my hope is that the fact that the techniques of this paper analyses will be seen as one of The its may limit facilitate such primary contributions. 8 basic plan for the remainder of this section (and for the remainder of the paper) is to present a sequence of examples which are intended in varying proportions to illustrate the use of the main theorem and to present applications which are of interest in their right. I own begin with a simple example which illustrates the use of the radius, coradius and modified coradius measures, and which provides some geometric intuition. Example the 1 Suppose N players are repeatedly randomly matched to play the game G as in model of Section 2 with uniform matching best-reply dynamics and independent random mutations, 'The sense Theorem with with player i.e. which in 2 clearly this i in period paper might shows that all facilitate t playing a best response to the distribution of such analyses deserves some discussion. models to which Theorem 1 The proof with the standard techniques via "tree surgery" arguments, but that this could have been done systematic way. I would interpret this result as indicating that one can alternately think of in this contributing to the analyses of such models by systematizing the use of tree surgery arguments. 20 of applies not only could have been handled a fairly paper as strategies in the population in period other two strategies with probability N sufficiently large for N — t If t. we have fi*(A) = 1. G If ABC we have p'(B) = sufficiently large with probability 1 G the is 2e, game shown on the is — 1 and playing each of the left below, then for game shown on the right below, then ABC 1. A 7, 7 5, 5 5, A 7, 7 5, 5 5, B 5, 5 8, 8 0, B 5, 5 8, 8 1, o C 0, 5 0, C 0, 5 0, 1 6, 6 6, his 6 Proof The diagrams below show in (<74,<7fl,<7c:)-space. The the best-response regions corresponding to each of the games deterministic dynamics in each case consist of immediate jumps from each point to the vertex of the triangle corresponding to everyone playing the best response. From the minimum distance between region where state A is figure on the A and any point not the best response), for N large and the in D(A) about |jV. The is and D( A) (here the distance from R(A) > CR{A) obvious that in the left, it is fairly B to D(A)) first result is (here D(A) maximum approximately follows from desired for players not including their own is game R(A), the approximately the distance between any \N Theorem argument requires only a straightforward but tedious accounting if first 1. . For this reason, Formalizing this for integer problems (and play in the distribution to which they play a best response). In the figure on the fN, while CR*(B) is right, the modified coradius about |JV because the modified cost of the indirect path follows suffice from Theorem — CR(B) is 1. Note that measure is useful. Here, this is the modified cost of the (C,A,B) in this case approximately jN. 21 is R(B) is about path (A,B) and only about gjV. Hence, the result again a simple radius- coradius argument does not QN,Q,lN) K7fl(A)H^ 05 (|iV,0,|AT) 1^ |^ (0) i^ i N) \-R(B) -T^ 1^ 7$f {Qf ^ s_ N) QED. The bound on the convergence rate in these games reaching the long run equilibria are at most of order is that the expected waits until (~W a N ) and nothing particularly interesting about this result, other than that as with uniform matching the convergence time The reader should keep in simplicity, this more evident will N in paper is most like to theorem of rapidly increasing in the population size. The power useful. of the modified coradius measure = 1 this It is much states. examples which point out a couple of weaknesses of the theorem it works. I paper does not provide a characterization which in theory can identify the all (which turns oat to be is systems. To see this look at the three state easy to verify that R(x) < CR"(z) = equilibrium is remind the reader that unlike the Freidlin-Wentzell characterization, the main long run equilibria of R(z) is that the above examples were chosen largely for their models with many steady this time, providing below. There . typical in models probably help the reader to develop a more complete understanding how would left is 5) and that they are not representative of the situations where the radius-coradius approach of At mind is e-( 2 / 5. The theorem y). More = 5 < CR'(x) = 11, R(y) Markov process on the = 2 < CR'(y) = 5, and thus does not help us find the long run equilibrium generally the theorem will never apply unless the long run also the state with the largest radius. 22 Next, the theorem provides only an upper bound on the expected wait until the system reaches the long run equilibrium, and this illustrated by the four-state because it wait until takes ^ fi is why the modified coradius bound do not take In particular, the calculation sets. new "worst case" occurs whenever a transition to a minimum modified cost path. bound full £ A bounds any computation which does not require a in only 2t*' that the is done always assuming that the is limit set does not correspond to the In this case convergence failure to provide tight is advantage of the relationships faster than such is calculation indicates, because the transitions from y or z which do not reach us back to x. the periods to reach not tight here is fl is is has modified cost three.) fl reached conditional on starting at x, however, general calculations which derive this between the limit (Any path from x to 3. This point In this system, right above. periods to reach the set {y, z) and then a further Intuitively, the reason Q. = not necessarily tight. is Markov process on the long run equilibrium and CR*(£l) The expected bound some a worst case fl never take situations seems unavoidable in full identification of all of the limit sets and an analysis of the relationships between them. The example on the left above also provides a nice opportunity to point out a feature of the theorem which has not been emphasized so far a union of limit 2 > that 1 sets rather = CR({x,y}), and all than a single limit that R({y,z}) = 10 — that the set. In this > 5 in the theorem can be example note that R({x,y}) = CR({y,z). The useful is not clear to me, the fact that the practical importance because in models involving extensive form games, Samuelson (1993, 1994) and Huck and Oechssler (1995), appears to be 23 is the unique make arguments theorem applies to unions of it — theorem then implies long run equilibria are contained in both {x,y} and {y, z}, so that y long run equilibrium. While the extent to which being able to is fi like this limit sets e.g. is of Noldeke and common for the » set of long run equilibria to be a union of several limit sets between which the system can move with one or more mutations. Generalizing risk-dominance: ^-dominance 5 In 2 x 2 games, the models of KMR and Young (1993a) provide an elegant and robust characterization of the long run impact of mutations on the development of social conventions - societies are led to adopt the risk-dominant equilibrium. This section discusses the generalization of this result, with the primary positive result being that a refinement of dominance, j-dominance, provides a risk sufficient condition for determining the long run equilibrium. For the purposes of this section G be a symmetric mxm game with Let detail. Z , • • • t SNt)- Let implications of results the set of pure strategies. Following i be the period (•sn, sit 5 N players are uniformly randomly paired to play G in periods = suppose that zt 6 necessary to specify a KMR-style model in a bit more it is some state which P we Z be the Markov transition matrix on set of behavioral rules. Let the from each player independently following and choosing a strategy at random with Let 1,2, assume corresponds simply to an action will KMR profile capturing the reduced form perturbed process P(t) be that which his behavior rule probability e (with all with probability 1 — e strategies having positive probability.) Also following (Tn KMR, this section will focus on a particular be the mixed strategy in which the probability of action times the number of players j j4 t with Sj t which are a best response to an for some ». Darwinian if in play over if z" time is said to be has more players playing strategy BR{z t )). The definition is = s. Let BR(z t, being being played s is ^-j- denote the set of strategies t ) The (unperturbed) process governing changes whenever BR(zt ) a singleton, BR(z is 1 t ) than does z t (or z has motivated by the supposition that to switch strategies after period class of behavior rules. Let if player i all PZtZ > > only players playing has the opportunity a reasonable thing for a myopic player to do would be to play a best response to the strategies used by the other players in the most recent period. 9 Recall that in a symmetric 'One example of a Darwinian 2x2 game dynamic is with pure strategy equilibria (A, A) and (B, B), the best-response dynamic under which response to the previous period's strategy distribution, 24 i.e. Sit+i € argmax, g(s,ff, t ). all players play a best the equilibrium (A, A) is said to be risk-dominant \A + \B. The main strategy result of KMR run equilibrium of the above model involves rium. Note that this selection if that for is the best response to the mixed is N sufficiently large the holds for it it-nearest neighbor matching on a Given that Harsanyi and Selten's definition of circle generalizations to explore was to see Young ( 1993a) immediately showed risk ization, but that that in 3 x 3 games the would that it first did not, exhibiting a 3 x 3 Example games the C is and are all differs players have assumed direction for work on what was game where selected. in which . One problem noted by Ellison (1993) dependent on the nature of the matching illustrating selected equilibrium the unique long run equlibrium is playing exists. may 2 For the model described above with being used titled between the uniform and two neighbor matching models. differ now an example Darwinian dynamic which a local interaction Harsanyi and Selten's definition not the sought after general- selected equilibrium may be like to present that in 3 x 3 1 it in their definition corresponded to if no general and robust answer rule, in particular I is than evo- dominance appeared in a book 10 the risk dominant equilibrium was not selected by his dynamics. turns out that not only faster and best-reply dynamics. General Theory of Equilibrium Selection in Games, the obvious is much showing that risk-dominant equilibria are selected also model involving It is Ellison (1993) further demonstrates the robustness of this lution in the reverse direction. A Darwinian dynamics, all even those which are rigged so that evolution toward one strategy selection in unique long players playing the risk-dominant equilib- all quite robust in that is A A from A to switch to an even more basic nonrobustness differ for different — Darwinian dynamics. 11 G the first 3x3 game discussed in Example under the best-reply dynamic, and B under the dynamic only when both B and the best-reply C are as their best response, in which case only the players A. Proof The for the of results are clear from an examination of the basins of attraction of the equilibria two models pictured below. The diagram on the Example 1) shows the basins R(A) > CR(A). The basin 10 for the best- reply of attraction of The example being the game on the "Hahn left in B is Example left (repeated from the discussion dynamic from which it is larger under the other dynamic, because 1 (1995) has noted the same result for 2 x 2 games in a two population model. 25 easy to see that some points which were formerly starting at 5, the unperturbed dynamics now reach edge where and B is players play all A B just to the right of the basin of attraction of two steps in or 5, and then to B. ^ 3^y s 05 While robust results and Selten (1988) call (lN,0,lN) Nj i N) MNAN) C i (0i exist), the main result of this section does provide a robust equilibrium. Morris, strict best Recall that in Nash equilibrium (A, A) the the \A + better response than s to \s for all Rob and Shin (1995) call is is if also a A is a Nash a symmetric equilibrium (A, A) p-dominant — that the selection of risk-dominant equilibria in 2 x 2 Corollary 1 In the model above, suppose (A, A) sufficiently large the limit distribution = games, Harsanyi such that (s,s) s generalizes to the selection of ^-dominant equilibria satisfies fi*(A) N a refinement of risk dominance. The following Corollary contains the main result of this section N x dominant equilibrium risk pure strategies N response against any mixed strategy placing probability at least p on A. Note that —dominance for we have R(B) > CR(B) (IjV,0,|iV) generalization for a substantial class of games. games to a state on the can not be obtained generally (or even for the class of games for which risk-dominant equilibria a result moving (|iV,|jV,0) B r-Ci?(A)H^ A is As a first the long run equilibrium. (|AT,|iV,0) if — [t* is whenever they exist. a ^-dominant equilibrium ofG. Then corresponding to any Darwinian dynamic 1. Proof The proof is detail). quite easy (with Note that since at least 5 on A A is length here being due to its its being presented in extreme a strict best response to any distribution placing probability there exists a q < \ such that distribution placing probability at least q on A. 26 A The is also first a strict best response to any step of the proof is to show that R(A) > (1 - q)(N - To 1). players playing A, each player sees at least A each of them has q(N - < c(A,z) of the 1) at cost zero has strictly Vz,z' with c(A,z) the argument above shows that any such z < q(N - in is players play A C R(A) < q(N-l)+l, has (Tit(A) > from any state x to a state play as in some q for in all i, 1 N has at least N 1 - 1) + and P„.(0) > 1 sufficiently large so that (1 + + (i.e. 1 we 0). Iterating N - (q(N - show R(A) > q(N — 1) + 1 in is 1) + 1). at least q(N-l) + l D(A). The direct path players play state which has positive probability in the unperturbed 1) 1) others playing A. Thus, because any state in which first q(N - more players playing A and hence as above which the from z to D(A) of cost at most q(N Taking ± A D(A). From the argument following the definition of the radius, these conditions are sufficient to Next, observe that z and the Darwinian property implies that as an unique best response any state which can be reached have shown c(A,z') whenever see this, note that A while the rest dynamics is a path 1. - 2q)(N - 1) > 1, R(A) > CR(A) and Theorem applies. QED. I fact that the proof of the Corollary is fairly trivial will hope that the be taken as evidence that the main theorem of the paper can facilitate the development of general Because results. itself is trivial, I I realize that would one might be tempted to conclude instead that the result like to note that both Kandori and Rob's (1992) result on pure coordination games and their (1993) result on risk-dominance in games with the total bandwagon property are immediate different payoff to coordinating corollaries of Corollary 1. In a game where game with ^-dominant. 13 the total The bandwagon property, result of Kim of symmetric I player, two action games a is also ^-dominant. dominant equilibria are automatically also follows KMR model in a class from the argument above (given the 13 Note that what Kandori and Rob (1993) show satisfying risk (1995) on the behavior of the appropriate definition of ^-dominance). 1 is on each of the available actions and the payoffs are zero whenever the players do not coordinate, the pare to optimal equilbrium In a there is that risk dominant equilibria are selected in games both the total bandwagon property and the monotone share property. Evidently, the latter restriction is unnecessary. The appropriate definition for the situation being that a symmetric equilibrium player's strategy is his is ^-dominant if each unique best response to any distribution of his opponents' play induced by random 27 Local interaction: two dimensional lattices and fast vs. 6 slow evolution This section discusses the behavior of models with local interaction. The most notable that ^-dominant equilibria are selected and evolution a model with a two result is is fast in dimensional interaction structure. The result should be of interest both because it the role of "contagion" dynamics in producing fast evolution, and because illustrates much more clearly than have any of the previous examples where and how the modified coradius computation can be a powerful tool. in the paper and how works. both late details of it it clarifies in this section I hope that the fact that the example occurs does not deter the reader from looking at the Evolutionary models with local interaction are intended to capture social situations in which players interact most often with a small stable Ellison (1993) argued that such exist in the real world, but is fast enough The on a first circle to because only in the context of such models that convergence selection new result presented here is arguments plausible. that for ^-nearest neighbor local interaction models x 2 games again generalizes to the ^-dominant equilibria when they exist (indicating a further robustness of the both because of its main theorem helps and that evolution remains inherent interest, and because in developing generalizations its and relatively fast. I include the result very quick proof illustrates how in providing convergence rates. state this result formally suppose as in Ellison (1993) that players 1,2,... arranged sequentially around a dynamic in which player i Again take the €- perturbed t + the 14 ,N are Consider a 2k neighbor version of the best-reply circle. in period by taking the average of the play 1 plays a best response to the distribution a, t formed in period t by players i—k,i—k+l,...,i—l,i+l,...,i+k. process to be that given by independent random trembles. The is Corollary 2 Suppose (A, A) matching within a population 14 it is make evolutionary selection in these games), result models are interesting not only because such relationships the selection of risk-dominant equilibria in 2 selection of To set of friends, colleagues, or neighbors. in is a ^-dominant equilibrium of G. which at Ellison (1993) only provides neighbor model, and does so by a For N sufficiently large least half of the players are playing the equilibrium strategy. an (-order approximations to the second largest eigenvalue much longer argument. 28 for the two the limit distribution p* corresponding to the dynamics has n"(A) = and for 1, all z 2k neighbors on a £ A we have W(z, A,c) circle = model with best-reply 0{€-( k+l) ). Proof The argument Ellison (1993). R(A) > CR(A) that Any cluster of players playing N For > l,2,...,Jfc+ among 1, a second mutation + l) 2 path from 2) a + 1, . 1 . . , adjacent players play A lies in grow contagiously. Hence CR(A) < k will + l)(k + A {k players (k + state in which k follows directly from the proof of (ik A among + l)(Jb out of D(A) players k + 2). + + Hence, R(A) ,2(k + > k+ of 1 D{A) because the 1. requires a mutation 2, ... Theorem 1), etc., among players and a k 2 and again + 2 nd Theorem 1 applies. QED. Note that an analysis which tighter is tailored more to a given model's dynamics may provide bounds on convergence times. For example, involving a 2 x 2 neighbors play in which A Theorem asymptotically e~ My game s , 1 A is in a model of eight neighbor matching the best response whenever three of a player's eight can be used to show that the expected wait to reach but rather «~ 3 A is . primary motivation for discussing the model above and the one that follows desire to comment on what it is not makes evolution fast in local interaction is a models. As noted above, the dynamics of the ^-nearest neighbor on a circle model feature the rapid contagious expansion of relatively small clusters of players playing the ^-dominant equilibrium. Such dynamics are present, however, only because of the extreme overlap between a player's neighbors and his neighbors' neighbors in this model, and one might wonder whether fast evolution would go away The remainder of this of extreme overlap if we eliminated section is this unreasonable aspect of the social interaction. concerned with one model which eliminates this assumption — a model in which the players are situated at the vertices of a two- dimensional lattice and interact with their four nearest neighbors. 15 The best-reply dynamics of such a dimensional models. Note l4 first model differ in interesting ways from those of one that unlike one-dimensional models there is no strong force See Blume (1993) for a discussion of a two-dimensional Ising model which has a somewhat analagous conclusion about long run behavior, and Andeilini and Ianni (1993) and nonergodic models with a two-dimensional interaction structure. 29 Blume (1994) for analyses of which ensures homogeneneity of actions here. Instead there may be many steady states which different actions are taken by different segments of the population. For example, in in the 2x2 standard coordination game where B coordinating on A, one from coordinating on state for is a cluster of four adjacent players the rest of the population plays B. two of the players receive a payoff of two from and zero from miscoordinating, one steady (in a "square" configuration) to play A Players in the cluster are satisfied with A while because their four neighbors belong to the cluster, while each player outside the cluster happy playing B because at least three of his four neighbors Other steady states are obtained, for is also outside the cluster. is example, by having variously sized separated blocks A of players playing A, or by having vertical or horizontal "stripes" where is played while the remainder of the population plays B. The fact that small clusters do not grow contagiously in the model without noise makes an interesting pattern of evolution in the model with noise. Rather than seeing conta- for gious growth triggered by a few mutations agglomeration arise in we will instead observe a proces of evolution by which small clusters of players playing the ^-dominant equilibrium from mutations, subsequently grow (and sometimes shrink) slowly as mutations occur grow together and take at the edge of the cluster, until eventually adjacent clusters start to over the population. to will make The Corollary shows evolution fast much about — evidently the that this pattern of growth is sufficiently strong fast evolution of local interaction the contagious spread of strategies as it is about the models is not so ability of strategies to gain footholds in small areas. It is because this model has so many steady the ideal setting in which to illustrate The fact that this very difficult to how states (and cycles) that compute the long run equilibrium by order Freidlin-Wentzell tree (a construction whose same see why first states (and cycles) it is also useful. would make step would be the enumeration of number Note that of limit sets in it minimum directly constructing the time, the presence of a large what makes the modified coradius calculation we have seen that the main theorem of this paper can be applied. model has a large number of steady of the limit sets.) At the I feel is all precisely most of the examples so far a radius-coradius theorem would have sufficed, and hence one can not the modified coradius is important. Here, both the identification of the long run equilibrium and the demonstration that evolution 30 is fast will more thoroughly exploit the fact that the intermediate limit sets exist provides a plausible Let me now way for and a step-by-step path through these change to occur. give a brief formal specification of the model, which will be followed by a somewhat lengthy though not too complicated proof that ^-dominance to determine the long run equilibrium, N1N2 limit sets and that evolution N\ x N2 players are located at the vertices of an state z of the system a function z is {1,. : .. ,N\} x again sufficient relatively fast. is lattice Suppose that on the surface of a torus. — {1,...,./V2 } The action taken by the player at location {t,j}. is 5 with A z(i,j) giving the deterministic best-reply dynamics with nearest neighbor matching are obtained by assuming that in each period each player plays a best response to the strategies used by his four immediate neighbors in the previous period, z t +i i.e. = b(z t ) satisfies z t +i(i,j) £ - putting probability \ on each of zt (i Argmax, € 5</(s, o~ijt) where 1, j), + z t (i 1, j), zt (i,j - <T, Jt 1), the distribution is and z t (i,j + 1), and we assume again that the perturbed process incorporates independent e-probability mutations. Corollary 3 Suppose (A, A) the limit distribution is the ^-dominant equilibrium ofG. For Ni > 3 and N2 > corresponding to the best-reply dynamics of the nearest neighbor fi' = matching model on an Ni X iV2 torus has n*(A) 0(«- 3 ) as € 3, and for any z 1, ^ A we have W(z, A, c) = — 0. Proof First, show that R(A) > min(JVi, I To jVj). see this, tance measure which provides a lower bound on the D(A) from any play has A and all point. Let g{z) be the smaller of the number of columns the players playing A > g(z). in which all of them play A - follows that < min(iv" 1 ,iV2 ) then g(zr) g(z) c(i4,z2 ,...,ZT) to >1=>:6 That g(z) > in which all players a given row (column) row (column) have From two at least this, we know Further, as each "mutation" can only break up one row and one g(z) A If in b(z) as well. > path from easiest to define a dis- of mutations needed to escape players play A. all column, we know that g(z') if is number of rows in z, then all players in that neighbors playing A, and hence that g(b(z)) number it Z — D(A) with cost c(z, z less 1 ). Applying > this relationship repeatedly, 1. than min(7V 1 ,iV2 ), To it establish that there is it no thus suffices to show that D(A). 1 =^ intuition for this result z is G D(A) follows from a straightforward that if all explicit calculation. The players in a "cross" pattern play A, the set of players 31 playing A To population. that z(t,l) z(i,j) expand out from the center of the cross will = A = > A => 1 for all with for all (i,j) i and has proof, I t +j < k, = A Each transition so 3. = i. three or less, I will Let z\ far has cost zero. Let z 2 +k l that c(zi + k x , Z2+ki) < 2. +j < i k + It rest of the set. Let zt To do conclusion = 6 t_1 (zi) for t be a state in which players turns out that this is minimum = will index + 2,...,ki (1, 1) 1. and (2,2) population plays as in the state b(z l+kl define the path with at A addition so, I explicitly construct Let k\ be the So that the path being constructed clusters of players playing The 1. ). Note have a modified cost of most one other transition which best response or a transiton which escapes a distinct limit set whose cost that limit set. If in follows by induction. show next that CR'(A) < both play A, and in which the j € {1,...,JV2 }. for all i,j with a member of a stable limit is all loss of generality easy to see that b(z) also has the same "cross" it is each x £ D(A) a path from x to D{A). such that b kl (zi) encompasses the entire it and assume without 1 G {1,...,^} and b(z)(i,j) D(A) then z G To complete the for = A z(l,j) of players playing that g(z) > see this formally, suppose g(z) until is is not either a the radius of indeed possible, because successively larger stable can be formed by adding single mutations to the edge of the cluster. Formally, let fc 2 be the minimum index such that b k2 (z 2 +k l ) is a member of a limit set. A odd Note that as the players (1,2) and (2,1) each have two neigbors playing period, and players (1, 1) and (2,2) each have two neighbors playing along the way, one of these pairs plays i = 1,2, . . . ,k2- A in b kl (z2+k x ) all in each even period as well. Let ^2+fci+i Note that each of the added transitions Let Z2+k 1 +k1 +i be defined so that A will in each = &'( z2+i,) for have cost zero. of players (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), and (2,2) play A with the remainder of the players playing as in b(z2+k l +ki )- This transition has modified cost at most one. Repeating the process of adding successive best responses we obtain a state z 2 +kl +kI +k3 belonging to a limit set in which all four of those players play A. (This sequence of transitions described in this paragraph should be skipped with £3 set to zero the four players already play The state z 2+tl+fc7+fc3 A in z2+fc,+fc}.) must either have all players in rows have players (1,1),. ..,(1, a) and of Z2+ki+k 3 +k,(l,a + 1) if (2, 1),. .. ,(2,a) playing and 22+t + fc, +fc,(2,a , + 32 1) different A for 1 and 2 playing A, or some a > 2, with one from A. Let z2+ 1+k3+fc3+1 be fc defined by adding a single mutation to b(z2+ki +fcj+* 3 mentioned above plays A. Let z2+ k 1 +k1 +k3+2, ers responses such that z 2+ iei+ e2+ jC3+ iei i one of players (l,a at least A, and + 1) have both playing will process, all ) is and A if players in the first a z 2 +k 1 we eventually obtain a path member again a (2, + . 1) playing so that an extra one of the two playz 2+ki+k2 +k3 +kA be a sequence of best of a limit set. This limit set will have A if z 2+kl+kj+k3 had neither playing +k J +k 3 had one of them playing A. Repeating this of modified cost at most three to a limit set in which two rows play A. Following the same process we obtain a path of modified cost at two columns also play A. By the attraction of A. Hence, most three to a state result CR'(A) < 3, in for the first which all two columns players in the above on "crosses", such a state is first in the basin of which completes the proof. QED. While and is I this example does a nice job of illustrating the think representative of the situations where keep in mind also that the modified coradius many to be applied to Some 7 is it is power of the modified coradius most useful, the reader should needed in order to allow the main theorem of the less complicated models which have appeared in the literature. of these cases will be pointed out in Section 8. Another example: cycles as long run equilibria The example of this section concerns one of the the most interesting aspects of stochastic learning models, their ability to provide a rationale for selecting between multiple strict equilibria. Such an interpretation has been encouraged by Young's (1993a) proof that weakly acyclic games all in long run equilibria are Nash equilibria and also by the reason- ableness of the selection criterion in a variety of settings. 16 In light of this, the following example is of interest as a simple illustration of the fact that beyond weakly acyclic games, the term "long run equilibrium" come may very well be example, (A, A) in is may be something of a misnomer in that the selected out- a cycle which does not involve the unique Nash equilibrium. the unique Nash equilibrium, while the long run equilibrium which the players synchronously alternate between B and C. "Sec, for example, Noldeke and Samuelson (1993, 1994) and Young (1993b) 33 is In this a cycle Example 3 Suppose N players are repeatedly randomly matched to play the game G shown below as in the model of section 2 with the uniform matching best-reply dynamics. for N sufficiently = large fi'(B) Then ABC fi"(C) A 1, B 0, C 0, = \. 0, I 0, -4,-4 3, 3, 3 4,-4 3 Proof Again, the answer space pictured below. is is obvious given the structure of the best response regions in {a a, &b,&c)- The radius R{{B, €}) approximately ^N. For N large Theorem is approximately f JV. The coradius gives 1 m fi (B)+fi*(C) = 1, and the CR({B, C}) result then follows by symmetry. 3 ( <N,\N,0) \-R({B,C})-\\ (0,fJV,fiV) QED. Looking at the dynamics above, it is tempting to view the result merely as a curiosity attributable to an unreasonable specification of the deterministic dynamics. instead chosen an unperturbed dynamic in which play changed players had a longer memory, the simple example I've given for not be robust, however, the problem 34 we had more gradually or where example, then the cycle would not be a limit may If is set. While fundamental. What selected by models with noise is is determined simply by the between the basins of attraction, and there is a necessary condition for is not hard to write it is and relations no reason to think that being an equilibrium having a large basin of attraction. Given that cycles appear as limits not only of the best-reply play, is sizes of dynamic, but also of learning processes such as down a variety of models fictitious which the "long run equilibrium" for a cycle. 8 Relationships with the literature One of the primary motivations for this paper was a desire to develop a framework which would provide a more models with noise. to discuss in some intuitive To and thorough understanding of the behavior of evolutionary assist the reader in assimilating the ideas of this paper, it is useful detail the relationship between this paper and the existing This section focusses on two topics: the extent to which the main theorem of is applicable to models which have been previously studied and how literature. paper this the techniques of this paper are derived from and build on the previous work of several authors. Obviously, the framework of this paper applicable. The question dried as might seem at make it is only useful to the extent that of where the framework first. is applicable, however, Depending on why we care about is it is widely not as cut and applicability, it may sense to interpret this question in two very different ways: asking for which models the long run equilibria could have been identified using the main theorem of this paper, or alternatively asking where the theorem further equilibria easier (or I will discuss I more general) than it makes the would have been with the standard techniques. answers to both forms of the question in begin by addressing the first this section. form of the question, with the motivation being that such cases the results of this paper both provide intuition for what is it is, and allow for we can say is With that the theorem of this paper One should keep in mind the easiest way is main theorem of this 35 one applicable to almost every model for identified. 17 For example, this includes here that this definition of applicability allows to see that the the the long run equlibrium this first interpretation of "applicable," which long run equilibria have previously been 1 why in a more complete characterization of behavior by providing a bound on the rate of convergence. thing identification of long run all me to include many models where paper applies involves essentially constructing the of the cases where long run equilibria are identified in Kandori, Mailath, Evans (1993), Noldeke and Samuelson (1993, 1994), Robson and Vega- Ellison (1993), and Young (1993a, (1994), Samuelson (1994) Redondo and Rob (1993), not applicable include both models which do not models which do fit fit b). 18 Cases where the theorem into the framework of Section 2 and but for which the theorem simply lacks power. Examples of the type include models where the noise is is sufficiently restricted so as to render the first model non-ergodic (as in Anderlini and Ianni (1993) and some of Noldeke and Samuelson 's (1994) and papers which employ variants of the solution concept signalling games), and Samuelson (1993) who look examples of Markov processes lacks power (as the literature at for an N— oo limit). While games discussed in Binmore easy to construct simple which the radius-modified coradius calculation simply was done at the end of Section — the only examples it is (as in I know 4), such examples appear to be quite rare in of are (some of the) differentiated price oligopoly Kandori and Rob (1992), for which the tree analysis exploits details of the relationships between the limit sets which are not captured by the modified coradius calculation. my hope It is that the techniques of this paper will not only allow for a more complete understanding of the previous literature, but will also allow the literature to grow by away from itating the analysis of interesting models which economists have to date shied because of their complexity. For this reason, it is facil- useful also to discuss "applicability" in terms of where the techniques of this paper make the analysis easier. The cleanest examples I've found of The result ing KMR's this type are, not coincidentally, those that on ^-dominance with original its trivial I have discussed in this paper. proof generalizes several previous results includ- theorem on 2 x 2 games, Kandori and Rob's (1992) result that pareto optimal equilibria are selected in pure coordination games, and Kandori and Rob's (1993) conclusion that risk dominance in games minimum "Most in satisfying their total a sufficient condition for being a long run equilibrium bandwagon and monotone share order Freidlin-Wentzell tree properties. 19 Similarly, the ud reading the radios and modified coradius off of the tree diagram. R > CR theorem. Young (1993b) and the 3 x 3 game of these papers, in fact, require only a Young (1993a) are examples where the modified coradius from the minimum cost tree. The rederived by showing that their "The is results of the lemmas paper) that necessarily and can be easily determined Samuelson and Noldeke-Samuelson analyses are most easily follow from a modified coradius computation. result also generalizes the result of i- is Maruta (1995) (which was developed without knowledge -dominant equilibria are selected in coordination games. 36 of this result on one dimensional in Ellison (1993). games (such and as M local interaction Generally, it is one to derive results in allowing games with j-dominant in the analysis of models generalizes the analysis of 2 x 2 games equilibria as for broader classes of opposed to pure coordination games) models with many steady states that I would expect the techniques of this paper to prove most useful. In trying to understand the is useful also to note been developed of this paper in how this approach to analyzing models with noise developed here, paper builds on and combines ideas and techniques which have previous papers. — that it The most basic idea behind the main theorem single the long run equilibrium concept necessary for transitions between limit sets — new is is closely related to waiting times as a basis for an algorithm, but has been clearly recognized as an intuitive description of the long run equilibrium concept from the very beginning (see e.g. KMR). Rather than discussing waiting times, the previous literature on identifying long run equilibria has followed instead the basic directly or via "tree surgery" approach of analyzing minimum order trees (either arguments a la Young (1993a)). In trying to understand how the argument of this paper works, it is useful to note (as follows) that the long run equilibrium part of the is discussed in the section which main theorem of this paper can also be derived fairly easily via a "tree surgery" argument. This argument can be seen as combining two distinct ideas: that evolution with noise tends to favor limit sets and that the presence of intermediate steady attraction, We may speed evolution. can find each of these ideas in some form in the previous literature. with a large enough basin of attraction of places. for long states with larger basins of An is That a selected has been previously noted in a explicit statement of the fact that R(ft) > CR(il) being a set number sufficient condition run equilibrium was independently given by Evans (1993) (see Lemma 3.1), with a tree surgery argument which establishes the result (though it being contained in the proof of Theorem Other authors have noted 1 of Ellison (1993). the limit set with the largest basin of attaction contexts, e.g. Kandori their total and Rob (1993) note that bandwagon and monotone share intermediate steady states 20 Here it is may speed instructive also to is is not stated explicitly) the long run equilibrium in particular this is the case in 3 properties. x 3 games The second idea, satisfying that the presence of evolution, has not previously been stated so explicitly, compare the tree surgery proof in Ellison (1993) with the fully constructive proof which was given in the working paper version of that paper only for 2-neighbor interaction. 37 but does clearly play a prominent role one (in my the work of Samuelson (1994) and Noldeke and In those papers, the long run equilibria are identified using a Samuelson (1993, 1994). lemma which in words) states that a component in the limit distribution if fl(ft) > 2 and ft of limit sets receives probability ft can be reached from any other limit set CR'(Q) = via a chain of single mutations (a condition which ensures that 1.) of this paper can be seen as building on this work by noting that a path deserves "credit" for R(x) mutations (rather than one) i, and in combining this idea where the nonselected limit The tion of final sets are not so unstable as to medium run behavior in the the limit set can be applied in models be upset by just a single mutation. is its provision of a general descrip- form of a characterization of waiting times. While no previous papers have provided any general discussions of ic it analysis more generally when passing through with the previous one so that departure of this paper from the literature The medium run behavior, the top- has been discussed in a few particular models. Ellison (1993) argues that convergence rates are an important consideration computation and in terms of N— <• and discusses convergence rates both via an eigenvalue The two subsequent oo asymptotics of waiting times. papers which explicitly discuss convergence rates, those of Binmore and Samuelson (1993) and Robson and Vega-Redondo (1994) both take the approach of using minimum T-period bound waiting times. Though neither paper transition probabilities to a level of generality which is theorem at states a greater than that necessary to apply to the model in question, the arguments they give are easily generalized to establish that the waiting time to reach a long run equilibrium which ft satisfies R(il) > CR(£l) is at most 0(€~ CR^ ^). One can think of the recursive waiting time computation of this paper as achieving a tighter bound by taking into account the 9 A effects of intermediate steady states. Freidlin-Wentzell 'tree surgery' argument In this paper, I have argued that the techniques developed here have several advantages over the Freidlin-Wentzell approach. That the main theorem of this paper provides and that it is controversial. valuable to know how In addition I new intuition quickly long run equilibria are reached should not be have argued that the main theorem of this paper finding long run equilibria in complex or incompletely specified models. While I facilitates hope that the examples presented here provide convincing evidence of this, one could debate this 38 point by saying that the Freidlin-Wentzell approach in principal be applied to any of the models What I would part of the like to note here main theorem can in this paper. that in fact even is completely general and thus could is more is true — the long run equilbrium be derived as an only somewhat involved in its full generality application of "tree-surgery" arguments (to borrow a phase from The primary motivation Freidlin-Wentzell methodology. for Young (1993a)) doing so is to the the hope that 21 presenting this connection will improve the understanding of both methodologies. In addition, doing so allows a slight extension of the long run equilibrium part of the theorem to provide partial characterizations and hope I suggestive of is how similar tree surgery arguments may be crafted to solve problems where the main theorem of this paper fails to apply Theorem x $ ft /x*(ft) 2 In the model described in Section we have #(ft) > c'(x,ft) then > in 0. If if for some limit set R(Q) = ft and some > c*(x,ft) then /i'(x) state implies 0. Note that part (a) of Theorem c*(z, ft) = /i*(x) 2, < CR'(£l) Vz g ft, 1 from the follows and hence the combination with the fact that p'(Z) first = 1 conclusion of this theorem because first conclusion implies fi"(z) implies that /x"(ft) = = Vz £ ft, which 1. Proof The argument given here (1993), and Young (1993a) of n". The argument construction of the follows Foster in relying differs minimum on and Young (1990), Kandori, Mailath, and Rob Freidlin somewhat and Wentzell's (1984) in that it is tree characterization based not as much on an explicit order trees involved as on a "tree surgery" argument which recognizes that for the purposes of this theorem we care only about whether the minimum order tree has a certain property, and this can be examined by considering modifications The argument of trees without the property. (1993) and the main An x-tree exists k with t is k t Lemma of a function (z) = x. t generalizes the proof of 1 in Ellison Evans (1993). : Z — Z such that t(x) Define the cost of an x-tree 'In particular, one should note Theorem how = t, x and such that Vr c(r), by c(t) = ^ x there J2 z ^ x c(z,t(z)). the arguments here can be seen as combining the surgery technique inherent in Ellison (1993) and developed generally in Evans (1993) with an extension of the single transition technique used by Samuelson (1993) and Samuelson and Noldeke (1993, 1994). 39 . A consequence of Freidlin and Wentzell's results minimum order trees. Specifically, i exists an u>-tree such that t To show that x £ given an x-tree Suppose cost. minimum t' ft is one can not a long run equilbrium is x-trees all have t' c(t') > (for w some € ft) modified cost. This cost is at when x), most zj,...,zr(= we may define a w'-tree b Y = U'_i D(Li). Combining several maps that for if z £ some we have > it {zi,zj,. ..,zt}, k b (z) : c*(x,ft), like = -,L T choice of path show how, I ft' that above = be the ft) with ft set of we may assume that of (Z,P(0)) and for any state = such that c(z,6(z)) Z?(ft') e {z\,zi,... ,zt} and such that b(w) > be a path from x to c"(x,ft). Let (L\,L,2,- — D(ft') ft' fi(ft) *")) these limits sets are distinct. Note that for any limit set w' e for construct an w-tree t" which has a strictly lower With an appropriate limit sets crossed along this path. some w ^ x there if c(t). not a long run equilibrium an x-tree. Let (zi(= t' is that long run equilibria correspond to is we may choose Vz b w'. Let 5* Y — Y : such € Y, such that c(z,6(z)) for all z = w. Define an u>-tree t" by t"(z) To see that this with that of Because t' is { it the definition of zt for some £ {1,2,..., T b(z) ifzey,z$r{z 1 ,z2 ,...,zr -,} tf{z) otherwise t Y reaches either an element of an x-tree (and is = if note that for any state z the path u;-tree until (' the second set to a is = z z t+ i z\ — (z, t"(z), reached, the path clearly leads to w. 1} n (z), t' .) . coincides or an element of {zi,zj,. ..,zj}. one of these x), this ensures that — If the sets will first set is be reached. If reached then, by the second set will be reached within k periods and again the path leads b, uj. Because the trees the definition oft", the costs of ** and :' and t" are identical at all states we may cancel the t". In addition, covered by the "otherwise" line of costs of transition for all such states we know c(z, b(z)) = Vz € Y with z when comparing g {z\, z 2 , . . . , zj}. Using these facts we can write c(t")-c(t')=Y t Now, consider each at most c*(x,ft) of the + Y^Zl c(z t ,zt+l )- two sums on the R(Li). right , £c(z,t(z)). hand side of this expression. To bound the second, note 40 that, because The t' is first is an x-tree, corresponding to any limit set k that (w',t'(w'),...,t' (w')) least fl(ft'). If ft' € {L 2 . , is . . , # a path from Lr = appears as a term in the second for distinct limit sets. with x ft' ft}, sum on Hence, that sum Z?(ft') ft' The out of D(Q'). c(t") c(i') < <:'(*, ft) + As is at least is at R(Q) + £'=2 #(£«') Hence, we know r-l £ R(Li) - (R(Q) + £ < £(!<)) 0. i=2 second conclusion of the theorem, note simply that for the some cost of such a path a lower cost u;-tree as desired. t" is the argument above shows that the for such ft' the right hand side. Further, the terms are distinct «=2 Thus, and a w' € the cost of each of the transitions in such a path r-l - > there exists a k w € minimum cost x-tree is if c"(x, ft) = .R(fl), then no cheaper than than a w-tree ft. QED. 10 Conclusion In this paper, I have discussed the behavior of stochastic models both in general and With regard several particular examples. in to the former, the paper outlines an approach which involves describing the basins of attraction with two new measures, the radius and coradius. The main theorem viously studied is applicable to of the models which have been pre- and expands our understanding of these models a clear intuitive argument which may Freidlin- Wentzell tree constructions converges. many The approach the games involved is eliminate much in two ways: of the mystery left in and provides a measure of the rate at it provides the wake of which a model tractable in the examples discussed here despite the fact that may have best response cycles, and that in one case the dynamics are so complex as to render even a listing of the stable limit sets difficult. As the literature on stochastic evolution continues to grow, economic interest continues to draw researchers to more complex games. Among the recent notable examples are Young's (1993b) analysis of bargaining, Noldeke and Samuelson's (1994) analysis of signaling games, and Binmore and Samuelson's (1993) "muddling" model. I hope that both the argument of this paper will spur further research into such topics in the future both by reducing the burden of carrying out proofs and by making analyses more complete and more transparent. 41 This paper is about models of evolution with also a paper primary result of the paper is noise. In this area, the that the selection of risk dominant equilibria in 2 x 2 generalizes to the selection of ^-dominant equilibria whenever they exist. the long run equilibrium is more robust to the specification of the games In these cases, matching process and the dynamics than can be generally assured. Several other remarks are also worth restating. In games which are not weakly when the Nash equilibrium acyclic, long run equilibria is Despite lacking contagion dynamics, models with unique. two dimensional local interaction can be like long run limits and in that convergence very rapid. The paper may be of more general stances in which evolutionary change is need not be Nash equilibria, even is one dimensional local models both interest for the insight likely to rapid. it in their provides into the circum- The argument that shifts from one equilibrium to another are most likely to be observed in systems which are amenable to may be gradual change applicable in a wide variety of economic contexts gradual change takes the form of shifts which occur and where it first in small subsets of the population involves a continuous variable adjusting slowly between In the future, the results of this paper might be extended in a Among the most — both where two extremes. number of directions. promising topics to explore are the possibility of extending the applicability of the theorem by grouping limit sets, the possibility of developing tighter bounds on waiting times by taking advantage some specific features of the dynamics rather than always assuming the worst case, and the use of tree surgery arguments theorem of this paper does not apply. 42 in situations where the main MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00940 0554 References Anderlini, L. and Ianni, A. 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