Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/aggregatinginfinOObasu DEWEY ,01-1 Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Aggregating Institute of Infinite Utility Streams with Inter-generational Equity Kaushik Basu Tapan Mitra Working Paper 02-19 April 26, 2002 Room E52- 251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/abstractJd=xxxxx Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams with Inter-generational Equity Kaushik Basu Tapan Mitra Working Paper 02-19 April 26, 2002 Room E52- 251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/abstract_id=xxxxx ^^i^ss""'' LIBRARIES Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams with Inter-generational Equity* Kaushik Basu^and Tapan Mitra^ April 26, 2002 Abstract It has been known that, in aggregating infinite utility streams, there does not exist any social welfare function, which and continuity. We show continuity axiom. satisfies that the impossibility result persists even without imposing the Hence, the problem of accommodating inter-generational equity obstinate than previously supposed. possibility results the axioms of Pareto, inter-generational equity The paper goes on is more to explore the scope for obtaining by weakening the Pareto axiom and placing restrictions on the domain of utilities. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Nmnbers: DOO, D70, D90. *The authors ^Department are grateful to Jorgen Weibull for helpful suggestions. of Economics, M.I.T., nomics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Cambridge, MA 02142, Email: kbasu@mit.edu and Department of Eco- 14853. ^Department of Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, Email: tml9@cornelI.edu. Introduction 1 The subject of inter-generational equity in the context of aggregating infinite utility streams has been of enduring interest to economists. Ramsey (1928) had maintained that discoimting one generation's utihty or income vis-a-vis another's to be "ethically indefensible", that "arises merely from the weakness of the imagination". any such process of aggregation should satisfy the Since it is and something generally agreed that Pareto principle, Ramsey's observation raises the question of whether one can consistently evaluate infinite utility streams while respecting intergenerational equity, and some form at least of the Pareto axiom. In an important contribution to this literature, Svensson (1980) established the general possibiUty result (for a social welfare relation axioms of Pareto and inter-generational plete) ordering (SWR)) that one can equity. It is by non-constructive methods; find an ordering, that satisfies the worth noting here that he obtains the (com- specifically, he defines a partial order satisfying the two axioms, and then completes the order by appealing to Szpilrajn's lemma. Svensson's paper builds on the earlier seminal contribution to this Hterature by Diamond (1965). In this paper, social welfare fimction (SWF) Diamond presents the celebrated theorem^ that there does not exist any (that nimiber) satisfying three axioms: is, a function that aggregates an infinite stream into a real Pareto, intergenerational equity and continuity (in the sup metric). Neither contribution addresses the following question: does there exist a social welfare function satisfying intergenerational equity, and the Pareto axiom? Since continuity of the Diamond's exercise ^Diamond is a technical axiom attributes the result to Yaari. (in contrast to the other two axioms), we think SWF in that this is an issue worth investigating.'' The main question. The principal task of this paper result that motivates this paper is to provide an answer to this is the finding that the continuity axiom is not needed for the Diamond- Yaari impossibihty theorem. If we denote by and by X Y (a subset of the reals) the set of admissible utility levels of each generation, the set of infinite streams of these utility levels, an SWF is a function from X to the turns out that the answer to the question posed in the previous paragraph depends on reals. It the nature of the utility space (that is, the set, denoted by y ), and on the form of the Pareto axiom. As a consequence, our results can be classified conveniently into four parts. First, if one adopts the standard form of the Pareto Axiom, then regardless of the specific nature of the utility space, one obtains the general impossibihty theorem mentioned above: there is SWF is no SWF which satisfies the Pareto and equity axioms. necessarily inequitable. In particular, this In other word, any Paretian means that the complete orderings, satisfying the Pareto and equity axioms, obtained by Svensson, do not have real-valued representations. Indeed, Svensson (1980) goes on to show that there are complete orderings, which satisfy the Pareto and equity axioms, and in addition are continuous (in a topology weaker than the discrete topology). Clearly, the continuity of the ordering (obtained by him) representation problem. The proof of our result has an affinity is unable to overcome the with the demonstration that lexicographic preferences do not have a real- valued representation: one "runs out of real numbers" in a similar way. Suppose we do want to use a (real-valued) SWF. How does one get around this problem of "•in this connection, we may note that the Hne of research, initiated by Koopmans (1960), and continued by Koopmans, Diamond and Wilhamson (1964) and Diamond (1965) estabhshes that Paretian social welfare relations, continuous in suitably defined metrics, necessarily exhibit "impatience" in the sense that the current generation receives more favorable treatment than future generations. Burness (1973) explores the impatience implications of continuously different iable Paretian social welfare functions. One way respecting intergenerational equity? axiom. If we use the weak Pareto axiom, and set of non-negative integers, and an this is to use restrict weak Pareto axioms. two elements (corresponding respectively, so that do Y = to, say, {0, 1} ), weaker forms of the Pareto the utihty space to be a subset of the then one can estabhsh a possibiHty fimction satisfying the equity and of just to a social welfare result: there is Specifically, if the utility space consists the "good" and "bad" states, and represented by 1 the above two results would indicate that there exists SWF satisfying equity and the weak Pareto axiom, but there is no SWF satisfying equity and the standard Pareto^ axiom. Encouraged by our second result, one might ask whether SWF satisfying the equity aad weak Pareto axioms Y ). [0, 1] Our third result indicates that the answer (the utility space chosen their results, is always possible to obtain a (regardless of the nature of the utility space, in the negative. If Y result is is no SWF full the closed interval a generalization of Diamond's since strength of the Pareto axiom; weak Pareto (and it suffices]. this impossibility result. The Of course, continuity interesting observation the Diamond- Yaari technique to work utihty space case, argument is that is is still is One equity) suffices. an SWF were to also does not [Indeed, as we which we call it, at the heart of the demonstration of that the extent of continuity needed for already implied by the weak Pareto axiom in the making a separate continuity axiom superfluous. if exist, and shows that one does demonstrate, one does not even need the weak Pareto axiom; a weaker form of the dominance axiom, in estabhshing satisfying the equity not need to impose the continuity axiom to get his impossibihty result. need the is by both Diamond (1965) and Svensson (1980) mentioned above), one can show that there weak Pareto axioms. This it is [Specifically, [0, 1] the underlying the weak Pareto axiom would imply that it would have some monotonicity properties, and monotone functions on [0, 1] are continuous almost everywhere] Finally, as we we note "weak dominance", a general call satisfying the equity Y. in our fourth result, It is we weaken the Pareto axiom if what an SWF can be obtained: there possibility result and weaJc dominance axioms, sufficiently to exists regardless of the nature of the utility space, worth remarking that, when the utihty space, Y and weak dominance axioms, obtained by applying our , is [0, 1], any SWF satisfying the equity last result, necessarily violates the weak Pareto axiom (given our third result). Paretian Social Welfare Functions are Inequitable 2 Let R be the numbers, N the set of positive integers, and F C R is the set of all set of real integers. Suppose X = Y^ is all teN, xteY represents the amount of period y T^ z; If t) the set of all earns. For all and we write y Y >> z, ii yi > streams is trivial. > Zi, for all X is z \i yi social welfare function {xt} eX, then > Zi, {xt} is (xi, generation (that for all zeN; is, a;2, ), where, for the generation of we write y > z ii y > z and a singleton, and the problem of ranking or evaluating Thus, without further mention, the set (SWF) = Then ieN. to haveat least two distinct elements. A If utility that the t"' write y has only one element, then infinite utihty possible utilities that any generation can achieve. possible utility streams. y,zeX, we M the set of non-negative a mapping W :X Y will always be assumed Consider now some we may want the of the gixioms that SWF The to satisfy. axiom first is the standard Pareto condition. Pareto Axiom: For The next axiom call it is all 'finite - The It is {i,j}, Xk W{x) > W{y). We = For yk, all shall equivalent to the notion of 'finite equitableness' (Svensson, anonymity' (Basu, 1994). Anonymity Axiom: A;eN then the one that captures the notion of 'inter-generational equity'. the 'anonymity axiom'. ^ 1980) or for x,yeX,iix>y, x,yeX, then W{x) there exist if = principal result of this section '^ i,jeN such that Xi = = and Xj yj yi, and W{y). that there is is no social welfare function which satisfies both axioms. Theorem 1 There does not exist any SWF satisfying the Pareto Proof. Assume, on the contrary, that there the Pareto and satisfies writing, Let Anonymity Axioms. Since we may suppose that Z numbers y^ = denote the open interval in Z. a social welfare function, is > there exist real numbers y° and y^ in Y, with y^ 1 and (0, 1), y'^ = and = W X— > : R, which V C M contains at least two distinct elements, y". Without loss of generality, and to ease the 0. let ri, r2, r^, We Let p be an arbitrary number in Z. E{p) and Anonymity Aodoms. {n G N : r„ ... be an enumeriation of the rational define the set: < p} . In informal discussions throughout the paper, the terms "equity" and "anonymity" are used interchangeably. ^The Anonymity Axiom the social ordering ordering. May is figures prominently in the social choice theory literature, invariant to the information regarding individual orderings as to where who it is stated as follows: holds which preference Thus, interchanging individual preference profiles does not change the social preference (1952) and Sen (1977). profile. See Clearly, E{p) is an We now infinite set. define a sequence a{p) = (a(p)i, 0(^)2, ••) as follows: ifneEip) 1 a{p)n = < otherwise Note that the sequence the sequence b{p) = will have an (fe(p)i, 6(^)2,...) appearing in the a(p)sequence W{a{p)). Now, for if We let is number infinite same as the replaced by a of I's and an infinite number Define of O's. as the sequence a{p) except that the first By 1. the Pareto axiom, we have W{b{p)) > denote the closed interval [W{a{p)), W{b{p))] by I{p). q be an arbitrary real n e E{p), then there are an infinite r„ < p, number number in Z, with q and since p < of rational q, > p- we must have numbers Clearly, r„ < we must have E{p) C E{q), so that q, n G E{q). Further, Thus, comparing the in the interval {p,q)- sequence a{p) with the sequence a{q), we note that: (i) i/n e N, and a(p)„ = 1, then a(g)„ = 1 (1) and: (n) there are an infinite for which a(p)„ We now = number 0/ n and a(g)„ = £ 1 (2) proceed to compare the sequence a{q) with the sequence index for which the seqence a{p) differs from the sequence There are two cases to consider: (A) a{q)m = 1, b{p); that (B) a{q)m = 0. N is, b{p). a(p)m Let = 0, In case (A), m G N be the and b{p)m we = 1- clearly have a{q) > b{p), and so: W{a{q)) > W{b{p)) In case (B), while a{q)M = we proceed By 1- = Now, define b'{p) as follows: n while a{q)m ^ m,n^ M. = Since b{p)m N nG b'{p) such that n 6'(p)m = 1, = 0, observation (2), = 0, and 6(p)m m,n ^ M, we we must have 6'(p)„ therefore have a{q) > W{a{q)) Combining (15) and = b'{p)M (16), = we = = [W{a{q)), W{b{q))] lying entirely to the left is b'{p)n = M Also, clearly b{p)n for ^ m, we have 6(p)m all n G N for = 0. such that W{b{p)) (4) = = a(g)m, b'{p)M b{p)n = a(p)„ b'(j)), > 1, < a(g)„ = 1 = a{q)M, and for aU by observation (1). By so that by the Pareto Axiom: W{b'{p)) (5) Wia{q)) > W{b{p)) (6) get: Thus, in both cases (A) and (B), we have W{a{q)) /(g) exists. — which a{p)M the Anonymity axiom implies that: with a{q), we note that b'{p)m y^ M for Since b{p) differs from a{p) in only the index m, 0. W{b'{p)) Comparing be the smallest integer observation (2) above, such an a{q)M 1 M Let as follows. (3) disjoint > W{b{p)). This means that the interval from the interval [W{a{p)), W{b{p))], the of the former interval on the real To summarize, we have shown that the latter interval line. intervals I{p) associated with distinct values of p G (0, 1) But, this are non-overlapping. a distinct rational number (in means that to each real number p G (0, 1), we can associate the interval /(p)), contradicting the countability of the set of rational numbers. Remark: The construction (used in the above proof) of an uncountable family of distinct nested sets number E{p), with each set containing an infinite of positive integers, can be found in Sierpinski (1965, p. 82). now suppose Let us welfare relation which satisfies (SWR), variant of Szpilrajn's [0, 1]; it. we ~ we Theorem (due more general SWR is We result. is a social an SWR do this because, the use of a to distinguish ^-Anonymity Axiom: For {i,j], Xk = t/fe, is the closed interval setting. is complete and transitive. We use and symmetric parts of ^. The properties of SWR are easy to define. We shall call these axioms ^-Pareto and them from the axioms applied all x, Y which apphes to any utihty space y.His proof, as well as a binary relation, ^, on X, which ^-Pareto Axiom: For - for to Suzumura, 1983) allows us to give a particularly easy to denote, respectively, the asymmetric ^-Anonymity fceN review Svensson's briefly Paxeto and Anonymity for an for and instead look then have the result due to Svensson (1980) that there state the version of his result Formally, an and SWF an Also, Svensson (1980) restricts his exercise to the case where ours, applies to this >- We for the (appropriate relational versions of the) Pareto and Anonymity axioms. For reasons of completeness proof of we abandon the search that ye X all x, then x , x > y eX, ~ y. y implies x if to an SWF. >- y. there exist i, j e N, such that Xj = yj and Xj = yt and First, let us give a is a binary relation on of i? all x^ for all if, x,y eO, statement of Suzumura's theorem. Q and R* an a; /f!t/ x^,...,x*eQ, [x^Rx"^ , ordering on xR* implies fi, We y. and not x^Rx^, and we Let il be a shall say that say that R is set of alternatives. R* is consistent for all A;e {2, 3, ...,t — If R an ordering extension if, for all teN, and 1}, x^Rx'^^^] implies for not x^RxK Lemma 1 Szpilrajn's Corollary [Suzumura, 1983, has an ordering extension In contrast to Theorem if Theorem and only 1, we now 2 (Svensson, 1980) ; Theorem A (5)]: A binary relation R on fl if it is consistent. have: There exists a social welfare relation satisfying the ^-Pareto and "^-Anonymity Axioms. Proof. Define two binary And xPy. xly. Now It is if relations, there exists i,j such that Xi define the binary relation easy to verify that extension ^. P and /, on X, as follows. Clearly ^ R is satisfies R = yj and as follows: = Xj xRy <^ yt For and Xk xPy all = x,y eX, x > y implies k ^ i,j, Vk, for all or xly. Hence, by Szpilrajn's Corollary, consistent. Axiom and the ^-Pareto the then it has an ordering ^-Anonymity Axiom. Remcirks: (i)Theorem 2 shows that there equity and the Pareto principle. an evaluation of (ii) A utility is no inherent Theorem 1 conflict between the concept of intergenerational shows that a conflict arises when we try to obtain streams in terms of real numbers, while respecting these two properties. simple example of our set-up is interpret this as follows: there are precisely one where the two states in 10 utility space, Y = {0, l}.One might which each generation might find itself, a good state and a bad in the respects 3 If bad state. Theorem state. The utility 1 tells obtained by each generation in the us that even in this simple set-up, there is good no and state, SWF which Anonymity and the Pareto Axiom. Relaxing Pareto we want work with a to this section is and social welfare function anonymity, what possibilities do we have? respect inter-generational equity or In the light of our Theorem 1, full-brunt of the Pareto condition (even if possibilities that are technically allowed in any eventuaUty. Indeed we are armed with the following weak Note that we all x, recognize that y e X, if all x, yeX,ii x human sufficiently small changes in well-being set of feasible utilities will ^Our Weak Pareo Axiom where typically it is stated as is the not arise under the comparison of the moral Basu, 1994) (see all it may be enough to be Paretianism.*^ W{x) > W{y). For if may our specification of the domain, for certain ethical discourses involving Wccik Pareto Axiom: For then in we do not need the committed Paretians) simply because worth of individual actions and universalizable rules = Vk, what we explore to relax the Pareto axiom. arguable that for certain philosophical and even policy purposes It is Xk is 1 somewhat if >> e y, N such that Xj then set.^ different it The same from the > yj, is not endlessly all k y^ j, fine, so that seems reasonable to suppose that the is true if the benefits axe measured Weak Pareto Axiom used every individual in a society and, for W{x) > W{y). perception or cognition go imperceived, be a discrete follows: there exists j is better oif, in social choice theory, then society is better off . See, example, Sen(1977). Sometimes, though, in the social choice theory literature, this axiom is called the Pareto Axiom, and our Pareto Axiom is called the Strong Pareto Axiom. See, for example, Arrow (1963) and Sen (1969). for *The limits on human perception have been used in a different context by Armstrong(1939) to argue that it is is a transitive relation. For a discussion of this issue in individual choice implausible to suppose that indifference 11 in money and there Akademi, 1976). a well-defined smallest unit, as is Thus, is true for currencies (Segerberg all this very reasonable possibility), there is X a social welfare function (on yC 3 Assume M SWF satisfying the There exists an . (which captures respecting ) and the Weeik Pareto Axioms.^ Our next theorem provides an interesting Theorem M y C seems worthwhile to explore whether with it and Anonymity possibility result. Weak Pareto and Anonymity Axioms. Proof. For each A;eN, which are partition of further, X. xeX, > N}. That Let is, if there : be the collection F and belong to {E $5, : N eN, some E= E{x) for E= then either for all ieN, the : X — M as follows. *• set {a;i,X2, ...} is Given any x eX, such that yk some xeX}. E F, oi is = Xk for Then ^ disjoint all is a from F; the axiom of choice, there is Given any xeX, we can denote a function, g for let f{x) = min{xi, 2:2, ...}. Since a non-empty subset of the set of non-negative integers and therefore has a smallest element [Munkres, 1975, By is UecqE = X. Define a function, / XjcM 3 E = {yeX E{x) let each N> : Q p. 32]. ^^ 1, {xi, X , Thus, / is well-defined. such that g{E) ...,xn) e E by x{N), and for (xi each E eQ. -I- ... -I- x^) by I{x{N)). Now, given any x,t/ in £^e^, define /i(x,y) =\imj^^oo[I{x{N)) — I{y{N))]. Notice that h is is well-defined, since given a constant > M. Then i/(x,y)e \h{x,y)\]]. theory, see for all A^ Majumdar any x,y in E eQ, there is some M e N, such that Now, given any x,y in Ee'ii, define [ H{x,y) I {x{N)) = — I {y{N))] 0.5[h{x,y)/[l + (-0.5, 0.5). (1962). While our choice of F as a subset of the set of non- negative integers is motivated by the imprecision of human perception, the mathematical technique used to obtain our possibility result applies also to the case where Y = {(1/n) n € N},where clearly human perception has to be considered to be sufficiently refined. ^ : 12 We now class, define VF : J'C ^ M as follows. Then, using the fimction E{x). Given any we g, xeX, we associate with get g{E{x))e E{x). Next, using the functions, h and H, we obtain h{x,g{E{x))) and H{x,g{E{x))). Now, define W{x) The Anonymity Axiom can be such that Xi — yj and Xj = yi, Furthermore, denoting this H{x,g{E)) f(x) = = H{y,g{E)). while Xk common Xi > yi, Furthermore, denoting the If x,y are ...} is verified as follows. W{x) = fix) + i,j, = then E{x) = E{y). h{y,g{E)), and so the same as the set {yi,y2, If •••}, so that x,y are in X, and there exists while Xk = yk for common set by E, we see that h{x, g{E)) all keN, such so that 2/2, •••}, » y, then E{x) ^ that k > h{y, g{E)). set {xi, X2, we have f{x) > then E{x) i, ...} is = E{y). This implies at least as large Thus, we obtain the f{y). 0.5. Further, since x + H{x,g{E)) > f{y) E{y). 7^ Thus, we will not be able to compare However, we do know that H{x,g{E{x))) H{x,g{E{X))) with H{y,g{E{y))). < ^ exist i,j in N, W{x) > W{y). x,yeX, and x H{y,g{E(y))) + H{x,g{E{x))). W{x) = W{y). as the smallest element of the set {yi, If f{x) X, and there yk for al^Ai^N, such that k H{x, g{E)) > H{y, g{E)). Further, the smallest element of the desired inequality: in = by E, we see that h{x,g{E)) set The Weak Pareto Axiom can be ieN, such that = Further, the set {xi,X2, Thus, we obtain: f{y). verified as follows. equivalence it its 1 - >> 0.5 y, > we have f{x) > /(y) f{y) + H{y,g{E)) = + 1. > -0.5, and Thus, we obtain: W{y). U Remarks: (i) The important point to note positively sensitive to that our is an increase in utility of being unchanged (and therefore that it Weak Pareto Axiom demands that the a single generation, the utilities of be positively sensitive to increases 13 SWF be other generations in utilities of any finite number SWF of generations, the utilities of other generations being be positively sensitive to an increase in be positively sensitive to an increase Weak is an infinite number unchanged. This is and ), also that the However, it of generations, need not when the the principal difference of our Pareto Axiom from our Pareto Axiom. Consider the simple set-up, introduced in the previous section, where (ii) Theorem 1 Theorem 3 implies that there implies that there follows that for alternatives no is is an SWF respecting the Pareto and SWF satisfying the Weak Pareto any social welfare function, x,y E X such that x > W, so obtained, it Y = {0,1}. Now, Anonymity Axioms. And, and Anonymity Axioms. must be the case that there It exist W{x) < W{y). y,but Generalizing the Diamond- Yaari Result 4 The it utilities of all generations. in utiUties of utihties of a (non-empty) set of generations unchanged possibility result of the previous section can be extended to possible all utility spaces, Y. by demonstrating that when Y the Anonymity and Weak is is reason for optimism, and We show in this we might ask whether section that such the closed interval [0, l],then there Pareto axioms. This generalizes the result of an extension is no is not SWF satisfying Diamond (1965) in two respects. Diamond had shown that (when the utility space Anonymity, Pareto, and a continuity axiom the continuity axiom full is redundant power of the Pareto axiom suffices for this is (in the Y is [0,1]), there sup metric on X). for this impossibility result. is no Owe In addition, SWF result it satisfying shows that shows that the not needed for the impossibility result; the weaJi Pareto cixiom purpose. 14 Theorem 4 Assume Y = the There does not exist any [0, 1]. Weak Pareto and Anonymity Axioms. we Instead of proving this theorem directly, Theorem 4 is an obvious form of the Pareto = Uk, then since not as we if For all Weak we wish to call x,y eX, all last inequality in the definition of the It is which we W{x) > W{y). For Note that the To prove corollary. criterion, Dominance Axiom: Xk SWF satisfying the if more powerful theorem, shall establish a of which this stronger result, let us next define a very weak the Dominance Axiom. there exists j x,yeX, if x >> e y, N such that Xj then Hence, recommend the use Weak of such a as one can. Further, our proof indicates that it is and, for all k ^ j, a weak inequality, unlike in is Pareto is weak form are going to prove an impossibihty result, clearly yj, W{x) > W{y). the statement of this axiom Pareto Axiom. > it is stronger than Dominance. of the Pareto condition, but better to use as weak an axiom Dominance axiom that precisely the is needed to obtain the impossibility result. Theorem Axiom and Assume 5 the Y = There does not exist any [0,1]. W X ^M, which : Denote the vector satisfies (1, 1, 1, ...) u This sequence satisfying the Dominance Anonymity Axiom. Proof. To establish the theorem, assume function, SWF is = in X Y= [0, 1] and that there exists a social welfare the Dominance and Anonymity Axioms. by (1, 1, 0, e. 1/2, Define the sequence u in 1, 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, X 1, ...) best understood as sequence u, defined below, with the 15 as follows: (7) first term changed from r to 1. For s e7 = (-0.5, 0.5), define: x(5) Then (l/8)e < x{s) < (7/8)e, Define the function, / : 7 = and so x{s) eX number of points ti in X ti and then = W{x{s)) Let a e in s on 7. Thus / has only a countable 7 be a point of continuity of the function /. as follows: = (0, 1, 0, 1/2, 1, 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1, ...) (9) define: a;(a) Clearly, (8) each sel. monotonic non-decreasing is of discontinuity in 7. Define the sequence for s)e ^ R by: f{s) By the Dominance Axiom, / + 0.25(1 + 0.512 x{a)eX, and Xi{a) > = 0.5w + 0.25(1 + a)e Xi(a), while Xk{a) = (10) Xk{a) for each keN, with k ^ 1. Thus, by the Dominance Axiom, we have: W{x{a)) > W{x{a)) We denote [W{x{a)) Denote max(0.5 - — W{x{a))] by a, 0.5 + a) 9; then ^ > by A; then, 0. A 16 > 0. Since / is continuous at a, given the 9 defined above, there exists 6 e (0, A), such that: 0<\s-a\<6 Note that We for < |s — a| define (following < 6, \f{s)-f{a)\<9 (11) we always have sel. Diamond), u, interchanging the initial implies keN, a sequence for each + with the {k l)st 1 u'' by starting with the sequence appearing in «, and then interchanging the sequence: wuh (l/2^2/2^...,(2'=-l)/2^o) (o,l/2^2/2^...,(2'=-l)/2*=) (12) so that: u'' Now, for each A;eN, = we (1, 1, 0, 1/2, 1, ..., respectively, eX for each keN. ..., (2^ = 0.51*'= - 1)/2^ 0, (13) ...) + 0.25(1 + a)e Comparing the expressions and using the expressions Anonymity Axiom l/2^ 2/2^ use u^ to define x''{a) as follows: x'=(a) Clearly, x''(a) 0, 0, for u and u'' in (9) (14) for and x (a) and x''{a) in (10) (13) respectively, we and (14) see that the yields: W{x''{a)) = W{x{a)) 17 for all keN (15) Choose that < {a K N with K >2 e — S) < 6, such that (1/2^-2) 6, and define S = {a - (1/2^-2)). We note and so S el, and: W{x{S)) We now < compare the welfare x^{a) = f{S) > f{a) levels associated -9 = W{x{a)) - 9 with x^{a) and x{S) as follows. (16) Notice that: = 0.5m^ + 0.25(1 + a)e = 0.5u + 0.25(1 + a)e - 0.5(u - u^) = x(a)-0.5(u-u^) > x{a) - 0.5(l/2^)e = 0.512 + 0.25(1 + a)e - 0.5(l/2^)e = 0.5u + 0.25(1 + a - {l/2^-'^))e = {l/2^-^))e 0.5u + 0.25(1 + a - »0.5f2 + 0.25(1 + + 0.25(1/2^-^)6 5)e = x{S) Thus, by the Dominance Axiom, we have: W{x''{a))>W{x{S)) 18 (17) Using (15), (16) and (17), W(x{a)) and the -9 = definition of 6, The intuitive idea obtain: = W{x^{a)) > W{x{S)) > W{x{a)) a contradiction which estabHshes our we W{x{a)) - 9 result. behind our proof is Diamond had used the axioms straight-forward. Pareto and Anonymity in conjunction with another axiom concerning the continuity of precipitate an impossibihty Dominance Axiom), by a standard everywhere. In other words, Now, result. as soon as we impose the Weak Pareto Axiom result in analysis, we know W must have points of continuity. to give us the impossibility result. minimal amount of continuity that In other words, there is is of W to (or the W cannot be discontinuous that And we show that that no need to assume is enough continuity. The needed to create the impossibility arises naturally as a consequence of the Dominance Axiom. 5 Weak Domincince What we have not yet found Pareto criterion is satisfied. is an existence result where Theorem further to get such a result. In fact the Dominance axiom only a finite number is 5 indicates that what we need is Y = we need to and some version of the weaken the Paxeto a condition in which only the asserted. If each policy question that of generations, then this [0, 1] we criterion first part of consider affects the utihties of "Weak Dominance" condition suffices in capturing the idea of Pareto. Weak Dominance Axiom: For all x,yeX, if 19 for some j eN, Xj > y^, while, for all k ^ j, Xk = yk, then Theorem 6 W{x)>W{y). There Proof. For each keN, which partition of each are > exists xeX, A''}. an SWF satisfying E{x) let Let $j X. By the axiom = {yeX the there : {E be the collection of choice, there Weak Dominance and Anonymity Axioms. is is some TVeN E= : a function, 5 : some xeX}. for Q' — > Xk for Then, 5 all is X, such that g{E) e E, a for EeQ. Given any x,y in R as follows. E e^, define h{x,y) = lim;v— oo[-^(3^(-^)) — ^(y(-^))]-We now define VT X — : Given any x e X, we associate with get g{E{x)) eE{x), and, using h, equivalence class, E{x). it its we obtain h{x,g{E{x))). The Anonymity Axiom and the Weak Dominance Axiom Now, define W{x) Then, using = g, we h{x,g{E{x))). are easily verified. Conclusion 6 We summarize our in E{x) = such that y^ , a results, marking out the terrain of what is possible and what is not possible, table: N [0,1] Theorem^ 1^^ Pareto Weak Pareto Theorem Dominance Theorem' 5 Weak Dominance Theorem TABLE It is assumed in Table 1 that the 4;: Theorem ':. 6 1 Anonymity Axiom weakening sequence of Pareto-type axioms. The columns 20 3 is satisfied. represent the The rows domain represent a restrictions, to wit, what exists) Y is equal to. The shaded area and the unshaded area the zone of represents the zone of impossibihty (where no possibihty. 21 SWF References [1] Armstrong, W.E.: "The Determinateness of the UtiHty Function", Economic Journal, 49 (1939), 453-467. [2] Arrow, K.J.: Social Choice and Individual Values, New York: John Wiley, Second Edi- tion, 1963. [3] Basu, K.: "Group Rationality, UtiUtarianism and Escher's 'Waterfall' nomic Behavior, 7 [4] Games and Eco- (1994), 1-9. 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