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HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics ASYMMETRIC BUSINESS CYCLES: THEORY AND TIME-SERIES EVIDENCE Daron Acemoglu Andrew 95-24 Scott Aug. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 )i ASYMMETRIC BUSINESS CYCLES: THEORY AND TIME-SERIES EVIDENCE Daron Acemoglu Andrew Scott 95-24 Aug. 1995 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE , --.•ogy NOV 1 4 1995 95-24 ASYMMETRIC BUSINESS CYCLES: THEORY AND TIME-SERIES EVIDENCE Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Andrew Institute of Scott Economics and Statistics and Oxford University AH Souls College, August 1995 JEL Classification: E32 Keywords: Asymmetries, Cyclical Indicator, Intertemporal Increasing Returns Regime Shifts, Temporal Agglomeration, Unobserved Components. Abstract We offer a theory of who have been economic fluctuations based on intertemporal increasing returns: agents active in the past face lower costs of action today. This specification explains the observed persistence in individual and aggregate output fluctuations even shocks, essentially because individuals respond to the same shock in the presence of i.i.d differently depending on their A feature of our model is that output growth follows an unobserved components process with special emphasis on an underlying cyclical indicator. The exact process for output, the sharpness of turning points and the degree of asymmetry are determined by the form that heterogeneity takes. We suggest a general formulation for models with latent cyclical variables which, under certain assumptions, reduces to a number of state space models that have been successfully used to model U.S. GNP. Using our general formulation we find that allowing for richer heterogeneity recent past experience. fit to the data and also that U.S. business cycles are asymmetric, with asymmetry manifesting itself as steep declines into recession. We estimate a strongly persistent cyclical component which is not well approximated by discrete regime shifts nor by linear models. Our estimates of the relative size of intertemporal returns needed to explain U.S. GNP vary but on the whole are not implausibly large. enables us to obtain a better this We owe a special debt to James Hamilton whose insightful comments improved an earlier version of this paper. We also thank Philippe Aghion, Charlie Bean, Ricardo Caballero, Paul David, Steve Durlauf, Vittorio Grilli, Christopher Harris, Rebecca Henderson, Per Krusell, Jim Malcomson, John Moore, Chris Pissarides, Danny Quah, Kevin Roberts, Donald Robertson, various seminar participants and two anonymous referees for useful comments. Remaining errors are the authors' responsibility. 1. Introduction Aggregate economic fluctuations are characterized by successive periods of high growth followed by consecutive periods of low activity. The transitions between these periods of high and low growth are often marked by sharp turning points and considerable evidence suggests moments the stochastic properties of the Neftci (1984), Diebold and economy change and paid to a variety of coincident and leading indicators (e.g. reflected in the considerable attention is Stock and Watson (1989), and the papers and Moore (1991)). in Lahiri A to display asymmetries, see inter alia, Rudebusch (1989), Hamilton (1989) and Acemoglu and Scott (1994). The importance of tracking these movements in the business cycle is that at these natural way 1 to model temporal agglomeration and asymmetries assume non-convexities, such in economic fluctuations as discrete choice or fixed costs at the individual level, because such non-convexities imply that individuals concentrate their activity in a particular period. It is this implication which has been analyzed with considerable success in the (S,s) literature. However, while the presence of fixed costs can account for the discreetness of naturally lead to persistence in the - once an individual undertakes an action they are near future. The key reason is that exploited within a period . As it less likely does not to do so economies of scale arising from fixed costs can be a consequence persistence in aggregate fluctuations relies aggregation across heterogeneous agents: either profitability points, although the presence of fixed costs leads to increasing returns, these are infratemporal; the full extent of 2 economic turning of investment for others (e.g. more agents investing on in the past increases the Durlauf (1991) and (1993)) or aggregate shocks affect agents differently, leading to a smoothed response over time (e.g. Caballero and Engel (1991)). This paper emphasizes an alternative explanation of persistent individual and aggregate output fluctuations returns by suggesting from an an agent that fixed costs introduce intertemporal increasing returns, that activity this period are higher if the activity occurred last period who was active in the recent past is more likely to is, the and as a consequence be active now. In the presence of such intertemporal linkages temporal agglomeration arises from two sources; active agents maintaining a high/low activity level in successive periods because of intertemporal increasing returns and agents acting together, either in response to a show how a model of common shock or because of strategic complementarities. the former explains a fluctuations and also offer a number of empirical framework which enables an economic component models of U.S. output which emphasize the underlying The relevance of intertemporal increasing is 1 2 persistent We and (ii) returns depends We features of business cycle interpretation of unobserved cyclical indicator. on (i) whether individual behavior whether firm's technology and costs contain important intertemporal aspects. The use this term, following Hall (1991), for the bunching of high economic activity over time. To overcome this problem empirical implementations of (S,s) models sometimes include time-to-build considerations or decreasing returns at high levels of investment, e.g. Caballero and Engel (1994). answer to these questions will vary depending upon the type of instance, in the case of radical changes in the capital stock, e.g. under consideration. For activity Cooper and Haltiwanger's (1993) automobile retooling, intertemporal effects are unlikely to be important, and lack of persistence in these cases. investment is persistent new investment in supported by the However, Section 2 surveys micro evidence that firm level and findings from technology studies, the management science many theory which supports the notion that organizational this is literature important discrete decisions technology, product development, innovation, maintenance) exhibit and (e.g. some degree of intertemporal increasing returns. These empirical findings motivate the theoretical model of Section 3 in which a firm has to decide each period whether to undertake both maintenance and investment. Maintenance modelled as having two is technologies and (ii) facilitating the effects: new adoption of innovations. leads to intertemporal increasing returns: firms find it The interaction of these when the firm has invested last period, and a natural it roles a result, investment asymmetry individual behavior; in response to a range of shocks, the agents will find if As two newly adopted profitable to maintain the technologies and this in turn reduces the costs of adopting future innovations. costs are lower of existing increasing the productivity (i) is introduced in profitable to invest only they have invested in the recent past. Section 4 examines aggregate economic fluctuations the how our model intertemporal increasing returns, and illustrates implied by individual level accounts for the main features of temporal agglomeration and asymmetric fluctuations: the significance and persistence of a cyclical component in asymmetries. output fluctuations, An important feature of our model the persistence of business cycles make and the importance of turning points and business cycle direct contact with a model of output growth, is its tractability. and the sharpness of turning points are determined but we also number of econometric e.g. Not only can we characterize how studies which rely upon an unobserved component Harvey (1985), Watson (1986), Clark (1987). This generality enables us to nest a variety of different types of business cycle asymmetries. Section 5 where, in the context of our model, points between booms and we find that the this theme the circumstances under is pursued in which turning recessions are most marked, so that output growth approximates a shifting regime process as in the discrete exercises, we examine And state Markov model popularized by Hamilton form of heterogeneity (1989). In (the distribution of idiosyncratic shocks) is all these the main determinant of the time-series properties, and also of the asymmetric nature of fluctuations. Section 6 takes our model to data. First, model and a number of estimated regime shift ability to nest different form of heterogeneity. exercise yields a look models returns necessary to explain U.S. business cycles. its we at the connection between our theoretical to infer the size of intertemporal increasing However, the real advantage of our formulation is unobserved component models with different specifications regarding the We thus estimate number of interesting two versions of our general model on U.S. results. First, we find that a version of our general data. This model with normally distributed idiosyncratic shocks does considerably better than the version with uniformly distributed shocks, but this latter model a is precisely what previous empirical work has used. Therefore, our offers an alternative time-series representation grounded in economic theory that outperforms the difference between the versions can be heuristically number of popular models. Moreover, thought to be the importance of asymmetry terms in the version with normal shocks. Thus, our and investigation also establishes that U.S. business cycles are asymmetric illustrates that these asymmetries manifest themselves by sharp downswings in economic activity which cannot be captured by linear models. Since our formulation make estimation results to derived from an underlying economic model, is inferences about the nature of the aggregate find that the cyclical dynamics of the U.S. GNP instance, shifts we between is also confirmed by the fact that estimate the variance of idiosyncratic shocks to be larger than that of the aggregate shock. We modest and that by the estimation also again find that the size of non-convexity implied overall the 2. also use the that the idiosyncratic uncertainty is playing an important role in the propagation of economic shocks and this we economy. For cannot be characterized as discrete model implies different regimes, which, in our theoretical we model provides a good fit result is to the data. Individual Persistence and Intertemporal Increasing Returns Our interest in temporal agglomeration focuses attention on problems in which fixed costs are important and so agents have to activity. A make a discrete choice about whether or not to perform a certain crucial feature of our analysis will be the investigation of qualitative choice (i.e. whether or not to perform a certain how an agent's current activity) influences the same decision tomorrow. In the standard case, an activity that requires a fixed cost will be bunched within a period of time, essentially scale. This observation period of activity is because fixed costs imply the existence of infratemporal increasing returns to is lies at the heart of (S,s) models followed by periods of inactivity (e.g. Scarf (1959)) and implies that a brief at the individual level. considerable evidence supporting (S,s) models (e.g. Bertola and Caballero (1990), Caballero and Engel (1994), Doms and Dunne (1994), Cooper, Haltiwanger and Power (1994)), there substantial evidence that firm level investment decisions are characterized For instance, using UK firm level data, effects in investment behavior. = a + 0.856 is However, while there I,. 1 /K .,(l-0.122 t Bond and Meghir (1994) They estimate equations I t.,/Kt. 1 )+pZ, + e where t Z t is French, German and Bond et al (1994) estimate UK firm panel find significant autoregressive and find I/K, a vector of firm relevant variables and its AR(1) and AR(2) models using Belgian, of the autoregressive coefficients around 0.3. Even the evidence in concentrated investment bursts are spread e, sample mean yields an AR(1) data finding strongly significant investment lags, with the that there is significant investment occurring in also significant persistence. for the investment-capital ratio a white noise disturbance. Evaluating the quadratic term at coefficient of around 0.75. by is Doms and Dunne sum (1994) reveals most years of the sample for each firm and that over several years. These findings suggest that while infratemporal economies of scale (lumpiness) are important there which can profitably be exploited. This raises the question, may also be intertemporal linkages what form of investment produces these intertemporal linkages? The most obvious form of intertemporal economies of past experiences increase productivity or reduce costs. new knowledge incorporating More scale is learning-by-doing, whereby a slow and costly process, limiting the degree to is which productive investments can be undertaken within a period. However, the more familiar an individual most recent technology vintages, the cheaper adopt the latest version. In contrast with the is an individual most recent vintage faces compatibility problems when dealing with the not using the technology. to it is The cost incentives where explicitly, consider the case frontier be that only limited innovative moves are taken within each period, with result will making forward steps more likely to come from active agents. The idea intertemporal linkages might lead agents to take a sequence of small investment steps empirical support in studies of technological innovation. In this literature a distinction given is is that drawn between incremental improvements of an existing technology and radical improvements which destroy the existing technology and start an alternative production or organizational method, e.g. "incremental change" versus and Anderson's (1986) widespread agreement that the less "technological discontinuities". Tushman There is spectacular incremental changes account for most of the productivity gains (see Abernathy (1980), Myers and Marquis (1969) and Tushman and Anderson (1986)). More more In importantly for our paper, there come from likely to Freeman's (1980, discoveries words and opening up new frontier by one who have been firms p. 168) is "the also a consensus that incremental innovations are active at the earlier stages of product development. advance of scientific research technical possibilities, a firm which means or another may be one of the first to realize is is constantly throwing up new able to monitor this advancing a new possibility". Arrow (1974) and Nelson and Winter (1982) also emphasize the advantages possessed by incumbent innovators in being able to further cope with incremental changes. For instance, Nelson and Winter stress the importance of engineers understanding new technologies, suggesting that firms who innovate have an advantage in doing so again. Abernathy (1980, p.70), using evidence from industries diverse as automobiles, airlines, semi-conductor and light bulb manufacturing, notes that "Each of the major companies seems to have made more frequent contributions previous innovations in a field facilitate future innovations. are fixed effects: industry wide some firms may simply be good at in a particular area" suggesting that One possible explanation of these findings innovating in certain areas. However, the work of Hirsch (1952), Lieberman (1984) and Bahk and Gort (1993) suggests than just individual fixed effects form of investment and its is operating. In the remainder of this paper implications for aggregate fluctuations. 4 we that shall focus more on this Individual Behavior in the Presence of Intertemporal Increasing Returns 3. (i) The Environment We assume that agents (or firms) are risk-neutral their return (either profit or utility). from technological progress. More The key decision explicitly, technology has a stochastic productivity that is and forward looking, and seek whether or not period 3 To . each period a new technology becomes available. This is revealed at the beginning of the period. obtain the highest return from this innovation, productivity y,=>Vr a o if a,,, + end of the investment (s t ) compatibility with existing technologies installation period there ( no maintenance effort at the adopted 4 (e.g. s, is fine-tuning). (s t =l), the productivity of the firm end of the period (m =0), t and equal zero otherwise. this period, is higher permanently. avoided when m,=l). assumed to is on decisions is that (i.e. C m =y^). A why the productivity shock in (1) is there denoted by Oq (our results are F(.). Maintenance costs have a discrete nature, The e.g. whether to adopt the discrete nature of the choice multiplicative with the investment decision; productivity shocks are associated with one vintage of technology and therefore only affect output when the technology is performance of the latest innovation. More specifically, we assume and y2 are positive so next period are lower. Here y2 is that when equipment maximum investment costs are given by: cr(YrY2™,-i>, y, new adopted. In this model, maintenance also has an additional role other than ensuring the where both is distinctive feature of (1) is that t recent technology vintage or whether to maintain existing machines. explains If the We assume that u, is a serially uncorrected random be equal to a positive constant, y as in (S,s) models, our focus When 1 this increase in productivity is not as large as shock to the productivity of investment with distribution function denoted by are Under these and m, are binary decision variables that equal t depreciation the option to gain 0) could be (a,-0C2+u instead of o^+u,). Deterministic depreciation if is a i +M />V a:2y /( 1 - m /) and maintenance (n\) are undertaken is unchanged software. If the is a, and o^ are positive parameters and new technology it at the its from the innovation by maintenance assumptions the firm's output where new The agent adopted, the productivity of the agent increases permanently, starting from the current is needs to be monitored. In particular, additional maximize to invest in order to benefit decides whether to adopt this technology or not, for instance whether to install a technology to (2) is maintained the firm's investment costs the extra investment cost incurred by a plant which did not maintain Time-to-build considerations can easily be incorporated in the return function and only serve to change the timing of returns. 4 See Pennings and Buitendam (1987) for the importance of maintenance type activities. last period. In terms of our computing example, assistance new program is removed is beginning of the period for installation at the not maintained, technical (to remove bugs) and at the (for fine tuning to increase productivity if so decided). Each period the firm decides whether to invest (s t =0 or 1) and also whether to maintain (m,=0 Denoting the discount factor of the representative firm by P and the per period return by 1). we computer less costly. In contrast, if the is necessary both end of the period or existing bugs in the system need to be implementation of the new software, implying that next period the instalment to ensure the optimal of another all r(.), have: r(s a a +M >'/y-r o ( i + jn lv;m tij _ vyltj _ v u lv)= lv /^-a^v<1 "m^" Y m<v-(YrY2m o and the maximization problem of the firm max E,{ Jl^r(s subject to (1) and taking y,.,, the choice variables are s I+j Whether u t , at time y ;-i> / +; /+ t is: ^ntv;ml+j_^H.vu ^ } lv t m,., as given. In and m,+j (4) period t+j, the state variables are m,^.,, u t+j , y t+j ., and . the firm invests in any period depends on u In . t contrast, the return to only depends on whether or not investment occurs. If no current investment benefit of maintenance is the cost reduction that occurs. In contrast, if there is it when there is undertaken, the only brings in the following period if investment then current investment, future productivity also increases by there are three possibilities regarding maintenance: maintain only is investment. Because we rather than a fixed characteristic, always maintain (i) we wish concentrate on (iii). to (ii) make maintenance To this maintenance ctj. As a result never maintain, (iii) a decision of the firm end we assume 5 : Assumption A: 0Y 2 < Y ° <A_ H (5) 1-/3 The first in the inequality can be understood by noting that absence of current investment: otherwise there Assumption j3y 2 I A is is no if there is Py2 is the maximum benefit investment next period costs are lower by y2 benefit. Therefore, the first part of the inequality implies stronger dF(u)<y < we than +/3y 7 | require dFCu) but , from maintenance simpler where a\, to and understand go, than the maintenance necessary are constants defined below. is , not condition, worthwhile just to obtain future cost savings. In the presence of current investment, the from investment is minimum gain the present value of the productivity increase due to maintenance, (^/(l-P). Consequently the second part of the inequality profitable to maintain if there is current investment. It follows that where the firm only maintains when attention to the case even without future cost savings, states that it when (5) holds, invests, thus m =s„ t we can is it limit our and the per period return simplifies to: Kv^iVJ^^ai^"Mv^ where 5 =Y +Yi and 5 =y2 Assumption - l A therefore enables (6) us to write our problem in a way which focuses on the intertemporal increasing returns arising from the interactive term 5,s t+j st+j.,. generally, (6) can be interpreted as the period return for a firm investment costs, firms (ii) who if it invested last period. Under More which benefits from lower current this interpretation our model captures the idea that are used to adapting to a changing environment face lower costs of further changes. Optimal Decision Rules Using (6) the maximization problem at time t can be written in a dynamic programming form with the value function V(.) satisfying: V(yt_^ _ v u)=sup t {/-(^;y / . 1 ^. 1 ,u / )+/3£; / K(y/ . 1 -a0+ (a 1+ v / Solving the agent's optimization problem Proposition s 1: we >s^^ /+1 )} (7) obtain (proof in the appendix): The value function r \ and ^(y M ^ M ,u><V<^M +<to-i +te */"^<«V w rVi s=0 and K^Qo-to^ if is the unique function that satisfies (7) To understand the dichotomous does not invest it (8) Vfy,.^,.^,)^^,-! (s t =0). (<|)'s denote constant coefficients). nature of the value function, consider the case where the agent The disturbance u t is irrelevant to future profits does not matter whether the firm invested/maintained only upon y,.,. However, The optimal choice of value. Shocks below technology. function. The if the st this critical last and with no investment costs, period and so the value function depends firm invests the value function depends linearly upon y .„ t depends on whether the investment shock, u„ is s t.j above a certain and u . t critical value lead to insufficiently high productivity to be embodied in the firm's value depends on To understand what s t., due to the intertemporal non-separability determines these critical in the cost values note that the firm invests this period iff between the the difference Appendix and (8), the left hand side of agent invests ^a'xl^o,^ this inequality It is which Appendix). The intuition behind model. The firm all is expression comparing the strategy periods compared to s,=0, Using the positive. / dF(uhl) + J- / WM ^(u,J] +S lVl+rU,>0 and implicitly defines the coefficients co this is <">0 oo / and iff (Jg [1-/8 (7) evaluated at s,=l is a good way of 6 s,=l with s t =0 . co, in (8) (see illustrating the If s t=l (9) (A3) in the main features of our production increases by oc,+u for t which has a net present value (including costs) of (i-/?)> 1+u ,)-(S -SrVi) Any from choosing further benefits ( s t =l depend upon future values of u . t 10 > There are three possible cases: u t+1 e (i) If beyond the agent will not invest regardless of and there are no consequences st (10). (ii) is (-oo,(0 -C0i) If u t+1 e [cOq-co^cOo) the household's t+1 investment decision depends upon only favorable enough for investment investment i.e. s t+1 =l if s t =l and s t+I =0 if the household benefits st . The shock from cost savings arising from past otherwise. In this case, investing today means a difference in expected discounted value next period of u° <->o P { dF(u m )x{(l-P)\a f u^dFiu^y^-SJ} + (11) u -u)[ where the value of first integral u, +1 represents the probability that u t+1 e conditional on u t+1 e [o) -a),,{0 ). If and the second [co -cO|,co ) both u t+1 and u t+2 fall in in turn will benefit at t+2 when only be the case is (1 1) s t =l. As {u t } multiplied by pProb(co -a>,<u t+1 <a> assumed an is ). the expected the region [(%-<»,, co additional benefit accrues in t+2, suitably discounted. In other words, s t+2 only equals which is i.i.d sequence 1 ) this when same s t+1 =l, this additional A similar logic holds for all future periods and summing over time yields {1-0 Our results are / dF(u hl )} x[{p / iF(uM )}x{^ +5 rS l unchanged if m, and (9) holds as a strict inequality agents s, lie in the continuum }+ J- / [0,1] rather than take discrete values. In this case, if choose one corner, s,=l and m =l; t if (9) is strictly holds as an equality agents are indifferent between any choice that has m,=s t If in this case . chooses s,=m,=l our results hold exactly. 8 (12) u^dFiu,^)] negative, s t =m =0. If (9) t we impose that the agent Equation (12) from only [co -co,,to if it is the net expected value of invests today. If the firm does not invest at time However, the firm will not invest in the future. ), future investment projects the firm benefits all t, and future shocks if fall in the region same the firm invests today the sequence of shocks leads the firm to invest and reap the benefits given by (12). Thus there important asymmetry in the way firms respond to investment and as a consequence the marginal propensity dependence relies entirely on 0),>0, shocks in high and low activity to invest varies which from (A3) in the between these appendix is states. is an states, This state equivalent to 8,>0, or in other words, the presence of intertemporal increasing returns. Finally, if u t+1 e [co (iii) benefit s,.„ from lower costs. = costs are not. If s t value of (38,(l-F(co expected value of Summing over 2 8 1 the shock so favorable agents invest regardless of whether they is However, while investment decisions are the same 1 the cost of choosing s t+1 =l The same )). f3 .°°). is lower by 8„ which has expected present )], e [© and u t+2 e [co ,°°), with with similar expressions holding for t+3, etc. benefit accrues at t+2, if both [F(a) )-F(co -co,)][l-F(aj irrespective of u, +1 -co,,co ) time gives Wq CO / dF(u JY^jdF{u J {1-/3 (13) t t "o "o-"i This expression represents the reduction in future costs arising from current investment and again reflects the persistence in s„ captured The sum of and (13) (10), (12), The most important households. lead to investment for an agent 4. Cyclical (i) who if integral between Due t-1, q x and u) . summarized by (9), is the dependence to intertemporal increasing returns, shocks in the range received by an agent has not invested at (£> -(js equal to (9) and characterizes the optimal decision rule of is feature of the decision rule, of current actions on past decisions. [co ,co -a>,) by the who has been active in the past making individual behavior Fluctuations in the Aggregate (s,.,=l) but not persistent. Economy Characterizing Output Fluctuations We now turn to the implications of individual level intertemporal increasing returns for aggregate economic fluctuations. normalized to 1, each of whom We assume the economy consists of a continuum of agents, faces the technology described above. Because the intertemporal increasing returns are internal to the firm, decisions (denoted for agent s,' productivity shock v . t i) allow for correlation between the different investment of heterogenous agents by assuming the existence of an aggregate Heterogeneity agent receives a shock u^Vj+e,'. we We is first introduced via an idiosyncratic shock, assume that £,' G(.) (with associated density function g(.)) and that density function, h(.). Finally, we assume £,' is is drawn from a common v, is i.i.d £,' such that each distribution function with distribution function, H(.), and uncorrected between individuals and over time. Both shocks are normalized to have zero mean and are assumed to be observed before agents make their investment decisions. The decision cOjS,.,'. rule of the individual due given in section 3 and takes the form of invest Conditioning on the aggregate shock, this can be written >w €t where is co and to, -(i> s;_ 1 rv - t (i4) t t to the idiosyncratic shock, requiring s t to t u '>(0 as, invest iff: are defined by the distribution of u \ F(.). Investment decisions vary that invest in period iff be indexed by i. among firms Defining S as the proportion of agents t (equivalently, the aggregate propensity to invest), we have: Proposition 2: Aggregate output follows the process Ay =|Ay/^=a°+a 5 /+ f 1 u/di / ie[s'=i\ =a° + (a 1+ v / )V (15) "nV, oo / «8(*>k+ S„ eg(e)de f where M1^(<V w i^,)>*m -v,)} + {GK-v>G(Q -<D v,)}S r M S,={1-G(<vvJ>(1-Sm ={l-G(<D To understand (16), note that of the firms S,., who (l6) invested last period only those with an idiosyncratic shock greater than cOo-co^v, will invest now. Therefore, the in two successive periods is (l-G(co -co,-v ))S t with an idiosyncratic shock greater than Therefore, as shown idiosyncratic shocks, weights depend on S (ii) in Fig.l, S t is t. 1 . Of co -v t will the (1-S,.,) firms do so now and their measure of firms who invest who did not invest only those measure is (l-G(co -v,))(l-S t. 1 ). a weighted average of points on the distribution function of where the location of these points depends upon the aggregate shock and the t.,. The Nature of Business Cycle Fluctuations Proposition 2 outlines an unobserved components model for GNP, as the output consists of both a measurement equation, (15), and a state equation, (16). the state equation is that due its non-linear nature, it law of motion for The importance of enables us to explain the asymmetries and the temporal agglomeration discussed in the introduction. S represents the average number of firms t are investing and is most naturally interpreted as the in generating output fluctuations (e.g. Watson cyclical component of output, which is who crucial (1986), Hamilton (1989)). Variations in S not only alter t the growth rate of output via (15), but also provide persistence because S, follows a time varying 10 AR(1) process with autoregressive shocks in the optimal for in the case whereas with s t'=l, s t+I '=l where s t '=0 a value of u t+1 in this region i.i.d S, relies increasing returns, if 8,=0 S, is upon is 8, last did not. In the aggregate this being non-zero and so depends entirely on intertemporal needed because each type of agent responds to shocks As a result, which impact on the economy, but also who AR who is growth requires tracking the number of agents who are/are not displaying persistence in their behavior. The it white noise. The need for an unobserved components approach arises fact that monitoring output investing. This means shocks are converted into persistent cyclical fluctuations. The autoregressive nature of the cyclical component from the caused by would be optimal. Therefore, agents who invested period have a higher propensity to invest this period than those implies that is 1 [co -u)„a) ): region s l+1 '=0, coefficient equal to G(o) -v,)-G(to -co -v t). Persistence parameter in (16) is will it is differently, each group not sufficient to monitor only the shocks be affected by them. and in general time varying this feature enables us to account for the empirical findings of business cycle asymmetries; essentially, the impact effect of aggregate shocks on output varies over the business cycle. Referring back to Fig.l, changes in v position of the two points along the horizontal axis: a high v shifts the chord t be higher. However, the exact impact that v has depends upon both t distribution of shocks, i.e. upon both the slope of the chord and the weights on the two points (determined by of (16) is a source of path dependence in our S _, both affects S through the t t AR S,.,). model As AB (which is and S t will and the cross sectional determined by G(.) and as well as persistence; a future shocks due to the interaction between v and S shift the Vj) a result, the non-linear autoregressive form coefficient but also alters the t S,., AB down t way that the shock which changes economy responds to t_,. However, under the assumption of uniformly distributed idiosyncratic shocks these asymmetric interactions between S t _, and v are absent. In this t case the and (16) approximate the standard "return to normality" been used More to successfully model U.S. GNP generally, (15) and (16) allow for a AR coefficient in (16) state is constant and (15) space model, variants of which have by Harvey (1985), Watson (1986) and Clark (1987) number of alternative 7 . component based models which account for a wide range of asymmetries and cyclical fluctuations. Each of these different models of the cycle arise from alternative assumptions on the distribution of idiosyncratic shocks. although our model allows an important role for heterogeneity, we do However, not need to monitor complicated changes in the cross-sectional distributions to keep track of the state of the economy: what matters for business cycles is not the exact relative position of each agent over time but the distribution function for idiosyncratic shocks statistic for all distributional issues, around particular ranges. The latter serves as considerably simplifying the analysis of the next subsection. The uniform distribution case only approximates the return to normality model due to measurement equation disturbance and because, if v, is such that either o^-v, or a^-Wi-v, £j, the autoregressive coefficient is a sufficient no longer constant. 11 the non-normality of the is outside the support of Motivated by these observations, we now turn to investigate how the degree of intertemporal increasing returns and heterogeneity interact to determine the time series properties of the aggregate economy, and of (Hi) specifically the cyclical component S . t Determinants of the Time Series Properties of the Business Cycle The non-linear nature of our model means candidate is Given G(.) Corollary there is no unique definition of persistence, but one the degree of serial correlation in S, conditional is 1: a distribution function we Business cycle persistence upon v : t have: is non-decreasing in 8,, the degree of intertemporal increasing returns. Persistence is due to the fact that some agents have shocks invest in this period only because investment costs are lower determines the measure of these marginal agents, and correlation To is strengthened illustrate how when to recent high activity. itself a positive As the nature of the business cycle varies with different degrees of increasing uniformly distributed, and let the gains Assume aggregate and from learning-by-doing, idiosyncratic uncertainty assumptions for the case 5,/5 =l/3 and a,, be equal to 1.52 (see Section 6.1 Given the strong path dependence 1/2. in our and 3 are drawn for the same (suitably scaled) sequence of random shocks. Both figures intertemporal increasing returns convert far i.i.d more persistent in Fig.3 than to continue to invest even latter and 3 show the cyclical component arising from these for a justification of this choice). Figs. 2 is co, function of 8„ serial be equally important with both having a variance of 0.25, the former being normally and the indicator and -g>i> co ) intertemporal increasing returns are higher. returns consider the following illustrative simulation. to is due in the interval [(D illustrate how shocks into cyclical fluctuations, however, the cyclical in Fig.2. in the presence of system Figs.2 The increased learning-by-doing persuades firms mediocre productivity shocks, significantly reducing the noise in the cyclical component. To understand the impact of distributional affects general measure of persistence than (17), which Integrating across all on the cyclical component we turn to a more was defined conditional on a given value of v possible values of the aggregate shock, we arrive at a global measure of persistence; H-zrkww M (18) as 12 . t Taking a By Taylor expansion of P around first-order zero, and P can be approximated by g(oo definition the second term around co , Corollary 2: The is and (0 behind intuition from shocks shocks For given is co,, important because , it of around g(.) g(co ) economy Thus we can co -co,). are linked to the results in section 6, The ) zero, we obtain will increase P. again related to the fact that individual persistence arises economy determines the density of agents )co, is is serial the distribution of idiosyncratic who are around this critical region. number of such marginal a measure of the correlation. Corollary agents, 2 therefore implies that spreads in heterogeneity, represented by lower the number of agents intuition of Corollary 2, that the persistence in the form of the where we assumed state will reduce persistence to the extent they e') is take a further first-order Taylor expansion of G(.) In the aggregate (Oq-co,). the greater increases in the variance of , mean of v, which (which will often be produced by increases co in the region [co the an increase in g((0 For our global measure of persistence, g(co is we )co,. this corollary is in the region [co so that the higher if m,, dynamics of this distribution of the idiosyncratic shocks, is important for our will investigate the empirical performance of different versions of this general models distinguished by the form of the heterogeneity and thus by the degree of asymmetry in the law of motion for output growth. Now, to further analyze the impact of aggregate uncertainty on the business cycle we take a second-order Taylor expansion of (17) around u^ followed by an additional first-order Taylor expansion around co . This gives: P^Gi^yGi^-^yigX^yg'^o-^Wariy,) s %o)^( o- u i)V'W u M) ffl so we have; Corollary 3: Increases in the variance of aggregate shocks reduce (increase) the persistence of the cyclical component if g(.) is concave (convex) around oo . Corollary 3 states the surprising result that for a large class of idiosyncratic distributions, the more volatile are aggregate investment shocks, the less important is the business cycle that the cyclical component becomes less persistent t a> , in the sense and aggregate output fluctuations are increasingly driven directly by v and not by the state equation. concave around - The intuition behind this is that when g(.) is increased volatility of the aggregate shock leads to the critical investment threshold being located at points with low density. In contrast, in the case of a convex g(.) function 13 at co , more aggregate variability will take us to values of the density function that are on average higher and thus increase serial correlation due to the increased weight of marginal agents. (iv) Structural Heterogeneity The purpose of subsection this is show to when we extend our model that component and different types of heterogeneity across agents, the importance of the cyclical degree of non-linearities associated with the business cycle that increasing the dispersion of agents can, between agents, this is a surprising result In particular the we show under certain conditions, increase the amount of Given persistence provided by our cyclical indicator. may be enhanced. to allow for which that {S t } represents the extent of re-iterates the limitations co-movement of representative agent models. We have so far only considered what terminology of Caballero and Engel (1991), that Whereas may be termed is stochastic heterogeneity using the heterogeneity in the form of idiosyncratic shocks. in practice, agents also differ significantly in their technological possibilities/preferences as well as the opportunities they face, often captured in microeconometric effects. To include these influences functions to be firm specific. Using the solution outlined We we work by the inclusion of fixed consider structural heterogeneity by allowing investment cost assume agent in Section 3 i has investment costs given by each agent invests 8 iff eJ^Oo-w^i-v, where the distribution function of distribution of the cost parameter, 8 to mean-preserving spreads of IX). co '. ' is ( T(.) with support set and is determined from the Increases in the degree of structural heterogeneity are equivalent The law of motion ^KlA ){/(l- G ("i.-v )yr(a)i )} +5 1 U / ) / u .1 for S, is now {/(l-G(a)i -o> 1 -v )yr(a>i )} ) / ) u ={/(l-G(o);-v ))dr(a>;)} + 5 u / 22 ) M (23) {/{G(a);-v )-G(a)^-(o 1 -v )Mr(a);)} u / Applying the same two successive Taylor expansions as / in the last subsection, our global measure of persistence becomes P~f„ [^-Gtoj-aOWui-tt!/,, S(*>uW<d Corollary 4: The If g(.) is (24) ) convex (concave), mean preserving spreads of intertemporal increasing returns parameter, 5,, can similarly be 14 made T(.) increase (decrease) P. individual specific. Therefore, an increased dispersion of agents in the form of greater structural heterogeneity can interact with stochastic heterogeneity to increase the persistence generated through the cyclical component. The intuition here higher than g(.) itself. where investment that if g(.) is convex, the averages of neighboring points will be is Since the higher when only profitable is is g(.) more structural heterogeneity leads to a the higher is the measure of agents in the critical region costs are low, in the case of serially correlated process for a mean-preserving spread (an increase in structural heterogeneity), distribution of co g(.) is Regime The message from Shifts in One t }. We can therefore see that by extending the cross sectional economic state. globally concave, an increase in structural heterogeneity will reduce business cycle, heterogeneities 5. {S the presence of g(.), to regions of g(.) that are higher, increases persistence in the ' Conversely when persistence. convex this section is clear, far from removing the non-linear nature of the have a key determining influence on economic fluctuations. Economic Fluctuations of the attractions of fixed cost models is that the discrete individual behavior they imply can explain the sharpness of business cycle turning points. While our general model implies that the component cyclical turning points. A is always number of serially correlated, it does not impose any conditions on the nature of Hamilton (1989), Acemoglu and Scott (1994), Suzanne studies (e.g. Cooper (1994), Diebold and Rudebusch (1994)) have achieved empirical success fluctuations by assuming the business cycle moves from recession to (i) shifts serve as in our modelling output shifts, that is we by abrupt investigate the factors model, establishing the circumstances under which a good approximation. The Nature of Turning Points To analyze this issue on the probability of a given p(5|5> where p(S of be characterized by regime expansion (or vice versa). In the next subsection which determine the nature of turning points models with regime to in S, by |S') we S, use our basic model with only stochastic heterogeneity, and focus occurring conditional upon p(S |S') shifts. is : (25) (i-s^K-v ) +s'sK-<v v ) denotes the density of S conditional on S,.,=S' and t v, is written as an implicit function (16). mass concentrated its which *G2 The extreme case of regime has S,.,, at two shifts corresponds to the case where S =0 or t particular points. Similarly in more general 1 so that p(S |S') characterizations, if has marked peaks, then transitions between different states take on the character of regime A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for p(S|S') to have different intervals is that at p'(S |S')=0, we will it should be non-unimodal. Thus, have located a local minimum which 15 if we can its mass concentrated establish p"(S in two |S') is positive implies p(S |S') cannot be single peaked. From (25) we have: While no general statement can be made regarding the transition between we have states the following: Proposition 3: The conditional density of S, is non-unimodal if g(e) is more concave than h(v) in the neighborhood of p'(S |S')=0. Proposition 3 suggests turning points tend to be abrupt h(.). Though this is particular point, is it not a necessary condition, naturally g(.) more likely to To the case economic states become more approximate the discreetness of regime investigate further this point, where 8,/8 =l/2 we If the idiosyncratic is at a shock distributed As a consequence, turning points shifts. utilize a simulations approach. Recall that Fig.3 showed and the aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks were equally uncertain with a variance of the idiosyncratic shock to 2.5. The very readily apparent: in Fig.3, there are never less than numbers of agents mass concentrated distinct in the sense that the conditional variance of 0.25. Fig. 4 maintains the degree of increasing return at the large its the distribution function is concentrated in if distribution of {S,} is concentrated in particular intervals of (0,1). are has more concave than a straight line and output growth, though persistent, is uniformly along the continuum (a^OofCC,). However, the middle (as in Fig.l) when g(.) is locally be more concave. This can be seen in Fig.l. will tend to uniformly distributed, G(.) when are still active, same level but increases the different cyclical patterns in the 60% two figures are of agents investing so that even in recession and turning points are extremely sharp, particularly the observations at around 37 and 73. In contrast, the greater importance of idiosyncratic shocks adds a considerable amount of noise to the cyclical indicator in Fig.4. observations 37 and 73 can the cyclical The above results while the turning points at be detected, they represent only two of several observations where still component changes And direction. and discussion show again that the form of heterogeneity is crucial, this time in determining the sharpness of turning points and they also suggest that the limiting case where aggregate uncertainty is much more important than idiosyncratic uncertainty is useful to analyze as a benchmark. (ii) A Model of Regime Shifts Proposition 3 and related simulations suggest that the distribution the more appropriate increases in heterogeneity may is more concentrated the idiosyncratic a regime shift characterization. Further, Corollary 2 implies that reduce the persistence of cyclical fluctuations by reducing g(o) 16 ). This suggests that the business cycle will display extreme regime shifts and possess a highly persistent component cyclical in a version of our such a model by setting u '=v t . t The model with no heterogeneity. In particular interest in this special case this is subsection that it we focus on offers a theoretical widely used discrete Markov state space models. justification for the Because the model only contains an aggregate shock, the laws of motion for the aggregate economy are the same as those for the individual firm. From our results of Section 3(ii) and introducing the notation Prob[S =l\S ^\]=p t t Prob[S =Q\S _^]=q t t we have Proposition 4: The stochastic process for the change in aggregate output is AY,=-a0+ (a 1+v,)S, where S t is a Markov chain with T (28) transition matrix M p (29) and p= f dH(v) , (30) q=fdH(y) <>„-&>, As hitting the in the state random shocks economy behaves the durations of in a manner space formulation for output growth. The distinguishing feature of (28)-(30) that fluctuations take the the cyclical fluctuations are the result of economy. These shocks are propagated by intertemporal increasing returns which requires a is model with heterogeneity, form of shifts differently, not only booms and between distinct economics does the growth rate differ recessions, features common states. In (oc,?K)) but each of these if states p*l-q then so do with the model of Hamilton (1989) which closely corresponds to (28)-(30). This regime shift model also shares a number of similarities with the model of Durlauf (1993) who also explicitly models the transition technology adoption. In both models between this states of the business cycle and focuses on choice involves a non-convexity and intertemporal increasing returns to scale with the end result being that white noise productivity shocks are converted into serially correlated output fluctuations. Both models also suggest a strong role for path 17 dependence, in (28)-(30) shocks which persistent as they affect the way shift the economy responds the between ours and Durlauf s work comes in the Durlauf s model the intertemporal linkage words firms have a higher propensity impact of economy from one form to future shocks. However, a key difference that the intertemporal non-separability takes. In arises through localized technological spill-overs; in other Due to the externality Durlauf s model generates multiple long run equilibria in the sense that the stochastic process for output ergodic. However, in our model, because increasing returns to scale are internal, and implies that the equilibrium path which certainty in 6. state the is uniquely determined, economy The to invest if their neighbors invested in the recent past. focus of Durlauf s paper. this externality is the state to another are highly i.e. given {AY,} will be, but also that and v, is {S,.,,S t . 2 ,..}, non- is this not only we know with always ergodic. Econometric Evidence we In this section likelihood estimates of our use the econometric results of other researchers as well as own maximum general model of Section 4 to assess what scale of intertemporal increasing returns and what form of heterogeneity are necessary to account for the business cycles We in the U.S. also use the analysis of Sections 3 and 5 to infer of U.S. business cycle asymmetries and from our estimates the exact form the relative importance of idiosyncratic and aggregate sources of uncertainty. (i) Regime Shift Models Hamilton (1989) estimates a two identical to (28)-(30) state discrete Markov model for US GNP which is nearly and finds p=0.9, q=0.76 and oc,=1.52. To calculate the implied degree of we intertemporal increasing returns solve the equations in (A3) in the appendix using these estimated parameter values and making assumptions regarding the distribution and variance of aggregate shocks plus the magnitude of the learning-by-doing effects (6,/8 5,/5 and o obtain the 2 v same persistence (Do-CD,. Fig.5 shows different combinations of in S t a higher variance requires , variance of shocks, the more more increasing returns. distributed. To The reason for likely agents are to receive a future shock less This lessens the expected future benefits from increasing returns and makes agents both less likely to invest returns of . which generate p=0.9 and q=0.76 when aggregate shocks are normally this is that the greater the than 9 ) 22% and less likely to (8,/8 =0.22) to when G^O.Ol we need only remain investing once they have done produce the appropriate values of p and q 8,/8 =ll%. As cVa Oq does not influence the values of matches mean US i = cOq 0.03, the variance of and go, we Thus with increasing require a2 v =0.05, but well as providing persistence, intertemporal increasing returns generate considerable amplification of the productivity shock. and ^=0.05, even though so. AY t is For the case where 8,/8 =0.22 equal to 0.634. Relying only on a and so (without loss of generality) output growth. 18 it is set to ensure the model we need single productivity shock to drive output fluctuations, effects of 53% to explain Hamilton's assumed by Hamilton and results all results. implausibly large learning-by-doing But with an additional additive disturbance in (1), as econometric implementation of unobserved component models, his can be explained with very small amounts of intertemporal increasing returns and aggregate uncertainty. Results from alternative studies confirm this finding that only small scale intertemporal increasing returns are necessary to generate empirically observed regime shift behavior. Suzanne Cooper (1994) uses monthly to (28). To match industrial production from 1931 to estimate a transition matrix similar her estimates of the transition probabilities (p=0.55 and q=0.46) while also US GNP matching the variance of growth (again without resorting we need disturbances other than a unique aggregate shock), to any additional productivity the saving in fixed costs arising from 3% (i.e. 5[/5 =0.03). Diebold and Rudebusch (1994) estimate US industrial production (allowing for a time dependent T). learning-by-doing to be only around equations analogous to (28) using Assuming only one disturbance and using their estimated standard error for underestimate as this implicitly sets S,=l for all t), we find 8,/8 =0.8% AY, to calibrate is sufficient to ov 2 (an explain their results. (ii) The General Unobserved Components Model In this subsection we use (15) and (16) to obtain estimates of our structural parameters. These equations represent a general state space model and require assumptions regarding the distribution of idiosyncratic shocks before they can be estimated. idiosyncratic shocks are uniformly distributed We and then examine these equations assuming that they are first that normally distributed. As well as enabling us to assess the robustness of our estimates of structural parameters these assumptions allow As us to examine the importance of asymmetries in U.S. output fluctuations. assumption of uniform idiosyncratic shocks removes any asymmetry in the (15) and (16) under different discussed above, the state equation. Estimating distributional assumptions therefore enables a simple heuristic test of the importance of asymmetries in U.S. business cycles. Assuming that idiosyncratic shocks are uniformly distributed over the range [-a,a], (15) and (16) can be written as a-oi n „ l ' 2a v, o>, 1 2a M (31) 2a =c+ rs,_ 1+ u t where the coefficients ty are functions of the structural parameters u) the squared disturbance in the (e.g. Harvey (1989), ch.3). measurement equation Various versions of this 19 this is the , co„ a, o^, and a, and aside from standard return to normality model model have been used to estimate the cyclical component of U.S. GNP, with Watson (1986) and Clark (1987) both estimating models similar 10 (31) If instead . we assume that idiosyncratic order Taylor approximations for shocks are distributed normally, then" (taking second- higher order terms, all to full details available from the authors) 12 ; Ay,=VV, +V, +V/2+VA/-i 5r(l-G(»o)) + [ G ( u o)- G! ( w o- u i)] 5i-i^ u o) v / (32) fe(«o- w i)-S( <0 o))v A-i Equations (31) and (32) show that a simple measurement equation We is to test the significance of the test for asymmetry in either the v Stl term. t estimate (31) and (32) using the growth rate of quarterly U.S. real period 1954:1 and 1987:4. Because the equations contain only one shock, measurement equation in state or GNP for the we augment the each case with a normally distributed additive measurement error. Estimation was performed using maximum Kalman likelihood via the filter. We also ignored the squared disturbance term which considerably simplified the estimation. In neither case did our estimates reveal any indication of heteroscedasticity, suggesting that dropping the squared term was not an important omission. Because in (31) and (32) the measurement and have a correlated disturbance a simple alteration Kalman Harvey (1989), p.112). Table (see filter 6 shows the (smoothed) estimates of idiosyncratic disturbances. component S, is 1 required to the standard recursions of the contains our estimation results, and Figure emerge from the that Both versions of the model suggest R 2 is persistent, with that on a persistent cyclical the structural parameters that av 2 was , (31)), we find that the cyclical an autoregressive coefficient of 0.52 and the model has a =0.595, thus explains just under shock, different assumptions successfully accounts for serial correlation in U.S. output growth. Examining the uniform distribution case (equation component state equation 60% GNP growth. The of the variation in U.S. we uncovered were estimates of as follows: the variance of the aggregate 0.06, the variance of the idiosyncratic shock, ae 2 was , 1.45. This implies that the 10 Watson and Clark estimate their model using the level of the U.S. real GNP allowing for a trend, a cycle and an component. Thus our comparison is purely with their specification of the cyclical component, our equation (16). They both actually estimate the cyclical component as an AR(2) process. Acemoglu and Scott (1993) show this can easily be allowed for by letting intertemporal increasing returns operate with longer lags. irregular 11 Equation (32) is an approximation which is valid for any distributional assumption regarding idiosyncratic shocks. Different assumptions regarding G(.) lead to different estimates of the model's structural parameters. 12 The exact expression for b 4 is as follows: btfG(<»($-G(u Q-**j\[l — [/«T° "' W "° "^( M ) rf"] x{ 5( a) o- a) i)-S( w o)} — [G(fc) This term disappears when )-G(a> -o 1 )] 2 idiosyncratic shocks are uniform. 20 MWo-WiteK-^ih^oSK)- variance of idiosyncratic shocks being relatively is around 25 times that of aggregate shocks, thus heterogeneity much more important than aggregate uncertainty. This result is in line with those of Schankerman (1991) and Davis and Haltiwanger (1992) from micro data that idiosyncratic compared variations are large to comovement why section, this finding also explains across agents. all Given our results in the last of Hamilton's (1989) model statistical tests Hansen (e.g. (1992) and Garcia (1992)) reject the notion of regime shifts between distinct states as an appropriate characterization of U.S. business cycles. implies that compared when the business cycle indicator S, per (SJSq) of around The GNP peak, growth use equations (A3) to calculate estimates for 5 and S x We find that S = 27.6% 2% is higher 1.96 and S x = , the learning-by- 0.54 implying intertemporal increasing returns (as a proportion of fixed costs). estimates of equation (32) which allows for asymmetries reveal considerably greater persistence in the cyclical component — the autoregressive 0.67 as opposed to 0.52 in the uniform case. 0.712, thus the model with normally significant as equation (31) statistical R2 goes up to in this case 70% version of the model this of the is also that allows for asymmetries outperforms the model. Further, the interaction term between vt and measurement equations, strongly so S,. x is significant in in the former, confirming the both the state and the asymmetric nature of U.S. business cycles and thus indicates where the improved performance of (32) 6 shows the estimated sequence for the cyclical indicator arising comes from. Figure from assuming normal and uniform idiosyncratic distributions. The strong correspondence between the two sequences encouraging since in it is what Clark, Harvey and Watson have estimated, thus more general model suggested by our theory conventional importantly, distributed idiosyncratic shocks explains over essentially is More coefficient in the state equation The superior performance of variation in U.S. business cycles. the at its be 0.0201, which to x our estimated structural parameters and assuming a real interest rate of annum we can doing parameters. now is a also recovered to a trough. Finally, using 4% We implies that both exercises. However, there we is are basically uncovering the is same underlying component a major difference between the two series: the asymmetric model enables much sharper downward swings and into recession this feature it is of the data which accounts for the success of the more general model. These sharper downswings are captured by the positive coefficient on the (1984) who used a different statistical Again uncovering our v, that this structural estimates, we find that boom and a x = 0.017 which recession that we term vt S,_x The presence of this we of Neftci also have the added flexibility less than the at the peak of the of having the asymmetry term implies that as long as we remain 21 is obtained from (31). does not imply growth to be higher by only 1.7% cycle because in contrast to (31), . in line with the findings methodology than the one here. estimate of the growth difference between However, note S ul term and are in a boom (i.e. positive values of v,) we obtain an added growth effect and this of the cycle growth (v,<0), this can cr e 2 is happen rather around 3.5, of the order of 0.2%, thus higher by 1.9%. But also this term implies that is The still fact that av 2 was 0.035 and our asymmetric model, (32), leads to a may be due interactions across individual investment decisions. specific effects translated into As a to the absence in result, clearly requires a richer data set than the aggregate time series we our what may be firm co-movements by economic interactions across agents estimated as aggregate shocks in our specification. Examining whether this that a downturn giving a substantial role to idiosyncratic large estimate of the relative variance of aggregate shocks show is peak considerably less than the approximate estimate of 10 from Schankerman disturbances in generating uncertainty. estimates there at the ratio of the variance of idiosyncratic shocks to aggregate (1991) and Davis and Haltiwanger (1992), though model of any when sharply. Returning to the rest of the estimates, was 0.1207, so our estimate of the shocks is is will be actually the case use here. However, our even without spillover effects we can have a model where idiosyncratic shocks are the major source of uncertainty yet output growth shows a clear cyclical pattern with sharp swings into recession. Resorting again to (A3) to estimates of S we find that our asymmetric model leads and S l of 1.81 and 0.63 respectively, so that intertemporal effects of around 1/3 are required to explain U.S. fluctuations. It also interesting to note that the increased complexity of (32) implies that our is structural parameters are overidentified (see for instance the expression in footnote 11) whereas they were exactly identified in (31). This gives us two overidentifying restrictions with which to test the plausibility statistic of 4.1 which of our model. Performing a is Wald test on these asymptotically distributed chi-squared with two degrees of freedom, thus comfortably accepting the overidentifying restrictions. This result piece of evidence that our 7. restrictions gives a test model provides a good match is promising as it is another to the cyclical dynamics of U.S. GNP. Conclusion We have outlined a theory of economic fluctuations based on internal intertemporal increasing returns in a model of discrete investment choice. This microeconometric findings of persistence in the management in firm level new is motivated by investment as well as the emphasis placed science and economics of technology literature learning-by-doing in the adoption of model on the importance of technologies. Incorporating these effects into a model of a firm's investment choice leads to a tractable model of business cycle fluctuations. This tractability enables us to fluctuations. Our fully analyze the theoretical findings are: (i) determinants of aggregate economic Intertemporal increasing returns naturally lead to temporally agglomerated and asymmetric economic fluctuations, in the sense of persistent periods of low and high growth separated by business cycle turning points (ii) Cross-sectional considerations play a key role in determining the non-linear and asymmetric nature of 22 fluctuations and distributional issues are found to be crucial in determining the sharpness of turning points and deciding whether aggregate output experiences regime heterogeneity plays a key role, variable, the average all number of shifts, (iii) the business cycle relevant information active agents, thus is Although captured in one our model enables a synthesis between representative agent models and those stressing the importance of heterogeneity. A major attraction of our model is its ability, under certain simplifying assumptions, to justify the popular unobserved component models of Watson (1986), Clark (1987) and Hamilton (1989) of which place a special emphasis on an underlying cyclical indicator. all attraction is An additional the model's ability to offer a general formulation for cyclical components, and provide a simple test for the presence of business cycle asymmetries. general model that incorporates asymmetric effects provides a good that these are characterized by asymmetries, with particularly fast captured by a linear model; that the cyclical component is The data fit suggest that our to U.S. business cycles; downturns that cannot be highly persistent; and, that despite the asymmetries, business cycles are not characterized by sharp swings such as required by regime shift models. In our context, this latter fact corresponds to the aggregate sources of uncertainty being dominated by idiosyncratic shocks, which is what investigations on micro data also find. Estimates of the degree of internal intertemporal increasing returns necessary to account for U.S business cycles vary between 3 and 53%, suggesting that under some circumstances only very modest amounts of intertemporal increasing returns are needed. Adding other sources of uncertainty to the model or allowing for spillovers between agents would serve to reduce even further the extent of internal increasing returns required. Assessing the importance of internal and external intertemporal increasing returns further research. returns At this stage, is relative an obvious topic of our results lead us to conclude that intertemporal increasing may be an important channel of persistence, fluctuations. 23 amplification and asymmetries in economic \AJ CD CO i > 1 ^— £ «p + o o £ 4-» CO ^_ O 4-» CO + + £ S Figure 2 1 12 16 20 24 2S 32 36 40 5,/5 =0.33 : a 2 v=0.25 a 1 =0.25 -4- 4 4S & 2 5 6 ©O 6 4 ©S 7 2 76 SO a 2 s =0.064 a%=0.841 a\=0.025 .00 0.95 O.QO O.SS O.SO 0.7S 0.70 0.65 o.eo 0.5S Figure 3 : - - - 12 16 20 2* 28 32 36 5,/5 =l/2 4 Figure 4 : & a2 v=0.25 a2 12 16 20 6,/5 =l/2 2-4- =0.25 .4-0 4A .*S a2 s =0.014 a 2 52 S6 60 =0.541 6-4- 68 72 SO 2 7© SO a 2 ,=0.032 2S 32 36 40 44 48 5 2 56 60 ©4 GS ^=0.25 a2 =2.5 a2 s =0.012 ^=4.855 a\=0.001 25 7© "7 Figure 5 : Learning-by-Doing and Volatility of Aggregate Shocks 26 Figure 6 : The Cyclical Component of U.S. GNP Growth 27 Figure 6 : The Cyclical Component of U.S. GNP Growth 27 Table 1 : Estimates of General and Uniform Model Normal Case Uniform Case Parameter Estimate Tstatistic Estimate Tstatistic bo 0.0004 1.691 0.0020 1.957 bt 0.0201 3.107 0.0173 3.284 0.1027 1.985 b4 c 0.1826 2.232 0.1769 2.173 T 0.5213 5.669 0.6653 6.339 0.3229 3.496 0.0065 2.842 K °u R 2 2 0.0070 2.703 0.595 0.712 Sample period 1957:1,1987:4. Data = Quarterly growth Maximum likelihood via Kalman filter. 28 in U.S GNP. Estimation by Appendix Proof of Proposition We 1 need to establish values of a> To and and (Oj establish that <f>'s we (i) the value function defined in (8) satisfies (7) for particular (i) the value function satisfies a transversality condition. (ii) substitute (8) into (7) to derive: I/u^Wq-w^^, then 00 + /5[ / + (4> Q <l>Jiyl -i**o +" + l uWs+ il>u u*i) dfl u>i) (Ai) >0-G>l + where a / (0o 4 ^//n + «o + ai + ^) d ^ similar equation applies for / I^-V^. P ^o-^o= ~ 1-/8 / 'M)] vt < (Oq-co^!. Equating coefficients gives + / ^("m) 0)0-0); l A HU / "m^("m) (a2) -"l <*F(u, +1 ) OJQ-O)! To find expressions for of (5) is (o and (Oj we use (8) to see under what conditions the left hand side greater evaluated at s,=l than evaluated at s,=0. This gives 0)^(1-0) 0) G) =[l-)3 / dF{u ^Y.\{\-P)h,-*,t (A3) ao-S^l-P) Defining the right hand side of the definition of point. Defining z(u) as t(u)-u lim o,- + = z(«) = -°° o> as t(g) ) we need to prove t(g) ) has a fixed we have and lim^.^ z(o>)=+oo (A4) Continuity of z(u) follows from continuity of t(.) and by the intermediate value theorem z(u) must have a zero. Thus a fixed point, a) , of t(.) exists. 29 (ii) The value function defined in (8) satisfies a transversality condition iff oo (A5) Km^jS'/ K« M .'M.«0< ff W=° since V(.) is linear condition is Establishing uniqueness of everywhere differentiable and B<1. satisfied for its requires proving z(o) <o ) has a unique fixed point. z(co ) is derivative equals 00 zK)=iW(<>- w /K-(l-WMli3 "0 oo +[(1-/3)50-^^(1-^ ^(u M )-^ / u dF(u t+l )Y l / ul+1dF(u„)] / (A6) o>o-(l#i -(l-P)Sj <->o x 8[/-(Q )^(o) j dF(« / -(l-)8)5 )][l-i8 1 2 M )]- -l "o-(l-^)«i Substituting z((o )=0, true at a unique value of We now <d we have z'(a) )=-l which establishes that z(o) )=0 can only be . establish by contradiction that there can recursion (7). Let W^^s^Um) be a solution to variables let s w be the optimal choice of s t t . (7) be no non-linear solutions to the and for given values of the state Thus (A7) + J%l + V(a +M i><V.«wWM M) i -oo Observation under both We u, s, 1: w =0 and ^"(y^s^.u,) cannot depend on as returns from a higher y t. x accrue s tw =l. know by assumption where V(.) gives y,.! s tv =0. The that both V(.,.,.) in (8) and W(.) satisfy (7). Take a value of difference between (5) evaluated at W(.) and V(.), for given u,, is 30 ^{-B/ RO'M -»« +(a 1 +i0*r.*, ,r ,«Vi) , < AO , A8 > -/(*0^J C^M^^^M)^O-/(^jC^-l +a b))^ l,M)> From Observation Thus W(.,.,.) linear in is repeat this exercise for s,. holds for 1 this x =0 y,.! or 1 with a constant coefficient. see this note that we can . s tv = 1 and get the same relationship. 2: If E,T^ ^{y .^ t is To and get the same coefficient kt Similarly we can repeat the exercise for values of u, at which Observation for fixed u„ implying that all y,.! true for u,=u, t ._^ it is . \s t r l)>E^ i*r(y also true for t ^H _ u,=u+A, such t that s w =l (=0). t a,.! A>0. The that increasing in u whereas the right-hand side does not a value of u„ u^s,^) (independent of (A10) v u N |*,=0) left-hand side of (A10) depend on u This implies there . t by Observation 1) such that u Suppose u^Sn^Oo-^iSt-i (the argument w t >(<)u (s t . 1 ) for the reverse inequality is exists implies is analogous). First, Varying consider u, in the interval (-oo^o-cojSi.j). F° r aH u m this interval, t w =s v =0. t u, in this interval gives: ^(yM^",)-/^(y,-i +a where Kj does not depend upon that W(.) is independent of Consider a value of Considering variations of u, in u, in u,. As oM i)=*2 < + there is However the interval (-00,0^0)^). the interval u, in this interval W(.,.,.) is linear in Thus over We this range too also not depend on a v which t. (u^Sn^+oo). This implies s tv =s w =l. t gives is linear in W(.,.,.) is linear in u,, need to consider the u, A11 ) no investment we see from Observation 2 %i^,)-^%i+v«iV.vJ=Wu-^>, W(.,.,.) s, u,.! ( with coefficient with coefficient over (coo-ajjSujU^s,.!)). 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