C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 337, Série I, p. 71–74, 2003 Analyse numérique/Numerical Analysis Mixed finite elements for incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics Anna Schneebeli a , Dominik Schötzau a a Department of Mathematics, University of Basel, Rheinsprung 21, CH-4051 Switzerland E-mail: schneeba@math.unibas.ch, schotzau@math.unibas.ch Abstract. We present a new mixed finite element discretization for three-dimensional stationary incompressible magneto–hydrodynamics. The fluid variables are discretized by standard inf-sup stable velocity-pressure pairs and the magnetic ones by a mixed approach using Nédélec’s elements of the first kind. The resulting method is shown to be quasi-optimally convergent. c 2003 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS Méthodes d’éléments finis mixtes pour la magnéto-hydrodynamique incompressible Résumé. Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode d’éléments finis mixtes pour les équations stationnaires tridimensionnelles de la magnéto-hydrodynamique incompressible. La partie fluide est discrétisée par des couples d’espaces standards vitesse-pression, stables selon la condition inf-sup, et la partie magnétique par une approche mixte utilisant les éléments de Nédélec de première espèce. Nous montrons que la méthode qui en résulte converge de façon quasi-optimale. c 2003 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS 1. Introduction Incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) describes the flow of a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid and arises in several engineering applications such as liquid metals in magnetic pumps or aluminum electrolysis. Over the last few years, several finite element approximations have been proposed for such problems that are based on nodal (i.e. H 1 -conforming) finite elements for the magnetic field, combined with standard discretizations of the fluid variables. We mention here only [1, 4, 5, 6, 7] and the references therein. However, it has been known for some time that in non-convex polyhedra of engi3 and that a nodal FEM discretization, neering practice, the magnetic field may have regularity below H 1 albeit stable, can converge to a magnetic field that misses certain singular solution components induced by reentrant vertices or edges; see [2]. In this note, we present an alternative mixed finite element approximation for incompressible MHD problems based on the Sobolev space H . We use Nédélec’s first family of elements for the discretization of the magnetic field, inf-sup stable velocity-pressure pairs for the hydrodynamic unknowns and standard elements for an additional Lagrange multiplier related to the divergence constraint on the magnetic field. The resulting method is shown to lead to quasi-optimal error bounds in general Lipschitz polyhedra. ( ) (url; ) c 2003 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés. 71 A. Schneebeli, D. Schötzau ( ) For a Lipschitz domain R3 , we write k ks to denote the norm in the usual Sobolev space H s , s > . The L2 -based inner product is ; . We use the same notation for vector fields. We define H01 as the subspace of functions in H 1 with zero trace on . The space H is the space of 3 with vector fields ~ 2 L2 ~ 2 L2 3 , endowed with the graph norm k kurl . H0 is the subspace of H of functions with zero tangential trace. 0 ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) (url; ) ( ) ( ) ( ) url (url; ) (url; ) Mixed formulation of incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics Let be a bounded Lipschitz polyhedron in R3 . For simplicity, we assume that is simply-connected, and that its boundary is connected. The incompressible MHD problem we consider is to find the velocity field ~u, the pressure p, the magnetic field ~b, and the scalar function r satisfying Rs 1 ~u + (~u r)~u + rp S url ~b ~b = f~ R 1 S url(url ~b) S url(~u ~b) rr = ~g m in ; in : in ; div ~u = div ~b = 0 (1) Here, Rs is the hydrodynamic Reynolds number, Rm the magnetic Reynolds number, S the coupling 3 are given source terms. We complete the above system with the homogeneous number, and f~, ~g 2 L2 boundary conditions ~u ~ , ~n ~b ~ , and r ~ on , with ~n denoting the outward normal unit vector ~b to . Note that the scalar function r is the Lagrange multiplier associated to the constraint . Its purpose is to render the formulation and its discretization stable; cf. [3]. By taking the divergence of the r ~g in , r on . In particular, we have r for a second equation in (1), we obtain solenoidal source term ~g. ~ H01 3 , Q L2 =R, C~ H0 , and S H01 , the weak By introducing the spaces V ~ Q C~ S such that formulation of (1) reads: find ~u; p; ~b; r 2 V ( ) =0 =0 =0 = div = 0 := ( ) := ( ) := (url; ) ( ) ~ ~v ); as (~u; ~v ) + 0 (~u; ~u; ~v ) 1 (~b; ~v ; ~b) + bs (p; ~v ) = (f; am (~b;~) 2 (~b; ~u;~) + bm (r;~) = (~g ;~); bs (q; ~u) = bm (s; ~b) = 0; ) 2 V~ Q C~ S . Here, we use the forms as (~u; ~v ) := Rs 1 (r~u; r~v ); bs (q; ~v ) := (q; div ~v ); ~ ~v ); 1 (d~; ~v ; ~b) := S (url ~b d; 1 ~ r)~u; ~v) 1 ((w~ r)~v; ~u): 0 (w ~ ; ~u; ~v ) := ((w 2 2 := div = 0 0 ( ) (2) ( for any ~v ; q;~; s am (~b;~) := Rm1 S (url ~b; url ~); bm (s;~) := (rs;~); ~ url ~); 2 (d~; ~u;~) := S (~u d; The recent results in [9] show that the weak formulation in (2) is well-posed and that the following existence and uniqueness result holds. ~ ~g 2 L2 3 , there exists at least one solution ~u; p; ~b; r in V~ Q C~ S T HEOREM 1. – For any f; of the mixed formulation in (2). Moreover, there exists a constant C solely depending on such that for 1 C maxf1;S g [kf~k2 +k~gk2 ℄ 2 small data with minfR 2 ;R 20S 2 g 0 < the solution is unique. s m ( ) ( 1 3. Finite element discretization Let Th be a regular and quasi-uniform partition of of the element K 2 Th , and set h K 2Th hK . = max 72 ) into tetrahedra fK g. We denote by hK the diameter Mixed finite elements for incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics ~h V~ and Qh Q, which To discretize the Navier-Stokes operator, we use standard finite element pairs V are based on the mesh Th and are assumed to be inf-sup stable independently of the mesh-size. We further assume the following standard approximation property to hold: inf~ k~u ~v2Vh ( ) ( ) ~v k1 + inf kp q2Q h q k0 6 Chminfs;kg k~uks+1 + kpks ( ) (3) 1 3 H s , s > 1 , and an approximation order k > . for ~u; p 2 H s+1 2 For the Maxwell operator, we use Nédélec’s first family of spaces [8] combined with a standard H 1 conforming space. To this end, let Pk K be the space of polynomials of total degree k > on K and Pek K the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k on K . The space Dk K denotes the polynomials ~ p in Pek K 3 that satisfy ~p ~x ~x on K . For k > , we then set ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) =0 0 1 C~ h = f ~ 2 C~ j ~ujK 2 Pk 1 (K )3 Dk (K ); K 2 Th g; Sh = f s 2 S j sjK 2 Pk (K ); K 2 Th g: ~h Qh C~ h Sh such that The finite element approximation of (2) is: find (~uh ; ph ; ~bh ; rh ) 2 V ~ ~v ); as (~uh ; ~v ) + 0 (~uh ; ~uh ; ~v ) 1 (~bh ; ~v ; ~bh ) + bs (ph ; ~v ) = (f; (4) am (~bh ;~) 2 (~bh ; ~uh ;~) + bm (rh ;~) = (~g ;~); bs (q; ~uh ) = bm (s; ~bh ) = 0; ~h Qh C~ h Sh . for any (~v ; q;~; s) 2 V Using discrete Helmholtz decompositions, it can be easily seen that we have rh 0 for a solenoidal source term ~g . Furthermore, a discrete version of Theorem 1 has been established in [9]. 4. Error analysis The mixed method (4) leads to quasi-optimal error bounds. 1 C maxf1;S g [kf~k2 +k~gk2 ℄ 2 T HEOREM 2. – Assume that minfR 2 ;R 20S 2 g 0 < 21 . Then we have the error bounds m s k~u ~uh k1 + kp 0 ph k0 + k~ ~h kurl + kr rh k1 6 C inf~ k~u ~v k1 + ~q2infQ kp qk0 + ~v 2Vh h inf~ k~b ~kurl + sinf kr 2S ~2Ch h sk1 ; with a constant C > that is independent of the mesh-size. ~ h and Sh yields the Using Theorem 2, assumption (3) and standard approximation results for the spaces C 3 H s , r 2 H 1+s , ~b 2 H s 3 , following convergence rates, see [9]. Let ~u; p 2 H 1+s ~b 2 H s 3 , for a regularity exponent s > 1 . Then we have 2 url ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) k~u ~uh k1 + kp phk0 + k~ ~h kurl + kr rh k1 6 Chminfs;kg k~uks+1 + kpks + k~bks + k url~bks + krks+1 : 5. Numerical results We present numerical results for the following linearized and two-dimensional variant of (1): ~u + rp url~b d~ = f;~ urlurl~b url(~u d~) rr = ~g; div ~u = div ~b = 0; in ; where is the L-shaped polygon = ( 1; 1)2 n [0; 1) ( 1; 0℄ and d~ the prescribed magnetic field d~ = ( 1; 1). We further choose f~, ~g , and the boundary conditions so that the solution to the above 73 A. Schneebeli, D. Schötzau problem is given by the strongest corner singularity for the underlying elliptic operator. The corresponding hydrodynamic variables ~u and p are then ~u(~x) = ((1 + ) sin() () + os() 0 ()) ; ( (1 + ) os() () + sin() 0 ()) p(~x) = 1 ((1+ )2 0 ()+ 000 ())=(1 ); () = sin((1+ )) os(w)=(1+ ) os((1+ )) sin((1 )) os(w)=(1 )+os((1 )), and with 0:5445 and (; ) denoting the polar coordinates of ~x = (x1 ; x2 ). The pair (~b; r) is given by ~b(~x) = r(2=3 sin (2=3)) and r(~x) 0. We point out that the magnetic field ~b does not belong to H 1 ( )2 and thus cannot be correctly captured by nodal elements; see [2]. with The finite element approximations to this MHD solution are computed on a sequence of successively refined square meshes fTi gi>1 , employing the general purpose finite element library deal.II; see [10]. The mesh-size in the mesh Ti is proportional to i . We use lowest order two-dimensional Nédélec’s elements for the field ~b, corresponding to rotated Raviart-Thomas elements, bilinear elements for r and inf-sup stable Q22 Q0 elements for ~u; p . In Table 1, we show the errors and numerical convergence rates that are obtained for each of the solution components. The numbers clearly show convergence in accordance with 8 that the theoretical results in Section 4. Note that the H 1 -error for r vanishes within the accuracy of was used to iteratively solve the resulting linear systems. This test demonstrates the ability of our mixed . method to resolve highly singular solutions whose magnetic components have regularity below H 1 2 ( ) 10 ( ) mesh 1 2 3 4 5 total dofs 195 675 2499 9603 37635 H 1 -error in ~u 1.5510 0 1.1310 0 0.46 8.0310 1 0.50 5.5910 1 0.52 3.8610 1 0.53 L2 -error in p 2.1110 0 1.3810 0 0.61 8.9710 1 0.63 5.9510 1 0.59 4.0210 1 0.57 curl-error in ~b 1 8.74 1 0.57 5.91 1 0.56 4.00 1 0.55 2.72 1 0.55 1.86 10 10 10 10 10 H 1 -error in r 1.1710 9 1.9510 9 3.3610 9 2.0110 9 1.9810 9 Table 1: Energy errors and convergence rates for singular MHD solution. References [1] F. Armero and J.C. Simo, Long-term dissipativity of time-stepping algorithms for an abstract evolution equation with applications to the incompressible MHD and Navier-Stokes equations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 131 (1996), 41–90. [2] M. Costabel and M. Dauge, Weighted regularization of Maxwell equations in polyhedral domains, Numer. Math. 93 (2002), 239–277. [3] L. Demkowicz and L. 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