Lecture 35: Recall that we are in the process of proving Bowen, Theorem 1.22. Recall statements of Lemmas 1,2 and 3 and defn. of Gibbs-Bowen measure. Lemma 4: For x, y ∈ M+ C with xi = yi for i = 0, . . . , m − 1, |Smφ(x) − Smφ(y)| ≤ a := ∞ X vark (φ). k=0 Proof: |Smφ(x)−Smφ(y)| ≤ m−1 X i i |φ(σ (x))−φ(σ (y))| ≤ i=0 m−1 X varm−1−i ≤ a. i=0 Lemma 5: µ := hν (from the Ruelle PF Theorem) is a GibbsBowen measure for φ. Proof: Fix x ∈ MC+. For any z ∈ MC+, There is at most one y ∈ σ −m(z) s.t. y ∈ E := Ex0...xm−1 . By Lemmas 0(a) and Lemma 3, X m (L (hχE ))(z) = eSmφ(y)h(y)χE (y) ≤ eSmφ(x)ea||h|| y∈σ −m (z) Thus, with λ as the eigenvalue from Ruelle PF, Z µ(E) = ν(hχE ) = (1/λm)L∗ν(hχE ) = (1/λm) (Lm(h · χE ))dν(z) ≤ (1/λm)eSmφ(x)ea||h|| Letting P := log λ and c2 := ea||h||, we obtain the upper bound in the defn of Bowen-Gibbs. 1 Let N be s.t. C N > 0 (recall that C is primitive). For any z ∈ MC+, there is at least one y 0 ∈ σ −m−N (z) s.t. y 0 ∈ E. Then 0 (Lm+N (hχE ))(z) ≥ eSm+N φ(y )h(y 0) ≥ e−N ||φ||−a(inf h)eSmφ(x) So µ(E) = ν(hχE ) = (1/λm+N )ν(Lm+N (hχE )) ≥ c1λ−meSmφ(x) where c1 := λ−N e−N ||φ||−a(inf h); this gives the lower bound in the defn of Bowen-Gibbs. Note: from Lemma 3 and proof of Lemma 5, we see that P (φ) = P = log λ. At this point, it can be shown that µ := hν is the unique GibbsBowen measure for φ (Bowen, last part of Theorem 1.16). However, we will not need this fact and it will fall out later. Lemma 6: Any Gibbs-Bowen measure for φ is an equilibrium state for φ. Proof: Let P = P (φ). By the variational principle, Z hµ(σ|MC ) + φdµ ≤ P for all invariant measures µ (in this case, this half of the variational principle is much easier than the general case). Let µ be a Gibbs-Bowen measure for φ. For each nonempty initial cylinder set E := Ea0...am−1 in MC choose x = xE ∈ E that achieves min Smφ(x) on E. Then Z −µ(E) log µ(E) + Smφ dµ ≥ −µ(E)(log µ(E) − Smφ(xE )) E 2 ≥ −µ(E)(log(c2e−P m+Smφ(xE )) − Smφ(xE )) = µ(E)(P m − log c2) So, Hµ(α[0,m−1]) + Z Smφdµ ≥ P m − log c2 So, Z hµ(σ|MC ) + φdµ = lim (1/m)(Hµ(α[0,m−1]) + m→∞ Z Smφdµ) ≥ lim (1/m)(P m − log c2) = P m→∞ Note: Nishant will prove another version of Lemma 6 this afternoon. Now we will prove uniqueness of the equilibrium state. We will need Lemmas 7,8,9. Lemma 7: Given 0 < s ≤ 1 and ai ∈ R, X X X − pi log pi + piai ≤ s(log( eai ) − log s) i i i P assuming pi ≥ 0, i pi = s. Proof: After dividing by s and transposing − log s, the inequality above becomes X X X − (pi/s) log(pi/s) + (pi/s)ai ≤ log( eai ), i i P i subject to i pi/s = 1. So this Lemma follows from our earlier lemma (page 4 of Lectures 30-32). Lemma 8 (a special case of Bowen, Lemma 1.23): Let µ1 ⊥ µ2 be mutually singular invariant Borel probability measures on a two-sided shift space. Then there exists a sequence Rm of unions of elements of α[0,m−1] s.t. µ1(Rm) → 1 and µ2(Rm) → 0. 3 Proof: There is a Borel set B s.t. µ1(B) = 1 and µ2(B) = 0. Let > 0 and let K ⊆ B be a compact set s.t. µ1(K) > 1 − . Let Rm be the union of all elements of α[−m,m] which intersect K. Then, each Rm contains K and so µ1(Rm) > 1 − . Since the diameters of elements of α[−m,m] tend to zero and K is compact, we have Rm ↓ K. So, µ2(Rm) → µ2(K) ≤ µ2(B) = 0. So, for some m, µ2(Rm) < . For a sequence n → 0, choose corresponding mn s.t. µ1(Rmn ) > 1 − n and µ2(Rmn ) < n. By shifting the Rmn to the right, we get the desired sequence. Lemma 9: Let T be a cts. map of a compact metric space and ν1, ν2 ∈ M(T ). If T is ergodic w.r.t. ν1 and ν2 << ν1, then ν2 = ν1. Proof: By the Radon-Nikodym theorem, for some f ∈ L1(ν1), f ≥ 0, we have ν2 = f ν1. Let T ∗ be the induced action of T on M(T ). From the invariance of ν1 and ν2, one can show that f is invariant, i.e., f = f ◦ T a.e. (ν1) – see Walters, pp. 152-153 for a version of this. Since µ1 is ergodic, f is constant a.e. (ν1). Since ν1 and ν2 are both probability measures, the constant must be 1, and so ν2 = ν1. Nishant’s alternative proof of Lemma 9: First we claim that ν2 is also ergodic. To see this, first note that if T −1(A) = A, then ν1(A) = 0 or 1. If ν1(A) = 0, then ν2(A) = 0; if ν1(A) = 1, then ν1(Ac) = 0 and so ν2(Ac) = 0 and so ν2(A) = 1. Let G be the set of ν1-generic points for a countable basis for the topology, i.e., G = {x ∈ M : (1/n) n−1 X i=0 4 χU (T ix) → ν1(U )} for all elements U of the basis. By the ergodic theorem, ν1(G) = 1 and so ν2(G) = 1 and so for a set of ν2-measure one, the frequency of visits to each basis element U is ν1(U ); thus, by the ergodic theorem, ν2(U ) = ν1(U ). 5 Lecture 36: Recall statement of Bowen’s Theorem 1.22, defn. of Gibbs-Bowen measure, fact that µ := hν is Gibbs-Bowen and is an equilibrium state and the following lemmas: Lemma 7: Given 0 < s ≤ 1 and ai ∈ R, X X X − pi log pi + piai ≤ s(log( eai ) − log s) i assuming pi ≥ 0, i P i pi i = s. Lemma 8: Let µ1 ⊥ µ2 be mutually singular invariant Borel probability measures on a two-sided shift space. Then there exists a sequence Rm of unions of elements of α[0,m−1] s.t. µ1(Rm) → 1 and µ2(Rm) → 0. Lemma 9: Let T be a cts. map of a compact metric space and ν1, ν2 ∈ M(T ). If T is ergodic w.r.t. ν1 and ν2 << ν1, then ν2 = ν1. Proof of uniqueness of the equilibrium state: Let λ be an equilibrium state and µ, the Gibbs-Bowen measure given by Ruelle PF: µ = hν. Will show λ = µ. DO NOT CONFUSE λ with the Ruelle PF eigenvalue. All we need regarding µ is that it is Gibbs-Bowen and ergodic. Case 1: λ ⊥ µ Fix m and let Rm be as in Lemma 8, with ν1 = λ and ν2 = µ. For each E ∈ α[0,m−1], choose xE ∈ E that achieves maxx∈E Smφ(x). From now on, E implicitly means that E ∈ α[0,m−1]. We have Z mP = mhλ(σ|MC ) + m φdλ ≤ Hλ(α[0,m−1]) + 6 Z Smφdλ ≤ X λ(E)(Smφ(xE )−log λ(E))+ X λ(E)(Smφ(xE )−log λ(E)) c E⊆Rm E⊆Rm which by Lemma 7 is X X Sm φ(xE ) c ≤ λ(Rm) log e + (λ(Rm)) log eSmφ(xE ) + 2K ∗ c E⊆Rm E⊆Rm where K ∗ = maxs∈[0,1] −s log s. Thus X X ∗ Sm φ(xE )−mP c −2K ≤ λ(Rm) log e +(λ(Rm)) log eSmφ(xE )−mP c E⊆Rm E⊆Rm and since µ is a Gibbs-Bowen measure, this is −1 c c ≤ λ(Rm) log c−1 1 µ(Rm ) + (λ(Rm )) log c1 (µ(Rm )) c c ≤ log c−1 1 + λ(Rm ) log µ(Rm ) + (λ(Rm )) log(µ(Rm )) But, as m → ∞, the 2nd term tends to −∞ and the third term tends to 0, a contradiction. Perspective on proof in Case 1: Assume the special case that φ = 0. Then P = P (φ) = htop(T ). Then the beginning of proof above shows: (letting |S|∗ denote the number of cylinders sets of “span” m that comprise S) c c ∗ mhtop(T ) ≤ λ(Rm) log |Rm|∗ + λ(Rm ) log |Rm | + 2K ∗ (1) Since µ is a Gibbs-Bowen measure, |Rm|∗ ≈ emhtop(T )µ(Rm), c ∗ c |Rm | ≈ emhtop(T )µ(Rm ), Since λ(Rm) → 1 and µ(Rm) → 0, we see that in (??), the first term grows like (1 + o(1))(mhtop(T ) + log o(1)) and the second term grows like (o(1))((mhtop(T )) + log(1 + o(1)). Case 2: λ is not singular w.r.t. µ. 7 For an invariant measure ρ, write Z Pρ(φ) = hρ(T ) + φdρ By the Lebesgue Radon Nikodym Decomposition, we can write λ as the sum of two measures, one of which is mutually singular w.r.t. µ and the other absolutely continuous w.r.t. µ. Since λ is a probability measure, these two measures are finite measures, whose measures sum to 1. Thus, by normalizing we can write λ = βλ0 + (1 − β)µ0 where λ0 ⊥ µ, µ0 << µ, β ∈ [0, 1]. If β = 0, then λ = µ by Lemma 9. So we may assume β 6= 0. We claim that λ0 and µ0 are shift-invariant. To see this, first note that λ = λ ◦ T −1 = βλ0 ◦ T −1 + (1 − β)µ0 ◦ T −1 By uniqueness of the Decomposition, it is enough to show that a) µ0 ◦ T −1 << µ and b) λ0 ◦ T −1 ⊥ µ. a): If µ(E) = 0, then µ(T −1(E) = 0 and so µ0 ◦ T −1(E) = 0; so, µ0 ◦ T −1 << µ. b): There is a Borel set B s.t. λ0(B) = 1, µ(B) = 0. Thus, λ(B) = βλ0(B) + (1 − β)µ0(B) = β; this together with µ0(T −1(B) = 0 gives: β = λ(B) = λ(T −1(B)) = βλ0(T −1(B))+(1−β)(µ0(T −1(B)) = βλ0(T −1(B)) and so λ0(T −1(B)) = 1; so, λ0 ◦ T −1 ⊥ µ. Since the entropy function is affine, we have P = Pλ(φ) = βPλ0 (φ) + (1 − β)Pµ0 (φ) Since Pµ0 (φ) ≤ P , β 6= 0 and by Case 1, Pλ0 (φ) < P , this is a contradiction. 8