Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 System identification of the human thermoregulatory system using continuous-time block-oriented predictive modeling Derrick Rollinsa, b,∗ , Nidhi Bhandarb , Sandra Hultinga a Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA 50011, USA b Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2114 Sweeney, Ames, IA 50011, USA Received 25 June 2004; received in revised form 20 July 2005; accepted 18 August 2005 Available online 2 November 2005 Abstract This article presents preliminary results of a new research program for identifying predictive models for human thermoregulatory (HT) response using only an individual’s attributes and their physical property data to build the model. This program is being developed in phases and this article presents results of the first phase. This initial phase demonstrates that the proposed semi-empirical (i.e., gray-box), continuoustime, block-oriented modeling (BOM) approach [Rollins, et al. 2003. A continuous time nonlinear dynamic predictive modeling method for Hammerstein processes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 42, 861–872; Bhandari and Rollins, 2003. A continuous-time MIMO Wiener modeling method. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 42, 5583–5595.] is capable of accurately predicting HT response. This ability is demonstrated using real data from literature [Hardy and Stolwijck, 1966. Partitional calorimetric studies of man during exposures to thermal transients. Journal of Applied Physiology 21(6), 1799–1806.] and computer generated data from a HT semi-theoretical model with qualitatively accurate physiological behavior [Wissler, 1963. An analysis of factors affecting temperature levels in the nude human. Temperature—its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry 3(3), 603–612; Wissler, 1964. Mathematical model of the human thermal system. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 26, 147–166.]. A critical strength of the proposed gray-box BOM approach is the use of physically interpretable structures and model coefficients. This article discusses how this strength can be exploited to identify a predictive HT response model for an individual without using environmental chamber data of the individual. 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermoregulatory response; Predictive dynamic modeling; Semi-empirical modeling; Block-oriented systems; Process behavior 1. Introduction The continued expansion of military, industrial, and scientific efforts in moderate and hostile environments suggests the need for accurate prediction of human physiological response under such conditions. This accomplishment can aid in the design of military chemical suits (Reneau et al., 1997), industrial protective clothing (Reneau et al., 1999), and space suits. Furthermore, this accomplishment is also essential for the development of predictive control systems for environmental suits as well as critically controlled environments such as space ∗ Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA 50011, USA. Tel.: +1 515 294 5516; fax: +1 515 294 2689. E-mail address: (D. Rollins). 0009-2509/$ - see front matter 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2005.08.036 ships and space stations. Thus, to advance physiological understanding, human thermoregulatory (HT) research has been extensive, as described by Havenith et al. (1998). Phenomenological modeling in this context has meant explaining physiological behavior using scientific principles. However, the scope of this article is system identification and not phenomenological modeling. In this context, system identification seeks to determine “how” input variables affect HT response in contrast to phenomenological modeling that also seeks to understand “why.” Moreover, our research program seeks to obtain HT predictive models for individuals that depend on environmental input variables. These models will be identified (i.e., developed) from existing knowledge, and a subject’s personal attributes and physical property data. Consequently, this information will be used in a unique way to determine the three critical components of a predictive model: the structures, explanatory variables, and the model parameters. D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 The model structures will come from library cataloged HT predictive models determined from other subjects. These models will be cataloged in this library by physical attributes and environmental conditions. The model parameters will be determined from individualized attributes and physical property data. For an example of research in this area see Havenith (2001). The critical explanatory variables will be obtained from knowledge in the HT literature. For example, it is known from advances in HT research that the following variables affect the human core temperature: environmental temperature, wind speed, humidity, duration of exposure, etc., as well as individual attributes such as age, gender, weight, height, surface area, level of fitness, and clothing. The concept of this HT model development strategy for an individual is illustrated in Fig. 1. Our fundamental modeling approach has been classified as “semi-empirical” or “gray-box” modeling. Thus, we do not use first principle modeling to obtain model structures (for examples see Gagge et al., 1986; Gordon et al., 1976). However, unlike empirical models, since the models of this approach are intelligent-based, their structures and the parameters can have physical meaning and allow for extrapolation and independent development of parameters. These properties of semi-empirical modeling are exploited in this research program to build HT models for individuals from limited experimentation. A critical strength of our approach is its ability to define explicit structures for the static (i.e., ultimate), dynamic, and noise model forms, that allows their independent identification and development. Thus, this attribute allows one to use knowledge and information from several sources to build a model. This feature is critical to our proposed HT system identification strategy for individuals, as mentioned above. Another critical feature is the continuous-time attribute that allows clear theoretical description of physical parameters such as time constants that can be related to physical attributes of the person being modeled. Our research program consists of several phases and this article presents results of the first phase. In this initial phase, 1517 our goal is to demonstrate that the proposed, continuous-time, block-oriented modeling (BOM) approach (Rollins et al., 2003; Bhandari and Rollins, 2003) is capable of accurately predicting HT response from measured inputs. We demonstrate this ability using data from two sources: real data from literature (Hardy and Stolwijk, 1966) and computer generated data from a widely accepted model with qualitatively accurate physiological behavior (Wissler model, 1963, 1964). The Hardy and Stolwijck data are averaged values from three similar individuals. Our position is that, if our BOM can model this behavior well, we see no reason why it should not be able to model their individual behavior equally as well. Our second study will treat the Wissler computer program as a surrogate person. Given that this model adequately describes HT behavior, at least qualitatively; this is adequate to meet the data requirements of our study. Note that, a strength of this study is the use of two vastly different types of data. Therefore, successful modeling in both cases will provide significant evidence that our BOM approach is capable of capturing HT behavior. This article will specifically evaluate the feasibility of our BOM method to model skin temperature and sweat rate in both studies. In Section 2, we discuss BOM and present the proposed approach. The real and simulated case studies are presented in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section 5. 2. The proposed BOM technique This section discusses general concepts of BOM and presents the system identification methodology that we will use in this work. Processes that can be described by series and/or parallel arrangement of nonlinear static blocks and linear dynamic blocks are said to have block-oriented structures. One of the simplest and most popular system is the Hammerstein structure, which consists of a nonlinear static gain block followed by Environmental conditions Wind Temperature speed Humidity Blockstructure Age Gender Subject attributes Weight Exposure time Library of models Static gain and dynamic functions Parameter estimates Semi-Empirical HTRS model for the subject % Body fat Auxiliary Information (may require minor experimentation) Fig. 1. The proposed library concept of this research program to identify BOMs for individual subjects using cataloged BOM structures, the environmental conditions, and their attributes and physical property data. 1518 D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 a linear dynamic block. Another popular system is the Wiener structure which reverses this order. More specifically, each input first passes through a linear dynamic block followed by a nonlinear static block. The Wiener structure allows each input to have its own dynamic block while still addressing nonlinear dynamics. For modeling Hammerstein systems, Rollins et al. (2003) developed the Hammerstein Block-oriented Exact Solution Technique or H-BEST. Similarly, for modeling Wiener systems, Bhandari and Rollins (2003) developed W-BEST. BEST is a comprehensive system identification (i.e., modelbuilding) approach; its goals include: (a) maximum information from minimum trials, (b) identification of static, dynamic, and error term model structures, and (c) accurate estimation of all model parameters. Optimal statistical design of experiments (SDOE) is exploited to keep the number of experimental runs (i.e., trials or step tests) to a minimum. Each experimental trial or design point is run from an initial steady state to a final steady state to obtain rich dynamic and steady-state (ultimate response) information to allow separate determination of static and dynamic model forms. Rollins and Bhandari (2004) developed a constrained MIMO discrete-time method to exploit the advantages of discrete-time modeling. However, when discrete-time methods are limited, the MIMO continuous-time method developed by Bhandari and Rollins (2003) is also available. This method is available in “compact” form (using only the most recent input changes) or classical form. The compact form is restricted to step inputs (or piece-wise step inputs) and, more critically, to reaching steady state between input changes. Although there are no input restrictions for the classical form, it is not compact and can depend on many previous input changes to obtain the required accuracy. This article uses the classical methods in both case studies since the number of input changes is small. The classical prediction algorithm for H-BEST is presented below, followed by the one for W-BEST. 2.1. H-BEST model For a Hammerstein system with input vector u(t) and single output (t), we have v(t) = f (u(t)) times t = 0, t1 , t2 , . . . , tK−1 . ⎧ u0 = 0 t = 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ u 0 < t t1 ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ .. ⎪ .. ⎨ . . u(t) = , u tj −1 < t tj ⎪ j ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ .. .. ⎪ ⎪ . ⎪ ⎩. uK tK−1 < t (4) where the input vector, uj = [u1,j , u2,j , . . . , up,j ]T such that ui,j is the value of ith input in the j th interval. Based on Eq. (4), V (s) becomes f (u1 ) f (u2 ) − f (u1 ) −t1 s + e + ··· s s f (uK ) − f (uK−1 ) −tK−1 s + e s V (s) = (5) and (t) = f (u1 )g(t)S(t) + (f (u2 ) − f (u1 ))g(t − t1 ) × S(t − t1 ) + · · · + (f (uK ) − f (uK−1 )) × g(t − tK−1 )S(t − tK−1 ) K = (f (un ) − f (un−1 ))g(t − tn−1 )S(t − tn−1 ), (6) n=1 where f (u(t)) is the nonlinear static gain function and S(t) is the unit step function. The dynamic function, g(t), is described by Eq. (7) below: 1 g(t) = L−1 G(s) . (7) s 2.2. W-BEST model Similarly, for a Wiener system with multiple inputs and a single output, we get Vj (s) = Gj (s), Uj (s) j = 1, 2, . . . , p (8) and (t) = f (v(t)) (1) ⇒ vj (t) = L−1 {Gj (s)Uj (s)}, (9) (10) where v is the vector of intermediate hidden (i.e., unmeasured) variable such that v = [v1 , v2 , . . . , vp ]T . Specifically for step inputs, as described by Eq. (4): and (s) = G(s) V (s) (2) ⇒ (t) = L−1 (G(s)V (s)), (3) where V (s) is the Laplace transform of v(t), L−1 is the inverse Laplace transform operator and G(s) is the linear dynamic transfer function of the process in the Laplace domain. In both case studies, the inputs are step inputs, which can be described using Eq. (4) below for K input changes occurring at vj (t) = uj,1 gj (t)S(t) + (uj,2 − uj,1 )gj (t − t1 )S(t − t1 ) + · · · + (uj,K − uj,K−1 )gj (t − tK−1 )S(t − tK−1 ) = K (uj,n − uj,n )gj (t − tn−1 )S(t − tn−1 ), (11) n=1 where f (·) is the nonlinear static function, and the dynamic function, gj (t), is described by Eq. (12) 1 gj (t) = L−1 Gj (s) , (12) s D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 where Gj (s) is the linear dynamic transfer function of the process, i.e., Gj (s) = Vj (s)/Uj (s). Thus, (t) is determined, as in H-BEST, when f (·) and g(·) are found. As we will show later, the error term in the model for the real data study is serially correlated. Below, we present a procedure to extend H- and W-BEST to address serially correlated noise (i.e., the error term). This procedure first estimates the true output, (t), under Model 1 (assuming “white” noise). Next, it obtains the residuals and then their auto regressive, moving average (ARMA) structure and initial estimates of ARMA parameters. It then pre-whitens the outputs under Model 2 using the ARMA structure and re-estimates (t) (see Eq. (14) below). More specifically, Model 1 is: y(t) = (t) + a(t), where at ∼ indep N(0, 2 ) for all t, and Model 2 is: y(t) = (t) + N (t), where y(t) is the measured output value, and N (t) follows an ARMA(p∗ , q ∗ ) structure (see Box and Jenkins, 1976) as shown in Eq. (13): Nt = q ∗ (B) at , p∗ (B) (13) ∗ where q ∗ (B) = 1 − 1 B − 2 B 2 − · · · − q ∗ B q , p∗ (B) = ∗ 1 − 1 B − 2 B 2 − · · · − p∗ B p , B is the backward difference operator such that B r xt = xt−r , and ’s and ’s are the ARMA parameters. In the pre-whitened form, under Model 2, y(t) = (t) + 1 (y(t − t) − (t − t)) + 2 (y(t − 2t) − (t − 2t)) + · · · + at (14) with estimator ŷ(t) = ˆ (t) + ˆ 1 (y(t − t) − ˆ (t − t)) + ˆ 2 (y(t − 2t) − ˆ (t − 2t)) + · · · , (15) where (B) = p∗ (B) q ∗ (B) = 1 − 1 B − 2 B 2 − · · · . (16) We now give our system identification procedure formally by the following six steps: 1. Select the SDOE and run the design (input changes) as a sequence of step tests. 2. Average the steady-state data from each input change and find the form of static gain function and estimate the parameters. 3. From a visual examination of the step tests, select the dynamic model forms (i.e., g’s) and estimate the dynamic parameters assuming Model 1 is true. 4. Then using the model residuals from Step 3, determine the ARMA(p ∗ , q ∗ ) form of noise and initial estimates of the p∗ + q ∗ parameters. 5. Simultaneously re-fit the dynamic parameters (using the form and estimates found in Step 3 and the ARMA(p ∗ , q ∗ ) parameters (using the form and estimates found in Step 4) under Model 2. 6. Check the residuals from Step 5 to verify white noise behavior. 1519 In the next section, we apply this procedure in the case study using data from real subjects. 3. Case 1: BOM system identification in the real data study There are a number of factors that need to be considered when modeling human thermoregulation. These can be broadly grouped either as environmental factors (air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, etc.) or as individual attributes (weight, height, age, gender, body fat, skin-type, cardio-vascular condition, exercising level, etc.). For both case studies, only environmental factors are considered as inputs due to the restrictions imposed by the data we modeled. Likewise, for the same reason, our studies are restricted to two outputs, sweat rate and skin temperature. In this section, we present the details of the steps involved in model building and the results of model validation for the data obtained from experiments by Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). The experiments were based on the same protocol and used three male subjects of similar build with the following average attributes: age—23.3 years, height—1.83 m, weight—87.6 kg and surface area—2.02 m2 . The purpose of the experiments was to measure the transient response of sweat rate and skin temperature to sudden (i.e., step) changes in room temperature (T) and relative humidity (H). Each experiment was 4 h long with a total of four experiments. In each experiment, the subjects were stationary in a chamber with fixed temperature and humidity for 1 h. Then they moved to a second chamber with different conditions and stayed for 2 h. Finally, they went to a third chamber for the last hour. The first three experiments were used for training the model while the last experiment was used for testing or validating the model. The results reported for these experiments were averaged responses for the three subjects. For more details about the experiment and data collection see Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). Other researchers (Campbell et al., 1994; Walker, 1999) have also used the sweat rate data from these experiments. The results of these studies are compared with the results of our model later in this article. We now present the details of the BEST model-building procedure described in the previous section. Normally, the first step in our model-building approach is the selection of input variables, the input or design space, and the appropriate SDOE based on the á priori assumptions. Since we are taking data from the literature, we go directly to Step 2 in the proposed system identification procedure described in Section 2. The experimental input conditions and the input design space for the training data are shown in Fig. 2 below. As shown, the input changes are step tests as desired but the input space is far from optimal in coverage. For this study, both the input and the output variables were converted to deviation variables. The second step involves the estimation of the static function. The last three values of the measured responses at the end of each step change were averaged and based on the input sequences in Fig. 2: there were nine such step changes. The estimated nonlinear static functions were then obtained using linear regression as shown in 1520 D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 Rel. Humidity Room Temperature 45 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 25 Relative Humidity (%) Temperature (deg C), Rel. Humidity (%) 50 40 35 30 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Train Test 30 Time (min) 35 40 45 50 Room Temperature (deg. C) 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Partial Auto Correlation Function Auto Correlation Function Fig. 2. The sequence of step changes in the room temperature and relative humidity for training cases (left plot) along with the input space for training and testing (right plot). The data are from Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lag Fig. 3. The ACF and PACF for residuals from Model 1 for sweat rate response. These results indicate AR(1) behavior. Eqs. (17) and (18) below: fˆsweat (T , H ) = 0.021 + 0.010T − 0.008H + 0.0006H 2 models the dynamic effects of room temperature; the second one models dynamic effects of relative humidity. These fitted dynamic models for the sweat rate response are both first-order and are given in Eqs. (19) and (20) below: (17) fˆTskin (T , H ) = 0.239T + 0.174H − 0.0074H 2 , (18) where T is the deviation variable for room temperature, H is the deviation variable for relative humidity, and fˆSweat (·) and fˆTskin (·) are the estimated static functions for sweat rate and skin temperature, respectively, in mg/cm2 / min and ◦ C. Note that dividing Eq. (17) by 6000 converts it to SI units kg/m2 /s. The next step is the identification of the dynamic models by assuming a certain block-oriented structure. For this case, we tried both Wiener and Hammerstein structures and found that the Wiener structure produced a more accurate fit of the sweat rate response while the Hammerstein structure produced a more accurate fit for the skin temperature response. Since the sweat rate response relies on two inputs and uses a Wiener structure, two dynamic models must be estimated. The first one ĝ1,sweat (t) = 1 − e ĝ2,sweat (t) = 1 − e − ˆ t s,1 − ˆ t s,2 , (19) , (20) where ˆ s,1 and ˆ s,2 are the estimated time constants and their estimates are 13.17 and 15.13 min, respectively. For the skin temperature response, we used a Hammerstein structure, and thus, only one dynamic function is required for modeling. This fitted dynamic function is of second-order, critically damped, form and is given in Eq. (21): (t) t − ĝTskin (t) = 1 − 1 + e ˆ T , ˆ T (21) where ˆ T is the estimated time constant with ˆ T = 4.05 min. D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 0.25 0.04 0.2 0.03 0.15 Residuals from Model 2 . Auto Correlation Function 1521 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.2 -0.25 -0.04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lag 0 100 200 300 400 Time (min) 500 600 700 Fig. 4. The ACF and time series plot of the residuals from Model 2 showing white noise behavior. Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s) 10^6 60.00 Data Eta-hat Y-hat 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 Time (min) 500 600 700 300 400 Time (min) 500 600 700 37.5 37.0 Skin Temperature (deg C) In the fourth step, using the residuals from Model 1, we: (1) obtained the auto correlation function (ACF) and partial auto correlation function (PACF); (2) determined the ARMA(p ∗ , q ∗ ) structure of the noise; and (3) calculated the initial parameter estimates. This was done using the Minitab statistical software package. For space consideration, only the ACF and PACF for the residuals for sweat rate response are shown (Fig. 3). Based on the ACF and PACF, and using the ARIMA command in Minitab, the residuals for sweat rate were modeled as an auto regressive, order one (i.e., AR(1)) process (see Box and Jenkins, 1976) with an initial parameter estimate, ˆ = 0.54. More specifically, ˆ 1 in Eq. (15) is ˆ = 0.54, and ˆ i = 0 for i not equal to 1. The residuals for skin temperature were modeled as an AR(2) process with initial values of ˆ 1 =0.50 and ˆ 2 =0.22. More specifically, ˆ 1 = ˆ 1 =0.50, and ˆ 2 = ˆ 2 = 0.22, and ˆ i = 0 for i not equal to 1 or 2 in Eq. (15). In the fifth step, using the dynamic models and noise model obtained in previous steps, we re-estimated the dynamic parameters as well as the AR parameters. The new estimated dynamic parameters are: ˆ 1,s = 13.67 and ˆ 2,s = 13.52 for the sweat rate response and ˆ T = 4.25 for skin temperature. Also for the sweat rate response, the revised estimate for the AR parameter is ˆ = 0.55, while the revised estimates for the skin temperature response are ˆ 1 = 0.52 and ˆ 2 = 0.26. The final step is to make sure that the residuals from Model 2 are white noise or uncorrelated. This can be seen from Fig. 4, where none of the lags are highly significant and the residuals are uniformly scattered about zero. The fitted models for the training data are shown in Fig. 5 below for the sweat rate and the skin temperature responses. The estimator that depends only on the inputs is given by Etahat (ˆ) and the one-step-ahead (OSA) predictor is given by Y-hat (ŷ). The proposed method fits both the responses quite well in training as seen in this figure. The fitted models were then evaluated using the test sequence shown in Fig. 6. As mentioned previously, other researchers have modeled the data for sweat rate as well; comparisons of these models along with our proposed model against true response data are shown in Fig. 7. These previous models Data Eta-hat Y-hat 36.5 36.0 35.5 35.0 34.5 34.0 33.5 33.0 32.5 0 100 200 Fig. 5. The fitted sweat rate (R 2 = 1.00 for Y-hat and Eta-hat) and skin temperature (R 2 =0.97 for Y-hat and 0.96 for Eta-hat) response to the training sequence given in Fig. 2. include the ANN model proposed by Campbell et al. (1994) and the two empirical models, ANN and PLS (projection to latent structures), developed by Walker (1999) in addition to the OSA (i.e., Y-hat) predictor for the proposed approach. Fig. 7 compares the four fits on the basis of the statistic rfit , which is the correlation coefficient between the observed values of the output and fitted response. This is a common way of Temperature (deg C), Humidity (%) 1522 D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 45 Room Temperature Table 1 SSPE results for the methods in Fig. 7 Rel. Humidity Method SSPE Relative SSPE Proposed (Y-hat) (OSAP) Proposed Eta-hat PLS-Walker ANN-Campbell et al. ANN-Walker 0.024 0.038 0.091 0.084 0.053 1.00 1.63 3.85 3.56 2.23 40 35 30 25 0 40 80 120 Time (min) 160 200 is the SSPE for the OSAP of the proposed method. From this table, one sees that the relative SSPE’s are from about 2–4 times greater than the SSPE for the OSAP of the proposed method and that the SSPE for the simulation prediction (Eta-hat) of the proposed method is much less than the other methods. The skin temperature response for the test data, along with the sweat rate response of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 8. In both cases, rfit for the OSAP is 0.97 and it is 0.96 for Eta-hat for sweat rate. We did not include Eta-hat for skin temperature because we did not obtain comparative results with other methods. Thus, based on the results presented in Figs. 7 and 8, and Table 1, we conclude that the proposed method captured the physiological thermoregulatory behavior of this data for skin temperature and sweat rate quite well. In 240 Fig. 6. The test sequence for evaluation of fitted models in Figs. 7 and 8. The data are from Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). assessing fit as discussed by Devore (2004). As shown, the proposed method has the highest rfit value of 0.97 indicating that it fit the data the best. Another assessment of the results in Fig. 7 is given in Table 1 that compares the sum of squared prediction error (SSPE) and the relative SSPE for the four fits. The prediction error for each observation is defined as the observed value minus the predicted value. The relative SSPE is determined by dividing each SSPE by the smallest SSPE, which is this case, 60.00 Measured Data Proposed (Y-hat) 50.00 Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s)x10^6 Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s)x10^6 60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Measured data PLS - Walker 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 40 80 Time (min) 160 200 240 Time (min) 60.00 60.00 Measured data ANN-Campbell et al. 50.00 Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s)x10^6 Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s)x10^6 120 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Measured data ANN-Walker 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 40 80 120 Time (min) 160 200 240 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Time (min) Fig. 7. The predicted sweat rate responses for the proposed method (rfit = 0.97), PLS-Walker (rfit = 0.92), ANN-Campbell et al. (rfit = 0.93) and ANN-Walker (rfit = 0.94) using the input test sequence shown in Fig. 6. The proposed method is shown in the upper left corner. The data are from Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 Table 2 The coded values for the inputs Sweat rate (Kg/m2/s) 10^6 60.00 Data Eta-hat Y-hat 50.00 Input (units) 40.00 30.00 Temperature of environment (T) (◦ C) 20.00 Wind speed (W) (mps) Humidity (H) (%) Coded level −1 0 1 32.2 0.45 75 34.4 1.34 80 36.7 2.24 85 10.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 Time (min) 37.0 Data Eta-hat Y-hat 36.5 Skin Temperature (deg C) 1523 36.0 35.5 35.0 34.5 34.0 33.5 33.0 32.5 32.0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Time (min) Fig. 8. The predicted sweat rate (rfit = 0.97 for Y-hat and rfit = 0.96 for Eta-hat) and skin temperature (rfit =0.97 for Y-hat) responses for the proposed method (BEST) using the test sequences in Fig. 6. The data are from Hardy and Stolwijk (1966). the next section we present the results of the Wissler data study, which uses an SDOE for the training input changes and adds another input, wind speed. Thus, this study fully applies our system identification method described in Section 2. 4. Case 2: BOM system identification in the Wissler data study In this section, we present the results of the model-building procedure using data from the Wissler computer program. All the details of this program have not been included for space consideration (see Wissler, 1963, 1964 for details). The set of initial conditions for the Wissler code pertain to a man in a sitting position wearing a cotton shirt and pants, with a weight of 82.6 kg, a skinfold thickness 0.012 m, and a resting metabolic rate of 83.7 J/s, in an environment with a temperature of 26.7 ◦ C, an air pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa (1 atm), a relative humidity of 50%, and a wind speed of 1.34 m/s. As mentioned in Section 2, the first step of the modeling procedure is the selection of the experimental design including the input variables. However, for simplicity, the input variables chosen in this study were restricted to the temperature of the environment (T), the relative humidity of the environment (H), and the wind speed of environmental air (W). The upper and lower limits of the input variables in this study were chosen from a realistic perspective so that they would cover as wide a range as possible without adversely affecting the subject. This is critical for experiments on human subjects. Therefore, to be able to observe changes in the sweat-rate response, the temperature lower limits of the input variables in this study were chosen from a realistic perspective so that they would cover as wide a range as possible without adversely affecting the subject. This is critical for experiments on human subjects. Hence, to be able to observe changes in the sweat-rate response, the temperature of the environment should be higher than the body temperature. In these situations, the loss of body heat can become very dependent on sweat evaporation, which in turn depends on the relative humidity of the surrounding air. When the ambient humidity is high, the capacity of the environment to accept water is reduced and so the sweat evaporation rate is also reduced. Hence, for this study, the experimental region consisted of high temperatures, high relative humidity, and low wind speeds; i.e., conditions where the responses are highly affected by input changes. The selection of an appropriate SDOE to optimize the information content of the data for estimating model parameters depends on the á priori assumptions about the significant main effects and interaction terms of the inputs in the nonlinear static gain functions, i.e., the f (·)’s. In this study, we assume that only the second-order effects (i.e., the quadratic terms and two-factor interactions) are significant in the static gain (or the ultimate response) functions for the outputs. There are a variety of designs that allow estimation of secondorder effects, such as three-level factorial designs, central composite designs (CCD) and Box Behnken designs (BBD), to name a few. The goal is to select a design with few runs and still obtain accurate estimates for the main effects and interaction terms in the model. A complete factorial design that models all possible interactions with three inputs at three levels requires 33 = 27 trials. A corresponding CCD would require a total of 15 experimental trials, whereas a BBD needs 13 trials without replicating the center point. Since we are using computergenerated data for this study, there is no need for replicated runs because there is no noise in these values. Since the BBD has the least number of trials or runs, it was chosen for this study. The three input levels are coded as −1, 0, 1 for each input variable, and the actual values associated with these levels are shown in Table 2. The environmental temperature ranges from 32.2 to 36.7 ◦ C, the wind speed from 0.45 to 2.24 meters per second (mps), and the relative humidity from 75% to 85%. The 13 experimental trials for the BBD are shown in Table 3. These trials were generated using the 1524 D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 Table 3 The design points based on BBD Run # T (C) W (mps) H (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34.4 34.4 36.7 34.4 36.7 32.2 32.2 36.7 32.2 34.4 36.7 34.4 32.2 0.45 1.34 1.34 0.45 1.34 1.34 0.45 2.24 2.24 2.24 0.45 2.24 1.34 85 80 5 75 75 75 80 80 80 75 80 85 85 software package JMP, version 4.0.4, from SAS Institute Inc., on a PC platform. For this study, data were obtained by executing the 13 experimental trials provided by the BBD by running the Wissler code with the temperature, humidity, and wind speed set to the values listed in Table 3 and letting the responses approach steady state for each run. This time was about 80 min for the skin temperature but about 360 min for the sweat rate with sampling every 10 min. The second step is to use the steady-state data to find the nonlinear static gain function for each of the responses using multiple regressions. From the data collected, we have 13 steady state values for both outputs (responses). The static gain functions identified for the skin temperature and sweat rate are shown in Eqs. (22) and (23), respectively, with all terms significant at the 0.05 level. The proportion of variability (i.e., R 2 ) in the data explained by these static gain models is 99% and 98% for skin temperature and sweat rate, respectively. fˆTskin (T , H, W ; ˆ T ) = 0.81 + 0.29T + 0.013H − 0.15W − 0.0056T 2 − 0.0011T H + 0.0094T W , (22) fˆSweat (T , H, W ; ˆ S ) = 4.83 − 0.54T − 0.13H − 0.091W + 0.017T 2 + 0.011T H , where T , H , and W are deviation values for temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed from their initial conditions of 26.7 ◦ C, 50%, and 1.34 mps, respectively, fˆTskin (·) gives the change in skin temperature in ◦ C, fˆSweat (·) gives the change in sweat rate in g/min (to convert to kg/s divide by 60000), and ˆ T and ˆ S are the estimated parameter vectors. We see from Eqs. (22) and (23) that the quadratic effects associated with the temperature is significant for both the responses as well as the interaction effects of humidity and temperature. In addition, for the skin temperature, the interaction effect of temperature and wind speed is also significant. The third step in model building is the identification of the dynamic functions. This identification involves trial and error and visual inspection of the transient responses can aid in the selection of these model forms. The output responses are shown in Fig. 9 for both the skin temperature and the sweat rate responses for a single run (i.e., Run 3). Based on these plots, an over-damped, second-order-plus-lead model form was selected for the skin temperature response and a critically damped, second-order-plus-lead with dead-time model was selected for the sweat rate. The model forms for these dynamic transfer functions are given below in Eqs. (24) and (25), respectively. (ˆT a − ˆ T 1 ) −t/ˆT 1 e (ˆT 1 − ˆ T 2 ) (ˆT a − ˆ T 2 ) −t/ˆT 2 + e , (24) (ˆT 2 − ˆ T 1 ) ˆ ) ˆ Sa − ˆ S ) − (t− ˆ ˆ ĝSweat (t; ˆ S )= 1 + (t − ) − 1 e S , ˆ 2S (25) ĝTskin (t; ˆ T )=1+ where ˆ T = [ˆT 1 , ˆ T 2 , ˆ T a ]T is the estimated parameter vector for the dynamic model for skin temperature, and ˆ S = ˆ T is the estimated dynamic parameter vector for the [ˆS , ˆ Sa , ] 36.5 60 Sweat rate (Kg/s)x10^6 36 Skin Temperature (°C) (23) 35.5 35 Wissler data Eta-1-hat 34.5 34 33.5 33 32.5 50 40 Wissler data Eta-1-hat 30 20 10 0 32 0 50 100 150 Time (min) 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (min) Fig. 9. The fitted skin temperature and sweat rate response for one of the runs (Run 3) of the BBD for the Wissler simulation data. 350 85 45 84 40 Humidity (%) 83 35 82 30 81 80 H (%) T (C) W (mps)x10 79 78 25 20 15 77 10 76 75 Wind speed (mps), Temp (C) D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 5 0 50 100 150 Time (min) 200 Fig. 10. The test sequence for the study using Wissler data. sweat rate model. The mean estimated dynamic parameters we obtained for the skin temperature are: ˆ T 1 = 1.75 min, ˆ T 2 = 40.69 min, and ˆ T a = 14.27 min. The estimates for other dynamic parameters for the sweat rate are ˆ S = 50.94 min and ˆ Sa = 32.81 min. The sweat rate response exhibited a delay and therefore needed dead time in the dynamic model, as shown in Eq. (26). While the estimates of the dynamic parameters, ˆ S and ˆ Sa , do not change significantly between the runs, the estimate for dead time does change from run to run. This can be attributed to the fact that for runs with a low heat index, a subject will take more time to start sweating than for runs with a higher heat index. The semi-empirical approach used here allows the modeler to account for this variation using the estimates for dead time from the 13 runs and by fitting a multiple regression model as shown in Eq. (26). The terms in this model are all significant at the 0.05 level. ˆ = 376.06 − 33.83T + 16.31W + 0.82T 2 − 0.94T W . (26) Fig. 9 show the observed skin temperature and sweat rate data for Run 3 along with the fitted dynamic models given by Eqs. (24) and (25). These fits are quite good. Note that, in practice, these model forms would be developed from data collected on a subject placed in an environmental chamber. For this study, we limited the model building steps to obtaining the estimators based only on the inputs (Eta-hat) since we did not add noise. The validation of the developed BEST models is performed by running another sequence of arbitrary input changes (shown in Fig. 10) and comparing the predicted responses with those observed from the Wissler model. The Wissler response data and the predictions by the proposed method for skin temperature (rfit = 0.98) and sweat rate (rfit = 0.99) are shown in Fig. 11. As shown, the predictions from the model agree well with the Wissler response data. Thus, the proposed method appears to capture the HT behavior expressed by the Wissler program quite well. 5. Concluding remarks This article presented the concept of our overall program in human thermoregulatory (HT) system identification for obtaining predictive models for individual subjects. This program use block-oriented model (BOM) forms and this work demonstrated that our BOM approach is able to capture HT behavior as demonstrated in two modeling cases. One case used experimental data from Hardy and Stolwijk (1966) and the other case used data from the Wissler (1963, 1964) computer program as a surrogate human. The models in the proposed approach have phenomenological characteristics and the parameters have physical meaning, which can be related back to the attributes of the subject. It is our ultimate goal to exploit these characteristics in HT system identification to obtain individualized models requiring only the attributes and physical property data of the subject. This article represents the first phase of our research to reach this objective. Before we can realize our ultimate goal, we will need to create a library of model structures over a broad input space as discussed in Section 1 of this article. Therefore, a major effort of future research will consist of developing this library. In terms of efficient modeling, there are two issues that we will need to address: (1) the number of experimental trials; 40 Skin Temperature (°C) Sweat rate (Kg/s)x10^6 Wissler data 30 Eta-1-hat 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 Time (min) 200 1525 36.5 36 35.5 35 34.5 34 33.5 33 32.5 32 31.5 Wissler data Eta-1-hat 0 50 100 150 Time (min) 200 Fig. 11. The predicted and observed (i.e., Wissler) responses for sweat rate (rfit = 0.99) and skin temperature (rfit = 0.98) to the input test sequence in Fig. 10. 1526 D. Rollins et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 1516 – 1527 and (2) the length of time for each experiment. Our modeling approach will be useful in helping us to meet these challenges. More specifically, since our approach is embedded in optimal statistical design methodology, we will exploit this feature to minimize the number of runs and the time for each run when developing models from test subjects. We plan to present results of this research in the near future. Notation AM B CpM f g H K MM rfit R2 s t T u U W y surface area of metal block backward difference operator heat capacity of the metal block static gain function linear dynamic function relative humidity of the environment process gain parameter mass of the metal block test data correlation coefficient for the observed values and the fitted values proportion of fitted variability explained by the model seconds time temperature of the environment vector of input variables overall heat transfer coefficient wind speed of ambient air output (i.e., observed) variable Greek letters i t a parameter i in the empirical model vector of parameters in the nonlinear static gain functions sampling time expected value of y or true output value dead time for the dynamic function of the sweat rate response parameter in noise model time constant dynamic lead parameter vector of parameters in the dynamic functions ARMA parameter Subscripts A E p p∗ q q∗ ref Sweat air environment number of inputs number of AR parameters number of outputs number of MA parameters reference sweat rate Tskin W skin temperature water Superscript ∧ estimate Abbreviations ACF ANN AR(p) ARMA BBD BEST BOM CCD H-BEST HT MIMO OSA PACF PLS SDOE SISO SSE W-BEST auto correlation function artificial neural networks auto regressive of order p auto regressive moving average Box-Behnken design block-oriented exact solution technique block-oriented modeling central composite design Hammerstein block-oriented exact solution technique human thermoregulatory multiple input multiple output one-step-ahead partial auto correlation function projection to latent structures statistical design of experiments single input single output sum of squared errors Wiener block-oriented exact solution technique References Bhandari, N., Rollins, D.K., 2003. 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