12 Week Review
5 April 2006
Adina Cr ăiniceanu www.cs.usna.edu/~adina
SQL Views
SQL Triggers
SQL Stored Procedures
Database Administrator tasks
Manage database structure
Concurrency control
Kroenke, Database Processing 2
SQL view is a virtual table that is constructed from other tables or views
It has no data of its own, but obtains data from tables or other views
It only has a definition
SELECT statements are used to define views
A view definition may not include an ORDER BY clause
Views can be used as regular tables in SELECT statements
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CREATE VIEW command:
CREATE VIEW CustomerNameView
To see the view use:
FROM CustomerNameView
ORDER BY CustomerName;
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Security: hide columns and rows
Display results of computations
Hide complicated SQL syntax
Provide a level of isolation between actual data and the user’s view of data
three-tier architecture
Assign different processing permissions to different views on same table
Assign different triggers to different views on same table
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Views based on a single table
No computed columns
All non-null columns present in view
Views with INSTEAD OF triggers defined on them
Views based on a single table, primary key in view, some non-null columns missing from view
Updates for non-computed columns ok
Deletes ok
Inserts not ok
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Trigger: stored program that is executed by the DBMS whenever a specified event occurs
Associated with a table or view
Three trigger types: BEFORE, INSTEAD
OF , and AFTER
Each type can be declared for INSERT,
Resulting in a total of nine trigger types
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CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON table_or_view_name
AS trigger_code
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A stored procedure is a program that is stored within the database and is compiled when used
In Oracle, it can be written in PL/SQL or Java
In SQL Server, it can be written in TRANSACT-SQL
Stored procedures can receive input parameters and they can return results
Stored procedures can be called from:
Programs written in standard languages, e.g., Java, C#
Scripting languages, e.g., JavaScript, VBScript
SQL command prompt, e.g., SQL*Plus, Query Analyzer
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Greater security as store procedures are always stored on the database server
SQL can be optimized by the DBMS compiler
Code sharing resulting in:
Less work
Standardized processing
Specialization among developers
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AS proc_code
exec proc_name [@param1 = ]value1, …
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Managing database structure
Controlling concurrent processing
Managing processing rights and responsibilities
Developing database security
Providing for database recovery
Managing the DBMS
Maintaining the data repository
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Participate in database and application development
Assist in requirements stage and data model creation
Play an active role in database design and creation
Facilitate changes to database structure
Seek community-wide solutions
Assess impact on all users
Provide configuration control forum
Be prepared for problems after changes are made
Maintain documentation
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Concurrency control: ensure that one user’s work does not inappropriately influence another user’s work
No single concurrency control technique is ideal for all circumstances
Trade-offs need to be made between level of protection and throughput
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A transaction , or logical unit of work (LUW) , is a series of actions taken against the database that occurs as an atomic unit
Either all actions in a transaction occur - COMMIT
Or none of them do - ABORT
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Concurrent transactions: transactions that appear to users as they are being processed at the same time
In reality, CPU can execute only one instruction at a time
Transactions are interleaved
Concurrency problems
Lost updates
Inconsistent reads
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T1: R(item) W(item) Commit
T2: R(item) W(item) Commit
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Dirty reads – read uncommitted data
T1: R(A), W(A),
R(B), W(B), Abort
R(A), W(A), Commit
Unrepeatable reads
T1: R(A),
R(A), W(A), Commit
R(A), W(A), Commit
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Serializable transactions:
Run concurrently
Results like when they run separately
Strict two-phase locking – locking technique to achieve serializability
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Deadlock : two transactions are each waiting on a resource that the other transaction holds
Preventing deadlock
Allow users to issue all lock requests at one time
Require all application programs to lock resources in the same order
Breaking deadlock
Almost every DBMS has algorithms for detecting deadlock
When deadlock occurs, DBMS aborts one of the transactions and rollbacks partially completed work
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Optimistic locking assumes that no transaction conflict will occur:
DBMS processes a transaction; checks whether conflict occurred:
If not, the transaction is finished
If yes, the transaction is repeated until there is no conflict
Pessimistic locking assumes that conflict will occur:
Locks are issued before a transaction is processed, and then the locks are released
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Most application programs do not explicitly declare locks due to its complication
Mark transaction boundaries and declare locking behavior they want the DBMS to use
Transaction boundary markers: BEGIN, COMMIT, and
If the locking behavior needs to be changed, only the lock declaration need be changed, not the application program
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Transaction properties:
A tomic - all or nothing
C onsistent
I solated
D urable – changes made by commited transactions are permanent
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Consistency means either statement level or transaction level consistency
Statement level consistency : each statement independently processes rows consistently
Transaction level consistency : all rows impacted by either of the SQL statements are protected from changes during the entire transaction
With transaction level consistency, a transaction may not see its own changes
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T1: R(A), W(A),
T2: R(A), W(A), Commit
R(B), W(B), Abort
T1: R(A),
T2: R(A), W(A), Commit
R(A), W(A), Commit
Re-read data and find new rows
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