Queensborough Community College Committee on Continuing Education

Queensborough Community College
Committee on Continuing Education
Minutes of the Committee on Continuing Education
Date: September 29, 2004
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: H-435
Present: S. Beck, M. Gayle, J. Poulsen, J. Ramjerdi
Sheila Beck presented the QCC Academic Tracking Form 2004-2005 to familiarize the
committee with the assigned tasks. Committee members expressed their lack of
familiarity with the Office of Continuing Education, Arts, and Business Development and
how it operated. Jan Ramjerdi and Jane Poulsen related their personal experiences with
the office.
The committee resolved to meet with Sophie Foglia to gain a better understanding of the
operations of the Office of Continuing Education, Arts, and Business Development and to
submit our questions to her in advance of the meeting. Sheila Beck volunteered to set up
an appointment. Our questions are:
1. What services and facilities are available?
2. What issues do faculty and students bring up?
3. What is the mechanism for faculty proposing courses?
4. Is there any quality control?
5. What is the pay scale?
6. How are faculty selected?
7. Why don’t we offer courses for credit?
Next meeting to be scheduled by email.