QCC Academic Senate COMPUTER RESOURCES COMMITTEE Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting

QCC Academic Senate
Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting
February 25, 2003 at 3pm in M-127
1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting: February 4, 2003
2. Chairperson’s Report
Appointments to the Committee
Request for Information from ADA Compliance Officer
QCC Website Committee Meeting
Communications received
3. Reports from IT Director and ACC Director
4. Review of matters related to QCC website and proposed Policies and Procedures
5. Review of actions related to creation of a Distance Education Committee
6. Preparations for the Report on QCC Computer Resources
Technology Plan: Schedule and Adherence
Student Technology Fee Plan: Schedule and Adherence
Efforts to Comply with Policy on Maintenance and Upgrading
Academic Department Uses and Needs
Faculty Uses and Needs
Student Uses and Needs
Administration: Uses and Needs
Distance Education: Status and Needs
7. Review of Steering Committees materials and recommendations and further discussion
of matters for the 2002-2003 committee agenda.
8. Planning for the Next Newsletter or email Advisories
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Setting Date, Time and Location for next meeting (Tuesdays at 3pm)
This is an UNOFFI CIAL DOCUMENT of an Academic Senate Committee.