Subaward PO and Invoice Payment Guidance

Subaward PO and Invoice Payment Guidance
Create a Blanket PO for a sub on a sponsored project:
 Select "Special Request"
 In description box enter “Sub 500XXXX-X” (see sub agreement from OSP)
 Select "Service"
 Select "Fixed Cost"
• In category look up, select "Services C&G<25K” for the first $25,000 which will
charge account code 64420 “SubContract 25K and less OSP”
• Any amount beyond the first $25,000, requires a separate line and must use
category “Services C&G =>25K” which will charge account code 64430
“SubContract over 25k OSP”
• Separate Reqs may be processed for each category
 Before completing the chart field string, under "Distribution" select "Amount" not
"Quantity" (PeopleSoft defaults to “Quantity”)
 Perform budget check
 Record the requisition number and monitor “Manage requisitions” for the PO number
 Please note that Procurement policy requires a sole source form to be
completed for any subaward >$5,000
Paying Invoices:
 Sub invoices are directed to the department Grant Administrator
 PI must sign invoice to verify that progress on the Subaward has been satisfactory
 Review PO and project budget for available funds
 Apply invoices first to account 64420 “SubContract 25K and less OSP”
 Grant Administrator writes “okay to pay” on invoice and signs
 If PO number is not obvious on the invoice, write the number on the invoice
 Send invoice, with signatures, to Procurement
 Send a copy to OSP for the sub file
Subaward Amendments:
If amendments are issue to the subaward agreement, OSP will notify the department
who will amend the PO as appropriate using the PO Change Request Form.
Last Modified 2/1/2013