Lorena B. Ellis
Sep. 21, 2007
Columbia U., NYC
Presentation “Using and Integrating Video into the Language Classroom” by
Jutta Schmiers-Heller at the Language Resource Center
Sep. 28-30, 2007
Professional development seminar “Training the Trainers” Topic “Training
Methods in Teacher Education and in Foreign Language Teaching/
Moderationsmethoden in der Lehrerfortbildung und im Fremdsprachenunterricht”
at the New York Goethe Institut
Feb. 27 - Mar. 30, 2007 Mini course: “The Life, Times, and Legacy of Fidel Castro” at the Bildner Center
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
for Western Hemisphere Studies
December 5, 2006
Workshop on “Getting Started With Your Teaching E-portfolio”
March 18, 2006
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
Colloquium at the Graduate Center: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere
Studies “Brazil Futures: Past and Present”
Feb. 24 & Mar. 3, „06
New York University: “Teaching Effectively Workshops: Learning and
Jan.17-19, 2006
QCC, Bayside, NY
QCC Winter Blackboard Boot Camp 2006 (Blackboard Workshop) by Belle
Gironda, QCC ACC workshop “Contribute”
November 4, 2005
Rutgers U., NJ
“Teach Europe” attended workshop at Rutgers University
November 17, 2005
Baltimore. MD
OPI (Oral Proficiency Interviews) refresher workshop at the Annual ACTFL
April 5, 2005
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
CUNY Colloquium “New Directions of Latin American Theatre”
April 1-3, 2005,
NECFL - North Eastern Conference on Foreign Language Teaching, Marriott
January 2005
QCC, Bayside, NY
QCC Winter Institute: Dreamweaver and Blackboard Workshop by Dr. Belle
November 12, 2004
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
CUNY Faculty Development Workshop: “Are We Teaching Languages
November 4
QCC Art Gallery
Lecture by Stephen Foster, curator of “An American Odyssey (1945/1980)
Debating Modernism”
June 13-20, 2004
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
Workshop: “Learning to Look” Faculty Institute (LTL) at the Graduate and
June 7-9 2004
Hamilton, NY
Great Teachers Seminar 2004 at ICCD (Institute for Community College
Development) at SUNY/Cornell University
May 26-27, 2004
Pace University, NYC
Seminar: “Reflecting on the Classroom: New Designs for Learning” (The third
Annual Faculty Institute at Pace University)
March 26, 2004
Baruch C., NYC
7 Annual Teaching and Technology Conference at Baruch College
January 23, 2004
CUNY Graduate Ctr
The CUNY Council of Grants Officers & The Research Foundation of CUNY:
“Introduction to. Grants and Proposal Writing”
October 31, 2003
Rutgers U., NJ
“Technology in the German language classroom, German Poetry in the
Classroom,” Workshop at Rutgers University
October 24, 2003
Columbia U., NYC
“Teach Europe” Workshop at the Institute for the Study of Europe (5 cont.
education units)
June 1-6, 2003
CUNY Graduate Ctr.
Learning to Look Faculty Institute (LTL) at the CUNY Graduate Center and online
Spring 2003
QCC, Bayside, NY
Developed two Learning Communities: Latin American Language, Literature and
Culture (LS402, LS214 and LS315); and European History and German Culture
(HI112 and LG401)
June 2003 at QCC
Learning Community Institute at QCC: one week
May 27, 2003
Hunter C., NYC
CUNY Faculty Development Presentations on WI courses: positive and negative
May 16,2003
QCC, Bayside, NY
CUNY Faculty Development workshop “Beyond Technology: Best New Practices
in the Teaching of Foreign Languages.” Follow up session at ACC
May 10, 2003
Hunter C., NYC
Teaching Language through Film in Foreign Languages Departments: “Using
Film in the Foreign Language Sequence”
May 3, 2003
Hunter C., NYC
Faculty Development Colloquium: “Bridging the gap: Film in courses beyond the
second year”
April 28, 2003
Bayside, NY
CETL Brown Bag Discussion: “Distance Learning: On Line or Out of Line? QCC,
(reported on own experience with asynchronous LG115)
March 28, 2003
Baruch C., NYC
Lecture: “Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom”
March 12, 2003
English Department workshop: Stress-free Blackboard
January 2003
Brooklyn C., Brooklyn
Blackboard Winter Institute 2003 at Brooklyn College (nine-day workshop)
Nov.21 - Nov.24‟02
Salt Lake City, UT
AATG Annual Meeting: TrainDaF02 group presentation at the Annual ACTFL
April 27, 2002
Hunter C., NYC
ACTFL (American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages) refresher
workshop for Oral Proficiency Interviews
April 11-14, 2002
Washington D.C.
Leadership workshop for German teachers from high schools and colleges who
were granted a TraiNDaF scholarship
March 1, 2002
Queens C., Queens
Queens LOTE Consortium: “Technology Workshop” organized by Eva
Fernandez, coordinator of the Queens LOTE Consortium
February 8, 2002
Baruch C., NYC
CUNY Council on Teaching of Foreign Language: “Developing Fluency Through
TPR Storytelling” by Blaine Ray
Fall 2001
CUNY online Writing Intensive Project with George Otte: Developed LG401 as
online course using Blackboard
Fall ‟01-Spring‟02
QCC, Bayside, NY
WID/WAC Workshops 8-25-01, 10-20-01, 2-2-02 with Linda Stanley and weekly
meetings with writing fellow to develop LG401 as writing intensive course
April 27, 2002
Hunter College
ACTFL (American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages) refresher
workshop for Oral Proficiency Interviews for certification tapes to be submitted by
July 2002.
April 11-14, 2002
Washington D.C.
TraiNDaF leadership workshop for a selected group of German teachers from
high schools and colleges from all over the U.S.A.
March 1, 2002
Queens College
Queens LOTE Consortium: “Technology Workshop” organized by Eva Fernandez
February 8, 2002
Baruch College
CUNY Council on Teaching of Foreign Language: “Developing Fluency Through
TPR Storytelling” by Blaine Ray
Fall 2001
CUNY online Writing Intensive Project with George Otte: Developed LG401 as
online course using Blackboard
Fall „01/Sp‟02
QCC, Bayside, NY
WID/WAC Workshops 8-25-01, 10-20-01, 2-2-01 with Linda Stanley and weekly
meetings with writing fellow to develop LG401 as writing intensive course
June/July 2001
QCC, Bayside, NY
Academic Media Center workshops: Power Point and Blackboard (4 sessions)
June 7, 2001
Baruch C., NY
Two CCFL Workshops: 1) “Bridging the Gap: Improving Articulation Between HS
and College” and 2) “Heritage Speakers […] in HS, College and the Workplace”
May 2000
Session, Human Subject Research, regarding new legislation on the use of
human subject in academic research for PSC CUNY award study.
April 17, 2001
Hunter C., NY
Distance Learning Workshop for CUNY FL Faculty sponsored by CUNY Council
on FL and the office of Louise Mirrer, Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs
February 9, 2001
Bayside NY
QCC‟s First Annual Assessment Conference: Commmunity College, QCC,
“Assessment Strategy”
January 26-27, 2001
Week-end Goethe Institut immersion seminar on Literature - Günther Grass:
Dickinson College, PA Mein Jahrhundert; Anna Seghers: Das wirkliche Blau
March 2-3, 2001
Week-end Goethe Institut immersion seminar on Music and Poetry as Cultural
Dickinson College, PA expression: “Die Prinzen” and “Wise Guys”
March 23-24, 2001
Week-end Goethe Institut immersion seminar on Film: “Rinnsteinpiraten”, “Die
Dickinson College, PA weiße Rose” and “Lola Rennt” .
May 19-21, 2000
York City
SUNY (State University of New York) at New Paltz, Language Immersion New
Institute.Immersion weekend in “Advanced Spanish Conversation and
July 30-Aug.12, 2000
Weimar, Germany
2-week Goethe Institut workshop for German Teachers: “Deutschland im
Wandel.” Awarded a full scholarship by Goethe Institut.
September 14, 2000
QCC, Bayside, NY
Grant Application Workshop designed to help faculty write PSC-CUNY grant
November 16, 2000
Boston, MA
Oral Proficiency Interview Refresher in Spanish at the ACTFL Conference
November 10, 2000
Brooklyn C., NY
CUNY Faculty Development Colloquium: “New Technologies in the
Foreign Language Classroom: Teaching with the Internet”
May 22, 2000
Goethe Institut, NY
Goethe Institut in-service activity “Learning from History” on Teaching about the
holocaust in German schools
March 24, 2000
Baruch College, NY
Globus Lecture by Dr. Maureen Baker “Multiple Intelligence Learning Styles and
Brain Compatible Strategies for Languages Teaching and Evaluation”
January 22, 2000
Goethe Institut, NY
Goethe Institut workshop on “Organizing a „Sprachfest‟ to promote German
Programs in High Schools and Colleges”
May 21-23, 1999
New York City
SUNY (State University of New York) at New Paltz, Language Immersion
Institute. Immersion weekend in Advanced Spanish Conversation and
Nov. 18-21, 1998
Chicago, IL
4-day ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview Workshop at Northwestern University
Sept. 18-20, 1998
Ithaca, NY
Week-end Goethe Institut/Cornell University immersion seminar to familiarize
German teachers with the new German states (ex-GDR)
July 6 to 17, 1998
Düsseldorf, Germany
2-week seminar on Business German organized by the AATG (American
Association of Teachers of German) and IIK at Heinrich Heine Universität
June 29-July 4, 1998
Berlin, Germany 1945
Week-long Goethe Institut workshop for German Teachers: “Info-Berlin from
to 1998”
January 1998
Goethe-Institut, NY
Workshop on the International German tests: ZDfB (Zertifikat Deutsch für den
Beruch) / PWD (Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch): Preparation, deadlines, and testing
July 7- 12, 1997
Berlin, Germany
Week-long Goethe Institut workshop for German Teachers:
April 18-19, 1997
Baruch College, NY
Advanced Rassias Method Teacher Workshop for foreign language and ESL
“Berlin Lernort deutscher Geschichte im 20. Jahundert”
November 24, 1996
Post ACTFL Conference workshop: “AATG Hands-On Technology Workshop”
Temple University, PA
Sept. 27-28, 1996
Rutgers Univ., NJ
Goethe Institut Week-end immersion for German teachers on ”Projekt:
Hauptstadt Berlin”
Feb. 16-18 1996
Baruch College, NY
Rassias method workshop for foreign language and ESL teachers
Sept. 30, 1995
Goethe Institut, NY
Workshop with Prof. C. Schwerdfeger Universität Bochum (Germany) about
using the video “Das Traumauto” in class.
Sept. 16, 1995
Workshop on “Audio visual media in the German Classroom”:
Deutsches Haus, NYU Kabarett/Chansons
June 25-July 8, 1995
Düsseldorf, Germany
2-week workshop for German Teachers: “Übungs- und Sozialformen.” Awarded
a Goethe Institut full scholarship
June 18- 24, 1995
Berlin, Germany
Week-long Goethe Institut workshop for German teachers “Informationsseminar
Berlin I-7, Berlin zwischen Vereinigung und Einheit”
October 1994
Goethe Institut, NY
Worpshop on authentic media in the German classroom: “Deutsche Welle,
photos, Videos, TV in current Germany”
Summer 1994
8-week internship (Themen/Sichtwechsel), and five week teaching 100/300 level
Deutsches Haus, NYU courses. Participants worked with American and/or German partners respectively
Summer 1991
Course on “Teaching Methods of German as a Second Language” by a guest
Deutsches Haus, NYU professor from the Goethe Institut headquarters in München, Germany
1987 and 1988
Three levels of Business German Level 1, 2 and 3 sponsored by FDO/BASF
Deutsches Haus, NYU
Summer 1985
Göttingen, Germany
2-week workshop for German teachers on the cultural and traditional aspects of
everyday life in Germany: “Sprache und Landeskunde für Deutschlehrer”
Jan-Feb. 1978
São Paulo, Brazil
1-week teachers training course using “Deutsch als Fremdsprache” conducted
by the Goethe Institut
Spring 1977
São Paulo, Brazil
Goethe Institut workshop on “Didactical and Practical Improvement in Teaching
German”, followed by an internship at Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro