MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION STUDY OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND MELTING OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALS by Francisco Javier Carrion // Lic. Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico (1980) Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August Q MassachusettsInstitute of Technology 1982 Signature of Author Department Certified 1982 f Nuclear Engineering, August 19, 1982. by Thesis Supervisor Certified by j X10V -7T.-A Vr Z '/rhesis Supervisor Accepted by - ~~ t Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Archives I.,SSACHUSETTSINSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGY JaMis 1 I tnn A nI i1" . , MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION STUDY OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND MELTING OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALS by Francisco Javier Carrion Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on August 19, 1982 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering. Abstract which dynamics simulation A computer code for molecular incorporates the recently developed technique of flexible periodic borders has been developed and used to study melting transitions and structural stability of two-dimensional crystals with Lennard-Jones interatomic potential. The structural transition of a perfect square lattice to a perfect triangular lattice in the case of 36-particle system has been observed to take place at various pressures with apparently little or no potential barrier. The simulation results, which confirm the based on lattice dynamics, revealed clearly that stability analysis the transition higher involved density. to triangular a shear mechanism and the stable lattice has a Simulations using fixed borders showed also a square transition but defects will be present because of the rigid system borders. Melting behavior at constant pressure in a triangular lattice of 56 particles has been studied. At a reduced pressure of 0.494 the in melting temperature was determined to be approximately 0.165 reduced units. Changes in internal energy, density, and enthalpy across the transition obtained from the simulation runs are found to It is be in good agreement with recent Monte Carlo calculations. found that within the present accuracy flexible and fixed borders give the same results, and that based on a simulation run using 400 particles system size effect is not significant. The crystalline order at elevated temperatures of a bicrystal with two =7 coincidence tilt grain boundaries has been investigated The using a system of 112 particles with two boundary periods. boundaries were observed to migrate and undergo a melting transition. From the variation of excess enthalpy with temperature the reduced melting temperature was determined to be about 0.14 at a reduced pressure of 0.494 which is about 85% of the melting point of the perfect lattice. These results are the first computer simulation data providing quantitative evidence that interfacial melting is distinct from normal crystal melting. Thesis Supervisor: Sidney Yip Title: Professor of Nuclear Engineering. Thesis Supervisor: Gretchen Kalonji Title: Northon Professor of Material Processing. 3 Acknowledgements My gratitude to Professor Sidney Yip who made possible His patience, this project. advice and encouragement during the past two years are In particular, I want to thank him for fully appreciated. his time, corrections and comments during the writing of the thesis. I also want to thank Professor Kalonji for her contribution, and corrections comments to this work. The economical support from the Norton Company for the last term is really appreciated since without it this work would have not been finished. I am fully indebet to Khalid Touqan, not advice, but also for his frendship. Council to of Ricardo and Pepe. Science and for his support and The comments and observations of Dr. R. Harrison are also appreciated. specially only To all my friends at MIT, Finally I want to thank the National Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) for the Research the economical support during these past two years. Funds for the simulation runs were provided Office, Contract No. DAAG-29-78-C-0006. by Army 4 To my parents Blanca and Juan 5 List of Figures No. Page. 2.1 Simulation its 8 images cell and in a two-dimensional 21 system with periodic border condition. 2.2 Definition of range of interaction. 23 2.3 Criterion for updating the neighbor table 24 2.4 Definition of the simulation vectors a and b. 2.5 Shape of the simulation to the cell according cell to which the flexible 27 34 border technique is restricted. 2.6 Example of simulation cell in which the shear terms do not balance when using the flexible border technique. 35 2.7 Pair distribution function g(r) for the square lattice and triangular lattice at the same density. 39 2.8 Asymptotic behavior of the orientational correlation 41 for the liquid function (L) and the solid (S). 2.9 Typical behavior of the mean square displacement as a function of time in a solid phase. 45 2.10 General behavior of the mean square displacement as a function of time in a liquid phase. 46 3.1 Square lattice in two dimensions. 50 3.2 of the dynamical Functional behavior of the eigenvalues matrix as a function of the lattice constant in a 52 square lattice with nearest neighbors interaction. 3.3 3.4 Triangular lattice 53 in two dimensions. Functional behavior of the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix as a function of the lattice constant 55 in a triangular lattice with nearest neignbors interaction. 3.5 Scketch of the five regions found with the lattice dynamics calculation for the square and triangular lattices. 57 3.6 Temperature behavior in the transition of the square lattice to the triangular. The simulation started in region and was induced by thermal perturbation. 59 6 3.7 Internal energy as a function of time during the transition from region 1 and with thermal perturbation. 60 3.8 Volume as a function of time during the transition from region 1 and with thermal perturbation. 61 3.9 Initial form of the pair distribution function g(r) 63 in the structural transition simulation. 3.10 Instantaneous g(r) after 30 time steps in the structural transition analysis. 64 3.11 Pair distribution function after 120 time steps 65 3.12 3.13 Pair distribution function after 200 time steps Average of the pair distribution function g(r) over the last 3000 time steps of the simulation after the transition took place. 66 67 3.14 Initial structure of the MD cell used to study the 68 the structural transition. 3.15 Instantaneous position of the particles after 80 69 time steps. 3.16 Instantaneous position of the particles after 120 time steps. 70 3.17 Instantaneous position of the particles after 240 time steps. 71 3.18 Instantaneous position of the particles after 360 time steps. 72 3.19 Final structure after the transition took place and the system equilibrated. 73 3.20 Final structure after a transition from square lattice in.which the system was perturbed by shear. 75 3.21 Temperature 3.22 Potential Energy-behavior in the transition induced by shear. 77 3.23 Volume behavior in the transition induced by shear. 78 3.24 Behavior.of the temperature in a simulation where the initial square structure is in the stable region and the system was perturbed by heat. 79 3.25 Behavior of the temperature in a simulation where the initial square structure is in the stable region and 80 behavior in the transition induced by shear 76 7 the system was perturbed by shear deformation. 3.26 Final structure in a transition simualted with fixed borders. 82 4.1 Temperature behavior in a flexible border simulation with rescaling the first 500 time steps. 86 4.2 Potential energy behavior at 87 4.3 Volume behavior at 4.4 Enthalpy behavior at p-0.582 0 and T=0.137. 89 4.5 Root mean square displacement for P=0.5820 and T=0.137. 90 4.6 Pair distribution function for p=0.5820 and T=0.137. 91 4.7 Volume 4.8 Enthalpy as a function of T at P=0.4936. 4.9 Internal 4.10 Density 4.11 Temperature behavior in a simulation at P=0.4936 and where rescaling was done up to 500 time steps, and then the system continued at constant enthalpy. 101 4.12 Snapshot =0.5820 and T0.137. as a function energy =0.5820 and T0.137. of T at as a function as a function 88 =0.4936. of T at 94 95 =O.4936. 97 98 of T at p=0.4936. of the MD cell and 3 of its images after 1500 102 of the MD cell and 3 of its images after 3000 103 time steps. 4.13 Snapshot time steps. 4.14 Potential energy behavior for =0.4936 and T=0.17 with rescaling through all the simulation and with an initial perfect crystal structure. 104 4.15 Root mean square displacement for P=0.4936, T=0.17 and an initial perfect crystal structure. 105 4.16 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 4000 time steps. 106 4.17 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 6000 time steps. 107 4.18 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 7000 time steps. 108 4.19 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 9000 time steps. 109 5.1 Closed 113 packed plane (111) in a fcc 3-D crystal. 8 5.2 Construction of the 5.3 Simulation cell with =7 2-D grain boundary. 3 of its images used 114 for the 118 for 121 bicrystal study. 5.4 Enthalpy as a function of the temperature both the perfect crystal and the bicrystal. 5.5 Excess of enthalpy in the bicrystal with respect to the perfect crystal. 122 5.6 Excess of volume in the bicrystal with respect to the perfect crystal. 123 5.7 Excess of internal energy in the bicrystal with respect to the perfect crystal. 124 5.8 Migration of the grain boundary at T0.11 time steps and with p=0.4936. 126 5.9 Snapshot indicating the increase of disorder in the grain boundary region at T0.15. 128 5.10 Snapshot indicating a highly disordered structure at T=0.15 and =0.4936. 129 5.11 Resolidification to perfect crystal after 10000 time steps at T=0.15.sp 130 5.12 Potential energy behavior at T=O.15 and P=0.4936 where the resolidification process is observed. 131 5.13 Scketch of how the resolidification process may take place from the datacalculated. 132 5.14 Potential energy behavior at T=0.16. 133 5.15 Snapshot of a high disordered structure at T=0.16 after 5000 time steps. 134 after 7000 9 Table of Contents Page ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOLEDGEMENTS LIST OF FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE. INTRODUCTION 10 CHAPTER TWO. MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION WITH FLEXIBLE BORDERS. 15 2.1 16 2.2 2.3 2.4 CHAPTER THREE. CHAPTER FOUR. CHAPTER FIVE. CHAPTER SIX REFERENCES Brief Review of MD technique with fixed periodic borders Lagrangian Formulation Calculation of thermodynamic and and structural properties. Calculation of Dynamical Properties 26 36 42 STABILITY OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL LENNARD-JONES 47 CRYSTALS 3.1 Lattice Dynamics Analysis 3.2 MD Results 56 MELTING AND PRE-MELTING STRUCTURAL DEFECTS 83 4.1 4.2 84 99 48 Thermodynamic Behavior Onset of Structural Defects STUDY OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL BICRYSTAL =7 Grain 110 5.1 Construction 5.2 5.3 Model Thermodynamic Behavior Melting and Structural Stability of a DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Boundary 111 117 125 137 139 10 Chapter One Introduction 11 INTRODUCTION Computer Molecular Dynamics (MD) is a well known has been used to thermodynamic, study technique that structural and vibrational properties of a system composed of a finite number of atoms. The main information that is obtained from this discrete trajectory that trajectories selected each depend atom on the follows calculation during interatomic the is the simulation. potential that These been has to describe the interaction between the atoms i.nthe system. This technique has the advantage that phenomena under it can be applied to study extreme conditions of pressure and temperature where experimental observations are difficult or impossible. The method of MD simulation has been applied to study problems in solid state physics and materials science. diffusion mechanism Some of these are the in grain boundaries [1], the fracture and plastic deformation phenomena in solids [2], the thermodynamic and vibrational properties of solids [3,4], structural [5] and [6], calculation of phase diagrams [7,8], transitions diffusional phase solidification, nucleation [9] and melting phenomena [10-15], among others. The traditional MD Technique is a formulation system under constant density or volume [3). that simulates Isobaric calculations are possible by using special techniques that readjust the the system until the desired pressure a is obtained. volume In general of it has been found that this kind of adjustment is not easy and requires a lot of effort. For that reason a new MD technique has been proposed by H. C. Anderson [16] in which the system is allowed to expand according to the temperature and the difference between or contract the internal 12 and external internal pressures. pressure In is constant this and equal A. Rahman and M. Parrinello applied new technique the average of the have to the external pressure. extended technique this to study phase transitions under high pressure [6]. it preliminary studies of structural transitions in 2-D from a and Some square lattice to a triangular lattice have been also done by K. Touqan [5]. In the present work transition we study in more detail the structural in 2-D of the square lattice to a triangular lattice using both fixed and flexible border structure a higher potential energy than the triangular in structure. was 2-D has simulation For that reason it was believed that unstable and always will try Despite this higher potential energy, predict techniques. a small two frequency range of density modes are real, that to the The square square lattice change to a triangular one. lattice dynamics for the square is to say, calculations lattice the structure in which the is stable. Although lattice dynamics can predict the stability of a structure, it can not tell anything of the kind of transition At is this point, MD a more powerful that will tool, confirms what lattice dynamics predicts, but also kind because it can take place. it not only show what of transition occurs and which mechanism the system follows. It is also found that when the system can change its volume by using flexible border method,-the transition from a perfect square lattice to a perfect triangular lattice takes using the fixed the place easily. However, when border technique the restriction of constant volume prevents the system from accomplishing a perfect transition and it Melting is a very interesting phenomenon which can be studied at will end in a triangular lattice with structural defects. 13 constant pressure by using flexible border technique. this known that melting in 3-D is a first and studies order transition. It is Experiments on 2-D Lennard-Jones systems indicate that melting might be a higher order transition [17-20,36]. Nevertheless, there are some who claim that this is also a first order transition [Il]. The mechanism through which 2-D melting takes place is studied very extensively. currently One of the models suggested by Kosterlitz and Thouless [17,18] states that the creation of dislocations could be for the destruction the vehicle other hand, Halperin of the structure. lattice On the and Nelson [19,20) predict that an anisotropic fluid phase called the hexatic transition. This second phase occurs during the melting model suggests that melting is a two steps process, first to the hexatic phase and the second to the liquid. Some attempts have been made to determine how 2-D melting occurs. In recent works based on Monte-Carlo been some indications of the simulations transition's 8,14) there have mechanism, but yet, no definitive conclusion has emerged. In the present ensemble is study the thermodynamic investigated using the behavior flexible of borders the technique, including the analysis of the formation of structural defects premelted the region, thermodynamic and the melting properties, the temperature are in good agreement indicating that this new phenomenon heat with itself. of (N,P,H) in It is found the that fusion and the melting previous results [8,14,21], technique can be used for a more thorough study of melting or any other problem with this kind of ensemble. A few studies on grain boundaries using MD techniques done in the past few years. have been Some of this work is concerned with the 14 dynamical behavior temperatures and migration [1,22,23]. of grain boundaries not understand enough all work [24,25]. its properties. technique. It is =7 is done with melting properties. temperature, the flexible of interest to study the stability of the grain boundary at high temperatures, as well as the the Despite with this kind of structure has been done to A study of a grain boundary border high Other studies concentrate on the vibrational properties and the frequency modes at the boundary this, at heat of fusion and determination of other thermodynamic In particular the motive of this study is to find whether the grain boundary region melts at the same temperature as the bulk crystal. For all the simulations we use periodic border conditions Lennard-Jones 6-12 pair potential. identical particles and the range of third neighbors. The crystals interaction is and a are composed of carried up to 15 Chapter Two Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Flexible Borders 16 2.1 Brief review of MD technique with fixed periodic borders. Molecular Dynamics studies in most system of N identical particles cases which consider a classical obey Newton's equations of motion, = -ba m- where R, ) Lzi)..., N CI) (r,,...,rN) is the total potential energy of the system, which in the case of central, conservative, pair potentials, can be in the following 0Ij..)i ~ b) For this written form: @'jk.Orj- = case, if we (2) hkk substitute equation (2) into (1), the resultant equation of motion is dt-- ; t where r-i I tr., 6)j,.rj . . mn 'Pj(rij) is a function vector r = - 3) of the magnitude of the pair . in this work we study rare gas solids which can be the Lennard-Jones separation 6-12 potential [26] described by 17 [(2 cDi(r'i)= where L- and a are the potential parameters. E Once we have determined the potential, we get a set second order differential of equations which can be solved with any of the well known techniques used to solve these equations. common are predictor-corrector and first technique is more finite accurate and difference is The two most methods. suitable the finite difference method. The main The for long time simulations because it allows a larger time step to be to N-coupled used compared disadvantages of the predictor-corrector are that it requires more memory and is more time consuming per time step. The finite difference scheme has been found accurate used in if a small time this work. step For is used. this Because case, to be sufficiently of its simplicity the equation of motion it is (3) is written as follows: at~~~~~~~~~~~~~. In this equation to calculate the subsequent time steps one only needs two initial the conditions condition which ri(t-At) and can be either r,(t-At) and ij (t), or vj(t-At). The second pair is a possible 18 can choice because the position of the particle at the next time step be calculated from its velocity with the relation (t) B;(t-At) d V(f-t4 At * In a typical simulation we (') start with the minimum potential energy structure and a velocity distribution sampled from a Maxwellian distribution. This distribution is sampled at a given temperature, which in most cases is chosen to be twice the temperatureat simulation is going to be performed. almost half The reason for this energy. equipartition theorem We know predicts that that for an effect case is harmonic half of the energy will be kinetic energy and the other half will our is because of the initial kinetic energy is-going to be transformed to potential In which the be system we put into potential the it energy. we do not have an harmonic system but the anharmonicity expected to be small at low temperatures so the equipartition theorem should be a good approximation. Sometimes it is not possible to start the simulation temperature desired because the system may melt during For at twice the equilibration. this reason temperature rescaling techniques are used in order to heat the crystal gradually during the initial stages of the simulation. Once the N differential equations have been approximated finite difference solved numerically. method, dimensionless forms. we by the get a set of N equations which can be It is most convenient to express the variables in For the Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential and 2-D 19 system, we use the following dimensionless units: a) Distance ri* b) Time t = r// /T E = E/4t c) Energy r/4 F d) Force F'- e) Pressure p'= p / where T= 4 -M is E called the characteristic gases it is of the order of 1014 time and for the rare Using these dimensionless seconds. units we get the following equations: i IJ (r,) (2.) (7 = Ij ... r (", .( --.[ 'i~, )t<, A t <'aY ¢::) note that in this case Q.; ( 4 z E)=Fy ( rj*( )) j-4 20 In this case the kinetic energy of a particle is calculated from where the dimensionless velocity for a particle is Vi - aA or ( In Molecular Dynamics simulation we are limited by size and we only can represent our the computer system by a finite number of particles, which for the best of the cases can go up to a few thousand particles. To conventional avoid to use surface the effects periodic in a small system it border condition. The MD cell is repeated periodically in all directions producing in 2-D 8 images a total of 9 simulation cells is (see figure 2.1). Note and that in simulations using fixed borders the volume or density of the cell does not change during the simulation, nor the vectors which cell and describe the its images. When we calculate the total force acting on a given particle, should include their images. all we the other particles in the simulation volume and However, because the force derived from the interatomic potential has a finite range, only the contribution from the particles within a certain range of interaction RI needs to be considered. range is generally chosen to be between second In the cases of and third This neighbors. small simulation systems we have to be sure that a 21 y I Cell Cell Cell Image Image Image ,-7 _ . ....... .. .L~- Cell S imulat ion .. Image Cell ....- =-Cl .g . .. ...... Image 17..-.. [ X Cell Cell Cell Image Image Image Figure 2.1 Simulation Cell and its 8 images in a two-dimensinal System with periodic border condition. 22 particle does not interact with its own image, or with a particle and its image simultaneously. Once the value of RI has been selected, the interaction with any other particle at a distance larger than this limit will be considered negligible or zero. The particles that are within this range from particle i, are called neighbors of i. The most time consuming' part of MD simulation is the of the forces on particles simulation as efficient as neighbor table. due to possible, their neighbors. it is useful to going in To make the create the is a bookeeping device that keeps track of This neighbors and their location of every particle in the consequence calculation system. the As a of the movement of the particles we can have some of them and out of the range of interaction RI during the simulation. When this happens we have to update the neighbor table. To do so, several techniques have been developed. One techniques updates the neighbor table after a certain number steps [27]. Another cut-off range method which is more of these of time precise [22] defines a RC , which is larger than the range of interaction. The neighbor table is constructed up to this range, but the calculation of the forces doing is still calculated this, we up to the range of interaction. By always make sure that in every time step we consider all the particles within-the range of interaction, and also whenever a = particle moves more than know that updating (RC-RI) from a becomes necessary. reference a lot of neighbors to RI, then is very per particle. small very On the other and updating we With this second method, the choice of RC is very important because if it is have position will hand be more large we will if it is close frequent. 23 · · · 00 ** 0 00 * · · · * 000 *@00 e E000 * 0 0 * * * 00 * * i 000· * * 000 *0 0 0 000 *000 * * 00 000l l 000 · 000 * · 0 0·000 000 *0000 * * · * 0 k· · o 0 * 09 o Figure 2.2 Definition of the range of interaction. Particle i only interacts with particles in the circle of radius RI (particle j). The force between i and any other particle outside from this range (particle k) is set to zero. 24 I Figure 2.3 Criterion for updating the neighbor table. particle j is out of the cut-off range of i. n After an interval of time t, particles i and jhave moved At time t towards each other a distance neighbor of i. such that j is now a 25 TABLE 1 Triangular Lattice Neighbors 1 2 Number of neighbors Accumulative number of neighbors Neighbor distance (RC/a) 6 6 6 12 1.0 r3=1.732 3 6 18 4 5 12 6 30 36 r7=2.645 3.0 6 7 6 42 2r=3.464 12 54 2.0 8 9 6 60 12 72 T3=3.605 4.0 1-9=4.358 10 12 84 21~=4.582 11 6 90 TABLE 5.0 2 Square Lattice Neighbors Number of neighbors Accumulative number of neighbors Neighbor distance (RC/a) 1 4 4 2 4 8 3 4 12 2.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 4 20 24 4 28 8 8 4 8 36 44 48 56 V=2.236 2V\'=2.828 3.0 iVT=3.162 11 12 4 8 60 68 13 12 80 1.0 /=1.414 VX=3.605 4.0 VT=4.123 3V2=4.242 20=4.472 5.0 26 2.2 Lagrangian Formulation. The result idea of the of the introduction of another degree of freedom [16) is to the the (N,V,E) This degree of freedom allows the shape and the size of the ensemble. MD by H. C. Anderson (N,P,H) ensemble cell to These change. between the internal and changes are determined by the difference pressures. external With this technique isobaric processes can be studied without the artificial adjustment of the volume that has to be done if the fixed border The most important feature of this method is that determines the shape and volume it takes is used. technique the system itself according to the given One of the first applications of temperature, pressure and structure. this technique was done by M. Parrinello and A. Rahman [6] and they found that this is suitable for isobaric transitions. The MD cell in this technique is defined in 2-D by two vectors )L~~~~~(~ If the matrix h is defined the position (x,y) of any particle coordinates (Eog) in the following as can be written way: in terms of relative 27 Y A Figure 2.4 Definition of the simulation cell according to the vectors -b a and b. 28 r =~I-¼ s- ~ o) ( (la) where I i f and from equations (9-11) E- £; C1 range b - early the values of the relative coordinates are numbers in the O< . ,q <1 Considering two atoms i and j square of the distance .2 Ii = sSU G between s.. i and j is given in the cell, the by ( I 3) where =- T ( L) 29 With this transformation the number of dynamical variables 2N+4, and the Lagrangian which gives the equations of motion [6 In this equation the first term represents the total is is kinetic energy of the system. The second represents the total potential energy of the N particles. The third term represents the kinetic energy that the borders of the MD cell have, and the final term is the hydrostatic energy. Here of mass, represents determines p is the hydrostatic pressure. W, which has dimensions the inertia of the borders. This parameter the relaxation time for recovery from an imbalance between the external and the internal pressures, and is the volume of the MD cell. ¢,,) The equations of motion derived from this Lagrangian (eq. 15) are: Si G =~ ; uRAt; E 0 ) (SiSjB- (17) 30 and P; g k -M(5_ W (18I where the reciprocal lattice is represented by the matrix I-1 (TZ2 SI Note (I that for this case the velocity of the particles ) is calculated from the equation (zO) V; = <I, _ Here, the term h has been contribution is simplification is necessary small neglected compared in order in the the hs reduce the with to assumption that term. form its This of the resultant equations and make this technique accessible. The internal pressure virial in this case can be calculated from the virial theorem, theorem, -a 17 = E m K \ Y E E (. J) . (z2.) 31 For this system, when there is a large number of particles, it is found that the constant of motion is the enthalpy Numerical schemes to solve equations the (17) and (18) predictor-corrector or finite difference method. are usually While using the second method we find that in order to solve equation (17) we need , but need when s central we want to solve the equation for which we do not have. difference scheme in For that reason, both h we equations. h (eq. 18), we also can nstead, not we use a use a semi-implicit method in which we first calculate .i_ S.- ( -) = s5; ( - s; (¢t., ) Then the we(,1) ( 3) At matrix is calculated to solve I k (4n) (-l) + I (t ) t (2 ) where I (t _ W ( T - U (zs) 32 .. Finally from equation (17) we solve for si(tn) to get (t,+1 ) i from This technique has several characteristics which have to be taken into consideration. First, there are oscillations of the MD cell about the equilibrium position. oscillations depends on the initial conditions, the size of the system. the borders The amplitude of these the temperature in the of the thermodynamic properties (temperature, internal energy, volume and internal pressure) are larger than the fixed and It has been observed that these oscillations are not damped during the simulation, and thus the amplitudes fluctuations of border simulation. ones in a A main consequence of these fluctuations is that the number of time steps has to be increased in order to allow the system to equilibrate and then to achieve a better time average of the properties of the system. Artificial damping implemented in equation (24) has been tried to decrease the oscillations of the borders. But it was found that the temperature was decreasing steadily as well as the internal energy and the volume. (24) off, and This decrease is due to an indirect coupling of equations (26). At the same time, when the damping effect was turned the oscillations amplitude that artificial damping it of the had border before to the borders increased the to almost the same Therefore, if desired, suggested is damping started. implement it with continuous rescaling. it is to 33 A second characteristic of this technique is that it limited is to MD cells with rectangular shape or with symmetry along the x=y line in the xy plane (fig. 2.5). The main reason of this limitation can be seen if we take MD cell (fig. 2.6) defined -& a vectors, CL'A CL =. = ( have a 0 , Suppose we are at T=O°K lattice. by the following the p=O and we b: perfect triangular will Then, from equations (19) and (21) we find that be a diagonal matrix. 0 TF TF (27) = b O and (D) ( < 2I .~\ . K 2 (z8) X Then, from equations (18) and (27) we get a non diagonal 29), where matrix (eq. the non diagonal term will produce an artificial shear to the MD cell which will result in a rotation over the (0,0) point of the cell and a continuous increase of energy due to the external work done by this shear. 34 y b MD Cell - - S - b a Figure 2.5 (a) y x=y b MD a X Figure Shapes of the simulation technique is restricted. 2.5 (b) cell to which the flexible border 35 Y y a Figure 2.6 Example of simulation cell in which the shear terms balance when using the flexible border technique. do not 36 2.3 Calculation of Thermodynamic and Structural Properties. In a Molecular calculated density the Dynamics Simulation the properties that are every time step are the positions of the particles and the of the MD cell. thermodynamic From this data and structural it is possible properties temperature which is identified with the time of the averaged to calculate system. mean The kinetic energy is calculated from the relation: where the total kinetic energy is, K; -~ V (31) The internal energy of the system can be calculated from the time average of the total potential energy. For our Lennard-Jones monoatomic system this relation is: u=K~~> ½;) l1> |j( j)2 C Z From the virial equation [28], KE1 Fee~~~~~S ,> pJ| - AS - -aE) ('3) 37 An expression for the internal pressure in 2-D equation can be derived (33), which after integration becomes In this equation the first term on the right hand side is kinetic from potential. called the The second term is the potential contribution due to interatomic interactions. In all these relations, the brackets over a finite interval of time. This < > average refer to the is assumed average to be equal to the appropriate ensemble average. Other properties of the system can be calculated from these basic thermodynamic quantities, such as the () a~p _- , the a specific isothermal bulk modulus ?-V heat thermal expansion ; C K'v)T coefficient ) ( p the P~~~~~~~~~~~ etc. To describe the structural characteristics of a system two quantities are used: the orientational correlation referred directly to pair g structure looking at them one can determine system distribution function g(r), and the function the basic the (r). of the phase These properties lattice and are itself and by structure of the once it reaches equilibrium. Also, if during the equilibration period there has been a phase transition, it is possible to study the process that is taking place. The pair distribution function is the conventional quantity for representing the equilibrium structure of the system under simulation. This function is defined as: 38 n (Y.) -CI = (r) .2T-Ir A W here is the time average number n(r) distance can be in the range interpreted density. r(Ar/2) as the density Figures of particles situated from a given particle. in this ring divided Thus, by g(r) the 2.7(a) and 2.7(b) represent the form of a at total g(r) for the square and triangular lattices at the same density. The orientational correlation function g (r) [19,29], is a quantity which is defined for hexagonal or triangular lattices in 2-D, and is used to measure the disorder distance at a given temperature. in the cell as a function of the This function is defined as follows: r) j*o (r) = where e C (r) Y, 77- I ....... (Yr- r) ) I I I, (36) N? Here j labels the 6 nearest neighbors for a given particle i angle eihis particles the and the angle between some fixed axis and the line joining i and j. The importance of this function is that when the system is in the ~~.--':;_7_-: --- l--r -;-~--·- -. c-- : : ~-'.......... ... ;::':-_v :.:.~:'. :._.:" _-::..... :.--,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...__..~ ·- ·-··--------' .,L,.~~-i--,, ''--"--c--i-- '·--~ :'_ ----::.:+-=~-Z.-s:--s--:--:r~-::::-:'. ":l---.-_,_ ---- -_---?----i.:?:2 : --· . : :".;··' : :--'?·- -; . ; ! -i ;.'L.---.....·--··--·; i:r---j;T--~'' .·..... - ....- _r-: :-:'z;::---?----- ']---' -- -' --------%~~-i·-~: ---- i'-----,t: :z':--- :-,-; ----- ~_ :;::_-[--· 1. L-Li- .':'4 ... .... "'...... --·'t ~.... I-~ ' : -·---~~ -----........ TI..~............... --. :_.Z~ "~-:' !"~Y--~---__ - - z ,..-_-.:-="'E::E-E:-.%-':k:iL':.i-: ' "-:Z -.'--'.": ::"-."E_--' '-~, __.---~.';- rt: .--~ ,"._:'-. ------ .- .- , . . . ...:1_~ .... ..t---~---:-::-·' -'-- ......"-::'-......~ T"+~'---................. ,' : .....-- - - ·-- - ·-··-·------~ ----- ---- --. :::::::::::::.--:.:r ---i-- ·_ .,,-_;:- ;.... ...... 'l-----,;--'; -- r...:_ .... .. -..... · ----- .,-.-. ...^.......... "t.._ I.-....-. i ~ :',- !! .-.......-.. ~.... ' ' -=:'* .....:....._..: :: ;'c.:*'-;-- _ ~', ~~ .--.. · ·- · .·.·--.I-I+ T ............... I~ i i I =-: i r · ·--------- . i - - I A ~-L--L -:i , -i--·----· -- r- _ __ _ '_- f : I r--_~:_-~ --- ;------_1-_: ----·-·-- ·- ·- · · ·----- ·-·- · ·- -- -·- · ------ - . - -. . .o . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . .... ~ -- - -. - - -.. .......... ...-.. ........... ~....,... . ... ..._:.: ~..~.---------~. 3i:.: .. , I -- e.......................... -- ....,.-.-....-..- -..-- · cccl-- :-.....:.....i ........ ...-- . . ..... . 7- ~ _: -4 .................... ........................ :. .............. -- f:..":-_: .:.:_:':.::: :.::::.:.:.:::::-.A . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 7....':::-:"___ragur:Ltie Pair distribution function g(r) for the square and triangular lattice at the same density. In this case the lattice constant for the square lattice is set to a =1.0 . S 40 solid phase, the behavior of the one when g 6 (r) is significantly it is in liquid phase. correlation function more appropriate different from This characteristic makes this for studies since the pair distribution function melting g(r) and pre-melting does not show this kind of difference when changing from one phase to the other. 41 96(r) A 0.5' U.w A - A Figure 2.8 Asymtotic behavior of the orientational correlation function for the liquid (L) and the solid (S). 42 1.5 Calculation of Dynamic Properties. The dynamic properties which are considered in a the velocity autocorrelation simulation are function, the dynamic structure factor and the mean square displacement. The velocity autocorrelation function is defined as [3] N Y () < l 7.Vio I where vi(t) this function V (O) is the velocity is normalized calculated function, to unity at at time t. t=O and time Here, it decays The spectrum of phonon frequencies, P(w) asymptotically to zero. be of the ith particle can by a Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation i.e., p oU) 9 2. o0 ( ) t O-C:3(Wt TT The dynamic structure factor S(Q,w) is the fundamental quantity in studies of dynamics and correlations in a many Since this function results system 30). can be measured by neutron scattering and laser scattering, it has become experimental body great of with MD interest results. in order to compare This function describes the density fluctuations in a system as reflected in the vibrational modes in a crystal. The dynamical structure factor is calculated by the Fourier 43 transform of the intermediate scattering function I (Q,t). -oO ae S(i t I( t) (3q) - co where -I and (- =. J- (c0 I 9A(c) (40) N p (t) is the density operator defined as: L -t (41) The mean square displacement or the classical width function is defined as: This quantity is important because particle in the system is it moving. tells us how much a given Forth caeo th soi te 44 motion of the particles is restricted to a certain range 2.9). < 2 For the case (see figure of liquids, we have particles diffusing so that > grows linearly in time at long times (see figure 2.10). 45 Mean quare dp. f ^ IN_ , C " 0.2 -0.1B 0.16 0.14 2 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 02 0 1000 2000 3000 5000 6000 4000e time tep Figure 7000 8000 9000 10000 2.9 Typical behavior of the mean square displacement as a function of time in a solid phase. 46 2 .25i a 2 1.75 1.5 1.2S u 1 2 0.75 e .s 0.25 0 e1000 2000 4000 9000 7000 5000 3000 6000 8000 10000 time step Figure 2.10 General behavior of the mean square displacement as a function of time in a liquid phase. 47 Chapter Three Stability of Two-Dimensional Lennard-Jones Crystals 48 3.1 Lattice Dynamics Analysis. The theory of lattice dynamics provides the most basic study the crystal. are vibrational properties of the atoms adiabatic and harmonic approximations to or molecules in a calculation The fundamental assumption in a lattice dynamic the means [31]. Generally speaking the results are valid only for an infinite perfect crystal at very low temperatures. We consider potential a lattice which Vkk'(r) (K a model with a central pair function of the distance between the For this case, the force constants for a interacting particles. of atoms is dynamics pair are K) XrS j14 r)0 (\\'} ()5k4<nol 0{0am' (3) where the separation vector and its magnitude are *r- 1f(kiA')\ and V'(r), V"(r) are the first and second derivatives of the potential respectively. The frequency modes and the wave vectors corresponding modes are the to these eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix. This matrix by definition is written as 49 )=a - k i,) Q -(k) li'4) is the wave vector and M the mass of the particle. where To calculate this modes one has to solve the secular equation (YS) -)(--- Li'I = If the dynamical matrix is evaluated for a perfect square lattice (fig. 3.1), considering interaction only with first neighbors through a Lennard-Jones pair potential, we get: I,- Cols) D = To (q(6) 2 0A<I where ( v (v) ck1 =. r _ I . 2. . IL t 7 v- In figure 3.1, we can see that for structural symmetry along I the x and a l - y. square y 8) axis. lattice This there is symmetry is 50 y ANI& - M14M %W I I 2 I I I I I I I I I a I I s I Al~~~~~~~~~~w CU:P A -II: 13 b Bye He 0 I I iV I 4 I----- I I I I I -0~q Figure 3.1 Square lattice in two dimensions. Particles the nearest neighbors of 0. 1 to 4 are 51 responsible that when we calculate the dynamical matrix obtain non the diagonal terms equal to zero. (eq. 44) we In this case, the eigenvalues are easily calculated from: 1 Z4 V [ (Z l -Q+I'-k r r 2.~~~~7 = ZY, 1= WO,, (5a) WL=r- Figure the r Z( distance of a 1, longitudinal at which 0 r mode r is . a regions which are defined by In region I 3.2 is the plot of the eigenvalues interatomic values - In wo and transvers imaginary. function rL=1.244, which one of the frequencies the a grow in both modes amplitude. are of the modes modes is the is zero. real and the The lattice is therefore unstable because any excitation of the second mode will cause the to of this case there are found three r,=1.112 , as On the other hand, are real and theerefore the lattice in region oscillations r , In region 3 2, is stable. r, r , we find that the s),stem is unstable but now the unbounded mode r -r is the transverse If the same calculation is done mode taking is real. into account second we get the sarme general results but with slightly different neighbors, values mode whil e the longitudinal for r, and r. that as the interaction (region decreases. 2) In this r*ange X/hen case r,=1.19417 is increased, the interaction and the r=1. 2 35 stability 14 , so range range is taken to be essentially infinite, we believe the stable region will vanish. When the same analysis that is carried out for the square lattice 52 I -L 4 3 a -I0 -J. -2 -3 -4 A -1 1. 1.6 1.4 Figure 1.8 3.2 Functional behavior of the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix as a function of the lattice constant in a square lattice with nearest neighbors interaction. 53 y a I I t /3 I *1 __ I /2 ' \ t ! - - ',4 / ! / W/ / / - ! ~-R- - 1W \ 0 I / x / / / / \ x\5 6/ '__ Figure 3.3 Triangular structure showing the six nearest neighbors (particules 1 to 6) of particle 0 in the center. 54 for the triangular lattice is done (figure 3.3), with a range of interaction up to first neighbors, the dynamical matrix is 7 3vV - to .3Vi \ C D () (51) + V/* It'1 I &O4 - In this case again the symmetry reduces the calculation and the eigenvalues are easily obtained from I'L I dz - -- 138 r 'o (')' (S2) C. I )2. - D1° ( rY I 2, . V For this lattice, the frequency modes or the r, =1.249 points Region 4 , 3.4). structure Region stable 5 which eigenvalues r71.307 defining and has two real for interatomic is in the range frequency regions modes r, r distance vanish 4 and which , has at least 5 (fig. make in the range O0 r one at this r,. imaginary mode which indicates that the triangular lattice is not stable. In crystals this lattice dynamics analysis for how two-dimensional we find the density at which the structure is stable, but we cannot predict the transition that an unstable and the it will take place. To obtain lattice such will undergo information it is necessary to use other techniques such as molecular dynamics. 55 Ir, 6 4 a e -2 -4 -6 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.8 2 r Figure 3.4 Functional behavior of the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix as a function of the lattice constant with nearest neighbors interaction. in a triangular lattice 56 3.2 Molecular Dynamics Results. Molecular dynamics simulation is a powerful technique be used to study the which stability of two-dimensional crystals. can technique has several advantages over lattice dynamics. First, This MD is not restricted to harmonic systems. Second, it is not only possible to find out if a lattice is stable under certain conditions, but also, it is possible to follow the thermodynamic and structural behavior of the system during a transition. In this mechanism part of the work our main objective is to study the of transition from a square lattice to a triangular lattice and also to confirm the lattice dynamics stability results with the simulations with a 36 particle system were done with initial conditions at each of the five molecular different dynamics technique. regions that were For this purpose found for both square and triangular lattices in the last section (f ig. 3.5). Each simulation was done constant border pressure using the flexible executed until equilibrium was reached. technique, and at was To perturb the system we used two different techniques. The f irst was to heat up the system slightly and the second was to give the MD simulation cell a small deformation. The first simulation was done starting with a square lattice with the particles at the minimum potential energy sites. distance a was set to a=1.0977 set to t=0o.005. The external p=0.0, the range of interaction to R=2.5, mass of the border was W=4.0 interatomic which corresponds to a value in region 1; the lattice is therefore unstable. was The pressure the effective (cf. Section 2.2), and the time step size 57 D Region 0 0 O(' - Region ) Figure 3.5 Scketch of the five regions found with the lattice dynamics calculation for the square and triangular lattice. 58 The perturbation was induce temperature of 0.05 by giving (The melting the temperature system for an the triangular lattice has been found to be about 0.17, see chapter 4). shows the initial Figure 3.6 temperature behavior of the system during a 4000 time step simulation. It is important to notice that in this case the temperature at the beginning drops to almost half the initial value of 0.05, but after a few ime steps, the system can not maintain its structure and undergoes a transition. Since the square structure is a higher potential energy structure compared with the triangular, when a transition takes place most of the difference in potential energy will be transformed into kinetic energy producing the increase of temperature that we see in figure 3.6 after 500 time steps. In figure 3.7 we show the energy. instantaneous internal or potential Here there is an increase at the beginning of the simulation due to the heat that was put into the system, but after the transition takes place the system goes to a lower potential energy configuration. The volume its of the MD cell decrease packed value lattice case the same behavior (fig. 3.8). Here is due to the fact that the triangular structure in 2-D is a close of shows it is found plane, i.e., constant there it has higher density for the compared to the square lattice. is a small increase in the lattice same In this constant but even this, the volume decreases. The structural analysis of the system was done by looking at pair distribution function g(r) during the simulation. the Figures 3.9 to 3.13 represent this function during the transition from a square to a triangular lattice. Figure the square lattice up to fourth 3.9 is the typical neighbors. Once shape the of g(r) for planes start 59 - o. ~~. *.~~ .. A*~ * - - · e 04 0.0 sea ~o0t ~00 e 1000 3000ee e ~ ~.,m time Figure 4000 3.6 Temperature behvior in the transition of the square lattice to the triangular. The simulation started was induced by thermal perturbation. in region 1 and 60 -- 23. -24 P _,- 4 . E - IV'- 5 .- as -2.5.-5 20" Figure 3.7 Internal energy as a function of time during the transition from region 1 and with thermal perturbation. 61 . - e Volume 0e0E@@ 3004 tIme -.4tep Figure 3.8 Volume as a function of time during the transition from region 1 and with thermal perturbation. 62 sliding we observe that two of the nearest neighbors of a particle a square lattice will become first neighbors in a triangular The other lattice. peak two the peak into two small has lattice. second neighbors in the same triangular to broad after 30 time steps. is separating steps become In figure 3.10 we observe how the second starts peak will in peaks disappeared neighbors After 120 time steps this (fig. (fig. nearest 3.11). 3.12). By 200 time In the same set of figures we can see how the third and fourth neighbors peaks intermix and finally form the second and third neighbors peak of the triangular lattice. The structural transition was followed very closely by instantaneous pictures of the MD cell during the process. shows taking Figure 3.14 the initial structure of the system. Figure 3.19 represents the structure at the end of the simulation, and figures 3.15-3.18 show the mechanism of transition. second row from condition. initial that top has a larger Once the lattice has structure initial (figures the In particular, figure 3.15 cannot deformation 3.16-3.18). and propagates From displacement reached be restored, these shows some from that point the the initial in which the the rest of the system follows it lattice through figures we all the conclude transition takes place by sliding of the close packed that the of the confirms the planes lattice. The importance of this result is that MD not only lattice dynamics calculation concerning instability, but also it shows how a square in region structure in region 1 will go to a triangular structure 4 (fig. 3.5). A second simulation starting with the square structure with the 63 g(r) r 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 R Figure 3.9 Initial form of the pair distribution function g(r) in the simulation of the structural transition. This function clearly represents the square lattice with which we start. 64 g(r) S 5 -4 2 3 a I 0 0 a 1 3 R Figure 3.10 Instantaneous g(r) after 30 time steps in the structural transition analysis. 65 g(r) ( 6 S 4 3 a 2I 1.5 0.5 0 . 3 R Figure 3.11 Pair distribution function after 120 time steps. 66 g(r) S 4 3 a I 0 0. I 2 R Figure 3.12 Pair distribution function after 200 time steps. 3 67 g(r) : .- -: I. o 5 -S . . . -'''" . . . 4 .. Ak . . . I . # .. 3'5 .- . : 4ft . z, 3 2 . .s 0 0 0.5 . 1 1 .5 R a 265 3. . Figure 3.13 Average of the pair distribution function g(r) over the last 3000 time steps of the simulation after the transition took place. 68 6 o 0 0 0 0 0 S.1 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o oPI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, y 3 2 I. i 0 -- I i 0 2 0 0 5 3 4 0 7 6 x Figure 3.14 Initial structure of the MD cell used to study the structural transition. 69 6 / 6 4. /~~1 o r~~~~~~ I q P' I 1 1 ;t 4 3, I !I . i 0 1 . I I T I , I, 3 4 2 , 7 6 x Figure 3.15 Instantaneous position of the particles after 80 time steps 70 .~ I 5.5S 4.5 3.5S 2.S 1.5 - I, 0.5 __ C e0 -' i- 2 3 7 4 6 It, X Figure 3x6 Figure 3.16 Instantaneous position of the particles after 120 time steps. 71 5.5 4.5 3.5 2 .5 1.5 0 5 -0.5 0 · 2 4 6 Figure 3.17 Figure 3.17 Instantaneous position-of the particles after 240 time steps. 72 5.5 X 4.S5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 R&a I 0 -- - 2 -4 6 Figure3.18 Figure38 Instantaneous position of the particles after 360 time steps. 73 ou .0 .4.5 I" . v~ 0 &. .w 0 o'0 0 0 0~~~~~ 0 0 O 0 .0 a 0 0 a 0.5 - 0 A . 0 o.4 5, 0 . 0.. * 0 :> 3 0 _ - 3 0 0 o 0 O ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44 aP- _ S X x Figure 3.19 Final structure after the transition took place and the system equilibrated. 74 interatomic distance in region thermal perturbation lower row with we put was done; but in this case instead of a displacement a shear on the system and deformed the of 1 from its original position. In this run the initial temperature was zero but all the other parameters were the same as in the previous case. also triangular (fig. 3.20) and the observed except temperature, transition takes place (fig. volume same the final thermodynamic initially 3.21). remain constant (fig. Here, zero, The structure is behavior is increases potential when the and the energy 3.22,3.23) for the first 250 time steps, and then by the 400 time step they drop to a new value. The study of square lattices in region 2 was our next step. For this case we used the same system with interatomic distance a=1.15 and interaction with first neighbors only (RI=1.4). The time step used was t=0.002 and the external pressure ways of perturbing the system were used. In both cases, we found that the system maintained was done the system, and- equilibrates at of during Again a 1000 T=0.0005. the 3.24 temperature where 1000 time steps simulation. temperature lattice. Here equilibrates T0.0 it is but with a shear of observed that the 1 steps In this which T.0005 we have the Figure 3.25 shows the temperature behavior during a 4000 time step run where we at two time almost half its initial value. and the its behavior can be seen in figure temperature a with an initial temperature case figure 3.24 shows a typical behavior drops p=-0.2655. its structure. When heat was used to perturb simulation was started on the lower row of the temperature rises and at a low temperature. This increase is due to the energy of deformation at the beginning of the simulation. From figures 3.24 75 , bt . - o o0 0 3.5. o 0 0 2 5 o o o o 0 o o 0 o y o O 0 o o o o o I .5 0 0 5 -0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 o 5 _ -1.5 __ 0 -1 1. I_ __ _ ___ __ 3 _ 6 4 2 5 7 x Figure 3.20 Final structure of the system after a transition from square lattice in which the system was perturbed by shear. 76 Temperature 0. 0.09 0.08 0.06 T 0 0s m 0.03 0.02 0.el 0 0 1000 2C00 time atep Figure 3000 4000 3.21 Temperature behavior in the transition induced by shear. 77 Potential Energy -12 -14 -16 -18 P ,E 0 1000 2000 time 3000 4000 tep Figure 3.22 Potential energy behavior in the transition induced by shear. 78 Volume 39 39 3S .5S 38 37 S 37 36 5 36 35 2500 1500 0 1000 8000 time 300 3500 step Figure 3.23 Volume behavior in the transition induced by shear. 4000 79 Temperature C.c t147o O. e004 mo.ee42s p 0. z0e325 C. e0e3 0.000275 e. 111 IV ,, c*.:n r j ,_1 _ _ 0 . - , lee I 200 , 300 - - - ,- - -, see 400 600 , - , - Or I 700 90k ~~~~~~~~~80100 B0 1000 time step Figure 3.24 Behavior of the temperature in a simulation where the initial square structure is in the stable region and the system was perturbed by heat. 80. ,, " -. be-a, 0.000003 2.5e-6 0.000002 .T e m P 1.Se-6 0.000001 S.e-7 0 500 0 1500 100.0 2500 20ed 3000 3500 4000 time step Figure 3.25 Behavior of the temperature in a simulation where the initial square structure is in the stable region and the system was perturbed by shear deformation. 81 and 3.25 it can be seen that the system responds faster to the thermal perturbation than to the shear perturbation. Simulations of the square lattice in region 3 and of the triangular lattice in region 5 were done and it was found that in both the cases system unable was to its maintain and structure it sublimated. The transition consequence from square to triangular of the flexible border technique. lattice is not a For that reason it was of interest to if the transition can take place using the fixed border technique. The previous simulation starting with the in 1 region was of the lattice repeated using the fixed border technique. found that in this case the potential square system also tries to go to It was a lower structure, but the constraint of the fixed volume and shape D cell is an obstacle system ends as a figure 3.26). triangular to accomplishing lattice with the transition, structural and the defects (see 82 (1. 6 I I 4' I 3 I 2 2. 11 I I at 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 7 Figure 3x26 Figure 3.26 Final structure in a transition simulated with fixed borders. 83 Chapter Four Melting and Pre-melting Structural Defects 84 4.1 Thermodynamic Behavior. It is known that the 2-D melting transition does the way as in a 3-D system. same not behave 363 and theories Some experiments On [17-203 suggest that this might be a second order transition. hand, other and Monte-Carlo dynamics molecular in the simulations E8,11,14,213 give indications that this transition could be of first order. the Our first objective is to demonstrate that technique is process. details flexible border capable of describing the thermodynamics of the melting Secondly, we associated to hope with elucidate melting some of the structural It should be noted at the in 2-D. outset that we do not expect to make any contribution to the current question on whether melting in 2-D is a second order transition. The first step was to simulate a point in the phase diagram which has been already calculated with thermodynamic properties are known. point deep in the phase solid instabilities that appear in other and techniques its It was our interest to simulate a to phase avoid regions defect close formation to the and melting temperature. A 56 particle system at a temperature =0.58 2 0 was simulated of steps. The for a total thermodynamic of T=O.1375 length of properties such time and a pressure of 5000 time as temperature, volume, enthalpy, and internal energy were calculated during the simulation. The temperature which was rescaled through the first 500 time steps is shown in figure 4.1. The potential increase due to the fact that we start energy with the (fig. 4.2) shows an minimum potential 85 energy structure. The volume we start with is held constant for the first 750 time steps and then is released after the initial transition takes place. to be It should be noted that the initial volume was close to the expected equilibrium value large transients at the beginning of which the selected (fig. 4.3) to avoid simulation. The enthalpy should be the constant of motion in this method does not remain constant when the temperature is being rescaled, but if continuous through equilibrium value. become a out is simulation it will oscillate around its If rescaling is stopped at a given constant after this point (fig. 4.4). displacement (fig. 4.5) and the pair distribution time, it will The root mean square function (fig. 4.6) From their behavior is clear that the system is in calculated. were the rescaling the solid phase. In the next table we compare the values calculated from simulation with the data calculated with Monte-Carlo technique 7]. Monte-Carlo Flexible Borders % Difference p 0.5820 0.5820 0.0 T 0.1375 0.1370 0.36 Q/N 1.1249 1.1235 0.13 U/N -0.7026 -0.6971 0.45 * Values without long range correction. our 86 Temperature O I I 0.17 0.16 T 0.14 p e 1, 0Lii 0.1 e 1000 3000 time step Figure 4000 5000 4.1 Temperature behavior in a flexible border simulation with rescaling the first 500 time steps. 87 Potential Energy -3Jb -3? -38 -3S; -40 P P -41 E -42 -43 -44 -4S -46e 1ne0 2e00 3000 4e00 t me step Figure 4.2 Potential energy behavior at p=0.582 and T=0.137. S000 88 : · : : o 4. ' .0 . E - " G.' :. .: A f ' · e.,! 0 meoe 'E-O '' 3000. Figure 4.3 Volume behavior at p=0.5820 and T=0.137. 4000 5eee 89 Enthalpy . ·:- : · ..I? -¥_ S, 4 H 3 i d X .ee' 1Z500 i e1ee i , eee I 3ee- tim . .step 4000 S 0e0 ' ' Figure 4.4 Enthalpy behavior at p=0.58 2 and T=0.137. Rescaling was done during the first 500 time steps. 90 :i-- :1::- 17* eviv e | 04. . He 4Ies - -- -1 I4 00 ' . . I . 2 Dee Figure . -· . 2.00 e 3Se00 4te 30ee., · 4500 4.5 Root mean square displacement for p=0.58 2 and T=0.137. .Se DOQ 91 g(r) . . ~ 4.S -: .· 4 . . I. · ` .I . . .i i ,. l 2S * * ** C a I :: . i 0.S 0 2 I R Figure 4.6 Pair distribution function for p=0.58 2 and T=0.137. 3 92 The agreement of these results is sufficiently good that conclude that this technique we can is suitable for mapping out the phase diagram under isobaric conditions. Our next step was constant to obtain the thermodynamic properties at liquid pressure for points close to the melting temperature in both and solid temperatures is phases. of The study particular of structure interest, as well at different as the study of melting through the thermodynamic data calculated by simulation. The basic simulations thermodynamic p=O.4936. as a function clearly goes calculated in to a data at different these Table 4.1 temperatures for a From this table we were able to plot the volume of the observe up quantities were the enthalpy, volume and internal energy. contains the pressure thermodynamic temperature three (figure temperature temperature of 4.7). regions. T=O.16, In this plot we The solid region which the liquid region for temperatures over T=0.17, and the transition region which is the range between T=0.16 and T=0.17. thermal expansion coefficient for the From this curve we can calculate the for the solid and F op( liquid. Figure 4.8 represents a plot of the enthalpy as a function of the temperature. The specific calculated for both (fig. 4.9) temperature also at constant pressure CP tar)p was the solid and the liquid. We got the following, cp=2.80 for the solid and energy heat and show cp=3.77 for the density the same the liquid. (fig. 4.10) behavior as The potential as a function the volume of the and the From the thermodynamic behavior of the enthalpy, the volume, the enthalpy. The three regions are also clearly observed. Table 4.1 Run T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0.091 0.094 0.099 0.107 0.108 0.118 0.122 0.130 0.132 0.147 0.148 0.153 0.156 0.160 0.162 0.164 0.170 0.175 0.185 0.200 D/N 1.095 1.099 1.103 1.112 1.108 1.123 1.123 1.134 1.139 1.150 1.152 1.157 1.162 1.164 1.182 1.185 1.251 1.262 1.277 1.318 P U/N H/N 0.9132 0.9099 0.9066 0.8993 0.9025 0.8905 0.8905 0.8815 0.8779 0.8696 0.8681 0.8643 0.8606 0.8585 0.8458 0.8435 0.7991 0.7919 0.7829 0.7582 -0.742 -0.739 -0.734 -0.722 -0.726 -0.708 -0.708 -0.694 -0.691 -0.679 -0.674 -0.668 -0.664 -0.660 -0.642 -0.640 -0.578 -0.572 -0.560 -0.531 -0.1105 -0.1025 -0.0906 -0.0661 -0.0711 -0.0357 -0.0317 0.0012 0.0062 0.0356 0.0426 0.0556 0.0656 0.0750 0.1031 0.1086 0.2086 0.2253 0.2601 0.3197 T, U, and H are in units of 4. 2 The volume is in units of . time steps 2000 2000 2000 3000 2000 3000 3000 6000 3000 2000 3000 2500 2500 6000 6000 6000 10000 10000 10000 10000 94 -...... ------------ - --- - -- e S - - -:_.:-: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...-.. e ___A. . .. _ _ _ _ . . . -~ ...... ~ ~-.-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ............. VET-- i'. . _,015 Figure 4.7 Volume as a function of the temparature at p=0.4936. __ 95 --- --- I I --- . . --- - .--. I.--.- :! ,, I ---- 44- -,-. -- 6 - . I - - --------- 4-- -.- . t--- - --l··--_----'-l-4`" ,--'-I -.-- - - - . i , 4---·---- - .- _ J __._~~_ I! .- --'- . - I-I -- - :-- H/t4- - f-- ·---------------- I T --- -- I . i-I ' ----------------- ______________.___... . :4 -- , i[ ---------- ----------- i --f ---. I ·--------------·- I `--------·---------- i I -i . .-e---. -- ~,.c.- .I; -.~-.-~..-.~.- -...- ----·--- --·--- 4.- - -.. ½_...._iI 4.-- i t-----------------------;r --· ..- --. L.----.---: --. I-;.. ' I-- =':]-; ;;;---"~~~--------------I, ,__-- I i, i -- i --= l ' -' '- 1 --' - , -[i,, I~~~--~-7-- -- -'::'~~~~~~~ ~---':-~-' ~---~--:-·----~-:-'-~---.-.... '-_ . ......... :----: .. __ ---.- ._ ......................................................................... · ~"'~...--;.__/..'~: ..Z.... ~.. : -- -- ~ - '-- ~ '------ -..... ..... ...--.-... ; .-...·----- '--i- .... ! ...................................................... ~ . . . ... ~. . . . . . ....... ..... 0:':.;'-7:. 0-- i 4: 0.10 i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ 0.15 - Figure 4.8 Enthalpy as a function of T at p=0.4936. 0.20 - 96 density, and internal the energy, occurs at approximately T.165. examined the root mean we are able to say that melting To support this conclusion square we have and the instantaneous displacement structure of the system. With a melting temperature of TO.165 at a pressure and assuming that this is a first order transition, we the step in changes with the results of by J. A. Barker reported and Ap =0.051. by F. Abraham temperature T=0.12 On the p=O.71 other [21) for a pressure the change in the density is it 0.1. agree for a melting was found that hand, if we take the data of p=O.0125 change in the enthalpy is Ap calculate These data et al. [8] in which temperature of T=0.175 and a pressure of AH=0.117 can For the enthalpy we thermodynamic properties. H=O.1 and the density Ap =0.05. found a change of of p=-O.4936, Here, the and a melting H=0.1 and the disagreement may be attributed to the fact that the pressure difference is quite large. To check our results with the fixed border technique, we choose 2 points in the solid phase and 2 points in the liquid. were carried out with flexible border the corresponding technique. From the volume fixed calculate the internal pressure and energy. agreement of the internal pressure this case the agreement was obtained border We found and the internal with fixed borders with those calculated with within 3. indicate to us that, within the accuracy of The simulations the simulation we a energy flexible from very good calculated borders. In All the previous results our data, the flexible border technique gives the same results as the fixed borders technique and both are in agreement with Monte-Carlo results. 97 -4 -- - --. ,b. · ... . . . . .. . .. . .0:.: ..: 0.10 5. Figure 4.9 Internal energy as a function of T at p=0.4936. 98 ---- ...: I : -7 ' .':I- '' - -- -`- -' ---- ~ --- `- __ - - - - __ . ~ -~_ '~-'-`- ---- ~-----~ -7 -- '-`-'- I-f - _. - . ·-- -- .:_------- -- -----.--.------ ·---------- ·-----·----------..... -.-I·---....-- -- . --. L--.---------..... ...--..--.- ·- · -- ·-------·- ·--- · ·-··----- · -----·----- -----------.__I_ ··-----.-I : ----- · ---------- ------- -· 1i · .------^----c------.--. -.-...----. --.-.- ---.-.-- -.---- 1.1··-· ·----- ---- ...--. -------- -·- -- ·----- -----·- ·-·------------- · ----·· --- -- · ·------ ·- ·----· ---- ·-- ---· --- ··-- ·--·-·-· ----.--- -- -.--.t -· -------- ------ -..-. ___ ------- ·--- ··---- -- _------..---.--c-------------- I--.-I-- . ---__..-.-- _____.___ --.-..-...--1.-.·- -·.-..-...-.-..- .-...-... -. .. ..-.. .. __ I-. -L__,_ -.. . t I i --:,. li --- 7-- -1. _1 lw~- Figure 4.10 Density as a function of T at p=0.4936. I 99 4.2 Onset of Structural Defects. In the studies of the structural behavior on a particular 2-D system, cases which we consider of interest were found. two The first is a simulation in which the temperature was rescaled during the first 500 time steps to a value of T=O.16, after that, continued constant and the system remained at simulation consisted of 8000 time steps. that the system time steps. to oscillates We observe from This fig 4.11 a significant This process was studied by taking snapshots of What we observed is high temperatures the system had a perfect lattice structure (see fig. 4.12). But, because of its high thermal motion, always a particle in the lattice that causes deformation. times not around its initial temperature for 2000 the structure between 2000 and 3500 time steps. at was enthalpy. After that, the average temperature shows a value of 0.125. that rescaling there is Most of the the system can restore to its initial structure, but after 2000 time steps the deformation gets blocked defects (fig. defect formation, 4.13). The increase is the cause of into a internal of the decrease new structure energy because with of the of the temperature. The second case which we are going to discuss is a simulation a at temperature of T=0.17. In here, we start with a solid structure and the temperature was rescaled during all the simulation. The particularity of this simulation can be seen from the potential energy behavior (fig. 4.14). In this case, the system shows a drop between time steps 3000 and 6500. This drop can be explained the system tries by saying that to go to the solid state, but after all, it cannot remain in this phase and it melts. To support this argument the root 100 mean square displacement is plot as a function of time (fig. 4.15). In this figure for the first solid. After 6000 it shows an liquids. The sequence of 6000 time steps the behavior like in a increase which transition in looking at the snapshots at different times. the is characteristic of this case was studied by Figure 4.16 represents structure of the system after 4000 time steps and clearly remains in the solid state. observe that Figure 4.17 is a snapshot at time the defects start to form in the system. 6000 shows some ordering in the lattice but it almost and we reached By 7000 still the liquid phase (fig. 4.18). After 9000 the system already melted and it shows a large disorder (fig. 4.19). 101 Temp O.1S 0.16 0.14 T e m P 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.07 5000 1000 0 2000 6000 7000 time .atop Figure 4.11 6 4 Temperature behavior in a simulation at p=0. 93 and where rescaling was done up to 500 time steps, system continued at constant enthalpy. and then the 10.2 'Li I S- 13 11 9 y 7 3 -.1 2 0 6 10 B 4 18 14 12 16 4.12 xFigure Figure Snapshot 4. 12 of the MD cell and 3 of its images after 1500 time steps. 103 A7 _ ~- .^ - IV 0 _ 13 E I 00 0 11 0 0 0 o 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 3 0 0 7 00 0 000 0 O I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 _ 1 -2 ·C 4 0 *8 _IC_C_ s CC_· 16 i0 14 its images after 3000 6 --- 4 18 x Figure 4.13 Snapshot of the MD and 3 of time steps. 104 Potential energy -29 -31 -32 -33 -34 P -35 -37 -38 -39 -41 -i 2000 I 7000 5080 3e00 6000 4000 time step 8000 10000 Figure 4.14 Potential energy behavior for p=0.4 936 and T=0.17 with rescaling through all the simulation perfect crystal structure. and with an initial 105 4 .' 1 ,4 I.e 1 m 0.8 S D 0.6 0.4 0. a 1000 e ~ 3000 200e 7000 500 4000 time 6000 9000 8000 10000 stbep Figure 4.15 Root mean square displacement for p=0.4936 and T=0.17, and an initial perfect crystal structure. 106 e -7 I$ 13 11 9 7 15 3 -i R 0o 4 8 Fx Figure 4.16 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 4000 time steps. _ _ 107 4"0_I is 14 10 y 8 6 4 P- 4 - 8 12 Figure 4.17 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 6000 time steps. 16 8 108 16 14 12 08 v 6 2 4 _ 0 ¢-_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 .6 10 8 I - - _- 14 12 Figure 4.18 Snapshot at T=0.17 after 7000 time steps I Is 16 En 10.9 1 I I E .4 -a 04 -T 8 12 1e 14 x Figure 4.19 Snapshot at T-O.17 after 9000 time steps. is 16 i 110 Chapter Five Study of Two-Dimensional Bicrystal 111 5.1 Construction of A bicrystal relative =7 is a structure composed of two crystals which exhibit misorientation continuous Grain Boundary. across the and/or translation interface that L353. If the two crystals of which identical materials, the the interface but the material is separates one from the other bicrystal between is composed are them is called a grain boundary. Our two dimensional model is constructed from plane (111) be in a fcc crystal (see figure 5.1). obtained by Coincidence Site Lattice the packed The grain boundary can (CSL) construction if a about the [111] perfect crystal is rotated an angle close direction. The relation that determines the value of this angle, -t 1 where A which 'e - and 1 _ ( 2 __ (S) _ are the coordinate numbers of the boundary. =7 grain boundary has coordinate numbers from =38.21 . equation 54 gives a value for 1=7 stems for the fact that 1/7 of the l, =2 lattice and The sites lz=1, value of of the two a =7 crystals are coincident following the rotation. Figures 5.2 represent the procedure of grain boundary on the (213) plane. structure (fig. 5.2a), we rotate the [111] non direction. rotated construction of Starting from the perfect crystal crystal an angle about the part After this process, the rotated crystal overlaps the (see figure 5.2b). The bicrystal with the grain 112 boundary in the (213) plane is obtained by retaining on one side of this plane the atoms of the non rotated crystal, and on the other side the atoms of the rotated crystal (see fig. 5.2c). 113 [001] [010] [100] -10 Figure 5.1 Closed packed plane (111) in a fcc 3-D crystal. The closed circles represent atoms on the front sides of the lattice, and the open circles represent atoms on the opposite side. 114 'I it-o 4 o o o III cx .~~~~~~~~. . be rz,4 0 o o CM -, 0) I r'I M !C~ LL o O0 -i C-4'J - r- 0 0) 5-'w '4--i o 0.0 * : ~-W *~~~~~~~~~~~~H o °$ 0 w *0~ 0~ JJ U)~~~~~~~~~~ 5 -4 H *H J o 0 0 0 H-- 115 I L.j 4J U D~ 4 o .DU 0 o 4 1ro I rt I ,_J 4) ,.4i 1 CD 0 > W 0O N -W H o V4 U '*0 a) 0 4-J U >l U4 0-4 o 4 03 U) o o 0 w eQ4- U o 00 >* 116 Io * c4 co (.) I C co CM LL. IX U CZ i W 0r'--~ U) -0 0 . ) o sk 4o t. 44U co 0z co o .,-I Q rx- 117 5.2 Thermodynamic Behavior. It is known that the thermodynamic different from the perfect crystal. a crystal affects its behavior of a bicrystal is In general, any kind of defect in thermodynamic properties. In the case of a grain boundary at constant pressure these changes are reflected as increase in the Furthermore, [33,34] potential experimental energy, work the [32] volume and some and an the enthalpy. theoretical models suggest that a grain boundary can melt at a lower temperature than the bulk. Studies on dynamics grain techniques boundary to study boundary to demonstrate insight into the technique can the melting be phenomena using have not been done in the past. objectives is and melting used thermodynamic that find One of our main properties of out the grain in a more ambitious a grain whether boundary. there temperature for the grain boundary different from that and of molecular dynamics can give some mechanism to molecular is of This a melting the bulk, project, to elucidate more details of the transition. Our simulation [111) tilt cell of boundary 112 (see particles fig. 5.3). previously determined to be stable. properties at different external pressure was set represented This equal structure We calculated temperatures to and a the constant P=0.4936 2-D =7, has been thermodynamic pressure. which is the The same pressure used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the perfect crystal in the preceding chapter. technique was used for these simulations. Again, the flexible border 118 4C 30 25 20 is 10 0 -5.5 -15.5 4.5 14.5 24.5 .5 x Figure 5.3 Simulation cell with 3 of its images used for the bicrystal study. Regions 1 and 3 correspond to the grain boundary, regions 2 and 4 correspond to the perfect crystal. 119 From our simulations we obtained the internal energy, the and the enthalpy of the system at different temperatures volume (table 5.1). From the data of the perfect crystal we were able to calculate surface excess thermodynamic properties of the grain boundary. These results indicate that the melting temperature for the grain boundary occurs at approximately T=0.1 the perfect crystal at 0.14 and which is lower than the melting temperature of T=0.16. In the range of temperature between 0.16 a coexistance of liquid and solid phases appears after the grain boundary melts. This coexistance permits the system to for a lower enthalpy state and it is observed system resolidifies into a perfect crystal. the enthalpy observe that as a function a of the He temperature (fig. 5.4), we transition has already occurred around T=0.14. U, and V (figures 5.5 the If we plot from table 5.1 transition is more evident on the plots of the the bicrystal that subsequently look excess to 5.7). quantities can This of 120 Table 5.1 T U/N Q/N H/N U. /N Q /N 0.110 -0.6955 1.1357 -0.0239 0.0245 0.0217 0.032 0.124 -0.6767 1.1509 0.0171 0.0263 0.0229 0.034 0.140 -0.6499 1.1777 0.0714 0.0341 0.0327 0.047 0.150 -0.6405 1.1853 0.0946 0.0315 0.0303 0.044 0.16 -0o.6304 1.2009 0.1224 0.0296 0.0359 0.044 boundary and H /N The excess quantities are defined as follows: He=(Hbc-HPc) Ue = (Ubc 2e= (bC- UPC ) f2PC) The subscripts bc and crystal,respectively. pc stand for grain perfect 121 H /N 1 I iquid line 0.2 liquid grain boundary solid 0.0 - perfect crystal s(olid line I 0.1 0 .15 Figure ' T 5.4 Enthalpy as a function of the temperature for both the perfect crystal and the grain boundary. 122 H,/N 0.04 - x 0.03 w 0.1 T 0.15 Figure 5.5 Excess of enthalpy in the bicrystal with respect to the perfect crystal. 123 Qe/N ~i x I~~~~~~~~ 0.03 x x 0.02 - I >_- ·~~~~~~~~~~ 0.1 0.15 Figure 5.6 Excess of volume in the bicrystal with respect to the perfect crystal. 124 U,/N A 0.03 ' t(~~~~~~~~I 0.0o2 ICC~ ~~ T " I- T t 0 ,1$ 0.1 Figure 5.7 Excess of internal energy in the bicrystal to the perfect crystal. with respect 125 5.3 Melting and Structural Stability. The analysis of melting for the grain boundary is not based only on the thermodynamic properties of the system. It is also based on the analysis of snapshots of the instantaneous position of the particles. The mean square displacement, as in the case of the perfect crystal, gives additional localization in the system. information n this case, analysis of the regarding simulation the particle cell was divided into 4 regions and the mean square displacement was calculated for each one (see grain boundary. figure 5.3). Regions boundary behaved structure, observed simulation. during the T=O.11 demonstrated as a solid structure. maintained its initial migration Figure steps. of simulation migration [22,23]. temperature long the of the 5.3 interface shows the was initial after 7000 From these two figures it. is evident that grain boundary migration is already taking dynamics that Although the boundary configuration of the system, and figure 5.8 is a snapshot time to the Regions 2 and 4 correspond to the bulk. A simulation at a temperature of grain and 3 correspond T period is of place even at this temperature. The of grain boundaries has been studied using MD It is known that for a system like ours if the high enough and if we execute the simulation for a time, annihilation of grain boundaries will be observed. The stability temperature at lower snapshots of behavior the system above the melting the grain boundary is found to be different from that temperatures. of of the For example, system show that at temperature of T=0.15 the the grain boundary melts and a 126 .a r- 40 35 30 20 Is 15 10 S 0 -IS.5 -S. ; 14.5 4.5 24.S x Figure 5.8 Migration of the grain boundary at T=O.11 after 7000 time steps and with p=0.4936. The arrow indicates the distance that the grain boundary has migrated. 127 coexistance of two phases takes place (fig. is diffusing process. through Our out the simulation cell by 5.9). a The disorder region melting-resolidifi cation cell has two grain boundaries which create two disordered regions after they mel t. Once these two regions get in contact with each other (fig. 5.10), it is possible reach its minimum enthalpy configur ation, which perfect crystal structure (fig. 5.11) . for the system for this case This observation is to is the confirmed by the potential energy, which shows a sharp decrease between 8000 and 9000 time steps. If calculat:e the equilibrium state after the we decrease took place, we find out that: this corresponds to the perfect crystal. value is the simulation due to the approaching the melting point of the bulk. In general, The process difference is is which The simulation at a temperature of T=O.16 shows a slightly different behavior from the 0.15. one probably fact at that we are though, the the same in the sense that the grain boundary melts first and at the end the system resolidifies. At a temperature of 0.15 the potential equilibrated first at point I energy II which potential energy perfect calculated in chapter At T0.16 initial state on the a takes place it states (points b and c in behavior (fig. 5.14), does in fig. 5.13) state (point d in fig. 5.13). process bicrystal correspond crystal to curve a lower previously 4 (see fig. 5.12). however, the system (point the (see figure 5.13). Then, it dropped directly from this point to point point of Instead, not to the go directly from lower potential before the the energy resolidification spends some time at higher potential energy fig. 5.13). the instantaneous From the structure potential of the system energy (fig. 128 O' 40 O~ a25 ' S 0 w -IS-5 -5.5 .S 14.S Figure 24. S 5.9 Snapshot indicating the increase of disorder in the grain after 3000 time steps. boundary region at T=0.15 129 ... ,i. _........ ... _ ,... Cob ~ ~ ~~~ _,. . . .... _ _ ,, . , ... _ . _ .. . I -1---- . 45 40 3S 30 Z5 20 10 5 -18 7 -3 -13 -8 2 27 17 12 B 32 x Figure 5.10 Snapshot indicating a highly disordered structure at the ' time step 7000 for T=0.15 and p=O.4936. 130 0 .0 30 y 2,0 10 0' -e-S 9.5 24.5 Figure 5.11 Resolidification to perfect crystal after 10000 time steps at T=O. 15. 131 -7 -74 -7E P -78 4 2000 400e 6000 7000 See t00 10000 time tep Figure 5.12 Potential energy behavior at T=0.15 and p-=0.L4936 where the resolidification process is observed. 132 Figure 5.13 Scketch of how the resolidification process may take place from the data calculated. 133 -06 -68 -764 -?S -70 -84 -76 -72 -Be -82 -84 - P r5 300 0 1000 L3 2000 900 7000 5c00 4000 6000 8000 time top Figure 5.14 Potential behavior at T=0.16 and p=0.4 93 6 i0000 134 i T 4f *3, . 3S- 30 20+ S 15 10 At -- " I L_- l _== -1-I 4' 4 - 4 -4 -g9 14 :I ¢ 6 16 II 4 26 21 !1 1 Figure 5.15 Snapshot of a high disordered structure at T=O.16 after 5000 time steps. 135 5.15), and from what we know from the previous that one of the states (point interesting that the orientation obtained in the T0.15 c) of is the chapter, the liquid perfect to conclude phase. crystal corresponds simulation we It is which we neither of the starting orientations of our bicrystal (see figures 5.3 and 5.11). Details of the mechanism of determine from the limited resolidification data we results obtained are not enough to obtain this process, speculative. and all the have a are difficult collected to date. concrete interpretation is conclusion just to The of admittedly 136 Chapter Six Conclusions and Discussion 137 Conclusions and Discussion. One of the main conclusions from our work is that able to 1t from those obtained by been The agreement of our results is within onte-Carlo simulation. The flexible border technique has been study melting properties of observed to at a constant 56 particle pressure system. successfully through The fixed the applied number thermodynamic dependence border results calculated were able to at we observe 3. By different follow the sequence of transition from the initial state to the equilibrium state of the simulation. snapshots was using technique, which in general was less than looking at the instantaneous positions of the particles we to be insignificant while simulating a 400 particle system. No significant difference was found in the times, have calculate the thermodynamic properties of a 2-D system using the flexible border technique. the we an From these increase of the number of dislocations and disclinations when the system goes from. a ordered state (solid) to a less ordered state (liquid). The structural transition on a 2-D system was technique of the flexible borders. lattice dynamics analysis with studied with the It was possible to corroborate the out simulation results; in addition using molecular dynamics it was possible to study the mechanism of transition and the final state after the transition. The flexible borders technique was found to be for this kind of study appropriate since the transition from a perfect square crystal to a perfect triangular crystal is possible. in more By comparison, the fixed border technique the constant volume and shape represent 138 constraints that will impede such a fixed border triangular, technique it can the only transition. system reach a will go state Although from which the with the square corresponds to to a triangular lattice with defects. In our attempt to study grain boundary melting using MD, we found a melting temperature melting temperature for the interface which of the perfect crystal. is about 85% of Once the grain boundary melted, we observed a transient coexistance of disordered and regions. The disordered region melting-resolidification process. perfect dependent it A ordered migrate and gives rise to a resolidification process to a crystal from the transient state of coexistance was observed. 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