Statistical Process Control (SPC) in a High Volume Machining Center: Value of Standard Operating Procedures by Siddharth Udayshankar Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Management BMS College of Engineering, 2014 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MANUFACTURING at the OCT 0 12015 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES September 2015 2015 Siddharth Udayshankar. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of the thesis document, in whole or in part, and to grant others permission to do so. A uthor...................................................................... Signature redacted Siddharth Udayshankar Department of Mechanical Engineering August 7, 2015 Signature redacted . Certifiedby.......................................................... David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted C ertified by ............................................................. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .\A - Duane S. oning Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.......................................................S ignature redacted David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students This page is intentionally left blank. 2 Statistical Process Control (SPC) in a High Volume Machining Center: Value of Standard Operating Procedures by Siddharth Udayshankar Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Management BMS College of Engineering, 2014 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Manufacturing 7 th, 2015 in partial Abstract Statistical process control is implemented in a high volume machining center to reduce scrap and improve the quality of production. New hires are working in a complex production environment with excellent metrology resources that can be used for real time inspection but there is a lack of standard operating procedures to help them use these resources. A methodology for implementation of statistical process control is developed and evaluated by implementing it in a section of the machining center which has the biggest benefit. Gages are evaluated and control charts are established in that section. Operators are trained in the standard operating procedures related to the different components of SPC. The standard operating procedures are developed to be portable such that SPC can be used in various sections of the machining center. Findings include cost saving benefits and scrap rate reduction of approximately 50% can be achieved for the entire machining center by the implementation of statistical process control. A training matrix is developed to train different people of the company on the concepts of SPC. Implementing SPC in a high volume machining center has proved to deliver value in reduction of scrap, quality improvement, ability to react to changes for the new hires and other benefits. Standard operating procedures have made a difference in the quality inspection of parts and in maintaining high quality standards that can make the machining center a world class manufacturer. Thesis Supervisor: David E. Hardt Title: Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor: Duane S. Boning Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 3 This page is intentionally left blank. 4 Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to thank the Almighty for his boundless blessings and grace in helping me in every aspect of life. Secondly, I would like to thank my parents for their relentless support through my highs and lows and for always being there when it mattered the most. I would also like to thank Lalita atthai and Ramki uncle for proofreading my thesis and giving me tips to write a good thesis. Thank you to my thesis supervisors Prof. David E. Hardt and Prof. Duane S. Boning for guiding the whole team and clearing our queries throughout the whole length of the project. Thank you to Waters Corporation for allowing me to carry out this project and for their support in making me feel very comfortable to work throughout the whole term. A special thanks to Dave Terricciano and Jim McPherson in continuing the collaboration between MIT and Waters Corporation. Thank you to Gabriel Kelly, Greg Puszko, Leo Bates, Mike Selent and Kerwin Cross for supporting the whole team and in making sure the success of this project. Thank you for the contribution and involvement of several Waters Corporation employees including Dan Welch, Matt Howland, Paul Lussier, Paul Pavone, Dereck Lawes, Steve Trautwein, Dennis White and others without whom this whole project would not have been possible. Thank you to my teammates Shaozheng Zhang and Haipei Zhu for their collaboration, ideas and friendship that helped us to produce results that we could be proud of. Thank you to Jose Pacheco for welcoming me to the Master of Engineering in Manufacturing program and his support throughout the last 12 months. Last but not the least, thank you to the other MEngM students and my friends who have influenced and given me memorable moments over the last 12 months. 5 This page is intentionally left blank. 6 Table of Contents A bstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3 A cknow ledgem ents......................................................................................................................... 5 List of Figures and Tables............................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 11 1.1 Background Inform ation on W aters Corporation........................................................ 12 1.2 Liquid Chrom atography and M ass Spectrom etry ....................................................... 13 1.2.1 H igh-Perform ance Liquid Chrom atography (H PLC)........................................... 13 1.2.2 U ltra Perform ance Liquid Chrom atography (U PLC) ........................................... 14 1.2.3 M ass Spectrom etry............................................................................................... 15 1.3 W aters G lobal M achining Center............................................................................... 15 1.3.1 Colum ns A rea ......................................................................................................... 17 1.3.2 Colum n Tubes M anufacturing Process................................................................ 18 1.3.3 Tools U sed to M anufacture Colum n Tubes ......................................................... 19 1.3.4 Com m on Defects During Production.................................................................. 20 Problem Statem ent ......................................................................................................... 21 1.4.1 M otivation............................................................................................................... 21 1.4.2 Identification of Problem ..................................................................................... 22 1.4.3 Team A pproach and Task Organization ................................................................. 23 1.4 1.5 O utline of Thesis ............................................................................................................ 25 Chapter 2: Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 26 2.1 Statistical Process Control (SPC)................................................................................... 26 2.1.1 Origin of SPC ............................................................................................................ 26 2.1.2 Seven Q uality Control Tools ................................................................................... 27 2.1.3 Control Charts............................................................................................................ 28 2.1.4 Value of SPC ............................................................................................................. 32 2.2 M achining ............................................................................................................................ 34 2.2.1 Tool W ear ................................................................................................................... 34 2.2.2 Part Deflection W hile M achining ........................................................................... 36 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) .......................................................................... 37 Chapter 3: M anufacturing Scenario in the Colum ns Cell.......................................................... 39 7 3.1 Lack of Proper Gage Fixture for The OasisM System .................................................... 49 3.2 Lack of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).............................................................. 51 3.3 Lack of Statistical Process Control (SPC) ...................................................................... 52 Chapter 4: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) .................................................................. 54 4.1 Methodology for Implementation of SPC...................................................................... 54 4.2 Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gage R&R) study ........................................... 57 4.2.1 Purpose of an SOP for Gage R&R study................................................................ 57 4.2.2 Implementation of an SOP to Conduct Gage R&R Study....................................... 59 4.2.3 Results from Implementation of SOP..................................................................... 59 4.3 Baseline Data Collection and Sampling Plan.................................................................. 61 4 .4 C ontro l C harts ..................................................................................................................... 63 4.4.1 Importance of Control Charts ................................................................................. 63 4.4.2 SOP and Results from Implementation of Control Charts .................... 66 4 .5 Process C apability ............................................................................................................... 68 4.6 Long Term Monitoring........................................................................................................ 71 4.6.1 Importance and SOP for Long Term Monitoring................................................... 71 Chapter 5: Value Added Due to Standard Operating Procedures............................................. 74 5.1 R ole of O wnership .............................................................................................................. 74 5.2 Importance of Training Matrix........................................................................................ 74 5.3 Standard Procedure to Edit SOPs.................................................................................... 76 5.4 Scenario After Implementation of SOPs......................................................................... 76 5.5 Feedback from Operators and Supervisors ...................................................................... 77 Chapter 6: Conclusion, Future Work and Recommendations ................................................... 78 6 .1 G age E valuation .................................................................................................................. 78 6.2 Real Time Inspection .......................................................................................................... 78 6.3 Defect Rate Reduction due to Application of Control Charts......................................... 79 6.4 Potential Annual Savings ................................................................................................ 80 6.5 Future W ork and Recommendations............................................................................... 81 References..................................................................................................................................... 84 A p p en d ix ....................................................................................................................................... 86 8 List of Figures and Tables Figure 1-I W aters Corporation, M ilford, M A . ............................................................................. I1 Figure 1-2 Diversification of Waters Corporation in various fields.......................................... 12 Figure 1-3 Pictorial flowchart that describes the procedure in liquid chromatography [2]..... 14 Figure 1-4 Representation of the working of a mass spectrometer [5]...................................... 15 Figure 1-5 Waters Global Machining Center, Milford, MA..................................................... 16 Figure 1-6 Representation of the Machining Center. I=Milling Department, 2= Turning Department, 3= Valve Cell, 4= Column Cell, 5=Model Shop [9]............................................ 16 Figure 1-7 Column with two symmetrical ends......................................................................... 17 Figure 1-8 Schematic representation of the important components of a column...................... 18 Figure 1-9 From left: single point turning tool, threading tool, cut off tool............................. 19 Figure 1-10 Production defects frequency distribution [8]....................................................... 21 Figure 1-11 Project process flow . ............................................................................................. 24 Figure 2-1 Different components of a control chart [8]............................................................ 29 Table 1: Rules followed by different industries [8].................................................................. 31 Figure 2-2 Benefits and value gained from SPC. ..................................................................... 32 Figure 2-3 Scrap reduction from 1985 to 1989 [17].................................................................. 33 Figure 2-4 Different types of tool wear [19]............................................................................. 35 Figure 2-5 Occurrence of corner wear in a tool [19]. .............................................................. 36 Figure 3-1 Quick inspection gages like the micrometers and GO/NOGO placed next to the CNC 39 m ach in e ......................................................................................................................................... Figure 3-2 Schematic representation of the CNC machine used in the columns cell [7]......... 40 Figure 3-3 Representation of the different size of columns that are produced in the columns cell 41 and en d fittin g s.............................................................................................................................. Figure 3-4 Optical comparator in the columns cell. ................................................................ 43 Figure 3-5 Components of the Oasis inspection system [8]. .................................................... 44 Figure 3-6 Measuring a column on a Johnson GageTM............................................................... 45 Figure 3-7 Profilometer in the columns cell. ........................................................................... 46 Figure 3-8 B lade m icrom eter........................................................................................................ 47 Figure 3-9 Flat m icrom eter. .......................................................................................................... 47 Figure 3-10 M icroscope in the colum ns cell............................................................................. 48 Table 2: Measurement devices used to measure the different dimensions on a column tube [7]. 48 9 Figure 3-11 Comparison to show that the existing fixture is not suitable for inspection.......... 49 Figure 3-12 New fixture for the OasisTM system ....................................................................... 50 Figure 4-1 Methodology for implementation of SPC ............................................................... 56 Figure 4-2 Screenshot of the SOP developed for a Gage R&R study. ..................................... 58 Figure 4-3 The different dimensions that has to be measured on one end of a column tube. ...... 60 Table 3: Comparison of gage capabilities, P/T ratio (%), before and after implementation of SOP [7 ].................................................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 4-4 Screenshot of the SOP developed for baseline data collection. ............................... 62 Figure 4-5 Screenshot of the control chart being used in ProlinkTM as a real time inspection tool. ....................................................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 4-6 Notes can be recorded in the ProlinkTM software..................................................... 65 Table 4: Meaning of the lines in ProlinkTM software................................................................ 66 Figure 4-7 Screenshot of the SOP developed for control charts............................................... 67 Figure 4-8: Control charts showing the process to be stable after implementation of the SOP... 68 Figure 4-9 Screenshot of the SOP developed to calculate process capability........................... 69 Figure 4-10 Screenshot of the Prolink TM software displaying Cpk value.................................. 70 Table 5: Values of the Cpk for the different dimensions after using the SOP........................... 70 Figure 4-1 1 Screenshot of the SOP developed for long term monitoring. ................................ 72 Figure 4-12 Screenshot of the difference between a process in control (above) and out of control (b e lo w ).......................................................................................................................................... 73 Figure 4-13 Results obtained from long term monitoring. ........................................................ 73 Figure 5-1 Training matrix developed for learning SPC. .......................................................... 75 Figure 6-1 Recommended database structure............................................................................ 82 10 Chapter 1: Introduction This thesis concentrates on the value of following standard operating procedures on the road to achieving statistical process control. This thesis is based on an industrial project at Waters Corporation which designs, manufactures and services analytical laboratory instruments that are primarily used by pharmaceuticals, industries, academic personnel and other laboratory applications. Their primary focus is liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry technology systems and thermal analysis which includes consumable products such as columns and other support products. Its headquarters is at Milford, Massachusetts as shown in Figure 1-1. Currently, there is a need to implement statistical process control (SPC) in the machining center that produces high volumes of columns and end fittings. This chapter concentrates on providing background information on Waters Corporation, Waters Global Machining Center at Milford, MA and the problem statement that this thesis seeks to address. Figure 1-1 Waters Corporation, Milford, MA. 11 1.1 Background Information on Waters Corporation Waters Corporation was founded by James Logan Waters in 1958. Waters Corporation designs and manufactures analytical laboratory instruments that are used in pharmaceutical, industrial and other academic laboratories. The company has advanced in the field of analytical chemistry by producing breakthrough research and state of the art technological systems, and has become a major player in the market. Their revenue for the year 2013 was $1.9 billion. They have offices in 27 countries which also include 11 manufacturing facilities [6]. On the road to becoming a major player in the analytical instruments industry, Waters has acquired a number of companies and thus expanded their business to even greater extents as shown in Figure 1-2. InsrumntaionInformation and Services Consumables Diagnostics Figure 1-2 Diversification of Waters Corporation in various fields. Waters has divided their products into two divisions: the Biochemical and Chemical Analysis Division, and the Physical Testing Division. The Biochemical and Chemical Analysis Division is based in Milford, MA and produces liquid chromatography instruments, while the Physical Testing Division is based in Manchester, England and Wexford, Ireland and produces mass spectrometry instruments. Thermal analysis and calorimetric instruments are also produced by their physical testing division. With customer success being the prime mission for Waters 12 Corporation, they have a global network of authorized service centers that can install, repair and replace part services, thereby creating a strong bond between customers and the company. This thesis describes the implementation of statistical process control in the columns area at Waters Global Machining Center, Milford, MA. This thesis is written in conjunction with the work done by Shaozheng Zhang [7] and Haipei Zhu [8], and several sections and descriptions in this thesis are written in common with their works. 1.2 Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry One of the important tools in analytical chemistry is liquid chromatography. It was defined by the Russian botanist, Mikhail S. Tswett in the early 1900s. His studies focused on separating plant compounds by using a solvent and a column packed with materials [1]. This created a pathway for many scientists to use this technique to separate out the individual parts from the sample. The technique is based on the phenomenon that different compounds have different strengths of chemical attraction to particles. When the compound is made to flow using a solvent (mobile phase) in a column filled with particles (stationary phase), the individual parts are separated based on the chemical attraction to the particles in the column which creates different color bands. Based on these color bands, the individual parts of the compound can be identified. 1.2.1 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has advanced much since the 1970s. During the 1970s, when a pressure of 500 psi was used to pump the compounds through the column, it was called high-pressure liquid chromatography. Nowadays, the columns can withstand a pressure of 6000 psi, helping enable one to separate and identify any compound that can be 13 . ............ dissolved in a solvent, thus making HPLC a key and powerful tool in analytical chemistry [1]. The procedure of liquid chromatography is illustrated in Figure 1-3. HP LC Column Chromatogrmn Inject Solvent (Mobile Phase) Reservor -I sampl e POWp Solvent Manager Solvent DelivRy System Waste Figure 1-3 Pictorial flowchart that describes the procedure in liquid chromatography [2]. 1.2.2 Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) With the increasing need to have better resolution and sensitivity in liquid chromatography, Waters Corporation has developed a new system that has particles of 1.7 micron and a pressure capability of 15,000 psi [1]. This has created a new benchmark in the analytical chemistry business. Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) is a trademark of Waters Corporation [3]. Further research is being done to pack columns with particles of one micron diameter and a pressure capability of 100,000 psi. This gives an idea of what can be expected in the years to come [1]. 14 .............. . ............ ... ..... ...... 1.2.3 Mass Spectrometry By using the mass-to-charge ratio, mass spectrometry helps to identify the chemicals present in a compound. Mass spectrometers vary in size and serve various applications. The unit that is used to measure atomic or molecular mass in mass spectrometry is the Dalton (Da). Figure 1-4 shows how molecules are converted to gas-phase ions and then imparted electric charge so that the data system can read the electric current and hence determine the mass spectrum [4]. Detector heater to vapourise sample electron beam sample Of ionises charged particle beam + 02 inject sample heaviest magnetic field separates particles based on mass/charge ratio electron source (4) particles accelerated into magnetic field Figure 1-4 Representation of the working of a mass spectrometer [5]. 1.3 Waters Global Machining Center The Waters Global Machining Center based in Milford, MA is the largest machining center of Waters Corporation and also the largest supplier of machined and fabricated components to Waters Corporation. The Waters Global Machining Center manufacture high-complexity components and send to their various facilities and their contract manufacturers worldwide. 15 Figure 1-5 Waters Global Machining Center, Milford, MA. The Machining Center as shown in Figure 1-5 is about 50,000 sq.ft. in area and operates 6 days per week, 24 hours per day and 52 weeks per year. They produce about 2.7 million parts annually and have 5 main departments as shown in Figure 1-6 [9]. [' 1 11--[1 -I I j - I Figure 1-6 Representation of the Machining Center. 1=Milling Department, 2= Turning Department, 3= Valve Cell, 4= Column Cell, 5=Model Shop [9]. 16 1.3.1 Columns Area The columns area is one of the most important locations in Waters Global Machining Center. The columns cell produces column tubes and end fittings which form a major portion of the company's revenue. They produce 96 different types of column tubes which vary in outer diameter, inner diameter, length of the column, type of thread and other intricate features that satisfy the customer's needs. Column tubes as shown in Figure 1-7, are the most important part of the liquid chromatography machines. The column tubes are packed with chemicals and closed with the end fittings. These are then placed in the Waters liquid chromatography machine for the users to test their samples. The life of a column tube varies according to the application that it is being used for. As these are consumables that the customer orders on a regular basis, Waters Corporation ensures that high priority is given to the columns cell in terms of quality and manpower. Main. Side Figure 1-7 Column with two symmetrical ends. Figure 1-8 shows key features of a column tube. The threads are one of the most important features of the column tube in terms of the customer's perspective. As these column tubes are sold at a high price (approximately $750-$1500), the company ensures that the customer finds it easy to screw the column tube (packed with chemicals and closed by the end fittings) in the machine. 17 The machining center has achieved a positive reputation in making excellent threads on a consistent basis after different trial and error methods. Mechanical Threads Sealing face Strength Inside diameter size Outside visible finish Flats Inside diameter finish Figure 1-8 Schematic representation of the important components of a column. The finish on the sealing face is another critical feature that the company has mastered over years of experience in trying to make the column as safe as possible for the customer. If the sealing face is not manufactured properly, this would lead to leaks that could be lethal. As mentioned in the previous section, the company values customer satisfaction with utmost priority, so they take every possible step to ensure that they maintain their mission. This project of implementation of statistical process control in the machining center is an initiative towards that goal. 1.3.2 Column Tubes Manufacturing Process The column tubes are produced by expensive Swiss CNC machines (approximately $235,000 to $550,000) that can machine both sides of the column at the same time. This helps the machining center to save time and also to keep up with the demand. Generally, the 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 and 1 inch outer diameters are the four most produced columns in the columns cell. The raw materials to manufacture these columns are outsourced; these long rods have a unique lot number 18 that is used to identify the column tubes once they are produced. These column tubes are made of high purity 316L stainless steel which requires extreme precision machining to ensure that it is not wasted and put to full use. The company uses an SAP database system to track customer orders and schedule production, and that also helps to debug when scrap is produced. The CNC machine has two parts; one is known as the main side that has a movable tool post and the other is known as the sub side that has a stationary tool post. The production of column tubes involves six major manufacturing steps: turning the outer surface profile, drilling the inner diameter, threading, end milling the flats, engraving the lot number, and cutting off the tube. These are the six manufacturing steps that are used in most column tubes. There may be additional manufacturing steps for particular column tubes according to customer requirements. 1.3.3 Tools Used to Manufacture Column Tubes The CNC machine that is used in the columns cell to manufacture these columns is capable of holding 21 tools at any given time, including both the main side and the sub side. The tools used to manufacture the column tubes are single point turning carbide insert, engraver, end mill, cut off insert, threading insert and spot drill. Figure 1-9 From left: single point turning tool, threading tool, cut off tool. 19 The tools that are replaced often between shifts are the threading and turning inserts. The other tools last longer and have better tool life. Some of the tools are shown in Figure 1-9. The tool crib buys these tools in bulk from various suppliers and these tools are given a unique Waters identification number that can be used in the SAP system. When the operator needs a new tool, the operator pays a visit to the tool crib to get the new tool. 1.3.4 Common Defects During Production The shop floor has a characteristic sheet that records the defects when a column tube is scrapped. These help the supervisor to understand the state of the production system and give advice to the operators to ensure that it does not happen again. As part of our research, the characteristic sheets as shown in Figure 1-10 were studied and analyzed, and it was found that tool change contributes to 25% of the total defects. The other major reasons are due to bad threads, setup problems, tool wear and surface finish. By implementing an SPC system, the team aims to reduce scrap rate significantly and also eliminate the assignable variations that occur in the system. 20 Frequency Distribution 25.00% - 30.00% 20.00% 15.00% - - 10.00% - 5.00% 0.00% -s- ------- Figure 1-10 Production defects frequency distribution [8]. 1.4 Problem Statement This section presents the motivation behind the company's objective of implementing statistical process control in their machining center, identification of problem and the team's approach to solving the problem of scrap and quality loss in the machining center. 1.4.1 Motivation Waters Global Machining Center has had a significant growth rate of staff in excess of 10% year over year since 201 0.With the expanding customer base and other product lines, there is a need to hire more workforce to meet the demand. Over the last 18 months, new hires have been recruited and they form 25% of the workforce, with the number growing to 40% over the last three years. 21 The columns cell is one of the most profitable and most produced product of Waters Corporation. In 2014, the total Waters Division product sales amounted to $1.1 billion and the Waters' instrument sales increased by 4% from 2013 [3].This revenue is critical to Waters Corporation, motivating the company to maintain and continuously improve their manufacturing capability. The operators on the shop floor work in a complex environment, and it becomes difficult for new hires to maintain the high standards that are established on the shop floor. Though there is a complex production environment, the machining center has excellent metrology resources to ensure that high quality standards are maintained by the company. Thus there is an opportunity to improve the overall production quality and reduce scrap by incorporating real-time inspection protocols and standard operating procedures with the help of statistical process control. 1.4.2 Identification of Problem As the Waters Global Machining Center is expanding their workforce to meet the demands of the market, they are experiencing a significant issue with the operators' ability to clearly understand real-time inspection protocols and apply them to their everyday activities. Though it is understandable that they are new to the machining center, it has to be kept in mind that new hires are working in a high production volume, complex environment. As a result of growth in production and increase in new hires, a concern is an observed drop in yield and quality of the products produced. Scrap costs have increased significantly and productivity losses have grown. There is a lack of documentation on how to use the existing resources effectively to improve quality and yield performance. Given that Waters Global Machining Center is expanding at a rapid rate, there is both need and opportunity to improve the quality methodology used in the center. As 22 columns are the most produced and profitable products for Waters Corporation, the initial priority is to demonstrate improved quality and reduced scrap in this area by using statistical process control. 1.4.3 Team Approach and Task Organization When the problem was presented to the team, it was evident that firstly, there needs to be a methodology set up to solve the quality and scrap issue, and secondly, the methodology needs to be portable. The portability of the methodology is critical, as the company wants to implement statistical process control not only in the columns cell but also at the other manufacturing cells. The team has thus developed a methodology that is evaluated by implementing it in the columns cell. Phase 1 of the project involves carrying out a gage repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R) study to evaluate the measuring systems that are in the columns cell. The next step is to collect baseline data. After collection of baseline data, the team analyzed the data and found trends that help in creating sampling plans and also eliminating the variations. Phase 2 of the project involves developing sampling plans that make the life of the operator easier and also the inspection process faster. Assignable causes are eliminated by developing standard operating procedures that the operators are asked to follow. The final phase of the project is to develop control charts that help the operator to stabilize the process and have it in a state of statistical control. The standard three sigma rules are incorporated to create the control charts. Also, reaction plans are incorporated in the standard operating procedures that help the operator to bring the process back in control. A process capability study is carried out after the process is in statistical control in order to quantify the capability of the process to meet its specifications. The operators are trained in the concepts of statistical process control and in the standard operating procedures 23 that help them in long-term monitoring of the process. By reducing the scrap rate and improving the quality of production, the team has been successful in validating the adopted methodology. A booklet has also been developed by the team and delivered to Waters Corporation containing standard operating procedures that can be used to implement statistical process control at a different manufacturing cell. The entire work that we have done as a team is broken into three parts, as summarized in Figure 1-11. The Gage R&R study is covered by Shaozheng Zhang [7], and the development and value of control charts is discussed by Haipei Zhu [8]. This thesis concentrates on the standard operating procedures which is a vital part in bringing the process back in statistical control. It also discusses the scenarios before and after the implantation of standard operating procedures. P Evaluate the existing gages and make improvements P Collection and analysis of baseline data * Develop methodology and frequency of measurement P Development of Standard operating procedures * Development of Control Charts and Reaction Plans * Ensure the process is in a state of statistical control * Evaluate the capability of the process F Reduction of scrap " improve quality of production Figure 1-11 Project process flow. 24 1.5 Outline of Thesis Background on the company and the environment in which this project has been carried out is presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 provides information and concepts on statistical process control and standard operating procedures, with the help of examples to convey the concepts. Chapter 3 discusses the previous state of production in the column cell and the various drawbacks that were noticed. Chapter 4 presents the methodology that is developed, and the standard operating procedures for each step that are used to carry out the implementation of statistical process control. Chapter 5 discusses the value and importance of SOPs and the role of ownership. It also presents the importance of training matrix and feedback from operators and supervisors on implementation of SOPs. Chapter 6 provides conclusions, future work and recommendations that will help the company to ensure the longevity of SPC in its machining center. It provides information on the potential annual savings and defect rate reduction for the machining center. 25 Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter provides information on concepts of statistical process control and the various components associated with it. It also presents information on problems during machining, and concepts associated with standard operating procedures. 2.1 Statistical Process Control (SPC) Quality control has been an important part of manufacturing since the beginning. Manufacturers would compete with each other and if manufacturer C found that manufacturer B was making better profits, then the former would try to sell their product at a lower price or improve their quality. This was the case before statistical process control came into place as a rather new tool in the mid-1920s [10]. Since then, statistical process control has been widely used in different manufacturing facilities around the world to reduce scrap and improve quality. Thus, statistical process control can be defined as a quality control tool that uses statistical analysis to monitor and improve a given process. 2.1.1 Origin of SPC There have been many scientists and engineers including F.W. Taylor, F. Gilbreth, and others, who have paved the way toward quality control with the help of statistics. However, it is Walter A. Shewhart who is considered to be the Father of statistical quality control [11]. In 1924, he developed statistical control techniques at Bell Telephone Laboratories [12]. On May 16, 1924, he wrote a memorandum in which he drew the first modem control chart [ 11]. The inspiration that led Shewhart to develop statistical quality control tools was that he observed variability in manufacturing processes that differed from natural phenomena like the motion of molecules [13]; 26 these observed variations had assignable causes that could be identified and eliminated, thereby improving the quality of the process. In 1931, he published a book called "Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product" which was a monumental work that taught the principles of statistical quality control [10]. H.F. Dodge and H.G. Romig developed the first acceptance sampling methodology at Bell Labs in 1928 [12]. Western Electric and other manufacturing industries were widely using statistical control methods by the mid-1930s [12]. It was William E. Deming who further propagated the theory of statistical quality control to the Japanese people and is considered to be one of the backbone pillars of the rise of the Japanese industry after World War II [14]. Since then, there have been contributions from many people including Taguchi, Juran, Ishikawa, and others, who have helped to make SPC what it is today. 2.1.2 Seven Quality Control Tools Dr. K. Ishikawa was the first to speak on the seven quality control tools in his book "Guide to Quality Control" in 1974 [15]. They are: - Cause and effect diagrams help to break down the causes of a problem and analyze its effects. This tool gives the user a clearer picture and a better way to approach a problem. - Check sheets are a generic tool used to collect and analyze data. They provide a structure for the user and can be adapted according to use. - Control charts are graphical representations of the process varying with time. They show if the process is in control or out of control. 27 - Histograms are a widely used tool that gives information to the user on frequency distributions. - Pareto charts contain both bars and a line graph that help the user identify the significant factors. - Scatter diagrams show the relationship between one variable and another as one is plotted on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. - Stratification is a technique that helps the user to identify trends and patterns from a wide variety of data. These seven tools have helped industries improve the quality of their manufacturing processes. 2.1.3 Control Charts Control charts are an integral part of SPC. They are a reflection of the current state of the system. Variability in the production process and between production processes is a common sight in any manufacturing company. These may be due to systematic (assignable) variations, or due to random variations. The key to having successful control of the process is to eliminate the systematic variations such as tool wear, shift change of operators, tool change, etc., and only have random variations in place. Control charts can be used when: - Determining if a process is stable or not. Observing patterns of process variation from assignable causes and random causes. 28 - Controlling an ongoing process and rectifying the errors as they occur. - Predicting the expected range of outcomes. - Determining if the quality improvement project needs to aim at specific problems or focus on fundamental changes to the process [16]. A control chart has a center line, an upper control and a lower control limit as shown in Figure 2-1. Sometimes, they may also show the upper specification and lower specification limits for the user's understanding. When defining control charts for variables, the common control charts that are used are: X - R charts, X - S charts, and individual moving range charts. Upper Control Limit Due to normal variation (Common Cause) 1 0_ (UCL) * 120- E 110 -1 I II ' 0 11' 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 mLor Control Limit The T (L) Out-of-control Point (Special Camne) Figure 2-1 Different components of a control chart [8]. The X chart is used to monitor and control the process average, the S chart is used to monitor and control the process variability, and the R chart is used to monitor the range (another measure of within-group process variability). These charts are plotted according to the requirement of the process, and practice varies from process to process and also from company to company. Moving 29 range control charts are often used when the sample size used for monitoring is one. When there is a mean shift in the process, then other charts including the cumulative sum (CUSUM) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts can be used to move rapidly, detect small shifts and thus help better control the process [12]. Three sigma limits are the common industry practice to set the control limits; this corresponds to a low probability of 0.3% that a measurement will be outside the control limits if the process is still in control. By plotting data points on the control chart with three sigma limits, the chart gives a measure of the dispersion of data from the average. When a point lies outside the three sigma limits, it indicates that the process is likely to be out of control and that there may be a special cause that is making it go out of control. Over the years, many companies have developed their own rules to identify when a process is going out of control, as summarized in Table 1. 30 Shewhart Rule Rulel One or more points more than 3 sigma from the mean Rule 2 2 of 3 consecutive points between 2 and 3 sigma from the mean Rule 3 4 of 5 consecutive points between I and 3 sigma from the mean V Western Electric Rules Nelson Tests ISO 8258 AIAG Rules Boeing ASQ Rules Trietsch V V V//V V v/V V V ?9/ V V V/ V Rule 4 8 consecutive points on one side of the mean V/ V/ V V/ V Rule 5 6 consecutive points steadily increasing or decreasing v/v/V V Rule 6 15 consecutive points both above and below central line V V V Rule 7 14 consecutive points alternating up and down Rule 8 8 points in a row on both sides of the central line V v/V V V V V Table 1: Rules followed by different industries [8]. 31 2.1.4 Value of SPC Statistical process control is a tried and tested method. The key to SPC is action. The value gained by implementing SPC are shown in Figure 2-2. Nowadays, manufacturers have become dependent on a range of machinery and technology to produce parts at a rapid rate. Loss of productivity and losses due to scrap can affect the company's progress in this world of deadly competition. Real time SPC gathers process and product information and gives the operators and supervisors alarms and triggers to rectify the problem immediately. SPC is an iterative process, and the methodology should be upgraded time and again to ensure high quality standards. Figure 2-2 Benefits and value gained from SPC. There are many success stories about SPC implementation across different industries, ranging from semiconductors to automobiles. One such example relates to the implementation of SPC at Texas Instruments in 1987 [17]. More than half of their lots of printed circuit boards (PCBs) 32 were being rejected. Hence, the top management decided to implement SPC and to set up a program to train everybody in the organization in SPC [17]. One of the most important elements for a successful implementation of SPC is ownership. When one reads this case study, it becomes evident that everybody, from the top management to the operators working on the shop floor, was involved to make it successful. The result was that the company reduced its scrap rate to 1/10 the previous value after the implementation of SPC in 1987, as seen in Figure 2-3. The improvement made in three years was impressive and since then Texas Instruments has continued to use SPC in their manufacturing process. 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 12 1985 196 1987 1988 1989 Figure 2-3 Scrap reduction from 1985 to 1989 [17]. 33 2.2 Machining Tool wear and part deflection are effects that all high volume machining processes can suffer from. This section provides information on causes and effect of tool wear and part deflection during machining. 2.2.1 Tool Wear A common problem experienced while performing machining operations is tool wear. Though there are formulas that have been developed to calculate tool life expectancy, it is hard to determine the tool life precisely as there are many factors that need to be considered. Taylor's equation for tool life expectancy [18] is a common formula: VCT' = C (1) A general form is VcTn x DxSY = C (2) where Vc is the cutting speed, T is the tool life, D is the depth of cut, S is the feed rate, x and y are determined by experiments, and n and C are properties of the tool that are found by experiments or historical data. Tool wear as illustrated in Figure 2-4 may occur due to: Crater wear which is caused due to chip accumulation and chip sliding on the tool face. 34 * Flank wear occurs when friction is created between the tool flank and the part to be machined. - Corner wear on tool corners as shown in Figure 2-5, occurring more often during precision cutting. CNp contact area Crate( vear Corner wear Maimr w"in edge "er"ee ownr a ft WqMVnV Of aan Vom afr cu"in fat son* pened of *m Rlank vvear Workpiece motion Figure 2-4 Different types of tool wear [19]. The effects of tool wear include poor surface finish, increased cutting temperature, tool breakage, part damage, change in tool geometry, and increased cutting force. Tool wear can be minimized by controlling the cutting temperature, coolant fluids, work material, working environment, tool material, etc. [19]. 35 work surface actual part shape theoretical part shape if no corner wear V corner wear reduces tool length feed Dimensional error caused by tool Sharp cutting tool comer wear Figure 2-5 Occurrence of corner wear in a tool [19]. 2.2.2 Part Deflection While Machining In a machining process, part deflection is caused due to stresses induced by machining, deflection of tool and operator intervention, or combinations of these effects such part deflection becomes frustrating for operators, as the parts have to be scrapped [21]. Similarly, at Waters Corporation, part deflection occurs while machining column tubes. The deflection mostly happens while end milling the flats of the column tubes and occurs mostly on the sub-side as the column tubes are supported by only one of the spindles. Deflection depends on the depth of cut that the operator seeks to achieve. To obtain a rough finish, climb milling can be used, but conventional milling needs to be used for a final finish. Using too much depth of cut while climb milling will cause deflection of the tool and also the part that is produced [20]. 36 2.3 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) A standard operating procedure is a document that instructs the user to follow a set of guidelines to carry out an operation correctly and always in the same manner [22]. It is an important part of a quality system that removes ambiguity between the operators. "A SOP is a compulsory instruction" [22]. To maintain high quality standards in a machining center, it is vital that all operators follow the same process from manufacturing of the parts to the final inspection. This will involve a series of SOPs that the operators need to be trained on and also monitored to ensure that it is properly followed. Different types of SOP include those for quality inspection, safety precautions, operating instruments, giving instructions to construct other SOPs, describing a method, and reacting to changes [22]. In the medical industry, SOPs play a critical role. While in the machining center, if the operator does not follow the SOP then defective parts may be produced and reported as scrap, but in hospital settings, doctors are dealing with the life of the patient. There is no room for error while conducting medical surgeries; thus doctors are trained well and advised to follow the standard procedures [22]. This is a similar case for other professionals who deal with the lives of people, including fire fighters, policemen, EMS, and others. Different companies have different formatting options for SOPs according to company policies and guidelines. But as a general guideline, components that an SOP should have are: " The purpose and field of application " Scope of the people concerned and important definitions used * References to any related SOPs * Safety instructions * Name, date and signature of the person creating the SOP and also the one authorizing it 37 * Necessary equipment and apparatus " Procedure to follow the instructions * Theoretical concepts that can benefit the user " Instructions to interpret the results obtained [23] When the first draft of an SOP is made, it needs to be verified and evaluated by another officer. Sometimes, SOPs would have to go through different officers to get an approval to start using it on the shop floor. A standard way needs to be developed to edit, delete and replace SOPs so that there is no confusion on the current version of the SOP that needs to be used. SOPs have proven to be vital in the success of a quality improvement or control program; appropriate SOPs and training are the foundation for carrying out a successful inspection system [24]. 38 Chapter 3: Manufacturing Scenario in the Columns Cell The columns cell is a critical part of Waters Global Machining Center. There are seven CNC machines in the columns cell which are used to run different components. On a working day, there are four operators working on these machines. One of them is the section head who monitors the work of fellow operators. The operators work in a complex environment but they have the necessary metrology resources to ensure that they produce good parts. They are also provided with hand held gages for quick inspection as shown in Figure 3-1. Theses gages are placed next to every CNC machine in the columns cell. The operators do a complete inspection of the first part produced at the beginning of the shift by using the advanced gages including the OasisTM system, the comparator, the Johnson GageTM and others that are placed in the inspection area of the columns cell. Figure 3-1 Quick inspection gages like the micrometers and GO/NOGO placed next to the CNC machine. 39 A protocol followed by the operators is to send the first conforming part that they produce to the larger inspection cell. The inspection cell has advanced metrology resources to inspect all the parts of the machining center. The operators also have to send their first conforming part that they produce when they come back from lunch and dinner breaks. The inspection cell inspects the part again to ensure that the operator has checked it correctly and that they are producing good parts. The columns cell can be split into the following sections: Column tube production: Two CNC machines are assigned to produce column tubes. These machines can also produce end fittings for the column but their primary purpose is production of column tubes. Figure 3-2 is a representation of the CNC machine used in the columns cell. Front spindle Max- 8,000 min 165mm/1 chucking (Guide bushing) 2.5D/1 chucking (Non-guide bushing) ' Rctary tools on the gang tool post Max 8.000 min (Rating 6.000 min Back spmndlo Max 8,000 min - * Figure 3-2 Schematic representation of the CNC machine used in the columns cell [7]. 40 * End fittings and other accessories: The other five machines are assigned to produce end fittings and other accessories for the column tubes as shown in Figure 3-2. Each column will have two end fittings as it has two ends. When column tubes are sold they are not sold separately, they are sold as a complete unit, i.e., a column tube is packed with chemicals and closed by the end fittings. Figure 3-3 Representation of the different size of columns that are produced in the columns cell and end fittings. " Cleaning and Polishing area: After the column tubes and the end fittings are produced, they are sent for cleaning and polishing. There is one operator assigned for this task. The operator shifts the lot of column tubes and end fittings to the assembly section after they have been cleaned and polished. " Assembly area: The assembly area is where column tubes and end fittings are integrated. It is to be noted that the task of packing the column tubes with chemicals is not done at the 41 Milford site. The column tubes and end fittings are integrated and put in a cover. These packets are given a unique serial number for identification. They are transported to Wexford for the final assembly of the product. * Inspection area: There is a small inspection area in the columns cell that is used by the operators to check the parts that they are producing. The inspection area consists of the following gages: > Height Gage: This gage is used to measure the height of the components. At the beginning of the shift, the operator produces one part and does a complete check by using all the resources. This is the time when the operator uses the height gage. It is very rare to have a problem with the height of the column tube. Mostly, it is used to check the height of the end fittings. > Optical Comparator: The optical comparator, as shown in Figure 3-4, is a gage that measures the dimensions on the columns such as the position of the thread, width of the wrench flat, location of the wrench flat and the chafer size. The drawback with this gage is that it is time consuming and also laborious. The time to inspect a column tube on the comparator can take from 25 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the dimensions that have to be measured. It does not have an automatic data capturing function, therefore, the operator has to note down the data manually. 42 Figure 3-4 Optical comparator in the columns cell. OasisTM inspection system: The OasisTM inspection system, as shown in Figure 35, is an optical measurement device that captures the data when the component is placed in the inspection zone. It has an automatic data capturing system that is very helpful for the operators on the machine shop. For every component that has to be measured on the OasisTM system, a program has to be written to capture the necessary dimensions. It is a fast way of inspection with an accuracy of 0.0001 inches [25], which is helping the operators do a better job in the columns cell. 43 On-Board Computer 1nspction Zon. OpOCi8 Lens & Camera Light source Figure 3-5 Components of the Oasis inspection system [8]. Johnson GageTM: This gage, as shown in Figure 3-6, is used to measure the thread characteristics such as pitch diameter and the form of thread. It has a digital output that is connected to the ProlinkTM software for real time inspection. The Johnson GageTM is mostly used to measure the pitch diameter of column tubes in the columns cell. It is quick and less laborious than the optical comparator. 44 . Figure 3-6 Measuring a column on a Johnson GageT M Profilometer: It is a gage, as shown in Figure 3-7, which is used to measure the surface finish of the column tubes and end fittings. It uses a sensitive probe that profiles the surface of the part. These probes are expensive and can cost around $800. Therefore, the operators are trained to use this gage in a careful manner. The output that is obtained from the Profilometer is a value of the surface finish and a graph showing the contours on the surface of either a column tube or an end fitting. 45 Figure 3-7 Profilometer in the columns cell. Micrometers: The common micrometers used by the operators on the columns cell are the blade micrometer, as shown in Figure 3-8, the flat micrometer, as shown in Figure 3-9, and the pitch micrometer. Micrometers are quick inspection gages that help the operator to measure the critical dimensions in a quick and accurate way. Micrometers, in general, have a resolution of 0.0005 inches [7]. The flat micrometer is used to measure the outer diameter and the main diameter of the thread on the column tube. Some micrometer have digital output while others have to be manually read. Some of the digital output micrometers are capable of being connected to the real time inspection software. The blade micrometer is used to measure the thickness of the wrench flats and the pitch micrometer is used to measure the pitch diameter of the threads. As 100% inspection is not a viable option 46 in the high volume production center of column tubes and end fitting, the micrometers help the operators produce parts within specification limits. Figure 3-8 Blade micrometer. Figure 3-9 Flat micrometer. Microscope: Microscopes, as shown in Figure 3-10, are placed near every CNC machine to aid the operator in visual inspection. A column tube is rejected when the lot number is not visible. Another issue is when there are scratches on the sealing surface of the column tube. These can be noted by using the microscope. Experience of the operator plays a big role in identifying these defects. An experienced operator is able to identify scratches on the surface of the column tube with the naked eye. Microscopes help the new hires in learning to notice these defects when they occur. 47 Figure 3-10 Microscope in the columns cell. These different gages are used to measure the different dimensions on column tubes, as summarized in Table 2, and end fittings. This shows that the columns cell is equipped with excellent metrology resources to implement statistical process control. Dimension Measurement Devices a Outer diameter Micrometer, Blade micrometer, OASIS b Chamfer OASIS, Comparator, Profilometer c The begin of the thread Comparator d The end of the thread Comparator e The location of the thread relief OASIS, Comparator f The location of the flat OASIS, Comparator g The width of the flat OASIS, Comparator h Total length Height gage i Pitch diameter OASIS, Johnson Gage j The thickness of the flat Micrometer, Blade micrometer, OASIS Table 2: Measurement devices used to measure the different dimensions on a column tube [7]. 48 3.1 Lack of Proper Gage Fixture for The OasisTM System The OasisTM inspection system is an expensive device that is placed in the columns cell to aid the operators in giving quick and accurate measurements. At the beginning of the project, it was observed that the OasisTM system had a fixture that was not suitable to measure the column tubes as shown in Figure 3-11. Figure 3-11 Comparison to show that the existing fixture is not suitable for inspection. The fixture results in variations due to differences in how the operator uses the measurement system. The operator could manipulate the measurement system by rotating the fixture to show that the part was within specification limits as shown in Figure 3-11: the red out-of-limit indicators in the upper right of the left picture turn to green with rotation of part in the right picture. Another issue with this fixture was that it did not ensure that the column tube could be held in a perfectly 49 vertical direction. This caused tilting of the column tube while measuring it on the OasisTM system. So, good parts had to be rejected as the OasisTM system showed that the parts were out of specification limits. To ensure that the OasisTM system is used to its full capability, a new fixture was designed to eliminate the variations occurring from the previous fixture. This fixture ensures that the column tubes are firmly secured and dimensions such as the width of the wrench flat are measured accurately, which was not possible in the previous fixture. The parallel guiding rail subsystem is designed to ensure that the column tube is placed in a perfect horizontal direction to the direction in which the light is transmitted. Detailed analysis, steps in how this fixture was designed and benefits of this fixture are explained in Zhang's thesis [7]. Figure 3-12 New fixture for the OasisTM system. 50 3.2 Lack of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are vital in any manufacturing facility to ensure uniformity of production and inspection. The operators in the columns cell do not have SOPs for inspection of column tubes. This creates variations in the way the operators measure parts, choice of inspection system, frequency of inspection, tool offset while machining and other scenarios, resulting in problems on the shop floor. The operators do not have a record of when tools were changed, so some operators change tool according to their intuition, some change tools at the beginning of their shift, some change tools after producing some number of parts and others do not change tools until instructed. This variation in tool change amongst operators in the column cell not only aids in producing bad parts but also results in throwing away good tools and loss in capacity. Tool change can take from 30 minutes to three hours depending on the number of tools and the type of tool to be changed. Every time a tool is changed, the first part that is produced by the machine has to undergo complete inspection which can take from 15 to 30 minutes. Operators do not like changing tools as it is a tiresome process, so some of them do it in a random way. Similarly, there is no procedure in place to instruct the operator on when to do a tool offset to compensate for tool wear. Most operators do the wear offset by their intuition and this is one of the main origins of variation as operators compensate for tool wear with different amounts of offset and at different frequencies. Another concern is the use of different measurement systems by the operators to measure the same feature. If the measurement system is not capable of measuring a certain dimension, then the operator might be accepting bad parts which puts the consumer at risk. Therefore, a gage repeatability and reproducibility study was conducted to evaluate the measurement devices in the columns cell. This results of this study can be found in the thesis of Zhang [7]. 51 3.3 Lack of Statistical Process Control (SPC) With the expansion of workforce at the machining center, new hires find it difficult to work in this complex production system at the columns cell. With the lack of standard operating procedures, new hires are not trained on measurement devices that need to be used for the different dimensions of column tubes and end fittings. Resources are readily available for real time inspection, but there are no procedures in place to use those resources. The machining center used to have statistical process control (SPC) ten years ago, but was believed to have failed in its purpose for several reasons: * Lack of supervision: The operators were asked to collect data on the different dimensions of the column tube and manually enter it in the software. The operators did that on a regular basis but there was no one in charge to analyze the data and give feedback to the operators. As time passed by, the operators lost faith in the system as it did not serve its purpose. * Manipulation: As the operators had to key in the data into the software, some operators started to manipulate the system by entering values that showed good parts were being produced, but in reality they were producing bad parts. This was done in fear of the supervisors penalizing them for producing bad parts. * Laborious task: It was a tiresome task to enter the different dimensions into the software. The number dimensions on a column tube can vary from 22 to 35. The number of column tubes in a production run on average can vary from 200 to 400, depending on the size of a column tube. To enter so many data points into the software made the operators not only angry but also lose faith in the SPC system. 52 * Lack of training on SPC: The operators were not trained on the concepts of SPC. So, if the operator was asked to produce the parts by looking at a X - S chart with control limits, the operator would pay no attention to it and produce parts according to intuition, which caused production of bad parts. " Outdated software: The machining center began to expand and the way the products were manufactured changed in due course of time, such that the software was not able to incorporate those changes. Therefore, operators stopped using the software and lost touch with the SPC system. * Lack of manpower: More machines were introduced into the machining center to cope with the increasing demand of products. So, the operators had to work on multiple machines and did not find time to inspect parts on a regular basis. They were more concerned with meeting the demand, so they had no time to enter the data for the use of SPC system that was in place at that time. The above reasons noted for the lack of success with the previous SPC implementation were obtained from speaking to operators who have been in the columns cell for more than a decade. Identifying theses failure modes also helped to make sure that we did not make the same mistakes in developing a new SPC system. 53 Chapter 4: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a vital part of this project. They guide not only the operator but the entire organization to follow certain guidelines in building a quality control culture. A common framework adopted while designing the SOPs is to ensure that each SOP includes purpose, scope, instruments, terms and definitions, procedure, analysis, and result sections. By having a common framework, it is easier to understand the reasons behind developing an SOP, the people involved in the operations, the instruments that needs to be considered, important terms to understand the SOP, procedures for conducting the operation, the procedure to analyze by either using a software system or manually, and the expected results that will obtained by following the SOP. This chapter presents the methodology adopted for implementing SPC, purpose, and benefits of having SOPs for the different components of the methodology. 4.1 Methodology for Implementation of SPC One of the key deliverables in this project is development of a portable methodology for implementing statistical process control not only in the columns cell but throughout the entire machining center. The methodology that we have developed is shown in Figure 4-1. A key step is to develop standard operating procedures for each of the components that are listed in the methodology. This thesis discusses the standard operating procedures that are developed for: " Gage repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R) study " Baseline data collection " Sampling plan " Control charts * Process capability * Long term monitoring 54 The SOPs are developed for a general case such that they can be used for the entire machining center. Each of the above SOPs are explained by taking the column tubes as an example for the benefit of the reader. For developing the SOP on long term monitoring, a basic SOP on column tube inspection has been developed to ensure that a standard way is followed for the inspection of column tubes. The methodology is explained in Section 1.4.3 of this thesis. A booklet on "Implementation of Statistical Process Control" has been delivered to Waters Corporation that not only contains the SOPs for the different components on SPC, but can also be used as a training module for new hires. The various SOPs can be found in the Appendix of this thesis. Dimensions and tolerances have been blacked out in the SOP to avoid disclosure of company confidential information. 55 Identify the measurement method for the dimensions on the drawing IAcceptable - Not Acceptab ~ Yes No IYes I No Ys S - S S Figure 4-1 Methodology for implementation of SPC. 56 f 4.2 Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gage R&R) study The gage repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R) study is the first step in the implementation of SPC. The gages explained in Chapter 3 are used to conduct the Gage R&R study. This section describes the development of the SOP for a Gage R&R study, and discusses the results after implementation of the SOP. The results of the Gage R&R study are based on and share text with the thesis by Zhang [7]. 4.2.1 Purpose of an SOP for Gage R&R study The purpose of conducting a Gage R&R study is to determine the variability due to errors in the measurement system. The errors could arise due to the operator, parts being measured or the gage itself. The Gage R&R study forms the foundation for the entire process of implementing SPC. An important ratio while conducting the Gage R&R study is the precision-to-tolerance (P/T) ratio. It is defined as T kage USL-LSL (3) where k is a constant related to the significance of the hypothesis test, USL refers to the upper specification limit, LSL refers to the lower specification limit, and 6 Gage is the estimated gage standard deviation [7]. While designing an SOP for Gage R&R study as shown in Figure 4-2 (full text available in the Appendix), the instruments in consideration have to be studied to understand how best to operate the instruments. Also, the user has to be aware of the functionalities of the software being used to conduct the study in a proper manner. A Gage R&R study was conducted before the formation of an SOP. From that study, it was identified that operator variation is the main source 57 of variation, and that there is a necessity for developing an SOP for conducting Gage R&R studies, as well as training of the operators to follow the SOP in a standard way. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: GAGE R&R 1. Purpose: Gage PAR study determines the variability in measurements due to errors in the measurement system. The errors could arise due to the operator, parts being measured or the gage itself. The Gage R&R study forms a platform to conducd the process capability analysis. 2. Scope: This document is an Instruction for tue operator to conduct the Gage R&R study. By following this document, one can Identify the variations that causes the gage to give different measurements for the same dimension. This will tell the operator Ifthe given measurement system is acce ble or not. The study has been condcded by taking an eample with column tube part number 3. Instruamntt Optcal comparator, The Oasis'" and the Johnson Gage'" are the measurement systems used for part nrkuMr 4. Tewms and Definitions: Repeatabily - measured varalon resuting from equipment interactions with test reeca Reprodudblity - measured varaton resulting frn overator interacaons with measurement eauipmerrt Interaction effects - the variation resulting from appraiser to appraiser deviations in standard technique Appraiser- persons taking meastrements, -operators' may be substituted Interdiangeably Bas - the tendency for a gage to over or under read on a particular measurement Unearity- the measurement of bias over the range of interest ANOVA- analysis of variance between groups Total Variation (TV) - It represents the variation due to the pat, operator, equipment and gage R&R. Equipment Variation (EV) - It represents the repeatability of the neasureMent device. Appraiser Varfation (AV) - It represents the reproducibility of the system Part Variation (PV) - It represents the variation of the parts used in the gage study. Gage RR - It represents both the equipment variation and the appraiser variation 5. Procedure: 5.1 Identity the measurement systems that need to be studied. 5.2 Identify the product and the critical dimensions of the product that need to be studied. 5.3 The study will consist of 10 parts, 3 appraisers who will each measure the parts three times each. The number of appraisers, parts and the trials may vary across dfirftient industrIes but It Is a common practice to follow the above procedure. 5.4 The part samples that are used for the gage study should represent the true variation of the production process I.e., part samples need to be produced across the whole tolerance lit. This Is done as Gage R&R Is the evaluation of the Measurement system and not the part samples. Figure 4-2 Screenshot of the SOP developed for a Gage R&R study. 58 4.2.2 Implementation of an SOP to Conduct Gage R&R Study Based on the experience gained in the first Gage R&R study, a new SOP was developed. The operators were trained on using the new SOP for conducting a Gage R&R study and its concepts. For the purpose of this study, 10 column tubes, three operators and three trials in random order were used. With the help of the quality engineer, standard ways were determined to inspect parts on the optical comparator and the Johnson GageTM. A new fixture was also designed for the OasisTM system to conduct the study [7]. The Gage R&R study was conducted by three operators who played different roles in the machining center: * Operator A is a quality engineer in charge of the quality of column tubes " Operator B is a section head of the operations in the columns cell " Operator C is a senior quality technician of the machining center By training operators from different backgrounds, the scope of the SOP is expanded and good results from executing the SOP with theses operators validates the procedure defined in the SOP. 4.2.3 Results from Implementation of SOP By following a standard procedure, the operators eliminated the large measurement errors that had come from a lack of SOP. In particular, extreme or outlier data points were eliminated, and the SOP ensures that these do not occur again. Figure 4-3 represents the different dimensions that are measured during the Gage R&R study, which helps to understand the results shown in Table 3. A gage P/T ratio of about 30% or less is desired, to indicate that a gage is capable for quality monitoring [7]. From Table 3, it can be seen that the gage capabilities are improved by 59 implementing the SOP, and thus validates the benefit of having a standard procedure to conduct a Gage R&R study. -l \1 7 C e f h g Figure 4-3 The different dimensions that has to be measured on one end of a column tube. P/T Ratio (%) After Before Dimension Sub side Main side Main side Sub side b 1013.38 93.35 31.57 38.94 c 49.97 23.42 26.3 27.97 d 3634.65 41.77 13.44 19.11 i 179.66 47.12 10.51 8.21 Table 3: Comparison of gage capabilities, P/T ratio (%), before and after implementation of SOP [7]. 60 4.3 Baseline Data Collection and Sampling Plan Baseline data collection and sampling plan form the next parts of the SPC methodology after the Gage R&R study. We conducted a 36 hour observation analysis of production of column tubes to collect our baseline data. From this baseline data, we could observe trends and patterns that helped to better understand the process and develop SOPs that can eliminate variations occurring from the manufacturing process. The purpose of baseline data collection is to help the stake holders to have a solid foundation of data to evaluate and compare with different operating conditions, and to identify quality bottlenecks by observing the trends shown in baseline data plots. A detailed analysis and procedure on how we conducted the baseline data collection is explained in Zhu's thesis [8]. We followed a standard procedure to collect the baseline data as shown in Figure 4-4 (the full SOP is provided in the Appendix), and used that to conduct our further analysis. Collection of data on 100% of parts produced is not possible for real-time monitoring in the columns cell due to a complex production environment. We need to create a sampling plan that will not only help the operator but also aid in real time inspection. By observing the trends in the graphs of the baseline data and calculating the frequency of failure mode occurrences, we arrive at a sampling plan of one in ten parts to be measured by the operator. A standard procedure for finding the right sampling plan has been developed (the full SOP is provided in the Appendix). However, the one in ten sampling seemed to be tiresome for the operators. Given that the operators conduct quick inspection with the use of micrometers and GO/NOGO gages, we redesigned the sampling plan to one in twenty parts, with the operator checking every tenth part by quick inspection. More information on trends in baseline data and sampling plan is explained in Zhu's thesis [8]. 61 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: BASELINE DATA COLLECTION 1. Purpose: Baseline data collection helps the stake holders to have a soid foundation of data to evaluate and compare It with different conditions and also observe the trend which will help in identifying the bottlanecks. 2. Scope: This document Is an instruction to the operators on the steps that needs to be taken while collecting baseline data. It also gives the operators guidelines to follow and potential pitfais whie doing the operation. 3. Procedure: 3.1. Manufacture 1000 parts and arrange it accordlingy In sequence. 3.2. A 100% inspection is carried out on these parts. 3.3. Ensure that the variablity in operators Is removed by having the same operator measure the parts on the same machine. 3.4. I is vital to ensure that the parts have been arranged in the order of production. 3.3. The machine variation can be reduced by having al the parts manufactured on the same macine. 3.6. Ensure to foltow the same measuring procedure for all the parts acrordIng to the standard operating promdure for measurement. 3.7. Do not discard bad parts as it will affect the whole procedure. 4. Analysis: is a trend In the graph. The trend in the graph will help give information on the variations during production. This data can be used to determine the control limits and sampling plan for later inspection. After all the data has been inputted, plot a run chart to see If there Figure 4-4 Screenshot of the SOP developed for baseline data collection. 62 4.4 Control Charts Control charts form the core of statistical process control and are a key component of this project. For the scope of the project, an individual chart with control limits is implemented with the help of ProlinkTM. For the SOP on control charts, however, a more generalized procedure is developed, as the company had asked for a portable SOP that not only can be used in the column cell but can be used in the entire machining center. Concepts of control charts have already been discussed in Section 2.1.3. This section discusses the importance of control charts, the corresponding SOP, and results from implementing the control chart SOP. 4.4.1 Importance of Control Charts As mentioned earlier, control charts are a vital part of this project. For this project, ProlinkTM software is used and an individual chart with control limits is implemented as shown in Figure 45. This real time inspection tool has helped operators to look at the graph and produce parts accordingly, as opposed to producing parts with no guidance. This tool also helps operators to enter notes such as tool change, operator change, tool break, tool offset and other assignable causes which makes it easier to debug the process as shown in Figure 4-6. The meaning of the different colored lines in Figures 4:5 and 4:6 are explained in Table 4. 63 It* *WV o R SW exon GLw a9t 100b Er O&Ae( $*van'; . Pi I -11 Irtoatfulaftam %4fasttny A&4%A7f "* S raiwlftw 7 QftvrL 1 .47 Target Value Process Mean Figure 4-5 Screenshot of the control chart being used in ProlinkTM as a real time inspection tool. 64 Figure 4-6 Notes can be recorded in the ProlinkTM software. 65 Type of Lines Representations I Red Solid Line Upper/Lower Specification Limit 2 Green Solid Line Nominal Value from Design Specification Process Grand Mean Longer Green Dashed Line 3 Upper/Lower Control Limits ( Red Dashed Line 4 ICY, Shorter Green Dashed Line 5 2cy Event with Notes White Vertical Line 6 3a) Table 4: Meaning of the lines in ProlinkTM software. By giving the operator training on the use of control charts in the Prolink TM software, operators produced more good parts and achieved better process capability as will be discussed in the following sections. Detailed analysis on control charts and its implementation is explained in Zhu's thesis [8]. 4.4.2 SOP and Results from Implementation of Control Charts Control charts are a graphical representation of how the process varies with time, and shows if the process is in control or out of control. The SOP, as shown in Figure 4-7 (the full SOP is provided in the Appendix), explains the procedure for choosing the right control chart depending on the manufacturing process and the software that is used. It also explains the calculation and setting of control limits, and provides reaction plans for threading tools using the example of a column tube. The scope of the SOP is for the operators to understand how the quality department sets these control limits and for the manufacturing supervisors in developing reaction plans that will help the operators to avoid producing non-conforming parts. 66 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: CONTROL CHARTS 1. Purpose: Control Chart is a graph that shows how the prorxs varies with time. They show if the process is In-control or out of control. A control chart consists of a center line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit. a lower fine for the lower control limit. These lines are obtained from historical data. By utilizing these control charts operators can better monitor the quality of the process. 7 2. ~ P Scope. This document provides an overview of control charts and the procedure that has to be followed by the quality department ia determining the control limits. The scope of this document also extends to the operators to understand how the quality department sets these control limits. 3. Terms and Definitionst Subgroup Size - for a single point of data, the number of sample data colected. If the number of 'parts' collected for a study datum point Is 10, then the subgroup size Is 10. If only one part is studied to collect the data for a point, the subgroup size is 1. 4. Procedure: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Choose an appropriate control chart for the data that Is going to be collected. An appropriate time period has to be determined for collecting the data and to plot It on graphs. Before starting to colled the data, calculate the subgroup size of the data to be collected. Then, collect the data accordingly. Calculate the centerline and the control limits of the data and plot it an the appropriate chart. Analyze the data and look for out of control patterns or signals. Mark these signals on the chart and perform a root cause analysis. Document the investigation of the cause and how it was rectified. 5. Theory 5.1 Control Charts are used to monitor variation. These charts are used to determine if a process is in a state of statistical control. Figure 4-7 Screenshot of the SOP developed for control charts. 67 By training operators to follow a standard procedure in using control charts, the quality loss was reduced and the process was brought back into a state of statistical process control as shown in Figure 4-8. Our analysis indicates that the scrap rate can be reduced by 50% and there are cost benefits associated with it. be )C-. Gi; 11.205 Rqwt Dp i Ir &tW. R& 101s r e Toc dOpi : r : dnw:tra P3IvIULII pAM -V Rn 1 411.101 II AJj flesIathsn 0(002 theotod! 37 suolo m! I Qoami 22.46 pntto 2S Figure 4-8: Control charts showing the process to be stable after implementation of the SOP. 4.5 Process Capability The purpose of conducting a process capability study is to measure the output of a stable process in comparison to its specification limits. Different indices are used to measure the process capability, referred to as the process capability index (Cpk). An SOP on concepts of process capability, the procedure to conduct a process capability analysis, and the procedure to use the MinitabTM software to calculate the various indices is as shown in Figure 4-9 (the full SOP is provided in the Appendix). 68 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: PROCESS CAPABILITY 1. Purpose Process CapabilNty is a measure of the output of a stable process to its specification limits. There are different Indices that are used to measure process capability and are called process capability Index (COk. Ppk). 2. Scope: This document is an instruction for the operator to follow to conduct the Process Capability study. This study will give an Insight into the capability of the pr ocess as sometimes the process can produce 100% of output within the specification limits and otherwise not. It is Important to conduct this study after the process Is stable. 3. Terns and Definitions: Cpk (Process Capability Index) - It is the ratio between permissible deviation, measured from the mean value to the nearest specific linit or acceptability, and the actual one-sided three times sigma spread or the process. Cpk of at least 1.33 is desirable. Cpk accounts for variability within a subgoup. Ppk (Process Performance Index) - It represents the overall variability. Ppk measures both the pact to part variabilty as well as shft and drift between them. Cam- It is the capability Index that compares the width of the specification limits to the spread of the process output and also Incorporates an error term to determine how far the center of the distribution is from the target. Weibull distribution - A probability distribution function having the three parameters of 3 (shape). q (sAope), and y (location). DPMO - defects per yIllton PPM - Parts per mnilion. 4. Procedure: Make a 4.1 4.2 note of the operating conditions that the study is being conducted In. Ensure that there Is sufficient raw material available and choose an operator to conduct the study. Cpk = mi I3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 USL -~7 - LSL The process capability study needs to be conducted only after the measurement system Is confirmed to be acceptable during the Gage RINR analysis. Run the process and tart coilecting data to ensure that the process is stable. If the process Is not stable then conduct a root cause analysis and resume the study only after stabilizing the process. Collect as many data points as possible (minimum 100 points) to get a better accuracy of the process capability. Figure 4-9 Screenshot of the SOP developed to calculate process capability. 69 The operators were trained on conducting a process capability study and on understanding its results. The ProlinkTM software automatically calculates the Cpk value for the benefit of the operator as shown in Figure 4-10. This also gives the supervisors and engineers succinct view of the state of the process when they look at the screen, thus assuring them if the process is in control or not. ause:.: Cutoff CHP out ction: Change todl .2052 Rec: 37 Figure 4-10 Screenshot of the ProlinkTM software displaying Cpk value. The results of the process capability study for one of the column tubes is shown in Table 5. The normal industry practice is to maintain Cpk values greater than 1.33. As can be seen from Table 5, by implementing the SOP, Cpk values of greater than 1.33 are achieved, and in some cases the values are greater than 2. This shows that the stable process is capable of meeting the product specification limits. Dimensions OD Cpk 2.13 Wrench length Thread PD Wrench thickness Wrench location 2.06 1.81 1.68 1.46 Table 5: Values of the Cpk for the different dimensions after using the SOP. 70 4.6 Long Term Monitoring Long term monitoring is another important component of SPC, as SPC is an iterative procedure. If the SPC system is not monitored or updated with the advancement of manufacturing processes in the machining center, then the system is likely to fail as explained in Section 3.3. This section describes the importance of an SOP for long term monitoring and the results obtained from it. 4.6.1 Importance and SOP for Long Term Monitoring The purpose of long term monitoring is to keep the SPC system alive in the company and to create a quality control culture that will benefit the company in the long run. By monitoring the process, changes that arise during the initial iterations can be incorporated and high quality standards can be maintained. The SOP for long term monitoring, as shown in Figure 4-1 l(the full SOP is provided in the Appendix), and a column cell specific SOP is developed. 71 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: LONG-TERM MONITORING 1. Purpose: Lang-term monitoring plays an important role in keeping SPC alive in a company. The purpose is to incorporate the changes found during the initial iterations and to maintain high quality standards. 2. Scopet This document Is for all personnel who are working in the implementation and continuous monitoring of the SPC system. The scope also extends to the upper management to keep a check on the SPC system. 3. Procedure: 3.1 The operators need to be trained on the standard operating procedures that are implemented in the production oor. 3.2 On the next page. an example of a standard operating procedure Is shown that is used to conduct quality inspection for column tubes. 3.3 By following this example, the reader will be enightened on the Importance of having standard operating procedures for inspection. 3.4 It is necessary to inorporate changes as and when required with the permission of the concerned authority ac ding to the SOP that is devised In the depatment to change an existing SOP. 3.5 Changes can only made if the process is monitored and variations ate observed with respect to the Iltial process. 3.6 The upper management should make routine checks to ensure that the SPC system doesn't fall. 3.7 The supervisors on the shop floor should have meetings with the operators to disoass on the SPC system on a day to day basis. 3.6 Operators need to follow the standard operating procedures and should be kept accountable for it. 3.9 There needs to be a designated person who can supervise only the SPC system and dear any querIes brought about it. 4. Resuet 4.1 By foliowing the above steps properly, the company can experience great benefits. 4.2 Benefits like: * Reduction of scrap * Improvement in productivity * Reduction in manuacturing cost * Overall satistealon of operators * Customer satisfaction * Increase in profits 4.3 The above benefits can only be achieved if there is a sense or ownership and accountability laid down during the initial phases of implementation. 4A 5PC is nt a one man's tool. It is a coitatorative effort of the whole company working together to inculcate the culture to become a world class manufacturer. Figure 4-11 Screenshot of the SOP developed for long term monitoring. By developing a column tube inspection procedure, operators in the columns cell could experience the difference between having an SOP and not having one. Figure 4-12 illustrates on how the software shows the operator when the process goes out of control, using a yellow screen to visually alert the operator to an alarm. 72 .......... : : : : : ; :: : : ; - : . : . : _:I:. . .. ... ...: - ': , . . . . . 10".---- - -..................... ----- II - - :*.- :: : :: z ; : : ; :; : . . : . : : I:::::::::::: : ; : : :_: -. ... - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - . . I I I . I . .1- I - . I. II .. I : :: : ; z zz z - - - -- ...... . .. ... .. --------- 110.2898 Deketed Rec: 22 lCpk= 2.311 Figure 4-12 Screenshot of the difference between a process in control (above) and out of control (below). By monitoring one of the column tubes, and training the operators on the SOPs, excellent results can be obtained as shown in Figure 4-13, where certain dimensions show a Cpk of greater than 13 while the others show a Cpk greater than 2. This validates the reason why standard operating procedures are required in a machining center. Figure 4-13 Results obtained from long term monitoring. 73 Chapter 5: Value Added Due to Standard Operating Procedures As discussed in Chapter 4, SOPs play a significant role in the quality control of a manufacturing process. Before SOPs are implemented, certain tasks have to be performed to ensure the success of not only developing an SOP but also in ensuring that it is followed. This chapter discusses the role of ownership, importance of a training matrix, a standardized way of editing SOPs, feedback from operators and supervisors on the use of SOPs, and the scenario after implementation of SOPs in the columns cell. 5.1 Role of Ownership There needs to be a set of people assigned with the task of ensuring that the SOPs are updated regularly and that they are followed in the right manner. Due to lack of supervision, as mentioned in Section 3.3, tools such as SPC have either failed or faded away. To prevent this from repeating again, the head of manufacturing came up with the idea of creating named specific roles in the machining center, to hold people accountable for proper enforcement of the SPC tool. By doing so, operators feel comfortable in using SPC, as they have a helping hand when they don't understand a certain process or encounter new problems. SPC systems have flourished when the whole company, from the upper management to the operators on the shop floor, believe that the SPC system will not only benefit the operators but the entire company in direct or indirect ways [17]. 5.2 Importance of Training Matrix A training matrix has been incorporated in the SPC methodology booklet delivered to the company. The training matrix, as shown in Figure 5-1, is a document that shows different 74 designations of people in the company that need to be trained on SPC. This includes the upper management, the supervisors and engineers, and the operators. By training a wide variety of people, decisions taken on quality issues become understandable by everyone in the company thus bringing uniformity. The explanation on use of the training matrix is provided in the Appendix. TRAINING MATRIX I. AMaCbMACK MachU W_ 'n~ift W2 SiW rrjV Z LoBob D1 Oharoie D Kt 1 1 D 30 3 3 0 Nike Alonso D Romeo N Sid 2 3 ae Yr WidvY I I I I I I End Yr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 2 2 2 C I I 3 2 Name of Supervisor TT Signature mod=*hIU| Date Figure 5-1 Training matrix developed for learning SPC. 75 3 3 1 1 2 3 David Tkd 3 C 1 5.3 Standard Procedure to Edit SOPs As the manufacturing processes become more advanced, existing SOPs will not help the operators if those SOPs remain static; rather, the SOPs need to be updated with the current manufacturing processes. To update these SOPs, a standardized procedure has to be followed to avoid overwriting of SOPs and mixing of different SOPs, which would otherwise cause problems in the production process. Some companies have a pre-determined procedure to edit SOPs based on the quality organizations that they are affiliated to, while others need to develop an SOP on editing the other SOPs. Operators have to be trained on editing SOPs, as they can bring great ideas that will help in the quality control and improvement of the process. 5.4 Scenario After Implementation of SOPs After training some of the operators on the SOPs developed here and monitoring their work, results showed that they were doing a better job in producing conforming parts than before. The results can be seen in Section 4.6 where the process was brought to a state of statistical control for certain column tubes and high Cpk values were achieved. Also, operators did not have to offset the tool or change the tool when it is not required, as the control charts showed them when they had to execute these reaction plans. By creating a reasonable sampling plan, operators felt more comfortable, as they did not have to do 100% inspection and they could rely on the tool to produce good parts by measuring one in 20 parts. A complete change of scenario to what was seen at the start of the project is seen at the end of our effort. 76 5.5 Feedback from Operators and Supervisors Operators and supervisors are happy to see that there is a working SPC tool in the columns cell which helps both of them in meeting the demand of customers and also maintaining high quality standards. Operators are happy to see that they do not have to waste time in changing tools when it is not required. Supervisors are pleased to see that the number of non-conforming parts has reduced and the job of supervising the operators has become easier, as there is a tool in place to monitor the operator's work. 77 Chapter 6: Conclusion, Future Work and Recommendations The deliverable requested of us at the beginning of the project was to develop an SPC methodology that is portable for Waters Corporation and that has been demonstrated by implementing it in the columns cell. The above deliverables have been achieved: a booklet containing an introduction to SPC, benefits of SPC, a training matrix, and standard operating procedures for implementation of SPC has been presented to the company. This chapter discusses gage evaluation, real time inspection, and defect rate reduction due to application of control charts, potential annual savings, and future work for the company to ensure the longevity of SPC in the machining center. It gives an overall perspective of results achieved for the entire project. This chapter is written together with Zhang [7] and Zhu [8]. 6.1 Gage Evaluation By conducting the Gage R&R study, proper gages for the measurement of different dimensions on a column tube are identified. Evaluation of gage capabilities and root cause analysis for incapable gages have been conducted, with subsequent development of standardized procedures for inspection using gages, and improvement in the capabilities of key gages. Tolerances for certain dimensions are redesigned to ensure the validity of the SPC monitoring system without using the optical comparator. Thus, inspection protocols and measurement systems in the columns cell are made ready for SPC implementation. 6.2 Real Time Inspection As noted in the problem statement section, one of the main purposes of this thesis project is to introduce a real time inspection tool that is easy to use, and provides accurate data to monitor 78 the production process in the machining center. Experienced operators can apply the SPC methodology to better control the production quality and newly hired operators can also learn how to use this SPC methodology within a short period of time to achieve similar results as do experienced operators. Real time inspection means that once a part is inspected, the corresponding data appears immediately in the control chart. With the control limits calculated from the initial setup, the operators can view the data points with respect to the control limits and specification limits on the screen. Western Electric rules [26] are integrated into the ProlinkTM software, so that a warning when a data point indicates that a process has gone out of statistical control will automatically be shown on the screen. Thus, the operator does not have to judge the stability of the process by intuition. The operator's job becomes simpler by only having to enter the events and a possible reaction plan into the software to help build the root cause analysis database. Besides ease of operation, SPC helps new hires to have a standardized quality control methodology that can be easily understood. Operator to operator variation is reduced, as every operator follows the same SOP for inspection of parts and the use of control charts, thus helping new hires make better decisions in the production process. 6.3 Defect Rate Reduction due to Application of Control Charts From the analysis of historical data on previous failure modes in the manufacturing of column tubes as shown in Figure 1-10, it can be demonstrated that the top failure modes account for 80% of scrap. The most frequent failure modes, as shown in Figure 1-10, are tool change, threads, setup and tool wear, and all of these can be reduced by our implementation of SPC. Scrap resulting from these failure modes can be reduced by approximately 60% or better by 79 implementation of SPC. Note that the 80% of scrap value is calculated from the failure mode characteristic sheets for one specific column tube. As all the other families of column tube share similar features, it is assumed that a similar percentage of the failure modes for the entire column cell can be reduced by implementing SPC. As a result, the scrap rate can be projected to reduce by 50% annually. Waters' customer satisfaction is its highest priority. By reducing the scrap rate, customer orders can be met on time. This will increase customer loyalty to Waters Corporation, customer base expansion, help beat the market competition, and bring other benefits that will help the company's growth. Another benefit is reduction in tooling costs by not disposing of good tools and changing tools only when required. 6.4 Potential Annual Savings Different stakeholders have different opinions towards the value added by implementing SPC. For the operators, ease of manufacturing and less setup time are helpful. While for the engineers, lower scrap rate and higher production rate are valuable improvements. For the upper management team, potential annual savings in dollars is the greatest value. Due to the company's confidentiality policy, the dollar value relating to annual savings cannot be disclosed. As discussed in Section 6.3, 80% of the failure modes can be addressed by SPC, with 60% reduction in the scrap rate from these failure modes in the columns cell. Using the same analysis for the entire machining center, a similar percentage of failure modes such as tool change, tool wear, threads and initial setup that now appear throughout the machining center can be reduced by implementing SPC. Thus, substantial annual savings can be achieved by the entire machining center through adoption of the demonstrated SPC system. 80 6.5 Future Work and Recommendations Given the time constraint, the SPC system was implemented for only several types of column tubes. A number of opportunities have been identified to improve the process further. This section describes recommendations for the company to consider in the future. Firstly, a new database system should be established for better data management in the future. At present, the method of storing data is inefficient. Data is collected and stored in a file named with the part number of the column tube. Irrespective of which CNC machine performs the machining processes, no matter if the dimension is on the main side or the sub side of the column tube, the measurement results are stored in the same file in the same way, which means that data cannot be separated into different sets for further analysis. This is a major issue because different CNC machines have different inherent characteristics while producing the same column tubes. And in the CNC machine, the main side of the column tube is machined by different tools in different machining conditions compared to the sub side of the column tube. A new data structure will help manage the data better and deliver more valuable information in the future for process diagnosis and improvement. A possible database structure is developed and shown in Figure 6-1. QCC is the central database for the whole SPC system. SAP is the internal system the company uses to share data. All of the automatic gages feed their data into the central database and the data is integrated. Below the gage is the part structure. A gage can be used to measure column tubes, end fittings and other parts. First, the parts are divided on the basis of family. Parts in the same family share similar features and similar inspection protocols. Then there are different part numbers ("P/N"), and different sides machined by different CNC machines. In this way, all of the data can be separated in the future and then data management becomes an easier task. 81 QCC (SAP) Gage: 3 Gage 2 G agel 0 End n fitting Column a Family 2 JLFamily 3 Family 1j .. . . .Main Machine 1 P/N 3 P/N 2 I ""P/N Side Machine Sub Side ... . .. EFE Figure 6-1 Recommended database structure. Secondly, it is recommended to implement the SPC system across the entire machining center. As discussed in Section 6.4, there is a large potential for cost savings in the machining center. It is practical to implement SPC throughout the entire machining center with the help of the SPC methodology booklet that has been delivered to the company. With this portable SOP documentation, quality engineers will find it easier to incorporate the SPC culture in the different sections of the machining center. Thirdly, a training program is recommended to help the operators understand the concept of SPC and be able to utilize it as a powerful tool to assist their daily production. A training program for the management level is helpful to foster a culture of better quality control. Fourthly, data mining can provide potential opportunities for continuous process improvement. Once the system is set up, a number of data points can be collected every day. 82 Beyond real time monitoring, this database can be used to identify failure modes and its frequencies. This will lead to a continuous improvement of the process. An example that illustrates this point is our analysis of data to identify that tool breakage was the main assignable cause for producing defective threads. Further analysis might include a tool life study in particular, to provide valuable insights to help indicate the proper time to change tools before they break. Finally, regular maintenance is a vital part of the entire process. The SPC software needs to be maintained and updated regularly to provide real time control charts that will help the operators and the engineers. Data collected has to be regularly checked to ensure that data is not lost by other factors. If a new part or process is introduced, an updated inspection protocol should be developed for the continuous improvement of the manufacturing process. 83 References [1] J. Arsenault and P. McDonald, Beginners Guide to Liquid Chromatography. Waters Corporation, 2009. [2], "How Does High Performance Liquid Chromatography Work?: Waters," 2015. [Online]. Available: d= 10049055&locale=enUS. [3] Waters Corporation, Annual Report, 2014. [4] M. Balogh, The Mass Spectrometry Primer. Waters Corporation, 2013. [5], "Mass Spectrometry," 2015. [Online]. Available: 3ms.html. [6], "Quick Facts: Waters," 2015. [Online]. Available: 134614709. [Accessed: 14- Jul- 2015]. [7] S. Zhang, 2015, "Statistical Process Control (SPC) in a High Volume Machining Center: Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility," M.Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. [8] H. 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Biirkle, "MARKAGE standard operating procedures (SOPs): A successful effort," Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 2015. [25], "Oasis Elite Optical Profile Inspection System," 2015. [Online]. Available: [26] Western Electric Company, Inc., 1958, Statistical Quality Control Handbook, 2nd ed., Easton: Mack Printing Co. 85 Appendix This appendix includes the training matrix and standard operating procedures that have been delivered to the company as a booklet. Some information on the SOPs have either been erased or blackened out due to company's confidentiality policy. The SOPs have been developed in collaboration with Gabriel Kelly's work at the Machining Center. 86 Training Matrix W 9 Mach Machi Mach mel ne 2 ine 3 6 gnQ _ _ Uppr MaRagement Bob D Charlie D Rosy I S I OEM I 1 3 1 3 0 3 i nisars Kate David D N 31 31 2 1 1, 1 1 2 Mike D 3 2 2 0 Alonso D Romeo N 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 0 Sid 3 1 2 1 Operators Result af Trarinin D Beg Yr Mid Yr I End Yr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , - GageR&R Proficient Name of Supervisor In Train~ Signature Moderate Date Needs Tra The above training matrix is a document that needs to be used to ensure that the employees are aware of the concepts required for the implementation of statistical process control. As one can observe the above matrix makes it clear that a wide a variety of people needs to be trained. It is important that the trainer not only has knowledge on the concepts of SPC but also prior experience in its implementation. The above matrix has 4 four bands of color to indicate one's progress in training. The tally on the right hand side of the matrix is an indicator for the supervisor on the progress of concepts learned by the employees. It is vital that the training be done three times a year, initially, so that the employees don't lose grasp of the concepts taught at the beginning of the year. Also, as the SOPs and process are updated, employees need to be trained on them on a regular basis. 87 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: GAGE R&R 1. Purpose: Gage R&R study determines the variability in measurements due to errors in the measurement system. The errors could arise due to the operator, parts being measured or the gage itself. The Gage R&R study forms a platform to conduct the process capability analysis. 2. Scope: This document is an instruction for the operator to conduct the Gage R&R study. By following this document, one can identify the variations that causes the gage to give different measurements for the same dimension. This will tell the operator if the given measurement system is acceptable or not. The study has been conducted by taking an example with column tube part number 3. Instruments: Optical comparator, The OasisTm and the Johnson GageTM are the measurement . systems used for part number 4. Terms and Definitions: Repeatability - measured variation resulting from equipment interactions with test piece. Reproducibility - measured variation resulting from operator interactions with measurement equipment. Interaction effects - the variation resulting from appraiser to appraiser deviations in standard technique. Appraiser- persons taking measurements, "operators" may be substituted interchangeably. Bias - the tendency for a gage to over or under read on a particular measurement. Linearity- the measurement of bias over the range of interest. ANOVA- analysis of variance between groups. Total Variation (TV) - It represents the variation due to the part, operator, equipment and gage R&R. Equipment Variation (EV) - It represents the repeatability of the measurement device. Appraiser Variation (AV) - It represents the reproducibility of the system. Part Variation (PV) - It represents the variation of the parts used in the gage study. Gage R&R - It represents both the equipment variation and the appraiser variation. 88 5. Procedure: 5.1 Identify the measurement systems that need to be studied. 5.2 Identify the product and the critical dimensions of the product that need to be studied. 5.3 The study will consist of 10 parts, 3 appraisers who will each measure the parts three times each. The number of appraisers, parts and the trials may vary across different industries but it is a common practice to follow the above procedure. 5.4 The part samples that are used for the gage study should represent the true variation of the production process i.e., part samples need to be produced across the whole tolerance limit. This is done as Gage R&R is the evaluation of the measurement system and not the part samples. 5.5 Ensure that the fixture and the measurement systems are clean before the study is started. 5.6 It is vital that the operators share one calibrated gage or measurement system. 5.7 The part samples should be measured in random order to eliminate the variation that is caused in picking continuous parts to represent the true variation of the process. 5.8 The data should be entered in software packages like MinitabT M or Prolink as it will automatically give the results. The procedure of performing Gage R&R on MinitabT M is attached in the later part of this study. 5.9 The total Gage R&R variation should be less than 10% for it to be acceptable as this will mean that most of the variation is from the parts and not from the measurement system. 5.10 It may be acceptable to have the total Gage R&R variation between 10% and 30% depending on the application of the parts and also the cost benefits. 5.11 If the Gage R&R variation is greater than 30% then the measurement system is not acceptable and the system needs to be improved. 5.12 To better understand the above concept, read the below example that will give a more in-depth explanation TM 89 6. Procedure for the measuring the column tube (): *The column drawing is shown at the end of this SOP 6.1. Instrument- Comparator 6.1.1.The Comparator needs to be on a calibration system. During the Gage R&R, study, the Comparator shall have a sticker firmly attached indicating the system is within calibration. 6.1.2.The fixture of the comparator needs to be cleaned from any sort of dust or other particles that might interfere in the measuring process. 6.1.3.The operator needs to place the main side (M-side which is side opposite to the lot number) of the column in the fixture and loosely close the fixture. Ensure that the object on the screen has a sharp image. This is done by bringing the image to focus by rotating the handle that is provided. It should also be ensured that the wrench flat on the left side can be clearly viewed and is not obstructed by the fixture. 90 6.1.4.The M-side will be magnified on the screen and then the image is brought to focus. 6.1.5.The starting point of the thread lead-in needs to be accurately located. To ensure this happens, the column is rotated such that the first thread just disappears on the screen and a sharp triangle like feature can be observed on the screen. It will be observed that the face of the thread changes from 30deg to 45deg. 6.1.6. The fixture is then tightened to ensure that the column does not move. 6.1.7.It is to be noted again that a sharp image is viewed on the screen. Then, move the upper edge of the column such that it overlaps with the horizontal X-axis. Similarly, ensure that the left face of the column overlaps the Y-axis. Set it as X=O and Y=O coordinates. is measured. To 6.1.8.Firstly, the chamfer dimension of measure this dimension, the glass screen is rotated in anticlockwise direction to set it up at 45degrees crosshairs. Then the column is moved to the left such that the chamfer comes in contact with the Y-axis (on comparator). The X-axis reading is noted down from the electronic digital screen that displays the output. 91 6.1.9.Secondly, the distance from the left face of the column to the thread .The fixture is lead-in is measured which has to fall within moved to the right from the position of the above reading. The fixture is moved till the edge of the first thread comes close to the Y-axis. Then, the glass screen is rotated such that the X-axis becomes 6.1.10. parallel to the edge. Move the fixture horizontally to the right to bring them closer and see if they are parallel or not. If not, rotate the screen until so. Move the fixture horizontally to overlap X-axis and the edge. The X-axis reading is recorded down from the electronic digital screen that displays the output. Thirdly, the distance from the left face of the column to the right 6.1.11. face of the thread relief is measured. The dimension has to lie within . To measure this dimension, move the fixture horizontally to the right and bring the face of the thread relief close to Y-axis. Rotate the screen such that the X-axis becomes parallel to the right face of the thread relief. Move the fixture horizontally to bring them closer and see if they are parallel. If not, rotate the screen until so. Move the fixture horizontally to overlap the X-axis and the edge. The X-axis reading is noted down from the electronic digital screen that displays.the output. 92 . Fourthly, the distance from the end of thread to the right face 6.1.12. of the thread relief is being measured. Then the fixture is moved to place the horizontal edge between the last thread and the thread relief in the center of the screen. Ensure that a clear sharp image of the edge is obtained. Then the fixture is moved vertically to overlap with the 6.1.13. horizontal edge and the center point. The parallelism of the column needs to be checked. Move the fixture horizontally to check if the column is parallel to the surface. If not, adjust the column until so. Move the fixture horizontally to overlap X-axis with the right face of the thread relief. Rotate the screen if necessary. From that position the XY axis is set to zero. is measured by moving the The dimension of 6.1.14. carriage to the left from the right face of the thread relief to the edge of the last thread. Ensure that the X-axis overlaps the edge of last thread. Rotate the screen when it's necessary. The X reading is noted down from the electronic digital screen. Lastly, the width of the wrench flat is measured. Loosen the 6.1.15. fixture and then rotate the column to find the lowest point of the edge of the wrench flat. Tighten the fixture. Adjust the focus of the image to get a clear line of the horizontal edge of the wrench flat. Move the fixture vertically and ensure that the center point of the screen lies on the edge. Move the fixture horizontally to check if the column is placed horizontally. If not, adjust the column until so. Then, the fixture is moved horizontally to bring X-axis close to 6.1.16. the right edge of the wrench flat. Rotate the screen to make X-axis and the edge mentioned above parallel. Bring them closer and rotate the screen a little bit to ensure the parallelism. Overlap Y-axis with the right edge of the wrench flat. Set X and Y coordinates to be zero. Move the fixture to the left and overlap X-axis with the left edge of the wrench flat. Rotate the screen if necessary. Note down the reading in the electronic digital screen. The dimension needs to be within Having a sharp image on the screen is very important to 6.1.17. eliminate errors in measurement. Ensure this through steps 3.1.7 to 3.1.15. The column is taken out from the fixture and the sub-side(S6.1.18. side) is placed in a similar manner in the fixture. The same five dimensions are measured on the S-side by 6.1.19. following the same procedure as for the M-side. 6.2. Instrument-The OasisTM Inspection System 6.2.1.The Oasis T Inspection System needs to be on a calibration system. M 93 During the Gage R&R study, the Oasis" system shall have a sticker firmly attached indicating the system is within calibration. 6.2.2.Firstly, the designed fixture with V-block is placed on to the surface of The Oasis TM . The M-side of the column is secured in with the help of the hold down clamp mechanism. Initially, the clamp needs to be loosely fit to ensure that the column can be rotated to ensure that it is perfectly horizontal. 6.2.3.The software is opened and the program for the column in consideration is opened. For this study, part number is being used. 6.2.4.It is very important to ensure that the column is horizontal to the surface of The Oasis T . The guiderail beam fixture is used to ensure that the wrench flats are parallel to the x-axis. The beam can be easily moved up and down with the help of the guiderails. 6.2.5.The beam is raised up (as shown in the diagram) and brought above the flat part of the column. It is then lowered down. 6.2.6. The column needs to rotate such that both the axis are perpendicular to each other. The clamp can now be tightened. M 6.2.7.The beam is raised up with the help of the guide rail and is taken out from view of the OasisTM. 6.2.8.Immediately, the dimensions of the column, USL, LSL, Center limits 94 are shown on the monitor of the computer. The dimensions that are measured by The Oasis Tm are These values are captured and transferred to Prolink TM automatically by clicking on the Data button. 6.2.9.As it can be seen in the picture beside that the dimensions are within tolerance limits. This is shown by the green color. If it displays red color then it means that the dimension is above tolerance, if it below tolerance then it is denoted by blue color. If yellow color shows up then that means the machine is not able to pick up the reading so the setup needs to be adjusted or the wrong program has been opened. A similar procedure is adopted for the S-side of the column as 6.2.10. well. 6.3. Instrument- The Johnson GageT M 6.3.1.The Johnson GageT m needs to be on a calibration system. During the Gage R&R study, the Oasis TM system shall have a sticker firmly attached indicating the system is within calibration. 6.3.2.Firstly, the Jonson Gage TM needs to be setup for the pitch diameter that is going to be measured. For the current study with part number screw (set gage) is used to calibrate and , a standard set up the machine. 6.3.3.The M-side of the column is first measured. The column is taken in one hand and then slowly placed within the provided slot. 95 6.3.4.It has to be ensured that half of the thread column needs to be within the grooves and the other half above it. It is then given a slight rotation to ensure that the threads are well engaged. 6.3.5.The reading is noted down from the digital output screen. 6.3.6.It is to be kept in mind that this process needs to be done slowly so as to not break the threads on the column and also to ensure better measurement results. 6.3.7.This procedure is then followed for the S-side of the column. 7. Analysis: After all the data has been collected, the values should be inputted onto MinitabT M or ProlinkTM. Then the Analysis of Variance function is carried out on the data and the results are interpreted. These results will help to point out the operator to 96 operator variation, gage to gage variation and also the part to part variation. By knowing these values, the errors can be determined and rectified. 8. Note: It is very important to produce the parts across the tolerance limits 8.1. and measure accordingly. If the data analysis shows bad results then the operators need to be 8.2. trained on the SOP and gage R&R needs to be done again. If the measuring method is very time consuming, for example, the 8.3. comparator takes a long time to set-up and measure the parts while the Oasis TM system measures the parts in a few seconds. If the dimensions that are being measured on the comparator are not critical, then discuss with the design team and relax the tolerance limits on those dimensions. The instrument can be eliminated for future inspection protocols as it is time consuming and tedious. 9. Procedure: (MinitabT M 16) This method is based on ANOVA principles. This method is designed to give the most accurate results by accounting for Operator by Part interaction, whereas Xbar and R method does not. 9.1.1.Study assumes availability of a minimum of 20 parts, measured twice, each by two operators. This is a "Crossed" ANOVA (balanced) 9.1.2.For tests where it is impossible to measure the part more than once (destructive testing), use a "Nested" ANOVA analysis option. This will not be covered in this example. 9.1.3.For test that contain datum points that don't necessarily have two measurements for each part use an Expanded ANOVA analysis option. This approach is considered unbalanced and is not favorable. This will not be covered in this example. 9.2. Select at least 20 sample parts. Instruct operators in the collection of data. Both operators should 9.3. consistently follow the same procedure when collecting the measurement data. At no time should the measurement of an individual part be measured in series. It is important that each measurement event is unique! Randomize whenever possible. Begin collecting data. A suggested table style is included in the appendix 9.4. (8.1). Alternatively Minitab can design a Gage R&R study worksheet for you. After collecting a data set, import the data into MinitabT M (8.2, 8.3). 9.5. Gage R&R studies are located as shown: 9.6. 9.1 TM 97 " Worksheet 1 C1 Part -. 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 41 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C2 C3-T measurement Operator 9 8390 op_1 9 8390 op_1 9 8395 op_1 9.8405 op_1 9,8395 op_1 9 8390 op_1 9-8400 op_1 9 8390 op_1 9 8390 op_1 9 8395 op_1 9-8390 op_1 Q R14 C4 nn I Minitab - Untitled File Edit Djta tet ralc graph I Window Editor lools jaasic Statistics Gj; klelp Assista it ct ElIm I I Regression - session ANOVA 120E Control Charts 4111120 Welcome to Minitab, DuOt Chart.. TBnun L Eareto Chart... Reliability/Survival Multivariate 1 Time eries 0 Individual Distributio n Identification... jables 1 Johnson Transforma ion... - Nonparametrics Capability Analysis EDA Rower and Sample Size ause-and-Effect.. Capability 5ixpack A Tolerance Intervals... Type1 Gage Study... create Gage R&R Study Worksheet... Gage Run Chart... Crtate Attribute Agreement Analysis Worksheet... ""X Attribute Agreement Analysis... LIN Acceptance Sampling by Attributes... r76 Gage linearity and Bias Study... Acceptance Sampling by Yariables jai e R&R Study (Crossed) Gage R&R Study (Nested)... Multi-Vari Chart... Gagg R&R Study (Expanded).. Symmetry Plot.. Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method).. 9.7. Use the following parameters. Fill out known information under the "Gage Info" button and "Options" button. Leave all others default. 98 Gage R&R Study (Crossed) C1 C2 Part measurement Part numbers: Part Operators: Operator Options... measurementl Conf Int... Measurement data: Gage Info... Storage... Method of Analysis ANOVA C Xbar and R Can Help 9.8. Results for this particular study: Gage R&R (ANOVA) for measurement Reported by: Tolerance: Gage name: Dote of study: Components of Vadbafon too -surement by Part _ I Reprod - GgeRM 1 Prt,4o#an 3 4 5 6 7 LOIt 121134 IS2*V15 1920 9 PMd R Chart by Operator kp 2 neawsromen by Operao op-2 I Past op I I OPj1 xbmr chayt by Operator op.2 o0_2 Part * Operator Interacton 1r,1 I II PP 99 t ........ .. ...... .. ...... ...... .... .......... ... .. ...... ...... .... ...... ............ ............ ........ .................... ........ ...... .................................................................... .... .................... ........... .. .... ... Gag R&R Contribution (of VarComp) 5.45 4.51 0.94 0.94 94.55 100.00 VarComp 0.0000002 0.0000001 Reproducibility 0.0000000 0.0000000 Operator 0.0000026 Part-To-Part Total Variation 0.0000030 Source Total Gage R&R Repeatability Process tolerance - 0.02 StdDev (50) 0.0004017 0.0003453 RepeatabIlity Reproducibility 0.0001671 0.0001671 Operator 0.0016737 Part-To-Part Total Variation 0.0017212 Study Var (4 * SD) 0.0024104 0.0021921 0.0010024 0.0010024 0.010042 0.010327 Number of S Source Total Gage R&R Distinct Categories %Study Var (OSV) 23.34 21.23 9.71 9.71 97.24 100.00 %Tolerauce (SV/Toler) 12.05 10.96 5.01 5.01 50.21 51.64 Gage MR ftr menasuremen 10. Analysis: 10.1. The default output includes % Contribution Table as well as a % Study Table. The % Contribution Table contains normalized data that adds to 100% and thus is convenient for a quick analysis of the variability induced by the gage. The % Study variation table contains data with standard deviation expressed in the same units as the process data. Thus allowing other information to be gleaned such as % tolerance (if spec limits have been entered) and %process (if historical standard deviation has been entered). The total Gage R&R contribution in %Study Var %Tolerance Columns: 10.2. 10.2.1 Should be less than 10% to consider the measurement system acceptable. 10.2.2 May be acceptable between 10% and 30% given specific application and cost factors. 10.2.3 Is not acceptable exceeding 30% and considerations should be made to improve the measurement system. 10.3 The total Gage R&R %Contribution Table: 10.3.1. Should be less than 1% to consider the measurement system acceptable. 10.3.2. May be acceptable between 1% and 9% given specific application and cost factors. 10.3.3. Is not acceptable if it exceeds 9% and considerations should be made to improve the measurement system. 100 11. Reaction Plan: 11.1. If it observed that the gage is not capable of measurement of the required dimensions, then a root cause analysis has to be carried out to identify what went wrong. 11.2. The common failure modes of Gage R&R study and their reaction plans are: 11.2.1. Variation due to fixture design- If the fixture design is causing variation during measurement, then a new fixture needs to be designed to eliminate this variation. It is to be kept in mind that to have a successful Gage R&R study, most of the variation should only come from the parts and all other variation needs to be eliminated to evaluate the measurement system. 11.2.2. Variation due to operator- If the variation is occurring due to the operator, then the operator needs retrained. If after retraining is performed and the variation is still operator dependent then the operator should be changed or the process of inspection be changed to carry out a successful Gage R&R study. 11.2.3. Variation due to Environment- Environment plays a huge role while conducting a Gage R&R study as the measurement system can behave abruptly under different environmental conditions. A suitable environment needs to be chosen as mentioned by the equipment manufacturer. 11.2.4. Variation due to Equipment- If there is a variation occurring due to the equipment then the equipment needs to be inspected. Otherwise, the results of the Gage R&R study should be compared with the results of the Gage R&R study conducted on a similar machine (If the company has two similar machines of the same manufacturer).By comparing the two results, the operators can get an idea of the potential failure modes of the former machine. 101 Column drawing is removed due to the company's confidentiality policy. 102 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: BASELINE DATA COLLECTION 1. Purpose: Baseline data collection helps the stake holders to have a solid foundation of data to evaluate and compare it with different conditions and also observe the trend which will help in identifying the bottlenecks. 2. Scope: This document is an instruction to the operators on the steps that needs to be taken while collecting baseline data. It also gives the operators guidelines to follow and potential pitfalls while doing the operation. 3. Procedure: 3.1. Manufacture 1000 parts and arrange it accordingly in sequence. 3.2. A 100% inspection is carried out on these parts. 3.3. Ensure that the variability in operators is removed by having the same operator measure the parts on the same machine. 3.4. It is vital to ensure that the parts have been arranged in the order of production. 3.5. The machine variation can be reduced by having all the parts manufactured on the same machine. 3.6. Ensure to follow the same measuring procedure for all the parts according to the standard operating procedure for measurement. 3.7. Do not discard bad parts as it will affect the whole procedure. 4. Analysis: After all the data has been inputted, plot a run chart to see if there is a trend in the graph. The trend in the graph will help give information on the variations during production. This data can be used to determine the control limits and sampling plan for later inspection. 103 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: SAMPLING PLAN 1. Purpose: Sampling plan is determined to make the operator's life easier. By having the correct sampling plan, 100% inspection is eliminated and the operator can check according to the sampling plan to determine if the products are confirming to specification or not. 2. Scope: This document is for all machining operations personnel involved in creating, maintaining and modifying sampling plans. The intent behind having a sampling plan is to enhance the real time SPC inspection procedures and maintain high quality standards. 3. Terms and Definitions: Confidence level- Indicates the reliability of the estimate. Typically, 95% confidence interval is used. Sigma- Standard deviation Type I error (Producer's risk) - Rejecting a lot with acceptable quality Type II error (Consumer's risk) - Accepting a lot with unacceptable quality Acceptable quality level (AQL) - It is a percent defective that is the baseline requirement for the quality of the product 4. Procedure: 4.1 The sampling plan is determined after collection of baseline data. The sampling plan can be chosen only after the process is stable. 4.2 While choosing a sampling plan, it should be kept in mind about the feasibility of inspection by the operator. The timeframe to measure the necessary dimensions on the various 4.3 measurement devices to prove that the part being produced is acceptable should be measured. 4.4 From the run chart of the collected baseline data, trial and error method should be used to determine the sampling plan. 4.5 If 1 out of 10 parts is the sampling plan that is chosen, then this sampling plan should be applied on another order of data to ensure that it is able to pick up the variations of the process. 4.6 If it not able to pick up the variations of the process, then a different sampling plan needs to be chosen. 4.7 The process should then be run and the operators are asked to follow the sampling plan that has been chosen. 4.8 This data should be analyzed and feedback from the operators noted to check on the feasibility of the chosen sampling plan. 104 5. Analysis: 5.1 Sampling plans will vary across different processes and products depending on the dimensions and measurement systems. 5.2 Sampling plans are critical to ensure high quality standards as if they are chosen wrongly can create a lot of bad parts depending on the lot size. 105 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: CONTROL CHARTS 1. Purpose: Control Chart is a graph that shows how the process varies with time. They show if the process is in-control or out of control. A control chart consists of a center line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit, a lower line for the lower control limit. These lines are obtained from historical data. By utilizing these control charts operators can better monitor the quality of the process. X-Chart I i-er cortro Lmit 99 go k Carter** We Lower Cortrol Lkmit .Pltted Poirts 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 Poirt Labels - 97 2. Scope: This document provides an overview of control charts and the procedure that has to be followed by the quality department in determining the control limits. The scope of this document also extends to the operators to understand how the quality department sets these control limits. 3. Terms and Definitions: Subgroup Size - for a single point of data, the number of sample data collected. If the number of "parts" collected for a study datum point is 10, then the subgroup size is 10. If only one part is studied to collect the data for a point, the subgroup size is 1. 4. Procedure: Choose an appropriate control chart for the data that is going to be 4.1 collected. 4.2 An appropriate time period has to be determined for collecting the data and to plot it on graphs. 4.3 Before starting to collect the data, calculate the subgroup size of the data to be collected. Then, collect the data accordingly. 4.4 Calculate the centerline and the control limits of the data and plot it on the appropriate chart. 4.5 Analyze the data and look for out of control patterns or signals. 4.6 Mark these signals on the chart and perform a root cause analysis. 4.7 Document the investigation of the cause and how it was rectified. 106 5. Theory 5.1 Control Charts are used to monitor variation. These charts are used to determine if a process is in a state of statistical control. 5.2 A control chart should be used when: * Determining if a process is stable or not * Observing patterns of process variation from assignable causes and random causes. * Controlling an ongoing process and rectifying the errors as they occur * Predicting the expected range of outcomes * Determining if the quality improvement project needs to aim at specific problems or focus on fundamental changes to the process. 5.3 Subgroup size is critical in choosing an appropriate control chart to use. Subgroup size should reflect how the data was collected. If the wrong type of control chart is used, the chart may fail to exhibit sufficient sensitivity to detect an out of control situation. The following guidelines should be followed when selecting a control chart: " For data collected one at a time, an I-MR chart should be used (subgroup size of 1) " For data with a subgroup greater than 1 and less than 10 Xbar-R control charts should be used. " For data with a subgroup size greater than 10 Xbar-S control charts should be used. 5.4 5.5 5.6 For Xbar and S charting, the subgroup standard deviation is used to chart range variability. The standard deviation contains the individual measurements and is therefore more effective at detecting process spread than a more traditional Xbar-R chart. Generally Xbar and S charts are split into two distinct charts. The Xbar component of this shows the mean of each subgroup and is used to analyze the central location of the population in question given: n Where: x = mean Xn= sample reading n = number of samples 5.7 The S (standard deviation) component of the chart is composed of the standard deviation of the entire subgroup measurement set given: n-1 107 Where: s = standard deviation x = the observed values of sample items x = mean of those samples n = sample size 5.8 For a given control chart a series of rules are used to interpret the results to understand if the process is behaving in an unusual way. These rules indicate an "out of control process". 5.8.1 One point is more than 3 standard deviations from the mean, indicating a majorly out of control sample. 5.8.2 Nine or more consecutive points are on the same side of the mean, indicating a systemic bias exists. 5.8.3 Six or more consecutive points are increasing or decreasing, indicating a trend. 5.8.4 Fourteen or more consecutive points alternative in direction, indicating oscillation. 5.8.5 Two or three points in a row out of three are more than two standard deviations from the mean in a similar direction, indicating a process that is medially out of control. 5.8.6 Four or five points in a row out of five are more than one standard deviation from the mean in a similar direction, indicating a process that has a high tendency to be slightly out of control. 3 9 '13 %7 21 Sampgle 9 3 F 4 1 UL ' Test performed with unequal sample sizes 5.8.7 Fifteen consecutive points in a row within one standard deviation of the mean; this is highly unlikely behavior, control limits may need recalculation or subgroup 108 sampling reconsidered. 5.8.8 Eight points in a row with none within one standard deviation of the mean and with points on both sides of the mean; this is also highly unlikely behavior and subgroup stratification should be considered and investigated. 5.9 Example of Xbar- S chart 5.9.1 The above chart composed with MinitabT M Ver. 16. 5.9.2 The data above is composed of coating thickness of a DLC substrate on a stainless steel face. These data were collected from multiple samples contained within each shipping container. 5.9.3 The above data would indicate a process stability issue as highlighted by the red dot data points, which violate condition 5.8.1, as they are more than 3 standard deviations from the mean. 5.10 Example of Xbar- R chart 5.10.1 The following chart composed with MinitabT M Ver. 16. Xbr-R Chart 34 2 1 5 34 6 7 B 9 Sam pit LA .1 DA 1 3 567B9 4 Tests performed with unequal sample sizes The data above is composed of the coating thickness of a DLC substrate 5.10.2 on a stainless steel face. These data were collected from several locations within the coating device and those locations used as the subgroup stratification method. 109 The above data would indicate a process that is generally stable. 5.10.3 Subsequent rounds of testing may be used to further investigate the stability of the process over time and would be a good measure of overall chamber performance. 5.11 Example of I-MR chart 5.11.1 The following chart composed with MinitabT M Ver. 16. I-MR Chart of 0.24 0.2W 0.01 0.01( 0.01 13 179132933 The data above is composed of a measurement of the outer 5.11.2 diameter of a gasket as it is sequentially punched from a die. 5.11.3 The above data would indicate a process that is not considered in control. As highlighted by the red dot (rule 5.8.6). 6. Analysis and Reaction Plan 6.1 If the process is not stable then improve the process. 6.2 Control charts should not be used for unstable process. 6.3 Example of failure modes and reaction plan for threading tools in the manufacture of columns: 6.3.1 Single Peak 110 Cause: This may be caused due to the chip on the threading insert. Reaction Plan: Blow the chip away. Cause: When the machine stops and the engine oil gets cold Reaction: Monitor the machine until it warms up Cause: Change of Operator Reaction: None (Add in the reaction plan, if known) 6.3.2 Sudden Mean Shift (Up) I'I, Cause: Threading insert tool wear Reaction Plan: Change insert Cause: When the collar becomes loose Reaction: Tighten the collar 6.3.3 Gradual Shift (Up) Cause: When the tool wears Reaction Plan: Do an offset. Cause: When the threading insert is not aiming in the correct direction Reaction: Adjust the insert accordingly. 111 Cause: When there is a material difference between bars Reaction: None (Add in the reaction plan, if known) 6.3.4 Sudden Mean Shift (Down) -- - 44 - - - - - -- Cause: When the operator does an offset Reaction Plan: None (Add in the reaction plan, if known) Cause: When there is chip accumulation Reaction: Clean the chips from the tool and ensure it is placed back properly. Cause: When the guide bushing is loose Reaction: Tighten the guide busing Cause: When the machine stops and the engine oil gets cold Reaction Plan: Monitor the machine until it warms up Cause: When the guide busing is too tight Reaction: The guide bushing needs to be loosen up. 6.3.5 Small Slope Shift (Up) Cause: This may be caused due to tool wear Reaction Plan: Do an offset 112 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: PROCESS CAPABILITY 1. Purpose: Process Capability is a measure of the output of a stable process to its specification limits. There are different indices that are used to measure process capability and are called process capability index (Cpk, Ppk). 2. Scope: This document is an instruction for the operator to follow to conduct the Process Capability study. This study will give an insight into the capability of the process as sometimes the process can produce 100% of output within the specification limits and otherwise not. It is important to conduct this study after the process is stable. 3. Terms and Definitions: Cpk (Process Capability Index) - It is the ratio between permissible deviation, measured from the mean value to the nearest specific limit of acceptability, and the actual one-sided three times sigma spread of the process. Cpk of at least 1.33 is desirable. Cpk accounts for variability within a subgroup. Ppk (Process Performance Index) - It represents the overall variability. Ppk measures both the part to part variability as well as shift and drift between them. Cpm- It is the capability index that compares the width of the specification limits to the spread of the process output and also incorporates an error term to determine how far the center of the distribution is from the target. Weibull distribution - A probability distribution function having the three parameters of P (shape), ri (slope), and y (location). DPMO - defects per million PPM - Parts per million. 4. Procedure: 4.1 4.2 Make a note of the operating conditions that the study is being conducted in. Ensure that there is sufficient raw material available and choose an operator to conduct the study. Cp = 4.3 .i USL -i 5 3a - LSL 3a The process capability study needs to be conducted only after the measurement system is confirmed to be acceptable during the Gage R&R analysis. 113 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 Run the process and start collecting data to ensure that the process is stable. If the process is not stable then conduct a root cause analysis and resume the study only after stabilizing the process. Collect as many data points as possible (minimum 100 points) to get a better accuracy of the process capability. Calculate the process mean and variation for the output. Compare the process output to the specification limits by calculating Cpk and other process capability indices as desired. Establish a plan for continuous improvement. Normally Ppk values are greater than Cpk values as there is less source of variation in the process performance study compared to the process capability study. Industrial standards follow a Cpk value greater than 1.33. It is always better to have higher Cpk value because: SLess scrap SImproved quality SCustomer satisfaction Cpk Process Capability 0.33 0.67 68.27% 95.45% 1.00 1.33 99.73% 99.99% 1.67 2.00 99.9999% 99.999999998% 114 5. Procedure: (Minitab" 16) 5.1 This method assumes stable data, collected rigorously with appropriate equipment. It may be necessary use control charting to evaluate the stability of the process before assessing the process capability if you are unsure of the stability. This may be existing data, or data that is procured for one subgroup. 5.2 Select one key parameter you wish to evaluate. In the example, overall column length was selected as the key parameter. It is indicative of how well the machine is performing and is also a critical performance characteristic of the product. 5.3 Collect the data. 30 samples is generally enough data for a sequential (Cpk) evaluation, however a larger more complete sample size should be made for establishing true "overall" process performance (Ppk). TM 5.4 After collecting a data set, import the data into Minitab (8.2). 5.5 Capability studies are located as shown: We will select a non-normal distribution type and Weibull fit distribution for this example. Previous distribution identification study indicated that a Weibull model was the more accurate model for this data. Eie Ldit Dat ~~ fak stat feaph Regression elp Assistalt 'a~ ~ 4) 2 ~ N. EKIlt NOt .ControlCharts Senssion Welcome Window Inols Editor flastatistics t- 4/17120 9 Mnitab, Reliabiity/Surva Multivarrate Run Chart... - Time Series Caust-and-Effect individual Distribution Identification.. ohnsoa Transformatio labes Nonparametrics EDA j Eareto Chart.. 0 J 0 Eower and Sample Size 0 aaiiySIak0 Intervals Bt e/ih Toleragce Acceptance Sampling by Attributes. ge dy Multiple Variables (Normal. (Nonnormat.. ' " Multipte b p Yariabtes LL Jinomat - Worksheet... Criate Attribute Agreement Analysis X Attriblite Agreement Analysis. Acceptance Sampling by yariables Multi-Van Chart.. Symmetry Plot 5.6 Use the following parameters: Select the data in question as your single column data set. You must also enter the upper and/or lower spec limits for your measurement. Leave all other menu items default. 115 Capability Analysis (Nonnormal Distribution) Data are arranged as Estimate... (Sine columrn: Length r' Suboups across rows of: Optionsr... Storage .. I Fit distribution: Wexbu Lower spec: 9.83 Upper spec: 198 r Bouidary r Boundary OK Cancel 5.7 Results for this particular study: Process Capability of Length Procesw Capability of Length Calculations Based on Wesbull Distribution Model an~ Cwat*W 1 PiCftS~ Da4ta PO H Sam PPu Pok Wan Savf N EXP. Ov'eral 1 PP TOW4 Observed P*tfomTWrV PPM < L% PPM > USL PP14 loti twfotmanite PPM < LSL PPM >USL 000 0.00 000 1 I FT]-' F F.- 9.831 9.834 9.837 9.840 9.843 9.846 9.849 6 a 6. Analysis: 6.1 An alternative analysis is included in the appendix (7.3) for discussion purposes. This analysis is for a molded 0-ring with considerably tighter tolerances. 6.2 Graphically, it is obvious that this process is capable of producing this feature (length) within the desire specifications. This process exceeds Six Sigma quality specifications (index of 2.0). 116 6.3 Process capability indices are the ratio of the specification spread compared to the process spread. In this way, a capability index of 1.0 indicates that the spreads are the same. There may be a risk that process shift and drift could produce out of specification parts. Any index ratio greater than 1 indicates a process that is capable of shifting around, and still producing "good" parts. Note: process index less than 1 indicates that the specification spread is less than the process spread. It is likely that "bad" parts are being produced. The expected population of bad parts in directly related to the low index number and will increase your DPMO.A process capability index of 1.33 is the minimum acceptable process capability 6.4 specification. 6.5 A process capability index greater than 2.5 indicates a process that is being produced with an unnecessarily high level of precision, and thus may be unnecessarily expensive. 7. Appendix: Weibull distribution function: _ f (T) - 3 T___ 7-7 f(T) > 0, T> 0 or, 7.2 e - - 7.1 > 0, 7> 0, -oo <y < oo Screen Capture of Minitab TM input: Worksheet I1 Cl Length 117 1 2 3 98390 9-8390 98395 4 9.8405 5 6 98395 7 98400 8 9 10 11 2 13 9,8390 9 8390 9.8396 9.8390 98335 9 8395 14 9.8390 15 16 17 18 98390 9.8390 9.8390 9-8390 98390 19 9.8390 20 9.8350 C2 7.3 Process capability study. Process has very poor yield. Note: This was modeled with a normal distribution. Process Capability of LSL USL Process Data LSL Target ust Mean Sample N StDev(Within) StDev(Overall) Overall Cpk A Overall Capabiity Pp PPL PPu Ppk (pm 'I. 11 I 0.1812 0.1824 0.1836 0.1848 0.18W6 L Within - -- Potential (Within) Capability (p Sample Observed Performance PPM < LSL PPM > USL PPM Total - Exp. Within Performance PPM < LSL PPM > USL PPM Total Exp. PPM PPM PPM I 0.1872 0.1884 Overall Performance < LSL > USL Total 118 I STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: LONG-TERM MONITORING 1. Purpose: Long-term monitoring plays an important role in keeping SPC alive in a company. The purpose is to incorporate the changes found during the initial iterations and to maintain high quality standards. 2. Scope: This document is for all personnel who are working in the implementation and continuous monitoring of the SPC system. The scope also extends to the upper management to keep a check on the SPC system. 3. Procedure: 3.1 The operators need to be trained on the standard operating procedures that are implemented in the production floor. 3.2 On the next page, an example of a standard operating procedure is shown that is used to conduct quality inspection for column tubes. 3.3 By following this example, the reader will be enlightened on the importance of having standard operating procedures for inspection. 3.4 It is necessary to incorporate changes as and when required with the permission of the concerned authority according to the SOP that is devised in the department to change an existing SOP. 3.5 Changes can only made if the process is monitored and variations are observed with respect to the initial process. 3.6 The upper management should make routine checks to ensure that the SPC system doesn't fail. 3.7 The supervisors on the shop floor should have meetings with the operators to discuss on the SPC system on a day to day basis. 3.8 Operators need to follow the standard operating procedures and should be kept accountable for it. 3.9 There needs to be a designated person who can supervise only the SPC system and clear any queries brought about it. 4. Result: 4.1 By following the above steps properly, the company can experience great benefits. 119 4.2 4.3 4.4 Benefits like: * Reduction of scrap * Improvement in productivity * Reduction in manufacturing cost " Overall satisfaction of operators * Customer satisfaction * Increase in profits The above benefits can only be achieved if there is a sense of ownership and accountability laid down during the initial phases of implementation. SPC is not a one man's tool. It is a collaborative effort of the whole company working together to inculcate the culture to become a world class manufacturer. 120 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE: COLUMN TUBE INSPECTION 1. Purpose: To create a standardized way to inspect column tubes and eliminate variations occurring due to operators. 2. Scope: This document is an instruction for the operator to inspect column tubes after production in the columns cell. By following this document, the operator will be able to detect variations immediately and correct them. 3. Instruments: The OasisTM Inspection System, Johnson Gage T M , Profilometer, Microscope, Micrometers and GO/NOGO gage 4. Terms and Definitions: Appraiser- persons taking measurements, "operators" may be substituted interchangeably Equipment Variation (EV) - It represents the repeatability of the measurement device. Appraiser Variation (AV) - It represents the reproducibility of the system Part Variation (PV) - It represents the variation of the parts used in the gage study. 5. Note: 5.1. Before inspection, it is important to ensure that the operator has followed the machine setup procedure and done it accordingly. 5.2. The machine setup procedure varies from cell to cell and needs to be updated according to the job as the machines get moved from one cell to another. 5.3. The operators have to follow a strict procedure of the location of coolant pipes and not mess around with it every time there is a change in shift. 5.4. The operators are advised to contact the supervisor if there is any query before starting production. 5.5. Before starting the inspection procedure, ensure that all the inspection measuring systems are calibrated. 121 6. Procedure: 6.1. Firstly, the operator will instruct the machine to produce only one part and will check the part for its dimensions. 6.2. The operator will first check this part on the Oasis T inspection system. 6.3. The part is loaded on to fixture that has been designed especially for the OasisTM inspection system. 6.4. The software used is ProlinkTM. 6.5. The operator will ensure that the part is correctly fixed like shown in the below diagrams. M 6.6. The operator then has to click on QC Calc-Real Time Inspection TM software and a window like the below picture will open. 122 6.7 If the part is within dimensions, then the operator should click on the "DATA" button as shown in the above picture to capture the dimensions. If not, generally, it is because the OasisTM system is not able to capture the transition point on the edge of the wrench flats. Reaction plan- clean the wrench flat reload the column onto the fixture and measure it. 6.8 A window with different graphs that will contain the dimensions and its specification limits will open up. 6.9 There are three types of colors that will be displayed in the above page to denote if the part is within the specification limits or not: * Green- the part is within specification limits * Blue- the part is below specification limits " Red- the part is above specification limits " Yellow- the instrument is not able to capture the dimension 6.10 If the part is out of specification limits, then the operator needs to identify the cause of variation and correct it like an offset or a tool change, etc. The operator has to look at the graphs that are generated and do the offset accordingly. 6.11 After a good part is produced, the operator can go ahead to the next inspection device, which is the Johnson Gage". 6.12 The Johnson Gage TM is primarily used to measure the pitch diameter. 6.13 The column tube has to be placed correctly onto the grove and then the value needs to be recorded. 123 6.14 The subside of the column (the side having the lot number) is measured first and then the main side. Then click on "Finish" to record the data points. 6.15 If the part is out of specification limits, then the operator needs to produce a good part by doing the necessary offset according to the graph that is shown on the screen. Offset is just one of the reaction plans. The operator will perform the necessary reaction as per the defect. 6.16 After a good part is produced, the operator will measure the surface finish on the Profilometer. The column tube has to be fixed properly as seen in the diagram. 6.17 If the surface finish is not as per the specification, then the operator will change the feed rate accordingly. The surface finished is not recorded by the ProlinkTM software. 6.18 After it has been assessed as a good part, the operator has to take this part and views it under a microscope. 124 6.19 The operator has to check the engraving of the lot number and also see that there are no scratches on the sealing face. 6.20 Once a part satisfies all the above measuring instruments, the operator has to produce 9 more parts to plot the control limits. 6.21 After production of 9 parts, the operator will follow steps 6.5 to 6.7 again. 6.22 When the 10 data points have been captured by the Prolink'T M software, control limits are plotted as shown in the below pictures. 125 6.23 Click on "Tools" and then "Calculate Limits". Control limits are calculated based on the mean of the displayed data points and three sigma limit standard deviation. Then click on "Save Calculated Limits". 6.24 A similar procedure is adopted while measuring the pitch diameter on the Johnson GageM. 6.25 A sampling plan has been created based on the baseline data collection and also the feasibility of it being carried out by the operators. Sampling plans differ according to the part number and critical dimensions. 6.26 For example: if the sampling plan was to measure one out of every 10 parts being produced, then the operator is required to do a full inspection which means measure all the dimensions as mentioned above on the various measurement systems. 6.27 The operator is also advised to carry out the quick inspection system which uses different micrometers and GO/NOGO gages on the fifth part to reduce the scrap if the tenth part being inspected is defective. 6.28 The operator is asked to record the events on the software when any change occurs like a tool change, offset, etc. 126 I .~ V 2 J0 Deo a 2 L 0.V (,,.205 L x P o r 8 o f l f - # DevWan: R d d 46 S41, a @ 4 0.0=02 g t SWKWct 46 e R & R Sd r I o o k o Sm.. I R *~~...... A d - ' !d 1-4M o t a Pmt.: ~T t s jt p So WkIV-. Le000eIem.4OP 6.29 The operator has to right click on the data point and then on "Assign Cause". 6.30 Another window will some pre-entered causes that can be selected or new ones that can be added. e Kew p port gage R&R lools d t T p ~ ~JIJ 127 6.31 Once the cause has been assigned, then whenever the cursor is placed on the point, the assignable cause can be viewed. This helps the operator, supervisor, etc. to debug the root cause and eliminate it. 1Tfe mCCL file Yiew Beport Export gage R&R Iools Administrative Tools ielp siill~~ 6.32 ~~ .... -lla --------aJ~e~d NJ A similar procedure is followed for the Johnson Gage'T M to record the various events and help in debugging. 6.33 Whenever the process goes out of control, the operator has to assess the situation before taking any steps to correct it. 6.34 Based on the baseline data, the engineer should calculate the process standard deviation and set a range for the acceptable process mean value according to the calculation. When the process mean drifts to the calculated limits, an offset is required. The operator has to calculate the amount of offset according to the current process mean. The offset has to bring the process mean close its design nominal value with a certain amount of safety gap, which will be different for different dimensions. 128 7. Result: 7.1 By following a stand inspecting procedure, the operator produces less scrap and eliminates rejection of good parts. 7.2 When the operators are operating different machines, it becomes easy for the operator to follow the instructions then for them to do it intuitively. 129