Aligning Design and Development Processes for Additive Manufacturing By MASSACHU SETT WST TUTE 01 Michael L. Stern C.HNOLOLC3Y JUL 3 0 2015 S.B. Mechanical Engineering LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved redacted Signature -- - ----------- . .. ... ..... . Sign ature o f Auth or .................................... Michael L. Stern Department of Mechanical Engineering May 21, 2015 Certified by ....................................... Signature redacted Maria Yang Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.......................... Signature redacted David E. Hardt Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Studies 1 2 Aligning Design and Development Processes for Additive Manufacturing By Michael Stern Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 21, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract: Rapid Prototyping has transitioned from only being able to produce delicate prototypes to being capable of producing robust production parts. As part of this transition, it has been renamed Additive Manufacturing (AM). As a true manufacturing technology, it has become important to deliberately design parts for Additive Manufacturing, and research has begun in how best to achieve this. This thesis explores the background of Additive Manufacturing, the growth in its use as a manufacturing technology, and the advantages and challenges of the technology. Following background information, this thesis progresses to different design approaches and technologies that promise to be effective when paired with AM. A design methodology using topology optimization is proposed, detailed and then tested on two case studies. The first case is a high-speed mirror for imaging and the second case is an aircraft bracket for the 2013 GrabCAD-GE design challenge. This thesis also includes an examination of the implementation of the proposed methodology on these case studies and the resulting designs. The design from both case studies achieved a greater than 60% weight reduction through the use of design methodology tailored for AM. The final section of the thesis shifts from the design process to the development process where the impact of AM is examined. In order to gain an understanding of the influence that Additive Manufacturing has on production, this thesis includes a synthesis of the literature from Additive Manufacturing as well as Design and Management. The benefits are approached from an economic perspective, reviewing the first order benefits that have been extensively studied and then progressing to the second order benefits, and indirect benefits, which have not been examined in detail before. To understand the full effect of Additive Manufacturing on product development, the consideration of advantages such as high fidelity prototypes, decreased risk, faster time to market and late stage design flexibility are assessed. Thesis Supervisor: Maria C. Yang Tide: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank those who were instrumental in my education. You have helped me reach the MIT Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, aided me in the pursuit of meaningful research and guided me in writing a coherent thesis. Maria Yang, Lois Feldman, Fred Stern, Kaidyn Becker, Laura Brennan, Nathaniel Lubin, Jim Ingraham, Scott VanBroekhoven, Eli Niewood, Ken Estabrook and all of the students in the Ideation Lab. 5 6 Glossary 3-Matic-STL 3-Matic-STL is a software tool for directly editing STL meshes produced by Materialise. Additive Manufacturing (AM) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F42 definition: "a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies [1]" AlSi1OMg AlSil 0Mg is an aluminum alloy used in metallic powder bed fusion it is 10% silicon and roughly 0.5% magnesium by weight. CBush CBush is a type spring element form the Nastrtran FEA system (used in Optistruct). They have independent coefficients of translational and rotational stiffness and join two nodes to each other. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Design is a software tool that is used for creating 2D or 3D digital models. Computer Based Design (CBD) Computer Based Design is a term coined by Mistree and Muster that defines a category of design tool where the user does not directly model features but instead builds models generatively or with the assistance of the computer [2]. Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM) Design for Additive Manufacturing is an area of study that examines how best to create parts and assemblies for Additive Manufacturing. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) 7 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly is a term coined by Boothroyd and Dewhurst for a process focusing on the redesign of parts to maximize the efficiency of manufacturing and assembly. ElectroOptical Systems (EOS) Electro Optical Systems GmbH is a manufacturer of Additive Manufacturing powder bed fusion systems. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Fused Deposition Modeling is a term coined by Stratasys LTD. for a plastic material extrusion process. Meshmixer Meshmixer is a software tool for directly editing STL meshes produced by Autodesk. Optistruct Optistruct is a finite element solver produced by the Altair company. It has the capability to run SIMP topology optimization. OSS Smooth OSS Smooth is a thresholding and smoothing tool. It is also capable of creating a reanalysis model where the thresholded geometry is returned as a new finite element model with the original loading and boundary conditions applied to it. Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) An Additive Manufacturing process in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed. Rapid Manufacturing (RM) Rapid Manufacturing is "the use of a CAD-based automated Additive Manufacturing process to construct parts that are used directly as finished products or components [3]." RBE 3 A RBE 3 is the type of rigid body element (used in Optistruct), created as part of the NASTRAN FEA system. It is often used to connect constraints to a set of elements. 8 It can be used in a wagon wheel configuration typically join elements of a circular feature to a central node, such as in a bolt constraint. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Selective Laser Melting is a term for a powder bed fusion process typically applied to metallic processes. Self-weighting Self-weighting is a term describing the loading of optical components. It is the concept that the mass of an optical component drives its own inertial loading. Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) SIMP is a methodology for TO developed by Bendsoe and Kikuchi that utilizes element weightings and finite element analysis to optimize problems [4]. TI6AL4V Ti6A14V is a titanium alloy with 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium by weight as alloying elements. It is commonly used in metallic powder bed fusion systems. Topology Optimization (TO) Topology optimization is an optimization method that redistributes material to create an optimized layout for a given objective while subject to a set of constraints. Most topology optimization solvers use the SIMP algorithm. Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) An unmanned air vehicle is a remotely or autonomously controlled air vehicle. 9 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Background on A dditive M anufacturing........................................................... 16 1.1 Introduction:......................................................................................................................... 16 1.2 A dditive M anufacturing Term inology ......................................................................... 16 1.2.1 Types of M anufacturing Processes......................................................................... 16 1.2.2 Com puter-Controlled A dditive M anufacturing.................................................... 17 1.2.3 U se of A dditive M anufacturing .............................................................................. 18 1.3 Four Categories of U tilization......................................................................... 18 Visual M odels................................................................................................... 19 Fit-Check Prototypes ....................................................................................... 19 Fixtures and Patterns ....................................................................................... 20 End-U se Parts ................................................................................................... 20 Influences on Part Utilization......................................................................... 20 Rapid M anufacturing...................................................... E rror! B ookm ark not defined. 1.3.1 D efinition of Rapid M anufacturing....................................................................... 21 1.3.2 Adoption of Rapid M anufacturing....................................................................... 22 1.3.3 Advantages of Rapid M anufacturing .................................................................... 22 G eom etric Freedom .............................................................................. M old-Free M anufacturing .............................................................................. 23 D evelopm ent benefits .................................................................................... 23 Supply Chain, D istribution and Inventory ................................................... 23 1.3.4 1.4 ..... 22 Challenges...................................................................................................................... 24 M aterials................................................................................................................. 24 Layer Based Process.......................................................................................... 24 Process Lim itations ......................................................................................... 24 Part Q ualification ............................................................................................ 25 Inspection .......................................................................................................... 25 Process K now ledge.......................................................................................... 25 Conclusion :............................................................................................................................ 26 Chapter 2: The A doption of Rapid M anufacturing........................................................... 27 10 2.1.1 Tipping the Balance ................................................................................................ 27 2.1.2 Trend Setting Exam ples......................................................................................... 28 2.1.3 Economics of Rapid Manufacturing and the Direct Substitution Fallacy .......... 29 2.1.4 Research Q uestions .................................................................................................. 29 2.1.5 Value Proposition .................................................................................................... 30 Chapter 3: Breaking outo 3.1 ................................................................................... 31 Fighting Against O ur D esign Instincts......................................................................... 31 3.1.1 The D esign Paradox ................................................................................................ 31 3.1.2 Breaking O ut of D esign Fixation .......................................................................... 31 3.2 D esign for M anufacturing .............................................................................................. 3.2.1 3.3 G uidelines for D esign ............................................................................................. 32 32 Part O rientation................................................................................................ 33 D igital D esign .................................................................................................. 33 Support M aterial Plan ...................................................................................... 33 O verhanging Structures.................................................................................. 34 D esign Tools and D esign Fram ew orks ........................................................................ 35 3.3.1 Com puter Aided D esign ......................................................................................... 35 3.3.2 Anim ation Softw are................................................................................................ 35 3.3.3 Com plexity, Sim plicity and Biomim icry .............................................................. 36 3.3.4 Com puter-Based D esign......................................................................................... 38 3.3.5 Function Based D esign ........................................................................................... 38 3.4 Structural O ptim ization .................................................................................................. 39 3.4.1 H istory of Structural O ptim ization ...................................................................... 39 3.4.2 O ptimization Engine .............................................................................................. 39 3.4.3 Types of O ptim ization ........................................................................................... 40 Size O ptim ization.............................................................................................. 40 Shape O ptimization ......................................................................................... 40 Topology O ptim ization.................................................................................. 41 Beam Bending Exam ple.............................................................................................. 42 3.4.4 Problem Form ulation .......................................................................................... 42 Thresholding ..................................................................................................... 43 Design Methods Utilizing Topology Optimization:.......................................... 45 3.4.5 11 Inspiration Based Design ................................................................................ 45 Traditional Manufactured Design.................................................................. 46 Additive Manufactured Design ...................................................................... 48 3.4.6 P roposed Process:................................................................................................... 49 C o nclu sio n ............................................................................................................................ 51 Chapter 4: Applying an AM Aligned Design Methodology.................................................. 52 3 .5 4 .1 C ase S tu dies .......................................................................................................................... 52 4.1.1 Spinning M irror ........................................................................................................ 52 4.1.2 GrabCAD GE Engine Bracket.................................................................................. 59 4.1.3 Methodology Implementation Challenges .......................................................... 65 Difficulties Associated with Function-Based Design ................................ 65 Software Limitations ....................................................................................... 65 4.1.4 4 .2 Adapting Topology Optimization for AM........................................................... 66 Lattice-Based Topology Optimization Interpretation................................. 66 Lattice Generation and Sizing ......................................................................... 67 Manufacturing Constraint Integration .......................................................... 67 Interactive Optimization ................................................................................ 67 C o n clu sio n ............................................................................................................................ 4.2.1 Effective Methodology............................................................................................ P ro cess ................................................................................................................................................. 68 68 69 5.1 Design Process Versus Development Process........................................................... 69 5.2 Economics of Rapid Manufacturing............................................................................ 70 5.2.1 Economics of Tool-Free Production..................................................................... 70 5.2.2 Supply Chain, Distribution and Inventory........................................................... 70 5.2.3 The Effect of Rapid Manufacturing on Product Development ....................... 71 5.2.4 The Elimination of the Manufacturing Cycle ...................................................... 71 5.2.5 Benefits of the Perfect Prototype ......................................................................... 72 Evaluating the Magnitude of the Benefits of Rapid Manufacturing........................ 73 5.3 5.3.1 Economic Impact on Product Development Process ....................................... 5.3.2 Quantifying the Benefit of Prototype Fidelity ............................................ Impact on the Development Process .................................................................... 74 74 75 12 E ffect of N on-Frozen D esign......................................................................... 75 H ardw are Follow s Softw are ........................................................................... 75 5.4 Innovative Product D evelopm ent................................................................................ 76 5.5 Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................... 77 Chapter 6: C onclusion ................................................................................................................ 79 6.1 Future w ork .......................................................................................................................... 79 6.2 Fusion of D esign and D evelopm ent ............................................................................. 80 Appendix: GE- GrabCA D Contest Info............................................................................. 81 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 83 13 List of Figures Figure 1: Breakdown of utilization of AM in 2014. Based off of data from the Wohlers Rep o rt 20 14 [7].......................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 2: The relationship between utilized part strength, complexity and function of AM p arts............................................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 3: The increase in spending at service bureaus on end-use parts. Source: Wohlers R ep o rt 2 0 14 [7].......................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 4: Effect of orientation on support structure. Blue is the part material and yellow is support material. Note the effect digital of design in the representation of the fillet, outlined with red, and of the sensitivity to overhanging structures and the required sup p ort material......................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 5: Natural root system compared to engineering run and shaft design........... 37 Figure 6: (a) size optimization, (b) shape optimization, (c) topology optimization. Source: B en d so e [4 5]............................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 7: Beam bending problem formulation: design region, loads and boundary conditions. ..................................................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 8: Topology optimization output as a function of penalty value with virtual density shown as a grayscale and compliance reported - 3.................. Figure 9: Beam bending results thresholded at 0.3 with varying penalty weighting............ 44 Figure 10: Inspired design based off topology optimization................................................... 45 Figure 11: Flow diagram for inspiration based use of TO........................................................... 46 Figure 12: Traditionally manufacturable design based on TO.............................................. 47 Figure 13: Traditional manufactured design topology optimization flow chart.................. 47 Figure 14: AM manufacturable design based on TO ................................................................... 48 Figure 15: AM topology optimization flow chart. ........................................................................ 49 Figure 16: Mirror bounding volume in cross section: Red portions define mechanical interface regions that cannot be modified and blue portions are mirror faces and cannot be altered. The central void houses the drive motor and is unavailable. Green represents the available design volume.............................................................................. Figure 17: Optistruct finite element model of one-eighth mirror. ........................................ 53 54 14 Figure 18: Top view of with symbolic boundary conditions; disconnected hub (left), modified load case and connected hub (right). ............................................................... 55 Figure 19: One-quarter mirror model showing displacements normal to the x-face (right); red regions do not meet specifications. Left, initial design directly from thresholding; right, post processed resulting in 0.79% weight increase.......................................................... 56 Figure 20: One-quarter model of final mirror design displacements normal to the x-face (right); faces meet surface figure specifications............................................................... Figure 21: Addition of a boss to accommodate a balancing setscrew in 3-Matic STL ..... 57 58 Figure 22: Traditional mirror design on left, additive mirror design on right. ...................... 58 Figure 23: AM Optimization flow chart, with backward red arrows representing required reform ulation experim entation. .......................................................................................... 59 Figure 24: Four load conditions for the bracket. Source [54]. ............................................... 60 Figure 25: Resulting geometry from TO optimization................................................................. 61 Figure 26: Isometric view of the final design with VonMises stress displayed. Maroon colored elem ents represent yielded material...................................................................... 62 Figure 27: Bottom view of the final design with VonMises stress displayed. Maroon colored elem ents represent yielded m aterial.................................................................................... 62 Figure 28: Comparison of topology optimized design with top three designs from the competition, displaying percent weight reduction. ......................................................... 63 Figure 29: Comparison between TJ2 and T20 design showing stresses viewed from the bottom. Maroon colored elements represent yielded material in upper two images. Red stress represents 500 MPa in the lower two images. ...................................................... Figure 30: Density versus Young's modulus plot. Source: Bendsoe [45]............................. 64 66 Figure 31: Development process for both AM and conventionally manufactured parts. Unlike traditional manufacturing, AM does not require a separate manufacturing cycle. S o urce: [3 5]................................................................................................................................. 72 Figure 32: Prototype Fidelity verus number, holding savings near constant. Source: Thomke an d B ell, [6 7].............................................................................................................................. 74 Figure 33: Left: Radiolaria an interactive design tool to create necklace [68]. Right: Hyphae Lam p 132 a generative designed lamp [69]........................................................................ 76 15 Chapter 1: Background on Additive Manufacturing 1.1 Introduction: This thesis will explore how design and development processes can be modified to better harmonize with Additive Manufacturing (AM). Additive Manufacturing will be discussed in four categories based on utilization: visual model, fit check prototype, pattern or fixture and end-use part. There will be an additional focus on Rapid Manufacturing (RM); the practice of using AM to fabricate end-use parts. RM is particularly interesting, because when fabrication technologies transition to use in manufacturing, the investment of time to optimize design and development becomes important. Finally, a function-based design methodology for RM design based on structural optimization will be presented, formalized and then applied to two case studies. This thesis is organized into five chapters. The first chapter examines important terminology of AM, how it has been used historically and how it is currently being used. The second chapter focuses on the growth in the use of RM, the significance of this growth, and includes a formal statement of the thesis's research questions. The third chapter presents background on design and optimization relevant to the thesis' proposed methodology. The methodology is applied to two case studies and results are reviewed in detail in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 examines the higher-level effects that AM and particularly RM can have on the development process. 1.2 Additive Manufacturing Terminology 1.2.1 Types of Manufacturing Processes Manufacturing can be divided into three categories: subtractive, formative, and additive. Subtractive manufacturing comprises any process in which parts of a larger section of material are removed to produce an end product. Examples are numerous, reaching as far 16 back as the fabrication of arrowheads in the Stone Age and extending through modern diamond grinding with accuracy on the order of angstroms [5]. Subtractive manufacturing serves as the benchmark for all manufacturing and, although it has the greatest precision, it is time consuming and requires more starting material than the final product. Formative manufacturing is usually mold-based or pattern-based with the final parts produced indirectly. Examples of formative manufacturing processes include casting, injection molding and forging. A critical advantage of this method is its efficiency for largescale production: a single mold or pattern can be used to produce very large numbers of parts. An Additive Manufacturing process is one in which material is selectively placed to form the final part. An example of this type process is brick and mortar construction. A key advantage in an additive process is the ability to create structures of much greater complexity than could be created by subtractive or formative manufacturing. This complexity is enabled by the fact that internal features are accessible during fabrication. 1.2.2 Computer- Controlled Additive Manufacturing Charles Hull's 1984 patent filed for photopolymeric construction of 3D parts and marked the beginning of Additive Manufacturing [6]. Terminology has evolved with the technology, first coalescing around Rapid Prototyping (RP), and then in an effort not to pigeonhole the technology for developing prototypes, the term Additive Manufacturing (AM) was born. It is important to distinguish this AM terminology from the previouslydiscussed Additive Manufacturing processes. The distinction is made in addition to selective material placement already mentioned the process be driven by 3D modeled data. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F42 committee, the recognized body for material, manufacturing and testing standardization, defined Additive Manufacturing as "a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies [1]." While industry has adopted AM, the media has used 3D printing (3DP) as the terminology of choice. Originally a descriptor for a specific process, 3D printing evokes for the layperson the concept of the technology and has gained widespread acceptance. Recently, Terry Wohlers, a key industry analyst, declared in his annual report of the industry that Additive Manufacturing and 3D 17 printing can be used synonymously [7]. Similarly, this thesis will use AM and 3DP interchangeably. In addition to the various names for Additive Manufacturing as a whole, there is terminology for each specific technology or class of technologies within AM. This plethora of terms is further complicated by the fact that almost every company has a trademarked name for their specific process. These processes may not necessarily be unique, resulting in the creation of many names with the same meaning. In an effort to create standard terminology to reduce confusion, the ASTM organized and defined seven categories that encompass every current methodology for 3D printing [1]. These various approaches rely on different physical phenomena and, as a result, often work with different materials that exhibit both strengths and weaknesses across cost, rate, quality or material availability. Chapter 4 describes two case studies in which the technology used is metal Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) an Additive Manufacturing process in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed. 1.2.3 Use of Additive Manufacturing Four Categories of Utilization Additive Manufacturing has been employed in a wide range of applications. By teLguiizing hese applicationis, we can gain insight into its historical use and how that use is evolving. Here we propose that the use of Additive Manufacturing can be broken into four different categories: visual models, fit check prototypes, fixtures and patterns, and end-use parts. Based on data from an organizational survey by Wohlers Associates, utilization by the four proposed categories is captured in Figure 1. 18 8 17 w Visual Models I Fit-Check 29 Fixtures & Patterns 20 F End-Use Parts SOther 26 Figure 1: Breakdown of utilization of AM in 2014. Based off of data from the Wohlers Report 2014 [7]. The utilization is split quite evenly between visual models, fit check prototypes, fixtures and patterns and end-use parts. An expansion of the description of each of the use categories are presented below. Visual Models The earliest use of Additive Manufacturing was for the creation of physical models designed from computer aided design (CAD) files. A visual model has the form but not necessarily the function of the final part. As such, the value of a model is to provide a mechanism for tactile representation that can be visualized and handled, helping gain management or customer approval of a design in a medium that can be easily evaluated. And for engineers, it offers an opportunity to get a physical sense of dimensions and an intuitive sense of the design [7]. Fit-Check Prototypes Fit-check prototypes give the user an opportunity to establish appropriate part fit and to assess whether there is sufficient space and access for assembly. This application can be useful both for ensuring that tolerances are correctly accounted for and, in the case of mating to preexisting parts, that interfaces and fits are correct. Frequently, fit-check prototypes will reveal errors that would be expensive in production but can be costeffectively addressed during this early design stage. 19 Fixtures and Patterns For fixtures and patterns, Additive Manufacturing is used to generate the geometry but not the final part. Due to limitations in materials available for Additive Manufacturing, it is often desirable to prototype or manufacture in a standard engineering material instead. In these cases, parts can be printed and then, using an intermediate process, transformed into a final part. For example, wax positives can be printed and then processed by lost wax casting into metallic parts. Fixtures for assembly or fabrication can also be made to speed up alignment of parts during assembly or to provide a template for manual fabrication procedures. End-Use Parts For end-use parts, Additive Manufacturing generates both the geometry and material for the final part. After removal from the printer, the part will be utilized directly. End-use part production was the last category of use to be developed but is now exhibiting the most rapid growth, as will be discussed in Chapter 2. In addition to being used for prototypes, end-use parts can be manufactured in quantity as the final product. Influences on Part Utilization The material and machine properties in Additive Manufacturing have advanced tremendously since the 1980s when brittle plastic was the standard material [6]. At the time, there was a widespread anecdote that models passed around a boardroom rarely made it back to the presenter in one piece. Research since then has led to increasingly durable and diverse materials. Now, parts are made with super alloys, engineering grade thermoplastics, and even living cells [8]. From a design perspective, great improvements have swept the computer industry, transforming the capabilities of CAD and thereby allowing greater complexity and sophistication of part design. By looking at the material requirements and part complexity of AM, we can get a sense of how the utilization has evolved. A conceptual plot of part function based on complexity and utilized strength is shown in Figure 2. 20 E Models Fit Check Fixture / Pattern End Use Part Utilized Part Strength Figure 2: The relationship between utilized part strength, complexity and function of AM parts. Through this lens of part utilization we see that the evolution of part use is a function of both the complexity that could be effectively captured digitally via software and the part strength or material properties that could be fabricated. The least rigorous requirements for both strength and complexity only allow for the generation of models of which the primary goal is to physically produce a digital concept. For this purpose material properties are not critical and the value is a function of the complexity and realism that can be captured. For fit-check parts, complexity is not as great since all features need not be captured and the geometry will be limited by traditional manufacturing. However, there is still some level of handling strength required for fit check parts. For fixtures, the material properties become much more important as parts will now be handled aggressively during assembly or production; for patterns, the material properties are critical for processes such as investment casting where material must be melted for removal. End-use parts utilize the most strength and can leverage the greatest complexity providing the opportunity to create parts with the most significant impact. 1.3 Rapid Manufacturing 1.3.1 Definition of Rapid Manufacturing Rapid Manufacturing is a term that was popularized in the early 2000s and developed from "rapid prototyping [9]." RM can be defined as "the use of a . . CAD-based automated 21 Additive Manufacturing process to construct parts that are used directly as finished products or components [3]." 1.3.2 Adoption of Rapid Manufacturing In many cases, Rapid Manufacturing has grown organically from the use scenarios in which a user, under time pressure, took a model that was designed for fit-check purposes and tested if it had the strength to be functional. These tests were often successful, which demonstrates the utility of RM. Yet, to better understand the current level of adoption of Rapid Manufacturing, it is useful to further examine its advantages and challenges. 1.3.3 Advantages of Rapid Manufacturing A great deal of literature on Additive Manufacturing has focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the process. A concept has arisen based on the characteristics of AM: Design For Additive Manufacturing (DFAM), which is central to utilizing the advantages and minimizing the disadvantages of the AM process. The comprehensive list of the benefits and drawbacks RM has been informed by my own personal experience with AM tools, discussions with experts and many valuable sources [3,9-21]. Geometric Freedom Geometric freedom is one of the most far-reaching and significant advantages of AM because, for the first time, form can be decoupled from fabrication. While specific additive processes may have manufacturing restrictions, they are dramatically less constraining than any previous manufacturing technology. And with this geometric freedom comes a host of benefits that have profound implications: * Static assemblies can be reduced to single parts. * Single-Part Assemblies can be fabricated-an assembly grown as a single part with moving subcomponents. * Mass customization is possible, and large numbers of similar parts can be created in which each part is unique. 22 * Parts can be optimized for functionality instead of manufacturability, enabling higher performance. Mold-Free Manufacturing Since the part geometry is defined by digital files and realized with an Additive Manufacturing system, molds are not required and therefore manufacturing is scale invariant. New parts can be created more quickly than previously possible and changes can be made inexpensively and expeditiously. As a result: * The time to reach market is faster. * Designs do not need to be frozen after tools are made. * Factories become more agile since part mix can be varied without retooling. Development benefits An important and often overlooked impact of using RM is the effect that it has on the development process. More detail on these claims will be presented in the fourth chapter. Generally the advantage of using RM for development can be described as: e Faster development times of products. * Perfect fidelity prototypes result when using Rapid Manufacturing. * Late stage changes can be made without excessive costs. Supply Chain, Distribution and Inventory Rapid Manufacturing enables a leaner supply chain since goods can now be fabricated on-site and on demand. Transport is simplified, requiring only the distribution of raw materials. e Reduced inventory since there is no need to store a diversity of parts. * Faster distribution since parts can be built on site. * Supply chain can be simplified since only raw material is required. 23 1.3.4 Challenges As a young manufacturing technology, the challenges of Additive Manufacturing are just beginning to be understood well, and solutions or mitigation techniques are under development. This section below will enumerate these challenges. Materials The process requirements for Additive Manufacturing and the specific requirements of the wide range of different AM technologies used have given rise to extensive materials research. Different processes are often suited to specific materials or generate material microstructures with different properties than previously encountered. This has given rise to: * Requirement for process specific material development. * The qualifications of novel materials. e Experimentation into process-material interactions. Layer Based Process Due to the layer-by-layer process employed by Additive Manufacturing, bonding within layers and between layers may be different, leading to anisotropic materials. Additionally, point-wise manufacturing means that a region may have different properties than its neighbors. More specifically: * Parts built will have anisotropic material properties requiring more detailed characterization. * Defects can occur at interior locations of a part, making them difficult to detect. * The stair-stepping, also described as figure error, effect prevents smooth profiles from being generated in the z-axis due to discontinuities between layer profiles. Process Limitations The limitations that will be the most difficult to mitigate are those linked to process physics itself. As a result, these limitations may force us to adapt the design and adjust our requirements. * Dimensional accuracy is generally worse than subtractive processes. 24 * Surface finish is typically worse than traditionally manufactured parts. * Process times are usually slower than traditional manufacturing. * Support material required for complex overhanging shapes. Part Qualification Qualification of parts has been difficult given the unknowns in materials, process parameters and machine reliability. As a result, users have been reluctant to put AM parts into critical applications. Recent application of AM parts for end-use has lead to focus on: * The development of qualification standards and procedures. * Study of the variability of material properties with as a result of geometry. * Lack of repeatability between parts. Inspection The benefits that Additive Manufacturing provides from a geometric freedom standpoint also create challenges from an inspection standpoint. Every detail is another feature to measure. The need to inspect parts has typically been focused on the exterior of a part where the limits for traditional manufacturing serve to ensure access for measurement. Verifying the detail of internal features is limited by the resolution of the most advanced inspection technologies and the geometric freedom of AM enables the creation of parts that exceed that inspection resolution. Recent developments in Computed Tomography (CT) are helping study certain material parts [22]. White light imaging is similarly helpful for analyzing complex 3D shapes, but state of the art measurement of internal and complex features is still trailing the technology that can fabricate it [23]. In situ part monitoring is under development as an alternative to inspection after fabrication, this holds great promise because it allows for inspection of the interior of complex parts during fabrication [24,25]. Process Knowledge Additive Manufacturing is still in its infancy. Processes are being studied and new features continue to emerge; practitioners have yet to fully understand how to leverage all of the positive elements and how to mitigate the impact of the challenging features. Rapid 25 Manufacturing has been most successful as engineers have learned how to target some of the design and performance benefits while solving certain qualification issues. 1.4 Conclusion: The DFAM framework of leveraging the pros and limiting exposure to the cons of AM processing will be critical to understanding the current transformation of AM from rapid prototyping to Rapid Manufacturing. Additionally, the framework provides perspective for examining the design methodology and development process presented in the following chapters. Many of the concepts presented will add another layer to the benefits and drawbacks presented above. 26 Chapter 2: The Adoption of Rapid Manufacturing 2.1.1 Tipping the Balance Until recently, Rapid Manufacturing for end-use parts was an option only for a small niche group of AM users. Continued improvements in materials, machines, and testing methodology have helped drive down the impact of some of the challenges, thereby reshaping the cost-benefit tradeoff. The resulting shift has been captured by data collected in the Wohlers report, shown in Figure 3, showing how utilization of end-use parts has grown over the past decade. 40 35 +0 1 ------------------------ - - - - (A cd ---- 30 ------------------------------------- 25- --------------------------------- ------- 20 ---------------------------- 28.3 4.4 -- - 4.0 -----19.6 17.2 1510 -- -- --------- 9. - - -- - - -- - - -- - - 4.0 8.3 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Figure 3: The increase in spending at service bureaus on end-use parts. Source: Wohlers Report 2014 [7]. Currently, end-use parts represent more than one-third of the business for Additive Manufacturing service bureaus. 27 2.1.2 Trend Setting Examples The most effective utilization of Rapid Manufacturing has been within low-volume manufacturing: taking advantage of the mold-free economics and geometric complexity available through this method. Two industries in particular have successfully utilized these benefits: the medical device market in which prostheses, surgical guides and implants can be customized for customers' specific profiles, and the aerospace industry in which the geometric freedom has enabled higher performance parts to be developed. In each of these cases, value has not been derived by delivering lower cost manufactured parts but rather through an increase in part performance. A striking example of the adoption of RM for medical manufacturing has been the fabrication of hearing aids of which more than ten million of which have been designed and produced to fit into individual patients' ears [26]. The added value of a customized fit and the ability to fabricate replacement units without holding inventory or re-measuring a person's ears outweighs any additional manufacturing costs. For these reasons it is estimated that 90% of hearing aids are now made with RM, more than two million per year [7]. Rapid manufactured acetabular cups for hip replacements demonstrate another example of geometric freedom providing critical advantages. One of the key benefits of this design over those made via conventional manufacturing is the ability to create a range of densities within the same part. Varying density enables the porous side to nrovide an ontimal site for Osseo-integration (bone growth), while the polished high density side creates an efficient ball and socket joint. Additive manufactured accetabular cups have been implanted in more than 90,000 patients in Europe and recently the FDA has allowed implantation of similar devices in the United States [7,27]. Within the aerospace industry, one of the most notable parts being rapidly manufactured is a fuel injector nozzle for the LEAP engine scheduled to enter service in 2016 on Boeing 737 and Airbus A380 airplanes. The utilization of RM to make this part has received a great deal of press due to the scale of manufacturing and the increased performance it provides. It will be manufactured in quantities between 20,000 and 50,000 units per year. The highlight of this project is that the new fuel injector, by utilizing geometric freedom of AM, has reduced an assembly of 20 parts to a single part, resulting in a reduction of mass by 25% and a fivefold increase in durability [28]. 28 2.1.3 Economics of Rapid Manufacturing and the Direct Substitution Fallacy Though the following academic research suggests that RM is not cost effective in large quantities, the examples of the fuel injector nozzle and hearing aid have demonstrated that manufacturing products on a scale of tens of thousands to millions can be profitable. A number of studies have explored the manufacturing cost tradeoffs between choosing to & manufacture a part by injection molding or Rapid Manufacturing. Two studies: Hopkins Dickens and Ruffo et al. state that the economical break-even volume between AM and injection molding ranges from roughly 1,000 to 10,000 based on part size [9,19]. More recently, Atzeni et al. conducted similar research focusing on the effect of redesigning the RM part to be better suited for Additive Manufacturing. Their results show that the breakeven point for a small part rose to roughly 90,000, demonstrating a substantial shift when the design is tailored for AM [10]. A key limitation of these studies is their assumption that new parts will ultimately perform identically to traditional parts; as we have seen in the preceding examples, this generally is not the case. Let us formalize this concept that we can define as the Direct Substitution Fallacy, as the belief that Additive Manufacturing can be substituted to create end-use parts without altering designs tailored for traditional manufacturing. Without accounting for this fallacy, analysis is almost without exception a disappointment. Typically, material properties are inferior, costs are higher and tolerances are worse [13,12]. To make up for these deficiencies the part must be redesigned expressly for RM to have a more efficient geometry or an otherwise increased value [11]. 2.1.4 Research Questions This thesis examines the impact that Rapid Manufacturing can have on both the design and development processes. The research into this was motivated by the desire to gain a better understanding in how these two processes can be aligned to the advantages of AM. Specifically, this thesis sets out to answer two key questions: 1. How does one leverage the benefits of RM during the design process? 29 2. Can the unique characteristics of RM be utilized to enhance the development process? The third and fourth chapters will focus on answering the first of the questions and will explore how to design parts for RM. A methodology will be proposed that leverages benefits while minimizing the impact of the challenges of AM. Typically, to justify the increased cost of AM parts, a design must outperform conventionally-manufactured designs. In chapter four, two case studies are explored to illustrate the proposed design methodology and the benefits of its utilization. The second question will be answered in the fifth chapter, which offers an approach for how one can leverage AM to improve the product development process. We will explore how the development process for Rapid Manufacturing is fundamentally different than that for conventional manufacturing. And it will be argued that these key differences, when leveraged correctly, can be of substantial financial benefit. 2.1.5 Value Proposition Research is underway to improve upon current systems to minimize or eliminate the challenges that have restricted the use of Additive Manufacturing technology. Improved material properties, qualification procedures, robust AM systems, and closed loop control systems are all under development. Together, these improvements will shift the value proposition for Rapid Manufacturing and, as a result, pressure will rise to leverage this increasingly robust technology. A McKinsey & Company survey highlights the lack of organizational readiness for adoption. The report states, "In essence, more than half of the market has yet to grasp AM's applications [29]." Currently, AM is being heralded as an important new technology based solely on its manufacturing freedom. Yet there is a lack of literature on exploring how best to reshape the design process and the product development process to amplify the benefits. Due to the similarities between AM processes, increased knowledge in this area will apply to all of the various AM processes and will engender increasing relevance as the technology becomes more mature. 30 Chapter 3: Breaking out of the Mold 3.1 Fighting Against Our Design Instincts This chapter is divided into two sections and sets out to answer how we can best leverage the benefits of RM during the design process. The first section explores the tools we use for design and how those contribute to the design process. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the different tools examined, we propose a methodology of design for AM. 3.1.1 The Design Paradox For the first time, design has become more challenging than manufacturing. Design and manufacturing have historically been intertwined, typically with the designer pushing the manufacturer to implement increasingly complex designs. Now, that paradigm is reversed. With the development of Additive Manufacturing, it has become possible to fabricate objects of virtually unlimited intricacy leading to the slogan that "complexity is free." But this is only half of the creation process and designing has not become any easier. The reduction of constraints on the manufacturing process shifts the limitations from manufacturing to design. We are now in a design-limited paradigm where we could make increasingly complex objects if only we could design them. This transition is well captured by Reeves: "Most products are not optimised, as they are 'designed-for-manufacture' rather than 'manufactured-for-design [30]."' 3.1.2 Breaking Out of Design Fixation Currently, a significant limitation in learning to design for Additive Manufacturing is an understanding of how to distance ourselves from past designs. Since design always has to be manufacturable, we design within the regime of the possible as defined by what can be manufactured. In traditional design, consideration is paid to tool access, wall thickness variations, undercuts, draft angles, and a myriad of other factors that are not relevant for 3D 31 printing. While manufacturing is less restrictive with Additive Manufacturing, assembly constraints remain of critical importance. By carefully considering how something would be made and assembled, Boothroyd and Dewhurst established that savings of 50% over a project life cycle could be realized [31]. Their work demonstrated a significant interdependence between design, manufacturing, and assembly that has led to greater focus on their interaction. While 3D printing is not free from restrictions, it has many fewer manufacturing constraints -- and those it has serve mainly as guidelines. Guidelines do not strictly prohibit features but instead increase the cost of the feature, typically driven by build time, post processing and material waste. To generate complex engineering systems, we often build off past experiences: engineers are taught not to "reinvent the wheel." While such an approach is often beneficial, one often inherits obsolete assumptions tied to traditional manufacturing methods. That phenomenon is referred to as design fixation: when designers are primed with specific concepts that result in a restricted ability to conduct novel design generation. With this fixation, the framing of design problems influences designers, limiting the range of their ideas and ability to think creatively [32,33]. And this phenomenon of design fixation is particularly impactful in Additive Manufacturing, where conventional manufacturing experience restricts novel designs that leverage the advantages brought by AM [34]. 3.2 Design for Manufacturing 3.2.1 Guidelines for Design To design effectively for RM, engineers must have an intimate understanding of AM technology and its specific constraints. Due to the recent development of AM technology and the diversity of the systems and software available, users must often experimentally determine many of the system constraints. The case studies examined here for this research involve manufacturing using metal powder bed fusion, more specifically Selective Laser Melting (SLM) with an EOS system. The following set of guidelines for AM are based on authors previous work on the development of an AM Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) built with FDM [35]. The design 32 guidelines were synthesized to assist designers in understanding the fundamental differences between AM design and traditional design. These guidelines have been adapted from FDM to metal PBF, many of the following considerations apply to other AM processes as well: Part Orientation - The orientation of a part during the printing process impacts many of its final characteristics; the layer deposition process creates an inherent anisotropy in the part, which may adversely affect its strength properties. In metal, these effects are quite small. For example, Ti6AL4V yield strength differs by only 2%, for FDM ABS-M30 it is 20% and some processes more than 50% [36,37,20]. - Depending on orientation, some features require support material. e At small scales, print orientation can affect figure error on shapes, such as circles. Digital Design - Every part has a resolution of a discrete size that is dictated by a physical constant, such the diameter of the laser. - For very small-scale or thin-walled parts, the dimensions of a sub element must be a multiple of the laser beam spot size. - The vertical build direction resolution is limited by the layer height. Support Material Plan * Metallic support material is wasteful; it takes additional material and time to create and must be removed and thrown away after fabrication, requiring handing and extensive processing time. - The further above the build plane a supported feature is located, the more costly it is since support material propagates through the entire height of the print. - Depending on geometry, support material may not be required to bridge small gaps. For example, a typically-supported feature, such as a horizontal hole, often can be built support-free with only minor distortion. 33 .. ..... .. ... Overhanging Structures - The machine can create self-supporting overhangs up to a specific angle; in the case of metallic PBF systems, this angle is roughly 45 degrees from the vertical axis. - The part may be reoriented to eliminate problematic overhangs. Here, the tradeoff between the two potential configurations must be evaluated -- changes may not necessarily reduce support but instead shift it to another location. Alternatively, the support may be reduced but the build may take longer. The behavior of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is quite similar to that of PBF in metal. Figure 4 shows the effects of part orientation, digital design, support structures and overhanging structures. Figure 4: Effect of orientation on support structure. Blue is the part material and yellow is support material. Note the effect digital of design in the representation of the fillet, outlined with red, and of the sensitivity to overhanging structures and the required support material. In this example, we see the dramatic effect of reorienting the part. In doing so there is a decrease in the overhanging structures and thus in required support structure. The effect of digital design, the discretization of material, is exemplified by the poor representation of the fillet on the left. Finally, the difference between a fillet and chamfer results in dramatic difference in support structure required. 34 3.3 Design Tools and Design Frameworks The software tools we use have a strong effect on the types of designs we create. This section examines two different categories of design tools to understand some of the fundamental differences that exist. Two main categories of tools are: Computer Aided Design tools, where the user models every detail of the design with his or her own hand, and generative Computer Based Design (CBD) tools, where users create computer interfacing rules that in turn generate the parts. An explanation of how bioinspired design and function based design tools fit into the generative category of design tools will also be examined. 3.3.1 Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design has advanced dramatically from its origins as a drafting aid, but its fundamental role has always been to help engineers design objects to be physically realized [38,39]. The implication is that there is no need to be able to model structures that cannot be built. The result has been to develop features that enable engineers to build parts digitally in a way that reflects their physical counterparts and resultant traditional manufacturing methods [8]. In the common design software, Solidworks, an example of manufacturing influencing a digital tool, the extrude function largely reflects milling operations; revolve similarly reflects turning operations, etc. Historically, the reflection of manufacturing constraints in digital design software has not been problematic since it has not added further restrictions. As we focus on design for Additive Manufacturing, the connection between software and traditional manufacturing greatly restricts our ability to design novel shapes and therefore to think in ways that capture the potential of the new tools. The following subsections represent a survey of design tools and frameworks for addressing the software challenges of AM. 3.3.2 Animation Software The manufacturing bias in software described above is a product of the fundamentals of engineering; animation software, on the other hand, which considers design without the intent of fabrication. Animation software enables us to investigate design tools 35 free from the influence of manufacturing bias. This different end-goal has resulted in the creation of a dramatically different tool, one that has a great deal more flexibility but typically creates only the surface meshes required to produce animations. An example of this freedom can be seen in Autodesk's Maya software. Within Maya, the this is particularly apparent in the XGen tool, which uses rules and guide curves to build arrays of objects on top of existing surfaces [40]. The XGen is often used for the creation of hair or foliage but could be envisioned as a method to generate surface textures on a part for printing or as a framework for lattice generation. While there are a lot of important elements that can be taken from animation software as a class of design tools, the use of surface meshes can present problems when creating models for 3D printing. 3.3.3 Complexity, Simplicity and Biomimicry "Complexity is free," an often-espoused mantra for AM, may be true from a manufacturing perspective, but it is not from a design perspective. Each detail costs computation power, yielding models that become burdensome during design and sometimes too complex for converting the file from geometry to tool paths for printing. We can expect in the future that software will more efficiently address complex 3D structures and that computer power will continue to increase, lessening these effects. Beyond the increased processing power required for traditional CAD, each detail requires time by the designer to create it. Simple designs are faster to create, cheaper to make, easier to understand, and quicker to communicate. They are developed more quickly since creators can explain the designs to peers more effectively, interface with analysis teams more easily, create drawings for manufacturing teams more swiftly, and create tooling that will be easier to design and fabricate. As a result, most designed objects have straight lines and simple curves, and deviate from this form only when there is a design constraint. Yet each of these ideals is founded in a paradigm of traditional manufacturing where each detail, if removed, will create a simpler, cheaper and often more effective design. Over the last 70 years there has been a push to explore nature as inspiration for engineering through bionics, biomimicry and biomimetics as a way to leverage the evolutionary advantages that nature has developed [41]. This discipline evokes the 36 comparison of human and natural design, one in which we see fundamental differences. As we compare man-made designs to those of nature, we find that the simplistic straight lines and right angles common to human design are a rarity in nature. When analyzing the design of natural systems, we quickly reach our limits of understanding. The systems are often so complex and made up of so many different elements that we struggle to grasp the design intent and sometimes even the environmental pressures that guided it. As a result, we often implicitly accept that evolution has demonstrated the functional efficacy of the organism or feature even though we may not completely understand its function. Frequently, in bioinspired design, the most challenging step is to understand the significance of the mechanisms of the natural system so that they can then be distilled and translated into a mechanical design [42]. As an example, let us consider a design exercise asking us to create a foundation for a tall vertical cantilever beam subject to wind loading that uses a minimum of material. Nature grows a tree with a complex root system that anchors it into the earth. As a human designer we might extend the cantilever beam deep into the ground and affix it with four fins to increase its exposed surface area, a depiction of this is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Natural root system compared to engineering run and shaft design. Clearly, in this problem there is a tradeoff between design complexity and performance. As designers, if we assume that the root system requires half as much material as the finned beam design, we find ourselves in a bind: we would like to take advantage of the increased efficiency of the root system but are unable to create it. There is no technology that can fabricate a root system, and this represents the point at which the discussion usually ends. Although no current Additive Manufacturing system could create such a large-scale 37 structure, AM introduces fabrication capabilities for detail on the level of a root system. The greater challenge that still remains, yet is rarely discussed: design the root system. If we consider the future feasibility of manufacturing, we must consider how design may work. Programming could be used as a tool for design; we can envision that a person could design a fractal-based algorithm that would generate a custom sized "root" system for the cantilever beam. Computers could be used as part of the creative design process, a fundamentally different usage from how we have designed historically. In this generative paradigm we can create rules for a system that governs its behavior rather than explicitly defming it. 3.3.4 Computer-Based Design Let us shift our focus from computer-aided design to computer-based design, which is a less well-known term in the field. CAD tools primarily focus on creating a more streamlined design process and increasing efficiency [38]: the goal is to realize the designer's intent more efficiently than manual drafting, akin to how a word processor improves upon the efficiency of a typewriter. The term Computer Based Design, coined by Mistree and Muster, focuses on utilizing computers differently for design [2]. In computer-based design, substantially more work is shifted from the designer to the computer. Now, not only can design software aid in realization of concepts, it can be one of the drivers in creating increasingly complex and efficient designs. Implementing CBD is an active research area. Structural optimization is one form of CBD and will be examined later in this chapter. 3.3.5 Function Based Design To create a framework for generating more complex designs, we need to shift how we define design problems such that computers can be more integrated in the process. During the design process, we generate lists of functional requirements, but those lists are not necessarily comprehensive and, more insidiously, they are often arbitrary. This lack of rigor in framing the design problem functionally is mitigated by two factors; the designer's interpretation of the requirements and the explicit generation of forms by the designer. If we move towards a function-based design, we must instead strive to carefully understand the needs of the design problem rather than an explicit vision of its potential form. 38 If the input of the design process can subtly shift from explicit forms to requirements, the opportunity exists to envision a much more powerful parametric design tool. This tool, instead of being driven by variable dimensions, could be driven by variable function requirements, such as forces on the structure and boundary conditions. Here, the user would proceed in a similar fashion to how a designer now parametrically adjusts dimensions. With this methodology, design would be explored by investigating how changes to loading, objective, and constraints on the problem affect the design's form. While CAD tools focus on increasing designer productivity, they do little to alter the type of output. CBD tools not only begin to increase productivity but also foster a new design methodology and a path for the generation of new forms. Topology optimization is a CBD tool that is currently gaining traction in structural optimization. 3.4 Structural Optimization 3.4.1 History of Structural Optimization Structural optimization is a function-based design approach driven by a set of constraints and an objective function. The optimization process centers on minimizing the objective without violating the constraints. A key contribution to the field of structural optimization came in 1904 when Michell published "The Limits of Economy of Material in Frame-structures." This work laid the foundation for structural optimization by demonstrating several analytically-optimized structures and developing some rules which govern optimized structures [43]. His work on analytical optimums of structures were limited by the complexity of hand calculations, but could be built upon to explore a more diverse range of problems with the introduction of computers. The initial examples that Mitchell produced remain relevant today as benchmarks for many algorithmic solvers. 3.4.2 Optimization Engine To conduct structural optimization, two distinct modules of software are required. The first is an analysis module, typically a finite element analysis (FEA) tool that is capable of determining the behavior of a structure. The second is an optimization module that uses 39 the data created by the finite element analysis tool to modify the design and submit it for reanalysis. The optimizer often takes advantage of a subroutine that conducts a sensitivity analysis of the problem to guide the software as to what variables to modify [44]. 3.4.3 Types of Optimization For structural optimization, it is common to break the field into three distinct categories: size, shape, and topology. The following diagram shows schematics for the three main optimization techniques as illustrated by Bendsoe. (a) (b) (c) Figure 6: (a) size optimization, (b) shape optimization, (c) topology optimization. Source: Bendsoe [45]. Size Optimization Size optimization is the simplest type of optimization; it centers on the relative sizing of specific structural members. In the case of a truss, the cross section of each member is adjusted to match the load passing through it. The result is that the original layout or shape of the truss remains, but individual elements are resized creating a system that best fulfills the optimality criteria. Shape Optimization Shape optimization enables changes to the form of an object within certain boundaries. For this process, the topology of the part, the edges, and holes remain constant while the position and dimensions of the design are adjusted and optimized. This process is achieved by adjusting the surfaces of a 3D model or the edges of a 2D model (as seen in Figure 6 above). 40 Topology Optimization Topology optimization (TO) has the most flexibility of these three methods enabling its use for a wider range of applications. Typically, for topology optimization, a design space is defined and subdivided into small sections that are used as the basis for finite elements. An optimal distribution of material is then solved for. Topology optimization solves for the global optimum provided the problem is convex and the constraint objective and design space have been appropriately modeled. This is not typically the case since most solvers used for this type of analysis are gradient-descent-based solvers that for non-convex problems are capable of finding only local optima. Yet while local optima are not ideal, they still frequently provide very high performance solutions. There are many implementations of Topology optimization, but the most broadly used methodology is called Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP). Ideally, TO searches for a discrete solution in which the material either is present or void for every element of the model. This is prohibitively expensive computationally, and therefore continuous formulations of the problem have been developed. Bendsoe and Kikuchi in 1988 created the method called SIMP which tackles the topology optimization problem by creating a continuous design variable for each element called virtual density, designated rho [4]. This variable represents the influence of that element on the design problem and is a multiplier that scales both the stiffness imparted into the structure by that element as well as the mass of the element. The penalization comes in by making the stiffness contribution of that element nonlinear. The governing function is shown in Equation 1, Ei = pi - E 0 Where: i is the element index Ei is the virtual stiffness of element 1 pi is the virtual density of element 1 p is the penalization factor Eo is the material stiffness Equation 1: Element stiffness definition as a function of virtual density and Young's modulus The penalization factor helps to guide the optimization to create fewer intermediate density regions yet keeps the problem formulated in a continuous fashion. 41 3.4.4 Beam Bending Example Problem Formulation To illustrate this topology optimization process more clearly, we can work through a design exercise based on a three point bending example. First, the initial conditions are captured in the solver. In Figure 7 we see that the design space is now set and that the loads and boundary conditions have been inputted. Figure 7: Beam bending problem formulation: design region, loads and boundary conditions. For this problem, we will formulate the objective as a minimization of the global compliance of the structure subject to a given load and constrained by a maximum quantity of material. In symbolic terms: Find P = (P1,P2 ... Pi ...PN) Minimize H(P) = compliance _U(P) - F F N 0.3 pi -V i Subject to g(P) = t=1 0 pi 1 Where: i is the element index N is the number of elements pi is the virtual density of element i P is the virtual density vector F is the force vector U is the displacement vector Now we can apply this problem to the optimization software and produce the raw results. 42 p=1, compliance =74.1 p=1.5, compliance =80.7 p=2, compliance =84.9 p=3, compliance =85.2 Figure 8: Topology optimization output as a function of penalty value with virtual density shown as a grayscale and compliance reported. The output at this stage still contains intermediate densities which are represented in Figure 8 in greyscale. White represents zero density and black is full density. Additionally, the significance of the penalization factor ranging from one (no penalization) to three (significant penalization) on the solution is evident. As penalization increases a more discrete solution is generated, but at the cost of performance. In this problem, we see that the compliance increases by 15%. In return for this decrease in performance, in the topology optimization problem, the un-realizable intermediate densities are minimized. Finally, the last step is to apply a filter to remove any remaining intermediate densities. Thresholding The process of removing intermediate densities is typically referred to as thresholding. The simplest and most common approach is to set an arbitrary density as a cut-off such that any value greater than this density will become full density and any value less than this will become a void. A typical threshold is 0.3. We will use this typical threshold 43 for our design exercise. The results are displayed in Figure 9. For the low penalization solutions, the effect of thresholding is quite substantial and much of the elegance and performance of the design is forfeited. The higher the penalization, the smaller the effect thresholding will have on the design. Therefore the designs generated with higher penalizations will more likely represent the original design well. p=1 Threshold = 0.3 p=1.5 Threshold = 0.3 p=2 Threshold = 0.3 p=3 Threshold = 0.3 Figure 9: Beam bending results thresholded at 0.3 with varying penalty weighting. From this example it is clear that many variables contribute to how a problem is formed and also how it is processed and thus what sort of output is generated. It is important to note that, although a problem may have been optimized, there is no guarantee that it was formulated correctly or processed correctly. If we examine the top design from Figure 9 we see a relatively low performing design, here we have a problem that although formulated correctly was not processed effectively ultimately resulting in a suboptimal solution. 44 3.4.5 Design Methods Utilizing Topology Optimization: Topology optimization can be utilized in multiple different ways to support the design process. Here, we examine a few of the common ways that it is used: first, instances where it is used as inspiration; second, detail design for conventional manufacturing; and third, final part generation for Additive Manufacturing. Inspiration Based Design One typical application of topology optimization occurs during the concept phase of a project. This is the simplest method of use, requiring only the boundary geometry and a load case, since the objective is typically to minimize compliance for a given volume fraction. For simple problem formulations, material properties need not even be introduced. As in the prior example, the volume fraction is limited, and a stiff structure is generated. The engineer or designer then examines the output and gleans insight from the load paths that have taken shape. Utilizing these generated forms, a design for a structure is developed including any additional necessary criteria for the design or intuitive engineering changes. Extending the example above we can apply the inspiration methodology the output from Figure 9 the results are shown in Figure 10. b) Figure 10: Inspired design based off topology optimization. Figure 10 a) shows a sample thresholded topology optimization output and how it might be converted to b) an interpretation of design into largely straight sections that could be easily constructed. We might expect in this example that further sizing could be achieved manually. 45 To summarize the inspiration utilization of TO, Figure 11 shows a flow diagram of the steps required for this utilization of topology optimization, including the interpretation mentioned above. Topology Optimization Phase P. Figure 11: Flow diagram for inspiration based use of TO. This method is highly effective because it avoids a number of the limitations of the TO process. First, it does not require complete formulation of the problem from an analytical perspective. Additionally, not all load cases are needed and post processing is limited only to visual "inspiration" for the designer who tunes the general form with the help of additional modeling. Traditional Manufactured Design The second way TO is often used is to create a more refined design for traditional manufacture of a complex component. For this process, the designer must be much more comfortable with the use of both the TO software and an understanding of FEA. The design must be well defined in terms of functional requirements and an objective function. This TO will be used to create a rough model of the final part. It will be subject to redesign by the user to ensure that all features are manufacturable, and to convert the voxelated design into something that conforms to standard engineering practices. During post processing, this is very much like reverse engineering. The designer carefully creates a 46 classical mechanical design utilizing a traditional CAD package [46-48]. The design is recreated to envision the part as a person would design it with extruded features, cuts revolves, fillets etc. For our example part in Figure 12 there is very little pixilation (in 3D voxelation) given the large number of elements that were used. Therefore, the primary task was to create normal geometric shapes and ensure manufacturability. a) b) Figure 12: Traditionally manufacturable design based on TO For this example the design was treated as a part that would be milled, and to aid in ease of fabrication the design was limited to a discrete set of three corner radii. The process explained here is summarized in Figure 13 in a flow chart. Topology Optimization Phase Figure 13: Traditional manufactured design topology optimization flow chart. There are two key differences between this mode of use and the previous one. The first, is the required pre-optimization fidelity that must be understood about formulation of 47 functional requirements and then generation of boundary conditions, objective and design volume. The second, is the care with which the design is reverse engineered after optimization during its conversion to CAD. Additive Manufactured Design Additive Manufacturing TO methodology is similar to the pre-processing of the traditional manufacturing TO methodology. In keeping with the detail required for traditional manufacturing TO methodology, we must have a comprehensive understanding of the problem from a functional standpoint in order to capture the requirements and objectives. The major difference in process occurs during the post-processing phase in which the user normally follows the same reverse engineering process, substituting AM design guidelines for the traditional manufacturing constraints. We will argue, however, that this methodology is not particularly well suited to design for AM. This is because, as previously explained, humans are easily overwhelmed by extreme complexity and thus driven to simplify the design. The reverse engineering step will have the adverse effect of removing complexity from the design and also transforming it into traditional geometries that are easy to model. We propose that it is instead better to eliminate this step. Rather than taking the output model from topology optimization and transforming into a parametric CAD model, the designer should manipulate the design directly, working with the output mesh, smoothing it and making small modifications as needed. The output of the beam example is shown in Figure 14 transitioning from the topology optimization output to a finalized smoothed design. a) b) Figure 14: AM manufacturable design based on TO 48 One benefit of this direct mesh editing approach is that no functional complexity is removed that would cost the design performance. Additionally, less time is required to update the design to its final form. The flow chart of the AM optimization workflow is shown in Figure 15. Topology Optimization Phase Figure 15: AM topology optimization flow chart. The methodology demonstrated through this beam bending example uses TO for the direct generation of geometry. We will expand on this below. 3.4.6 Proposed Process: An outline of the implementation of the Additive Manufacturing TO process from Figure 15 is presented below in greater detail. The case studies in the following chapter will be approached using an instantiation of the TO for AM methodology described here. 1. Formulation of Functional Requirements The designer must fully capture the characteristics of the part as specific functional requirements. This is a challenging process because many design requirements are hard to formulate, and instead the design falls back on the engineering equivalent of "I'll know it when I see it." During the conventional design process, the common sense of the designer tempers the results, preventing trivial outcomes. For TO, the requirements are mathematically operated by the solver and thus trivial edge cases are both common and problematic. 2. Generation of Boundary Conditions, Loads, Objective, and Design Volume 49 This second step is the mathematical distillation of the previous set of functional requirements. Here, the boundary conditions, loads, objective and design volume must be reformulated to be mathematically rigorous. A boundary volume must be generated that constitutes the maximum allowable space that the design can exist within. Next, the design space must be split into design and non-design regions. Design regions are volumes in which the optimizer can modify the element densities and non-design regions are "keep-out" zones where the density cannot be adjusted such as mating areas. A mathematical objective function and a set of load cases must also be defined. 3. TO Software Execution This phase is an involved process of converting the problem formulation from step one and step two into a format for the optimization software. After running the topology optimization routine, the user must interpret the results. This step involves checking to see that the results make intuitive sense (confirming the problem formulation) and thresholding the design at an appropriate level. Finally, the geometry must be captured again as a finite element model for additional analysis and then exported. 4. Analysis Now that a specific geometry has been generated, the user runs an analysis on the design to gain an understanding of how the thresholding and smoothing has affected the design. Optistruct has a thresholding tool: OSS Smooth can be used along with thresholding and smoothing, to map the original boundary conditions and load cases to the new geometry. This analysis will demonstrate any deficiencies or excess structure in the design that should be modified. Two different methods for this modification can be explored; the first and simplest option is to choose a new threshold value. The new value should be lower if the design lacks strength, or higher if the design has excess structure. Once the optimal threshold has been determined, the results can be exported for post processing. The surface boundary of the geometry is captured, and then an STL file is written from the surface triangles. 5. Post Processing For this step, the STL file is imported into a software tool for direct modification of the mesh. The part design is finalized and readied for manufacturing. In many cases, 50 the symmetries that are taken advantage of in order to simplify the problem must now be used to regenerate the full part. Additionally, smoothing operations must be conducted to eliminate coarse triangulation of the topology optimization. Also, any features based on the previous analysis that are ineffective may be directly modified. Examples of this include kinked beams, vestigial growths or overly thin sections. Additionally, the non-design regions of the geometry are often most effectively smoothed and repaired by directly substituting STL's generated from their original parametric geometry. For this project, two different tools were used in concert: Autodesk Meshmixer and Materialise 3-Matic STL. Meshmixer has very effective features for intuitive local smoothing and 3-Matic STL has effective tools for mirroring and joining multiple STL's into a final part. At the conclusion of this step the design should be smooth and ready for fabrication. 6. Down Sampling and Remeshing In this step, the mesh is readied for 3D printing and prepared for a final validation FEA. To do this, the mesh must be down sampled to a resolution that can be effectively analyzed. This lower resolution mesh is saved and then sent back for analysis as in step four. 7. Export STL for 3D printing After the final analysis has verified the performance of the design and the user is satisfied, the STL can be exported for 3D printing. The export will be of the file generated at the end of step 5, not the down sampled design used for reanalysis. 3.5 Conclusion This section has outlined a function based design methodology that utilizes TO as a computer based design tool. We have seen that using a functional description for a problem can lead to complex, novel, high performing designs and can be readily manufactured with AM. This methodology will next be applied to two case studies in Chapter 4, which will further explore the intricacies of this process as well as its efficacy applied to real world problems. 51 Chapter 4: Applying an AM Aligned Design Methodology 4.1 Case Studies Chapter 3 introduced a design process: CBD-function based design methodology that utilizes TO to generate designs tailored to AM. In an effort to better understand this process we examine its efficacy when applied to real world problems. The following case studies explore the inner workings of this methodology, its applicability to 3D designs and expose the challenges of its implementation. The two studies we will investigate include a high-speed spinning mirror and the GrabCAD GE Bracket Challenge. The spinning mirror design focuses on validation of the methodology and the development of the post processing technique. The same process was then applied to the second case, the GrabCAD GE Bracket Challenge, results from which were benchmarked against the collection of other entries to the challenge. 4.1.1 Spinning Mirror A case study investigating the development of a low-weight spinning mirror for imaging was enabled by a novel post-processing technique for AM. Topology optimization was used for the design, which was fabricated in aluminum, AlSil 0Mg, by metallic powder bed fusion. This approach enables RM metallic mirrors to be fabricated by growing an additive manufactured blank, post processing the faces, coating them with electroless nickel, and diamond turning [49]. The system performance drives a requirement for minimal face-deformations of the mirror while under inertial loading from high-speed rotation. This methodology is particularly well suited to this problem because the primary loading of the mirror is driven by its own weight. As mass is removed from the design, loading is also reduced, providing positive feedback that helps dramatically reduce weight. 52 In engineering system design, there is a persistent desire to reduce the SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) requirements of a system. This goal is of paramount importance in the development of aircraft and spacecraft, where every additional pound of payload increases the cost of operation over the 30-year life of the aircraft by $40,000 or a spacecraft launch by $10,000 [50,51]. The use of aircraft and spacecraft for surveillance creates a demand for lightweight optics. The benefit of lightweight optics is compounded when the optical component is dynamically actuated in the system, causing the mass of the component to drive its own loading. This phenomenon is called self-weighting. As a result, light-weight optimized mirrors can lead to great reductions of full system mass since they require less support structure and lower power drive systems [52,53]. The geometry available for the design is constrained by the requirement for the four optical surfaces as well as mechanical interface with the motor. The optical surfaces must have a range of deflections no greater than 500 nm perpendicular to the face while rotating at a constant rate of 21 Hz about its center axis. For system packaging efficiency, the motor is installed inside of the mirror body and interfaces with the hub. A cross section of the mirror is shown in Figure 16. Figure 16: Mirror bounding volume in cross section: Red portions define mechanical interface regions that cannot be modified and blue portions are mirror faces and cannot be altered. The central void houses the drive motor and is unavailable. Green represents the available design volume. The geometry shown in Figure 16 was then converted into a finite element model in Figure 17. It was decomposed by symmetry into a one-eighth model and imported into Optistruct. The geometry was then meshed with 3mm, second order (ten node) tetrahedral 53 elements, resulting in a model of approximately 20,000 elements. The model was divided into design and non-design regions where the red interface region and blue mirror face region as depicted in Figure 16 were both considered non-design and the green region was the available design space. Figure 17: Optistruct finite element model of one-eighth mirror. An unexpected result occurred when this model was run through the topology optimization solver. It was discovered that the solver had disconnected the inner hub from the outer faces. For clarity, the design for a one-quarter model is shown in Figure 18. 54 Figure 18: Top view of with symbolic boundary conditions; disconnected hub (left), modified load case and connected hub (right). At first, the disconnected hub appeared to be an error resulting from the topological optimization, but further investigation demonstrated that the error was actually in the problem statement. The error results from the simplified load case that is being analyzed with constant rotation about the central axis. In the simplified load case, there is no start up torque, no gravity, no vibration and no air resistance and thus no need to connect the hub to the faces. For this free-floating condition, supporting structures can be created between faces more efficiently than spokes to the hub, the faces enabling a "higher performance" design. Here are two ways to address this disconnected hub problem. First, a non-design region can be included, generating spokes and directing the optimization to the type of solution desired. Second, the boundary conditions or load cases can be modified to include conditions that ensure an appropriate optimized design would be generated. The second method was used since the shape of the spokes could not be determined a priori and thus could not be added optimally. The correction made to the model was an additional load case. This vertical load applied to the top face of the mirror creates the structural need for connection between the internal hub and the face of the mirror. 55 Using this updated problem formulation, topology optimization was executed in 80 design iterations over approximately 37 minutes.' The resulting output was thresholded and run through OSS Smooth at various values; a density of 20% was ultimately selected. This design, shown in the left image of Figure 19, was selected because of its low mass and the expected potential to meet the necessary performance requirements. While the performance of the original thresholded solution did not meet the performance specification, as can be observed in the large red regions of the design, good performance in the top half of the design and the presence of suboptimal features in the bottom half provided a map for how to selectively modify the design rather than increase the threshold. 0et [ 5sp0ea s I100E4 10540 otsoloodi te g) s n E04 5 5 3 8E-04 455E-0: -3 83E-04 t 2o 2405E 04 37E-04 413E0 390E-04 .43_.8-04 3E-04 103E-04 0000-5 11410.041 05 I-235E-0 I.444.1 4-536-05 Odd0 440 .4 =05 4 -n Odds05 7543 oel 000 dd 384 . 399E-05 Od3766 in 3-aiGT.Thscetda o-uate sm od.t nbesothn ttecne rX Figure 19: One-quarter mirror model showing displacements normal to the x-face (right); red regions do not meet specifications. Left, initial design directly from thresholding; ight, post processed resulting in 0.79%/ weight increase. Post processing was then performed, starting with a reflection of the one-eighth model in 3-Matic STL. This created a one-quarter model to enable smoothing at the center interface. The quarter model was imported into Meshmixer where it was manually modified and locally smoothed, focusing on one side and the transition region. After smoothing, the finished side was reflected to replace the other side, ensuring symmetry and generating a uniformly smoothed quarter model. These small modifications increased the mass of the mirror by 0.79%. This design, as shown in the right-hand image of Figure 19, was imported 1 Desktop PC with 2.13Ghz Intel Xeon with 12GB RAM. 56 back into Optistruct for re-analysis, and at this point it became clear that the design could meet the design requirements with only minor adjustments. The only region that did not meet the specifications was the lower section, and therefore, further post processing was conducted to enlarge the diameter of both the bottom and middle gussets. With these minor modifications, the design was brought within the deformation specifications, Figure 20, thereby verifying the functionality of the design. Contour Plot Displacement(X) Global System 6.000E-04 5.301E-04 - 4.601 E-04 3902E-04 32026 04 2.503E-04 1.804E-04 1.1 04E-04 4.047E-05 -2.947E-05 Max = 5.347E-04 Grids 67936 Min = -2.947E-05 Grids 225558 x z Figure 20: One-quarter model of final mirror design displacements normal to the x-face (right); faces meet surface figure specifications. The model has a final weight increase of 1.32% over the initial TO output; far less than would have been required to generate a design that met specifications through thresholding alone. Next, a small but important feature was added to the model: weighting lands were drilled and tapped to accept setscrews that can be used to balance the mirror. Figure 21 shows the insertion of a land for a setscrew. 57 Figure 21: Addition of a boss to accommodate a balancing setscrew in 3-Matic STL While these lands could have been programmed as non-design regions a priori, the locations of minimal impact could only be determined after topology optimization was performed. Regions furthest from the center with areas near the required land size were selected and enlarged as necessary for the setscrews. This added only 0. 18% to the total weight of the mirror and did not noticeably alter its performance. The final post processing was completed to transform the quarter model into the full model. The non-design regions, the hub and faces, were then deleted and original STL's generated from the native CAD were substituted in. Finally, the quarter design was reflected two more times and then joined and smoothed in 3-matic STL. The final result of the topology optimization design process is shown in Figure 22, beside the conventional design. Figure 22: Traditional mirror design on left, additive mirror design on right. 58 The topology optimized design is 62% lighter while still meeting the structural requirements for the part. A key lesson from the mirror case is that the design process, while presented earlier as a mostly linear-flow diagram in Figure 15, failed to capture much of the cyclic reformulation of the functional requirements. To better represent the methodology used in this case study, the flow diagram has been updated in Figure 23. Topology Optimization Phase condtionExportiv MmirZ Miinr Figure 23: AM Optimization flow chart, with backward red arrows representing required reformulation experimentation. The example of the disconnected hub demonstrates precisely the cyclic nature of this process. Frequently, a subtle problem in the formulation manifests itself as a substantial error after optimization. This can actually be very helpful in understanding the functional definition of a part. Our inexperience and lack of education regarding function-based design further aggravates this problem, leading us to otherwise avoidable pitfalls. 4.1.2 GrabCAD GE Engine Bracket The second case study examined was a GrabCAD challenge that was posted in 2013 as a collaboration with General Electric (GE) with a purse totaling $20,000. This contest received a great deal of attention because it promoted the fusion of structural optimization and Additive Manufacturing. It attracted a large group of participants, culminating with 640 submissions spanning an extensive range of tools and tactics [54]. A problem statement was presented online to create a lightweight bracket. The full problem statement is included in the Appendix the highlights of which include a material 59 definition of Ti-6A1-4V, geometric constraints and the load conditions for the part shown in Figure 24. Load Conditions 1 Load Conditions 2 Static Static Vertical Horizontal 5000 lbs up 8500 lbs out Load Condition 3 Load Condition 4 Static Static Torsional 42 degrees from vertical. Horizontal plane at centerline of clevis. 9500 lbs out 5000 lb-in Load Interfaces Interface 1 Interface2 InterfaceS InterfIcen4e Interfoce 5 Figure 24: Four load conditions for the bracket. Source [54]. After some initial feedback from participants, the problem was clarified on GrabCAD and additional critical information was provided. Explicit material properties were added to use for the 3D printed titanium, which was specified to be treated as isotropic with a Young's Modulus of 110 GPa, Poisson's Ratio of 0.31 and a yield stress of 903 MPa. It was also specified that the FEA used for evaluation of the designs would be ANSYS and the results would be processed with a linear-elastic material model and the bolts, pin and mounting surface would be treated as rigid bodies [54]. Finally, it was also clarified that the objective was to minimize the mass of the part. A few key interpretations of the problem statement were made to clarify the problem. First, the safety factor was assumed to be equal to 1 since it is carefully explained that the maximum allowable stress is the yield stress of 903 MPa, not some fraction thereof. This standard assumes that the load cases included safety factors. Second, from a topology optimization standpoint, a maximum displacement for the entire structure was inputted to ensure connectivity. This value was chosen to be 1mm. Using these assumptions and the information provided by GE, a model was created in Optistruct and optimized. The results of this optimization are shown in Figure 25. 60 Figure 25: Resulting geometry from TO optimization. Further ambiguity arose after topology optimization when it became clear that the highest stresses that occur in the design do so in the areas surrounding the bolted boundary conditions. As a result, the potential qualification or disqualification of a part was highly dependent on how the FEA model was created and not solely on the behavior of the part. These maximal stresses at the boundary conditions create difficult results to interpret. Within the FEA community, specific interpretations become very sensitive to the modeling subtleties. Often, results that occur from the elements connected to boundary conditions are considered to be artificially elevated. A study on the impact of boundary conditions would have been useful, but each optimization took almost five days to complete. After consulting with a couple of FEA experts, a decision was made to use specific constraint strategy, a RBE 3 wagon wheel connected via a CBush to a fixed node for each bolt connection, additional information on these finite element components can be found in the Glossary. These results are presented here. Given the ambiguity around the precise definition of boundary conditions, these results cannot be fully validated, and we are hoping to initiate future collaboration with GE to better understand how the problem was modeled during the competition. After careful exploration of different threshold values, a 20% threshold was selected. This included the assumption that the set of elements directly touching the boundary condition could be ignored. Based on that assumption, the maximum stress within the bulk of the part was kept below the required limits. Filtering the results for local stress-related anomalies, the maximum VonMises stress for the four load cases are as follows: 800 MPa, 61 700 MPa, 670 MPa, and 700 MPa, providing a safety factor of roughly 10%. Isometric and bottom views of the design are shown with VonMises stress mapping in Figure 26 and Figure 27 respectively. Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Load Case 3 Load Case 4 Figure 26: Isometric view of the final design with VonMises stress displayed. Maroon colored elements represent yielded material. IL '4. Load Case 3 Load Case 4 Figure 27: Bottom view of the final design with VonMises stress displayed. Maroon colored elements represent yielded material. 62 This 20% threshold design results in an 84.8% weight reduction from the original design. Had our design been submitted in 2013, it would have placed first in the competition with the greatest mass reduction, beating the top designs by a small margin. The top three designs along with the proposed design are presented in Figure 28 along with their weight reductions. TEUB 80.7% T_20 84.8% Figure 28: Comparison of topology optimized design with top three designs from the competition, displaying percent weight reduction. When comparing these designs, we can see distinct differences between each of them and the solution generated during this case study. Revisiting the discussion about design fixation from Chapter 3.1.2, it is clear that a methodology for design using topology optimization helps avoid the generation of similar non-optimal solutions. To build confidence in the solution, a qualitative comparison was made between the well-presented results from Thomas Johannson (TJ2) and those generated here. In Figure 29 similar behavior can be seen in each of the load cases with major differences existing primarily in the loads exhibited near the boundary condition locations. 63 tr- f::E= ~-P: Figure 29: Comparison between TJ2 and T20 design showing stresses viewed from the bottom. Maroon colored elements represent yielded material in upper two images. Red stress represents 500 MPa in the lower two images. Based on the results from this optimization, the design generated with Altair Optistruct is very high performing. With the assumption that stresses near the constraints are artificially elevated, it is the top design yet seen, serving as a good benchmark for the process. While working on the bracket case study, the dependence of topology optimization on FEA became abundantly clear. Although the functional definition of this problem was well formed, there were many difficulties in transforming that definition into a mathematical formulation that could be usefully processed with finite elements. This underscores the wisdom of GE in having two stages of their design competition: a first evaluation based solely on computer simulations, for expediency, and a second conducted through real world testing, thereby eliminating the risk including an assumption by omission. It is also important to note that even something as seemingly well understood as FEA can still give rise to very diverse (and therefore many incorrect) solutions. 64 4.1.3 Methodology Implementation Challenges Difficulties Associated with Function-Based Design The first challenge of integrating topology optimization in an engineering workflow is the necessity for creating a set of concrete functional specifications early in the design process. This requirement can be challenging in its own right. It is made more difficult, however, because engineering education and practice usually do not require a formal description of a product early in the design process, making engineers unfamiliar with this process. Software Limitations The design methodology presented in this thesis is limited in its application by the challenge required to implement it. This is a result of the expertise required, the limited distribution and large expense of the requisite software, the cumbersome workflow and, finally, the difficulty to implement a function-based design methodology. The topology optimization software was built upon the FFA software which was developed to primarily serve as an analytical tool, only rarely intended to function as a design tool. The result is a degree of formalism to the software that makes it difficult to conduct design experiments or to make simple modifications. In many cases, an engineer must make incremental changes manually and rerun time consuming FEA. Currently, the case studies presented in this chapter require a complex workflow spanning multiple different software tools. This results in a time consuming process that inhibits creativity. Furthermore, it is rare that problems can be defined as having a solely structural requirement; many problems are multidisplinary, requiring modeling and optimization over a multi-objective space. Additionally, given the small market for this software at present, little time has been spent focusing on user interface development that is specifically tuned for topology optimization. With the increased focus that TO is receiving, additional resources and time are being invested on usability for designers. The development of less powerful but simple to use software such as Inspire from Altair shows the beginning of this transition. In the future, we can expect the fusion of the capabilities of software like Optistruct with the ease of use of Inspire. Improved usability and functionality in future versions will likely draw 65 more users to the technology. Lastly, since this methodology is contingent on the RM of the designed parts it is important that there be further development to bring down the cost and increase both the reliability and accessibility of AM technologies. 4.1.4 Adapting Topology Optimization for AM There is ongoing research in structural optimization with a focus around pairing it with AM. Specifically, there are a few methodologies that hold particular promise, which are worth describing here. Lattice-Based Topology Optimization Interpretation Sigmund and Bendsoe proposed the expansion of the topology optimization method in 1999, exploring the concept of mapping densities to different cellular structures. Figure 30 shows the Young's Modulus versus Density for a series of lattices that can fit a p 3 function. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Density, p 0.8 1.0 Figure 30: Density versus Young's modulus plot. Source: Bendsoe [45]. This type of mapping takes the raw output of a SIMP topology optimization and assigns it directly to a series of different lattices, thereby removing the need for thresholding. This concept coupled with AM provides a pathway to directly utilize and manufacture the results from topology optimization [48]. 66 Lattice Generation and Sizinp Another approach for creating optimized structures for AM is to generate a lattice structure and then perform sizing optimization, as described in Chapter, Size Optimization. A number of groups are currently pursuing methods of this type [55-57]. This sizing approach is attractive because the geometry can be directly fabricated with AM without requiring any interpretation if a self-supporting lattice is used. Manufacturing Constraint Integration Another method under consideration is the direct generation of manufacturable results from a topology optimization program by implementing more manufacturing constraints directly into the optimization software. This process avoids painstaking post processing by including manufacturing requirements during the problem formulation. It is particularly valuable because changes made before the TO run are able to capitalize on the benefits that are generated by the optimizer. Given the value of this potential workflow, there are a number of groups that are working towards developing algorithms that can identify overhanging structures and penalize their formation during the optimization. Thereby leading to more manufacturable structures that require less post processing [48]. Interactive Optimization Optimization has generally focused on the development of a closed process where the starting point and objective are programmed and an optimal solution is found through extensive computation. In most optimization processes the user contributes to the problem formulation, but does not guide the optimization itself. This does not utilize the value of human intellect or allow for evaluation of subjective objectives during the optimization. A growing sub-field of optimization is exploring how to involve human interaction [58,59]. Interactive optimization research has the potential to be applied to a wide range of different optimization methodologies. 67 4.2 Conclusion 4.2.1 Effective Methodology This chapter set out to answer the research question, "How does one leverage the benefits of RM during the design process?" The case studies above have demonstrated that a methodology built upon functionbased design is very effective. The methodology presented in this thesis utilizes computerbased design, specifically topology optimization. It provides a way to counter the natural human instinct for overly simplistic design and prevents design fixation, allowing designers to approach solutions with a level objectivity that is otherwise challenging. This approach was employed in both of case studies presented: a high speed spinning mirror and the GrabCAD GE bracket challenge. In both cases, high-performing, non-obvious solutions were generated, illustrating the value of this methodology. Specifically, greater than 60% weight savings, the primary metric of evaluation, was realized in both cases, the fusion of TO and AM provide the opportunity to generate complex shapes from simple functional definitions without concern for fabrication. By deviating from the common practice of reparameritizing and simplifying the TO result and instead directly editing the mesh, we have enabled the preservation of a more complex and diverse set of solutions. Greater adoption of this efficient design methodology for RTM will help grow the utilization of the technology. It will also help create a larger user group, which will provide software companies a market for tailored design tools. Improved computing, refined TO user interfaces, and increased familiarity with function-based design will contribute to the further adoption of similar methodologies to the ones presented in the case studies above. 68 Chapter 5: The Potential Impact of Rapid Manufacturing on the Product Development Process 5.1 Design Process Versus Development Process This chapter will explore how Rapid Manufacturing can impact not only the design process, as explored in Chapter 3 and 4, but also the development process. In particular, we will consider how the affordances of RM affect development and, based on these results, we will pursue the research question: "Can the unique characteristics of RM be utilized to enhance the development process?" The methodology explored here governs the development of a project from idea generation to manufacturing. We believe that Rapid Manufacturing has the potential to dramatically alter how products are developed through small modifications that can enable a cheaper and lower-risk product development cycle. Many of these subtle changes to the development process stem from a property of RM, which we will refer to as the Perfect Prototype. The name is characterized by the ability to create a prototype that is of complete fidelity, thus eliminating any rework associated with transitioning from prototype to manufacturing. This chapter we will first conduct a literature review examining material from the Additive Manufacturing community, the design community and the management community. Then, we propose a synthesis of ideas from these three different fields, the goal being to understand the impact of Additive Manufacturing on the traditional development process. 69 5.2 Economics of Rapid Manufacturing 5.2.1 Economics of Tool-Free Production In manufacturing, economics frequently serves as a means to evaluate the viability of a novel production method. Extensive research has been done to explore the conditions under which Rapid Manufacturing can be applied cost-effectively. One approach, discussed in Chapter 2.1.3 has been to compare the use of Rapid Manufacturing as a substitute for Injection Molding, examining the break-even point where the two methods have equivalent costs. These studies have shown that the production volume at which the breakeven point can be reached is relatively low: equivalency is reached in a range from 1,000-10,000. Variance in equivalency is determined largely based on part size, where the higher cost per printed part equals the mold fabrication cost [9,19]. More recently, Atzeni et al. conducted similar research focusing on the effect of redesigning the RM part to leverage the advantages of Additive Manufacturing. Redesign raises the break-even point; for the part they studied, to roughly 90,000 parts, demonstrating how the application of design for Additive Manufacturing can increase the efficiency of RM [10]. 5.2.2 Supply Chain, Distribution and Inventory Relative to traditional methods, Rapid Manufacturing creates a radically different supply chain where only two inputs must be present in the factory: raw material and digital files. The raw material need not be specific to each part and can instead be used for a wide range of parts, and the digital files can be transferred instantly. As such, this fundamentally simplified supply chain can provide substantial savings from reduced waste and complexity of inventory. Currently, due to the limited availability of RM facilities, centralized production has been found to be the most economical distribution model for RM. However, experts have predicted that, with higher production volumes and lower cost, as well as more prevalent RM centers, distributed manufacturing will likely become economically feasible [16,15]. This simplified supply chain and the resultant flexibility of Rapid Manufacturing enables factories to alter their product schedules. Because parts can be produced on demand, 70 there is far less incentive to maintain a stored inventory. Estimates show that for long lead times typical with traditional manufacturing, every 5% reduction of inventory enabled by ondemand printing could reduce return on invested capital by 3%. Considering that typically half of a manufacturer's working capital is tied up in inventory, this is a very substantial efficiency improvement [29]. 5.2.3 The Effect of Rapid Manufacturing on Product Development To more accurately assess the value Rapid Manufacturing has, it is also important to consider prototyping implications. When Rapid Manufacturing is used, an obvious choice for prototyping parts is to fabricate them with the same process and cquipment as production. Traditionally, it has been financially prohibitive to use the same equipment for prototyping and production although it would ensure a smooth transition between the two fabrication scales. Wall et al. created a framework to evaluate prototyping technologies, highlighting the value of unifying the fabrication process between prototyping and full-scale manufacturing. Wall defines the performance vector, a measure of a prototype's fidelity to the final manufactured part. The vector contains attributes that can be tailored to a specific application but typically include strength, stiffness, material properties, dimensional accuracy, feel, and appearance. For each dimension, metrics are evaluated from zero (no similarity to the final part) to 1 (perfectly representing the final part [60].) By applying this scoring method to the prototypes created during the Rapid Manufacturing process, every attribute of' the prototype will be a perfect representation of the final part. Thus, each prototype made will be the Perfect Prototype. 5.2.4 The Elimination of the Manufacturing Cycle The potential for unification in prototyping and manufacturing described in the previous section leads to the benefit that effort invested during the prototype phase around manufacturability, assembly, and analysis also applies directly to the production parts, eliminating the need for additional design and testing to facilitate final production. 71 BUILD MANUFACTURE DESIGN PROCESS MANUFACTURING CYCLE VALIDATE DESIGN I TEST REDESIGN FINA T Figure 31: Development process for both AM and conventionally manufactured parts. Unlike traditional manufacturing, AM does not require a separate manufacturing cycle. Source: [35]. As indicated in Figure 31, once the design process produces a prototype that passes all performance testing and is deemed complete, it instantly becomes the first production part [35]. Designers can also more confident in the scaling process with the knowledge that no unexpected changes will arise from manufacturing or assembly requirements. Furthermore, modifications can easily be implemented to meet customer needs or updated design specifications without retooling or restructuring the manufacturing process. 5.2.5 Benefits of the Perfect Prototype The benefits of the perfect fidelity prototype can be divided into four facets. The first is the elimination of the manufacturing cycle, something we can quantify in a straightforward manner as being equal to the cost of manufacturing development and tooling costs. Second, perfect fidelity reduces risk by enabling faster and more accurate performance testing, customer interaction, and streamlined manufacturing processes. Third, the development process is shorter, resulting in faster time to market. Fourth, the designer can remain in development for both the design cycle and manufacturing cycle. This fourth component may produce the most significant effect, both reducing costs and improving quality. 72 5.3 Evaluating the Magnitude of the Benefits of Rapid Manufacturing In this section, we explore the relative magnitude of the four benefits described above. Benefits can be divided into two varieties: first and second order effects. The first order effects from the elimination of the manufacturing cycle (as depicted in Figure 31) and performance gains made through improved design can be quantified, a framework for this is examined in Chapter 5.2.1 for eliminating mold costs, and for the spinning mirror Chapter 4.1.1 respectively. The methodology for this evaluation is well developed. Academia and industry have focused on the economics of tool-free production, analyzing supply chain and inventory holding costs and the improved performance of the parts (which justify the added expense). This has given rise to the current successful utilization of Additive Manufacturing in applications such as the production of hearing aids or jet engine fuel injectors described in Chapter 2 or the case studies in Chapter 4. Evaluating second order benefits - such as decreased risk or the ability to remain in the design cycle longer with faster time to market - has largely been overlooked because they are difficult to quantify. Unlike mold-free attributes, their economic impact does not affect a baseline cost but rather that of the whole development process [29]. As a result, benefits such as these are often categorized as strategic rather than economic. Currently, the challenges of qualifying machines and materials have outweighed most first-order benefits, often resulting in the decision not to use Additive Manufacturing. In many of these calculations, the second-order strategic benefits-the benefits that might tip the balanceare not included. They are not included because management typically demands concrete cost savings to justify their initial investment. I believe this has led to an under-utilization of RM. Research in management and operations has shown that evaluations of advanced manufacturing technologies often become focused on conventional financial assessments. Generally, this has led to unwillingness to adopt new technologies that focus on improvements other than immediate financial gain. A survey conducted by Millen and Sohal found that "Although competitive advantage was the most important motivation, conventional financial investment criteria were applied [61]." This has the effect of 73 undervaluing the new technologies. Additionally, research has shown that adopting advanced manufacturing technologies and their associated benefits can require organizational shifts and retraining, both substantial hurdles [61,62]. These management biases against advanced manufacturing technologies have likely hindered adoption of Rapid Manufacturing for a wider range of applications.[18] By further examining the second order strategic benefits of Additive Manufacturing, we are able to get a holistic picture of the economic situation and more accurately weigh the advantages and disadvantages of its use for a specific project. 5.3.1 Economic Impact on Product Development Process The development process plays a very large role in the total cost of the traditional - product design process. It has been shown that early design decisions typically control 70% 85% of the total project costs [63-65]. It has also been shown that more frequent prototyping is key to product development leading to better products, faster time to market, and cheaper development by discovering unknown risks early in the process. Development projects that proceed with few or low fidelity prototypes often miss key details - including crucial customer feedback, assembly issues, or manufacturing pitfalls [66]. Quantifying the Benefit of Prototype Fidelity Thomke & Bell created a mathematical model to evaluate an optimal rate of prototyping during the development process. One of the key variables that they studied was how prototype fidelity affects avoidable costs. The insight provided by this calculation can help us quantify the value of the Perfect Prototype. In Figure 32, Thomke and Bell show the number of prototypes that are needed to maintain savings at roughly 60% as a function of prototype fidelity. Table 3 n Savings f Optimal But Conutant Fidelity as a Function of n, Given A=5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 60.0% 1.00 60.2% 0.67 60.5% 0.77 61.0% 0.70 61.5% 0.64 61.9% 0.60 62.4% 0.56 62.9% 0.52 Figure 32: Prototype Fidelity verus number, holding savings near constant. Source: Thomke and Bell, [67]. The clear trend based on this mathematical model is that increasing the fidelity of the prototype decreases the number needed to maintain a similar avoidable cost. Specifically, we 74 see from this chart that increasing the fidelity of the prototypes from 52% to 100% results in the need for fewer than half as many prototypes to identify the same number of flaws in the design. This analysis is a quantitative way to assess some of the value of a RM prototype having 100% fidelity. 5.3.2 Impact on the Development Process Effect of Non-Frozen Design The freedom Rapid Manufacturing provides from tooling and production scale up enables designers to improve designs much later in the development process. Design modifications must now be evaluated with respect to the engineering specifications rather than the cost of tooling changes. Consequently, Rapid Manufacturing creates an environment in which designs do not need to be frozen [9,17]. In this new paradigm, decisions about design will no longer be restricted by the cost of the change but by risks associated with the change and with any testing needed to validate it. Hardware Follows Software The effects of decoupling design and testing from manufacturing on the development process are quite similar to those of software development. When creating software, there is no manufacturing process. Therefore, the design process is able to remain in constant development, as previously described, for the entire design process. Building a prototype or manufacturing a new version of software requires compiling a new version of the code, only. Design changes involve targeted testing and validation to demonstrate that an update is an improvement worth distributing to the customer. With Rapid Manufacturing having been freed from tooling costs, updating a mechanical design can now be done for a dramatically lower cost -- one driven by redesign and not manufacturing. One key difference between software and hardware development, however, is that new software designs can be disseminated virtually free of cost to users via online updates. This dissemination is still an expensive process for mechanical parts since it requires additional manufacturing and physical distribution. 75 . ........ ... .......... 5.4 Innovative Product Development RM provides the opportunity to break away from traditional development strategies. There are three standout companies that are utilizing both the design and development benefits of RM to create a novel product through an innovative process. First, GE is pushing boundaries in the RM aeronautics industry. Described in Chapter 2, the creation of the LEAP engine fuel nozzle provides a textbook example of using conventional tools, with great expertise, to generate a progressive high performance output. Second, Nervous Systems Inc. has developed a model of product design in which they deliver a parametric range of designs rather than a single, fixed design. Instead of the normal sequence, they have created design tools that enable the customer to be part of the process, adjusting parameters to tailor the output to his or her personal preferences. Figure 33 presents the Radiolaria app for designing custom earrings that can be then made to the customer specifications. Figure 33: Left: Radiolaria an interactive design tool to create necklace [68]. Right: Hyphae Lamp 132 a generative designed lamp [69]. Interactive design provides the opportunity to capture a new market. Supported by a guiding design tool, customers are able to create a bounded yet infinite array of different designs. And with the evolution of the product, it is possible to update the software if there are functional issues with any of the generated designs. They have also been developing more complex generative tools that cannot operate in real-time such as the Hyphae Lamp, right image in Figure 33. Here, a trade-off is apparent between simple and fast user 76 interactivity in Radiolaria and the complexity but offline generation required of the Hyphae Lamp. These examples demonstrate a new type of parametric product generation, one that interfaces with the customer to deliver personalized unique products. The third exemplary company is Bhold, who have taken the non-frozen capability of RM product development and put it into practice. The founder and CEO describes this as having taken some of the software mentality and applied it to physical product design. She calls this "responsive product design [70]." Susan Taing explains, "At Google we learned to launch and iterate to get the best possible product for the consumer, which is fairly easy to do in a digital space. At Bhold, we're taking this same concept to the physical world [71]." This process is closely tied to the perfect prototype concept presented here: Bhold's model leverages the ability to create large numbers of prototypes-50-100 versions of a designbefore release. Bhold also enables designers to incorporate feedback from the wider public even after releasing a product [72]. Taing says, "the process is fast enough to allow a weekly turnaround for new product iterations based on user feedback [71]." That represents an unheard-of standard of late stage control in the product design world, and it is exciting to see a real-world example of the theoretical benefits described in this chapter realized in a marketable way. 5.5 Conclusion: It is critical to expand our understanding of the benefits of Rapid Manufacturing to include considerations not just at the part level but considerations at the organization level as well. With a better understanding of the complete impact of Rapid Manufacturing, we can make more informed and effective decisions when selecting a manufacturing method during product development. In summary, the advantages of Rapid Manufacturing, in addition to those at a part level, include: (1) no expense or time spent manufacturing tooling; (2) decreased time to market; (3) decreased product risk through testing with the perfect prototype; and (4) the opportunity to continually refine the design since the design need not be frozen. Research has shown the strong impact, 70%-85%, of early stage design on product life cycle cost [63-65]. As a result, small improvements in the prototyping process generate an outsized reduction in required rework and redesign which often dramatically reduces the 77 total cost of a project. Analytically, we have seen that prototype fidelity can dramatically affect the number of prototypes needed during development of a project. If we look to the DFMA movement to gauge how changes in the design process that directly couple with manufacturing can alter the total cost of a project, we find that cost savings can be 50% or more of a total project [31]. We expect the benefits of RM and the perfect prototype to the development process may be similar in magnitude to the introduction of DFMA principles and therefore the impact may reach a similarly large scale. A key limitation of this work and an area for further research is the lack of quantitative data examining these effects in industry. There are two main reasons for this limitation: the data is difficult to obtain, spanning long time scales and many different departments in a company; and there are few practitioners working at production scales, limited by part validation methods that are under development. 78 Chapter 6: Conclusion This thesis has explored both the design and development for Additive Manufacturing while focusing on the particular relevance of Rapid Manufacturing. Two research questions helped guide the exploration of the topic throughout the thesis. 1. "How does one leverage the benefits of RM during the design process?" In response to this question we presented a methodology centered on function-driven design, exploring computer-based design and topology optimization. Two case studies demonstrated the efficacy of the methodology, demonstrating it as an effective means to generate out of the box solutions to complex structural problems and create lightweight, high performance designs. In both case studies we saw weight savings of over 60% that were realized with equivalent performance to the original designs. 2. "Can the unique characteristics of RM be utilized to enhance the development process?" We examined how research in design, management and AM could be synthesized to assess the impact of using RM for the manufacturing of products. Literature across each of these three disciplines indicated that sizable benefits could be realized through the utilization of a RM development process. Lastly, three companies, GE, Nervous Systems and Bhold, were presented as examples of industry leaders in the adoption of AM for manufacturing; these companies are innovating in RM, the development process and generative user interactive design. 6.1 Future work Future work in this area is needed to further investigate the expansive range of applications to which this RM design methodology could be applied and continue to explore the fusion of Additive Manufacturing and topology optimization. Additional case studies of an increased range of applications will continue to enhance our understanding of the efficacy of this design methodology. Further study of development processes using RM is an exciting field that merits additional attention. Through a combination of factors, increased use of AM and improved 79 and more intuitive software, the design methodology presented here will hopefully become more accessible and widely adopted. We expect this to lead to an increase in the number of companies leveraging the advantages of RM in their development process. Given the growing number of such companies, we expect to find an opportunity to collaborate on the redesign and documentation of the transition from traditional manufacturing to RIM. 6.2 Fusion of Design and Development There is still a great deal to explore in this area in which we have only scratched the surface of applications of computer-based generative design and AM. The synthesis of the two disciplines, itself, is a very rich area for study. This thesis has demonstrated optimism that design and development with AM can each individually provide substantial benefits to streamline how we design and manufacture products. This fusion of the two provides the opportunity to revolutionize how we make products and what they look like. 80 Appendix: GE- GrabCAD Contest Info This information is directly from the GE Jet Engine Bracket Challenge webpage [54]. All aircraft engines require the use of efficient and cost effective brackets. Additive Manufacturing creates opportunities to build unique and highly efficient bracket-like structures. Here is an opportunity to show your best design. When designing critical components for aircraft engines, today's designers are constantly challenged with the tradeoff between performance requirements for strength and stiffness on one hand and size and weight on the other. Recently, software tools have been developed to aid designers in optimizing their part designs. However, today's manufacturing methods restrict designers ability to take advantage of these optimized structures beyond a certain level of complexity. Additive Manufacturing is lifting the constraints of traditional manufacturing processes, giving designers the ability to grow practically any shape, enabling the use of fully optimized lightweight designs that do not sacrifice performance. Participants in this challenge will use Additive Manufacturing as the basis for optimizing an existing aircraft engine bracket. The designs submitted will be analyzed and evaluated via simulation, and the top ten designs will be selected for fabrication and testing. These optimized engine bracket designs will be additively manufactured and subjected to a given loading scenario. The winning entries will best satisfy all of the performance criteria with the lowest mass. The part Loading brackets on jet engines play a very critical role: they must support the weight of the engine during handling without breaking or warping. The brackets may be used only periodically, but they stay on the engine at all times, including during flight. But these brackets aren't the only parts on an engine that offer weight-reduction opportunities. There are many similar load-carrying parts on the engine that, because they were designed for conventional manufacturing technologies, are not fully optimized for both performance and weight. By substantiating Additive Manufacturing in this particular case, we will enable significant weight savings throughout the engine. The test section The designs entered in this competition that meet the weight and size envelope requirements will be evaluated by simulation for performance based on the load conditions given in Requirements Section below. The top ten designs will be manufactured using Additive 81 Manufacturing and subjected to the defined load cases. To simulate engine transport and demonstrate maximum load carrying capacity, the part will be subjected to the individual load conditions shown in the Requirements Section below with the specified load being applied to 3/4" diameter pin at interface 1 while interfaces 2-5 are fixed. For designs that meet the performance criteria, the static loading will be increased to show ultimate capability. Designs that do not match the interface dimensions will be disqualified. This Challenge will have TWO phases: PHASE I: Submit an improved design based on the provided diagram and specs from June 12 to August 9 (note: extended on July 19, 2013). These designs will be analyzed and evaluated via simulation with the top ten designs awarded $1,000 each. PHASE II: The top ten optimized engine bracket designs from Phase I will then be additively manufactured and subjected to a given loading scenario. The top 8 designs will receive awards from a total prize pool of $20,000. Phase II will run from September 17 to November 15 (note: dates changed after Phase I extension on July 19, 2013). The final announcement is set for mid-December. * You can design your entry in any CAD software as long as STEP or IGES file is submitted. The optimized geometry must fit within the original part envelope. STEP file will be available via the Download specifications button, soon. e Material: Ti-6Al-4V - Service Temperature: 75 F Minimum material feature size (wall thickness): 0.050 in. Interface 1: 0.75 inch diameter pin. The pin is to be considered infinitely stiff. * Interfaces 2 - 5: 0.375-24 AS3239-26 machine bolt. Nut face 0.405 in. max ID and - - 0.558 in. min OD. The bolts are to be considered infinitely stiff. Load Conditions: 1. Max static linear load of 8,000 lbs vertical up. 2. Max static linear load of 8,500 lbs horizontal out. 3. Max static linear load of 9,500 lbs 42 degrees from vertical. 4. Max static torsional load of 5,000 lb-in horizontal at intersection of centerline of pin and midpoint between clevis arms. Added based on Community questions (6/11/2013): - Assume yield strength is 131 ksi. - Participants should target the lightest weight designs. 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