Stormtime Dynamics of the Magnetosphere near Geosynchronous Altitudes William J. Burke1, Meg A. Noah2 and Jun Yang2 4 November 2014 1. Boston College/ISR 2. University of Massachusetts, Lowell Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitudes Abstract This presentation offers a tentative synthesis of inner-magnetospheric dynamics during magnetic storms gained over more than 40+ years starting with the launch of Explorer 45. During this mission the ring current’s “nose structure,” the dynamics of the zero-energy Alfvén boundary and their inter-connectedness were first identified. About 20 years later the CRRES satellite was launched into a geostationary transfer orbit with a sensor payload that monitored the variability of electric fields and keV ions and electrons in the ring current and inner plasma sheet. CRRES latter provided the first detections of penetration, shielded and over-shielded electric fields, severe inflation of the stormtime magnetosphere and glimpses of ion-conics reaching the equatorial plane. In the early 1990s Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) investigators first identified a stormtime phenomenon they called “sawtooth events” (STEs) that occur almost simultaneously at all local times. We show that STEs: (1) mostly they occur during the main phases of storms in a relatively small range of Dst indices, (2) reflect massive decreases in magnetotail open flux and consequent plasmoid ejections , and (3) cannot occur during magnetic super storms. The Van Allen Probe mission consists of two identical spacecraft that were launched into CRRES-like orbits in August 2012. A major advance over CRRES-era sensors is their monitoring mass compositions as well as energy and pitch-angle ion distributions. We consider the dynamical properties flux of O+ ion conic distributions observed during the 1 June 2013 storm’s main phase. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Outline Presentation has four parts: • A brief review of 10 background concepts (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Magnetic Storm Phases The Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relation The Burton-Russell-McPherron equation Plasma sheet configurations during substorms Cross polar cap potential (PC) Ring-current nose structure Zero-energy Alfvén boundary (ZEAB) Saw tooth Events (STE) Magnetospheric inflation Ion beams and conics • Case-study analysis of a magnetic storm with STEs • Whys and wherefores of the STE climatology • Case-study analysis O+ ion conic injections during a magnetic storm Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Background Reminders 1. Magnetic Storm Phases SSC Main 50 Sym H (nT) 4. Plasma Sheet Configurations during Substorms 0 Initial -50 -100 Recovery -150 151:12 152:00 152:12 Day: UT 2013 153:00 153:12 2. Dessler-Parker-Sckopke Relation Dst * DB 2W B0 / 3Wm Wm 8 1017 J 3. Burton-Russell-McPherron Equation dDst * Dst * EI dt Hones, E. J. (1984 ), Plasma sheet behavior during substorms, in Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, AGU Monograph 30, 178-184. Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude (5) Cross Polar Cap Potential PC Heppner-Maynard Pattern E B B V 2 B B2 • Cold ionospheric plasma drifts along equipotential lines. • Faraday’s equation B t E dl B dA M t t E With a stormtime PC of 100 kV, in 10 s crosses the red line from the day towards the night side. PC is a measure of the rate at which magnetic flux M in Webers moves from the day to the night side across a line connecting the maximum and minimum potential. Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from Explorer 45 => S3 Satellite: (7) ZEAB (6) Ring current nose-structure Ejiri, M. (1978), Trajectory traces of charged particles in the magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 83, 4798-4810. Smith, P. H., and R. A. Hoffman (1974), Direct observations in the dusk hours of the characteristics of the storm time ring current particles during the beginning of magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 966-971. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes (8) Sawtooth Structures (STEs) Example from 18 April 2002 Schematic representation T = full period Ts = stretching phase Td = dipolarization phase Example of STEs observed “simultaneously” by 5 LANL satellites distributed in local time around geosynchronous Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude (9) Magnetospheric Inflation during Superstorms CRRES discovery during June 1991 storm 6 April 2000 31 March 2001 Tsyganenko, N. A., H. J. Singer, and J. C. Kasper (2003), Storm-time distortion of the inner magnetosphere: How severe can it get?, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A5), 1209, doi:10.1029/2002JA009808. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude (10) Ion Beams and Conics Parallel acceleration Perpendicular heating • gyro-resonant wave-article interactions • Upward push by magnetic gradient force • Role of downward E|| => “pressure cooker effect” Retterer, J. M. et al. (1987), Monte Carlo modeling of ionospheric oxygen acceleration by cyclotron resonance with broadband electrostatic turbulence, Phys. Rev Lett. 59, 148-151 Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from CRRES: We considered two manifestations of low energy ions detected by the LEPA sensor on CRRES. • During times of minor disturbance LEPA detected both field-aligned and omni-directional. Identified as signatures of conics and S/C charging events. • During the 24 March 1991 storm CRRES detected sporadic fieldaligned ion fluxes coming from both ionospheres, but not simultaneously. Rubin, A. G., W. J. Burke, and D. A. Hardy (1995), Low-energy ion spectral peaks detected by CRRES in the plasma sheet, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 19,22-19,226. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from CRRES: 24 March 1991 Storm Huang, C. Y., W. J. Burke, and C. S. Lin (2005), Ion precipitation in the dawn sector during geomagnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A11213, doi:10.1029/2005JA011116. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from LANL/GOES Latitude – longitude distribution of LANL and GOES spacecraft in relation to the magnetic equator Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm near time of the first STE • LANL-01A near local midnight • Both GOES satellites on dayside Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm near times of the second, third and fourth STEs • GOES s/c on nightside observed three stretching- dipolarization sequences near times of STE onsets. • Night/day onset difference at time of STE3 (C) versus (A) • Reflects gradient-curvature drift of ~ 10 minute delay time. • E B drifts way too slow • Two pseudo breakup events marked by green triangles Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm Observed interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses raise two questions: (a) How does one reconcile Sym-H behavior after STE onsets with requirements of D-P-S relation? (b) Are STEs directly driven by variations in the solar wind or IMF? Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm Tests of hypotheses that STEs are directly driven by: • Solar wind pressure pulses • Northward turnings of IMF BZ • Conclusion: not supported by LANL / ACE data comparison. • Chaosong Huang’s “critical open magnetic flux” hypothesis. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm 2 For a magnetic dipole ˆ B(R E ,θ) = -B0 [2Cosθ rˆ + Sinθ θ] The open magnetic flux threading the polar cap is RE 25 2.5 20 2 15 1.5 10 1 0.5 5 0 0 PC ( PC ) PC B dA 4 R B0 2 E 0 PC 0 C os Sin d 2 RE2 B0 Sin 2 PC 0 The corresponding polar cap area is APC (PC ) 2 RE2 PC 0 Sin d 2 RE2 (1 Cos PC ) 5 10 15 Colatitude 20 25 Open Flux (G-Wb) Polar Cap Area (M-km ) Tests of Chaosong Huang’s hypothesis: STEs can only occur after the quantity of open flux in the lobes of the magnetotail exceeds a critical level near 1 GWb Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from LANL/GOES: March 2002 Storm Estimated APC using EUV data from the IMAGE satellite • Highly elliptical orbit of IMAGE allows it to view northern high latitudes for about 8 consecutive hours. • Distinguish auroral oval (strong emissions) from polar cap (strong emissions) • Optical data show APC rising above 1.7 106 km2 (dash line) before STE onsets then quickly falling below this level. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes STE Climatology • Studied 535 storm, 111 STE sequences • 438 individual “teeth” • 1998 – 2007 • 6 (5.4%) outside storms • < T > = 179.6 54 min • Required: • Two or more “teeth” • At midnight and noon 3 hr LT Magnetic Storm Categories Weak: Dst min > -50 nT Moderate: -50 Dst min > -100 nT Intense: -100 Dst min > -250 nT Super Dst min > -250 nT Cai, X., J.‐C. Zhang, C. R. Clauer, and M. W. Liemohn (2011), Relationship between sawtooth events and magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A07208, doi:10.1029/2010JA016310. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Three critical observations from Cai et al. (2011): • Generally isolated substorms that occur outside of storm periods produce clear ion-injection signatures on the nightside but weak to no flux changes on the dayside disruption. • Often during storms that occur after long periods of geomagnetic quiet the first “tooth” in an STE sequence looks like effects of a isolated substorm. • Clear STE signatures often absent in electron* fluxes and low energy (< 60 keV) ions. Methodology: • Cai et al only listed storms in which they found events that met their criteria. • We developed our own list of 1998 – 2007 storms and examined all storms with special concentration on those NOT listed as manifesting STEs. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes SW P (nPa) Sym-H (nT) PC (kV) BY BZ (nT) SW -3 800 40 700 30 600 20 500 10 400 0 20 300 V (km/s) 50 SW N (cm ) STE Climatology 10 0 -10 -20 300 200 100 0 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 272:00 272:12 273:00 273:12 274:00 Non-storm STEs on 29 – 30 September 2001reported by Cai et al. (2011) Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude STE Climatology 50 Sym-H 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 112:00 112:06 112:12 112:18 113:00 149:00 149:06 149:12 149:18 150:00 Examples of a missed STEs (left) and a case in which the dayside magnetopause crossed geostationary altitudes (right). Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude 700 40 600 SW SW 50 30 -3 500 20 400 SW 10 Interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses on 6 - 7 April 2002. 300 0 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 250 • PC and Sym-Hmin approached 200 ~ 220 kV and -330 nT 150 PC (kV) Y Z B B (nT) V (km/s) N (cm ) P (nPa) STE Climatology: The April 2000 Superstorm 100 50 ~ 5 s to transfer 1M Wb from the dayside into the polar cap 0 Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 97:00 97:12 98:00 98:12 99:00 Huang, C. Y., and W. J. Burke, Transient sheets of field-aligned current observed by DMSP during the main phase of a magnetic storm, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A06303, doi: 10.1029/ 2003JA010067, 2004. Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude SW 800 30 700 20 600 10 500 0 400 SW -3 SW 40 V (km/s) N (cm ) P (NPa) STE Climatology: The November 2003 Superstorm Interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses on 20 November 2003. • PC and Sym-Hmin 25 Y Z B B (nT) 50 0 -25 -50 approached PC (kV) 300 200 ~ 250 kV and -500 nT 100 0 ~ 4 s to transfer 1M Wb from the dayside into the polar cap Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 325:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes April 2000 Superstorm Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 97:00:00 97:12:00 98:00:00 98:12:00 No evidence of a main phase injection event 99:00:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude SW 800 30 700 20 600 10 500 0 400 SW -3 SW 40 V (km/s) N (cm ) P (NPa) STE Climatology: The November 2003 Superstorm Interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses on 20 November 2003. • PC and Sym-Hmin 25 Y Z B B (nT) 50 0 -25 -50 approached PC (kV) 300 200 ~ 250 kV and -500 nT 100 0 ~ 4 s to transfer 1M Wb from the dayside into the polar cap Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 325:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude SW 800 30 700 20 600 10 500 0 400 SW -3 SW 40 V (km/s) N (cm ) P (NPa) STE Climatology: The November 2003 Superstorm Interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses on 20 November 2003. • PC and Sym-Hmin 25 Y Z B B (nT) 50 0 -25 -50 approached PC (kV) 300 200 ~ 250 kV and -500 nT 100 0 ~ 4 s to transfer 1M Wb from the dayside into the polar cap Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 325:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes 20 November 2003 Superstorm Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 325:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude SW 800 30 700 20 600 10 500 0 400 SW -3 SW 40 V (km/s) N (cm ) P (NPa) STE Climatology: November 2003 Superstorm Interplanetary drivers and geomagnetic responses on 20 November 2003. • PC and Sym-Hmin 25 Y Z B B (nT) 50 0 -25 -50 approached PC (kV) 300 200 ~ 250 kV and -500 nT 100 0 ~ 4 s to transfer 1M Wb from the dayside into the polar cap Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 325:00 Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 97:00:00 97:12:00 98:00:00 98:12:00 Figure 4. Energetic proton fluxes measured by geosynchronous satellites 1991-080 (top), LANL-97A (2nd), 1994-084 (3rd), and 1989-046 on 6 - 7 April 2006. Traces in the in the 6th panel show inclination angles inferred from measurements by magnetometers on GOES 8 (purple) and GOES 10 (green). The Sym-H trace is repeated in the bottom panel for reference. 99:00:00 Sym-H (nT) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 324:00 324:06 324:12 324:18 Figure 6. Energetic proton fluxes measured by the geosynchronous satellites 1991-080 (top), LANL-97A (2nd), 1994-084 (3rd), and 1989-046 on 20 November (DOY 324) 2003. Traces in the in the 6th panel give inclination angles inferred from measurements by magnetometers on GOES 10 (purple) and GOES 12 (yellow). The Sym-H index is repeated in the bottom panel for reference. 325:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes O+ Ion Conics Lessons from the Van Allen Probes: 1 June 2013 Storm 30 800 (a) 700 -3 400 0 300 km/s) 500 10 SW 600 20 V NSW (cm ) PSW (nPa) 40 Interplanetary drivers and responses of geomagnetic indices. (nT) 20 BZ 30 0 10 (b) • Since VAP launch 6 storms with Dstmin < 90 nT. • Ion conics seen on 3 with nightside apogee. • No signatures detected on dayside BY -10 -20 AU AL (nT) -30 2000 1000 (c) • Nsw increase and SSC occur ~16:30 UT 31 May 0 -1000 • Southward / northward turnings near 01:40 and 07:37 UT on 1 June -2000 Sym H (nT) 50 0 • Bottom panels show AU (red) , AL (blue) and Sym-H (black) indices -50 -100 -150 (d) 151:12 152:00 152:12 Day: UT 2013 153:00 153:12 Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude Nose Structure Van Allen Probes: 1 June 2013 Storm Energy (eV) ZEAB UT L MLT VAP-B: O+ 10 6 10 5 104 103 VAP-A: O+ 10 6 10 5 104 103 VAP-A: p+ 108 107 10 610 5104 VAP-A: e- 1098 10 107 10 610 5104 01:00 3.33 18.79 02:00 4.86 20.32 03:00 5.80 21.29 04:00 6.27 22.04 05:00 6.24 22.75 06:00 6.20 23.54 • Apogee near 21.1 MLT with VAP-B leading by ~ 19 min. • Nose structure near L = 4 in O+ and p + fluxes • ZEAB crossed near 01:50 UT, marked by transition between photo- and plasma sheet electron dominance. • Quasi-periodic structuring of < 2 keV O + fluxes detected from 02:00 to 06:00 UT • VAP A & B traces appear similar but they are not identical Stormtime near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from the Van Allen Probes: 1 June 2013 Storm 1 2 34 80 110 160 180 UT 02:00 L 4.86 MLT 20.32 03:00 5.80 21.29 04:00 6.27 22.04 05:00 6.24 22.75 06:00 6.20 23.54 • Pitch-angle distributions of < 2 keV O+ ions are nonisotropic and originate in northern ionosphere. • Associated with substorm expansion recovery cycles. • Similar histories when VAP A & Bin are close spatial proximity. O+ Energy (eV) 1 06 1 05 1 04 VAP-A VAP-B 1000 AU AL (nT) 7 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 0.4 0.2 0 E O+ Energy (eV) 0 20 8 1 D L (R ) D MLT (hrs) 10 5 6 7 -0.2 -0.4 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Lessons from the Van Allen Probes: 1 June 2013 Storm DMSP F18 06 50 60 70 80 18 Ions Electrons 00 BXsat Bysat BZsat 12 Mapping of VAP-A trajectory to northern ionosphere (red) at 1 hour intervals and compared with equatorward boundary of auroral electron precipitation sampled by DMSP F18 (yellow) and F 16 (green). 02:59 UT MLat 41.0 MLT 19.6 03:02 49.9 19.4 03:05 58.70 19.0 03:08 67.0 18.3 03:11 74.0 17.1 • Fluxes of down-coming electrons and ions with 30 eV < E < 30 keV. • B components in S/C coordinates Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitude Lessons from the Van Allen Probes: 1 June 2013 Storm j (A / m2) 20 N 0 || E 10 Y’ -20 BZ’ 1000 800 (nT) 600 Z B Z’ -10 400 200 0 3:04 (1) Magnetic perturbation: BZ 3:05 3:06 BYsat 193 BZsat 37 2 (2) Rotation angle: cos1 BZsat 37 / BZ (3) Ampère’s law: j|| 3:07 3:08 2 d BZ 1 BZ 1 B 0 0 Y 0 Vsat Cos dt 1 3:09 Stormtimes near Geosynchronous Altitudes Summary and Conclusions: • The reported studies concentrated on the phenomenology and causality of STEs and the presence of O+ ions in the ring. • The hypothesis of Chaosong Huang that large quantities of magnetic flux occurs during STE events was confirmed. • This is consistent with anomalous behavior found in Sym-H traces near the times of STEs indicating that large plasmoids were ejected from the magnetosphere. • Inflation of the inner magnetosphere by the ring current during superstorms is consistent with the absence of substorm triggering. • VAP detections of O+ ion conic signatures during the main phase of magnetic storms provides a plausible explanation of O+ presence in the nose structure of the ring current.