QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes of the February 25, 2003 Meeting Present: Dr. David Lieberman (Chair), Dr. Dona Boccio, Dr. Kenneth Pearl, Dr. Raji Subramaniam, and Dean Karen Steele (ex-officio) Absent: Dr. Lorena Ellis, Prof. Karin Gapper, and Dr. Peter Wong 1. The minutes of the February 11, 2003 meeting were approved. 2. The Committee approved a proposed change from the Department of Social Sciences in the prerequisite for ED-110 – Contemporary Education: Principles and Practices. 3. The Committee approved proposed changes from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the catalog description, prerequisites, hours and credits for CS-201 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language. 4. The Committee approved a new course proposed by the Department of Health, Physical Education and Dance: HE-112 – Contemporary Topics in Health. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth Pearl Secretary of the Curriculum Committee Unofficial Document